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Architecting & Tuning IIB /
eXtreme Scale for Maximum
Performance and Reliability
AJ Aronoff
Infrastructure Practice Director, Prolifics
Robert Gus Fort
Manager, Integration Development
 Speaker Introduction
 Challenge: The need for Speed & Scalability
 Extreme Scale Basics
 Use Cases
 Performance Tuning
 Measurement - Bottlenecks
 Infrastructure
 Maximizing Reliability and Reducing Downtime
 References & What’s Next
Speaker Introduction
A.J. Aronoff
Infrastructure Practice Director,
AJ Aronoff is a Practice Director covering The IBM Integration Product Suite
(IIB, Extreme Scale, MQ, WAS, SmartCloud APM, Data Power) for Prolifics.
During his twenty plus years at Prolifics he has focused on reliability (Zero
Downtime, High Availability, Disaster Recovery), scalability, performance and
monitoring. He is a frequent speaker on IIB, MQ, Security as well as industry
specific topics.
Robert Gus Fort
Manager, Integration Development
Prolifics Customer
Gus Fort learned about the need for speed and 100% reliability in
the U.S. Air Force. Since then he has been applying that same
quest for reliability and performance in his current role with a leading
automotive services retailer. His current projects use eXtreme Scale
to give customers a satisfying and rewarding experience on a high
speed and reliable system. Nearly doubling the number of stores
while reducing risk and increasing customer satisfaction
5-Years Compound
Annual Growth Rate
Global Presence
United States, United Kingdom, Germany, India
Over 10 Technology and
Solutions Awards since 2009
including Business Agility,
Customer Integration and Digital
Experience, the first ever
Beacon Laureate for Business
Over 160 global customers
are currently Fortune
1000 companies
Best-in-class architects and
specialty experts:
BPM, Integration, Digital
Experience, Security, Testing,
Business Analytics and
Enterprise Content Management
End-to-End Project
Rate of Repeat
Prolifics at a Glance
Years in
Technology Expertise
Fortune 1000
*based on % revenue Source – December 2013 internal revenue metrics
Extreme Scale Caching & The Need for
“As the world becomes more instrumented, interconnected
and intelligent, Internet-based activities, online
transactions and data volumes increase. Further, these
increasing amounts of data, along with rising consumer
expectations and the need to maintain a competitive edge
require fast and reliable performance…. Elastic caching is
the answer.”
- IBM Software Technical White Paper
- ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/software/au/data/pdf/Elastic_CachingWP.pdf
Challenge: The Need For Speed &
• How scalable is your System?
• When the peak load doubles does response time:
• A) stay the same, B) double C) quadruple D) fail
• Have you tested your system to destruction?
• How high can the load go before failure
• Where are the bottlenecks and single points of failure
• Focus on Extreme Scale
• Benefit - the approach taken for measurement,
monitoring, bottleneck identification will work on many
Extreme Scale Basics: Traditional Cache
New Server with
cold cache
Redundant copies of data at
different versions
Invalidation load
increases with
cluster size
High load on EIS
• Traditional in JVM cache
• Cache capacity determined by
individual JVM Size
• Invalidation load per server
increases as cluster grows
• Cold start servers hit the
information system even when
data is cached in cluster
• Lower performance as load
increases due to invalidation
• No redundancy of cached data
Basics: WXS based Cache Operation
Cache is
4x larger!
Cache is
5x larger!
• Cluster Coherent cache
•Cache capacity determined by total
cluster size
Size of each cache = M
# JVMs = N
Total Cache = M x N
• No invalidation chatter
• Linearly scalable
• Less load on database and
no cold start spikes
• Predictable performance as load
• Cached data can be stored
Cache cluster can be co-
located with the application or
run in it’s own tier.
