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CSE 173: Discrete Mathematics
Dr. Saifuddin Md.Tareeq
Professor, Dept of CSE, DU
Course Contents
Topic Chapters and
Lecture Sequence
Logic 1.1,1.3-1.6 6
Set, Function 2.1-2.3 1
Algorithm 3.1-3.3 4
Number Theory 4.1-4.3 8
Induction Recursion 5.1-5.2 3
Counting 6.1-6.5 5
Probability 7.1-7.3 9
Relation 9.1,9.3,9.5 2
Graph 10.1-10.6 7
Book Kenneth H. Rosen. Discrete Mathematics and Its
Applications, 7th Edition, McGraw Hill.
Course Lecture Sequence
Topic Chapters and
Lecture Sequence
Set, Function 2.1-2.3 1
Relation 9.1,9.3,9.5 2
Induction Recursion 5.1-5.2 3
Algorithm 3.1-3.3 4
Counting 6.1-6.5 5
Logic 1.1,1.3-1.6 6
Graph 10.1-10.6 7
Number Theory 4.1-4.3 8
Probability 7.1-7.3 9
Book Kenneth H. Rosen. Discrete Mathematics and Its
Applications, 7th Edition, McGraw Hill.
Course evaluation
Topic Marks Comment
Homework (3/3) 10 Subject to
Quizzes (2/3) 20
Mid term (2) 30
Final 40

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Question bank xi
Question bank xiQuestion bank xi
Question bank xi

The document contains questions related to trigonometric functions, sets, relations and functions, complex numbers, and sequences and series. Some questions ask students to prove trigonometric identities, find sets operations, determine if relations are functions, solve complex equations, and evaluate infinite geometric series. The document provides hints for many questions and includes the answers for some questions.

questions bank---xi (mathematics)
Set theory
Set theorySet theory
Set theory

1. Set theory is an important mathematical concept and tool that is used in many areas including programming, real-world applications, and computer science problems. 2. The document introduces some basic concepts of set theory including sets, members, operations on sets like union and intersection, and relationships between sets like subsets and complements. 3. Infinite sets are discussed as well as different types of infinite sets including countably infinite and uncountably infinite sets. Special sets like the empty set and power sets are also covered.

set theorypropertiesoperators
Set theory and its operations
Set theory and its operations Set theory and its operations
Set theory and its operations

This document provides an introduction to sets and set operations. It defines what a set is, including that sets can contain any type of elements and order does not matter. It also covers specifying and representing sets, common sets like natural numbers, subsets, the empty set, set cardinality, power sets, and Cartesian products. Finally, it discusses the basic set operations of union and intersection.

set theoryalgebramathematics
Discrete mathematics
Discrete mathematics
– study of mathematical structures and objects that are
fundamentally discrete rather than continuous.
• Examples of objects with discrete values are
– integers, graphs, or statements in logic.
• Discrete mathematics and computer science.
– Concepts from discrete mathematics are useful for
describing objects and problems in computer
algorithms and programming languages. These
have applications in cryptography, automated
theorem proving, and software development.
Set : Basic Discrete Structure
Discrete math =
– study of the discrete structures used to represent discrete objects
Many discrete structures are built usingsets
– Sets = collection of objects
Examples of discrete structures built with the help ofsets:
• Relations
• Graphs
• Combinations
A set is a (unordered) collection ofobjects.
These objects are sometimes called elements or
members of the set.
• Examples:
– Vowels in the English alphabet
V = { a, e, i, o, u }
– First seven prime numbers.
X = { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 }
Representing Set
• A= {1,2,3 …,100}
Representing a set by:
1) Listing (enumerating) the members of the set.
2) Definition by property, using the set builder notation
{x| x has property P}.
•Even integers between 50 and 63.
1) E = {50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62}
2) E = {x| 50 <= x < 63, x is an even integer}
If enumeration of the members is hard we often use ellipses.
Example: a set of integers between 1 and 100

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Set in discrete mathematics

Discrete Mathematics - Sets. ... He had defined a set as a collection of definite and distinguishable objects selected by the means of certain rules or description. Set theory forms the basis of several other fields of study like counting theory, relations, graph theory and finite state machines.

discrete mathematicsset in discrete mathematicsset
Set theory- Introduction, symbols with its meaning
Set theory- Introduction, symbols with its meaningSet theory- Introduction, symbols with its meaning
Set theory- Introduction, symbols with its meaning

The document provides information about the concepts of set theory that will be covered in the Discrete Mathematics and Information Theory course. It defines basic set operations like union, intersection, complement and subset. It explains notation for set membership, empty set, universal set and Venn diagrams. Examples are given for each concept to illustrate the set operations and relationships between different sets.

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Sets functions-sequences-exercisesSets functions-sequences-exercises
Sets functions-sequences-exercises

This document provides an overview of basic discrete mathematical structures including sets, functions, sequences, sums, and matrices. It begins by defining a set as an unordered collection of elements and describes various ways to represent sets, such as listing elements or using set-builder notation. It then discusses operations on sets like unions, intersections, complements, and Cartesian products. Finally, it introduces functions as assignments of elements from one set to another. The document serves as an introduction to fundamental discrete structures used throughout mathematics.

