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 Difficulty of the skill dramatically increases
when the young players move from batting
slow-moving or stationary(batting
tee)objects,to balls thrown with greater
speed and spin.
 Principles like strength, balance, inertia and
coordination, force-time and force –motion.
 Brief description of skill
 Objective of the skill
 Mechanical principle of the skill
 Objective of the principles
 Analysis of the skill
 Application of the principles
Brief description of the skill
Swing bowlers are pace bowlers who,apart
from being fast. Also use the seam of the ball
to make it travel in a curved path through the
air. Make the swing of the ball towards the
batsman or away from batsman.
Objective of the skill
The main objective of the bowler is to take
wickets by tight line and length.
Mechanical principle of the skill
 Momentum
 Arm force
 Inertia
 Gravity
 Magnus effect
Analysis of the skill
 The grip
 Back foot contact
 Point of release
 Use of the swing
 The grip- In swing
 An in swinger is bowled by holding the ball with
the seam vertical and the first two fingers slightly
across the seam so that it is angled a little to the
leg side.
 Once the ball has worn and been polished so
that one side is rougher than the other, the rough
side is placed on the leg side. The ball is placed
on the pad of the thumb. This thumb position
locks the wrist in a position inclined to the leg
side.as shown in fig.
Biomechanics of cricket
 The Grip- Out swing
 A Right-armed bowler bowling outswing will
move the ball away from a right-handed
batsman. The 1st and 2nd fingers are placed on
the top of the ball and spread either side of the
 The side of the thumb is placed on the
underneath of the ball directly on the seam. To
make the ball swing, ensure that the seam
remains vertical and angled away from the
Biomechanics of cricket
 Back foot contact – in swinger
In swing can be bowled from side-on, mid-way
or chest on positions. But bowlers usually tend
to pitch it in the good length spot or up to the
batsman. It is the wrist position that is crucial,
not the position of hips or shoulders.
 Back foot contact – out swinger
The bowler attempts to get as side on as
possible. A high arm action is also required. The
shiny side of the ball must be pointing away
from the body, so that the rough side is on the
bowlers side. The seam is usually held at a
slight angle with the seam pointing to around
second slip.
Point of release- inswing
 When the bowler delivers the ball, he angles
the seam so that it points slightly to the leg
side. To help achieve this position the bowling
arm should be near vertical, brushing close to
the ear.
 At release the wrist should remain cocked so
as to help impart backspin along the orientation
of the seam. The angle of the seam to the
direction of motion produces an aerofoil effect
as the ball moves through the air, pushing it to
the leg side.
 This is enhanced by differential air pressure
caused by movement of air over the rough and
smooth surfaces, which also tends to push the
ball to the leg side. The result is that the ball
 Point of release- outswing
 To bowl outswing, the bowler attempts to get as
side on as possible. A high arm action is also
required. The shiny side of the ball must be
pointing away from the body, so that the rough
side is on the bowlers side.
 The seam is usually held at a slight angle with
the seam pointing to around second slip. The
arm in which the ball is held usually comes down
across the bowlers body to the off side after
Application of the principles
 Momentum
“Product of mass and velocity”.
 In bowling long run and forward flex gives
momentum to the bowler.
 Arm force
From back foot to ball release
 A bowler get Force mainly from shoulder and
 Inertia
From run up to back foot contact.
 By Newton's law
“A body at rest/motion remains in rest/motion
unless& until external force is applied to over
on it”.
 Gravity
 The force external by earth
The centripetal (pulling force)
 Magnus effect on ball
 Magnus effect
The Magnus effect is the phenomenon whereby a
spinning object flying in a fluid creates a whrilpool
of fluid around itself, and experiences a force
perpendicular to the line of motion.
Biomechanics of cricket
Biomechanics of cricket
 The stance is the position in which a batsman
stands in order to have the ball bowled to him.
An ideal stance is "comfortable relaxed and
balanced," with the feet 40 cm apart, parallel
and astride the crease.
 The front shoulder should be pointing down the
wicket, the head facing the bowler, the weight
equally balanced and the bat near the back
 As the ball is about to be released, the
batsman will lift his bat up behind up in
anticipation of playing a stroke, and will shift
his weight onto the balls of his feet.
 By doing this he is ready to move swiftly into
position to address the ball once he sees its
path out of the bowler's hand.
 Front foot
 Back foot
 Catching.
 Ground fielding.
 Wicket keeping.
