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December 8-10 | Virtual Event
RISC-V Software State of the Union
Arun Thomas


• RISC-V Software Evolution
• Whirlwind Tour of the RISC-V Software Ecosystem
• Next Steps for RISC-V Software


RISC-V software state of the union


Modest RISC-V Project Goal (2015)
Krste Asanović, First RISC-V Workshop, January, 2015
Become the industry-standard ISA for all computing devices


RISC-V Software Ecosystem (2015)
Andrew Waterman, First RISC-V Workshop, January, 2015


RISC-V Software Ecosystem (2015)
• Out-of-tree RISC-V ports for key software
• GCC 4.9.2
• Binutils 2.24 and GDB
• LLVM 3.3
• Glibc 2.20
• Newlib 1.18
• Linux kernel 3.14 + Busybox
• OpenEmbedded/Yocto
• Spike (golden model) and Angel (JS sim) as additional simulation targets


RISC-V Software Ecosystem (2016)
• I gave a RISC-V Software Ecosystem talk at the 3rd RISC-V Workshop
• One year after the First Workshop
• Several new RISC-V community porting efforts since Andrew’s talk!
• Debian, FreeBSD, NetBSD, seL4, coreboot, UEFI
• Still many gaps as of 2016:
• RISC-V software ports were all out-of-tree
• Privileged specification was still in development
• Linux distribution and OS support in very early stages
• Developer experience was not ideal (Step 1: Build riscv-gnu-toolchain)
• Documentation was lacking


RISC-V Software Ecosystem (2020)
• 5 years since Andrew’s talk at the First Workshop
• Base Unprivileged and Privileged specifications ratified in 2019
• Upstream RISC-V support for most open source software
• GCC, LLVM, QEMU, Debian, Fedora, FreeRTOS, Zephyr, …
• Pre-built toolchains are available from Linux distributions and
commercial vendors (Mentor, IAR, Segger, Green Hills, …)
• For Debian users: apt-get gcc-riscv64-linux-gnu binutils-riscv64-linux-gnu
• Making progress on documentation
• RISC-V Getting Started Guide - Getting started with Linux and Zephyr
• RISC-V Reader - Basics of the RISC-V ISA


RISC-V Priorities: Then (2010) and Now (2020)
Krste Asanović, RISC-V Global Forum 2020 Keynote


More Software Leads to More Hardware
(Leads to More Software...)
Accelerating the
Virtuous Cycle


RISC-V software state of the union


RISC-V Toolchains and IDEs
• Open source RISC-V toolchains
• GCC + Binutils
• clang/LLVM
• CompCert
• Commercial RISC-V toolchains and IDEs
• Mentor Sourcery CodeBench Lite
• IAR Embedded Workbench
• Segger Embedded Studio
• Green Hills MULTI IDE
• Ashling RiscFree IDE
• SiFive Freedom Studio
• Microchip SoftConsole
• Andes Andesight IDE


Operating Systems
• Linux: Debian, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Gentoo, Buildroot, OpenWRT,
• 95% of Debian packages build on RISC-V!
• Pre-built images are available (including Gnome images)
• RV32 in progress: Alistair Francis, "Where is the 32-bit glibc port?", Linux
Plumbers RISC-V MC
• Drew Fustini, “Linux on Open Hardware with RISC-V” @ 2pm, Dec. 8th
• BSD: FreeBSD, NetBSD
• FreeBSD was one of the first to merge RISC-V support in 11.0
• seL4 microkernel
• Gernot Heiser, “seL4 on RISC-V: Fast, Secure, Open-source and Proved
Bug-free OS Kernel” @ 3pm, Dec. 9th


Operating Systems
• Real-time OS: FreeRTOS, Zephyr, RTEMS, NuttX, VxWorks, PikeOS
• SiFive and Andes have released AWS-qualified devices for FreeRTOS
• VxWorks demoed RISC-V support at RISC-V Summit 2019
• Keynote: “Building an Open Edge Machine Learning Ecosystem with
RISC-V, Zephyr, TensorFlow Lite Micro and Renode” @ 10am, Dec. 8th
• Tock microcontroller OS
• Alistair Francis, “Porting Tock to OpenTitan” @ 1:30pm, Dec. 9th
• xv6 educational OS kernel now targets RISC-V
• https://pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.828/2020/xv6.html


Bootloaders, Firmware, Simulators, Hypervisors
• Bootloaders/Firmware: GRUB, u-Boot, coreboot, BBL, OpenSBI, UEFI
• RISC-V support landed in EDK2 open-source UEFI implementation
• UEFI support merged during Linux Kernel 5.10 merge window
• Atish Patra, "Making RISC-V EBBR Compatible", Linux Plumbers RISC-V MC
• Simulators/Emulators: QEMU, Renode, Spike, gem5, Tinyemu, OVPSim, ...
• Keynote: “Building an Open Edge Machine Learning Ecosystem with RISC-V,
Zephyr, TensorFlow Lite Micro and Renode” @ 10am, Dec. 8th
• Hypervisors: KVM, Xvisor
• Support for v0.6.1 of draft H extension
• Anup Patel, "RISC-V Hypervisor Extension: Where are We? What Next?", Linux
Plumbers RISC-V MC