Important set in discrete math
• Natural numbers:
– N = {0,1,2,3, …}
• Integers
– Z = {…, -2,-1,0,1,2, …}
• Positive integers
– Z+ = {1,2, 3.…}
• Rational numbers p is in Z | p is a member ofZ
– Q {p / q | p Z,q Z,q  0}
• Real numbers
– R
Equality of Set
Definition: Two sets are equal if and only if they have the
same elements.
• {1,2,3} = {3,1,2} = {1,2,1,3,2}
Note: Duplicates don't contribute anything new to a set, so
remove them. The order of the elements in a set doesn't
contribute anything new.
Example: Are {1,2,3,4} and {1,2,2,4}equal?
Equality of Set
Definition: Two sets are equal if and only if they have the
same elements.
• {1,2,3} = {3,1,2} = {1,2,1,3,2}
Note: Duplicates don't contribute anything new to a set, so
remove them. The order of the elements in a set doesn't
contribute anything new.
Example: Are {1,2,3,4} and {1,2,2,4}equal?
Universal set
Special sets:
–The universal set is denoted by U: the set of all objects
under consideration.
– The empty set is denoted as Ø or { }.

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Concept of set.
Concept of set.Concept of set.
Concept of set.

The document defines basic concepts of sets including: 1. Elements of sets are listed within curly brackets. 2. Sets can be defined by listing elements (extensional definition) or describing properties of members (intensional definition). 3. Set membership and the relation between elements and sets. It also covers empty sets, subsets, set operations like union and intersection, and Cartesian products of sets.

Set theory
Set theorySet theory
Set theory

The document provides an overview of key concepts in set theory, including: 1) The definition of a set as a collection of distinct elements, and ways to specify sets using a roster or set builder notation. 2) Types of sets such as finite, infinite, countable/uncountable sets. Operations on sets like unions, intersections, complements and differences. 3) Related concepts like subsets, universal sets, empty sets, power sets, and Cartesian products of sets.


This document provides an overview of sets and set theory concepts including: - The definition of a set and elements - Notation used in set theory such as set membership (∈) - Ways to describe sets such as listing elements, using properties, and recursively - Standard sets like natural numbers (N), integers (Z), rational numbers (Q), and real numbers (R) - Relationships between sets including subsets, supersets, unions, intersections, complements, and Cartesian products - Basic set identities and properties like commutativity, associativity, distributivity, identities, and complements The document introduces fundamental concepts in set theory and provides examples to illustrate set notation, descriptions,

Venn Diagram
A set can be visualized using VennDiagrams:
– V={ A, B, C }
Statement: Arifis smart (T/F) How are you?
Proposition: T
Symbolic representation: p = Arif is smart(T/F)
P= 4 is prime
Q= Today is Thursday
If p then q
P only if q
q whenever p
A subset
et of B:
Definition: A set A is said to be a subset of B if and only
if every element of A is also an element of B. We use A  B
to indicate A is a subset of B.
Alternate way to define A is asubs
A  B
x(x  A)  (x  B)
Suppose that A = {2, 4, 6}, B = {2, 6}, C = {4, 6},
and D = {4, 6, 8}. Determine which of these sets
are subsets of which other of these sets.

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1. A set is a collection of distinct objects, which can be anything - numbers, people, colors, etc. Sets do not have duplicate elements and order does not matter. 2. Common ways to specify sets include listing elements, using ellipses or set-builder notation. The membership of an element in a set is denoted by the element being an element of the set. 3. Basic set properties include subsets, where all elements of one set are also in another, and the empty set which contains no elements.

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Grade 7 Sets.pptGrade 7 Sets.ppt
Grade 7 Sets.ppt

This document defines and provides examples of sets and basic set operations. It introduces sets as collections of objects without duplication or regard for order. It describes properties of sets like subsets, the empty set, cardinality, and power sets. The document also defines Cartesian products as ordered tuples from multiple sets and set operations like union and intersection. Examples are provided to illustrate set membership, subsets, Cartesian products, and how union and intersection combine sets.

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Class7 converted
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Class7 converted

1. The document discusses basic concepts in discrete mathematics including sets, operations on sets like union and intersection, and properties of sets like cardinality. 2. Key discrete structures like combinations, relations, and graphs are built using sets as a basic structure. 3. Set operations like union, intersection, difference, and Cartesian product are defined along with properties such as cardinality of the resulting sets.

Suppose that A = {2, 4, 6}, B = {2, 6}, C = {4, 6},
and D = {4, 6, 8}. Determine which of these sets
are subsets of which other of these sets.
B  A
Suppose that A = {2, 4, 6}, B = {2, 6}, C = {4, 6},
and D = {4, 6, 8}. Determine which of these sets
are subsets of which other of these sets.
C  A
Suppose that A = {2, 4, 6}, B = {2, 6}, C = {4, 6},
and D = {4, 6, 8}. Determine which of these sets
are subsets of which other of these sets.
C  D
Empty set/subset property
End of proof
• Recall the definition of a subset: all elements of a setA
must be also elements of B: x(x  A  x B)
• We must show the following implication holds forany
• F -> (T/F) T
x(x   x S)
• Since the empty set does not contain any element, is x
always False
• Then the implication is always True. (F → T/F =T)
Theorem :  S
•Empty set is a subset of anyset.
T → F F

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Discrete mathematic
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Discrete mathematic

The document discusses the key topics in discrete mathematics that will be covered across 5 units. Unit 1 covers sets, relations, functions and their properties. Unit 2 discusses mathematical induction, counting techniques, and number theory topics. Unit 3 is on propositional logic, logical equivalence and proof techniques. Unit 4 covers algebraic structures like groups, rings and fields. Unit 5 is about graphs, trees, and their properties like coloring and shortest paths. The document also lists 3 recommended textbooks for the course.

Set theory-ppt
Set theory-pptSet theory-ppt
Set theory-ppt

This document provides an introduction to set theory. It defines what a set is and provides examples of common sets. A set can be represented in roster form by listing its elements within curly brackets or in set builder form using a characteristic property. There are different types of sets such as finite sets, infinite sets, empty sets, singleton sets, and power sets which contain all subsets. Set operations like union, intersection, difference and symmetric difference are introduced. Important concepts like subsets, equivalent sets, disjoint sets and complements are also covered.

