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The author of the majority of the books of the New Testament, Saint Paul, says:
“For if the truth of God has more abounded through my lie unto His glory; why am I
                        still judged as a sinner?” Romans 3:7


  i What Did Jesus Really Say?
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©Copyright 1995, Misha’al Al-Kadhi
The great messenger of God, Jesus, says:
“And this is life eternal, that they might know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ,
                                   whom you have sent.”
                                         John 17:3

   iii What Did Jesus Really Say?
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:
“Do not over-praise me as the Christians over-praised Jesus the son of Mary. I am His slave, so say:
                                 ‘Allah's slave and messenger’.”
                             Narrated by both Al-Bukhari and Muslim

 v What Did Jesus Really Say?
Table of Contents
Preface ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
Goal of this book......................................................................................................................................... 14
Follow this chart from Christianity to Islam............................................................................................ 21
Table of Definitions and Abbreviations ......................................................................... 23
Chapter 1                   Christian-Muslim Dialogue ...........................................................24
1.1        Christian Perspective ....................................................................................................... 28
1.2        Muslim Perspective .......................................................................................................... 33
1.2.1 'Blind faith' or 'Prove all things'? ...................................................................................................... 37
1.2.2 The 'Trinity', or 1+1+1=1 ................................................................................................................. 38 From the Bible's standpoint ............................................................................................................ 38 From the Qur'an's standpoint .......................................................................................................... 44 From a logical standpoint ............................................................................................................... 45
1.2.3 The 'Son of God' ............................................................................................................................... 48
1.2.4 'Worship Me! ' .................................................................................................................................. 61
1.2.5 Historical origin of the 'Trinity' myth ............................................................................................... 64
1.2.6 The systematic destruction of the law of Jesus ................................................................................. 73
1.2.7 Christianity’s True Founder, Paul, Admits Fabrication .................................................................... 76
1.2.8 What is a 'Trinity'?............................................................................................................................ 89
1.2.9 Conclusion........................................................................................................................................ 91

Chapter 2                     Contradictions in the Bible ...........................................................93
2.1         Christian scholars recognize contradictions................................................................. 93
2.2         A small sampling of these contradictions.................................................................... 102
2.3         Did mankind tamper with the Old Testament? ......................................................... 122
2.4         When is a book an ‘inspired’ book? ............................................................................ 130
Chapter 3                Ancient Pagan parallels to Christianity.................................................135
Chapter 4                Jesus' second coming and the myth of 'Grace' .....................................144
Chapter 5                     Various Miscellanea .....................................................................147
5.1         A Biblical Picture of God.............................................................................................. 147
5.2         My grandfather did it (or: Is King David Going to Hell?)........................................ 150
5.3         Poison yourself or be damned ...................................................................................... 151
5.4         Who's will is stronger? ................................................................................................. 151
5.5         Who bears the sin? ........................................................................................................ 152
5.6         Like Jesus prayed .......................................................................................................... 156
5.7         Like Jesus' greeting....................................................................................................... 156
5.8         Black slaves and Christian misinterpretation of the Bible........................................ 157
5.9         Melchizedek, A god greater than Jesus?..................................................................... 158
5.10        The Ultimate Test of Jesus ........................................................................................... 161

6 What did Jesus really say?
5.11        Who Was ‘Immanuel’?................................................................................................. 163
5.12        Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani........................................................................................... 165
5.13        Hiding the Miracles....................................................................................................... 166
5.14        Was ‘Christ’ a ‘Christian’?.......................................................................................... 167
Chapter 6                  Mohammad in the Bible ...............................................................169
Error! Not a valid heading level in TOC entry on page 171
6.2        Grave warnings for all who do not follow him............................................................ 174
6.3        Three distinct prophesies............................................................................................... 174
6.4        Foretells the story of the chapter of 'Al-Alak'............................................................. 175
6.5        The emigration................................................................................................................ 179
6.6        Truthfulness of Mohammad (pbuh) ............................................................................. 179
6.7        Isaiah's vision.................................................................................................................. 180
6.8        Legitimacy of Hagar and Ishmael ................................................................................ 183
6.9        Reference to Moses, Jesus, & Muhammad in that order ........................................... 191
6.10       Jesus predicts the coming of Muhammad.................................................................... 193
6.11       God did not kill Muhammad for speaking in His name ............................................. 197
6.12       Glorifies Jesus (pbuh) .................................................................................................... 198
6.13       A Paraclete like Jesus..................................................................................................... 198
Chapter 7                  Jesus in the Qur'an ........................................................................210
Chapter 8              What is Islam ...........................................................................................221
Chapter 9              Islamic faith: Some details ......................................................................233
Chapter 10 Scientific Statements in the Holy Qur'an ................................252
Chapter 11 ‘We’ an Arabic plural of respect .............................................................264
Chapter 12              Women in Christianity and Islam..........................................................266
Chapter 13              1992:The Dead Sea Scrolls confirm the Qur’an...................................274
Chapter 14              Additional references..............................................................................288
Self-Test Section........................................................................................................................................ 290

      7 What Did Jesus Really Say?

               erily! the likeness of Jesus with Allah/God is as the likeness of Adam.
             He created him of dust, then He said unto him: Be! and he was. (This is)
             the truth from your Lord (O Muhammad), so be not you of those who
waver. And whosoever disputes with you concerning him, after the knowledge which
has come unto you, say (unto him): Come! We will summon our sons and your sons,
and our women and your women, and ourselves and yourselves, then we will pray
humbly (to our Lord) and (solemnly) invoke the curse of Allah upon those who lie.
Verily! This is the true narrative. There is no god save Allah, and verily! Allah is the
Mighty, the Wise. And if they turn away, then Verily! Allah is Aware of the corrupters.
Say: O People of the Scripture. Come to a word that is just between us and you: that we
shall worship none but Allah, and that we shall ascribe no partners unto Him, and that
we shall not take each other for lords beside Allah. And if they turn away, then say:
Bear witness that we are they who have surrendered (unto Him)(literally: “we are
Muslims”).” The Qur’an, A’al-Umran(3)59-64.

  “I have read in Moslem writings such deep and tender expressions of respect and
reverence for Jesus that for the time I almost forgot, I was not reading the words of a
Christian writer. How different, it is sad to say, has been the way in which Christians
have spoken and written of Muhammad. Let us put it down to it’s true cause, ignorance”
Reverend R. Maxwell King

  In the name of Allah, most beneficent, most merciful. I give all thanks to Allah for His
bounties and knowledge and that He has guided me to Islam. I also ask Allah almighty
that He bestow his peace and blessings upon Muhammad and grant him the highest
rewards and exalted stations in Heaven. Further, I ask Allah almighty that He grant His
peace and blessings upon all of His prophets from the beginning of time, including Adam,
Abraham, Noah, Moses, David, and Jesus, as well as all of the countless others, peace be
upon them all, may their names be held in the highest honor for all time.

  I feel that this book is best described as my own humble attempt at the compilation and
collection of the life long works of many famous and knowledgeable scholars and writers.
My contribution to this book has probably been restricted to the collection of these works
in one publication. So, as they say, I hereby give credit where credit is due. Among these
authors are such people as Shaik Ahmed Deedat, Shaik Rahmat-Allah ibn Khaleel al-
Rahman al-Hindi, Dr. Jamal Badawi, Mr. Muhammad `Ata ur-Rahim, Mr. Akbarally
Meherally, Shaik Shams al-Deen ibn Kayyem Al-Jawziah, Dr. Muhammad Ali alkhuli,
Mrs. Ulaft Aziz-us-Samad, Dr. Ahmad Dawood Al-Mizjaji, and Mr. M. A. Yusseff to
name a few. To these individuals I dedicate this book. I also dedicate this book to my
mother who always taught me to have tolerance and an open mind, and to my father, who
taught me to continually seek out knowledge as long as I may live.

  Muslims are encouraged to study and gain knowledge and to base their worship upon
knowledge and not just faith. Abu-Darda said: I heard the messenger of Allah (pbuh) say:
“If anyone travels on a road in search of knowledge, Allah/God will cause him to
travel on one of the roads of Paradise. The angels will lower their wings in their great
pleasure with one who seeks knowledge, the inhabitants of the heavens and the Earth
and the fish in the deep waters will ask forgiveness for the learned man. The
superiority of the learned man over the devout is like that of the moon, on the night
when it is full, over the rest of the stars. The learned are the heirs of the Prophets, and

8 What did Jesus really say?
the Prophets leave neither dinar nor dirham (kinds of currency), leaving only
knowledge, and he who takes it takes an abundant portion.” (narrated by Abu Dawood).

  Muslims are also encouraged to study other religions and to compare them to Islam.
They are commanded to never be among those who accept Islam on blind faith or in
conformance to the current trend in their society. Rather, they are commanded to make
up their own minds and to enter into Islam with their eyes wide open, after they have
thoroughly tested it’s validity as the command of God. “There is no compulsion in
religion. The right path is henceforth distinct from misguidance” The Qur’an, Al-

   It was because of the above reasons that, upon my arrival in the United States in 1992, I
decided to spend my spare time researching Christianity. I did this in order to verify the
affirmations of the Qur’an with regard to mankind’s distortion of the Gospels. If the
Qur’an did indeed prove to have fabricated lies against the Bible then I would know that
it was not the word of God. I therefore set about purchasing many different “versions” of
the Bible such as the Revised Standard Version (RSV), the King James Version (KJV or
Authorized version), and so forth. I also purchased many Christian Biblical references as
well as some Islamic references. Armed with this cache of information I set about my
task and as the Bible puts it “Prove all things, hold fast that which is good.” 1
Thessalonians 5:21.

   Before, during, and after all of this I was continually being asked by various people
about Islam. Many allegations were presented against Muhammad (pbuh) and Islam in
general. I began to notice a basic trend of general ignorance of the fundamental teachings
of Islam as well a tendency when cornered to invoke “Blind faith,” or to attempt to
explain practically every single discrepancy in the Bible through abstraction and applying
hidden meanings to every verse which did not set well with them. The general tendency
was to reject the words of the Qur’an, even before bothering to read them, because they
are the words of “some Bedouin Arab out of the desert” (Having themselves forgotten
that Jesus, Moses, and ALL of the other prophets of the Bible, peace be upon them all,
came from practically the exact same locale), not to accept the words of Islamic scholars
because they are biased, not to accept the words of Christian scholars because they are
“Liberals,” and not even to accept obvious discrepancies and contradictions between the
verses of the Bible because of “blind faith” and because “If you do not take the verses so
literally but give them the following abstract meaning then they will not contradict one
another...” and so forth (see chapter 2.2). I felt that a belief that constantly needed
people to make excuses for it and that demanded blind faith without understanding was
not for me. Thus, I managed to prove to myself the validity of the affirmations of the

  In the Qur’an, we are told that mankind changed the message of Jesus (pbuh) after his
departure. The Qur’an further states that if a book of God has been tampered with by the
hands of mankind then this tampering will be recognizable by the inevitable
contradictions which will result from this tampering. God says in the Qur’an: “Do they
not consider the Qur’an (with care)? Had it been from other than Allah, they would
have surely found therein much discrepancy.” Al-Nissa(4):82. The Bible itself also
testifies to the fact that a false witness will inevitably result in contradictions and
discrepancy: “For many bare false witness against him(Jesus), but their witness agreed
not together.” Mark 14:56

  I began to search for a comprehensive reference on the fundamental differences
between Islam and Christianity such as the “trinity,” the “incarnation,” the “atonement,”
and the “original sin.” I was, however, surprised to find none. The information is out

   9 What Did Jesus Really Say?
there, however, it is distributed throughout countless books, booklets, pamphlets and the
like. From the Christian side, I had at first expected my research to involve a slow and
painful search through obscure ancient documents. This did not prove to be the case.
Once I began to look for the truth, I was practically overwhelmed by a veritable avalanche
of Christian studies all leading to the same conclusion: That St. Paul, a man who had
never met Jesus (pbuh) personally, and the author of the majority of the books of the New
Testament, had seriously corrupted the teachings of Jesus (pbuh) and substituted them
with his own “version” of Christianity totally in opposition to that which Jesus (pbuh) and
his apostles had taught their followers. I was astounded to see that even with the many
thousands of Christian publications, from eminent Christian scholars, which, to one
degree or another readily admit these facts, still, Christianity as a whole is all but ignorant
of these matters. I therefore undertook to collect this information into a series of articles
which were published on a very limited scale inside the university I was studying at at the

  After having completed these articles I decided to collect them into one handy reference
with the core information having being collected from external sources but having been
reorganized into what I believe to be a more intuitive and useful order. In some cases, I
have found myself unable to improve upon the wording and layout of other authors, so I
have shamelessly copied their words almost verbatim. However, I believe that such
straight copying has been confined to less than 5% of the content of this book and has
been restricted to the writings of the first four of the aforementioned authors as well as
Shaik Muhammad Al-Uthaimeen. Once again, credit where credit is due.

  Countless thousands of books have been published by Christian scholars on the topic of
the various contradictions in the Bible. It has been my experience, however, that most of
these books have gone one of two different routes: Either they try to (1) Reconcile every
single discrepancy through abstraction and so forth, and when they are presented with two
conflicting versions of one story in the Bible they simply choose the one they personally
prefer and claim the other was a scribal error, or (2) They claim that Jesus (pbuh) was no
more than a legend and a myth, and that the Bible, the apostles, and even Jesus himself
were only figments of someone’s imagination. This book, however, goes a different
route, that of Islam and the holy Qur’an. In this book it is demonstrated that Jesus (pbuh)
was indeed a true prophet of God but that his message was corrupted by those who came
after him for personal gain. It also demonstrates how the Bible, even after all of this
tampering, still contains the message of Jesus (pbuh) for those who truly place the words
of Jesus (pbuh) above those of all of mankind without exception.

  I do not deceive myself. This book will never be the definitive answer to all questions.
There are just too many Christian sects for one book to be able to address the beliefs of
them all. However, I hope that this book will at least get people to think and get them
interested enough that they may go out, read the Bible and the Qur’an carefully, and seek
knowledge for themselves. If I manage to accomplish this then I have done my job.
There are many other things I would like to say but I must keep the size of this book
under some semblance of control. I have therefore spent most of my efforts speaking
about comparative religion between Islam and Christianity in order to prove the
truthfulness of the affirmations of the Qur’an and that it was indeed sent by the same God
that sent Jesus (pbuh). If I could add one more chapter I would probably speak in a little
more detail about the Dead Sea Scrolls, as well as about Islam and science and discuss
some of the scientific statements made in the Qur’an which are only beginning to be
verified today (By independent non-Muslim scientists). Anyone wishing to obtain further
information on this topic, however, will find the following books to be extremely useful
and informative:

10 What did Jesus really say?
1) Qur’an and modern science: Correlation Studies, by Keith L. Moore, Abdul-Majeed A.
   Zindani, Mustafa A. Ahmed
2) The Developing Human, By Dr. Keith Moore.
3) The Bible, the Qur’an and science (book), by Dr. Maurice Bucaille.
4) The Qur’an and modern science (booklet), by Dr. Maurice Bucaille.

    I would also like to point out that the “referencing” system employed in this book still
  needs some work in order to bring it in line with more accepted modern norms, however,
  that will have to be left to another day. I believe that it’s current form is adequate for a
  first version, and by Allah’s will, this issue will be dealt with in the future.

   I would like to make a couple of matters clear from the outset so that there will be no
  misunderstanding as to my beliefs and/or intentions:

     1) Muslims do not hate Christians nor harbor ill will against them. This is a common
  misconception in the West about Muslims. My intent is only to counter the continuous
  and unrelenting onslaught of hatred and slander Muslims are constantly being bombarded
  with in the West. I have found that this is a direct result of the Western media’s
  campaign to portray all Muslims in the worst possible light and to ensure that the general
  pubic never hears the words “Muslim” or “Islam” unless it is associated with the words
  “fundamentalist,” “extremist,” “terrorist,” “gorilla,” “underground,” “death squad,” and
  so forth. This is especially the case since the fall of the Soviet Union. Suddenly, there
  appears to be a need for a new “bad guy”, since there are roughly 1.2 billion Muslims
  around the world today, therefore, Muslims were chosen as the prime candidates for this
  position. Muslims are told in the Qur’an: “..and nearest among them (mankind) in love
  to the believers (Muslims) will you find those who say 'we are Christians': because
  among these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and
  they are not arrogant” The Qur’an, Al-Maidah(5):82.

     “The people of the book” are also singled out by God in the Qur’an to receive the
  following treatment: “And argue not with the people of the book unless it be in (a way)
  which is better (than mere arguing), except with such of them that do wrong, and say
  (to them): ‘We believe in that which had been revealed to us and revealed to you, and
  our God and your God is One, and to Him we have submitted (literally: We are
  Muslims)” Al-Ankaboot(29):46. Muslims simply wish for Christians the exact same
  thing that Christians wish for Muslims: That we all be guided to the truth of God and His
  ultimate reward.

    By now it should be obvious that Islam is not, as the stereotype would have one believe,
  an underground terrorist group dedicated to the total destruction of civilized life as we
  know it. Because of all of the above, I have striven to avoid in this book all statements
  which might be misunderstood to be hateful, inflammatory, or disrespectful. However,
  the fundamental goals of this book make it necessary to exhibit many contradictory
  statements in the New and Old Testaments in order to prove the Qur’an’s claim: that
  mankind took great liberties with God’s scriptures after the departure of their prophets
  and have perverted His original message to them. Muslims are told that these tampering
  fingers have left many contradictions for those who would only look for them. For this
  reason, I have attempted to keep my own comments to a minimum and only present the

      11 What Did Jesus Really Say?
contradictory verses of the Bible side-by-side so that they may be studied critically (see
for example the table in chapter 2.2). Those people who have made up their minds
beforehand that they will hate me for this and will not see the contradictions and the
tampering fingerprints no matter how much proof is presented are kindly asked to stop
reading now. This book is not for them. Those readers who are willing to keep an open
mind are invited to accompany us in our quest for the truth of God.

