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Using Project Reviews
to Your (Learning) Advantage

        Tim Kotnour, PhD
        Catherine Vergopia
    University of Central Florida
          February, 2007
We’ll Share a Conversation
                  about Learning-Based Project Reviews.

      Intent                                                    Agenda

      •    Share a concept of “learning based                   •   Why is learning important to projects?
           project review”                                            –   Success rates
             –   Descriptive, not prescriptive
                                                                •   Who are we learning with?
      •    Begin a conversation                                       –   CPRM, LSP/KSC, GSFC

      •    Use this session to develop strategies               •   What is guiding us?
           to make project reviews more                               –   Assumptions
                                                                •   What can we learn together today?
      •    Rethink about our project review and                       –   Questions
           learning practices
                                                                •   What can we do to improve our
      •    Invite you to be part of the                             reviews?
           conversation                                               –   Improvement process

      •    Working session                                      •   How can you participate?
                                                                      –   Think about and share reflections

                                                 TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007                                   2
© 2006 Kotnour
Why is this Work Important? Project Success Rates

                            1994             1996               1998               2000

         Succeeded          16%              27%                26%                 28%

         Failed             31%              40%                28%                 23%

         Challenged         53%              33%                46%                 49%

                                                        Standish Group’s Chaos Studies (Johnson, 2001)

                      The questions become:
                      • Why are we so challenged?
                      • How can we become better?

                                TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007                                               3
© 2006 Kotnour
Why is this Work Important? Lessons Learned
                                                                                 Percent of Project

      What do you produce a lesson learned about?
         Tasks that failed to meet expectations or minor adjustments/problems          40%
         Tasks that met expectations                                                   36%
         Tasks that had major problems                                                 62%

      If you produce a lesson learned, when do you produce a lesson
         Throughout the project as the opportunity arises                              31%
         Throughout the project at regular review meetings                             26%
         At the end of the project                                                     69%

      How do you know what to produce a lesson learned about?
         Compare the actual results with the original or baseline plan for all         43%
         The things they remember                                                      45%
      (Kotnour, 1999)

                                               TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007                             4
© 2006 Kotnour
Why is this Work Important?
                 Learning is More than Lessons Learned
      •    Premise:
            – Recognize the importance and value of lessons learned
            – Projects are already learning (mission success shows this)—just raising
              awareness, appreciation, and viewing from a different perspective

      •    How can we help the project team learn better?
            – Why do we build lessons learned primarily at the end?
               • What are we missing along the way?
               • Are we learning too late?
               • Why do we view lessons learned as an extra expense at the end of
                  the project?
            – Why do we view lessons learned as a formal process?
               • How does this view restrict our thinking and impact?
            – How can we view our existing processes and tools from a learning

                       How do we make learning an everyday occurrence?

                                     TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007                         5
© 2006 Kotnour
We’ll Share a Conversation
                  about Learning-Based Project Reviews.

      Intent                                                    Agenda

      •    Share a concept of “learning based                   •   Why is learning important to projects?
           project review”                                            –   Success rates
             –   Descriptive, not prescriptive
                                                                •   Who are we learning with?
      •    Begin a conversation                                       –   CPRM, LSP/KSC, GSFC

      •    Use this session to develop strategies               •   What is guiding us?
           to make project reviews more                               –   Assumptions
                                                                •   What can we learn together today?
      •    Rethink about our project review and                       –   Questions
           learning practices
                                                                •   What can we do to improve our
      •    Invite you to be part of the                             reviews?
           conversation                                               –   Improvement process

      •    Working session                                      •   How can you participate?
                                                                      –   Think about and share reflections

                                                 TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007                                   6
© 2006 Kotnour
We Are Partnering with NASA to Develop New Ideas.

      • NASA Center for Program/Project Management
      • Launch Services Program—KSC

      • GSFC

                       TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007      7
© 2006 Kotnour
NASA/USRA’s Center for
                      Program/Project Management Research
                            Supported this Research.

   •    Purpose:
          – Engage universities in world-class research that
            addresses significant problems in the discipline of
            Program/Project Management – with emphasis on
            NASA’s aeronautics and space program challenges

   •    Objectives:
          – Exercise leadership to significantly advance the state
            of knowledge of program and project management
          – Develop a cadre of professionals to conduct world-
            class research and serve as a major resource for
            project management knowledge
          – Improve collaboration and data exchange between
            project management professionals
          – Facilitate hands-on project management training and
            developmental opportunities
          – Provide an atmosphere for open examination of
            innovative program and project management
          – Promote the direct application of CPMR research to
            real NASA program and project management
                                             TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007   8
© 2006 Kotnour
We’ll Share a Conversation
                  about Learning-Based Project Reviews.

