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Production Manual
Chickpea Seed Production Manual ~ saskpulse.com
Chickpea Crop Production Manual 3 
2 Plant Description 
5 Adaptation 
9 Variety Selection 
11 Field Selection and Preparation 
14 Production 
15 Method of Seeding 
15 Seed Quality 
16 Seed Size 
16 Seed Treatment 
18 Inoculation 
22 Spring Pre-plant/Pre-emergent Weed Control 
23 Fertility 
26 Seeder (Equipment) Setup 
26 Seeding Rate 
27 Row Spacing 
28 Seeding Depth and Time of Seeding 
29 Rolling 
30 Disease and Pest Control 
31 In-crop Weed Control 
33 Disease Management 
43 Insect Management 
45 Environmental and Herbicide Stress Symptoms 
48 Harvest Management 
51 Post-Harvest Storage and Handling
Quick Facts 
• Desi type chickpeas have smaller, 
angular seeds with yellow to brown seed 
coats. Kabuli type chickpeas have a more 
rounded seed with a cream-coloured 
• Depending on moisture available, plants 
range in height from 30 cm to 70 cm. 
• Plants continue to flower until they 
encounter some form of stress, such as 
drought, heat, frost, nitrogen deficiency, 
mechanical damage, or chemical 
Chickpea Crop Production Manual 
• The main stem of the chickpea plant will 
produce up to seven primary branches 
originating near ground level. 
• Plants are expected to reach maturity in 
110 to 130 days. 
Chickpea Crop Production Manual 3 
Plant Description 
Two major seed types or classes of chickpea are 
grown; desi and kabuli. Desi types have smaller, 
angular seeds with yellow to brown seed coats. 
Kabuli types have more a rounded seed with a 
cream-coloured coat. 
Chickpea scale nodes are typically short. De-pending 
on moisture available, plants range in 
height from 30 centimetres (cm) to 70 cm. The 
plants are naturally resistant to lodging and the 
inflated pods, each containing one to two seeds, 
form several inches from the ground and are rela-tively 
shatter resistant. Even though the plants 
are small, the tap root extends to rooting depths 
similar to wheat. 
Chickpea scale nodes remain below the ground 
during germination, offering the plant some 
late spring frost tolerance and opportunity for 
regrowth if the top growth is damaged in the 
seedling stage. 
The first two nodes of the chickpea plant produce 
scale leaves. The first scale leaf may be below 
the ground, but the first true leaf is produced at 
the third node position. On average, a new node 
is produced every three to four days. 
Chickpea scale nodes have an indeterminate 
growth habit. Plants continue to flower until they 
encounter some form of stress, such as drought, 
heat, frost, nitrogen deficiency, mechanical dam-age, 
or chemical desiccation. This indeterminate 
growth habit is usually expressed in late maturity 
group varieties, but all current chickpea varieties 
are classified as indeterminate in growth habit. 
The main stem of the chickpea plant will produce 
up to seven primary branches originating near 
ground level, usually leading to an erect growth 
habit. A large number of secondary branches 
are produced on the main stem and primary 
branches. Desi chickpea and newer kabuli variet-ies 
have leaves about five cm long with nine to 15 
leaflets, and are described as having a fern-leaf 
structure. Some older kabuli varieties, such as 
CDC Xena, have a single (unifoliate) leaf structure 
instead of leaflets. Flowers, which are highly self 
pollinating, start to be produced at about the 13 
or 14 node stage (usually 50 to 55 days after 
seeding) in axillary racemes. Depending on the 
type and variety of chickpea, seed size and colour 
can range considerably. However, all seeds have 
the distinctive “beak” formed at the radical tip. In 
most years the plant would be expected to reach 
maturity in 110 to 130 days.
Figure 1. Chickpea seedling 
Source: Pulse Production Manual 2000 
4 Chickpea Crop Production Manual
CChhiicckkppeeaa CCrroopp PPrroodduuccttiioonn MMaannuuaall 57 
Quick Facts 
• If not limited by other production factors, 
chickpea does best with 15 to 25 cm of 
growing season rainfall. 
• Two serious production limitations in 
Saskatchewan are the long growing 
season requirement for current varieties 
and the high risk of ascochyta blight, an 
extremely aggressive disease. 
• Due to the indeterminate growth habit 
of chickpea, plants can re-grow late in 
the season after rain showers or in the 
absence of a killing frost. 
• Temperatures of 35°C and higher cause 
stress during early flowering and pod 
• Soil zone/crop insurance coverage areas 
reflect the adaptation of this crop. Due 
to maturity issues, coverage is available 
only if chickpea is planted on either 
summerfallow or stubble in the Brown 
soil zone or on stubble in the Dark Brown 
soil zone. Contact your local office for 
insurance coverage details.
Chickpea is a cool season crop that grows best 
when daytime temperatures are between 21°C 
and 29°C, and nighttime temperatures are 
between 18°C and 21°C. It is relatively drought 
tolerant as its long taproot (often greater than a 
meter in depth) can access water from a greater 
depth than other pulse crops. Chickpea grows 
best on well drained soils with neutral pH. If not 
limited by other production factors, chickpea 
seems to do best with about 15 to 25 cm of grow-ing 
season rainfall. In drier areas of the province, 
or in dry years, planting chickpea on fallow may 
produce a higher yield than on stubble. However, 
if the growing season has ample rainfall, com-bined 
with higher soil moisture reserves on fallow, 
excess vegetative growth may result and maturity 
will be extended. 
Chickpea is best adapted to the Brown and Dark 
Brown soil zones in Saskatchewan. Soil zones 
with more moisture and a shorter growing season 
will have increased problems with seedling blight, 
late maturity, and severe ascochyta. Chickpea is 
not well-adapted to saline soils or to high-mois-ture 
areas. It is also not well suited to soils with 
high clay content or areas where soils are slow to 
warm in the spring. Chickpea does not tolerate 
wet or waterlogged soils. 
Two serious production limitations in Saskatche-wan 
are the long growing season requirement for 
current varieties and the high risk of ascochyta 
blight, an extremely aggressive disease. Planting 
chickpea outside the areas of best adaptation 
has proven to be very risky due to delayed ma-turity, 
high green seed content, and destructive 
disease infections. To prevent delayed or uneven 
8 Chickpea Crop Production Manual 
maturity, avoid planting chickpea in low lying 
areas in the field, around sloughs, or in areas with 
high soil organic matter. 
Fallow is often not the best choice for chickpea 
if soil moisture reserves and growing season 
precipitation combine to provide excess moisture. 
Planting on stubble fields tends to reduce veg-etative 
growth and results in moisture stress to 
hasten maturity. Due to the indeterminate growth 
habit of chickpea, plants can re-grow late in the 
season after rain showers or in the absence of a 
killing frost. There are no management practices 
to overcome the problem of late vegetative re-growth. 
In the Brown and Dark Brown soil zones, stubble 
retention is critical for capturing and holding 
snow. Maximizing the amount of standing stubble 
that remains after seeding will assist in reducing 
wind speed at the soil surface, minimize evapora-tion 
and increase water use efficiency. Increased 
soil moisture at seeding will also be of benefit 
to the rhizobia in the inoculant and improve 
Chickpeas adapt root depth to water availability 
with 88 and 67 per cent of root area in the top 
23 cm under irrigation and dryland, respectively. 
Chickpea has double the root area of pea, and as 
such, may be better adapted to dryland produc-tion 
in semi-arid areas than pea, based on water 
Chickpea has a deep rooting system, better 
suited to lighter textured sandy soils and is very 
tolerant to drought. Chickpea will mature earlier 
and with better quality on sandier soils. 
Chickpea often leaves the soil drier at harvest 
compared to other crops due to its late maturity 
and utilization of late-season rainfall. 
Temperatures of 35°C and higher cause stress 
during early flowering and pod development. Yield 
reductions are greatest, over 50 per cent, when 
stress occurrs during pod development as com-pared 
to early pod development where yields are 
reduced by approximately 30 per cent. Crop man-agement 
to reduce heat stress at these periods 
will increase pod fertility, seed set, and yield. 
Desi chickpea varieties are short and early in ma-turity. 
They are higher yielding and more resistant 
to mechanical, frost, and insect damage than ka-buli 
varieties. The area of adaptation can extend 
into the moist Dark Brown soil zone if grown on 
stubble or on lighter textured soils. 
Kabuli chickpea varieties are strongly indeter-minate, 
usually maturing in 110 to 120 days. In 
a cool, wet season, the maturity of kabulis can 
easily extend past 120 days. The Brown soil zone 
provides the conditions most likely to encourage 
maturity in a reasonable time. Frost in the fall 
usually causes more damage to kabuli varieties 
and can prevent the green seed from turning 
golden in colour. 
Soil zone/crop insurance coverage areas reflect 
the adaptation of this crop. Due to maturity 
issues, coverage is available only if chickpea is 
planted on either summerfallow or stubble in the 
Brown soil zone or on stubble in the Dark Brown 
soil zone. Contact your local office for insurance 
coverage details. 
Chickpea Crop Production Manual 7
Figure 2. Saskatchewan Crop Insurance chickpea coverage zones 
Source: Saskatchewan Crop Insurance 
8 Chickpea Crop Production Manual
Chickpea Crop Production Manual 9 
Quick Facts 
• Market demand for a particular class or 
variety can change over time. 
• Smaller, niche markets may exist for 
certain varieties. 
• Characteristics such as disease 
tolerance, maturity, or harvestability can 
quickly overshadow potential yield gains. 
• Ascochyta blight easily overcomes the 
typical chickpea disease response/ 
defense mechanisms. 
• Continued breeding efforts are underway 
to increase the levels of resistance 
to ascochyta blight, decrease days to 
maturity, and improve seed quality.
Variety Selection 
There are many agronomic and market factors 
to consider when choosing a variety. Market 
demand for a particular class or variety can 
change over time. Check with buyers to determine 
their needs. Smaller, niche markets may exist for 
certain varieties, but not all buyers are interested 
in handling all chickpea varieties. 
Yield is an obvious consideration within a market 
class. However, other characteristics such as 
disease tolerance, maturity, or harvestability can 
quickly overshadow potential yield gains if the 
plant is limited in reaching its full potential. 
Disease resistance, specifically resistance to 
ascochyta blight, is an extremely important factor 
in variety selection. Ascochyta blight easily over-comes 
the typical chickpea disease response/ 
defense mechanisms. As a result, complete resis-tance 
to blight has not been identified in chickpea 
to date. 
Most of the current varieties have improved 
resistance to ascochyta blight. Continued breed-ing 
efforts are underway to increase the levels of 
resistance to ascochyta blight, decrease days to 
maturity, and improve seed quality. Chickpea va-rieties 
have been evaluated in the Saskatchewan 
regional testing program since 1995. Please visit 
the SPG website at www.saskpulse.com for an 
updated variety listing. 
12 Chickpea Crop Production Manual 
Figure 3. Desi chickpea 
Photo: David Stobbe 
Figure 4. Kabuli chickpea 
Photo: David Stobbe 
Chickpea Crop Production Manual 11 
Quick Facts 
• Well-drained soils are best suited for 
chickpea production. 
• Water logging can result in a poorly 
developed root system. When dry 
conditions are encountered later in the 
season, the plant may not be able to 
obtain adequate moisture and nutrients 
to meet its needs. 
• If a certain weed is likely to be present in 
high numbers and cannot be controlled, 
field selection may have to change. 
• It is very important to control perennial 
weeds in the years prior to seeding 
• It is important to maintain herbicide 
records with the active ingredient, 
common name, and rate for each crop 
• Bioassay results from laboratories are 
only as good as the sampling protocol 
used to collect the soil samples. 
• Spores of ascochyta can be found four 
years after the initial crop, even with 
burial of crop residues. 
• Chickpea production is often successful 
in rotation with cereal grains such as 
durum wheat, because chickpea does 
not leave significant amounts of crop 
Field Selection and Preparation 
In areas where chickpea is adapted, the physi-cal 
properties of the field should be considered. 
Well-drained soils are best suited for chickpea 
production. The short stature of the plant will 
result in the crop being cut fairly low, although 
most pods will be formed a few inches above the 
soil surface. Chickpea plants do not lodge, so 
the cutter bar will not have to travel as close to 
the ground as it does for lentil or pea, therefore, 
rolling is also not necessary, but it may still offer 
some advantages. With stones pushed into the 
ground and a more level surface, rolling will still 
improve cutterbar operation, increase speed of 
cutting and reduce earth tag. Rolling, if done, 
should be completed before the chickpea plant 
emerges. Straw and residue from the previous 
crop should be finely chopped and evenly spread 
to ensure uniform emergence. 
Land that has rolling topography will usually lead 
to differences in maturity across the field due to 
variance in soil moisture. Since chickpea is shat-ter 
resistant, this may not lead to any problems 
unless the later maturing areas are considerably 
behind. However, the lower areas of the fields 
may need to be harvested separately. If lower 
areas of the field are subject to water logging or 
standing surface water, the chickpea in those 
areas can drown or have severely reduced yield. 
Water logging can also result in a poorly devel-oped 
root system and when dry conditions are 
encountered later in the season, the plant may 
not be able to obtain adequate moisture and 
nutrients to meet its needs. 
Weeds must be considered when selecting a 
field. Chickpea plants are poor competitors. The 
14 Chickpea Crop Production Manual 
short, open canopy is ideal for weed growth. 
Ensure herbicides are available to control weeds 
expected to be competing with the chickpea 
crop. This requires knowledge of the field’s weed 
history including herbicide resistant weeds if they 
are present. Few herbicides are registered for 
broadleaf weed control in chickpea and in-crop 
control options may not exist for certain weeds. 
Remember to also consider volunteer crop as 
weeds. Volunteer canola, mustard, and flax are 
difficult to control and it is advisable to not seed 
chickpea following these crops. If a certain weed 
is likely to be present in high numbers and cannot 
be controlled, field selection may have to change. 
Perennial weeds such as Canada thistle, dande-lion, 
perennial sow thistle and quackgrass are 
very competitive in any crop and even more so in 
non-competitive crops like chickpea. Herbicides 
currently registered in chickpea have little to no 
effect on most of these weeds. It is very impor-tant 
to control perennial weeds in the years prior 
to seeding chickpea. Good weed control requires 
a long-term strategy involving the entire crop 
rotation. A pre-harvest glyphosate application, in 
years when the crop and timing allows, is key to 
long-term perennial weed control. 
Fall weed control options, in addition to pre and 
post-harvest glyphosate for perennial weed con-trol, 
should be reviewed to determine if they offer 
any advantages. A late fall application of a phe-noxy 
herbicide such as 2,4-D or MCPA will control 
winter annual weeds. However, the maximum rate 
applied should be 280g ai/ha or 113g ai/ac (8 
active ounces). Since spring glyphosate applica-tion 
is so common, application of a phenoxy in 
the fall, prior to seeding chickpea, is not a com-mon 
practice. In years of higher priced glypho-sate, 
2,4-D may be cheaper to apply compared 
to glyphosate and offers a way of diversifying the 
herbicide mix on a particular field over time. This 
practice may have more of a fit in fields where 
seeding may be delayed in the spring, or in fields 
where very early spring weed growth is expected. 
Soil residues of many herbicides commonly used 
in Saskatchewan can cause injury to a chickpea 
crop. Many of the herbicide labels do not list 
chickpea when disclosing re-cropping consider-ations. 
As a result, information on susceptibility 
to the various soil residual herbicides is difficult 
to find. If re-cropping information is not available, 
many manufacturers will suggest re-cropping 
guidelines in excess of what is actually necessary. 
It is important to maintain herbicide records with 
active ingredient, common name, and rate for 
each crop year. 
If the possibility exists that a soil residual product 
might affect chickpea growth, a test plot should 
be planted the year before chickpea is grown in 
that field. The plot should be grown to maturity to 
ensure that there are no late season herbicide 
effects on yield or crop quality. Another option is 
to submit soil samples to a lab for a bioassay. Bio-assay 
results from laboratories are only as good 
as the sampling protocol used to collect the soil 
samples and 100 per cent accuracy cannot be 
guaranteed. False positive results are of no harm, 
but a false negative could mean crop damage or 
Disruption of disease cycles is also an impor-tant 
consideration in field selection. Chickpea 
is extremely susceptible to ascochyta blight and 
careful consideration must be given to crop rota-tion 
to reduce the risk of this disease. Ascochyta 
blight can cause devastating losses of chickpea 
in all soil zones, therefore varieties with good 
ascochyta resistance should be grown. 
Spores of ascochyta can be found four years after 
the initial crop, even with burial of crop residues. 
Saskatchewan research concluded that at least 
two non-host crops needed to be grown between 
successive chickpea crops to reduce disease risk 
if blight was present in the initial crop. Chickpea 
grown next to chickpea stubble from the previous 
year is also at high risk of ascochyta infection. 
Crop rotation goes beyond disease consider-ations 
and weed control (including volunteer 
crop). Chickpea production is often successful in 
rotation with cereal grains such as durum wheat, 
because chickpea does not leave significant 
amounts of crop residue. Growing cereal crops 
with tall stubble before and after chickpea 
provides much needed residue to protect the soil 
from erosion. 
Research has shown that chickpea can root to a 
depth similar to wheat or canola, and can extract 
moisture from that depth. Although this charac-teristic 
helps chickpea tolerate drought, it also de-pletes 
the soil profile of moisture for subsequent 
crops. This may explain why cereal yields tend to 
be lower following a chickpea crop, compared to a 
lentil or pea crop. 
Chickpea Crop Production Manual 13
Quick Facts 
• Chickpea production can be successful 
under both minimum and no-till soil 
• Seed quality includes genetic and 
mechanical purity, germination and 
vigour, and levels of seed-borne disease. 
• Seed size selection for chickpea can be 
more of a consideration compared to 
other pulse crops because the value of 
the seed increases with the size. 
• In the Brown and Dark Brown soil 
zones, seed testing zero to 0.2 per 
cent ascochyta infection is suitable for 
planting, but all seed should be treated 
with fungicide controlling ascochyta as 
even a zero per cent result may contain 
some infected seeds at a lower frequency 
than what was detectable by the lab. 
• Chickpea has the ability to fix 60 to 80 
per cent of its nitrogen requirement 
through nitrogen fixation. 
• Inoculant is economical relative to its 
potential benefits and nitrogen fertilizer 
replacement. The risk of poor nodulation 
is too great to not inoculate each time 
the crop is seeded. 
• If nitrogen fixation is active, the nodules 
will be pink or red on the inside. Lack 
of nodules indicates rhizobia did not 
infect the pulse plant. Lack of a pink 
colour (usually green or cream coloured) 
14 Chickpea Crop Production Manual 
indicates the rhizobia are not fixing 
• Chickpea is slower to emerge, especially 
the larger seeded kabuli types, so a 
wider window between seeding and 
emergence allows more time if a 
post-seed/pre-emergent glyphosate 
application is planned. 
• Sufficient soil phosphorus is required for 
nitrogen fixation and promotes earlier 
• The maximum safe rate of actual 
phosphate applied with chickpea seed 
is 22 kg P2O5/ha (20 lb P2O5/ac) in 
a 2.5 cm spread and 22.5 cm row 
spacing under good to excellent moisture 
• Chickpea requires planting equipment 
with a seed-feeding mechanism capable 
of handling medium to large seeds. 
• The desired plant population for chickpea 
is 44/m2 (4/ft2). 
• Row spacing on most seeding equipment 
presently on Saskatchewan farms is in 
the range of 22.5 cm to 30 cm. 
• Desi chickpea will germinate in soil as 
cold as 5°C, but seedling vigor will be 
greater if soil temperature is at least 7°C.
CChhiicckkppeeaa CCrroopp PPrroodduuccttiioonn MMaannuuaall 1157 
Method of Seeding 
Chickpea fits well into a direct seeding crop sys-tem 
with no problems noted for crop emergence 
and establishment. Chickpea production can be 
successful under both minimum and no-till soil 
management. Minimum till offers producers a 
way to provide additional mechanical weed con-trol 
while no-till appears to have both economic 
and environmental benefits across all of Sas-katchewan. 
Taller standing stubble can increase the height of 
the lowest pods (normally at about 10 cm as has 
been the case in lentil and pea). 
Equipment that seeds between rows of stand-ing 
stubble will reduce water loss to evaporation 
and benefit the chickpea crop, especially in dry 
conditions. Standing stubble will reflect sunlight 
and may result in colder soils which are slower to 
warm in the spring and this may be detrimental in 
a cool, wet spring. 
Research at Swift Current from 1996 to 1998 
and 2000 determined that seeding into tall (25 
to 36 cm) standing stubble increased chickpea 
yields by nine per cent as compared to short (15 
to 18 cm) standing stubble. 
Seed Quality 
Selection and use of high quality seed is the first 
step in establishing a rapidly emerging, vigorous 
stand, and producing a high quality and profitable 
crop. Inoculation, fertilization, and pest control 
will be of limited value if planted seeds do not 
produce a healthy, vigorous stand. 
Planting high quality, pure seed should: 
• Increase tolerance to seedling diseases. 
• Promote rapid and uniform stand establishment. 
• Enhance tolerance to early season stresses 
such as adverse temperature and moisture 
• Promote rapid root development leading to 
improved nutrient, and water use efficiencies. 
