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Oral Communication Skills
Table of Contents	How to make a good introductionEssentials of introductionMaking a positive impressionHow to make someone understandHow to understand someoneHandshakingFace-to-face CommunicationSpeaking EtiquetteNon-verbal EtiquetteGrooming, Business Accessories & suitable attire.Your Role as a Company Ambassador
Are you Ready?…..Get…..Set…..Go…………
How to make a good IntroductionLearning The Art of Business Introductions
THE FOUR ESSENTIALSSTAND UP.- Applies to men & women alike. If you are seated, failing to rise could suggest that you think the other person is unimportant.
SMILE AND MAKE EYE CONTACT . Your smiles conveys warmth, openness, and interest in the person you are meeting. Making eye contact shows that you are focused.
STATE YOUR GREETINGS . The direct “How do you do?” or “Hello” have long been regarded as standard. Save “Its so nice (great) to meet you” for those you have heard something positive about.
SHAKE HANDS . A proper hand shake lasts about three seconds; the clasped hands are pumped once or twice and then unclasped, even if the introduction drags on. Leaning in slightly expresses more enthusiasm. Hahaha……that was good……but lets learn the right way
When You are the Introducer    When you have to make an introduction , remember two things :ONE. Offer snippets of information about the people you are introducing ( their professions, perhaps, or where they are from) .
SECOND. State their names in  full.
For example : “Ms. Mehta, this is Aditya Singh our marketing assistant. Aditya, meet Suruchi Mehta, from RIL.”
Your choice of words when making an introduction is flexible. “I would like you to meet…” or “May I introduce….” or any other reasonably gracious phrase you feel comfortable with is fine.GREETINGS AND INTRODUCTIONS§ GreetingsHello, …/ Hi, …Good morning/ afternoon/ evening.Good/ Nice to see you again.I’m glad/ happy/ pleased to see you.How are you? - Fine, thanks. And you?How have you been? - Very well. And you?How are things? - Not too bad, thanks.§ Introductions- Introducing oneselfCan/ May I introduce myself? My name’s Peter.Let me introduce myself. My name’s … .I’d like to introduce myself. I’m … .I don’t think we’ve met. I’m … .Introducing someone elseCan/ May I introduce a good friend of mine? This is … .Have you met … ?I’d like you to meet … .I want you to meet … .
Making contactExcuse me, are you Mrs … ? - Yes, that’s right.Hello, you must be Mrs … .You are Mr …, aren’t you?Have we met?How do you do? - How do you do?Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you, too.Please, call me … . - Then you must call me … .
Good-byesGood bye/ Bye/ I’ll say good bye/ See you later/ See you soon.I must go now.I (really) must be going.I must be off.I’m afraid I’ve got to go.It’s getting (very/ rather) late.I’ll miss my train.They’re calling my flight.I’ve got some things to prepare for … .I’ve got a lot to do this afternoon.I want to get away before the traffic gets too bad.I’ve enjoyed talking to you.It’s been (most) interesting talking to you.It’s been a pleasure meeting you.Thanks for everything.Thank you for (all) your help.Thank you for coming.
Have a good/ safe trip/ flight. - Thank you … (same to you).Have a good weekend. - Same to you.Enjoy the rest of your stay. - Same to you.It was nice meeting you. - I really enjoyed meeting you, too.I hope to see you again. - I hope so, too.See you on the 13th. - See you.Follow-upI look forward to our next meeting.I look forward to seeing you again.I look forward to seeing you when you’re next in London.
INVITATIONS§ NeutralI was wondering if you would like to join us for a meal.Perhaps you would like to have dinner at my home.Perhaps you would like to come round for a meal.We wanted to invite you to dinner.I thought you might like to try some of our local cuisine.There’s a really nice place just a few minutes from here/ round the corner/ down the road.There’s a pretty good place you might like which specializes in fish.There’s a great new place with a fantastic view of the city. § InformalWhy not come round for a drink?What about going out for a meal?Why not join us for a drink?Fancy going for a drink/ a meal?There’s a really nice place just a few minutes from here/ round the corner.Shall we meet later tonight to discuss it over dinner?Let’s discuss it later over a drink.
§ AcceptingThat’s very kind of you.Thank you for inviting me.I’d like that very much.I’d be delighted to come.Thank you. That’d be very nice.I’ll look forward to it.Yes, please.Thanks.That’s/ What a good idea.That sounds good/ fun.§ Setting the detailsWhat time should I come?Where shall we meet?Shall I pick you up?What time/ Where shall I pick you up?Shall we meet at half past seven?Say at half past seven.
Declining PolitelyThank you very much, 		but I’m afraid I can’t come.That’s very kind of you, 		unfortunately I have arranged 					something else.but I won’t be here tomorrow.				unfortunately I’m busy on Tuesday.Thanks, 			but I won’t be able to make it 					then.No, thank you/ thanks.I’m all right, thanks.I can manage.
SMALL TALK§ WeatherKind of chilly this morning, isn’t it?What a beautiful morning. A bit windy, but beautiful.It’s never that hot at this time of the year.It’s been raining for weeks. Is this never going to end?§ WeekendHow did you spend the weekend? Did you do anything special?How was your weekend? § SportsA: Did you see the game last night?B: No, I missed it. Was it a good game?
SOCIALIZING§ Making contactMind if I join you?Excuse me, you must be … .Excuse me, have we met?I really enjoyed your talk this morning.Are you giving a talk?§ Keeping the conversation goingDo you often travel to Scandinavia?Have you been here before?Is this your first visit to Denmark?How long are you going to stay?Do you know many people here?Can I get you a drink?Would you like me to get you anything from the buffet?So, where are you staying?Getting awayIf you’ll excuse me, I have to make a phone call.If you’ll excuse me, I must just go and say hello to someone.Would you excuse me a moment? I’ll be right back.
EATING OUT - At a restaurant§ RecommendingWhat do you recommend?I recommend.You could try the lamb.This is their standard menu … and these are the specials.We thought you might like to try the local specialty.The trout is very good. It comes with potatoes and fresh vegetables.OrderingI’ll have/ take … .Could we have … ?I’d like … .Shall we order a bottle of the house red?Could we order some mineral water too?
Commenting on the foodIt all looks very good.This is absolutely delicious. How’s yours? - Not bad at all.What’s that? / What are those?It looks like a kind of … . / It doesn’t look very … .I wonder what it’s like. / I wonder what’s in it.I think it’s made of … .
Thanking & payingThat was an excellent meal. - I’m glad you enjoyed it.Thank you for a lovely evening.Can we get the check (American English)/ bill (British English)?A: Right. I’ll get this.B: Oh, no, you won’t. I’m paying.A: But you paid yesterday. It’s my turn.B: No, I insist. You’re my guest.
Shaking hands is probably the most common gesture people use on a daily basis.  Men and women alike, use it constantly in business and social situations. It is typically the first contact between two people and the first chance to establish a connection and a relationship. Your handshake conveys a non-verbal message, many times before you speak verbally.  It speaks loudly of your professionalism, confidence, trust- worthiness and savvy.
The Different kinds of HandshakesControllerA person extends his hand to you, web-to-web, and as soon as your hands are linked, he purposely maneuvers his hand onto the top. He's telling you he wants to be in charge. Keep that in mind as the interaction continues. SandwichUse this one only with people you know. When you envelop another person's hands, you are invading their private space ... where you are to be only when invited. Society promotes the standard handshake but is not as tolerant of using both hands. By the way, this handshake is also known as the politician's handshake ... which may be cause enough for most people to avoid it!
Dead FishImagine rubbing a scaly, dead fish in your hands ... and you got the picture. Your hands typically are wet for two reasons: You are nervous or you have been holding a cold beverage in your right hand and move it to your left just before you shake hands. In either case, it is extremely unpleasant for the receiver. If you experience anxiety, wipe your hands on a napkin, the tablecloth or even lightly on your clothes. What you spend at the dry cleaners will be paid for quickly by the better impression you make. As for the beverage, use common sense. Limp FingersWomen, far more than men, extend their fingers rather than their entire hand. It can be painful for the extender, when she is greeted by a man who shakes with his forceful grip. Men tell me this frequently leads to their giving women a lighter handshake. Professional women respond that they want to be treated equally. One of the ways to combat this syndrome is to always extend you full hand (never cup it) horizontally, even if your grip is light.