      Intent                                                    Agenda

      •    Share a concept of “learning based                   •   Why is learning important to projects?
           project review”                                            –   Success rates
             –   Descriptive, not prescriptive
                                                                •   Who are we learning with?
      •    Begin a conversation                                       –   CPRM, LSP/KSC, GSFC

      •    Use this session to develop strategies               •   What is guiding us?
           to make project reviews more                               –   Assumptions
                                                                •   What can we learn together today?
      •    Rethink about our project review and                       –   Questions
           learning practices
                                                                •   What can we do to improve our
      •    Invite you to be part of the                             reviews?
           conversation                                               –   Improvement process

      •    Working session                                      •   How can you participate?
                                                                      –   Think about and share reflections

                                                 TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007                                   9
© 2006 Kotnour
We’re Understanding How
                 to Make Learning within Reviews Routine.

                        PBLR                                       Project, and

                                     TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007                    10
© 2006 Kotnour
      1.         We learn through out a project.

      2.         Reviews are connected to the project delivery process.

      3.         Reviews helps us learn about different things.

      4.         Reviews provide many benefits.

      5.         We move from one level of learning to the next based on performance.

      6.         Reviews must be aligned to desired learning.

      7.         Formal reviews are a vital part of the process.

      8.         The right questions drive the right conversations and reviews.

                                          TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007                    11
© 2006 Kotnour
Assumption 1: We Learn Throughout a Project.


                                   Act   Project 1                Do           Act       Intra    Do

                                                                                     to Project 1

                 Sharing Process              Set of
                                         Lessons Learned               Plan

                                                      Act         Project 2             Do

                                          TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007   Study                           12
© 2006 Kotnour
Assumption 2: Reviews are Connected
                       to the Project Delivery Process.
           PDSA as a Project
           P     D                                                                                    S   A

                    A                   B                 C                    D                  E

         PDSA as a Time frame within a Phase                                PDSA as a Phase
         P   D     S     A                                                  P    D      S     A

                                  Types of Reviews
                                  1. Initial review to determine if able to proceed
                                  2. Phase gate
                                  3. End of project—post mortem
                                  4. Structured learning
                                  5. Routine (e.g., weekly internal project review)
                                  6. Routine (e.g., monthly external project review)

                                                  TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007                                  13
© 2006 Kotnour
Assumption 3: Reviews Helps us
                                 Learn about Different Things.
    Level of                                                         Project Status &         Project Procedure
                 Process Consistency          Project Status                                                               Procedure
    Review                                                             Challenges               Improvement

                 • Process review           • Status                • Status and control      • Improve current        • Improve the
                 • Understand how well      • Understand the        • Makes changes to          project practices        organizations core
                   project is meeting         project status          project tasks,                                     processes,
                   process requirements     • Share facts about       schedule, resources                                capabilities, and
  Description                                 the project           • Adjust the project to                              tools
                                            • Gather good news        evolving
                                              and “bad” news          circumstances
                                                                    • Focus on managing
                                                                      by exception
                 • Identifies process       • Preparation readies   • Drives out areas to     • Change practices,      • Change practices,
                   gaps to improve within     team for learning       focus on                  processes, and tools     processes, and
                   the project                and provides data                                 within the project       tools within the
                 • Drives consistency         for higher-level                                                           organization—
                                              learning                                                                   across all projects

                 • Checklists               • Formal monthly        • Formal monthly          • Risk management        • Risk management
                                              project reviews         project reviews and     • Engineering review     • Engineering review
                                                                      the resulting             boards                   boards
                                                                      working groups          • Working groups         • Working groups
   Processes                                                                                  • Informal monthly       • Ad hoc lesson
   and Tools                                                                                    management               learned sessions
                                                                                                review—focus on
                                                                                                understanding and

                                                        TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007                                                             14
© 2006 Kotnour
Assumption 4: Reviews Provide Many Benefits.