• Result in enhanced disease, weed, and insect 
• Provide a more uniform stand with more 
uniform maturity, allowing for improved harvest 
efficiencies and a more uniform product. 
• Produce higher yields and superior seed qual-ity. 
Seed quality includes genetic and mechanical 
purity, germination and vigour, and levels of seed-borne 
Seed purity is determined by the nature and 
amount of unwanted contaminants in the pure 
seed. Impurities include unwanted crop seed, 
weed seeds, and inert material. They can ad-versely 
impact crop yield and quality, as well as 
increase production costs. 
Seed germination tests assess the ability of the 
seed to produce a healthy plant under favour-able 
growing conditions. These tests are gener-ally 
conducted under controlled conditions that 
provide ideal moisture, temperature, and light for 
a prescribed period of time. Unfortunately, these 
tests may over-estimate actual field emergence. 
Seed lots with low germination often lack the abil-
ity to produce strong, healthy seedlings. 
Seed vigour tests, conducted by some seed 
testing labs, are conducted under more adverse 
conditions than a germination test. Vigour tests 
are not standardized and conditions imposed 
upon the seed may vary from lab to lab. Vigour 
tests are an attempt to more realistically pre-dict 
field seedling emergence. Seed vigour can 
decrease due to mechanical damage, immaturity 
at harvest, seed age, pathogen (disease) infec-tion, 
wet harvest conditions, and seed handling 
during cleaning and seeding operations. Although 
not standardized, vigour tests can provide useful 
seed quality information. 
Seed from fields treated with pre-harvest glypho-sate 
should be avoided. The seed may contain 
residue which can reduce germination, vigour, 
normal root development and inoculant efficacy. 
Any chickpea crop having a pre-harvest herbi-cide 
applied, whether it is for weed control or 
crop desiccation, has the potential for reduced 
Contamination from seed-borne diseases should 
be as low as possible. Seed borne ascochyta 
easily transmits to seedlings in the field and 
only seed with close to zero percent seed-borne 
ascochyta should be used. The seed level of this 
disease is very important from a disease manage-ment 
standpoint and also has to be considered 
for crop insurance reasons. Saskatchewan Crop 
Insurance Corporation (SCIC) has set maximum 
seed-borne ascochyta infection levels in chickpea 
seed at 0.3 per cent to qualify for a crop insur-ance 
claim where the cause of loss was asco-chyta 
Other chickpea diseases can be spread by infect-ed 
seed and are summarized in Table 1. These 
are guidelines only as other factors must also be 
16 Chickpea Crop Production Manual 
taken into account. These factors include such 
things as the cost and availability of disease-free 
seed with good germination, availability of regis-tered 
seed treatments to control the disease(s), 
and typical weather conditions. 
Seed Size 
Seed size selection for chickpea can be more of 
a consideration compared to other pulse crops 
because the value of the seed increases with the 
Large kabuli chickpea seed can be screened and 
sized before planting. The 9 and 10 millimetre 
(mm) seeds can be removed from the seed lot 
and sold into the commercial market, and the 
eight mm seeds are used for planting. There are 
no yield penalties for two years as long as the 
smaller seeds do not have an increased percent-age 
of seed-borne diseases. However, there will 
be a decrease in the percentage of large seeds 
The use of small seeded fractions (7.1 to nine 
mm) from kabuli seed lots has resulted in mini-mal 
effects on yield, unless the small seed is 
planted too deep (100 mm), compared to 50 mm. 
However, small seed resulted in four per cent 
lower plant height, and five per cent lower height 
to first pod as compared to unselected kabuli 
seed lots. 
Seed Treatment 
Seed to seedling transmission of ascochyta blight 
is high in chickpea and seed treatment is usually 
In the Brown and Dark Brown soil zones, seed 
testing zero to 0.2 per cent ascochyta infection 
is suitable for planting, but all seed should be 
treated with fungicide controlling ascochyta as 
even a zero per cent result may contain some
Table 1. Guidelines for Tolerances of Seed-borne Diseases in Chickpea Planted Seed 
(These are guidelines only and should be considered along with farming practices and level of disease risk for the situation) 
Disease (Pathogen) Tolerance and Factors Affecting the Level 
(Ascochyta rabiei) 
Use with Seed less than 0.3% ascochyta infection 3. 
Even though a seed test may indicate 0% infection, the seed lot may still contain infected seed and 
seed treatment is recommended. 
Seed-to-seed transmission of ascochyta blight is high in chickpea. The disease is very aggressive and 
can spread quickly in a field once established if weather conditions are favourable. 
Guidelines for ascochyta blight control in chickpea are available at: http://www.agr.gov.sk.ca/docs/ 
infected seeds at a lower frequency than what 
was detectable by the lab. Kabuli varieties, with 
their thinner seed coats, should always be treated 
for seed rot diseases and seed-borne ascochyta 
blight. Desi chickpea, which has a thick, dark-co-loured 
seed coat, does not usually require a seed 
treatment to protect it from pythium, although it 
too is susceptible to other rots and blights. 
One or more of the following trends may increase 
the value of seed treatment compared to past 
• Shortened crop rotations. 
• Earlier seeding due to increased farm size 
(cooler soil temperatures). 
• More crop residue with minimum-till and no-till 
practices results in slower soil warming. 
• Improved efficacy and handling of newer seed 
treatment products. 
Different fungicides control different species of 
fungal organisms so it important to know what 
organism is infecting your seed. 
Seed treatment for control of insect pests in 
chickpea is much more limited compared to 
Chickpea Crop Production Manual 17 
Seed Rots and 
These are soil-borne diseases and are not tested for at seed testing labs. 
The use of seed treatment is strongly recommended for kabuli varieties since they are very suscep-tible 
to these diseases. 
Seed Rots and 
Seedling Blights 
Sclerotinia, Rhizoctonia and Fusarium are primarily soil-borne. Botrytis and Fusarium are also often 
seed-borne and can be tested for at seed testing labs. 
Up to 10% infection (Sclerotinia + Botrytis) may be tolerable, but will result in significant seedling 
blight if a seed treatment is not used. 
The importance of seed-borne Fusarium in seed rot and seedling blight in pulses is not known. Some 
labs will notify growers if >5% Fusarium infection occurs. If present, add the Fusarium value to the 
Sclerotinia + Botrytis value above (not to exceed 10%). 
1 New seed treatments are continually being registered. Contact the Ag Knowledge Centre at 1-866-457-2377, your local agri-retailer 
or industry rep for updated information on seed treatments registered in pulses. SMA's Guide to Crop Protection is 
available online 
http://www.agr.gov.sk.ca/docs/production/cropguide00.asp. Always refer for the product label before applying product to the 
2 The level of seed-borne infection is not the only factor to consider on whether or not to apply a seed treatment as most seed 
treatments are also effective against soil-borne pathogens. Refer to product label for details. 
3 Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corp (SCIC) will not support claims for ascochyta loss that are made on chickpea fields that 
had over 0.3% seed infection and no seed treatment was used. Refer to SCIC website at: 
Source: Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture (SMA)
treatments available for disease. Currently only 
one insecticidal seed treatment (Cruiser Maxx 
Pulses®) is registered for use on chickpea for non-commercial 
seed treatment for wireworm control. 
Certain fungicides and insecticides may be 
harmful to inoculants. Check the label of both 
the inoculant and the seed treatment to ensure 
compatibility. Review treatment procedures to en-sure 
maximum bacteria survival. If no reference 
is made to compatibility, check with both the seed 
treatment and inoculant manufacturer for advice. 
Seed treated with a fungicide should be dried 
prior to applying nitrogen fixing inoculant. Once 
inoculated, plant as soon as possible, as delays 
can reduce the seed efficacy of the inoculant. 
The use of granular inoculant will avoid any prob-lems 
with direct contact between seed treatment 
and inoculant. 
Inoculation for Nitrogen 
Chickpea has the ability to fix 60 to 80 per cent of 
its nitrogen requirement through nitrogen fixation. 
Nitrogen fixation is a symbiotic relationship and 
both the rhizobia and the plant benefit from the 
relationship. Nitrogen fertilizer can be used in 
chickpea to manage maturity. If used, inoculant 
should not be applied. Either method should re-sult 
in the same yield. The use of nitrogen to man-age 
maturity is detailed in the fertility section. 
Kabuli chickpea is an excellent nodulator and 
nitrogen fixer. Desi chickpea is a good nitrogen 
fixer under ideal conditions, but may be a little 
sensitive to adverse environmental conditions. 
Chickpea requires a specific rhizobium species 
for nitrogen fixation. Chickpea rhizobium species 
are not the same as the rhizobium species for 
peas and lentil. Examine the label of any inocu-lant 
to make sure that it is appropriate for chick-pea. 
Some chickpea inoculants will be labelled as 
“garbanzo bean” and are appropriate for use in 
chickpea. Note that many different strains of this 
rhizobium species occur and vary in terms of their 
effectiveness. The manufacturer may have one or 
more strains in the inoculant. 
The rhizobia enter the root hairs of the plant and 
induces nodule formation. The plant provides 
energy and nutrients for the rhizobium bacteria 
living inside the nodules. The rhizobia, in return, 
converts atmospheric nitrogen from the soil air 
surrounding the roots into a form that can be 
used by the plant. Rhizobium bacteria are not 
very mobile so the inoculant must be placed 
close to the seed for maximum nodulation. The 
maximum benefit from nitrogen fixation is derived 
if the supply of available soil nitrogen is low and 
the soil moisture and temperature levels are good 
at the time of seeding. If the soil plus fertilizer 
nitrogen exceeds 40 kg/ha (35 lbs/ac), nodula-tion 
can start to be reduced. If the level reaches 
55 kg/ha (50 lbs/ac) or higher, nodulation can be 
dramatically delayed and fixation greatly reduced 
or eliminated. 
If the rhizobia are actively fixing nitrogen, the nod-ules 
will appear visibly red or pink inside if sliced 
open. Nitrogen fixation is synchronized with plant 
growth, supplying the crop requirements during 
rapid vegetative growth. 
Once the proper inoculant is chosen, steps 
should be taken to ensure maximum rhizobia 
Rhizobium bacteria (either on the seed or in the 
package) die if they are exposed to stress such as 
high temperature, drying winds or direct sunlight. 
18 Chickpea Crop Production Manual
Inoculant must be stored in a cool place prior to 
use and must be used before the expiry date. Fol-lowing 
application of the inoculant, plant the in-oculated 
seed into moist soil as soon as possible. 
Rhizobium bacteria on inoculated seed will die 
quickly if the seed is placed into a dry seedbed. 
Inoculants are sensitive to granular fertilizer. If 
applying higher rates of fertilizer, banding fertiliz-er 
to the side and/or below the seed is preferred. 
Never mix inoculant with granular fertilizer. In-oculants 
are also sensitive to some seed-applied 
fungicides. Check the label of both the inoculant 
and seed treatment for compatibility. When using 
a combination of fungicide and inoculant, apply 
the fungicide to the seed first, allow it to dry, and 
apply the inoculant immediately prior to seeding. 
Inoculants Formulations 
Liquid based products offer convenience and 
better control of application rate compared to 
other forms of innoculants. However, they are 
also more susceptible to environmental dam-age 
prior to seeding than other inoculant forms. 
Recommended time from application to seeding 
is as little as six hours for some liquid products. 
Air velocity settings in air seeders need to be at 
minimum settings to reduce desiccation of the 
bacteria. If seeding into dry soils or virgin legume 
land, double rates should be used. If treated seed 
is planted immediately into a moist seedbed, 
liquid formulations perform well. 
Extenders can help reduce desiccation damage. 
Inoculant extenders, defined as products repre-sented 
to improve inoculant on-seed survival, are 
any product represented as a “bio-stimulant” (e.g. 
vitamins, enzymes). 
Powdered formulations are more durable and 
less prone to desiccation and seed treatment 
damage compared to liquid formulations. The 
bacteria can still be killed by desiccation so the 
same precautions should be taken as with liquid 
Peat based powder inoculants require the use of 
a sticker. Application method is to apply a slurry 
to slightly damp seed. These products are not 
very convenient to use and are not used in any 
significant amounts. Ensure stickers are not detri-mental 
to the rhizobia if using this method. 
Self-sticking powdered peat inoculants are peat 
based powder inoculants with a sticker incorpo-rated 
into the formulation. These inoculants are 
far more convenient than peat based powder 
formulations and application rates are easier to 
control. Adhesion to the seed can be enhanced if 
the seed is slightly damp during inoculation. This 
can be accomplished with a small backpack type 
pressure sprayer emitting a very fine mist to the 
seed during auguring and inoculant application. 
Alternatively, wet the seed in the truck overnight 
with the deck tilted to facilitate drainage. This al-lows 
the seeds to swell and stay slightly moist, as-sisting 
in inoculant adhesion. This procedure may 
also prevent seed splitting and chipping, which 
may be a problem if the seed moisture content is 
low (less than 13.5 per cent). Some growers use 
a liquid inoculant to dampen the seed when ap-plying 
the peat based self stick inoculants. 
Granular formulations are more costly but offer 
the advantage of ease of use. They help save the 
time needed to apply the inoculant directly to the 
seed and are the least likely to desiccate. They 
are available with peat or clay carriers and can be 
soil applied by side-banding or placed in-row with 
no yield differences. Granular inoculants are less 
sensitive to seed applied fungicides than other 
formulations because the granular product does 
not have direct contact with the seed treatment. 
Although granular products offer a number of 
advantages, they do have to be handled carefully. 
Chickpea Crop Production Manual 19
An additional tank is required for their use, which 
should not be filled more than half full to avoid 
compaction. It is recommended to avoid auguring 
peat based granular products. Seed tanks must 
be emptied each night to avoid compaction and 
bridging, and flow rates must be carefully moni-tored 
on humid days. During application check 
the meter rollers occasionally for good flowability. 
Granular inoculant rates can be adjusted with row 
spacing (Table 2). 
Table 2. Granular Inoculant Rates with Different Seed Row 
Row Spacing 7 9 1 1 2 3 
Rate 6 5 3 3 2 1 
Source: Gary Hnatowich 
All inoculant formulations will perform well if con-ditions 
are ideal. Under less than ideal conditions 
(toxic seed treatments, low pH soils, cold soil, 
dry soil, extended treated storage), expectations 
would be that the best performing formulation 
would be granular, followed by peat, and then 
Research completed at the University of Sas-katchewan 
evaluated the performance of 
inoculant formulations in chickpea. Peat-based 
and liquid inoculants were applied directly to the 
seed, and granular inoculants were applied either 
in the seed row, or placed in a side-band, 2.5 cm 
to the side, and at depths of either 2.5 or eight 
cm below the seed. Results indicated that inocu-lation 
using granular formulations was as good 
as, or better than other formulations. The peat-based 
powder and liquid formulations performed 
as well as the granular formulation in some 
instances, especially when soil moisture was not 
limited. Studies carried out in drier soil conditions 
favoured granular products. Granules placed be-low 
and to the side of the seed in moist soil may 
result in better Rhizobium survival and enhanced 
fixation relative to seed-placed inoculants. 
Strain antagonism results from competition for 
infection sites between the rhizobium strains 
capable of infecting the root hairs of chickpea. If 
the inferior strains of Rhizobium infect first, they 
block the best crop specific strain from infecting. 
No native strains of Rhizobium are present in 
Saskatchewan soils, but previous inoculations of 
chickpea may have left some residual Rhizobium 
in the soil. Over time, these bacteria may have 
changed and become weaker at fixation. This 
reinforces the recommendation to inoculate each 
time chickpea is seeded. 
Chickpea crops should be inoculated each time 
they are grown. This ensures sufficient numbers 
of the correct strain of highly effective rhizobia 
are available where they are needed. Inoculant is 
economical relative to its potential benefits and 
nitrogen fertilizer replacement. The risk of poor 
nodulation is too great to not inoculate each time 
the crop is seeded. 
The effectiveness of inoculation can be checked 
by examining the pulse crop in early summer. It 
may take three to four weeks after seed germina-tion 
before nodulation reaches a point where it 
can be evaluated. Although kabuli chickpea is an 
excellent nitrogen fixer and the nodules can easily 
be seen when a plant is pulled from the ground. 
The best way (especially for desi types) to check 
for nodulation is to dig a plant and gently remove 
the soil from the roots by washing it in a bucket 
20 Chickpea Crop Production Manual
of water. Nodules are fragile and readily pull off 
if the roots are pulled out of the soil. Nodules 
should show as swollen bumps that develop near 
the stem close to the soil surface. 
Seed applied inoculant should result in nodules 
forming on the primary root near the crown. If the 
inoculant was soil applied (granular), nodules 
should be found on primary and secondary roots. 
If nitrogen fixation is active, the nodules will be 
pink or red on the inside. Lack of nodules indi-cates 
rhizobia did not infect the pulse plant. Lack 
of a pink colour (usually green or cream coloured) 
indicates the rhizobia are not fixing nitrogen. 
Nitrogen fixation declines once plants begin pod 
formation and seed development. 
Handling and application is critical to ensure 
maximum survivability of the rhizobia. 
When applying an inoculant during auguring, 
operate the auger at half capacity to allow ad-equate 
mixing and seed coverage. If using a liquid 
inoculant, shake the inoculant bag aggressively 
to evenly disperse the rhizobia before adding the 
inoculant to the seed in the auger. 
If seeding is delayed more than one day for 
peat based inoculants, check manufacturer’s 
recommendation for re-inoculating. Some liquid 
inoculant manufacturers suggest re-inoculation if 
the delays from the time of application, to when 
the seed is planted exceeds six hours. 
Inoculated seed flows through seeding equipment 
slowly, so calibration of the seeder is more ac-curate 
if it is done using inoculated seed. 
Anything that negatively impacts plant growth 
will also restrict nitrogen fixation. If the crop is 
harmed by such things as herbicide residue, 
inappropriate herbicide application or poor 
timing of post-emergent herbicide applications, 
nitrogen fixation will decline. If the legume crop 
is not supplied with adequate plant nutrients, 
especially phosphorus, fixation will be reduced. If 
seed contains residual traces of glyphosate, root 
development (particularly root hair development) 
will be abnormal and nodules are unlikely to 
develop. Cool, cloudy weather early in the growing 
season will delay nodulation. Rhizobia do not 
tolerate saline soils, contact with damaging fertil-izers 
(primarily due to the fertilizer salt effect,) or 
extremes in soil pH. 
Fixation of some pulses can be dramatically 
reduced in soils where soil pH levels are near 
5.5. On low pH soils, increasing the inoculation 
application rate or using a granular inoculant is 
Pulse inoculants and pre-inoculated seed 
products are supplements, as defined by the 
Fertilizers Act, and are subject to registration and 
monitoring for quality control. 
Inoculation for Phosphorus Solubility 
JumpStart® contains the fungus Penicillium 
bilaii and is also available in the dual inoculant 
TagTeam®. This fungal inoculant enhances 
phosphorus solubility and uptake by plants. The 
fungus colonizes along the root system of the 
plant, and through the production of organic 
acids, increases the solubility of soil or fertilizer 
phosphorus. Keep in mind that JumpStart® will 
normally replace approximately 11 kg/ha (10 lb/ 
ac) of P2O5 fertilizer; therefore, JumpStart® should 
be used in conjunction with phosphorus fertilizer, 
particularly in cool spring conditions. JumpStart® 
has no residual effect. Your long-term fertilizer 
plan must ensure you are replacing phosphorus 
removed by the grain you sell from your farm. 
Not all research has shown an advantage to using 
Chickpea Crop Production Manual 21
phosphate solubilizing inoculants. Penicillium 
bilaii inoculation, either alone as Jumpstart® or 
as TagTeam® (P. bilaii and rhizobium), in a four 
year field study from 1999 to 2002 had no effect 
on chickpea (desi and kabuli) at two locations in 
the Brown soil zone except in one of the 18 crop 
site-years where yield was increased. No improve-ments 
were observed in plant establishment, 
yield or harvestability (plant height, lowest pod 
height, maturity). 
Spring Pre-Plant/ 
Pre-emergent Weed Control 
Pre-plant and pre-emergent herbicide options 
are used extensively by experienced chickpea 
growers. A spring glyphosate application, either 
pre-seed or pre-emergent, is recommended. This 
provides early season weed control and may 
provide control of weeds for which no in-crop 
control is available. Chickpea is slower to emerge, 
especially the larger seeded kabuli types, so a 
wider window between seeding and emergence 
allows more time if a post-seed/pre-emergent 
glyphosate application is planned. However, with 
good growing conditions and shallower seeding, 
emergence can be quicker than expected so 
timing must be watched closely. Seedlings can 
be damaged as early as soil cracking as they 
are emerging and many come into contact with 
Sulfentrazone (Authority®), can be applied 
either pre-plant incorporated or surface applied 
pre-emergent. On most acres, it is mixed with 
glyphosate in a pre-seed or pre-emergent applica-tion. 
If applied post-seeding prior to emergence, 
apply within three days of seeding to prevent crop 
injury when emerging. Authority® works through 
root uptake in the soil, meaning precipitation 
must follow application for proper activation and 
good weed control. Ten to 20 mm of precipita-tion 
within 10 to 14 days is needed for optimum 
efficacy. If weeds start to grow prior to activation, 
the result will be poor weed control. Chickpea has 
shown excellent tolerance to this chemistry. 
