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Counter-disinformation toolkit
RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
“An unexciting truth may be eclipsed
by a thrilling falsehood”
Aldous Huxley, 1958.
uring the COVID-19 pandemic,
technology and social media have
been used to keep people safe,
informed, productive and connected.
However, this same technology is
also enabling misinformation and
disinformation to spread, becoming
increasingly sophisticated since the
publication of the original RESIST toolkit.
The pandemic has brought to bear the
terrible impact of misleading information,
as people look for truth, comfort and
guidance for themselves and their loved
ones in distressing times. The pandemic
has taught us many lessons, but
especially for us as communicators, it has
shown us that impactful communications
can save lives.
The UK government has been working and
learning alongside its international partners
to take action against disinformation.
Through multiple trainings and collaborative
partnerships with government, multilateral
and civil society communicators, the original
toolkit has been used extensively around
the world. The RESIST toolkit has been
used to ensure we uphold the democratic
values we hold dear and that communicators
- as the deliverers of important and often
life-changing messages - speak to their
audiences effectively. The proliferation of
false information severely undermines trust
in democratic institutions, processes and
cohesive societies. As communicators we all
shoulder the responsibility of delivering truth
to our citizens to maintain the fabric of our
institutions and uphold our democratic values.
This refreshed version of the RESIST toolkit
reflects the new realities of the threat that
mis- and disinformation poses today. It
explores new techniques and tactics, and
how organisations can effectively identify,
monitor and respond. The toolkit takes a
systematic, evidence-based approach for
helping organisations build societal and
individual resilience to disinformation.
Alex Aiken
Executive Director
of Government
4 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
Since we developed the original RESIST framework in 2018, hundreds of
communications professionals and civil servants from the UK and around the world have
provided feedback about how they use the toolkit, and what they would like to see in
future iterations. This updated version reflects both the changing demands of the
communication profession, and the evolving information environment.
Key new developments:
While the key state actors remain the same, new
techniques and approaches emerged during the
Covid-19 pandemic, and the threat posed by
misinformation has become more urgent. We
have therefore developed the scope of the toolkit
to cover “false and misleading information”, and
greatly expanded the section on “Recognise” to
better reflect current threat vectors.
Vulnerabilities within the audiences targeted
by mis- and disinformation have changed.
For example, those vulnerable to mis- and
disinformation during the Covid-19 pandemic
represented far larger audiences than previous
campaigns. We have expanded the toolkit to
include a greater variety of communication
tools to reach these audiences, and additional
structured analysis techniques to weigh up risk
and impact.
The community working to counter the negative
effects of mis- and disinformation has grown.
National and international stakeholders,
including independent media, civil society, digital
platforms, and academic institutions, perform
crucial roles in a whole of society approach to
maintaining a healthy information environment.
Effective collaboration with partners, including
policy levers outside of traditional communication
tools, is now better represented in the toolkit.
Given the range of counter mis- and
disinformation initiatives internationally, we
recognise a need to better evaluate the
effectiveness of communication interventions.
The Tracking Outcomes section of the toolkit has
evolved into a more comprehensive section on
Tracking Effectiveness, focused on assessment
of impact metrics.
Case studies
RESIST training has always drawn heavily on
case studies and examples from participants’
own experiences. For this updated version, we
have integrated many examples both from the
UK and international partners into the toolkit,
to help better elucidate techniques and provide
What’s New?
RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
RESIST 2 – What’s New?.........................................................4
Executive Summary ................................................................6
Why Do We Need RESIST?.....................................................8
Recognise Mis- and Disinformation..........................................10
Early Warning...........................................................................17
Situational Insight ....................................................................20
Impact Analysis .......................................................................22
Strategic Communication.........................................................33
Tracking Effectiveness..............................................................53
6 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
Recognise provides an overview of the information environment as it is today.
It highlights the sheer volume of information shared online and the challenges
this poses for communicators. It explains the differences between misinformation,
disinformation and malinformation and why these categorisations are useful to
understand the impact on audiences, including threatening public safety, fracturing
communities and undermining trust in public institutions and the media. It also provides
a checklist that can be used by communicators to determine whether a piece of
information is likely to be false.
Early Warning
Early Warning begins with an overview of the available tools that can be used
to monitor the media environment. It explains how to identify areas of your
organisation - and its priorities - that are vulnerable to mis- and disinformation. It will
support communicators to focus on the monitoring of key vulnerabilities by mapping out
the objectives, audiences, brands and information and determining the extent to which
they are at risk from mis- and disinformation.
Situational Insight
Situational Insight explains how communicators can turn information into
actionable insight. It notes that insight can be produced on an ongoing
basis (daily, weekly or monthly reports), or in an ad hoc manner to respond
to emerging threats and issues. It helps communicators to create insight that is
accessible for officials, including ways to explain insight clearly and avoid the
use of jargon.
Executive Summary
RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
Impact Analysis
Impact Analysis explains how communicators can use ‘structural analysis
techniques’ to predict the likely impact of a piece of mis- or disinformation. It
stresses the importance of establishing and following clearly defined processes to
ensure that assessments are objective and do not rely on the instincts - or ‘gut feeling’ -
of practitioners.
Strategic Communications outlines the
key skills communicators should utilise when
developing and implementing communication
strategies. It explains how communicators
can make their content more engaging and
impactful, including by identifying the best
channels to reach target audiences, and using
‘friendly voices’ to increase the credibility and
reach of communication activity. It outlines the
different ways communication activity can be
undertaken - proactive, reactive or active - and
details how communicators can assess and
implement these different types of approaches
in diverse scenarios.
Tracking Effectiveness
Tracking Effectiveness outlines the
importance of measuring the extent to
which strategic communication activities
have been effective. It sets out the importance
of distinguishing between outputs and
outcomes, and offers examples of metrics that
can be used to determine the effectiveness of
communications against pre-defined objectives.
8 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
The amount of information on the internet seems
endless. Each minute of every day, WhatsApp
users send 40 million messages; Facebook users
share 150,000 posts, YouTube users upload 500
hours of content, there are 350,000 new tweets,
and nearly half a million engagements on Reddit1
Add to this traditional print and broadcasting
media, email and telephones, and it is clear that
the information environment is more contested
than ever.
Communications must compete in this crowded
information space. Your job as a communications
specialist is to understand your audiences, to
earn their attention and trust, so that you can
supply them with important - and sometimes
vital - information. This means developing an
understanding of threats to the information
environment, particularly those that stand
between you and your audiences.
Sometimes people accidently share false
information. Perhaps they didn’t read it properly,
or they misunderstood or misremembered
what they had read, or they were given the
wrong information to begin with. This is known
as misinformation. Misinformation refers to
verifiably false information that is shared
without an intent to mislead. The effects of
misinformation can still be harmful.
People also deliberately spread false or
manipulated information. Usually, it is because
the individuals and organisations that create
it have something to gain from deception.
Disinformation refers to verifiably false
information that is shared with an intent to
deceive and mislead. It can often have harmful
Sometimes true or partially true information is
used in such a way that it has similar effects
1	 https://web-assets.domo.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/20-data-never-sleeps-8-final-01-Resize.jpg
to disinformation. For example, facts such as
statistics can be twisted or taken out of context
to support false interpretations. This is known
as malinformation. Malinformation deliberately
misleads by twisting the meaning of truthful
These different definitions are good to know,
but real-life instances of false and misleading
information tend to be less clear-cut. Often,
you won’t know somebody’s intention or goals.
Sometimes people spread disinformation
because they think it’s true. This means
that it technically becomes misinformation.
Malinformation can be challenging to contest
because it is difficult to inject nuance into highly
polarised debates. In general, we recommend
not getting too hung up on definitions and to
retain focus on your priorities, such as supplying
accurate and credible information, and where
necessary protecting the public from harm.
This toolkit enables you to develop a response
that can be used when dealing with all types of
manipulated, false, and misleading information.
You can use the definitions of mis-, dis- and
malinformation to help think about who is
spreading it and why, but when developing and
delivering a response to false information, it’s
most important to focus on the harm it can do.
Manipulated, false and misleading
information can:
X threaten public safety
X fracture community cohesion
X reduce trust in institutions and the media
X undermine public acceptance of science’s
role in informing policy development and
Why Do We Need
RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
X damage our economic prosperity and our
global influence; and
X undermine the integrity of government,
the constitution and our democratic
The aim of this toolkit is to reduce the impact of
false, misleading, and manipulated information
on UK society and our national interests, in line
with democratic values. Our primary objective
is to give the public confidence in assessing
the veracity of information themselves, so
they are equipped to make their
own decisions.2
2	 https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/online-harms-white-paper/online-harms-white-paper
This toolkit provides a consistent and effective
approach to identifying and tackling a
range of manipulated, false, and misleading
information that government and public sector
communicators may experience. The RESIST
model is divided into components that can be
used independently or tailored depending on
the kind of organisation and the threats it faces.
Sometimes you will need to respond before
you know what something is or while you are
investigating it - i.e., there won’t always be time
to do the steps in order.
Communications departments play a central
role in recognising and responding to mis- and
disinformation. You will often be the first to
see it. This toolkit helps you develop routines
to make informed assessments of risk and to
share your insights and work with other parts
of your organisation. It helps you to formulate
recommendations and responses, and to
evaluate your actions. The approach set out
in this toolkit will contribute to a robust early
warning system for recognising and responding
to threats and emerging trends in the information
Online Harms
The UK Government’s Online Harms
White Paper2
identifies several
harms from online activity and false
information. The most relevant for this
toolkit are:
f terrorist and extremist
f abuse and harassment
f online mis- and
f online manipulation
f abuse of public figures
You can find out more about how to
prioritise the harms most relevant to
your work in Section 2: Early Warning
and Section 4: Impact Analysis.
10 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
While the distinctions between mis-, dis-
and malinformation are useful from a
theoretical perspective, in practice they can
be hard to distinguish. In many instances, it
won’t be obvious whether a questionable
social media post is entirely false or whether
there is malign intent behind it. It also won’t
be clear if it is an isolated incident, or
indicative of sustained malicious intent. This
section will introduce you to the important
things to look for so that you know how to
recognise misleading or manipulated
information. In addition to introducing the
basics of how to recognise mis- and
disinformation, this section also serves as
an introduction to the RESIST method.
In this section, you will learn:
f how to identify the problematic
components of misleading or
manipulated messages
f some of the ways that messages
fit within and support problematic
f how to better understand the
brand values and identities of
those who spread problematic
messages and narratives
f how to weigh up the intent of
those who spread the messages
and narratives
f how to weigh up the possible or
likely impact of techniques used
1.1 Investigate the messages
The most common way to first notice mis- and
disinformation is when you encounter messages
that draw your attention and raise concerns.
A message is a form of communication aimed
at a group of recipients. It may for example
take the form of a social media post, tweet,
meme, or comment, or a letter, flyer, poster, or
slogan. Is the message an opinion? Opinions
are usually subjective, which means that they
cannot be verifiably false. If the message is
simply a statement of opinion, you should
not treat it as disinformation. However, if the
opinion is based on verifiably false, deceptive, or
manipulated information that has the potential to
cause harm, it may be worth investigating further.
First, you should look out for five of the most
common components of mis- and disinformation.
We call these the FIRST indicators, because
they are almost certainly the first things that
will draw your attention. Note that recognising
deceptive techniques is only the first stage of
discovery. You should work through the following
stages in order to better recognise the scope of
the problem.
Is there any manipulated content? E.g., a forged
document, manipulated image, or deliberately
twisted citation.
Does anything point to a disguised or misleading
source, or false claims about someone else’s
identity? E.g., a fake social media account,
claiming that a person or organisation is
something they are not, or behaviour that doesn’t
match the way the account presents itself.
Is there use of an aggravating tone or false
arguments? E.g., trolling, whataboutism,
strawman, social proof, and ad hominem
Recognise Mis-
and Disinformation
RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
Are data, issues or events exploited to achieve
an unrelated communicative goal? E.g. historical
examples taken out of context, unconnected
facts used to justify conspiracy theories, misuse
of statistics, or conclusions that are far removed
from what data reasonably supports.
Do the communicative techniques exploit
technology in order to trick or mislead?
E.g. off-platform coordination, bots amplifying
messages, or machine-generated text, audio and
visual content.
Fabrication case study:
In 2021, hackers altered the text of two Polish
government websites to falsely claim that
there had been a leak from a nuclear power
station in neighbouring Lithuania. The hackers
then took control of the Facebook and Twitter
accounts of prominent political figures to
spread the content.
Identity case study:
In 2018, Pro-Kremlin groups created fake
Instagram pages designed to look like
legitimate news aggregators. Targeting an
upcoming election in Ukraine, they linked to
stories containing heavy political biases and
false information, and the pages accumulated
100,000 followers prior to their removal.
Rhetoric case study:
According to a March 2021 survey, more than
a quarter of people in the UK read information
about COVID-19 that could be considered
false or misleading. People from minority
ethnic backgrounds were particularly targeted
with provocative rhetoric that implied that
coronavirus vaccines contain pork or monkey
animal parts, that the vaccine will alter human
DNA, and that it is part of a plan to implant
microchips. Respondents from minority
ethnic backgrounds were around twice as
likely to say that the claim made them think
twice about getting vaccinated.
Symbolism case study:
To support its illegal annexation of Crimea in
2014, pro-Kremlin media spread narratives
that engaged in historical revisionism,
including the false claims that Crimea is a
natural part of Russia, that Ukrainian control
over Crimea was a historical anomaly, and
that Ukraine has never been a genuinely
sovereign country.
Technology case study:
In 2020, a day before Indian Legislative
Assembly elections, a political party released
deepfake videos of a candidate criticising
a competitor in a language he did not
speak. 5,800 WhatsApp groups shared the
manipulated content, which reached up to 15
million people.
12 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
See Annex A for a glossary of common terms
related to mis- and disinformation.
1.2 Unpack the narratives
Messages are the building blocks of narratives.
Narratives are a form of storytelling that helps to
explain and shape perceptions of an issue. They
are stories that are designed to influence a target
audience. If you see lots of messages on a topic,
it is likely that you will be able to identify one or
more of the narratives that they fit into or help to
Narratives are generally made up of seemingly
disparate messages or statements, brought
together to tell a particular story. These stories
are then more relatable to a broader audience,
and can unify groups with different beliefs and
interests, making them convenient vehicles for
spreading misleading or deceptive ideas. As
a communicator, you should familiarise
yourself with the misleading narratives
that affect your principal areas of work and
responsibility. You can find out more about how
to do this in Section 2: Early Warning.
Narratives are in essence simple stories that
give shortcuts to understanding complex
issues. They often express things about identity,
community, and purpose. They are often not
literally true, but rather they carry the aggregated,
distilled beliefs of a community built up over time
by many people across many statements. If you
identify a series of messages that fit within, or
help to construct a misleading narrative, that can
be an indicator of mis- or disinformation.
Message Message
Case study:
In late 2020, memes began to circulate
suggesting that the AstraZeneca vaccine,
which uses a modified virus derived from
viruses found in chimpanzees, would
turn people into monkeys. Drawing upon
symbolism from the Planet of the Apes movies
as well as the principle of reverse evolution
(the vaccine devolving humans to apes), the
memes were widely spread on pro-Kremlin
media and social media. Many of the memes
featured manipulated images of politicians
and researchers, among others, with ape or
chimpanzee features replacing their human
features. The intention behind each of these
messages appear to have been to sow fear
and doubt around the AstraZeneca vaccine
with the aim of boosting confidence in the
Russian Sputnik V vaccine. Each message
therefore took the form of a simple joke that
nonetheless contributed to a more significant
narrative that had geopolitical objectives.
1.3 Consider the brand and who it
speaks to
If you’re able to identify messages and
narratives based on verifiably false, deceptive,
misleading, or manipulated information, the next
step is to get a sense of who is spreading the
information. The aim is to better understand
the values, identities and beliefs that drive
these narratives, and with whom they have
credibility. We call this the brand. A brand is
what people think and feel about somebody
or something, the characteristics and qualities
that distinguish it from everything else. It is not
about the person behind the account, but rather
about the persona that the account attempts
to project to resonate with certain target
RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
Narrative Narrative
Case study:
During 2018-19, a regional Indonesian
independence movement conducted
widespread protests against the government.
A series of pro-independence social media
pages and accounts appeared that identified
themselves as being news providers based
in that region. Despite at first appearing
sympathetic to the independence movement,
they gradually shared dramatic anti-protester
rhetoric, such as referring to the protesters
as extremists, criminals, and anarchists, and
these pages also promoted pro-government
narratives. Their ‘brand’, in other words, was
deceptive. An investigation found that more
than 70 social media accounts and pages
had been created as part of a coordinated
campaign against the independence
movement by a public relations company.
On social media it can sometimes be hard to
understand whether an account represents a
real person, advocacy movement, business, or a
troll designed to spread certain messages. The
account may make claims to being a certain type
of person or organisation (based on the image and
description), or it may give very little information.
Since it may not be possible for you to accurately
attribute a social media account or set of posts
to its owner, it is better to focus on two aspects
of its brand identity: what the account claims to
represent, and who it claims to represent.
Narratives serve to unify people and groups
with very different interests. Understanding
the different brands that participate in
these narratives and comparing what you
can learn about the brands with examples
of behaviour should help you to better
understand where different participants fit
into the debate. If mis- and disinformation are
strongly connected to the brand identity, that
can be an indication of something worth digging
into further. You can find out more about how
to share and analyse information about false or
misleading narratives in Section 3: Situational
Insight. You can learn more about how to weigh
up the impact of mis- and disinformation on your
brand in Section 4.5
1.4 Weigh up the intent
Closely connected to the brand is the intent.
