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Protein structure, targeting and sorting
(a) The linear sequence of
 amino acids (10 structure)
folds into helices or sheets
 (20 structure) which pack
  into a globular or fibrous
    domain (30 structure).
       Some individual
proteins self-associate into
 complexes (40 structure).
     (b) Proteins display
  functions that arise from
       specific binding
       interactions and
changes in the structure of
 a properly folded protein.
 Sometimes the primary sequence of amino acids is sufficient
  to spontaneously direct the folding of proteins into their
  proper shape.
 However, often newly-made proteins require the help of
  molecular chaperones to attain their final shape.
 Members of the heatshock protein family (Hsp70 and Hsp60)
  briefly bind to and stabilize hydrophobic regions of proteins
  (especially rich in Trp, Phe, Leu) allowing proper folding
  instead of aggregation with other immature proteins.
 Heat-denatured proteins can be renatured through the activity
  of molecular chaperones and heatshock proteins are made
  during times of stress.
 A number of diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, may be
  considered to be protein-folding diseases.
 Prion diseases, such as "mad cow" disease, may "self-
  propagate" based upon a misfolded protein that can, in turn,
  misfold other versions of the same protein.
Amyloid Fibers-involved in Alzheimer’s
  Protein amyloid fibers are often found to have a β-
pleated sheet structure regardless of their sequence,
   leading some to believe that it is the molecule's
         misfolding that leads to aggregation.

Enzymes act on the APP (Amyloid Precursor Protein)
 and cut it into fragments of protein, one of which is
called beta-amyloid and is crucial in the formation of
              senile plaques in Alzheimer.
(a) Many proteins fold into their
 proper 3-D structures with the assistance of Hsp70-like proteins (top). These chaperones
 transiently bind to a nascent polypeptide as it emerges from a ribosome. Proper folding of
     other proteins (bottom) depends on chaperonins such as the prokaryotic GroEL, a
hollow, barrel-shaped complex of 14 identical 60,000-MW subunits arranged in two stacked
rings. One end of GroEL is transiently blocked by the co-chaperonin GroES, an assembly of
10,000-MW subunits. (b) In the absence of ATP or presence of ADP, GroEL exists in a “tight”
  conformational state that binds partly folded or misfolded proteins. Binding of ATP shifts
         GroEL to a more open, “relaxed” state, which releases the folded protein.
The ER membrane-bound chaperone protein calnexin, or a
 resident chaperone calreticulin binds to incompletely folded
 proteins, trapping the protein in the ER. Glucosyl transferase
determines whether the protein is folded properly or not: if the
  protein is still incompletely folded, the enzyme renews the
 protein's affinity for calnexin & retains it in the ER. The cycle
        repeats until the protein has folded completely.
Misfolded soluble proteins in the ER lumen or membrane
proteins are translocated back into the cytosol, where they are
 deglycosylated, ubiquitylated, and degraded in proteasomes.
   Misfolded proteins are exported through the same type of
  translocator that mediated their import; accessory proteins
           allow it to operate in the export direction.
(a) Enzyme E1 is activated by
 attachment of an ubiquitin (Ub)
 molecule (1) and then transfers
     this Ub molecule to E2 (2).
   Ubiquitin ligase (E3) transfers
 the bound Ub molecule on E2 to
   the side-chain-NH2 of a lysine
residue in a target protein (3).Ub
     molecules are added to the
target protein by repeating steps
    1–3 , forming a polyubiquitin
    chain that directs the tagged
    protein to a proteasome (4).
Within this complex, the protein
    is cleaved into small peptide
            fragments (5).
  (b) Computer-generated image
 reveals that a proteasome has a
  cylindrical structure with a cap
    at each end of a core region.
  Proteolysis of ubiquitin-tagged
 proteins occurs along the inner
           wall of the core.
After the amino chain is made, many
proteins undergo posttranslational
processing (including removal of
stretches of amino acids).
1. In prokaryotes, the N-formyl
   group is always removed in the
   mature protein and often the
   methionine and, sometimes, a
   number of N-terminal amino acids
   are cleaved away from the final
   protein product.
 Example: Proinsulin is converted
   to the active hormone by the
   enzymatic removal of a long
   internal section of polypeptide.
 The two remaining chains
   continue to be covalently
   connected by disulfide bonds
   connecting cysteine residues in
2. Recently discovered, the process
   of protein splicing (analagous to
   RNA splicing) removes inteins
   and splices the exteins together
   to make a mature protein.