The Authority® label lists control of wild buck-wheat, 
kochia (including Group 2 resistant types), 
red root pigweed and lamb’s quarters. Its major 
weakness is lack of control of cruciferous weeds, 
such as wild mustard. Its main limitation of use 
is its soil residual properties and subsequent 
re-cropping restrictions. One major concern is the 
recommendation to not grow lentil for three years 
following Authority® application. In most chickpea 
producing areas of Saskatchewan, lentil is also a 
popular crop option and application of Authority® 
will limit lentil production. If fields are very weedy, 
Authority® may be used as a clean-up herbicide 
and lentil production is held off for three years. Al-though 
Authority® offers control of weeds that can 
be a real problem in chickpea. The label should 
be reviewed thoroughly prior to use to ensure it 
fits with current rotations and land characteris-tics. 
Authority® (sulfentrazone) absorption by plant 
roots increases as soil pH decreases. At soil pH 
of 6.5 or less, which can occur even in localized 
areas of the root zone, greater sulfentrazone 
uptake can occur and explain unpredictable pat-terns 
of injury to crops. 
A listing of current registered herbicide products 
available for use on chickpea before or after 
seeding can be found in the Saskatchewan 
Ministry of Agriculture’s annual Guide to Crop 
Non-herbicide options may be considered as well. 
Tillage can have a beneficial effect for control of 
some weeds, while having the opposite effect on 
others. For example: 
22 Chickpea Crop Production Manual
• Tillage may be a tool to reduce kochia popula-tions. 
Kochia appears well adapted to no-till 
with germination beginning at 50 cumulative 
growing degree days (well before other com-mon 
weed species). Burial of kochia seed at 
least one cm or deeper can result in reduced 
germination or death of the germinated seed 
prior to emergence. Tillage to bury kochia 
seed should not be overlooked as a part of an 
integrated weed strategy of control for kochia. 
However, this has limited value where mini-mum 
or no-till is practiced. 
• Spring tillage, even minor, significantly increas-es 
the burial and resulting germination of false 
cleavers and catchweed bedstraw. Farmers 
should consider limiting spring tillage as part of 
an integrated weed management program for 
As with other crops, a soil test should be used to 
plan a fertility program for chickpea. 
If soil nitrogen levels are unusually high, nodu-lation 
and nitrogen fixation may be adversely 
affected. Nodule formation and subsequent nitro-gen 
fixation are very sensitive to external nitrogen 
sources, including fertilizers and available soil 
nitrogen. As the supply of nitrogen from soil and 
fertilizer increases, the amount of nitrogen fixed 
by the plant decreases. 
High moisture, coupled with high soil nitrogen in 
fallow will produce excessive vegetative growth 
at the expense of pod set and seed production. 
Maturity will also be delayed, especially for late 
maturing varieties. 
Chickpea does not tolerate saline soils and 
should only be grown on non-saline soil. 
Low pH can inhibit nodulation, reducing nitrogen 
fixation and plant growth. Most Saskatchewan 
soils have a pH range suitable for chickpea 
Sufficient soil phosphorus is required for nitrogen 
fixation and promotes earlier maturity. 
If using nitrogen for maturity management, it is 
critical to know the starting soil nitrogen levels to 
increase success rates. 
Other macronutrients such as potassium and 
sulphur may be limiting for optimal yields. Fertility 
requirements for chickpea are not well-defined. 
Micronutrients are not likely to limit chickpea 
yield but should be measured periodically. Any 
abnormal growth should be noted and if symp-toms 
point to a possible micronutrient deficiency, 
it should be investigated thoroughly. 
Generally, nitrogen fertilizer is not required if 
nitrogen fixation is optimized. Well nodulated 
chickpea plants can derive 50 to 80 per cent of 
their nitrogen requirement through fixation under 
favorable growing conditions. The remainder 
comes from soil nitrogen available in the soil at 
seeding, plus nitrogen released from the soil dur-ing 
the growing season. 
If nitrogen fixation is not optimized due to unfa-vourable 
growing conditions (e.g. relatively dry 
seed bed), chickpea may benefit from low rates 
of starter-nitrogen in some years. But, Saskatch-ewan 
research conducted with four chickpea vari-eties 
from 2004 to 2006 showed no differences 
in seed yield when sown with or without starter-nitrogen 
when granular inoculant was utilized. 
Starter-nitrogen in the phosphate source is rarely 
added if the crop is inoculated. 
Most chickpea varieties are late maturing. Man-agement 
of maturity is critical to optimize crop 
Chickpea Crop Production Manual 23
quality. In addition to field selection and seeding 
practices to encourage early crop development, 
nitrogen fertilization management can be used 
to manage maturity. Research conducted in 
Saskatchewan concluded that cropping strategies 
and practices that produce vigorous early growth 
allow for earlier pod set. This early pod set ties 
up plant resources and minimizes the production 
of new podding sites. A strong early pod setup 
provides a strong reproductive sink and helps 
slow the production of new vegetative tissue. The 
results showed that nitrogen fertilizer supplied 
to uninoculated chickpea accomplished many of 
these strategies. 
Starter-nitrogen of 28 to 56 kg N/ha (25 to 50 lb 
N/ac) without inoculant resulted in earlier matu-rity 
by an average of 13 days in normal to cooler/ 
wet seasons. In dry years, only marginal differ-ences 
were noted as drought conditions acceler-ated 
crop maturity. Research at Swift Current and 
Shaunavon, SK suggests the best practice may 
be to apply starter-nitrogen instead of inoculating 
the seed. 
Earlier research using starter-nitrogen for maturity 
management utilized higher starter-nitrogen rates 
of 56 to 67 kg N/ha (50 to 60 lb N/ac), applied 
away from the seed, without inoculants. Figure 5 
shows varying maturity of chickpea in research 
trials at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), 
Swift Current, in 2004. 
The following should be considered when decid-ing 
if nitrogen should be used for maturity man-agement 
compared to inoculation: 
If adding nitrogen for maturity management, keep 
it away from the seed. Chickpea is sensitive to 
seed placed fertilizer. This method of maturity 
management appears most effective on fields 
where chickpea is grown for the first time. If soils 
contain residual Rhizobium from previous chick-pea 
crop(s), this will not work as effectively. 
Nitrogen may increase vegetative growth. This 
may be a concern in more moist areas of the 
province compared to those with expected drier 
environments. With a relatively short growing sea-son, 
there is not enough time for extra vegetative 
growth to be converted to yield. 
If poor nodulating conditions are expected or 
occur (eg: cold soil temperature, dry soil condi-tions, 
excess moisture, crop injury from herbicide 
residue or application), nitrogen fertilizer should 
increase yield if nodulation is reduced. Under 
good growing conditions with proper inoculation, 
chickpea would be expected to be well nodulated 
with no yield penalty compared to fertilization. 
If a nodulation failure is noted by early summer, 
nitrogen can be applied as a rescue treatment. 
Check closely seven to 10 days prior to flower-ing. 
Nodulation and nitrogen fixation should be 
well developed by the 12 node stage. Although 
application rates have not been established, an 
Figure 5. Starter-nitrogen on right side without inoculant, 
Swift Current 2004 
Source: Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture 
24 Chickpea Crop Production Manual
immediate top-dressed application of 44 to 55 kg 
N/ha (40 to 50 lb actual N/ac) should be appro-priate. 
This nitrogen is best applied as broadcast 
urea or dribble banded liquid 28-0-0. The use of 
Agrotain®, which protects the urea-nitrogen for up 
to two weeks while waiting for a rain to move the 
nitrogen into the soil, should be considered with 
this later application of nitrogen. Supplemental 
nitrogen should not be applied later than approxi-mately 
six weeks after seeding (approximately 10 
to 13 node stage) since it may cause excessive 
vegetative growth, poor pod set, and delayed 
maturity. The rescue treatment would not be ex-pected 
to result in the same yield compared to a 
well nodulated crop. The yield capacity of the crop 
will be limited due to the advanced crop develop-ment 
stage when the rescue treatment is applied. 
Phosphorus is an important plant nutrient for 
chickpea because it has a relatively high require-ment 
for the nutrient. Phosphorus promotes 
the development of extensive root systems and 
vigorous seedlings. Encouraging vigorous root 
growth is an important step in promoting good 
nodule development. Phosphorus also plays an 
important role in the nitrogen fixation process 
and in promoting earlier, more uniform maturity. 
Chickpea removes approximately 0.36 lb P205 
per bushel produced. This is significant and must 
be taken into account in the rotation. 
Chickpea grown on soils testing low in available 
phosphorus may respond to phosphate fertilizer 
even though dramatic yield responses are not 
always achieved. Even though seed yield may not 
be increased every year in response to phospho-rus 
fertilizer, the crop may still benefit from earlier 
maturity. Adding some phosphorus fertilizer will 
leave the soil with a higher level of residual phos-phorus 
for future years. 
The maximum safe rate of actual phosphate 
applied with chickpea seed is 22 kg P2O5/ha 
(20 lb P2O5/ac) in a 2.5 cm spread and 22.5 cm 
row spacing under good to excellent moisture 
conditions. This assumes use of monoammonium 
phosphate, the most common source of phos-phate 
fertilizer used in Saskatchewan. Diammo-nium 
phosphate is much more toxic to seedlings 
and caution is needed if used. Rates of seed-placed 
fertilizer must be reduced if the seedbed 
has less than ideal moisture conditions. Higher 
rates of P2O5 fertilizer placed with the seed can 
damage the emerging seedlings and reduce the 
stand. If higher P2O5 rates are required, banding 
the fertilizer away from the seed (side-band or 
mid-row band) is recommended. 
To minimize the chance of seed injury, some 
growers apply extra phosphorus with the crop 
seeded the year before chickpea. They will then 
either not apply phosphorus the year seeding 
chickpea, or reduce the amount of phosphorus 
the year seeding chickpea to reduce the chance 
of seedling injury. If soil levels of phosphorus 
are higher due to previous years applications, 
Jumpstart® may be able to solubilize enough early 
season phosphorus to provide the “starter” effect 
in the absence of phosphorus fertilizer. 
Potassium is usually not required as a fertilizer 
supplement in most soils where chickpea is 
grown. When soil test levels are very low, at least 
a small amount should be seed-placed. However, 
seed-placing potassium may cause seedling dam-age. 
As with phosphate, a wider opener may allow 
for slightly higher safe seed-placed rates. 
The maximum safe rate of potassium and phos-phorus 
is 20lb/ac. 
Sulphur is deficient in some Saskatchewan 
soils. If identified as deficient through a soil test, 
sulphur can be added by side-banding, mid-row 
Chickpea Crop Production Manual 25
banding, or broadcasting ammonium sulphate, 
which contains sulphur in a plant available form. 
Micronutrient deficiencies for chickpea produc-tion 
have not been identified as a problem 
through chickpea growing areas of Western 
Canada, although no research has been con-ducted 
to access micronutrient requirements of 
chickpea. If a micronutrient deficiency is sus-pected, 
it is advisable to analyze soil and plant 
samples within the suspect area and compare 
the analysis to soil and plant samples collected 
from a non-affected area of the same field. If the 
analysis confirms a micronutrient deficiency at a 
relatively early growth stage, a foliar application 
of the appropriate micronutrient fertilizer may cor-rect 
the problem. 
Seeder Setup 
Chickpea seed, especially kabuli, is susceptible 
to mechanical damage. Physical injury, either 
through handling or the seeding operation, can 
easily lead to 30 per cent seed damage. Chickpea 
seed should not be below 13 per cent moisture. 
It can easily break, chip, or crack, leading to re-duced 
germination. Moisturizing the seed prior to 
seeding may be beneficial. The Prairie Agricultural 
Machinery Institute (PAMI) fact sheet, Moistur-izing 
Pulses to Reduce Damage, provides a good 
review of this subject. Chickpea requires plant-ing 
equipment with a seed-feeding mechanism 
capable of handling medium to large seeds. 
As outlined in the fertility discussion, chickpea is 
susceptible to injury from seed placed fertilizer in 
excess of rates considered safe. If higher rates of 
fertilizer are applied it should be kept away from 
the seed. 
It is important to minimize seed bounce. Use the 
lowest possible air speed setting for fans, while 
still allowing movement of seed through the hos-es. 
It may be of benefit to have air release opener 
designs to reduce damage to your chickpea seed. 
On row packing to ensure good soil contact with 
the seed is recommended (as long as soils are 
not water logged). Harrowing and further packing 
after seeding is not needed if on row packing is 
available on the seeding equipment. 
Seeding Rate 
The desired plant population for chickpea is 44/ 
m2 (4/ft.2), but can be further defined by market 
class as follows: 
•Desi chickpea: 30 to 45 seedlings/m2 (2.8 to 
4.3 seedlings/ft2). 
•Medium to small chickpea: 40 seedlings/m2 
(3.8 seedlings/ft2). 
•Large kabuli chickpea: 38 seedlings/m2 (3.6 
Brown soil zone research conducted from 1998 
to 2000 in Swift Current determined that the 
optimum planting density for maximum yield of 
chickpea were as follows: 
Kabuli 40 to 45 plants/m2 
(3.8 to 4.3 seedlings/ft2) 
Desi 45 to 50 plants/m2 
(4.3 to 4.7 seedlings/ft2) 
Wheat stubble 
Kabuli 35 to 40 plants/m2 
(3.3 to 3.8 seedlings/ft2) 
Desi 40 to 45 plants/m2 
(3.8 to 4.3 seedlings/ft2) 
Increasing plant density from 20 to 50 plants/m2 
(1.9 to 4.7 seedlings/ft2) decreased the days to 
26 Chickpea Crop Production Manual
maturity by 1.5 to three days, and increased the 
height of the lowest pod by five to 10 per cent. 
Chickpea yields increased as plant densities were 
increased from 20 to 50 plants/m2 (1.9 to 4.7 
seedlings/ft2) in desi, small kabuli, and kabuli 
by 20, 27, and 17 per cent, respectively in 2003 
research conducted in southwest Saskatchewan. 
Southern Alberta research from 2000 to 2004 
with desi chickpea found that maximum yield was 
achieved with seeding dates prior to May 15th and 
plant stands of 30 to 40 plants/m2 (2.8 to 3.8 
seedlings/ft2). Crop stands of this density provide 
better competition against weeds and will result 
in more uniform maturity and higher yields. 
The optimum seeding rate for each seed lot var-ies 
depending on its seed size. Larger seeded 
chickpea will require a higher seeding rate to 
achieve placement of the same number of seeds 
per unit area compared to a smaller seeded vari-ety. 
For example, CDC Luna, with a weight of 377 
grams per 1000 seeds will have approximately 
1204 seeds per pound. Compare this to CDC 
Vanguard with a weight of 219 grams per 1000 
seeds, and it will have approximately 2073 seeds 
per pound. 
The average 1000 seed weight for a specific 
chickpea variety can be found in the Saskatch-ewan 
Ministry of Agriculture’s Varieties of Grain 
Crops publication. Seed lots of the same variety 
can differ in seed size depending on growing 
conditions. To determine the 1000 seed weight of 
a chickpea seed lot, count out 1000 seeds and 
weigh them using a gram scale. 
Survival percentage is expected germination, 
subtract expected field mortality. Germination per 
cent levels should be obtained through a germi-nation 
test at an accredited lab. Field mortality is 
commonly 15 to 30 per cent, depending on the 
harshness of spring seedbed conditions. A seed 
lot with 95 per cent germination and an expected 
field mortality of 15 per cent would have an ex-pected 
emergence or survival of 80 per cent. 
Row Spacing 
Choice of row spacing when purchasing or retrofit-ting 
seeding equipment is based on more than 
chickpea crop response. Factors such as soil 
type, horsepower, soil zone, type of opener, and 
amount of residue all influence row spacing deci-sions. 
Response to row spacing can change from 
year to year and farm to farm depending on a 
variety of factors including weather, disease pres-sure, 
moisture etc. Row spacing on most seeding 
equipment presently on Saskatchewan farms is in 
the range of 22.5 cm to 30 cm. This range works 
well for chickpea, while still maintaining good 
residue clearance. 
Seeding rate recommendations are not influ-enced 
by row spacing. Chickpea is a poor compet-itor 
with weeds and narrower row spacing may be 
an advantage in competing with weeds. Narrower 
row spacing will result in faster canopy closure 
and reduced soil moisture loss through evapora-tion 
between the rows. Narrower row spacing also 
encourages quicker rooting exploitation of the soil 
between the rows and subsequent use of mid-row 
soil moisture. Narrower rows leave less standing 
stubble and residue clearance is more of an issue 
while wider rows disturb less soil and preserve 
more standing stubble. Wider row spacing can be 
used in high moisture regions to reduce the risk 
of a thick crop canopy, leading to poor pod set 
and lodging. Wider row spacing may also reduce 
disease pressure if the micro-climate within the 
crop is kept drier due to the wider spacing. 
Chickpea Crop Production Manual 27
Table 3. Chickpea Seeding Rate (lb/ac) for a Target Population of 4 Plants/Square Foot 
Seed Weight 
(g/1000 seeds) 
Seeding Time and Depth of 
The recommended minimum average soil tem-perature 
at depth of seeding for desi chickpea 
is 7ºC. Desi chickpea will germinate in soil as 
cold as 5ºC, but seedling vigor will be greater if 
soil temperature is at least 7ºC. The minimum 
average soil temperature at depth of seeding 
for kabuli chickpea should be 10ºC. Warmer soil 
increases rapid germination and emergence of 
seedlings. Planting should take place as soon as 
the soil reaches these temperatures to provide 
maximum time for the crop to mature before the 
first fall frost. In Saskatchewan, chickpea should 
not be planted later than May 24th due to the 
crop’s long growing season requirement, and the 
risk of fall frost damage. Kabuli chickpea should 
also not be seeded into excessively wet soils. 
Chickpea grows best when daytime temperatures 
are between 21ºC and 29ºC, and nighttime tem-peratures 
between 18ºC and 21ºC. Later seeding 
reduces plant growth, duration of flowering and 
seed set, leading to reduced yield. However, 
crop developmental stages can become more 
compressed with later seeding and little effect 
on yield unless maturity is delayed enough that 
immature seeds are killed by frost. 
Chickpea is tolerant of spring frost. Frost survival 
depends on how low the temperature drops, how 
long the freezing conditions last, how much cold 
conditioning the crop receives, moisture content, 
and the growth stage of the crop when frost hits. 
Even if the frost is severe enough to kill the main 
shoot, the chickpea plant can re-grow from one of 
the scale nodes at or below the soil surface. 
The recommended seeding depth for chickpea 
is 3.5 to 6 cm. Chickpea should be seeded into 
moist soil to provide the necessary moisture for 
proper germination and inoculant survival. 
Seeding into a dry soil increases imbibitional in-jury 
(swelling damage as the seed absorbs water 
too quickly when exposed to a rainfall after lying 
28 Chickpea Crop Production Manual 
Survival (%) 
60 65 70 75 80 85 90 
220 147 135 126 117 110 104 98 
240 160 148 137 128 120 113 107 
260 173 160 149 139 130 122 116 
280 187 172 160 149 140 132 124 
300 200 185 171 160 150 141 133 
320 213 197 183 171 160 151 142 
340 227 209 194 181 170 160 151 
360 240 222 206 192 180 169 160 
380 253 234 217 203 190 179 169 
400 267 246 229 213 200 188 178 
420 280 258 240 224 210 198 187 
440 293 271 251 235 220 207 196 
Source: Saskatchewan Pulse Growers
in a dry soil) and is not good for kabuli chickpea. 
Try to seed after a rainfall into a warm soil for 
best results. 
If Sencor® herbicide is to be used, do not seed 
less than 5 cm deep or in soils with less than four 
per cent organic matter. The herbicide, if leached 
due to high moisture infiltration, can cause signifi-cant 
damage if seeding depth is less than 5 cm. 
Benefits from land rolling for chickpea are lower 
compared to pea and lentil because chickpea 
plants rarely lodge, and pods are produced higher 
off the ground. If the objective for rolling is to 
push rocks into the soil and level the ground to 
facilitate cutterbar operation, it should be done 
prior to emergence. Post emergent rolling dam-ages 
chickpea plants through mechanical injury 
because of their stiff stems. It can also spread 
ascochyta blight, while leaving the plant weaker 
and more susceptible to disease attack. Do not 
roll if the soil surface is wet, or if the operation 
results in an over packed soil. 
Chickpea Crop Production Manual 29
Quick Facts 
• Chickpea is a poor competitor against 
• During periods of crop stress (eg: heat, 
drought, frost), the ability of the chickpea 
crop to tolerate herbicide application may 
be reduced. 
• Ensure the herbicide hits the target, 
water volume is adequate, nozzles 
provide good coverage, and travel speed 
is reasonable enough to ensure a good 
spray pattern. 
• The major weeds of concern in chickpea 
include kochia (the vast majority of which 
are Group 2 resistant), Russian thistle, 
wild mustard, stinkweed, and perennial 
weeds Canada thistle, and quackgrass. 
30 Chickpea Crop Production Manual
Disease and Pest Control 
In-Crop Weed Control 
Chickpea is a poor competitor against weeds. 