Intent is notoriously difficult to determine.
However, if you weigh up the kinds of brands
that share problematic messages and narratives,
a picture should begin to emerge. Often, the
position of the account within its community
– i.e. how its brand fits with the other brands
it engages with – can help to reveal intent.
If the account sharing misleading content
is willing to discuss, delete or correct false
statements, for example, it is a strong indicator
that there is no intent to mislead. If, however,
there are signs that the account is deliberately
spreading false content, trolling, or attacking
individuals and organisations, the risk is higher
that there may be an intent to cause harm.
Intent may vary quite widely even among those
who produce the same kinds of messages, who
adhere to similar narratives, and whose brand
values overlap. Below are several examples
of the most common intentions that motivate
individuals and organisations to spread false,
misleading or manipulated information.
14 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
Brand Brand
Because I believe
Sometimes people spread misleading or
manipulated information because they genuinely
believe something, because they want to
persuade others, or because they want it to be
X “I am inclined to support any statements
that resonate with my strongly-held
X “Even if this specific case isn’t true, it’s
an example of the kind of thing that goes
X “Our objectives are so important that
bending the rules doesn’t matter: the ends
justify the means.”
Because I have grievances
Groups and individuals sometimes use dubious
communication tactics because they believe it is
the best way for their voices to be heard:
X “I feel disenfranchised, and this
community is giving me a voice.”
X “I blame this social group for my
problems, and I want to damage them.”
X “I’m angry and want others to feel the way
I do.”
Because I can
Sometimes people use the anonymity of being
online to do things they would never do in real
life, which can confer status within a hierarchical
online community:
X “Here I can say the things I really want to
say without consequences.”
X “People really respect and listen to me, so
I give them more of what they want.”
X “I wanted to see if it was possible to do
this and get away with it.”
Because I want to discredit somebody or
Often, people spread misleading information that
is aimed at negatively affecting the credibility,
trust and reputation of a target person or
X “By discrediting this organisation, we will
get more support for our goals.”
X “This person is bad. We need to tell the
world the truth.”
X “Maybe this exact case isn’t true, but
it’s an example of the sort of thing they
would do.”
Because I want to contribute to polarisation
Sometimes the intent is to contribute to existing
tensions by aggravating them, thereby eroding
the middle ground:
X “There are only two sides in this debate
and you must choose one or the other.”
X “I am here to promote my beliefs and help
to crowd out opinions I do not like.”
X “I will use any means available to prove
my point and disprove yours.”
Because I can make money
Sometimes people spread misleading or
manipulated information because they can make
money from it:
RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
X “Click on these links that seem to align
with your views, and I will sell your data,
generate some ad revenue, and try to
steal your passwords.”
X “I am an influencer for hire. For a fee I will
support your cause using all methods
X “By spreading false information and
preying on uncertainty, I am able to sell
products that I know do not work.”
Because I am part of an Information
Influence Operation
On rare occasions, hostile state and nonstate
actors conduct espionage designed to
undermine the prosperity and security of another
country. Such activities can have an online
component that takes advantage of sensitive
debates and issues. These activities are usually
hidden in plain sight, among genuine people with
legitimate worries and grievances:
X “I have gained the trust of this group by
creating material that they share and by
supporting their posts.”
X “I am cultivating groups and individuals to
make them more extreme.”
X “My online activities are coordinated
with the work of several other agents to
achieve a specific effect on a country’s
decision-making, social cohesion, and
1.5 Consider the impact of
the techniques
We began by analysing messages using the FIRST
Indicators to establish the use of false, misleading
or manipulated information. We then connected
these messages to narratives that may be
3	 https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/news/view/2547048-high-profile-western-media-outlets-repeatedly-infiltrated-by-pro-
problematic to your areas of responsibility, as well
as to the integrity of public debate more generally.
Third, we considered how the brands spreading
the messages and narratives present themselves,
how they behave in their communities, and who
they are targeting. Drawing this together, we then
weighed up the likely motivations and intentions of
those creating and spreading the false, misleading
or manipulated information.
The final step in recognising mis- and
disinformation is to consider the impact of the
techniques that are being used. This involves
understanding how messages, narratives,
brands, and intent fit together so that they create
an impact. 3
16 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
Case study:
The impact of anti-vaccine narratives is an
example of a type of cumulative harm that
many different but interconnected messages
can cause. Antivax narratives predate Covid-19
and have previously been falsely associated
with the risk of autism in children alongside
many other conspiracies. False and misleading
information targeting Covid-19 has for example
suggested microchip implants, magnetising of
people’s arms, effects on fertility, that Christian
Eriksen’s heart attack during Euro 2020 was
caused by the Pfizer vaccine, and of course the
monkey memes.
Weighing up impact is challenging, but in this
case overall vaccination figures would provide
an indication of how the public is responding to
the contested information environment. In other
cases, it may be possible to obtain polling
or survey data. However, in many cases the
only available data will be the comments and
discussions that you see online in conjunction
with the mis- and disinformation. Since these
debates can easily be manipulated – indeed,
comments sections of newspapers and blogs
can be the targets of disinformation campaigns
just as easily as comments on social media
– understanding the impact often comes
down to focusing upon your organisational
priorities and responsibilities.
You can learn more about how to weigh up
the possible risks and impact of mis- and
disinformation in Section 4: Impact Assessment.
This section has covered:
f the differences
between mis-, dis- and
f the messages that are
spread and whether they
are false, misleading or
f the ways in which messages
fit within and construct
f the brand identities of those
spreading the messages and
f some indications of the
intent of the accounts that
spread the messages and
f a sense of the possible
or likely impact of the
techniques, messages and
The remaining components of
RESIST 2 will support you in deciding
whether to respond, and if so how to
craft that response.
Early Warning
RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
This section will help you to answer the
following questions:
f how do I focus digital monitoring
on risks?
f how can I use digital monitoring
to protect my priority issues,
tasks and audiences?
2.1 Focus your monitoring on risk
Monitoring of traditional and digital media has
improved greatly since the days of cutting out
interesting stories from newspapers with scissors
and storing them in a binder. There are now
multiple monitoring services available, which
are managed by specialised government teams,
purchased from analytics companies, or gathered
by yourself. They range from very simple data
(number of likes, shares and comments) to
advanced (big data, sentiment analysis and
network analysis).
You will already have regular access to some
monitoring products. However, many will not
be focused specifically on the risks posed by
mis- and disinformation.
The existing monitoring you receive should give
a good sense of your key audiences, influencers
and of the broader debates that relate to
your priority policy areas. You should use this
monitoring to gain an understanding of:
X digital debates that are taking place in
relation to your organisation and its work;
X the main attitudes held by key influencers
and audiences;
X how influencers and segmented
audiences engage on digital platforms
with your organisation and its work
X changes in trends over time
The value of this knowledge is that it enables
you to improve your preparedness for handling
mis- and disinformation. It can offer early
warnings of potential threats and risks, and give
a sense of what is normal and what might involve
manipulation of debates according to FIRST
principles. Monitoring can help you to better
understand where to look, and what to look for.
You can supplement it with your own specialist
insights using tools such as:
Platform analytics
Each social media platform has an analytics
function that provides data on accounts or pages
that you own. Platforms that you own pages on are
an important source of insight for understanding
how people engage with your content.
Google Trends
Shows how frequently terms are searched for on
Google. The results can be broken down by time,
country, and related queries to focus attention on
a specific timeframe, location, and/or topic. This is
useful for revealing spikes in interest and can help
guide your attention to specific days, locations or
topics where interest in a debate has changed.
Create a Twitter dashboard to follow multiple
timelines, accounts and search terms in real
time. Note that you can monitor accounts and
keywords in Tweetdeck without being a follower.
Available at tweetdeck.twitter.com.
Browser extensions
There are a number of apps that can be added
to your browser to speed up or even automate
functions such as translation, image searches
and taking screenshots. This is especially useful
for speeding up simple tasks that you need to do
Early Warning
Early Warning
18 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
Lots more tools are available for a wide number
of platforms and in multiple languages.
2.2 Protect your priorities from mis-
and disinformation
The next step is to develop contingency planning
around the risks of mis- and disinformation. The
below grid will help you to figure out some of the
important areas where misleading or manipulated
information can provide significant risks to
your organisation and the people depending
on its services. Use monitoring data to answer
the below questions. You can also work with
colleagues to brainstorm or “red team” the risks.
This information can help you to increase
your organisation’s resilience to mis- and
disinformation, by for example improving
campaign planning, better directing monitoring,
raising awareness of vulnerabilities, and providing
early warning of potential threats.
Our priorities Areas of risk
Objectives to
What are our priority policy
areas and responsibilities?
What are the prevailing attitudes in these
areas that could be harnessed for mis-
and disinformation? What types of mis- or
disinformation could be particularly harmful to
our priorities and our audiences?
Information to
What are our key messages
and narratives?
What misleading or manipulated information is
being spread? What are the main messages and
narratives we should be aware of? What is untrue
or misleading about them?
Brands to
What are the core values
that we stand for?
What values and interests do we and our
partners wish to project? What types of mis- or
disinformation could undermine our credibility,
engagement, or ability to deliver results?
Audiences to
Who are the key
stakeholders and
audiences affecting or
dependent on our policy
What are their values and interests? Who do they
communicate with and listen to? Which parts
of their relationship with my organisation are
susceptible to mis- and disinformation?
Early Warning
RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
Digital monitoring should be focused
on your key priorities, influencers and
audiences. There are a number of
government units that provide analysis
and insight products that may be
relevant to you. There are also many
free and paid tools that can be used
to support analysis. You should use
combinations of these tools to create a
monitoring toolkit that suits your needs.
The purpose of digital monitoring in
relation to disinformation is ultimately
to help you to reduce vulnerabilities,
plan for risk, and protect your
priorities. This kind of focused planning
can help give you an early warning
if disinformation appears within your
priority policy areas or among key
influencers and audiences.
The knowledge that you develop in
these steps should be operationalised in
the next step: creation of insight.
Situational Insight
20 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
This section will help you answer the
following question:
f what is insight in the context of
mis- and disinformation and how
should it be used to support a
timely response?
By the end of this section, you will be
familiar with the basic steps required to
understand an insight report containing
relevant information for your organisation.
3.1 Turning monitoring into insight
Monitoring becomes valuable when it is turned
into insight. Insight is a form of analysis that
turns interesting data into actionable data. It
answers the question, “So what?”. At its core,
insight is about understanding audiences to
support communication planning. Insight should
be used to:
X baseline/benchmark over time to show
X identify emerging trends and provide early
warning of threats
X understand how mis- and disinformation
is distributed to key audiences
X generate recommendations
X provide support for developing and
targeting messages and campaigns,
including preclearance of lines
Insight usually takes the form of reports that are
circulated daily, weekly or ad hoc depending
on need. Much of the data can be drawn
automatically from the monitoring toolbox or
dashboard that you developed in the previous
section. A good insight report can be as short
as one or two pages: put the most important
information at the top and get to the “so
what” quickly.
Bear in mind that your insight product might be
the first time that people in your organisation are
exposed to digital monitoring data as a basis for
analysing mis- or disinformation. It should be
usable as a briefing for special advisers, policy
advisers, senior staff and ministers, so explain
things clearly by avoiding jargon and using
images where possible.
A disinformation insight product should
at a minimum include:
X Key insights and takeouts.
A top line summary including a short
commentary explaining the ‘so what’
and setting out your recommendations
for action; and
X Sections on key themes and
issues covering:
X relevant outputs from your
department on priority issues, for
example a ministerial announcement
X examples of disinformation relating
to these outputs, including where
and how it is circulating
X key interactions and engagements,
for example is the disinformation
being dealt with organically, is it
being picked up by journalists and
influencers and if so which ones?
X trends and changes in attitudes (and
influencers and audiences) over
time (this can be combined with any
polling data you have)
X your commentary and
recommendations for a response
Situational Insight
Situational Insight
RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
Insight is important, but you should always weigh
it up against known risks (section 2.2) and your
own knowledge of what is normal debate in your
area of expertise. Be wary of exaggerating the
impact of single examples of misleading or
manipulated content, or of falling into the
trap of feeling that every false post should
be corrected. It is also worth remembering that
niche debates on social media rarely represent
broader public opinion. Insight is most valuable
when you consider it as an indicator of emerging
trends that you use alongside other sources to
create an overall assessment of impact. The
following section will discuss this further.
The goal of a disinformation insight
product is to share the early warning
signals you have gleaned from digital
media monitoring with the people
who need a situational briefing. As
with all monitoring, it can be used in
long-term planning, for example in an
annual report or as part of a campaign
evaluation, for ad hoc issues, or
produced on a weekly or even daily
basis. They should be short, clear and
to the point. A basic example of an
insight product is given in Annex B.
Impact Analysis
22 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
This section will help you answer the
following questions:
f how do you determine levels of
confidence in your assessment
of mis- and disinformation?
f what is the likely impact?
f how does the mis- or
disinformation affect your areas
of responsibility, or ability to
achieve your organisation’s
f how does mis- and
disinformation affect your
communication with
the public?
f how does the mis- or
disinformation affect your brand
or organisation’s reputation?
f how should I prioritise?
The following section provides a number
of structured analysis techniques which
cover a series of questions that can help
to guide your assessment of the goals,
impact and reach of potential disinformation
you have identified through monitoring
and insight. This can be used to help you
decide whether to act and, if so, how. The
following steps will lead you through these
more detailed questions, in ways that help
to unpack decision-making and avoid “gut
feeling” responses.
Impact Analysis
Impact Analysis
RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
Our priorities Key questions
Objectives to
Policy areas and
1. Is the mis, dis- or malinformation harmful to
our priorities? In what ways?
Information to
Key messages and
2. What problematic communication techniques
and behaviours have you identified?
3. What misleading or manipulated content is
being spread? What are the main messages and
narratives we should be aware of? What is untrue
or misleading about them?
Brands to
Core values 4. What values and interests do the accounts
spreading mis- or disinformation wish to project,
and to which target groups?
Audiences to
Key stakeholders and
5. How widely is mis- or disinformation
spreading, and to which target groups?
4.1 What is the degree of
Structured analysis techniques are a well-
established means of standardising assessments
and decision making. They are mainly used in
assessments where analysts look at different
parts of a puzzle and need to share the same
process and language. We draw upon
simplified versions of these techniques here
because handling mis- and disinformation
should not be based on a gut feeling. You
need to follow a structured, coherent
process using a common language that
leads to consistent decisions.
While it may be tempting to expect clear yes/
no answers to many situations, analysis, and the
subsequent response to mis- and disinformation,
often involves uncertainty. This is because
situations are ongoing and there is rarely enough
information to be sure of who is behind activities,
what their goals are, and what impact their
efforts will have. What we see on social media
or in insight reports should be treated as
indicators of possible trends rather than firm
evidence of public opinion. Rather, we must
consider these activities in terms of risk and
Careful use of language is crucial to give a
nuanced assessment of what appears to be
happening. For example, you may have high
confidence that a piece of social media content
is disinformation, but low confidence in who is
ultimately behind it and why they are spreading it.
If you are sure, say so. If not, it is helpful to add a
small indicator of the likelihood that something is
true. It is enough to place a letter in parentheses
at the end of a proposition; low confidence [L],
medium confidence [M], or high confidence [H].
Note that there needs to be collective agreement
before any attribution is made. More advanced
users may wish to use additional structured
analysis techniques together with the PHIA
confidence yardstick to add greater nuance to
their assessments; see Annex C for more details.
Impact Analysis
24 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
Confidence levels
High confidence [H]: the evidence currently
available is sufficient to reach a reasonable
X “Digital platforms and researchers
have linked this group to a previous
information influence operation [H].”
Medium confidence [M]: it is possible to
reach a reasonable conclusion based on the
available evidence, but additional evidence
could easily sway that conclusion.
X “Based on the identity of this account,
the networks it belongs to and its
previous behaviour, there does not
appear to be an intent to mislead [M].”
Low confidence [L]: there is some relevant
evidence, but it is taken in isolation or without
X “Many of the disinformation posts
appear to have been translated from
a foreign language or use linguistic
idioms that suggest the network is
based in a particular foreign
country [L].”
Impact Analysis
RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
4.2 How does mis- or disinformation
affect your areas of responsibility?
Government departments provide services to the
public according to their areas of responsibility.
One method of determining whether to respond
to mis- or disinformation is to consider how it
impacts your department’s responsibilities.
Our priorities Key questions
Objectives to
Policy areas and
1. Is the mis-, dis- or malinformation harmful to
our priorities? In what ways?
Below is an example of how you might answer
these questions by turning your priorities into a
matrix. Develop a similar matrix of your own that
covers the areas relevant to your priorities. You
can then mark which of the priorities are affected
by the misleading or manipulated information you
have encountered. Include confidence levels to
mark how likely a scenario appears to be.
Does it affect the ability
of your organisation to do
its job?
Does it affect the people
who depend upon your
services? (be specific;
see 4.5)
Does it pose a significant
risk to the general public?
Ability to deliver services Key stakeholders National security
Reputation (see 4.4) Key audiences Public safety
Policy areas/goals Niche audiences Public health
Individual staff/staff safety Vulnerable audiences Climate of debate (see 4.3)
Impact Analysis
26 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
For example:
Public health
X “Accounts are spreading false information
that encourages individuals not to use
this potentially life-saving service. There
is some evidence of moderate impact
among users of the service’s Facebook
page [M].”