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The document discusses logical equivalence and provides a truth table to show that the statements (P ∨ Q) and (¬P) ∧ (¬Q) are logically equivalent. It shows that ¬(P ∨ Q) ↔ (¬P) ∧ (¬Q) is true according to the truth table.

Venn diagram of Empty set
Theorem :   S
• Empty set is a subset of any set. A={1,2,3}
Subset property
• Any set S is a subset of itself
• the definition of a subset says: all elements of a set A must
be also elements of B:
• End of proof
A={1,2,3} B={1,2,3}
Note on equivalence:
• Two sets are equal if each is a subset of the other set.
x(x  A  x B)
• Applying this to S we get:
• x(x  S  x S) which is trivially True
S  S
T → T T
F → F T
A proper Subset
A set A is said to be a proper subset of B if and only if
. We denote that Ais a proper
A  B and A  B
subset of B with the notation Α  Β .
Example: A={1,2,3} B ={1,2}
Is: Α  Β ?
A proper Subset
A set A is said to be a proper subset of B if and only if
. We denote that Ais a proper
A  B and A  B
subset of B with the notation Α  Β .
Example: A={1,2,3} B ={1,2,3,4,5,6}
Is: Α  Β ? Yes.

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Set theory
Set theorySet theory
Set theory

This document provides an overview of set theory including definitions of key terms and concepts. It defines a set as a well-defined collection of objects or elements. It discusses set operations like union, intersection, difference, and Cartesian product. It defines countable and uncountable sets and proves results like Cantor's theorem, which states that the cardinality of a power set is greater than the original set. Formal proofs involving sets are also covered.

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The document provides an overview of sets and logic. It defines basic set concepts like elements, subsets, unions and intersections. It explains Venn diagrams can be used to represent relationships between sets. Logic is introduced as the study of correct reasoning. Propositions are defined as statements that can be determined as true or false. Logical connectives like conjunction, disjunction and negation are explained through truth tables. Compound statements can be formed using these connectives.

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Definition: Let S be a set. If there are exactly n distinct
elements in S, where n is a nonnegative integer, we say S is
a finite set and that n is the cardinality of S. The cardinalityof
S is denoted by | S |.
• V={1, 2, {3, 4}, 5}
| V | = 4
• A={a,b,c,d,e,f,g}
|A| =7
• | Ø | = 0
What is the cardinality of each of these sets?
c) {a, {a}}
d) {a, {a}, {a, {a}}}
What is the cardinality of each of these sets?
c) {a, {a}}
d) {a, {a}, {a, {a}}}
a) 1
What is the cardinality of each of these sets?
c) {a, {a}}
d) {a, {a}, {a, {a}}}
a) 1
b) 1

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What is the cardinality of each of these sets?
c) {a, {a}}
d) {a, {a}, {a, {a}}}
a) 1
b) 1
c) 2
What is the cardinality of each of these sets?
c) {a, {a}}
d) {a, {a}, {a, {a}}}
a) 1
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
Infinite set
Definition: Aset is infinite if it is not finite.
• The set of natural numbers is an infinite set.
• N = {1, 2, 3, ... }
• The set of real numbers is an infinite set.
Power set
Definition: Given a set S, the power set of S is the set of all
subsets of S. The power set is denoted by P(S).
• What is the power set of Ø ? P(Ø ) = {Ø}
• What is the cardinality of P(Ø) ? | P(Ø) | =1.
Assume B={1,2}
• P(B) = {Ø, {1}, {2}, {1,2}}
•|P(B) | = 4
• P(A) = {Ø, {1}, {2}, {3}, {1,2}, {1,3}, {2,3}, {1,2,3} }
• |P(A) | = 8
If S is a set with |S| = n then | P(S) | = ?

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Power set
Definition: Given a set S, the power set of S is the set of all
subsets of S. The power set is denoted by P(S).
• What is the power set of Ø ? P(Ø ) ={Ø}
• What is the cardinality of P(Ø) ? | P(Ø) | =1.
Assume {1,2,3}
• P({1,2,3}) = {Ø, {1}, {2}, {3}, {1,2}, {1,3}, {2,3}, {1,2,3} }
• |P({1,2,3} | = 8
If S is a set with |S| = n then | P(S) | = ? 2n
Example: Coordinates of a point in the 2-D plane (12, 16)
Sets are used to represent unordered collections.
•Ordered-n tuples are used to represent an ordered
Definition: An ordered n-tuple (x1, x2, ..., xN) is the ordered
collection that has x1 as its first element, x2 as its second
element, ..., and xN as its N-th element, N ˃=2.
Cartesian Product
Definition: Let S and T be sets. The Cartesian product of S
and T, denoted by S x T, is the set of all ordered pairs (s,t),
where s ϵS and t ϵT. Hence,
• S x T = { (s,t) | s ϵS ˄tϵT}.T x
S = { (t,s) | t ϵT ˄sϵS}.
• S = {1,2} and T = {a,b,c}
• S x T = { (1,a), (1,b), (1,c), (2,a), (2,b), (2,c)}
• T x S = { (a,1), (a, 2), (b,1), (b,2), (c,1), (c,2) }
• Is S x T and T x S equal?
Cartesian Product
Definition: Let S and T be sets. The Cartesian product of S
and T, denoted by S x T, is the set of all ordered pairs (s,t),
where s ϵS and t ϵT. Hence,
• S x T = { (s,t) | s ϵS ˄tϵT}.
• S = {1,2} and T = {a,b,c}
• S x T = { (1,a), (1,b), (1,c), (2,a), (2,b), (2,c)}
• T x S = { (a,1), (a, 2), (b,1), (b,2), (c,1), (c,2) }
• Is S x T ≠ T x S!!!!

