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Designed By : Arunava Bera
Guided By : Mrs. Chetna
Class : IX ‘B’
Roll No. : 14


What Is A Computer?
 An electronic device that receives data,
processes data, stores data, and
produces a result (output).
 Classified by size, speed and
 Uses hardware and software
 Comes in different types


Typical Personal Computer


Computer Systems
 All computer systems, no matter how
complex, consists of the following:
 At least one CPU
 Memory to hold programs and data
 I/O devices
 Long-term storage


CPU: Central Processing Unit
 ALU: arithmetic/logic unit
◦ Performs arithmetic and Boolean logical
 CU: control unit
◦ Controls processing of instructions
◦ Controls movement of data within the CPU
 Interface unit
◦ Moves instructions and data between the CPU
and other hardware components
◦ Bus: bundle of wires that carry signals and
power between different components


 Also known as primary storage, working
storage, and RAM (random access
 Consists of bits, each of which hold a
value of either 0 or 1 (8 bits = 1 byte)
 Holds both instructions and data of a
computer program (stored program


Software Component
 Applications
 Operating System
◦ API: application
program interface
◦ File management
◦ I/O
◦ Kernel
 Memory management
 Resource scheduling
 Program
 Security
◦ Network Module


Modern Computer Development
 1937: Mark I is built (Aiken, Harvard University, IBM).
◦ First electronic computer using relays.
 1939: ABC is built
◦ First fully electronic digital computer. Used vacuum tubes.
 1943-46: ENIAC (Mauchly, Eckert, University of Pennsylvania).
◦ First general purpose digital computer.
 1945: Von Neumann architecture proposed.
◦ Still the standard for present day computers.
 1947: Creation of transistor
◦ (Bardeen, Shockley, Brattain, Bell Labs).
 1951: UNIVAC.
◦ First commercially available computer.


Early Computers
Babbage’s Analytical Engine ENIAC


Latest Computers


Computer performs all the functions according to input output
processing cycle (IPO Cycle)
Input Process Output
Computer is an electronic device which take some input after
processing provide output.
Central processing
unit (CPU)
Main memory Secondary memory (Hard Disk)


Input unit take the input and converts it into binary form so that
it can be understood by the computer. For example:- Key board,
mouse, magnetic ink character reader (MICR), optical mark
reader (OMR), optical character reader (OCR), Joystick etc.
Output unit take the programs in the form of electronic binary
signals coming from the CPU and convert into human
understandable language. So it can be easily understood by the
human beings. For example :- Visual Display Unit (VDU),
Printer, Plotter, Speech Synthesizer and Coder etc.
It is a control center for a computer. It guides , directs and governs
its performance. It is the brain of the computer.


Output Devices
 Monitor: screen that displays information
such as text, numbers, and
 Printer: gives you information pictures.
◦ Softcopy
◦ from the computer in printed form.
◦ Hardcopy
 Speakers: allow you to hear voice, music,
and other sounds from your computer.


Processing Device
 Central Processing Unit (CPU)
– known as the heart or
“brain” of the computer and is
responsible for processing the
information that has been
entered into the computer


Storage Devices
 Hard Disk Drive: used
to store data inside of
the computer.
◦ Magnetic platter that
holds a large amount
of information in a
form the computer
can understand.
◦ Floppy Disk: flat circles
of iron oxide-coated
plastic enclosed in a
hard plastic case.
◦ Most are 3 ½ inches
and have a capacity to
hold 1.44 MB or more
of data.
 CD ROM Drive: a
compact disk that reads
only memory.
 CD-RW: a device that
allows you to read and
write to a compact disk


 Input
Enters data into the
 Processing
Changes data into
usable form
 Output
Sends data out of
 Storage
Saves for use later


 Encyclopedia
 www.wikepedia.com
 NCERT Computer Book
 www.google.com


Thank You

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  • 1. Designed By : Arunava Bera Guided By : Mrs. Chetna Class : IX ‘B’ Roll No. : 14
  • 2. Introduction What Is A Computer?  An electronic device that receives data, processes data, stores data, and produces a result (output).  Classified by size, speed and application  Uses hardware and software  Comes in different types
  • 4. Computer Systems  All computer systems, no matter how complex, consists of the following:  At least one CPU  Memory to hold programs and data  I/O devices  Long-term storage 4
  • 5. CPU: Central Processing Unit  ALU: arithmetic/logic unit ◦ Performs arithmetic and Boolean logical calculations  CU: control unit ◦ Controls processing of instructions ◦ Controls movement of data within the CPU  Interface unit ◦ Moves instructions and data between the CPU and other hardware components ◦ Bus: bundle of wires that carry signals and power between different components 5
  • 6. Memory  Also known as primary storage, working storage, and RAM (random access memory)  Consists of bits, each of which hold a value of either 0 or 1 (8 bits = 1 byte)  Holds both instructions and data of a computer program (stored program concept) 6
  • 7. Software Component  Applications  Operating System ◦ API: application program interface ◦ File management ◦ I/O ◦ Kernel  Memory management  Resource scheduling  Program communication  Security ◦ Network Module 7
  • 8. Modern Computer Development  1937: Mark I is built (Aiken, Harvard University, IBM). ◦ First electronic computer using relays.  1939: ABC is built ◦ First fully electronic digital computer. Used vacuum tubes.  1943-46: ENIAC (Mauchly, Eckert, University of Pennsylvania). ◦ First general purpose digital computer.  1945: Von Neumann architecture proposed. ◦ Still the standard for present day computers.  1947: Creation of transistor ◦ (Bardeen, Shockley, Brattain, Bell Labs).  1951: UNIVAC. ◦ First commercially available computer. 8
  • 11. Computer performs all the functions according to input output processing cycle (IPO Cycle) Input Process Output Computer is an electronic device which take some input after processing provide output. Input unit Central processing unit (CPU) Output unit Main memory Secondary memory (Hard Disk)
  • 12. Input unit take the input and converts it into binary form so that it can be understood by the computer. For example:- Key board, mouse, magnetic ink character reader (MICR), optical mark reader (OMR), optical character reader (OCR), Joystick etc. Output unit take the programs in the form of electronic binary signals coming from the CPU and convert into human understandable language. So it can be easily understood by the human beings. For example :- Visual Display Unit (VDU), Printer, Plotter, Speech Synthesizer and Coder etc. It is a control center for a computer. It guides , directs and governs its performance. It is the brain of the computer.
  • 13. Output Devices  Monitor: screen that displays information such as text, numbers, and  Printer: gives you information pictures. ◦ Softcopy ◦ from the computer in printed form. ◦ Hardcopy  Speakers: allow you to hear voice, music, and other sounds from your computer.
  • 14. Processing Device  Central Processing Unit (CPU) – known as the heart or “brain” of the computer and is responsible for processing the information that has been entered into the computer
  • 15. Storage Devices  Hard Disk Drive: used to store data inside of the computer. ◦ Magnetic platter that holds a large amount of information in a form the computer can understand. ◦ Floppy Disk: flat circles of iron oxide-coated plastic enclosed in a hard plastic case. ◦ Most are 3 ½ inches and have a capacity to hold 1.44 MB or more of data.  CD ROM Drive: a compact disk that reads only memory.  CD-RW: a device that allows you to read and write to a compact disk
  • 16.  Input Enters data into the computer  Processing Changes data into usable form  Output Sends data out of the computer  Storage Saves for use later CONCLUSION
  • 17. 17 Bibliography  Encyclopedia  www.wikepedia.com  NCERT Computer Book  www.google.com