  2) Some readers may misinterpret some of my statements to be disrespectful of God
almighty, His prophets, His scriptures, or the apostles of Jesus. This too is unintentional.
Any one of these matters is considered a sin of the highest order in Islam. The goal of
this book is only to present the proof of that which Christian scholars the world over now
recognize as scientific fact: That the alleged authors of the Bible are not the true authors,
and as a result of this, they have written therein matters regarding God/Allah, His
prophets, and their apostles that were not inspired by either God nor his prophets. All
claims made in this book should be understood to be against these “hidden” authors and
not God, His prophets, His original scriptures, or the original disciples.

  3) As mentioned above, I am not a scholar of religion, nor an “evangelist,” nor have any
official diplomas in religious studies. I wrote this book in my spare time while pursuing
graduate degrees in the field of Engineering within the United States. My own feeble
contribution in no way compares to those of Islam’s more learned and knowledgeable
scholars. However, I saw a void which in my opinion had yet to be filled, so I have done
my best to fill it. There are many more comprehensive and detailed studies of this topic
written in the Arabic language (e.g. “AlJawab Assahih”). However, until such a time as
more of these great works can be translated into English, I hope that this book will serve
as a temporary substitute.

  4) When I speak about “Islam” in this book, I refer to the “Islam” taught by Muhammad
(pbuh) and practiced by his followers, as preserved for us within the writings of
thousands of Islamic scholars and handed down to us through an unbroken chain of
authenticated narrators in the countless thousands of books of the “seerah” and
“Hadeeth.” This is the Islam which has been preserved in the Arabian peninsula (the
home country of Muhammad pbuh) to this day. This Islam, the Islam of Muhammad
(pbuh), does not attempt to promote specific humans, or groups thereof, to higher levels
of divine authority and power than others, such as is preached by the leaders of the newly
established so called “Nation of Islam” groups in the United States who are told by Louis
Farakhan, Elijah Poole, and W. D. Fard, that “Islam” preaches the superiority of a certain
race or color and other such innovations. True Islam also does not follow the beliefs of
the leaders of the “shi’ite” groups of some Eastern countries which also attribute to
specific human beings boundless supernatural powers and the ability to pass out passes to
heaven and so forth. True Muslims are innocent of such people, their preaching, and their
actions (remember David Koresh, Jim Jones, and the Christian Serb army among many

  5) How to read this book:
  As mentioned previously, this book has been written with the goal of being a little more
comprehensive than most other such English publication which I have come across
during my research. What I mean by this is not that I feel at all superior to these great
scholars, only that the English publications I have thus far come across did not convey the
overall picture of Islam, Christianity, and the relationship between them which I wished
to see in one English reference. The inevitable result of making a book comprehensive is
that it also becomes large. For this reason, an attempt has been made to divide this book
into many sub-topics with each sub-topic spanning only a few pages, and thus, the book
becomes easy to read a piece at a time. I strongly encourage the reader to read this book

12 What did Jesus really say?
in the order it was written. This is because the chapters will complement each other more
completely if they are read in their written order. However, an attempt has also been
made to make the chapters independent of one another for those readers who wish to
jump directly to a specific topic of interest to them. For such readers a chart has been
supplied to help them select the most relevant topic to them by asking them a few
questions. Start at the top of the chart and work your way down by answering the
questions and following the resultant directions.

  I would like to thank all of those who helped me to publish this book, including Shaik
Ahmed Deedat, brother Ammar Amonette, brother Idris Palmer, brother Ali Tamimi,
brother Ismael Mujahid, brother Dawood Madan, Dr. Rafil Dhafir, brother Abdullah
Firdous Abdulrazzak, brother Mansor Matbouli, brother Abdulrahman Al-Ali, brother
Sherif Muhammad, brother Reza Scholten, brother Farid Adlouni, Dr. Bassem Khafagi,
and brother Ibraheem Pastuszak, who all contributed in one way or another in the
completion of this book, either with suggestions on modifications or corrections, in
countless hours proof-reading it, or in various other aspects such as generally helping out
with their comments and suggestions whenever possible. For all of the countless others
who have assisted in this project but who I have forgotton to mention here, I thank you
too. Your efforts are very deeply appreciated. I would also like to thank all of the above
authors for their efforts which have made these matters clear for us. May Allah almighty
guide us unto his whole truth. Amen.

Misha’al ibn Abdullah Al-Kadhi
April 1995

   13 What Did Jesus Really Say?
Goal of this book

    T         he goal of this book is simple: To exhibit irrefutable tangible proof that
           mankind is guilty of tampering with the religion of Jesus (pbuh) after his
           departure. Fourteen hundred years ago, the holy book of the Muslims, the
  Qur’an, was sent down upon the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by God informing him that
  mankind had dared to change the religion of God which He sent down upon Jesus,
  Moses, and the previous prophets (peace be upon them all). It has taken close to two
  thousand years for Christianity to recognize this as a known fact. Today, you would be
  hard pressed to find a single scholar of Christianity who does not readily acknowledge
  this as a true scientific fact (A minority of the most adamant conservatives will always be
  the exception). The evidence is simply too overwhelming to ignore.

    When I speak of “scholars of Christianity” I mean those people who have dedicated
  their lives to the pursuit of detailed historical facts regarding the history of the Bible
  through the unbiased logical study of the countless ancient documents of the Christian
  empire, the Bible itself, and other methods. These people are found in abundance in the
  religion departments of the various Western universities. A “scholar of Christianity” by
  this definition does not include the “televanglists,” the “evangelists,” and so forth. It has
  required the bravery and sacrifice of countless such unwavering seekers of truth to bring
  us this information. In the past, such people were casually put to death without a second
  thought. Even today, many of them are being fired from their jobs and black-listed for
  openly speaking about such matters. If they are liars then their lies should be exposed. If
  there is some truth to what they say, then such selfless dedication and vigilance against
  those who would distort the word of God should not be allowed to go unrecognized. For
  this reason we will study the details of their findings in this book.

     The claims of the Muslims as taught in the holy Qur’an are:
1) That Muhammad (pbuh) was the last in a long and distinguished line of prophets sent
   by God.
2) That in the past, whenever a prophet of God would pass away, his people would
   begin to corrupt the religion of God until it would become so corrupt that it would be
   necessary for God to send a new prophet to return them to His true religion which
   was sent down upon their previous prophets.
3) That a pocket of unscrupulous people had managed to change the religion of Moses
   (pbuh) after his death, thus God sent Jesus (pbuh), in order to return them to the
   religion of Moses (pbuh). Similarly, a pocket of mankind managed to change the
   religion of Jesus (pbuh) after his departure and so it was necessary for God to send
   Muhammad (pbuh).
4) That God is one god. The “trinity” is a fabrication of mankind. God has no sons, no
   parents, nor any equal.
5) Jesus (pbuh) was not a god but only a very elect, but human, messenger of God.
6) God does not hold anyone responsible for anyone else’s sin. He is also a merciful
   God who forgives without requiring a price for His mercy.

  14 What did Jesus really say?
7) Only a person’s own actions and worship in this life will decide their final reward.
8) God has specifically molded Islam to be His final message to all of mankind without
   exception. It supersedes all previous messages from Him. For this reason, this time
   God himself has promised to preserve His final message from the tampering fingers
   of mankind.

     In this book it will be demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt (by God’s will),
   through the words of the Bible and some of history’s most eminent Biblical scholars and
   references only, how most of the founding beliefs of Christianity today were indeed
   fabricated by mankind after the departure of Jesus (pbuh) and that Jesus (pbuh) himself
   never had anything whatsoever to do with them. These beliefs include:
1) The “trinity.”
2) The claim that Jesus (pbuh) is the physical son of God.
3) The “original sin” of Adam which mankind is alleged to have inherited.
4) The “atonement,” or death of Jesus (pbuh) on the cross in order to erase this sin of
5) The “incarnation” of God in the form of a human being, namely, Jesus (pbuh).

   It will further be demonstrated that the true message of Jesus (pbuh) was:
1) That God is one God. He is indivisible. He has no equal.
2) God has no children nor parents. There is no other God in existence other than God
3) Jesus (pbuh) was a human being. He was not a God, but only an elect messenger of
4) God does not hold anyone responsible for the sin of anyone else.
5) God does not give preference to a certain race, color, nation, lineage or anything else
   above any other. Only a person’s individual actions and worship will distinguish
   them in the eyes of God.
6) No human being can bear the sin of any other.
7) God is a merciful god who bestows His forgiveness without a price or asking for any

    Muslims are taught that throughout the ages, God sent messengers to all tribes and
  nations all over the earth beginning with Adam (pbuh), the first prophet of God. Every
  time a messenger of God would pass away, his people would begin to fall back on their
  evil deeds until a few generations later they would have managed to have completely
  corrupted His original message to them. When God’s message was in danger of being
  completely obliterated by these people, He would chose from among them a new
  messenger to receive the original, uncorrupted message and convey it to them. Some of
  them would listen. Others would not. However, the message would always be available
  for those who wanted it. In this manner, God made sure that all of mankind would
  always have access to His true religion, no matter where or when they lived. It would
  then be up to them to seek out this knowledge.

      15 What Did Jesus Really Say?
Muslims are further taught that each messenger was sent only to his own people. His
  message was then fine-tuned to suit them. Thus, the basic message would be the same for
  all messengers: “God is one!, Worship Him alone!” However, the details of each
  people’s worship would be molded to suit their lifestyle, state of knowledge, and so forth.
  This was also true for Jesus (pbuh). Jesus (pbuh) was sent specifically to the Jews, and
  only to the Jews. It shall be demonstrated how one of the most fundamental reasons
  which lead up to the corruption of his message was that those who came after him
  attempted to force his religion upon those who it was never intended for: The Greeks.
  The Greek’s hatred of the Jews and all Jewish practices was one of the foremost reasons
  why the religion of Jesus (pbuh) ended up being modified to suit their preconceived
  picture of “God,” and “worship.”

     This book demonstrates how the corruption of the religion of Jesus (pbuh) progressed
   in the following stages:
1) Jesus (pbuh) came to show the Jews how their religion had been changed from that
   preached to them by Moses and their previous prophets (pbut).
2) Jesus (pbuh) called the Jews back to the true religion of God sent down upon their
   previous messengers. Jesus (pbuh) himself observed every single aspect of the religion
   of Moses (pbuh) steadfastly and uncompromisingly. He fasted as Moses (pbuh) fasted,
   he worshipped as Moses (pbuh) worshipped, he refrained from tasting a single pig, he
   believed in circumcision and himself was circumcised, he observed the Sabbath, never
   having violated it. He did this up until the crucifixion. It was only after the
   crucifixion, according to the Bible, that he allegedly returned in “visions” to Paul in
   order to nullify everything he had spend his whole life upholding. The Bible actually
   bears witness that during his lifetime, Jesus commanded his followers to follow the
   religion of Moses (pbuh) and threatened severe retribution from God for all who would
   forsake a single aspect of this religion until the end of time.
3) Jesus (pbuh) departed from this earth and his apostles continued to follow his teachings
   religiously. They too followed the religion of Moses (pbuh) as Jesus (pbuh) had done
   before them and commanded them to do. For the first three hundred years after the
   departure of Jesus (pbuh), “Christians” would merely be Jews who believed that Jesus
   (pbuh) was the Messiah. For the first three decades after the departure of Jesus (pbuh),
   his followers would continue to worship in the synagogues of the Jews and observe all
   of the aspects of the religion of Moses (pbuh) without exception.
4) Shortly after the departure of Jesus (pbuh), a Jew named Saul of Tarsus persecutes
   Jesus’ followers severely and kills them. He has never met Jesus (pbuh) in person.
5) Suddenly Saul claims to be receiving “visions” from Jesus (pbuh). He befriends the
   apostle Barnabas until he manages to replace his reputation as a persecutor and killer
   of Christians with a reputation as a true convert.
6) Now Saul parts ways with the apostle of Jesus (pbuh), Barnabas, and decides to preach
   to the Greeks. He claims that the apostles of Jesus (pbuh) are lazy, misguided,
   hypocrites. He claims that it was necessary for him to constantly guide the apostles out
   of their ignorance into the truth of God which he was receiving in his “visions.” The
   Greeks hated the Jews with such a passion that he found it all but impossible to

  16 What did Jesus really say?
convince them to accept the Judaism that Jesus (pbuh) practiced his whole life and
   taught his apostles to carry on after him.
7) Saul finds it necessary to “simplify” the religion for the Greeks and make it more
   acceptable for them.
8) Saul continues to simplify the religion and mold it closer and closer to the Greek’s
   established beliefs until all that is left is “faith” without work. He then goes on to
   justify this doctrine of “faith” and give it credibility by claiming that Jesus (pbuh) was
   not merely a normal human being but a “son of God” and that this “son of God” died
   in atonement for the sins of all mankind. In this manner, he manages to convince the
   Greeks (and other Gentiles) to accept the corrupted “religion of Jesus.” This is
   because, unlike the Jews, the religion of the Greeks already accepts “trinities,” and
   “father gods” and “son gods,” and the death of gods, and the resurrection of gods, and
   the incarnation of gods, and divine savior gods, and the eating of the flesh of gods, and
   the drinking of the blood of gods...etc. All of these concepts are old news to them. He
   becomes a great leader among them and is named “Saint Paul.”
9) “Saint Paul” now writes extensively and gains more and more “converts.”
10) Once his converts begin to exceed the number of converts to the more strict and
   demanding religion of the apostles of Jesus (pbuh), they begin to kill the followers of
   the apostles, persecute them, and burn their Gospels.
11) The followers of “Saint Paul” are challenged to prove their claims of “son of God,”
   “original sin,” ..etc. through the scriptures and prove that Jesus (pbuh) or God had
   anything to do with them. They cannot. There are too many verses which declare that
   there is only ONE God in existence and that He does not hold mankind responsible for
   the sin of any man. Examples of these verses are available to this day (e.g. Isaiah
   43:10-11, Ezekiel 18:19-20, Deuteronomy 24:16...etc.). Thus, it becomes necessary
   for them to create a “Trinity” similar to the ancient “trinities” of the Greeks and
   Romans so that they can have three Gods but claim that they only worship one. The
   ancient “trinities” of Greek philosophy are redefined and applied to God almighty in
   order to define this new doctrine of “three gods in one.” Once again, the “Trinity” they
   borrowed from their ancient paganism could not be proven through the Bible, so it
   became necessary for them to receive divine “inspiration” from God commanding
   them to “clarify” their Bible so that the “trinity” could be seen clearly (such as 1 John
   5:7). These “clarifications” would only be discovered by the scholars of Christianity
   centuries later. They would later provide irrefutable proof of how, when, and by
   whom these “clarifications” were inserted into the Bible. Thirty two biblical scholars
   of the highest eminence backed by fifty cooperating denominations would throw out 1
   John 5:7 as a fabricated insertion of the church. Many other fabrications would be
   discovered by them.
12) In the fourth century CE., the followers of the “trinity” manage to enlist the aid of the
   pagan Roman empire. They wield the power of this pagan nation to “cleanse” the
   earth of the “heretical” and “blasphemous” followers of the apostles. They later launch
   campaigns of “inquiry” to “convert” them.
13) “Trinitarian” beliefs are touted as the only truly correct religion of Jesus (pbuh). The
   writings of Paul are collected and today they form the majority of the books of the new
   testament. The books of the apostles are burned. They are all “apocryphal” lies.

      17 What Did Jesus Really Say?
Within the span of a few centuries the Trinitarians manage to “recognize” that all of
  the books that were considered canonical and divine during the very first centuries CE
  were indeed all lies and apocrypha. Only those books that were considered apocryphal
  during these very first centuries CE are now “recognized” to be canonical, authentic,
  and divine. Those who are found concealing the original books of the apostles are now
  burned to death with their books. Paul’s followers obtain copies of the Gospels of the
  apostles. They copy them but with drastic modifications to the doctrine found therein.
  They claim that the apostles wrote them. These books are attributed to Matthew,
  Mark, Luke, and John. The additions to these books will continue for many more
  centuries. Only centuries later will Christian scholars begin to see the evidence that
  the claimed authors did not write these books.
14) Muhammad (pbuh) is born. He follows the religion of Abraham (pbuh) which was
  handed down to him and all Arabs from the father of the Arabs, Ishmael, the eldest son
  of Abraham (pbut). Upon reaching the age of 40, God sends the angel Gabriel to him
  to teach him His final message, the message of Islam. He tells him that the “people of
  the book” have changed the religion of Jesus (pbuh) and have altered it from a religion
  of submission to one God to a religion where multiple gods are being worshipped. He
  is told that he will be the final messenger, and that his message is to be directed to all
  of mankind including the Jews and Christians.
15) The Jews and “Christians” claim that Muhammad (pbuh) is a liar and a false prophet.
  They claim that he has just copied the Bible in order to write his Qur’an. Just as the
  Jews refused to accept Jesus (pbuh) as a true messenger of God, so too do both the
  Jews and the Christians refuse to believe Muhammad (pbuh).
16) Muhammad (pbuh) passes away. The Trinitarians continue with their burning at the
  stake any Christian who opposes the “trinity” or openly speaks about the discrepancies
  in the Bible. They launch campaigns of “inquiry” to cleanse the earth of all remnants
  of believers in one (monotheistic) god. The sentences of death by these inquisitions
  become so unbounded in their nature that whole nations are sentenced to death. A
  single holy decree of the Trinitarian church in 1568 would later condemn three million
  men women and children of the Netherlands to the scaffold as heretics.
17) The Church loses it’s power to the scientists and is pushed into a dark corner.
  Without the threat of death hanging over their heads, many Christian scholars begin to
  publish countless books exhibiting detailed examples of contradicting verses and
  evidence of modification to the Bible. The ancient manuscripts of the Christian
  society are studied in detail and slowly, the previous picture begins to come together.
  Countless excuses are made by the church and those who’s livelihood and power
  depend on these established beliefs. They now begin to give practically every single
  verse of the Bible “abstract” meanings. They tell their flock to have blind faith. They
  convince their flock that they can not understand the Bible without the “interpretation”
  of the church. They tell their flock that Jesus (pbuh) never means what he says and
  that every reference he makes to following the religion of Moses (pbuh) is not meant to
  be taken “literally” but was meant by Jesus (pbuh) to have “hidden” meanings totally
  in opposition to the obvious meanings. Only they can tell you what these “hidden”
  meanings of Jesus (pbuh) were.

