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Trade Unions
Organization of employees formed on a continuous basis for the purpose of
securing diverse range of benefits
Continuous association of wage earners for the purpose of maintaining and
improving the conditions of their working lives
Defines a trade union as a combination, whether temporary or permanent,
formed primarily for the purpose of regulating the relations between
workmen and employers or between workmen and workmen, or between
employers and employers, or for imposing restrictive condition on the
conduct of any trade or business, and includes any federation of two or more
trade unions (The Trade Union Act 1926)
Trade Unions Cont..
Trade unions are voluntary associations of employees in a particular sector,
whose aim is to negotiate with employers over pay, job security, working
hours, etc, using the collective power of its members
In general, a union is there to represent the interests of its members
(economic, political and social), and may even engage in political activity
where legislation affects their members
1. It is an association either of employers or employees or of independent workers.
Consist of :-
 Employers’ association (eg; Employer’s Federation of India, Indian paper mill
association, etc)
 Friendly societies
 Unions of intellectual labor (eg; All India Teachers Association)
 Craft – for employees with a particular skill (eg; electricians AEEU)
 Industry – for employees in particular industry (eg; coalminers NUM)
 General – broad union for wide range of employees usually unskilled or semi-skilled
 White collar – for clerical, professional or managerial staff (eg; KSTA (teachers))
 Staff associations for employees in a particular organisation
Features Cont..
2. It is formed on a continuous basis. It is a permanent body and not a casual or
temporary one. They persist throughout the year
3. It is formed to protect and promote all kinds of interests –economic, political and
social-of its members. The dominant interest with which a union is concerned is,
however, economic
4. It achieves its objectives through collective action and group effort. Negotiations and
collective bargaining are the tools for accomplishing objectives
5. Trade unions have shown remarkable progress since their inception; moreover, the
character of trade unions has also been changing. In spite of only focusing on the
economic benefits of workers, the trade unions are also working towards raising the
status of labors as a part of industry
Trade unions represent individual workers when they have a problem at work
If an employee feels he is being unfairly treated, he can ask the union
representative to help sort out the difficulty with the manager or employer
Unions also offer their members legal representation. Normally this is to help
people get financial compensation for work-related injuries or to assist people
who have to take their employer to court
Objectives Cont..
Negotiation is where union representatives, discuss with management, the issues
which affect people working in an organization
Trade unions negotiate with the employers to find out a solution to the
differences which include Pay, working hours, holidays and changes to
working practices are the sorts of issues that are negotiated
In many workplaces there is a formal agreement between the union and the
company which states that the union has the right to negotiate with the employer
In these organizations, unions are said to be recognized for collective bargaining
Objectives Cont..
Voice in decisions affecting workers
The economic security of employees is determined not only by the level of
wages and duration of their employment, but also by the management’s personal
policies which include selection of employees for lay offs, retrenchment,
promotion and transfer which directly affect workers
The evaluation criteria for such decisions may not be fair. So, the intervention of
unions in such decision making is a way through which workers can have their
say in the decision making to safeguard their interests
Objectives Cont..
Member services
• Education and training - Most unions run training courses for their members
on employment rights, health and safety and other issues. Some unions also
help members who have left school with little education by offering courses on
basic skills and courses leading to professional qualifications.
• Legal assistance - As well as offering legal advice on employment issues,
some unions give help with personal matters, like housing, wills and debt
• Financial discounts - People can get discounts on mortgages, insurance and
loans from unions
• Welfare benefits - One of the earliest functions of trade unions was to look
after members who hit hard times. Some of the older unions offer financial
help to their members when they are sick or unemployed
Benefits of unions
To employers
• channel of communication
• can highlight human
implications of any action
• provide ideas / information
To employees
• provide power
• provide advise
• provide services, e.g. legal
advice if dismissed
• provide protection
Employees’ views of what a trade union should try to do:
Protect existing jobs 37%
Improve working conditions 20%
Improve pay 15%
Have more say over management’s long term plans 14%
Have more say over how work is done day by day 5%
Reduce pay differences at the workplace 4%
Work for equal opportunities for women 2%
Source: British Attitudes Survey, Social and Community Planning
Union recognition
Occurs when an employer agrees
to bargain with a union over, e.g.
wages. Employers do not have to
recognise unions but employees
cannot be prevented from joining
a union.
