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VViiddeeoo LLeeccttuurreess ffoorr MMBBAA 
EEffffeeccttiivveenneessss ooff tthhee 
CCaannaaddiiaann AAnnttiidduummppiinngg 
RReeggiimmee:: IIss TTrraaddee 
NNiisshhaa MMaallhhoottrraa aanndd HHoorraattiiuu RRuuss 
WWEE wwoouulldd lliikkee ttoo tthhaannkk TTAARRGGEETT ((UUBBCC)) ffoorr 
ffuunnddiinngg tthhee aabboovvee pprroojjeecctt 
 The large and growing use of antidumping 
throughout the world: an interesting phenomenon, 
theoretically and empirically. 
 Do antidumping duties amount to trade protection 
for domestic producers? 
• Unambiguously yes, when all foreign firms would be 
restricted access to the domestic market, but Unclear 
when only certain firms/countries singled out 
• Antidumping - by its nature discriminatory among exporters 
 Also relevant from a policy point of view: AD duties - 
higher prices: penalize industries that use these 
protected goods and hurt final consumers. 
 A significant amount of work, theoretical and 
empirical, to study effectiveness and ramifications 
of AD investigations for an importing country: 
• There have been quite a few empirical studies carried 
out analyzing the trade effect of ANTIDUMPING 
investigations for various countries: US, EU, Mexico and 
more recently for a few other developing countries. 
 However, the results are not consistent across 
these studies for the various countries; thus one 
can not infer the effect of AD in Canada from 
these studies 
 Research on the use or the effect of the Canadian 
AD law is quite scarce. 
TThheerree iiss nnoo ccoonnsseennssuuss 
 PPrruussaa ((11999977)) :: ttrraaddee eeffffeeccttss ooff UUSS aannttiidduummppiinngg 
 aannttiidduummppiinngg dduuttiieess rreessttrriicctt ttrraaddee nnaammeedd ccoouunnttrriieess.. 
 TTrraaddee ddiivveerrssiioonn ttoo tthhee ‘‘nnoonn--nnaammeedd’’ ccoouunnttrriieess 
 VVaannddeennbbuusssscchhee eett aallll ((11999999)):: ccaassee ooff EEuurrooppeeaann 
 aannttiidduummppiinngg dduuttiieess rreessttrriicctt ttrraaddee ‘‘nnaammeedd’’ ccoouunnttrriieess 
 NNoo ttrraaddee ddiivveerrssiioonn ttoo tthhee ‘‘nnoonn--nnaammeedd’’ ccoouunnttrriieess 
 NNiieellss ((22000033)) sshhoowwss tthhaatt ffoorr MMeexxiiccoo tthheerree iissnn’’tt 
ssiiggnniiffiiccaanntt ttrraaddee ddiivveerrssiioonn aafftteerr AADD dduuttyy iiss 
iimmppoosseedd oonn tthhee nnaammeedd ccoouunnttrriieess.. 
DDooeess nnoott hheellpp iinnffeerr -- ttrraaddee eeffffeeccttss ooff AADD ppoolliiccyy iinn CCaannaaddaa Video.edhole.com
Importance ooff AADD iinn CCaannaaddaa 
NNuummbbeerr ooff PPrrooppeerrllyy ddooccuummeenntteedd ccaasseess 
Proportion of AD cases initiated by the countries 
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 
India United States Canada China European Community 
Percentage of AD cases initiated in each 
0 3 0 0 
1 3 0 
3 0 
4 2 
2 0 2 
0 1 1 2 0 1 
2 0 2 1 
1 1 
2 4 
Base Metal 
Canada United States European Community Video.edhole.com
CCaannaaddaa--AAnnttiidduummppiinngg llaaww 
 CCaannaaddaa''ss aannttii--dduummppiinngg aanndd ccoouunntteerrvvaaiilliinngg llaaww iiss 
ccoonnttaaiinneedd iinn tthhee SSppeecciiaall IImmppoorrtt MMeeaassuurreess AAcctt 
 Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) formerly 
- Revenue Canada ((CCCCRRAA)) aanndd tthhee CCaannaaddiiaann 
IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall TTrraaddee TTrriibbuunnaall ((TTrriibbuunnaall)) aarree jjooiinnttllyy 
rreessppoonnssiibbllee ffoorr aaddmmiinniisstteerriinngg SSIIMMAA 
 IIff aann iinndduussttrryy iinn CCaannaaddaa bbeelliieevveess tthhaatt iitt iiss bbeeiinngg 
iinnjjuurreedd bbyy uunnffaaiirr ccoommppeettiittiioonn tthhrroouugghh dduummppiinngg,, iitt 
mmaayy rreeqquueesstt tthhee iimmppoossiittiioonn ooff aannttiidduummppiinngg dduuttiieess 
bbyy ffiilliinngg aa ppeettiittiioonn wwiitthh CCBBSSAA.. 