The Two-Hand ShakeThis kind of handshake signals warmth, it can seem presumptuous or insincere when  used in a first meeting . Take care : Some people consider the two – hand shake too intimate for business, while others see it as a “power” move, intended to subtly intimidate the recipient.Gloved HandshakesWhen winter gloves are worn out doors, common sense prevails: You need not take them off to shake someone’s hands.
Ingredients of a Good Handshake  Hold the person's hand firmly.
 Shake web-to-web, three times maximum.
 Maintain constant eye contact.
 Radiate positive attitude.The All Important HandshakeThe Gender Question: Until recently it was considered polite for a man to wait for a woman to extend her hand, but this is no longer customary – especially in business.
Start with eye contact and a smile.A great handshake isn't just about a physical gesture, it is about connecting with the other person. It is a physical greeting and you want to convey your pleasure in greeting the other person. The best way to do that is with your face and your eyes.
The Proper Grip: Your grip speaks volume. A limp one suggests hesitance or mousiness, & a bone – cruncher can seem overly enthusiastic or domineering – not to mention painful. A medium - firm grip conveys confidence and authority.An Offer Refused: If you extend your hand to an able – bodied person and he or she does not respond in kind, simply withdraw your hand and continue your greetings. Unless there is a extenuating circumstance, your behavior is correct and the other person’s is not.
Firm, not strong.A good handshake is firm but not overpowering. Always make your grip firm, but make adjustments based on the firmness of the other person's grip.
Up and down, not back and forth.A good handshake has a nice up and down motion, not a back and forth one, as if you were jointly trying to saw some wood. Again, adjust the motion to what seems natural and comfortable to the other person. A perfect handshake would last for about 3 seconds.HANDSHAKESWHITE DOMINATESWHITE GIVING CONTROLPROPER HANDSHAKE
Are you ready to practice the right way of shaking hands??? Let’s DO IT!
Giving the Right
Eye contact is a direct and powerful form of non-verbal communication. The superior in the organization generally maintains eye contact longer than the subordinate. * The direct stare of the sender of the message conveys candor and openness. It elicits a feeling of trust. * Downward glances are generally associated with modesty & low self-confidence.* Eyes rolled upward are associated with fatigue.
Eyes“The mirrors of the soul”We tend to look at eyes to judge
Self-confidenceEye Contact“When the eyes say one thing, and the tongue another, a practiced man relies on the language of the first.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson Looking someone in the eye as you meet and talk with him/her also shows you are paying attention. Listening is the most important human relations skill, and good eye contact plays a large part in conveying our interest in others.
When to lookBegin as soon as you engage someone in a conversation. However, you may wish to start even earlier if you are trying to get someone's attention. Continue it throughout the conversation. Be sure to maintain direct eye contact as you are saying "good-bye." It will help leave a positive, powerful lasting impression. How long to lookIt is suggested for about 80 - 90 percent of the time. Less than that can be interpreted as discomfort, evasiveness, lack of confidence or boredom. When you stare longer, it can be construed as being too direct, dominant or forceful and make the other person uncomfortable. It's okay to glance down occasionally as long as your gaze returns quickly to the other person. Avoid looking over the other person's shoulders as if you were seeking out someone more interesting to talk with.
SmilesSmiles are an important facial expression. They show interest, excitement, empathy, concern; they create an upbeat, positive environment. Smiles can, however, be overused. Often, men smile when they are pleased; women smile to please. You know which is the most powerful! To gain and increase respect, first establish your presence in a room, then smile. It is far more professional than to enter a room  smiling.
Face-to-face CommunicationMaking a Great First Impression!
It takes just a quick glance, maybe three seconds, for someone to evaluate you when you meet for the first time. In this short time, the other person forms an opinion about you based on your appearance, your body language, your demeanor, your mannerisms, and how you are dressed.With every new encounter, you are evaluated and yet another person’s impression of you is formed. These first impressions can be nearly impossible to reverse or undo, making those first encounters extremely important, for they set the tone for the all the relationships that follows.So, whether they are in your career or social life, it’s important to know how to create a good first impression. This article provides some useful tips to help you do this.
ConversationWhen it's time to move beyond the handshake stage,simple conversational skills are the key to a successful first meeting, "Prepare in advance, then just try to forget yourself," she says. "Being too self-conscious is the quickest way to shoot yourself in the foot. Remember that it's about the other person--that's the best possible way to make a positive first impression.” In every conversation, include at least one appreciative remark. VoiceBeyond body language and conversational skills, the actual tone of your voice is an important part of the impression you create.
"In face-to-face conversation, the other person first sees you, then hears the tone of your voice, and only then listens to your words. It can create a negative impression very easily if you're not in control of the way you speak.” The keys to creating a positive first impression aren't secrets that are hidden away. Body language, conversation and voice are three of the most important aspects of a first impression. The bad news is too many people think they lack skill in these areas. The good news is that anyone can practice each of them and master their first impression.
The Art of Introductions – Impression Creators
Introducing and Greeting PeopleHello. / Hi. Good morning. Good morning/ Good afternoon. Good evening . Introducing People What's your name? My name is … I am … Haven't we met (before)? Yes, I think we have. No, I don't think we have. I think we've already met. I don't think we've met (before). This is … Meet … Have you met …? Yes, I have. No, I haven't. Yes, I think I have. No, I don't think I have. Hello, … (name) Nice to meet you. (informal) Pleased to meet you. How do you do? (formal) Nice to see you. Nice to see you again.  
Business IntroductionsInformalThis is my boss, Mr. Stratford. Jared, this is my secretary, Barbara. Good to meet you. Nice to meet you too. I'd like you to meet my co-worker, Collin Beck. Collin, this is Susan Palmer. Nice to meet you. My pleasure. Have you met, Jason? Jason, this is Teresa. Hi, I'm Jill Watson. I don't believe we've met. I'm Greg. FormalI'd like to introduce you to my dear friend, Mrs. Pleasant. Allow me to introduce myself/my colleague, Ms. Winters Let me introduce you to my colleague, Dean Richards. Mr. Richards, this is David Porter from Aerospace Inc. How do you do? How do you do? It's a pleasure meeting you. Important body language to remember: Smile, eye contact, firm handshake.
ExplainingCan you explain . . . Can you tell me why . . . Why . . . What happened . . . Well, . . . Let me explain. Let me tell you why . . . Here's what happened: There's a (good) reason for this: The reason is . . . I'm sorry. I can't tell you that (right now). Can I get back to you on that? I'll explain (a little) later. We'll come to that later. We'll get to that in a few minutes. Can we save that until later?
Making AppointmentsI'd like to make an appointment with Dr. Bill. I'd like to schedule a meeting with Ms. Terry. Could I schedule a time to meet with Mr. East? 				What time is best for you? 				When would be a good time for you? 				Would 9:00 on Thursday be okay? 				He'll be in on Tuesday. 				His schedule is open all day Monday. 				She's free any day but Wednesday. 				Dr. Itup will be away until Friday. Will Mr. Rodgers be in tomorrow? Is he available next Wednesday? Does he have any openings on Tuesday? Does she have any time on Thursday? 				Sorry, her calendar is full on Monday. 					She will be out on Wednesday. 					He doesn't have time on Tuesday. 					How about Friday at 4:00? Thursday at 10:00 will be fine. Friday at 11:00 sounds good. Okay. Tuesday morning at 9. Monday at 8:00 is not good for me. Wednesday is not possible.