 Free and bound populations of ribosomes are active
  participants in protein synthesis.
 Free ribosomes are suspended in the cytosol and
  synthesize proteins that reside in the cytosol.
 Bound ribosomes are attached to the cytosolic side
  of the endoplasmic reticulum.
 They synthesize proteins of the endomembrane
  system as well as proteins secreted from the cell.
 Secretory proteins are released entirely into the
  cisternal space, but membrane proteins remain
  partially embedded in the ER membrane.
 While bound and free ribosomes are identical in
  structure, their location depends on the signal
  peptidase of proteins that they are synthesizing.
Overview of major protein-sorting
  pathways in eukaryotic cells.
Protein structure, targeting and sorting
 In cotranslational import, proteins to be targeted to the ER initially have an N-terminal
  peptide, the ER signal sequence, translated by a cytosolic ribosome.
 The ER signal sequence is bound by a signal-recognition particle (SRP), a
  ribonucleoprotein complex composed of 6 peptides and a 300 nucleotide RNA molecule.
 The SRP binds to the SRP receptor to dock the ribosome on the ER membrane.
 When the SRP receptor binds GTP, the nascent polypeptide enters the pore.
 The SRP is released with hydrolysis of the GTP.
 The growing polypeptide translocates through a hydrophilic pore created by one or more
  membrane proteins called the translocon.
 The ribosome fits tightly across the cytoplasmic side of the pore and the ER-lumen side is
  somehow closed off until the polypeptide is about 70 amino acids long.
 When the polypepide is complete, the signal peptidase cleave the signal to release the
  protein into the ER lumen while retaining the signal peptide, for a time, in the membrane.
 Afterwards the ribosome is released and the pore closes completely.
Integral membrane proteins are inserted into the ER
membrane as they are made, rather than into the lumen.
Major topological classes of integral membrane proteins synthesized on
the rough ER. The hydrophobic segments of the protein chain form helices
 embedded in the membrane bilayer; the regions outside the membrane are
   hydrophilic and fold into various conformations. All type IV proteins have
    multiple transmembrane helices. The type IV topology depicted here
  corresponds to that of G protein–coupled receptors: seven helices, the N-
terminus on the exoplasmic side of the membrane, and the C-terminus on the
cytosolic side. Other type IV proteins may have a different number of helices
         and various orientations of the N-terminus and C-terminus.
 Other kinds of signal peptides are used to target polypeptides to
  mitochondria, chloroplasts, the nucleus, and other organelles that
  are not part of the endomembrane system.
 In these cases, translation is completed in the cytosol before the
  polypeptide is imported into the organelle.
 Each of these polypeptides has a “postal” code that ensures its
  delivery to the correct cellular location.
 In principle, a signal could be required for either retention in, or
  exit from a compartment.
Posttranslational import allows some polypeptides to enter
 organelles after protein synthesis. Like cotranslational import
into the ER, posttranslational import into a mitochondrion (and
    chloroplast) involves a signal sequence (called a transit
  sequence), a membrane receptor, pore-forming membrane
                   proteins, and a peptidase.
 In the mitochondrion, the membrane receptor
  recognizes the signal sequence directly without
  the intervention of a cytosolic SRP.
 Furthermore, chaperone proteins play several
  crucial roles in the mitochondrial process:
   o Chaperones keep the polypeptide partially
      unfolded after synthesis in the cytosol so that
      binding of the transit sequence and
      translocation can occur.
   o Chaperones drive the translocation itself by
      binding to and releasing from the polypeptide
      within the matrix, an ATP-requiring process
   o Chaperones often help the polypeptide fold
      into its final conformation.
Protein import into the mitochondrial
      matrix. Precursor proteins
synthesized on cytosolic ribosomes are
 maintained in an unfolded or partially
   folded state by bound chaperones,
  such as Hsc70 (1). After a precursor
   protein binds to an import receptor
  near a site of contact with the inner
membrane (2), it is transferred into the
       general import pore (3). The
    translocating protein then moves
 through this channel and an adjacent
 channel in the inner membrane (4-5).
 Note that translocation occurs at rare
 “contact sites” at which the inner and
   outer membranes appear to touch.
Binding of the translocating protein by
     the matrix chaperone Hsc70 and
 subsequent ATP hydrolysis by Hsc70
    helps drive import into the matrix.