Extreme Scale Basics: How it Works
Extreme Scale Basics: Architecture
Back End Services
 Elastic Cache
Application or IIB Tier
Web Server Tier
Use Case 1: Universal Application State
 Single replacement for multiple local caches
 Consistent response times
 Reduces Application Server JVM heap size
 Improved memory utilization - more memory
for applications
 Faster Application Server start-up
 Removes invalidation chatter of local caches
 Applications move application state to grid
 Stateless applications scale elastically
 Application state can be shared across data
 centers for high availability
Use Case 2: Side Cache Pattern
 Client first checks the grid before using the
data access layer to connect to a back end
data store
 If an object is not returned from the grid (a
cache “miss”), the client uses the data access
layer as usual to retrieve the data
 The result is put into the grid to enable faster
access the next time
 The back end remains the system of record,
and usually only a small amount of the data is
cached in the grid
 An object is stored only once in the cache,
even if multiple clients use it
 Thus, more memory is available for caching,
more data can be cached, which increases
the cache hit rate
 Improve performance and offload
unnecessary workload on backend systems
Use Case 2: ESB - Side Cache Pattern
 Easily integrates into the existing
business process
 No code changes to the client application or
backend application
 Simply add the side cache mediation at the ESB
 Significantly reduces the load on the
back-end system by eliminating
redundant requests
 Eliminates costly MIPS by eliminating redundant
 Allows for more “REAL” work to be performed
 Improves overall response time
 Minimizes the need to scale hardware to
increase processing capacity since the back-
end system no longer has to handle redundant
 Response time from elastic cache is
in milliseconds
Use Case 2: ESB - Side Cache Pattern
 Product Search
 Existing performance without cache
 Targeted SLA
 Full Load of cache data
 Delta processing
 Crash preparation
Performance Tuning - Measurement
 Several useful tools include:
 For MQ performance - the MS0P Support Pac - allows us to
see which Queues had buildup
 For IIB WebAdmin - interfaces with the Flow Statistic to
identify nodes in a flow indentifying slow (high elapse time), or
inefficiency from a CPU usage point of view
 For DP, am AJAX Web "Dashboard" - helps us to track
Overall CPU, TPS, Memory and specific MPG nodes and their
respective elapse times
 Captured CPU time for all servers, the TPS rate (end to end
as well as per product) and by performing multiple runs, using
the IBM Performance harness
SupportPac MS0P: MQ Explorer plug-ins
 A variety of WMQ Explorer plug-ins are provided
 Format event messages into human-readable text
 Trace route function to determine the path messages take
 Export WMQ Explorer display panels to CSV
 Remote management of Windows, UNIX and Linux systems
 Utilities
 Qtune
 MQIDecode turns codes into symbolic names
 OAM logging utility records PCF commands sent to CMDSVR
SupportPac MS0P: Event Message
Context Menu
After installing SupportPac MS0P, new context menu items appear
in WebSphere MQ Explorer. The "Format Event Message" option
shows up when right-clicking on an event queue.
SupportPac MS0P: GUI Display
Details of Extreme Scale running
inside WAS 8.5
 Use PMI for monitoring
 WebSphere Application Server provides a sophisticated performance
monitoring infrastructure (PMI). It can be used to gather performance
statistics of all components inside an application server. WebSphere eXtreme
Scale takes advantage of this infrastructure to collect performance statistics
relevant to the grid. Metrics are grouped within the following PMI modules:
 objectGridModule
 Provides metrics about transaction response time.
 mapModule
 Provides metrics about map and index count and time statistics. These
include hit rate per map, # of entries per map, # of results per index
 agentManagerModule
 Provides statistics related to map-based agents. These include number of
agent executions, number of partitions involved, time required to run map
and reduce operations, time required to serialize agents, and related
 queryModule
 Provides statistics about query processing and execution. These include
the amount of time to create a query plan and run the query, the number of
times that a query has been run, and so on.
Infrastructure: Avoid Single Points of
 Fast network: 10 gigabit +
 Multiple Nics
 Nearby Catalogs
 Fast Disk Drives: The new slid state
drives (SSDs) are incredible.
 Trace route: On multiple occasions
we have found very unexpected
network delays. Measure early and
Erasmus: Prevention is Better than Cure
 WXS 8.6 makes it easier to recover from crashes.
