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Teamwork 101
By Tracy L. Chenoweth


09/15/15 2
How would you define


09/15/15 3
What Exactly is Teamwork?
• Teamwork is defined in Webster's New World
Dictionary as "a joint action by a group of people,
in which each person subordinates his or her
individual interests and opinions to the unity and
efficiency of the group."
• This does not mean that the individual is no longer
important; however, it does mean that effective
and efficient teamwork goes beyond individual
• The most effective teamwork is produced when
all the individuals involved harmonize their
contributions and work towards a common goal.


09/15/15 4
Characteristics of
Effective Teams
• The following are eight characteristics of
effective teams the were identified by
Larson and LaFasto in their book titled
Teamwork: What Must Go Right/What
Can Go Wrong (Sage Publications 1989).


09/15/15 5
• The team must have a clear goal.
– Avoid fuzzy, motherhood statements. Team
goals should call for a specific performance
objective, expressed so concisely that
everyone knows when the objective has been


09/15/15 6
• The team must have a results-driven
– The team should be allowed to operate in a
manner that produces results. It is often best
to allow the team to develop the structure.


09/15/15 7
• The team must have competent team
– This can be take to mean that the problem
given to the team should be one that the
members can tackle given their level of


09/15/15 8
• The team must have unified
– This doesn't mean that team members must
agree on everything. It means that all
individuals must be directing their efforts
towards the goal. If an individual's efforts is
going purely towards personal goals, then the
team will confront this and resolve the


09/15/15 9
• The team must have a collaborative
– It is a climate of trust produced by honest,
open, consistent and respectful behavior.
With this climate teams perform
well...without it, they


09/15/15 10
• The team must have high standards that
are understood by all.
– Team members must know what is expected
of them individually and collectively. Vague
statements such as "positive attitude" and
"demonstrated effort" are not good enough.


09/15/15 11
• The team must receive external support
and encouragement.
– Encouragement and praise works just as well
in motivating teams as it does with


09/15/15 12
• The team must have principled
– Teams usually need someone to lead the
effort. Team members must know that the
team leader has the position because they
have good leadership skills and are working
for the good of the team. The team members
will be less supportive if they feel that the
team leader is putting him/herself above the
team, achieving personal recognition or
otherwise benefiting from the position.


09/15/15 13
Question to Ponder
• Is there a difference between
working as a group and working as a


09/15/15 14
Groups Teams
• Members work independently
and they often are not working
towards the same goal.
• Members work interdependently and
work towards both personal and team
goals, and they understand these goals
are accomplished best by mutual
• Members focus mostly on
themselves because they are not
involved in the planning of their
group's objectives and goals.
• Members feel a sense of ownership
towards their role in the group because
they committed themselves to goals
they helped create.
• Members are given their tasks or
told what their duty/job is, and
suggestions are rarely welcomed.
• Members collaborate together and use
their talent and experience to contribute
to the success of the team's objectives.
• Members are very cautious about
what they say and are afraid to
ask questions. They may not
fully understand what is taking
place in their group.
• Members base their success on trust and
encourage all members to express their
opinions, varying views, and questions.
• Members do not trust each
other's motives because the do
not fully understand the role
each member plays in their
• Members make a conscious effort to be
honest, respectful, and listen to every
person's point of view.
• Members may have a lot to
contribute but are held back
because of a closed relationship
with each member.
• Members are encouraged to offer their
skills and knowledge, and in turn each
member is able contribute to the group's
• Members are bothered by
differing opinions or
disagreements because they
consider it a threat. There is not
group support to help resolve
• Members see conflict as a part of human
nature and they react to it by treating it
as an opportunity to hear about new
ideas and opinions. Everybody wants to
resolve problems constructively.
• Members may or may not
participate in group decision-
making, and conformity is
• Members participate equally in
decision-making, but each member
understands that the leader might need


09/15/15 15
Did you know that Teams
Actually, Grow?
• What do I mean by this term, Grow?
• How many stages of growth would
you predict?
• Can you name a few?


09/15/15 16
Stages of Team Growth.
• It is important for the team members to
know that teams don't just form
• and immediately start working together
to accomplish great things.
• There are actually stages of team growth
and teams must be given time to work
through the stages and become effective.
• Team growth can be separated into four


09/15/15 17
Stage #1- Forming
• When a team is forming, members
cautiously explore the boundaries of
acceptable group behavior.
• They search for their position within
the group and test the leader's
guidance. It is normal for little team
progress to occur during this stage.


