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Chasing Progress
Beyond measuring
economic growth
The power of well-being   1
Every society clings to
    a myth by which it lives;
    ours is the myth of
    economic progress.

That’s why the year-on-year                                                                                             sustained growth is not the same
performance of the Gross Domestic                                                                                       thing as sustainable growth, even in
Product (GDP) continues to                                                                                              economic terms. And when it comes

dominate national policy and                                                                                            to environmental and social well-
fascinate the media. But a new                                                                                          being, it isn’t growth so much as the
composite Measure of Domestic                                                                                           quality of our lives and the health of
                                              1995 Pounds Sterling

Progress (MDP) – designed to factor                                                                                     our environment that counts. The

in the environmental and social                                                                                         Labour Government has explicitly
costs of growth – highlights how far                                                                                    recognised this. In the foreword to
off-track we might be in our                                                                                            the UK’s Strategy for Sustainable

relentless pursuit of GDP (Figure 1).                                                                                   Development, entitled quite simply

The results are salutary:                                                                                               A Better Quality of Life, Tony Blair
                                                                         1950   1960   1970    1980   1990   2000

•   GDP has soared in the last 50 years;
                                                                                                                        ‘We have failed to see how our economy, our
                                              Figure 1: MDP v GDP in the UK:1950-2002
    but MDP has struggled to take off at
                                                                                                                        environment and our society are all one. And
    all.                                      Growth is on track…                                                       that delivering the best possible quality of life
•                                             There’s little doubt about it: We are
    The divergence is especially                                                                                        for us all means more than concentrating
                                              living in an age of unprecedented                                         solely on economic growth..’
    transparent over the last 30 years:
                                              economic prosperity. The national
    GDP increased by 80 per cent, but
                                                                                                                        The report argues that ‘achieving
                                              income has tripled, in real terms, in
    MDP fell sharply during the 1980s
                                                                                                                        a better quality of life, now and for
                                              the course of only half a century. We
    and has not yet regained its 1976
                                                                                                                        generations to come’ means meeting
                                              are three times better off than our
                                                                                                                        four simultaneous objectives:
                                              grandparents were and it shows.
•   In spite of improvements in air and
                                              Higher incomes, warmer homes,
    water quality, environmental costs
                                              wider choice, better communications,                                          Social progress that meets the needs
    have risen by 300 per cent in the last
                                              faster cars, newer gadgets: these                                             of everyone.
    half century (Figure 3).
                                              are the windfalls from an                                                     Effective protection of the environment.
•   Social costs have risen 600 per cent
                                              extraordinary surge in consumer                                               Prudent use of natural resources.
    in the same period with a staggering
                                              spending over the last few decades.                                           Maintenance of high and stable levels
    13-fold increase in the costs of crime    And like the election theme song on                                           of economic growth and employment.
    and a four-fold increase in the costs     which this Government came to
    of family breakdown (Figure 4).                                                                                     Each of these objectives is
                                              power, it really does seem like
•                                                                                                                       challenging in its own right. This
    The Labour Government has so far          ‘things can only get better’.
                                                                                                                        Government came to power, in part
    failed to curb income inequality which
                                                                                                                        at least, because the Tories failed to
    rose by a factor of seven during the      …but what about quality of life?
                                                                                                                        deliver on key social goals and left
    last 50 years.                            But as everyone from Mahatma
•                                                                                                                       whole sections of the community out
                                              Gandhi to cult pop-group the
    MDP bears a closer resemblance to
                                                                                                                        of the growth bonanza. Moreover,
                                              Black-eyed Peas (and even Tony Blair)
    life-satisfaction data – which has not
                                                                                                                        failures to protect the global climate,
                                              has pointed out, more isn’t always
    risen for 30 years (Figure 5) – than it
                                                                                                                        the ozone layer, water quality in our
                                              better. Too much food makes the
    does to GDP.
                                                                                                                        rivers and air quality in our cities
                                              nation obese. Burgeoning traffic leaves
•   The ‘hidden’ costs of future climate
                                                                                                                        have haunted successive
                                              the roads congested. More guns make
    change and resource depletion
                                                                                                                        governments for decades.
                                              our streets unsafe. Endless choice
    constitute a continuing threat to long-
                                              leaves us hurried and harried.
    term economic stability.
                                                                                                                        So how are we to set about
                                              Mountains of waste leave our tips
                                                                                                                        achieving these demanding goals?
                                              over-flowing. Burning too much carbon
                                                                                                                        Are they even achievable
                                              threatens our climate. Excessive
In short, the persistent divergence
                                                                                                                        simultaneously? This is the
                                              commercialism erodes social value
of MDP from GDP raises difficult
                                                                                                                        enormous challenge of sustainable
                                              and strips our lives of meaning.
questions for the Government’s
                                                                                                                        development in the 21st Century, and
                                              No one can deny that we’re
Sustainable Development Strategy,
                                                                                                                        it’s far from having been overcome.
                                              witnessing an extraordinary period
and casts serious doubts on the
                                              of economic prosperity. But
myth of economic progress.