Functions Of Trade Unions
Broadly classified into two categories:
(i) Militant functions
(ii) Fraternal functions
Militant functions
Set of activities performed by trade unions leads to the betterment of the position
of their members in relation to their employment
The aim of such activities is to ensure adequate wages, secure better conditions of
work and employment, get better treatment from employers, etc
When the unions fail to accomplish these aims by the method of collective
bargaining and negotiations, they adopt an approach and put up a fight with the
management in the form of go-slow tactics, strike, boycott, gherao, etc which
represent militant or fighting functions
Functions Of Trade Unions
Fraternal Functions
Set of activities performed by trade unions aims at rendering help to its members
in times of need, and improving their efficiency
Trade unions try to foster a spirit of cooperation and promote friendly relations
and diffuse education and culture among their members
They take up welfare measures for improving the morale of workers and
generate self confidence among them, arrange for legal assistance to its
members, if necessary, undertake many welfare measures for their members
Eg; School for the education of children, library, reading-rooms, in-door and
out-door games, and other recreational facilities and undertake publication of
some magazine or journal which are called as fraternal functions, depend on the
availability of funds, which the unions raise by subscription from members and
donations from outsiders, and also on their competent and enlightened leadership
Play an important role and are helpful in effective communication between the
workers and the management
Provide the advice and support to ensure that the differences of opinion do not
turn into major conflicts
Represent people at work
Play an important educational role, organizing courses for their members on a
wide range of matters, seeking a healthy and safe working environment is also
prominent feature of union activity
Reasons For Joining Trade Unions
1. Greater Bargaining Power
2. Minimize Discrimination
3. Sense of Security
4. Sense of Participation
5. Sense of Belongingness
6. Platform for self expression
7. Betterment of relationships
Trade Unionism In India
The first phase (1850 to1900)
During this phase the inception of trade unions took place. During this period,
the working and living conditions of the labor were poor and their working
hours were long. Capitalists were only interested in their productivity and
profitability. In addition, the wages were also low and general economic
conditions were poor in industries
The growth of trade union movement was slow in this phase and later on the
Indian Factory Act of 1881 was amended in 1891. Many strikes took place in
the two decades following 1880 in all industrial cities. These strikes taught
workers to understand the power of united action even though there was no
union in real terms. Small associations like Bombay Mill-Hands Association
came up by this time
Trade Unionism In India Cont..
The second phase (1900 to 1946)
This phase was characterized by the development of organized trade unions and
political movements of the working class. Between 1918 and 1923, many
unions came into existence in the country
At Ahmedabad, under the guidance of Mahatma Gandhi, occupational unions
like spinners’ unions and weavers’ unions were formed. A strike was launched
by these unions under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi who turned it into a
satyagrah. These unions federated into industrial union known as Textile Labor
Association in 1920
In 1920, the First National Trade union organization (The All India Trade
Union Congress (AITUC)) was established. Many of the leaders of this
organization were leaders of the national Movement. In 1926, Trade union law
came up with the efforts of Mr. N N Joshi that became operative from 1927.
During 1928, All India Trade Union Federation (AITUF) was formed.
Trade Unionism In India Cont..
The third phase began with the emergence of independent India (in 1947). The
partition of country affected the trade union movement particularly Bengal and
Punjab. By 1949, four central trade union organizations were functioning in the
1. The All India Trade Union Congress,
2. The Indian National Trade Union Congress,
3. The Hindu Mazdoor Sangh, and
4. The United Trade Union Congress
The working class movement was also politicized along the lines of political
parties. For instance Indian national trade Union Congress (INTUC) is the trade
union arm of the Congress Party. The AITUC is the trade union arm of the
Communist Party of India. Besides workers, white-collar employees, supervisors
and managers are also organized by the trade unions, as for example in the
Banking, Insurance and Petroleum industries.