Programming Language Support
• RISC-V supports most popular programming languages
• Upstream support for Go, Rust, and OCaml!
• Progress on the Java front
• PLCT Lab and Huawei bringing up OpenJDK port
• Maxine VM ported to RISC-V
• Cheng Jin, “OpenJ9 JDK on RISC-V” @ 2:30pm, Dec. 8th
• Progress on the Javascript front too
• PLCT Lab and Huawei are upstreaming RISC-V patches for V8 engine
• Peng Wu & Brice Dobry, “Unlocking Javascript: V8 on RISC-V”, RISC-V
Global Forum 2020


RISC-V software state of the union


Software Support for Key Specs
• “Focus and Finish Things” in 2021
• Pushing key specifications over the finish line
• Upstream software support as specs are ratified
• Toolchain, OS, libraries, application software, ...
• Upstreaming support for the following specs:
• H: Hypervisor Extension
• B: Bit Manipulation Extension
• V: Vector Extension
• K: Cryptography Extension


Defining a RISC-V Platform Standard
• Standardize non-ISA interfaces at OS/HW boundary
• Interrupt Controllers
• Cache Management
• Power Management
• Booting
• Initial target platforms:
• UNIX-class embedded platform (Level 0)
• UNIX-class server platform (Level 0)
• Al Stone, "Why RISC-V Is Not Nearly Boring Enough", Linux Plumbers


Maturing the RISC-V Ecosystem
• Filling in remaining gaps
• V8 (Javascript) - Upstreaming to V8 project now
• OpenJDK (Java) - Port in progress
• Additional runtimes and software for important application domains
• Push toward 100% Debian/Fedora packages (Firefox, Haskell, …)
• Help Wanted!
• Refine existing software
• Improve performance and code size
• Graduate RISC-V software to Tier 1/Stable/Official status


• RISC-V Software has grown leaps and bounds in the last 5 years
• See RISC-V Software List for details
• RISC-V is now a software-driven project
• Working to “run all software” on RISC-V (and run it well)
• We need your help building out the software ecosystem
• Please join the RISC-V International Software Committee and sw-dev
mailing list to coordinate on software work


December 8-10 | Virtual Event
Thank you for joining us.
Contribute to the RISC-V conversation on social!

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RISC-V software state of the union