 Review Process    Direct Outputs                  Direct Outcomes              Long-Term Outcomes
  • Pre-Meeting     • Project status                • Pull the project team      • Increase project
  • Meeting         • Project scope                   together                     success
  • Post-Meeting    • Questions                     • Tie up loose ends          • Increase P( project
                    • Issues                        • Share status                 success)
                    • RFAs                          • Identify issues            • Increase confidence
                                                    • Work issues                • Increase consistency
                                                    • Identify process issues      of practice to accepted
                                                    • Assess goodness of         • Increase focus on
                                                      approaches and               important issues
                                                    • Identify any issues

                                                    • Demonstrate have the
                                                      people, process, and
                                                      tools to be successful

                                                    • Decrease risk
                                                    • Changes to next
                                                    • Impact

                                   TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007                                                15
© 2006 Kotnour
Assumption 5: We Move from One Level
          of Learning to the Next Based on Performance.

                         Status &                           Project           Organizational
    Status       Gap?                      Gap?                        Gap?
                        Challenges                        Procedures           Procedures

                                 TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007                                16
© 2006 Kotnour
Assumption 6: Reviews must be
                           Aligned to Desired Learning.
          Learning Role                                                       Project     Organizational
                           Process                       Project Status &
                                        Project Status                       Procedure      Procedure
                          Consistency                      Challenges
  Review Type                                                               Improvement   Improvement

  Initial review to
  determine if ready to

  End of phase/gate

  End of project—post

  Structured Learning

  Routine (weekly,
  monthly internal
  project review)

  Routine (weekly,
  monthly external
  project review)

                                         TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007                                        17
© 2006 Kotnour
Example: Nature of Conversations

                                      Technical                     Systems Engineering                 Project Management
                           Presenter                           Presenter                           Presenter
                           • What is the technical             • What are the requirements?        • What are the cost, schedule
                              approach?                                                               requirements?
                           • What are the technical                                                • Who is the team?
                           • What are the technical risks?

                           Panel Questions                     Panel Questions                     Panel Questions
                           • How well is the technical         • How well are the                  • How well is the project plan
                              approach?                           requirements defined?               defined?
                           • What are the risks with the       • What are the risks with the       • What are the risks with the
                              technical approach?                 requirements?                       project plan?
                           Presenter                           Presenter                           Presenter
                           • How will it be designed, built,   • How will the requirements be      • How will the project be
                              integrated, and tested?             identified, allocated, traced,      managed?
                                                                  verified, and validated?

                 Process   Panel Questions                     Panel Questions                     Panel Questions
                           • How well is the process?          • How well is the systems           • How well is the project
                           • What are the risks with the          engineering process?                management process?
                                                               • What are the risks with the       • What are the risks for the
                                                                  systems engineering                 project management
                                                                  approach?                           approach?

                                                     TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007                                                     18
© 2006 Kotnour
Example: Nature of Conversations

                                      Systems                Project     Safety & Mission
                        Technical     Engineering           Management       Assurance

             Content      414           106                      40            13

            Process        52            12                      6             14

                                    TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007                              19
© 2006 Kotnour
Assumption 7: Formal Reviews
                       are a Vital Part of the Process.

      •    Formal reviews are needed because the day-to-day life of the
           project team creates a focus on
             – Problem solving, crisis, or risk management focus
             – The next milestone
             – Individual components

      •    Formal reviews are
             – A conversation with people
             – A meeting
             – A needed opportunity for the project team to step back and see the big

      •    Formal reviews create an environment to focus on
             – Seeing the big picture
             – Gaining new perspectives
             – Systemic issues and challenges in process and approach

                                      TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007                        20
© 2006 Kotnour
Assumption 8: The Right Questions
                 Drive the Right Conversations and Reviews.

  Questions           Conversation        Information             Decisions      Actions

                                                                              • No changes
                                                                              • Changes to the
                                                                              • Changes to
                                                                              • Changes to

                                     TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007                              21
© 2006 Kotnour
We’ll Share a Conversation
                  about Learning-Based Project Reviews.

      Intent                                                    Agenda

      •    Share a concept of “learning based                   •   Why is learning important to projects?
           project review”                                            –   Success rates
             –   Descriptive, not prescriptive
                                                                •   Who are we learning with?
      •    Begin a conversation                                       –   CPRM, LSP/KSC, GSFC

      •    Use this session to develop strategies               •   What is guiding us?
           to make project reviews more                               –   Assumptions
                                                                •   What can we learn together today?
      •    Rethink about our project review and                       –   Questions
           learning practices
                                                                •   What can we do to improve our
      •    Invite you to be part of the                             reviews?
           conversation                                               –   Improvement process

      •    Working session                                      •   How can you participate?
                                                                      –   Think about and share reflections

                                                 TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007                                   22
© 2006 Kotnour
What questions do we need to ask?
            Level of                                                          Project     Organizational
                          Process                        Project Status &
             Review                    Project Status                        Procedure      Procedure
                         Consistency                       Challenges
   Type of Review                                                           Improvement   Improvement

    “Initiate” Review

       Phase Gate



   Routine (Weekly,
   Monthly) Internal

   Routine (Weekly,

                                           TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007                                      23
© 2006 Kotnour
We’ll Share a Conversation
                  about Learning-Based Project Reviews.