CCaannaaddaa--AAnnttiidduummppiinngg llaaww 
 SStteeppss uunnddeerrttaakkeenn iinn aann AADD iinnvveessttiiggaattiioonn 
• PPeettiittiioonn ffiilleedd bbyy tthhee ffiirrmm//ffiirrmmss oonn bbeehhaallff ooff tthhee 
iinndduussttrryy ((ppeettiittiioonneerrss mmuusstt rreepprreesseenntt aatt lleeaasstt 
2255%% ooff ddoommeessttiicc pprroodduuccttiioonn )) 
• CCBBSSAA ssttaarrttss aann iinnvveessttiiggaattiioonn aanndd ddeecciiddeess 
wwhheetthheerr ttoo bbeeggiinn aa ffoorrmmaall iinnvveessttiiggaattiioonn oorr ddrroopp 
tthhee ccaassee ((SSeennddss aa ccooppyy ttoo tthhee TTrriibbuunnaall)) 
• TTrriibbuunnaall’’ss pprreelliimmiinnaarryy IInnjjuurryy ffiinnddiinngg 
• CCBBSSAA pprreelliimmiinnaarryy dduummppiinngg ffiinnddiinngg 
• CCBBSSAA ffiinnaall dduummppiinngg ffiinnddiinngg 
• TTrriibbuunnaall’’ss ffiinnaall iinnjjuurryy ffiinnddiinngg 
WTO ADA: harmonization of ground principles (normal 
values, need to prove injury etc.), still allows for 
national/regional regulatory variation 
1. ‘two-track’ AD determination, like the US, unlike the EU 
prospective system, unlike the US (retrospective) 
1. no lesser duty rule: “full duty rule” - unlike the EU regime, 
but similar the US (more protectionist?) 
1. the cumulation principle repeatedly maintained (pool 
exporters to determine injury) 
1. the 2% de minimis principle rarely used, at country level 
(expect lower diversion if C.A. national) 
1. Some results may be interpreted from the perspective of 
these institutional and procedural differences in AD 
 Trade effects of AD policy in the 
manufacturing Industry in Canada. 
• Are antidumping duties effective in 
restricting trade from Countries named 
in the ANTIDUMPING petition? 
• Is there any trade diversion to other 
non-named countries thus making AD 
ineffective as a protectionist tool. 
 iimmppoorrttss mmiigghhtt bbee ddiivveerrtteedd aawwaayy ffrroomm tthhee 
aalllleeggeedd ssoouurrccee ccoouunnttrryy ttoo tthhee nnoonn--aalllleeggeedd 
ccoouunnttrriieess rreennddeerriinngg AADD llaaww iinneeffffeeccttiivvee iinn 
bbeenneeffiittiinngg tthhee ddoommeessttiicc IInndduussttrryy.. 
• bbeenneeffiicciiaarryy ooff AADD dduuttiieess iiss nnoott tthhee ddoommeessttiicc 
iinndduussttrryy,, bbuutt eexxppoorrtteerrss ttoo wwhhoomm ttrraaddee iiss 
 TThheessee qquueessttiioonnss aarree aallssoo rreelleevvaanntt ffrroomm aa 
ppoolliiccyy ppooiinntt ooff vviieeww;; AADD dduuttiieess lliikkee aannyy 
ootthheerr ttaarriiffff ttrraannssllaattee iinnttoo hhiigghheerr pprriicceess.. 
