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Reana Rossouw
Next Generation Consultants
Session Two:
Impact Investment Index
Our Context
 Started in 2009 – global benchmarking – 40 models currently
being applied internationally
 Conclusion:
 Africa needs its own solution – applicable to both the funding
and development sectors
 Practitioners need capacity, support and knowledge
 Practitioners don’t need complex methodologies or approaches
requiring specialist skills, licenced software or specific hardware
or expensive solutions
 The industry needs a transparent, comparable, and flexible
solution that contextualises and take into consideration the
complexities, relationships and fundamental development
principles of our specific development context
Our Objective
 The purpose of Impact Investment Index is to create a
shared performance measurement system to be utilized
by all organisations in the social investment and
community development sector
 The current system lacks coordination, leading to added
expense, limited learning, and inadequate ability to assess
shared value and collective impact
Why the pressure to measure?
 The debate on impact and return on investment are playing out
in three arenas:
 In private foundations and corporate CSI divisions
 Aiming to be more strategic about their philanthropy, grant making and
social/community investments

 In nonprofit organisations in response to pressures from corporates,
foundations and government
 To be more accountable for the resources received and program
outcomes expected

 Among international development organisations such as bilateral
government agencies and intermediary organisations
 Seeking to improve development effectiveness and lessen dependency
on grant/development aid
Why now?
 Funders are increasingly asking for demonstrable results –
to understand the difference they make, directly and
 This trend is accelerating, as the development and in
particular the funding sector is increasingly looking to pay by
results – to learn from what they, and those they fund, do
 It is not just donors that care about impact. In a age of
competition, transparency, recessionary economies,
there is growing competition for resources
Three primary applications of
Impact Assessments
 Prospective
 Looking forward to determine whether or not the projected costs
and benefits indicate a favorable investment

 Ongoing
 Testing assumptions and projections along the way in order to
aid course correction

 Retrospective
 Looking back to determine whether or not it was a favorable
investment given the costs incurred, and therefore to inform
future decisions
Variety of purposes – our school of
 One can and should use impact data to make funding
allocation decisions across program areas
 You can compare programs once you get in the sector of health, but
you cannot compare health vs. arts vs. education vs. sport.

 One can and should use impact data to make funding
decisions within program areas
 It is not about building a unifying measurement across domains, but to
build a conceptual framework for understanding the biggest impact
across a Rand value unit. So it is not about comparing health to
education to sport or the arts, but to determine which program yields
the highest return for the most effective use of resources
The conundrum
 Funders and non-profits often use the words “evaluation”
and “impact” loosely, stretching these terms to include any
type of report on the use of funds or the results they achieve

 Practitioners should distinguish between measuring
performance (monitoring inputs, activities, and outputs),
measuring outcomes (near-term results), and evaluating
impact (long-term changes that can be attributed to the
investor’s activities) as well as return on investment
(benefits accrued to the investor) as a result of funds and
other resources invested
What is impact
 “Measure of the tangible and intangible effects (consequences)
of one thing's or entity's action or influence upon another. An
impact evaluation/assessment assesses changes in the wellbeing of individuals, households, communities or firms that can
be attributed to a particular project, program or policy. The
central impact evaluation question is what would have
happened to those receiving the intervention if they had not
in fact received the program. ”
 For us this means: The broad or longer-term effects of a
project or organisation’s work (also referred to as the difference
it makes). This can include effects on people who are direct
users/beneficiaries of a project or organisation’s work, effects
on those who are not direct users/indirect beneficiaries, or
effects on a wider field/aspect such as government policy,
processes, systems, infrastructure or support systems
What did we want to achieve?
 To provide evidence
 To demonstrate performance
 To prove accountability
 To show program/ investment
 To demonstrate value
 To empower and capacitate
communities and funders
 Ultimately - to alleviate,
eliminate and eradicate
What we have achieved
 Assessed R1 billion worth of investment but also considered
all types of input resources from money to hours, products
and services, infrastructure and skills and volunteerism
 Across both socio economic and enterprise development
 Including 15 focus areas
 400 programmes – from flagship to donations, once off to 3-5
year programs, sponsorships and cause related marketing,
social and business enterprises
 Across 15 dimensions of impact and 25 dimensions of return
 Developed a library of more than 500 indicators
But more than that
 Impact across the value chain:
 Outcomes of partnerships, relationships and applied
resources (to be more sustainable and effective)
 Outcomes of the initiative (policy change, organisations
working more effectively together reducing/alleviating/
eradicating poverty)
 Outcomes at the community level (are we moving the needle
against the strategic objectives/mandates indicators?)
 Returns for the donor/funder (are we getting value, recognition,
licence to operate, etc.)
Guiding Principles of our work
 Impact means impact
 The goal is to understand what changes as a result of the investment from
funders in communities as beneficiaries and recipients of interventions

 The impact is shared
 The goal is to understand who is impacted along the impact value chain –
including funders , intermediaries and beneficiaries

 Impact includes and involve all stakeholders
 Analysis must be comprehensive. Instead of cherry picking something that’s
working and leaving out what is not, the analysis should include all aspects
of impact and those impacted

 Results must be transparent
 Companies should report to their investors, and investors should aggregate
and report results. What is left out should be stated. Assumptions and
sources should be stated. It should be possible for a third party to
replicate the analysis based on the documentation of it and get the
same result.