X “A small group of users are spreading
forged material that potentially
undermines trust in our department.
The forgeries are low-quality and make
unrealistic claims [M].”
Vulnerable audiences
X “Disinformation is targeting a specific
community that we work with. Vulnerable
members of that community are
particularly susceptible to the narratives
4.3 How does the mis- or
disinformation affect your
communication with the public?
The integrity of the information exchanged
between governments and members of the
public is crucial to a well-functioning society.
It may be appropriate to engage with mis- and
disinformation if it affects your communication
with the public to a degree that you are no longer
able to communicate effectively with them, for
example to deliver crucial public services.
Impact Analysis
RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
Our priorities Key questions
Information to
Key messages and
2. What problematic communication techniques
and behaviours have you identified?
3. What misleading or manipulated content is
being spread? What are the main messages and
narratives we should be aware of? What is untrue
or misleading about them?
Problematic communication techniques,
behaviours and content are easily assessed
using the FIRST indicators. The steps
under Recognise will guide you through this
information collection process and help you to
develop succinct answers to these questions.
X “Here are multiple sockpuppet accounts
being used that have previously been
active spreaders of disinformation [M].”
X “Narratives use symbolism and rhetoric,
including historical revisioniandm and
whataboutism, to agitate left-leaning
groups [H].”
X “Much of the trolling seems to be
coordinated off-platform to drown out
specific voices at specific moments [H].”
Our priorities Key questions
Brands to protect Core values 4. What values and interests do the accounts
spreading mis- or disinformation wish to project,
and to which target groups?
4.4 How does the mis- or
disinformation affect your brand?
In many cases, misleading or manipulated
information will assert values that compete with
those of government departments for credibility.
For example, those spreading the misleading
or manipulated information may claim to be
protecting the public, fighting for a good cause,
or have access to unique information sources.
They will often assert this identity in order
to target it at specific audiences. It will not
always be possible to know who is behind
an account or network, but it should be
possible to assess the account to better
understand their values, interests and
patterns of behaviour.
Impact Analysis
28 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
Use the answers from the previous questions to
form an informed opinion about how the mis- or
disinformation relates to your organisation, your
values and priorities. Then check the information
you have collected to see if you can answer
the following about the accounts and networks
creating or sharing the mis- or disinformation:
X who do they claim to be?
X what values do they claim to stand for?
X who are their target groups?
X is their behaviour consistent with their
X what is their track record of liking, sharing
and commenting on posts?
X do they have a stake in the issue?
X how do they engage with other accounts,
particularly those that disagree with them?
X do they seek accurate information and
correct mistakes?
4.5 What is the likely reach of the
mis- or disinformation?
You should make an assessment of how
extensively you believe the mis- and
disinformation will be engaged with. Is it likely to
disappear within a few hours or does it have the
potential to become tomorrow’s headlines?
Our priorities Key questions
Audiences to
Key stakeholders and
5. How widely is mis- or disinformation
spreading, and to which target groups?
Impact Analysis
RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
Exposure/reach Likelihood
Little interest: very limited circulation and engagement
Filter bubble: some engagement within niche audiences with similar
worldview / automated circulation
Trending: some discussion online, may include open debate
and rebuttals
Minor story: some reporting on mainstream media
Headline story: affecting day-to-day operations
X “a small number of accounts are
particularly influential in this network. At
least one is deliberately spreading false
information, others are more balanced but
still share false information [H]”
X “members of this group have posted that
they will ignore all government guidance
on this topic. They are using hashtags that
reach large audiences, which means that
interesting content could generate traction
X “a number of public figures have now
commented on this content. It is likely to
reach mainstream news [H]”
4.6 How should I prioritise the mis-
and disinformation?
Once the previous steps are completed, you
should be able to assign a priority level to
the mis- or disinformation. Is misinformation
at risk of causing harm to the public, or are
there indications that it will be ignored? Is
disinformation likely to become part of a major
international crisis, like the Salisbury poisoning,
or endanger life, such as misinformation around
COVID-19 vaccines, or is it enough simply to
monitor developments?
Below are three example priorities: high, medium
and low. You may need to develop your own
criteria for prioritising disinformation based
on your specific needs and experiences. The
principle is that the goal, impact and reach
should inform how urgently you prioritise the
Keep your assessment outcome-focused,
i.e. does what you are seeing represent a
significant obstacle to achieving your priorities?
If not, it should be lower priority. The role of
government is not to respond to every
piece of false or misleading information.
You should not take on the role of arbiter of truth
or moderator of public debate. A prioritised
response is one in which there is a clear
and compelling need to protect government
objectives, information, brands and/or
Impact Analysis
30 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
Description Actions Internal
High Significant risk to
the public, e.g.
health or national
security and has
a high likelihood
of making
headlines. Much
of the evidence is
high confidence
and builds a
clear picture. It
requires immediate
attention and
Make senior
staff, SpAds/
policy advisers
and other parts
of government
aware of issue
and its priority.
Share insight and
analysis. Prepare
quickly for a
Senior staff
Wider government
Share insight
Prioritise short-
term comms
X Following the poisoning of two UK
residents in Salisbury, Russian news
sources began a campaign of harassment
of the investigating services and UK
government. Early warnings from digital
media enabled the production of briefings
for senior staff across government to
prepare for a disinformation crisis.
Description Actions Internal
Medium Negative effect
on a policy area,
reputation or a
large stakeholder
group and is
trending online.
The evidence
indicates a
potential for harm if
left unchallenged.
It requires a
Make senior staff
and SpAds/policy
advisers aware of
issue. Share insight
and analysis
within department.
Investigate the
issue and prepare
press lines based
on known facts.
Senior staff
Policy advisers
Monitoring and
analysis teams
Press lines
Prioritise short
and medium-term
Impact Analysis
RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
X A trade press with limited circulation
misleadingly claims that a recent
parliamentary vote determined that
animals have no feelings. Early warning
assessment highlights a risk that
the narrative may be picked up by
mainstream press. Insight, briefings
and press lines are prepared either to
proactively correct the story or to prepare
for possible mainstream interest in the
policy area.
Description Actions Internal
Low Potential to affect
the climate of
debate about e.g.
a department’s
work and has
limited circulation.
The evidence is of
mixed quality. The
debate should be
routinely followed
but intervention
is unnecessary/
Share insight and
analysis with in
media department.
Investigate the
issue and prepare
press lines/
narratives based
on known facts.
Conduct a baseline
analysis of debate
and track any
Comms officers
Monitoring and
analysis teams
Press lines
Baseline analysis
Prioritise medium
and long-term
X A conspiracy theory has emerged holding
the UK government responsible for a
major public safety incident. The theory
is only being circulated by fringe groups
known for anti-government sentiment,
and runs counter to current mainstream
debates. Insight and press lines are
prepared, but no response is made for
the time being. The area is monitored
and baseline analysis is used to spot any
sudden changes in the climate of debate.
Impact Analysis
32 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
The assessment of risk and impact
in communication work is often the
result of experience and a qualified ‘gut
feeling’. However, if disinformation is to
be tackled in a coherent and consistent
way across government, we need to
use common tools and make similar
assessments. This section gives you
suggestions for approaches that can
standardise the assessment of risk and
impact, leading to a priorities-based
approach to developing a response.
Strategic Communications
RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
Not all mis- and disinformation has to
be responded to. In many circumstances,
public opinion will self-correct. Any public
response to false or misleading information
that you do decide to make should
represent the truth, well told.
If you decide to act, there are many options
– and combinations of options – at your
disposal. This section will outline various
options and discuss how to deploy them
effectively to minimise the impact of false
and misleading information on your priority
issues and audiences.
This section will help you answer the
following questions:
X what are the most important
communication principles?
X what are my communication options?
X traditional vs digital options
X proactive communication options
X reactive communication options
X how should I weigh up approaches?
Strategic Communications
34 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
5.1 Follow communication best
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD) has used the collective
expertise and learnings of its members and
partners to develop good practice principles to
help address mis- and disinformation.
The resulting draft OECD Principles of Good
Practice for Public Communication Responses to
Mis- and Disinformation has been devised to:
X inform government policies and
communication that resonate with
citizens’ needs and leverage stakeholders
as part of a whole-of-society approach
X empower communicators through
institutionalised approaches that are
public-interest driven and evidence-based
X mitigate the spread and effects of mis-
and disinformation through building
capacity for timely, preventive and
forward-looking efforts to respond to
problematic content
The OECD Principles of Good Practice for
Public Communication Responses to Help
Counter Mis- and Disinformation
Governments strive to communicate in an
honest, clear and open manner, with institutions
comprehensively disclosing information,
decisions, processes and data within the
limitations of relevant legislation and regulation.
Transparency, including about assumptions and
uncertainty, can reduce the scope for rumours
and falsehoods to take root, as well as enable
public scrutiny of official information and open
government data.
Interventions are designed and diversified to
reach all groups in society. Official information
strives to be relevant and easily understood, with
messages tailored for diverse publics. Channels
and messages are appropriate for intended
audiences, and communication initiatives are
conducted with respect for cultural and linguistic
differences and with attention paid to reaching
disengaged vulnerable, underrepresented or
marginalised groups.
Governments develop interventions and
communications around the needs and concerns
of citizens. Adequate resources and efforts are
dedicated to understanding and listening to their
questions and expectations to develop informed
and tailored messages. Responsive approaches
facilitate two-way dialogue, including with
vulnerable, underrepresented and marginalised
groups, and enable an avenue for public
participation in policy decisions.
Government efforts to counteract information
disorders are integrated within a whole-of-
society approach, in collaboration with relevant
stakeholders, including the media, private
sector, civil society, academia and individuals.
Governments broadly promote the public’s
resilience to mis- and disinformation, as well as
an environment conducive to accessing, sharing
and facilitating constructive public engagement
around information and data. Where relevant,
public institutions coordinate and engage with
non-governmental partners with the aim of
building trust across society and all parts of the
Strategic Communications
RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
Public-interest driven
Public communication should strive to be
independent from politicization in implementing
interventions to counteract mis- and
disinformation. Public communication is
conducted as separate and distinct from
partisan and electoral communication, with
the introduction of measures to ensure clear
authorship, impartiality, accountability and
Governments consolidate interventions
into coherent approaches guided by official
communication and data policies, standards and
guidelines. Public communication offices benefit
from adequate human and financial resources, a
well-coordinated cross-government approach at
national and sub-national levels, and dedicated,
trained and professional staff.
Evidence based
Government interventions are designed and
informed by trustworthy and reliable data,
testing, behavioural insights and build on
the monitoring and evaluation of relevant
activities. Research, analysis and learnings are
continuously gathered and feed into improved
approaches and practices. Governments focus
on recognising emerging narratives, behaviours,
and characteristics to understand the context in
which they are communicating and responding.
Public institutions develop mechanisms to
act in a timely manner by identifying and
responding to emerging narratives, recognising
the speed at which false information can travel.
Communicators work to build preparedness and
rapid responses by establishing coordination and
approval mechanisms to intervene quickly with
accurate, relevant and compelling content.
Government interventions are designed to pre-
empt rumours, falsehoods, and conspiracies
to stop potentially harmful information from
gaining traction. A focus on prevention requires
governments to identify, monitor and track
problematic content and its sources; recognise
and proactively fill information and data gaps
to reduce susceptibility to speculation and
rumours; understand and anticipate common
disinformation tactics, vulnerabilities and risks;
and identify appropriate responses, such as “pre-
Public institutions invest in innovative research
and use strategic foresight to anticipate the
evolution of technology and information
ecosystems and prepare for likely threats.
Counter-misinformation interventions are
designed to be open, adaptable and matched
with efforts to build civil servants’ capacity to
respond to evolving challenges.
5.2 What are my
communication options?
The following sections will outline some of the
most common communication options that are
available to communications teams when you
choose to respond to mis- or disinformation. First
is a short discussion about traditional versus
digital communication methods, followed by
proactive communication options, which
is where you attempt to push back on false or
misleading information before it has become
widespread; and reactive communication
options, which are about counteracting a
potentially harmful message, narrative, actor, or
Strategic Communications
36 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
Efforts to inform and engage
the public
Media relations
Social media engagement
Face-to-face engagement
Network building
Awareness raising
Resilience building
Proactive efforts to pre-bunk, raise awareness,
and shape the information environment
Policy response
Crisis communication
Reactive efforts to debunk, counter, and
restore the information environment
Strategic							Tactical
Strategic Communications
RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
5.3 Using traditional and digital
communication channels
Many of the communication options for
mitigating the impact of mis- and disinformation
are found in general approaches to government
communication, such as media relations and
social media engagement. This work can be both
proactive and reactive, insofar as it shapes the
information environment and sometimes includes
responses and corrections to false or misleading
interpretations of information. Common to these
approaches is a reliance on the OECD Principles
to ensure clear and credible communications
capable of informing the public so that they
have access to correct information, as well as
changing perceptions and behaviours where
Media relations
Social media engagement
Face-to-face engagement
Face-to face engagement
When should it be used? In some cases, the
most credible communication method is simply
to talk. However, it is also difficult to do this at
scale. It is most relevant when for example a
key stakeholder or influencer requires a tailored
briefing, or a group or community needs to see
boots on the ground.
How does it work? Communication via media
or social media allows for the scaling up of what
is in essence the direct communication between
you and a member of the public. Face-to-face
means returning to the core principles of building
trust by relating directly at a human level (even if,
in some cases it may not literally be face-to-face,
e.g. a phone call). Note that such meetings can
also be used as content for traditional and social
media. Techniques include:
X briefing: speaking to individual or small
groups in order to explain the context of
an issue, can be on or off-the-record
X stakeholder meetings: engaging with key
stakeholders so that they can reach out to
their communities, for example by briefing
a religious leader or teacher
X community outreach: a site visit, including
for example a spoken statement or town
hall style meeting to answer common
What is its impact? In-person communication
is often considered the most credible because
it removes the sense of distance, as well as
layers of mediation by e.g. journalists, from
communication. It also allows for the translation
of at times quite abstract policy issues into
everyday language. Even if it can only be
deployed selectively, content from face-to-
face meetings can be used to support other
communication techniques at scale, such as
sharing clips of meetings on social media.
Media relations
When should it be used? Media relations is one
of the traditional approaches to communications
work. It is often most relevant when issues
affect mainstream audiences, such as readers of
newspapers and consumers of television news.
This category also includes specialist outlets
(in areas such as current affairs, economics,
and trade magazines) who may be particularly
influential to different target groups.
Strategic Communications
38 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
How does it work? Many of the tools
listed below are designed to ensure that the
government can get its message across so that
the public has access to the right information.
Media act as mediators, adding their own
interpretations before delivering stories to their
audiences. Tools include:
X press release - a written statement,
sometimes including interviews and data,
that can be used as a primary source of
information by journalists
X statement - an on-the-record statement,
for example by an elected official, senior
government official, or other credible
voice depending on the issue
X earned media coverage - offering
speakers to media to encourage
media coverage about a specific topic,
announcement or issue
X background briefing - speaking to
journalists or other stakeholders to explain
the context of an issue, can be on or off-
X promoting friendly voice - third parties can
be a valuable means of building bridges to
sceptical audiences, particularly if they are
seen as an objective source of credible
What is its impact? Media relations aim to
shape media coverage on a day-to-day level.
Effective media handling is part of typical
communications work, and many of these
tools will be valuable for ensuring the correct
information is available to the public in the first
place, in order to reduce areas of doubt where
false and misleading narratives can develop.
Social media engagement
When should it be used? Some audiences are
most effectively and directly reached through
social media. If the decision has been made
to develop a department’s presence on social
media, for example through a Facebook page
or Twitter account, this can provide additional
opportunities to understand and engage with the
public using targeted communications. Owned
channels on social media allow for more detailed
knowledge of a target audience and more control
over the message compared to media outreach.
If you want to speak directly with the public,
social media channels can offer a rapid, cost-
effective means of engaging.
How does it work? Analysis of digital media
channels, including social media, can reveal
for example that certain target audiences are
searching for reliable information sources or
are spreading false or misleading materials.
Engagement can involve creating relevant
content and targeting it to those audiences
targeted by or most impacted by false
information through owned social media
channels. Content can be tailored and directed
to selected audiences. The UK Government’s
Rapid Response Unit (RRU) has created a simple
process “FACT” for conducting this kind of work:
X Find - use media monitoring sources,
including previous steps of RESIST, to
identify false and misleading information
X Assess - weigh up the risk of false or
misleading messages and narratives, and
consider how they are spreading
X Create - develop engaging content
X Target - weigh up whether to respond
directly to posts, contact the author/
publisher, use targeted advertising, and/or
develop segmented content
Strategic Communications
RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
What is its impact? Effective social media
engagement can quickly identify trends and
allow direct contact with highly targeted
audiences without additional mediation through,
for example, journalists. This enables a variety
of positive outcomes including attitude and
behaviour change, building resilience, shaping
the information environment, showing a
willingness to engage in debate, as well as a
credible rapid response, all focused on using
insights from data to reach “eyeballs”. For more
guidance see FACT (see Annex D) and Section 6
on Tracking Outcomes.
Who will approve content?
Who absolutely needs to review and sign off on
your content? For example your Head of News
and/or Head of Communications, followed by
the relevant Special Adviser. You should secure
contacts for each of these positions who will be
able to respond on their behalf if your regular
contacts are absent.
If you have been creating and sharing
situational insight in the form of monitoring
reports – as set out in the situational insight
section – this will help people to understand the
context in advance. They will already have an
understanding of the disinformation affecting
your organisation or its policy areas, which will
help when you need to build a case to respond
and when you want to clear content quickly.
