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1.Amit Kumar
2.Bhupendra Upadhyay
3.Vaibhav Gautam
1. GARMENT RECYCLING……………………………………………………….3
2.PROJECT TEAM MEMBER……………………………………………………3
3.Generate Project Idea………………………………………………………….4
6.Future opportunity…………………………………………………………….5-6
7.Business idea executed……………………………………………………….6
8.Steps taken start garment recycle business………………7
 8. 1. Shorting
 8. 2- Estimate the Cost
 8. 3- Finance
 8. 4- Identify Buyer
 8. 5- Invest In Machinery
 8. 6- Re-design Of Used Clothing
 8. 7- Production Unit
 8. 8- supply
Objective of garment recycling
To reduce clothing waste, the 3.6 million Euro EU Life funded pilot
project, will work with brands, retailers, manufacturers, reuse and
recycling organizations, charities and consumers to:
1.Design and specify products for longer life and closed loop production.
2.Ensurethat less clothing goes to incineration and landfill.
3.Encourageconsumers to buy less clothing and use it for longer.
4.Improveinnovation in resource-efficientdesign and servicemodels
to encourage Business growth in the sector.
1.Bhupendra Upadhyay: Excellent communicator, projectmanagement
knowledge, strong ability to read people, eco- friendly nature.
2.Vaibhav Gautam: Self-assured, good in technical field.
3.Amit Kumar :- Excellent communicator , good leadership skill.
3.Generate Project Idea
Inspired in nature is a wonderfulgift given to human being.
Bhupendra, Bharti are visit in hills station and other side of area people are
perform the garment landfilling which is more dangerous for our environments.
1.Producech4 which is methane harmful morecompare with co2 but their short
duration approx12 year and co2 always presentin nature and reduction of green
housegases are important for reducing the global -Waring in earth.
2.All member are highly inspired of designer and maker of carpet tile and which
inspired by autumn leaves.
The average lifetime of a garment is estimated to be for a period of three years.
After the time period, they are thrown away as old clothes. Even useful garments
are discarded as they are no longer fashionable, or desirable. A report states that
more than one million tones of textiles are condemned every year. Huge quantities
of old clothing end up in the landfill instead of being recycled and reused. Of the
house hold garbage, textiles make about 3 percent by weight. Textile wastes also
arise during the process of yarn and fabric manufacture, garment making, etc. They
are called as post-industrial wastes. All this thrown clothing has a potential for
recycling and reuse. 80 percent of the textiles that are thrown away can be recycled
and used again, whereas, currently only 25 percent is being recycled. Less than 5
percent of all the garments that is thrown in the bin actually end up as waste.
Climate change is a stark reality, staring humanity into the face. This challenge
needs to be addressed with a realistic and effective approach. Circular economy is
one of the prime approaches thatcan reduce negative impact on the
environment. Recycling is the key to circularity. Under the EU Circular Economy
Action Plan, member states will increasingly collect used textiles. Many states are
working towards a circular economy. The Netherlands itself has pledged to
become circular by 2050. Regulations regarding recycling are expected to become
stricter in the coming years. The textile industry will play a significantrole in this
development. This means that an increasing amount of textile waste is available
in Europe. While there are some recycles in Europe, they are not the only option.
Pakistan being a signatory to the Paris Agreement has committed itself to reduce
GHG emissions by up to 30% by 2030. Agriculture, industry and waste
management are some of the prime sectors, along with energy and transportthat
contribute to GHG emissions. Textiles is the biggestsector in Pakistan, and the
backboneof the national economy.