• TThheessee hhiigghheerr pprriicceess ppeennaalliizzee iinndduussttrriieess tthhaatt 
uussee tthheessee pprrootteecctteedd ggooooddss aanndd aallssoo hhuurrtt ffiinnaall 
Data : 1990 - 2000 
• Level of Imports: Detailed 10-digit HS-level 
import data was obtained from Statistics 
• Antidumping Data: Canadian antidumping 
measures was constructed using the report 
from the Canadian Border Services Agency’s 
Historical Listing of Antidumping Cases. 
• confirmed from WTO Antidumping Gateway 
and complemented from Statistics Canada’s 
directory of HS codes 
(The ANTIDUMPING data is available from the authors. 
Video.neisdhah@oinlete.rcchoamnge.ubc.ca/ horatiu@interchange.ubc.ca)
EEmmppiirriiccaall SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonn 
 llnnmm:: LLoogg IImmppoorrttss 
 aa:: aaffffiirrmmaattiivvee 
 nn:: nneeggaattiivvee 
 uu:: UUnnddeerrttaakkiinngg 
 tt((11--33)):: YYeeaarrss aafftteerr AADD 
iiss ffiilleedd;; tt11:: oonnee yyeeaarr 
aafftteerr ppeettiittiioonn iiss ffiilleedd 
 IInntteerraaccttiioonn tteerrmmss 
 IInncclluuddee yyeeaarr 
 OOrrddiinnaarryy LLeeaasstt 
 FFiixxeedd EEffffeecctt MMooddeellss 
 Sizeable trade restriction effects: strong evidence of 
substantial (76%) trade restriction from named countries, 
one period after the imposition of duties 
 a time-effective protectionist tool: initial drop not followed 
by subsequent import decreases in later periods 
 no strong indication of an “investigation”/“harassment” 
effect of Canadian AD: a negative dumping determination 
has no significant trade effects for both named and non-named 
sources (transparency, prospective AD?) 
 Canadian Antidumping - timely and effective as a 
protectionist instrument 
CCoommppaarriinngg tthhee rreessuullttss 
 Prusa(2001): 
substantial (50%) import drop from 
the named sources in the first period 
 Vandenbussche et al.(2001): 
comparable imports restrictions of 
67% determination 
 Canadian AD = timely and effective as 
protectionist tool: 
 significant reduction in imports from 
named sources, concentrated in the period 
immediately after the imposition of duties 
 little to no evidence of imports being 
diverted toward non-named countries or 
 Possible refinements: does product 
homogeneity/heterogeneity matter? Why 
no effect for undertakings? 

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  • 1. VViiddeeoo LLeeccttuurreess ffoorr MMBBAA BByy:: VViiddeeoo..eeddhhoollee..ccoomm
  • 2. EEffffeeccttiivveenneessss ooff tthhee CCaannaaddiiaann AAnnttiidduummppiinngg RReeggiimmee:: IIss TTrraaddee RReessttrriicctteedd?? NNiisshhaa MMaallhhoottrraa aanndd HHoorraattiiuu RRuuss WWEE wwoouulldd lliikkee ttoo tthhaannkk TTAARRGGEETT ((UUBBCC)) ffoorr ffuunnddiinngg tthhee aabboovvee pprroojjeecctt Video.edhole.com
  • 3. MMoottiivvaattiioonn  The large and growing use of antidumping throughout the world: an interesting phenomenon, theoretically and empirically.  Do antidumping duties amount to trade protection for domestic producers? • Unambiguously yes, when all foreign firms would be restricted access to the domestic market, but Unclear when only certain firms/countries singled out • Antidumping - by its nature discriminatory among exporters  Also relevant from a policy point of view: AD duties - higher prices: penalize industries that use these protected goods and hurt final consumers. Video.edhole.com
  • 4. IImmppoorrttaannccee  A significant amount of work, theoretical and empirical, to study effectiveness and ramifications of AD investigations for an importing country: • There have been quite a few empirical studies carried out analyzing the trade effect of ANTIDUMPING investigations for various countries: US, EU, Mexico and more recently for a few other developing countries.  However, the results are not consistent across these studies for the various countries; thus one can not infer the effect of AD in Canada from these studies  Research on the use or the effect of the Canadian AD law is quite scarce. Video.edhole.com
