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Comprehending Ajax Web
Applications by the DynaRIA Tool
University of Naples “Federico II”,
Dipartimento di Informatica e
Domenico Amalfitano
Anna Rita Fasolino
Armando Polcaro
Porfirio Tramontana
7th International Conference on the Quality of Information and
Communications Technology
Oporto, Portugal
29 September - 2 October, 2010
Rich Internet Applications (RIAs)
• “A heterogeneous family of solutions with the common goal of
adding new capabilities to the conventional hypertext-based
Web” [Fraternali, Rossi, Sánchez-Figueroa, IEEE Internet
Computing, May 2010]
• RIAs combine the Web distributed architecture with desktop
applications’ interface interactivity and computation power.
• Resulting combination improves all the elements of a Web application
(data, business logic, communication, and presentation).
• Most important RIA features:
▫ Client-side storage and part of the computation is on the client.
▫ Bidirectional communication between client and server.
 Both the client and server can initiate communication.
▫ Powerful presentation and interaction capabilities
QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
Rich Internet Applications technologies
• Several technologies are available for RIAs:
▫ Plug-in based (such as Flash and Flex),
▫ Browser-based (such as Mozilla XUL),
▫ Script based (such as Ajax).
• Ajax is a well know RIA implementation approach.
• It is based on a combination of Web technologies
including XHTML, CSS, JavaScript , XML, and
QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
Ajax-based Rich Internet Applications
• Key aspects of Web Applications developed in Ajax
▫ The User Interface (UI) is implemented by one or more Web
pages composed by widgets that are updated, deleted or added
independently at run time.
▫ Ajax Engine (AE):
 is composed of JavaScript modules,
 implements the client-side business logic of the RIA,
 manipulates the UI components,
 engine’s JavaScript functions are driven by user events or other
external events,
 communicates with the server (exchanges few amounts of data, by
asynchronous or synchronous requests).
QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
Quality aspects of RIAs
• Usability of RIAs is actually improved.
• However, their analyzability and comprehensibility
are strongly affected by:
▫ the heterogeneous nature,
▫ the dynamic configuration, defined at run-time,
▫ the wide variety of frameworks used for implementing
• Maintenance and Testing activities require extra
• There is a great need for effective techniques and
tools supporting the analysis of RIAs!
QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
Existing analysis approaches and tools
• Techniques for Ajax analysis usable in reverse
engineering and testing contexts, have been
proposed in the literature [ see the paper for more
• Several tools supporting both Ajax testing and
run-time analysis are currently available.
▫ JavaScript debuggers, Ajax profilers, and tools for
automated testing.
▫ Examples: Selenium, Firebug, etc…
QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
Features for Ajax analysis offered by
existing tools
• JS debugging
• DOM change inspecting
• Network monitoring
• User session tracing,
• User session replaying,
• Performance analysis,
• Code coverage
• UML diagrams abstraction
QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
Coverage of features offered by
the analysed tools
• Most relevant features of Ajax analysis offered by the analyzed
tools and by the DynaRIA tool are:
QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
Firebug A.T.F. Venkman DynaTrace Selenium DynaRIA
JS Debugging Y Y Y N N P
DOM change inspecting Y Y N N N Y
Network Monitor Y Y N Y N Y
User Session Tracing N N N Y Y Y
User Session Replaying N N N N Y Y
Performance Analysis Y N P Y N P
Code Coverage N N N N N Y
UML diagrams abstraction N N N N N Y
Firebug A.T.F. Venkman DynaTrace Selenium
JS Debugging Y Y Y N N
DOM change inspecting Y Y N N N
Network Monitor Y Y N Y N
User Session Tracing N N N Y Y
User Session Replaying N N N N Y
Performance Analysis Y N P Y N
Code Coverage N N N N N
UML diagrams abstraction N N N N N
Table Legend: Y = Yes; N = No; P = Partially
The DynaRIA tool
• Purposes of DynaRIA:
▫ To provide an integrated stand-alone environment
based on dynamic analysis supporting:
1. Comprehension
2. Testing
3. Quality assessment activities involving the client-
side of Ajax applications.