Once the uptake-targeting sequence is
   removed by a matrix protease and
    Hsc70 is released from the newly
  imported protein (6), it folds into the
mature, active conformation within the
  matrix (7). Folding of some proteins
     depends on matrix chaperonins.
Pathways for transporting proteins from the cytosol to the
            inner mitochondrial membrane.
 In all three pathways, proteins cross the outer membrane via
  the Tom40 general import pore.
 Proteins delivered by pathways A and B contain an N-
  terminal matrix-targeting sequence that is recognized by the
  Tom20/22 import receptor in the outer membrane.
 Although both these pathways use the Tim23/17 inner-
  membrane channel, they differ in that the entire precursor
  protein enters the matrix and then is redirected to the inner
  membrane in pathway B. Matrix Hsc70 plays a role similar its
  role in the import of soluble matrix proteins.
 Proteins delivered by pathway C contain internal sequences
  that are recognized by the Tom70 import receptor.
 A different inner-membrane translocation channel (Tim22/54)
  is used in this pathway.
 Two intermembrane proteins (Tim9 and Tim10) facilitate
  transfer between the outer and inner channels.
The major difference is that the         Two pathways for transporting
internal targeting sequence in proteins proteins from the cytosol to the
such as cytochrome b2 destined for       mitochondrial intermembrane
the intermembrane space is              space. Pathway A, the major one
recognized by an innermembrane         for delivery to the inter-membrane
protease, which cleaves the protein on space, is similar to pathway A for
the inter-membrane-space                delivery to the inner membrane.
side of the membrane. The
released protein then folds
and binds to its heme
cofactor within the
space. Pathway B
involves direct
delivery to the
space through the
Tom40 general
import pore in the
outer membrane.
Two of the four pathways for transporting
proteins from the cytosol to the thylakoid
    lumen. In these pathways, unfolded
precursors are delivered to the stroma via the
  same outer-membrane proteins that import
stromal-localized proteins. Cleavage of the N-
     terminal stromal-import sequence by a
 stromal protease then reveals the thylakoid-
    targeting sequence. At this point the two
    pathways diverge. In the SRP dependent
     pathway (left), plastocyanin and similar
    proteins are kept unfolded in the stromal
space by a set of chaperones and, directed by
   the thylakoid targeting sequence, bind to
      proteins that are closely related to the
     bacterial SRP, SRP receptor, and SecY
translocon, which mediate movement into the
lumen. After the thylakoid-targeting sequence
      is removed in the thylakoid lumen by a
    separate endoprotease, the protein folds
     into its mature conformation. In the pH
   dependent pathway (right), metal-binding
    proteins fold in the stroma, and complex
    redox cofactors are added. Two arginine
      residues (RR) at the N-terminus of the
     thylakoid-targeting sequence and a pH
    gradient across the inner membrane are
  required for transport of the folded protein
  into the thylakoid lumen. The translocon in
    the thylakoid membrane is composed of
   at least four proteins related to proteins in
           the bacterial inner membrane.
(1) Catalase and most other peroxisomal
              matrix proteins contain a C-terminal
 Import of    PTS1 uptake-targeting sequence (red)
peroxisomal   that binds to the cytosolic receptor Pex5.
              (2) Pex5 with the bound matrix protein
    matrix    interacts with the Pex14 receptor located
   proteins   on the peroxisome membrane. (3) The
directed by   matrix protein–Pex5 complex is then
    PTS1      transferred to a set of membrane
  targeting   proteins (Pex10, Pex12, and Pex2) that
 sequence.    are necessary for translocation into the
              peroxisomal matrix by an unknown
              mechanism. (4) At some point, either
                   during translocation or in the lumen,
                   Pex5 dissociates from the matrix
                        protein and returns to the
                        cytosol, a process that involves
                        the Pex2/10/12 complex and
                        additional membrane and
                        cytosolic proteins. Note that
                        folded proteins can be imported
                        into peroxisomes and that the
                        targeting sequence is not
                        removed in the matrix.
 Mutations are changes in the genetic material
  of a cell or virus. MUTATION AND DNA REPAIR MECHANISMS.pptx
 These include large-scale mutations in which
  long segments of DNA are affected (for
  example, translocations, duplications, and
 A chemical change in just one base pair of a
  gene causes a spontaneous or point mutation.