  • 5. LLiitteerraattuurree TThheerree iiss nnoo ccoonnsseennssuuss  PPrruussaa ((11999977)) :: ttrraaddee eeffffeeccttss ooff UUSS aannttiidduummppiinngg aaccttiioonnss  aannttiidduummppiinngg dduuttiieess rreessttrriicctt ttrraaddee nnaammeedd ccoouunnttrriieess..  TTrraaddee ddiivveerrssiioonn ttoo tthhee ‘‘nnoonn--nnaammeedd’’ ccoouunnttrriieess  VVaannddeennbbuusssscchhee eett aallll ((11999999)):: ccaassee ooff EEuurrooppeeaann UUnniioonn..  aannttiidduummppiinngg dduuttiieess rreessttrriicctt ttrraaddee ‘‘nnaammeedd’’ ccoouunnttrriieess  NNoo ttrraaddee ddiivveerrssiioonn ttoo tthhee ‘‘nnoonn--nnaammeedd’’ ccoouunnttrriieess  NNiieellss ((22000033)) sshhoowwss tthhaatt ffoorr MMeexxiiccoo tthheerree iissnn’’tt ssiiggnniiffiiccaanntt ttrraaddee ddiivveerrssiioonn aafftteerr AADD dduuttyy iiss iimmppoosseedd oonn tthhee nnaammeedd ccoouunnttrriieess.. DDooeess nnoott hheellpp iinnffeerr -- ttrraaddee eeffffeeccttss ooff AADD ppoolliiccyy iinn CCaannaaddaa Video.edhole.com
  • 6. Importance ooff AADD iinn CCaannaaddaa NNuummbbeerr ooff PPrrooppeerrllyy ddooccuummeenntteedd ccaasseess Video.edhole.com
  • 7. Proportion of AD cases initiated by the countries 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 India United States Canada China European Community Video.edhole.com
  • 8. Percentage of AD cases initiated in each sector 11 16 8 0 3 0 0 7 1 3 0 3 0 4 2 67 2 0 2 9 2 13 8 13 0 1 1 2 0 1 58 5 2 0 2 1 1 1 34 13 2 4 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Agri Mineral Chem Plast/rub VIII wood X Textile XII XIII Base Metal Transp.equip Mach/Appliances XX Sectors Canada United States European Community Video.edhole.com
  • 9. CCaannaaddaa--AAnnttiidduummppiinngg llaaww  CCaannaaddaa''ss aannttii--dduummppiinngg aanndd ccoouunntteerrvvaaiilliinngg llaaww iiss ccoonnttaaiinneedd iinn tthhee SSppeecciiaall IImmppoorrtt MMeeaassuurreess AAcctt ((SSIIMMAA))..  Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) formerly - Revenue Canada ((CCCCRRAA)) aanndd tthhee CCaannaaddiiaann IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall TTrraaddee TTrriibbuunnaall ((TTrriibbuunnaall)) aarree jjooiinnttllyy rreessppoonnssiibbllee ffoorr aaddmmiinniisstteerriinngg SSIIMMAA  IIff aann iinndduussttrryy iinn CCaannaaddaa bbeelliieevveess tthhaatt iitt iiss bbeeiinngg iinnjjuurreedd bbyy uunnffaaiirr ccoommppeettiittiioonn tthhrroouugghh dduummppiinngg,, iitt mmaayy rreeqquueesstt tthhee iimmppoossiittiioonn ooff aannttiidduummppiinngg dduuttiieess bbyy ffiilliinngg aa ppeettiittiioonn wwiitthh CCBBSSAA.. Video.edhole.com
  • 10. CCaannaaddaa--AAnnttiidduummppiinngg llaaww  SStteeppss uunnddeerrttaakkeenn iinn aann AADD iinnvveessttiiggaattiioonn • PPeettiittiioonn ffiilleedd bbyy tthhee ffiirrmm//ffiirrmmss oonn bbeehhaallff ooff tthhee iinndduussttrryy ((ppeettiittiioonneerrss mmuusstt rreepprreesseenntt aatt lleeaasstt 2255%% ooff ddoommeessttiicc pprroodduuccttiioonn )) • CCBBSSAA ssttaarrttss aann iinnvveessttiiggaattiioonn aanndd ddeecciiddeess wwhheetthheerr ttoo bbeeggiinn aa ffoorrmmaall iinnvveessttiiggaattiioonn oorr ddrroopp tthhee ccaassee ((SSeennddss aa ccooppyy ttoo tthhee TTrriibbuunnaall)) • TTrriibbuunnaall’’ss pprreelliimmiinnaarryy IInnjjuurryy ffiinnddiinngg • CCBBSSAA pprreelliimmiinnaarryy dduummppiinngg ffiinnddiinngg • CCBBSSAA ffiinnaall dduummppiinngg ffiinnddiinngg • TTrriibbuunnaall’’ss ffiinnaall iinnjjuurryy ffiinnddiinngg Video.edhole.com
