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Design REST Services with CXF JAX-
RS implementation: best practices
and lessons learned
Andrei Shakirin, Talend
• REST architectural style
• Design of REST API for Syncope domain
• Practical aspects of using CXF JAX-RS
About Me
• Software architect in Talend Team
• PMC and committer in Apache CXF and
commiter in Apache Syncope projects
• Speaker for Java conferences
Representational State Transfer
• Set of principals and restrictions
• HTTP is one instantiation of the REST
• The scope of REST architectural style: loosely
coupled application
REST Principles
1. Everything has an ID
2. Using IDs to link things together: hypermedia
3. Uniform interface
4. Interaction with resources through the
5. Communication is stateless
• Specification and Java API
• Support in exposing a resource Java class (a
POJO) as a web resource
• Versions: 1.0, 1.1, 2.0 (client API,
asynchronous API, filters and interceptors)
• Implementations: Jersey, Apache CXF,
Resteasy, …
Apache Syncope
Syncope Domain Model
• Users (name, password, dates, attributes)
• Roles (name, owners, attributes)
• Connectors (ConnID bundle: DatabaseTable,
• External Resources (name, connector, mode,
• Tasks (user/role template, resource, action,
Resources and URIs: Rules
• Resource is anything to be referenced
• Normally resources are the nouns
• Resources are coarse grained
• URIs: descriptive and well structured
• URIs: scoping information
Design Attempt
Don‘t do it!
Resources Types
1. Predefined top-level resources
2. Resource for collection of objects
3. Resource for every exposed objects
4. Resource representing results of algorithms
Top Level Resources
• Entry point to the API
• Home page or list of root entities (collections)
Collection Resources
Instance Resources
No Hierarchy?
Algorithm Resources
FIQL (Feed Item Query Language):
Subset of Uniform Interface
Will the client will fetch resource of this type?
GET /users
GET /users/a1b2c3
Subset of Uniform Interface
Will the client delete resource of this type?
DELETE /users/a1b2c3
Subset of Uniform Interface
Will the client modify resource of this type?
PUT /users/a1b2c3
Subset of Uniform Interface
Will the client create resource of this type?
Who is in charge to determine URI: server /
POST /users
201 Created, Location=/users/a1b2c3
PUT /users/myuser
Resource API: UserService
Representations: Media Types
Data Format + Parsing rules
Representations: Media Types
• Standard:
• Custom:
• Versioned:
Representations: JAX-RS
@Consumes("application/json", "application/xml")
@Produces("application/json", "application/xml")
public interface UserService {
@Produces("application/json;qs=1.0", "application/xml;qs=0.75")
Collection<UserTO> list();
@Consumes("application/json;q=1.0", "application/xml;q=0.25")
Response create(UserTO userTO);
CXF: Entity Providers
• XML: JAXBElementProvider, Source
application/xml, application/*+xml, text/xml
• JSON: JSONProvider(Jettison), Jenkins
application/json, application/*+json
• Multipart: Attachments, MultipartBody
multipart/mixed, multipart/related, …
• BinaryData
application/octet-stream, …
• XSLTJaxb, Atom, Dom4J, XMLBeans, …
JSON: Jettison vs Jackson
CXF JSONProvider (based on Jettison)
• Adopt XML structures to JSON (mapped,
• STaX API (XMLStreamWriter, XMLStreamReader)
• Flexible and simple (prefixes, root elements, array
serialization, unwrapping, XSLT transformations)
• Using: for small payloads, if flexibility required
{ "root" : { child : [ "test", "test" ] } }
JSON: Jettison vs Jackson
• Not XML oriented
• Supports streaming, tree and data binding
• Supports Jackson specific annotations
• Using: middle and large payloads, sophisticated
class hierarchy
@JsonTypeInfo(use=Id.CLASS, include=As.PROPERTY,
Representation: Links
<a href="http://mysyncope.com">Syncope</a>
• JSON: ?