Weed control in chickpea must be considered 
throughout the rotation, not just in the year of 
growing. Herbicide options in the fall, prior to 
seeding and pre-seed/pre-emergent spring her-bicide 
options must be considered. In-crop weed 
management is the final step. Perennial weed 
management, knowing your field’s weed history 
and anticipating in-crop weeds are key to a suc-cessful 
weed control program. 
Crop scouting is a key component of a success-ful 
weed control program. This includes scouting 
every year so an inventory of weeds is recorded. 
One to two weeks after applying a herbicide, 
scout for both weed control symptoms and crop 
injury symptoms. If the weeds are not completely 
dead, look for symptoms of herbicide activity 
such as yellowing, purpling, twisting, cupping, or 
bleaching. Timely post-spray audits may leave 
enough time to perform a rescue treatment if 
Crop choice the year prior to growing chickpea 
may allow the use of a herbicide to control a 
troublesome weed that has no herbicide available 
for in-crop control in the chickpea crop. Herbicide 
options in chickpea are much more limited than 
most other crops. 
For weed control in chickpea please consult the 
Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture's Guide to 
Crop Protection. 
A few key points regarding in-crop herbicide 
choice and application are worth noting. 
Although not considered an in-crop herbicide, 
Authority® can act in-crop through its soil residual 
In-crop herbicides registered for grassy weed 
control all are Group 1 herbicides. 
Sencor® should be applied early post-emergence. 
Best performance is achieved when chickpea 
plants are at the one to three above ground node 
stage, and the weeds are small. Chickpea injury 
is more severe at advanced growth stages. Some 
leaf scorch will almost always be evident after 
application, but plants recover quickly if they are 
small. Sencor® can move in the soil after heavy 
rainfall, so if the use of this product is antici-pated, 
chickpea must be planted at least five 
cm deep to prevent injury to seedlings. Do not 
use Sencor® in soils with less than four per cent 
organic matter. 
If weeds are present, control them early. Chick-pea 
is not a competitive crop, especially when 
weed competition can severely reduce yield. If 
weeds have emerged, apply herbicides at early 
crop stages. This will improve weed control, 
reduce competition from the weeds, and usually 
reduces herbicide injury. 
Research conducted in 2008 and 2009 by the 
University of Saskatchewan’s Crop Develop-ment 
Centre (CDC) showed that when applied, 
post-emergence, the non-registered herbicides 
imazethapyr (Pursuit®), imazamox (Solo®) and 
the registered herbicide metribuzin (Sencor®), 
all caused increases in ascochyta disease in 
chickpea, as well as crop damage and associated 
Chickpea Crop Production Manual 31
delays in maturity and reduced yield. Sulfentra-zone 
(Authority®), also utilized in the study, was a 
safer choice for broadleaf weed control across all 
locations and years. Sulfentrazone can be applied 
either pre-plant or pre-emergent. 
Post-emergent harrowing is not recommended. It 
can spread disease and cause severe mechanical 
crop injury. 
During periods of crop stress (eg: heat, drought, 
frost), the ability of the chickpea crop to tolerate 
herbicide application may be reduced. Crop injury 
can be reduced by waiting approximately four 
days after the crop stress occurs before apply-ing 
a herbicide, by maintaining water volumes at 
label recommendations, and applying the product 
during the evening. 
Because weeds left behind can cause significant 
yield loss and interfere with harvest, maximizing 
sprayer efficiency can pay big dividends. Ensure 
the herbicide hits the target, water volume is 
adequate, nozzles provide good coverage, and 
travel speed is reasonable enough to ensure a 
good spray pattern. 
The major weeds of concern in chickpea include 
kochia (the vast majority of which are Group 2 
resistant), Russian thistle, wild mustard, stink-weed, 
and perennial weeds Canada thistle, and 
quackgrass. Once the competitive weeds have 
been removed, non-competitive weeds such as 
cow cockle, round-leaved mallow, bluebur, and 
wild tomato can also become a problem. 
Management to delay or reduce the occurrence 
of herbicide resistant weeds is important for all 
crops in rotation. It is of particular importance 
to chickpea growers due to the limited in-crop 
herbicide choices and the non-competitive nature 
of the chickpea plant. Herbicide resistant weeds 
already influence herbicide choice in chickpea. 
For example, all in-crop herbicides for control of 
wild oat and green foxtail control are limited to 
Group 1 products. 
Herbicide selection in non-chickpea years should 
take into account herbicide rotation to reduce or 
slow the development of resistant weeds. Resis-tant 
weeds can have a bigger impact in chickpea 
crops simply because it is less competitive. A 
review of herbicide resistance and strategies to 
prevent or slow its development is important in 
any crop rotation, but is magnified when crops in 
rotation are less competitive and are limited in 
choice of in-crop herbicides. 
A few examples of herbicide resistant weeds that 
are particularly troublesome for chickpea growers 
include Group 2 resistant kochia (unless Author-ity 
® is applied), Group 1 resistant wild oat and 
Group 2 resistant wild mustard. 
Resistance can build with each application and 
applications do not have to be consecutive year 
after year. Therefore, with high risk herbicides in 
Groups 1 and 2, the longer you can rotate away 
from these chemistries, the better the resistance. 
On average, if a grower has applied Group 1 
or Group 2 herbicides more than 10 times in a 
field, there is a high risk of resistance developing 
among one or more weed species. 
Research indicates that alternating between two 
modes of action for wild oat control will double 
the number of years for resistance build-up. Al-ternating 
with a third mode of action will increase 
the time of resistance build-up to four times com-pared 
to using a single mode of action for wild oat 
control each year. 
Use integrated control methods through the 
rotation, such as higher seeding rates, promoting 
32 Chickpea Crop Production Manual
quick crop emergence, and using herbicides only 
when economic thresholds are reached. Prevent-ing 
kochia from setting viable seed for one or two 
years greatly reduces kochia populations in a field 
because the seed is short lived in the soil. 
Disease Management 
There are only a few diseases that significantly 
affect chickpea. Ascochyta blight is the most pow-erful 
disease, and can devastate a chickpea crop 
through yield and quality reductions. Ascochyta 
blight in chickpea is much more aggressive than 
ascochyta blight in lentil or pea, and is caused by 
a different ascochyta species. 
Ascochyta blight is a foliar disease that can com-pletely 
destroy a chickpea crop with up to 90 per 
cent yield loss in kabuli, and up to 50 per cent 
yield loss in desi chickpea (pesticide risk reduc-tion 
program 2008). 
Additional Ascochyta Blight Reference Tool: 
• Scouting and Management of Ascochyta Blight 
in Chickpea (March 2010), a publication fund-ed 
by the Pesticide Risk Reduction Program of 
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s (AAFC) Pest 
Management Centre 
(www.agr.gc.ca/prrmup). (PRRP 2010). 
• Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture CD ROM 
Management of Ascochyta Blight of Chickpea 
in Saskatchewan. 
Information presented on ascochyta blight and its 
management is taken from the publication Scouting 
and Management of Ascochyta Blight in Chickpea, a 
publication funded by the Pesticide Risk Reduction 
Program of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Pest 
Management Centre. 
The pathogen overwinters on chickpea residue 
and seed. Both asexual spores and sexual spores 
can be produced on the residue. The sexual stage 
produces ascospores, which can spread several 
miles in the wind and are believed to be respon-sible 
for early season lesions. These ascospores 
are produced by genetic recombination, meaning 
the population can become genetically diverse. 
Research carried out at AAFC, Saskatoon, has 
identified 15 races of Ascochyta rabiei in Western 
Canada. This not only makes breeding for resis-tance 
more of a challenge, it increases the likeli-hood 
of fungicide-resistant strains developing. 
Sentinel plant research using potted chickpea 
plants has shown that disease inoculum is air-borne, 
traveling over several kilometres, and is 
present in the field prior to the emergence of the 
Early symptoms are often only the size of a 
pinhead and can occur on leaflets or stems. They 
can range in colour from light tan to dark brown, 
and have a distinct margin. They can be very 
difficult to identify, but early detection and control 
is critical to controlling disease progression. A 
magnifying glass may be needed at this stage to 
identify the lesions. 
Lesions will expand rapidly under humid condi-tions. 
Lesions on leaflets are usually tan in colour 
and have a dark brown margin. Dark fruiting 
bodies, called pycnidia, are formed in the lesions. 
The pycnidia ooze spores in wet and humid condi-tions. 
These spores are spread by rain to other 
plants and through the field, thus infection is 
aided by weather with frequent showers. 
Anything that moves though an infected field will 
spread spores, especially if the canopy is moist. 
Stem lesions are more elongated, but similar in 
colour and also contain pycnidia. The lesions can 
girdle the stem and this can lead to stem break- 
Chickpea Crop Production Manual 33
Chickpea Crop Production Manual 27 
age and plant death within three to four weeks of 
infection if it is not treated. 
Pod infections limit pod development and can 
cause seed size reduction and discoloured seed, 
resulting in a grade loss. 
The environment (rain and humidity) plays a criti-cal 
role in the development of ascochyta blight. 
Rain plays a role in determining the severity of 
ascochyta blight in two ways: 
• Rain-splashed droplets physically spread the 
disease within the crop canopy by transferring 
spores from diseased plant tissue to healthy 
plant tissue. 
• Rain provides the moisture required for spore 
germination and penetration of the fungus 
into the plant. The high humidity common in 
chickpea crops, even in the absence of rain, 
is also sufficient for spore germination and 
penetration. But the humidity itself will not 
transport spores from one plant to another like 
rain-splash does. 
Dew and humidity promote pycnidia development 
and the “oozing” of the spores which can cause 
new infections. 
An important part of the infection process is 
known as the incubation period or latent period. 
It is the period of time between penetration of the 
Figure 6. Early pinpoint lesions of ascochyta in chickpea 
Source: Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture 
Figure 7. Ascochyta blight; early lesions, leaf symptoms 
Source: Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture 
34 Chickpea Crop Production Manual 
Figure 8. Ascochyta blight; pod lesion 
Source: Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture
fungus into the plant, and the first visible disease 
symptoms. The incubation period for ascochyta 
blight in chickpea is only four to six days. This 
means symptoms that appear within a few days 
of a fungicide application were likely the result of 
a spore that had already successfully invaded the 
If weather turns warm and dry, infected plants 
may survive, but will be delayed in maturity and 
produce lower yields. 
Management strategies must be implemented to 
control the disease through the crop rotation and 
in-crop. Producers should not rely exclusively on a 
single management practice, but rather integrate 
a combination of practices to develop a consis-tent 
long-term strategy for disease management 
that is suited to their production system and 
Fungicides work to control disease by creating 
a barrier on the plant’s surface to prevent the 
spores from germinating and infecting the tissue. 
All fungicides registered for control of ascochyta 
blight in chickpea have this protectant activity 
and are most efficacious if they are applied pre-ventatively, 
or before the fungus penetrates the 
plant. In addition to protectant activity, some of 
the fungicides registered for control of ascochyta 
blight have a slight curative activity. The curative 
activity is limited to the early part of the incuba-tion 
period, and only for the first 24 to 36 hours 
after spore germination and infection. These fun-gicides 
have limited systemic movement within 
the plant tissue and will not be translocated 
throughout the plant or into new growth. Applica-tion 
must be made within the first 36 hours after 
a rainfall to provide curative effects. These cura-tive 
products do not repair tissue that has already 
been damaged or killed by the fungus. 
No fungicide will protect against disease already 
established in the plant or once lesions form. All 
fungicides will protect against spores entering the 
plant (protectant activity). Curative fungicides will 
also protect against early stages of the incubation 
The key to managing ascochyta progression is 
to prevent or slow early development. Fungicide 
application at the seedling stage is critical for 
our short growing season, spraying before the 
occurrence of infection to provide a disease-free 
canopy as long as possible, combined with follow 
up field scouting and additional fungicide applica-tions 
is necessary. 
Fungicides that are currently available will provide 
protection against disease for no longer than two 
weeks. This protection period is shorter when 
a highly susceptible chickpea variety is grown, 
when frequent rainfall is received, and/or when 
the plant has developed new growth. When near-ing 
the end of this protective period, watch the 
Figure 9. Ascochyta blight; healthy (top), infested seed 
(bottom); desi (left) and kabuli (right) 
Source: Courtesy of the Canadian Phytopathological Society 
Chickpea Crop Production Manual 35
weather forecast and be prepared to spray again 
before a rain event. 
Research carried out in Saskatchewan has shown 
that fungicide application at the seedling stage 
is critical to reduce ascochyta blight severity 
and maintain yield for susceptible cultivars. The 
timing of follow up fungicide application is not as 
critical; however, three well timed applications per 
season are as effective as four to five applica-tions 
in partially resistant cultivars. Fungicide 
choice is less important, but usually using two 
strobilurin products gives better control and often 
higher yield. Under high disease pressure, higher 
water volumes of at least 200 litres per hectare 
are more important than spray droplet size. In-creasing 
water volume has shown better disease 
control on fern leaf types, but not on unifoliate 
leaf types. 
Saskatchewan research conducted on ascochyta 
in chickpea with varied leaf structures exam-ined 
the effectiveness of fungicide control. The 
research concluded that nozzle type (flat fan, twin 
nozzle or air induced), and resulting spray quality 
had no significant effect on spray retention or dis-ease 
control, with all producing the same degree 
of control when used properly. 
Research has shown ground and air application 
of fungicides will both be effective and provide 
similar yields. Ground applications use higher 
water volumes and provide greater overall cover-age, 
but wheel tracks may reduce yield and can 
spread disease. Conversely, aerial applications 
use lower water volumes, but do not damage the 
crop and can cover more area in a timely fashion. 
Calendar spraying refers to applying fungicides 
when the previous fungicide’s effectiveness has 
reached a minimum (usually about two weeks). 
However, the importance of combining scouting 
and using weather forecasts cannot be over-looked. 
Applying fungicides at regular intervals, 
even if it is not necessary, not only adds to the 
cost of production, but can limit further fungicide 
choice when considering the need for fungicide 
group rotation. As the crop advances and weather 
conditions become hot and dry, the spray interval 
could be increased to three or more weeks. 
Alternatively, if disease risk is high and moist 
weather conditions are occurring, the spray in-terval 
may need to be decreased to five to seven 
days. Disease risk can change daily depending on 
weather conditions, development of new symp-toms, 
varietal resistance and yield potential. The 
only spray that should be considered “routine” is 
the first spray of the season, about two to three 
weeks after the crop has emerged. 
There are situations when it becomes advisable 
to stop fungicide application. Experience has 
shown it is not beneficial to apply fungicides after 
the first week of August in commercial crops 
unless the goal is to preserve seed quality. It 
takes about one month for a flower to develop 
into a full-sized seed. If a mid-September frost 
is expected, as it is most years, new flowers pro-duced 
in mid-August are not likely to form viable 
seed. Pedigreed seed fields might be considered 
exempt from this rule of thumb in order to reduce 
the level of seed-borne ascochyta. 
Applying foliar fungicides later in the season to 
protect new growth may in fact delay crop matu-rity 
and increase green seed count without im-proving 
yield. Fungicides applied after August 7th 
to August 10th generally do not improve chickpea 
yields in Saskatchewan. 
If disease has not been effectively controlled 
during the season (variety with poor resistance, 
wet growing season, fungicides not applied when 
needed) and pod lesions are already widespread, 
36 Chickpea Crop Production Manual
it is usually too late to apply a fungicide. 
If you are considering discontinuing fungicide 
application due to the advancement of ascochyta 
blight, talk to your local Saskatchewan Crop Insur-ance 
Corporation (SCIC) Customer Service Office 
regarding your decision. Choosing not to follow 
disease control strategies may impact your claim. 
An integrated management strategy is needed to 
manage ascochyta. Fungicides alone will not be 
In Saskatchewan, under our cool and dry condi-tions, 
a three to four year crop rotation to non-host 
crops is necessary to reduce spores from 
previous crop stubble. 
Avoid planting chickpea adjacent to previous 
year’s chickpea fields to reduce spread of residue 
and wind-borne spores and use non-host strips at 
field edges. Field selection should be at least 500 
metres away from fields that had a chickpea crop 
the previous season. 
Choose available varieties that are as disease 
resistant as possible. Currently the best resis-tance 
level available is fair, and therefore, select 
varieties with a “fair” instead of “poor” or “very 
poor” rating for ascochyta. 
Kabuli chickpea is much more susceptible to 
ascochyta blight compared to desi chickpea. Uni-foliate 
kabuli varieties appear to be much more 
susceptible to severe ascochyta blight, compared 
to fern leaf kabuli. 
Keep plant density within the recommended 
range of 30 to 45 plants/m2 (2.8 to 4.3 plants/ 
ft2). Plant stand density within that range does 
not appear to have an association with the 
severity of ascochyta blight in less susceptible 
varieties. Do not increase planting density above 
the recommended range, as ascochyta blight risk 
increases with increasing plant density. 
Follow sound agronomic practices. A healthy 
plant is able to battle disease invasion. Plant 
seed that has been tested at an accredited lab 
and has zero levels of ascochyta, or levels as low 
as possible (not more than 0.3 per cent). Seed 
at the optimum date, depth, and rate. Use seed 
treatments if needed. 
A disease decision support checklist for ascochy-ta 
has been developed to aid in determining risk 
rating to ascochyta, and to determine appropriate 
management strategies. (See Table 4 on next 
Chickpea Crop Production Manual 37
Table 4. Determining Your Disease Risk 
1) Review the following six considerations and assign a risk value to each. 
2) Add up the risk values to create a total risk value. 
3) Use the total value to compare to the risk rating below. 
1. Field History and Crop Rotation Risk Value 
a. Crop is being grown in a region that has never had chickpea production 0 
b. Crop is planted on land that has not had chickpea for at least three years 5 
c. Crop is planted on land that has had chickpea in the last two years; or is 10 
located adjacent to chickpea stubble from the year before 
2. Chickpea Variety Risk Value 
a. Desi variety or kabuli variety rated as “fair” resistance to ascochyta blight 5 
b. Kabuli variety that is rated as “poor” resistance to ascochyta blight 10 
c. Kabuli variety that is rated as “very poor” resistance to ascochyta blight 20 
3. Level of Seed-born Disease and Use of Seed Treatment Risk Value 
a. Seed test indicated no seed-borne ascochyta AND used registered seed 0 
treatment for ascochyta blight control 
b. Seed test indicated low levels of ascochyta (<1%) AND used registered seed 5 
treatment for ascochyta blight control 
c. Seed test indicated significant levels of ascochyta blight (5-10%) AND used a 10 
registered seed treatment for ascochyta blight control 
d. The seed quality is unknown, or I am not using a seed treatment 20 
4. Presence of Disease Symptoms since last Fungicide Application Risk Value 
a. No new disease lesions have developed since last fungicide application 0 
b. Disease lesions have developed on a new crop growth since last fungicide 10 
c. Leaf and/or stem lesion have developed and no fungicide has been applied 20 
this season 
5. Weather Conditions Risk Value 
a. No rainfall in the past week and short-term forecast is for continued 5 
dry weather 
b. Weather conditions are unknown 10 
c. Rainfall or heavy dew has occurred during past week 20 
d. Weather is unsettled, thunderstorms are likely 20 
6. Other Crop Health Considerations Risk Value 
a. Crop emerged well in the spring and there has been no significant 0 
weather/injury to crop 
b. Crop was seeded very early and was slow to emerge 5 
c. Crop was damaged by early herbicide application or soil-residue 10 
d. The crop has received a light to moderate hail shower in the past 24 hours 20 
TOTAL RISK VALUE 1+2+3+4+5+6= ___________ 
Source: Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture’s Scouting and Management of Ascochyta Blight in Chickpea 
38 Chickpea Crop Production Manual
Chickpea Crop Production Manual 39 
Total Risk Value is < 15: 
Your risk is low and ascochyta blight should not have a negative impact on your crop if you remain dili-gent 
about scouting and applying fungicides when necessary. 
Consider the following recommendations: 
• Apply fungicide if the crop is at the seedling stage and a fungicide has not yet been applied. 
• Delay fungicide application if there has been no new lesion development and there is no rain in the 
Total Risk Value is 20 to 45: 
Your risk is low to moderate. Continue to scout for new lesion development as your crop matures. 
Consider the following recommendations: 
• Apply fungicide if it has been close to 14 days since the last application. 
• Delay fungicide if less than 14 days since last application and there is no rain in the forecast. 
Total Risk Value is 50 to 75: 
Your risk is moderate and disease is either increasing in your crop due to favourable weather conditions, 
or because ascochyta blight was established before a fungicide was applied. Some yield loss due to 
disease will occur. 
Consider the following recommendations: 
• Apply fungicide if it has been close to 14 days since the last application. 
Total Risk Value is > 80: 
Your risk is high and ascochyta blight will impact your yield and seed quality. 
Consider the following recommendations: 
• Apply fungicide if crop is in the flowering to early pod stages and there is a potential for suitable yield. 
• Do not apply fungicide if disease is severe and there is little chance for economic return.
Management of fungicide resistance is extremely 
important for all crops and diseases but even 
more so for ascochyta in chickpea due to the 
genetic diversity of the fungus, and the fact that 
isolates with resistance to strobilurin fungicides 
have been confirmed in Saskatchewan. If a 
pathogen develops resistance to one fungicide in 
the strobilurin group, it will be resistant to other 
fungicides in that group. 