  • 11. Difference iinn AANNTTIIDDUUMMPPIINNGG lleeggiissllaattiioonn WTO ADA: harmonization of ground principles (normal values, need to prove injury etc.), still allows for national/regional regulatory variation 1. ‘two-track’ AD determination, like the US, unlike the EU prospective system, unlike the US (retrospective) 1. no lesser duty rule: “full duty rule” - unlike the EU regime, but similar the US (more protectionist?) 1. the cumulation principle repeatedly maintained (pool exporters to determine injury) 1. the 2% de minimis principle rarely used, at country level (expect lower diversion if C.A. national) 1. Some results may be interpreted from the perspective of these institutional and procedural differences in AD legislation. Video.edhole.com
  • 12. QQuueessttiioonn  Trade effects of AD policy in the manufacturing Industry in Canada. • Are antidumping duties effective in restricting trade from Countries named in the ANTIDUMPING petition? • Is there any trade diversion to other non-named countries thus making AD ineffective as a protectionist tool. Video.edhole.com
  • 13. QQuueessttiioonn--WWhhyy??  iimmppoorrttss mmiigghhtt bbee ddiivveerrtteedd aawwaayy ffrroomm tthhee aalllleeggeedd ssoouurrccee ccoouunnttrryy ttoo tthhee nnoonn--aalllleeggeedd ccoouunnttrriieess rreennddeerriinngg AADD llaaww iinneeffffeeccttiivvee iinn bbeenneeffiittiinngg tthhee ddoommeessttiicc IInndduussttrryy.. • bbeenneeffiicciiaarryy ooff AADD dduuttiieess iiss nnoott tthhee ddoommeessttiicc iinndduussttrryy,, bbuutt eexxppoorrtteerrss ttoo wwhhoomm ttrraaddee iiss ddiivveerrtteedd  TThheessee qquueessttiioonnss aarree aallssoo rreelleevvaanntt ffrroomm aa ppoolliiccyy ppooiinntt ooff vviieeww;; AADD dduuttiieess lliikkee aannyy ootthheerr ttaarriiffff ttrraannssllaattee iinnttoo hhiigghheerr pprriicceess.. • TThheessee hhiigghheerr pprriicceess ppeennaalliizzee iinndduussttrriieess tthhaatt uussee tthheessee pprrootteecctteedd ggooooddss aanndd aallssoo hhuurrtt ffiinnaall ccoonnssuummeerrss Video.edhole.com
  • 15. DDAATTAA Data : 1990 - 2000 • Level of Imports: Detailed 10-digit HS-level import data was obtained from Statistics Canada. • Antidumping Data: Canadian antidumping measures was constructed using the report from the Canadian Border Services Agency’s Historical Listing of Antidumping Cases. • confirmed from WTO Antidumping Gateway and complemented from Statistics Canada’s directory of HS codes (The ANTIDUMPING data is available from the authors. Video.neisdhah@oinlete.rcchoamnge.ubc.ca/ horatiu@interchange.ubc.ca)
  • 16. EEmmppiirriiccaall SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonn  llnnmm:: LLoogg IImmppoorrttss  aa:: aaffffiirrmmaattiivvee  nn:: nneeggaattiivvee  uu:: UUnnddeerrttaakkiinngg  tt((11--33)):: YYeeaarrss aafftteerr AADD iiss ffiilleedd;; tt11:: oonnee yyeeaarr aafftteerr ppeettiittiioonn iiss ffiilleedd  IInntteerraaccttiioonn tteerrmmss  IInncclluuddee yyeeaarr dduummmmiieess MMooddeellss::  OOrrddiinnaarryy LLeeaasstt SSqquuaarree RReeggrreessssiioonnss  FFiixxeedd EEffffeecctt MMooddeellss Video.edhole.com
  • 17. RReessuullttss  Sizeable trade restriction effects: strong evidence of substantial (76%) trade restriction from named countries, one period after the imposition of duties  a time-effective protectionist tool: initial drop not followed by subsequent import decreases in later periods  no strong indication of an “investigation”/“harassment” effect of Canadian AD: a negative dumping determination has no significant trade effects for both named and non-named sources (transparency, prospective AD?)  Canadian Antidumping - timely and effective as a protectionist instrument Video.edhole.com
  • 19. CCoommppaarriinngg tthhee rreessuullttss  Prusa(2001): substantial (50%) import drop from the named sources in the first period  Vandenbussche et al.(2001): comparable imports restrictions of 67% determination Video.edhole.com
  • 21. CCoonncclluussiioonn  Canadian AD = timely and effective as protectionist tool:  significant reduction in imports from named sources, concentrated in the period immediately after the imposition of duties  little to no evidence of imports being diverted toward non-named countries or firms  Possible refinements: does product homogeneity/heterogeneity matter? Why no effect for undertakings? Video.edhole.com