Links in JSON
• JSON HAL (Mike Kelly, IETF draft)
• Siren (Kevin Swiber)
• Collection + JSON (Mike Amudsen)
• Custom format
GET /tasks
Relations: Many To Many
role 1
role 2
role N
user 1
user 2
user N
Relations as Resources
user 1
role 2
User Role
• Choose appropriate HTTP status code
• Set short error code for automatic processing
• Provide informative and descriptive entity-
• Use JAX-RS ExceptionMappers
Errors: Code Mapping
1. Decide is it client or server problem (4xx/5xx)
2. Look into HTTP status code spec and select
approprite one:
• Entity Not Found -> 404 Not Found
• Entity Already Exist -> 409 Conflict
• IllegalArgumentException -> 400 Bad Request
Errors: HTTP Response
404 Not found
X-Application-Error-Code: EntityNotFound
X-Application-Error-Info: entity=user,id=a1b2c3
A user ‘a1b2c3‘ is not found in Syncope storage. Check if
user name is correct. Refer following link for the details:
Errors: Batch Operations
207 Multi-Status
X-Application-Error-Code: Composite
“message“: “Multiple errors detected“
“errors“: [
“statusCode“: 409
“errorCode“: “EntityExists“
“ errorMessage “ : “User ‘a1b2c3‘ already exists“
“statusCode“: 404
“errorCode“: “NotFound“
“errorMessage“: “User ‘d4e5f6‘ not found“
Errors: ExceptionMappers
public class RestServiceExceptionMapper implements
ExceptionMapper<SyncopeClientException> {
public Response toResponse(final SyncopeClientException ex) {
LOG.error("SyncopeClientException thrown by REST method: " +
ex.getMessage(), ex);
builder = ex.isComposite() ?
: getSyncopeClientExceptionResponse(ex);
return builder.build();
Asynchronous Processing
• Model operations taking a long time
• Provide non-blocking calls on the client side
• Provide suspended responses on the server
Asynchronous: Long Operations
202 Accepted
Location: /tasks/x7h3b4
POST /tasks HTTP/1.1
"propagationMode": "TWO_PHASES",
"resource": { "href": "/resources/98712" }
"status": "NONE",
GET tasks/x7h3b4
"propagationMode": "TWO_PHASES",
"resource": { "href": "/resources/98712" }
"status": "IN_PROGRESS",
Asynchronous: Client API
InvocationCallback<Response> callback =
new InvocationCallback {
public void completed(Response res) {
System.out.println("Request success!");
public void failed(ClientException e) {
System.out.println("Request failed!");
.post(myEntity, callback);
Asynchronous: Server API
public class AsyncResource {
public void asyncGet(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse) {
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
String result = readConnectors();
private String readConnectors() {
// ... very expensive operation
“userFilter“: “age<=16“
“userFilter“: “age>16“
Requirement: update age to 18 in both tasks in transaction
Transactional View
1. Create transaction:
POST /transactions/tasks-update
201 Created
Location: /transactions/tasks-update/89d3
2. Update transaction resources:
PUT /transactions/tasks-update/89d3/tasks/f3g4n5
“userFilter“: “age<=18“
PUT /transactions/tasks-update/l8b3n7/tasks/f3g4n5
“userFilter“: “age>18“
Committed Transaction
3. Commit transaction:
PUT /transactions/tasks-update/89d3
committed = true
200 OK
“tasks“: [
GET /tasks/f3g4n5
“userFilter“: “age<=18“
GET /tasks/l8b3n7
“userFilter“: “age>18“
Bean Validation: JAX-RS
import javax.validation.constraints.Min;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
@Consumes("application/json", "application/xml")
@Produces("application/json", "application/xml")
public interface UserService {
PagedResult<UserTO> list(
@NotNull @Min(1) @QueryParam(PARAM_PAGE) Integer page,
@NotNull @Min(1) @QueryParam(PARAM_SIZE) Integer size);
@Valid UserTO getUser(@Email @PathParam("email") String email);
• Try to follow REST and RESTful HTTP principles
by design your application
• Consider using JAX-RS 2.0 implementation for
Java applications
• CXF is nice alternative with active, responsive
and cooperative community
• Apache CXF :
• Apache Syncope:
• Blogs:
• JAX-RS 2.0: Bean Validation 1.1 Specification
• Implementation: Hibernate Validator (or
Apache BVal)
• Exception mapper maps:
a) Input parameter validation violation -> 400
Bad Request
b) Return value validation violation -> 500
Internal Server Error
Relations as Resources
GET users/a1b2c3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content Type: application/linked+json
"href": "/users/a1b2c3",
"name": "testUser",
"memberships": {
"href": "/memberships?userId=a1b2c3"
Returns communication options of target
OPTIONS /users
200 OK
Algorithm Resources
FIQL (Feed Item Query Language):
Bean Validation: CXF
<jaxrs:server address="/">
<ref bean="validationInInterceptor" />
<ref bean="validationOutInterceptor" />
<ref bean="exceptionMapper"/>
<bean id="exceptionMapper"
<bean id="validationProvider" class="org.apache.cxf.validation.BeanValidationProvider" />
<bean id="validationInInterceptor"
<property name="provider" ref="validationProvider" />
<bean id="validationOutInterceptor"
<property name="provider" ref="validationProvider" />
• READ semantic
• Must be safe and idempotent
• Cacheable
• Can be conditional or partional
GET /users/a1b2c3
• DELETE semantic
• Not safe, Idempotent
• Resource doesn‘t have to removed
• Can return the resource representation or
other payload
DELETE /users/a1b2c3
• Can be used for UPDATE and for CREATE