 Log analysis was done exploring the cause of those crashes
The next few slides show how WAS 8.5 can
prevent some of those crashes
WebSphere Application Server V8.5
 Three primary goals:
 Provide intelligent management and enhanced resiliency for your
application server environment
 Improve operation, security, control
 Integration of the application server - providing a fast, flexible, and simplified
application development environment that allows you to deliver rich user experience
Intelligent management
Health Management
 Automatically detect and handle application health problems
 Without requiring administrator time, expertise, or intervention
 Intelligently handle health issues in a way that will maintain continuous availability
 Each health policy consists of a condition, one or more actions, and a target set of processes
 Includes health policies for common application problems
 Customizable health conditions and health actions
 WebSphere Application Server Version 8.5 can monitor servers for common health
problems and take corrective action. There are several health conditions that can be defined
using health policies. When a violation of a health policy is detected, an action plan can be put
into effect automatically – including sending email, capturing diagnostic data, and restarting the
application server. Application server restarts are smart and done in a way to prevent outage and
service policy violations.
Benefits of Extreme Scale running inside WAS 8.5
 Catalog and container servers as managed application
 Catalog service domain configuration
 Simplified connection to the grid
 Simplified grid container management
 Simplified administration and management
 Use PMI for monitoring
Details of Extreme Scale running inside WAS 8.5
 Catalog and container servers as managed application servers
 Catalog and container servers are defined as standard application server instances
within a WebSphere Application Server cell. They receive all the health/resiliency
benefits of running inside WAS 8.5
 For high availability reasons, use dedicated clusters for catalog and container servers.
Best results can be achieved by having at least three catalog server instances that are
in different physical locations
 Also, use a distinct WebSphere cluster to host the grid infrastructure (container
servers) to decouple it from catalog servers and applications
 Catalog service domain configuration
 Catalog service domains define a group of catalog servers that are associated to a
grid infrastructure. Catalog service domains can be easily defined as administered
resources within a WAS ND environment
 Simplified connection to the grid
 In a stand-alone environment, connecting to the grid requires knowledge of the host
name and port of the catalog servers. In an integrated environment, this requirement
can be simplified by using a catalog service domain. More specifically, the catalog
service domain can be queried to obtain the list of catalog service endpoints that client
uses to establish a connection to the catalog service
Details of Extreme Scale running inside WAS 8.5
 Simplified grid container management
 Catalog and container servers are Grid configurations can be packaged
within a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition module (Web or EJB module)
and deployed as a standard enterprise archive (EAR) file. When a Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition application starts, WebSphere eXtreme Scale
checks for grid configuration files (objectGrid.xml and
objectGridDeployment.xml) within the META-INF folder of the EJB and
WEB modules. If only objectGrid.xml is found, the application server is
assumed to be a grid client. If both objectGrid.xml and
objectGridDeployment.xml are present, the application server acts as a
container by implementing the specified deployment policies
 Simplified administration and management
 Catalog service domains define a group of catalog servers that are
associated to a grid infrastructure. Catalog service domains can be easily
defined as administered resources within a WebSphere Application Server
Network Deployment environment
Monitoring helps find problems
Monitor for operational exceptions and to maintain health of
the system:
 Expand the default size of error logs
 Check error logs for exceptions
 Archive error logs for forensic analysis
 Alert on messages in DLQ or error queue
 Distinguish between operational vs. Application alerts
 Why learn to use the tools that summarize FFST and
error files?
 “Because that’s where the errors are.”
 FFST files contain useful information on serious
 http://hursleyonwmq.wordpress.com/2007/05/04/introduction-to-ffsts/
 What is FFST?
 FFST stands for First Failure Support Technology, and is
“designed to create detailed reports for IBM Service with
information about the current state of a part of a queue
manager together with historical data”
 FFSTSummary is a tool that produces one line summaries of
these serious problems, arranged in chronological order
Lesson Learned
 Install and Use the best tools for measurement
 Identify bottlenecks (flows, queuries)
 Use the best available hardware:
 Solid State Drives
 Fast network: 10 gigabit +
 Multiple Nics
 Tune one thing at a time
 It is a capital crime to theorize in advance of your data
Learn More… Prolifics at InterConnect
Monday How Broadcast Music, Inc.