Closing a Conversation Pre-closing It's been nice talking to you. It's been great talking with you. I really enjoyed meeting you. It was nice meeting you, Mr. Brown. I'm sorry, but I have to go now. I'm afraid I have to leave now. Thanks for the information/ the tour/ your time. Thanks for taking the time to talk with us.Follow up I'll give you a call. I'll send you an e-mail. We'll send out that information right away. I'll have my secretary schedule an appointment. Could you send me a brochure/some more information? Could I contact you by e-mail/at your office? How do I get in touch with you? How can I reach/contact you? Closing I look forward to seeing you again. We'll see you on Friday. See you next week. Let me give you my business card. Here's my e-mail/office number. Let's keep in touch by e-mail. We'll be in touch. Call me if you have any questions. E-mail me.
The 10 Most Dangerous Words in Business 1. JustThis is used to make a huge request or error seem trivial as in: “Could you just do this (500 page) document by Monday?”, a request best made late on a Friday afternoon. 2. ButRemember, whatever is said before “but” is, as in, “That was a great presentation, but…”, or “I would like to help, but…” 3. FromThe sentences with from in it may start as: From my experience, from what I know etc. These can create a negative impression and therefore could be a hindrance in building healthy business relationships.4. MightMight is used to achieve two things: first it sets up a negotiating position as in, “I might be able to do that if…” Second, it lays the ground work for excusing failure later on: “I would have done it, if only….”
5. OnlyClosely related to “Just”, it is an attempt to make a big request or problem seem small. “It was only a small error….we only dropped one nuclear bomb over London…”6. Important (and urgent)Used to puff up any presentation: “This important new product/initiative…” Important to who? And why? Maybe it is important to the speaker, but why is it to me? 7. OpportunityBecause the word “problem” has been banned in business speak, all problems have become opportunities. This means many opportunities are problems. There is a limit to how many opportunities I can solve.
8. Rightsize, downsize, best shore, offshore, outsource, optimise, redeploy, downshift, re-engineerHow many ways are there of avoiding saying straight up: we are going to lay off staff?
9. Thank youNormally “Thank you” is good, except when used by automated voices at call centres saying, “Thank you for calling, we value your call. It is impolite to interrupt while your client is speaking and more if you say Thank you. It creates an impression of “that’s enough, now let me speak”. Use Thank you appropriately and where relevant.10. InterestingFear this word. When your lawyer uses it, you are doomed. When your doctor uses it, check your will is up to date. The recession is certainly interesting. A slightly less interesting time would be preferable.
Using Vague Expressions - Being Imprecise There are a number of ways to give imprecise information in English. Here are some of the most common: There are about 600 people working in this company. There are approximately 600 people working in this company. There are a large number of students interested in taking his course. Management predicts up to 50% growth for the coming year. It's kind of a bottle opener which can also be used to peel vegetables. It's the type of place you can go to relax for a week or so. They're the sort of people that like going bowling on Saturday evenings. It's difficult to say, but I'd guess that it's used for cleaning house. I'm not really sure, but I think they enjoy hiking in the mountains.
Face to Face CommunicationEtiquette when client visits you
Meeting someone you don't know1. Patricia Murphy? Yes. Hi, I'm Kevin Chen of Myotex Industries.Welcome to Taiwan. 2. Are you Mr. Blanks? Yes, I am. I'm Jane Placid. (We talked by telephone.)Welcome to Sydney.It's nice to meet you in person. Nice meeting you too. How was your flight? Okay, but very long. 3. You must be Ms. Terius. That's right. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Brad Wilson.Welcome to Suntech. Thank you Did you have any problem finding this place? No, your directions were very clear. Welcoming Visitors WelcomingWelcome to Invesco PerpetualWelcome to London. I'm John Taylor.
When clients visit, they form an impression of your business. That impression becomes your image. Whether the visit involves a business transaction, a service call or a corporate event--whether it's for only an hour or a full day--you need to create positive impressions. Here are some tips for receiving visitors graciously:
Create a welcoming atmosphere:If you know ahead of time that the client is coming, post the visitor's name on a welcome board. The receptionist should be prepared with a name badge or a visitor's pass. Be sure every visitor is greeted in a friendly and helpful way. Set professional standards Are your employees appropriately dressed? Do they always project a professional image, even on business-casual days? Or are they dressed a little too casually? The employees represent the company; their appearance should reflect that at all times. Think about how their appearance can enhance or detract from your corporate image.
Act as the host When you receive visitors, you are the host. The way you greet them in your office can affect the outcome of the meeting. So set the tone for a positive encounter. Don't keep your visitors waiting. If a colleague is escorting them to your office, be sure to come out from behind your desk to greet them. To create the best impression, personally greet the visitors in the waiting room. Shake hands with your guests and escort them to your office, letting them follow you. Upon arrival at your office, allow them to proceed first into the room, and indicate where they should sit. Do not seat your guests directly across from your desk; instead, place their chairs to the side of the desk. Don't accept calls or interruptions during the meeting. When the meeting is over, stand, shake hands once again and walk your guests back to the waiting room.
Make the proper introductions Introductions may seem like a trivial item in the grand scheme of business interactions, but they are crucial to setting a professional tone in the office. If clients are at your location for the entire day, make an effort to introduce them to your senior executives. This simple gesture will help your guests to feel welcome. As you escort a client through the office, you may run into company employees. Be sure to make the proper introductions. When deciding who should be introduced first, use the following order, regardless of gender: client, senior executives, junior executives. Provide information about each person you introduce, so these people can start a conversation. For example: "Mr. Harris (client), I would like you to meet Ms. Bantes (company president). Mr. Harris is our new client from Chicago; Ms. Bantes is our company president."
Be conscious of office courtesies When escorting a client for a company tour, use proper office courtesies. One should never, for instance, discuss office gossip or talk negatively about company employees in front of guests.Know the appropriate way to handle entrances, exits, revolving doors and elevators. As the host, when you get to a door, open it. This rule applies regardless of gender. It is polite to hold the door for your guest to enter. At revolving doors, the host enters the door first, leading the way for guests. As you enter, you might want to say, "I'll wait for you on the other side." Then do so. If there is more than one person with you, wait until everyone is through the revolving door before you proceed.
When navigating stairs and escalators, the host leads the way, whether you are going up or down. When using elevators, allow your guests to enter before you do; upon exiting, leave the elevator first and hold the door for those following. People at the front of the elevator should step off to make room when those in the back need to exit. Hold the door, allow them to leave and step back into the elevator. This is much nicer than cramming your body to the sidewall so that they have room to leave. Quick Tips :Manners make the difference. Greet your visitors graciously.Know what to do during their visitBe considerate of others and create positive impressions that last and last.
Etiquette while SpeakingHow to sound Polite, Confident, Acceptable and Pleasant
Ten ways to be polite and acceptable in businessEnglish speaking people value politeness over directness, and appearing rude when you write or speak is as much a mistake as getting the language wrong. In fact, people are more likely to forgive inaccuracies than rudeness. Here are ten tips for staying polite in business.1. Avoid making demands or giving instructionsPhrases like "I want…" sound rude. Instead try "I would like…" or "I would be grateful for…":"I would like some information on your range of printers.""I would be grateful for some information on your range of printers.“2. Remember to use "please and "thank you“.Use "please" when you ask someone to do something for you:Can you open the window please?Could I have some assistance please?Use "thank you" after you have received help. You can also start a letter with "Thank you": "Thank you for your confirmation of February 10."
3. Show you care about the other personEven if you cannot help a person, try to avoid sounding unfriendly or direct."We cannot help you" becomes "We are sorry that we cannot help you further"."We have no information for you" becomes "Unfortunately, we have no information regarding…“"Your order will be late" becomes "Unfortunately, your order might be late".
Both the ebook and the writing course give detailed information about using modal verbs.4. Use modal verbsThese verbs change the mood of a sentence and allow you to sound polite and diplomatic. They also make you sound less definite, and more open to other people's ideas.You can use modal verbs to make suggestions, such as "Perhaps you could consider"; to make requests, such as "Would you let us know the costs?" and to sound tentative, such as "It might be difficult to fill your order in a week." In particular, the past modals (would, could and might) are useful in situations when you want to sound less definite. For this reason, they are useful in negotiations when you want to invite the other person to give you a better offer. For example, saying "Your price is too high for us" sounds definite and could close the discussion. If you say "Your price would be too high for us", you are inviting the other person to make a counter-offer.
