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The Characteristics of Life
 The cell is the site of life; it is the functioning unit structure from which living
 organisms are made.

 Organisms can have varied morphologies (appearances), but there are often many
 similarities at the cellular level, i.e. in cell ultrastructure.
    Plant cell

        Photo: Brian Finerran

                                                                                                     a r
                                                                                                   en ka
                                                                                                g l eu
                                                                                            Eu lar
                                         Human cell

The Characteristics of Life
 Life on Earth is very diverse, and takes on many shapes, forms, and functions.
 Despite this diversity, all living things share certain characteristics:
‣   Cellular organization: the basic unit of structure and function in living things

‣   Metabolism: chemical reactions and energy transfers

‣   Homeostasis: self-regulating control mechanisms.

‣   Growth and development: increase in size,
    number, and function of cells

‣   Sensitivity: response to environment

‣   Reproduction: the production of new cells or
    multicellular organisms

‣   Heredity: a genetic system based on the
    replication of DNA

                                                                                             Photo credit: Dr Steve Durr
 A basic characteristic of life is a high degree of

 Biological organization is hierarchical.
                                                                    Life is cellular based
Types of Living Things
           Non-cellular                                       Viruses

?     ?                           Prokaryotic cells
                                 Relatively small cells    Bacterial cells
Living                                 0.5-10 µm

                                                            Fungal cells

                                                           Protistan cells
                                   Eukaryotic cells
                                  Relatively large cells
                                       30-150 µm

                                                            Animal cells
The division of living organisms into
prokaryotes and eukaryotes is a
fundamental classification division
                                                             Plant cells
Introduction to Viruses
  are non-cellular. They are not generally classed as living organisms.
  have a typical size range of 20-300 nm.
  contain no cytoplasm or organelles.
  have no chromosome, just RNA or DNA strands.
  are covered in a protein coat.
  are parasitic, and depend on a host cell for both their metabolism and their

                Orf virus                          Tobacco mosaic virus
Introduction to Prokaryotes
  Prokaryotic cells have no
  true nucleus.
  Their genetic material is
  found a region called the
  nuclear area, but is not
  separated from the other
  cell material by a
  Prokaryotic cells are
  generally smaller than
  eukaryotic cells.
  Prokaryotes are usually
  unicellular organisms.
  Bacteria are prokaryotes.   E. coli: Lighter nuclear region
Introduction to Bacteria
       Bacterial cells:
           are single-celled organisms.
           have no membrane-bound nucleus or organelles.
           have DNA, usually as a single chromosome.
           have cell walls of peptidoglycan. Many secrete a capsule.

Bacillus megaterium,
clearly showing the
plasma membrane                                                Cyanobacterial cells
(blue). The thick cell wall                                    (Anabaena). Cyanobacteria
(brown) surrounds the                                          are also called the blue-
entire cell, but there are                                     green bacteria.
no membrane-bound
cellular organelles.
Introduction to Eukaryotes
 Eukaryotes are characterized by
 having their genetic material
 contained within a nuclear

 Eukaryotic cells are generally
 much larger than prokaryotic cells.

 They are more complex cellular
 organisms and have a variety of
 internal membranes and
                                        Human lymphocyte. Note
 structures, called organelles.        the clearly defined nucleus

 Fungi, protistians, animals, and
 plants are all eukaryotic.
Eukaryote organisms can be:
   unicellular organisms (e.g. the protistians).
   multicellular organisms (e.g. plants).

                     a ryo
                   en a
                 gl euk
              Eu lar

                                                   Multicellular eukaryotes,

                                                        bean seedlings
Introduction to Fungi
Fungal cells:
   are rarely found as discrete cells.
   have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.
   are plant-like in appearance, but lack chlorophyll.
   have rigid cells walls that contain chitin.
   are heterotrophic.

   Tangled mass of fungal cells          Fungal cells with cone-like reproductive structures
Introduction to Protist Cells
  Protistan cells:
     are mainly single-celled or
     exist as cell colonies.
     have a nucleus and
     membrane-bound organelles.    Paramecium (top) and Euglena
                                      (center) are examples of
     can be autotrophic (contain         unicellular protists.
     chlorophyll and carry out
     photosynthesis) or can be

                                   Volvox (lower) is
                                   a colonial protist.
Introduction to Animal Cells
   Animal cells:
       exist as part of multicellular organisms (animals) with
       specialized cells of many different types.
       possess a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.
       lack cell walls.
       are heterotrophic.


                                                       Even the simplest animals are
                                                      complex multicellular organisms
                                                     composed of many different types
  Rotifer                                                  of specialized cells.
Animal Cells
Animal cells (right), unlike plant
cells, have irregular shapes.

Some animal cells (such as
phagocytes) are able to alter their
shape for various purposes (e.g.
engulfment of foreign material).

Some animal cells have flagellum
which enables the cell to move
(e.g. spermatozoan).
Introduction to Plant Cells
 Plant cells:
    exist as part of multicellular organisms (plants) with specialized
    cells of many different types.
    have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.
    are typically autotrophic, photosynthetic cells with chloroplasts.
    have a cellulose cell wall.

                                                              Many of the cells
                                                              making up the plant
                Leaf section                                  body are photosynthetic
Plant Cells
Plant cells consist of a protoplast
enclosed in a cellulose cell wall.