 TAPING- legs in same line, hip, shoulder
pointing towards bowler, taping bat on point
of the right toe.
(Friction ,leverage system, stable
equilibrium, zero acceleration.)
 BACK LIFT- bat pointing towards ‘point
region’, Bat should be raised on hip level,
top hand fore arm parallel to the ground,
both hands not to touch the body.
(Friction, leverage system, stable
equilibrium, zero acc., high centre of
 FOOT MOVEMENTS- foot moves towards
the pitch of the ball.
(positive acc., negative acc, friction, impact-
elasticity , spin, velocity)
 DEFENCE- no gap between bat and pad,
leg movements always along with the front
foot, At the time of contact body weight
shifted from heel to toe, simultaneously front
foot knee slightly bend, back foot stretched.
(high cog, unstable equilibrium, friction, zero
Biomechanics of cricket
 Vertical Bat Strokes
 Vertical bat or straight-bat shots can be
played either off the front foot or the back
foot depending upon the anticipated height of
the ball at the moment it reaches the
 Defensive Shot
 Having taken a long stride, a batsman blocks
the ball with a forward defensive shot.
 Horizontal Bat Shots
 The second class of cricket stroke are the
horizontal bat shots, also known as cross bat
shots. These comprise the cut, the square
drive, the pull, the hook and the sweep
 Running towards the ball direction-
(Speed, velocity, distance, friction, linear
 Eyes fix on ball-(velocity , power, force,
 Moving quickly on the line of the ball
(acc., friction, inertia of motion)
 Throwing (fluid mechanism, tailwind, head
wind, spin, parabola, projection, projectile,
horizontal velocity.)
‘Natural Balance’ can involve controlling the body in a fixed position
(static balance),
and maintaining body control during movement (dynamic balance)
A body is balanced when its centre of gravity is vertically within its
base of support
Base of support
Centre of gravity outside base of support - fall over
A body loses balance when its centre of gravity is vertically outside its
base of support
Head to ball when stepping forward
Leaning forward to begin run up
Balance is affected when any body part is moved away from the
centre of gravity
When balance is lost or affected a readjustments must
occur ….. “WHAT DO YOU SEE ?”
The bat should start to move FORWARD only after the front/ back FOOT has
made CONTACT with the GROUND
The legs remain BRACED to ensure maximum force generation
A stable base ensures :
 Head remains still, so eyes can see and focus
 Body is still and stronger and provides more resistance for
 Energy is easily transferred into ACTION
To maximise POWER and CONTROL all body levers
(arms and legs) must move towards the target line
“Direct the energy / core of the body at the target”
 Keep bat and hands close to body
 Step towards target line
 Rotate shoulders and bat in the direction
of target
 Align front elbow and bat with the target
 Swing bat down target plane
 Work arms and legs down target line
 Keep ball in close to body
 Drag front elbow down target line
 Rotate shoulders vertically towards target
 Follow through towards target
The line of gravity is over the centre of the feet
The base of support is aligned with the intended generation of force
The LOWER the centre of gravity, the GREATER the stability
The wider the base of support, the GREATER the stability
It is important to align the body levers with the
oncoming ball and choice of stroke (vertical or
horizontal). This allows the player to hit the ball
To bowl / spin the ball fast (power)
land it where we want (control)
with the variations we want (control)
Spinners use shorter delivery stride lengths to increase height at release
Delivery strides too long - loss of height and leg collapse
It is important to align all body levers toward the line of the target to
ensure a balanced delivery. This allows the player to generate POWER
Poor lever alignment produces inconsistent performances
To gather the ball cleanly
(control) and throw it quickly
(power) and accurately (control)
Wicket Keeping
To catch the ball cleanly
Fielding requires a trade off between stable bases:
Movement towards the ball in a balanced position allows the player to move quickly
in all directions
Base of support too narrow Base of support too wide
1-2 steps with the bowler Balanced “Step Jump” “Base Up”

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Biomechanics of cricket

  • 3. NECESSITY OF UNDERSTANDING BIOMECHANICAL PRINCIPLES IN CRICKET  Difficulty of the skill dramatically increases when the young players move from batting slow-moving or stationary(batting tee)objects,to balls thrown with greater speed and spin.  Principles like strength, balance, inertia and coordination, force-time and force –motion.
  • 4. CONTENTS:--  Brief description of skill  Objective of the skill  Mechanical principle of the skill  Objective of the principles  Analysis of the skill  Application of the principles
  • 5. Brief description of the skill Swing bowlers are pace bowlers who,apart from being fast. Also use the seam of the ball to make it travel in a curved path through the air. Make the swing of the ball towards the batsman or away from batsman.