Can lines be pre-cleared? If insight is already
available into an emerging disinformation trend,
it may be possible to preclear some press lines
before they are needed. For example, some
government departments have weekly routines
to pre-clear lines via their subject experts
several days before an event is likely to make
the news, in case of negative reporting.
It is important to note that traditional and social
media are not mutually exclusive. News media
articles are often widely shared, discussed and
debated on social media. Social media posts
and debates are sometimes reported on, or
integrated into stories, by traditional media.
Digitisation of news media means that many
news platforms integrate social media functions,
such as comment fields, into their formats;
similarly, sharing news is part of most social
media platforms. The approaches referred to
here are therefore cross-cutting tools that can be
applied in many situations, including as part of
the response to false and misleading information.
Strategic Communications
40 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
5.4 Proactive communication
Proactive communications is about taking steps
to push back on false or misleading information
before it has become widespread. It includes
efforts to pre-bunk, raise awareness, and shape
the information environment in order to minimise
risk of harm to the public.
Strategic							Tactical
Network building
Awareness raising
Resilience building
When should it be used? When you want
to proactively counteract (“pre-bunk”) false
messaging before it has become widely spread.
4	 https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-03189-1
5	 According to experiments conducted on behalf of HMG by Cambridge University
How does it work? The PROVE4
framework has
been developed and tested by researchers to
ensure effective evidence-based communication.
It can be used to develop clear, informative
messaging using scientific evidence to explain
nuance and uncertainty around complex issues.
It is not supposed to advocate or persuade, only
X Pre-bunk: anticipate mis- and
disinformation through media monitoring
and risk assessment and prepare to pre-
emptively warn the public
X Reliably Inform: trust is built by informing
openly rather than persuading. This
means ensuring that information reflects
expertise, honesty, and good intentions
X Offer balance: do not skew or ignore
evidence, but rather ensure balance in
how evidence is presented
X Verify quality: be open about the quality
of the underlying evidence so that the
credibility of the information is clear
X Explain uncertainty: disclose any
uncertainties, gaps and risks with the
current evidence
What is its impact? Inoculation helps to
strengthen resilience by informing the public
about an issue at risk of false or misleading
information, and preparing and empowering their
ability to engage with that content. Experiments
show that target audiences find PROVE content
to be more engaging, more trustworthy, and
more interesting to read than other content. It
also elicited less negative emotional responses
(such as anger), and less negative cognitive
Strategic Communications
RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
Awareness raising
When should it be used? When you want to
proactively shape public debate about issues
likely to be subjected to mis- and disinformation.
How does it work? Information and awareness
campaigns use proactive communications to
nudge, advocate, influence, and persuade target
groups to behave in a manner that ultimately
benefits society. They may involve slogans
(“Stay Home. Protect the NHS. Save Lives”),
instructions (“Don’t drink and drive”), or simple
processes (“See it. Say it. Sorted”), as well as
more traditional public affairs and advocacy
work. They often draw upon rudimentary
storytelling and establish narratives. The
approach can involve:
X awareness raising and public information
X brand and narrative development
X storytelling around ongoing trends, threats
and risks
X specific warnings, advice and guidance to
the public
X use of audience research to develop
targeted nudge, advocacy, influence and
persuasion tactics
X publishing of evidence or research to
support a wider advocacy effort
What is its impact? Awareness raising efforts
are capable of shaping public debate about an
issue in order to change behaviour. The principles
of public information campaigns are well-
established in for example OASIS (see Annex E).
6	See https://gcs.civilservice.gov.uk/guidance/marketing/delivering-government-campaigns/guide-to-campaign-
planning-oasis/ for further guidance
When should it be used? All communications
should be viewed in the context of a wider
campaign, for example, what do we want
to achieve and where does it fit with other
How does it work? A campaign is a planned
sequence of communications and interactions
that uses compelling narratives over time to
deliver a defined and measurable outcome, such
as behaviour change.
X Objectives: Start with the policy aim and
develop communications objectives that
will deliver this
X Audience/Insight: Use data to understand
your target audiences
X Strategy/Ideas: Plan the campaign
strategy including messaging, channels,
and partners/influencers
X Implementation: Plan the campaign
implementation by allocating resources
and setting out timescales for delivery
X Scoring/Evaluation: Monitor outputs,
outtakes and outcomes throughout your
What is its impact? Effective communication
planning, coordination, and measurement
delivers added value to all communications.
While not mis- or disinformation specific, it is
important to continue to use OASIS in such
issues as a matter of best practice.
Strategic Communications
42 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
Network building
When should it be used? If an issue is likely to
persist in the medium or long term, it is important
to develop networks capable of shaping an
effective response over time.
How does it work? Networks of like minded
allies and organisations provide a safe space for
solving problems together. Each party can work
from its relative strength; e.g. governments can
use their convening power and policy/legislative
capabilities; NGOs their credibility and subject
expertise; researchers their ability to generate
evidence and knowledge; journalists can use
their investigative capabilities and connections
to audiences. Networks can be within a
government, within a country embracing cross-
sector stakeholders, and internationally. They
X build and maintain networks of experts
and policymakers
X catalogue known mis- and disinformation
vectors and actors
X support the creation of independently-
verified repositories of factual information
X provide specialist training and workshops
X shape consensus among key
stakeholders around problems and
X support development of long-term,
sustainable relationships with target
What is its impact? Networks should ultimately
share knowledge and expertise in order to
strengthen the community against a threat. For
example, the ability of the UK government to
work with partner governments, researchers,
NGOs, and journalists during the aftermath
of the Salisbury poisoning led to coordinated
sanctions, published independent research into
the associated disinformation campaigns, and a
credible independent exposé of the perpetrators.
Such impact would not be possible without
strong networks.
When should it be used? When you want to
expose the behaviour of a persistently hostile
actor who spreads false or misleading claims.
Note that this may require political approval.
How does it work? Counter-brand refers to a
range of communicative activities that collectively
seek to ensure a reputational cost to actors
who persistently spread false, misleading and
harmful information. It ensures that the target
audiences of false messages and narratives
are better informed about the interests, values
and behaviour of the sources behind mis- and
disinformation. Techniques include:
X use branding to explain and project your
identity and values, and to explain the
negative behaviour of persistently hostile
X expose contradictions in the values,
identity, interests, and behaviour of the
sources of false and misleading narratives
X use satire where appropriate for target
X address audience hopes/needs and
provide an alternative vision
X make a technical or political attribution
X work with credible partners to attribute
disinformation sources and/or deliver
counter-brand content
What is its impact? Counter-brand
communications represent a strategic effort to
engage with a threat actor and hence are not
Strategic Communications
RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
to be taken lightly. Efforts to counter-brand
Daesh involved revealing the realities of life
under a brutal regime, thereby exposing the
contradictions between the disinformation
and the reality. Attributions, for example in
the statement by the then Prime Minister
Theresa May that Russia was responsible for
the Salisbury poisoning, lead to geopolitical
consequences such as sanctions. Ultimately,
the anticipated impact is to raise the costs of
spreading false and misleading information for a
specific actor, and to increase public resilience to
the sources of false information.
Resilience building
When should it be used? For long term efforts
aimed at increasing the ability of target audiences
to critically-engage with false or manipulated
How does it work? The aim of resilience
building and media literacy initiatives is to
empower people to better understand how false
information can be spread on and offline, so
that they can more effectively engage with what
they see, read, and hear. Targeted education
and training can develop techniques such as
source criticism, identifying bias, using logic and
argumentation, and interpretation of data.
X media literacy education
X training to detect flawed and fallacious
X interactive training content
X participatory campaigns
X gamification
X use of satire to encourage critical thinking
X outreach to schools and vulnerable
X engagement with digital platforms to
include media literacy into their product
What is its impact? Improving the resilience
of the population to manipulation through false
or misleading content. This makes it harder
for misinformation to spread, by for example
encouraging people to check sources before
they share social media posts. A more informed
and media-savvy population is less likely to be
drawn in to disinformation campaigns.
5.5 Reactive communication options
Reactive communications is about counteracting
false or misleading information so that the
public is empowered to make an informed
choice. These options are specifically designed
to counteract a potentially harmful message,
narrative, actor, or objective.
Policy response
Crisis communication
Reactive efforts to debunk, counter, and
restore the information environment
Strategic					Tactical
Strategic Communications
44 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
When should it be used? When false or
manipulated information is circulating and
you wish to counteract the impact of the false
information by asserting the truth.
How does it work? The principle is that false
or manipulated information should not be left
unchallenged. Counter-messaging involves
engaging at the level of individual messages
can include efforts to for example correct the
record, debunk a myth, or fact check. Traditional
media handling often involves correcting false
or misleading information, however in the
mis- and disinformation field there are specific
best practices that have been established by
leading experts of health and climate change
. These include a simple process
for constructing messages to as to maximise
clarity and impact:
X Fact: lead with the truth
X Myth: point to false information
X Explain fallacy: why is it false?
X Fact: state the truth again
What is its impact? Fact checking and
debunking are widespread practices that
perform an important role in ensuring that false
information does not go unanswered. Until
recently, we have emphasised the risk that
repeating misinformation may backfire since it
helps to reinforce the false messages. Recent
studies show that this risk is generally lower than
of not responding at all8
. A problem with this
approach is however that it is time-consuming
and deals with individual messages, which
means it can be challenging to use at scale
and can feel like whack-a-mole. Some NGOs,
7	 https://www.climatechangecommunication.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DebunkingHandbook2020.pdf
8	 https://www.climatechangecommunication.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DebunkingHandbook2020.pdf
nonprofits and media houses have created
initiatives that cover different issues and markets,
and it can be useful to collaborate with them to
increase the impact of governmental counter-
X Stick to the subject. False or misleading
messages are often designed to draw
you into wider narratives that are off-topic
and you are unlikely to want to debate.
There may be a “kernel of truth” to false
claims that are deeply personal and will
be difficult to separate from the issue
at hand. Be aware of how messages fit
within narratives and stick to the issue
that is connected to your priorities.
X Use facts, examples and evidence
wherever possible. Independent evidence
confirmed by multiple credible sources
is ideal. However, be aware that some
legitimate sources will be discredited from
the perspective of certain audiences.
X Don’t engage trolls. Watch out for
combinations of rhetorical devices such
as social proof, strawman, whataboutism,
ad hominem, claims of no evidence,
etc. If somebody repeatedly uses these
techniques in their online engagements,
they are likely not interested in correcting
false or misleading information.
When should it be used? When false or
misleading narratives, stories, conspiracies,
or myths develop into shorthand, or a delivery
mechanism, for mis- and disinformation content.
How does it work? Countering narratives
involves exposing falsehoods and contradictions
in how important issues are explained to different
Strategic Communications
RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
audiences and where possible replacing them
with a more truthful narrative. Narratives are
sometimes seen as being in competition, hence
the notion of a “battle of narratives”.
X Focus on asserting your preferred
narratives and ensure consistency across
communication activities
X Dispute incorrect assumptions in false
narratives, including using debunking
where appropriate
X Tell your story using evidence to support
core elements
X Tell their story your way
What is its impact? Countering mis- and
disinformation narratives helps to shape the
understanding of complex issues, which can
make audiences more resilient to individual false
and misleading messages. For example, false
conspiratorial narratives around the causes of
Covid-19 provide a delivery mechanism for a
range of other conspiracies about vaccines
that can, by extension, cause public harm.
Countering the narratives at source impacts upon
the viability of associated mis- and disinformation
messages, rather like pulling up the roots of a
weed rather than simply removing the leaves.
X Be wary of the battle of narratives. While
different narratives may be in competition
for attention, the biggest threat to a
narrative is the “say-do gap”, also known
as the difference between the stories we
tell ourselves, and our realities. Often, the
“winning” narrative is not the “best” story,
but that which most compellingly explains
the realities of target audiences.
Crisis communication
When should it be used? Crisis communication
is about dealing with misconceptions and
crises as they occur. The truth is not always
immediately clear. These approaches are
not mis- and disinformation specific, but are
nonetheless reliable and well-established means
of ensuring that accurate information reaches
target audiences as it becomes available.
How does it work? Communicators have a
range of tools to deal with the majority of crises
that become newsworthy or impact lives. The
tools mainly involve providing information to
target audiences via key influencers, such as
journalists, editors, thought-leaders, community
leaders, experts, and other stakeholders.
X Holding statement: acknowledgement of
an emerging issue with the promise that
more information will be on its way
X Statements and interviews: on-the-record
information that can be used as a primary
source for media or target audiences
X Stakeholder engagement and briefings:
speaking to journalists or other
stakeholders in order to explain the
context of an issue, can be on or off-the-
X On the ground activity: participating in
community meetings, providing visible
assistance, or distributing posters,
newsletters, etc
X Demarche: a dossier of information
from different sources offering in-depth
background on an issue
X Q&A: providing frequently asked
questions on own websites/social media
accounts, or town hall style public
meetings to answer common questions
Strategic Communications
46 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
X Risk mitigation comms: communications
aimed at preparing and mitigating
continued risks
X Paid advertisement: in some cases, it
may be appropriate to advertise on media
or social media (note that you may need
political authorisation to do this)
X Search engine optimisation (SEO): in
some cases, it may be appropriate to
promote government content on search
X Investigation/final conclusion: in some
cases, it may be appropriate to publish
the results of an investigation to offer
closure on an issue
What is its impact? Crisis communication aims
to protect the public during immediate short
term crises. It is part of normal communications
work, and many of these tools will be valuable
for correcting mis- and disinformation that has
reached mainstream audiences during a crisis
or that presents a risk to the public. Note that it
is advisable to draw upon the OECD Principles
when conducting transparent and credible crisis
Policy response
When should it be used? When you need
additional policy options to counteract the
strategic intent of a persistently hostile actor.
How does it work? Using policy levers to
counter malign intent means developing detailed
knowledge about the capabilities, will, and
opportunities of a persistently hostile actor in
the information environment, such as in the case
of hostile state threats with a disinformation
component. Aspects of this knowledge can
support a communication response, other parts
should be shared more widely within government
and with trusted partners.
X You may wish to ignore messages and
narratives and focus instead efforts on
revealing and countering the strategic
intent or effect on key target audiences
X It may be appropriate under certain
circumstances and with the appropriate
permissions to directly, or together with
partners such as social media platforms,
to seek to block, disrupt, remove, or
expose the sources of harmful content
X In conjunction with colleagues working
on policy, it may be appropriate under
certain circumstances to work with the
communicative dimensions of policy
decisions or actions that government
X In some cases, the activities may warrant
an official government response aimed
at punishing previous actions, deterring
current operations, or raising the costs of
future actions.
What is its impact? Countering the intent
of an actor means to a certain degree going
head-to-head with them, so the impact should
involve a significant cost to their capabilities. For
example, during the Salisbury poisoning, the UK
government limited its work on countering the
dozens of individual pro-Kremlin disinformation
messages and narratives and instead focused
on revealing the overall intent of the wider
disinformation campaign. Some of this strategic
work takes place at policy level but requires input
from communication specialists. Other parts are
about the communication strategy itself, and
where the focus should lay when considering the
various communications options mentioned here.
X More than communication of policy. If the
government has decided to take policy-
level actions against a persistently hostile
actor, it may be valuable to think of all
Strategic Communications
RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
related communication activities in terms
of their signalling value, for example as
part of a deterrence posture.
5.6 How to weigh up approaches?
When you have conducted your risk assessment,
you will have reached a conclusion about the
priority of the false or misleading information.
This will enable you to consider a range of
communicative tools which you can then
tailor to relevant target groups. Generally, the
higher the priority, the more focus should be
placed on short-term reactive responses, at
least initially. Note that a combination of short,
medium and long-term approaches may be
necessary, depending on the priority of the issue.
You should use the OASIS model to plan your
communication activities (see annex E).
Strategic Communications
48 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
Our priorities Key questions
Objectives to
Policy areas and
1. Is the mis- or disinformation harmful to our
priorities? In what ways?
Media relations is well suited to high priority
issues that have reached or are about to reach
mainstream media and broad audiences, or
that are of general interest to the population or
specialist group. Social media is useful for direct
communications, potentially with highly segmented
Proactive approaches are well suited for emerging
issues where there are medium-to-long term
opportunities to shape the debate and build public
Reactive approaches are well suited to ongoing
medium-and-high priority issues particularly on
social media or other niche forums where there is a
need for specialist counter-mis- and disinformation
Note that a combination of approaches may be
necessary in order to coordinate, for example,
mainstream resilience-building public information
alongside specific countermeasures on social
Information to
Key messages and
2. What problematic communication techniques
and behaviours have you identified?
You may need to draw on a variety of approaches
to inform the public, and colleagues, about the
behaviours (Proactive) or directly counteract them
3. What misleading or manipulated content is
being spread? What are the main messages and
narratives we should be aware of? What is untrue
or misleading about them?
Consider the balance between correcting false
messages contra narratives. Proactive approaches
are useful for shaping mainstream media coverage
by informing the public about broader issues, as
well as for building longer-term resilience. Reactive
for directly counteracting individual messages and
narratives at source.
Strategic Communications
RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview
Our priorities Key questions
Brands to
Core values 4. What values and interests do the accounts
spreading mis- or disinformation wish to project,
and to which target groups?
Proactive approaches include a range of tools for
actively informing and engaging the public about
current and emerging issues. Reactive approaches
are suited to tackling the sources of false and
misleading information directly. Discrepancies
between what accounts say and do can help to
reveal intent, which could open for counter-brand
Audiences to
Key stakeholders and
5. How widely is mis- or disinformation
spreading, and to which target groups?