6.Future opportunity
Textile recycling helps in the protection of environment as well. Recycled clothes
reduce the landfill space. Landfill sites pose a threat to the environment and water
supplies. When it rains, water drains through the discarded clothes and picks up
hazardous chemicals and bleaches. This water turns out to be toxic. Textile made
from synthetic fibers will not decompose quickly whereas fabrics like wool
releases methane, during decomposition and both fibersultimately cause global
warming. When these fabrics are recycled, this hazard will be reduced to a
considerable extent. It saves on consumption of energy, as recycled clothes need
not be re-dyed or sourced. Reduced usage of dyes and chemicals minimizes their
manufacture and ultimately the adverse effects of their manufacture. Of all the old
clothing, 70 % is used as second hand clothing, 6 % is waste bags and zips, 8 % is
used for reclaiming fiber sand making recycled products, 7 % is used as wiping
material and the remaining 9 % is shredded and used as stuffing. It is a surprising
fact that over 70 percent of the worlds’ population uses second hand clothing. Raw
materials acquired out of recycled fabrics cost less; making it an attractive feature
for manufacturers.
Textiles have a significant impact on the environment during their lifecycle.
Large amount of water, energy, pesticides and fertilizers have made the
global textile industry one of the most polluting and waste producing
industries in the world. Recycling textile has become the newest addition to
the materialsthat arerecycled and redirected from thelandfill.
Different sustainability strategies are being developed for effective
utilization of textile waste. Manufacturers need to have pro-active approach
towards textile recycling. It is anticipated that textile recycling industry will
continue to grow. Therefore, the apparel industry must aim at re-using and
reprocessing clothes, fiber sand scraps in the most efficient way to achieve
7.Business idea executed
It will then be used for spinning, weaving, knitting, and dyeing, thus covering the full
fashion value chain. Garment waste recycling business involves sorting and processing
old clothes, fabric, or unwanted textiles, so that the raw materials of which they are
made, can be recovered. The end products can be clothing suitable for reuse, fibers, or
rags and scraps. You can resell these products back to the fashion industry, and earn
some income in the process.
Garment recycling is an innovation that drives significant change in the energy and
fashion sectors. A huge amount of used but wearable clothing goes to landfills every
8. Steps taken start garment recycle
If you intendto do manual sorting, you need to hire experiencedworkers
who can distinguish the different types of fabrics; for example, differentiate
cashmere and wool by touch. For bulk work, you will need equipment like
bins and conveyor belts to sort the incomingtextiles based on the colour
and the type of materials. After sortingout anything that is still wearable,
the balance shouldbe segregated into differentcategories. One category
would be those textiles that can be used to make new clothing. The good
quality garments can be sold in the second-handmarket.
About 45% of the collectedclothing is usable and 10% wearable. One
category of fabrics can be cut down to make industrial wipingrags. For this,
old t-shirts are preferred, because their cotton fibers are absorbent. The
low-qualityones can be ground to make carpet paddingor to convert into
fibers. All buttons and rivets on the clothes have to be removed. Bulkier
items like blankets and coats shouldbe kept separately. Cotton can be
recycledback to cotton, and the same with polyester; so those fabrics have
to be labeled.
2- Estimate the Cost
calculate the cost of collectingthe old textiles, as also the cost of
transportingit for sale.
3- Finance
Textile recyclingis a capital intensive business. To manage it you are going
to incur a lot of expenses like chemicals, cost of equipment, staff wages,
energy, site rental, and transport. Therefore, you have to have a financial
plan in space. You need to put up the start-up capital and the working
4- Identify Buyer
After you have collectedthe old clothes, the next step is to find someone
who will purchase your goods. It can be a textile mill, or a shop, or an arts
and crafts store. Remember that the price that you will negotiate with them
should cover your operatingcosts, and leave you with a profit. One-half of
donated garments can be resoldto developingcountries or thrift shops.
5- Invest In Machinery
the funds, you can set up a textile recycling plant yourself. For that, you have
to invest in textile cutting and shreddingmachines to convert the left-over
textiles into usable fibersthatcan be utilisedfor insulation or
sound-proofing. A recyclingmachine can process up to 200 Kg of textiles
per day. Balers are machines that compress waste items into blocks.
