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Learning resources
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A 21st Century Model of Learning

    Powered by Technology:
Transforming American Education
          Summary of US ED NETP

        Learning in the
Transforming American Education
           Technology is at the core of virtually every aspect of
                         our daily lives and work.

•   Must leverage technology to provide engaging and powerful learning experiences,
    content, and resources and assessments that measure student achievement in
    more complete, authentic, and meaningful ways
•   Technology-based learning and assessment systems will be pivotal in improving
    student learning and generate data that can be used to continuously improve the
    education system at all levels.
•   Technology will assist in executing collaborative teaching strategies combined with
    professional learning that better prepare and enhance educators’ competencies
    and expertise over the course of their careers.
      A focus what and how we teach to match what people
          need to know, how they learn, where and when
             they will learn, and who needs to learn.

•   Personalized learning experience that mirror students’ daily lives
•   Put students at the center and empower them to take control of their learning
•   Technology provides access to learning resources that are available to wider set of
    “educators,” including teachers, parents, experts and mentors
•   On-demand learning is now within reach, supporting learning that is life-long and
•   Students using world-wide tools (wikis, blogs, digital content) to grapple with real-
    world problems.
        The model of 21st century learning requires new and
    better ways to measure what matters and diagnose strengths
      and weaknesses in the course of learning when there is still
                 time to improve student performance.

•    When combined with learning systems, technology-based assessments can be
     used formatively to diagnose and modify the conditions of learning and
     instructional practices while at the same time determining what students have
     learned for grading and accountability purposes. Both uses are important, but the
     former can improve student learning in the moment (feedback loops).
•    Over time, the system “learns” more about students’ abilities and can provide
     increasingly appropriate support.
•    Student learning data can be collected and used to continually improve learning
     outcomes and productivity. Data could be used to create a system of
     “interconnected” feedback for students, educators, parents, school leaders, and
     district administrators.
    21st century learning calls for using technology to help build the capacity
      of educators by enabling a shift to a model of connected teaching. A
        teaching model in which teams of connected educators replace solo
          practitioners and classrooms that are fully connected to provide
         educators with 24/7 access to data and analytic tools as well as to
           resources that help them act on the insights the data provide.

•    In a connected teaching model, connection replaces isolation. Classroom educators are
     fully connected to learning data and tools for using the data; to content, resources, and
     systems that empower them to create, manage, and assess engaging and relevant
     learning experiences.
•    In connected teaching, teaching is a team activity. Individual educators build online
     learning communities consisting of their students and their students’ peers and
•    Episodic and ineffective professional development is replaced by professional learning
     that is collaborative, coherent, and continuous and that blends more effective in-person
     courses and workshops with the expanded opportunities, immediacy, and convenience
     enabled by online environments full of resources and opportunities for collaboration.
•    Clearly, more teachers will need to be expert at providing online instruction.
    An essential component of the 21st century learning model is a
     comprehensive infrastructure for learning that provides every
      student, educator, and level of our education system with the
         resources they need when and where they are needed.

•   Many of these technology resources and tools already are being used within our
    public education system. We are now at an inflection point for a much bolder
    transformation of education powered by technology.
•   Our model of an infrastructure for learning is always on, available to students,
    educators, and administrators regardless of their location or the time of day.
•    It enables seamless integration of in-and out-of-school learning.
•   Infrastructure integrates computer hardware, data and networks, information
    resources, interoperable software, middleware services and tools, and devices and
    connects and supports interdisciplinary teams of professionals responsible for its
    development, maintenance, and management and its use in transformative
    approaches to teaching and learning.
     We must leverage technology to plan, manage, monitor, and
       report spending to provide decision-makers with a reliable,
    accurate, and complete view of the financial performance of our
                      education system at all levels.

•   Rethinking basic assumptions:
     – One of the most basic assumptions in our education system is time-based or “seat-time”
       measures of educational attainment.
     – Another basic assumption is the way we organize students into age-determined groups,
       structure separate academic disciplines, organize learning into classes of roughly equal size
       with all the students in a particular class receiving the same content at the same pace, and
       keep these groups in place all year.
     – US has seen the emergence of some radically redesigned schools, demonstrating the range
       of possibilities for structuring education. These include schools that organize around
       competence rather than seat time and others that enable more flexible scheduling that fits
       students’ individual needs rather than traditional academic periods and lockstep
       curriculum pacing.
     – In addition, schools are beginning to incorporate online learning, which provides
       opportunities to extend the learning day, week, or year.
The Time Is To Act Now
         As we enter the second decade of the 21st century, there has
    never been a more pressing need to transform American education and
                     there will never be a better time to act.