                                                                                                                    2                                    Chasing Progress
16,000                                                            800%
                                                                                                                                             Climate Change
                        14,000                                                            700%
                        12,000                                                            600%
 1995 Pounds Sterling

                        10,000                                                            500%

                                                                Social Costs                                                              Resource Depletion
                         8,000                                                            400%

                         6,000                                                            300%
                                                        Environmental Costs
                                                                                                                                                   Lost Land
                         4,000                                                            200%
                                                         Resource Depletion                                                                     Air Pollution
                                                                               MDP                                                                              MDP
                         2,000                                                            100%

                                                                                                                                              Water Pollution
                            0                                                                0
                            1950   1960   1970   1980           1990            2000         1950        1960        1970          1980          1990            2000

                                                                                       Figure 3: Environmental costs of progress
Figure 2: Components of the UK MDP

Measuring progress                                         But the results of the exercise make                 the time, have had a key role in
It is scarcely news, of course, that                       for uncomfortable reading. The                       reducing levels of polluting emissions
GDP is not a very good measure of                          following key statistics illustrate a                into the atmosphere and into rivers.
progress. Even in the 1960s, the late                      growing divergence between GDP                       And as a result air pollution and
Senator Robert Kennedy warned                              and MDP over the last half century:                  water pollution costs have declined
that the GDP:                                                                                                   by around 50 per cent since the
                                                           •                                                    early 1990s.
                                                                GDP per capita has tripled since 1950,
‘is indifferent to the decency of our factories
                                                                but MDP has not yet doubled.
and the safety of streets alike. It does not
                                                           •                                                    But there is little room for complacency
                                                                GDP rose by 80 per cent since 1975
include the beauty of our poetry or the
                                                                                                                here. These important gains are
                                                                alone: but MDP fell consistently during the
strength of our marriages, the intelligence of
                                                                                                                over-shadowed by other more
                                                                1980s and has struggled to return to its
our public debate or the integrity of our public
                                                                                                                intractable costs: the slow loss of
officials. The [GDP] measures neither our wit                   mid-1970s peak.
nor our courage, neither our wisdom nor our                                                                     productive rural land and natural
                                                                The average growth rate in MDP was barely
learning, neither our compassion nor our                                                                        habitats, the continuing depletion
                                                                half that of GDP over the last 50 years.
devotion to our country. It measures
                                                           •                                                    of mineral resources, and the rising
                                                                Environmental costs have increased by
everything, in short, except that which makes
                                                                                                                ‘hidden’ costs of climate change.
                                                                300 per cent since 1950; and social costs
life worthwhile.’
                                                                by 600 per cent.
Economists and politicians alike have                                                                           These hidden costs are different
                                                                MDP has staged something of a revival in
been slow to accept this indictment,                                                                            from many of the other costs
                                                                the last decade, growing faster than GDP at
and the relentless pursuit of GDP has                                                                           included in the MDP: we do not feel
                                                                times but progress appears to have faltered
been a defining characteristic of UK                                                                            their impact now. The brunt of these
                                                                over the last two years of the study.
politics over the last 50 years. That’s                                                                         costs will be borne by future
why the Government’s Strategy for                          When it comes to assessing our                       generations. Recent policies to
Sustainable Development represents                         progress towards the Government’s                    combat climate change will reduce
such a profound departure from                             sustainability objectives, the MDP is                the rate at which these future costs
conventional thinking. But having                          a potentially useful tool because it is              accumulate. But our cumulative debt
accepted, as Labour did, that growth                       possible to unpack the composite                     to future generations now stands
by itself will not deliver quality of life,                index into different sustainability                  650 per cent higher today than it
the question remains: how do we                            factors. Figure 2 shows a series of                  was in 1950 – even though it has
measure our progress towards this                          adjustments subtracted in turn from                  been ‘discounted’ here to take into
more elusive goal?                                         GDP to arrive at the MDP index.                      account the fact that the costs fall
                                                           This analysis reveals that social                    mainly in the future.
One approach is to adjust existing                         costs, environmental costs and
measures of growth to account for                          resource depletion have all played                   Our current attitude towards these
a variety of costs and benefits not                        a significant part in depressing the                 future costs is a bit like taking out an
usually factored into them. As a step                      index below the GDP measure.                         endowment policy to pay off a
in this direction, nef (the new                                                                                 mortgage and then forgetting to pay
economics foundation) has                                  Cleaner and greener?                                 the premiums. As each year passes,
calculated a new ‘Measure of                               Most striking of these effects is the                the amount we ought to be putting
Domestic Progress’ (MDP), designed                         role played by environmental costs.                  aside to make the eventual
to reflect our progress towards                            For long periods of time, these                      repayment just goes on getting
sustainable development by including                       constitute the single largest                        bigger. One day it will be too late; the
economic progress, environmental                           adjustment to the measure. But how                   mortgage company will repossess
costs, resource depletion and social                       does this square with government                     the property. And at some point the
factors in a single composite measure                      claims that our factories are more                   costs of climate change may derail
(see What is MDP). Combined                                efficient than they used to be, our                  economic stability altogether.
together these contributions provide a                     rivers cleaner, and our cities
powerful indication of trends over time                    greener? As Figure 3 illustrates,                    Lost in translation?
in relation to the Government’s                            these claims are partly true. In fact,               So what about social progress?
sustainability objectives.                                 environmental policies put in place                  Are we any more successful in our
                                                           from the 1970s onwards, however                      pursuit of this objective? Undeniably,
                                                           unpopular they may have been at                      we have seen signs of social

                                                                                                           3                                         Chasing Progress
800%                                                                     200%

                                                  Crime                     160%
   400%                                                                     100%

                                             Family Breakdown                80%
   100%                                         Inequality                   20%

      0                                                                       0%
      1950        1960         1970   1980            1990      2000           1973   1976   1979   1982   1985   1988   1991    1994   1997   2000