  18 What did Jesus really say?
18) Copies of the original Gospels of the apostles of Jesus (pbuh) begin to surface. They
  are found, of all places, hidden away in the capital of Christianity, the Vatican itself.
  These Gospels (Such as the “Gospel of Barnabas,” or the “Shepherd of Hermas”)
  confirm the teachings of the Qur’an. Copies of these Gospels have a tendency to
  disappear mysteriously. Suddenly, in 1947, the Dead Sea Scrolls are discovered. For
  close to forty five years, they are hoarded in Israel and hidden from the masses. When
  they are finally forced out into the open, an amazing discovery is made. They too
  confirm the Qur’an! They prophesy the coming of not one but TWO messiahs. They
  claim that these two messiahs will be announced by an eschatological prophet. The
  dual prophesy is very clear and prevalent throughout the scrolls. The scrolls claim that
  the first messiah will be betrayed by one of his followers but will not be forsaken by
  God to die, rather, the one who betrayed him shall be taken in his place. There is so
  much in the Dead Sea Scrolls that parallels the teachings of the Qur’an, however, once
  again it is all explained away with abstract meanings. We are told that the fact that the
  Jews who lived 100 years before Jesus (the authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls) were
  expecting TWO messiahs does not mean that they were expecting two different
  messiahs, but rather, they must have been expecting a messiah with two different
  personalities. Thus, we are told, Jesus (pbuh) is BOTH messiahs. On the other hand,
  the Jews explain that both prophesies refer to past occurrences and neither one could
  possibly refer to Jesus (pbuh) or Muhammad (pbuh).

  “I shall turn away from my signs those who are arrogant in the earth unjustifiably,
  and if they see all the signs (in creation) they believe them not, and if they see the
  path of righteousness they do not take it as (their) path, and if they see the path of
  misguidance they take it as (their) path. That is because they deny our signs and are
  used to disregarding them” The Qur’an, Al-Aaraf(7):146.

    Muslims are told that when God created mankind, He gave them “The Choice.” They
  were told that they could either live their lives then die and fade out of the picture, like
  the animals do. Or they could elect to be held accountable for their actions. If they
  accepted the accountability, then the potential reward will be great. The potential
  retribution would be equally great.

    With mankind’s acceptance of this accountability came their free will. God gave
  mankind a free will to chose to either worship Him or to disobey Him. Out of God’s
  infinite mercy, He then assisted mankind with many factors in order to guide them to His
  true path and the ultimate reward. Firstly, He sent the messengers. In this manner, no
  matter how much mankind tried to corrupt His religion, it would always be available to
  those who searched for it.

    Secondly, He supplied mankind with minds. He gave them these minds in order to be
  able to distinguish between right and wrong using logic. If they see someone
  worshipping fire, and they see that the fire can not hear their prayers nor answer their
  calls, then no matter how much these fire-worshippers “spititualize” their worship and tell

      19 What Did Jesus Really Say?
them of the great miracles the fire has worked for them and how it has answered their
prayers, and how it “loves” them, their logic will refuse to believe these concoctions.

  Finally, God gave mankind an inborn sense called in Arabic “Fitrah.” This “Fitrah” is
the small voice inside each one of us which tells us “this doesn’t feel right.” When we
pick up a gun for the first time in order to kill someone, we have to fight mightily in order
to overcome our “Fitrah” which tells us that killing is wrong. In a similar manner, all
mankind is born automatically knowing that “God is one.” They must really fight
themselves for a long time and be continually persuaded by those who are around them to
believe otherwise. This is how they end up worshipping fire, stones, statues, multiple
gods, and other things. It is forced upon them in spite of their “Fitrah” as they grow up.

  This book goes back to the arguments of the original apostles. We will start with the
“Trinity” and work our way backwards through history. We will see that there is
absolutely no basis whatsoever for the “trinity” in the Bible. Once the “trinity” has been
disproved we will see how the rest of these fabricated beliefs will unravel one by one till
we return to the original teaching of Jesus (pbuh). All of this will be done in chapter one.
After that, it will be demonstrated how Muhammad (pbuh) was indeed prophesied by
both Jesus (pbuh) and the previous prophets, as claimed in the Qur’an over 1400 years
ago. This will demonstrate why the church teaches their flock that they can never
understand the Bible unless the Church “explains” it to them. We pray you will find this
information illuminating.

20 What did Jesus really say?
Follow this chart from Christianity to Islam
                                                                             S ta rt h e re                         F o llo w T h is c h a r t
                                                                                                                    fr o m C h r is tia n ity
                                                                                    2                                       to I s la m
                                               yes I do                  D o y o u b e lie v e
                                                                          in a " T r in it y " ?
            T h e M y t h o f t h e " T r in it y " is                       N o I d o n 't
            n o w h e r e t o b e f o u n d in t h e
            B ib le . R e a d C h a p t e r s 1 .2 .1 ,
                         1 .2 .2 , a n d 3
                                                               D o y o u b e lie v e t h a t J e s u s
                                                                                                                               Y es I do
                                                               w a s n o t m o rta l b u t a G o d ?

                                                                            N o I d o n 't                                 R e a d c h a p t e r s 1 .2 .3 , 1 .2 .4 ,
                                                                                                                                           and 3
                                                             W o u ld y o u lik e t o k n o w w h o
                                Y e s I w o u ld
                                                                in v e n t e d t h e " T r in it y " ?


                     R e a d c h a p t e r s 1 .2 .5                        N o I w o u ld n 't
                        u p t o 1 .2 .9 , a n d
                             c h a p te r 3
                                                            D o y o u b e lie v e in t h e " o r ig in a l
                                                                                                                             Y es I do
                                                               s in " t h e " a t t o n e m e n t " a n d
                                                                            "g ra c e " ?

                                                                               N o I d o n 't                         R e a d C h a p t e r s 1 .2 .5 u p t o 1 .2 .9 ,
                                                                                                                                   a n d c h a p te r 4
                                                             D o y o u b e lie v e t h a t t h e B ib le
                                   Y es I do
                                                             h a s n o t b e e n t a m p e r e d w it h
                                                                   a n d n e v e r c o u ld b e ?

                R e a d c h a p te rs 1 .8 , 2 ,                               N o I d o n 't
                          3, and 5

                                                                 D o y o u b e lie v e in " b lin d                      Y es I do
                                                                            fa ith " ?
                                                                               N o I d o n 't
                                                                                                                                 R e a d C h a p t e r s 1 .2 .1 , 3 ,
                                                                                                                                            a n d 5 .3
                                                          W o u ld y o u lik e t o k n o w w h a t t h e
                          Y e s I w o u ld
                                                            Q u r 'a n s a y s a b o u t J e s u s a n d
                                                                C h r is t ia n it y in g e n e r a l ?

                      R e a d c h a p te r 7
                                                                            N o I w o u ld n 't

                                                           D o y o u b e lie v e t h a t J e s u s w a s                      Y es I do
                                                             th e la s t m e s s e n g e r o f G o d ?
                                                                                N o I d o n 't                                 R e a d c h a p te rs 5 & 1 3

                          Y e s I w o u ld                W o u ld y o u lik e t o h e a r w h a t t h e
                                                           a p o s t le s s a y a b o u t S t . P a u l o r
                                                                               Is l a m ?

 R e a d c h a p te r 1 3                                                  N o I w o u ld n 't

                                                            W o u ld y o u lik e t o k n o w if G o d                          y e s I w o u ld
                                                                    w ro t e t h e Q u r 'a n ?
                                                                          N o I w o u ld n 't
                                                                                                                                           R e a d c h a p te rs 9 & 1 3

                          Y e s I w o u ld
                                                            W o u ld y o u lik e t o k n o w m o r e
                                                                       a b o u t Is l a m ?

R e a d c h a p te rs 8 a n d 9                                           N o I w o u ld n 't

           C o n c lu s io n : T h e " T r in it y " , " S o n o f G o d " , " o r ig in a l s in " , " g r a c e " a n d " a t t o n e m e n t " w e r e a ll
            f a b r ic a t e d b y m a n k in d a f t e r t h e d e p a r t u r e o f J e s u s . G o d a lm ig h t y s e n t M o h a m m a d w it h
             Is l a m i n o r d e r t o r e t u r n m a n k in d t o t h e r e li g io n o f J e s u s a n d d is c a r d t h e s e in n o v a t i o n s .

     21 What Did Jesus Really Say?
22 What did Jesus really say?
Definitions and Abbreviations

    Allah: The supreme God of all creation. He is known as “God” or
    “Father” to the Christians, and as “El” or “Yahweh” to the Jews.

    Muhammad: The last messenger of God to all mankind. He was
    the seal of the prophets of God, who included prophets Abraham,
    Noah, Moses, Jesus, and many others.

    Islam: The last message of God to all mankind. It was sent down
    upon prophet Muhammed (pbuh), recorded in broad outlines in the
    Qur’an, and described in detail in the Sunnah. It is an Arabic word
    which means “Submission to God”.
    Qur’an:       The holy book of the Muslims. It consists of 100%
    the word of God and no words of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh),
    his companions, or any human being.

    Sunnah:         The title given to the collection of recorded words
    and actions of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Most of what he
    said or did throughout his lifetime is recorded in the Sunnah.

    pbuh: Means “Peace Be Upon Him”. Used most often in
    reference to prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and also in reference to
    the many other prophets of Allah, such as Noah, Moses, Abraham,
    Jesus, etc.

    pbut: Means “Peace Be Upon Them”. Same as above, but used
    in reference to more than one.

    s.a.w./s.a.s.: Same as “pbuh”. It is an abbreviation of the
    original Arabic words “Salla Allahu alaihi Wa Sallam”, which are
    translated as “peace be upon him” in English.
    OT    Old Testament. The portion of the Bible transmitted by the

    NT: New Testament. The portion of the Bible specific to the
    Christian faith.

23 What Did Jesus Really Say?
Chapter 1: Christian-Muslim Dialogue

          hristians believe that Jesus (pbuh) came to teach all of mankind the religion of
        God and to show them the path to guidance. All mankind is therefore required to
        follow his message and only those who believe in the crucifixion and the
redemption will be saved. They believe that the Jews are also required to convert to
Christianity because they are the most qualified to recognize the word of God and the
signs of Jesus (pbuh) to be found in their own book. The Jews, on the other hand, tell us
that Jesus (pbuh) was not a messenger of God, but rather a false prophet, a sorcerer, an
offspring of adulterers, and many other allegations. They claim that there are no
prophesies of Jesus (pbuh) in their book and that he was not the promised
“Messiah”/”Christ” (anointed one). Their “Messiah” is yet to come. For this reason, they
claim that they are not required by God to follow Jesus (pbuh).

   Muslims believe in both Moses and Jesus (pbut) as prophets of God. They believe that
both Moses and Jesus as well as Noah, Abraham, Jacob, and all of the other prophets of
God were all truthful messengers as well as faithful and faultless servants of God (Allah)
almighty. They also believe in the miracles of Jesus (pbuh) and his miraculous birth.
Muslims believe that each time a messenger of God would pass away, mankind would
begin to slowly fall back upon their evil deeds until they had managed to corrupt His
original message. When this would happen, God almighty would send a new prophet to
renew His original message to these people and return them to the straight path. In this
manner, the true message of God would always be available to all those who searched for
it until the day of judgment. This can be seen in the Bible in such verses as Matthew
5:17-18 we read: “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am
not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth
pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.”

  The Jews know God as “Elohim” or “Yahweh.” The Christians know Him as “God,” or
“Father,” or “Jehovah,” etc.. Muslims know him as “Allah” (and more than 99 other
venerable names). Muslims believe that Allah almighty did not send down many
messages to mankind but only one: The religion of the submission to His will, the
uniqueness of Himself, and the fact that He is the only one worthy of worship. The
details of the religion were molded to suite each individual people, but the message was
one message: “God is one. Worship Him alone!” This is made apparent in the verse of
Aal-Umran(3):84 which states that which means: “Say (O Muhammad): We believe in
Allah, and that which is sent down unto us, and that which was revealed unto
Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the sons of Jacob, and that which
was vouchsafed unto Moses and Jesus and the Prophets from their Lord. We make no
distinction between any of them and unto Him we have surrendered.” Also, in Al-
Nisaa:138 we read that which means “O ye who believe! Believe in Allah and His
messenger, and the Scripture (Qur'an) which he has revealed unto His messenger, and
the Scripture which He revealed aforetime. Whosoever disbelieveth in Allah and His
angels and His Scriptures and His messengers and the last day, he verily has wandered
far astray.”

  Muslims are told in the Qur’an that the unscrupulous few had managed to pervert the
words of God almighty sent down to Jesus (pbuh) and the previous prophets after the
passing of their prophets. The masses were then misled by what was claimed to be 100%
the “inspiration” of God. The changes made by these people have resulted in countless
contradictions between the verses. As we shall see, these contradictions and changes
have been well recognized and documented in the West for centuries now. However,
many of their apologists claim that these people were well meaning and were only trying

24 What did Jesus really say?
to “clarify” that which was obscure and so forth when they changed the word of God (See
chapter 2). Whatever their motives, these apologists conveniently forget the command of
Deuteronomy 4:2 “Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall
ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your
God.” The liberties mankind has taken with God’s previous scriptures are the reason
God sent down the Qur’an as His last message to mankind and took it upon Himself this
time to preserve it for all time from corruption or modification

  Professor Arthur J. Arberry writes: “Apart from certain orthographical modifications
of the originally somewhat primitive method of writing, intended to render unambiguous
and easy the task of reading the recitation, the Koran (Qur’an) as printed in the twentieth
century is identical with the Koran as authorized by Uthman more than 1300 years ago.”

  On the other hand, Mr. C.G. Tucker Says in “The history of the Christians in the light
of modern knowledge” p. 320: “.....Thus Gospels were produced which clearly reflected
the conception of the practical needs of the community for which they were written. In
them the traditional material was used, but there was no hesitation in altering it or
making additions to it, or in leaving out what did not serve the writer’s purpose.”

   Mr. C.J. Cadoux has the following to say in his book “The life of Jesus” : “In the four
Gospels, therefore, the main documents to which we must go if we are to fill-out at all
that bare sketch which we can put together from other sources, we find material of widely
differing quality as regards credibility. So far-reaching is the element of uncertainty that
it is tempting to ‘down tools’ at once, and to declare the task hopeless. The historical
inconsistencies and improbabilities in parts of the Gospels form some of the arguments
advanced in favor of the Christ-myth theory. These are, however, entirely outweighed- as
we have shown- by other considerations. Still the discrepancies and uncertainties that
remain are serious- and consequently many moderns who have no doubt whatever of
Jesus’ real existence, regard as hopeless any attempt to dissolve out of the historically-
true from the legendary or mythical matter which the Gospels contain, and to reconstruct
the story of Jesus’ mission out of the more historical residue” .

  Prof. J.R. Drummelow says in Commentary on the Holy Bible, page 16: “A copyist
would sometimes put in not what was in the text, but what he thought ought to be in it. He
would trust a fickle memory, or he would make the text accord with the views of the
school to which he belonged. In addition to the versions and quotations from the
Christian Fathers, nearly four thousand Greek MSS of the Testament, were known to
exist. As a result , the variety of reading is considerable.”

  Before this book was written, I had published a series of articles in a local publication
which had been progressing slowly from exhibiting some of the more minor examples of
human modification of the Bible, such as the fact that the authors of the Bible are not who
they claim to be, and had been working up to more fundamental issues. One of our
readers (whom we shall henceforth refer to only as Mr. J), asked us to publish his
viewpoint in our publication.

  Unlike this lowly author, Mr. J. is a “professional” Christian in the sense that preaching
Christianity is his job. He is a very devout Christian. He also has a history of strong
evangelical activity. Mr. J made himself known to us through written letters to us, calls
to our Muslim chaplain, and his appearance before us on other occasions wherein he

   25 What Did Jesus Really Say?
called upon us to believe in Jesus (pbuh) and to accept his sacrifice (some of this long
before we started our series of articles). We have since come to know each other quite
well and have managed to remain friendly and outgoing towards one another even with
our differing beliefs. However, the fact that this author is not a “professional” religious
person or a professional preacher, but rather a simple graduate science student, has made
it necessary to schedule these matters around other more immediate scholarly concerns.
It was first and foremost the will of Allah, then the continuous evangelical activity of Mr.
J. and his claims against Islam which forced me to step up my research of the Bible and
publish this book. I therefore thank Allah almighty that he sent Mr. J. to me as a blessing
in disguise.