6- Re-design Of Used Clothing
This is a very popular concept in the west. You can hire a designer to convert
the used clothinginto vintage clothes.
7- Production Unit
Further down the line, you can open a factory where fabrics will be opened,
carded, spun into yarns, and transformedinto knit fabrics. Some fiber scan
be compressedfor textile filling, like in mattresses. Recycled yarns can be
reused to make luxuryblankets, or even new wool, depending on the fibre
8. supply
We can arrange garment-recycling drop-boxes, and put them in strategic
places in we neighbourhood; local schools, places of worship, are good
ideas. then start a campaign, tellingthe residents to put their old clothes in
those boxes.
Denim bags from old jeans
Making bags from old jeans – This is one DIY project that appeals
to those of us who hoard old jeans. There so many old jeans in my
cupboard belonging to all four of us in our family- some torn in all
the wrong places, some not fitting anymore in girth, some too
short, some not fashionable enough. All of them waiting for some
easy recycling ideas – to be made into new and beautiful denim
Why we make
When I thought about recycling my jeans into bags I dug
into Pinterest and when I came up my head literally buzzed
with so many ideas. But there is only so much time. So I
decided to make only three from those ideas with two from
my pile of jeans and at the end of it, there is still fabric
enough to make many more jean bags. Another day
another project.
One advantage of a jean bag is that you do not have to care about
your perfect stitching skills – the rugged look of the jeans fabric
take care of all that. Then the seam stitching on the jeans is an
added charm. You also get a readymade top edge if we use the
hem or the waistband as the upper edge. You do not have to worry
about interfacing as denim fabric is thick enough.
Through her start-up that essentially means, ‘a new lease of life’, today
Vaibhav Gautam has been able to recycle more than 3,000 old jeans into
fashionable bags, accessories, clutches and items of daily utilities.
Explaining her sustainable dream.
Vaibhav decided to create utility products and the first obvious choice
was to use denim, thanks to its durability, as compared to other fabrics.
Though several process it discusses in upper portion, now we seen the
actually makes and after this useful for rural children which are afford
the highly expansive bags for their daily routine. Me and my team will
give currently these bags are long life time and easy to carry better
than any normal bag and also good for carry because there is fashion in
nature. Today trending era people wants some different and unique
these in their life. We targeted the middle class and rural children and
women which are purchase these products.
All About Recycling
At Vaibhav is accompanied by a team of five members, all of them
Recycle the old jeans in three basic stages – first is the collection stage,
usually the old denims are procured from Agra denim traders at a rate of
Rs 20 per kilogram. The second stage includes the clean-up of the
materials so that they are as good as new. The last stage includes cutting
and tailoring the material as per the designs.
On an average, it takes a weeks’ time to create a product, and, till now has
been able to sell almost 2,500 recycled products that mainly include bags,
clutches, pouches and accessories. In future, plans to expand to create
other utility products like school supplies and yoga mats.
With a hope to make more and more people switch to sustainable fashion
and get used to buying upcycled product, entrepreneur off with a
jeans recycling techniques
Recycling is the process of breaking down a product or material to
make a material of a higher or equal value (upcycling) or of a lower
value (downcycling), in which textiles are commonly mechanically or
chemically broken down to their fibre constituents. Biodegradation is
another method used to recycle waste and to break down organic
materials into compounds.
First we connect to buyer take genes by public though purchase them
in low price like rs 10.And I make website which easily sell the old genes
and purchase the recycle bags .They will come for pick up and pay
Rs 10/kg for the jeans. Usually, two to three jeans make up one
kilogram, anything above that would be ideal for a pickup. Reusing
one piece of jeans prevents the emission of over four kilograms of
C02. And this is a simple solution to start with the damaged old
jeans to save the environment and create jobs for single women.
Last but not least will be take customer feedback what was the
need to improve the product and actually like these product . try to
improve our product.