  • 6. Objective of the skill The main objective of the bowler is to take wickets by tight line and length.
  • 7. Mechanical principle of the skill  Momentum  Arm force  Inertia  Gravity  Magnus effect
  • 8. Analysis of the skill  The grip  Back foot contact  Point of release  Use of the swing
  • 9.  The grip- In swing  An in swinger is bowled by holding the ball with the seam vertical and the first two fingers slightly across the seam so that it is angled a little to the leg side.  Once the ball has worn and been polished so that one side is rougher than the other, the rough side is placed on the leg side. The ball is placed on the pad of the thumb. This thumb position locks the wrist in a position inclined to the leg side.as shown in fig.
  • 11.  The Grip- Out swing  A Right-armed bowler bowling outswing will move the ball away from a right-handed batsman. The 1st and 2nd fingers are placed on the top of the ball and spread either side of the seam.  The side of the thumb is placed on the underneath of the ball directly on the seam. To make the ball swing, ensure that the seam remains vertical and angled away from the batsman.
  • 13.  Back foot contact – in swinger In swing can be bowled from side-on, mid-way or chest on positions. But bowlers usually tend to pitch it in the good length spot or up to the batsman. It is the wrist position that is crucial, not the position of hips or shoulders.
  • 14.  Back foot contact – out swinger The bowler attempts to get as side on as possible. A high arm action is also required. The shiny side of the ball must be pointing away from the body, so that the rough side is on the bowlers side. The seam is usually held at a slight angle with the seam pointing to around second slip.
  • 15. Point of release- inswing  When the bowler delivers the ball, he angles the seam so that it points slightly to the leg side. To help achieve this position the bowling arm should be near vertical, brushing close to the ear.  At release the wrist should remain cocked so as to help impart backspin along the orientation of the seam. The angle of the seam to the direction of motion produces an aerofoil effect as the ball moves through the air, pushing it to the leg side.  This is enhanced by differential air pressure caused by movement of air over the rough and smooth surfaces, which also tends to push the ball to the leg side. The result is that the ball
  • 16.  Point of release- outswing  To bowl outswing, the bowler attempts to get as side on as possible. A high arm action is also required. The shiny side of the ball must be pointing away from the body, so that the rough side is on the bowlers side.  The seam is usually held at a slight angle with the seam pointing to around second slip. The arm in which the ball is held usually comes down across the bowlers body to the off side after delivery.
  • 17. Application of the principles  Momentum P=m*v “Product of mass and velocity”.  In bowling long run and forward flex gives momentum to the bowler.
  • 18.  Arm force From back foot to ball release  A bowler get Force mainly from shoulder and wrist.
  • 19.  Inertia From run up to back foot contact.  By Newton's law “A body at rest/motion remains in rest/motion unless& until external force is applied to over on it”.
  • 20.  Gravity  The force external by earth The centripetal (pulling force)
  • 21.  Magnus effect on ball
  • 22.  Magnus effect The Magnus effect is the phenomenon whereby a spinning object flying in a fluid creates a whrilpool of fluid around itself, and experiences a force perpendicular to the line of motion.
  • 26. STANCE  The stance is the position in which a batsman stands in order to have the ball bowled to him. An ideal stance is "comfortable relaxed and balanced," with the feet 40 cm apart, parallel and astride the crease.  The front shoulder should be pointing down the wicket, the head facing the bowler, the weight equally balanced and the bat near the back toe.  As the ball is about to be released, the batsman will lift his bat up behind up in anticipation of playing a stroke, and will shift his weight onto the balls of his feet.  By doing this he is ready to move swiftly into position to address the ball once he sees its path out of the bowler's hand.
  • 28. FIELDING  Catching.  Ground fielding.  Wicket keeping.
  • 29. FRONT FOOT  TAPING- legs in same line, hip, shoulder pointing towards bowler, taping bat on point of the right toe. (Friction ,leverage system, stable equilibrium, zero acceleration.)  BACK LIFT- bat pointing towards ‘point region’, Bat should be raised on hip level, top hand fore arm parallel to the ground, both hands not to touch the body. (Friction, leverage system, stable equilibrium, zero acc., high centre of gravity)
  • 30.  FOOT MOVEMENTS- foot moves towards the pitch of the ball. (positive acc., negative acc, friction, impact- elasticity , spin, velocity)  DEFENCE- no gap between bat and pad, leg movements always along with the front foot, At the time of contact body weight shifted from heel to toe, simultaneously front foot knee slightly bend, back foot stretched. (high cog, unstable equilibrium, friction, zero acceleration)
  • 32.  Vertical Bat Strokes  Vertical bat or straight-bat shots can be played either off the front foot or the back foot depending upon the anticipated height of the ball at the moment it reaches the batsman.