The following guidelines, adopted from the North 
American Fungicide Resistance Action Commit-tee, 
are recommended to prevent the increase of 
fungicide resistant fungi: 
• Do not use a fungicide that contains only a 
strobilurin active unless it is tank mixed with a 
non-strobilurin fungicide. 
• Rotate the use of a fungicide with a strobilurin 
product in the mix (or tank mixed) with a non-strobilurin 
• Do not use more than two applications per year 
of any fungicide containing a strobilurin on the 
same field. 
• Do not apply more than two applications of the 
same group in a single growing season (except 
for chlorothalonil, which can be applied three 
Seed rot, seedling blight and root rot of chickpea 
are caused by a complex of pathogens includ-ing 
species of Pythium, Fusarium, Rhizoctonia 
and Botrytis. These pathogens are present in all 
Saskatchewan agricultural soils and can infect 
and kill individual seedlings from germination to 
the early flowering stage. Seed rots and seed-ling 
blights are most severe when soil is cool or 
saturated, and seedling emergence is delayed. 
Infected seed may fail to germinate. Infected 
seedlings will usually turn yellow, wilt and then 
die. Stems may be girdled and discoloured at 
or just below the soil surface and roots may be 
rotten, allowing the plants to be pulled easily from 
the soil. Kabuli chickpea is especially susceptible 
to rots due to its thin, zero-tannin seed coat. 
Figure 10. Chickpea: Root rot 
Source: Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture 
Crop rotations that include cereal and oilseed 
crops can reduce the build-up of soil-borne 
pathogens specific to chickpea. However, many 
of these pathogens can survive as saprophytes 
in the absence of a susceptible host. Therefore, 
crop rotation may have a limited effect in manag-ing 
seedling blight and root rot. 
Review the section on seed treatment for control 
of these pathogens. 
Botrytis grey mold attacks chickpea, both at the 
seedling stage, and in advanced stages. Botrytis 
grey mold of seedlings may spread down a seed 
row, resulting in a series of yellow or dead seed-lings. 
Botrytis grey mold is also favoured later in 
the growing season by dense canopies and moist 
conditions. Botrytis is usually most evident after 
flowering and is common on pods, resulting in 
shrunken, discoloured seed. The infected area is 
often covered by a dark grey, fuzzy, fungal growth. 
40 Chickpea Crop Production Manual
Botrytis pathogens can survive in the absence of 
host crops so rotation has limited effect on dis-ease 
level. Fungicides are available for the control 
of late season development of botrytis grey mold 
on chickpea, but need to be applied prior to 
symptoms showing to be effective. 
Sclerotinia white mold attacks chickpea grown in 
conditions of high rainfall, which produces dense 
crop canopies. This disease is more common 
in crop rotations that include other susceptible 
broadleaf crops such as canola, mustard, lentil 
or pea. Symptoms usually occur in patches, typi-cally 
in heavier crop areas. Infected plants are 
initially paler green and the diseased tissue may 
be covered by a white, cottony, fungal growth. The 
plant later becomes bleached in colour and the 
infected area will easily shred apart, revealing 
small black fungal resting structures. Sclerotinia 
becomes evident later in the growing season and 
if found, may have minimal impact on the crop. In 
most years it is not common through a lot of the 
chickpea growing area. 
Fungicides are available to control sclerotinia. 
However, they must be applied prior to the onset 
of symptoms. 
There are no bacterial or viral diseases of signifi-cance 
in Saskatchewan chickpea crops at the 
present time. 
Scouting in chickpea should begin at the seedling 
stage, two to three weeks after seeding. Asco-chyta 
is very aggressive and can infect a crop 
early. Scout every three to seven days during the 
seedling stage. Rain and/or high humidity means 
scouting frequency should be increased. If condi-tions 
are drier and the chickpea plant gets past 
the seedling stage, scouting frequency can be 
decreased to every seven to 10 days. It may be 
useful to use flags to mark specific areas in the 
field for regular monitoring to watch for disease 
spread to new tissues and/or to determine the 
effectiveness of previous fungicide applications. 
It is very important that you keep the field as 
sanitary as possible. Before entering fields, put 
Figure 11. Chickpea: Botrytis stem and pod rot; grey mold 
Source: Courtesy of the Canadian Phytopathological Society 
Figure 12. Chickpea: Botrytis stem and pod rot; grey 
discolouration on seed 
Source: Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture 
Chickpea Crop Production Manual 41
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  • 3. Chickpea Crop Production Manual 3 Index 2 Plant Description 5 Adaptation 9 Variety Selection 11 Field Selection and Preparation 14 Production 15 Method of Seeding 15 Seed Quality 16 Seed Size 16 Seed Treatment 18 Inoculation 22 Spring Pre-plant/Pre-emergent Weed Control 23 Fertility 26 Seeder (Equipment) Setup 26 Seeding Rate 27 Row Spacing 28 Seeding Depth and Time of Seeding 29 Rolling 30 Disease and Pest Control 31 In-crop Weed Control 33 Disease Management 43 Insect Management 45 Environmental and Herbicide Stress Symptoms 48 Harvest Management 51 Post-Harvest Storage and Handling
  • 4. 2 Quick Facts • Desi type chickpeas have smaller, angular seeds with yellow to brown seed coats. Kabuli type chickpeas have a more rounded seed with a cream-coloured coat. • Depending on moisture available, plants range in height from 30 cm to 70 cm. • Plants continue to flower until they encounter some form of stress, such as drought, heat, frost, nitrogen deficiency, mechanical damage, or chemical desiccation. Chickpea Crop Production Manual • The main stem of the chickpea plant will produce up to seven primary branches originating near ground level. • Plants are expected to reach maturity in 110 to 130 days. 2
  • 5. Chickpea Crop Production Manual 3 Plant Description Two major seed types or classes of chickpea are grown; desi and kabuli. Desi types have smaller, angular seeds with yellow to brown seed coats. Kabuli types have more a rounded seed with a cream-coloured coat. Chickpea scale nodes are typically short. De-pending on moisture available, plants range in height from 30 centimetres (cm) to 70 cm. The plants are naturally resistant to lodging and the inflated pods, each containing one to two seeds, form several inches from the ground and are rela-tively shatter resistant. Even though the plants are small, the tap root extends to rooting depths similar to wheat. Chickpea scale nodes remain below the ground during germination, offering the plant some late spring frost tolerance and opportunity for regrowth if the top growth is damaged in the seedling stage. The first two nodes of the chickpea plant produce scale leaves. The first scale leaf may be below the ground, but the first true leaf is produced at the third node position. On average, a new node is produced every three to four days. Chickpea scale nodes have an indeterminate growth habit. Plants continue to flower until they encounter some form of stress, such as drought, heat, frost, nitrogen deficiency, mechanical dam-age, or chemical desiccation. This indeterminate growth habit is usually expressed in late maturity group varieties, but all current chickpea varieties are classified as indeterminate in growth habit. The main stem of the chickpea plant will produce up to seven primary branches originating near ground level, usually leading to an erect growth habit. A large number of secondary branches are produced on the main stem and primary branches. Desi chickpea and newer kabuli variet-ies have leaves about five cm long with nine to 15 leaflets, and are described as having a fern-leaf structure. Some older kabuli varieties, such as CDC Xena, have a single (unifoliate) leaf structure instead of leaflets. Flowers, which are highly self pollinating, start to be produced at about the 13 or 14 node stage (usually 50 to 55 days after seeding) in axillary racemes. Depending on the type and variety of chickpea, seed size and colour can range considerably. However, all seeds have the distinctive “beak” formed at the radical tip. In most years the plant would be expected to reach maturity in 110 to 130 days.
  • 6. Figure 1. Chickpea seedling Source: Pulse Production Manual 2000 4 Chickpea Crop Production Manual
  • 7. CChhiicckkppeeaa CCrroopp PPrroodduuccttiioonn MMaannuuaall 57 Quick Facts • If not limited by other production factors, chickpea does best with 15 to 25 cm of growing season rainfall. • Two serious production limitations in Saskatchewan are the long growing season requirement for current varieties and the high risk of ascochyta blight, an extremely aggressive disease. • Due to the indeterminate growth habit of chickpea, plants can re-grow late in the season after rain showers or in the absence of a killing frost. • Temperatures of 35°C and higher cause stress during early flowering and pod development. • Soil zone/crop insurance coverage areas reflect the adaptation of this crop. Due to maturity issues, coverage is available only if chickpea is planted on either summerfallow or stubble in the Brown soil zone or on stubble in the Dark Brown soil zone. Contact your local office for insurance coverage details.
  • 8. Chickpea is a cool season crop that grows best when daytime temperatures are between 21°C and 29°C, and nighttime temperatures are between 18°C and 21°C. It is relatively drought tolerant as its long taproot (often greater than a meter in depth) can access water from a greater depth than other pulse crops. Chickpea grows best on well drained soils with neutral pH. If not limited by other production factors, chickpea seems to do best with about 15 to 25 cm of grow-ing season rainfall. In drier areas of the province, or in dry years, planting chickpea on fallow may produce a higher yield than on stubble. However, if the growing season has ample rainfall, com-bined with higher soil moisture reserves on fallow, excess vegetative growth may result and maturity will be extended. Chickpea is best adapted to the Brown and Dark Brown soil zones in Saskatchewan. Soil zones with more moisture and a shorter growing season will have increased problems with seedling blight, late maturity, and severe ascochyta. Chickpea is not well-adapted to saline soils or to high-mois-ture areas. It is also not well suited to soils with high clay content or areas where soils are slow to warm in the spring. Chickpea does not tolerate wet or waterlogged soils. Two serious production limitations in Saskatche-wan are the long growing season requirement for current varieties and the high risk of ascochyta blight, an extremely aggressive disease. Planting chickpea outside the areas of best adaptation has proven to be very risky due to delayed ma-turity, high green seed content, and destructive disease infections. To prevent delayed or uneven 8 Chickpea Crop Production Manual maturity, avoid planting chickpea in low lying areas in the field, around sloughs, or in areas with high soil organic matter. Fallow is often not the best choice for chickpea if soil moisture reserves and growing season precipitation combine to provide excess moisture. Planting on stubble fields tends to reduce veg-etative growth and results in moisture stress to hasten maturity. Due to the indeterminate growth habit of chickpea, plants can re-grow late in the season after rain showers or in the absence of a killing frost. There are no management practices to overcome the problem of late vegetative re-growth. In the Brown and Dark Brown soil zones, stubble retention is critical for capturing and holding snow. Maximizing the amount of standing stubble that remains after seeding will assist in reducing wind speed at the soil surface, minimize evapora-tion and increase water use efficiency. Increased soil moisture at seeding will also be of benefit to the rhizobia in the inoculant and improve seedling. Chickpeas adapt root depth to water availability with 88 and 67 per cent of root area in the top 23 cm under irrigation and dryland, respectively. Chickpea has double the root area of pea, and as such, may be better adapted to dryland produc-tion in semi-arid areas than pea, based on water availability. Chickpea has a deep rooting system, better suited to lighter textured sandy soils and is very tolerant to drought. Chickpea will mature earlier Adaptation 6
  • 9. and with better quality on sandier soils. Chickpea often leaves the soil drier at harvest compared to other crops due to its late maturity and utilization of late-season rainfall. Temperatures of 35°C and higher cause stress during early flowering and pod development. Yield reductions are greatest, over 50 per cent, when stress occurrs during pod development as com-pared to early pod development where yields are reduced by approximately 30 per cent. Crop man-agement to reduce heat stress at these periods will increase pod fertility, seed set, and yield. Desi chickpea varieties are short and early in ma-turity. They are higher yielding and more resistant to mechanical, frost, and insect damage than ka-buli varieties. The area of adaptation can extend into the moist Dark Brown soil zone if grown on stubble or on lighter textured soils. Kabuli chickpea varieties are strongly indeter-minate, usually maturing in 110 to 120 days. In a cool, wet season, the maturity of kabulis can easily extend past 120 days. The Brown soil zone provides the conditions most likely to encourage maturity in a reasonable time. Frost in the fall usually causes more damage to kabuli varieties and can prevent the green seed from turning golden in colour. Soil zone/crop insurance coverage areas reflect the adaptation of this crop. Due to maturity issues, coverage is available only if chickpea is planted on either summerfallow or stubble in the Brown soil zone or on stubble in the Dark Brown soil zone. Contact your local office for insurance coverage details. Chickpea Crop Production Manual 7
  • 10. Figure 2. Saskatchewan Crop Insurance chickpea coverage zones Source: Saskatchewan Crop Insurance 8 Chickpea Crop Production Manual
  • 11. Chickpea Crop Production Manual 9 Quick Facts • Market demand for a particular class or variety can change over time. • Smaller, niche markets may exist for certain varieties. • Characteristics such as disease tolerance, maturity, or harvestability can quickly overshadow potential yield gains. • Ascochyta blight easily overcomes the typical chickpea disease response/ defense mechanisms. • Continued breeding efforts are underway to increase the levels of resistance to ascochyta blight, decrease days to maturity, and improve seed quality.
  • 12. Variety Selection There are many agronomic and market factors to consider when choosing a variety. Market demand for a particular class or variety can change over time. Check with buyers to determine their needs. Smaller, niche markets may exist for certain varieties, but not all buyers are interested in handling all chickpea varieties. Yield is an obvious consideration within a market class. However, other characteristics such as disease tolerance, maturity, or harvestability can quickly overshadow potential yield gains if the plant is limited in reaching its full potential. Disease resistance, specifically resistance to ascochyta blight, is an extremely important factor in variety selection. Ascochyta blight easily over-comes the typical chickpea disease response/ defense mechanisms. As a result, complete resis-tance to blight has not been identified in chickpea to date. Most of the current varieties have improved resistance to ascochyta blight. Continued breed-ing efforts are underway to increase the levels of resistance to ascochyta blight, decrease days to maturity, and improve seed quality. Chickpea va-rieties have been evaluated in the Saskatchewan regional testing program since 1995. Please visit the SPG website at www.saskpulse.com for an updated variety listing. 12 Chickpea Crop Production Manual Figure 3. Desi chickpea Photo: David Stobbe Figure 4. Kabuli chickpea Photo: David Stobbe 10
  • 13. Chickpea Crop Production Manual 11 Quick Facts • Well-drained soils are best suited for chickpea production. • Water logging can result in a poorly developed root system. When dry conditions are encountered later in the season, the plant may not be able to obtain adequate moisture and nutrients to meet its needs. • If a certain weed is likely to be present in high numbers and cannot be controlled, field selection may have to change. • It is very important to control perennial weeds in the years prior to seeding chickpea. • It is important to maintain herbicide records with the active ingredient, common name, and rate for each crop year. • Bioassay results from laboratories are only as good as the sampling protocol used to collect the soil samples. • Spores of ascochyta can be found four years after the initial crop, even with burial of crop residues. • Chickpea production is often successful in rotation with cereal grains such as durum wheat, because chickpea does not leave significant amounts of crop residue.
  • 14. Field Selection and Preparation In areas where chickpea is adapted, the physi-cal properties of the field should be considered. Well-drained soils are best suited for chickpea production. The short stature of the plant will result in the crop being cut fairly low, although most pods will be formed a few inches above the soil surface. Chickpea plants do not lodge, so the cutter bar will not have to travel as close to the ground as it does for lentil or pea, therefore, rolling is also not necessary, but it may still offer some advantages. With stones pushed into the ground and a more level surface, rolling will still improve cutterbar operation, increase speed of cutting and reduce earth tag. Rolling, if done, should be completed before the chickpea plant emerges. Straw and residue from the previous crop should be finely chopped and evenly spread to ensure uniform emergence. Land that has rolling topography will usually lead to differences in maturity across the field due to variance in soil moisture. Since chickpea is shat-ter resistant, this may not lead to any problems unless the later maturing areas are considerably behind. However, the lower areas of the fields may need to be harvested separately. If lower areas of the field are subject to water logging or standing surface water, the chickpea in those areas can drown or have severely reduced yield. Water logging can also result in a poorly devel-oped root system and when dry conditions are encountered later in the season, the plant may not be able to obtain adequate moisture and nutrients to meet its needs. Weeds must be considered when selecting a field. Chickpea plants are poor competitors. The 14 Chickpea Crop Production Manual short, open canopy is ideal for weed growth. Ensure herbicides are available to control weeds expected to be competing with the chickpea crop. This requires knowledge of the field’s weed history including herbicide resistant weeds if they are present. Few herbicides are registered for broadleaf weed control in chickpea and in-crop control options may not exist for certain weeds. Remember to also consider volunteer crop as weeds. Volunteer canola, mustard, and flax are difficult to control and it is advisable to not seed chickpea following these crops. If a certain weed is likely to be present in high numbers and cannot be controlled, field selection may have to change. Perennial weeds such as Canada thistle, dande-lion, perennial sow thistle and quackgrass are very competitive in any crop and even more so in non-competitive crops like chickpea. Herbicides currently registered in chickpea have little to no effect on most of these weeds. It is very impor-tant to control perennial weeds in the years prior to seeding chickpea. Good weed control requires a long-term strategy involving the entire crop rotation. A pre-harvest glyphosate application, in years when the crop and timing allows, is key to long-term perennial weed control. Fall weed control options, in addition to pre and post-harvest glyphosate for perennial weed con-trol, should be reviewed to determine if they offer any advantages. A late fall application of a phe-noxy herbicide such as 2,4-D or MCPA will control winter annual weeds. However, the maximum rate applied should be 280g ai/ha or 113g ai/ac (8 active ounces). Since spring glyphosate applica-tion is so common, application of a phenoxy in 12
  • 15. the fall, prior to seeding chickpea, is not a com-mon practice. In years of higher priced glypho-sate, 2,4-D may be cheaper to apply compared to glyphosate and offers a way of diversifying the herbicide mix on a particular field over time. This practice may have more of a fit in fields where seeding may be delayed in the spring, or in fields where very early spring weed growth is expected. Soil residues of many herbicides commonly used in Saskatchewan can cause injury to a chickpea crop. Many of the herbicide labels do not list chickpea when disclosing re-cropping consider-ations. As a result, information on susceptibility to the various soil residual herbicides is difficult to find. If re-cropping information is not available, many manufacturers will suggest re-cropping guidelines in excess of what is actually necessary. It is important to maintain herbicide records with active ingredient, common name, and rate for each crop year. If the possibility exists that a soil residual product might affect chickpea growth, a test plot should be planted the year before chickpea is grown in that field. The plot should be grown to maturity to ensure that there are no late season herbicide effects on yield or crop quality. Another option is to submit soil samples to a lab for a bioassay. Bio-assay results from laboratories are only as good as the sampling protocol used to collect the soil samples and 100 per cent accuracy cannot be guaranteed. False positive results are of no harm, but a false negative could mean crop damage or failure. Disruption of disease cycles is also an impor-tant consideration in field selection. Chickpea is extremely susceptible to ascochyta blight and careful consideration must be given to crop rota-tion to reduce the risk of this disease. Ascochyta blight can cause devastating losses of chickpea in all soil zones, therefore varieties with good ascochyta resistance should be grown. Spores of ascochyta can be found four years after the initial crop, even with burial of crop residues. Saskatchewan research concluded that at least two non-host crops needed to be grown between successive chickpea crops to reduce disease risk if blight was present in the initial crop. Chickpea grown next to chickpea stubble from the previous year is also at high risk of ascochyta infection. Crop rotation goes beyond disease consider-ations and weed control (including volunteer crop). Chickpea production is often successful in rotation with cereal grains such as durum wheat, because chickpea does not leave significant amounts of crop residue. Growing cereal crops with tall stubble before and after chickpea provides much needed residue to protect the soil from erosion. Research has shown that chickpea can root to a depth similar to wheat or canola, and can extract moisture from that depth. Although this charac-teristic helps chickpea tolerate drought, it also de-pletes the soil profile of moisture for subsequent crops. This may explain why cereal yields tend to be lower following a chickpea crop, compared to a lentil or pea crop. Chickpea Crop Production Manual 13
  • 16. Quick Facts • Chickpea production can be successful under both minimum and no-till soil management. • Seed quality includes genetic and mechanical purity, germination and vigour, and levels of seed-borne disease. • Seed size selection for chickpea can be more of a consideration compared to other pulse crops because the value of the seed increases with the size. • In the Brown and Dark Brown soil zones, seed testing zero to 0.2 per cent ascochyta infection is suitable for planting, but all seed should be treated with fungicide controlling ascochyta as even a zero per cent result may contain some infected seeds at a lower frequency than what was detectable by the lab. • Chickpea has the ability to fix 60 to 80 per cent of its nitrogen requirement through nitrogen fixation. • Inoculant is economical relative to its potential benefits and nitrogen fertilizer replacement. The risk of poor nodulation is too great to not inoculate each time the crop is seeded. • If nitrogen fixation is active, the nodules will be pink or red on the inside. Lack of nodules indicates rhizobia did not infect the pulse plant. Lack of a pink colour (usually green or cream coloured) 14 Chickpea Crop Production Manual indicates the rhizobia are not fixing nitrogen. • Chickpea is slower to emerge, especially the larger seeded kabuli types, so a wider window between seeding and emergence allows more time if a post-seed/pre-emergent glyphosate application is planned. • Sufficient soil phosphorus is required for nitrogen fixation and promotes earlier maturity. • The maximum safe rate of actual phosphate applied with chickpea seed is 22 kg P2O5/ha (20 lb P2O5/ac) in a 2.5 cm spread and 22.5 cm row spacing under good to excellent moisture conditions. • Chickpea requires planting equipment with a seed-feeding mechanism capable of handling medium to large seeds. • The desired plant population for chickpea is 44/m2 (4/ft2). • Row spacing on most seeding equipment presently on Saskatchewan farms is in the range of 22.5 cm to 30 cm. • Desi chickpea will germinate in soil as cold as 5°C, but seedling vigor will be greater if soil temperature is at least 7°C.