      Intent                                                    Agenda

      •    Share a concept of “learning based                   •   Why is learning important to projects?
           project review”                                            –   Success rates
             –   Descriptive, not prescriptive
                                                                •   Who are we learning with?
      •    Begin a conversation                                       –   CPRM, LSP/KSC, GSFC

      •    Use this session to develop strategies               •   What is guiding us?
           to make project reviews more                               –   Assumptions
                                                                •   What can we learn together today?
      •    Rethink about our project review and                       –   Questions
           learning practices
                                                                •   What can we do to improve our
      •    Invite you to be part of the                             reviews?
           conversation                                               –   Improvement process

      •    Working session                                      •   How can you participate?
                                                                      –   Think about and share reflections

                                                 TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007                                   24
© 2006 Kotnour
Process to Improve the Review Process

                                                            Define organizational context

                   Understand                                       Understand
                                           Understand                                       Decide where    Set priorities on
                  current level of                                  enablers &                                                  Define actions to
 Define reviews                          current maturity                                     want/need       reviews to
                    learning in                                     barriers to                                                 change reviews
                                         level in reviews                                   reviews to be       improve
                      reviews                                        reviews

                                 Cross-cutting change management (leadership, involvement, specific sessions)

                                                        TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007                                                              25
© 2006 Kotnour
The Reviews are a “System of Learning”.
        Review Activities

                                                          Review                Review                   Review                Review                Review

                                             Review                Review                  Review                 Review                Review

                                                 Review                Review                 Review                  Review                Review

                                        Review                Review                Review                   Review                Review

                          Review             Review                Review                  Review                 Review

                                                                                Individual Experiences

                               Before                                                    During                                                         After

                        We need to understand how to better connect reviews and learning.
                                                                                TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007                                                      26
© 2006 Kotnour
Tools to Use to Improve the Review Process.
                                                                                                                                                                    Tool: Overall Review Assessment
                                                                                                                                                                             Review performance = (Type) (Focus) x (Practices) x (Maturity Level) x (Learning Level)

                                                                                                                                                                                  Type            Focus          Practices            Maturity       Learning            Gap
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Level          Level
                                                                                                                                                            Review 1

                                                                                                                                                            Review 2

                                                                                                                                                            Review n


                                                                                                                                                                                                          LBPR_Phase_II_Products_v3                                            40

        Tool: Review “Type” Assessment                                            Tool: Review “Focus” Assessment                                               Tool: Review “Practices” Assessment                                                                                  Tool: Review “Learning Level” Assessment                                                            Tool: Review “Maturity Level” Assessment
                                                                                                                                                         Characteristics   Logistics        Managerial         Human                  Knowledge    Culture             Gaps
                                                                                                                                                                 Focus                      Buy-in             Dynamics               Sharing                                               Learning   Level 1   Level 2        Level 3           Level 4          Summary   Gaps             Maturity   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3        Level 4      Level 5   Summary   Gaps
            Initial   Routine         Phase/Gate   Post-Mortem   Gap                    Systems      Technical         Project     ?   Gap                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Level
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Level   Status    Status &       Team              Organizational
                                                                                       Engineering                   Management                          Review                                                                                                                                                  Problem        Practices         Practices
 Review 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Solving                                                                  Review
                                                                            Review 1                                                                     Review 1                                                                                                                    Review
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Review 1                                                                                             Review 1
 Review 2
                                                                            Review 2
                                                                                                                                                         Review 2
 Review n                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Review 2                                                                                             Review 2
                                                                            Review n




                       LBPR_Phase_II_Products_v3                       41                              LBPR_Phase_II_Products_v3             42                                                           LBPR_Phase_II_Products_v3                                            44                                           LBPR_Phase_II_Products_v3                               45                                       LBPR_Phase_II_Products_v3                              47

                                                                                                                                                           Tool: Individual Review Description
                                                                                                                                                    Question                                                            Response
                                                                                                                                                    What is the review?