▫ To include most of the features (besides additional
ones) offered by existing tools
• Implemented using Java technologies, it can be downloaded from:
QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
The DynaRIA tool- Comprehension features
• The tool offers functionalities for:
▫ Extraction of data about the run-time behaviour of the
application (by dynamic analysis of user sessions);
▫ Analysis of user sessions with the aim of obtaining details
and abstractions about the RIA behaviour, such as:
 fired events, associated JS function call-tree, executed JS functions,
server requests made by a JS function…
▫ Visualization of data and abstractions such as:
 UML sequence diagrams and Event-flow-graphs, views on JS
function code, on JS executed lines of code, JS call tree, DOM
changes, network traffic and exceptions, views on the UI…
QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
Extraction, Analysis and Visualization
by DynaRIA
• User sessions are traced by means of an integrated
browser offered by the tool.
• Extracted data are shown in several Session Monitor
Views provided by the tool.
• DynaRIA abstracts UML sequence diagrams at various
levels of detail and abstraction from each user session or
from its parts.
• The diagrams can be visualized by the dynaRIA Sequence
Diagram Viewer.
QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
The Integrated browser and the User
Session tracing panel
QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
The DynaRIA tool- Testing features
• The tool supports user-session testing of the
RIA, and provides features of:
▫ Capture and Replay of user sessions
▫ Error detection of run-time JS exceptions (such as JS
syntax errors, array out of bound errors, etc.) and
network warnings.
▫ JS Code coverage evaluation, such as:
 # executed JS functions / #JS functions
 # executed LOC/#LOC
 etc..
QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
DynaRIA tool – Quality assessment features
• Dynamic analysis data are used for computing
metrics about the JS code
▫ Examples: # JS modules, JS module and function
sizes, fan-in, fan-out of JS modules, server
coupling, DOM coupling, …
• The metrics can be used to compute quality
factors of the Ajax applications.
QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
• Goal: evaluating the effectiveness of the tool in
realistic software comprehension scenarios.
• Experimental procedure:
▫ Selected tasks that are typical of RIA analysis
scenarios were executed with the tool support:
 feature comprehension
 error detection in testing and debugging processes
 testing process evaluation
 RIA quality assessment
▫ Four case studies, involving two different RIAs,
were executed.
QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
First Case Study- Comprehension tasks
• Subject application: AjaxFilmDB.
• Goal: to understand how the functionality of adding
a new film to the DB has been implemented.
• Comprehension Tasks:
T 1.1 How do the high-level components of the application interact ?
T 1.2 What low-level components of the application interact?
T 1.3 How do the low-level components of the application interact?
T 1.4 What low-level components exchange messages with the server
side of the application?
T 1.5 What are the internal elaboration details of the considered
QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
First Case Study- results
• T1.1: Required the comprehension of the flow of
interactions among the Browser, the Ajax Engine
and the Server side of the application.
• The task was accomplished using the high level
Sequence diagrams produced by the tool.
QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
Comprehension tasks
• T1.2 – T1.4: Required the comprehension of the
interactions between the JS inner modules, the
server and the browser.
• These tasks were accomplished using the low level
Sequence diagrams abstracted by the tool.
QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
Comprehension tasks
• T 1.5: required the comprehension of internal details
of the elaboration.
• The task was successfully performed using the data
shown by several ‘Session Monitor’ views.
• The views focused on four different code
▫ Fired Events,
▫ JS functions that carry out the elaboration,
▫ Server that provides data or elaboration by
communicating with the client,
▫ User Interface where the effects of the elaboration
are shown.
QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
Session monitor views examples
QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
First Case Study - Results
• All the considered comprehension tasks were
accomplished thanks to
▫ the high-level and the lower-level Sequence
diagram views offered by the tool
▫ the opportunity for a user of navigating through
different views about the code components.
QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
Second Case Study- Testing &
Debugging tasks
• Subject application: AjaxFilmDb
• Goal: to find run-time exceptions of a
functionality execution and the JS components
that are responsible for them.
• Comprehension Tasks:
QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
T 2.1 What run-time exceptions do occur during the functionality
T 2.2 What JS functions (and lines of code) are responsible for run-
time exceptions?
Second Case Study
• Experimental procedure:
▫ One of the authors injected faults of different
types in the JS code
▫ Another author performed the testing &
debugging tasks using DynaRIA.
• Results:
▫ T 2.1: completed with success thanks to the tool
capability of detecting run-time JS exceptions.
▫ T 2.2: solved thanks to the tool feature of
detecting the components that are involved in
exceptional executions.
QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
Third Case Study- Testing Processes
• Subject application: Tudu
• Goal: To test a RIA functionality using a user-session
based technique, and to assess the testing effectiveness
by evaluating the code coverage and fault detection
• Tasks:
QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
T 3.1 Generation of a test suite from user sessions
T 3.2 Test suite coverage assessment
T 3.3 Generation of several application faulty versions by fault
T 3.4 Replay of test suites on the faulty versions of the application
T 3.5 Test suite fault detection capability assessment
Testing tasks
• The testing process tasks were almost all
supported by the tool:
▫ T3.1 Generation of a test suite from user sessions
▫ T3.2 Test suite coverage assessment
▫ T3.4 Replay of test suites on the faulty versions of the application
▫ T3.5 Test suite fault detection capability assessment
• The tool provided a valid aid for client-side
automated testing of Ajax applications.
QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
Fourth Case Study- RIA Quality
• Subject application: Tudu
• Goal: to use the metrics computed by the tool in
order to estimate the internal quality of JS
▫ Which are the larger modules, in size, involved
in a given functionality execution?
▫ How much is a module coupled to other
modules, or to the server?
QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
RIA internal quality assessment
• Experimental procedure
▫ The application has been exercised according to a
predefined sequence of actions
 (es.User registration- Login- Adding a todo list- Adding a todo-
▫ The set of JS modules loaded at run-time has been
▫ JS modules were characterized with respect to
their size and coupling levels.
QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
Fourth Case Study-results
QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
Module #JS func. LOC Fan-in Fan-out
logout.action 2 2 1 1 0 0
scriptaculous.js 395 2693 27 15 5 0
utils.js 65 1321 17 28 4 140
showTodos.action 54 338 17 17 1 3
todos.js 45 90 4 6 0 0
welcome.action 2 2 1 1 0 0
register.action 3 3 2 2 0 0
scriptaculous/effects.js 143 1134 21 12 0 0
engine.js 62 908 21 25 5 0
tabs.js 9 92 5 8 0 3
Todo_lists.js 35 70 1 2 0 0
prototype.js 328 1961 34 34 0 0
Fourth Case Study - Results
• The considered metrics provided a useful starting point
for making hypotheses about the quality of the modules
involved in given executions of the applications.
• These metrics do not definitely characterize the JS
modules, but are just valid with respect to the considered
execution traces of the application
• Dealing with Ajax applications whose source code can be
dynamically loaded at run-time, this one is the only
feasible approach for obtaining the code of the
application and analyzing it.
QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
• In this paper we presented DynaRIA a tool that
provides a user-friendly environment for analysing
the dynamic behaviour of Rich Internet applications
implemented in Ajax.
• DynaRIA provides an integrated environment
offering features needed for supporting program
comprehension, testing, debugging and quality
assessment activities.
• Some case studies preliminarily showed the
usefulness of these features and the effectiveness of
the tool.
QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
Future Work
• We plan to extend the experimentation in order
to evaluate the actual cognitive support provided
by the tool.
• To improve and extend the analysis and
visualization features offered by the tool.
QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October

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Comprehending Ajax Web Applications by the DynaRIA Tool

  • 1. Comprehending Ajax Web Applications by the DynaRIA Tool University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica Domenico Amalfitano Anna Rita Fasolino Armando Polcaro Porfirio Tramontana 7th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology Oporto, Portugal 29 September - 2 October, 2010
  • 2. Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) • “A heterogeneous family of solutions with the common goal of adding new capabilities to the conventional hypertext-based Web” [Fraternali, Rossi, Sánchez-Figueroa, IEEE Internet Computing, May 2010] • RIAs combine the Web distributed architecture with desktop applications’ interface interactivity and computation power. • Resulting combination improves all the elements of a Web application (data, business logic, communication, and presentation). • Most important RIA features: ▫ Client-side storage and part of the computation is on the client. ▫ Bidirectional communication between client and server.  Both the client and server can initiate communication. ▫ Powerful presentation and interaction capabilities QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
  • 3. Rich Internet Applications technologies • Several technologies are available for RIAs: ▫ Plug-in based (such as Flash and Flex), ▫ Browser-based (such as Mozilla XUL), ▫ Script based (such as Ajax). • Ajax is a well know RIA implementation approach. • It is based on a combination of Web technologies including XHTML, CSS, JavaScript , XML, and XMLHttpRequest. QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
  • 4. Ajax-based Rich Internet Applications • Key aspects of Web Applications developed in Ajax ▫ The User Interface (UI) is implemented by one or more Web pages composed by widgets that are updated, deleted or added independently at run time. ▫ Ajax Engine (AE):  is composed of JavaScript modules,  implements the client-side business logic of the RIA,  manipulates the UI components,  engine’s JavaScript functions are driven by user events or other external events,  communicates with the server (exchanges few amounts of data, by asynchronous or synchronous requests). QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
  • 5. Quality aspects of RIAs • Usability of RIAs is actually improved. • However, their analyzability and comprehensibility are strongly affected by: ▫ the heterogeneous nature, ▫ the dynamic configuration, defined at run-time, ▫ the wide variety of frameworks used for implementing them. • Maintenance and Testing activities require extra effort. • There is a great need for effective techniques and tools supporting the analysis of RIAs! QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
  • 6. Existing analysis approaches and tools • Techniques for Ajax analysis usable in reverse engineering and testing contexts, have been proposed in the literature [ see the paper for more references…] • Several tools supporting both Ajax testing and run-time analysis are currently available. ▫ JavaScript debuggers, Ajax profilers, and tools for automated testing. ▫ Examples: Selenium, Firebug, etc… QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
  • 7. Features for Ajax analysis offered by existing tools • JS debugging • DOM change inspecting • Network monitoring • User session tracing, • User session replaying, • Performance analysis, • Code coverage • UML diagrams abstraction QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
  • 8. Coverage of features offered by the analysed tools • Most relevant features of Ajax analysis offered by the analyzed tools and by the DynaRIA tool are: QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October Firebug A.T.F. Venkman DynaTrace Selenium DynaRIA JS Debugging Y Y Y N N P DOM change inspecting Y Y N N N Y Network Monitor Y Y N Y N Y User Session Tracing N N N Y Y Y User Session Replaying N N N N Y Y Performance Analysis Y N P Y N P Code Coverage N N N N N Y UML diagrams abstraction N N N N N Y Firebug A.T.F. Venkman DynaTrace Selenium JS Debugging Y Y Y N N DOM change inspecting Y Y N N N Network Monitor Y Y N Y N User Session Tracing N N N Y Y User Session Replaying N N N N Y Performance Analysis Y N P Y N Code Coverage N N N N N UML diagrams abstraction N N N N N Table Legend: Y = Yes; N = No; P = Partially
  • 9. The DynaRIA tool • Purposes of DynaRIA: ▫ To provide an integrated stand-alone environment based on dynamic analysis supporting: 1. Comprehension 2. Testing 3. Quality assessment activities involving the client- side of Ajax applications. ▫ To include most of the features (besides additional ones) offered by existing tools • Implemented using Java technologies, it can be downloaded from: http://wpage.unina.it/ptramont/downloads.htm QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