  • 17. CChhiicckkppeeaa CCrroopp PPrroodduuccttiioonn MMaannuuaall 1157 Production Method of Seeding Chickpea fits well into a direct seeding crop sys-tem with no problems noted for crop emergence and establishment. Chickpea production can be successful under both minimum and no-till soil management. Minimum till offers producers a way to provide additional mechanical weed con-trol while no-till appears to have both economic and environmental benefits across all of Sas-katchewan. Taller standing stubble can increase the height of the lowest pods (normally at about 10 cm as has been the case in lentil and pea). Equipment that seeds between rows of stand-ing stubble will reduce water loss to evaporation and benefit the chickpea crop, especially in dry conditions. Standing stubble will reflect sunlight and may result in colder soils which are slower to warm in the spring and this may be detrimental in a cool, wet spring. Research at Swift Current from 1996 to 1998 and 2000 determined that seeding into tall (25 to 36 cm) standing stubble increased chickpea yields by nine per cent as compared to short (15 to 18 cm) standing stubble. Seed Quality Selection and use of high quality seed is the first step in establishing a rapidly emerging, vigorous stand, and producing a high quality and profitable crop. Inoculation, fertilization, and pest control will be of limited value if planted seeds do not produce a healthy, vigorous stand. Planting high quality, pure seed should: • Increase tolerance to seedling diseases. • Promote rapid and uniform stand establishment. • Enhance tolerance to early season stresses such as adverse temperature and moisture conditions. • Promote rapid root development leading to improved nutrient, and water use efficiencies. • Result in enhanced disease, weed, and insect tolerance. • Provide a more uniform stand with more uniform maturity, allowing for improved harvest efficiencies and a more uniform product. • Produce higher yields and superior seed qual-ity. Seed quality includes genetic and mechanical purity, germination and vigour, and levels of seed-borne disease. Seed purity is determined by the nature and amount of unwanted contaminants in the pure seed. Impurities include unwanted crop seed, weed seeds, and inert material. They can ad-versely impact crop yield and quality, as well as increase production costs. Seed germination tests assess the ability of the seed to produce a healthy plant under favour-able growing conditions. These tests are gener-ally conducted under controlled conditions that provide ideal moisture, temperature, and light for a prescribed period of time. Unfortunately, these tests may over-estimate actual field emergence. Seed lots with low germination often lack the abil-
  • 18. ity to produce strong, healthy seedlings. Seed vigour tests, conducted by some seed testing labs, are conducted under more adverse conditions than a germination test. Vigour tests are not standardized and conditions imposed upon the seed may vary from lab to lab. Vigour tests are an attempt to more realistically pre-dict field seedling emergence. Seed vigour can decrease due to mechanical damage, immaturity at harvest, seed age, pathogen (disease) infec-tion, wet harvest conditions, and seed handling during cleaning and seeding operations. Although not standardized, vigour tests can provide useful seed quality information. Seed from fields treated with pre-harvest glypho-sate should be avoided. The seed may contain residue which can reduce germination, vigour, normal root development and inoculant efficacy. Any chickpea crop having a pre-harvest herbi-cide applied, whether it is for weed control or crop desiccation, has the potential for reduced germination. Contamination from seed-borne diseases should be as low as possible. Seed borne ascochyta easily transmits to seedlings in the field and only seed with close to zero percent seed-borne ascochyta should be used. The seed level of this disease is very important from a disease manage-ment standpoint and also has to be considered for crop insurance reasons. Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation (SCIC) has set maximum seed-borne ascochyta infection levels in chickpea seed at 0.3 per cent to qualify for a crop insur-ance claim where the cause of loss was asco-chyta blight. Other chickpea diseases can be spread by infect-ed seed and are summarized in Table 1. These are guidelines only as other factors must also be 16 Chickpea Crop Production Manual taken into account. These factors include such things as the cost and availability of disease-free seed with good germination, availability of regis-tered seed treatments to control the disease(s), and typical weather conditions. Seed Size Seed size selection for chickpea can be more of a consideration compared to other pulse crops because the value of the seed increases with the size. Large kabuli chickpea seed can be screened and sized before planting. The 9 and 10 millimetre (mm) seeds can be removed from the seed lot and sold into the commercial market, and the eight mm seeds are used for planting. There are no yield penalties for two years as long as the smaller seeds do not have an increased percent-age of seed-borne diseases. However, there will be a decrease in the percentage of large seeds harvested. The use of small seeded fractions (7.1 to nine mm) from kabuli seed lots has resulted in mini-mal effects on yield, unless the small seed is planted too deep (100 mm), compared to 50 mm. However, small seed resulted in four per cent lower plant height, and five per cent lower height to first pod as compared to unselected kabuli seed lots. Seed Treatment Seed to seedling transmission of ascochyta blight is high in chickpea and seed treatment is usually recommended. In the Brown and Dark Brown soil zones, seed testing zero to 0.2 per cent ascochyta infection is suitable for planting, but all seed should be treated with fungicide controlling ascochyta as even a zero per cent result may contain some
  • 19. Table 1. Guidelines for Tolerances of Seed-borne Diseases in Chickpea Planted Seed (These are guidelines only and should be considered along with farming practices and level of disease risk for the situation) Disease (Pathogen) Tolerance and Factors Affecting the Level Ascochyta (Ascochyta rabiei) Use with Seed less than 0.3% ascochyta infection 3. Even though a seed test may indicate 0% infection, the seed lot may still contain infected seed and seed treatment is recommended. Seed-to-seed transmission of ascochyta blight is high in chickpea. The disease is very aggressive and can spread quickly in a field once established if weather conditions are favourable. Guidelines for ascochyta blight control in chickpea are available at: http://www.agr.gov.sk.ca/docs/ production/ascochytaonChickpeas.asp. infected seeds at a lower frequency than what was detectable by the lab. Kabuli varieties, with their thinner seed coats, should always be treated for seed rot diseases and seed-borne ascochyta blight. Desi chickpea, which has a thick, dark-co-loured seed coat, does not usually require a seed treatment to protect it from pythium, although it too is susceptible to other rots and blights. One or more of the following trends may increase the value of seed treatment compared to past recommendations: • Shortened crop rotations. • Earlier seeding due to increased farm size (cooler soil temperatures). • More crop residue with minimum-till and no-till practices results in slower soil warming. • Improved efficacy and handling of newer seed treatment products. Different fungicides control different species of fungal organisms so it important to know what organism is infecting your seed. Seed treatment for control of insect pests in chickpea is much more limited compared to Chickpea Crop Production Manual 17 Seed Rots and Damping-off These are soil-borne diseases and are not tested for at seed testing labs. The use of seed treatment is strongly recommended for kabuli varieties since they are very suscep-tible to these diseases. Seed Rots and Seedling Blights Sclerotinia, Rhizoctonia and Fusarium are primarily soil-borne. Botrytis and Fusarium are also often seed-borne and can be tested for at seed testing labs. Up to 10% infection (Sclerotinia + Botrytis) may be tolerable, but will result in significant seedling blight if a seed treatment is not used. The importance of seed-borne Fusarium in seed rot and seedling blight in pulses is not known. Some labs will notify growers if >5% Fusarium infection occurs. If present, add the Fusarium value to the Sclerotinia + Botrytis value above (not to exceed 10%). 1 New seed treatments are continually being registered. Contact the Ag Knowledge Centre at 1-866-457-2377, your local agri-retailer or industry rep for updated information on seed treatments registered in pulses. SMA's Guide to Crop Protection is available online http://www.agr.gov.sk.ca/docs/production/cropguide00.asp. Always refer for the product label before applying product to the seed. 2 The level of seed-borne infection is not the only factor to consider on whether or not to apply a seed treatment as most seed treatments are also effective against soil-borne pathogens. Refer to product label for details. 3 Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corp (SCIC) will not support claims for ascochyta loss that are made on chickpea fields that had over 0.3% seed infection and no seed treatment was used. Refer to SCIC website at: http://www.saskcropinsurance.com/programs/2006/Specialized/NewCrops/chickpeas.shtml#. Source: Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture (SMA)
  • 20. treatments available for disease. Currently only one insecticidal seed treatment (Cruiser Maxx Pulses®) is registered for use on chickpea for non-commercial seed treatment for wireworm control. Certain fungicides and insecticides may be harmful to inoculants. Check the label of both the inoculant and the seed treatment to ensure compatibility. Review treatment procedures to en-sure maximum bacteria survival. If no reference is made to compatibility, check with both the seed treatment and inoculant manufacturer for advice. Seed treated with a fungicide should be dried prior to applying nitrogen fixing inoculant. Once inoculated, plant as soon as possible, as delays can reduce the seed efficacy of the inoculant. The use of granular inoculant will avoid any prob-lems with direct contact between seed treatment and inoculant. Inoculation for Nitrogen Fixation Chickpea has the ability to fix 60 to 80 per cent of its nitrogen requirement through nitrogen fixation. Nitrogen fixation is a symbiotic relationship and both the rhizobia and the plant benefit from the relationship. Nitrogen fertilizer can be used in chickpea to manage maturity. If used, inoculant should not be applied. Either method should re-sult in the same yield. The use of nitrogen to man-age maturity is detailed in the fertility section. Kabuli chickpea is an excellent nodulator and nitrogen fixer. Desi chickpea is a good nitrogen fixer under ideal conditions, but may be a little sensitive to adverse environmental conditions. Chickpea requires a specific rhizobium species for nitrogen fixation. Chickpea rhizobium species are not the same as the rhizobium species for peas and lentil. Examine the label of any inocu-lant to make sure that it is appropriate for chick-pea. Some chickpea inoculants will be labelled as “garbanzo bean” and are appropriate for use in chickpea. Note that many different strains of this rhizobium species occur and vary in terms of their effectiveness. The manufacturer may have one or more strains in the inoculant. The rhizobia enter the root hairs of the plant and induces nodule formation. The plant provides energy and nutrients for the rhizobium bacteria living inside the nodules. The rhizobia, in return, converts atmospheric nitrogen from the soil air surrounding the roots into a form that can be used by the plant. Rhizobium bacteria are not very mobile so the inoculant must be placed close to the seed for maximum nodulation. The maximum benefit from nitrogen fixation is derived if the supply of available soil nitrogen is low and the soil moisture and temperature levels are good at the time of seeding. If the soil plus fertilizer nitrogen exceeds 40 kg/ha (35 lbs/ac), nodula-tion can start to be reduced. If the level reaches 55 kg/ha (50 lbs/ac) or higher, nodulation can be dramatically delayed and fixation greatly reduced or eliminated. If the rhizobia are actively fixing nitrogen, the nod-ules will appear visibly red or pink inside if sliced open. Nitrogen fixation is synchronized with plant growth, supplying the crop requirements during rapid vegetative growth. Once the proper inoculant is chosen, steps should be taken to ensure maximum rhizobia survivability. Rhizobium bacteria (either on the seed or in the package) die if they are exposed to stress such as high temperature, drying winds or direct sunlight. 18 Chickpea Crop Production Manual
  • 21. Inoculant must be stored in a cool place prior to use and must be used before the expiry date. Fol-lowing application of the inoculant, plant the in-oculated seed into moist soil as soon as possible. Rhizobium bacteria on inoculated seed will die quickly if the seed is placed into a dry seedbed. Inoculants are sensitive to granular fertilizer. If applying higher rates of fertilizer, banding fertiliz-er to the side and/or below the seed is preferred. Never mix inoculant with granular fertilizer. In-oculants are also sensitive to some seed-applied fungicides. Check the label of both the inoculant and seed treatment for compatibility. When using a combination of fungicide and inoculant, apply the fungicide to the seed first, allow it to dry, and apply the inoculant immediately prior to seeding. Inoculants Formulations Liquid based products offer convenience and better control of application rate compared to other forms of innoculants. However, they are also more susceptible to environmental dam-age prior to seeding than other inoculant forms. Recommended time from application to seeding is as little as six hours for some liquid products. Air velocity settings in air seeders need to be at minimum settings to reduce desiccation of the bacteria. If seeding into dry soils or virgin legume land, double rates should be used. If treated seed is planted immediately into a moist seedbed, liquid formulations perform well. Extenders can help reduce desiccation damage. Inoculant extenders, defined as products repre-sented to improve inoculant on-seed survival, are any product represented as a “bio-stimulant” (e.g. vitamins, enzymes). Powdered formulations are more durable and less prone to desiccation and seed treatment damage compared to liquid formulations. The bacteria can still be killed by desiccation so the same precautions should be taken as with liquid inoculant. Peat based powder inoculants require the use of a sticker. Application method is to apply a slurry to slightly damp seed. These products are not very convenient to use and are not used in any significant amounts. Ensure stickers are not detri-mental to the rhizobia if using this method. Self-sticking powdered peat inoculants are peat based powder inoculants with a sticker incorpo-rated into the formulation. These inoculants are far more convenient than peat based powder formulations and application rates are easier to control. Adhesion to the seed can be enhanced if the seed is slightly damp during inoculation. This can be accomplished with a small backpack type pressure sprayer emitting a very fine mist to the seed during auguring and inoculant application. Alternatively, wet the seed in the truck overnight with the deck tilted to facilitate drainage. This al-lows the seeds to swell and stay slightly moist, as-sisting in inoculant adhesion. This procedure may also prevent seed splitting and chipping, which may be a problem if the seed moisture content is low (less than 13.5 per cent). Some growers use a liquid inoculant to dampen the seed when ap-plying the peat based self stick inoculants. Granular formulations are more costly but offer the advantage of ease of use. They help save the time needed to apply the inoculant directly to the seed and are the least likely to desiccate. They are available with peat or clay carriers and can be soil applied by side-banding or placed in-row with no yield differences. Granular inoculants are less sensitive to seed applied fungicides than other formulations because the granular product does not have direct contact with the seed treatment. Although granular products offer a number of advantages, they do have to be handled carefully. Chickpea Crop Production Manual 19
  • 22. An additional tank is required for their use, which should not be filled more than half full to avoid compaction. It is recommended to avoid auguring peat based granular products. Seed tanks must be emptied each night to avoid compaction and bridging, and flow rates must be carefully moni-tored on humid days. During application check the meter rollers occasionally for good flowability. Granular inoculant rates can be adjusted with row spacing (Table 2). Table 2. Granular Inoculant Rates with Different Seed Row Row Spacing 7 9 1 1 2 3 Rate 6 5 3 3 2 1 Source: Gary Hnatowich All inoculant formulations will perform well if con-ditions are ideal. Under less than ideal conditions (toxic seed treatments, low pH soils, cold soil, dry soil, extended treated storage), expectations would be that the best performing formulation would be granular, followed by peat, and then liquid. Research completed at the University of Sas-katchewan evaluated the performance of inoculant formulations in chickpea. Peat-based and liquid inoculants were applied directly to the seed, and granular inoculants were applied either in the seed row, or placed in a side-band, 2.5 cm to the side, and at depths of either 2.5 or eight cm below the seed. Results indicated that inocu-lation using granular formulations was as good as, or better than other formulations. The peat-based powder and liquid formulations performed as well as the granular formulation in some instances, especially when soil moisture was not limited. Studies carried out in drier soil conditions favoured granular products. Granules placed be-low and to the side of the seed in moist soil may result in better Rhizobium survival and enhanced fixation relative to seed-placed inoculants. Strain antagonism results from competition for infection sites between the rhizobium strains capable of infecting the root hairs of chickpea. If the inferior strains of Rhizobium infect first, they block the best crop specific strain from infecting. No native strains of Rhizobium are present in Saskatchewan soils, but previous inoculations of chickpea may have left some residual Rhizobium in the soil. Over time, these bacteria may have changed and become weaker at fixation. This reinforces the recommendation to inoculate each time chickpea is seeded. Chickpea crops should be inoculated each time they are grown. This ensures sufficient numbers of the correct strain of highly effective rhizobia are available where they are needed. Inoculant is economical relative to its potential benefits and nitrogen fertilizer replacement. The risk of poor nodulation is too great to not inoculate each time the crop is seeded. The effectiveness of inoculation can be checked by examining the pulse crop in early summer. It may take three to four weeks after seed germina-tion before nodulation reaches a point where it can be evaluated. Although kabuli chickpea is an excellent nitrogen fixer and the nodules can easily be seen when a plant is pulled from the ground. The best way (especially for desi types) to check for nodulation is to dig a plant and gently remove the soil from the roots by washing it in a bucket 20 Chickpea Crop Production Manual
  • 23. of water. Nodules are fragile and readily pull off if the roots are pulled out of the soil. Nodules should show as swollen bumps that develop near the stem close to the soil surface. Seed applied inoculant should result in nodules forming on the primary root near the crown. If the inoculant was soil applied (granular), nodules should be found on primary and secondary roots. If nitrogen fixation is active, the nodules will be pink or red on the inside. Lack of nodules indi-cates rhizobia did not infect the pulse plant. Lack of a pink colour (usually green or cream coloured) indicates the rhizobia are not fixing nitrogen. Nitrogen fixation declines once plants begin pod formation and seed development. Handling and application is critical to ensure maximum survivability of the rhizobia. When applying an inoculant during auguring, operate the auger at half capacity to allow ad-equate mixing and seed coverage. If using a liquid inoculant, shake the inoculant bag aggressively to evenly disperse the rhizobia before adding the inoculant to the seed in the auger. If seeding is delayed more than one day for peat based inoculants, check manufacturer’s recommendation for re-inoculating. Some liquid inoculant manufacturers suggest re-inoculation if the delays from the time of application, to when the seed is planted exceeds six hours. Inoculated seed flows through seeding equipment slowly, so calibration of the seeder is more ac-curate if it is done using inoculated seed. Anything that negatively impacts plant growth will also restrict nitrogen fixation. If the crop is harmed by such things as herbicide residue, inappropriate herbicide application or poor timing of post-emergent herbicide applications, nitrogen fixation will decline. If the legume crop is not supplied with adequate plant nutrients, especially phosphorus, fixation will be reduced. If seed contains residual traces of glyphosate, root development (particularly root hair development) will be abnormal and nodules are unlikely to develop. Cool, cloudy weather early in the growing season will delay nodulation. Rhizobia do not tolerate saline soils, contact with damaging fertil-izers (primarily due to the fertilizer salt effect,) or extremes in soil pH. Fixation of some pulses can be dramatically reduced in soils where soil pH levels are near 5.5. On low pH soils, increasing the inoculation application rate or using a granular inoculant is recommended. Pulse inoculants and pre-inoculated seed products are supplements, as defined by the Fertilizers Act, and are subject to registration and monitoring for quality control. Inoculation for Phosphorus Solubility JumpStart® contains the fungus Penicillium bilaii and is also available in the dual inoculant TagTeam®. This fungal inoculant enhances phosphorus solubility and uptake by plants. The fungus colonizes along the root system of the plant, and through the production of organic acids, increases the solubility of soil or fertilizer phosphorus. Keep in mind that JumpStart® will normally replace approximately 11 kg/ha (10 lb/ ac) of P2O5 fertilizer; therefore, JumpStart® should be used in conjunction with phosphorus fertilizer, particularly in cool spring conditions. JumpStart® has no residual effect. Your long-term fertilizer plan must ensure you are replacing phosphorus removed by the grain you sell from your farm. Not all research has shown an advantage to using Chickpea Crop Production Manual 21
  • 24. phosphate solubilizing inoculants. Penicillium bilaii inoculation, either alone as Jumpstart® or as TagTeam® (P. bilaii and rhizobium), in a four year field study from 1999 to 2002 had no effect on chickpea (desi and kabuli) at two locations in the Brown soil zone except in one of the 18 crop site-years where yield was increased. No improve-ments were observed in plant establishment, yield or harvestability (plant height, lowest pod height, maturity). Spring Pre-Plant/ Pre-emergent Weed Control Pre-plant and pre-emergent herbicide options are used extensively by experienced chickpea growers. A spring glyphosate application, either pre-seed or pre-emergent, is recommended. This provides early season weed control and may provide control of weeds for which no in-crop control is available. Chickpea is slower to emerge, especially the larger seeded kabuli types, so a wider window between seeding and emergence allows more time if a post-seed/pre-emergent glyphosate application is planned. However, with good growing conditions and shallower seeding, emergence can be quicker than expected so timing must be watched closely. Seedlings can be damaged as early as soil cracking as they are emerging and many come into contact with glyphosate. Sulfentrazone (Authority®), can be applied either pre-plant incorporated or surface applied pre-emergent. On most acres, it is mixed with glyphosate in a pre-seed or pre-emergent applica-tion. If applied post-seeding prior to emergence, apply within three days of seeding to prevent crop injury when emerging. Authority® works through root uptake in the soil, meaning precipitation must follow application for proper activation and good weed control. Ten to 20 mm of precipita-tion within 10 to 14 days is needed for optimum efficacy. If weeds start to grow prior to activation, the result will be poor weed control. Chickpea has shown excellent tolerance to this chemistry. The Authority® label lists control of wild buck-wheat, kochia (including Group 2 resistant types), red root pigweed and lamb’s quarters. Its major weakness is lack of control of cruciferous weeds, such as wild mustard. Its main limitation of use is its soil residual properties and subsequent re-cropping restrictions. One major concern is the recommendation to not grow lentil for three years following Authority® application. In most chickpea producing areas of Saskatchewan, lentil is also a popular crop option and application of Authority® will limit lentil production. If fields are very weedy, Authority® may be used as a clean-up herbicide and lentil production is held off for three years. Al-though Authority® offers control of weeds that can be a real problem in chickpea. The label should be reviewed thoroughly prior to use to ensure it fits with current rotations and land characteris-tics. Authority® (sulfentrazone) absorption by plant roots increases as soil pH decreases. At soil pH of 6.5 or less, which can occur even in localized areas of the root zone, greater sulfentrazone uptake can occur and explain unpredictable pat-terns of injury to crops. A listing of current registered herbicide products available for use on chickpea before or after seeding can be found in the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture’s annual Guide to Crop Protection. Non-herbicide options may be considered as well. Tillage can have a beneficial effect for control of some weeds, while having the opposite effect on others. For example: 22 Chickpea Crop Production Manual