09/15/15 18
Stage #2- Storming
• Storming is probably the most difficult
stage for the group. Members often
become impatient about the lack of
progress, but are still inexperienced with
working as a team.
• Members may argue about the actions they
should take because they faced with ideas
that are unfamiliar to them and put them
outside their comfort zones.
• Much of their energy is focused on each
other instead of achieving the goal.


09/15/15 19
Stage #3- Norming
• During this stage team members
accept the team and begin to
reconcile differences.
• Emotional conflict is reduced as
relationships become more
• The team is able to concentrate more
on their work and start to make
significant progress.


09/15/15 20
Stage #4- Performing
• By this stage the team members have
discovered and accepted each other's
strengths and weaknesses, and learned
what their roles are.
• Members are open and trusting and many
good ideas are produced because they are
not afraid to offer ideas and suggestions.
• They are comfortable using decision
making tools to evaluate the ideas,
prioritize tasks and solve problems. Much is
accomplished and team satisfaction and
loyalty is high.


09/15/15 21
Do We Need Stage #5
• What about when a group dissolves or
transforms into another team or group
• We could call that Dissolving or


09/15/15 22
Let’s Watch this Clip


09/15/15 23
Lets Play Ball
• Divide the participants up into small groups of about 5-
8 people.
• Each group is in competition with the other groups in
the room. The group who can complete the most
"circuits" in a given time will be the winner.
• A completed circuit occurs when every person in the
group has touched the tennis ball.
• Only one person in the group can touch the tennis ball
at one time (therefore the ball must be tossed rather
than passed.)
• If the ball ever touches the floor, then production must
stop for 30 seconds.


09/15/15 24
We will need
• Consensus on how the balls will be tossed
(direction, etc.)
• Who is going to note the 30 second rule
• Who is going to count the circuits


09/15/15 25
Situations that will occur
• Someone is on vacation
• Someone is sick/injured but working
• Someone is late
• Someone is
• Production has been increased/busy
• Someone is a semi-non-participant


09/15/15 26
What did you learn?
• What did you see?
• What did you hear?
• What did you expect?
• What did you learn?


09/15/15 27
Okay, Now What?
• We have defined what teamwork is
• We have listed the characteristics of
effective teams
• We know the difference between groups
and team
• We know that teams and teamwork forms
over time
• So now what?


09/15/15 28
NOW, lets get personal!!
• On a scale of 1 – 5 (one being the
least) rate yourself on the following
skill sets.
• 1. Listening 6. Sharing
• 2. Questioning 7. Participating
• 3. Persuading
• 4. Respecting
• 5. Helping
Be as honest
as you can!


09/15/15 29
• Listening is a skill.
• Listening and hearing are not the same
• You are not born with listening skills
• Listening incorporates more than your
– It includes your body language
– Your eyes
– Your brain
– Your facial expressions


09/15/15 30
Listening Example
• One of you is going to talk to me about
something and I am going to show you
what really is going on.
• Let’s have some fun
– Sample
• Talk and what is going on in my head
• Talk and doing too much
• Talk and on the phone
• Talk and upset or emotional
• What others have you noticed?


09/15/15 31
Top 10 List
• Most people spend roughly 70% of
their waking hours in some form of
verbal communication.
• Yet, how many of us have ever had
any formal training in the art of
• Here are ten things you can do to
improve your listening skills.


09/15/15 32
1. Approach the listening experience from a
state of calmness. No agendas, no
predispositions, no expected outcomes, no
guessing what is next
2. Never rule out any topic of discussion as
3. Accept the speaker's message
4. Listen for the whole message.
5. Don't get hung up on the speaker's delivery.
6. Avoid structured listening.


09/15/15 33
7. Tune out distractions.
8. Be alert to your own prejudices.
9. Resist the temptation to rebut.
10. Take notes sparingly.


09/15/15 34
Also Important
• Eye contact — Always direct your visual attention to the
person with whom you are conversing or listening.
• Body language — Always keep your body in attention. If
your body is slouched, your attention span may slack
and your listening skills may weaken.
• Responses — When asked, answer questions in complete
• Repetition — Repeat specific comments said by the
person with whom you are conversing or listening.
• Gentility — Be kind. People appear to be good listeners
when they want to listen to others. If you look like
you're listening "just because," then your listening skills
will appear less than perfect.