                                                                                                                                                    How is the review conducted?

                                                                                                                                                    What is the trigger event for the review?

                                                                                                                                                    How are the results shared?

                                                                                                                                                    What part of the life-cycle is the review associated with?

                                                                                                                                                    What is the intent of the review (status, problem solving,
                                                                                                                                                    team practices, organizational practices)?
                                                                                                                                                    What is the focus (systems engineering, technical, project
                                                                                                                                                    What are the enablers and barriers?

                                                                                                                                                    What is the review performance?

                                                                                                                                                    Who participates in review process?

                                                                                                                                                    When is review process conducted?

                                                                                                                                                    What tools are used?

                                                                                                                                                    What products are used?

                                                                                                                                                    What is the level of review?


                                                                                                                                                  TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        27
© 2006 Kotnour
We’ll Share a Conversation
                  about Learning-Based Project Reviews.

      Intent                                                    Agenda

      •    Share a concept of “learning based                   •   Why is learning important to projects?
           project review”                                            –   Success rates
             –   Descriptive, not prescriptive
                                                                •   Who are we learning with?
      •    Begin a conversation                                       –   CPRM, LSP/KSC, GSFC

      •    Use this session to develop strategies               •   What is guiding us?
           to make project reviews more                               –   Assumptions
                                                                •   What can we learn together today?
      •    Rethink about our project review and                       –   Questions
           learning practices
                                                                •   What can we do to improve our
      •    Invite you to be part of the                             reviews?
           conversation                                               –   Improvement process

      •    Working session                                      •   How can you participate?
                                                                      –   Think about and share reflections

                                                 TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007                                   28
© 2006 Kotnour
Questions to Leave With

      • How do we now learn in our projects?
      • What energy are we devoting to learning?
      • How well are we managing our enablers and barriers to

      • What do we need to start, stop, continue doing to drive
        learning in our projects?

                            TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007            29
© 2006 Kotnour
You are Invited to Participate!

      •    Why
             – Help improve the ideas
             – Help improve NASA

      •    What
             –   Share observations
             –   Share processes and tools you use
             –   Share names of people with “best practices”
             –   Participate in on-line survey

      •    How
             – Contact me
             – 407-823-5645
             – tkotnour@mail.ucf.edu