Understanding audience segmentation, and the
influencers relevant to specific audience, can
help to prioritise the cases according to types of
harm. This is a crucial step for determining which
channels and audiences to target, and whether
to primarily counter or seek to build longer-term
Case Study 1: Russian disinformation on the Salisbury poisonings
Following the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia
Skripal in March 2018, the UK government
was able to successfully counter a determined
attempt by Russia to deliberately mislead the
public in the UK and overseas. By the end of
the first week, a dozen ‘alternative’ explanations
for the poisonings had appeared on Russian
domestic media, through official government
statements, and via digital media. Combinations
of disinformation techniques were used to seed
and then amplify these narratives. The EU East
StratCom Task Force published a version of its
Disinformation Review that collected evidence
of these examples demonstrating the use of
fabrications, malign rhetoric, memes and trolling.
The FCDO also shared disinformation updates
across government, with international partners,
as well as civil society and researchers.
On 12 March 2018, the then Prime Minister
Theresa May stated to Parliament that it was
“highly likely” that Russia was behind the
poisoning. In total more than 40 narratives were
seeded by predominantly Russian sources and
shared by a variety of influencers. During these
early phases, the UK and its allies successfully
pushed back on the disinformation strategy
by ignoring individual narratives and simply
collecting and exposing the overall approach
Russia was taking. Meanwhile, efforts to share
information with international allies behind the
scenes supported significant policy responses
eventually leading to an array of sanctions.

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  • 2. 2
  • 3. 3 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview Foreword “An unexciting truth may be eclipsed by a thrilling falsehood” Aldous Huxley, 1958. D uring the COVID-19 pandemic, technology and social media have been used to keep people safe, informed, productive and connected. However, this same technology is also enabling misinformation and disinformation to spread, becoming increasingly sophisticated since the publication of the original RESIST toolkit. The pandemic has brought to bear the terrible impact of misleading information, as people look for truth, comfort and guidance for themselves and their loved ones in distressing times. The pandemic has taught us many lessons, but especially for us as communicators, it has shown us that impactful communications can save lives. The UK government has been working and learning alongside its international partners to take action against disinformation. Through multiple trainings and collaborative partnerships with government, multilateral and civil society communicators, the original toolkit has been used extensively around the world. The RESIST toolkit has been used to ensure we uphold the democratic values we hold dear and that communicators - as the deliverers of important and often life-changing messages - speak to their audiences effectively. The proliferation of false information severely undermines trust in democratic institutions, processes and cohesive societies. As communicators we all shoulder the responsibility of delivering truth to our citizens to maintain the fabric of our institutions and uphold our democratic values. This refreshed version of the RESIST toolkit reflects the new realities of the threat that mis- and disinformation poses today. It explores new techniques and tactics, and how organisations can effectively identify, monitor and respond. The toolkit takes a systematic, evidence-based approach for helping organisations build societal and individual resilience to disinformation. Alex Aiken Executive Director of Government Communications Foreword
  • 4. RESIST 4 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview Since we developed the original RESIST framework in 2018, hundreds of communications professionals and civil servants from the UK and around the world have provided feedback about how they use the toolkit, and what they would like to see in future iterations. This updated version reflects both the changing demands of the communication profession, and the evolving information environment. Key new developments: Threats While the key state actors remain the same, new techniques and approaches emerged during the Covid-19 pandemic, and the threat posed by misinformation has become more urgent. We have therefore developed the scope of the toolkit to cover “false and misleading information”, and greatly expanded the section on “Recognise” to better reflect current threat vectors. Audiences Vulnerabilities within the audiences targeted by mis- and disinformation have changed. For example, those vulnerable to mis- and disinformation during the Covid-19 pandemic represented far larger audiences than previous campaigns. We have expanded the toolkit to include a greater variety of communication tools to reach these audiences, and additional structured analysis techniques to weigh up risk and impact. Partnerships The community working to counter the negative effects of mis- and disinformation has grown. National and international stakeholders, including independent media, civil society, digital platforms, and academic institutions, perform crucial roles in a whole of society approach to maintaining a healthy information environment. Effective collaboration with partners, including policy levers outside of traditional communication tools, is now better represented in the toolkit. Outcomes Given the range of counter mis- and disinformation initiatives internationally, we recognise a need to better evaluate the effectiveness of communication interventions. The Tracking Outcomes section of the toolkit has evolved into a more comprehensive section on Tracking Effectiveness, focused on assessment of impact metrics. Case studies RESIST training has always drawn heavily on case studies and examples from participants’ own experiences. For this updated version, we have integrated many examples both from the UK and international partners into the toolkit, to help better elucidate techniques and provide inspiration. RESIST 2 – What’s New?
  • 5. 5 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview Contents Foreword..................................................................................3 RESIST 2 – What’s New?.........................................................4 Executive Summary ................................................................6 Why Do We Need RESIST?.....................................................8 Recognise Mis- and Disinformation..........................................10 Early Warning...........................................................................17 Situational Insight ....................................................................20 Impact Analysis .......................................................................22 Strategic Communication.........................................................33 Tracking Effectiveness..............................................................53 Contents
  • 6. RESIST 6 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview Recognise Recognise provides an overview of the information environment as it is today. It highlights the sheer volume of information shared online and the challenges this poses for communicators. It explains the differences between misinformation, disinformation and malinformation and why these categorisations are useful to understand the impact on audiences, including threatening public safety, fracturing communities and undermining trust in public institutions and the media. It also provides a checklist that can be used by communicators to determine whether a piece of information is likely to be false. Early Warning Early Warning begins with an overview of the available tools that can be used to monitor the media environment. It explains how to identify areas of your organisation - and its priorities - that are vulnerable to mis- and disinformation. It will support communicators to focus on the monitoring of key vulnerabilities by mapping out the objectives, audiences, brands and information and determining the extent to which they are at risk from mis- and disinformation. Situational Insight Situational Insight explains how communicators can turn information into actionable insight. It notes that insight can be produced on an ongoing basis (daily, weekly or monthly reports), or in an ad hoc manner to respond to emerging threats and issues. It helps communicators to create insight that is accessible for officials, including ways to explain insight clearly and avoid the use of jargon. Executive Summary
  • 7. RESIST 7 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview Impact Analysis Impact Analysis explains how communicators can use ‘structural analysis techniques’ to predict the likely impact of a piece of mis- or disinformation. It stresses the importance of establishing and following clearly defined processes to ensure that assessments are objective and do not rely on the instincts - or ‘gut feeling’ - of practitioners. Strategic Communications Strategic Communications outlines the key skills communicators should utilise when developing and implementing communication strategies. It explains how communicators can make their content more engaging and impactful, including by identifying the best channels to reach target audiences, and using ‘friendly voices’ to increase the credibility and reach of communication activity. It outlines the different ways communication activity can be undertaken - proactive, reactive or active - and details how communicators can assess and implement these different types of approaches in diverse scenarios. Tracking Effectiveness Tracking Effectiveness outlines the importance of measuring the extent to which strategic communication activities have been effective. It sets out the importance of distinguishing between outputs and outcomes, and offers examples of metrics that can be used to determine the effectiveness of communications against pre-defined objectives.
  • 8. RESIST 8 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview The amount of information on the internet seems endless. Each minute of every day, WhatsApp users send 40 million messages; Facebook users share 150,000 posts, YouTube users upload 500 hours of content, there are 350,000 new tweets, and nearly half a million engagements on Reddit1 . Add to this traditional print and broadcasting media, email and telephones, and it is clear that the information environment is more contested than ever. Communications must compete in this crowded information space. Your job as a communications specialist is to understand your audiences, to earn their attention and trust, so that you can supply them with important - and sometimes vital - information. This means developing an understanding of threats to the information environment, particularly those that stand between you and your audiences. Sometimes people accidently share false information. Perhaps they didn’t read it properly, or they misunderstood or misremembered what they had read, or they were given the wrong information to begin with. This is known as misinformation. Misinformation refers to verifiably false information that is shared without an intent to mislead. The effects of misinformation can still be harmful. People also deliberately spread false or manipulated information. Usually, it is because the individuals and organisations that create it have something to gain from deception. Disinformation refers to verifiably false information that is shared with an intent to deceive and mislead. It can often have harmful consequences. Sometimes true or partially true information is used in such a way that it has similar effects 1 https://web-assets.domo.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/20-data-never-sleeps-8-final-01-Resize.jpg to disinformation. For example, facts such as statistics can be twisted or taken out of context to support false interpretations. This is known as malinformation. Malinformation deliberately misleads by twisting the meaning of truthful information. These different definitions are good to know, but real-life instances of false and misleading information tend to be less clear-cut. Often, you won’t know somebody’s intention or goals. Sometimes people spread disinformation because they think it’s true. This means that it technically becomes misinformation. Malinformation can be challenging to contest because it is difficult to inject nuance into highly polarised debates. In general, we recommend not getting too hung up on definitions and to retain focus on your priorities, such as supplying accurate and credible information, and where necessary protecting the public from harm. This toolkit enables you to develop a response that can be used when dealing with all types of manipulated, false, and misleading information. You can use the definitions of mis-, dis- and malinformation to help think about who is spreading it and why, but when developing and delivering a response to false information, it’s most important to focus on the harm it can do. Manipulated, false and misleading information can: X threaten public safety X fracture community cohesion X reduce trust in institutions and the media X undermine public acceptance of science’s role in informing policy development and implementation Why Do We Need RESIST?
  • 9. RESIST 9 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview X damage our economic prosperity and our global influence; and X undermine the integrity of government, the constitution and our democratic processes. The aim of this toolkit is to reduce the impact of false, misleading, and manipulated information on UK society and our national interests, in line with democratic values. Our primary objective is to give the public confidence in assessing the veracity of information themselves, so they are equipped to make their own decisions.2 2 https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/online-harms-white-paper/online-harms-white-paper This toolkit provides a consistent and effective approach to identifying and tackling a range of manipulated, false, and misleading information that government and public sector communicators may experience. The RESIST model is divided into components that can be used independently or tailored depending on the kind of organisation and the threats it faces. Sometimes you will need to respond before you know what something is or while you are investigating it - i.e., there won’t always be time to do the steps in order. Communications departments play a central role in recognising and responding to mis- and disinformation. You will often be the first to see it. This toolkit helps you develop routines to make informed assessments of risk and to share your insights and work with other parts of your organisation. It helps you to formulate recommendations and responses, and to evaluate your actions. The approach set out in this toolkit will contribute to a robust early warning system for recognising and responding to threats and emerging trends in the information environment. Online Harms The UK Government’s Online Harms White Paper2 identifies several harms from online activity and false information. The most relevant for this toolkit are: f terrorist and extremist content f abuse and harassment f online mis- and disinformation f online manipulation f abuse of public figures You can find out more about how to prioritise the harms most relevant to your work in Section 2: Early Warning and Section 4: Impact Analysis.
  • 10. Recognise 10 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview While the distinctions between mis-, dis- and malinformation are useful from a theoretical perspective, in practice they can be hard to distinguish. In many instances, it won’t be obvious whether a questionable social media post is entirely false or whether there is malign intent behind it. It also won’t be clear if it is an isolated incident, or indicative of sustained malicious intent. This section will introduce you to the important things to look for so that you know how to recognise misleading or manipulated information. In addition to introducing the basics of how to recognise mis- and disinformation, this section also serves as an introduction to the RESIST method. In this section, you will learn: f how to identify the problematic components of misleading or manipulated messages f some of the ways that messages fit within and support problematic narratives f how to better understand the brand values and identities of those who spread problematic messages and narratives f how to weigh up the intent of those who spread the messages and narratives f how to weigh up the possible or likely impact of techniques used 1.1 Investigate the messages The most common way to first notice mis- and disinformation is when you encounter messages that draw your attention and raise concerns. A message is a form of communication aimed at a group of recipients. It may for example take the form of a social media post, tweet, meme, or comment, or a letter, flyer, poster, or slogan. Is the message an opinion? Opinions are usually subjective, which means that they cannot be verifiably false. If the message is simply a statement of opinion, you should not treat it as disinformation. However, if the opinion is based on verifiably false, deceptive, or manipulated information that has the potential to cause harm, it may be worth investigating further. First, you should look out for five of the most common components of mis- and disinformation. We call these the FIRST indicators, because they are almost certainly the first things that will draw your attention. Note that recognising deceptive techniques is only the first stage of discovery. You should work through the following stages in order to better recognise the scope of the problem. Fabrication Is there any manipulated content? E.g., a forged document, manipulated image, or deliberately twisted citation. Identity Does anything point to a disguised or misleading source, or false claims about someone else’s identity? E.g., a fake social media account, claiming that a person or organisation is something they are not, or behaviour that doesn’t match the way the account presents itself. Rhetoric Is there use of an aggravating tone or false arguments? E.g., trolling, whataboutism, strawman, social proof, and ad hominem argumentation. Recognise Mis- and Disinformation
  • 11. Recognise 11 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview Symbolism Are data, issues or events exploited to achieve an unrelated communicative goal? E.g. historical examples taken out of context, unconnected facts used to justify conspiracy theories, misuse of statistics, or conclusions that are far removed from what data reasonably supports. Technology Do the communicative techniques exploit technology in order to trick or mislead? E.g. off-platform coordination, bots amplifying messages, or machine-generated text, audio and visual content. Fabrication case study: In 2021, hackers altered the text of two Polish government websites to falsely claim that there had been a leak from a nuclear power station in neighbouring Lithuania. The hackers then took control of the Facebook and Twitter accounts of prominent political figures to spread the content. Identity case study: In 2018, Pro-Kremlin groups created fake Instagram pages designed to look like legitimate news aggregators. Targeting an upcoming election in Ukraine, they linked to stories containing heavy political biases and false information, and the pages accumulated 100,000 followers prior to their removal. Rhetoric case study: According to a March 2021 survey, more than a quarter of people in the UK read information about COVID-19 that could be considered false or misleading. People from minority ethnic backgrounds were particularly targeted with provocative rhetoric that implied that coronavirus vaccines contain pork or monkey animal parts, that the vaccine will alter human DNA, and that it is part of a plan to implant microchips. Respondents from minority ethnic backgrounds were around twice as likely to say that the claim made them think twice about getting vaccinated. Symbolism case study: To support its illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014, pro-Kremlin media spread narratives that engaged in historical revisionism, including the false claims that Crimea is a natural part of Russia, that Ukrainian control over Crimea was a historical anomaly, and that Ukraine has never been a genuinely sovereign country. Technology case study: In 2020, a day before Indian Legislative Assembly elections, a political party released deepfake videos of a candidate criticising a competitor in a language he did not speak. 5,800 WhatsApp groups shared the manipulated content, which reached up to 15 million people.
  • 12. Recognise 12 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview See Annex A for a glossary of common terms related to mis- and disinformation. 1.2 Unpack the narratives Messages are the building blocks of narratives. Narratives are a form of storytelling that helps to explain and shape perceptions of an issue. They are stories that are designed to influence a target audience. If you see lots of messages on a topic, it is likely that you will be able to identify one or more of the narratives that they fit into or help to construct. Narratives are generally made up of seemingly disparate messages or statements, brought together to tell a particular story. These stories are then more relatable to a broader audience, and can unify groups with different beliefs and interests, making them convenient vehicles for spreading misleading or deceptive ideas. As a communicator, you should familiarise yourself with the misleading narratives that affect your principal areas of work and responsibility. You can find out more about how to do this in Section 2: Early Warning. Narratives are in essence simple stories that give shortcuts to understanding complex issues. They often express things about identity, community, and purpose. They are often not literally true, but rather they carry the aggregated, distilled beliefs of a community built up over time by many people across many statements. If you identify a series of messages that fit within, or help to construct a misleading narrative, that can be an indicator of mis- or disinformation. Narrative Message Message Message Case study: In late 2020, memes began to circulate suggesting that the AstraZeneca vaccine, which uses a modified virus derived from viruses found in chimpanzees, would turn people into monkeys. Drawing upon symbolism from the Planet of the Apes movies as well as the principle of reverse evolution (the vaccine devolving humans to apes), the memes were widely spread on pro-Kremlin media and social media. Many of the memes featured manipulated images of politicians and researchers, among others, with ape or chimpanzee features replacing their human features. The intention behind each of these messages appear to have been to sow fear and doubt around the AstraZeneca vaccine with the aim of boosting confidence in the Russian Sputnik V vaccine. Each message therefore took the form of a simple joke that nonetheless contributed to a more significant narrative that had geopolitical objectives. 1.3 Consider the brand and who it speaks to If you’re able to identify messages and narratives based on verifiably false, deceptive, misleading, or manipulated information, the next step is to get a sense of who is spreading the information. The aim is to better understand the values, identities and beliefs that drive these narratives, and with whom they have credibility. We call this the brand. A brand is what people think and feel about somebody or something, the characteristics and qualities that distinguish it from everything else. It is not about the person behind the account, but rather about the persona that the account attempts to project to resonate with certain target audiences.