A protoplast is the name for all the cell
contents within the plasma membrane,
but does not include the cell wall.

                             Cell membrane

                                   Cell wall

                                                  Photo: Brian Finerran
  The plant cell (right) clearly shows the cell
  wall colored green, and brown line of the
  cell membrane laying inside of the cell wall.

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Introduction to cells

  • 1. The Characteristics of Life The cell is the site of life; it is the functioning unit structure from which living organisms are made. Organisms can have varied morphologies (appearances), but there are often many similarities at the cellular level, i.e. in cell ultrastructure. Plant cell Photo: Brian Finerran a r en ka g l eu Eu lar llu ce Human cell ni U
  • 2. The Characteristics of Life Life on Earth is very diverse, and takes on many shapes, forms, and functions. Despite this diversity, all living things share certain characteristics: ‣ Cellular organization: the basic unit of structure and function in living things ‣ Metabolism: chemical reactions and energy transfers ‣ Homeostasis: self-regulating control mechanisms. ‣ Growth and development: increase in size, number, and function of cells ‣ Sensitivity: response to environment ‣ Reproduction: the production of new cells or multicellular organisms ‣ Heredity: a genetic system based on the replication of DNA Photo credit: Dr Steve Durr A basic characteristic of life is a high degree of organization. Biological organization is hierarchical. Life is cellular based
  • 3. Types of Living Things Non-cellular Viruses ? ? Prokaryotic cells Relatively small cells Bacterial cells Living 0.5-10 µm things Fungal cells Cells Protistan cells Eukaryotic cells Relatively large cells 30-150 µm Animal cells The division of living organisms into prokaryotes and eukaryotes is a fundamental classification division Plant cells
  • 4. Introduction to Viruses Viruses: are non-cellular. They are not generally classed as living organisms. have a typical size range of 20-300 nm. contain no cytoplasm or organelles. have no chromosome, just RNA or DNA strands. are covered in a protein coat. are parasitic, and depend on a host cell for both their metabolism and their reproduction. Orf virus Tobacco mosaic virus
  • 5. Introduction to Prokaryotes Prokaryotic cells have no true nucleus. Their genetic material is found a region called the nuclear area, but is not separated from the other cell material by a membrane. Prokaryotic cells are generally smaller than eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotes are usually unicellular organisms. Bacteria are prokaryotes. E. coli: Lighter nuclear region
  • 6. Introduction to Bacteria Bacterial cells: are single-celled organisms. have no membrane-bound nucleus or organelles. have DNA, usually as a single chromosome. have cell walls of peptidoglycan. Many secrete a capsule. Bacillus megaterium, clearly showing the plasma membrane Cyanobacterial cells (blue). The thick cell wall (Anabaena). Cyanobacteria (brown) surrounds the are also called the blue- entire cell, but there are green bacteria. no membrane-bound cellular organelles.
  • 7. Introduction to Eukaryotes Eukaryotes are characterized by having their genetic material contained within a nuclear membrane. Eukaryotic cells are generally much larger than prokaryotic cells. They are more complex cellular organisms and have a variety of internal membranes and Human lymphocyte. Note structures, called organelles. the clearly defined nucleus Fungi, protistians, animals, and plants are all eukaryotic.
  • 8. Eukaryotes Eukaryote organisms can be: unicellular organisms (e.g. the protistians). multicellular organisms (e.g. plants). , te a ryo en a gl euk Eu lar llu Multicellular eukaryotes, ce ni bean seedlings U
  • 9. Introduction to Fungi Fungal cells: are rarely found as discrete cells. have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. are plant-like in appearance, but lack chlorophyll. have rigid cells walls that contain chitin. are heterotrophic. CDC Tangled mass of fungal cells Fungal cells with cone-like reproductive structures
  • 10. Introduction to Protist Cells Protistan cells: are mainly single-celled or exist as cell colonies. have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. Paramecium (top) and Euglena (center) are examples of can be autotrophic (contain unicellular protists. chlorophyll and carry out photosynthesis) or can be heterotrophic. Volvox (lower) is a colonial protist.
  • 11. Introduction to Animal Cells Animal cells: exist as part of multicellular organisms (animals) with specialized cells of many different types. possess a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. lack cell walls. are heterotrophic. Arachnid Mollusk Even the simplest animals are complex multicellular organisms composed of many different types Rotifer of specialized cells.
  • 12. Animal Cells Animal cells (right), unlike plant cells, have irregular shapes. Some animal cells (such as phagocytes) are able to alter their shape for various purposes (e.g. engulfment of foreign material). Some animal cells have flagellum which enables the cell to move (e.g. spermatozoan).
  • 13. Introduction to Plant Cells Plant cells: exist as part of multicellular organisms (plants) with specialized cells of many different types. have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. are typically autotrophic, photosynthetic cells with chloroplasts. have a cellulose cell wall. Bulb Many of the cells making up the plant Leaf section body are photosynthetic
  • 14. Plant Cells Plant cells consist of a protoplast enclosed in a cellulose cell wall. A protoplast is the name for all the cell contents within the plasma membrane, but does not include the cell wall. Cell membrane Cell wall Photo: Brian Finerran The plant cell (right) clearly shows the cell wall colored green, and brown line of the cell membrane laying inside of the cell wall.