                                        TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007   30
© 2006 Kotnour

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  • 1. Using Project Reviews to Your (Learning) Advantage Tim Kotnour, PhD Catherine Vergopia University of Central Florida February, 2007
  • 2. We’ll Share a Conversation about Learning-Based Project Reviews. Intent Agenda • Share a concept of “learning based • Why is learning important to projects? project review” – Success rates – Descriptive, not prescriptive • Who are we learning with? • Begin a conversation – CPRM, LSP/KSC, GSFC • Use this session to develop strategies • What is guiding us? to make project reviews more – Assumptions productive • What can we learn together today? • Rethink about our project review and – Questions learning practices • What can we do to improve our • Invite you to be part of the reviews? conversation – Improvement process • Working session • How can you participate? – Think about and share reflections TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007 2 © 2006 Kotnour
  • 3. Why is this Work Important? Project Success Rates 1994 1996 1998 2000 Succeeded 16% 27% 26% 28% Failed 31% 40% 28% 23% Challenged 53% 33% 46% 49% Standish Group’s Chaos Studies (Johnson, 2001) The questions become: • Why are we so challenged? • How can we become better? TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007 3 © 2006 Kotnour
  • 4. Why is this Work Important? Lessons Learned Percent of Project Managers What do you produce a lesson learned about? Tasks that failed to meet expectations or minor adjustments/problems 40% Tasks that met expectations 36% Tasks that had major problems 62% If you produce a lesson learned, when do you produce a lesson learned? Throughout the project as the opportunity arises 31% Throughout the project at regular review meetings 26% At the end of the project 69% How do you know what to produce a lesson learned about? Compare the actual results with the original or baseline plan for all 43% tasks The things they remember 45% (Kotnour, 1999) TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007 4 © 2006 Kotnour
  • 5. Why is this Work Important? Learning is More than Lessons Learned • Premise: – Recognize the importance and value of lessons learned – Projects are already learning (mission success shows this)—just raising awareness, appreciation, and viewing from a different perspective • How can we help the project team learn better? – Why do we build lessons learned primarily at the end? • What are we missing along the way? • Are we learning too late? • Why do we view lessons learned as an extra expense at the end of the project? – Why do we view lessons learned as a formal process? • How does this view restrict our thinking and impact? – How can we view our existing processes and tools from a learning perspective? How do we make learning an everyday occurrence? TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007 5 © 2006 Kotnour
  • 6. We’ll Share a Conversation about Learning-Based Project Reviews. Intent Agenda • Share a concept of “learning based • Why is learning important to projects? project review” – Success rates – Descriptive, not prescriptive • Who are we learning with? • Begin a conversation – CPRM, LSP/KSC, GSFC • Use this session to develop strategies • What is guiding us? to make project reviews more – Assumptions productive • What can we learn together today? • Rethink about our project review and – Questions learning practices • What can we do to improve our • Invite you to be part of the reviews? conversation – Improvement process • Working session • How can you participate? – Think about and share reflections TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007 6 © 2006 Kotnour
  • 7. We Are Partnering with NASA to Develop New Ideas. • NASA Center for Program/Project Management Research • Launch Services Program—KSC • GSFC TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007 7 © 2006 Kotnour
  • 8. NASA/USRA’s Center for Program/Project Management Research Supported this Research. • Purpose: – Engage universities in world-class research that addresses significant problems in the discipline of Program/Project Management – with emphasis on NASA’s aeronautics and space program challenges • Objectives: – Exercise leadership to significantly advance the state of knowledge of program and project management – Develop a cadre of professionals to conduct world- class research and serve as a major resource for project management knowledge – Improve collaboration and data exchange between project management professionals – Facilitate hands-on project management training and developmental opportunities – Provide an atmosphere for open examination of innovative program and project management concepts – Promote the direct application of CPMR research to real NASA program and project management challenges TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007 8 © 2006 Kotnour
  • 9. We’ll Share a Conversation about Learning-Based Project Reviews. Intent Agenda • Share a concept of “learning based • Why is learning important to projects? project review” – Success rates – Descriptive, not prescriptive • Who are we learning with? • Begin a conversation – CPRM, LSP/KSC, GSFC • Use this session to develop strategies • What is guiding us? to make project reviews more – Assumptions productive • What can we learn together today? • Rethink about our project review and – Questions learning practices • What can we do to improve our • Invite you to be part of the reviews? conversation – Improvement process • Working session • How can you participate? – Think about and share reflections TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007 9 © 2006 Kotnour
  • 10. We’re Understanding How to Make Learning within Reviews Routine. Organizational Learning Learning, PBLR Project, and Organizational Performance Project Management TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007 10 © 2006 Kotnour
  • 11. Assumptions 1. We learn through out a project. 2. Reviews are connected to the project delivery process. 3. Reviews helps us learn about different things. 4. Reviews provide many benefits. 5. We move from one level of learning to the next based on performance. 6. Reviews must be aligned to desired learning. 7. Formal reviews are a vital part of the process. 8. The right questions drive the right conversations and reviews. TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007 11 © 2006 Kotnour