•    1.0 Learning: All learners will have engaging and empowering learning experiences
    both in and outside of school that prepare them to be active, creative, knowledgeable,
    and ethical participants in our globally networked society.
•   2.0 Assessment: Our education system at all levels will leverage the power of
    technology to measure what matters and use assessment data for continuous
•   3.0 Teaching: Professional educators will be supported individually and in teams by
    technology that connects them to data, content, resources, expertise, and learning
    experiences that enable and inspire more effective teaching for all learners.
•   4.0 Infrastructure: All students and educators will have access to a comprehensive
    infrastructure for learning when and where they need it.
•   5.0 Productivity: Our education system at all levels will redesign processes and
    structures to take advantage of the power of technology to improve learning outcomes
    while making more efficient use of time, money, and staff.
National Center for Research and Advanced
                 Information and Digital Technologies
     Identify key emerging trends and priorities and recruit and bring together the best
        minds and organizations to collaborate on high-risk/high-gain R&D projects. It
         should aim for radical, orders-of-magnitude (game changer) improvements by
          envisioning the impact of innovations and then working backward to identify
                the fundamental breakthroughs required to make them possible.

 •       1.0: Design and validate an integrated system that provides real-time access to learning
         experiences tuned to the levels of difficulty and assistance that optimizes learning for all learners
         and that incorporates self-improving features that enable it to become increasingly effective
         through interaction with learners.
 •       2.0: Design and validate an integrated system for designing and implementing valid, reliable, and
         cost-effective assessments of complex aspects of 21st century expertise and competencies
         across academic disciplines.
 •       3.0: Design and validate an integrated approach for capturing, aggregating, mining, and sharing
         content, student learning, and financial data cost-effectively for multiple purposes across many
         learning platforms and data systems in near real time.
 •       4.0: Identify and validate design principles for efficient and effective online learning systems and
         combined online and offline learning systems that produce content expertise and competencies
         equal to or better than those produced by the best conventional instruction in half the time at
         half the cost.

Reference: NETP Executive Summary
Prepared by Ann Ware

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Transforming American Education Powered By Tech Summary