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  • 2. 2 INBOX 1. GARMENT RECYCLING……………………………………………………….3 2.PROJECT TEAM MEMBER……………………………………………………3 3.Generate Project Idea………………………………………………………….4 4.Profitability…………………………………………………………………………4 5.Feasibility……………………………………………………………………………5 6.Future opportunity…………………………………………………………….5-6 7.Business idea executed……………………………………………………….6 8.Steps taken start garment recycle business………………7  8. 1. Shorting  8. 2- Estimate the Cost  8. 3- Finance  8. 4- Identify Buyer  8. 5- Invest In Machinery  8. 6- Re-design Of Used Clothing  8. 7- Production Unit  8. 8- supply
  • 3. 3 1. GARMENT RECYCLING Objective of garment recycling To reduce clothing waste, the 3.6 million Euro EU Life funded pilot project, will work with brands, retailers, manufacturers, reuse and recycling organizations, charities and consumers to: 1.Design and specify products for longer life and closed loop production. 2.Ensurethat less clothing goes to incineration and landfill. 3.Encourageconsumers to buy less clothing and use it for longer. 4.Improveinnovation in resource-efficientdesign and servicemodels to encourage Business growth in the sector. 2.PROJECT TEAM MEMBER 1.Bhupendra Upadhyay: Excellent communicator, projectmanagement knowledge, strong ability to read people, eco- friendly nature. 2.Vaibhav Gautam: Self-assured, good in technical field. 3.Amit Kumar :- Excellent communicator , good leadership skill.
  • 4. 4 3.Generate Project Idea Inspired in nature is a wonderfulgift given to human being. Bhupendra, Bharti are visit in hills station and other side of area people are perform the garment landfilling which is more dangerous for our environments. 1.Producech4 which is methane harmful morecompare with co2 but their short duration approx12 year and co2 always presentin nature and reduction of green housegases are important for reducing the global -Waring in earth. 2.All member are highly inspired of designer and maker of carpet tile and which inspired by autumn leaves. 4.Profitability The average lifetime of a garment is estimated to be for a period of three years. After the time period, they are thrown away as old clothes. Even useful garments are discarded as they are no longer fashionable, or desirable. A report states that more than one million tones of textiles are condemned every year. Huge quantities of old clothing end up in the landfill instead of being recycled and reused. Of the house hold garbage, textiles make about 3 percent by weight. Textile wastes also arise during the process of yarn and fabric manufacture, garment making, etc. They are called as post-industrial wastes. All this thrown clothing has a potential for recycling and reuse. 80 percent of the textiles that are thrown away can be recycled and used again, whereas, currently only 25 percent is being recycled. Less than 5 percent of all the garments that is thrown in the bin actually end up as waste.
  • 5. 5 5.Feasibility Climate change is a stark reality, staring humanity into the face. This challenge needs to be addressed with a realistic and effective approach. Circular economy is one of the prime approaches thatcan reduce negative impact on the environment. Recycling is the key to circularity. Under the EU Circular Economy Action Plan, member states will increasingly collect used textiles. Many states are working towards a circular economy. The Netherlands itself has pledged to become circular by 2050. Regulations regarding recycling are expected to become stricter in the coming years. The textile industry will play a significantrole in this development. This means that an increasing amount of textile waste is available in Europe. While there are some recycles in Europe, they are not the only option. Pakistan being a signatory to the Paris Agreement has committed itself to reduce GHG emissions by up to 30% by 2030. Agriculture, industry and waste management are some of the prime sectors, along with energy and transportthat contribute to GHG emissions. Textiles is the biggestsector in Pakistan, and the backboneof the national economy. 6.Future opportunity Textile recycling helps in the protection of environment as well. Recycled clothes reduce the landfill space. Landfill sites pose a threat to the environment and water supplies. When it rains, water drains through the discarded clothes and picks up hazardous chemicals and bleaches. This water turns out to be toxic. Textile made from synthetic fibers will not decompose quickly whereas fabrics like wool releases methane, during decomposition and both fibersultimately cause global warming. When these fabrics are recycled, this hazard will be reduced to a considerable extent. It saves on consumption of energy, as recycled clothes need not be re-dyed or sourced. Reduced usage of dyes and chemicals minimizes their manufacture and ultimately the adverse effects of their manufacture. Of all the old clothing, 70 % is used as second hand clothing, 6 % is waste bags and zips, 8 % is
