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“Manoeuvring the Marketing Mix,
Canadian Style”

2012 Noel-Levitz National Conference

Sean Williams
Associate Consultant, Noel-Levitz
July 26, 2012
Flow for the hour

•   Introductions
•   Canadian ‘Media’ Marketplace
•   Case Studies
•   Dos and Don’ts
•   Questions
Who is this guy?

•   I’m the token

•   20 years experience

•   Done the big agency thing

•   Worked in marketing roles

•   Big focus on HE

•   With Noel-Levitz since Oct. ’10
I want to know...

   What’s the biggest issue or
   concern you have in your
   marketing and advertising
Everything we read and hear tells us that...
Also that...
Anyone feeling like this?

   ...while I don’t have all the
   answers, I hope to pass on
 some information and insights
My 6 stages for success
1.   Understand your audience... PLEASE!
2.   Figure out who you are – it’s ok to say ‘brand’
3.   The message matters – really think about what
     you want to say and how (i.e. idea, tone,
     format, etc.)
4.   Change it up – you shouldn’t be doing the
     same things you did 5 years ago
5.   Use the right tools and integrate them – this
     ensure success
6.   Test, track, and/or measure everything you can
     – you want to improve, right?
You’re now saying...

“Thanks for telling me that, but
         now what?”
Lets see how Canadian’s are
consuming media?
We’re online, but still watch TV
TV viewership up over the years
Radio is seeing some decline
We multi-task media
TV is watched across multiple platforms

18-24        TV Only, 23%                            Cross Platform 61%                       Online-only, 16%

25-34                             55%                                             38%                    7%

35-49                                         80%                                                18%           2%

50-64                                          84%                                                13%          3%

 65+                                                 94%                                                 4% 2%

        0%     10%          20%    30%        40%       50%       60%       70%         80%       90%          100%
                                    TV Only     Cross Platform     Online-only

                                                                            comScore/TVB 2010 Custom Project
We love our social networking too
Where’s the $$$ going?
TV and Internet get the bulk of the spend
Outdoor and Cinema expect growth
And in the digital space?
Focus is on Search, Display and Video
Mobile too...
So you may be asking, how does
a University and College act on
this knowledge?

•   Better understand their audience
•   Define who they are
•   Develop a strong and distinct
    creative message
•   Change/adjust what they are doing
•   Integrate their efforts
•   Track and/or measure what they’re
Holland College (Winter 2012)

•   They needed to:
    –   Elevate their presence
    –   Impart on their audience ‘why them’
    –   Connect through ‘new’ means
    –   Generate inquires and/or applications by a
        certain time
•   Their situation:
    –   Brand meaning not clear
    –   Same budget as last year
    –   Never advertised online
They developed a cohesive theme…
…used a mix of ‘traditional’ media…
…some SEM and social advertising…
…online advertising…
... linked it to social media...
…and tied it back to their site
In the end, they saw some strong results
•   Raised community awareness in province
    –   Told people there’s something happening on campus
•   Solid CTRs with SEM, social and banner ads
    –   Recognize site categories or topics that produce
        highest level of traffic
•   Tracked search terms to program pages
    –   Highlighted specific program areas of interest and
        length of time on pages
    –   Pinpointed what keywords to focus on
•   Recognized areas of improvements for next year
•   Good level of applications – skewed more online
    (vs. previous yrs)
StFX University (Winter 2010)

•   They needed to:
    –   Promote the brand in two key markets
    –   Impart on their audience ‘why them’
    –   Connect through audience appropriate
    –   Generate inquires and/or applications
•   Their situation:
    –   Strong brand (icon)
    –   Limited budget
    –   Limited/no previous advertising
Campaign theme…
… in traditional media…
… social and SEM…
… and online advertising
In the end, they saw some strong results
•   Raised awareness in key markets
    –   People recognized that they had not advertised much
        in the past
•   Good CTRs with SEM, social and banner ads
    –   Gained specific knowledge around icon and adjusted
        elements mid campaign
•   Pinpointed key search terms
    –   Saw what made people ‘click’
    –   Alignment with rankings and competition
•   Recognized a mix of future opportunities
•   Gained a slight foothold into the two markets
    and saw a reasonable level of applications
So looking ahead, here are some
‘Dos’ and ‘Don’ts’
Do... Understand how your audience acts
Don’t... Treat them the same as others
Do... Brand
Don’t... Be confused and lack focus
Do... Keep it simple
Don’t... Overcomplicate things
Do... Different
Don’t... Stand still
Do... Connect the dots
Don’t... Be left behind
Do... Tools that track
Don’t... Leave things until next year
So in summary, be sure to...