  • 1. Learning resources always on A 21st Century Model of Learning Powered by Technology: Transforming American Education Summary of US ED NETP Learning in the moment
  • 2. Transforming American Education Technology is at the core of virtually every aspect of our daily lives and work. • Must leverage technology to provide engaging and powerful learning experiences, content, and resources and assessments that measure student achievement in more complete, authentic, and meaningful ways • Technology-based learning and assessment systems will be pivotal in improving student learning and generate data that can be used to continuously improve the education system at all levels. • Technology will assist in executing collaborative teaching strategies combined with professional learning that better prepare and enhance educators’ competencies and expertise over the course of their careers.
  • 3. Learning A focus what and how we teach to match what people need to know, how they learn, where and when they will learn, and who needs to learn. • Personalized learning experience that mirror students’ daily lives • Put students at the center and empower them to take control of their learning • Technology provides access to learning resources that are available to wider set of “educators,” including teachers, parents, experts and mentors • On-demand learning is now within reach, supporting learning that is life-long and life-wide. • Students using world-wide tools (wikis, blogs, digital content) to grapple with real- world problems.
  • 4. Assessment The model of 21st century learning requires new and better ways to measure what matters and diagnose strengths and weaknesses in the course of learning when there is still time to improve student performance. • When combined with learning systems, technology-based assessments can be used formatively to diagnose and modify the conditions of learning and instructional practices while at the same time determining what students have learned for grading and accountability purposes. Both uses are important, but the former can improve student learning in the moment (feedback loops). • Over time, the system “learns” more about students’ abilities and can provide increasingly appropriate support. • Student learning data can be collected and used to continually improve learning outcomes and productivity. Data could be used to create a system of “interconnected” feedback for students, educators, parents, school leaders, and district administrators.
  • 5. Teaching 21st century learning calls for using technology to help build the capacity of educators by enabling a shift to a model of connected teaching. A teaching model in which teams of connected educators replace solo practitioners and classrooms that are fully connected to provide educators with 24/7 access to data and analytic tools as well as to resources that help them act on the insights the data provide. • In a connected teaching model, connection replaces isolation. Classroom educators are fully connected to learning data and tools for using the data; to content, resources, and systems that empower them to create, manage, and assess engaging and relevant learning experiences. • In connected teaching, teaching is a team activity. Individual educators build online learning communities consisting of their students and their students’ peers and stakeholders. • Episodic and ineffective professional development is replaced by professional learning that is collaborative, coherent, and continuous and that blends more effective in-person courses and workshops with the expanded opportunities, immediacy, and convenience enabled by online environments full of resources and opportunities for collaboration. • Clearly, more teachers will need to be expert at providing online instruction.
  • 6. Infrastructure An essential component of the 21st century learning model is a comprehensive infrastructure for learning that provides every student, educator, and level of our education system with the resources they need when and where they are needed. • Many of these technology resources and tools already are being used within our public education system. We are now at an inflection point for a much bolder transformation of education powered by technology. • Our model of an infrastructure for learning is always on, available to students, educators, and administrators regardless of their location or the time of day. • It enables seamless integration of in-and out-of-school learning. • Infrastructure integrates computer hardware, data and networks, information resources, interoperable software, middleware services and tools, and devices and connects and supports interdisciplinary teams of professionals responsible for its development, maintenance, and management and its use in transformative approaches to teaching and learning.
  • 7. Productivity We must leverage technology to plan, manage, monitor, and report spending to provide decision-makers with a reliable, accurate, and complete view of the financial performance of our education system at all levels. • Rethinking basic assumptions: – One of the most basic assumptions in our education system is time-based or “seat-time” measures of educational attainment. – Another basic assumption is the way we organize students into age-determined groups, structure separate academic disciplines, organize learning into classes of roughly equal size with all the students in a particular class receiving the same content at the same pace, and keep these groups in place all year. – US has seen the emergence of some radically redesigned schools, demonstrating the range of possibilities for structuring education. These include schools that organize around competence rather than seat time and others that enable more flexible scheduling that fits students’ individual needs rather than traditional academic periods and lockstep curriculum pacing. – In addition, schools are beginning to incorporate online learning, which provides opportunities to extend the learning day, week, or year.
  • 8. The Time Is To Act Now As we enter the second decade of the 21st century, there has never been a more pressing need to transform American education and there will never be a better time to act. • 1.0 Learning: All learners will have engaging and empowering learning experiences both in and outside of school that prepare them to be active, creative, knowledgeable, and ethical participants in our globally networked society. • 2.0 Assessment: Our education system at all levels will leverage the power of technology to measure what matters and use assessment data for continuous improvement. • 3.0 Teaching: Professional educators will be supported individually and in teams by technology that connects them to data, content, resources, expertise, and learning experiences that enable and inspire more effective teaching for all learners. • 4.0 Infrastructure: All students and educators will have access to a comprehensive infrastructure for learning when and where they need it. • 5.0 Productivity: Our education system at all levels will redesign processes and structures to take advantage of the power of technology to improve learning outcomes while making more efficient use of time, money, and staff.
  • 9. National Center for Research and Advanced Information and Digital Technologies Identify key emerging trends and priorities and recruit and bring together the best minds and organizations to collaborate on high-risk/high-gain R&D projects. It should aim for radical, orders-of-magnitude (game changer) improvements by envisioning the impact of innovations and then working backward to identify the fundamental breakthroughs required to make them possible. • 1.0: Design and validate an integrated system that provides real-time access to learning experiences tuned to the levels of difficulty and assistance that optimizes learning for all learners and that incorporates self-improving features that enable it to become increasingly effective through interaction with learners. • 2.0: Design and validate an integrated system for designing and implementing valid, reliable, and cost-effective assessments of complex aspects of 21st century expertise and competencies across academic disciplines. • 3.0: Design and validate an integrated approach for capturing, aggregating, mining, and sharing content, student learning, and financial data cost-effectively for multiple purposes across many learning platforms and data systems in near real time. • 4.0: Identify and validate design principles for efficient and effective online learning systems and combined online and offline learning systems that produce content expertise and competencies equal to or better than those produced by the best conventional instruction in half the time at half the cost. Reference: NETP Executive Summary Prepared by Ann Ware wareann@bellsouth.net