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Royal Wessanen
A leading player in organic food in Europe
Q1 2013 roadshow presentation
Updated 26april 2013
www.wessanen.com @RoyalWessanen
In a nutshell
A leading European organic food player
• Own operations in Benelux, France, Germany, Italy, UK + export operations
• Pioneering brands | indulgence & nutritional
• Well-managed supply chain | Strong focus on quality, innovations, brands
• Factories in UK (tea), Germany (vegetable spreads) (cereals/bars/spreads/honey) and Italy
(soy/non-dairy drinks)
• Turnover €711mln (2012) | 2,064 employees (on average)
Organic food market
• Attractive part of food market | growing | low per capita consumption | €22bn market
• No colouring/flavouring | GMO-free | no artificial fertilisers | animal health
• Unique certification system | grown and processed according to EU regulation
Portfolio approach  focus on organic food
2009 2012
Focus and investment into core brands &
categories in organic in Europe
What is organic?!
Strict criteria to be allowed to be labelled organic
Demonstrably free from GMO, pesticides and growth hormones
Strict rules on animal welfare
Severe restrictions on fertilisers, herbicides and pesticides
Severe restrictions on additives and processing aids
All about being produced and processed in line with organic principles
Organic products promote health and well-being
Holding benefits for the planet and for future generations
All about nutrition and taste !
Organic food is controlled by a unique European certification system
At Wessanen, our vision is to make our organic brands most desired in
Nutrition and food issues Transparency
Sustainability Weight and obesity
Our vision is to build the most desired brands
in Europe in our focus area
Strategic objectives
Sales growth
• Grow core brands
• Grow core categories
• Build strongholds in new markets
• Country specific growth strategies
• Launch fewer, bigger, better
• Execute acquisitions shortlist
• Central sourcing savings
• Pricing strategies towards
• Improve operational excellence
with SAP
• Filling own factories
• Improve talent performance
management / building
connected leadership
• Simplify how we are conducting
• Activate Organic Expertise
Centre (OEC), integrate Quality
Wessanen 2015
A more integrated
consumer and customer driven organisation,
being focussed, less complex, more efficient and integrated
Transformation programme ‘Wessanen 2015’
1. Create more focus on our activities
• Reduction of approx. 300 FTE
• Expected one-off costs €(21) mln cash and €(7.0) mln non-cash impairment Deurne plant
• Expected savings €15 mln p.a. from 2014 onwards
3. Addressing low-yielding and non-performing activities
• Strongly reducing German grocery presence, changing go-to-market approach
• Focus in Italian grocery on non-dairy (soy)
2. Reduce complexity and simplify processes
• Cutting the tail / reducing number of SKUs at
− Dutch brands; French HFS brands; Export
• Centralising quality department
• In the Netherlands, focus on one franchise formula (Natuurwinkel), to end GooodyFooods formula
• Supply chain to manage our plants as of 2013 and to streamline processes
• Further increased focus on core brands and core categories
• Expansion number of CBTs (category brand teams)
• Split in branded and distribution organisation
− Benelux operations
− French HFS operations
Net debt / Leverage ratio
Q1 11 Q2 11 Q3 11 Q4 11 Q1 12 Q2 12 Q3 12 Q4 12 Q1 13
Q1 11 Q2 11 Q3 11 Q4 11 Q1 12 Q2 12 Q3 12 Q4 12 Q1 13
Net debt
Leverage ratio
€63 mln
In € mln
A very sound financial position
In € mln Mar 13 Dec 12 *
Non-current assets 152.7 154.5
Current assets 214.4 183.4
TOTAL ASSETS 367.1 337.9
In € mln Mar 13 Dec 12 *
Dec 12
Total equity 115.8 110.8 101.6
Non-current liabilities 20.3 81.0 90.2
Current liabilities 231.0 146.1 146.1
Total liabilities 251.3 227.1 236.3
TOTAL EQUITY & LIABILITIES 367.1 337.9 337.9
*Restated for IAS19R
Q1 2013 key figures
In € mln Q1 2013 Q1 2012
Revenue 172.5 170.6
Autonomous growth (1.0)%