 Context matters
 It is harder to create a stable job in a rural area than in a city. The qualitative
and quantitative context should be provided to inform the impact as well
as an understanding of how much of the problem may exist or remain.
Challenges remain
 There are two main challenges to measuring impact
 One: how to do it well
 Two: how to do it cheap

 Getting both to happen can be done in either of two ways:
 Force it, by making it a requirement
 Or attract it, by creating an environment in which the parties
whose efforts are necessary to make it happen want it
The breakthrough – a Comparative
Performance System


• Shared measurement system
• Provides a menu of common indicators and a common platform to report on
different outcomes and indicators

• Comparative performance system
• Involves asking participants to report on the same indicators, using the same
process and measure to compare performance

• Adaptive learning system
• Supports ongoing collaboration and learning among organisations to align
efforts and goals, and to measure common outcomes and indicators

The Outcome: The Impact Investment Index
Our process for impact assessment
• Share and act on
learning and results
• Seek to improve the
investment and
development practice

• Understanding the
difference/change the
funder wanted to make.
Who the intermediaries
were that was supported
and who beneficiaries
was that was affected


• Identify and calculate
the difference that was
made and assess how
and why it was made

• Design the assessment
• Conduct the
• Collect the information
needed about impact
Impact Value Chain - Our Focus


Activities and
The activities whose
effects are to be
Goods and services
generated by the
use of inputs (shortterm)

Outputs and
The results from
Expected changes
in access, usage,
behaviour or




Resources invested
(e.g. money, skills,
services, products,

Ultimate (long-term)
effect of the
intervention on a
key dimension of
the development
(e.g. living
standards) (longterm)

Direct or indirect
benefits/ value
generated by


Value of investment,
number of hours,
number of books,
number of

Number of schools,
number of
volunteer, number
of teachers, jobs,
income, etc.

% change –
access to health
infrastructure, pass
rates or
sustainable jobs

Students finding
employment, people
with skills finding
employed due to
increased health

Number of
graduates hired
by company, %
change in
received by


satisfaction with the
programme and
difference in their
lives, environment,

Perceptions of
schools, educators, reporting benefits
learners, community and application of
skills, education,
improved health

Quality of links to
local employment
perceptions of
improved socio
economic status or

Changes in
community /
directly/ indirectly
to CSI
The Impact Investment Index - III




• How
• Cash, time, in kind,
management costs
• Why
• Community Relations,
community investments,
commercial initiatives
• Where
• Geographic Location
• Who
• Stakeholders Affected,
• What
• Focus Areas, Investment

• Community Benefits
• Qualitative
• Quantitative
• Dimensions of impact

• Community Impacts
• Business Impacts/Return

• Business Benefits
• Qualitative
• Quantitative
• Dimensions of Impact
and Return (25)

• Shared Value
• +500 Indicators
Impact Assessment – HOW?
Impact Assessment – WHAT?
Dimensions of Impact – FOR WHOM?

How do we calculate?
1. We count each and every stakeholder group
2. We count each and every impact
3. We distinguish between community and business impact
4. Get to a figure: X:Y
Calculating Impact – The Process
Proving Impact and
Some examples of impact (1)
Greater output and

The economic value
of increased revenue
and reduced costs.
The increase in local
economic output
could be estimated
with multiplier

Employees of

Accumulation of
human capital,
empowerment and self

The cost of external
skills courses could
be used. The
increase in wages
resulting from greater
levels of human
capital. Willingness to
pay for courses

Wider Local

Increased welfare –
i.e. lower
improved health,

The value of reduction
in public expenditure
on health care
services and

Local Suppliers

ED Supplier
Development Program

Supplier capacity
building and access to
banking services
Some examples of impact (2)
Local businesses

Greater output and productivity

The economic value of
increased revenue and reduced
costs. The increase in local
economic output could be
estimated with multiplier

Local Students

Improved quality of education,
better grades

Increased wages resulting from
improved education levels

Local Households

Increased communications, and
quality of life

Monetary value of savings

Rural electrification of village

Increased publicity


Value of increased publicity

Increased employee morale,
participation, skills development

Value of retained employees
Some examples of impact (3)
Farmers and their

Greater output and
income and

The economic
value of increased
revenue and
reduced costs.

Local Authorities

Increased tax

The increase of
local economic
output could be
estimated with
multiplier analysis

The value of
increased income
tax and export
The value of
increased savings

Training of local

Local Consumers
and Communities

Improved quality
and quantity of

The value of
The value of

Attraction of new

Increased income,
Value of salaries

Value of publicity

The value of
Increased quality
of life, in particular
health which lead
to increased
How much was spent – Where?
Spent per: Year, focus area, region
Measuring Impact and Return on Investment of Corporate Social Investment and Community Development
Measuring Impact and Return on Investment of Corporate Social Investment and Community Development
Testing Expectations
Focus Area


Bottom 10

Community Development
Economic Development
Economic Development
Community Development
Economic Development
Community Development
Community Development
Community Development
Community Development
Community Development
Disaster Relief
Safety and Security

Number of Responses

Top 10

Community Investment Areas
Skills Development
Job Creation
Business Development
Physically Challenged
The Aged
Emergencies and Disasters
Safety and Security
Comparing and Benchmarking

Across Industry
Across Focus Areas
Across Perceptions
Including local and global benchmarks
 Vision, Mission, Strategy and Policy,
guidelines, frameworks
 Strategic intent, objectives, mandate
 Focus Areas
 Grant making criteria
 Beneficiaries
 Intermediaries
 Operational alignment and integration
 Governance and compliance
 Reporting structure
 Budget and resources
 Monitoring and evaluation
 Employee Volunteerism
 Marketing, communication and
 Sponsorship, donations and cause
related marketing
 Partnerships
 Recognition, Awards, perceptions
 Future focus, GAP and SWOT analysis
Strategic and Operational Review
Theory of change to measure impact
Co-define and co-develop
indicators to measure impact
Co-Development of impact
assessment guidelines
Section One:

Project Name:

Basic information:

Project Budget:

Section Two:

Section Three:
Stakeholders who
benefited or were
impacted by the
Stakeholder 1
Stakeholder 2
Stakeholder 3
Stakeholder 4
Stakeholder 5
Section Four:
Specific aspects of

Project Description and
Specific Outcomes:

In your opinion – what do
you think Nedbank gained/
benefitted by funding this
In other words what was
Nedbank’s return on
investment from funding
this program?

What do you think about
or is your opinion or
impressions of Nedbank
as a funder?

What do you think
Nedbank can do in future
to be a better funder?

Do you think the Nedbank
Foundation engage in a
respectful, honest,
approachable way?

Perceptions of Nedbank:

Project Owner:
Project Manager:
Contact Details:

Do you know what the
Nedbank Foundation
Corporate Social
Investment strategy is and
do you think it is
applicable in the South
African context?

Do you have any other
comments or feedback or
suggestions for the
Nedbank Foundation?