Figure 4: Social costs of progress                                       Figure 5: SWB, GDP and MDP in the UK: 1973-2002

improvement over the last few                      and half times the divorce rate in               Could it even be that the institutional
decades. Aside from the higher                     1950. In the subsequent decade, it               structure of growth creation is
average standard of living that                    appeared to stabilise and even fall              incompatible with key dimensions of
economic growth delivers, longevity                slightly, leading to a decline in the            social progress? Forty years ago,
has increased slightly and                         social and psychological costs                   the economist Simon Kuznets
unemployment has fallen since                      associated with family breakdown.                proposed that rising income
the mid-1970s.                                     But even here, the last couple of                inequality was an inevitable
                                                   years have witnessed a worrying                  consequence of the early stages of
Paradoxically, however, for a ruling               reversal of the previous positive trend.         economic growth. He predicted,
party founded in social ideals and                                                                  however, that beyond a certain
committed to reducing social                       So what became of those Labour                   stage, inequality would begin to fall
exclusion, the story is not                        pledges? Is it just that more time is            again. The only trouble is it clearly
unequivocally positive. Crime,                     needed before the impacts of                     hasn’t; and perhaps it simply can’t.
inequality and the costs of family                 policies already in place begin to
breakdown (Figure 4) have all grown                take effect? Is it that the manifesto            Bolstering the economic miracle of
dramatically over the period. And in               commitments were nothing more                    the last 50 years now appears to
spite of manifesto commitments to                  than ‘sound and fury’, signifying                require continued access to cheap
be ‘tough on crime and tough on the                nothing in terms of real progress?               credit, low taxation levels, and the
causes of crime’ and to protect                    Or is it possible that something even            whipping up of material desires in the
vulnerable families and communities,               more insidious is happening?                     increasingly affluent middle classes.
the years of Labour rule have not yet                                                               But what happens when cheap credit
managed to turn this trend around.                 Chasing progress                                 encourages bad debt? What happens
                                                   Could it be that economic growth,                when low taxation restricts the public
To be fair, some efforts were made.                and our unquestioned allegiance                  purse? And what happens when
The Cabinet Office Social Exclusion                to it, blind us to the social and                unbridled materialism leads to the
Unit, for example, has put out report              environmental implications of                    gradual erosion of social values?
after report aimed at reducing                     protecting and promoting it? To
poverty, and tackling inequalities in              create more and more growth we                   There is, in the current climate, no
access to important basic services.                need more and more consumption.                  real alternative to economic growth
But the sad truth is that the loss in              To achieve more and more                         that doesn’t involve the risk of even
collective well-being associated with              consumption, we need to keep                     greater hardships for the most
the unequal distribution of our                    buying more and more stuff. But what             vulnerable in our society. And yet,
incomes has increased by 600 per                   if more and more stuff doesn’t lead to           perhaps what the history of the last
cent over the period and shows no                  happy families and fulfilling lives?             50 years is telling us is that we have
immediate signs of abating under                                                                    to start thinking the unthinkable. The
Labour rule.                                       This is precisely the suggestion that            myth of economic growth is frayed at
                                                   arises from yet another important set            the edges and the promise of social
Even this trend is dwarfed, however,               of data. Quantitative measures of                and environmental progress is one of
by the 13-fold increase in crime over              subjective well-being (SWB) or                   the first casualties of its dereliction.
the last 50 years. And here the                    ‘life-satisfaction’ have shown precious
pattern is even more worrying.                     little movement over the last 30 years           Beyond the mirage
Crime peaked in 1992 and costs                     (Figure 5), prompting some to                    Every society has a cultural myth by
then fell consistently for seven years             speculate that the pursuit of social             which it lives; ours is the myth of
in a row. But after this brief respite,            progress is a little like trying to run up       economic progress. So long as the
they began to rise again sharply,                  the down-escalator. Or like the Red              national income continues to rise,
mainly as a result of a disturbing                 Queen in Lewis Carroll’s classic                 we feel safe in assuming not just
increase in violent crimes.                        Through the Looking Glass: we’re                 that we are doing well, but that we
                                                   running faster and faster; but we seem           are living better than our parents or
Some kind of social progress is                    to end up in exactly the same place.             our grandparents did; that we are
noticeable in relation to family                                                                    progressing – not just as individuals
stability. The divorce rate peaked in                                                               but as a society.
1993, albeit at a level that was five