Normalised EBIT 9.3 2.9
As % of revenue 5.4% 1.7%
Exceptional costs (1.1) -
EBIT 8.2 2.9
Net result, attributable to equity holders 5.1 1.7
Earnings per share (EPS) 0.07 0.02
EBIT improvement
Gross profit 
Operating costs 
Marketing spending 
Q1 2013 performance
• We have to cope with uncertain economic times, deteriorating consumer
confidence and increased unemployment
• Consumer appreciation for healthy and nutritional food is continuously growing
– Consumers are gradually incorporating more of a sustainable agenda when
making food purchases
– Consumers show growing engagement with organic food
• Execution of ‘Wessanen 2015’ running smoothly
– A transformational programme to become a more profitable company
– €(0.9) mln of costs incurred; cumulative costs €(17.2) mln
– Total costs (with a cash effect) of €(21) mln expected
– Savings of €15 mln expected from 2014 onwards
Q1 2013 performance (cont’d)
• Grocery continues to show healthy performance
– Most core categories showing growth
– Our brands (e.g. Bjorg, Clipper, Whole Earth) performing well
– Volume impacted by
• Lower private label sales in UK and Italy
• Withdrawal from low-yielding German and Italian grocery activities
• Positive signs visible at Health Food Stores, such as
– First indications of restructuring and refocus Bonneterre encouraging
– Allos growing sales, benefiting from its new positioning and innovations
– Benelux showing growth at existing formula and independent stores
– The Benelux operations to be split in branded and wholesale/distribution
businesses to increase focus
Q1 revenue
Strong growth driven by
• Brand support (TV/360°)
• In-store & consumer activation
• Innovation
• First TV commercials since 2007
• A challenger to all conventional food brands
• 11% growth in the UK
• Integration in UK on plan
• Roll-out Europe
- France: Q1
- Netherlands: Q2
- Germany: Q3
• New positioning and
• New range from
March 2013
France Alter Eco – leading in French fairtrade
• Sale and purchase agreement signed
– Closing expected early June, depending on satisfaction certain closing conditions
• France Alter Eco
– Paris-based
– Revenue 2012 of €16.5 mln
– Organic and fair trade products such as chocolate, coffee, tea and juices
– Developed strong partnerships with farmers’ cooperatives
– Around 100 products
• Marketed in grocery, HFS and out-of-home channels
– Multiple paid 0.2-0.3x revenue
Q1 2013 performance (cont’d)
• IZICO making good progress in becoming one company
– Deurne plant has been closed per end of March
– New structure and roles at various departments are being implemented
– Autonomous revenue up: retail growing, out-of-home impacted by sluggish demand
– Beckers and Bicky performing in line with expectations
• At ABC , Daily’s maintained its market share, despite lower volumes
– Pouches line expanded with 6 new flavours
• 3x Tropical and 3x light, now totalling 13
– Little Hug continues to grow, gaining market share
– New campaign launched
Retailer Support
64th of July promotion
Attractiveness organic food markets
European organic food an attractive, growing segment
– Size €21 bn; 2011 growth around 6%
– <3% of total European food market
Increasing consumer appreciation
Still low per capita consumption
– European Union €30 per annum
Consumers increasingly convinced of benefits of organic food
regarding health, taste and environment
Grocery and Health Food Stores channels developing at
different growth path
Wessanen business principles
• Compliance with laws: being a responsible partner in society,
acting with integrity towards all stakeholders and others who
can be affected by our activities
• Environment: in line with commitment to sustainable
development, we will do all that is reasonable and practicable to
minimise adverse effects on the environment
• Product safety: we aim at all times to supply safe products
and services
• Free market competition: we support free market
competition as basis of conducting business; we observe
applicable competition laws and regulations