• Not safe, idempotent
• Not for partial updates
PUT /users/a1b2c3
• Can be used to do anything (normally create or
• Neither safe, no idempotent
POST /users
201 Created, Location=/users/a1b2c3
Resources and URIs: Rules
• Resource is anything to be referenced
• Normally resources are the nouns
• Resources are coarse grained
• URIs: descriptive and well structured
• URIs: scoping information
Representations: Media Types
Data Format + Parsing rules
Extension Mappings:
• /users/a1b2c3
• /users/a1b2c3.json
• /users/a1b2c3.xml

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Andrei shakirin rest_cxf

  • 1. Design REST Services with CXF JAX- RS implementation: best practices and lessons learned Andrei Shakirin, Talend ashakirin@talend.com ashakirin.blogspot.com
  • 2. Agenda • REST architectural style • Design of REST API for Syncope domain • Practical aspects of using CXF JAX-RS
  • 3. About Me • Software architect in Talend Team • PMC and committer in Apache CXF and commiter in Apache Syncope projects • Speaker for Java conferences
  • 4. Representational State Transfer • Set of principals and restrictions • HTTP is one instantiation of the REST • The scope of REST architectural style: loosely coupled application
  • 5. REST Principles 1. Everything has an ID 2. Using IDs to link things together: hypermedia and HATEOAS 3. Uniform interface 4. Interaction with resources through the representation 5. Communication is stateless
  • 6. JAX-RS • Specification and Java API • Support in exposing a resource Java class (a POJO) as a web resource • Versions: 1.0, 1.1, 2.0 (client API, asynchronous API, filters and interceptors) • Implementations: Jersey, Apache CXF, Resteasy, …
  • 9. Syncope Domain Model • Users (name, password, dates, attributes) • Roles (name, owners, attributes) • Entitlements (TASK_DELETE, ROLE_CREATE) • Connectors (ConnID bundle: DatabaseTable, SOAP) • External Resources (name, connector, mode, mapping) • Tasks (user/role template, resource, action, status)
  • 10. Resources and URIs: Rules • Resource is anything to be referenced • Normally resources are the nouns • Resources are coarse grained • URIs: descriptive and well structured • URIs: scoping information
  • 12. Resources Types 1. Predefined top-level resources 2. Resource for collection of objects 3. Resource for every exposed objects 4. Resource representing results of algorithms
  • 13. Top Level Resources • Entry point to the API • Home page or list of root entities (collections) URIs: http(s)://api.syncope.org/administration vs http(s)://api.syncope.org/administration/rest/jaxrs/c xf
  • 16. Algorithm Resources FIQL (Feed Item Query Language): /tasks?_s=date=lt=2014-10-31;date=gt=2014- 10-01;(type==sync) /users?failedLogin=true /tasks?type=propagation&status=success
  • 17. Subset of Uniform Interface Will the client will fetch resource of this type? GET /users GET /users/a1b2c3
  • 18. Subset of Uniform Interface Will the client delete resource of this type? DELETE /users/a1b2c3
  • 19. Subset of Uniform Interface Will the client modify resource of this type? PUT /users/a1b2c3
  • 20. Subset of Uniform Interface Will the client create resource of this type? Who is in charge to determine URI: server / client? Server: POST /users 201 Created, Location=/users/a1b2c3 Client: PUT /users/myuser
  • 22. Representations: Media Types Data Format + Parsing rules
  • 23. Representations: Media Types • Standard: text/html application/json application/xml application/xhtml+xml application/x-www-form-urlencoded • Custom: application/user+json application/vnd.mycompany-myformat • Versioned: application/user+json&v2
  • 24. Representations: JAX-RS @Path("users") @Consumes("application/json", "application/xml") @Produces("application/json", "application/xml") public interface UserService { @GET @Produces("application/json;qs=1.0", "application/xml;qs=0.75") Collection<UserTO> list(); @POST @Consumes("application/json;q=1.0", "application/xml;q=0.25") Response create(UserTO userTO); … }
  • 25. CXF: Entity Providers • XML: JAXBElementProvider, Source application/xml, application/*+xml, text/xml • JSON: JSONProvider(Jettison), Jenkins application/json, application/*+json • Multipart: Attachments, MultipartBody multipart/mixed, multipart/related, … • BinaryData application/octet-stream, … • XSLTJaxb, Atom, Dom4J, XMLBeans, …
  • 26. JSON: Jettison vs Jackson CXF JSONProvider (based on Jettison) • Adopt XML structures to JSON (mapped, BadgerFish) • STaX API (XMLStreamWriter, XMLStreamReader) • Flexible and simple (prefixes, root elements, array serialization, unwrapping, XSLT transformations) • Using: for small payloads, if flexibility required <root><child>test</child><child>test</child></root> { "root" : { child : [ "test", "test" ] } }
  • 27. JSON: Jettison vs Jackson Jackson • Not XML oriented • Supports streaming, tree and data binding models • Supports Jackson specific annotations • Using: middle and large payloads, sophisticated class hierarchy @JsonTypeInfo(use=Id.CLASS, include=As.PROPERTY, property="class")
  • 28. Representation: Links • HTML/XHTML <a href="http://mysyncope.com">Syncope</a> • XML <element xlink:href="http://mysyncope.com">Syncope</element> • JSON: ?