5. Use past formsUse past tenses to put distance between you and the other person and to make you sound less definite. "We were hoping for…" (rather than "We are hoping for…")"We wanted to know…" (rather than "We want to know…")6. Use qualifiersQualifiers such as "rather", "a little", "somewhat" or "a slight" make problems sound less serious."We have a problem with the account" becomes "We have a slight problem with the account.“"There's an issue with our suppliers" becomes "There's a little issue with our suppliers."
7. Introduce bad newsUse an introductory word or phrase to warn the reader that you have bad news."The company has decided to close its offices in New York" becomes "Unfortunately, the company has decided to close its offices in New York.""Your application has been unsuccessful" become "We regret to inform you that your application has been unsuccessful.“8. ApologiseEnglish speakers apologise in many types of situation: when they have made a mistake, if they have bad news, or even when they are referring to general problems:"I'm sorry, but Mr Smith is out of the office this morning.""We are sorry to inform you that we are no longer manufacturing this item.""We would like to apologise for this misunderstanding."
Apologizing I'm sorry. I made a mistake. Please accept my apologies. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to . . . (I'm) sorry. I didn't realize that . . . . 					That's okay. 					No problem. Prefacing bad newsI'm sorry (I have) to tell you this, but . . . I hate to tell you this, but . . . I don't know how to tell you this, but . . . I have some bad news. (Formal) written apologiesWe regret to inform you that . . . Regretfully, . . . Unfortunately, . . .
9. Appear neutral rather than confrontationalReduce the impact of a criticism by replacing a negative adjective by 'not very' + positive adjective."That was a stupid comment" becomes "That wasn't a very smart comment.""Your customer service representatives are rude" becomes "Your customer service representatives are not very polite.“Try to use words with a positive focus instead of a negative focus."issue" or "matter" (instead of "problem")"inconvenience" / "inconvenient" (rather than "difficulty" or "difficult")"misunderstanding" (rather than "argument")"sensitive" (to describe an issue that you would rather not discuss)"unfortunate" or "disappointing" (rather than "bad")10. Avoid "you"Change the focus of the sentence to avoid sounding as if you are accusing the reader. Instead of writing "you", write "there" or "we"."You made a mistake" becomes "There seems to be a mistake.""You said…" becomes "We understood…"
How to sound confidentWhen you're prepared, you're more confident. When you have a strategy, you're more comfortable. With confidence, you can reach truly amazing heights; without confidence, even the simplest accomplishments are beyond your grasp.
	Non-Verbal Communication
Good manners are good for businessDespite what many people believe -- or the behavior they exhibit -- there still are those who believe business etiquette is something that never goes out of style. Etiquette does not just apply to the business as a whole, but all of the people that make up the company. It also comprises more than good manners -- it is the overall behavior, attitude and grooming. This is particularly true when people are meeting you for the first time. Ever hear the adage "you never get a second chance to make a first impression?" How about "the first impression is the lasting one?"
Here are some "first impression" tips:Remember that you are always on stage. At any given moment you may encounter that sought-after client or potential employer. Always be prepared to look and sound your best.Know that people will look at your face and neck first. Good grooming is essential. Don't put off that haircut another week just to save money. It may end up costing you more. People will glance at your feet next. Make sure that your shoes are well maintained and appropriate. Poorly kept shoes may signal a lack of attention to detail on the job.
Focus on the other person. Use the person's name immediately in conversation. This sends a message that you are interested in paying attention to that individual. Express some form of appreciation within the first few words. Say "thank you" to others for their time and effort in meeting with you or whatever is appropriate to recognize. Smile and make eye contact. You will make other people feel good about themselves and about you.
Non-Verbal Communication	Vary from culture to culture
Non verbal LanguageSome major areas of nonverbal behaviors to explore are:
Eye contact
Facial expressions
Posture and body orientation
HumorNon verbal LanguageAccount for about 55% of what is perceived and understood by others. Are conveyed through our facial expressions as well as our postures and gestures
Non-Verbal CommunicationAccounts for 65% - 93% of thetotal meaning of communication
Positive Non-Verbal CommunicationsSmiling – there is nothing like a smile and pleasant face to greet a customer, especially if he/she has a complaint.
Eye contact – always look into your customer’s eyes. Directly address customers.
How you look – personal grooming has a big impact on your customers. Let customers know you take seriously your position.
Shaking hands – when shaking hands with a customer a firm and professional handshake is expected. KinesicsKinesics is the interpretation of body language such as facial expressions and gestures — or, more formally, non-verbal behavior related to movement, either of any part of the body or the body as a whole.Body position and motion including those of the facePosture can signal self-assurance.
Posture can tell others if you are open to interaction.
Nonverbal behaviors such as positioning, smiling, close seating and gazes signal how we feel about others.TYPES OF BODY LANGUAGERemember that you are dealing with “PEOPLE”(P)OSTURES & GESTURESHow do you use hand gestures? Stance?(E)YE CONTACTHow’s your “Lighthouse”?(O)RIENTATIONHow do you position yourself?(P)RESENTATIONHow do you deliver your message?(L)OOKSAre your looks, appearance, dress important?(E)PRESSIONS OF EMOTIONAre you using facial expressions to express emotion?

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Business Communication

  • 2. Table of Contents How to make a good introductionEssentials of introductionMaking a positive impressionHow to make someone understandHow to understand someoneHandshakingFace-to-face CommunicationSpeaking EtiquetteNon-verbal EtiquetteGrooming, Business Accessories & suitable attire.Your Role as a Company Ambassador
  • 4. How to make a good IntroductionLearning The Art of Business Introductions
  • 5. THE FOUR ESSENTIALSSTAND UP.- Applies to men & women alike. If you are seated, failing to rise could suggest that you think the other person is unimportant.
  • 6. SMILE AND MAKE EYE CONTACT . Your smiles conveys warmth, openness, and interest in the person you are meeting. Making eye contact shows that you are focused.
  • 7. STATE YOUR GREETINGS . The direct “How do you do?” or “Hello” have long been regarded as standard. Save “Its so nice (great) to meet you” for those you have heard something positive about.
  • 8. SHAKE HANDS . A proper hand shake lasts about three seconds; the clasped hands are pumped once or twice and then unclasped, even if the introduction drags on. Leaning in slightly expresses more enthusiasm. Hahaha……that was good……but lets learn the right way
  • 9. When You are the Introducer When you have to make an introduction , remember two things :ONE. Offer snippets of information about the people you are introducing ( their professions, perhaps, or where they are from) .
  • 10. SECOND. State their names in full.
  • 11. For example : “Ms. Mehta, this is Aditya Singh our marketing assistant. Aditya, meet Suruchi Mehta, from RIL.”
  • 12. Your choice of words when making an introduction is flexible. “I would like you to meet…” or “May I introduce….” or any other reasonably gracious phrase you feel comfortable with is fine.GREETINGS AND INTRODUCTIONS§ GreetingsHello, …/ Hi, …Good morning/ afternoon/ evening.Good/ Nice to see you again.I’m glad/ happy/ pleased to see you.How are you? - Fine, thanks. And you?How have you been? - Very well. And you?How are things? - Not too bad, thanks.§ Introductions- Introducing oneselfCan/ May I introduce myself? My name’s Peter.Let me introduce myself. My name’s … .I’d like to introduce myself. I’m … .I don’t think we’ve met. I’m … .Introducing someone elseCan/ May I introduce a good friend of mine? This is … .Have you met … ?I’d like you to meet … .I want you to meet … .
  • 13. Making contactExcuse me, are you Mrs … ? - Yes, that’s right.Hello, you must be Mrs … .You are Mr …, aren’t you?Have we met?How do you do? - How do you do?Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you, too.Please, call me … . - Then you must call me … .
  • 14. Good-byesGood bye/ Bye/ I’ll say good bye/ See you later/ See you soon.I must go now.I (really) must be going.I must be off.I’m afraid I’ve got to go.It’s getting (very/ rather) late.I’ll miss my train.They’re calling my flight.I’ve got some things to prepare for … .I’ve got a lot to do this afternoon.I want to get away before the traffic gets too bad.I’ve enjoyed talking to you.It’s been (most) interesting talking to you.It’s been a pleasure meeting you.Thanks for everything.Thank you for (all) your help.Thank you for coming.