• Child, bonded and forced labour: under no circumstances we
are making use of forced or bonded labour; we do not employ
children in violation of relevant conventions of ILO
• Human rights: we support and respect human rights and
strive to ensure that our activities do not make it an accessory
to infringements of human rights
We expect suppliers and business partners to comply with the above principles
Wessanen’s supply chain
Palm oil - member RSPO
• Palm oil is important, versatile raw material for food
– Only be cultivated in tropical areas of Asia, Africa and South America
– Concerns that demand causing expansion of plantations into eco-sensitive areas
• Since March 2011 Member of Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)
– Global multi-stakeholder initiative
– Encouraging sustainable production/use palm oil
– Wessanen commits to organisation’s objectives
• In 2011, we developed policy to govern palm oil sourcing and guidelines for implementation in
partnership with our suppliers
• Committed to switching palm oil to RSPO certified sustainable palm oil during 2012-13
– RSPO certified segregated palm oil for organic
– GREEN PALM certificates for conventional
Organic Expertise Centre (OEC)
• Establishment internal expertise center - named OEC - in 2010
 To stimulate exchange of knowledge / experience that is widely available
within Wessanen
 To educate and inspire our internal / external stakeholders in organic values
• Specialists join forces and work on pan-European issues
• To legitimise our position in organic world by championing the organic case
• Focal areas will be:
 Training (incl. training package for newcomers)
 Knowledge building by teaming up with external researchers and experts
 Lobbying to promote organic food
 Communication for more general awareness / knowledge of organic food
A long and rich history
 1765 - Incorporated around river De Zaan
– Adriaan Wessanen started to trade in mustard, canary and other seeds
 Around 1910 introducing first consumer products such as
oatmeal and cocoa
 1913 - Distinguished title Royal (99 years !)
 1959 - Listed on Euronext Amsterdam
 2009 - Strategic reorientation  focus on organic food in Europe
 2012 - To make our organic brands most desired in Europe
• 2015 - Marking 250th anniversary of Wessanen
2012 overview
EBIT before exceptionals
FTEs (average)
Grocery HFS IZICO ABC Corporate
Average Capital Employed
Grocery HFS IZICO ABC Corporate
€711mln €19mln*
2,064 €240mln
* Incl. non-allocated* Incl. intercompany sales
Q1 figures per segment
In € mln Revenue Normalised EBIT
Q1 13 Q1 12 Q1 13
Grocery 70.9 66.4 
HFS (Health Food Stores) 52.8 53.9 
IZICO 28.2 27.8 
ABC 22.5 24.7 
Non-allocated (1.9)* (2.2)* 
Wessanen 172.5 170.6 
* Eliminations for inter-segment revenue (between Grocery and HFS)
Revenue breakdown per segment
Health Food Stores
 Autonomous third party revenue growth
 Autonomous third party revenue growth
 Autonomous third party revenue growth
 Autonomous third party revenue growth
Financials Q1 / guidance 2013
Financials Q1
• Net financing costs €(0.4) mln Q1 2012: €(0.6) mln (restated)
• Income tax expenses €(2.7) mln Q1 2012: €(0.8) mln
Guidance FY2013
• Net financing costs €(2-3) mln
• Effective tax rate around 35%
• Capex €8-10 mln
• Depreciation and amortisation €14 mln
• Non-allocated expenses (incl. corporate) €11 mln
Revised IAS 19 – impact on FY 2012 / yearend 2012
• €0.5 mln higher personnel expenses
• €1.1 mln lower net financing costs
• Equally distributed over all four quarters
• Equity (‘OCI’) €9.0 mln higher as at yearend 2012
Royal Wessanen
A leading player in organic food in Europe

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Wessanen Q1 2013 roadshow ppt

  • 1. Royal Wessanen A leading player in organic food in Europe Q1 2013 roadshow presentation Updated 26april 2013 www.wessanen.com @RoyalWessanen