  • 13. Recognise 13 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview Brand Narrative Narrative Narrative Case study: During 2018-19, a regional Indonesian independence movement conducted widespread protests against the government. A series of pro-independence social media pages and accounts appeared that identified themselves as being news providers based in that region. Despite at first appearing sympathetic to the independence movement, they gradually shared dramatic anti-protester rhetoric, such as referring to the protesters as extremists, criminals, and anarchists, and these pages also promoted pro-government narratives. Their ‘brand’, in other words, was deceptive. An investigation found that more than 70 social media accounts and pages had been created as part of a coordinated campaign against the independence movement by a public relations company. On social media it can sometimes be hard to understand whether an account represents a real person, advocacy movement, business, or a troll designed to spread certain messages. The account may make claims to being a certain type of person or organisation (based on the image and description), or it may give very little information. Since it may not be possible for you to accurately attribute a social media account or set of posts to its owner, it is better to focus on two aspects of its brand identity: what the account claims to represent, and who it claims to represent. Narratives serve to unify people and groups with very different interests. Understanding the different brands that participate in these narratives and comparing what you can learn about the brands with examples of behaviour should help you to better understand where different participants fit into the debate. If mis- and disinformation are strongly connected to the brand identity, that can be an indication of something worth digging into further. You can find out more about how to share and analyse information about false or misleading narratives in Section 3: Situational Insight. You can learn more about how to weigh up the impact of mis- and disinformation on your brand in Section 4.5 1.4 Weigh up the intent Closely connected to the brand is the intent. Intent is notoriously difficult to determine. However, if you weigh up the kinds of brands that share problematic messages and narratives, a picture should begin to emerge. Often, the position of the account within its community – i.e. how its brand fits with the other brands it engages with – can help to reveal intent. If the account sharing misleading content is willing to discuss, delete or correct false statements, for example, it is a strong indicator that there is no intent to mislead. If, however, there are signs that the account is deliberately spreading false content, trolling, or attacking individuals and organisations, the risk is higher that there may be an intent to cause harm. Intent may vary quite widely even among those who produce the same kinds of messages, who adhere to similar narratives, and whose brand values overlap. Below are several examples of the most common intentions that motivate individuals and organisations to spread false, misleading or manipulated information.
  • 14. Recognise 14 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview Intent Brand Brand Brand Because I believe Sometimes people spread misleading or manipulated information because they genuinely believe something, because they want to persuade others, or because they want it to be true: X “I am inclined to support any statements that resonate with my strongly-held beliefs.” X “Even if this specific case isn’t true, it’s an example of the kind of thing that goes on.” X “Our objectives are so important that bending the rules doesn’t matter: the ends justify the means.” Because I have grievances Groups and individuals sometimes use dubious communication tactics because they believe it is the best way for their voices to be heard: X “I feel disenfranchised, and this community is giving me a voice.” X “I blame this social group for my problems, and I want to damage them.” X “I’m angry and want others to feel the way I do.” Because I can Sometimes people use the anonymity of being online to do things they would never do in real life, which can confer status within a hierarchical online community: X “Here I can say the things I really want to say without consequences.” X “People really respect and listen to me, so I give them more of what they want.” X “I wanted to see if it was possible to do this and get away with it.” Because I want to discredit somebody or something Often, people spread misleading information that is aimed at negatively affecting the credibility, trust and reputation of a target person or organisation: X “By discrediting this organisation, we will get more support for our goals.” X “This person is bad. We need to tell the world the truth.” X “Maybe this exact case isn’t true, but it’s an example of the sort of thing they would do.” Because I want to contribute to polarisation Sometimes the intent is to contribute to existing tensions by aggravating them, thereby eroding the middle ground: X “There are only two sides in this debate and you must choose one or the other.” X “I am here to promote my beliefs and help to crowd out opinions I do not like.” X “I will use any means available to prove my point and disprove yours.” Because I can make money Sometimes people spread misleading or manipulated information because they can make money from it:
  • 15. Recognise 15 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview X “Click on these links that seem to align with your views, and I will sell your data, generate some ad revenue, and try to steal your passwords.” X “I am an influencer for hire. For a fee I will support your cause using all methods available.” X “By spreading false information and preying on uncertainty, I am able to sell products that I know do not work.” Because I am part of an Information Influence Operation On rare occasions, hostile state and nonstate actors conduct espionage designed to undermine the prosperity and security of another country. Such activities can have an online component that takes advantage of sensitive debates and issues. These activities are usually hidden in plain sight, among genuine people with legitimate worries and grievances: X “I have gained the trust of this group by creating material that they share and by supporting their posts.” X “I am cultivating groups and individuals to make them more extreme.” X “My online activities are coordinated with the work of several other agents to achieve a specific effect on a country’s decision-making, social cohesion, and alliances.” 1.5 Consider the impact of the techniques We began by analysing messages using the FIRST Indicators to establish the use of false, misleading or manipulated information. We then connected these messages to narratives that may be 3 https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/news/view/2547048-high-profile-western-media-outlets-repeatedly-infiltrated-by-pro- kremlin-trolls problematic to your areas of responsibility, as well as to the integrity of public debate more generally. Third, we considered how the brands spreading the messages and narratives present themselves, how they behave in their communities, and who they are targeting. Drawing this together, we then weighed up the likely motivations and intentions of those creating and spreading the false, misleading or manipulated information. The final step in recognising mis- and disinformation is to consider the impact of the techniques that are being used. This involves understanding how messages, narratives, brands, and intent fit together so that they create an impact. 3
  • 16. Recognise 16 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview Case study: The impact of anti-vaccine narratives is an example of a type of cumulative harm that many different but interconnected messages can cause. Antivax narratives predate Covid-19 and have previously been falsely associated with the risk of autism in children alongside many other conspiracies. False and misleading information targeting Covid-19 has for example suggested microchip implants, magnetising of people’s arms, effects on fertility, that Christian Eriksen’s heart attack during Euro 2020 was caused by the Pfizer vaccine, and of course the monkey memes. Weighing up impact is challenging, but in this case overall vaccination figures would provide an indication of how the public is responding to the contested information environment. In other cases, it may be possible to obtain polling or survey data. However, in many cases the only available data will be the comments and discussions that you see online in conjunction with the mis- and disinformation. Since these debates can easily be manipulated – indeed, comments sections of newspapers and blogs can be the targets of disinformation campaigns just as easily as comments on social media posts3 – understanding the impact often comes down to focusing upon your organisational priorities and responsibilities. You can learn more about how to weigh up the possible risks and impact of mis- and disinformation in Section 4: Impact Assessment. Summary This section has covered: f the differences between mis-, dis- and malinformation. f the messages that are spread and whether they are false, misleading or manipulated. f the ways in which messages fit within and construct narratives f the brand identities of those spreading the messages and narratives f some indications of the intent of the accounts that spread the messages and narratives. f a sense of the possible or likely impact of the techniques, messages and narratives The remaining components of RESIST 2 will support you in deciding whether to respond, and if so how to craft that response.
  • 17. Early Warning 17 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview This section will help you to answer the following questions: f how do I focus digital monitoring on risks? f how can I use digital monitoring to protect my priority issues, tasks and audiences? 2.1 Focus your monitoring on risk Monitoring of traditional and digital media has improved greatly since the days of cutting out interesting stories from newspapers with scissors and storing them in a binder. There are now multiple monitoring services available, which are managed by specialised government teams, purchased from analytics companies, or gathered by yourself. They range from very simple data (number of likes, shares and comments) to advanced (big data, sentiment analysis and network analysis). You will already have regular access to some monitoring products. However, many will not be focused specifically on the risks posed by mis- and disinformation. The existing monitoring you receive should give a good sense of your key audiences, influencers and of the broader debates that relate to your priority policy areas. You should use this monitoring to gain an understanding of: X digital debates that are taking place in relation to your organisation and its work; X the main attitudes held by key influencers and audiences; X how influencers and segmented audiences engage on digital platforms with your organisation and its work X changes in trends over time The value of this knowledge is that it enables you to improve your preparedness for handling mis- and disinformation. It can offer early warnings of potential threats and risks, and give a sense of what is normal and what might involve manipulation of debates according to FIRST principles. Monitoring can help you to better understand where to look, and what to look for. You can supplement it with your own specialist insights using tools such as: Platform analytics Each social media platform has an analytics function that provides data on accounts or pages that you own. Platforms that you own pages on are an important source of insight for understanding how people engage with your content. Google Trends Shows how frequently terms are searched for on Google. The results can be broken down by time, country, and related queries to focus attention on a specific timeframe, location, and/or topic. This is useful for revealing spikes in interest and can help guide your attention to specific days, locations or topics where interest in a debate has changed. TweetDeck Create a Twitter dashboard to follow multiple timelines, accounts and search terms in real time. Note that you can monitor accounts and keywords in Tweetdeck without being a follower. Available at tweetdeck.twitter.com. Browser extensions There are a number of apps that can be added to your browser to speed up or even automate functions such as translation, image searches and taking screenshots. This is especially useful for speeding up simple tasks that you need to do often. Early Warning
  • 18. Early Warning 18 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview Lots more tools are available for a wide number of platforms and in multiple languages. 2.2 Protect your priorities from mis- and disinformation The next step is to develop contingency planning around the risks of mis- and disinformation. The below grid will help you to figure out some of the important areas where misleading or manipulated information can provide significant risks to your organisation and the people depending on its services. Use monitoring data to answer the below questions. You can also work with colleagues to brainstorm or “red team” the risks. This information can help you to increase your organisation’s resilience to mis- and disinformation, by for example improving campaign planning, better directing monitoring, raising awareness of vulnerabilities, and providing early warning of potential threats. Our priorities Areas of risk Objectives to protect What are our priority policy areas and responsibilities? What are the prevailing attitudes in these areas that could be harnessed for mis- and disinformation? What types of mis- or disinformation could be particularly harmful to our priorities and our audiences? Information to protect What are our key messages and narratives? What misleading or manipulated information is being spread? What are the main messages and narratives we should be aware of? What is untrue or misleading about them? Brands to protect What are the core values that we stand for? What values and interests do we and our partners wish to project? What types of mis- or disinformation could undermine our credibility, engagement, or ability to deliver results? Audiences to protect Who are the key stakeholders and audiences affecting or dependent on our policy areas? What are their values and interests? Who do they communicate with and listen to? Which parts of their relationship with my organisation are susceptible to mis- and disinformation?
  • 19. Early Warning 19 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview Summary Digital monitoring should be focused on your key priorities, influencers and audiences. There are a number of government units that provide analysis and insight products that may be relevant to you. There are also many free and paid tools that can be used to support analysis. You should use combinations of these tools to create a monitoring toolkit that suits your needs. The purpose of digital monitoring in relation to disinformation is ultimately to help you to reduce vulnerabilities, plan for risk, and protect your priorities. This kind of focused planning can help give you an early warning if disinformation appears within your priority policy areas or among key influencers and audiences. The knowledge that you develop in these steps should be operationalised in the next step: creation of insight.
  • 20. Situational Insight 20 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview This section will help you answer the following question: f what is insight in the context of mis- and disinformation and how should it be used to support a timely response? By the end of this section, you will be familiar with the basic steps required to understand an insight report containing relevant information for your organisation. 3.1 Turning monitoring into insight Monitoring becomes valuable when it is turned into insight. Insight is a form of analysis that turns interesting data into actionable data. It answers the question, “So what?”. At its core, insight is about understanding audiences to support communication planning. Insight should be used to: X baseline/benchmark over time to show change X identify emerging trends and provide early warning of threats X understand how mis- and disinformation is distributed to key audiences X generate recommendations X provide support for developing and targeting messages and campaigns, including preclearance of lines Insight usually takes the form of reports that are circulated daily, weekly or ad hoc depending on need. Much of the data can be drawn automatically from the monitoring toolbox or dashboard that you developed in the previous section. A good insight report can be as short as one or two pages: put the most important information at the top and get to the “so what” quickly. Bear in mind that your insight product might be the first time that people in your organisation are exposed to digital monitoring data as a basis for analysing mis- or disinformation. It should be usable as a briefing for special advisers, policy advisers, senior staff and ministers, so explain things clearly by avoiding jargon and using images where possible. A disinformation insight product should at a minimum include: X Key insights and takeouts. A top line summary including a short commentary explaining the ‘so what’ and setting out your recommendations for action; and X Sections on key themes and issues covering: X relevant outputs from your department on priority issues, for example a ministerial announcement X examples of disinformation relating to these outputs, including where and how it is circulating X key interactions and engagements, for example is the disinformation being dealt with organically, is it being picked up by journalists and influencers and if so which ones? X trends and changes in attitudes (and influencers and audiences) over time (this can be combined with any polling data you have) X your commentary and recommendations for a response Situational Insight
  • 21. Situational Insight 21 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview Insight is important, but you should always weigh it up against known risks (section 2.2) and your own knowledge of what is normal debate in your area of expertise. Be wary of exaggerating the impact of single examples of misleading or manipulated content, or of falling into the trap of feeling that every false post should be corrected. It is also worth remembering that niche debates on social media rarely represent broader public opinion. Insight is most valuable when you consider it as an indicator of emerging trends that you use alongside other sources to create an overall assessment of impact. The following section will discuss this further. Summary The goal of a disinformation insight product is to share the early warning signals you have gleaned from digital media monitoring with the people who need a situational briefing. As with all monitoring, it can be used in long-term planning, for example in an annual report or as part of a campaign evaluation, for ad hoc issues, or produced on a weekly or even daily basis. They should be short, clear and to the point. A basic example of an insight product is given in Annex B.
  • 22. Impact Analysis 22 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview This section will help you answer the following questions: f how do you determine levels of confidence in your assessment of mis- and disinformation? f what is the likely impact? f how does the mis- or disinformation affect your areas of responsibility, or ability to achieve your organisation’s objectives? f how does mis- and disinformation affect your communication with the public? f how does the mis- or disinformation affect your brand or organisation’s reputation? f how should I prioritise? The following section provides a number of structured analysis techniques which cover a series of questions that can help to guide your assessment of the goals, impact and reach of potential disinformation you have identified through monitoring and insight. This can be used to help you decide whether to act and, if so, how. The following steps will lead you through these more detailed questions, in ways that help to unpack decision-making and avoid “gut feeling” responses. Impact Analysis
  • 23. Impact Analysis 23 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview Our priorities Key questions Objectives to protect Policy areas and responsibilities 1. Is the mis, dis- or malinformation harmful to our priorities? In what ways? Information to protect Key messages and narratives 2. What problematic communication techniques and behaviours have you identified? 3. What misleading or manipulated content is being spread? What are the main messages and narratives we should be aware of? What is untrue or misleading about them? Brands to protect Core values 4. What values and interests do the accounts spreading mis- or disinformation wish to project, and to which target groups? Audiences to protect Key stakeholders and audiences 5. How widely is mis- or disinformation spreading, and to which target groups? 4.1 What is the degree of confidence? Structured analysis techniques are a well- established means of standardising assessments and decision making. They are mainly used in assessments where analysts look at different parts of a puzzle and need to share the same process and language. We draw upon simplified versions of these techniques here because handling mis- and disinformation should not be based on a gut feeling. You need to follow a structured, coherent process using a common language that leads to consistent decisions. While it may be tempting to expect clear yes/ no answers to many situations, analysis, and the subsequent response to mis- and disinformation, often involves uncertainty. This is because situations are ongoing and there is rarely enough information to be sure of who is behind activities, what their goals are, and what impact their efforts will have. What we see on social media or in insight reports should be treated as indicators of possible trends rather than firm evidence of public opinion. Rather, we must consider these activities in terms of risk and likelihood. Careful use of language is crucial to give a nuanced assessment of what appears to be happening. For example, you may have high confidence that a piece of social media content is disinformation, but low confidence in who is ultimately behind it and why they are spreading it. If you are sure, say so. If not, it is helpful to add a small indicator of the likelihood that something is true. It is enough to place a letter in parentheses at the end of a proposition; low confidence [L], medium confidence [M], or high confidence [H]. Note that there needs to be collective agreement before any attribution is made. More advanced users may wish to use additional structured analysis techniques together with the PHIA confidence yardstick to add greater nuance to their assessments; see Annex C for more details.
  • 24. Impact Analysis 24 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview Confidence levels High confidence [H]: the evidence currently available is sufficient to reach a reasonable conclusion. X “Digital platforms and researchers have linked this group to a previous information influence operation [H].” Medium confidence [M]: it is possible to reach a reasonable conclusion based on the available evidence, but additional evidence could easily sway that conclusion. X “Based on the identity of this account, the networks it belongs to and its previous behaviour, there does not appear to be an intent to mislead [M].” Low confidence [L]: there is some relevant evidence, but it is taken in isolation or without corroboration. X “Many of the disinformation posts appear to have been translated from a foreign language or use linguistic idioms that suggest the network is based in a particular foreign country [L].”
  • 25. Impact Analysis 25 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview 4.2 How does mis- or disinformation affect your areas of responsibility? Government departments provide services to the public according to their areas of responsibility. One method of determining whether to respond to mis- or disinformation is to consider how it impacts your department’s responsibilities. Our priorities Key questions Objectives to protect Policy areas and responsibilities 1. Is the mis-, dis- or malinformation harmful to our priorities? In what ways? Below is an example of how you might answer these questions by turning your priorities into a matrix. Develop a similar matrix of your own that covers the areas relevant to your priorities. You can then mark which of the priorities are affected by the misleading or manipulated information you have encountered. Include confidence levels to mark how likely a scenario appears to be. Does it affect the ability of your organisation to do its job? Does it affect the people who depend upon your services? (be specific; see 4.5) Does it pose a significant risk to the general public? Ability to deliver services Key stakeholders National security Reputation (see 4.4) Key audiences Public safety Policy areas/goals Niche audiences Public health Individual staff/staff safety Vulnerable audiences Climate of debate (see 4.3)
  • 26. Impact Analysis 26 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview For example: Public health X “Accounts are spreading false information that encourages individuals not to use this potentially life-saving service. There is some evidence of moderate impact among users of the service’s Facebook page [M].” Reputation X “A small group of users are spreading forged material that potentially undermines trust in our department. The forgeries are low-quality and make unrealistic claims [M].” Vulnerable audiences X “Disinformation is targeting a specific community that we work with. Vulnerable members of that community are particularly susceptible to the narratives [H].” 4.3 How does the mis- or disinformation affect your communication with the public? The integrity of the information exchanged between governments and members of the public is crucial to a well-functioning society. It may be appropriate to engage with mis- and disinformation if it affects your communication with the public to a degree that you are no longer able to communicate effectively with them, for example to deliver crucial public services.