 If these occur in gametes or cells producing
  gametes, they may be transmitted to future
 For example, sickle-cell disease is caused by a
  mutation of a single base pair in the gene that codes
  for one of the polypeptides of hemoglobin.
 A change in a single nucleotide from T to A in the
  DNA template leads to an abnormal protein.
Protein structure, targeting and sorting




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Protein structure, targeting and sorting

  • 2. (a) The linear sequence of amino acids (10 structure) folds into helices or sheets (20 structure) which pack into a globular or fibrous domain (30 structure). Some individual proteins self-associate into complexes (40 structure). (b) Proteins display functions that arise from specific binding interactions and conformational changes in the structure of a properly folded protein.
  • 3.  Sometimes the primary sequence of amino acids is sufficient to spontaneously direct the folding of proteins into their proper shape.  However, often newly-made proteins require the help of molecular chaperones to attain their final shape.  Members of the heatshock protein family (Hsp70 and Hsp60) briefly bind to and stabilize hydrophobic regions of proteins (especially rich in Trp, Phe, Leu) allowing proper folding instead of aggregation with other immature proteins.  Heat-denatured proteins can be renatured through the activity of molecular chaperones and heatshock proteins are made during times of stress.  A number of diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, may be considered to be protein-folding diseases.  Prion diseases, such as "mad cow" disease, may "self- propagate" based upon a misfolded protein that can, in turn, misfold other versions of the same protein.
  • 4. Amyloid Fibers-involved in Alzheimer’s Protein amyloid fibers are often found to have a β- pleated sheet structure regardless of their sequence, leading some to believe that it is the molecule's misfolding that leads to aggregation. Enzymes act on the APP (Amyloid Precursor Protein) and cut it into fragments of protein, one of which is called beta-amyloid and is crucial in the formation of senile plaques in Alzheimer.
  • 5. (a) Many proteins fold into their proper 3-D structures with the assistance of Hsp70-like proteins (top). These chaperones transiently bind to a nascent polypeptide as it emerges from a ribosome. Proper folding of other proteins (bottom) depends on chaperonins such as the prokaryotic GroEL, a hollow, barrel-shaped complex of 14 identical 60,000-MW subunits arranged in two stacked rings. One end of GroEL is transiently blocked by the co-chaperonin GroES, an assembly of 10,000-MW subunits. (b) In the absence of ATP or presence of ADP, GroEL exists in a “tight” conformational state that binds partly folded or misfolded proteins. Binding of ATP shifts GroEL to a more open, “relaxed” state, which releases the folded protein.
  • 6. The ER membrane-bound chaperone protein calnexin, or a resident chaperone calreticulin binds to incompletely folded proteins, trapping the protein in the ER. Glucosyl transferase determines whether the protein is folded properly or not: if the protein is still incompletely folded, the enzyme renews the protein's affinity for calnexin & retains it in the ER. The cycle repeats until the protein has folded completely.
  • 7. Misfolded soluble proteins in the ER lumen or membrane proteins are translocated back into the cytosol, where they are deglycosylated, ubiquitylated, and degraded in proteasomes. Misfolded proteins are exported through the same type of translocator that mediated their import; accessory proteins allow it to operate in the export direction.
  • 8. (a) Enzyme E1 is activated by attachment of an ubiquitin (Ub) molecule (1) and then transfers this Ub molecule to E2 (2). Ubiquitin ligase (E3) transfers the bound Ub molecule on E2 to the side-chain-NH2 of a lysine residue in a target protein (3).Ub molecules are added to the target protein by repeating steps 1–3 , forming a polyubiquitin chain that directs the tagged protein to a proteasome (4). Within this complex, the protein is cleaved into small peptide fragments (5). (b) Computer-generated image reveals that a proteasome has a cylindrical structure with a cap at each end of a core region. Proteolysis of ubiquitin-tagged proteins occurs along the inner wall of the core.
  • 9. After the amino chain is made, many proteins undergo posttranslational processing (including removal of stretches of amino acids). 1. In prokaryotes, the N-formyl group is always removed in the mature protein and often the methionine and, sometimes, a number of N-terminal amino acids are cleaved away from the final protein product.  Example: Proinsulin is converted to the active hormone by the enzymatic removal of a long internal section of polypeptide.  The two remaining chains continue to be covalently connected by disulfide bonds connecting cysteine residues in insulin. 2. Recently discovered, the process of protein splicing (analagous to RNA splicing) removes inteins and splices the exteins together to make a mature protein.