  • 2. In a nutshell A leading European organic food player • Own operations in Benelux, France, Germany, Italy, UK + export operations • Pioneering brands | indulgence & nutritional • Well-managed supply chain | Strong focus on quality, innovations, brands • Factories in UK (tea), Germany (vegetable spreads) (cereals/bars/spreads/honey) and Italy (soy/non-dairy drinks) • Turnover €711mln (2012) | 2,064 employees (on average) Organic food market • Attractive part of food market | growing | low per capita consumption | €22bn market • No colouring/flavouring | GMO-free | no artificial fertilisers | animal health • Unique certification system | grown and processed according to EU regulation 2
  • 3. 3 Portfolio approach  focus on organic food 33 2009 2012 €711m Focus and investment into core brands & categories in organic in Europe Grocery HFS IZICO ABC Others €1585m
  • 4. What is organic?! Strict criteria to be allowed to be labelled organic Demonstrably free from GMO, pesticides and growth hormones Strict rules on animal welfare Severe restrictions on fertilisers, herbicides and pesticides Severe restrictions on additives and processing aids All about being produced and processed in line with organic principles Organic products promote health and well-being Holding benefits for the planet and for future generations All about nutrition and taste ! Organic food is controlled by a unique European certification system At Wessanen, our vision is to make our organic brands most desired in Europe 4
  • 5. 5 Nutrition and food issues Transparency Sustainability Weight and obesity ORGANIC
  • 6. Our vision is to build the most desired brands in Europe in our focus area 6 Healthy nutrition Ethical sustainable Authentic taste Functional food
  • 7. Strategic objectives 7 Sales growth • Grow core brands • Grow core categories • Build strongholds in new markets • Country specific growth strategies • Launch fewer, bigger, better innovations • Execute acquisitions shortlist Profitabilty improvement • Central sourcing savings • Pricing strategies towards customers • Improve operational excellence with SAP • Filling own factories Enablers • Improve talent performance management / building connected leadership • Simplify how we are conducting business • Activate Organic Expertise Centre (OEC), integrate Quality Wessanen 2015 A more integrated consumer and customer driven organisation, being focussed, less complex, more efficient and integrated
  • 8. Transformation programme ‘Wessanen 2015’ 1. Create more focus on our activities • Reduction of approx. 300 FTE • Expected one-off costs €(21) mln cash and €(7.0) mln non-cash impairment Deurne plant • Expected savings €15 mln p.a. from 2014 onwards 3. Addressing low-yielding and non-performing activities • Strongly reducing German grocery presence, changing go-to-market approach • Focus in Italian grocery on non-dairy (soy) 2. Reduce complexity and simplify processes • Cutting the tail / reducing number of SKUs at − Dutch brands; French HFS brands; Export • Centralising quality department • In the Netherlands, focus on one franchise formula (Natuurwinkel), to end GooodyFooods formula • Supply chain to manage our plants as of 2013 and to streamline processes • Further increased focus on core brands and core categories • Expansion number of CBTs (category brand teams) • Split in branded and distribution organisation − Benelux operations − French HFS operations
  • 9. Net debt / Leverage ratio 0 25 50 75 100 Q1 11 Q2 11 Q3 11 Q4 11 Q1 12 Q2 12 Q3 12 Q4 12 Q1 13 0 1 2 3 Q1 11 Q2 11 Q3 11 Q4 11 Q1 12 Q2 12 Q3 12 Q4 12 Q1 13 9 Net debt Leverage ratio €63 mln 1.7x In € mln
  • 10. A very sound financial position In € mln Mar 13 Dec 12 * Restated Non-current assets 152.7 154.5 Current assets 214.4 183.4 TOTAL ASSETS 367.1 337.9 10 In € mln Mar 13 Dec 12 * Restated Dec 12 Reported Total equity 115.8 110.8 101.6 Non-current liabilities 20.3 81.0 90.2 Current liabilities 231.0 146.1 146.1 Total liabilities 251.3 227.1 236.3 TOTAL EQUITY & LIABILITIES 367.1 337.9 337.9 *Restated for IAS19R