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Cardinality of a Cartesian Product
• |S x T| = |S| * |T|.
|A|=2 |P(A)|=4
• A= {roll, name}
• B ={m1, m2}
• A x B= {(roll, m1),(roll, m2) (name, m1),(name, m2)}
• |A x B| = 4
• |A|=2, |B|=2 → |A| |B|= 4
Relation as a subset of a Cartesian
A= {roll, name}
• B ={m1, m2}
• A x B= {(roll, m1),(roll, m2) (name, m1),(name, m2)}
Definition:A subset of the Cartesian productA x B is called a relation from
the set A to the set B.
roll m1
123 34
124 56
125 67
Set Operation
Definition: Let A and B be sets. The union of A and B, denoted
by A U B, is the set that contains those elements that are in
both AandB.
• Alternate: A U B = { x |x ϵ A V x ϵ B }.
• A = {1,2,3,6} and B = { 2,4,6,9}
• A U B = ?
Set Operation: Union
Definition: Let A and B be sets. The union of A and B, denoted
by A U B, is the set that contains those elements that are in
both AandB.
• Alternate: A U B = { x |x ϵ A V x ϵ B }.
• A = {1,2,3,6} and B = { 2,4,6,9}
• A U B = { 1,2,3,4,6,9 }

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Set Operation: Intersection
Definition: Let A and B be sets. The intersection of A and B,
denoted by A ∩ B, is the set that contains those elements that
are in both AandB.
• Alternate: A ∩ B = { x |x ϵ A ˄ x ϵ B }.
• A = {1,2,3} and B = { 2,4,6,9}
• A∩ B = ? 41
Set Operation : Intersection
Definition: Let A and B be sets. The intersection of A and B,
denoted by A ∩ B, is the set that contains those elements that
are in both AandB.
• Alternate: A ∩ B = { x |x ϵ A ˄ x ϵ B }.
• A = {1,3,7} and B = { 2,4,6,9}
• A∩ B = ? 42
Disjoin Set
Definition: Two sets are called disjoint if their intersection is
• Alternate:A and B are disjoint if and only if A ∩ B = Ø.
• A={1,2,3,6} B={4,7,8} Are these disjoint?
Disjoin Set
Definition: Two sets are called disjoint if their intersection is
• Alternate:A and B are disjoint if and only if A ∩ B = Ø.
• A={1,2,3,6} B={4,7,8} Are these disjoint?
• Yes.
• A ∩ B = Ø

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Image recognition, which comes under Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a critical aspect of computer vision, enabling computers or other computing devices to identify and categorize objects within images. Among numerous fields of life, food processing is an important area, in which image processing plays a vital role, both for producers and consumers. This study focuses on the binary classification of strawberries, where images are sorted into one of two categories. We Utilized a dataset of strawberry images for this study; we aim to determine the effectiveness of different models in identifying whether an image contains strawberries. This research has practical applications in fields such as agriculture and quality control. We compared various popular deep learning models, including MobileNetV2, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), and DenseNet121, for binary classification of strawberry images. The accuracy achieved by MobileNetV2 is 96.7%, CNN is 99.8%, and DenseNet121 is 93.6%. Through rigorous testing and analysis, our results demonstrate that CNN outperforms the other models in this task. In the future, the deep learning models can be evaluated on a richer and larger number of images (datasets) for better/improved results.

image recognitiondeep learning
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The project "Social Media Platform in Object-Oriented Modeling" aims to design and model a robust and scalable social media platform using object-oriented modeling principles. In the age of digital communication, social media platforms have become indispensable for connecting people, sharing content, and fostering online communities. However, their complex nature requires meticulous planning and organization.This project addresses the challenge of creating a feature-rich and user-friendly social media platform by applying key object-oriented modeling concepts. It entails the identification and definition of essential objects such as "User," "Post," "Comment," and "Notification," each encapsulating specific attributes and behaviors. Relationships between these objects, such as friendships, content interactions, and notifications, are meticulously established.The project emphasizes encapsulation to maintain data integrity, inheritance for shared behaviors among objects, and polymorphism for flexible content handling. Use case diagrams depict user interactions, while sequence diagrams showcase the flow of interactions during critical scenarios. Class diagrams provide an overarching view of the system's architecture, including classes, attributes, and methods .By undertaking this project, we aim to create a modular, maintainable, and user-centric social media platform that adheres to best practices in object-oriented modeling. Such a platform will offer users a seamless and secure online social experience while facilitating future enhancements and adaptability to changing user needs.

computer technologycomputer scienceproject management
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"Le potenzialità del Digital Twin per il settore Water"

Cardinality of set union
Cardinality of the set union.
• |AU B| = |A| + |B| - |A ∩ B|
Why this formula? A={1,2,3,4} B={5,6}
A={1,2,3,4} B={3,4, 5,6}
|AU B| =
= |A| + |B| - |A ∩ B|
= 4 + 4 - 2
|AU B| = |A|+|B| - |A ∩ B|
= 4+2-0
Cardinality of set union
Cardinality of the set union.
• |AU B| = |A| + |B| - |A ∩ B|
Why this formula? Correct for an over-count.
A = {1,2,3,6} and B = { 2,4,6,9}
• A U B = { 1,2,3,4,6,9 }
|AU B| = |A| + |B| - |A∩ B| = 4+4-2 =6
Set Difference
Example: A= {1,2,3,5,7} B ={1,5,6,8}
• A - B = ?
Definition: Let A and B be sets. The difference of A and B,
denoted by A - B, is the set containing those elements that
are in but not in B. The difference of A and B is also called
the complement of B with respect toA.
•Alternate: A B {x | x A x B}
Set Difference
Example: A= {1,2,3,5,7} B ={1,5,6,8}
• A - B ={2,3,7}
Definition: Let A and B be sets. The difference of A and B,
denoted by A - B, is the set containing those elements that
are in but not in B. The difference of A and B is also called
the complement of B with respect toA.
•Alternate: A B {x | x A x B}