•   Understand your audience
•   Define your brand
•   Develop unique messaging
•   Change it up
•   Integrate
•   Track/measure

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2012 Noel-Levitz NCSRMR Presentation

  • 1. “Manoeuvring the Marketing Mix, Canadian Style” 2012 Noel-Levitz National Conference Sean Williams Associate Consultant, Noel-Levitz July 26, 2012
  • 2. Flow for the hour • Introductions • Canadian ‘Media’ Marketplace • Case Studies • Dos and Don’ts • Questions
  • 3. Who is this guy? • I’m the token • 20 years experience • Done the big agency thing • Worked in marketing roles • Big focus on HE • With Noel-Levitz since Oct. ’10
  • 4. I want to know... What’s the biggest issue or concern you have in your marketing and advertising planning?
  • 5. Everything we read and hear tells us that...
  • 8. Well... ...while I don’t have all the answers, I hope to pass on some information and insights
  • 9. My 6 stages for success 1. Understand your audience... PLEASE! 2. Figure out who you are – it’s ok to say ‘brand’ 3. The message matters – really think about what you want to say and how (i.e. idea, tone, format, etc.) 4. Change it up – you shouldn’t be doing the same things you did 5 years ago 5. Use the right tools and integrate them – this ensure success 6. Test, track, and/or measure everything you can – you want to improve, right?
  • 10. You’re now saying... “Thanks for telling me that, but now what?”
  • 11. Lets see how Canadian’s are consuming media?
  • 12. We’re online, but still watch TV
  • 13. TV viewership up over the years
  • 14. Radio is seeing some decline
  • 16. TV is watched across multiple platforms 18-24 TV Only, 23% Cross Platform 61% Online-only, 16% 25-34 55% 38% 7% 35-49 80% 18% 2% 50-64 84% 13% 3% 65+ 94% 4% 2% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% TV Only Cross Platform Online-only comScore/TVB 2010 Custom Project
  • 17. We love our social networking too
  • 19. TV and Internet get the bulk of the spend
  • 20. Outdoor and Cinema expect growth
  • 21. And in the digital space?
  • 22. Focus is on Search, Display and Video
  • 24. So you may be asking, how does a University and College act on this knowledge?
  • 25. They... • Better understand their audience • Define who they are • Develop a strong and distinct creative message • Change/adjust what they are doing • Integrate their efforts • Track and/or measure what they’re doing
  • 26. Holland College (Winter 2012) • They needed to: – Elevate their presence – Impart on their audience ‘why them’ – Connect through ‘new’ means – Generate inquires and/or applications by a certain time • Their situation: – Brand meaning not clear – Same budget as last year – Never advertised online
  • 27. They developed a cohesive theme…
  • 28. …used a mix of ‘traditional’ media…
  • 29. …some SEM and social advertising…
  • 31. ... linked it to social media...
  • 32. …and tied it back to their site
  • 33. In the end, they saw some strong results • Raised community awareness in province – Told people there’s something happening on campus • Solid CTRs with SEM, social and banner ads – Recognize site categories or topics that produce highest level of traffic • Tracked search terms to program pages – Highlighted specific program areas of interest and length of time on pages – Pinpointed what keywords to focus on • Recognized areas of improvements for next year • Good level of applications – skewed more online (vs. previous yrs)
  • 34. StFX University (Winter 2010) • They needed to: – Promote the brand in two key markets – Impart on their audience ‘why them’ – Connect through audience appropriate mediums – Generate inquires and/or applications • Their situation: – Strong brand (icon) – Limited budget – Limited/no previous advertising
  • 36. … in traditional media…
  • 37. … social and SEM…
  • 38. … and online advertising
  • 39. In the end, they saw some strong results • Raised awareness in key markets – People recognized that they had not advertised much in the past • Good CTRs with SEM, social and banner ads – Gained specific knowledge around icon and adjusted elements mid campaign • Pinpointed key search terms – Saw what made people ‘click’ – Alignment with rankings and competition • Recognized a mix of future opportunities • Gained a slight foothold into the two markets and saw a reasonable level of applications
  • 40. So looking ahead, here are some ‘Dos’ and ‘Don’ts’
  • 41. Do... Understand how your audience acts
  • 42. Don’t... Treat them the same as others
  • 44. Don’t... Be confused and lack focus
  • 45. Do... Keep it simple
  • 52. Don’t... Leave things until next year
  • 53. So in summary, be sure to... • Understand your audience • Define your brand • Develop unique messaging • Change it up • Integrate • Track/measure