  • 25. • Tillage may be a tool to reduce kochia popula-tions. Kochia appears well adapted to no-till with germination beginning at 50 cumulative growing degree days (well before other com-mon weed species). Burial of kochia seed at least one cm or deeper can result in reduced germination or death of the germinated seed prior to emergence. Tillage to bury kochia seed should not be overlooked as a part of an integrated weed strategy of control for kochia. However, this has limited value where mini-mum or no-till is practiced. • Spring tillage, even minor, significantly increas-es the burial and resulting germination of false cleavers and catchweed bedstraw. Farmers should consider limiting spring tillage as part of an integrated weed management program for cleavers. Fertility As with other crops, a soil test should be used to plan a fertility program for chickpea. If soil nitrogen levels are unusually high, nodu-lation and nitrogen fixation may be adversely affected. Nodule formation and subsequent nitro-gen fixation are very sensitive to external nitrogen sources, including fertilizers and available soil nitrogen. As the supply of nitrogen from soil and fertilizer increases, the amount of nitrogen fixed by the plant decreases. High moisture, coupled with high soil nitrogen in fallow will produce excessive vegetative growth at the expense of pod set and seed production. Maturity will also be delayed, especially for late maturing varieties. Chickpea does not tolerate saline soils and should only be grown on non-saline soil. Low pH can inhibit nodulation, reducing nitrogen fixation and plant growth. Most Saskatchewan soils have a pH range suitable for chickpea growth. Sufficient soil phosphorus is required for nitrogen fixation and promotes earlier maturity. If using nitrogen for maturity management, it is critical to know the starting soil nitrogen levels to increase success rates. Other macronutrients such as potassium and sulphur may be limiting for optimal yields. Fertility requirements for chickpea are not well-defined. Micronutrients are not likely to limit chickpea yield but should be measured periodically. Any abnormal growth should be noted and if symp-toms point to a possible micronutrient deficiency, it should be investigated thoroughly. Generally, nitrogen fertilizer is not required if nitrogen fixation is optimized. Well nodulated chickpea plants can derive 50 to 80 per cent of their nitrogen requirement through fixation under favorable growing conditions. The remainder comes from soil nitrogen available in the soil at seeding, plus nitrogen released from the soil dur-ing the growing season. If nitrogen fixation is not optimized due to unfa-vourable growing conditions (e.g. relatively dry seed bed), chickpea may benefit from low rates of starter-nitrogen in some years. But, Saskatch-ewan research conducted with four chickpea vari-eties from 2004 to 2006 showed no differences in seed yield when sown with or without starter-nitrogen when granular inoculant was utilized. Starter-nitrogen in the phosphate source is rarely added if the crop is inoculated. Most chickpea varieties are late maturing. Man-agement of maturity is critical to optimize crop Chickpea Crop Production Manual 23
  • 26. quality. In addition to field selection and seeding practices to encourage early crop development, nitrogen fertilization management can be used to manage maturity. Research conducted in Saskatchewan concluded that cropping strategies and practices that produce vigorous early growth allow for earlier pod set. This early pod set ties up plant resources and minimizes the production of new podding sites. A strong early pod setup provides a strong reproductive sink and helps slow the production of new vegetative tissue. The results showed that nitrogen fertilizer supplied to uninoculated chickpea accomplished many of these strategies. Starter-nitrogen of 28 to 56 kg N/ha (25 to 50 lb N/ac) without inoculant resulted in earlier matu-rity by an average of 13 days in normal to cooler/ wet seasons. In dry years, only marginal differ-ences were noted as drought conditions acceler-ated crop maturity. Research at Swift Current and Shaunavon, SK suggests the best practice may be to apply starter-nitrogen instead of inoculating the seed. Earlier research using starter-nitrogen for maturity management utilized higher starter-nitrogen rates of 56 to 67 kg N/ha (50 to 60 lb N/ac), applied away from the seed, without inoculants. Figure 5 shows varying maturity of chickpea in research trials at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), Swift Current, in 2004. The following should be considered when decid-ing if nitrogen should be used for maturity man-agement compared to inoculation: If adding nitrogen for maturity management, keep it away from the seed. Chickpea is sensitive to seed placed fertilizer. This method of maturity management appears most effective on fields where chickpea is grown for the first time. If soils contain residual Rhizobium from previous chick-pea crop(s), this will not work as effectively. Nitrogen may increase vegetative growth. This may be a concern in more moist areas of the province compared to those with expected drier environments. With a relatively short growing sea-son, there is not enough time for extra vegetative growth to be converted to yield. If poor nodulating conditions are expected or occur (eg: cold soil temperature, dry soil condi-tions, excess moisture, crop injury from herbicide residue or application), nitrogen fertilizer should increase yield if nodulation is reduced. Under good growing conditions with proper inoculation, chickpea would be expected to be well nodulated with no yield penalty compared to fertilization. If a nodulation failure is noted by early summer, nitrogen can be applied as a rescue treatment. Check closely seven to 10 days prior to flower-ing. Nodulation and nitrogen fixation should be well developed by the 12 node stage. Although application rates have not been established, an Figure 5. Starter-nitrogen on right side without inoculant, Swift Current 2004 Source: Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture 24 Chickpea Crop Production Manual
  • 27. immediate top-dressed application of 44 to 55 kg N/ha (40 to 50 lb actual N/ac) should be appro-priate. This nitrogen is best applied as broadcast urea or dribble banded liquid 28-0-0. The use of Agrotain®, which protects the urea-nitrogen for up to two weeks while waiting for a rain to move the nitrogen into the soil, should be considered with this later application of nitrogen. Supplemental nitrogen should not be applied later than approxi-mately six weeks after seeding (approximately 10 to 13 node stage) since it may cause excessive vegetative growth, poor pod set, and delayed maturity. The rescue treatment would not be ex-pected to result in the same yield compared to a well nodulated crop. The yield capacity of the crop will be limited due to the advanced crop develop-ment stage when the rescue treatment is applied. Phosphorus is an important plant nutrient for chickpea because it has a relatively high require-ment for the nutrient. Phosphorus promotes the development of extensive root systems and vigorous seedlings. Encouraging vigorous root growth is an important step in promoting good nodule development. Phosphorus also plays an important role in the nitrogen fixation process and in promoting earlier, more uniform maturity. Chickpea removes approximately 0.36 lb P205 per bushel produced. This is significant and must be taken into account in the rotation. Chickpea grown on soils testing low in available phosphorus may respond to phosphate fertilizer even though dramatic yield responses are not always achieved. Even though seed yield may not be increased every year in response to phospho-rus fertilizer, the crop may still benefit from earlier maturity. Adding some phosphorus fertilizer will leave the soil with a higher level of residual phos-phorus for future years. The maximum safe rate of actual phosphate applied with chickpea seed is 22 kg P2O5/ha (20 lb P2O5/ac) in a 2.5 cm spread and 22.5 cm row spacing under good to excellent moisture conditions. This assumes use of monoammonium phosphate, the most common source of phos-phate fertilizer used in Saskatchewan. Diammo-nium phosphate is much more toxic to seedlings and caution is needed if used. Rates of seed-placed fertilizer must be reduced if the seedbed has less than ideal moisture conditions. Higher rates of P2O5 fertilizer placed with the seed can damage the emerging seedlings and reduce the stand. If higher P2O5 rates are required, banding the fertilizer away from the seed (side-band or mid-row band) is recommended. To minimize the chance of seed injury, some growers apply extra phosphorus with the crop seeded the year before chickpea. They will then either not apply phosphorus the year seeding chickpea, or reduce the amount of phosphorus the year seeding chickpea to reduce the chance of seedling injury. If soil levels of phosphorus are higher due to previous years applications, Jumpstart® may be able to solubilize enough early season phosphorus to provide the “starter” effect in the absence of phosphorus fertilizer. Potassium is usually not required as a fertilizer supplement in most soils where chickpea is grown. When soil test levels are very low, at least a small amount should be seed-placed. However, seed-placing potassium may cause seedling dam-age. As with phosphate, a wider opener may allow for slightly higher safe seed-placed rates. The maximum safe rate of potassium and phos-phorus is 20lb/ac. Sulphur is deficient in some Saskatchewan soils. If identified as deficient through a soil test, sulphur can be added by side-banding, mid-row Chickpea Crop Production Manual 25
  • 28. banding, or broadcasting ammonium sulphate, which contains sulphur in a plant available form. Micronutrient deficiencies for chickpea produc-tion have not been identified as a problem through chickpea growing areas of Western Canada, although no research has been con-ducted to access micronutrient requirements of chickpea. If a micronutrient deficiency is sus-pected, it is advisable to analyze soil and plant samples within the suspect area and compare the analysis to soil and plant samples collected from a non-affected area of the same field. If the analysis confirms a micronutrient deficiency at a relatively early growth stage, a foliar application of the appropriate micronutrient fertilizer may cor-rect the problem. Seeder Setup Chickpea seed, especially kabuli, is susceptible to mechanical damage. Physical injury, either through handling or the seeding operation, can easily lead to 30 per cent seed damage. Chickpea seed should not be below 13 per cent moisture. It can easily break, chip, or crack, leading to re-duced germination. Moisturizing the seed prior to seeding may be beneficial. The Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI) fact sheet, Moistur-izing Pulses to Reduce Damage, provides a good review of this subject. Chickpea requires plant-ing equipment with a seed-feeding mechanism capable of handling medium to large seeds. As outlined in the fertility discussion, chickpea is susceptible to injury from seed placed fertilizer in excess of rates considered safe. If higher rates of fertilizer are applied it should be kept away from the seed. It is important to minimize seed bounce. Use the lowest possible air speed setting for fans, while still allowing movement of seed through the hos-es. It may be of benefit to have air release opener designs to reduce damage to your chickpea seed. On row packing to ensure good soil contact with the seed is recommended (as long as soils are not water logged). Harrowing and further packing after seeding is not needed if on row packing is available on the seeding equipment. Seeding Rate The desired plant population for chickpea is 44/ m2 (4/ft.2), but can be further defined by market class as follows: •Desi chickpea: 30 to 45 seedlings/m2 (2.8 to 4.3 seedlings/ft2). •Medium to small chickpea: 40 seedlings/m2 (3.8 seedlings/ft2). •Large kabuli chickpea: 38 seedlings/m2 (3.6 seedlings/ft2). Brown soil zone research conducted from 1998 to 2000 in Swift Current determined that the optimum planting density for maximum yield of chickpea were as follows: Summerfallow Kabuli 40 to 45 plants/m2 (3.8 to 4.3 seedlings/ft2) Desi 45 to 50 plants/m2 (4.3 to 4.7 seedlings/ft2) Wheat stubble Kabuli 35 to 40 plants/m2 (3.3 to 3.8 seedlings/ft2) Desi 40 to 45 plants/m2 (3.8 to 4.3 seedlings/ft2) Increasing plant density from 20 to 50 plants/m2 (1.9 to 4.7 seedlings/ft2) decreased the days to 26 Chickpea Crop Production Manual
  • 29. maturity by 1.5 to three days, and increased the height of the lowest pod by five to 10 per cent. Chickpea yields increased as plant densities were increased from 20 to 50 plants/m2 (1.9 to 4.7 seedlings/ft2) in desi, small kabuli, and kabuli by 20, 27, and 17 per cent, respectively in 2003 research conducted in southwest Saskatchewan. Southern Alberta research from 2000 to 2004 with desi chickpea found that maximum yield was achieved with seeding dates prior to May 15th and plant stands of 30 to 40 plants/m2 (2.8 to 3.8 seedlings/ft2). Crop stands of this density provide better competition against weeds and will result in more uniform maturity and higher yields. The optimum seeding rate for each seed lot var-ies depending on its seed size. Larger seeded chickpea will require a higher seeding rate to achieve placement of the same number of seeds per unit area compared to a smaller seeded vari-ety. For example, CDC Luna, with a weight of 377 grams per 1000 seeds will have approximately 1204 seeds per pound. Compare this to CDC Vanguard with a weight of 219 grams per 1000 seeds, and it will have approximately 2073 seeds per pound. The average 1000 seed weight for a specific chickpea variety can be found in the Saskatch-ewan Ministry of Agriculture’s Varieties of Grain Crops publication. Seed lots of the same variety can differ in seed size depending on growing conditions. To determine the 1000 seed weight of a chickpea seed lot, count out 1000 seeds and weigh them using a gram scale. Survival percentage is expected germination, subtract expected field mortality. Germination per cent levels should be obtained through a germi-nation test at an accredited lab. Field mortality is commonly 15 to 30 per cent, depending on the harshness of spring seedbed conditions. A seed lot with 95 per cent germination and an expected field mortality of 15 per cent would have an ex-pected emergence or survival of 80 per cent. Row Spacing Choice of row spacing when purchasing or retrofit-ting seeding equipment is based on more than chickpea crop response. Factors such as soil type, horsepower, soil zone, type of opener, and amount of residue all influence row spacing deci-sions. Response to row spacing can change from year to year and farm to farm depending on a variety of factors including weather, disease pres-sure, moisture etc. Row spacing on most seeding equipment presently on Saskatchewan farms is in the range of 22.5 cm to 30 cm. This range works well for chickpea, while still maintaining good residue clearance. Seeding rate recommendations are not influ-enced by row spacing. Chickpea is a poor compet-itor with weeds and narrower row spacing may be an advantage in competing with weeds. Narrower row spacing will result in faster canopy closure and reduced soil moisture loss through evapora-tion between the rows. Narrower row spacing also encourages quicker rooting exploitation of the soil between the rows and subsequent use of mid-row soil moisture. Narrower rows leave less standing stubble and residue clearance is more of an issue while wider rows disturb less soil and preserve more standing stubble. Wider row spacing can be used in high moisture regions to reduce the risk of a thick crop canopy, leading to poor pod set and lodging. Wider row spacing may also reduce disease pressure if the micro-climate within the crop is kept drier due to the wider spacing. Chickpea Crop Production Manual 27
  • 30. Table 3. Chickpea Seeding Rate (lb/ac) for a Target Population of 4 Plants/Square Foot Seed Weight (g/1000 seeds) Seeding Time and Depth of Seeding The recommended minimum average soil tem-perature at depth of seeding for desi chickpea is 7ºC. Desi chickpea will germinate in soil as cold as 5ºC, but seedling vigor will be greater if soil temperature is at least 7ºC. The minimum average soil temperature at depth of seeding for kabuli chickpea should be 10ºC. Warmer soil increases rapid germination and emergence of seedlings. Planting should take place as soon as the soil reaches these temperatures to provide maximum time for the crop to mature before the first fall frost. In Saskatchewan, chickpea should not be planted later than May 24th due to the crop’s long growing season requirement, and the risk of fall frost damage. Kabuli chickpea should also not be seeded into excessively wet soils. Chickpea grows best when daytime temperatures are between 21ºC and 29ºC, and nighttime tem-peratures between 18ºC and 21ºC. Later seeding reduces plant growth, duration of flowering and seed set, leading to reduced yield. However, crop developmental stages can become more compressed with later seeding and little effect on yield unless maturity is delayed enough that immature seeds are killed by frost. Chickpea is tolerant of spring frost. Frost survival depends on how low the temperature drops, how long the freezing conditions last, how much cold conditioning the crop receives, moisture content, and the growth stage of the crop when frost hits. Even if the frost is severe enough to kill the main shoot, the chickpea plant can re-grow from one of the scale nodes at or below the soil surface. The recommended seeding depth for chickpea is 3.5 to 6 cm. Chickpea should be seeded into moist soil to provide the necessary moisture for proper germination and inoculant survival. Seeding into a dry soil increases imbibitional in-jury (swelling damage as the seed absorbs water too quickly when exposed to a rainfall after lying 28 Chickpea Crop Production Manual Survival (%) 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 220 147 135 126 117 110 104 98 240 160 148 137 128 120 113 107 260 173 160 149 139 130 122 116 280 187 172 160 149 140 132 124 300 200 185 171 160 150 141 133 320 213 197 183 171 160 151 142 340 227 209 194 181 170 160 151 360 240 222 206 192 180 169 160 380 253 234 217 203 190 179 169 400 267 246 229 213 200 188 178 420 280 258 240 224 210 198 187 440 293 271 251 235 220 207 196 Source: Saskatchewan Pulse Growers
  • 31. in a dry soil) and is not good for kabuli chickpea. Try to seed after a rainfall into a warm soil for best results. If Sencor® herbicide is to be used, do not seed less than 5 cm deep or in soils with less than four per cent organic matter. The herbicide, if leached due to high moisture infiltration, can cause signifi-cant damage if seeding depth is less than 5 cm. Rolling Benefits from land rolling for chickpea are lower compared to pea and lentil because chickpea plants rarely lodge, and pods are produced higher off the ground. If the objective for rolling is to push rocks into the soil and level the ground to facilitate cutterbar operation, it should be done prior to emergence. Post emergent rolling dam-ages chickpea plants through mechanical injury because of their stiff stems. It can also spread ascochyta blight, while leaving the plant weaker and more susceptible to disease attack. Do not roll if the soil surface is wet, or if the operation results in an over packed soil. Chickpea Crop Production Manual 29
  • 32. Quick Facts • Chickpea is a poor competitor against weeds. • During periods of crop stress (eg: heat, drought, frost), the ability of the chickpea crop to tolerate herbicide application may be reduced. • Ensure the herbicide hits the target, water volume is adequate, nozzles provide good coverage, and travel speed is reasonable enough to ensure a good spray pattern. • The major weeds of concern in chickpea include kochia (the vast majority of which are Group 2 resistant), Russian thistle, wild mustard, stinkweed, and perennial weeds Canada thistle, and quackgrass. 30 Chickpea Crop Production Manual
  • 33. Disease and Pest Control In-Crop Weed Control Chickpea is a poor competitor against weeds. Weed control in chickpea must be considered throughout the rotation, not just in the year of growing. Herbicide options in the fall, prior to seeding and pre-seed/pre-emergent spring her-bicide options must be considered. In-crop weed management is the final step. Perennial weed management, knowing your field’s weed history and anticipating in-crop weeds are key to a suc-cessful weed control program. Crop scouting is a key component of a success-ful weed control program. This includes scouting every year so an inventory of weeds is recorded. One to two weeks after applying a herbicide, scout for both weed control symptoms and crop injury symptoms. If the weeds are not completely dead, look for symptoms of herbicide activity such as yellowing, purpling, twisting, cupping, or bleaching. Timely post-spray audits may leave enough time to perform a rescue treatment if necessary. Crop choice the year prior to growing chickpea may allow the use of a herbicide to control a troublesome weed that has no herbicide available for in-crop control in the chickpea crop. Herbicide options in chickpea are much more limited than most other crops. For weed control in chickpea please consult the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture's Guide to Crop Protection. A few key points regarding in-crop herbicide choice and application are worth noting. Although not considered an in-crop herbicide, Authority® can act in-crop through its soil residual properties. In-crop herbicides registered for grassy weed control all are Group 1 herbicides. Sencor® should be applied early post-emergence. Best performance is achieved when chickpea plants are at the one to three above ground node stage, and the weeds are small. Chickpea injury is more severe at advanced growth stages. Some leaf scorch will almost always be evident after application, but plants recover quickly if they are small. Sencor® can move in the soil after heavy rainfall, so if the use of this product is antici-pated, chickpea must be planted at least five cm deep to prevent injury to seedlings. Do not use Sencor® in soils with less than four per cent organic matter. If weeds are present, control them early. Chick-pea is not a competitive crop, especially when weed competition can severely reduce yield. If weeds have emerged, apply herbicides at early crop stages. This will improve weed control, reduce competition from the weeds, and usually reduces herbicide injury. Research conducted in 2008 and 2009 by the University of Saskatchewan’s Crop Develop-ment Centre (CDC) showed that when applied, post-emergence, the non-registered herbicides imazethapyr (Pursuit®), imazamox (Solo®) and the registered herbicide metribuzin (Sencor®), all caused increases in ascochyta disease in chickpea, as well as crop damage and associated Chickpea Crop Production Manual 31