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Cybersecurity breaches are a growing threat in today’s interconnected digital landscape, affecting individuals, businesses, and governments alike. These breaches compromise sensitive information and erode trust in online services and systems. Understanding the causes, consequences, and prevention strategies of cybersecurity breaches is crucial to protect against these pervasive risks. Cybersecurity breaches refer to unauthorized access, manipulation, or destruction of digital information or systems. They can occur through various means such as malware, phishing attacks, insider threats, and vulnerabilities in software or hardware. Once a breach happens, cybercriminals can exploit the compromised data for financial gain, espionage, or sabotage. Causes of breaches include software and hardware vulnerabilities, phishing attacks, insider threats, weak passwords, and a lack of security awareness. The consequences of cybersecurity breaches are severe. Financial loss is a significant impact, as organizations face theft of funds, legal fees, and repair costs. Breaches also damage reputations, leading to a loss of trust among customers, partners, and stakeholders. Regulatory penalties are another consequence, with hefty fines imposed for non-compliance with data protection regulations. Intellectual property theft undermines innovation and competitiveness, while disruptions of critical services like healthcare and utilities impact public safety and well-being.

cybersecurity breachesdata securityphishing attacks
Let A = {a, b, c, d, e} and B = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h}.
a) A ∪B.
b) B − A.
Let A = {a, b, c, d, e} and B = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h}.
a) A ∪B.
b) B − A.
a) A ∪ B = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h}
Let A = {a, b, c, d, e} and B = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h}.
a) A ∪B.
b) B − A.
a) A ∪ B = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h} = B
b) B – A = {f, g,h}
A – B = {}
Complement of a Set
Definition: Let U be the universal set: the set of all objects
under the consideration.
Definition: The complement of the set A, denoted by Ã, is the
complement of A with respect toU.
• Alternate:Alternate:
Example: U={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} A={1,3,5}
• Ã=?
A {x | x A}

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In May 2024, globally renowned natural diamond crafting company Shree Ramkrishna Exports Pvt. Ltd. (SRK) became the first company in the world to achieve GNFZ’s final net zero certification for existing buildings, for its two two flagship crafting facilities SRK House and SRK Empire. Initially targeting 2030 to reach net zero, SRK joined forces with the Global Network for Zero (GNFZ) to accelerate its target to 2024 — a trailblazing achievement toward emissions elimination.

Complement of a Set
Definition: Let U be the universal set: the set of all objects
under the consideration.
Definition: The complement of the set A, denoted by Ã, is the
complement of A with respect toU.
• Alternate:Alternate:
Example: U={1,2,3,4,5} A={1,3,5}
• Ã={2,4}
A {x | x A}
Generalized union
• Let A= {1,2,...,i} i =1,2,...,n
Definition: The union of a collection of sets is the set that
contains those elements that are members of at least oneset
in the collection.
Ai  {A1  A2  . . .  An }
i  1
i  1
A i  { 1 , 2 , . . . , n }
A1 = {1}
A2= {1,2}
A3= {1,2,3}
An ={1,2,3,4,...,n}
Generalized intersection
• Let Ai= {1,2,...,i} i =1,2,...,n
Definition: The intersection of a collection of sets is the set
that contains those elements that are members of all setsin
the collection.
Ai  {A1  A2  . . .  An }
i  1
i  1
A i  { 1 }
A1 = {1}
A2= {1,2}
A3= {1,2,3}
An ={1,2,3,4,...,n}
Computer representation of set
How to represent sets in the computer?
• One solution: Data structures like a list
•A better solution: Assign a bit in a bit string to each element
in the universal set and set the bit to 1 if the element is
present otherwise use 0
All possible elements: U={1 2 3 4 5} = {00000}
• AssumeA={2,5}
– Computer representation: A =01001
• Assume B={1,5}
– Computer representation: B = 10001

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Computer representation of set
• A = 01001
• B = 10001
• The union is modeled with a bitwise or
•A U B = 11001
A-B ={01000}
B-A = {10000}
• The intersection is modeled with a bitwise and
• A ∩ B = 00001
• The complement is modeled with a bitwisenegation
• Ã =10110
Thank You