  • 6. 6 used for reclaiming fiber sand making recycled products, 7 % is used as wiping material and the remaining 9 % is shredded and used as stuffing. It is a surprising fact that over 70 percent of the worlds’ population uses second hand clothing. Raw materials acquired out of recycled fabrics cost less; making it an attractive feature for manufacturers. Textiles have a significant impact on the environment during their lifecycle. Large amount of water, energy, pesticides and fertilizers have made the global textile industry one of the most polluting and waste producing industries in the world. Recycling textile has become the newest addition to the materialsthat arerecycled and redirected from thelandfill. Different sustainability strategies are being developed for effective utilization of textile waste. Manufacturers need to have pro-active approach towards textile recycling. It is anticipated that textile recycling industry will continue to grow. Therefore, the apparel industry must aim at re-using and reprocessing clothes, fiber sand scraps in the most efficient way to achieve sustainability. 7.Business idea executed It will then be used for spinning, weaving, knitting, and dyeing, thus covering the full fashion value chain. Garment waste recycling business involves sorting and processing old clothes, fabric, or unwanted textiles, so that the raw materials of which they are made, can be recovered. The end products can be clothing suitable for reuse, fibers, or rags and scraps. You can resell these products back to the fashion industry, and earn some income in the process. Garment recycling is an innovation that drives significant change in the energy and fashion sectors. A huge amount of used but wearable clothing goes to landfills every year.
  • 7. 7 8. Steps taken start garment recycle business:- 1.Shorting If you intendto do manual sorting, you need to hire experiencedworkers who can distinguish the different types of fabrics; for example, differentiate cashmere and wool by touch. For bulk work, you will need equipment like bins and conveyor belts to sort the incomingtextiles based on the colour and the type of materials. After sortingout anything that is still wearable, the balance shouldbe segregated into differentcategories. One category would be those textiles that can be used to make new clothing. The good quality garments can be sold in the second-handmarket. About 45% of the collectedclothing is usable and 10% wearable. One category of fabrics can be cut down to make industrial wipingrags. For this, old t-shirts are preferred, because their cotton fibers are absorbent. The low-qualityones can be ground to make carpet paddingor to convert into fibers. All buttons and rivets on the clothes have to be removed. Bulkier items like blankets and coats shouldbe kept separately. Cotton can be recycledback to cotton, and the same with polyester; so those fabrics have to be labeled.
  • 8. 8 2- Estimate the Cost calculate the cost of collectingthe old textiles, as also the cost of transportingit for sale. 3- Finance Textile recyclingis a capital intensive business. To manage it you are going to incur a lot of expenses like chemicals, cost of equipment, staff wages, energy, site rental, and transport. Therefore, you have to have a financial plan in space. You need to put up the start-up capital and the working capital. 4- Identify Buyer After you have collectedthe old clothes, the next step is to find someone who will purchase your goods. It can be a textile mill, or a shop, or an arts and crafts store. Remember that the price that you will negotiate with them should cover your operatingcosts, and leave you with a profit. One-half of donated garments can be resoldto developingcountries or thrift shops. 5- Invest In Machinery the funds, you can set up a textile recycling plant yourself. For that, you have to invest in textile cutting and shreddingmachines to convert the left-over textiles into usable fibersthatcan be utilisedfor insulation or
  • 9. 9 sound-proofing. A recyclingmachine can process up to 200 Kg of textiles per day. Balers are machines that compress waste items into blocks. 6- Re-design Of Used Clothing This is a very popular concept in the west. You can hire a designer to convert the used clothinginto vintage clothes. 7- Production Unit Further down the line, you can open a factory where fabrics will be opened, carded, spun into yarns, and transformedinto knit fabrics. Some fiber scan be compressedfor textile filling, like in mattresses. Recycled yarns can be reused to make luxuryblankets, or even new wool, depending on the fibre quality. 8. supply We can arrange garment-recycling drop-boxes, and put them in strategic places in we neighbourhood; local schools, places of worship, are good ideas. then start a campaign, tellingthe residents to put their old clothes in those boxes.