  • 1. December 8-10 | Virtual Event RISC-V Software State of the Union Arun Thomas Draper #RISCVSUMMIT
  • 2. Agenda • RISC-V Software Evolution • Whirlwind Tour of the RISC-V Software Ecosystem • Next Steps for RISC-V Software
  • 4. Modest RISC-V Project Goal (2015) Krste Asanović, First RISC-V Workshop, January, 2015 Become the industry-standard ISA for all computing devices
  • 5. RISC-V Software Ecosystem (2015) Andrew Waterman, First RISC-V Workshop, January, 2015
  • 6. RISC-V Software Ecosystem (2015) • Out-of-tree RISC-V ports for key software • GCC 4.9.2 • Binutils 2.24 and GDB • LLVM 3.3 • Glibc 2.20 • Newlib 1.18 • Linux kernel 3.14 + Busybox • OpenEmbedded/Yocto • QEMU • Spike (golden model) and Angel (JS sim) as additional simulation targets
  • 7. RISC-V Software Ecosystem (2016) • I gave a RISC-V Software Ecosystem talk at the 3rd RISC-V Workshop • One year after the First Workshop • Several new RISC-V community porting efforts since Andrew’s talk! • Debian, FreeBSD, NetBSD, seL4, coreboot, UEFI • Still many gaps as of 2016: • RISC-V software ports were all out-of-tree • Privileged specification was still in development • Linux distribution and OS support in very early stages • Developer experience was not ideal (Step 1: Build riscv-gnu-toolchain) • Documentation was lacking
  • 8. RISC-V Software Ecosystem (2020) • 5 years since Andrew’s talk at the First Workshop • Base Unprivileged and Privileged specifications ratified in 2019 • Upstream RISC-V support for most open source software • GCC, LLVM, QEMU, Debian, Fedora, FreeRTOS, Zephyr, … • Pre-built toolchains are available from Linux distributions and commercial vendors (Mentor, IAR, Segger, Green Hills, …) • For Debian users: apt-get gcc-riscv64-linux-gnu binutils-riscv64-linux-gnu • Making progress on documentation • RISC-V Getting Started Guide - Getting started with Linux and Zephyr • RISC-V Reader - Basics of the RISC-V ISA
  • 9. RISC-V Priorities: Then (2010) and Now (2020) Krste Asanović, RISC-V Global Forum 2020 Keynote
  • 10. More Software Leads to More Hardware (Leads to More Software...) Software Hardware Accelerating the Virtuous Cycle
  • 12. RISC-V Toolchains and IDEs • Open source RISC-V toolchains • GCC + Binutils • clang/LLVM • CompCert • Commercial RISC-V toolchains and IDEs • Mentor Sourcery CodeBench Lite • IAR Embedded Workbench • Segger Embedded Studio • Green Hills MULTI IDE • Ashling RiscFree IDE • SiFive Freedom Studio • Microchip SoftConsole • Andes Andesight IDE
  • 13. Operating Systems • Linux: Debian, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Gentoo, Buildroot, OpenWRT, OpenEmbedded/Yocto • 95% of Debian packages build on RISC-V! • Pre-built images are available (including Gnome images) • RV32 in progress: Alistair Francis, "Where is the 32-bit glibc port?", Linux Plumbers RISC-V MC • Drew Fustini, “Linux on Open Hardware with RISC-V” @ 2pm, Dec. 8th • BSD: FreeBSD, NetBSD • FreeBSD was one of the first to merge RISC-V support in 11.0 • seL4 microkernel • Gernot Heiser, “seL4 on RISC-V: Fast, Secure, Open-source and Proved Bug-free OS Kernel” @ 3pm, Dec. 9th
  • 14. Operating Systems • Real-time OS: FreeRTOS, Zephyr, RTEMS, NuttX, VxWorks, PikeOS • SiFive and Andes have released AWS-qualified devices for FreeRTOS • VxWorks demoed RISC-V support at RISC-V Summit 2019 • Keynote: “Building an Open Edge Machine Learning Ecosystem with RISC-V, Zephyr, TensorFlow Lite Micro and Renode” @ 10am, Dec. 8th • Tock microcontroller OS • Alistair Francis, “Porting Tock to OpenTitan” @ 1:30pm, Dec. 9th • xv6 educational OS kernel now targets RISC-V • https://pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.828/2020/xv6.html
  • 15. Bootloaders, Firmware, Simulators, Hypervisors • Bootloaders/Firmware: GRUB, u-Boot, coreboot, BBL, OpenSBI, UEFI • RISC-V support landed in EDK2 open-source UEFI implementation • UEFI support merged during Linux Kernel 5.10 merge window • Atish Patra, "Making RISC-V EBBR Compatible", Linux Plumbers RISC-V MC • Simulators/Emulators: QEMU, Renode, Spike, gem5, Tinyemu, OVPSim, ... • Keynote: “Building an Open Edge Machine Learning Ecosystem with RISC-V, Zephyr, TensorFlow Lite Micro and Renode” @ 10am, Dec. 8th • Hypervisors: KVM, Xvisor • Support for v0.6.1 of draft H extension • Anup Patel, "RISC-V Hypervisor Extension: Where are We? What Next?", Linux Plumbers RISC-V MC
  • 16. Programming Language Support • RISC-V supports most popular programming languages • Upstream support for Go, Rust, and OCaml! • Progress on the Java front • PLCT Lab and Huawei bringing up OpenJDK port • Maxine VM ported to RISC-V • Cheng Jin, “OpenJ9 JDK on RISC-V” @ 2:30pm, Dec. 8th • Progress on the Javascript front too • PLCT Lab and Huawei are upstreaming RISC-V patches for V8 engine • Peng Wu & Brice Dobry, “Unlocking Javascript: V8 on RISC-V”, RISC-V Global Forum 2020
  • 18. Software Support for Key Specs • “Focus and Finish Things” in 2021 • Pushing key specifications over the finish line • Upstream software support as specs are ratified • Toolchain, OS, libraries, application software, ... • Upstreaming support for the following specs: • H: Hypervisor Extension • B: Bit Manipulation Extension • V: Vector Extension • K: Cryptography Extension
  • 19. Defining a RISC-V Platform Standard • Standardize non-ISA interfaces at OS/HW boundary • Interrupt Controllers • Cache Management • Power Management • IOMMUs • Booting • Initial target platforms: • UNIX-class embedded platform (Level 0) • UNIX-class server platform (Level 0) • Al Stone, "Why RISC-V Is Not Nearly Boring Enough", Linux Plumbers RISC-V MC
  • 20. Maturing the RISC-V Ecosystem • Filling in remaining gaps • V8 (Javascript) - Upstreaming to V8 project now • OpenJDK (Java) - Port in progress • Additional runtimes and software for important application domains • Push toward 100% Debian/Fedora packages (Firefox, Haskell, …) • Help Wanted! • Refine existing software • Improve performance and code size • Graduate RISC-V software to Tier 1/Stable/Official status
  • 21. Summary • RISC-V Software has grown leaps and bounds in the last 5 years • See RISC-V Software List for details • RISC-V is now a software-driven project • Working to “run all software” on RISC-V (and run it well) • We need your help building out the software ecosystem • Please join the RISC-V International Software Committee and sw-dev mailing list to coordinate on software work
  • 22. December 8-10 | Virtual Event Thank you for joining us. Contribute to the RISC-V conversation on social! #RISCVSUMMIT @risc_v