  Mr. J believes that the examples presented do not affect the founding beliefs of
Christianity and had provided us with literature by men such as Mr. F.F. Bruce stating
such things as “....Does it matter whether the New Testament documents are reliable or
not? Is it so very important that we should be able to accept them as truly historical
records?” and also”......the story of Jesus as it has come down to us may be myth or
legend, but the teaching ascribed to him- Whether he was actually responsible for it or
not - has a value all it’s own,” and so forth. Muslims know for a fact that Jesus (pbuh)
was neither a myth nor a legend but a true prophet of God, but we do feel that an inspired
book of God should contain no contradictions, historical or otherwise. For this reason we
do not believe that his book has reached us as it was originally submitted by him.

  Mr. J believes that such matters as knowing the true authors of the books of the Bible
are not crucial to a Christian’s faith and has challenged us to prove that a Christian’s
basic faith is at all in error. In compliance with his request, we sent him four very brief
questions concerning the founding beliefs of Christianity. We asked him to provide us
with carefully researched and weighed answers to these questions. They were:

1) IS THERE A TRINITY? If so then please present us with as many Biblical
  references as you possibly can and briefly explain it’s fundamental concept.

2) Is the great and faithful messenger of Allah, Jesus the son of Mary (peace be upon
  them both), the PHYSICAL (BEGOTTEN/SIRED ...etc.) SON OF ALLAH OR
  NOT? If he is, then give us as many biblical references as you possibly can. If not
  then why does the majority of Christendom believe that he is the
  physical/begotten/sired son of Allah?

3) Did Jesus (pbuh) HIMSELF ever say in the bible “I am a god!,” or “Worship
  me!”? If so then give us as many Biblical references as possible. If not, then why
  does the majority of Christendom believe that he is a god (not a mortal), and the
  son of God? Jesus (pbuh) is invoked daily as God to forgive sins, cast out devils,
  and generally sought after in prayer. UPON WHO’S AUTHORITY do Christians
  believe that Jesus (pbuh) is God? Jesus (pbuh) or others? Give as many
  references as possible.

4) If it can be proven, through the Bible, that Jesus (pbuh) is not God, nor the
  physical/begotten/sired son of God, neither is there any trinity, then will this prove
  that the unscrupulous few have corrupted the word of God or not?

26 What did Jesus really say?
What we were looking for was not flowery sermons on belief and blind faith, but only
plain vanilla proof from the Bible itself that Christ (pbuh) himself ever had anything to do
with the current beliefs of “Christianity.” Muslims believe that Jesus (pbuh) was one of
the most pious and elect messengers of God almighty for all time. However, they do not
believe that he is himself a god, the physical son of God, nor do they believe in a
“trinity,” but only in the uniqueness of God almighty, that He is the only God in existence
and the only being worthy of worship. Muslims also do not believe in an original sin or
an atonement but believe that an individual’s actions are the only things that will decide
his final abode, either in heaven or in hell. This is the reason why God almighty sent
Muhammad (pbuh); In order to rectify these misconceptions which have crept into His
previous message. We can find no more fundamental differences between Islam and
Christianity than these. Mr. J’s response follows:

   27 What Did Jesus Really Say?
1.1 Christian Perspective

  It is my great privilege and pleasure to have been invited to address the readers (of this
publication) on some of the most important distinctions between Christianity and Islam.
Four questions have been proposed as a means of clarifying the Biblical perspective in
relation to the series of articles on Jesus and Christianity that appeared last semester.

  As I see it, all four questions essentially come together in one basic question: Who is
Jesus? The answer to that question, and the heart of the message that has been proclaimed
by followers of Jesus since His advent, is that “you may believe that Jesus is the Christ,
the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.” (John 20:31).
  Addressing each of these questions may now help clarify this historic Christian

1. Is there a Trinity?

  The Biblical teaching of God's essential nature, summarized in the word “trinity,” rests
largely on our understanding of the identity of Jesus, a question I will take up in some
length under question #3.

 At this point, perhaps a demonstration that the terminology for the doctrine of the
Trinity is found throughout the New Testament:

* “therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit...” (Matthew 28:19).

* “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of
service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works
all of them in all men.” (I Corinthians 12:4-6).

* “May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the
Holy Spirit be with you all.” (II Corinthians 13:14).

* “But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy
Spirit. Keep yourselves in God's love as you wait for the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ
to bring you to eternal life.” (Jude 20-21).

  The doctrine of the Trinity is perhaps best understood in terms of Christian salvation.
Christian believe that God the Father wills that we be reconciled to Him from sin, and
that He sent the Son, Who in His perfect life and substitutionary death provides the basis
of that reconciliation, and that the Father now, in Jesus' name, sends the Holy Spirit, Who
applies the salvation of Jesus to the Christian believers, thus saving them and
empowering them to live lives of victory over sin. Thus is the Christian’s experience and
assurance of salvation in terms of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Yet they
absolutely believe that there is only one God. How do we put this together? This is

28 What did Jesus really say?
where the word “trinity” comes in. It expresses this truth about God as it is found in the

  This is certainly not an exhaustive explanation, but it may help to demonstrate the
significance of the doctrine in practical Christian life.

2. Is Jesus the physical (begotten/sired) son of God?

  Jesus is presented in the New Testament as the Son of God by virtue of His unique
eternal relationship with the Father and by means of His unique virgin birth. We need to
understand, then, how Jesus is the Son of God. The New Testament tells us how:

  This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be
married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through
the Holy Spirit. Because Joseph her husband was a righteous man and did not want to
expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.

  But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and
said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because
what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are
to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. (Matthew

  The question as stated implies that Jesus is somehow the result of a physical union
between God and Mary, but this is not at all the case. Jesus' birth is a miraculous event
through the agency of the Holy Spirit. Thus the Son's deity is incarnated, or made flesh; in
this Jesus is the “God-man”

  Begotten is the old English word that, while in human terms means to have a child, the
emphasis even there is that what a human father “begets' shares in the essential nature of
that father. It is in this sense that the King James translates the Greek word monogenes as
“begotten ; Jesus shares the essential nature of the Father, but rather through some
physical act, but a supernatural one.

3. Did Jesus Himself ever say in the Bible “I am God!” or “worship me!”?

  What makes Jesus stand out from all other religious figures is the nature of His claims
about Himself. He claims the prerogatives of God, the rightful object of a person's
supreme allegiance, and receives with out censure the worship and obedience of those
who believe.

 A number of examples may help to illustrate this:

   29 What Did Jesus Really Say?
A. Forgiveness of sins

  In Mark 2:1-12, we read the account of Jesus healing a crippled man. What is so
surprising, and so shocking to His original audience, is the statement that Jesus makes
before healing the man.

  As Jesus sees a group of men bring the paralytic to Him, Mark records the scene:

  When Jesus saw their faith , he said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”

  Now some teachers of the law were sitting there, thinking to themselves, “Why does
this fellow talk like that? He's blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?”
Immediately Jesus knew in his spirit that this was what they were thinking in their hearts,
and he said to them, “Why are you thinking these things? Which is easier: to say to the
paralytic, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Get up, take your mat and walk'? But that
you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins...” He said to the
paralytic, “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.” He got up, took his mat and
walked out in full view of them all.

B. Titles

 Jesus in the Gospels appropriates two significant titles throughout His ministry:

1. The Son of Man

  This is the title that Jesus Himself uses most frequently. It is a Messianic title derived
from the Old Testament book of Daniel. When we read the passage in Daniel, the implicit
claim that Jesus is making about Himself becomes apparent:

  In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming
with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his
presence. He (the son of man) was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all
peoples, nations and men of every language worshipped him. His dominion is an
everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be
destroyed. (Daniel 7:13-14).

2. The Son of God

 At His trial Jesus affirmed this title: Again the high priest asked him, “Are you the
Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?” “I am,” said Jesus. And you will see the Son of
Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.
(Mark 14:61-63).

C. Jesus' direct claims

30 What did Jesus really say?
At the climax of a lengthy argument, Jesus speaks of Himself: “Your father Abraham
rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad..” “You are not yet fifty
years old,” the Jews said to him, “and you have seen Abraham!” “I tell you the truth,”
Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!” At this, they picked up stones to stone
him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds.” (John 8:56-59).

  The shock of this claim are those two words “I am.” It is the same designation that God
used for Himself in His call to Moses: God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is
what you are to say to the Israelites: 'I AM has sent me to you.'“ (Exodus 3:14).

D. Jesus receives worship

  Jesus heard that they had thrown him out, and when he found him, Jesus said, “Do you
believe in the Son of Man?” “Who is he, sir?” the man asked. “Tell me so that I may
believe in him..” Jesus said, “You have now seen him; in fact, he is the one speaking
with you..” Then the man said, “Lord. I believe,” and he worshipped him.” (John 9:35-

  Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to
go. When they saw him, they worshipped him... (Matthew 28:16-17).

E. Jesus accepts divine entitlement

  In what is a clear dialogue between Jesus and “Doubting” Thomas, we read: Then
Jesus said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put
it into my side. Stop doubting and believe..” Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my
God!” Then Jesus held him,” Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are
those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:27-29).

  Does Jesus say, “I am God”? No, because that would have been misunderstood. Jesus is
not the Father (as it would have been thought), Jesus is the Son. But He clearly claims an
absolutely unique relationship with God whom Jesus calls 'Father.” Jesus claims
something about Himself that, through the various miracles, His statements as cited
above, and the response He receives from other people, is slowly filled-out, and the
meaning of His Sonship becomes clear.

  In the very opening of his Gospel, the Apostle John presents Jesus as “the Word” and
provides perhaps the clearest explanation of the identity of Jesus, the meaning of the
incarnation, and a further glimpse into the reality of the Trinity:

  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him
nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men.
The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the

   31 What Did Jesus Really Say?
glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:1-
4; 14).

4. If it can be proven, through the Bible, that Jesus is not God, nor the
physical/begotten/sired son of God, neither is there any trinity, then will this prove that
the unscrupulous few have corrupted the word of God?

  The Christian message about Jesus revolves around three facts: the incarnation, the
crucifixion, and the resurrection. Prove from the Bible or otherwise that any one of these
three things are not true, and like a three-legged stool the truth of the message would

  Most “proofs” against the traditional teachings of Christianity consist of pitting one
passage of Scripture against another, and almost always taking such passages out of
context. Context, I believe, always vindicates the understanding of God and of Jesus as I
have here tried to briefly present.

  I would conclude, then, with an encouragement for the readers to read the Bible,
particularly one of the Gospels, for themselves. There, I believe, the words and works of
Jesus would provide a most convincing reason to embrace Him as Lord and Savior, and
find in Him the spiritual satisfaction that so many today seek after.

32 What did Jesus really say?
1.2 Muslim Perspective

  (Note: the rest of chapter one is an expansion of the original response to Mr. J’s letter)
      hank you Mr. J for your most thought provoking letter. In what is to follow I have
    striven to avoid objectionable or disrespectful wording. This is an academic exchange
    and not a slug-fest. I am however human. If one or two cases have slipped by me
then I apologize in advance for them. They were not intentional. I also realize that this is
quite a lengthy response for someone to read in one sitting. However, I ask the reader to
try to do so and not to pass judgment until they have managed to receive a complete
picture. Now, the response:

  The three monotheistic religions -- Judaism, Christianity, and Islam-- all purport to
share one fundamental concept: belief in God as the Supreme Being, the Creator and
Sustainer of the Universe. Known as “Tawhid” in Islam, this concept of Oneness of God
was stressed by Moses in the Biblical passage Known as the “Shema,” or the Jewish
creed of faith: “Hear, O Israel The Lord our God is one Lord” (Deuteronomy 6:4)

  It was repeated word-for-word approximately 1500 years later by Jesus when he said
“...The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; the Lord our God is one
Lord.” (Mark 12:29)

  Muhammad came along approximately 600 years later, bringing the same message
again: “And your God is One God: there is no God but He” (The Qur'an, al-

  Christianity has digressed from the concept of the Oneness of God, however, into a
vague and mysterious doctrine that was formulated during the fourth century CE (see
historical details in chapter 2.2.5). This doctrine, which continues to be the source of
controversy both within and without the Christian religion, is known as the Doctrine of
the Trinity. Simply put, the Christian doctrine of the Trinity states that God is the union
of three divine persons - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - in one divine being.

  Christian sects are many and varied. However, the majority of Christians around the
world believe in the following four basic concepts: 1) The Trinity, 2) The divine Sonship
of Jesus (pbuh), 3) The original sin, and 4) The death of “the son of God” on the cross in
atonement for the original sin of Adam. Everything else is pretty much relegated into the
background. A Christian can be saved and enter heaven by simply believing in the above
creeds. According to St. Paul, the previous law and commandments of God are
worthless, this simple belief will guarantee for all comers a place in heaven “Therefore
we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.” Romans 3:28.

  Christianity as it currently stands is the interpretation of St. Paul of what he personally
thinks that Christianity should be. Muslims are told that the message of Jesus (pbuh) was
directed towards the Jews alone as verified in the Bible (Matthew 15:24 “But he
answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel”). The

   33 What Did Jesus Really Say?
verses wherein he is claimed to have told his disciples to preach to the whole world are
now recognized as later insertions (we will get into this in a little more detail in chapter
6.10). God almighty never intended for it to become the religion of the masses as He
intended Islam to be. There is much internal evidence in the Bible to support this claim.

  Christianity as it stands today has been reduced to an interpretation of the words of
Jesus (pbuh) within the context of what Paul taught rather than the other way around
which is the way it should be. We would expect Christianity to be the teachings of Jesus
(pbuh) and that the words of Paul and everyone else would be accepted or rejected
according to their conformity to these “Jesuit” teachings. However, we will notice in
what follows that Jesus (pbuh) never in his lifetime mentioned an original sin, or an
atonement. He never asked anyone to worship him, neither did he ever claim to be part of
a trinity or anything else. His words and actions are those of a loyal messenger of God
who faithfully and faultlessly followed the commands of his Lord and only told his
followers to do the same and to worship God alone (John 4:21, John 4:23, Matthew 4:10,
Luke 4:8 ...etc.).

  Just one of the countless examples of this placement of the words of Paul above the
words of Jesus can be seen in the following analysis: Jesus (pbuh) is claimed to have
been prepared for his sacrifice on the cross from the beginning of time and was a willing
victim (otherwise they would have to claim that God is a sadistic and torturous God).
However, whenever Jesus (pbuh) was asked about the path to “eternal life” he
consistently told his followers to only “keep the commandments” and nothing more
(Luke 18:18-24, Matthew 19:16-21, John 14:15, John 15:10). Not once did he himself
ever mention an original sin or a redemption. Even when pressed for the path to
“PERFECTION” he only told his followers to sell their belongings. He departed leaving
his followers with the very dire threat: Matthew 5:18-19 “For verily I say unto you, Till
heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be
fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall
teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever
shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”
Obviously, heaven and earth have not yet passed. The fact that you are reading this book
bears witness to this very simple fact. So Jesus (pbuh) is telling us that so long as
creation exists, the commandments will be required from his followers. Anyone who will
dare to say otherwise, until the end of time, will be called “the least in the kingdom of
heaven.” Jesus (pbuh) had foreseen mankind’s attempt to distort and annul his
commandments (the commandments of Moses, pbuh), which he had taught his followers
to keep and himself had kept faithfully till the crucifixion, and was warning his followers
in no uncertain terms to be wary of all those who would attempt to do so.

  Not long after, Jesus departs. Now Saul of Tarsus (St. Paul), a man who never met
Jesus (pbuh), comes along. After a lifetime of persecuting the followers of Jesus (pbuh)
and killing them, Paul “sees the light,” receives a “vision” from Jesus (pbuh), and takes it
upon himself to explain what Jesus really meant. Paul claims that the law of God is
worthless, decaying and ready to vanish away and faith in the crucifixion is the only

34 What did Jesus really say?
requirement for a Christian to enter heaven (Romans 3:28, Hebrews 8:13...etc.). Who do
Christians listen to, Jesus or Paul? They listen to Paul. They take the words of Paul
literally and then “interpret” the words of Jesus (pbuh) within the context of the words of
Paul. No one takes the words of Jesus (pbuh) literally and explains the words of Paul
within the context of Jesus’ words.

  According to this system of explaining the words of Jesus within the context of Paul’s
teachings, Jesus never actually means what he says but is constantly speaking in riddles
which are not to be taken literally. Even when people attempt to cite the words of Jesus
as confirming the teachings of Paul with regard to the original sin, the atonement, the
divine Sonship ...etc. they never bring clear and decisive words where Jesus actually
confirms these things. Instead, they say such things as “When Jesus spoke of the Exodus
he was really speaking of the atonement” or so forth. Are we to believe that Paul is the
only one who can say what is on his mind clearly and decisively while Jesus (pbuh) is not
capable of articulating what he means clearly and decisively but requires interpreters to
explain the “true” meaning of what he said, and to explain how, when he spoke of the
commandments, he was not talking of “the commandments” but of a spiritual
commandment and that they will now tell you what this spiritual commandment is that
Jesus never managed to talk clearly about.