  • 12. Assumption 1: We Learn Throughout a Project. Plan Plan Act Project 1 Do Act Intra Do to Project 1 Study Study Lessons-Learned Sharing Process Set of Lessons Learned Plan Act Project 2 Do TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007 Study 12 © 2006 Kotnour
  • 13. Assumption 2: Reviews are Connected to the Project Delivery Process. PDSA as a Project P D S A A B C D E PDSA as a Time frame within a Phase PDSA as a Phase P D S A P D S A Types of Reviews 1. Initial review to determine if able to proceed 2. Phase gate 3. End of project—post mortem 4. Structured learning 5. Routine (e.g., weekly internal project review) 6. Routine (e.g., monthly external project review) TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007 13 © 2006 Kotnour
  • 14. Assumption 3: Reviews Helps us Learn about Different Things. Organizational Level of Project Status & Project Procedure Process Consistency Project Status Procedure Review Challenges Improvement Improvement • Process review • Status • Status and control • Improve current • Improve the • Understand how well • Understand the • Makes changes to project practices organizations core project is meeting project status project tasks, processes, process requirements • Share facts about schedule, resources capabilities, and Description the project • Adjust the project to tools • Gather good news evolving and “bad” news circumstances • Focus on managing by exception • Identifies process • Preparation readies • Drives out areas to • Change practices, • Change practices, gaps to improve within team for learning focus on processes, and tools processes, and the project and provides data within the project tools within the Benefit • Drives consistency for higher-level organization— learning across all projects • Checklists • Formal monthly • Formal monthly • Risk management • Risk management project reviews project reviews and • Engineering review • Engineering review the resulting boards boards working groups • Working groups • Working groups Example Processes • Informal monthly • Ad hoc lesson and Tools management learned sessions review—focus on shared understanding and conversation TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007 14 © 2006 Kotnour
  • 15. Assumption 4: Reviews Provide Many Benefits. Review Process Direct Outputs Direct Outcomes Long-Term Outcomes • Pre-Meeting • Project status • Pull the project team • Increase project • Meeting • Project scope together success • Post-Meeting • Questions • Tie up loose ends • Increase P( project • Issues • Share status success) • RFAs • Identify issues • Increase confidence • Work issues • Increase consistency • Identify process issues of practice to accepted procedures/behaviors • Assess goodness of • Increase focus on approaches and important issues processes • Identify any issues • Demonstrate have the people, process, and tools to be successful • Decrease risk • Changes to next phase • Impact TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007 15 © 2006 Kotnour
  • 16. Assumption 5: We Move from One Level of Learning to the Next Based on Performance. Status & Project Organizational Status Gap? Gap? Gap? Challenges Procedures Procedures TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007 16 © 2006 Kotnour
  • 17. Assumption 6: Reviews must be Aligned to Desired Learning. Learning Role Project Organizational Process Project Status & Project Status Procedure Procedure Consistency Challenges Review Type Improvement Improvement Initial review to determine if ready to proceed End of phase/gate End of project—post mortem Structured Learning Routine (weekly, monthly internal project review) Routine (weekly, monthly external project review) TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007 17 © 2006 Kotnour
  • 18. Example: Nature of Conversations Technical Systems Engineering Project Management Presenter Presenter Presenter • What is the technical • What are the requirements? • What are the cost, schedule approach? requirements? • What are the technical • Who is the team? trades? • What are the technical risks? Content Panel Questions Panel Questions Panel Questions • How well is the technical • How well are the • How well is the project plan approach? requirements defined? defined? • What are the risks with the • What are the risks with the • What are the risks with the technical approach? requirements? project plan? Presenter Presenter Presenter • How will it be designed, built, • How will the requirements be • How will the project be integrated, and tested? identified, allocated, traced, managed? verified, and validated? Process Panel Questions Panel Questions Panel Questions • How well is the process? • How well is the systems • How well is the project • What are the risks with the engineering process? management process? • What are the risks with the • What are the risks for the systems engineering project management approach? approach? TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007 18 © 2006 Kotnour
  • 19. Example: Nature of Conversations Systems Project Safety & Mission Technical Engineering Management Assurance Content 414 106 40 13 Process 52 12 6 14 TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007 19 © 2006 Kotnour
  • 20. Assumption 7: Formal Reviews are a Vital Part of the Process. • Formal reviews are needed because the day-to-day life of the project team creates a focus on – Problem solving, crisis, or risk management focus – The next milestone – Individual components • Formal reviews are – A conversation with people – A meeting – A needed opportunity for the project team to step back and see the big picture • Formal reviews create an environment to focus on – Seeing the big picture – Gaining new perspectives – Systemic issues and challenges in process and approach TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007 20 © 2006 Kotnour
  • 21. Assumption 8: The Right Questions Drive the Right Conversations and Reviews. Questions Conversation Information Decisions Actions • No changes • Changes to the project • Changes to project procedures • Changes to organizational procedure TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007 21 © 2006 Kotnour