Qualitative Impact

Qualitative Impact

Qualitative Impact

Qualitative Impact

Qualitative Impact

Economic Impact

Environmental Impact

Social Impact

Short Term Impact
Positive Impact
Intended Impact

Medium Term Impact
Negative Impact
Unintended Impact

Quantitative Impact

Long Term Impact
Combined Impact
Any other Impact

Section Five:
Lessons learnt, insights,
additional comments,
feedback, suggestions
Section Six:
Consultants Comments
Section Seven:






Section One:

Project Name:

Basic information:

Leliebloem House Child
and Youth Care Centre

Project Budget:

Project Owner:

Leliebloem House Child
and Youth Care Centre

Transparency in assessment
Project Manager:
R5,6m pa

Francisco G Cornelius
Contact Details:

Section Three:
Stakeholders who
benefited or were
impacted by the
Stakeholder 1
Leliebloem House
Child and Youth Care

Qualitative Impact

Qualitative Impact

Basic care and protection,
provided. The children’s
basic needs are provided

84 children receive basic
social, health, educational
and developmental

Less dependent on other
support (government)

Leverage funds of other

Section Four:
Specific aspects of

Qualitative Impact

Jobs provided to staff

021-6964947/ 0827719233
Qualitative Impact

Children cared for –
behaviour and motivation
changes – basic quality of
life improved

Economic Impact

It was a top up to the
overall budget we need to
provide these services.

Intended Impact

Section Five:
Lessons learnt,
insights, additional
comments, feedback,
Section Six:
Section Seven:

Services to Vulnerable Children in
Description and Residential Child Care.
Offering various therapeutic
programmes to both the children
and their families that eventually
allows the children to be reunified
with family or community.

Environmental Impact

Yes so that we can render Unintended Impact
the services to the children.

Operational expenses

Marketing and

Quantitative Impact

84 Children

Number of staff
Number of Jobs

None evident

Social Impact

Media exposure and
recognition as an
organisation with good
financial practices.

Any other

Value of funds leveraged / generated
It gave these children a second
chance they may not have received
under normal circumstances.
Support and leverage government
funds/ resources & support work of
government – providing basic
services to communities

We have a reputation of not saying no to opportunities. We pride ourselves in staying up to date with training for all staff and trying to do staff development programs 2 a
year, if the funding permits. We have dedicated staff that could leave any time because of the poor salary structures or lack of funding, but they stay on and work in the
life-space of these vulnerable children on a daily basis.

In our opinion – some consideration should be given to assisting organisations to leverage funds better – i.e. capacity building (training and other assistance) for
organisations to use funds not only for operational expenses but also to raise additional funds. Some organisations will never be sustainable, but similarly organisations
should not be overly dependent on a single organisation as dependencies are created and it may be considered unsustainable development.
SG: 1
EC: 1
S: 1
P: 1
I: 1
BOE: 1
EN: 0
N: 1
UI: 1
QL: 8
SO: 1
L: 1
C: 1
OI: 1
ON: 4
Scorecard per project per focus
area per rating
Community Impact
Business Return
Ratings and Rankings
Impact Across Portfolios
Community Impact - High:

Business Impact - High:

Community Impact - High:

Business Impact - High:

•A & C Trust (215:3)
•WESSA (98:6)
•Sports Trust (84:3)
•PPT Housing (80:10)
•Kidshaven (78:1)
•SIFE (73:4)
•Childwelfare (69:1)

•PPT Housing (80:10)
•WESSA (98:6)
•Hippo Roller (63:7)

•LearntoEarn (56:2)
•Siyabonga (47:1)
•Holdinghand (40:1)
•Inchanga (39:1)
•Inst Deaf (38:1)

•Siyazisa (31:3)
•Cape Winem (35:2)
•RayMhalaba (30:2)

Business Impact - Low:
Average - 65 : 3
•Habitat (42:2)
•Lebone (34:2)
•Leliebloem (28:1)
•Childline (24:1)
•Princess A (24:1)
•WATTF (18:0)

Community Impact - Low:
•Wylie (62:2)
•Epworth (54:1)
•St Josephs (52:2)

Community Impact - High:

Business Impact - High:

•Doctors/Bor (82:3)
•Leratong (38:0)

•Doctors/Bor (82:3)

Average - 36 : 2
Community Impact - Low:

Business Impact - Low:

•Ramik-Gast (29:2)
•ST Lukes (28:2)

•Reakgona (20:1)
•Ramik-Home (19:1)

Skills Development

Average - 36 : 1
Community Impact - Low:

Business Impact - Low:

•Readucate (24:1)
•FurnTech (23:0)

•Readucate (24:1)
•FurnTech (23:0)

Community Impact - High:

Business Impact - High:

•MyFmyCa (104:2)
•Edutainer (90:2)
•Sediba (90:1)
•Fort Hare (72:2)
•SEED (69:1)
•Penreach (66:1)
•Enke (64:1)
•Maths NPC (62:1)
•SADET (59:1)
•Asset (58:1)

•Matric Rev (75:5)
•Pinelands (47:4)
•Mobile Labs (39:4)
•Fundisa (47:3)

Community Impact - Low:
•Bursaries (54:2)
•Leap (54:2)
•Protec (54:2)

Average - 56 : 2
Business Impact - Low:
•WC Essay (53: 1)
•Heartlines (51:0)
•Sparrow (47:1)
•Acorn/BHT (40:1)
•Dominican (31:1)
•Chess Kids (27:0)
•TracSA (26:1)
•Spell It (24:0)
Collective impact and return
Impact and return score cards
Measuring Impact and Return on Investment of Corporate Social Investment and Community Development
Some examples of indicators
Business Return
 Mitigate climate change risk
 Reduce environmental accidents and remediation
 Reduce water use and management; waste
management and effluents
 Reduce and assist with energy management
 GHG emissions and air pollution
 Reduce biodiversity impacts
 Increase communications and engagement
 Increase customer satisfaction
 Increase access to tenders
 Increased access to new markets
 Increased reputation
 Increased sales
 Increased staff motivation
 Increased BEE Scorecard
 Strengthened value chain
 Maintained/obtained social licence to operate
 Increased product innovation and services