Devised and Enabled Enterprise
Architecture from Corporate
12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
Integrating Salesforce.com and
Oracle ERP Using IBM WebSphere
Cast Iron
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Recommended Design
Considerations for Enterprise
Monitoring using SCAPM and
Netcool OMNIbus
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Tuesday Smarter Integration Using the IBM
SOA Foundation Stack: Best
Practices and Lessons Learned
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Best Practices for Monitoring Your
Cloud Environment and
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Applicability of IBM SOA Approach
In Manual Processes Automation
11:30 AM-11:50 AM
Leveraging Governance in the
IBM WebSphere Service Registry
and Repository for IIB and
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Broadcast Music Inc. Release
Rockstars: Program-Wide DevOps
Success with UrbanCode Deploy
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Empowering SmartCloud APM -
Predictive Insights and Analysis: A
Use Case Scenario
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Wednesday Architecting and Tuning
IIB/eXtreme Scale for Maximum
Performance and Reliability,
Featuring TBC
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
MasterCard's Modeling and
Governance of Decisions and
Processes for Improved Fraud
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
How BMI is Revolutionizing the
Music Business Using IBM’s BPM
and Integration Technology
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Integrating IBM Pure Application
Systems and IBM Urbancode
Deploy: A GE Capital Case Study
2 :00 PM – 3:00 PM
Thursday Aetna’s Vision for a Healthier
World: Smarter Architecture and a
Scalable Integration Bus
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Meet the Expert - Delivering
Enterprise Applications: Faster.
Cheaper. Better
Thursday 12:00 PM – 12:50 PM
Using the Power of IBM Tivoli
Common Reporting to Make Smart
Decisions: The Untold Story
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Let’s Continue the
A.J. Aronoff
Visit these useful links on the Prolifics website:
Case Studies http://www.prolifics.com/resources/case-studies
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Architecting and Tuning IIB/eXtreme Scale for Maximum Performance and Reliability, Featuring TBC

  • 1. CONNECT WITH US: Architecting & Tuning IIB / eXtreme Scale for Maximum Performance and Reliability AJ Aronoff Infrastructure Practice Director, Prolifics Robert Gus Fort Manager, Integration Development
  • 2. CONNECT WITH US: Agenda  Speaker Introduction  Challenge: The need for Speed & Scalability  Extreme Scale Basics  Use Cases  Performance Tuning  Measurement - Bottlenecks  Infrastructure  Maximizing Reliability and Reducing Downtime  References & What’s Next 2
  • 3. CONNECT WITH US: Speaker Introduction A.J. Aronoff Infrastructure Practice Director, Prolifics AJ Aronoff is a Practice Director covering The IBM Integration Product Suite (IIB, Extreme Scale, MQ, WAS, SmartCloud APM, Data Power) for Prolifics. During his twenty plus years at Prolifics he has focused on reliability (Zero Downtime, High Availability, Disaster Recovery), scalability, performance and monitoring. He is a frequent speaker on IIB, MQ, Security as well as industry specific topics. Robert Gus Fort Manager, Integration Development Prolifics Customer Gus Fort learned about the need for speed and 100% reliability in the U.S. Air Force. Since then he has been applying that same quest for reliability and performance in his current role with a leading automotive services retailer. His current projects use eXtreme Scale to give customers a satisfying and rewarding experience on a high speed and reliable system. Nearly doubling the number of stores while reducing risk and increasing customer satisfaction 3
  • 4. CONNECT WITH US: 4 5-Years Compound Annual Growth Rate 19% Employees Worldwide 1,500 Global Presence United States, United Kingdom, Germany, India 20+ Technology Accelerators 550+ Technical Certifications Over 10 Technology and Solutions Awards since 2009 including Business Agility, Customer Integration and Digital Experience, the first ever Beacon Laureate for Business Agility Over 160 global customers are currently Fortune 1000 companies Best-in-class architects and specialty experts: BPM, Integration, Digital Experience, Security, Testing, Business Analytics and Enterprise Content Management End-to-End Project Expertise Rate of Repeat Engagements* 91% Prolifics at a Glance Years in Business 35+ Offices 14 Awards Technology Expertise Fortune 1000 *based on % revenue Source – December 2013 internal revenue metrics
  • 5. CONNECT WITH US: Extreme Scale Caching & The Need for Speed “As the world becomes more instrumented, interconnected and intelligent, Internet-based activities, online transactions and data volumes increase. Further, these increasing amounts of data, along with rising consumer expectations and the need to maintain a competitive edge require fast and reliable performance…. Elastic caching is the answer.” - IBM Software Technical White Paper - ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/software/au/data/pdf/Elastic_CachingWP.pdf 3/5/2015 5
  • 6. CONNECT WITH US: Challenge: The Need For Speed & Scalability 6 • How scalable is your System? • When the peak load doubles does response time: • A) stay the same, B) double C) quadruple D) fail • Have you tested your system to destruction? • How high can the load go before failure • Where are the bottlenecks and single points of failure • Focus on Extreme Scale • Benefit - the approach taken for measurement, monitoring, bottleneck identification will work on many systems.
