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Profesorado de Inglés – Opción pedagógica a distancia
Práctica Docente II
· Tutor: Aurelia Velázquez
· Nombre del alumno: María Silvia Maestromey Baratçabal
Dirección de correo electrónico: msmaestromey@gmail.com
Dimensions of Reflective Learning
Thinking back
The original aim of this project was to learn about children’s behaviour, the way in which
they learn and acquire an additional language. I was able to compare and contrast everything
I studied in Didactics for Primary Level with what the children did in the classroom. As I
worked with my own group of students, this process started before the practicum, but I was
able to look into it more deeply then, I was able to feel closer to learning process and I felt
more useful and more connected to the children.
Once I started delivering the practicum classes I was able to put into practice and test
everything I have learned during this year. I tried and experimented with the activities I
designed and the material I created and was able to see the reactions of the children as they
received them. I could also notice that since I incorporated different activities to what they
were used to do in class, they felt more motivated and challenged. And, since I have been
working with them since March, I saw all the learning process they had throughout the whole
year. Knowing them well and being aware of their interests, abilities and challenges was very
helpful at the time of planning the classes.
I believe this experience was significant not only for me, but also for the learners as well,
since they were aware of the camera present in the classroom and they knew that they were
helping me become a teacher. They felt part of the process and worked hard to facilitate my
Beside the knowledge on children’s characteristics, their behaviour and abilities I also needed
to use different classroom management techniques while paying attention to the children’s
needs. For example, if one needed to go to the bathroom, or needed a tissue to blow their
nose, or if someone started a quarrel.
Through this experience I focused on timing and classroom management, since I think they
are my weakest spots. I learned that with a lot of time, dedication and creativity it is always
possible to improve and to find new strategies or even implement old ones in a refreshed
Thinking Forward
After finishing my practicum and receiving the feedback, I can say that I have some weak
areas that I need improvement in order to work with young learners. In future classes I am
going to try to move around the classroom more in order to monitor the students and help
them if necessary, since I tend to focus on them being more self-sufficient and independent.
Another aspect that I have to improve is the explanations, since they are rather long and
wordy and I have to explain many times. Of course there are more aspects that need
improvement, but as these two are my weakest ones, I would focus on them first and then
move on with the rest.
This project influenced my future goals in a positive way. Before starting my practicum, I
felt that I needed to learn a lot more and that I was not doing a great job. Having finished the
practicum and receiving feedback reassured me and restores some of the lost faith in myself
and gave me energy to continue working and improving.
Thinking Inward
I think this was a very fulfilling experience, even though it was very different from the one
in kinder, as working with my own group of students and knowing them from before made
it easier in some aspects, but it was also more challenging since I had to think of activities
we had no done yet in order to surprise them and get their attention.
I am satisfied with the overall experience, of course I am going to make some adjustments in
my future classes but the interesting part is that I get to do it right away since I am still
working with this group of students. I am going take into account all the feedback and
comments made by my tutor and make the necessary changes to deliver better classes in the
near future.
During the practice I felt tired, overwhelmed and even excited at times, and once it finished
I had a great feeling of accomplishment.
Thinking Outward
Analyzing the world around me, I can see that there is still a lot to learn and a lot of things
that can be applied in the classroom. Sometimes it is not possible due to the group of students,
other time because of the lack of time, planning or resources available.
To conclude my reflection, I will say that it was a very rewarding and fulfilling experience,
and that I learned more than I anticipated. Moreover, I now am surer of the profession I have
chosen and I am very happy of being a step closer to finishing my course of studies.

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  • 1. INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTINUA LENGUAS VIVAS BARILOCHE (A-052) Profesorado de Inglés – Opción pedagógica a distancia Práctica Docente II · Tutor: Aurelia Velázquez · Nombre del alumno: María Silvia Maestromey Baratçabal Dirección de correo electrónico: msmaestromey@gmail.com
  • 2. Dimensions of Reflective Learning Thinking back The original aim of this project was to learn about children’s behaviour, the way in which they learn and acquire an additional language. I was able to compare and contrast everything I studied in Didactics for Primary Level with what the children did in the classroom. As I worked with my own group of students, this process started before the practicum, but I was able to look into it more deeply then, I was able to feel closer to learning process and I felt more useful and more connected to the children. Once I started delivering the practicum classes I was able to put into practice and test everything I have learned during this year. I tried and experimented with the activities I designed and the material I created and was able to see the reactions of the children as they received them. I could also notice that since I incorporated different activities to what they were used to do in class, they felt more motivated and challenged. And, since I have been working with them since March, I saw all the learning process they had throughout the whole year. Knowing them well and being aware of their interests, abilities and challenges was very helpful at the time of planning the classes. I believe this experience was significant not only for me, but also for the learners as well, since they were aware of the camera present in the classroom and they knew that they were helping me become a teacher. They felt part of the process and worked hard to facilitate my job.
  • 3. Beside the knowledge on children’s characteristics, their behaviour and abilities I also needed to use different classroom management techniques while paying attention to the children’s needs. For example, if one needed to go to the bathroom, or needed a tissue to blow their nose, or if someone started a quarrel. Through this experience I focused on timing and classroom management, since I think they are my weakest spots. I learned that with a lot of time, dedication and creativity it is always possible to improve and to find new strategies or even implement old ones in a refreshed way. Thinking Forward After finishing my practicum and receiving the feedback, I can say that I have some weak areas that I need improvement in order to work with young learners. In future classes I am going to try to move around the classroom more in order to monitor the students and help them if necessary, since I tend to focus on them being more self-sufficient and independent. Another aspect that I have to improve is the explanations, since they are rather long and wordy and I have to explain many times. Of course there are more aspects that need improvement, but as these two are my weakest ones, I would focus on them first and then move on with the rest. This project influenced my future goals in a positive way. Before starting my practicum, I felt that I needed to learn a lot more and that I was not doing a great job. Having finished the practicum and receiving feedback reassured me and restores some of the lost faith in myself and gave me energy to continue working and improving.
  • 4. Thinking Inward I think this was a very fulfilling experience, even though it was very different from the one in kinder, as working with my own group of students and knowing them from before made it easier in some aspects, but it was also more challenging since I had to think of activities we had no done yet in order to surprise them and get their attention. I am satisfied with the overall experience, of course I am going to make some adjustments in my future classes but the interesting part is that I get to do it right away since I am still working with this group of students. I am going take into account all the feedback and comments made by my tutor and make the necessary changes to deliver better classes in the near future. During the practice I felt tired, overwhelmed and even excited at times, and once it finished I had a great feeling of accomplishment. Thinking Outward Analyzing the world around me, I can see that there is still a lot to learn and a lot of things that can be applied in the classroom. Sometimes it is not possible due to the group of students, other time because of the lack of time, planning or resources available. Conclusion To conclude my reflection, I will say that it was a very rewarding and fulfilling experience, and that I learned more than I anticipated. Moreover, I now am surer of the profession I have chosen and I am very happy of being a step closer to finishing my course of studies.