Community Impact
 Increased quality of life – 45 dimensions
 Increased social cohesion
 Increased access to services, infrastructure,
support, income, jobs – 45 dimensions
 Skills Development – 30 dimensions
 Infrastructure – transport, hospitals, schools,
electricity, water, housing – 60 dimensions
 Education – infrastructure, in general, specific –
early childhood, primary, secondary, tertiary
 Economic, Environmental, Social
 Health, education, housing, safety & security,
enterprise development, sport, agriculture, social
justice, social participation, technology
 Impact on individuals, communities, government,
companies, funding partners
 Quantitative, qualitative
 Volunteerism - dimensions
The impact of the impact
What our clients say - investors
 Improved financial analysis and reporting as well as management
capacity and operational efficiency
 Improved operational efficiency and information management
processes and systems
 Improved board governance and oversight, understanding,
knowledge and capacity
 Improved M&E; reporting; communication; stakeholder
relationships and partnerships
 Improved operational processes from application requirements; due
diligence processes; reporting requirements; responsiveness;
knowledge and expertise of staff
 Improved access to further investment
What our clients say –
intermediaries and beneficiaries
 Intermediaries
 We feel comfortable with the transparency of the process
 The process have added value to our own work – especially M&E
and reporting practices
 The processes have increased our effectiveness and own
performance; increased our learning and knowledge; built internal
capacity; and increased our credibility
 We believe we were assured independently by someone who can
verify our claims – it validated our own beliefs

 Beneficiaries
 We had an opportunity to talk without being judged – we could be
 We learnt to document our own work and the contribution we
 We feel we are being trusted, being heard and someone asks
our opinion
 We had an opportunity to share and learn
What we have learnt (1)
 One size of evaluation does not fit all
 Funders should take extra time in their planning to learn which evaluation
techniques will work with indigenous populations and specific

 Trying to define and measure empirical changes is difficult and
“a slippery process,”
 Understanding, defining, qualifying and quantifying long-term social
change is an incremental effort and on-going process.

 Although evaluations are significant for their organisational
development, requiring intermediaries to perform them is a challenge.
 A suggested solution is to consider evaluation results as one – but
not the only – source of information and to couple it with knowledge,
experience, strategy, and context to obtain a fuller picture.
What we have learnt (2)
 Impact assessments describes three relationships:
 between evaluation and the funder’s approach;
 between evaluation and the funder’s strategy;
 and between the intermediary evaluation and the beneficiary evaluation.

 Grantmakers may have to change their funding approach to
better accommodate intermediaries’ capacity to conduct evaluations,
or provide funding to help them develop it
 Funders need to be clear about their overall goals and how
individual investments fit within that model.

 Intermediary and funder evaluations should be linked:
 Both partners face the same issues of inadequate resources,
coordination and expertise for conducting evaluations.
What we have learnt (3)
 ANY resources CAN be measured – books, wheelchairs,
buildings, time – cash and non-cash
 The same project can deliver varied results for different
 How and on what you spend the money (inside the program)
has a direct influence on the impact and return
 The strategy and focus areas has to clearly define the
return and impact required - upfront
 Sustainability has to be clearly defined for exit and
 Indicators have to be developed, agreed, and documented
as part of the contractual phase
 Internal monitoring and external evaluation processes has to be
established and adhered too - Impact Assessment does not
replace evaluation and monitoring
What we have learnt (4)
 You have to consider the impact of the impact assessment on
so many levels
 As a result of our work we can now categorically state that most
 Have only short term impact
 Those that have medium term impact are not necessarily
 The long term impact is mostly social only as opposed to
economic impact which really contributes to poverty alleviation
and eradication!

 It is possible to determine impact and return
 The real value lies in independent, verifiable, assurance of social
investment expenditure, program results, outcomes and impact
What I have learnt (5)
 There is so much return for business – we just need to prove it

Return on



New products

Price premium
/ market share

Regulatory risk


New markets




New customers


Licence to


Supply chain
/security of

Long term
strategic view



What I now know…
 We all have impact – but it is not necessarily measurable and
sustainable impact
 Do we want economic or social impact?
 By implication social impact help people right now – but may not
help them in the future – which renders the project/our intervention
 Sometimes it is our own (CSI Practitioner’s) fault we don’t have higher
impact as we decide what, who and how to fund/not to fund
 The most sustainable projects/programs with the highest impact have
social, socio economic and ECONOMIC impacts i.e. the number of jobs
 Sometimes there is negative impact – i.e. dependencies are created
 Mostly there is only short term impact –which makes our interventions
Moving from Strategic to Catalytic



to society

Strategic to
Catalytic change
for the good and
survival of mankind
Going Forward and Doing it better
 Impact assessment can help funders, intermediaries, and
beneficiaries they support to:
 Plan how their work will make a difference, and determine how
much of a difference they are making
 Understand what does or does not work and why and detect
unintended consequences
 Build an (scientific) evidence base to share with others, thus
influencing and informing debate, and increasing the sector’s body
of knowledge
 Challenge yourself and others by looking critically at your/their work
in order to improve, to replicate good work, or to innovate and
develop new processes, products and services
 Inspire and motivate staff, trustees and other stakeholders including
volunteers, beneficiaries, policy makers and other practitioners,
funders and investors to build relationships with others,
communicate added value and raise the profile of their work
In closing
 Involve stakeholders
 Establish the scope and identify the key
stakeholders impacted

 Understand what changes
 Map the outcomes – identify the
indicators to measure impact

 Value things that matter


 Look for evidence, don’t forget baseline
and impact studies

If you can count
and define
indicators you
can determine
impact and

 Only include what is material
 Focus on agreed outcomes first then
incidental impact

 Do not over claim
 Calculate the impact based on evidence

 Be transparent
 Report the outcome – the good and BAD

 Verify the result
 Share the learning

Questions and Discussion
 How to start
 Where to start
 How to do it
 When to do it

 Just do it
 Reana Rossouw
 Next Generation Consultants - Specialists in Development
 E-mail: rrossouw@nextgeneration.co.za
 Web: www.nextgeneration.co.za


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Measuring Impact and Return on Investment of Corporate Social Investment and Community Development

