Wireframes are an important step in the creative process & Design Thinking. It's one of the first times that your team actually sees the product come together. The presentation explores the basics of wireframes and how they fit into the process of Human-centered Design.
This deck was part of workshop held by General Assembly on the Intro to Wireframing on 2-10-2015
2. Product Designer
Vera Beauty
3D Maps
Wireless gaming
peer-to-peer, Windows RT
Tap to connect
NFC across Windows, Phone & Device setup
1 Wireframes · how to think about and work with them
2 Design a Wireframe · how to build wireframes (Photoshop & PowerPoint)
3 Design Thinking & Testing · how to use wireframes effectively
5. “Human-centered design (HCD), is an approach
that puts human needs, capabilities, and behavior
first, then designs to accommodate those needs,
capabilities, and ways of behaving.
Good design starts with an understanding of
psychology and technology.”
Don Norman
everyone interprets the world differently
The Design of Everyday Things
6. Berkeley · User Interface Design & Development
Describe a person in terms of their goals in life,
capabilities, inclination & background.
Why? Makes hypothetical arguments less hypothetical
Q1: “What if this user wants to print this out?”
A1: “The user won’t want to print often.”
A2: “Emilee won’t want to print often.”
ex. social sally · tommy timberlake · normal norman
7. Wireframes
Learning iOS Design
“In the grand hierarchy of pictures of imaginary software,
wireframes exist somewhere between sketches and mockups.
Their purpose is to nail down the details that sketches leave out:
what exactly exists on each screen and how it all fits together –
the geography of an app.”
8. wireframe with a purpose
The Mental Sweep
goals, non-goals & scoping
Learning iOS Design
Identify tasks that need to be particularly fast or easy
Identify tasks that should be supported, though
ancillary to the main purpose
Types of data and how to manipulate it: view, add, edit,
& delete
Grouping and hierarchy
WHAT is the goal of the website/app/experience?
WHO is the audience?
WHAT is the website definitely NOT for?
WHO is NOT part of the audience?
WHEN, WHAT, and with WHOM to share?
9. wireframes are like a storyboard
ea ch fra me rep res ent s a s cene, find t he r i gh t mes s a g e t o co nv ey
10. “What then is this thing called Design?
It is planning:
the planning of everything as objectively as possible…
It is planning done without preconceived notions of style,
attempting only to give each thing
its logical structure and proper material,
and in consequence it’s logical form.”
Bruno Munari
Design as Art
11. A box is the
visual building block
of wireframes.
17. search is part of a
much bigger journey
Help me
What is a
How do I
So lv ing p ro b lems
is fas t er , s i m pl e r , & mo re int uit iv e.
18. conceptual models are powerful
Workflows are dynamic non-linear user activity between wireframes
19. “Conceptual models are valuable in
providing understanding,
in predicting how things will behave,
and in figuring out what to do
when things do not go as planned.
A good conceptual model allows
us to predict the effects of our actions.”
work towards building a common understanding of the
navigation · workflow · terminology · functionality
The Design of Everyday Things · 7 myths about paper prototyping
“It is the conceptual model
that provides true
26. Make observations on the intended
target population, generate ideas,
produce prototypes and test them.
Repeat until satisfied.
The Design of Everyday Things
The Iterative Cycle of
Human-Centered Design