  • 29. Links in JSON • JSON HAL (Mike Kelly, IETF draft) • Siren (Kevin Swiber) • Collection + JSON (Mike Amudsen) • Custom format
  • 31. Relations: Many To Many RoleUser role 1 role 2 role N user 1 user 2 user N
  • 32. Relations as Resources Membership user 1 role 2 createdBy timestamp User Role
  • 33. Errors • Choose appropriate HTTP status code • Set short error code for automatic processing • Provide informative and descriptive entity- bodies • Use JAX-RS ExceptionMappers
  • 34. Errors: Code Mapping 1. Decide is it client or server problem (4xx/5xx) 2. Look into HTTP status code spec and select approprite one: • Entity Not Found -> 404 Not Found • Entity Already Exist -> 409 Conflict • IllegalArgumentException -> 400 Bad Request
  • 35. Errors: HTTP Response 404 Not found X-Application-Error-Code: EntityNotFound X-Application-Error-Info: entity=user,id=a1b2c3 { A user ‘a1b2c3‘ is not found in Syncope storage. Check if user name is correct. Refer following link for the details: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.acti on?pageId=30751185/ }
  • 36. Errors: Batch Operations 207 Multi-Status X-Application-Error-Code: Composite { “message“: “Multiple errors detected“ “errors“: [ { “statusCode“: 409 “errorCode“: “EntityExists“ “ errorMessage “ : “User ‘a1b2c3‘ already exists“ } { “statusCode“: 404 “errorCode“: “NotFound“ “errorMessage“: “User ‘d4e5f6‘ not found“ } … ] }
  • 37. Errors: ExceptionMappers @Provider public class RestServiceExceptionMapper implements ExceptionMapper<SyncopeClientException> { @Override public Response toResponse(final SyncopeClientException ex) { LOG.error("SyncopeClientException thrown by REST method: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); builder = ex.isComposite() ? getSyncopeClientCompositeExceptionResponse(ex.asComposite()) : getSyncopeClientExceptionResponse(ex); return builder.build(); } }
  • 38. Asynchronous Processing • Model operations taking a long time • Provide non-blocking calls on the client side • Provide suspended responses on the server side
  • 39. Asynchronous: Long Operations 202 Accepted Location: /tasks/x7h3b4 POST /tasks HTTP/1.1 { "propagationMode": "TWO_PHASES", "resource": { "href": "/resources/98712" } "status": "NONE", … } GET tasks/x7h3b4 { "propagationMode": "TWO_PHASES", "resource": { "href": "/resources/98712" } "status": "IN_PROGRESS", … }
  • 40. Asynchronous: Client API InvocationCallback<Response> callback = new InvocationCallback { public void completed(Response res) { System.out.println("Request success!"); } public void failed(ClientException e) { System.out.println("Request failed!"); } }; client.target("http://mysyncope.org/tasks") .request() .async() .post(myEntity, callback);
  • 41. Asynchronous: Server API @Path("/connectors") public class AsyncResource { @GET public void asyncGet(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse) { new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { String result = readConnectors(); asyncResponse.resume(result); } private String readConnectors() { // ... very expensive operation } }).start(); } }
  • 43. Transactional View 1. Create transaction: POST /transactions/tasks-update 201 Created Location: /transactions/tasks-update/89d3 2. Update transaction resources: PUT /transactions/tasks-update/89d3/tasks/f3g4n5 { “userFilter“: “age<=18“ … } PUT /transactions/tasks-update/l8b3n7/tasks/f3g4n5 { “userFilter“: “age>18“ … }
  • 44. Committed Transaction 3. Commit transaction: PUT /transactions/tasks-update/89d3 committed = true 200 OK { “tasks“: [ {“ref“:“/tasks/f3g4n5“} {“ref“:“/tasks/l8b3n7“} ] } GET /tasks/f3g4n5 { “userFilter“: “age<=18“ … } GET /tasks/l8b3n7 { “userFilter“: “age>18“ … }