  It is interesting to note that Jesus was not talking in riddles when he commanded his
followers to keep the commandments but was talking of the actual physical
commandments of Moses. This can be clearly seen by reading for instance Luke 18:20
where Jesus spells out in no uncertain terms what he means by “keep the
commandments.” In the past, we have posed the following points to Christian clergy:
1) According to you, Jesus is supposed to have been prepared for the “atonement” from
   the beginning of time. He should know that it is coming.
2) Whenever he was asked about the path to “eternal life” (i.e. Luke 18:18-24 ..etc.) he
   consistently told his followers to only “keep the commandments” just as he had “kept
   my father’s commandments” ..etc.
3) Even when he was pressed for more, he only told his followers that to be PERFECT
   they need only sell their belongings.
4) Not once did he mention an “atonement” or and “original sin.”
5) The commandments he spoke about were the commandments of Moses and not some
   “spiritual” commandments. This can be seen in the text itself where Jesus (pbuh)
   explicitly spells out some of the commandments of Moses one by one.
6) St. Paul, a disciple of a disciple, is the one who is followed by Christianity and not
   Jesus. Jesus’ teachings are explained within the context of Paul’s teachings and not
   vice versa.

   Whenever we presented these points to a member of the Christian clergy we would
always be greeted with a response such as “Well, uh... Don’t take Jesus’ words literally

   35 What Did Jesus Really Say?
Getting back to the matter at hand, the reader will notice in Mr. J’s response a
surprising absence of certain very fundamental verses usually quoted by any Christian
man or woman off the street in defense of the “trinity” and other issues. The reader may
further surmise that Mr. J might not be well versed enough in the Bible to have referred to
these verses. This is far from the case. His occupation requires that he know those
verses. The fact of the matter is that we have had an ongoing correspondence with Mr. J
for a number of months now which he has now asked us to publicize. In this
correspondence, many of these fundamental verses were dealt with in detail and refuted
for various reasons. This is why he did not quote them here. However, in order that all
may benefit from this information we will quote these same verses that he has elected not
to. We will also tackle the other verses he has presented.

