Languages: Java, Groovy, Go (in progress)
Frameworks: Spring Boot, Spring Cloud (Netflix OSS stack)
Tools: Docker, Ansible, Jenkins
Other: Consul, ELK, Apache Thrift, Git
- fast decision making
- open to new practices, technologies and opportunities
- hard working and continuous learning
- communicable
- proactive
Optional activities.
Conferences and meetups:
- SPB Global meetup: "Docker in the Bank" (russian, June 2015)
- CodeFreeze meetup: "Docker in the Bank. Unrated" (russian, August 2015)
- API Days London 2015: "Docker in the Bank" (english, September 2015)
- Joker 2015: "WILD Microservices" (russian, October 2015)
- JUG.msk meetup: "Microservices" (russian, November 2...