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  • 1. 1 CSE 173: Discrete Mathematics Dr. Saifuddin Md.Tareeq Professor, Dept of CSE, DU smtareeq@cse.du.ac.bd
  • 2. 2 Course Contents Topic Chapters and sections Lecture Sequence Logic 1.1,1.3-1.6 6 Set, Function 2.1-2.3 1 Algorithm 3.1-3.3 4 Number Theory 4.1-4.3 8 Induction Recursion 5.1-5.2 3 Counting 6.1-6.5 5 Probability 7.1-7.3 9 Relation 9.1,9.3,9.5 2 Graph 10.1-10.6 7 Book Kenneth H. Rosen. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 7th Edition, McGraw Hill.
  • 3. 3 Course Lecture Sequence Topic Chapters and sections Lecture Sequence Set, Function 2.1-2.3 1 Relation 9.1,9.3,9.5 2 Induction Recursion 5.1-5.2 3 Algorithm 3.1-3.3 4 Counting 6.1-6.5 5 Logic 1.1,1.3-1.6 6 Graph 10.1-10.6 7 Number Theory 4.1-4.3 8 Probability 7.1-7.3 9 Book Kenneth H. Rosen. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 7th Edition, McGraw Hill.
  • 4. 4 Course evaluation Topic Marks Comment Homework (3/3) 10 Subject to NSU evaluation policy Quizzes (2/3) 20 Mid term (2) 30 Final 40
  • 5. 5 Discrete mathematics Discrete mathematics – study of mathematical structures and objects that are fundamentally discrete rather than continuous. • Examples of objects with discrete values are – integers, graphs, or statements in logic. • Discrete mathematics and computer science. – Concepts from discrete mathematics are useful for describing objects and problems in computer algorithms and programming languages. These have applications in cryptography, automated theorem proving, and software development.
  • 6. Set : Basic Discrete Structure 6 Discrete math = – study of the discrete structures used to represent discrete objects Many discrete structures are built usingsets – Sets = collection of objects Examples of discrete structures built with the help ofsets: • Relations • Graphs • Combinations
  • 7. Set 7 Definition: A set is a (unordered) collection ofobjects. These objects are sometimes called elements or members of the set. • Examples: – Vowels in the English alphabet V = { a, e, i, o, u } – First seven prime numbers. X = { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 }
  • 8. Representing Set • A= {1,2,3 …,100} 8 Representing a set by: 1) Listing (enumerating) the members of the set. 2) Definition by property, using the set builder notation {x| x has property P}. Example: •Even integers between 50 and 63. 1) E = {50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62} 2) E = {x| 50 <= x < 63, x is an even integer} If enumeration of the members is hard we often use ellipses. Example: a set of integers between 1 and 100
  • 9. 9 Important set in discrete math • Natural numbers: – N = {0,1,2,3, …} • Integers – Z = {…, -2,-1,0,1,2, …} • Positive integers – Z+ = {1,2, 3.…} • Rational numbers p is in Z | p is a member ofZ – Q {p / q | p Z,q Z,q  0} • Real numbers – R
  • 10. 10 Equality of Set Definition: Two sets are equal if and only if they have the same elements. Example: • {1,2,3} = {3,1,2} = {1,2,1,3,2} Note: Duplicates don't contribute anything new to a set, so remove them. The order of the elements in a set doesn't contribute anything new. Example: Are {1,2,3,4} and {1,2,2,4}equal?
  • 11. 11 Equality of Set Definition: Two sets are equal if and only if they have the same elements. Example: • {1,2,3} = {3,1,2} = {1,2,1,3,2} Note: Duplicates don't contribute anything new to a set, so remove them. The order of the elements in a set doesn't contribute anything new. Example: Are {1,2,3,4} and {1,2,2,4}equal? No!
  • 12. Universal set 12 Special sets: –The universal set is denoted by U: the set of all objects under consideration. – The empty set is denoted as Ø or { }. U={1,2,3,4,5} A={1,2,3,4,5} B={1,2,3,4,5,6} C={}
  • 13. Venn Diagram A set can be visualized using VennDiagrams: – V={ A, B, C } 13
  • 14. Subset 14 P Q PVQ P^Q P→Q T→F Q→P T→F ~PV Q ~QV P F F F F T T T T F T T F T F T F T F T F F T F T T T T T T T T T Statement: Arifis smart (T/F) How are you? Proposition: T Symbolic representation: p = Arif is smart(T/F) OR P= 4 is prime Q= Today is Thursday If p then q P only if q q whenever p
  • 15. A subset et of B: Definition: A set A is said to be a subset of B if and only if every element of A is also an element of B. We use A  B to indicate A is a subset of B. Alternate way to define A is asubs U={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} A={} B={1,2,3} A  B x(x  A)  (x  B) 15
  • 16. Problem Suppose that A = {2, 4, 6}, B = {2, 6}, C = {4, 6}, and D = {4, 6, 8}. Determine which of these sets are subsets of which other of these sets. 16
  • 17. Problem Suppose that A = {2, 4, 6}, B = {2, 6}, C = {4, 6}, and D = {4, 6, 8}. Determine which of these sets are subsets of which other of these sets. B  A 17
  • 18. Problem Suppose that A = {2, 4, 6}, B = {2, 6}, C = {4, 6}, and D = {4, 6, 8}. Determine which of these sets are subsets of which other of these sets. C  A 18
  • 19. Problem Suppose that A = {2, 4, 6}, B = {2, 6}, C = {4, 6}, and D = {4, 6, 8}. Determine which of these sets are subsets of which other of these sets. C  D 19