  • 15. Have a good/ safe trip/ flight. - Thank you … (same to you).Have a good weekend. - Same to you.Enjoy the rest of your stay. - Same to you.It was nice meeting you. - I really enjoyed meeting you, too.I hope to see you again. - I hope so, too.See you on the 13th. - See you.Follow-upI look forward to our next meeting.I look forward to seeing you again.I look forward to seeing you when you’re next in London.
  • 16. INVITATIONS§ NeutralI was wondering if you would like to join us for a meal.Perhaps you would like to have dinner at my home.Perhaps you would like to come round for a meal.We wanted to invite you to dinner.I thought you might like to try some of our local cuisine.There’s a really nice place just a few minutes from here/ round the corner/ down the road.There’s a pretty good place you might like which specializes in fish.There’s a great new place with a fantastic view of the city. § InformalWhy not come round for a drink?What about going out for a meal?Why not join us for a drink?Fancy going for a drink/ a meal?There’s a really nice place just a few minutes from here/ round the corner.Shall we meet later tonight to discuss it over dinner?Let’s discuss it later over a drink.
  • 17. § AcceptingThat’s very kind of you.Thank you for inviting me.I’d like that very much.I’d be delighted to come.Thank you. That’d be very nice.I’ll look forward to it.Yes, please.Thanks.That’s/ What a good idea.That sounds good/ fun.§ Setting the detailsWhat time should I come?Where shall we meet?Shall I pick you up?What time/ Where shall I pick you up?Shall we meet at half past seven?Say at half past seven.
  • 18. Declining PolitelyThank you very much, but I’m afraid I can’t come.That’s very kind of you, unfortunately I have arranged something else.but I won’t be here tomorrow. unfortunately I’m busy on Tuesday.Thanks, but I won’t be able to make it then.No, thank you/ thanks.I’m all right, thanks.I can manage.
  • 19. SMALL TALK§ WeatherKind of chilly this morning, isn’t it?What a beautiful morning. A bit windy, but beautiful.It’s never that hot at this time of the year.It’s been raining for weeks. Is this never going to end?§ WeekendHow did you spend the weekend? Did you do anything special?How was your weekend? § SportsA: Did you see the game last night?B: No, I missed it. Was it a good game?
  • 20. SOCIALIZING§ Making contactMind if I join you?Excuse me, you must be … .Excuse me, have we met?I really enjoyed your talk this morning.Are you giving a talk?§ Keeping the conversation goingDo you often travel to Scandinavia?Have you been here before?Is this your first visit to Denmark?How long are you going to stay?Do you know many people here?Can I get you a drink?Would you like me to get you anything from the buffet?So, where are you staying?Getting awayIf you’ll excuse me, I have to make a phone call.If you’ll excuse me, I must just go and say hello to someone.Would you excuse me a moment? I’ll be right back.
  • 21. EATING OUT - At a restaurant§ RecommendingWhat do you recommend?I recommend.You could try the lamb.This is their standard menu … and these are the specials.We thought you might like to try the local specialty.The trout is very good. It comes with potatoes and fresh vegetables.OrderingI’ll have/ take … .Could we have … ?I’d like … .Shall we order a bottle of the house red?Could we order some mineral water too?
  • 22. Commenting on the foodIt all looks very good.This is absolutely delicious. How’s yours? - Not bad at all.What’s that? / What are those?It looks like a kind of … . / It doesn’t look very … .I wonder what it’s like. / I wonder what’s in it.I think it’s made of … .
  • 23. Thanking & payingThat was an excellent meal. - I’m glad you enjoyed it.Thank you for a lovely evening.Can we get the check (American English)/ bill (British English)?A: Right. I’ll get this.B: Oh, no, you won’t. I’m paying.A: But you paid yesterday. It’s my turn.B: No, I insist. You’re my guest.
  • 25. Shaking hands is probably the most common gesture people use on a daily basis.  Men and women alike, use it constantly in business and social situations. It is typically the first contact between two people and the first chance to establish a connection and a relationship. Your handshake conveys a non-verbal message, many times before you speak verbally. It speaks loudly of your professionalism, confidence, trust- worthiness and savvy.
  • 26. The Different kinds of HandshakesControllerA person extends his hand to you, web-to-web, and as soon as your hands are linked, he purposely maneuvers his hand onto the top. He's telling you he wants to be in charge. Keep that in mind as the interaction continues. SandwichUse this one only with people you know. When you envelop another person's hands, you are invading their private space ... where you are to be only when invited. Society promotes the standard handshake but is not as tolerant of using both hands. By the way, this handshake is also known as the politician's handshake ... which may be cause enough for most people to avoid it!
  • 27. Dead FishImagine rubbing a scaly, dead fish in your hands ... and you got the picture. Your hands typically are wet for two reasons: You are nervous or you have been holding a cold beverage in your right hand and move it to your left just before you shake hands. In either case, it is extremely unpleasant for the receiver. If you experience anxiety, wipe your hands on a napkin, the tablecloth or even lightly on your clothes. What you spend at the dry cleaners will be paid for quickly by the better impression you make. As for the beverage, use common sense. Limp FingersWomen, far more than men, extend their fingers rather than their entire hand. It can be painful for the extender, when she is greeted by a man who shakes with his forceful grip. Men tell me this frequently leads to their giving women a lighter handshake. Professional women respond that they want to be treated equally. One of the ways to combat this syndrome is to always extend you full hand (never cup it) horizontally, even if your grip is light.
  • 28. The Two-Hand ShakeThis kind of handshake signals warmth, it can seem presumptuous or insincere when used in a first meeting . Take care : Some people consider the two – hand shake too intimate for business, while others see it as a “power” move, intended to subtly intimidate the recipient.Gloved HandshakesWhen winter gloves are worn out doors, common sense prevails: You need not take them off to shake someone’s hands.
  • 29. Ingredients of a Good Handshake Hold the person's hand firmly.
  • 30. Shake web-to-web, three times maximum.
  • 31. Maintain constant eye contact.
  • 32. Radiate positive attitude.The All Important HandshakeThe Gender Question: Until recently it was considered polite for a man to wait for a woman to extend her hand, but this is no longer customary – especially in business.
  • 33. Start with eye contact and a smile.A great handshake isn't just about a physical gesture, it is about connecting with the other person. It is a physical greeting and you want to convey your pleasure in greeting the other person. The best way to do that is with your face and your eyes.
  • 34. The Proper Grip: Your grip speaks volume. A limp one suggests hesitance or mousiness, & a bone – cruncher can seem overly enthusiastic or domineering – not to mention painful. A medium - firm grip conveys confidence and authority.An Offer Refused: If you extend your hand to an able – bodied person and he or she does not respond in kind, simply withdraw your hand and continue your greetings. Unless there is a extenuating circumstance, your behavior is correct and the other person’s is not.
  • 35. Firm, not strong.A good handshake is firm but not overpowering. Always make your grip firm, but make adjustments based on the firmness of the other person's grip.
  • 36. Up and down, not back and forth.A good handshake has a nice up and down motion, not a back and forth one, as if you were jointly trying to saw some wood. Again, adjust the motion to what seems natural and comfortable to the other person. A perfect handshake would last for about 3 seconds.HANDSHAKESWHITE DOMINATESWHITE GIVING CONTROLPROPER HANDSHAKE
  • 41. Are you ready to practice the right way of shaking hands??? Let’s DO IT!
  • 43. Eye contact is a direct and powerful form of non-verbal communication. The superior in the organization generally maintains eye contact longer than the subordinate. * The direct stare of the sender of the message conveys candor and openness. It elicits a feeling of trust. * Downward glances are generally associated with modesty & low self-confidence.* Eyes rolled upward are associated with fatigue.