                                                                                               4                                        Chasing Progress
In all probability most of us feel some    But what exactly can we do beyond               Perhaps most importantly, there is a
comfort in that belief. And why            highlighting the issue? A clear                 clear need to engage in a longer-
shouldn’t we? One of the roles of          starting point would be to                      term debate about the pursuit of
cultural myth is to furnish us with a      reformulate the sustainability                  national well-being, and to devise
sense of meaning and provide               objectives (as the SDC proposes),               new ways of promoting and
continuity in our lives. But a society     and in particular to tease apart the            measuring social progress. This may
that allows itself to be steered by a      objective of maintaining full                   or may not entail developing our own
faulty myth risks foundering on the        employment (which is clearly                    concept of GNH as Bhutan is doing.
shores of harsh reality. This is the       desirable) from that of pursuing                But if a country of barely two million
danger that the MDP is pointing us         growth (which is problematic at                 people who have never witnessed
towards: economic growth is running        best). In addition, there are                   the level of economic prosperity
unacceptable environmental risks,          numerous avenues for improving                  enjoyed by the affluent West is
doesn’t guarantee social progress,         social progress and promoting                   prepared to engage so creatively
and isn’t even making us any happier.      environmental protection which                  with the subject of human well-being,
                                           need not conflict with economic                 then perhaps it is time that we did.
nef is not alone in highlighting this      goals, including:
issue. A recent Cabinet Office report                                                      Acknowledgements
                                           •   Reducing income inequalities and
on life-satisfaction alerted the                                                           This briefing note has been prepared by
                                               improving access to basic services.
Government to the well-being                                                               Tim Jackson, an Associate of nef (the
                                           •   Promoting social cohesion by supporting
paradox: life-satisfaction is resolutely                                                   new economics foundation) and
                                               local community development.
static in spite of continuing economic                                                     Professor of Sustainable Development at
                                           •   Speeding up the transition to a
growth. Last year the Sustainable                                                          the University of Surrey. It is based on
                                               low-carbon society.
Development Commission (SDC)                                                               numerical analyses carried out by the
                                           •   Developing a long-term strategy for the
urged the Government to abandon                                                            author and colleagues at the Centre for
                                               protection of rural land.
single-minded pursuit of growth and                                                        Environmental Strategy in the University
                                           •   Re-evaluating the impact of government
‘re-define prosperity’. And as this                                                        of Surrey. The author is particularly
                                               policy signals on personal and social
briefing goes to press, the tiny                                                           grateful for help with data collection and
                                               well-being and on community values.
kingdom of Bhutan in the Himalayas                                                         collation from Phil Sinclair and Nic Marks,
                                           •   Encouraging and promoting pro-social and
is hosting an international                                                                and for editorial inputs from Hetan Shah,
                                               pro-environmental consumer behaviour.
conference to operationalise its own                                                       Andrea Westall, Nic Marks and Andrew
                                           •   Establishing a protected ‘environmental
concept of ‘gross national happiness’                                                      Simms. nef would like to thank the
                                               futures’ fund to guard against the future
(GNH) in place of GDP.                                                                     Environmental Research Trust for the
                                               costs of climate change.
                                                                                           funding which made this work possible.

  What is MDP?                                                     promise for the future. nef is actively engaged in
  The MDP is one way of approaching the difficult                  developing this agenda.
  question: how can we measure our progress towards
  an improved quality of life? There are three main                A third approach is to construct ‘adjusted’ economic
  approaches to this problem.                                      indicators. The MDP falls into this third category.
                                                                   Adjusted economic indicators provide a single
  The Government’s answer has been to establish a set              performance index by adapting conventional economic
  of 147 separate indicators, measuring things like adult          measures such as GDP or consumer expenditure to
  numeracy and literacy, social investment as a                    include social and environmental costs and benefits
  percentage of GDP, crime levels, river quality,                  that normally lie outside the accounting framework. A
  populations of wild birds, and so on, as well as the GDP         variety of attempts have been made to construct such
  itself. Recognising that such a huge set of indicators is        indicators over the last 20 years. These include
  unwieldy, the Government has selected 15 ‘headline               Nordhaus and Tobin’s Measure of Economic Welfare,
  indicators’ from the larger set to represent different           Daly and Cobb’s Index of Sustainable Economic
  aspects of its four strategic objectives. But even 15            Welfare (ISEW), and the Genuine Progress Indicator
  indicators can present potentially confusing messages            (GPI) developed by the US-based lobby group
  to policy-makers. What does it mean if seven of the              Redefining Progress. The MDP is modelled closely on
  indicators go upwards, and eight go downwards? Is this           these developments and in particular on earlier work
  better or worse than the case in which eight go                  by the author and his colleagues to define a UK ISEW.
  upwards and seven go downwards? Does it depend on                Several additional developments have been
  which go up and which go down? And how does our                  incorporated into this new measure and we have
  recent performance (the indicator set is after all only a        re-labelled it MDP rather than ISEW or GPI because
  few years old) compare with longer term trends over the          we do not believe that a rising MDP either guarantees
  last 50 years?                                                   sustainability or ensures ‘genuine’ progress.

  A second approach is to measure various dimensions               Like the earlier measures, MDP takes as its basis
  of subjective well-being (SWB) such as life-satisfaction         consumer expenditure in the UK. It then adjusts this
  or happiness (Figure 5). This is a useful and valid way          basis to account for a series of different factors which
  of assessing some aspects of social progress. In                 affect domestic progress towards sustainable
  particular, it can provide us with a psychological               development. The key differences between MDP and
  ‘snapshot’ of the nation’s ‘mood’ at any one time.               GDP are that in the MDP:
  Extended measures of well-being, incorporating
  different psychological goals such as life fulfilment or
  personal development and accounting for broader
  social or environmental factors show considerable                Continued overleaf

                                                                                       5                               Chasing Progress
•                                                                      Components of the UK MDP
     Spending to offset social and environmental costs (defensive
     expenditure) is taken out.                                         Type                       Indicator                                     Influence
 •   Longer-term environmental damage and the depreciation of                                                                                    on MDP
     natural capital are accounted for.
 •   A number of economic adjustments associated with ensuring
                                                                                                   Consumer expenditure                          +ve
     prudent investment and trade balances are made.