36 What did Jesus really say?

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  • 2. OPEN LICENSE The author of this book hereby grants an open license to all interested parties to reproduce this publication in any quantity desired, and to distribute it to any parties they may desire, so long as said reproduction remains a faithful and complete copy of the original without addition, deletion, modification, or any other changes whatsoever unless explicitly authorized in writing by the author. The author also reserves the right to deny this open license to any parties whom he deems have abused it in any way. Any party or parties believed to have abused this privilege will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The author also forbids any and all parties from making monetary gain from this book with the exception of recouping the costs of printing, shipment, and general administrative costs alone with no profit whatsoever unless explicitly authorized in writing by the author. The author reserves the right to deny this open license to any and all parties he wishes without justification or notification if he deems this necessary. In other words, if you have honorable intentions then you have nothing to fear. Copyright and ISBN number filed and pending ©Copyright 1995, Misha’al Al-Kadhi
  • 3. The great messenger of God, Jesus, says: “And this is life eternal, that they might know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” John 17:3 iii What Did Jesus Really Say?
  • 5. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Do not over-praise me as the Christians over-praised Jesus the son of Mary. I am His slave, so say: ‘Allah's slave and messenger’.” Narrated by both Al-Bukhari and Muslim v What Did Jesus Really Say?
  • 6. Table of Contents Preface ........................................................................................................................................................... 8 Goal of this book......................................................................................................................................... 14 Follow this chart from Christianity to Islam............................................................................................ 21 Table of Definitions and Abbreviations ......................................................................... 23 Chapter 1 Christian-Muslim Dialogue ...........................................................24 1.1 Christian Perspective ....................................................................................................... 28 1.2 Muslim Perspective .......................................................................................................... 33 1.2.1 'Blind faith' or 'Prove all things'? ...................................................................................................... 37 1.2.2 The 'Trinity', or 1+1+1=1 ................................................................................................................. 38 From the Bible's standpoint ............................................................................................................ 38 From the Qur'an's standpoint .......................................................................................................... 44 From a logical standpoint ............................................................................................................... 45 1.2.3 The 'Son of God' ............................................................................................................................... 48 1.2.4 'Worship Me! ' .................................................................................................................................. 61 1.2.5 Historical origin of the 'Trinity' myth ............................................................................................... 64 1.2.6 The systematic destruction of the law of Jesus ................................................................................. 73 1.2.7 Christianity’s True Founder, Paul, Admits Fabrication .................................................................... 76 1.2.8 What is a 'Trinity'?............................................................................................................................ 89 1.2.9 Conclusion........................................................................................................................................ 91 Chapter 2 Contradictions in the Bible ...........................................................93 2.1 Christian scholars recognize contradictions................................................................. 93 2.2 A small sampling of these contradictions.................................................................... 102 2.3 Did mankind tamper with the Old Testament? ......................................................... 122 2.4 When is a book an ‘inspired’ book? ............................................................................ 130 Chapter 3 Ancient Pagan parallels to Christianity.................................................135 Chapter 4 Jesus' second coming and the myth of 'Grace' .....................................144 Chapter 5 Various Miscellanea .....................................................................147 5.1 A Biblical Picture of God.............................................................................................. 147 5.2 My grandfather did it (or: Is King David Going to Hell?)........................................ 150 5.3 Poison yourself or be damned ...................................................................................... 151 5.4 Who's will is stronger? ................................................................................................. 151 5.5 Who bears the sin? ........................................................................................................ 152 5.6 Like Jesus prayed .......................................................................................................... 156 5.7 Like Jesus' greeting....................................................................................................... 156 5.8 Black slaves and Christian misinterpretation of the Bible........................................ 157 5.9 Melchizedek, A god greater than Jesus?..................................................................... 158 5.10 The Ultimate Test of Jesus ........................................................................................... 161 6 What did Jesus really say?
  • 7. 5.11 Who Was ‘Immanuel’?................................................................................................. 163 5.12 Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani........................................................................................... 165 5.13 Hiding the Miracles....................................................................................................... 166 5.14 Was ‘Christ’ a ‘Christian’?.......................................................................................... 167 Chapter 6 Mohammad in the Bible ...............................................................169 Error! Not a valid heading level in TOC entry on page 171 6.2 Grave warnings for all who do not follow him............................................................ 174 6.3 Three distinct prophesies............................................................................................... 174 6.4 Foretells the story of the chapter of 'Al-Alak'............................................................. 175 6.5 The emigration................................................................................................................ 179 6.6 Truthfulness of Mohammad (pbuh) ............................................................................. 179 6.7 Isaiah's vision.................................................................................................................. 180 6.8 Legitimacy of Hagar and Ishmael ................................................................................ 183 6.9 Reference to Moses, Jesus, & Muhammad in that order ........................................... 191 6.10 Jesus predicts the coming of Muhammad.................................................................... 193 6.11 God did not kill Muhammad for speaking in His name ............................................. 197 6.12 Glorifies Jesus (pbuh) .................................................................................................... 198 6.13 A Paraclete like Jesus..................................................................................................... 198 Chapter 7 Jesus in the Qur'an ........................................................................210 Chapter 8 What is Islam ...........................................................................................221 Chapter 9 Islamic faith: Some details ......................................................................233 Chapter 10 Scientific Statements in the Holy Qur'an ................................252 Chapter 11 ‘We’ an Arabic plural of respect .............................................................264 Chapter 12 Women in Christianity and Islam..........................................................266 Chapter 13 1992:The Dead Sea Scrolls confirm the Qur’an...................................274 Chapter 14 Additional references..............................................................................288 Self-Test Section........................................................................................................................................ 290 7 What Did Jesus Really Say?
  • 8.  Preface “V erily! the likeness of Jesus with Allah/God is as the likeness of Adam. He created him of dust, then He said unto him: Be! and he was. (This is) the truth from your Lord (O Muhammad), so be not you of those who waver. And whosoever disputes with you concerning him, after the knowledge which has come unto you, say (unto him): Come! We will summon our sons and your sons, and our women and your women, and ourselves and yourselves, then we will pray humbly (to our Lord) and (solemnly) invoke the curse of Allah upon those who lie. Verily! This is the true narrative. There is no god save Allah, and verily! Allah is the Mighty, the Wise. And if they turn away, then Verily! Allah is Aware of the corrupters. Say: O People of the Scripture. Come to a word that is just between us and you: that we shall worship none but Allah, and that we shall ascribe no partners unto Him, and that we shall not take each other for lords beside Allah. And if they turn away, then say: Bear witness that we are they who have surrendered (unto Him)(literally: “we are Muslims”).” The Qur’an, A’al-Umran(3)59-64. “I have read in Moslem writings such deep and tender expressions of respect and reverence for Jesus that for the time I almost forgot, I was not reading the words of a Christian writer. How different, it is sad to say, has been the way in which Christians have spoken and written of Muhammad. Let us put it down to it’s true cause, ignorance” Reverend R. Maxwell King In the name of Allah, most beneficent, most merciful. I give all thanks to Allah for His bounties and knowledge and that He has guided me to Islam. I also ask Allah almighty that He bestow his peace and blessings upon Muhammad and grant him the highest rewards and exalted stations in Heaven. Further, I ask Allah almighty that He grant His peace and blessings upon all of His prophets from the beginning of time, including Adam, Abraham, Noah, Moses, David, and Jesus, as well as all of the countless others, peace be upon them all, may their names be held in the highest honor for all time. I feel that this book is best described as my own humble attempt at the compilation and collection of the life long works of many famous and knowledgeable scholars and writers. My contribution to this book has probably been restricted to the collection of these works in one publication. So, as they say, I hereby give credit where credit is due. Among these authors are such people as Shaik Ahmed Deedat, Shaik Rahmat-Allah ibn Khaleel al- Rahman al-Hindi, Dr. Jamal Badawi, Mr. Muhammad `Ata ur-Rahim, Mr. Akbarally Meherally, Shaik Shams al-Deen ibn Kayyem Al-Jawziah, Dr. Muhammad Ali alkhuli, Mrs. Ulaft Aziz-us-Samad, Dr. Ahmad Dawood Al-Mizjaji, and Mr. M. A. Yusseff to name a few. To these individuals I dedicate this book. I also dedicate this book to my mother who always taught me to have tolerance and an open mind, and to my father, who taught me to continually seek out knowledge as long as I may live. Muslims are encouraged to study and gain knowledge and to base their worship upon knowledge and not just faith. Abu-Darda said: I heard the messenger of Allah (pbuh) say: “If anyone travels on a road in search of knowledge, Allah/God will cause him to travel on one of the roads of Paradise. The angels will lower their wings in their great pleasure with one who seeks knowledge, the inhabitants of the heavens and the Earth and the fish in the deep waters will ask forgiveness for the learned man. The superiority of the learned man over the devout is like that of the moon, on the night when it is full, over the rest of the stars. The learned are the heirs of the Prophets, and 8 What did Jesus really say?
  • 9. the Prophets leave neither dinar nor dirham (kinds of currency), leaving only knowledge, and he who takes it takes an abundant portion.” (narrated by Abu Dawood). Muslims are also encouraged to study other religions and to compare them to Islam. They are commanded to never be among those who accept Islam on blind faith or in conformance to the current trend in their society. Rather, they are commanded to make up their own minds and to enter into Islam with their eyes wide open, after they have thoroughly tested it’s validity as the command of God. “There is no compulsion in religion. The right path is henceforth distinct from misguidance” The Qur’an, Al- Bakarah(2):256. It was because of the above reasons that, upon my arrival in the United States in 1992, I decided to spend my spare time researching Christianity. I did this in order to verify the affirmations of the Qur’an with regard to mankind’s distortion of the Gospels. If the Qur’an did indeed prove to have fabricated lies against the Bible then I would know that it was not the word of God. I therefore set about purchasing many different “versions” of the Bible such as the Revised Standard Version (RSV), the King James Version (KJV or Authorized version), and so forth. I also purchased many Christian Biblical references as well as some Islamic references. Armed with this cache of information I set about my task and as the Bible puts it “Prove all things, hold fast that which is good.” 1 Thessalonians 5:21. Before, during, and after all of this I was continually being asked by various people about Islam. Many allegations were presented against Muhammad (pbuh) and Islam in general. I began to notice a basic trend of general ignorance of the fundamental teachings of Islam as well a tendency when cornered to invoke “Blind faith,” or to attempt to explain practically every single discrepancy in the Bible through abstraction and applying hidden meanings to every verse which did not set well with them. The general tendency was to reject the words of the Qur’an, even before bothering to read them, because they are the words of “some Bedouin Arab out of the desert” (Having themselves forgotten that Jesus, Moses, and ALL of the other prophets of the Bible, peace be upon them all, came from practically the exact same locale), not to accept the words of Islamic scholars because they are biased, not to accept the words of Christian scholars because they are “Liberals,” and not even to accept obvious discrepancies and contradictions between the verses of the Bible because of “blind faith” and because “If you do not take the verses so literally but give them the following abstract meaning then they will not contradict one another...” and so forth (see chapter 2.2). I felt that a belief that constantly needed people to make excuses for it and that demanded blind faith without understanding was not for me. Thus, I managed to prove to myself the validity of the affirmations of the Qur’an. In the Qur’an, we are told that mankind changed the message of Jesus (pbuh) after his departure. The Qur’an further states that if a book of God has been tampered with by the hands of mankind then this tampering will be recognizable by the inevitable contradictions which will result from this tampering. God says in the Qur’an: “Do they not consider the Qur’an (with care)? Had it been from other than Allah, they would have surely found therein much discrepancy.” Al-Nissa(4):82. The Bible itself also testifies to the fact that a false witness will inevitably result in contradictions and discrepancy: “For many bare false witness against him(Jesus), but their witness agreed not together.” Mark 14:56 I began to search for a comprehensive reference on the fundamental differences between Islam and Christianity such as the “trinity,” the “incarnation,” the “atonement,” and the “original sin.” I was, however, surprised to find none. The information is out 9 What Did Jesus Really Say?
  • 10. there, however, it is distributed throughout countless books, booklets, pamphlets and the like. From the Christian side, I had at first expected my research to involve a slow and painful search through obscure ancient documents. This did not prove to be the case. Once I began to look for the truth, I was practically overwhelmed by a veritable avalanche of Christian studies all leading to the same conclusion: That St. Paul, a man who had never met Jesus (pbuh) personally, and the author of the majority of the books of the New Testament, had seriously corrupted the teachings of Jesus (pbuh) and substituted them with his own “version” of Christianity totally in opposition to that which Jesus (pbuh) and his apostles had taught their followers. I was astounded to see that even with the many thousands of Christian publications, from eminent Christian scholars, which, to one degree or another readily admit these facts, still, Christianity as a whole is all but ignorant of these matters. I therefore undertook to collect this information into a series of articles which were published on a very limited scale inside the university I was studying at at the time. After having completed these articles I decided to collect them into one handy reference with the core information having being collected from external sources but having been reorganized into what I believe to be a more intuitive and useful order. In some cases, I have found myself unable to improve upon the wording and layout of other authors, so I have shamelessly copied their words almost verbatim. However, I believe that such straight copying has been confined to less than 5% of the content of this book and has been restricted to the writings of the first four of the aforementioned authors as well as Shaik Muhammad Al-Uthaimeen. Once again, credit where credit is due. Countless thousands of books have been published by Christian scholars on the topic of the various contradictions in the Bible. It has been my experience, however, that most of these books have gone one of two different routes: Either they try to (1) Reconcile every single discrepancy through abstraction and so forth, and when they are presented with two conflicting versions of one story in the Bible they simply choose the one they personally prefer and claim the other was a scribal error, or (2) They claim that Jesus (pbuh) was no more than a legend and a myth, and that the Bible, the apostles, and even Jesus himself were only figments of someone’s imagination. This book, however, goes a different route, that of Islam and the holy Qur’an. In this book it is demonstrated that Jesus (pbuh) was indeed a true prophet of God but that his message was corrupted by those who came after him for personal gain. It also demonstrates how the Bible, even after all of this tampering, still contains the message of Jesus (pbuh) for those who truly place the words of Jesus (pbuh) above those of all of mankind without exception. I do not deceive myself. This book will never be the definitive answer to all questions. There are just too many Christian sects for one book to be able to address the beliefs of them all. However, I hope that this book will at least get people to think and get them interested enough that they may go out, read the Bible and the Qur’an carefully, and seek knowledge for themselves. If I manage to accomplish this then I have done my job. There are many other things I would like to say but I must keep the size of this book under some semblance of control. I have therefore spent most of my efforts speaking about comparative religion between Islam and Christianity in order to prove the truthfulness of the affirmations of the Qur’an and that it was indeed sent by the same God that sent Jesus (pbuh). If I could add one more chapter I would probably speak in a little more detail about the Dead Sea Scrolls, as well as about Islam and science and discuss some of the scientific statements made in the Qur’an which are only beginning to be verified today (By independent non-Muslim scientists). Anyone wishing to obtain further information on this topic, however, will find the following books to be extremely useful and informative: 10 What did Jesus really say?
  • 11. 1) Qur’an and modern science: Correlation Studies, by Keith L. Moore, Abdul-Majeed A. Zindani, Mustafa A. Ahmed 2) The Developing Human, By Dr. Keith Moore. 3) The Bible, the Qur’an and science (book), by Dr. Maurice Bucaille. 4) The Qur’an and modern science (booklet), by Dr. Maurice Bucaille. I would also like to point out that the “referencing” system employed in this book still needs some work in order to bring it in line with more accepted modern norms, however, that will have to be left to another day. I believe that it’s current form is adequate for a first version, and by Allah’s will, this issue will be dealt with in the future. I would like to make a couple of matters clear from the outset so that there will be no misunderstanding as to my beliefs and/or intentions: 1) Muslims do not hate Christians nor harbor ill will against them. This is a common misconception in the West about Muslims. My intent is only to counter the continuous and unrelenting onslaught of hatred and slander Muslims are constantly being bombarded with in the West. I have found that this is a direct result of the Western media’s campaign to portray all Muslims in the worst possible light and to ensure that the general pubic never hears the words “Muslim” or “Islam” unless it is associated with the words “fundamentalist,” “extremist,” “terrorist,” “gorilla,” “underground,” “death squad,” and so forth. This is especially the case since the fall of the Soviet Union. Suddenly, there appears to be a need for a new “bad guy”, since there are roughly 1.2 billion Muslims around the world today, therefore, Muslims were chosen as the prime candidates for this position. Muslims are told in the Qur’an: “..and nearest among them (mankind) in love to the believers (Muslims) will you find those who say 'we are Christians': because among these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant” The Qur’an, Al-Maidah(5):82. “The people of the book” are also singled out by God in the Qur’an to receive the following treatment: “And argue not with the people of the book unless it be in (a way) which is better (than mere arguing), except with such of them that do wrong, and say (to them): ‘We believe in that which had been revealed to us and revealed to you, and our God and your God is One, and to Him we have submitted (literally: We are Muslims)” Al-Ankaboot(29):46. Muslims simply wish for Christians the exact same thing that Christians wish for Muslims: That we all be guided to the truth of God and His ultimate reward. By now it should be obvious that Islam is not, as the stereotype would have one believe, an underground terrorist group dedicated to the total destruction of civilized life as we know it. Because of all of the above, I have striven to avoid in this book all statements which might be misunderstood to be hateful, inflammatory, or disrespectful. However, the fundamental goals of this book make it necessary to exhibit many contradictory statements in the New and Old Testaments in order to prove the Qur’an’s claim: that mankind took great liberties with God’s scriptures after the departure of their prophets and have perverted His original message to them. Muslims are told that these tampering fingers have left many contradictions for those who would only look for them. For this reason, I have attempted to keep my own comments to a minimum and only present the 11 What Did Jesus Really Say?
  • 12. contradictory verses of the Bible side-by-side so that they may be studied critically (see for example the table in chapter 2.2). Those people who have made up their minds beforehand that they will hate me for this and will not see the contradictions and the tampering fingerprints no matter how much proof is presented are kindly asked to stop reading now. This book is not for them. Those readers who are willing to keep an open mind are invited to accompany us in our quest for the truth of God. 2) Some readers may misinterpret some of my statements to be disrespectful of God almighty, His prophets, His scriptures, or the apostles of Jesus. This too is unintentional. Any one of these matters is considered a sin of the highest order in Islam. The goal of this book is only to present the proof of that which Christian scholars the world over now recognize as scientific fact: That the alleged authors of the Bible are not the true authors, and as a result of this, they have written therein matters regarding God/Allah, His prophets, and their apostles that were not inspired by either God nor his prophets. All claims made in this book should be understood to be against these “hidden” authors and not God, His prophets, His original scriptures, or the original disciples. 3) As mentioned above, I am not a scholar of religion, nor an “evangelist,” nor have any official diplomas in religious studies. I wrote this book in my spare time while pursuing graduate degrees in the field of Engineering within the United States. My own feeble contribution in no way compares to those of Islam’s more learned and knowledgeable scholars. However, I saw a void which in my opinion had yet to be filled, so I have done my best to fill it. There are many more comprehensive and detailed studies of this topic written in the Arabic language (e.g. “AlJawab Assahih”). However, until such a time as more of these great works can be translated into English, I hope that this book will serve as a temporary substitute. 4) When I speak about “Islam” in this book, I refer to the “Islam” taught by Muhammad (pbuh) and practiced by his followers, as preserved for us within the writings of thousands of Islamic scholars and handed down to us through an unbroken chain of authenticated narrators in the countless thousands of books of the “seerah” and “Hadeeth.” This is the Islam which has been preserved in the Arabian peninsula (the home country of Muhammad pbuh) to this day. This Islam, the Islam of Muhammad (pbuh), does not attempt to promote specific humans, or groups thereof, to higher levels of divine authority and power than others, such as is preached by the leaders of the newly established so called “Nation of Islam” groups in the United States who are told by Louis Farakhan, Elijah Poole, and W. D. Fard, that “Islam” preaches the superiority of a certain race or color and other such innovations. True Islam also does not follow the beliefs of the leaders of the “shi’ite” groups of some Eastern countries which also attribute to specific human beings boundless supernatural powers and the ability to pass out passes to heaven and so forth. True Muslims are innocent of such people, their preaching, and their actions (remember David Koresh, Jim Jones, and the Christian Serb army among many others). 5) How to read this book: As mentioned previously, this book has been written with the goal of being a little more comprehensive than most other such English publication which I have come across during my research. What I mean by this is not that I feel at all superior to these great scholars, only that the English publications I have thus far come across did not convey the overall picture of Islam, Christianity, and the relationship between them which I wished to see in one English reference. The inevitable result of making a book comprehensive is that it also becomes large. For this reason, an attempt has been made to divide this book into many sub-topics with each sub-topic spanning only a few pages, and thus, the book becomes easy to read a piece at a time. I strongly encourage the reader to read this book 12 What did Jesus really say?