  • 10. The DynaRIA tool- Comprehension features • The tool offers functionalities for: ▫ Extraction of data about the run-time behaviour of the application (by dynamic analysis of user sessions); ▫ Analysis of user sessions with the aim of obtaining details and abstractions about the RIA behaviour, such as:  fired events, associated JS function call-tree, executed JS functions, server requests made by a JS function… ▫ Visualization of data and abstractions such as:  UML sequence diagrams and Event-flow-graphs, views on JS function code, on JS executed lines of code, JS call tree, DOM changes, network traffic and exceptions, views on the UI… QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
  • 11. Extraction, Analysis and Visualization by DynaRIA • User sessions are traced by means of an integrated browser offered by the tool. • Extracted data are shown in several Session Monitor Views provided by the tool. • DynaRIA abstracts UML sequence diagrams at various levels of detail and abstraction from each user session or from its parts. • The diagrams can be visualized by the dynaRIA Sequence Diagram Viewer. QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
  • 12. The Integrated browser and the User Session tracing panel QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
  • 13. The DynaRIA tool- Testing features • The tool supports user-session testing of the RIA, and provides features of: ▫ Capture and Replay of user sessions ▫ Error detection of run-time JS exceptions (such as JS syntax errors, array out of bound errors, etc.) and network warnings. ▫ JS Code coverage evaluation, such as:  # executed JS functions / #JS functions  # executed LOC/#LOC  etc.. QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
  • 14. DynaRIA tool – Quality assessment features • Dynamic analysis data are used for computing metrics about the JS code ▫ Examples: # JS modules, JS module and function sizes, fan-in, fan-out of JS modules, server coupling, DOM coupling, … • The metrics can be used to compute quality factors of the Ajax applications. QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
  • 15. Experiment • Goal: evaluating the effectiveness of the tool in realistic software comprehension scenarios. • Experimental procedure: ▫ Selected tasks that are typical of RIA analysis scenarios were executed with the tool support:  feature comprehension  error detection in testing and debugging processes  testing process evaluation  RIA quality assessment ▫ Four case studies, involving two different RIAs, were executed. QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
  • 16. First Case Study- Comprehension tasks • Subject application: AjaxFilmDB. • Goal: to understand how the functionality of adding a new film to the DB has been implemented. • Comprehension Tasks: T 1.1 How do the high-level components of the application interact ? T 1.2 What low-level components of the application interact? T 1.3 How do the low-level components of the application interact? T 1.4 What low-level components exchange messages with the server side of the application? T 1.5 What are the internal elaboration details of the considered functionality? QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
  • 17. First Case Study- results • T1.1: Required the comprehension of the flow of interactions among the Browser, the Ajax Engine and the Server side of the application. • The task was accomplished using the high level Sequence diagrams produced by the tool. QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
  • 18. Comprehension tasks • T1.2 – T1.4: Required the comprehension of the interactions between the JS inner modules, the server and the browser. • These tasks were accomplished using the low level Sequence diagrams abstracted by the tool. QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
  • 19. Comprehension tasks • T 1.5: required the comprehension of internal details of the elaboration. • The task was successfully performed using the data shown by several ‘Session Monitor’ views. • The views focused on four different code perspectives: ▫ Fired Events, ▫ JS functions that carry out the elaboration, ▫ Server that provides data or elaboration by communicating with the client, ▫ User Interface where the effects of the elaboration are shown. QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
  • 20. Session monitor views examples QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
  • 21. First Case Study - Results • All the considered comprehension tasks were accomplished thanks to ▫ the high-level and the lower-level Sequence diagram views offered by the tool ▫ the opportunity for a user of navigating through different views about the code components. QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
  • 22. Second Case Study- Testing & Debugging tasks • Subject application: AjaxFilmDb • Goal: to find run-time exceptions of a functionality execution and the JS components that are responsible for them. • Comprehension Tasks: QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October T 2.1 What run-time exceptions do occur during the functionality execution? T 2.2 What JS functions (and lines of code) are responsible for run- time exceptions?