                                                                             Economic indicators
 •                                                                                                 Value of services from domestic labour        +ve
     Changes in the distribution of income are accounted for,
     reflecting the fact that an additional pound in the pocket means                              Public (non-defensive) expenditures on
     more to the poor than to the rich.                                                            health and education                          +ve
 •   A value for household labour is included.
                                                                                                   Difference between expenditures on and
 Key differences between MDP and the ISEW are the                                                  service flow from consumer durables           -ve
 inclusion in MDP of the costs of crime and family                                                 Net capital growth                            mainly +ve
 breakdown, and some adjustments to the
                                                                                                   Net international position                    mainly -ve
 methodologies used to account for climate change
 and resource depletion, in response to criticisms of
 the earlier work.                                                                                 Effects of inequality in the distribution
                                                                                                   of incomes                                    -ve
 Although based on economic assumptions and widely
 available statistical data sets, the MDP is not a rigorously                                      Defensive private expenditures on health
                                                                             Social costs

 defined economic measure. Neither can it provide a                                                and education                                 -ve
 robust reflection of quantitative changes in each of the
                                                                                                   Costs of commuting                            -ve
 147 indicators of sustainable development selected by
 the Government. It is certainly not a guarantee that                                              Costs of car accidents                        -ve
 Britain is on course for a sustainable future.                                                    Costs of noise nuisance                       -ve
                                                                                                   Costs of crime                                -ve
 However, it does offer insights that cannot be gleaned
 from a disparate indicator set. In particular, it is clear                                        Costs of family breakdown                     -ve
 that the MDP does reflect the influence of policies
                                                                             Environmental costs

 designed to affect social progress, economic growth,
                                                                                                   Costs of personal pollution control           -ve
 environmental protection and prudent use of natural
 resources. In doing so, it allows us to present a                                                 Costs of air pollution                        -ve
 systematic assessment of domestic progress towards
                                                                                                   Costs of water pollution                      -ve
 sustainable development over a long period of time,
 and to compare this against GDP.                                                                  Estimated costs of climate change             -ve
                                                                                                   Costs of ozone depletion                      -ve
                                                                         natural resources
                                                                          Prudent use of

                                                                                                   Loss of natural habitats                      -ve
                                                                                                   Loss of farmlands                             -ve
                                                                                                   Depletion of finite natural resources         -ve

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                                                                                                                    © 2004 nef (the new economics foundation)
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Chasing Progress