  • 34. delays in maturity and reduced yield. Sulfentra-zone (Authority®), also utilized in the study, was a safer choice for broadleaf weed control across all locations and years. Sulfentrazone can be applied either pre-plant or pre-emergent. Post-emergent harrowing is not recommended. It can spread disease and cause severe mechanical crop injury. During periods of crop stress (eg: heat, drought, frost), the ability of the chickpea crop to tolerate herbicide application may be reduced. Crop injury can be reduced by waiting approximately four days after the crop stress occurs before apply-ing a herbicide, by maintaining water volumes at label recommendations, and applying the product during the evening. Because weeds left behind can cause significant yield loss and interfere with harvest, maximizing sprayer efficiency can pay big dividends. Ensure the herbicide hits the target, water volume is adequate, nozzles provide good coverage, and travel speed is reasonable enough to ensure a good spray pattern. The major weeds of concern in chickpea include kochia (the vast majority of which are Group 2 resistant), Russian thistle, wild mustard, stink-weed, and perennial weeds Canada thistle, and quackgrass. Once the competitive weeds have been removed, non-competitive weeds such as cow cockle, round-leaved mallow, bluebur, and wild tomato can also become a problem. Management to delay or reduce the occurrence of herbicide resistant weeds is important for all crops in rotation. It is of particular importance to chickpea growers due to the limited in-crop herbicide choices and the non-competitive nature of the chickpea plant. Herbicide resistant weeds already influence herbicide choice in chickpea. For example, all in-crop herbicides for control of wild oat and green foxtail control are limited to Group 1 products. Herbicide selection in non-chickpea years should take into account herbicide rotation to reduce or slow the development of resistant weeds. Resis-tant weeds can have a bigger impact in chickpea crops simply because it is less competitive. A review of herbicide resistance and strategies to prevent or slow its development is important in any crop rotation, but is magnified when crops in rotation are less competitive and are limited in choice of in-crop herbicides. A few examples of herbicide resistant weeds that are particularly troublesome for chickpea growers include Group 2 resistant kochia (unless Author-ity ® is applied), Group 1 resistant wild oat and Group 2 resistant wild mustard. Resistance can build with each application and applications do not have to be consecutive year after year. Therefore, with high risk herbicides in Groups 1 and 2, the longer you can rotate away from these chemistries, the better the resistance. On average, if a grower has applied Group 1 or Group 2 herbicides more than 10 times in a field, there is a high risk of resistance developing among one or more weed species. Research indicates that alternating between two modes of action for wild oat control will double the number of years for resistance build-up. Al-ternating with a third mode of action will increase the time of resistance build-up to four times com-pared to using a single mode of action for wild oat control each year. Use integrated control methods through the rotation, such as higher seeding rates, promoting 32 Chickpea Crop Production Manual
  • 35. quick crop emergence, and using herbicides only when economic thresholds are reached. Prevent-ing kochia from setting viable seed for one or two years greatly reduces kochia populations in a field because the seed is short lived in the soil. Disease Management There are only a few diseases that significantly affect chickpea. Ascochyta blight is the most pow-erful disease, and can devastate a chickpea crop through yield and quality reductions. Ascochyta blight in chickpea is much more aggressive than ascochyta blight in lentil or pea, and is caused by a different ascochyta species. Ascochyta blight is a foliar disease that can com-pletely destroy a chickpea crop with up to 90 per cent yield loss in kabuli, and up to 50 per cent yield loss in desi chickpea (pesticide risk reduc-tion program 2008). Additional Ascochyta Blight Reference Tool: • Scouting and Management of Ascochyta Blight in Chickpea (March 2010), a publication fund-ed by the Pesticide Risk Reduction Program of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s (AAFC) Pest Management Centre (www.agr.gc.ca/prrmup). (PRRP 2010). • Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture CD ROM Management of Ascochyta Blight of Chickpea in Saskatchewan. Information presented on ascochyta blight and its management is taken from the publication Scouting and Management of Ascochyta Blight in Chickpea, a publication funded by the Pesticide Risk Reduction Program of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Pest Management Centre. The pathogen overwinters on chickpea residue and seed. Both asexual spores and sexual spores can be produced on the residue. The sexual stage produces ascospores, which can spread several miles in the wind and are believed to be respon-sible for early season lesions. These ascospores are produced by genetic recombination, meaning the population can become genetically diverse. Research carried out at AAFC, Saskatoon, has identified 15 races of Ascochyta rabiei in Western Canada. This not only makes breeding for resis-tance more of a challenge, it increases the likeli-hood of fungicide-resistant strains developing. Sentinel plant research using potted chickpea plants has shown that disease inoculum is air-borne, traveling over several kilometres, and is present in the field prior to the emergence of the crop. Early symptoms are often only the size of a pinhead and can occur on leaflets or stems. They can range in colour from light tan to dark brown, and have a distinct margin. They can be very difficult to identify, but early detection and control is critical to controlling disease progression. A magnifying glass may be needed at this stage to identify the lesions. Lesions will expand rapidly under humid condi-tions. Lesions on leaflets are usually tan in colour and have a dark brown margin. Dark fruiting bodies, called pycnidia, are formed in the lesions. The pycnidia ooze spores in wet and humid condi-tions. These spores are spread by rain to other plants and through the field, thus infection is aided by weather with frequent showers. Anything that moves though an infected field will spread spores, especially if the canopy is moist. Stem lesions are more elongated, but similar in colour and also contain pycnidia. The lesions can girdle the stem and this can lead to stem break- Chickpea Crop Production Manual 33
  • 36. Chickpea Crop Production Manual 27 age and plant death within three to four weeks of infection if it is not treated. Pod infections limit pod development and can cause seed size reduction and discoloured seed, resulting in a grade loss. The environment (rain and humidity) plays a criti-cal role in the development of ascochyta blight. Rain plays a role in determining the severity of ascochyta blight in two ways: • Rain-splashed droplets physically spread the disease within the crop canopy by transferring spores from diseased plant tissue to healthy plant tissue. • Rain provides the moisture required for spore germination and penetration of the fungus into the plant. The high humidity common in chickpea crops, even in the absence of rain, is also sufficient for spore germination and penetration. But the humidity itself will not transport spores from one plant to another like rain-splash does. Dew and humidity promote pycnidia development and the “oozing” of the spores which can cause new infections. An important part of the infection process is known as the incubation period or latent period. It is the period of time between penetration of the Figure 6. Early pinpoint lesions of ascochyta in chickpea Source: Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture Figure 7. Ascochyta blight; early lesions, leaf symptoms Source: Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture 34 Chickpea Crop Production Manual Figure 8. Ascochyta blight; pod lesion Source: Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture
  • 37. fungus into the plant, and the first visible disease symptoms. The incubation period for ascochyta blight in chickpea is only four to six days. This means symptoms that appear within a few days of a fungicide application were likely the result of a spore that had already successfully invaded the plant. If weather turns warm and dry, infected plants may survive, but will be delayed in maturity and produce lower yields. Management strategies must be implemented to control the disease through the crop rotation and in-crop. Producers should not rely exclusively on a single management practice, but rather integrate a combination of practices to develop a consis-tent long-term strategy for disease management that is suited to their production system and location. Fungicides work to control disease by creating a barrier on the plant’s surface to prevent the spores from germinating and infecting the tissue. All fungicides registered for control of ascochyta blight in chickpea have this protectant activity and are most efficacious if they are applied pre-ventatively, or before the fungus penetrates the plant. In addition to protectant activity, some of the fungicides registered for control of ascochyta blight have a slight curative activity. The curative activity is limited to the early part of the incuba-tion period, and only for the first 24 to 36 hours after spore germination and infection. These fun-gicides have limited systemic movement within the plant tissue and will not be translocated throughout the plant or into new growth. Applica-tion must be made within the first 36 hours after a rainfall to provide curative effects. These cura-tive products do not repair tissue that has already been damaged or killed by the fungus. No fungicide will protect against disease already established in the plant or once lesions form. All fungicides will protect against spores entering the plant (protectant activity). Curative fungicides will also protect against early stages of the incubation period. The key to managing ascochyta progression is to prevent or slow early development. Fungicide application at the seedling stage is critical for our short growing season, spraying before the occurrence of infection to provide a disease-free canopy as long as possible, combined with follow up field scouting and additional fungicide applica-tions is necessary. Fungicides that are currently available will provide protection against disease for no longer than two weeks. This protection period is shorter when a highly susceptible chickpea variety is grown, when frequent rainfall is received, and/or when the plant has developed new growth. When near-ing the end of this protective period, watch the Figure 9. Ascochyta blight; healthy (top), infested seed (bottom); desi (left) and kabuli (right) Source: Courtesy of the Canadian Phytopathological Society Chickpea Crop Production Manual 35
  • 38. weather forecast and be prepared to spray again before a rain event. Research carried out in Saskatchewan has shown that fungicide application at the seedling stage is critical to reduce ascochyta blight severity and maintain yield for susceptible cultivars. The timing of follow up fungicide application is not as critical; however, three well timed applications per season are as effective as four to five applica-tions in partially resistant cultivars. Fungicide choice is less important, but usually using two strobilurin products gives better control and often higher yield. Under high disease pressure, higher water volumes of at least 200 litres per hectare are more important than spray droplet size. In-creasing water volume has shown better disease control on fern leaf types, but not on unifoliate leaf types. Saskatchewan research conducted on ascochyta in chickpea with varied leaf structures exam-ined the effectiveness of fungicide control. The research concluded that nozzle type (flat fan, twin nozzle or air induced), and resulting spray quality had no significant effect on spray retention or dis-ease control, with all producing the same degree of control when used properly. Research has shown ground and air application of fungicides will both be effective and provide similar yields. Ground applications use higher water volumes and provide greater overall cover-age, but wheel tracks may reduce yield and can spread disease. Conversely, aerial applications use lower water volumes, but do not damage the crop and can cover more area in a timely fashion. Calendar spraying refers to applying fungicides when the previous fungicide’s effectiveness has reached a minimum (usually about two weeks). However, the importance of combining scouting and using weather forecasts cannot be over-looked. Applying fungicides at regular intervals, even if it is not necessary, not only adds to the cost of production, but can limit further fungicide choice when considering the need for fungicide group rotation. As the crop advances and weather conditions become hot and dry, the spray interval could be increased to three or more weeks. Alternatively, if disease risk is high and moist weather conditions are occurring, the spray in-terval may need to be decreased to five to seven days. Disease risk can change daily depending on weather conditions, development of new symp-toms, varietal resistance and yield potential. The only spray that should be considered “routine” is the first spray of the season, about two to three weeks after the crop has emerged. There are situations when it becomes advisable to stop fungicide application. Experience has shown it is not beneficial to apply fungicides after the first week of August in commercial crops unless the goal is to preserve seed quality. It takes about one month for a flower to develop into a full-sized seed. If a mid-September frost is expected, as it is most years, new flowers pro-duced in mid-August are not likely to form viable seed. Pedigreed seed fields might be considered exempt from this rule of thumb in order to reduce the level of seed-borne ascochyta. Applying foliar fungicides later in the season to protect new growth may in fact delay crop matu-rity and increase green seed count without im-proving yield. Fungicides applied after August 7th to August 10th generally do not improve chickpea yields in Saskatchewan. If disease has not been effectively controlled during the season (variety with poor resistance, wet growing season, fungicides not applied when needed) and pod lesions are already widespread, 36 Chickpea Crop Production Manual
  • 39. it is usually too late to apply a fungicide. If you are considering discontinuing fungicide application due to the advancement of ascochyta blight, talk to your local Saskatchewan Crop Insur-ance Corporation (SCIC) Customer Service Office regarding your decision. Choosing not to follow disease control strategies may impact your claim. An integrated management strategy is needed to manage ascochyta. Fungicides alone will not be sufficient. In Saskatchewan, under our cool and dry condi-tions, a three to four year crop rotation to non-host crops is necessary to reduce spores from previous crop stubble. Avoid planting chickpea adjacent to previous year’s chickpea fields to reduce spread of residue and wind-borne spores and use non-host strips at field edges. Field selection should be at least 500 metres away from fields that had a chickpea crop the previous season. Choose available varieties that are as disease resistant as possible. Currently the best resis-tance level available is fair, and therefore, select varieties with a “fair” instead of “poor” or “very poor” rating for ascochyta. Kabuli chickpea is much more susceptible to ascochyta blight compared to desi chickpea. Uni-foliate kabuli varieties appear to be much more susceptible to severe ascochyta blight, compared to fern leaf kabuli. Keep plant density within the recommended range of 30 to 45 plants/m2 (2.8 to 4.3 plants/ ft2). Plant stand density within that range does not appear to have an association with the severity of ascochyta blight in less susceptible varieties. Do not increase planting density above the recommended range, as ascochyta blight risk increases with increasing plant density. Follow sound agronomic practices. A healthy plant is able to battle disease invasion. Plant seed that has been tested at an accredited lab and has zero levels of ascochyta, or levels as low as possible (not more than 0.3 per cent). Seed at the optimum date, depth, and rate. Use seed treatments if needed. A disease decision support checklist for ascochy-ta has been developed to aid in determining risk rating to ascochyta, and to determine appropriate management strategies. (See Table 4 on next page). Chickpea Crop Production Manual 37
  • 40. Table 4. Determining Your Disease Risk 1) Review the following six considerations and assign a risk value to each. 2) Add up the risk values to create a total risk value. 3) Use the total value to compare to the risk rating below. 1. Field History and Crop Rotation Risk Value a. Crop is being grown in a region that has never had chickpea production 0 b. Crop is planted on land that has not had chickpea for at least three years 5 c. Crop is planted on land that has had chickpea in the last two years; or is 10 located adjacent to chickpea stubble from the year before 2. Chickpea Variety Risk Value a. Desi variety or kabuli variety rated as “fair” resistance to ascochyta blight 5 b. Kabuli variety that is rated as “poor” resistance to ascochyta blight 10 c. Kabuli variety that is rated as “very poor” resistance to ascochyta blight 20 3. Level of Seed-born Disease and Use of Seed Treatment Risk Value a. Seed test indicated no seed-borne ascochyta AND used registered seed 0 treatment for ascochyta blight control b. Seed test indicated low levels of ascochyta (<1%) AND used registered seed 5 treatment for ascochyta blight control c. Seed test indicated significant levels of ascochyta blight (5-10%) AND used a 10 registered seed treatment for ascochyta blight control d. The seed quality is unknown, or I am not using a seed treatment 20 4. Presence of Disease Symptoms since last Fungicide Application Risk Value a. No new disease lesions have developed since last fungicide application 0 b. Disease lesions have developed on a new crop growth since last fungicide 10 application c. Leaf and/or stem lesion have developed and no fungicide has been applied 20 this season 5. Weather Conditions Risk Value a. No rainfall in the past week and short-term forecast is for continued 5 dry weather b. Weather conditions are unknown 10 c. Rainfall or heavy dew has occurred during past week 20 d. Weather is unsettled, thunderstorms are likely 20 6. Other Crop Health Considerations Risk Value a. Crop emerged well in the spring and there has been no significant 0 weather/injury to crop b. Crop was seeded very early and was slow to emerge 5 c. Crop was damaged by early herbicide application or soil-residue 10 d. The crop has received a light to moderate hail shower in the past 24 hours 20 TOTAL RISK VALUE 1+2+3+4+5+6= ___________ Source: Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture’s Scouting and Management of Ascochyta Blight in Chickpea 38 Chickpea Crop Production Manual
  • 41. Chickpea Crop Production Manual 39 Total Risk Value is < 15: Your risk is low and ascochyta blight should not have a negative impact on your crop if you remain dili-gent about scouting and applying fungicides when necessary. Consider the following recommendations: • Apply fungicide if the crop is at the seedling stage and a fungicide has not yet been applied. • Delay fungicide application if there has been no new lesion development and there is no rain in the forecast. Total Risk Value is 20 to 45: Your risk is low to moderate. Continue to scout for new lesion development as your crop matures. Consider the following recommendations: • Apply fungicide if it has been close to 14 days since the last application. • Delay fungicide if less than 14 days since last application and there is no rain in the forecast. Total Risk Value is 50 to 75: Your risk is moderate and disease is either increasing in your crop due to favourable weather conditions, or because ascochyta blight was established before a fungicide was applied. Some yield loss due to disease will occur. Consider the following recommendations: • Apply fungicide if it has been close to 14 days since the last application. Total Risk Value is > 80: Your risk is high and ascochyta blight will impact your yield and seed quality. Consider the following recommendations: • Apply fungicide if crop is in the flowering to early pod stages and there is a potential for suitable yield. • Do not apply fungicide if disease is severe and there is little chance for economic return.
  • 42. Management of fungicide resistance is extremely important for all crops and diseases but even more so for ascochyta in chickpea due to the genetic diversity of the fungus, and the fact that isolates with resistance to strobilurin fungicides have been confirmed in Saskatchewan. If a pathogen develops resistance to one fungicide in the strobilurin group, it will be resistant to other fungicides in that group. The following guidelines, adopted from the North American Fungicide Resistance Action Commit-tee, are recommended to prevent the increase of fungicide resistant fungi: • Do not use a fungicide that contains only a strobilurin active unless it is tank mixed with a non-strobilurin fungicide. • Rotate the use of a fungicide with a strobilurin product in the mix (or tank mixed) with a non-strobilurin product. • Do not use more than two applications per year of any fungicide containing a strobilurin on the same field. • Do not apply more than two applications of the same group in a single growing season (except for chlorothalonil, which can be applied three times). Seed rot, seedling blight and root rot of chickpea are caused by a complex of pathogens includ-ing species of Pythium, Fusarium, Rhizoctonia and Botrytis. These pathogens are present in all Saskatchewan agricultural soils and can infect and kill individual seedlings from germination to the early flowering stage. Seed rots and seed-ling blights are most severe when soil is cool or saturated, and seedling emergence is delayed. Infected seed may fail to germinate. Infected seedlings will usually turn yellow, wilt and then die. Stems may be girdled and discoloured at or just below the soil surface and roots may be rotten, allowing the plants to be pulled easily from the soil. Kabuli chickpea is especially susceptible to rots due to its thin, zero-tannin seed coat. Figure 10. Chickpea: Root rot Source: Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture Crop rotations that include cereal and oilseed crops can reduce the build-up of soil-borne pathogens specific to chickpea. However, many of these pathogens can survive as saprophytes in the absence of a susceptible host. Therefore, crop rotation may have a limited effect in manag-ing seedling blight and root rot. Review the section on seed treatment for control of these pathogens. Botrytis grey mold attacks chickpea, both at the seedling stage, and in advanced stages. Botrytis grey mold of seedlings may spread down a seed row, resulting in a series of yellow or dead seed-lings. Botrytis grey mold is also favoured later in the growing season by dense canopies and moist conditions. Botrytis is usually most evident after flowering and is common on pods, resulting in shrunken, discoloured seed. The infected area is often covered by a dark grey, fuzzy, fungal growth. 40 Chickpea Crop Production Manual
  • 43. Botrytis pathogens can survive in the absence of host crops so rotation has limited effect on dis-ease level. Fungicides are available for the control of late season development of botrytis grey mold on chickpea, but need to be applied prior to symptoms showing to be effective. Sclerotinia white mold attacks chickpea grown in conditions of high rainfall, which produces dense crop canopies. This disease is more common in crop rotations that include other susceptible broadleaf crops such as canola, mustard, lentil or pea. Symptoms usually occur in patches, typi-cally in heavier crop areas. Infected plants are initially paler green and the diseased tissue may be covered by a white, cottony, fungal growth. The plant later becomes bleached in colour and the infected area will easily shred apart, revealing small black fungal resting structures. Sclerotinia becomes evident later in the growing season and if found, may have minimal impact on the crop. In most years it is not common through a lot of the chickpea growing area. Fungicides are available to control sclerotinia. However, they must be applied prior to the onset of symptoms. There are no bacterial or viral diseases of signifi-cance in Saskatchewan chickpea crops at the present time. Scouting in chickpea should begin at the seedling stage, two to three weeks after seeding. Asco-chyta is very aggressive and can infect a crop early. Scout every three to seven days during the seedling stage. Rain and/or high humidity means scouting frequency should be increased. If condi-tions are drier and the chickpea plant gets past the seedling stage, scouting frequency can be decreased to every seven to 10 days. It may be useful to use flags to mark specific areas in the field for regular monitoring to watch for disease spread to new tissues and/or to determine the effectiveness of previous fungicide applications. It is very important that you keep the field as sanitary as possible. Before entering fields, put Figure 11. Chickpea: Botrytis stem and pod rot; grey mold symptoms Source: Courtesy of the Canadian Phytopathological Society Figure 12. Chickpea: Botrytis stem and pod rot; grey discolouration on seed Source: Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture Chickpea Crop Production Manual 41