  • 22. We’ll Share a Conversation about Learning-Based Project Reviews. Intent Agenda • Share a concept of “learning based • Why is learning important to projects? project review” – Success rates – Descriptive, not prescriptive • Who are we learning with? • Begin a conversation – CPRM, LSP/KSC, GSFC • Use this session to develop strategies • What is guiding us? to make project reviews more – Assumptions productive • What can we learn together today? • Rethink about our project review and – Questions learning practices • What can we do to improve our • Invite you to be part of the reviews? conversation – Improvement process • Working session • How can you participate? – Think about and share reflections TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007 22 © 2006 Kotnour
  • 23. What questions do we need to ask? Level of Project Organizational Process Project Status & Review Project Status Procedure Procedure Consistency Challenges Type of Review Improvement Improvement “Initiate” Review Phase Gate Post-Mortem (Lesson Learned) Structured Learning Routine (Weekly, Monthly) Internal Routine (Weekly, Monthly) External TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007 23 © 2006 Kotnour
  • 24. We’ll Share a Conversation about Learning-Based Project Reviews. Intent Agenda • Share a concept of “learning based • Why is learning important to projects? project review” – Success rates – Descriptive, not prescriptive • Who are we learning with? • Begin a conversation – CPRM, LSP/KSC, GSFC • Use this session to develop strategies • What is guiding us? to make project reviews more – Assumptions productive • What can we learn together today? • Rethink about our project review and – Questions learning practices • What can we do to improve our • Invite you to be part of the reviews? conversation – Improvement process • Working session • How can you participate? – Think about and share reflections TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007 24 © 2006 Kotnour
  • 25. Process to Improve the Review Process Define organizational context Understand Understand Understand Decide where Set priorities on current level of enablers & Define actions to Define reviews current maturity want/need reviews to learning in barriers to change reviews level in reviews reviews to be improve reviews reviews Cross-cutting change management (leadership, involvement, specific sessions) TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007 25 © 2006 Kotnour
  • 26. The Reviews are a “System of Learning”. Review Activities Readiness Reviews Launch Review Review Review Review Review Program External Review Review Review Review Review Program Internal Review Review Review Review Review Project Formal Review Review Review Review Review Informal Project Review Review Review Review Review Individual Individual Experiences Before During After We need to understand how to better connect reviews and learning. TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007 26 © 2006 Kotnour
  • 27. Tools to Use to Improve the Review Process. Tool: Overall Review Assessment Review performance = (Type) (Focus) x (Practices) x (Maturity Level) x (Learning Level) Type Focus Practices Maturity Learning Gap Level Level Review 1 Review 2 Review n Gap LBPR_Phase_II_Products_v3 40 Tool: Review “Type” Assessment Tool: Review “Focus” Assessment Tool: Review “Practices” Assessment Tool: Review “Learning Level” Assessment Tool: Review “Maturity Level” Assessment Characteristics Logistics Managerial Human Knowledge Culture Gaps Focus Buy-in Dynamics Sharing Learning Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Summary Gaps Maturity Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Summary Gaps Initial Routine Phase/Gate Post-Mortem Gap Systems Technical Project ? Gap Level Level Status Status & Team Organizational Engineering Management Review Problem Practices Practices Review 1 Solving Review Review 1 Review 1 Review Review 1 Review 1 Review 2 Review 2 Review 2 Review n Review 2 Review 2 Review n Gap Gap Summary Summary Summary Gaps Gaps Gaps LBPR_Phase_II_Products_v3 41 LBPR_Phase_II_Products_v3 42 LBPR_Phase_II_Products_v3 44 LBPR_Phase_II_Products_v3 45 LBPR_Phase_II_Products_v3 47 Tool: Individual Review Description Question Response What is the review? How is the review conducted? What is the trigger event for the review? How are the results shared? What part of the life-cycle is the review associated with? What is the intent of the review (status, problem solving, team practices, organizational practices)? What is the focus (systems engineering, technical, project management)? What are the enablers and barriers? What is the review performance? Who participates in review process? When is review process conducted? What tools are used? What products are used? What is the level of review? 18 TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007 27 © 2006 Kotnour
  • 28. We’ll Share a Conversation about Learning-Based Project Reviews. Intent Agenda • Share a concept of “learning based • Why is learning important to projects? project review” – Success rates – Descriptive, not prescriptive • Who are we learning with? • Begin a conversation – CPRM, LSP/KSC, GSFC • Use this session to develop strategies • What is guiding us? to make project reviews more – Assumptions productive • What can we learn together today? • Rethink about our project review and – Questions learning practices • What can we do to improve our • Invite you to be part of the reviews? conversation – Improvement process • Working session • How can you participate? – Think about and share reflections TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007 28 © 2006 Kotnour
  • 29. Questions to Leave With • How do we now learn in our projects? • What energy are we devoting to learning? • How well are we managing our enablers and barriers to learning? • What do we need to start, stop, continue doing to drive learning in our projects? TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007 29 © 2006 Kotnour
  • 30. You are Invited to Participate! • Why – Help improve the ideas – Help improve NASA • What – Share observations – Share processes and tools you use – Share names of people with “best practices” – Participate in on-line survey • How – Contact me – 407-823-5645 – tkotnour@mail.ucf.edu TK_NASA_PM_Challenges_2007 30 © 2006 Kotnour