Trade Unionism In India Cont..
The Indian workforce consists of 430 million workers, growing 2% annually
The Indian labor markets consist of three sectors:
1. The rural workers, who constitute about 60 per cent of the workforce
2. Organized sector, which employs 8 per cent of workforce
3. The urban informal sector (which includes the growing software industry and
other services, not included in the formal sector) which constitutes the rest 32
per cent of the workforce
Trade Unionism In India Cont..
At present there are twelve Central Trade Union Organizations in India:
1. All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC)
2. Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS)
3. Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU)
4. Hind Mazdoor Kisan Panchayat (HMKP)
5. Hind Mazdoor Sabha (HMS)
6. Indian Federation of Free Trade Unions (IFFTU)
7. Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
8. National Front of Indian Trade Unions (NFITU)
9. National Labor Organization (NLO)
10. Trade Unions Co-ordination Centre (TUCC)
11. United Trade Union Congress (UTUC) and
12. United Trade Union Congress - Lenin Sarani (UTUC - LS)
Union membership has
declined since the late 1970s.
A major reason is the growth
of employment in sectors
where unions are not
traditionally very strong, e.g.
part timers, the service sector,
and women workers
Why has union membership fallen?
• Decrease in manufacturing sector
• Increase in service sector
• Increase in female workers
• Increase in part time workers
• Increased legislation reducing the power of trade unions
• Improved relationship between management and workers
Recent changes in trade unionism
1. Single union deals
More businesses are recognised just 1 trade union. A contract is signed
between the workforce and management that only 1 trade union will
represent the workforce. This saves time in negotiations.
2. No strike agreements
More and more unions are signing these agreements. This emphasises the
improved relationship between the 2 parties.

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Trade unions

  • 1. Trade Unions Organization of employees formed on a continuous basis for the purpose of securing diverse range of benefits Continuous association of wage earners for the purpose of maintaining and improving the conditions of their working lives Defines a trade union as a combination, whether temporary or permanent, formed primarily for the purpose of regulating the relations between workmen and employers or between workmen and workmen, or between employers and employers, or for imposing restrictive condition on the conduct of any trade or business, and includes any federation of two or more trade unions (The Trade Union Act 1926)
  • 2. Trade Unions Cont.. Trade unions are voluntary associations of employees in a particular sector, whose aim is to negotiate with employers over pay, job security, working hours, etc, using the collective power of its members In general, a union is there to represent the interests of its members (economic, political and social), and may even engage in political activity where legislation affects their members
  • 3. Features 1. It is an association either of employers or employees or of independent workers. Consist of :-  Employers’ association (eg; Employer’s Federation of India, Indian paper mill association, etc)  Friendly societies  Unions of intellectual labor (eg; All India Teachers Association)  Craft – for employees with a particular skill (eg; electricians AEEU)  Industry – for employees in particular industry (eg; coalminers NUM)  General – broad union for wide range of employees usually unskilled or semi-skilled  White collar – for clerical, professional or managerial staff (eg; KSTA (teachers))  Staff associations for employees in a particular organisation
  • 4. Features Cont.. 2. It is formed on a continuous basis. It is a permanent body and not a casual or temporary one. They persist throughout the year 3. It is formed to protect and promote all kinds of interests –economic, political and social-of its members. The dominant interest with which a union is concerned is, however, economic 4. It achieves its objectives through collective action and group effort. Negotiations and collective bargaining are the tools for accomplishing objectives 5. Trade unions have shown remarkable progress since their inception; moreover, the character of trade unions has also been changing. In spite of only focusing on the economic benefits of workers, the trade unions are also working towards raising the status of labors as a part of industry
  • 5. Objectives Representation Trade unions represent individual workers when they have a problem at work If an employee feels he is being unfairly treated, he can ask the union representative to help sort out the difficulty with the manager or employer Unions also offer their members legal representation. Normally this is to help people get financial compensation for work-related injuries or to assist people who have to take their employer to court