  • 1. CSI PROFESSIONALS BRIEFING 2014 Reana Rossouw Next Generation Consultants
  • 3. Our Context  Started in 2009 – global benchmarking – 40 models currently being applied internationally  Conclusion:  Africa needs its own solution – applicable to both the funding and development sectors  Practitioners need capacity, support and knowledge  Practitioners don’t need complex methodologies or approaches requiring specialist skills, licenced software or specific hardware or expensive solutions  The industry needs a transparent, comparable, and flexible solution that contextualises and take into consideration the complexities, relationships and fundamental development principles of our specific development context
  • 4. Our Objective  The purpose of Impact Investment Index is to create a shared performance measurement system to be utilized by all organisations in the social investment and community development sector  The current system lacks coordination, leading to added expense, limited learning, and inadequate ability to assess shared value and collective impact
  • 5. Why the pressure to measure?  The debate on impact and return on investment are playing out in three arenas:  In private foundations and corporate CSI divisions  Aiming to be more strategic about their philanthropy, grant making and social/community investments  In nonprofit organisations in response to pressures from corporates, foundations and government  To be more accountable for the resources received and program outcomes expected  Among international development organisations such as bilateral government agencies and intermediary organisations  Seeking to improve development effectiveness and lessen dependency on grant/development aid
  • 6. Why now?  Funders are increasingly asking for demonstrable results – to understand the difference they make, directly and indirectly  This trend is accelerating, as the development and in particular the funding sector is increasingly looking to pay by results – to learn from what they, and those they fund, do  It is not just donors that care about impact. In a age of competition, transparency, recessionary economies, there is growing competition for resources
  • 7. Three primary applications of Impact Assessments  Prospective  Looking forward to determine whether or not the projected costs and benefits indicate a favorable investment  Ongoing  Testing assumptions and projections along the way in order to aid course correction  Retrospective  Looking back to determine whether or not it was a favorable investment given the costs incurred, and therefore to inform future decisions
  • 8. Variety of purposes – our school of thought  One can and should use impact data to make funding allocation decisions across program areas  You can compare programs once you get in the sector of health, but you cannot compare health vs. arts vs. education vs. sport.  One can and should use impact data to make funding decisions within program areas  It is not about building a unifying measurement across domains, but to build a conceptual framework for understanding the biggest impact across a Rand value unit. So it is not about comparing health to education to sport or the arts, but to determine which program yields the highest return for the most effective use of resources
  • 9. The conundrum  Funders and non-profits often use the words “evaluation” and “impact” loosely, stretching these terms to include any type of report on the use of funds or the results they achieve  Practitioners should distinguish between measuring performance (monitoring inputs, activities, and outputs), measuring outcomes (near-term results), and evaluating impact (long-term changes that can be attributed to the investor’s activities) as well as return on investment (benefits accrued to the investor) as a result of funds and other resources invested
  • 10. What is impact  “Measure of the tangible and intangible effects (consequences) of one thing's or entity's action or influence upon another. An impact evaluation/assessment assesses changes in the wellbeing of individuals, households, communities or firms that can be attributed to a particular project, program or policy. The central impact evaluation question is what would have happened to those receiving the intervention if they had not in fact received the program. ”  For us this means: The broad or longer-term effects of a project or organisation’s work (also referred to as the difference it makes). This can include effects on people who are direct users/beneficiaries of a project or organisation’s work, effects on those who are not direct users/indirect beneficiaries, or effects on a wider field/aspect such as government policy, processes, systems, infrastructure or support systems
  • 11. What did we want to achieve?  To provide evidence  To demonstrate performance  To prove accountability  To show program/ investment effectiveness  To demonstrate value  To empower and capacitate communities and funders  Ultimately - to alleviate, eliminate and eradicate poverty
  • 12. What we have achieved  Assessed R1 billion worth of investment but also considered all types of input resources from money to hours, products and services, infrastructure and skills and volunteerism  Across both socio economic and enterprise development sectors  Including 15 focus areas  400 programmes – from flagship to donations, once off to 3-5 year programs, sponsorships and cause related marketing, social and business enterprises  Across 15 dimensions of impact and 25 dimensions of return  Developed a library of more than 500 indicators
  • 13. But more than that  Impact across the value chain:  Outcomes of partnerships, relationships and applied resources (to be more sustainable and effective)  Outcomes of the initiative (policy change, organisations working more effectively together reducing/alleviating/ eradicating poverty)  Outcomes at the community level (are we moving the needle against the strategic objectives/mandates indicators?)  Returns for the donor/funder (are we getting value, recognition, licence to operate, etc.)
  • 14. Guiding Principles of our work  Impact means impact  The goal is to understand what changes as a result of the investment from funders in communities as beneficiaries and recipients of interventions  The impact is shared  The goal is to understand who is impacted along the impact value chain – including funders , intermediaries and beneficiaries  Impact includes and involve all stakeholders  Analysis must be comprehensive. Instead of cherry picking something that’s working and leaving out what is not, the analysis should include all aspects of impact and those impacted  Results must be transparent  Companies should report to their investors, and investors should aggregate and report results. What is left out should be stated. Assumptions and sources should be stated. It should be possible for a third party to replicate the analysis based on the documentation of it and get the same result.  Context matters  It is harder to create a stable job in a rural area than in a city. The qualitative and quantitative context should be provided to inform the impact as well as an understanding of how much of the problem may exist or remain.
  • 15. Challenges remain  There are two main challenges to measuring impact  One: how to do it well  Two: how to do it cheap  Getting both to happen can be done in either of two ways:  Force it, by making it a requirement  Or attract it, by creating an environment in which the parties whose efforts are necessary to make it happen want it