  • 11. Q1 2013 key figures In € mln Q1 2013 Q1 2012 Revenue 172.5 170.6 Autonomous growth (1.0)% Normalised EBIT 9.3 2.9 As % of revenue 5.4% 1.7% Exceptional costs (1.1) - EBIT 8.2 2.9 Net result, attributable to equity holders 5.1 1.7 Earnings per share (EPS) 0.07 0.02 11 EBIT improvement Gross profit  Operating costs  Marketing spending 
  • 12. Q1 2013 performance • We have to cope with uncertain economic times, deteriorating consumer confidence and increased unemployment • Consumer appreciation for healthy and nutritional food is continuously growing – Consumers are gradually incorporating more of a sustainable agenda when making food purchases – Consumers show growing engagement with organic food • Execution of ‘Wessanen 2015’ running smoothly – A transformational programme to become a more profitable company – €(0.9) mln of costs incurred; cumulative costs €(17.2) mln – Total costs (with a cash effect) of €(21) mln expected – Savings of €15 mln expected from 2014 onwards 12
  • 13. Q1 2013 performance (cont’d) • Grocery continues to show healthy performance – Most core categories showing growth – Our brands (e.g. Bjorg, Clipper, Whole Earth) performing well – Volume impacted by • Lower private label sales in UK and Italy • Withdrawal from low-yielding German and Italian grocery activities • Positive signs visible at Health Food Stores, such as – First indications of restructuring and refocus Bonneterre encouraging – Allos growing sales, benefiting from its new positioning and innovations – Benelux showing growth at existing formula and independent stores – The Benelux operations to be split in branded and wholesale/distribution businesses to increase focus 13 Q1 revenue 30% 41% 13% 16% Grocery HFS IZICO ABC
  • 14. Strong growth driven by • Brand support (TV/360°) • In-store & consumer activation • Innovation 14
  • 15. • First TV commercials since 2007 • A challenger to all conventional food brands
  • 16. 16 • 11% growth in the UK • Integration in UK on plan • Roll-out Europe - France: Q1 - Netherlands: Q2 - Germany: Q3
  • 17. 17 • New positioning and Communication • New range from March 2013
  • 18. France Alter Eco – leading in French fairtrade • Sale and purchase agreement signed – Closing expected early June, depending on satisfaction certain closing conditions • France Alter Eco – Paris-based – Revenue 2012 of €16.5 mln – Organic and fair trade products such as chocolate, coffee, tea and juices – Developed strong partnerships with farmers’ cooperatives – Around 100 products • Marketed in grocery, HFS and out-of-home channels – Multiple paid 0.2-0.3x revenue 18
  • 19. Q1 2013 performance (cont’d) • IZICO making good progress in becoming one company – Deurne plant has been closed per end of March – New structure and roles at various departments are being implemented – Autonomous revenue up: retail growing, out-of-home impacted by sluggish demand – Beckers and Bicky performing in line with expectations • At ABC , Daily’s maintained its market share, despite lower volumes – Pouches line expanded with 6 new flavours • 3x Tropical and 3x light, now totalling 13 – Little Hug continues to grow, gaining market share – New campaign launched 19
  • 20. Retailer Support 64th of July promotion
  • 22. Attractiveness organic food markets European organic food an attractive, growing segment – Size €21 bn; 2011 growth around 6% – <3% of total European food market Increasing consumer appreciation Still low per capita consumption – European Union €30 per annum Consumers increasingly convinced of benefits of organic food regarding health, taste and environment Grocery and Health Food Stores channels developing at different growth path 22
