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Forms of Igneous Rocks
Lavas are extrusive forms of molten
magma which have been poured out
on the surface of the earth.
Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
Md. Yousuf Gazi
Department of Geology
University of Dhaka
Forms of Igneous Rocks
A. Extrusive Igneous Forms
Volcanic or extrusive igneous
rocks form when molten elements
erupt from Earth's interior through a
volcanic vent or fissure and cool
rapidly at the surface
B. Intrusive Igneous Forms
Intrusive igneous rock is formed from
solidified magma below the surface of
the Earth.
Is naturally occurring molten
mobile rock material generated
within the earth.
Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
Extrusive Igneous Forms Intrusive Igneous Forms
Lava Flow
Agglomerate Lapilli Volcanic Tuff
Concordant Others
Sills Laccoliths Lopoliths Phacoliths
Multiples IntrusionChonoliths
Dyke BatholithsVolcanic PipeVolcanic NeckRing Dykes
Forms of Igneous Rocks
Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
 Emitted from individual
cones like volcano or from
 Form tabular bodies, wide
 Form of lava flow depends
on fluidity of magma i.e.
composition, temperature
of eruption, viscosity.
Lava Flows
Extrusive Igneous Forms
Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
Pyroclastic Deposits
Intermittently explosive action that
takes places in volcanic eruption
produced fragmental type of igneous
3.Volcanic Tuff/Volcanic Ash
Extrusive Igneous Forms
Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
The fragments of rock associated with lava
flow that are ejected during explosive
volcanic eruptions and distributed in and
around the creator.
Extrusive Igneous Forms
Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
The small fragments between the size of walnut
and pea(2 inch-64mm diameter), which are
ejected to a greater distance than the larger
Extrusive Igneous Forms
Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
Volcanic Tuff
The finest of all, the volcanic dusts, ash or sands
may be deposited near the volcano or over the
surrounding country.
Extrusive Igneous Forms
Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
Intrusive Igneous Forms
Two main types are distinguished
1. Concordant
 The injected strata remain more or less horizontal or
parallel to the country rocks over wide area. Example:
Sill, Laccoliths, Lopoliths etc.
2. Discordant
 Cut across the bedding of the rocks in which they intrude
 Vertical to steeply inclined and sheet like body (extensive
in lateral dimension)
 Thickness vary widely from an inch up to hundred of feet
 Injected through fractures, joints, and weak planes
Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
Relatively thin tabular sheets of
 Paralleled along approximately
horizontal bedding
 Sills spread to a distance
dependent on the hydrostatic force,
their temperature, degree of
fluidity and weight of the block of
Intrusive Igneous Forms
Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
 Flat bottom and convex upward
dome shaped igneous body
 When viscous magma is injected
rapidly along the bedding, as it cannot
spreads it pushes up the overlying
layers and keep on piling up.
 It causes folding of the overlying rock
Intrusive Igneous Forms
Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
 These are basin or saucer shaped
concordant bodies with top nearly flat and
convex bottom.
 These are very huge body with diameter 150
miles(app). (Duluth Gabbro Mass, Minnesota,
Intrusive Igneous Forms
Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
 These are concordant bodies that
occurs along the crests and troughs of
the folded sedimentary strata.
 In folding, the crest and trough are
regions of weakness and tension,
magma often intruded into these
trough and crest.
Intrusive Igneous Forms
Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
 Intrusion of magma into more or less vertical
fissures i.e. joints, fractures, faults.
 Cut across the bedding or other structures.
 Narrow, elongated, parallel sided wall of igneous
 Thickness may vary from 1 inch to hundreds of
feet and length may few yards to many miles.
Intrusive Igneous Forms
Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
Ring dykes form a cylinder around a subsided
block of country rock, filling the ring-shaped
fracture with magma.
Ring Dyke
Intrusive Igneous Forms
Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
These are the igneous masses which seal up the vents of ancient volcanoes. A volcanic neck forms inside a
volcano when the heat and pressure from below are reduced so that the magma inside the volcano's vent
solidifies. Over a period of a few hundred thousand years, the surrounding softer rock erodes away,
leaving the volcanic neck standing alone. (Shiprock Volcanic Neck, New Mexico, USA)
Volcanic Neck
Intrusive Igneous Forms
Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
A vertical conduit below
a volcano through which
magma has passed and
that has become filled
with solidified magma,
volcanic breccia, and
fragments of older rock.
Volcanic Pipe
Intrusive Igneous Forms
Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
Batholiths are the largest bodies of Igneous rock,
irregular in shape and occupies large area. Their
occurrence is commonly associated with the
mountain-building process. These are either
granites or granodiorites in composition(Sierra
Nevada Batholoiths, USA)
Stocks are irregular masses of batholiths habit of
smaller dimension.
Intrusive Igneous Forms
Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
Others Intrusive Igneous Forms
1. Chonoliths
This term is applied to all other intrusive igneous
bodies with irregular shape, i.e. the body with no
specific shape.
2. Multiple Intrusion
When a magma of a uniform composition has been
injected along a single channel in two or more
successive pulses, the result is a multiple intrusion.