Editor's Notes

  1. In my presentation today, I will talk a little about why some countries might undertake dumping and the Antimdumping legislation in the US I he main aim of this presentation is to consider, the impact that restricting imports might have on domestic competition I am not here to discuss whether AD legislation is just or not. But to look at some cases in the chemical industry and see the impact of import restriction on domestic competition.
  2. Dumping: Surplus Shock or Demand shock Strategic behaviour: Entry; Predatory pricing behavior Price competition between markets
  3. The process takes about seven months from when the CBSA starts an investigation until the Tribunal makes a final decision on the injury matter. The process takes about seven months from when the CBSA starts an investigation until the Tribunal makes a final decision on the injury matter. The process takes about seven months from when the CBSA starts an investigation until the Tribunal makes a final decision on the injury matter. The process takes about seven months from when the CBSA starts an investigation until the Tribunal makes a final decision on the injury matter.
  4. Antidumping an important trade policy that affects a large proportion of imports in Canada, and requires better understanding of its use and its effect on trade.
  5. Chemical industry-Is the second largest user of Antidumping duty after the steel industry An important feature of the chemical industry is that the optimum scale of production is rather large. Implying that one would observe fewer and larger producers in an industry. In this industry the impact of AD legislation on competition is relatively strong. Since, the domestic producers are few in number. Between 1990 and 1999, there were 55 petitions for import restriction Out of which 73% of the cases were filed by single firms. (IN other industries you would observe a few firms getting together to file a petition) And, in most of these cases single firms were the sole producers of the product. (statistics-can’t say because the reports where I go the data tend to mention the larger producers)
  6. Here is a list of the cases for which I was able to get complete data. These cases account for 22 of the 55 cases Let me explain this table- Take polyvinyl alcohol, 4 petitions, or cases were filed against 4 countries. 3 of these cases were given an affirmative decision and 1 was given a negative decision So imports from 3 countries were imposed with ADD Most of these products are produces by a very few firms and this is where one has to be concerned about reducing competition. Sulfanilic acid also has only one large producers, an affirmative decision in this case also somewhat eliminates the domestic competition.
  7. Rhone-Poulenc. Facing competition from imports coming in from china. The petitioner not only filed a case under the US AD ligislation but also under the EU AD legislation. Thus restricting imports from china in both it’s market.
  8. The Antidumping legislation in the US is designed to protect the domestic industry from unfair imports. In case imports are being dumped in the country, AD authorities would impose restrictions on the imports This would protect domestic industries from unfair trade but at the same time this would reduce competition in the domestic markets This shouldn’t be of concern if the domestic market had a large number of producers but for industries consisting of a few producers this can drastically impact the domestic competition. Chemical industry-one important feature of chemical industry is that the optimum scale of production are rather large. Which would imply that one would observe fewer producers in an industry. And, of course, the benefits or gains from competition would be adversly affected. There might be lesser of an incentive to innovate and grow.