  • 45. Bean Validation: JAX-RS import javax.validation.constraints.Min; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; … @Path("users") @Consumes("application/json", "application/xml") @Produces("application/json", "application/xml") public interface UserService { @GET PagedResult<UserTO> list( @NotNull @Min(1) @QueryParam(PARAM_PAGE) Integer page, @NotNull @Min(1) @QueryParam(PARAM_SIZE) Integer size); @GET @Path("{email}") @Valid UserTO getUser(@Email @PathParam("email") String email); … }
  • 46. Conclusion • Try to follow REST and RESTful HTTP principles by design your application • Consider using JAX-RS 2.0 implementation for Java applications • CXF is nice alternative with active, responsive and cooperative community
  • 47. Links • Apache CXF : http://cxf.apache.org/ http://cxf.apache.org/docs/jax-rs.html • Apache Syncope: http://syncope.apache.org/ • Blogs: http://sberyozkin.blogspot.com http://ashakirin.blogspot.de/ http://aredko.blogspot.de/
  • 48. Validation • JAX-RS 2.0: Bean Validation 1.1 Specification • Implementation: Hibernate Validator (or Apache BVal) • Exception mapper maps: a) Input parameter validation violation -> 400 Bad Request b) Return value validation violation -> 500 Internal Server Error
  • 49. Relations as Resources GET users/a1b2c3 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content Type: application/linked+json { "href": "/users/a1b2c3", "name": "testUser", … "memberships": { "href": "/memberships?userId=a1b2c3" } }
  • 50. OPTIONS Returns communication options of target resource OPTIONS /users Response: 200 OK Allow: OPTIONS,GET,POST
  • 51. Algorithm Resources FIQL (Feed Item Query Language): /tasks?_s=date=lt=2014-10-31;date=gt=2014- 10-01;(type==sync) /users?failedLogin=true /tasks?type=propagation&status=success /role;name=myRole/entitlements;name=ROLE_ CREATE/
  • 52. Bean Validation: CXF <jaxrs:server address="/"> <jaxrs:inInterceptors> <ref bean="validationInInterceptor" /> </jaxrs:inInterceptors> <jaxrs:outInterceptors> <ref bean="validationOutInterceptor" /> </jaxrs:outInterceptors> <jaxrs:serviceBeans> ... </jaxrs:serviceBeans> <jaxrs:providers> <ref bean="exceptionMapper"/> </jaxrs:providers> </jaxrs:server> <bean id="exceptionMapper" class="org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.validation.ValidationExceptionMapper"/> <bean id="validationProvider" class="org.apache.cxf.validation.BeanValidationProvider" /> <bean id="validationInInterceptor" class="org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.validation.JAXRSBeanValidationInInterceptor"> <property name="provider" ref="validationProvider" /> </bean> <bean id="validationOutInterceptor" class="org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.validation.JAXRSBeanValidationOutInterceptor"> <property name="provider" ref="validationProvider" /> </bean>
  • 53. GET, HEAD • READ semantic • Must be safe and idempotent • Cacheable • Can be conditional or partional GET /users/a1b2c3
  • 54. DELETE • DELETE semantic • Not safe, Idempotent • Resource doesn‘t have to removed immediately • Can return the resource representation or other payload DELETE /users/a1b2c3
  • 55. PUT • Can be used for UPDATE and for CREATE • Not safe, idempotent • Not for partial updates PUT /users/a1b2c3 { “username“:“testUser“ “status“:“active“ … }
  • 56. POST • Can be used to do anything (normally create or update) • Neither safe, no idempotent POST /users { “username“:“testUser“ “status“:“active“ … } Response: 201 Created, Location=/users/a1b2c3
  • 57. Resources and URIs: Rules • Resource is anything to be referenced • Normally resources are the nouns • Resources are coarse grained • URIs: descriptive and well structured • URIs: scoping information
  • 58. Representations: Media Types Data Format + Parsing rules
  • 59. Representations Extension Mappings: • /users/a1b2c3 • /users/a1b2c3.json • /users/a1b2c3.xml