  • 10. 10 PRODUCT RECYCLING OF JENES Denim bags from old jeans Making bags from old jeans – This is one DIY project that appeals to those of us who hoard old jeans. There so many old jeans in my cupboard belonging to all four of us in our family- some torn in all the wrong places, some not fitting anymore in girth, some too short, some not fashionable enough. All of them waiting for some easy recycling ideas – to be made into new and beautiful denim bags. Why we make When I thought about recycling my jeans into bags I dug into Pinterest and when I came up my head literally buzzed with so many ideas. But there is only so much time. So I decided to make only three from those ideas with two from my pile of jeans and at the end of it, there is still fabric enough to make many more jean bags. Another day another project. One advantage of a jean bag is that you do not have to care about your perfect stitching skills – the rugged look of the jeans fabric
  • 11. 11 take care of all that. Then the seam stitching on the jeans is an added charm. You also get a readymade top edge if we use the hem or the waistband as the upper edge. You do not have to worry about interfacing as denim fabric is thick enough. Purpose Through her start-up that essentially means, ‘a new lease of life’, today Vaibhav Gautam has been able to recycle more than 3,000 old jeans into fashionable bags, accessories, clutches and items of daily utilities. Explaining her sustainable dream. Vaibhav decided to create utility products and the first obvious choice was to use denim, thanks to its durability, as compared to other fabrics. Though several process it discusses in upper portion, now we seen the actually makes and after this useful for rural children which are afford the highly expansive bags for their daily routine. Me and my team will give currently these bags are long life time and easy to carry better than any normal bag and also good for carry because there is fashion in nature. Today trending era people wants some different and unique these in their life. We targeted the middle class and rural children and women which are purchase these products. All About Recycling At Vaibhav is accompanied by a team of five members, all of them Recycle the old jeans in three basic stages – first is the collection stage, usually the old denims are procured from Agra denim traders at a rate of Rs 20 per kilogram. The second stage includes the clean-up of the materials so that they are as good as new. The last stage includes cutting and tailoring the material as per the designs.
  • 12. 12 On an average, it takes a weeks’ time to create a product, and, till now has been able to sell almost 2,500 recycled products that mainly include bags, clutches, pouches and accessories. In future, plans to expand to create other utility products like school supplies and yoga mats. With a hope to make more and more people switch to sustainable fashion and get used to buying upcycled product, entrepreneur off with a message. jeans recycling techniques Recycling is the process of breaking down a product or material to make a material of a higher or equal value (upcycling) or of a lower value (downcycling), in which textiles are commonly mechanically or chemically broken down to their fibre constituents. Biodegradation is another method used to recycle waste and to break down organic materials into compounds. PROCESS TO SELL First we connect to buyer take genes by public though purchase them in low price like rs 10.And I make website which easily sell the old genes and purchase the recycle bags .They will come for pick up and pay Rs 10/kg for the jeans. Usually, two to three jeans make up one kilogram, anything above that would be ideal for a pickup. Reusing one piece of jeans prevents the emission of over four kilograms of C02. And this is a simple solution to start with the damaged old jeans to save the environment and create jobs for single women. FEEDBACK
  • 13. 13 Last but not least will be take customer feedback what was the need to improve the product and actually like these product . try to improve our product.