  • 1. Chasing Progress Beyond measuring economic growth The power of well-being 1
  • 2. Every society clings to a myth by which it lives; ours is the myth of economic progress. That’s why the year-on-year sustained growth is not the same 16,000 performance of the Gross Domestic thing as sustainable growth, even in Product (GDP) continues to economic terms. And when it comes 14,000 dominate national policy and to environmental and social well- 12,000 GDP fascinate the media. But a new being, it isn’t growth so much as the 10,000 composite Measure of Domestic quality of our lives and the health of 1995 Pounds Sterling Progress (MDP) – designed to factor our environment that counts. The 8,000 in the environmental and social Labour Government has explicitly 6,000 costs of growth – highlights how far recognised this. In the foreword to off-track we might be in our the UK’s Strategy for Sustainable MDP 4,000 relentless pursuit of GDP (Figure 1). Development, entitled quite simply 2,000 The results are salutary: A Better Quality of Life, Tony Blair 0 acknowledged: 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 • GDP has soared in the last 50 years; ‘We have failed to see how our economy, our Figure 1: MDP v GDP in the UK:1950-2002 but MDP has struggled to take off at environment and our society are all one. And all. Growth is on track… that delivering the best possible quality of life • There’s little doubt about it: We are The divergence is especially for us all means more than concentrating living in an age of unprecedented solely on economic growth..’ transparent over the last 30 years: economic prosperity. The national GDP increased by 80 per cent, but The report argues that ‘achieving income has tripled, in real terms, in MDP fell sharply during the 1980s a better quality of life, now and for the course of only half a century. We and has not yet regained its 1976 generations to come’ means meeting are three times better off than our peak. four simultaneous objectives: grandparents were and it shows. • In spite of improvements in air and Higher incomes, warmer homes, water quality, environmental costs • wider choice, better communications, Social progress that meets the needs have risen by 300 per cent in the last faster cars, newer gadgets: these of everyone. half century (Figure 3). • are the windfalls from an Effective protection of the environment. • Social costs have risen 600 per cent • extraordinary surge in consumer Prudent use of natural resources. in the same period with a staggering • spending over the last few decades. Maintenance of high and stable levels 13-fold increase in the costs of crime And like the election theme song on of economic growth and employment. and a four-fold increase in the costs which this Government came to of family breakdown (Figure 4). Each of these objectives is power, it really does seem like • challenging in its own right. This The Labour Government has so far ‘things can only get better’. Government came to power, in part failed to curb income inequality which at least, because the Tories failed to rose by a factor of seven during the …but what about quality of life? deliver on key social goals and left last 50 years. But as everyone from Mahatma • whole sections of the community out Gandhi to cult pop-group the MDP bears a closer resemblance to of the growth bonanza. Moreover, Black-eyed Peas (and even Tony Blair) life-satisfaction data – which has not failures to protect the global climate, has pointed out, more isn’t always risen for 30 years (Figure 5) – than it the ozone layer, water quality in our better. Too much food makes the does to GDP. rivers and air quality in our cities nation obese. Burgeoning traffic leaves • The ‘hidden’ costs of future climate have haunted successive the roads congested. More guns make change and resource depletion governments for decades. our streets unsafe. Endless choice constitute a continuing threat to long- leaves us hurried and harried. term economic stability. So how are we to set about Mountains of waste leave our tips achieving these demanding goals? over-flowing. Burning too much carbon Are they even achievable threatens our climate. Excessive In short, the persistent divergence simultaneously? This is the commercialism erodes social value of MDP from GDP raises difficult enormous challenge of sustainable and strips our lives of meaning. questions for the Government’s development in the 21st Century, and No one can deny that we’re Sustainable Development Strategy, it’s far from having been overcome. witnessing an extraordinary period and casts serious doubts on the of economic prosperity. But myth of economic progress. 2 Chasing Progress
  • 3. 16,000 800% GDP Climate Change 14,000 700% GDP 12,000 600% Economic 1995 Pounds Sterling Adjustments 10,000 500% Social Costs Resource Depletion 8,000 400% 6,000 300% Environmental Costs Lost Land 4,000 200% Resource Depletion Air Pollution MDP MDP 2,000 100% Water Pollution 0 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Figure 3: Environmental costs of progress Figure 2: Components of the UK MDP Measuring progress But the results of the exercise make the time, have had a key role in It is scarcely news, of course, that for uncomfortable reading. The reducing levels of polluting emissions GDP is not a very good measure of following key statistics illustrate a into the atmosphere and into rivers. progress. Even in the 1960s, the late growing divergence between GDP And as a result air pollution and Senator Robert Kennedy warned and MDP over the last half century: water pollution costs have declined that the GDP: by around 50 per cent since the • early 1990s. GDP per capita has tripled since 1950, ‘is indifferent to the decency of our factories but MDP has not yet doubled. and the safety of streets alike. It does not • But there is little room for complacency GDP rose by 80 per cent since 1975 include the beauty of our poetry or the here. These important gains are alone: but MDP fell consistently during the strength of our marriages, the intelligence of over-shadowed by other more 1980s and has struggled to return to its our public debate or the integrity of our public intractable costs: the slow loss of officials. The [GDP] measures neither our wit mid-1970s peak. • nor our courage, neither our wisdom nor our productive rural land and natural The average growth rate in MDP was barely learning, neither our compassion nor our habitats, the continuing depletion half that of GDP over the last 50 years. devotion to our country. It measures • of mineral resources, and the rising Environmental costs have increased by everything, in short, except that which makes ‘hidden’ costs of climate change. 300 per cent since 1950; and social costs life worthwhile.’ by 600 per cent. • Economists and politicians alike have These hidden costs are different MDP has staged something of a revival in been slow to accept this indictment, from many of the other costs the last decade, growing faster than GDP at and the relentless pursuit of GDP has included in the MDP: we do not feel times but progress appears to have faltered been a defining characteristic of UK their impact now. The brunt of these over the last two years of the study. politics over the last 50 years. That’s costs will be borne by future why the Government’s Strategy for When it comes to assessing our generations. Recent policies to Sustainable Development represents progress towards the Government’s combat climate change will reduce such a profound departure from sustainability objectives, the MDP is the rate at which these future costs conventional thinking. But having a potentially useful tool because it is accumulate. But our cumulative debt accepted, as Labour did, that growth possible to unpack the composite to future generations now stands by itself will not deliver quality of life, index into different sustainability 650 per cent higher today than it the question remains: how do we factors. Figure 2 shows a series of was in 1950 – even though it has measure our progress towards this adjustments subtracted in turn from been ‘discounted’ here to take into