  • 23. Second Case Study • Experimental procedure: ▫ One of the authors injected faults of different types in the JS code ▫ Another author performed the testing & debugging tasks using DynaRIA. • Results: ▫ T 2.1: completed with success thanks to the tool capability of detecting run-time JS exceptions. ▫ T 2.2: solved thanks to the tool feature of detecting the components that are involved in exceptional executions. QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
  • 24. Third Case Study- Testing Processes • Subject application: Tudu • Goal: To test a RIA functionality using a user-session based technique, and to assess the testing effectiveness by evaluating the code coverage and fault detection capability. • Tasks: QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October T 3.1 Generation of a test suite from user sessions T 3.2 Test suite coverage assessment T 3.3 Generation of several application faulty versions by fault injection T 3.4 Replay of test suites on the faulty versions of the application T 3.5 Test suite fault detection capability assessment
  • 25. Testing tasks • The testing process tasks were almost all supported by the tool: ▫ T3.1 Generation of a test suite from user sessions ▫ T3.2 Test suite coverage assessment ▫ T3.4 Replay of test suites on the faulty versions of the application ▫ T3.5 Test suite fault detection capability assessment • The tool provided a valid aid for client-side automated testing of Ajax applications. QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
  • 26. Fourth Case Study- RIA Quality assessment • Subject application: Tudu • Goal: to use the metrics computed by the tool in order to estimate the internal quality of JS modules. ▫ Which are the larger modules, in size, involved in a given functionality execution? ▫ How much is a module coupled to other modules, or to the server? QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
  • 27. RIA internal quality assessment • Experimental procedure ▫ The application has been exercised according to a predefined sequence of actions  (es.User registration- Login- Adding a todo list- Adding a todo- Logout). ▫ The set of JS modules loaded at run-time has been obtained ▫ JS modules were characterized with respect to their size and coupling levels. QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
  • 28. Fourth Case Study-results QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October Module #JS func. LOC Fan-in Fan-out #Server Req. #DOM changes logout.action 2 2 1 1 0 0 scriptaculous.js 395 2693 27 15 5 0 utils.js 65 1321 17 28 4 140 showTodos.action 54 338 17 17 1 3 todos.js 45 90 4 6 0 0 welcome.action 2 2 1 1 0 0 register.action 3 3 2 2 0 0 scriptaculous/effects.js 143 1134 21 12 0 0 engine.js 62 908 21 25 5 0 tabs.js 9 92 5 8 0 3 Todo_lists.js 35 70 1 2 0 0 prototype.js 328 1961 34 34 0 0
  • 29. Fourth Case Study - Results • The considered metrics provided a useful starting point for making hypotheses about the quality of the modules involved in given executions of the applications. • These metrics do not definitely characterize the JS modules, but are just valid with respect to the considered execution traces of the application • Dealing with Ajax applications whose source code can be dynamically loaded at run-time, this one is the only feasible approach for obtaining the code of the application and analyzing it. QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
  • 30. Conclusions • In this paper we presented DynaRIA a tool that provides a user-friendly environment for analysing the dynamic behaviour of Rich Internet applications implemented in Ajax. • DynaRIA provides an integrated environment offering features needed for supporting program comprehension, testing, debugging and quality assessment activities. • Some case studies preliminarily showed the usefulness of these features and the effectiveness of the tool. QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October
  • 31. Future Work • We plan to extend the experimentation in order to evaluate the actual cognitive support provided by the tool. • To improve and extend the analysis and visualization features offered by the tool. QUATIC 2010, Oporto, Portugal; 29 September - 2 October

Editor's Notes

  1. As an example: (Figura del Sequence)
  2. more detailed view on the Ajax engine internals, where the interacting objects above the lifelines represent the JS modules containing the executed JS functions.
  3. Inserire animazioni
  4. La eliminerei
  5. Togliere?