  • 33.  Defensive Shot  Having taken a long stride, a batsman blocks the ball with a forward defensive shot.
  • 34.  Horizontal Bat Shots  The second class of cricket stroke are the horizontal bat shots, also known as cross bat shots. These comprise the cut, the square drive, the pull, the hook and the sweep
  • 35. FIELDING  CATCHING-  Running towards the ball direction- (Speed, velocity, distance, friction, linear kinematics)  Eyes fix on ball-(velocity , power, force, friction.)
  • 36. GROUND FIELDING  Moving quickly on the line of the ball (acc., friction, inertia of motion)  Throwing (fluid mechanism, tailwind, head wind, spin, parabola, projection, projectile, horizontal velocity.)
  • 37. ‘Natural Balance’ can involve controlling the body in a fixed position (static balance), STATIC & DYNAMIC BALANCE and maintaining body control during movement (dynamic balance)
  • 38. STABILITY PRINCIPLES A body is balanced when its centre of gravity is vertically within its base of support Base of support Centre of gravity outside base of support - fall over
  • 39. A body loses balance when its centre of gravity is vertically outside its base of support STABILITY PRINCIPLES
  • 40. Head to ball when stepping forward Leaning forward to begin run up MAINTAINING STABILITY – CONTROLLING DYNAMIC BALANCE
  • 41. STABILITY - CONSEQUENCES Balance is affected when any body part is moved away from the centre of gravity When balance is lost or affected a readjustments must occur ….. “WHAT DO YOU SEE ?” “ACTION Vs REACTION”
  • 42. WHAT DO YOU SEE ?
  • 43. STABILITY A STABLE BASE produces POWER and CONTROL The bat should start to move FORWARD only after the front/ back FOOT has made CONTACT with the GROUND The legs remain BRACED to ensure maximum force generation
  • 44. STABLE BASE A stable base ensures :  Head remains still, so eyes can see and focus  Body is still and stronger and provides more resistance for POWER  Energy is easily transferred into ACTION
  • 45. LEVER ALIGNMENT To maximise POWER and CONTROL all body levers (arms and legs) must move towards the target line “Direct the energy / core of the body at the target”
  • 46. BATTING  Keep bat and hands close to body  Step towards target line  Rotate shoulders and bat in the direction of target  Align front elbow and bat with the target  Swing bat down target plane BOWLING  Work arms and legs down target line  Keep ball in close to body  Drag front elbow down target line  Rotate shoulders vertically towards target  Follow through towards target
  • 47. BALANCE & STABILITY - BATTING STANCE The line of gravity is over the centre of the feet ALIGNMENT The base of support is aligned with the intended generation of force
  • 48. THE STEP The LOWER the centre of gravity, the GREATER the stability The wider the base of support, the GREATER the stability BALANCE & STABILITY - BATTING
  • 49. LEVER ALIGNMENT - BATTING It is important to align the body levers with the oncoming ball and choice of stroke (vertical or horizontal). This allows the player to hit the ball with POWER and CONTROL
  • 50. BOWLING  BOWLING : To bowl / spin the ball fast (power) land it where we want (control) with the variations we want (control)
  • 51. Spinners use shorter delivery stride lengths to increase height at release Delivery strides too long - loss of height and leg collapse BALANCE & STABILITY - BOWLING
  • 52. LEVER ALIGNMENT - BOWLING It is important to align all body levers toward the line of the target to ensure a balanced delivery. This allows the player to generate POWER and CONTROL Poor lever alignment produces inconsistent performances
  • 53. FIELDING & WK Fielding To gather the ball cleanly (control) and throw it quickly (power) and accurately (control) Wicket Keeping To catch the ball cleanly (control)
  • 54. BALANCE & STABILITY – FIELDING & WK Fielding requires a trade off between stable bases: Movement towards the ball in a balanced position allows the player to move quickly in all directions Base of support too narrow Base of support too wide 1-2 steps with the bowler Balanced “Step Jump” “Base Up”