  • 13. in the order it was written. This is because the chapters will complement each other more completely if they are read in their written order. However, an attempt has also been made to make the chapters independent of one another for those readers who wish to jump directly to a specific topic of interest to them. For such readers a chart has been supplied to help them select the most relevant topic to them by asking them a few questions. Start at the top of the chart and work your way down by answering the questions and following the resultant directions. I would like to thank all of those who helped me to publish this book, including Shaik Ahmed Deedat, brother Ammar Amonette, brother Idris Palmer, brother Ali Tamimi, brother Ismael Mujahid, brother Dawood Madan, Dr. Rafil Dhafir, brother Abdullah Firdous Abdulrazzak, brother Mansor Matbouli, brother Abdulrahman Al-Ali, brother Sherif Muhammad, brother Reza Scholten, brother Farid Adlouni, Dr. Bassem Khafagi, and brother Ibraheem Pastuszak, who all contributed in one way or another in the completion of this book, either with suggestions on modifications or corrections, in countless hours proof-reading it, or in various other aspects such as generally helping out with their comments and suggestions whenever possible. For all of the countless others who have assisted in this project but who I have forgotton to mention here, I thank you too. Your efforts are very deeply appreciated. I would also like to thank all of the above authors for their efforts which have made these matters clear for us. May Allah almighty guide us unto his whole truth. Amen. Misha’al ibn Abdullah Al-Kadhi April 1995 13 What Did Jesus Really Say?
  • 14. Goal of this book T he goal of this book is simple: To exhibit irrefutable tangible proof that mankind is guilty of tampering with the religion of Jesus (pbuh) after his departure. Fourteen hundred years ago, the holy book of the Muslims, the Qur’an, was sent down upon the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by God informing him that mankind had dared to change the religion of God which He sent down upon Jesus, Moses, and the previous prophets (peace be upon them all). It has taken close to two thousand years for Christianity to recognize this as a known fact. Today, you would be hard pressed to find a single scholar of Christianity who does not readily acknowledge this as a true scientific fact (A minority of the most adamant conservatives will always be the exception). The evidence is simply too overwhelming to ignore. When I speak of “scholars of Christianity” I mean those people who have dedicated their lives to the pursuit of detailed historical facts regarding the history of the Bible through the unbiased logical study of the countless ancient documents of the Christian empire, the Bible itself, and other methods. These people are found in abundance in the religion departments of the various Western universities. A “scholar of Christianity” by this definition does not include the “televanglists,” the “evangelists,” and so forth. It has required the bravery and sacrifice of countless such unwavering seekers of truth to bring us this information. In the past, such people were casually put to death without a second thought. Even today, many of them are being fired from their jobs and black-listed for openly speaking about such matters. If they are liars then their lies should be exposed. If there is some truth to what they say, then such selfless dedication and vigilance against those who would distort the word of God should not be allowed to go unrecognized. For this reason we will study the details of their findings in this book. The claims of the Muslims as taught in the holy Qur’an are: 1) That Muhammad (pbuh) was the last in a long and distinguished line of prophets sent by God. 2) That in the past, whenever a prophet of God would pass away, his people would begin to corrupt the religion of God until it would become so corrupt that it would be necessary for God to send a new prophet to return them to His true religion which was sent down upon their previous prophets. 3) That a pocket of unscrupulous people had managed to change the religion of Moses (pbuh) after his death, thus God sent Jesus (pbuh), in order to return them to the religion of Moses (pbuh). Similarly, a pocket of mankind managed to change the religion of Jesus (pbuh) after his departure and so it was necessary for God to send Muhammad (pbuh). 4) That God is one god. The “trinity” is a fabrication of mankind. God has no sons, no parents, nor any equal. 5) Jesus (pbuh) was not a god but only a very elect, but human, messenger of God. 6) God does not hold anyone responsible for anyone else’s sin. He is also a merciful God who forgives without requiring a price for His mercy. 14 What did Jesus really say?
  • 15. 7) Only a person’s own actions and worship in this life will decide their final reward. 8) God has specifically molded Islam to be His final message to all of mankind without exception. It supersedes all previous messages from Him. For this reason, this time God himself has promised to preserve His final message from the tampering fingers of mankind. In this book it will be demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt (by God’s will), through the words of the Bible and some of history’s most eminent Biblical scholars and references only, how most of the founding beliefs of Christianity today were indeed fabricated by mankind after the departure of Jesus (pbuh) and that Jesus (pbuh) himself never had anything whatsoever to do with them. These beliefs include: 1) The “trinity.” 2) The claim that Jesus (pbuh) is the physical son of God. 3) The “original sin” of Adam which mankind is alleged to have inherited. 4) The “atonement,” or death of Jesus (pbuh) on the cross in order to erase this sin of Adam. 5) The “incarnation” of God in the form of a human being, namely, Jesus (pbuh). It will further be demonstrated that the true message of Jesus (pbuh) was: 1) That God is one God. He is indivisible. He has no equal. 2) God has no children nor parents. There is no other God in existence other than God Himself. 3) Jesus (pbuh) was a human being. He was not a God, but only an elect messenger of God. 4) God does not hold anyone responsible for the sin of anyone else. 5) God does not give preference to a certain race, color, nation, lineage or anything else above any other. Only a person’s individual actions and worship will distinguish them in the eyes of God. 6) No human being can bear the sin of any other. 7) God is a merciful god who bestows His forgiveness without a price or asking for any compensation. Muslims are taught that throughout the ages, God sent messengers to all tribes and nations all over the earth beginning with Adam (pbuh), the first prophet of God. Every time a messenger of God would pass away, his people would begin to fall back on their evil deeds until a few generations later they would have managed to have completely corrupted His original message to them. When God’s message was in danger of being completely obliterated by these people, He would chose from among them a new messenger to receive the original, uncorrupted message and convey it to them. Some of them would listen. Others would not. However, the message would always be available for those who wanted it. In this manner, God made sure that all of mankind would always have access to His true religion, no matter where or when they lived. It would then be up to them to seek out this knowledge. 15 What Did Jesus Really Say?
  • 16. Muslims are further taught that each messenger was sent only to his own people. His message was then fine-tuned to suit them. Thus, the basic message would be the same for all messengers: “God is one!, Worship Him alone!” However, the details of each people’s worship would be molded to suit their lifestyle, state of knowledge, and so forth. This was also true for Jesus (pbuh). Jesus (pbuh) was sent specifically to the Jews, and only to the Jews. It shall be demonstrated how one of the most fundamental reasons which lead up to the corruption of his message was that those who came after him attempted to force his religion upon those who it was never intended for: The Greeks. The Greek’s hatred of the Jews and all Jewish practices was one of the foremost reasons why the religion of Jesus (pbuh) ended up being modified to suit their preconceived picture of “God,” and “worship.” This book demonstrates how the corruption of the religion of Jesus (pbuh) progressed in the following stages: 1) Jesus (pbuh) came to show the Jews how their religion had been changed from that preached to them by Moses and their previous prophets (pbut). 2) Jesus (pbuh) called the Jews back to the true religion of God sent down upon their previous messengers. Jesus (pbuh) himself observed every single aspect of the religion of Moses (pbuh) steadfastly and uncompromisingly. He fasted as Moses (pbuh) fasted, he worshipped as Moses (pbuh) worshipped, he refrained from tasting a single pig, he believed in circumcision and himself was circumcised, he observed the Sabbath, never having violated it. He did this up until the crucifixion. It was only after the crucifixion, according to the Bible, that he allegedly returned in “visions” to Paul in order to nullify everything he had spend his whole life upholding. The Bible actually bears witness that during his lifetime, Jesus commanded his followers to follow the religion of Moses (pbuh) and threatened severe retribution from God for all who would forsake a single aspect of this religion until the end of time. 3) Jesus (pbuh) departed from this earth and his apostles continued to follow his teachings religiously. They too followed the religion of Moses (pbuh) as Jesus (pbuh) had done before them and commanded them to do. For the first three hundred years after the departure of Jesus (pbuh), “Christians” would merely be Jews who believed that Jesus (pbuh) was the Messiah. For the first three decades after the departure of Jesus (pbuh), his followers would continue to worship in the synagogues of the Jews and observe all of the aspects of the religion of Moses (pbuh) without exception. 4) Shortly after the departure of Jesus (pbuh), a Jew named Saul of Tarsus persecutes Jesus’ followers severely and kills them. He has never met Jesus (pbuh) in person. 5) Suddenly Saul claims to be receiving “visions” from Jesus (pbuh). He befriends the apostle Barnabas until he manages to replace his reputation as a persecutor and killer of Christians with a reputation as a true convert. 6) Now Saul parts ways with the apostle of Jesus (pbuh), Barnabas, and decides to preach to the Greeks. He claims that the apostles of Jesus (pbuh) are lazy, misguided, hypocrites. He claims that it was necessary for him to constantly guide the apostles out of their ignorance into the truth of God which he was receiving in his “visions.” The Greeks hated the Jews with such a passion that he found it all but impossible to 16 What did Jesus really say?
  • 17. convince them to accept the Judaism that Jesus (pbuh) practiced his whole life and taught his apostles to carry on after him. 7) Saul finds it necessary to “simplify” the religion for the Greeks and make it more acceptable for them. 8) Saul continues to simplify the religion and mold it closer and closer to the Greek’s established beliefs until all that is left is “faith” without work. He then goes on to justify this doctrine of “faith” and give it credibility by claiming that Jesus (pbuh) was not merely a normal human being but a “son of God” and that this “son of God” died in atonement for the sins of all mankind. In this manner, he manages to convince the Greeks (and other Gentiles) to accept the corrupted “religion of Jesus.” This is because, unlike the Jews, the religion of the Greeks already accepts “trinities,” and “father gods” and “son gods,” and the death of gods, and the resurrection of gods, and the incarnation of gods, and divine savior gods, and the eating of the flesh of gods, and the drinking of the blood of gods...etc. All of these concepts are old news to them. He becomes a great leader among them and is named “Saint Paul.” 9) “Saint Paul” now writes extensively and gains more and more “converts.” 10) Once his converts begin to exceed the number of converts to the more strict and demanding religion of the apostles of Jesus (pbuh), they begin to kill the followers of the apostles, persecute them, and burn their Gospels. 11) The followers of “Saint Paul” are challenged to prove their claims of “son of God,” “original sin,” ..etc. through the scriptures and prove that Jesus (pbuh) or God had anything to do with them. They cannot. There are too many verses which declare that there is only ONE God in existence and that He does not hold mankind responsible for the sin of any man. Examples of these verses are available to this day (e.g. Isaiah 43:10-11, Ezekiel 18:19-20, Deuteronomy 24:16...etc.). Thus, it becomes necessary for them to create a “Trinity” similar to the ancient “trinities” of the Greeks and Romans so that they can have three Gods but claim that they only worship one. The ancient “trinities” of Greek philosophy are redefined and applied to God almighty in order to define this new doctrine of “three gods in one.” Once again, the “Trinity” they borrowed from their ancient paganism could not be proven through the Bible, so it became necessary for them to receive divine “inspiration” from God commanding them to “clarify” their Bible so that the “trinity” could be seen clearly (such as 1 John 5:7). These “clarifications” would only be discovered by the scholars of Christianity centuries later. They would later provide irrefutable proof of how, when, and by whom these “clarifications” were inserted into the Bible. Thirty two biblical scholars of the highest eminence backed by fifty cooperating denominations would throw out 1 John 5:7 as a fabricated insertion of the church. Many other fabrications would be discovered by them. 12) In the fourth century CE., the followers of the “trinity” manage to enlist the aid of the pagan Roman empire. They wield the power of this pagan nation to “cleanse” the earth of the “heretical” and “blasphemous” followers of the apostles. They later launch campaigns of “inquiry” to “convert” them. 13) “Trinitarian” beliefs are touted as the only truly correct religion of Jesus (pbuh). The writings of Paul are collected and today they form the majority of the books of the new testament. The books of the apostles are burned. They are all “apocryphal” lies. 17 What Did Jesus Really Say?
  • 18. Within the span of a few centuries the Trinitarians manage to “recognize” that all of the books that were considered canonical and divine during the very first centuries CE were indeed all lies and apocrypha. Only those books that were considered apocryphal during these very first centuries CE are now “recognized” to be canonical, authentic, and divine. Those who are found concealing the original books of the apostles are now burned to death with their books. Paul’s followers obtain copies of the Gospels of the apostles. They copy them but with drastic modifications to the doctrine found therein. They claim that the apostles wrote them. These books are attributed to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The additions to these books will continue for many more centuries. Only centuries later will Christian scholars begin to see the evidence that the claimed authors did not write these books. 14) Muhammad (pbuh) is born. He follows the religion of Abraham (pbuh) which was handed down to him and all Arabs from the father of the Arabs, Ishmael, the eldest son of Abraham (pbut). Upon reaching the age of 40, God sends the angel Gabriel to him to teach him His final message, the message of Islam. He tells him that the “people of the book” have changed the religion of Jesus (pbuh) and have altered it from a religion of submission to one God to a religion where multiple gods are being worshipped. He is told that he will be the final messenger, and that his message is to be directed to all of mankind including the Jews and Christians. 15) The Jews and “Christians” claim that Muhammad (pbuh) is a liar and a false prophet. They claim that he has just copied the Bible in order to write his Qur’an. Just as the Jews refused to accept Jesus (pbuh) as a true messenger of God, so too do both the Jews and the Christians refuse to believe Muhammad (pbuh). 16) Muhammad (pbuh) passes away. The Trinitarians continue with their burning at the stake any Christian who opposes the “trinity” or openly speaks about the discrepancies in the Bible. They launch campaigns of “inquiry” to cleanse the earth of all remnants of believers in one (monotheistic) god. The sentences of death by these inquisitions become so unbounded in their nature that whole nations are sentenced to death. A single holy decree of the Trinitarian church in 1568 would later condemn three million men women and children of the Netherlands to the scaffold as heretics. 17) The Church loses it’s power to the scientists and is pushed into a dark corner. Without the threat of death hanging over their heads, many Christian scholars begin to publish countless books exhibiting detailed examples of contradicting verses and evidence of modification to the Bible. The ancient manuscripts of the Christian society are studied in detail and slowly, the previous picture begins to come together. Countless excuses are made by the church and those who’s livelihood and power depend on these established beliefs. They now begin to give practically every single verse of the Bible “abstract” meanings. They tell their flock to have blind faith. They convince their flock that they can not understand the Bible without the “interpretation” of the church. They tell their flock that Jesus (pbuh) never means what he says and that every reference he makes to following the religion of Moses (pbuh) is not meant to be taken “literally” but was meant by Jesus (pbuh) to have “hidden” meanings totally in opposition to the obvious meanings. Only they can tell you what these “hidden” meanings of Jesus (pbuh) were. 18 What did Jesus really say?
  • 19. 18) Copies of the original Gospels of the apostles of Jesus (pbuh) begin to surface. They are found, of all places, hidden away in the capital of Christianity, the Vatican itself. These Gospels (Such as the “Gospel of Barnabas,” or the “Shepherd of Hermas”) confirm the teachings of the Qur’an. Copies of these Gospels have a tendency to disappear mysteriously. Suddenly, in 1947, the Dead Sea Scrolls are discovered. For close to forty five years, they are hoarded in Israel and hidden from the masses. When they are finally forced out into the open, an amazing discovery is made. They too confirm the Qur’an! They prophesy the coming of not one but TWO messiahs. They claim that these two messiahs will be announced by an eschatological prophet. The dual prophesy is very clear and prevalent throughout the scrolls. The scrolls claim that the first messiah will be betrayed by one of his followers but will not be forsaken by God to die, rather, the one who betrayed him shall be taken in his place. There is so much in the Dead Sea Scrolls that parallels the teachings of the Qur’an, however, once again it is all explained away with abstract meanings. We are told that the fact that the Jews who lived 100 years before Jesus (the authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls) were expecting TWO messiahs does not mean that they were expecting two different messiahs, but rather, they must have been expecting a messiah with two different personalities. Thus, we are told, Jesus (pbuh) is BOTH messiahs. On the other hand, the Jews explain that both prophesies refer to past occurrences and neither one could possibly refer to Jesus (pbuh) or Muhammad (pbuh). “I shall turn away from my signs those who are arrogant in the earth unjustifiably, and if they see all the signs (in creation) they believe them not, and if they see the path of righteousness they do not take it as (their) path, and if they see the path of misguidance they take it as (their) path. That is because they deny our signs and are used to disregarding them” The Qur’an, Al-Aaraf(7):146. Muslims are told that when God created mankind, He gave them “The Choice.” They were told that they could either live their lives then die and fade out of the picture, like the animals do. Or they could elect to be held accountable for their actions. If they accepted the accountability, then the potential reward will be great. The potential retribution would be equally great. With mankind’s acceptance of this accountability came their free will. God gave mankind a free will to chose to either worship Him or to disobey Him. Out of God’s infinite mercy, He then assisted mankind with many factors in order to guide them to His true path and the ultimate reward. Firstly, He sent the messengers. In this manner, no matter how much mankind tried to corrupt His religion, it would always be available to those who searched for it. Secondly, He supplied mankind with minds. He gave them these minds in order to be able to distinguish between right and wrong using logic. If they see someone worshipping fire, and they see that the fire can not hear their prayers nor answer their calls, then no matter how much these fire-worshippers “spititualize” their worship and tell 19 What Did Jesus Really Say?
  • 20. them of the great miracles the fire has worked for them and how it has answered their prayers, and how it “loves” them, their logic will refuse to believe these concoctions. Finally, God gave mankind an inborn sense called in Arabic “Fitrah.” This “Fitrah” is the small voice inside each one of us which tells us “this doesn’t feel right.” When we pick up a gun for the first time in order to kill someone, we have to fight mightily in order to overcome our “Fitrah” which tells us that killing is wrong. In a similar manner, all mankind is born automatically knowing that “God is one.” They must really fight themselves for a long time and be continually persuaded by those who are around them to believe otherwise. This is how they end up worshipping fire, stones, statues, multiple gods, and other things. It is forced upon them in spite of their “Fitrah” as they grow up. This book goes back to the arguments of the original apostles. We will start with the “Trinity” and work our way backwards through history. We will see that there is absolutely no basis whatsoever for the “trinity” in the Bible. Once the “trinity” has been disproved we will see how the rest of these fabricated beliefs will unravel one by one till we return to the original teaching of Jesus (pbuh). All of this will be done in chapter one. After that, it will be demonstrated how Muhammad (pbuh) was indeed prophesied by both Jesus (pbuh) and the previous prophets, as claimed in the Qur’an over 1400 years ago. This will demonstrate why the church teaches their flock that they can never understand the Bible unless the Church “explains” it to them. We pray you will find this information illuminating. 20 What did Jesus really say?
  • 21. Follow this chart from Christianity to Islam 0 1 S ta rt h e re F o llo w T h is c h a r t fr o m C h r is tia n ity 2 to I s la m yes I do D o y o u b e lie v e in a " T r in it y " ? 3 T h e M y t h o f t h e " T r in it y " is N o I d o n 't n o w h e r e t o b e f o u n d in t h e B ib le . R e a d C h a p t e r s 1 .2 .1 , 1 .2 .2 , a n d 3 4 D o y o u b e lie v e t h a t J e s u s Y es I do w a s n o t m o rta l b u t a G o d ? 5 N o I d o n 't R e a d c h a p t e r s 1 .2 .3 , 1 .2 .4 , and 3 6 W o u ld y o u lik e t o k n o w w h o Y e s I w o u ld in v e n t e d t h e " T r in it y " ? 7 R e a d c h a p t e r s 1 .2 .5 N o I w o u ld n 't u p t o 1 .2 .9 , a n d c h a p te r 3 9 D o y o u b e lie v e in t h e " o r ig in a l Y es I do s in " t h e " a t t o n e m e n t " a n d "g ra c e " ? 10 N o I d o n 't R e a d C h a p t e r s 1 .2 .5 u p t o 1 .2 .9 , a n d c h a p te r 4 11 D o y o u b e lie v e t h a t t h e B ib le Y es I do h a s n o t b e e n t a m p e r e d w it h a n d n e v e r c o u ld b e ? 12 R e a d c h a p te rs 1 .8 , 2 , N o I d o n 't 3, and 5 13 D o y o u b e lie v e in " b lin d Y es I do fa ith " ? 14 N o I d o n 't R e a d C h a p t e r s 1 .2 .1 , 3 , a n d 5 .3 15 W o u ld y o u lik e t o k n o w w h a t t h e Y e s I w o u ld Q u r 'a n s a y s a b o u t J e s u s a n d C h r is t ia n it y in g e n e r a l ? 16 R e a d c h a p te r 7 N o I w o u ld n 't 17 D o y o u b e lie v e t h a t J e s u s w a s Y es I do th e la s t m e s s e n g e r o f G o d ? 18 N o I d o n 't R e a d c h a p te rs 5 & 1 3 19 Y e s I w o u ld W o u ld y o u lik e t o h e a r w h a t t h e a p o s t le s s a y a b o u t S t . P a u l o r Is l a m ? 20 R e a d c h a p te r 1 3 N o I w o u ld n 't 21 W o u ld y o u lik e t o k n o w if G o d y e s I w o u ld w ro t e t h e Q u r 'a n ? 22 N o I w o u ld n 't R e a d c h a p te rs 9 & 1 3 23 Y e s I w o u ld W o u ld y o u lik e t o k n o w m o r e a b o u t Is l a m ? 24 R e a d c h a p te rs 8 a n d 9 N o I w o u ld n 't 25 C o n c lu s io n : T h e " T r in it y " , " S o n o f G o d " , " o r ig in a l s in " , " g r a c e " a n d " a t t o n e m e n t " w e r e a ll f a b r ic a t e d b y m a n k in d a f t e r t h e d e p a r t u r e o f J e s u s . G o d a lm ig h t y s e n t M o h a m m a d w it h Is l a m i n o r d e r t o r e t u r n m a n k in d t o t h e r e li g io n o f J e s u s a n d d is c a r d t h e s e in n o v a t i o n s . 21 What Did Jesus Really Say?
  • 22. 22 What did Jesus really say?
  • 23. Definitions and Abbreviations Allah: The supreme God of all creation. He is known as “God” or “Father” to the Christians, and as “El” or “Yahweh” to the Jews. Muhammad: The last messenger of God to all mankind. He was the seal of the prophets of God, who included prophets Abraham, Noah, Moses, Jesus, and many others. Islam: The last message of God to all mankind. It was sent down upon prophet Muhammed (pbuh), recorded in broad outlines in the Qur’an, and described in detail in the Sunnah. It is an Arabic word which means “Submission to God”. Qur’an: The holy book of the Muslims. It consists of 100% the word of God and no words of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh), his companions, or any human being. Sunnah: The title given to the collection of recorded words and actions of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Most of what he said or did throughout his lifetime is recorded in the Sunnah. pbuh: Means “Peace Be Upon Him”. Used most often in reference to prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and also in reference to the many other prophets of Allah, such as Noah, Moses, Abraham, Jesus, etc. pbut: Means “Peace Be Upon Them”. Same as above, but used in reference to more than one. s.a.w./s.a.s.: Same as “pbuh”. It is an abbreviation of the original Arabic words “Salla Allahu alaihi Wa Sallam”, which are translated as “peace be upon him” in English. OT Old Testament. The portion of the Bible transmitted by the Jews. NT: New Testament. The portion of the Bible specific to the Christian faith. 23 What Did Jesus Really Say?
  • 24. Chapter 1: Christian-Muslim Dialogue C hristians believe that Jesus (pbuh) came to teach all of mankind the religion of God and to show them the path to guidance. All mankind is therefore required to follow his message and only those who believe in the crucifixion and the redemption will be saved. They believe that the Jews are also required to convert to Christianity because they are the most qualified to recognize the word of God and the signs of Jesus (pbuh) to be found in their own book. The Jews, on the other hand, tell us that Jesus (pbuh) was not a messenger of God, but rather a false prophet, a sorcerer, an offspring of adulterers, and many other allegations. They claim that there are no prophesies of Jesus (pbuh) in their book and that he was not the promised “Messiah”/”Christ” (anointed one). Their “Messiah” is yet to come. For this reason, they claim that they are not required by God to follow Jesus (pbuh). Muslims believe in both Moses and Jesus (pbut) as prophets of God. They believe that both Moses and Jesus as well as Noah, Abraham, Jacob, and all of the other prophets of God were all truthful messengers as well as faithful and faultless servants of God (Allah) almighty. They also believe in the miracles of Jesus (pbuh) and his miraculous birth. Muslims believe that each time a messenger of God would pass away, mankind would begin to slowly fall back upon their evil deeds until they had managed to corrupt His original message. When this would happen, God almighty would send a new prophet to renew His original message to these people and return them to the straight path. In this manner, the true message of God would always be available to all those who searched for it until the day of judgment. This can be seen in the Bible in such verses as Matthew 5:17-18 we read: “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.” The Jews know God as “Elohim” or “Yahweh.” The Christians know Him as “God,” or “Father,” or “Jehovah,” etc.. Muslims know him as “Allah” (and more than 99 other venerable names). Muslims believe that Allah almighty did not send down many messages to mankind but only one: The religion of the submission to His will, the uniqueness of Himself, and the fact that He is the only one worthy of worship. The details of the religion were molded to suite each individual people, but the message was one message: “God is one. Worship Him alone!” This is made apparent in the verse of Aal-Umran(3):84 which states that which means: “Say (O Muhammad): We believe in Allah, and that which is sent down unto us, and that which was revealed unto Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the sons of Jacob, and that which was vouchsafed unto Moses and Jesus and the Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them and unto Him we have surrendered.” Also, in Al- Nisaa:138 we read that which means “O ye who believe! Believe in Allah and His messenger, and the Scripture (Qur'an) which he has revealed unto His messenger, and the Scripture which He revealed aforetime. Whosoever disbelieveth in Allah and His angels and His Scriptures and His messengers and the last day, he verily has wandered far astray.” Muslims are told in the Qur’an that the unscrupulous few had managed to pervert the words of God almighty sent down to Jesus (pbuh) and the previous prophets after the passing of their prophets. The masses were then misled by what was claimed to be 100% the “inspiration” of God. The changes made by these people have resulted in countless contradictions between the verses. As we shall see, these contradictions and changes have been well recognized and documented in the West for centuries now. However, many of their apologists claim that these people were well meaning and were only trying 24 What did Jesus really say?