  • 6. Objectives Cont.. Negotiation Negotiation is where union representatives, discuss with management, the issues which affect people working in an organization Trade unions negotiate with the employers to find out a solution to the differences which include Pay, working hours, holidays and changes to working practices are the sorts of issues that are negotiated In many workplaces there is a formal agreement between the union and the company which states that the union has the right to negotiate with the employer In these organizations, unions are said to be recognized for collective bargaining purposes
  • 7. Objectives Cont.. Voice in decisions affecting workers The economic security of employees is determined not only by the level of wages and duration of their employment, but also by the management’s personal policies which include selection of employees for lay offs, retrenchment, promotion and transfer which directly affect workers The evaluation criteria for such decisions may not be fair. So, the intervention of unions in such decision making is a way through which workers can have their say in the decision making to safeguard their interests
  • 8. Objectives Cont.. Member services • Education and training - Most unions run training courses for their members on employment rights, health and safety and other issues. Some unions also help members who have left school with little education by offering courses on basic skills and courses leading to professional qualifications. • Legal assistance - As well as offering legal advice on employment issues, some unions give help with personal matters, like housing, wills and debt • Financial discounts - People can get discounts on mortgages, insurance and loans from unions • Welfare benefits - One of the earliest functions of trade unions was to look after members who hit hard times. Some of the older unions offer financial help to their members when they are sick or unemployed
  • 9. Benefits of unions To employers • channel of communication • can highlight human resource implications of any action • provide ideas / information To employees • provide power • provide advise • provide services, e.g. legal advice if dismissed • provide protection
  • 10. Employees’ views of what a trade union should try to do: 1994 Protect existing jobs 37% Improve working conditions 20% Improve pay 15% Have more say over management’s long term plans 14% Have more say over how work is done day by day 5% Reduce pay differences at the workplace 4% Work for equal opportunities for women 2% Source: British Attitudes Survey, Social and Community Planning Research
  • 11. Union recognition Occurs when an employer agrees to bargain with a union over, e.g. wages. Employers do not have to recognise unions but employees cannot be prevented from joining a union.
  • 12. Functions Of Trade Unions Broadly classified into two categories: (i) Militant functions (ii) Fraternal functions Militant functions Set of activities performed by trade unions leads to the betterment of the position of their members in relation to their employment The aim of such activities is to ensure adequate wages, secure better conditions of work and employment, get better treatment from employers, etc When the unions fail to accomplish these aims by the method of collective bargaining and negotiations, they adopt an approach and put up a fight with the management in the form of go-slow tactics, strike, boycott, gherao, etc which represent militant or fighting functions
  • 13. Functions Of Trade Unions Fraternal Functions Set of activities performed by trade unions aims at rendering help to its members in times of need, and improving their efficiency Trade unions try to foster a spirit of cooperation and promote friendly relations and diffuse education and culture among their members They take up welfare measures for improving the morale of workers and generate self confidence among them, arrange for legal assistance to its members, if necessary, undertake many welfare measures for their members Eg; School for the education of children, library, reading-rooms, in-door and out-door games, and other recreational facilities and undertake publication of some magazine or journal which are called as fraternal functions, depend on the availability of funds, which the unions raise by subscription from members and donations from outsiders, and also on their competent and enlightened leadership
  • 14. Importance Play an important role and are helpful in effective communication between the workers and the management Provide the advice and support to ensure that the differences of opinion do not turn into major conflicts Represent people at work Play an important educational role, organizing courses for their members on a wide range of matters, seeking a healthy and safe working environment is also prominent feature of union activity