09/15/15 35
Communication is Key
• Pencil and Paper Challenge
– In groups of two
– Need a pencil or pen
– Need two pieces of paper


09/15/15 36
What did you learn?
• What did you see?
• What did you hear?
• What did you expect?
• What did you learn?


09/15/15 37
Review of Key Points
• On a scale of 1 – 5 (one being the
least) rate yourself on the following
skill sets.
• 1. Listening 6. Sharing
• 2. Questioning 7. Participating
• 3. Persuading
• 4. Respecting
• 5. Helping
Be as honest
as you can!


09/15/15 38
• Find out what it means to me?


09/15/15 39
Respect and Behavioral Styles
• Behavioral research suggests that about
three quarters of the people you work
with have a significantly different
approach to interpersonal interactions.


09/15/15 40
Do you ever wonder why...
• You get the reaction or response from
others that you do?
• You have friction with someone though
you're both working for the same goals?
• Some people get bogged down in detail
and can't see the big picture!?
• Some people can only see the big picture
and have no patience for detail!?
• Some people can't keep up with the pace
of change?
• Others seem to thrive on creating change?


09/15/15 41
Did you know?
• Successful personal relationships often
depend on "getting off on the right foot".
• Being able to quickly recognize a person's
behavioral style and interact
appropriately are critical to this process.


09/15/15 42
• The Greek physician and philosopher
Hippocrates first recognized behavior
• styles in 400 BC. He identified four basic types
of temperaments and linked
• them with liquids in the body. Today, we know
that there is no link with bodily
• fluids, but Hypocrites’ original concept of four
styles or temperaments has
• remained. He called them Choleric, Sanguine,
Melancholy, and Phlegmatic.


09/15/15 43
Choleric, Directive, Assertive,
Dominant, Controller
• Directive people have high expectations of themselves and
others. They make quick decisions, are self-reliant, are
usually comfortable taking risks, and are
results oriented. However, these individuals can also be
competitive, determined, have lower active listening skills
and can crave power. Choleric people are often
seen as demanding and driven. This is the person that
rushes in with a big idea that he/she thinks should be
implemented right away.
• Getting along with these folks requires that you:
ask specific questions;
be as direct as you can;
use goals and ends to get them on board;
don’t interrupt; and
always deal with the fact, not the person.


09/15/15 44
Melancholy, Analytic, Logical,
• Analytical people are those that examine the data and
prefer process and order. They are accurate, conscientious,
precise and deliberate. They may want additional time to
make decisions, are considered to have their emotions
under control, and may be hesitant to take risks. Logical
people are often seen as being obsessed with data, unable
to make a decision, and slow moving. This is the person who
has to have the chart “just so” before it is published, or
that corrects all your spelling and grammar mistakes. They
would probably have a map of where they are going before
leaving home for a new destination.
• Getting along with these folks requires that you:
be prepared and know your facts;
use specific data in an analytical form;
use examples; and
allow time for processing and decision making.


09/15/15 45
Sanguine, Creative, Persuader,
Expressive, Influential
• The creative person is that motivating, energizing, outgoing
person who inspires us all. Other characteristics include
generous, influential, and socially confident. This individual
may be seen as dramatic, emotional, and impulsive.
Sanguine people are often seen as being eccentric and
overly dramatic. These folks consider the environment
around them and how things “feel”. Often, this is the
person who suggests that everyone wear a funny hat to work
for April Fool’s day.
• Getting along with these folks requires that you:
spend time on the relationship,
use ideas that elicit an emotional response,
use incentives, and
request their opinion.


09/15/15 46
Phlegmatic, Empathetic,
Stabilizer, Amiable, Steady
• Empathetic people care about including everyone, they are
patient, supportive and considerate. These folks are easy
going and dependable and would just like everyone to get
along. They are often seen as deliberate, questioning, and
too concerned with other’s feelings. Phlegmatic people are
often seen as the “softies” of the office; caring about
others and considering how others might feel. These folks
care for the team and will ask for input from everyone.
They are often accused of caring too much and being too
• Getting along with these folks requires that you:
show concern;
create a supportive environment;
request input and suggestions; and
ask a lot of questions


09/15/15 47
• We each have a combination of styles, some
stronger in one area than others.
• The key to effective communication is being
aware of your own style and accommodating
others’ styles.
• This accommodation can be uncomfortable and
• take a lot of energy, but it is worth it when
improved communication is the result.