  • 44. Eyes“The mirrors of the soul”We tend to look at eyes to judge
  • 48. Self-confidenceEye Contact“When the eyes say one thing, and the tongue another, a practiced man relies on the language of the first.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson Looking someone in the eye as you meet and talk with him/her also shows you are paying attention. Listening is the most important human relations skill, and good eye contact plays a large part in conveying our interest in others.
  • 49. When to lookBegin as soon as you engage someone in a conversation. However, you may wish to start even earlier if you are trying to get someone's attention. Continue it throughout the conversation. Be sure to maintain direct eye contact as you are saying "good-bye." It will help leave a positive, powerful lasting impression. How long to lookIt is suggested for about 80 - 90 percent of the time. Less than that can be interpreted as discomfort, evasiveness, lack of confidence or boredom. When you stare longer, it can be construed as being too direct, dominant or forceful and make the other person uncomfortable. It's okay to glance down occasionally as long as your gaze returns quickly to the other person. Avoid looking over the other person's shoulders as if you were seeking out someone more interesting to talk with.
  • 50. SmilesSmiles are an important facial expression. They show interest, excitement, empathy, concern; they create an upbeat, positive environment. Smiles can, however, be overused. Often, men smile when they are pleased; women smile to please. You know which is the most powerful! To gain and increase respect, first establish your presence in a room, then smile. It is far more professional than to enter a room smiling.
  • 51. Face-to-face CommunicationMaking a Great First Impression!
  • 52. It takes just a quick glance, maybe three seconds, for someone to evaluate you when you meet for the first time. In this short time, the other person forms an opinion about you based on your appearance, your body language, your demeanor, your mannerisms, and how you are dressed.With every new encounter, you are evaluated and yet another person’s impression of you is formed. These first impressions can be nearly impossible to reverse or undo, making those first encounters extremely important, for they set the tone for the all the relationships that follows.So, whether they are in your career or social life, it’s important to know how to create a good first impression. This article provides some useful tips to help you do this.
  • 53. ConversationWhen it's time to move beyond the handshake stage,simple conversational skills are the key to a successful first meeting, "Prepare in advance, then just try to forget yourself," she says. "Being too self-conscious is the quickest way to shoot yourself in the foot. Remember that it's about the other person--that's the best possible way to make a positive first impression.” In every conversation, include at least one appreciative remark. VoiceBeyond body language and conversational skills, the actual tone of your voice is an important part of the impression you create.
  • 54. "In face-to-face conversation, the other person first sees you, then hears the tone of your voice, and only then listens to your words. It can create a negative impression very easily if you're not in control of the way you speak.” The keys to creating a positive first impression aren't secrets that are hidden away. Body language, conversation and voice are three of the most important aspects of a first impression. The bad news is too many people think they lack skill in these areas. The good news is that anyone can practice each of them and master their first impression.
  • 55. The Art of Introductions – Impression Creators
  • 56. Introducing and Greeting PeopleHello. / Hi. Good morning. Good morning/ Good afternoon. Good evening . Introducing People What's your name? My name is … I am … Haven't we met (before)? Yes, I think we have. No, I don't think we have. I think we've already met. I don't think we've met (before). This is … Meet … Have you met …? Yes, I have. No, I haven't. Yes, I think I have. No, I don't think I have. Hello, … (name) Nice to meet you. (informal) Pleased to meet you. How do you do? (formal) Nice to see you. Nice to see you again.  
  • 57. Business IntroductionsInformalThis is my boss, Mr. Stratford. Jared, this is my secretary, Barbara. Good to meet you. Nice to meet you too. I'd like you to meet my co-worker, Collin Beck. Collin, this is Susan Palmer. Nice to meet you. My pleasure. Have you met, Jason? Jason, this is Teresa. Hi, I'm Jill Watson. I don't believe we've met. I'm Greg. FormalI'd like to introduce you to my dear friend, Mrs. Pleasant. Allow me to introduce myself/my colleague, Ms. Winters Let me introduce you to my colleague, Dean Richards. Mr. Richards, this is David Porter from Aerospace Inc. How do you do? How do you do? It's a pleasure meeting you. Important body language to remember: Smile, eye contact, firm handshake.
  • 58. ExplainingCan you explain . . . Can you tell me why . . . Why . . . What happened . . . Well, . . . Let me explain. Let me tell you why . . . Here's what happened: There's a (good) reason for this: The reason is . . . I'm sorry. I can't tell you that (right now). Can I get back to you on that? I'll explain (a little) later. We'll come to that later. We'll get to that in a few minutes. Can we save that until later?
  • 59. Making AppointmentsI'd like to make an appointment with Dr. Bill. I'd like to schedule a meeting with Ms. Terry. Could I schedule a time to meet with Mr. East? What time is best for you? When would be a good time for you? Would 9:00 on Thursday be okay? He'll be in on Tuesday. His schedule is open all day Monday. She's free any day but Wednesday. Dr. Itup will be away until Friday. Will Mr. Rodgers be in tomorrow? Is he available next Wednesday? Does he have any openings on Tuesday? Does she have any time on Thursday? Sorry, her calendar is full on Monday. She will be out on Wednesday. He doesn't have time on Tuesday. How about Friday at 4:00? Thursday at 10:00 will be fine. Friday at 11:00 sounds good. Okay. Tuesday morning at 9. Monday at 8:00 is not good for me. Wednesday is not possible.
  • 60. Closing a Conversation Pre-closing It's been nice talking to you. It's been great talking with you. I really enjoyed meeting you. It was nice meeting you, Mr. Brown. I'm sorry, but I have to go now. I'm afraid I have to leave now. Thanks for the information/ the tour/ your time. Thanks for taking the time to talk with us.Follow up I'll give you a call. I'll send you an e-mail. We'll send out that information right away. I'll have my secretary schedule an appointment. Could you send me a brochure/some more information? Could I contact you by e-mail/at your office? How do I get in touch with you? How can I reach/contact you? Closing I look forward to seeing you again. We'll see you on Friday. See you next week. Let me give you my business card. Here's my e-mail/office number. Let's keep in touch by e-mail. We'll be in touch. Call me if you have any questions. E-mail me.
  • 61. The 10 Most Dangerous Words in Business 1. JustThis is used to make a huge request or error seem trivial as in: “Could you just do this (500 page) document by Monday?”, a request best made late on a Friday afternoon. 2. ButRemember, whatever is said before “but” is, as in, “That was a great presentation, but…”, or “I would like to help, but…” 3. FromThe sentences with from in it may start as: From my experience, from what I know etc. These can create a negative impression and therefore could be a hindrance in building healthy business relationships.4. MightMight is used to achieve two things: first it sets up a negotiating position as in, “I might be able to do that if…” Second, it lays the ground work for excusing failure later on: “I would have done it, if only….”
  • 62. 5. OnlyClosely related to “Just”, it is an attempt to make a big request or problem seem small. “It was only a small error….we only dropped one nuclear bomb over London…”6. Important (and urgent)Used to puff up any presentation: “This important new product/initiative…” Important to who? And why? Maybe it is important to the speaker, but why is it to me? 7. OpportunityBecause the word “problem” has been banned in business speak, all problems have become opportunities. This means many opportunities are problems. There is a limit to how many opportunities I can solve.
  • 63. 8. Rightsize, downsize, best shore, offshore, outsource, optimise, redeploy, downshift, re-engineerHow many ways are there of avoiding saying straight up: we are going to lay off staff?
  • 64. 9. Thank youNormally “Thank you” is good, except when used by automated voices at call centres saying, “Thank you for calling, we value your call. It is impolite to interrupt while your client is speaking and more if you say Thank you. It creates an impression of “that’s enough, now let me speak”. Use Thank you appropriately and where relevant.10. InterestingFear this word. When your lawyer uses it, you are doomed. When your doctor uses it, check your will is up to date. The recession is certainly interesting. A slightly less interesting time would be preferable.
  • 65. Using Vague Expressions - Being Imprecise There are a number of ways to give imprecise information in English. Here are some of the most common: There are about 600 people working in this company. There are approximately 600 people working in this company. There are a large number of students interested in taking his course. Management predicts up to 50% growth for the coming year. It's kind of a bottle opener which can also be used to peel vegetables. It's the type of place you can go to relax for a week or so. They're the sort of people that like going bowling on Saturday evenings. It's difficult to say, but I'd guess that it's used for cleaning house. I'm not really sure, but I think they enjoy hiking in the mountains.