  • 7. CONNECT WITH US: Extreme Scale Basics: Traditional Cache Operation App App App App EIS A A A A App Invalidationchatter New Server with cold cache Redundant copies of data at different versions Invalidation load increases with cluster size High load on EIS Invalidationchatter • Traditional in JVM cache • Cache capacity determined by individual JVM Size • Invalidation load per server increases as cluster grows • Cold start servers hit the information system even when data is cached in cluster • Lower performance as load increases due to invalidation chatter • No redundancy of cached data
  • 8. CONNECT WITH US: Basics: WXS based Cache Operation App App App App EIS A B D C C’ D’ A A AppA B’ A’ Cache is 4x larger! Cache is 5x larger! • Cluster Coherent cache •Cache capacity determined by total cluster size Size of each cache = M # JVMs = N Total Cache = M x N • No invalidation chatter • Linearly scalable • Less load on database and no cold start spikes • Predictable performance as load increases • Cached data can be stored redundantly Cache cluster can be co- located with the application or run in it’s own tier.
  • 9. CONNECT WITH US: Extreme Scale Basics: How it Works 9
  • 10. CONNECT WITH US: Extreme Scale Basics: Architecture 10 Back End Services  Elastic Cache Application or IIB Tier Web Server Tier
  • 11. CONNECT WITH US: Use Case 1: Universal Application State 11  Single replacement for multiple local caches  Consistent response times  Reduces Application Server JVM heap size  Improved memory utilization - more memory for applications  Faster Application Server start-up  Removes invalidation chatter of local caches  Applications move application state to grid  Stateless applications scale elastically  Application state can be shared across data  centers for high availability
  • 12. CONNECT WITH US: Use Case 2: Side Cache Pattern 12  Client first checks the grid before using the data access layer to connect to a back end data store  If an object is not returned from the grid (a cache “miss”), the client uses the data access layer as usual to retrieve the data  The result is put into the grid to enable faster access the next time  The back end remains the system of record, and usually only a small amount of the data is cached in the grid  An object is stored only once in the cache, even if multiple clients use it  Thus, more memory is available for caching, more data can be cached, which increases the cache hit rate  Improve performance and offload unnecessary workload on backend systems
  • 13. CONNECT WITH US: Use Case 2: ESB - Side Cache Pattern 13  Easily integrates into the existing business process  No code changes to the client application or backend application  Simply add the side cache mediation at the ESB layer  Significantly reduces the load on the back-end system by eliminating redundant requests  Eliminates costly MIPS by eliminating redundant request  Allows for more “REAL” work to be performed  Improves overall response time  Minimizes the need to scale hardware to increase processing capacity since the back- end system no longer has to handle redundant requests  Response time from elastic cache is in milliseconds
  • 14. CONNECT WITH US: Use Case 2: ESB - Side Cache Pattern 14  Product Search  Existing performance without cache  Targeted SLA  Full Load of cache data  Delta processing  Crash preparation
  • 15. CONNECT WITH US: Performance Tuning - Measurement 15  Several useful tools include:  For MQ performance - the MS0P Support Pac - allows us to see which Queues had buildup  For IIB WebAdmin - interfaces with the Flow Statistic to identify nodes in a flow indentifying slow (high elapse time), or inefficiency from a CPU usage point of view  For DP, am AJAX Web "Dashboard" - helps us to track Overall CPU, TPS, Memory and specific MPG nodes and their respective elapse times  Captured CPU time for all servers, the TPS rate (end to end as well as per product) and by performing multiple runs, using the IBM Performance harness
  • 16. CONNECT WITH US: SupportPac MS0P: MQ Explorer plug-ins  A variety of WMQ Explorer plug-ins are provided  Format event messages into human-readable text  Trace route function to determine the path messages take  Export WMQ Explorer display panels to CSV  Remote management of Windows, UNIX and Linux systems  Utilities  Qtune  MQIDecode turns codes into symbolic names  OAM logging utility records PCF commands sent to CMDSVR 16
  • 17. CONNECT WITH US: SupportPac MS0P: Event Message Context Menu After installing SupportPac MS0P, new context menu items appear in WebSphere MQ Explorer. The "Format Event Message" option shows up when right-clicking on an event queue. 17
  • 18. CONNECT WITH US: SupportPac MS0P: GUI Display 18