09/15/15 48
Which One are You?
• Choleric, Directive, Assertive, Dominant,
• Melancholy, Analytic, Logical, Compliant
• Sanguine, Creative, Persuader,
Expressive, Influential
• Phlegmatic, Empathetic, Stabilizer,
Amiable, Steady


09/15/15 49
• Do you see yourself being a combination
of these 4 at times?
• Can you be any one of these at any given
• Do situations/circumstances make a
• Can you explain?


09/15/15 50
Question to Ponder
• Do you or have you worked with any of
these people?
• Don’t call out any names – to keep from
embarrassing others
Office People


09/15/15 51
What did you learn?
• What did you see?
• What did you hear?
• What did you expect?
• What did you learn?


09/15/15 52
Review of Key Points
• On a scale of 1 – 5 (one being the
least) rate yourself on the following
skill sets.
• 1. Listening 6. Sharing
• 2. Questioning 7. Participating
• 3. Persuading
• 4. Respecting
• 5. Helping
Be as honest
as you can!


09/15/15 53
It is not on the list, but…
• It is still very important
• Be careful, your Attitude is showing!!


09/15/15 54
• Work has become more demanding on employees.
• Employee-Employer Relationships have become
less hierarchical and more transactional.
• Employees are moving away from long-term
• Employees have less confidence in long-term
rewards and have greater short-term
• Immediate supervisors are now the most
important people in the workplace.
• Supervising employees requires more time and
skill on the part of managers.


09/15/15 55
• Has work become more demanding on employees?
• Have employee-employer relationships have
become less hierarchical and more transactional?
• Are employees are moving away from long-term
• Do employees have less confidence in long-term
rewards and have greater short-term
• Have immediate supervisors become the most
important people in the workplace?
• Why is supervising employees requiring more time
and skill on the part of managers?


09/15/15 56
We can’t change “Progress”
• But we can take steps to ensure that we
have healthy attitudes toward work and
our personal lives.


09/15/15 57
Top 10 List
1. Think like you want to be It's tough to be happy, joyful,
successful, etc. if you don't think that you are a happy, joyful, and
successful person. Think it first, then do it!
2. Smile
There's no arguing with this one -- research has shown the smiling
has both psychological and physiological effects. So, put a smile
on your face and you'll be on your way to a change in attitude!
3. Immerse yourself
Read books, articles, magazines that help you understand and
adopt the new attitude. Watch films or listen to music that
inspires you and encourages you to change.
4. Change your actions
It's hard to change your attitude if you keep doing the same old
stuff the same old way. Do things differently to start thinking


09/15/15 58
5. Change your environment- Make your environment
reflect the attitude you wish to have. Create the
physical space that makes you eager to change.
6. Follow the leader -Find someone who already has the
attitude you wish to have. Follow their lead, learn from
their example.
7. Help others (and help yourself)- One of the fastest
ways to change your attitude is to take the focus off
yourself and to help others in need.
8. Get a little help from your friends
Let everyone know what you're doing and enlist their
support to help you change and give you ideas. The
more you feel like you're part of a group effort, the
more likely you are to be successful.


09/15/15 59
9. Get a pro- If the change you desire to make is
a big one or is extremely radical, consider
getting the help of a mentor, counselor, or
coach. These professionals can reduce the time
& frustration involved as well as provide you
with many new ideas to help you grow.
10. Be patient- Recognize that most changes
occur slowly, over an extended period of time.
If you don't get immediate results, don't be
surprised and DON'T QUIT! Keep working, it'll


09/15/15 60
Keep these things in mind
• Everyone has a bad day
• Everyone has a full plate
• Everyone has problems, heartache,
happiness and great days
• You are responsible to take good care
of yourself
• You can make a difference, even if
ever so slight


09/15/15 61
When in despair
• When you are full of despair over a
particular situation in life on at work ask
yourself this question.
• “Would this problem be important
enough for the aliens to stop and take a
look at.” (haha).