3. Composite Intrusion
A dike or sill composed of two or more varieties of
igneous rock presumably resulting from successive
Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
Label the Diagram
Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)

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Forms of igneous rocks

  • 1. Forms of Igneous Rocks Lavas are extrusive forms of molten magma which have been poured out on the surface of the earth. Lava Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd) Md. Yousuf Gazi Lecturer Department of Geology University of Dhaka
  • 2. Forms of Igneous Rocks A. Extrusive Igneous Forms Volcanic or extrusive igneous rocks form when molten elements erupt from Earth's interior through a volcanic vent or fissure and cool rapidly at the surface B. Intrusive Igneous Forms Intrusive igneous rock is formed from solidified magma below the surface of the Earth. Magma Is naturally occurring molten mobile rock material generated within the earth. Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
  • 3. Extrusive Igneous Forms Intrusive Igneous Forms Pyroclastic Deposits Lava Flow Agglomerate Lapilli Volcanic Tuff Concordant Others Sills Laccoliths Lopoliths Phacoliths Composite Intrusion Multiples IntrusionChonoliths Disconcordant Dyke BatholithsVolcanic PipeVolcanic NeckRing Dykes Forms of Igneous Rocks Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
  • 4.  Emitted from individual cones like volcano or from fissures  Form tabular bodies, wide extent  Form of lava flow depends on fluidity of magma i.e. composition, temperature of eruption, viscosity. Lava Flows Extrusive Igneous Forms Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
  • 5. Pyroclastic Deposits Intermittently explosive action that takes places in volcanic eruption produced fragmental type of igneous material. 1.Agglomerate 2.Lapilli 3.Volcanic Tuff/Volcanic Ash Extrusive Igneous Forms Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
  • 6. Agglomerate The fragments of rock associated with lava flow that are ejected during explosive volcanic eruptions and distributed in and around the creator. Extrusive Igneous Forms Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
  • 7. Lapilli The small fragments between the size of walnut and pea(2 inch-64mm diameter), which are ejected to a greater distance than the larger agglomerate. Extrusive Igneous Forms Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
  • 8. Volcanic Tuff The finest of all, the volcanic dusts, ash or sands may be deposited near the volcano or over the surrounding country. Extrusive Igneous Forms Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
  • 9. Intrusive Igneous Forms Two main types are distinguished 1. Concordant  The injected strata remain more or less horizontal or parallel to the country rocks over wide area. Example: Sill, Laccoliths, Lopoliths etc. 2. Discordant  Cut across the bedding of the rocks in which they intrude  Vertical to steeply inclined and sheet like body (extensive in lateral dimension)  Thickness vary widely from an inch up to hundred of feet  Injected through fractures, joints, and weak planes Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
  • 10. Relatively thin tabular sheets of magma  Paralleled along approximately horizontal bedding  Sills spread to a distance dependent on the hydrostatic force, their temperature, degree of fluidity and weight of the block of strata. Sills Intrusive Igneous Forms Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
  • 11.  Flat bottom and convex upward dome shaped igneous body  When viscous magma is injected rapidly along the bedding, as it cannot spreads it pushes up the overlying layers and keep on piling up.  It causes folding of the overlying rock layers Laccoliths Intrusive Igneous Forms Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
  • 12.  These are basin or saucer shaped concordant bodies with top nearly flat and convex bottom.  These are very huge body with diameter 150 miles(app). (Duluth Gabbro Mass, Minnesota, USA). Lopoliths Intrusive Igneous Forms Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
  • 13.  These are concordant bodies that occurs along the crests and troughs of the folded sedimentary strata.  In folding, the crest and trough are regions of weakness and tension, magma often intruded into these trough and crest. Phacoliths Intrusive Igneous Forms Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
  • 14.  Intrusion of magma into more or less vertical fissures i.e. joints, fractures, faults.  Cut across the bedding or other structures.  Narrow, elongated, parallel sided wall of igneous rock.  Thickness may vary from 1 inch to hundreds of feet and length may few yards to many miles. Dyke Intrusive Igneous Forms Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
  • 15. Ring dykes form a cylinder around a subsided block of country rock, filling the ring-shaped fracture with magma. Ring Dyke Intrusive Igneous Forms Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
  • 16. These are the igneous masses which seal up the vents of ancient volcanoes. A volcanic neck forms inside a volcano when the heat and pressure from below are reduced so that the magma inside the volcano's vent solidifies. Over a period of a few hundred thousand years, the surrounding softer rock erodes away, leaving the volcanic neck standing alone. (Shiprock Volcanic Neck, New Mexico, USA) Volcanic Neck Intrusive Igneous Forms Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
  • 17. A vertical conduit below a volcano through which magma has passed and that has become filled with solidified magma, volcanic breccia, and fragments of older rock. Volcanic Pipe Intrusive Igneous Forms Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
  • 18. Batholiths are the largest bodies of Igneous rock, irregular in shape and occupies large area. Their occurrence is commonly associated with the mountain-building process. These are either granites or granodiorites in composition(Sierra Nevada Batholoiths, USA) Batholiths Stocks Stocks are irregular masses of batholiths habit of smaller dimension. Intrusive Igneous Forms Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
  • 19. Others Intrusive Igneous Forms 1. Chonoliths This term is applied to all other intrusive igneous bodies with irregular shape, i.e. the body with no specific shape. 2. Multiple Intrusion When a magma of a uniform composition has been injected along a single channel in two or more successive pulses, the result is a multiple intrusion. 3. Composite Intrusion A dike or sill composed of two or more varieties of igneous rock presumably resulting from successive injections. Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)
  • 20. Label the Diagram Md. Yousuf Gazi, Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka (yousuf.geo@du.ac.bd)