  • 66. Face to Face CommunicationEtiquette when client visits you
  • 67. Meeting someone you don't know1. Patricia Murphy? Yes. Hi, I'm Kevin Chen of Myotex Industries.Welcome to Taiwan. 2. Are you Mr. Blanks? Yes, I am. I'm Jane Placid. (We talked by telephone.)Welcome to Sydney.It's nice to meet you in person. Nice meeting you too. How was your flight? Okay, but very long. 3. You must be Ms. Terius. That's right. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Brad Wilson.Welcome to Suntech. Thank you Did you have any problem finding this place? No, your directions were very clear. Welcoming Visitors WelcomingWelcome to Invesco PerpetualWelcome to London. I'm John Taylor.
  • 68. When clients visit, they form an impression of your business. That impression becomes your image. Whether the visit involves a business transaction, a service call or a corporate event--whether it's for only an hour or a full day--you need to create positive impressions. Here are some tips for receiving visitors graciously:
  • 69. Create a welcoming atmosphere:If you know ahead of time that the client is coming, post the visitor's name on a welcome board. The receptionist should be prepared with a name badge or a visitor's pass. Be sure every visitor is greeted in a friendly and helpful way. Set professional standards Are your employees appropriately dressed? Do they always project a professional image, even on business-casual days? Or are they dressed a little too casually? The employees represent the company; their appearance should reflect that at all times. Think about how their appearance can enhance or detract from your corporate image.
  • 70. Act as the host When you receive visitors, you are the host. The way you greet them in your office can affect the outcome of the meeting. So set the tone for a positive encounter. Don't keep your visitors waiting. If a colleague is escorting them to your office, be sure to come out from behind your desk to greet them. To create the best impression, personally greet the visitors in the waiting room. Shake hands with your guests and escort them to your office, letting them follow you. Upon arrival at your office, allow them to proceed first into the room, and indicate where they should sit. Do not seat your guests directly across from your desk; instead, place their chairs to the side of the desk. Don't accept calls or interruptions during the meeting. When the meeting is over, stand, shake hands once again and walk your guests back to the waiting room.
  • 71. Make the proper introductions Introductions may seem like a trivial item in the grand scheme of business interactions, but they are crucial to setting a professional tone in the office. If clients are at your location for the entire day, make an effort to introduce them to your senior executives. This simple gesture will help your guests to feel welcome. As you escort a client through the office, you may run into company employees. Be sure to make the proper introductions. When deciding who should be introduced first, use the following order, regardless of gender: client, senior executives, junior executives. Provide information about each person you introduce, so these people can start a conversation. For example: "Mr. Harris (client), I would like you to meet Ms. Bantes (company president). Mr. Harris is our new client from Chicago; Ms. Bantes is our company president."
  • 72. Be conscious of office courtesies When escorting a client for a company tour, use proper office courtesies. One should never, for instance, discuss office gossip or talk negatively about company employees in front of guests.Know the appropriate way to handle entrances, exits, revolving doors and elevators. As the host, when you get to a door, open it. This rule applies regardless of gender. It is polite to hold the door for your guest to enter. At revolving doors, the host enters the door first, leading the way for guests. As you enter, you might want to say, "I'll wait for you on the other side." Then do so. If there is more than one person with you, wait until everyone is through the revolving door before you proceed.
  • 73. When navigating stairs and escalators, the host leads the way, whether you are going up or down. When using elevators, allow your guests to enter before you do; upon exiting, leave the elevator first and hold the door for those following. People at the front of the elevator should step off to make room when those in the back need to exit. Hold the door, allow them to leave and step back into the elevator. This is much nicer than cramming your body to the sidewall so that they have room to leave. Quick Tips :Manners make the difference. Greet your visitors graciously.Know what to do during their visitBe considerate of others and create positive impressions that last and last.
  • 74. Etiquette while SpeakingHow to sound Polite, Confident, Acceptable and Pleasant
  • 75. Ten ways to be polite and acceptable in businessEnglish speaking people value politeness over directness, and appearing rude when you write or speak is as much a mistake as getting the language wrong. In fact, people are more likely to forgive inaccuracies than rudeness. Here are ten tips for staying polite in business.1. Avoid making demands or giving instructionsPhrases like "I want…" sound rude. Instead try "I would like…" or "I would be grateful for…":"I would like some information on your range of printers.""I would be grateful for some information on your range of printers.“2. Remember to use "please and "thank you“.Use "please" when you ask someone to do something for you:Can you open the window please?Could I have some assistance please?Use "thank you" after you have received help. You can also start a letter with "Thank you": "Thank you for your confirmation of February 10."
  • 76. 3. Show you care about the other personEven if you cannot help a person, try to avoid sounding unfriendly or direct."We cannot help you" becomes "We are sorry that we cannot help you further"."We have no information for you" becomes "Unfortunately, we have no information regarding…“"Your order will be late" becomes "Unfortunately, your order might be late".
  • 77. Both the ebook and the writing course give detailed information about using modal verbs.4. Use modal verbsThese verbs change the mood of a sentence and allow you to sound polite and diplomatic. They also make you sound less definite, and more open to other people's ideas.You can use modal verbs to make suggestions, such as "Perhaps you could consider"; to make requests, such as "Would you let us know the costs?" and to sound tentative, such as "It might be difficult to fill your order in a week." In particular, the past modals (would, could and might) are useful in situations when you want to sound less definite. For this reason, they are useful in negotiations when you want to invite the other person to give you a better offer. For example, saying "Your price is too high for us" sounds definite and could close the discussion. If you say "Your price would be too high for us", you are inviting the other person to make a counter-offer.
  • 78. 5. Use past formsUse past tenses to put distance between you and the other person and to make you sound less definite. "We were hoping for…" (rather than "We are hoping for…")"We wanted to know…" (rather than "We want to know…")6. Use qualifiersQualifiers such as "rather", "a little", "somewhat" or "a slight" make problems sound less serious."We have a problem with the account" becomes "We have a slight problem with the account.“"There's an issue with our suppliers" becomes "There's a little issue with our suppliers."
  • 79. 7. Introduce bad newsUse an introductory word or phrase to warn the reader that you have bad news."The company has decided to close its offices in New York" becomes "Unfortunately, the company has decided to close its offices in New York.""Your application has been unsuccessful" become "We regret to inform you that your application has been unsuccessful.“8. ApologiseEnglish speakers apologise in many types of situation: when they have made a mistake, if they have bad news, or even when they are referring to general problems:"I'm sorry, but Mr Smith is out of the office this morning.""We are sorry to inform you that we are no longer manufacturing this item.""We would like to apologise for this misunderstanding."
  • 80. Apologizing I'm sorry. I made a mistake. Please accept my apologies. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to . . . (I'm) sorry. I didn't realize that . . . . That's okay. No problem. Prefacing bad newsI'm sorry (I have) to tell you this, but . . . I hate to tell you this, but . . . I don't know how to tell you this, but . . . I have some bad news. (Formal) written apologiesWe regret to inform you that . . . Regretfully, . . . Unfortunately, . . .
  • 81. 9. Appear neutral rather than confrontationalReduce the impact of a criticism by replacing a negative adjective by 'not very' + positive adjective."That was a stupid comment" becomes "That wasn't a very smart comment.""Your customer service representatives are rude" becomes "Your customer service representatives are not very polite.“Try to use words with a positive focus instead of a negative focus."issue" or "matter" (instead of "problem")"inconvenience" / "inconvenient" (rather than "difficulty" or "difficult")"misunderstanding" (rather than "argument")"sensitive" (to describe an issue that you would rather not discuss)"unfortunate" or "disappointing" (rather than "bad")10. Avoid "you"Change the focus of the sentence to avoid sounding as if you are accusing the reader. Instead of writing "you", write "there" or "we"."You made a mistake" becomes "There seems to be a mistake.""You said…" becomes "We understood…"
  • 82. How to sound confidentWhen you're prepared, you're more confident. When you have a strategy, you're more comfortable. With confidence, you can reach truly amazing heights; without confidence, even the simplest accomplishments are beyond your grasp.