  • 16. The breakthrough – a Comparative Performance System 1 2 3 • Shared measurement system • Provides a menu of common indicators and a common platform to report on different outcomes and indicators • Comparative performance system • Involves asking participants to report on the same indicators, using the same process and measure to compare performance • Adaptive learning system • Supports ongoing collaboration and learning among organisations to align efforts and goals, and to measure common outcomes and indicators The Outcome: The Impact Investment Index
  • 17. Our process for impact assessment • Share and act on learning and results • Seek to improve the investment and development practice • Understanding the difference/change the funder wanted to make. Who the intermediaries were that was supported and who beneficiaries was that was affected 4 Review 3 Assess • Identify and calculate the difference that was made and assess how and why it was made 1 Plan 2 Do • Design the assessment • Conduct the assessment • Collect the information needed about impact
  • 18. Impact Value Chain - Our Focus Hierarchy Inputs Activities and Outputs The activities whose effects are to be measured. Goods and services generated by the use of inputs (shortterm) Outputs and Outcomes The results from activities. Expected changes in access, usage, behaviour or performance (medium-term) Impacts Returns Definition Resources invested (e.g. money, skills, hours, infrastructure, services, products, etc.) Ultimate (long-term) effect of the intervention on a key dimension of the development (e.g. living standards) (longterm) Direct or indirect business benefits/ value generated by activities/ programs/ interventions Quantitative Indicators Value of investment, number of hours, number of books, number of stakeholders Number of schools, number of volunteer, number of teachers, jobs, income, etc. % change – access to health services, education, government infrastructure, pass rates or sustainable jobs Students finding employment, people with skills finding employed due to increased health status Number of graduates hired by company, % change in grievance, complaints received by company Qualitative indicators Stakeholders satisfaction with the programme and measurable difference in their lives, environment, context Perceptions of Beneficiaries schools, educators, reporting benefits learners, community and application of skills, education, improved health Quality of links to local employment opportunities, perceptions of improved socio economic status or opportunities Changes in community / customer/ employee perceptions attributable directly/ indirectly to CSI
  • 19. The Impact Investment Index - III Inputs Outputs/Outcomes Impacts • How • Cash, time, in kind, management costs • Why • Community Relations, community investments, commercial initiatives • Where • Geographic Location • Who • Stakeholders Affected, Impacted • What • Focus Areas, Investment Portfolios • Community Benefits • Qualitative • Quantitative • Dimensions of impact (15) • Community Impacts • Business Impacts/Return • Business Benefits • Qualitative • Quantitative • Dimensions of Impact and Return (25) • Shared Value • +500 Indicators
  • 22. Dimensions of Impact – FOR WHOM? How do we calculate? 1. We count each and every stakeholder group 2. We count each and every impact 3. We distinguish between community and business impact 4. Get to a figure: X:Y
  • 23. Calculating Impact – The Process
  • 25. Some examples of impact (1) Greater output and productivity The economic value of increased revenue and reduced costs. The increase in local economic output could be estimated with multiplier analysis Employees of Suppliers Accumulation of human capital, empowerment and self confidence The cost of external skills courses could be used. The increase in wages resulting from greater levels of human capital. Willingness to pay for courses Wider Local Community Increased welfare – i.e. lower unemployment, improved health, education The value of reduction in public expenditure on health care services and unemployment benefits Local Suppliers ED Supplier Development Program Supplier capacity building and access to banking services
  • 26. Some examples of impact (2) Local businesses Greater output and productivity The economic value of increased revenue and reduced costs. The increase in local economic output could be estimated with multiplier analysis Local Students Improved quality of education, better grades Increased wages resulting from improved education levels Local Households Increased communications, and quality of life Monetary value of savings Rural electrification of village Increased publicity Investor/Donor Value of increased publicity Increased employee morale, participation, skills development Value of retained employees
  • 27. Some examples of impact (3) Farmers and their families Greater output and productivity, income and empowerment The economic value of increased revenue and reduced costs. Local Authorities Increased tax revenue The increase of local economic output could be estimated with multiplier analysis The value of increased income tax and export duties The value of increased savings Training of local farmers Local Consumers and Communities Improved quality and quantity of food The value of increased consumption The value of leveraged resources Attraction of new resources/donors Intermediary Increased income, increased employment Value of salaries Value of publicity The value of Increased quality of life, in particular health which lead to increased productivity
  • 28. How much was spent – Where?
  • 29. Spent per: Year, focus area, region
  • 32. Testing Expectations Focus Area Ranking 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Bottom 10 Education Education Community Development Economic Development Economic Development Community Development Education Environment Economic Development Health Community Development Community Development Community Development Infrastructure Infrastructure Other Community Development Community Development Disaster Relief Safety and Security Number of Responses 91 62 56 52 46 44 42 40 36 35 33 29 25 16 11 11 10 8 5 4 Top 10 Community Investment Areas Education Skills Development Youth Job Creation Entrepreneurs Children Bursaries Environment Business Development Health Physically Challenged Women The Aged Housing Infrastructure Other Culture Arts Emergencies and Disasters Safety and Security
  • 33. Comparing and Benchmarking     Across Industry Across Focus Areas Across Perceptions Including local and global benchmarks  Vision, Mission, Strategy and Policy, guidelines, frameworks  Strategic intent, objectives, mandate  Focus Areas  Grant making criteria  Beneficiaries  Intermediaries  Operational alignment and integration  Governance and compliance  Reporting structure  Budget and resources  Monitoring and evaluation  Employee Volunteerism  Marketing, communication and awareness  Sponsorship, donations and cause related marketing  Partnerships  Recognition, Awards, perceptions  Future focus, GAP and SWOT analysis
  • 34. Strategic and Operational Review Theory of change to measure impact