  • 25. to “clarify” that which was obscure and so forth when they changed the word of God (See chapter 2). Whatever their motives, these apologists conveniently forget the command of Deuteronomy 4:2 “Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God.” The liberties mankind has taken with God’s previous scriptures are the reason God sent down the Qur’an as His last message to mankind and took it upon Himself this time to preserve it for all time from corruption or modification Professor Arthur J. Arberry writes: “Apart from certain orthographical modifications of the originally somewhat primitive method of writing, intended to render unambiguous and easy the task of reading the recitation, the Koran (Qur’an) as printed in the twentieth century is identical with the Koran as authorized by Uthman more than 1300 years ago.” On the other hand, Mr. C.G. Tucker Says in “The history of the Christians in the light of modern knowledge” p. 320: “.....Thus Gospels were produced which clearly reflected the conception of the practical needs of the community for which they were written. In them the traditional material was used, but there was no hesitation in altering it or making additions to it, or in leaving out what did not serve the writer’s purpose.” Mr. C.J. Cadoux has the following to say in his book “The life of Jesus” : “In the four Gospels, therefore, the main documents to which we must go if we are to fill-out at all that bare sketch which we can put together from other sources, we find material of widely differing quality as regards credibility. So far-reaching is the element of uncertainty that it is tempting to ‘down tools’ at once, and to declare the task hopeless. The historical inconsistencies and improbabilities in parts of the Gospels form some of the arguments advanced in favor of the Christ-myth theory. These are, however, entirely outweighed- as we have shown- by other considerations. Still the discrepancies and uncertainties that remain are serious- and consequently many moderns who have no doubt whatever of Jesus’ real existence, regard as hopeless any attempt to dissolve out of the historically- true from the legendary or mythical matter which the Gospels contain, and to reconstruct the story of Jesus’ mission out of the more historical residue” . Prof. J.R. Drummelow says in Commentary on the Holy Bible, page 16: “A copyist would sometimes put in not what was in the text, but what he thought ought to be in it. He would trust a fickle memory, or he would make the text accord with the views of the school to which he belonged. In addition to the versions and quotations from the Christian Fathers, nearly four thousand Greek MSS of the Testament, were known to exist. As a result , the variety of reading is considerable.” Before this book was written, I had published a series of articles in a local publication which had been progressing slowly from exhibiting some of the more minor examples of human modification of the Bible, such as the fact that the authors of the Bible are not who they claim to be, and had been working up to more fundamental issues. One of our readers (whom we shall henceforth refer to only as Mr. J), asked us to publish his viewpoint in our publication. Unlike this lowly author, Mr. J. is a “professional” Christian in the sense that preaching Christianity is his job. He is a very devout Christian. He also has a history of strong evangelical activity. Mr. J made himself known to us through written letters to us, calls to our Muslim chaplain, and his appearance before us on other occasions wherein he 25 What Did Jesus Really Say?
  • 26. called upon us to believe in Jesus (pbuh) and to accept his sacrifice (some of this long before we started our series of articles). We have since come to know each other quite well and have managed to remain friendly and outgoing towards one another even with our differing beliefs. However, the fact that this author is not a “professional” religious person or a professional preacher, but rather a simple graduate science student, has made it necessary to schedule these matters around other more immediate scholarly concerns. It was first and foremost the will of Allah, then the continuous evangelical activity of Mr. J. and his claims against Islam which forced me to step up my research of the Bible and publish this book. I therefore thank Allah almighty that he sent Mr. J. to me as a blessing in disguise. Mr. J believes that the examples presented do not affect the founding beliefs of Christianity and had provided us with literature by men such as Mr. F.F. Bruce stating such things as “....Does it matter whether the New Testament documents are reliable or not? Is it so very important that we should be able to accept them as truly historical records?” and also”......the story of Jesus as it has come down to us may be myth or legend, but the teaching ascribed to him- Whether he was actually responsible for it or not - has a value all it’s own,” and so forth. Muslims know for a fact that Jesus (pbuh) was neither a myth nor a legend but a true prophet of God, but we do feel that an inspired book of God should contain no contradictions, historical or otherwise. For this reason we do not believe that his book has reached us as it was originally submitted by him. Mr. J believes that such matters as knowing the true authors of the books of the Bible are not crucial to a Christian’s faith and has challenged us to prove that a Christian’s basic faith is at all in error. In compliance with his request, we sent him four very brief questions concerning the founding beliefs of Christianity. We asked him to provide us with carefully researched and weighed answers to these questions. They were: 1) IS THERE A TRINITY? If so then please present us with as many Biblical references as you possibly can and briefly explain it’s fundamental concept. 2) Is the great and faithful messenger of Allah, Jesus the son of Mary (peace be upon them both), the PHYSICAL (BEGOTTEN/SIRED ...etc.) SON OF ALLAH OR NOT? If he is, then give us as many biblical references as you possibly can. If not then why does the majority of Christendom believe that he is the physical/begotten/sired son of Allah? 3) Did Jesus (pbuh) HIMSELF ever say in the bible “I am a god!,” or “Worship me!”? If so then give us as many Biblical references as possible. If not, then why does the majority of Christendom believe that he is a god (not a mortal), and the son of God? Jesus (pbuh) is invoked daily as God to forgive sins, cast out devils, and generally sought after in prayer. UPON WHO’S AUTHORITY do Christians believe that Jesus (pbuh) is God? Jesus (pbuh) or others? Give as many references as possible. 4) If it can be proven, through the Bible, that Jesus (pbuh) is not God, nor the physical/begotten/sired son of God, neither is there any trinity, then will this prove that the unscrupulous few have corrupted the word of God or not? 26 What did Jesus really say?
  • 27. What we were looking for was not flowery sermons on belief and blind faith, but only plain vanilla proof from the Bible itself that Christ (pbuh) himself ever had anything to do with the current beliefs of “Christianity.” Muslims believe that Jesus (pbuh) was one of the most pious and elect messengers of God almighty for all time. However, they do not believe that he is himself a god, the physical son of God, nor do they believe in a “trinity,” but only in the uniqueness of God almighty, that He is the only God in existence and the only being worthy of worship. Muslims also do not believe in an original sin or an atonement but believe that an individual’s actions are the only things that will decide his final abode, either in heaven or in hell. This is the reason why God almighty sent Muhammad (pbuh); In order to rectify these misconceptions which have crept into His previous message. We can find no more fundamental differences between Islam and Christianity than these. Mr. J’s response follows: 27 What Did Jesus Really Say?
  • 28. 1.1 Christian Perspective It is my great privilege and pleasure to have been invited to address the readers (of this publication) on some of the most important distinctions between Christianity and Islam. Four questions have been proposed as a means of clarifying the Biblical perspective in relation to the series of articles on Jesus and Christianity that appeared last semester. As I see it, all four questions essentially come together in one basic question: Who is Jesus? The answer to that question, and the heart of the message that has been proclaimed by followers of Jesus since His advent, is that “you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.” (John 20:31). Addressing each of these questions may now help clarify this historic Christian conviction. 1. Is there a Trinity? The Biblical teaching of God's essential nature, summarized in the word “trinity,” rests largely on our understanding of the identity of Jesus, a question I will take up in some length under question #3. At this point, perhaps a demonstration that the terminology for the doctrine of the Trinity is found throughout the New Testament: * “therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit...” (Matthew 28:19). * “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men.” (I Corinthians 12:4-6). * “May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” (II Corinthians 13:14). * “But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit. Keep yourselves in God's love as you wait for the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.” (Jude 20-21). The doctrine of the Trinity is perhaps best understood in terms of Christian salvation. Christian believe that God the Father wills that we be reconciled to Him from sin, and that He sent the Son, Who in His perfect life and substitutionary death provides the basis of that reconciliation, and that the Father now, in Jesus' name, sends the Holy Spirit, Who applies the salvation of Jesus to the Christian believers, thus saving them and empowering them to live lives of victory over sin. Thus is the Christian’s experience and assurance of salvation in terms of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Yet they absolutely believe that there is only one God. How do we put this together? This is 28 What did Jesus really say?
  • 29. where the word “trinity” comes in. It expresses this truth about God as it is found in the Bible. This is certainly not an exhaustive explanation, but it may help to demonstrate the significance of the doctrine in practical Christian life. 2. Is Jesus the physical (begotten/sired) son of God? Jesus is presented in the New Testament as the Son of God by virtue of His unique eternal relationship with the Father and by means of His unique virgin birth. We need to understand, then, how Jesus is the Son of God. The New Testament tells us how: This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit. Because Joseph her husband was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly. But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. (Matthew 1:18-21). The question as stated implies that Jesus is somehow the result of a physical union between God and Mary, but this is not at all the case. Jesus' birth is a miraculous event through the agency of the Holy Spirit. Thus the Son's deity is incarnated, or made flesh; in this Jesus is the “God-man” Begotten is the old English word that, while in human terms means to have a child, the emphasis even there is that what a human father “begets' shares in the essential nature of that father. It is in this sense that the King James translates the Greek word monogenes as “begotten ; Jesus shares the essential nature of the Father, but rather through some physical act, but a supernatural one. 3. Did Jesus Himself ever say in the Bible “I am God!” or “worship me!”? What makes Jesus stand out from all other religious figures is the nature of His claims about Himself. He claims the prerogatives of God, the rightful object of a person's supreme allegiance, and receives with out censure the worship and obedience of those who believe. A number of examples may help to illustrate this: 29 What Did Jesus Really Say?
  • 30. A. Forgiveness of sins In Mark 2:1-12, we read the account of Jesus healing a crippled man. What is so surprising, and so shocking to His original audience, is the statement that Jesus makes before healing the man. As Jesus sees a group of men bring the paralytic to Him, Mark records the scene: When Jesus saw their faith , he said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” Now some teachers of the law were sitting there, thinking to themselves, “Why does this fellow talk like that? He's blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?” Immediately Jesus knew in his spirit that this was what they were thinking in their hearts, and he said to them, “Why are you thinking these things? Which is easier: to say to the paralytic, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Get up, take your mat and walk'? But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins...” He said to the paralytic, “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.” He got up, took his mat and walked out in full view of them all. B. Titles Jesus in the Gospels appropriates two significant titles throughout His ministry: 1. The Son of Man This is the title that Jesus Himself uses most frequently. It is a Messianic title derived from the Old Testament book of Daniel. When we read the passage in Daniel, the implicit claim that Jesus is making about Himself becomes apparent: In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. He (the son of man) was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every language worshipped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed. (Daniel 7:13-14). 2. The Son of God At His trial Jesus affirmed this title: Again the high priest asked him, “Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?” “I am,” said Jesus. And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven. (Mark 14:61-63). C. Jesus' direct claims 30 What did Jesus really say?
  • 31. At the climax of a lengthy argument, Jesus speaks of Himself: “Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad..” “You are not yet fifty years old,” the Jews said to him, “and you have seen Abraham!” “I tell you the truth,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!” At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds.” (John 8:56-59). The shock of this claim are those two words “I am.” It is the same designation that God used for Himself in His call to Moses: God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'I AM has sent me to you.'“ (Exodus 3:14). D. Jesus receives worship Jesus heard that they had thrown him out, and when he found him, Jesus said, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” “Who is he, sir?” the man asked. “Tell me so that I may believe in him..” Jesus said, “You have now seen him; in fact, he is the one speaking with you..” Then the man said, “Lord. I believe,” and he worshipped him.” (John 9:35- 38). Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshipped him... (Matthew 28:16-17). E. Jesus accepts divine entitlement In what is a clear dialogue between Jesus and “Doubting” Thomas, we read: Then Jesus said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe..” Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!” Then Jesus held him,” Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:27-29). Does Jesus say, “I am God”? No, because that would have been misunderstood. Jesus is not the Father (as it would have been thought), Jesus is the Son. But He clearly claims an absolutely unique relationship with God whom Jesus calls 'Father.” Jesus claims something about Himself that, through the various miracles, His statements as cited above, and the response He receives from other people, is slowly filled-out, and the meaning of His Sonship becomes clear. In the very opening of his Gospel, the Apostle John presents Jesus as “the Word” and provides perhaps the clearest explanation of the identity of Jesus, the meaning of the incarnation, and a further glimpse into the reality of the Trinity: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the 31 What Did Jesus Really Say?
  • 32. glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:1- 4; 14). 4. If it can be proven, through the Bible, that Jesus is not God, nor the physical/begotten/sired son of God, neither is there any trinity, then will this prove that the unscrupulous few have corrupted the word of God? The Christian message about Jesus revolves around three facts: the incarnation, the crucifixion, and the resurrection. Prove from the Bible or otherwise that any one of these three things are not true, and like a three-legged stool the truth of the message would collapse. Most “proofs” against the traditional teachings of Christianity consist of pitting one passage of Scripture against another, and almost always taking such passages out of context. Context, I believe, always vindicates the understanding of God and of Jesus as I have here tried to briefly present. I would conclude, then, with an encouragement for the readers to read the Bible, particularly one of the Gospels, for themselves. There, I believe, the words and works of Jesus would provide a most convincing reason to embrace Him as Lord and Savior, and find in Him the spiritual satisfaction that so many today seek after. 32 What did Jesus really say?
  • 33. 1.2 Muslim Perspective (Note: the rest of chapter one is an expansion of the original response to Mr. J’s letter) hank you Mr. J for your most thought provoking letter. In what is to follow I have striven to avoid objectionable or disrespectful wording. This is an academic exchange T and not a slug-fest. I am however human. If one or two cases have slipped by me then I apologize in advance for them. They were not intentional. I also realize that this is quite a lengthy response for someone to read in one sitting. However, I ask the reader to try to do so and not to pass judgment until they have managed to receive a complete picture. Now, the response: The three monotheistic religions -- Judaism, Christianity, and Islam-- all purport to share one fundamental concept: belief in God as the Supreme Being, the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe. Known as “Tawhid” in Islam, this concept of Oneness of God was stressed by Moses in the Biblical passage Known as the “Shema,” or the Jewish creed of faith: “Hear, O Israel The Lord our God is one Lord” (Deuteronomy 6:4) It was repeated word-for-word approximately 1500 years later by Jesus when he said “...The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; the Lord our God is one Lord.” (Mark 12:29) Muhammad came along approximately 600 years later, bringing the same message again: “And your God is One God: there is no God but He” (The Qur'an, al- Bakarah(2):163) Christianity has digressed from the concept of the Oneness of God, however, into a vague and mysterious doctrine that was formulated during the fourth century CE (see historical details in chapter 2.2.5). This doctrine, which continues to be the source of controversy both within and without the Christian religion, is known as the Doctrine of the Trinity. Simply put, the Christian doctrine of the Trinity states that God is the union of three divine persons - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - in one divine being. Christian sects are many and varied. However, the majority of Christians around the world believe in the following four basic concepts: 1) The Trinity, 2) The divine Sonship of Jesus (pbuh), 3) The original sin, and 4) The death of “the son of God” on the cross in atonement for the original sin of Adam. Everything else is pretty much relegated into the background. A Christian can be saved and enter heaven by simply believing in the above creeds. According to St. Paul, the previous law and commandments of God are worthless, this simple belief will guarantee for all comers a place in heaven “Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.” Romans 3:28. Christianity as it currently stands is the interpretation of St. Paul of what he personally thinks that Christianity should be. Muslims are told that the message of Jesus (pbuh) was directed towards the Jews alone as verified in the Bible (Matthew 15:24 “But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel”). The 33 What Did Jesus Really Say?
  • 34. verses wherein he is claimed to have told his disciples to preach to the whole world are now recognized as later insertions (we will get into this in a little more detail in chapter 6.10). God almighty never intended for it to become the religion of the masses as He intended Islam to be. There is much internal evidence in the Bible to support this claim. Christianity as it stands today has been reduced to an interpretation of the words of Jesus (pbuh) within the context of what Paul taught rather than the other way around which is the way it should be. We would expect Christianity to be the teachings of Jesus (pbuh) and that the words of Paul and everyone else would be accepted or rejected according to their conformity to these “Jesuit” teachings. However, we will notice in what follows that Jesus (pbuh) never in his lifetime mentioned an original sin, or an atonement. He never asked anyone to worship him, neither did he ever claim to be part of a trinity or anything else. His words and actions are those of a loyal messenger of God who faithfully and faultlessly followed the commands of his Lord and only told his followers to do the same and to worship God alone (John 4:21, John 4:23, Matthew 4:10, Luke 4:8 ...etc.). Just one of the countless examples of this placement of the words of Paul above the words of Jesus can be seen in the following analysis: Jesus (pbuh) is claimed to have been prepared for his sacrifice on the cross from the beginning of time and was a willing victim (otherwise they would have to claim that God is a sadistic and torturous God). However, whenever Jesus (pbuh) was asked about the path to “eternal life” he consistently told his followers to only “keep the commandments” and nothing more (Luke 18:18-24, Matthew 19:16-21, John 14:15, John 15:10). Not once did he himself ever mention an original sin or a redemption. Even when pressed for the path to “PERFECTION” he only told his followers to sell their belongings. He departed leaving his followers with the very dire threat: Matthew 5:18-19 “For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” Obviously, heaven and earth have not yet passed. The fact that you are reading this book bears witness to this very simple fact. So Jesus (pbuh) is telling us that so long as creation exists, the commandments will be required from his followers. Anyone who will dare to say otherwise, until the end of time, will be called “the least in the kingdom of heaven.” Jesus (pbuh) had foreseen mankind’s attempt to distort and annul his commandments (the commandments of Moses, pbuh), which he had taught his followers to keep and himself had kept faithfully till the crucifixion, and was warning his followers in no uncertain terms to be wary of all those who would attempt to do so. Not long after, Jesus departs. Now Saul of Tarsus (St. Paul), a man who never met Jesus (pbuh), comes along. After a lifetime of persecuting the followers of Jesus (pbuh) and killing them, Paul “sees the light,” receives a “vision” from Jesus (pbuh), and takes it upon himself to explain what Jesus really meant. Paul claims that the law of God is worthless, decaying and ready to vanish away and faith in the crucifixion is the only 34 What did Jesus really say?
  • 35. requirement for a Christian to enter heaven (Romans 3:28, Hebrews 8:13...etc.). Who do Christians listen to, Jesus or Paul? They listen to Paul. They take the words of Paul literally and then “interpret” the words of Jesus (pbuh) within the context of the words of Paul. No one takes the words of Jesus (pbuh) literally and explains the words of Paul within the context of Jesus’ words. According to this system of explaining the words of Jesus within the context of Paul’s teachings, Jesus never actually means what he says but is constantly speaking in riddles which are not to be taken literally. Even when people attempt to cite the words of Jesus as confirming the teachings of Paul with regard to the original sin, the atonement, the divine Sonship ...etc. they never bring clear and decisive words where Jesus actually confirms these things. Instead, they say such things as “When Jesus spoke of the Exodus he was really speaking of the atonement” or so forth. Are we to believe that Paul is the only one who can say what is on his mind clearly and decisively while Jesus (pbuh) is not capable of articulating what he means clearly and decisively but requires interpreters to explain the “true” meaning of what he said, and to explain how, when he spoke of the commandments, he was not talking of “the commandments” but of a spiritual commandment and that they will now tell you what this spiritual commandment is that Jesus never managed to talk clearly about. It is interesting to note that Jesus was not talking in riddles when he commanded his followers to keep the commandments but was talking of the actual physical commandments of Moses. This can be clearly seen by reading for instance Luke 18:20 where Jesus spells out in no uncertain terms what he means by “keep the commandments.” In the past, we have posed the following points to Christian clergy: 1) According to you, Jesus is supposed to have been prepared for the “atonement” from the beginning of time. He should know that it is coming. 2) Whenever he was asked about the path to “eternal life” (i.e. Luke 18:18-24 ..etc.) he consistently told his followers to only “keep the commandments” just as he had “kept my father’s commandments” ..etc. 3) Even when he was pressed for more, he only told his followers that to be PERFECT they need only sell their belongings. 4) Not once did he mention an “atonement” or and “original sin.” 5) The commandments he spoke about were the commandments of Moses and not some “spiritual” commandments. This can be seen in the text itself where Jesus (pbuh) explicitly spells out some of the commandments of Moses one by one. 6) St. Paul, a disciple of a disciple, is the one who is followed by Christianity and not Jesus. Jesus’ teachings are explained within the context of Paul’s teachings and not vice versa. Whenever we presented these points to a member of the Christian clergy we would always be greeted with a response such as “Well, uh... Don’t take Jesus’ words literally ..uh...” 35 What Did Jesus Really Say?
  • 36. Getting back to the matter at hand, the reader will notice in Mr. J’s response a surprising absence of certain very fundamental verses usually quoted by any Christian man or woman off the street in defense of the “trinity” and other issues. The reader may further surmise that Mr. J might not be well versed enough in the Bible to have referred to these verses. This is far from the case. His occupation requires that he know those verses. The fact of the matter is that we have had an ongoing correspondence with Mr. J for a number of months now which he has now asked us to publicize. In this correspondence, many of these fundamental verses were dealt with in detail and refuted for various reasons. This is why he did not quote them here. However, in order that all may benefit from this information we will quote these same verses that he has elected not to. We will also tackle the other verses he has presented. 36 What did Jesus really say?