  • 84. Good manners are good for businessDespite what many people believe -- or the behavior they exhibit -- there still are those who believe business etiquette is something that never goes out of style. Etiquette does not just apply to the business as a whole, but all of the people that make up the company. It also comprises more than good manners -- it is the overall behavior, attitude and grooming. This is particularly true when people are meeting you for the first time. Ever hear the adage "you never get a second chance to make a first impression?" How about "the first impression is the lasting one?"
  • 85. Here are some "first impression" tips:Remember that you are always on stage. At any given moment you may encounter that sought-after client or potential employer. Always be prepared to look and sound your best.Know that people will look at your face and neck first. Good grooming is essential. Don't put off that haircut another week just to save money. It may end up costing you more. People will glance at your feet next. Make sure that your shoes are well maintained and appropriate. Poorly kept shoes may signal a lack of attention to detail on the job.
  • 86. Focus on the other person. Use the person's name immediately in conversation. This sends a message that you are interested in paying attention to that individual. Express some form of appreciation within the first few words. Say "thank you" to others for their time and effort in meeting with you or whatever is appropriate to recognize. Smile and make eye contact. You will make other people feel good about themselves and about you.
  • 88. Non verbal LanguageSome major areas of nonverbal behaviors to explore are:
  • 92. Posture and body orientation
  • 95. HumorNon verbal LanguageAccount for about 55% of what is perceived and understood by others. Are conveyed through our facial expressions as well as our postures and gestures
  • 96. Non-Verbal CommunicationAccounts for 65% - 93% of thetotal meaning of communication
  • 97. Positive Non-Verbal CommunicationsSmiling – there is nothing like a smile and pleasant face to greet a customer, especially if he/she has a complaint.
  • 98. Eye contact – always look into your customer’s eyes. Directly address customers.
  • 99. How you look – personal grooming has a big impact on your customers. Let customers know you take seriously your position.
  • 100. Shaking hands – when shaking hands with a customer a firm and professional handshake is expected. KinesicsKinesics is the interpretation of body language such as facial expressions and gestures — or, more formally, non-verbal behavior related to movement, either of any part of the body or the body as a whole.Body position and motion including those of the facePosture can signal self-assurance.
  • 101. Posture can tell others if you are open to interaction.
  • 102. Nonverbal behaviors such as positioning, smiling, close seating and gazes signal how we feel about others.TYPES OF BODY LANGUAGERemember that you are dealing with “PEOPLE”(P)OSTURES & GESTURESHow do you use hand gestures? Stance?(E)YE CONTACTHow’s your “Lighthouse”?(O)RIENTATIONHow do you position yourself?(P)RESENTATIONHow do you deliver your message?(L)OOKSAre your looks, appearance, dress important?(E)PRESSIONS OF EMOTIONAre you using facial expressions to express emotion?
  • 105. Color Influences CommunicationYellow cheers and elevates moods.Red excitesandstimulates.Blue comfortsandsoothes.In some cultures black suggests mourning.In some cultureswhite suggestspurity.
  • 106. Chronemics (time)How do we manage and react to others’ management of time
  • 109. Punctuality Paralanguage Communication that is vocal but that does not use words themselvesSounds (gasps and murmurs)
  • 112.  Pacing (rapid, slow, measured, changing...) 
  • 113.  Intensity (loud, soft, breathy,... ) 
  • 114. Tone (nasal, operatic, growling, wheedling, whining...) 
  • 115. Pitch (high, medium, low, changes...)  Pauses (meaningful, disorganized, shy, hesitant...)]How we pronounce words
  • 117. Complexity of our sentencesSilence Silence and Time Silence can be a positive or negative influence in the communications process. It can provide a link between messages or sever relationships. It can create tension and uneasiness or create a peaceful situation. Silence can also be judgmental by indicating favor or disfavor - agreement or disagreement.
  • 118. BUSINESS ATTIRE - Finding The Appropriate Business Clothing
  • 119. The solution? KISS-Keep It Simple and Sophisticated. You want your confidence to come from your professionals abilities, but still your clothes are important. If you dress with your next position in mind you're more likely to get there. Memorize these colors: NavyCharcoal GrayBlackKhakiWhiteThese are the staple colors of every business wardrobe.
  • 121. Personal hygiene is the first step to good grooming and good health. Elementary cleanliness is common knowledge. Neglect causes problems that you may not even be aware of. Many people with bad breath are blissfully unaware of it. Some problems may not be your fault at all, but improving standards of hygiene will control these conditions. Dandruff is a case in point. More often than you know, good looks are the result of careful and continuous grooming. Every external part of the body demands a basic amount of attention on a regular basis. Here are some grooming routines and some complaints associated with neglect.
  • 122. Grooming Routines Hair It is your crowning glory. Wash your hair at least once a week using soap or mild shampoo. Avoid shampoos with borax or alkalis. Rinse well. This is more important than working up a head load of lather.
  • 123. Skin Soap and water are essential for keeping the skin clean. A good bath once or twice a day is recommended, especially in tropical countries like India. Those who are involved in active sports or work out to a sweat would do well to take a bath after the activity. Wash your face on a regular basis to keep your skin look fresh and vibrant.
  • 124. Teeth Brush teeth twice a day and rinse well after every meal. Brushing before going to bed is important. (Especially recommended for people with a sweet tooth). For normal teeth this is adequate. The brush should have resilient bristles. It should be rinsed well and left to dry after use. There are no perfect toothpastes or powders. Use one without harsh abrasives or strong antiseptics.
  • 125. Hands Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before and after every meal and after visiting the toilet. Soaping and rinsing should cover the areas between fingers, nails and back of the hand. Hands should be dried with a clean towel after wash. The towel at the wash stand has to be washed and changed everyday. Nail Polish users should see that it does not chip off into the food.
  • 126. Nails A healthy body ensures healthy nails. Brittle or discolored nails show up deficiencies or disease conditions. Do not keep your nails painted continuously. It causes the keratin, of which nails are made, to split. Pamper your hands and nails once every three weeks with a manicure. This requires soaking your hands in warm water for ten minutes, massaging of hands, thorough cleaning and shaping of nails. Choose your manicure kit with care. In some kits, the instruments are crudely made and they will do more harm than good.
  • 127. Feet Give your feet a good scrub with a sponge, pumice stone or foot scrubber that is not made of very abrasive material when having a bath. Dry after bath between toes. Keep toenails clipped. Give importance to wearing comfort in the choice of footwear. For those who go barefoot indoors, door mats must be cleaned or changed frequently. Extra foot care is required for diabetics.
  • 128. Your Role as a Company
  • 129. Your Role as Company Ambassador Your Image is the mirroring effect of your Company's Brand. Your outer appearance is a determining factor in how Clients and Prospective Clients will perceive you and the company. The initial perception and first impression that is formed during contact with Clients, Prospective Clients, and others in your Industry, is vital to your Company's future. Corporate Image A corporate image should be consistent with the positioning of the company's goals, mission, product lines, or brands.  Any inconsistency between the overall corporate image, employees’ and the positions of product offerings will be confusing and therefore send mixed messages to potential clients.  A good corporate image can be seen as the sum of all the images associated within the firm.
  • 130. A well dressed and groomed group will project: •   Strong Corporate Culture A well dressed and groomed team will speak volumes without saying a word.  They will appear to be knowledgeable, organized and professional in business deals.  Clients and co-workers will always notice someone who is well put together after all, if they can take care of their personal business, they will be able to handle others’ business. •   Confidence An employee who is appropriately dressed, groomed and business etiquette savvy will come across much more self-confident and self-assured than someone who is not.  With a sharp appearance, they are able to communicate more effectively through verbal and non-verbal communications.   •   Improved Performance From the feedback we’ve had from our corporate clients, employees have displayed an overall improvement in performance in the workplace.  Employee’s who are dressed down usually have a dressed down attitude as well.