  • 36. Co-Development of impact assessment guidelines Section One: Project Name: Basic information: Project Budget: Section Two: Section Three: Stakeholders who benefited or were impacted by the program Stakeholder 1 Stakeholder 2 Stakeholder 3 Stakeholder 4 Stakeholder 5 Section Four: Specific aspects of Impact: Project Description and Specific Outcomes: In your opinion – what do you think Nedbank gained/ benefitted by funding this program? In other words what was Nedbank’s return on investment from funding this program? What do you think about or is your opinion or impressions of Nedbank as a funder? What do you think Nedbank can do in future to be a better funder? Do you think the Nedbank Foundation engage in a respectful, honest, approachable way? Perceptions of Nedbank: Project Owner: Organisation Project Manager: Contact Details: Do you know what the Nedbank Foundation Corporate Social Investment strategy is and do you think it is applicable in the South African context? Do you have any other comments or feedback or suggestions for the Nedbank Foundation? Qualitative Impact Qualitative Impact Qualitative Impact Qualitative Impact Qualitative Impact Economic Impact Environmental Impact Social Impact Short Term Impact Positive Impact Intended Impact Medium Term Impact Negative Impact Unintended Impact Quantitative Impact Long Term Impact Combined Impact Any other Impact Section Five: Lessons learnt, insights, additional comments, feedback, suggestions Section Six: Consultants Comments Section Seven: Scores: SG: NF: AOI: EC: EN: SO: S: M: L: P: N: C: I: UI: OI: T
  • 37. Section One: Project Name: Basic information: Leliebloem House Child and Youth Care Centre Project Budget: Project Owner: Organisation Leliebloem House Child and Youth Care Centre Transparency in assessment Project Manager: R5,6m pa Francisco G Cornelius Contact Details: Section Three: Stakeholders who benefited or were impacted by the program Stakeholder 1 Leliebloem House Child and Youth Care Centre Qualitative Impact Qualitative Impact Basic care and protection, provided. The children’s basic needs are provided for. 84 children receive basic social, health, educational and developmental services. Less dependent on other support (government) Leverage funds of other donors 2 Section Four: Specific aspects of Impact: Qualitative Impact Jobs provided to staff 2 021-6964947/ 0827719233 Qualitative Impact Qualitative Impact Children cared for – behaviour and motivation changes – basic quality of life improved 2 Economic Impact It was a top up to the overall budget we need to provide these services. 1 Intended Impact Section Five: Lessons learnt, insights, additional comments, feedback, suggestions Section Six: Consultants Comments Section Seven: Scores: Project Services to Vulnerable Children in Description and Residential Child Care. Specific Outcomes: Offering various therapeutic programmes to both the children and their families that eventually allows the children to be reunified with family or community. Environmental Impact Yes so that we can render Unintended Impact the services to the children. 1 Operational expenses leveraged 1 Marketing and publicity exposure 1 Quantitative Impact 84 Children Number of staff Number of Jobs None evident 0 Social Impact Media exposure and recognition as an organisation with good financial practices. 1 Any other Impact Value of funds leveraged / generated 4 It gave these children a second chance they may not have received under normal circumstances. 1 Support and leverage government funds/ resources & support work of government – providing basic services to communities 1 We have a reputation of not saying no to opportunities. We pride ourselves in staying up to date with training for all staff and trying to do staff development programs 2 a year, if the funding permits. We have dedicated staff that could leave any time because of the poor salary structures or lack of funding, but they stay on and work in the life-space of these vulnerable children on a daily basis. In our opinion – some consideration should be given to assisting organisations to leverage funds better – i.e. capacity building (training and other assistance) for organisations to use funds not only for operational expenses but also to raise additional funds. Some organisations will never be sustainable, but similarly organisations should not be overly dependent on a single organisation as dependencies are created and it may be considered unsustainable development. SG: 1 EC: 1 S: 1 P: 1 I: 1 T:25 BOE: 1 EN: 0 M:1 N: 1 UI: 1 QL: 8 SO: 1 L: 1 C: 1 OI: 1 ON: 4
  • 38. Scorecard per project per focus area per rating
  • 42. Impact Across Portfolios Community Impact - High: Business Impact - High: Community Impact - High: Business Impact - High: •A & C Trust (215:3) •WESSA (98:6) •Sports Trust (84:3) •PPT Housing (80:10) •Kidshaven (78:1) •SIFE (73:4) •Childwelfare (69:1) •PPT Housing (80:10) •WESSA (98:6) •Hippo Roller (63:7) •LearntoEarn (56:2) •Siyabonga (47:1) •Holdinghand (40:1) •Inchanga (39:1) •Inst Deaf (38:1) •Siyazisa (31:3) •Cape Winem (35:2) •RayMhalaba (30:2) Community Development Business Impact - Low: Average - 65 : 3 •Habitat (42:2) •Lebone (34:2) •Leliebloem (28:1) •Childline (24:1) •Princess A (24:1) •WATTF (18:0) Community Impact - Low: •Wylie (62:2) •Epworth (54:1) •St Josephs (52:2) Community Impact - High: Business Impact - High: •Doctors/Bor (82:3) •Leratong (38:0) •Doctors/Bor (82:3) Health Average - 36 : 2 Community Impact - Low: Business Impact - Low: •Ramik-Gast (29:2) •ST Lukes (28:2) •Reakgona (20:1) •Ramik-Home (19:1) Skills Development Average - 36 : 1 Community Impact - Low: Business Impact - Low: •Readucate (24:1) •FurnTech (23:0) •Readucate (24:1) •FurnTech (23:0) Community Impact - High: Business Impact - High: •MyFmyCa (104:2) •Edutainer (90:2) •Sediba (90:1) •Fort Hare (72:2) •SEED (69:1) •Penreach (66:1) •Enke (64:1) •Maths NPC (62:1) •SADET (59:1) •Asset (58:1) •Matric Rev (75:5) •Pinelands (47:4) •Mobile Labs (39:4) •Fundisa (47:3) Community Impact - Low: •Bursaries (54:2) •Leap (54:2) •Protec (54:2) Education Average - 56 : 2 Business Impact - Low: •WC Essay (53: 1) •Heartlines (51:0) •Sparrow (47:1) •Acorn/BHT (40:1) •Dominican (31:1) •Chess Kids (27:0) •TracSA (26:1) •Spell It (24:0)
  • 44. Impact and return score cards
  • 46. Some examples of indicators Business Return  Mitigate climate change risk  Reduce environmental accidents and remediation  Reduce water use and management; waste management and effluents  Reduce and assist with energy management  GHG emissions and air pollution  Reduce biodiversity impacts  Increase communications and engagement  Increase customer satisfaction  Increase access to tenders  Increased access to new markets  Increased reputation  Increased sales  Increased staff motivation  Increased BEE Scorecard  Strengthened value chain  Maintained/obtained social licence to operate  Increased product innovation and services development Community Impact  Increased quality of life – 45 dimensions  Increased social cohesion  Increased access to services, infrastructure, support, income, jobs – 45 dimensions  Skills Development – 30 dimensions  Infrastructure – transport, hospitals, schools, electricity, water, housing – 60 dimensions  Education – infrastructure, in general, specific – early childhood, primary, secondary, tertiary  Economic, Environmental, Social  Health, education, housing, safety & security, enterprise development, sport, agriculture, social justice, social participation, technology  Impact on individuals, communities, government, companies, funding partners  Quantitative, qualitative  Volunteerism - dimensions