  • 15. Reasons For Joining Trade Unions 1. Greater Bargaining Power 2. Minimize Discrimination 3. Sense of Security 4. Sense of Participation 5. Sense of Belongingness 6. Platform for self expression 7. Betterment of relationships
  • 16. Trade Unionism In India The first phase (1850 to1900) During this phase the inception of trade unions took place. During this period, the working and living conditions of the labor were poor and their working hours were long. Capitalists were only interested in their productivity and profitability. In addition, the wages were also low and general economic conditions were poor in industries The growth of trade union movement was slow in this phase and later on the Indian Factory Act of 1881 was amended in 1891. Many strikes took place in the two decades following 1880 in all industrial cities. These strikes taught workers to understand the power of united action even though there was no union in real terms. Small associations like Bombay Mill-Hands Association came up by this time
  • 17. Trade Unionism In India Cont.. The second phase (1900 to 1946) This phase was characterized by the development of organized trade unions and political movements of the working class. Between 1918 and 1923, many unions came into existence in the country At Ahmedabad, under the guidance of Mahatma Gandhi, occupational unions like spinners’ unions and weavers’ unions were formed. A strike was launched by these unions under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi who turned it into a satyagrah. These unions federated into industrial union known as Textile Labor Association in 1920 In 1920, the First National Trade union organization (The All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC)) was established. Many of the leaders of this organization were leaders of the national Movement. In 1926, Trade union law came up with the efforts of Mr. N N Joshi that became operative from 1927. During 1928, All India Trade Union Federation (AITUF) was formed.
  • 18. Trade Unionism In India Cont.. The third phase began with the emergence of independent India (in 1947). The partition of country affected the trade union movement particularly Bengal and Punjab. By 1949, four central trade union organizations were functioning in the country: 1. The All India Trade Union Congress, 2. The Indian National Trade Union Congress, 3. The Hindu Mazdoor Sangh, and 4. The United Trade Union Congress The working class movement was also politicized along the lines of political parties. For instance Indian national trade Union Congress (INTUC) is the trade union arm of the Congress Party. The AITUC is the trade union arm of the Communist Party of India. Besides workers, white-collar employees, supervisors and managers are also organized by the trade unions, as for example in the Banking, Insurance and Petroleum industries.
  • 19. Trade Unionism In India Cont.. The Indian workforce consists of 430 million workers, growing 2% annually The Indian labor markets consist of three sectors: 1. The rural workers, who constitute about 60 per cent of the workforce 2. Organized sector, which employs 8 per cent of workforce 3. The urban informal sector (which includes the growing software industry and other services, not included in the formal sector) which constitutes the rest 32 per cent of the workforce
  • 20. Trade Unionism In India Cont.. At present there are twelve Central Trade Union Organizations in India: 1. All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) 2. Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS) 3. Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) 4. Hind Mazdoor Kisan Panchayat (HMKP) 5. Hind Mazdoor Sabha (HMS) 6. Indian Federation of Free Trade Unions (IFFTU) 7. Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) 8. National Front of Indian Trade Unions (NFITU) 9. National Labor Organization (NLO) 10. Trade Unions Co-ordination Centre (TUCC) 11. United Trade Union Congress (UTUC) and 12. United Trade Union Congress - Lenin Sarani (UTUC - LS)
  • 21. Union membership has declined since the late 1970s. A major reason is the growth of employment in sectors where unions are not traditionally very strong, e.g. part timers, the service sector, and women workers
  • 22. Why has union membership fallen? • Decrease in manufacturing sector • Increase in service sector • Increase in female workers • Increase in part time workers • Increased legislation reducing the power of trade unions • Improved relationship between management and workers
  • 23. Recent changes in trade unionism 1. Single union deals More businesses are recognised just 1 trade union. A contract is signed between the workforce and management that only 1 trade union will represent the workforce. This saves time in negotiations. 2. No strike agreements More and more unions are signing these agreements. This emphasises the improved relationship between the 2 parties.