  • 27. Impact Analysis 27 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview Our priorities Key questions Information to protect Key messages and narratives 2. What problematic communication techniques and behaviours have you identified? 3. What misleading or manipulated content is being spread? What are the main messages and narratives we should be aware of? What is untrue or misleading about them? Problematic communication techniques, behaviours and content are easily assessed using the FIRST indicators. The steps under Recognise will guide you through this information collection process and help you to develop succinct answers to these questions. Examples: X “Here are multiple sockpuppet accounts being used that have previously been active spreaders of disinformation [M].” X “Narratives use symbolism and rhetoric, including historical revisioniandm and whataboutism, to agitate left-leaning groups [H].” X “Much of the trolling seems to be coordinated off-platform to drown out specific voices at specific moments [H].” Our priorities Key questions Brands to protect Core values 4. What values and interests do the accounts spreading mis- or disinformation wish to project, and to which target groups? 4.4 How does the mis- or disinformation affect your brand? In many cases, misleading or manipulated information will assert values that compete with those of government departments for credibility. For example, those spreading the misleading or manipulated information may claim to be protecting the public, fighting for a good cause, or have access to unique information sources. They will often assert this identity in order to target it at specific audiences. It will not always be possible to know who is behind an account or network, but it should be possible to assess the account to better understand their values, interests and patterns of behaviour.
  • 28. Impact Analysis 28 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview Use the answers from the previous questions to form an informed opinion about how the mis- or disinformation relates to your organisation, your values and priorities. Then check the information you have collected to see if you can answer the following about the accounts and networks creating or sharing the mis- or disinformation: X who do they claim to be? X what values do they claim to stand for? X who are their target groups? X is their behaviour consistent with their profile? X what is their track record of liking, sharing and commenting on posts? X do they have a stake in the issue? X how do they engage with other accounts, particularly those that disagree with them? X do they seek accurate information and correct mistakes? 4.5 What is the likely reach of the mis- or disinformation? You should make an assessment of how extensively you believe the mis- and disinformation will be engaged with. Is it likely to disappear within a few hours or does it have the potential to become tomorrow’s headlines? Our priorities Key questions Audiences to protect Key stakeholders and audiences 5. How widely is mis- or disinformation spreading, and to which target groups?
  • 29. Impact Analysis 29 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview Exposure/reach Likelihood Little interest: very limited circulation and engagement Filter bubble: some engagement within niche audiences with similar worldview / automated circulation Trending: some discussion online, may include open debate and rebuttals Minor story: some reporting on mainstream media Headline story: affecting day-to-day operations Examples: X “a small number of accounts are particularly influential in this network. At least one is deliberately spreading false information, others are more balanced but still share false information [H]” X “members of this group have posted that they will ignore all government guidance on this topic. They are using hashtags that reach large audiences, which means that interesting content could generate traction [M]” X “a number of public figures have now commented on this content. It is likely to reach mainstream news [H]” 4.6 How should I prioritise the mis- and disinformation? Once the previous steps are completed, you should be able to assign a priority level to the mis- or disinformation. Is misinformation at risk of causing harm to the public, or are there indications that it will be ignored? Is disinformation likely to become part of a major international crisis, like the Salisbury poisoning, or endanger life, such as misinformation around COVID-19 vaccines, or is it enough simply to monitor developments? Below are three example priorities: high, medium and low. You may need to develop your own criteria for prioritising disinformation based on your specific needs and experiences. The principle is that the goal, impact and reach should inform how urgently you prioritise the case. Keep your assessment outcome-focused, i.e. does what you are seeing represent a significant obstacle to achieving your priorities? If not, it should be lower priority. The role of government is not to respond to every piece of false or misleading information. You should not take on the role of arbiter of truth or moderator of public debate. A prioritised response is one in which there is a clear and compelling need to protect government objectives, information, brands and/or audiences.
  • 30. Impact Analysis 30 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview Description Actions Internal audiences Tools High Significant risk to the public, e.g. health or national security and has a high likelihood of making headlines. Much of the evidence is high confidence and builds a clear picture. It requires immediate attention and escalation. Make senior staff, SpAds/ policy advisers and other parts of government aware of issue and its priority. Share insight and analysis. Prepare quickly for a cross-government response. Senior staff Wider government Share insight Briefings Prioritise short- term comms Example: X Following the poisoning of two UK residents in Salisbury, Russian news sources began a campaign of harassment of the investigating services and UK government. Early warnings from digital media enabled the production of briefings for senior staff across government to prepare for a disinformation crisis. Description Actions Internal audiences Tools Medium Negative effect on a policy area, departmental reputation or a large stakeholder group and is trending online. The evidence indicates a potential for harm if left unchallenged. It requires a response. Make senior staff and SpAds/policy advisers aware of issue. Share insight and analysis within department. Investigate the issue and prepare press lines based on known facts. Senior staff Policy advisers Monitoring and analysis teams Insight Briefings Press lines Prioritise short and medium-term comms
  • 31. Impact Analysis 31 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview Example: X A trade press with limited circulation misleadingly claims that a recent parliamentary vote determined that animals have no feelings. Early warning assessment highlights a risk that the narrative may be picked up by mainstream press. Insight, briefings and press lines are prepared either to proactively correct the story or to prepare for possible mainstream interest in the policy area. Description Actions Internal audiences Tools Low Potential to affect the climate of debate about e.g. a department’s work and has limited circulation. The evidence is of mixed quality. The debate should be routinely followed but intervention is unnecessary/ undesirable. Share insight and analysis with in media department. Investigate the issue and prepare press lines/ narratives based on known facts. Conduct a baseline analysis of debate and track any changes. Comms officers Monitoring and analysis teams Insight Press lines Baseline analysis Prioritise medium and long-term comms Example: X A conspiracy theory has emerged holding the UK government responsible for a major public safety incident. The theory is only being circulated by fringe groups known for anti-government sentiment, and runs counter to current mainstream debates. Insight and press lines are prepared, but no response is made for the time being. The area is monitored and baseline analysis is used to spot any sudden changes in the climate of debate.
  • 32. Impact Analysis 32 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview Summary The assessment of risk and impact in communication work is often the result of experience and a qualified ‘gut feeling’. However, if disinformation is to be tackled in a coherent and consistent way across government, we need to use common tools and make similar assessments. This section gives you suggestions for approaches that can standardise the assessment of risk and impact, leading to a priorities-based approach to developing a response.
  • 33. Strategic Communications 33 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview Not all mis- and disinformation has to be responded to. In many circumstances, public opinion will self-correct. Any public response to false or misleading information that you do decide to make should represent the truth, well told. If you decide to act, there are many options – and combinations of options – at your disposal. This section will outline various options and discuss how to deploy them effectively to minimise the impact of false and misleading information on your priority issues and audiences. This section will help you answer the following questions: X what are the most important communication principles? X what are my communication options? X traditional vs digital options X proactive communication options X reactive communication options X how should I weigh up approaches? Strategic Communication
  • 34. Strategic Communications 34 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview 5.1 Follow communication best practice The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has used the collective expertise and learnings of its members and partners to develop good practice principles to help address mis- and disinformation. The resulting draft OECD Principles of Good Practice for Public Communication Responses to Mis- and Disinformation has been devised to: X inform government policies and communication that resonate with citizens’ needs and leverage stakeholders as part of a whole-of-society approach X empower communicators through institutionalised approaches that are public-interest driven and evidence-based X mitigate the spread and effects of mis- and disinformation through building capacity for timely, preventive and forward-looking efforts to respond to problematic content The OECD Principles of Good Practice for Public Communication Responses to Help Counter Mis- and Disinformation Transparency Governments strive to communicate in an honest, clear and open manner, with institutions comprehensively disclosing information, decisions, processes and data within the limitations of relevant legislation and regulation. Transparency, including about assumptions and uncertainty, can reduce the scope for rumours and falsehoods to take root, as well as enable public scrutiny of official information and open government data. Inclusiveness Interventions are designed and diversified to reach all groups in society. Official information strives to be relevant and easily understood, with messages tailored for diverse publics. Channels and messages are appropriate for intended audiences, and communication initiatives are conducted with respect for cultural and linguistic differences and with attention paid to reaching disengaged vulnerable, underrepresented or marginalised groups. Responsiveness Governments develop interventions and communications around the needs and concerns of citizens. Adequate resources and efforts are dedicated to understanding and listening to their questions and expectations to develop informed and tailored messages. Responsive approaches facilitate two-way dialogue, including with vulnerable, underrepresented and marginalised groups, and enable an avenue for public participation in policy decisions. Whole-of-society Government efforts to counteract information disorders are integrated within a whole-of- society approach, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, including the media, private sector, civil society, academia and individuals. Governments broadly promote the public’s resilience to mis- and disinformation, as well as an environment conducive to accessing, sharing and facilitating constructive public engagement around information and data. Where relevant, public institutions coordinate and engage with non-governmental partners with the aim of building trust across society and all parts of the country.
  • 35. Strategic Communications 35 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview Public-interest driven Public communication should strive to be independent from politicization in implementing interventions to counteract mis- and disinformation. Public communication is conducted as separate and distinct from partisan and electoral communication, with the introduction of measures to ensure clear authorship, impartiality, accountability and objectivity. Institutionalisation Governments consolidate interventions into coherent approaches guided by official communication and data policies, standards and guidelines. Public communication offices benefit from adequate human and financial resources, a well-coordinated cross-government approach at national and sub-national levels, and dedicated, trained and professional staff. Evidence based Government interventions are designed and informed by trustworthy and reliable data, testing, behavioural insights and build on the monitoring and evaluation of relevant activities. Research, analysis and learnings are continuously gathered and feed into improved approaches and practices. Governments focus on recognising emerging narratives, behaviours, and characteristics to understand the context in which they are communicating and responding. Timeliness Public institutions develop mechanisms to act in a timely manner by identifying and responding to emerging narratives, recognising the speed at which false information can travel. Communicators work to build preparedness and rapid responses by establishing coordination and approval mechanisms to intervene quickly with accurate, relevant and compelling content. Prevention Government interventions are designed to pre- empt rumours, falsehoods, and conspiracies to stop potentially harmful information from gaining traction. A focus on prevention requires governments to identify, monitor and track problematic content and its sources; recognise and proactively fill information and data gaps to reduce susceptibility to speculation and rumours; understand and anticipate common disinformation tactics, vulnerabilities and risks; and identify appropriate responses, such as “pre- bunking”. Future-proof Public institutions invest in innovative research and use strategic foresight to anticipate the evolution of technology and information ecosystems and prepare for likely threats. Counter-misinformation interventions are designed to be open, adaptable and matched with efforts to build civil servants’ capacity to respond to evolving challenges. 5.2 What are my communication options? The following sections will outline some of the most common communication options that are available to communications teams when you choose to respond to mis- or disinformation. First is a short discussion about traditional versus digital communication methods, followed by proactive communication options, which is where you attempt to push back on false or misleading information before it has become widespread; and reactive communication options, which are about counteracting a potentially harmful message, narrative, actor, or objective.
  • 36. Strategic Communications 36 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview Communication channels Efforts to inform and engage the public Media relations Social media engagement Face-to-face engagement Inoculation Network building Awareness raising Counter-brand Campaigns Resilience building Proactive efforts to pre-bunk, raise awareness, and shape the information environment Debunking Policy response Counter-narrative Crisis communication Reactive efforts to debunk, counter, and restore the information environment Strategic Tactical
  • 37. Strategic Communications 37 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview 5.3 Using traditional and digital communication channels Many of the communication options for mitigating the impact of mis- and disinformation are found in general approaches to government communication, such as media relations and social media engagement. This work can be both proactive and reactive, insofar as it shapes the information environment and sometimes includes responses and corrections to false or misleading interpretations of information. Common to these approaches is a reliance on the OECD Principles to ensure clear and credible communications capable of informing the public so that they have access to correct information, as well as changing perceptions and behaviours where appropriate. Media relations Social media engagement Face-to-face engagement Face-to face engagement When should it be used? In some cases, the most credible communication method is simply to talk. However, it is also difficult to do this at scale. It is most relevant when for example a key stakeholder or influencer requires a tailored briefing, or a group or community needs to see boots on the ground. How does it work? Communication via media or social media allows for the scaling up of what is in essence the direct communication between you and a member of the public. Face-to-face means returning to the core principles of building trust by relating directly at a human level (even if, in some cases it may not literally be face-to-face, e.g. a phone call). Note that such meetings can also be used as content for traditional and social media. Techniques include: X briefing: speaking to individual or small groups in order to explain the context of an issue, can be on or off-the-record X stakeholder meetings: engaging with key stakeholders so that they can reach out to their communities, for example by briefing a religious leader or teacher X community outreach: a site visit, including for example a spoken statement or town hall style meeting to answer common questions What is its impact? In-person communication is often considered the most credible because it removes the sense of distance, as well as layers of mediation by e.g. journalists, from communication. It also allows for the translation of at times quite abstract policy issues into everyday language. Even if it can only be deployed selectively, content from face-to- face meetings can be used to support other communication techniques at scale, such as sharing clips of meetings on social media. Media relations When should it be used? Media relations is one of the traditional approaches to communications work. It is often most relevant when issues affect mainstream audiences, such as readers of newspapers and consumers of television news. This category also includes specialist outlets (in areas such as current affairs, economics, and trade magazines) who may be particularly influential to different target groups.
  • 38. Strategic Communications 38 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview How does it work? Many of the tools listed below are designed to ensure that the government can get its message across so that the public has access to the right information. Media act as mediators, adding their own interpretations before delivering stories to their audiences. Tools include: X press release - a written statement, sometimes including interviews and data, that can be used as a primary source of information by journalists X statement - an on-the-record statement, for example by an elected official, senior government official, or other credible voice depending on the issue X earned media coverage - offering speakers to media to encourage media coverage about a specific topic, announcement or issue X background briefing - speaking to journalists or other stakeholders to explain the context of an issue, can be on or off- the-record X promoting friendly voice - third parties can be a valuable means of building bridges to sceptical audiences, particularly if they are seen as an objective source of credible information What is its impact? Media relations aim to shape media coverage on a day-to-day level. Effective media handling is part of typical communications work, and many of these tools will be valuable for ensuring the correct information is available to the public in the first place, in order to reduce areas of doubt where false and misleading narratives can develop. Social media engagement When should it be used? Some audiences are most effectively and directly reached through social media. If the decision has been made to develop a department’s presence on social media, for example through a Facebook page or Twitter account, this can provide additional opportunities to understand and engage with the public using targeted communications. Owned channels on social media allow for more detailed knowledge of a target audience and more control over the message compared to media outreach. If you want to speak directly with the public, social media channels can offer a rapid, cost- effective means of engaging. How does it work? Analysis of digital media channels, including social media, can reveal for example that certain target audiences are searching for reliable information sources or are spreading false or misleading materials. Engagement can involve creating relevant content and targeting it to those audiences targeted by or most impacted by false information through owned social media channels. Content can be tailored and directed to selected audiences. The UK Government’s Rapid Response Unit (RRU) has created a simple process “FACT” for conducting this kind of work: X Find - use media monitoring sources, including previous steps of RESIST, to identify false and misleading information X Assess - weigh up the risk of false or misleading messages and narratives, and consider how they are spreading X Create - develop engaging content X Target - weigh up whether to respond directly to posts, contact the author/ publisher, use targeted advertising, and/or develop segmented content
  • 39. Strategic Communications 39 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview What is its impact? Effective social media engagement can quickly identify trends and allow direct contact with highly targeted audiences without additional mediation through, for example, journalists. This enables a variety of positive outcomes including attitude and behaviour change, building resilience, shaping the information environment, showing a willingness to engage in debate, as well as a credible rapid response, all focused on using insights from data to reach “eyeballs”. For more guidance see FACT (see Annex D) and Section 6 on Tracking Outcomes. Who will approve content? Who absolutely needs to review and sign off on your content? For example your Head of News and/or Head of Communications, followed by the relevant Special Adviser. You should secure contacts for each of these positions who will be able to respond on their behalf if your regular contacts are absent. If you have been creating and sharing situational insight in the form of monitoring reports – as set out in the situational insight section – this will help people to understand the context in advance. They will already have an understanding of the disinformation affecting your organisation or its policy areas, which will help when you need to build a case to respond and when you want to clear content quickly. Can lines be pre-cleared? If insight is already available into an emerging disinformation trend, it may be possible to preclear some press lines before they are needed. For example, some government departments have weekly routines to pre-clear lines via their subject experts several days before an event is likely to make the news, in case of negative reporting. It is important to note that traditional and social media are not mutually exclusive. News media articles are often widely shared, discussed and debated on social media. Social media posts and debates are sometimes reported on, or integrated into stories, by traditional media. Digitisation of news media means that many news platforms integrate social media functions, such as comment fields, into their formats; similarly, sharing news is part of most social media platforms. The approaches referred to here are therefore cross-cutting tools that can be applied in many situations, including as part of the response to false and misleading information.