  • 10. PROTEIN TARGETING AND SORTING  Free and bound populations of ribosomes are active participants in protein synthesis.  Free ribosomes are suspended in the cytosol and synthesize proteins that reside in the cytosol.  Bound ribosomes are attached to the cytosolic side of the endoplasmic reticulum.  They synthesize proteins of the endomembrane system as well as proteins secreted from the cell.  Secretory proteins are released entirely into the cisternal space, but membrane proteins remain partially embedded in the ER membrane.  While bound and free ribosomes are identical in structure, their location depends on the signal peptidase of proteins that they are synthesizing.
  • 11. Overview of major protein-sorting pathways in eukaryotic cells.
  • 13.  In cotranslational import, proteins to be targeted to the ER initially have an N-terminal peptide, the ER signal sequence, translated by a cytosolic ribosome.  The ER signal sequence is bound by a signal-recognition particle (SRP), a ribonucleoprotein complex composed of 6 peptides and a 300 nucleotide RNA molecule.  The SRP binds to the SRP receptor to dock the ribosome on the ER membrane.  When the SRP receptor binds GTP, the nascent polypeptide enters the pore.
  • 14.  The SRP is released with hydrolysis of the GTP.  The growing polypeptide translocates through a hydrophilic pore created by one or more membrane proteins called the translocon.  The ribosome fits tightly across the cytoplasmic side of the pore and the ER-lumen side is somehow closed off until the polypeptide is about 70 amino acids long.  When the polypepide is complete, the signal peptidase cleave the signal to release the protein into the ER lumen while retaining the signal peptide, for a time, in the membrane.  Afterwards the ribosome is released and the pore closes completely.
  • 15. Integral membrane proteins are inserted into the ER membrane as they are made, rather than into the lumen.
  • 16. Major topological classes of integral membrane proteins synthesized on the rough ER. The hydrophobic segments of the protein chain form helices embedded in the membrane bilayer; the regions outside the membrane are hydrophilic and fold into various conformations. All type IV proteins have multiple transmembrane helices. The type IV topology depicted here corresponds to that of G protein–coupled receptors: seven helices, the N- terminus on the exoplasmic side of the membrane, and the C-terminus on the cytosolic side. Other type IV proteins may have a different number of helices and various orientations of the N-terminus and C-terminus.
  • 17.  Other kinds of signal peptides are used to target polypeptides to mitochondria, chloroplasts, the nucleus, and other organelles that are not part of the endomembrane system.  In these cases, translation is completed in the cytosol before the polypeptide is imported into the organelle.  Each of these polypeptides has a “postal” code that ensures its delivery to the correct cellular location.  In principle, a signal could be required for either retention in, or exit from a compartment.
  • 18. Posttranslational import allows some polypeptides to enter organelles after protein synthesis. Like cotranslational import into the ER, posttranslational import into a mitochondrion (and chloroplast) involves a signal sequence (called a transit sequence), a membrane receptor, pore-forming membrane proteins, and a peptidase.
  • 19.  In the mitochondrion, the membrane receptor recognizes the signal sequence directly without the intervention of a cytosolic SRP.  Furthermore, chaperone proteins play several crucial roles in the mitochondrial process: o Chaperones keep the polypeptide partially unfolded after synthesis in the cytosol so that binding of the transit sequence and translocation can occur. o Chaperones drive the translocation itself by binding to and releasing from the polypeptide within the matrix, an ATP-requiring process o Chaperones often help the polypeptide fold into its final conformation.
  • 20. Protein import into the mitochondrial matrix. Precursor proteins synthesized on cytosolic ribosomes are maintained in an unfolded or partially folded state by bound chaperones, such as Hsc70 (1). After a precursor protein binds to an import receptor near a site of contact with the inner membrane (2), it is transferred into the general import pore (3). The translocating protein then moves through this channel and an adjacent channel in the inner membrane (4-5). Note that translocation occurs at rare “contact sites” at which the inner and outer membranes appear to touch. Binding of the translocating protein by the matrix chaperone Hsc70 and subsequent ATP hydrolysis by Hsc70 helps drive import into the matrix. Once the uptake-targeting sequence is removed by a matrix protease and Hsc70 is released from the newly imported protein (6), it folds into the mature, active conformation within the matrix (7). Folding of some proteins depends on matrix chaperonins.