  • 19. CONNECT WITH US: Details of Extreme Scale running inside WAS 8.5  Use PMI for monitoring  WebSphere Application Server provides a sophisticated performance monitoring infrastructure (PMI). It can be used to gather performance statistics of all components inside an application server. WebSphere eXtreme Scale takes advantage of this infrastructure to collect performance statistics relevant to the grid. Metrics are grouped within the following PMI modules:  objectGridModule  Provides metrics about transaction response time.  mapModule  Provides metrics about map and index count and time statistics. These include hit rate per map, # of entries per map, # of results per index  agentManagerModule  Provides statistics related to map-based agents. These include number of agent executions, number of partitions involved, time required to run map and reduce operations, time required to serialize agents, and related results.  queryModule  Provides statistics about query processing and execution. These include the amount of time to create a query plan and run the query, the number of times that a query has been run, and so on. 19
  • 20. CONNECT WITH US: Infrastructure: Avoid Single Points of Failure 20  Fast network: 10 gigabit +  Multiple Nics  Nearby Catalogs  Fast Disk Drives: The new slid state drives (SSDs) are incredible.  Trace route: On multiple occasions we have found very unexpected network delays. Measure early and often
  • 21. CONNECT WITH US: Erasmus: Prevention is Better than Cure  WXS 8.6 makes it easier to recover from crashes.  Log analysis was done exploring the cause of those crashes The next few slides show how WAS 8.5 can prevent some of those crashes 21
  • 22. CONNECT WITH US: WebSphere Application Server V8.5  Three primary goals:  Provide intelligent management and enhanced resiliency for your application server environment  Improve operation, security, control  Integration of the application server - providing a fast, flexible, and simplified application development environment that allows you to deliver rich user experience faster 22
  • 24. CONNECT WITH US: Health Management 24  Automatically detect and handle application health problems  Without requiring administrator time, expertise, or intervention  Intelligently handle health issues in a way that will maintain continuous availability  Each health policy consists of a condition, one or more actions, and a target set of processes  Includes health policies for common application problems  Customizable health conditions and health actions  WebSphere Application Server Version 8.5 can monitor servers for common health problems and take corrective action. There are several health conditions that can be defined using health policies. When a violation of a health policy is detected, an action plan can be put into effect automatically – including sending email, capturing diagnostic data, and restarting the application server. Application server restarts are smart and done in a way to prevent outage and service policy violations.
  • 25. CONNECT WITH US: Benefits of Extreme Scale running inside WAS 8.5  Catalog and container servers as managed application servers  Catalog service domain configuration  Simplified connection to the grid  Simplified grid container management  Simplified administration and management  Use PMI for monitoring 25
  • 26. CONNECT WITH US: Details of Extreme Scale running inside WAS 8.5  Catalog and container servers as managed application servers  Catalog and container servers are defined as standard application server instances within a WebSphere Application Server cell. They receive all the health/resiliency benefits of running inside WAS 8.5  For high availability reasons, use dedicated clusters for catalog and container servers. Best results can be achieved by having at least three catalog server instances that are in different physical locations  Also, use a distinct WebSphere cluster to host the grid infrastructure (container servers) to decouple it from catalog servers and applications  Catalog service domain configuration  Catalog service domains define a group of catalog servers that are associated to a grid infrastructure. Catalog service domains can be easily defined as administered resources within a WAS ND environment  Simplified connection to the grid  In a stand-alone environment, connecting to the grid requires knowledge of the host name and port of the catalog servers. In an integrated environment, this requirement can be simplified by using a catalog service domain. More specifically, the catalog service domain can be queried to obtain the list of catalog service endpoints that client uses to establish a connection to the catalog service 26