  • 40. Strategic Communications 40 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview 5.4 Proactive communication options Proactive communications is about taking steps to push back on false or misleading information before it has become widespread. It includes efforts to pre-bunk, raise awareness, and shape the information environment in order to minimise risk of harm to the public. Strategic Tactical Inoculation Network building Awareness raising Counter-brand Campaigns Resilience building Inoculation When should it be used? When you want to proactively counteract (“pre-bunk”) false messaging before it has become widely spread. 4 https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-03189-1 5 According to experiments conducted on behalf of HMG by Cambridge University How does it work? The PROVE4 framework has been developed and tested by researchers to ensure effective evidence-based communication. It can be used to develop clear, informative messaging using scientific evidence to explain nuance and uncertainty around complex issues. It is not supposed to advocate or persuade, only inform. X Pre-bunk: anticipate mis- and disinformation through media monitoring and risk assessment and prepare to pre- emptively warn the public X Reliably Inform: trust is built by informing openly rather than persuading. This means ensuring that information reflects expertise, honesty, and good intentions X Offer balance: do not skew or ignore evidence, but rather ensure balance in how evidence is presented X Verify quality: be open about the quality of the underlying evidence so that the credibility of the information is clear X Explain uncertainty: disclose any uncertainties, gaps and risks with the current evidence What is its impact? Inoculation helps to strengthen resilience by informing the public about an issue at risk of false or misleading information, and preparing and empowering their ability to engage with that content. Experiments show that target audiences find PROVE content to be more engaging, more trustworthy, and more interesting to read than other content. It also elicited less negative emotional responses (such as anger), and less negative cognitive responses5 .
  • 41. Strategic Communications 41 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview Awareness raising When should it be used? When you want to proactively shape public debate about issues likely to be subjected to mis- and disinformation. How does it work? Information and awareness campaigns use proactive communications to nudge, advocate, influence, and persuade target groups to behave in a manner that ultimately benefits society. They may involve slogans (“Stay Home. Protect the NHS. Save Lives”), instructions (“Don’t drink and drive”), or simple processes (“See it. Say it. Sorted”), as well as more traditional public affairs and advocacy work. They often draw upon rudimentary storytelling and establish narratives. The approach can involve: X awareness raising and public information campaigns X brand and narrative development X storytelling around ongoing trends, threats and risks X specific warnings, advice and guidance to the public X use of audience research to develop targeted nudge, advocacy, influence and persuasion tactics X publishing of evidence or research to support a wider advocacy effort What is its impact? Awareness raising efforts are capable of shaping public debate about an issue in order to change behaviour. The principles of public information campaigns are well- established in for example OASIS (see Annex E). 6 See https://gcs.civilservice.gov.uk/guidance/marketing/delivering-government-campaigns/guide-to-campaign- planning-oasis/ for further guidance Campaigns When should it be used? All communications should be viewed in the context of a wider campaign, for example, what do we want to achieve and where does it fit with other activities6 . How does it work? A campaign is a planned sequence of communications and interactions that uses compelling narratives over time to deliver a defined and measurable outcome, such as behaviour change. X Objectives: Start with the policy aim and develop communications objectives that will deliver this X Audience/Insight: Use data to understand your target audiences X Strategy/Ideas: Plan the campaign strategy including messaging, channels, and partners/influencers X Implementation: Plan the campaign implementation by allocating resources and setting out timescales for delivery X Scoring/Evaluation: Monitor outputs, outtakes and outcomes throughout your campaign What is its impact? Effective communication planning, coordination, and measurement delivers added value to all communications. While not mis- or disinformation specific, it is important to continue to use OASIS in such issues as a matter of best practice.
  • 42. Strategic Communications 42 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview Network building When should it be used? If an issue is likely to persist in the medium or long term, it is important to develop networks capable of shaping an effective response over time. How does it work? Networks of like minded allies and organisations provide a safe space for solving problems together. Each party can work from its relative strength; e.g. governments can use their convening power and policy/legislative capabilities; NGOs their credibility and subject expertise; researchers their ability to generate evidence and knowledge; journalists can use their investigative capabilities and connections to audiences. Networks can be within a government, within a country embracing cross- sector stakeholders, and internationally. They can: X build and maintain networks of experts and policymakers X catalogue known mis- and disinformation vectors and actors X support the creation of independently- verified repositories of factual information X provide specialist training and workshops X shape consensus among key stakeholders around problems and solutions X support development of long-term, sustainable relationships with target audiences What is its impact? Networks should ultimately share knowledge and expertise in order to strengthen the community against a threat. For example, the ability of the UK government to work with partner governments, researchers, NGOs, and journalists during the aftermath of the Salisbury poisoning led to coordinated sanctions, published independent research into the associated disinformation campaigns, and a credible independent exposé of the perpetrators. Such impact would not be possible without strong networks. Counter-brand When should it be used? When you want to expose the behaviour of a persistently hostile actor who spreads false or misleading claims. Note that this may require political approval. How does it work? Counter-brand refers to a range of communicative activities that collectively seek to ensure a reputational cost to actors who persistently spread false, misleading and harmful information. It ensures that the target audiences of false messages and narratives are better informed about the interests, values and behaviour of the sources behind mis- and disinformation. Techniques include: X use branding to explain and project your identity and values, and to explain the negative behaviour of persistently hostile actors X expose contradictions in the values, identity, interests, and behaviour of the sources of false and misleading narratives X use satire where appropriate for target audiences X address audience hopes/needs and provide an alternative vision X make a technical or political attribution X work with credible partners to attribute disinformation sources and/or deliver counter-brand content What is its impact? Counter-brand communications represent a strategic effort to engage with a threat actor and hence are not
  • 43. Strategic Communications 43 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview to be taken lightly. Efforts to counter-brand Daesh involved revealing the realities of life under a brutal regime, thereby exposing the contradictions between the disinformation and the reality. Attributions, for example in the statement by the then Prime Minister Theresa May that Russia was responsible for the Salisbury poisoning, lead to geopolitical consequences such as sanctions. Ultimately, the anticipated impact is to raise the costs of spreading false and misleading information for a specific actor, and to increase public resilience to the sources of false information. Resilience building When should it be used? For long term efforts aimed at increasing the ability of target audiences to critically-engage with false or manipulated information. How does it work? The aim of resilience building and media literacy initiatives is to empower people to better understand how false information can be spread on and offline, so that they can more effectively engage with what they see, read, and hear. Targeted education and training can develop techniques such as source criticism, identifying bias, using logic and argumentation, and interpretation of data. X media literacy education X training to detect flawed and fallacious argumentation X interactive training content X participatory campaigns X gamification X use of satire to encourage critical thinking X outreach to schools and vulnerable groups X engagement with digital platforms to include media literacy into their product design What is its impact? Improving the resilience of the population to manipulation through false or misleading content. This makes it harder for misinformation to spread, by for example encouraging people to check sources before they share social media posts. A more informed and media-savvy population is less likely to be drawn in to disinformation campaigns. 5.5 Reactive communication options Reactive communications is about counteracting false or misleading information so that the public is empowered to make an informed choice. These options are specifically designed to counteract a potentially harmful message, narrative, actor, or objective. Debunking Policy response Counter-narrative Crisis communication Reactive efforts to debunk, counter, and restore the information environment Strategic Tactical
  • 44. Strategic Communications 44 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview Debunking When should it be used? When false or manipulated information is circulating and you wish to counteract the impact of the false information by asserting the truth. How does it work? The principle is that false or manipulated information should not be left unchallenged. Counter-messaging involves engaging at the level of individual messages can include efforts to for example correct the record, debunk a myth, or fact check. Traditional media handling often involves correcting false or misleading information, however in the mis- and disinformation field there are specific best practices that have been established by leading experts of health and climate change misinformation7 . These include a simple process for constructing messages to as to maximise clarity and impact: X Fact: lead with the truth X Myth: point to false information X Explain fallacy: why is it false? X Fact: state the truth again What is its impact? Fact checking and debunking are widespread practices that perform an important role in ensuring that false information does not go unanswered. Until recently, we have emphasised the risk that repeating misinformation may backfire since it helps to reinforce the false messages. Recent studies show that this risk is generally lower than of not responding at all8 . A problem with this approach is however that it is time-consuming and deals with individual messages, which means it can be challenging to use at scale and can feel like whack-a-mole. Some NGOs, 7 https://www.climatechangecommunication.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DebunkingHandbook2020.pdf 8 https://www.climatechangecommunication.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/DebunkingHandbook2020.pdf nonprofits and media houses have created initiatives that cover different issues and markets, and it can be useful to collaborate with them to increase the impact of governmental counter- messaging. X Stick to the subject. False or misleading messages are often designed to draw you into wider narratives that are off-topic and you are unlikely to want to debate. There may be a “kernel of truth” to false claims that are deeply personal and will be difficult to separate from the issue at hand. Be aware of how messages fit within narratives and stick to the issue that is connected to your priorities. X Use facts, examples and evidence wherever possible. Independent evidence confirmed by multiple credible sources is ideal. However, be aware that some legitimate sources will be discredited from the perspective of certain audiences. X Don’t engage trolls. Watch out for combinations of rhetorical devices such as social proof, strawman, whataboutism, ad hominem, claims of no evidence, etc. If somebody repeatedly uses these techniques in their online engagements, they are likely not interested in correcting false or misleading information. Counter-narrative When should it be used? When false or misleading narratives, stories, conspiracies, or myths develop into shorthand, or a delivery mechanism, for mis- and disinformation content. How does it work? Countering narratives involves exposing falsehoods and contradictions in how important issues are explained to different
  • 45. Strategic Communications 45 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview audiences and where possible replacing them with a more truthful narrative. Narratives are sometimes seen as being in competition, hence the notion of a “battle of narratives”. X Focus on asserting your preferred narratives and ensure consistency across communication activities X Dispute incorrect assumptions in false narratives, including using debunking where appropriate X Tell your story using evidence to support core elements X Tell their story your way What is its impact? Countering mis- and disinformation narratives helps to shape the understanding of complex issues, which can make audiences more resilient to individual false and misleading messages. For example, false conspiratorial narratives around the causes of Covid-19 provide a delivery mechanism for a range of other conspiracies about vaccines that can, by extension, cause public harm. Countering the narratives at source impacts upon the viability of associated mis- and disinformation messages, rather like pulling up the roots of a weed rather than simply removing the leaves. X Be wary of the battle of narratives. While different narratives may be in competition for attention, the biggest threat to a narrative is the “say-do gap”, also known as the difference between the stories we tell ourselves, and our realities. Often, the “winning” narrative is not the “best” story, but that which most compellingly explains the realities of target audiences. Crisis communication When should it be used? Crisis communication is about dealing with misconceptions and crises as they occur. The truth is not always immediately clear. These approaches are not mis- and disinformation specific, but are nonetheless reliable and well-established means of ensuring that accurate information reaches target audiences as it becomes available. How does it work? Communicators have a range of tools to deal with the majority of crises that become newsworthy or impact lives. The tools mainly involve providing information to target audiences via key influencers, such as journalists, editors, thought-leaders, community leaders, experts, and other stakeholders. X Holding statement: acknowledgement of an emerging issue with the promise that more information will be on its way X Statements and interviews: on-the-record information that can be used as a primary source for media or target audiences X Stakeholder engagement and briefings: speaking to journalists or other stakeholders in order to explain the context of an issue, can be on or off-the- record X On the ground activity: participating in community meetings, providing visible assistance, or distributing posters, newsletters, etc X Demarche: a dossier of information from different sources offering in-depth background on an issue X Q&A: providing frequently asked questions on own websites/social media accounts, or town hall style public meetings to answer common questions
  • 46. Strategic Communications 46 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview X Risk mitigation comms: communications aimed at preparing and mitigating continued risks X Paid advertisement: in some cases, it may be appropriate to advertise on media or social media (note that you may need political authorisation to do this) X Search engine optimisation (SEO): in some cases, it may be appropriate to promote government content on search engines X Investigation/final conclusion: in some cases, it may be appropriate to publish the results of an investigation to offer closure on an issue What is its impact? Crisis communication aims to protect the public during immediate short term crises. It is part of normal communications work, and many of these tools will be valuable for correcting mis- and disinformation that has reached mainstream audiences during a crisis or that presents a risk to the public. Note that it is advisable to draw upon the OECD Principles when conducting transparent and credible crisis communication. Policy response When should it be used? When you need additional policy options to counteract the strategic intent of a persistently hostile actor. How does it work? Using policy levers to counter malign intent means developing detailed knowledge about the capabilities, will, and opportunities of a persistently hostile actor in the information environment, such as in the case of hostile state threats with a disinformation component. Aspects of this knowledge can support a communication response, other parts should be shared more widely within government and with trusted partners. X You may wish to ignore messages and narratives and focus instead efforts on revealing and countering the strategic intent or effect on key target audiences X It may be appropriate under certain circumstances and with the appropriate permissions to directly, or together with partners such as social media platforms, to seek to block, disrupt, remove, or expose the sources of harmful content X In conjunction with colleagues working on policy, it may be appropriate under certain circumstances to work with the communicative dimensions of policy decisions or actions that government makes X In some cases, the activities may warrant an official government response aimed at punishing previous actions, deterring current operations, or raising the costs of future actions. What is its impact? Countering the intent of an actor means to a certain degree going head-to-head with them, so the impact should involve a significant cost to their capabilities. For example, during the Salisbury poisoning, the UK government limited its work on countering the dozens of individual pro-Kremlin disinformation messages and narratives and instead focused on revealing the overall intent of the wider disinformation campaign. Some of this strategic work takes place at policy level but requires input from communication specialists. Other parts are about the communication strategy itself, and where the focus should lay when considering the various communications options mentioned here. X More than communication of policy. If the government has decided to take policy- level actions against a persistently hostile actor, it may be valuable to think of all
  • 47. Strategic Communications 47 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview related communication activities in terms of their signalling value, for example as part of a deterrence posture. 5.6 How to weigh up approaches? When you have conducted your risk assessment, you will have reached a conclusion about the priority of the false or misleading information. This will enable you to consider a range of communicative tools which you can then tailor to relevant target groups. Generally, the higher the priority, the more focus should be placed on short-term reactive responses, at least initially. Note that a combination of short, medium and long-term approaches may be necessary, depending on the priority of the issue. You should use the OASIS model to plan your communication activities (see annex E).
  • 48. Strategic Communications 48 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview Our priorities Key questions Objectives to protect Policy areas and responsibilities 1. Is the mis- or disinformation harmful to our priorities? In what ways? Media relations is well suited to high priority issues that have reached or are about to reach mainstream media and broad audiences, or that are of general interest to the population or specialist group. Social media is useful for direct communications, potentially with highly segmented audiences. Proactive approaches are well suited for emerging issues where there are medium-to-long term opportunities to shape the debate and build public resilience Reactive approaches are well suited to ongoing medium-and-high priority issues particularly on social media or other niche forums where there is a need for specialist counter-mis- and disinformation tactics Note that a combination of approaches may be necessary in order to coordinate, for example, mainstream resilience-building public information alongside specific countermeasures on social media. Information to protect Key messages and narratives 2. What problematic communication techniques and behaviours have you identified? You may need to draw on a variety of approaches to inform the public, and colleagues, about the behaviours (Proactive) or directly counteract them (Reactive). 3. What misleading or manipulated content is being spread? What are the main messages and narratives we should be aware of? What is untrue or misleading about them? Consider the balance between correcting false messages contra narratives. Proactive approaches are useful for shaping mainstream media coverage by informing the public about broader issues, as well as for building longer-term resilience. Reactive for directly counteracting individual messages and narratives at source.
  • 49. Strategic Communications 49 RESIST 2: Counter-disinformation toolkit overview Our priorities Key questions Brands to protect Core values 4. What values and interests do the accounts spreading mis- or disinformation wish to project, and to which target groups? Proactive approaches include a range of tools for actively informing and engaging the public about current and emerging issues. Reactive approaches are suited to tackling the sources of false and misleading information directly. Discrepancies between what accounts say and do can help to reveal intent, which could open for counter-brand responses. Audiences to protect Key stakeholders and audiences 5. How widely is mis- or disinformation spreading, and to which target groups? Understanding audience segmentation, and the influencers relevant to specific audience, can help to prioritise the cases according to types of harm. This is a crucial step for determining which channels and audiences to target, and whether to primarily counter or seek to build longer-term resilience. Case Study 1: Russian disinformation on the Salisbury poisonings Following the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal in March 2018, the UK government was able to successfully counter a determined attempt by Russia to deliberately mislead the public in the UK and overseas. By the end of the first week, a dozen ‘alternative’ explanations for the poisonings had appeared on Russian domestic media, through official government statements, and via digital media. Combinations of disinformation techniques were used to seed and then amplify these narratives. The EU East StratCom Task Force published a version of its Disinformation Review that collected evidence of these examples demonstrating the use of fabrications, malign rhetoric, memes and trolling. The FCDO also shared disinformation updates across government, with international partners, as well as civil society and researchers. On 12 March 2018, the then Prime Minister Theresa May stated to Parliament that it was “highly likely” that Russia was behind the poisoning. In total more than 40 narratives were seeded by predominantly Russian sources and shared by a variety of influencers. During these early phases, the UK and its allies successfully pushed back on the disinformation strategy by ignoring individual narratives and simply collecting and exposing the overall approach Russia was taking. Meanwhile, efforts to share information with international allies behind the scenes supported significant policy responses eventually leading to an array of sanctions.