  • 21. Pathways for transporting proteins from the cytosol to the inner mitochondrial membrane.
  • 22.  In all three pathways, proteins cross the outer membrane via the Tom40 general import pore.  Proteins delivered by pathways A and B contain an N- terminal matrix-targeting sequence that is recognized by the Tom20/22 import receptor in the outer membrane.  Although both these pathways use the Tim23/17 inner- membrane channel, they differ in that the entire precursor protein enters the matrix and then is redirected to the inner membrane in pathway B. Matrix Hsc70 plays a role similar its role in the import of soluble matrix proteins.  Proteins delivered by pathway C contain internal sequences that are recognized by the Tom70 import receptor.  A different inner-membrane translocation channel (Tim22/54) is used in this pathway.  Two intermembrane proteins (Tim9 and Tim10) facilitate transfer between the outer and inner channels.
  • 23. The major difference is that the Two pathways for transporting internal targeting sequence in proteins proteins from the cytosol to the such as cytochrome b2 destined for mitochondrial intermembrane the intermembrane space is space. Pathway A, the major one recognized by an innermembrane for delivery to the inter-membrane protease, which cleaves the protein on space, is similar to pathway A for the inter-membrane-space delivery to the inner membrane. side of the membrane. The released protein then folds and binds to its heme cofactor within the intermembrane space. Pathway B involves direct delivery to the intermembrane space through the Tom40 general import pore in the outer membrane.
  • 24. Two of the four pathways for transporting proteins from the cytosol to the thylakoid lumen. In these pathways, unfolded precursors are delivered to the stroma via the same outer-membrane proteins that import stromal-localized proteins. Cleavage of the N- terminal stromal-import sequence by a stromal protease then reveals the thylakoid- targeting sequence. At this point the two pathways diverge. In the SRP dependent pathway (left), plastocyanin and similar proteins are kept unfolded in the stromal space by a set of chaperones and, directed by the thylakoid targeting sequence, bind to proteins that are closely related to the bacterial SRP, SRP receptor, and SecY translocon, which mediate movement into the lumen. After the thylakoid-targeting sequence is removed in the thylakoid lumen by a separate endoprotease, the protein folds into its mature conformation. In the pH dependent pathway (right), metal-binding proteins fold in the stroma, and complex redox cofactors are added. Two arginine residues (RR) at the N-terminus of the thylakoid-targeting sequence and a pH gradient across the inner membrane are required for transport of the folded protein into the thylakoid lumen. The translocon in the thylakoid membrane is composed of at least four proteins related to proteins in the bacterial inner membrane.
  • 25. (1) Catalase and most other peroxisomal matrix proteins contain a C-terminal Import of PTS1 uptake-targeting sequence (red) peroxisomal that binds to the cytosolic receptor Pex5. (2) Pex5 with the bound matrix protein matrix interacts with the Pex14 receptor located proteins on the peroxisome membrane. (3) The directed by matrix protein–Pex5 complex is then PTS1 transferred to a set of membrane targeting proteins (Pex10, Pex12, and Pex2) that sequence. are necessary for translocation into the peroxisomal matrix by an unknown mechanism. (4) At some point, either during translocation or in the lumen, Pex5 dissociates from the matrix protein and returns to the cytosol, a process that involves the Pex2/10/12 complex and additional membrane and cytosolic proteins. Note that folded proteins can be imported into peroxisomes and that the targeting sequence is not removed in the matrix.
  • 26.  Mutations are changes in the genetic material of a cell or virus. MUTATION AND DNA REPAIR MECHANISMS.pptx  These include large-scale mutations in which long segments of DNA are affected (for example, translocations, duplications, and inversions).  A chemical change in just one base pair of a gene causes a spontaneous or point mutation.  If these occur in gametes or cells producing gametes, they may be transmitted to future generations.
  • 27.  For example, sickle-cell disease is caused by a mutation of a single base pair in the gene that codes for one of the polypeptides of hemoglobin.  A change in a single nucleotide from T to A in the DNA template leads to an abnormal protein.
  • 29. http://highered.mcgraw- hill.com/olc/dl/120077/bio25.swf http://highered.mcgraw- hill.com/olc/dl/120077/micro06.swf http://highered.mcgraw- hill.com/olc/dl/120077/bio30.swf http://www.wiley.com/college/boyer/0470003790/ani mations/translation/translation.htm