  • 23. Wessanen business principles • Compliance with laws: being a responsible partner in society, acting with integrity towards all stakeholders and others who can be affected by our activities • Environment: in line with commitment to sustainable development, we will do all that is reasonable and practicable to minimise adverse effects on the environment • Product safety: we aim at all times to supply safe products and services • Free market competition: we support free market competition as basis of conducting business; we observe applicable competition laws and regulations • Child, bonded and forced labour: under no circumstances we are making use of forced or bonded labour; we do not employ children in violation of relevant conventions of ILO • Human rights: we support and respect human rights and strive to ensure that our activities do not make it an accessory to infringements of human rights 23 We expect suppliers and business partners to comply with the above principles
  • 25. Palm oil - member RSPO • Palm oil is important, versatile raw material for food – Only be cultivated in tropical areas of Asia, Africa and South America – Concerns that demand causing expansion of plantations into eco-sensitive areas • Since March 2011 Member of Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) – Global multi-stakeholder initiative – Encouraging sustainable production/use palm oil – Wessanen commits to organisation’s objectives • In 2011, we developed policy to govern palm oil sourcing and guidelines for implementation in partnership with our suppliers • Committed to switching palm oil to RSPO certified sustainable palm oil during 2012-13 – RSPO certified segregated palm oil for organic – GREEN PALM certificates for conventional 25
  • 26. Organic Expertise Centre (OEC) • Establishment internal expertise center - named OEC - in 2010  To stimulate exchange of knowledge / experience that is widely available within Wessanen  To educate and inspire our internal / external stakeholders in organic values • Specialists join forces and work on pan-European issues • To legitimise our position in organic world by championing the organic case • Focal areas will be:  Training (incl. training package for newcomers)  Knowledge building by teaming up with external researchers and experts  Lobbying to promote organic food  Communication for more general awareness / knowledge of organic food 26
  • 27. A long and rich history  1765 - Incorporated around river De Zaan – Adriaan Wessanen started to trade in mustard, canary and other seeds  Around 1910 introducing first consumer products such as oatmeal and cocoa  1913 - Distinguished title Royal (99 years !)  1959 - Listed on Euronext Amsterdam  2009 - Strategic reorientation  focus on organic food in Europe  2012 - To make our organic brands most desired in Europe • 2015 - Marking 250th anniversary of Wessanen 27
  • 28. 2012 overview Revenue 273 205 113 129 Grocery HFS IZICO ABC EBIT before exceptionals 22,0 0,0 1,8 6,3 Grocery HFS IZICO ABC FTEs (average) 434 630487 451 62 Grocery HFS IZICO ABC Corporate Average Capital Employed 89 59 37 48 7 Grocery HFS IZICO ABC Corporate 28 €711mln €19mln* 2,064 €240mln * Incl. non-allocated* Incl. intercompany sales *
  • 29. Q1 figures per segment In € mln Revenue Normalised EBIT Q1 13 Q1 12 Q1 13 Grocery 70.9 66.4  HFS (Health Food Stores) 52.8 53.9  IZICO 28.2 27.8  ABC 22.5 24.7  Non-allocated (1.9)* (2.2)*  Wessanen 172.5 170.6  29 * Eliminations for inter-segment revenue (between Grocery and HFS)
  • 30. Revenue breakdown per segment 52,8 53,9 30 22,5 24,7 (1.5)% Health Food Stores  Autonomous third party revenue growth 70,9 66,4 1.7% Grocery  Autonomous third party revenue growth 28,2 27,8 1.4% IZICO  Autonomous third party revenue growth (9.9)% ABC  Autonomous third party revenue growth
  • 31. Financials Q1 / guidance 2013 Financials Q1 • Net financing costs €(0.4) mln Q1 2012: €(0.6) mln (restated) • Income tax expenses €(2.7) mln Q1 2012: €(0.8) mln Guidance FY2013 • Net financing costs €(2-3) mln • Effective tax rate around 35% • Capex €8-10 mln • Depreciation and amortisation €14 mln • Non-allocated expenses (incl. corporate) €11 mln Revised IAS 19 – impact on FY 2012 / yearend 2012 • €0.5 mln higher personnel expenses • €1.1 mln lower net financing costs • Equally distributed over all four quarters • Equity (‘OCI’) €9.0 mln higher as at yearend 2012 31
  • 32. Royal Wessanen A leading player in organic food in Europe