  • 20. 20 Empty set/subset property End of proof • Recall the definition of a subset: all elements of a setA must be also elements of B: x(x  A  x B) • We must show the following implication holds forany • F -> (T/F) T x(x   x S) • Since the empty set does not contain any element, is x always False • Then the implication is always True. (F → T/F =T) Theorem :  S •Empty set is a subset of anyset. Proof: T → F F
  • 21. Venn diagram of Empty set Theorem :   S • Empty set is a subset of any set. A={1,2,3} U Ø A 21
  • 22. Subset property Theorem: • Any set S is a subset of itself Proof: • the definition of a subset says: all elements of a set A must be also elements of B: • End of proof A={1,2,3} B={1,2,3} Note on equivalence: • Two sets are equal if each is a subset of the other set. x(x  A  x B) • Applying this to S we get: • x(x  S  x S) which is trivially True S  S T → T T F → F T 22
  • 23. 23 A proper Subset Definition: A set A is said to be a proper subset of B if and only if . We denote that Ais a proper A  B and A  B subset of B with the notation Α  Β . Example: A={1,2,3} B ={1,2} Is: Α  Β ?
  • 24. 24 A proper Subset Definition: A set A is said to be a proper subset of B if and only if . We denote that Ais a proper A  B and A  B subset of B with the notation Α  Β . Example: A={1,2,3} B ={1,2,3,4,5,6} Is: Α  Β ? Yes.
  • 25. Cardinality 25 Definition: Let S be a set. If there are exactly n distinct elements in S, where n is a nonnegative integer, we say S is a finite set and that n is the cardinality of S. The cardinalityof S is denoted by | S |. Examples: • V={1, 2, {3, 4}, 5} | V | = 4 • A={a,b,c,d,e,f,g} |A| =7 • | Ø | = 0
  • 26. What is the cardinality of each of these sets? a){a} b){{a}} c) {a, {a}} d) {a, {a}, {a, {a}}} 26 Problem
  • 27. What is the cardinality of each of these sets? a){a} b){{a}} c) {a, {a}} d) {a, {a}, {a, {a}}} a) 1 27 Problem
  • 28. What is the cardinality of each of these sets? a){a} b){{a}} c) {a, {a}} d) {a, {a}, {a, {a}}} a) 1 b) 1 28 Problem
  • 29. What is the cardinality of each of these sets? a){a} b){{a}} c) {a, {a}} d) {a, {a}, {a, {a}}} a) 1 b) 1 c) 2 29 Problem
  • 30. What is the cardinality of each of these sets? a){a} b){{a}} c) {a, {a}} d) {a, {a}, {a, {a}}} a) 1 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3 30 Problem
  • 31. Infinite set 31 Definition: Aset is infinite if it is not finite. Examples: • The set of natural numbers is an infinite set. • N = {1, 2, 3, ... } • The set of real numbers is an infinite set.
  • 32. 32 Power set Definition: Given a set S, the power set of S is the set of all subsets of S. The power set is denoted by P(S). Example • What is the power set of Ø ? P(Ø ) = {Ø} • What is the cardinality of P(Ø) ? | P(Ø) | =1. Assume B={1,2} • P(B) = {Ø, {1}, {2}, {1,2}} •|P(B) | = 4 AssumeA={1,2,3} • P(A) = {Ø, {1}, {2}, {3}, {1,2}, {1,3}, {2,3}, {1,2,3} } • |P(A) | = 8 If S is a set with |S| = n then | P(S) | = ?
  • 33. 33 Power set Definition: Given a set S, the power set of S is the set of all subsets of S. The power set is denoted by P(S). Example • What is the power set of Ø ? P(Ø ) ={Ø} • What is the cardinality of P(Ø) ? | P(Ø) | =1. Assume {1,2,3} • P({1,2,3}) = {Ø, {1}, {2}, {3}, {1,2}, {1,3}, {2,3}, {1,2,3} } • |P({1,2,3} | = 8 If S is a set with |S| = n then | P(S) | = ? 2n
  • 34. 34 N-tuple Example: Coordinates of a point in the 2-D plane (12, 16) Sets are used to represent unordered collections. •Ordered-n tuples are used to represent an ordered collection. Definition: An ordered n-tuple (x1, x2, ..., xN) is the ordered collection that has x1 as its first element, x2 as its second element, ..., and xN as its N-th element, N ˃=2. (5,10) (10,5)
  • 35. 35 Cartesian Product Definition: Let S and T be sets. The Cartesian product of S and T, denoted by S x T, is the set of all ordered pairs (s,t), where s ϵS and t ϵT. Hence, • S x T = { (s,t) | s ϵS ˄tϵT}.T x S = { (t,s) | t ϵT ˄sϵS}. Examples: • S = {1,2} and T = {a,b,c} • S x T = { (1,a), (1,b), (1,c), (2,a), (2,b), (2,c)} • T x S = { (a,1), (a, 2), (b,1), (b,2), (c,1), (c,2) } • Is S x T and T x S equal?
  • 36. Cartesian Product 36 Definition: Let S and T be sets. The Cartesian product of S and T, denoted by S x T, is the set of all ordered pairs (s,t), where s ϵS and t ϵT. Hence, • S x T = { (s,t) | s ϵS ˄tϵT}. Examples: • S = {1,2} and T = {a,b,c} • S x T = { (1,a), (1,b), (1,c), (2,a), (2,b), (2,c)} • T x S = { (a,1), (a, 2), (b,1), (b,2), (c,1), (c,2) } • Is S x T ≠ T x S!!!!
  • 37. Cardinality of a Cartesian Product 37 • |S x T| = |S| * |T|. |A|=2 |P(A)|=4 Example: • A= {roll, name} • B ={m1, m2} • A x B= {(roll, m1),(roll, m2) (name, m1),(name, m2)} • |A x B| = 4 • |A|=2, |B|=2 → |A| |B|= 4
  • 38. Relation as a subset of a Cartesian Product 38 A= {roll, name} • B ={m1, m2} • A x B= {(roll, m1),(roll, m2) (name, m1),(name, m2)} R1={(roll,m1)} Definition:A subset of the Cartesian productA x B is called a relation from the set A to the set B. roll m1 123 34 124 56 125 67
  • 39. 39 Set Operation Definition: Let A and B be sets. The union of A and B, denoted by A U B, is the set that contains those elements that are in both AandB. • Alternate: A U B = { x |x ϵ A V x ϵ B }. Example: • A = {1,2,3,6} and B = { 2,4,6,9} • A U B = ?