  • 47. The impact of the impact assessment
  • 48. What our clients say - investors  Improved financial analysis and reporting as well as management capacity and operational efficiency  Improved operational efficiency and information management processes and systems  Improved board governance and oversight, understanding, knowledge and capacity  Improved M&E; reporting; communication; stakeholder relationships and partnerships  Improved operational processes from application requirements; due diligence processes; reporting requirements; responsiveness; knowledge and expertise of staff  Improved access to further investment
  • 49. What our clients say – intermediaries and beneficiaries  Intermediaries  We feel comfortable with the transparency of the process  The process have added value to our own work – especially M&E and reporting practices  The processes have increased our effectiveness and own performance; increased our learning and knowledge; built internal capacity; and increased our credibility  We believe we were assured independently by someone who can verify our claims – it validated our own beliefs  Beneficiaries  We had an opportunity to talk without being judged – we could be honest  We learnt to document our own work and the contribution we made  We feel we are being trusted, being heard and someone asks our opinion  We had an opportunity to share and learn
  • 50. What we have learnt (1)  One size of evaluation does not fit all  Funders should take extra time in their planning to learn which evaluation techniques will work with indigenous populations and specific communities.  Trying to define and measure empirical changes is difficult and “a slippery process,”  Understanding, defining, qualifying and quantifying long-term social change is an incremental effort and on-going process.  Although evaluations are significant for their organisational development, requiring intermediaries to perform them is a challenge.  A suggested solution is to consider evaluation results as one – but not the only – source of information and to couple it with knowledge, experience, strategy, and context to obtain a fuller picture.
  • 51. What we have learnt (2)  Impact assessments describes three relationships:  between evaluation and the funder’s approach;  between evaluation and the funder’s strategy;  and between the intermediary evaluation and the beneficiary evaluation.  Grantmakers may have to change their funding approach to better accommodate intermediaries’ capacity to conduct evaluations, or provide funding to help them develop it  Funders need to be clear about their overall goals and how individual investments fit within that model.  Intermediary and funder evaluations should be linked:  Both partners face the same issues of inadequate resources, coordination and expertise for conducting evaluations.
  • 52. What we have learnt (3)  ANY resources CAN be measured – books, wheelchairs, buildings, time – cash and non-cash  The same project can deliver varied results for different funders  How and on what you spend the money (inside the program) has a direct influence on the impact and return  The strategy and focus areas has to clearly define the return and impact required - upfront  Sustainability has to be clearly defined for exit and completion  Indicators have to be developed, agreed, and documented as part of the contractual phase  Internal monitoring and external evaluation processes has to be established and adhered too - Impact Assessment does not replace evaluation and monitoring
  • 53. What we have learnt (4)  You have to consider the impact of the impact assessment on so many levels  As a result of our work we can now categorically state that most programs:  Have only short term impact  Those that have medium term impact are not necessarily sustainable  The long term impact is mostly social only as opposed to economic impact which really contributes to poverty alleviation and eradication!  It is possible to determine impact and return  The real value lies in independent, verifiable, assurance of social investment expenditure, program results, outcomes and impact
  • 54. What I have learnt (5)  There is so much return for business – we just need to prove it Growth Return on Capital Risk Management Management Quality New products Price premium / market share Regulatory risk Leadership New markets Capital efficiency Reputational risk Employee development New customers Human efficiency Licence to operate Adaptability Supply chain /security of supply Long term strategic view Innovation Reputation Differentiation
  • 55. What I now know…  We all have impact – but it is not necessarily measurable and sustainable impact  Do we want economic or social impact?  By implication social impact help people right now – but may not help them in the future – which renders the project/our intervention UNSUSTAINABLE  Sometimes it is our own (CSI Practitioner’s) fault we don’t have higher impact as we decide what, who and how to fund/not to fund  The most sustainable projects/programs with the highest impact have social, socio economic and ECONOMIC impacts i.e. the number of jobs created  Sometimes there is negative impact – i.e. dependencies are created  Mostly there is only short term impact –which makes our interventions UNSUSTAINABLE
  • 56. Moving from Strategic to Catalytic Responsive Strategic Catalytic Responsive to society Strategic to core business Catalytic change for the good and survival of mankind
  • 57. Going Forward and Doing it better  Impact assessment can help funders, intermediaries, and beneficiaries they support to:  Plan how their work will make a difference, and determine how much of a difference they are making  Understand what does or does not work and why and detect unintended consequences  Build an (scientific) evidence base to share with others, thus influencing and informing debate, and increasing the sector’s body of knowledge  Challenge yourself and others by looking critically at your/their work in order to improve, to replicate good work, or to innovate and develop new processes, products and services  Inspire and motivate staff, trustees and other stakeholders including volunteers, beneficiaries, policy makers and other practitioners, funders and investors to build relationships with others, communicate added value and raise the profile of their work
  • 58. In closing  Involve stakeholders  Establish the scope and identify the key stakeholders impacted  Understand what changes  Map the outcomes – identify the indicators to measure impact  Value things that matter Community Impact  Look for evidence, don’t forget baseline and impact studies If you can count and define indicators you can determine impact and return  Only include what is material  Focus on agreed outcomes first then incidental impact  Do not over claim  Calculate the impact based on evidence  Be transparent  Report the outcome – the good and BAD news  Verify the result  Share the learning Business Return
  • 59. Questions and Discussion  How to start  Where to start  How to do it  When to do it  Just do it
  • 60. Contact  Reana Rossouw  Next Generation Consultants - Specialists in Development  E-mail: rrossouw@nextgeneration.co.za  Web: www.nextgeneration.co.za  PLEASE NOTE: THIS PRESENTATION IS PART OF A LARGER BODY OF RESEARCH! THIS INFORMATION IS COPYWRITED AND THE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OF NEXT GENERATION CONSULTANTS.