more elusive goal? GDP to arrive at the MDP index. account the fact that the costs fall This analysis reveals that social mainly in the future. One approach is to adjust existing costs, environmental costs and measures of growth to account for resource depletion have all played Our current attitude towards these a variety of costs and benefits not a significant part in depressing the future costs is a bit like taking out an usually factored into them. As a step index below the GDP measure. endowment policy to pay off a in this direction, nef (the new mortgage and then forgetting to pay economics foundation) has Cleaner and greener? the premiums. As each year passes, calculated a new ‘Measure of Most striking of these effects is the the amount we ought to be putting Domestic Progress’ (MDP), designed role played by environmental costs. aside to make the eventual to reflect our progress towards For long periods of time, these repayment just goes on getting sustainable development by including constitute the single largest bigger. One day it will be too late; the economic progress, environmental adjustment to the measure. But how mortgage company will repossess costs, resource depletion and social does this square with government the property. And at some point the factors in a single composite measure claims that our factories are more costs of climate change may derail (see What is MDP). Combined efficient than they used to be, our economic stability altogether. together these contributions provide a rivers cleaner, and our cities powerful indication of trends over time greener? As Figure 3 illustrates, Lost in translation? in relation to the Government’s these claims are partly true. In fact, So what about social progress? sustainability objectives. environmental policies put in place Are we any more successful in our from the 1970s onwards, however pursuit of this objective? Undeniably, unpopular they may have been at we have seen signs of social 3 Chasing Progress
  • 4. 800% 200% 180% 700% Crime 160% GDP 600% 140% 500% 120% SWB 400% 100% Family Breakdown 80% 300% MDP 60% 200% 40% MDP 100% Inequality 20% 0 0% 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1973 1976 1979 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2000 Figure 4: Social costs of progress Figure 5: SWB, GDP and MDP in the UK: 1973-2002 improvement over the last few and half times the divorce rate in Could it even be that the institutional decades. Aside from the higher 1950. In the subsequent decade, it structure of growth creation is average standard of living that appeared to stabilise and even fall incompatible with key dimensions of economic growth delivers, longevity slightly, leading to a decline in the social progress? Forty years ago, has increased slightly and social and psychological costs the economist Simon Kuznets unemployment has fallen since associated with family breakdown. proposed that rising income the mid-1970s. But even here, the last couple of inequality was an inevitable years have witnessed a worrying consequence of the early stages of Paradoxically, however, for a ruling reversal of the previous positive trend. economic growth. He predicted, party founded in social ideals and however, that beyond a certain committed to reducing social So what became of those Labour stage, inequality would begin to fall exclusion, the story is not pledges? Is it just that more time is again. The only trouble is it clearly unequivocally positive. Crime, needed before the impacts of hasn’t; and perhaps it simply can’t. inequality and the costs of family policies already in place begin to breakdown (Figure 4) have all grown take effect? Is it that the manifesto Bolstering the economic miracle of dramatically over the period. And in commitments were nothing more the last 50 years now appears to spite of manifesto commitments to than ‘sound and fury’, signifying require continued access to cheap be ‘tough on crime and tough on the nothing in terms of real progress? credit, low taxation levels, and the causes of crime’ and to protect Or is it possible that something even whipping up of material desires in the vulnerable families and communities, more insidious is happening? increasingly affluent middle classes. the years of Labour rule have not yet But what happens when cheap credit managed to turn this trend around. Chasing progress encourages bad debt? What happens Could it be that economic growth, when low taxation restricts the public To be fair, some efforts were made. and our unquestioned allegiance purse? And what happens when The Cabinet Office Social Exclusion to it, blind us to the social and unbridled materialism leads to the Unit, for example, has put out report environmental implications of gradual erosion of social values? after report aimed at reducing protecting and promoting it? To poverty, and tackling inequalities in create more and more growth we There is, in the current climate, no access to important basic services. need more and more consumption. real alternative to economic growth But the sad truth is that the loss in To achieve more and more that doesn’t involve the risk of even collective well-being associated with consumption, we need to keep greater hardships for the most the unequal distribution of our buying more and more stuff. But what vulnerable in our society. And yet, incomes has increased by 600 per if more and more stuff doesn’t lead to perhaps what the history of the last cent over the period and shows no happy families and fulfilling lives? 50 years is telling us is that we have immediate signs of abating under to start thinking the unthinkable. The Labour rule. This is precisely the suggestion that myth of economic growth is frayed at arises from yet another important set the edges and the promise of social Even this trend is dwarfed, however, of data. Quantitative measures of and environmental progress is one of by the 13-fold increase in crime over subjective well-being (SWB) or the first casualties of its dereliction. the last 50 years. And here the ‘life-satisfaction’ have shown precious pattern is even more worrying. little movement over the last 30 years Beyond the mirage Crime peaked in 1992 and costs (Figure 5), prompting some to Every society has a cultural myth by then fell consistently for seven years speculate that the pursuit of social which it lives; ours is the myth of in a row. But after this brief respite, progress is a little like trying to run up economic progress. So long as the they began to rise again sharply, the down-escalator. Or like the Red national income continues to rise, mainly as a result of a disturbing Queen in Lewis Carroll’s classic we feel safe in assuming not just increase in violent crimes. Through the Looking Glass: we’re that we are doing well, but that we running faster and faster; but we seem are living better than our parents or Some kind of social progress is to end up in exactly the same place. our grandparents did; that we are noticeable in relation to family progressing – not just as individuals stability. The divorce rate peaked in but as a society. 1993, albeit at a level that was five 4 Chasing Progress