  • 40. 40 Set Operation: Union Definition: Let A and B be sets. The union of A and B, denoted by A U B, is the set that contains those elements that are in both AandB. • Alternate: A U B = { x |x ϵ A V x ϵ B }. Example: • A = {1,2,3,6} and B = { 2,4,6,9} • A U B = { 1,2,3,4,6,9 }
  • 41. Set Operation: Intersection Definition: Let A and B be sets. The intersection of A and B, denoted by A ∩ B, is the set that contains those elements that are in both AandB. • Alternate: A ∩ B = { x |x ϵ A ˄ x ϵ B }. Example: • A = {1,2,3} and B = { 2,4,6,9} • A∩ B = ? 41
  • 42. Set Operation : Intersection Definition: Let A and B be sets. The intersection of A and B, denoted by A ∩ B, is the set that contains those elements that are in both AandB. • Alternate: A ∩ B = { x |x ϵ A ˄ x ϵ B }. Example: • A = {1,3,7} and B = { 2,4,6,9} • A∩ B = ? 42
  • 43. 43 Disjoin Set Definition: Two sets are called disjoint if their intersection is empty. • Alternate:A and B are disjoint if and only if A ∩ B = Ø. Example: • A={1,2,3,6} B={4,7,8} Are these disjoint?
  • 44. 44 Disjoin Set Definition: Two sets are called disjoint if their intersection is empty. • Alternate:A and B are disjoint if and only if A ∩ B = Ø. Example: • A={1,2,3,6} B={4,7,8} Are these disjoint? • Yes. • A ∩ B = Ø
  • 45. 45 Cardinality of set union Cardinality of the set union. • |AU B| = |A| + |B| - |A ∩ B| Why this formula? A={1,2,3,4} B={5,6} A={1,2,3,4} B={3,4, 5,6} |AU B| = = |A| + |B| - |A ∩ B| = 4 + 4 - 2 |AU B| = |A|+|B| - |A ∩ B| = 4+2-0
  • 46. 46 Cardinality of set union Cardinality of the set union. • |AU B| = |A| + |B| - |A ∩ B| Why this formula? Correct for an over-count. A = {1,2,3,6} and B = { 2,4,6,9} • A U B = { 1,2,3,4,6,9 } |AU B| = |A| + |B| - |A∩ B| = 4+4-2 =6
  • 47. 47 Set Difference Example: A= {1,2,3,5,7} B ={1,5,6,8} • A - B = ? Definition: Let A and B be sets. The difference of A and B, denoted by A - B, is the set containing those elements that are in but not in B. The difference of A and B is also called the complement of B with respect toA. •Alternate: A B {x | x A x B}
  • 48. 48 Set Difference Example: A= {1,2,3,5,7} B ={1,5,6,8} • A - B ={2,3,7} Definition: Let A and B be sets. The difference of A and B, denoted by A - B, is the set containing those elements that are in but not in B. The difference of A and B is also called the complement of B with respect toA. •Alternate: A B {x | x A x B}
  • 49. Let A = {a, b, c, d, e} and B = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h}. Find a) A ∪B. b) B − A. 49 Problem
  • 50. Let A = {a, b, c, d, e} and B = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h}. Find a) A ∪B. b) B − A. a) A ∪ B = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h} 50 Problem
  • 51. Let A = {a, b, c, d, e} and B = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h}. Find a) A ∪B. b) B − A. a) A ∪ B = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h} = B b) B – A = {f, g,h} A – B = {} 51 Problem
  • 52. 52 Complement of a Set Definition: Let U be the universal set: the set of all objects under the consideration. Definition: The complement of the set A, denoted by Ã, is the complement of A with respect toU. • Alternate:Alternate: Example: U={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} A={1,3,5} • Ã=? A {x | x A}
  • 53. 53 Complement of a Set Definition: Let U be the universal set: the set of all objects under the consideration. Definition: The complement of the set A, denoted by Ã, is the complement of A with respect toU. • Alternate:Alternate: Example: U={1,2,3,4,5} A={1,3,5} • Ã={2,4} A {x | x A}
  • 54. 54 Generalized union Example: i • Let A= {1,2,...,i} i =1,2,...,n Definition: The union of a collection of sets is the set that contains those elements that are members of at least oneset in the collection. n Ai  {A1  A2  . . .  An } i  1 n i  1 A i  { 1 , 2 , . . . , n } A1 = {1} A2= {1,2} A3= {1,2,3} ………….. ………….. An ={1,2,3,4,...,n}
  • 55. 55 Generalized intersection • Let Ai= {1,2,...,i} i =1,2,...,n Definition: The intersection of a collection of sets is the set that contains those elements that are members of all setsin the collection. n Ai  {A1  A2  . . .  An } i  1 Example: n i  1 A i  { 1 } A1 = {1} A2= {1,2} A3= {1,2,3} ………….. ………….. An ={1,2,3,4,...,n}
  • 56. 56 Computer representation of set How to represent sets in the computer? • One solution: Data structures like a list •A better solution: Assign a bit in a bit string to each element in the universal set and set the bit to 1 if the element is present otherwise use 0 Example: All possible elements: U={1 2 3 4 5} = {00000} • AssumeA={2,5} – Computer representation: A =01001 • Assume B={1,5} – Computer representation: B = 10001
  • 57. 57 Computer representation of set Example: • A = 01001 • B = 10001 • The union is modeled with a bitwise or •A U B = 11001 A-B ={01000} B-A = {10000} • The intersection is modeled with a bitwise and • A ∩ B = 00001 • The complement is modeled with a bitwisenegation • Ã =10110