  • 27. CONNECT WITH US: Details of Extreme Scale running inside WAS 8.5  Simplified grid container management  Catalog and container servers are Grid configurations can be packaged within a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition module (Web or EJB module) and deployed as a standard enterprise archive (EAR) file. When a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition application starts, WebSphere eXtreme Scale checks for grid configuration files (objectGrid.xml and objectGridDeployment.xml) within the META-INF folder of the EJB and WEB modules. If only objectGrid.xml is found, the application server is assumed to be a grid client. If both objectGrid.xml and objectGridDeployment.xml are present, the application server acts as a container by implementing the specified deployment policies  Simplified administration and management  Catalog service domains define a group of catalog servers that are associated to a grid infrastructure. Catalog service domains can be easily defined as administered resources within a WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment environment 27
  • 28. CONNECT WITH US: Monitoring helps find problems Monitor for operational exceptions and to maintain health of the system:  Expand the default size of error logs  Check error logs for exceptions  Archive error logs for forensic analysis  Alert on messages in DLQ or error queue  Distinguish between operational vs. Application alerts 28
  • 29. CONNECT WITH US: FFSTSummary  Why learn to use the tools that summarize FFST and error files?  “Because that’s where the errors are.”  FFST files contain useful information on serious problems  http://hursleyonwmq.wordpress.com/2007/05/04/introduction-to-ffsts/  What is FFST?  FFST stands for First Failure Support Technology, and is “designed to create detailed reports for IBM Service with information about the current state of a part of a queue manager together with historical data”  FFSTSummary is a tool that produces one line summaries of these serious problems, arranged in chronological order 29
  • 30. CONNECT WITH US: Lesson Learned  Install and Use the best tools for measurement  Identify bottlenecks (flows, queuries)  Use the best available hardware:  Solid State Drives  Fast network: 10 gigabit +  Multiple Nics  Tune one thing at a time  It is a capital crime to theorize in advance of your data 30
  • 31. CONNECT WITH US: Learn More… Prolifics at InterConnect 31 Monday How Broadcast Music, Inc. Devised and Enabled Enterprise Architecture from Corporate Strategy 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM Integrating Salesforce.com and Oracle ERP Using IBM WebSphere Cast Iron 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Recommended Design Considerations for Enterprise Monitoring using SCAPM and Netcool OMNIbus 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Tuesday Smarter Integration Using the IBM SOA Foundation Stack: Best Practices and Lessons Learned 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Best Practices for Monitoring Your Cloud Environment and Applications 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM Applicability of IBM SOA Approach In Manual Processes Automation 11:30 AM-11:50 AM Leveraging Governance in the IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository for IIB and DataPower 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Broadcast Music Inc. Release Rockstars: Program-Wide DevOps Success with UrbanCode Deploy 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM Empowering SmartCloud APM - Predictive Insights and Analysis: A Use Case Scenario 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Wednesday Architecting and Tuning IIB/eXtreme Scale for Maximum Performance and Reliability, Featuring TBC 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM MasterCard's Modeling and Governance of Decisions and Processes for Improved Fraud 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM How BMI is Revolutionizing the Music Business Using IBM’s BPM and Integration Technology 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Integrating IBM Pure Application Systems and IBM Urbancode Deploy: A GE Capital Case Study 2 :00 PM – 3:00 PM Thursday Aetna’s Vision for a Healthier World: Smarter Architecture and a Scalable Integration Bus 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Meet the Expert - Delivering Enterprise Applications: Faster. Cheaper. Better Thursday 12:00 PM – 12:50 PM Using the Power of IBM Tivoli Common Reporting to Make Smart Decisions: The Untold Story 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
  • 32. CONNECT WITH US: Let’s Continue the Conversation…. A.J. Aronoff aj@prolifics.com Visit these useful links on the Prolifics website: Case Studies http://www.prolifics.com/resources/case-studies Webcasts http://www.prolifics.com/resources/webcasts Videos http://www.prolifics.com/resources/videos Solution Briefs http://www.prolifics.com/resources/solution-briefs Blog http://www.prolifics.com/blog Twitter http://www.twitter.com/prolifics Facebook http://www.facebook.com/ProlificsTech Prolifics TV http://www.youtube.com/prolificstv
  • 33. CONNECT WITH US: Thank You Your Feedback is Important! Access the InterConnect 2015 Conference CONNECT Attendee Portal to complete your session surveys from your smartphone, laptop or conference kiosk.