  • 5. In all probability most of us feel some But what exactly can we do beyond Perhaps most importantly, there is a comfort in that belief. And why highlighting the issue? A clear clear need to engage in a longer- shouldn’t we? One of the roles of starting point would be to term debate about the pursuit of cultural myth is to furnish us with a reformulate the sustainability national well-being, and to devise sense of meaning and provide objectives (as the SDC proposes), new ways of promoting and continuity in our lives. But a society and in particular to tease apart the measuring social progress. This may that allows itself to be steered by a objective of maintaining full or may not entail developing our own faulty myth risks foundering on the employment (which is clearly concept of GNH as Bhutan is doing. shores of harsh reality. This is the desirable) from that of pursuing But if a country of barely two million danger that the MDP is pointing us growth (which is problematic at people who have never witnessed towards: economic growth is running best). In addition, there are the level of economic prosperity unacceptable environmental risks, numerous avenues for improving enjoyed by the affluent West is doesn’t guarantee social progress, social progress and promoting prepared to engage so creatively and isn’t even making us any happier. environmental protection which with the subject of human well-being, need not conflict with economic then perhaps it is time that we did. nef is not alone in highlighting this goals, including: issue. A recent Cabinet Office report Acknowledgements • Reducing income inequalities and on life-satisfaction alerted the This briefing note has been prepared by improving access to basic services. Government to the well-being Tim Jackson, an Associate of nef (the • Promoting social cohesion by supporting paradox: life-satisfaction is resolutely new economics foundation) and local community development. static in spite of continuing economic Professor of Sustainable Development at • Speeding up the transition to a growth. Last year the Sustainable the University of Surrey. It is based on low-carbon society. Development Commission (SDC) numerical analyses carried out by the • Developing a long-term strategy for the urged the Government to abandon author and colleagues at the Centre for protection of rural land. single-minded pursuit of growth and Environmental Strategy in the University • Re-evaluating the impact of government ‘re-define prosperity’. And as this of Surrey. The author is particularly policy signals on personal and social briefing goes to press, the tiny grateful for help with data collection and well-being and on community values. kingdom of Bhutan in the Himalayas collation from Phil Sinclair and Nic Marks, • Encouraging and promoting pro-social and is hosting an international and for editorial inputs from Hetan Shah, pro-environmental consumer behaviour. conference to operationalise its own Andrea Westall, Nic Marks and Andrew • Establishing a protected ‘environmental concept of ‘gross national happiness’ Simms. nef would like to thank the futures’ fund to guard against the future (GNH) in place of GDP. Environmental Research Trust for the costs of climate change. funding which made this work possible. What is MDP? promise for the future. nef is actively engaged in The MDP is one way of approaching the difficult developing this agenda. question: how can we measure our progress towards an improved quality of life? There are three main A third approach is to construct ‘adjusted’ economic approaches to this problem. indicators. The MDP falls into this third category. Adjusted economic indicators provide a single The Government’s answer has been to establish a set performance index by adapting conventional economic of 147 separate indicators, measuring things like adult measures such as GDP or consumer expenditure to numeracy and literacy, social investment as a include social and environmental costs and benefits percentage of GDP, crime levels, river quality, that normally lie outside the accounting framework. A populations of wild birds, and so on, as well as the GDP variety of attempts have been made to construct such itself. Recognising that such a huge set of indicators is indicators over the last 20 years. These include unwieldy, the Government has selected 15 ‘headline Nordhaus and Tobin’s Measure of Economic Welfare, indicators’ from the larger set to represent different Daly and Cobb’s Index of Sustainable Economic aspects of its four strategic objectives. But even 15 Welfare (ISEW), and the Genuine Progress Indicator indicators can present potentially confusing messages (GPI) developed by the US-based lobby group to policy-makers. What does it mean if seven of the Redefining Progress. The MDP is modelled closely on indicators go upwards, and eight go downwards? Is this these developments and in particular on earlier work better or worse than the case in which eight go by the author and his colleagues to define a UK ISEW. upwards and seven go downwards? Does it depend on Several additional developments have been which go up and which go down? And how does our incorporated into this new measure and we have recent performance (the indicator set is after all only a re-labelled it MDP rather than ISEW or GPI because few years old) compare with longer term trends over the we do not believe that a rising MDP either guarantees last 50 years? sustainability or ensures ‘genuine’ progress. A second approach is to measure various dimensions Like the earlier measures, MDP takes as its basis of subjective well-being (SWB) such as life-satisfaction consumer expenditure in the UK. It then adjusts this or happiness (Figure 5). This is a useful and valid way basis to account for a series of different factors which of assessing some aspects of social progress. In affect domestic progress towards sustainable particular, it can provide us with a psychological development. The key differences between MDP and ‘snapshot’ of the nation’s ‘mood’ at any one time. GDP are that in the MDP: Extended measures of well-being, incorporating different psychological goals such as life fulfilment or personal development and accounting for broader social or environmental factors show considerable Continued overleaf 5 Chasing Progress
  • 6. Components of the UK MDP Spending to offset social and environmental costs (defensive expenditure) is taken out. Type Indicator Influence • Longer-term environmental damage and the depreciation of on MDP natural capital are accounted for. • A number of economic adjustments associated with ensuring Consumer expenditure +ve prudent investment and trade balances are made. Economic indicators • Value of services from domestic labour +ve Changes in the distribution of income are accounted for, reflecting the fact that an additional pound in the pocket means Public (non-defensive) expenditures on more to the poor than to the rich. health and education +ve • A value for household labour is included. Difference between expenditures on and Key differences between MDP and the ISEW are the service flow from consumer durables -ve inclusion in MDP of the costs of crime and family Net capital growth mainly +ve breakdown, and some adjustments to the Net international position mainly -ve methodologies used to account for climate change and resource depletion, in response to criticisms of the earlier work. Effects of inequality in the distribution of incomes -ve Although based on economic assumptions and widely available statistical data sets, the MDP is not a rigorously Defensive private expenditures on health Social costs defined economic measure. Neither can it provide a and education -ve robust reflection of quantitative changes in each of the Costs of commuting -ve 147 indicators of sustainable development selected by the Government. It is certainly not a guarantee that Costs of car accidents -ve Britain is on course for a sustainable future. Costs of noise nuisance -ve Costs of crime -ve However, it does offer insights that cannot be gleaned from a disparate indicator set. In particular, it is clear Costs of family breakdown -ve that the MDP does reflect the influence of policies Environmental costs designed to affect social progress, economic growth, Costs of personal pollution control -ve environmental protection and prudent use of natural resources. In doing so, it allows us to present a Costs of air pollution -ve systematic assessment of domestic progress towards Costs of water pollution -ve sustainable development over a long period of time, and to compare this against GDP. Estimated costs of climate change -ve Costs of ozone depletion -ve natural resources Prudent use of Loss of natural habitats -ve Loss of farmlands -ve Depletion of finite natural resources -ve new economics foundation 3 Jonathan Street London SE11 5NH United Kingdom Design by cyandesign.co.uk Telephone: +44 (0)20 7820 6300 Design: bwa Facsimile: +44 (0)20 7820 6301 Registered charity number 1055254 E-mail: info@neweconomics.org © 2004 nef (the new economics foundation) Website: www.neweconomics.org