09/15/15 62
Thank You
• Question and Answer session

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Teamwork 101 (1)

  • 1. Teamwork 101 By Tracy L. Chenoweth
  • 2. 09/15/15 2 How would you define teamwork?
  • 3. 09/15/15 3 What Exactly is Teamwork? • Teamwork is defined in Webster's New World Dictionary as "a joint action by a group of people, in which each person subordinates his or her individual interests and opinions to the unity and efficiency of the group." • This does not mean that the individual is no longer important; however, it does mean that effective and efficient teamwork goes beyond individual accomplishments. • The most effective teamwork is produced when all the individuals involved harmonize their contributions and work towards a common goal.
  • 4. 09/15/15 4 Characteristics of Effective Teams • The following are eight characteristics of effective teams the were identified by Larson and LaFasto in their book titled Teamwork: What Must Go Right/What Can Go Wrong (Sage Publications 1989).
  • 5. 09/15/15 5 #1 • The team must have a clear goal. – Avoid fuzzy, motherhood statements. Team goals should call for a specific performance objective, expressed so concisely that everyone knows when the objective has been met.
  • 6. 09/15/15 6 #2 • The team must have a results-driven structure. – The team should be allowed to operate in a manner that produces results. It is often best to allow the team to develop the structure.
  • 7. 09/15/15 7 #3 • The team must have competent team members. – This can be take to mean that the problem given to the team should be one that the members can tackle given their level of knowledge.
  • 8. 09/15/15 8 #4 • The team must have unified commitment. – This doesn't mean that team members must agree on everything. It means that all individuals must be directing their efforts towards the goal. If an individual's efforts is going purely towards personal goals, then the team will confront this and resolve the problem.
  • 9. 09/15/15 9 #5 • The team must have a collaborative climate. – It is a climate of trust produced by honest, open, consistent and respectful behavior. With this climate teams perform well...without it, they
  • 10. 09/15/15 10 #6 • The team must have high standards that are understood by all. – Team members must know what is expected of them individually and collectively. Vague statements such as "positive attitude" and "demonstrated effort" are not good enough.
  • 11. 09/15/15 11 #7 • The team must receive external support and encouragement. – Encouragement and praise works just as well in motivating teams as it does with individuals.
  • 12. 09/15/15 12 #8 • The team must have principled leadership. – Teams usually need someone to lead the effort. Team members must know that the team leader has the position because they have good leadership skills and are working for the good of the team. The team members will be less supportive if they feel that the team leader is putting him/herself above the team, achieving personal recognition or otherwise benefiting from the position.
  • 13. 09/15/15 13 Question to Ponder • Is there a difference between working as a group and working as a team?
  • 14. 09/15/15 14 Groups Teams • Members work independently and they often are not working towards the same goal. • Members work interdependently and work towards both personal and team goals, and they understand these goals are accomplished best by mutual support. • Members focus mostly on themselves because they are not involved in the planning of their group's objectives and goals. • Members feel a sense of ownership towards their role in the group because they committed themselves to goals they helped create. • Members are given their tasks or told what their duty/job is, and suggestions are rarely welcomed. • Members collaborate together and use their talent and experience to contribute to the success of the team's objectives. • Members are very cautious about what they say and are afraid to ask questions. They may not fully understand what is taking place in their group. • Members base their success on trust and encourage all members to express their opinions, varying views, and questions. • Members do not trust each other's motives because the do not fully understand the role each member plays in their group. • Members make a conscious effort to be honest, respectful, and listen to every person's point of view. • Members may have a lot to contribute but are held back because of a closed relationship with each member. • Members are encouraged to offer their skills and knowledge, and in turn each member is able contribute to the group's success. • Members are bothered by differing opinions or disagreements because they consider it a threat. There is not group support to help resolve problems. • Members see conflict as a part of human nature and they react to it by treating it as an opportunity to hear about new ideas and opinions. Everybody wants to resolve problems constructively. • Members may or may not participate in group decision- making, and conformity is • Members participate equally in decision-making, but each member understands that the leader might need
  • 15. 09/15/15 15 Did you know that Teams Actually, Grow? • What do I mean by this term, Grow? • How many stages of growth would you predict? • Can you name a few?
  • 16. 09/15/15 16 Stages of Team Growth. • It is important for the team members to know that teams don't just form • and immediately start working together to accomplish great things. • There are actually stages of team growth and teams must be given time to work through the stages and become effective. • Team growth can be separated into four stages.
  • 17. 09/15/15 17 Stage #1- Forming • When a team is forming, members cautiously explore the boundaries of acceptable group behavior. • They search for their position within the group and test the leader's guidance. It is normal for little team progress to occur during this stage.
  • 18. 09/15/15 18 Stage #2- Storming • Storming is probably the most difficult stage for the group. Members often become impatient about the lack of progress, but are still inexperienced with working as a team. • Members may argue about the actions they should take because they faced with ideas that are unfamiliar to them and put them outside their comfort zones. • Much of their energy is focused on each other instead of achieving the goal.
  • 19. 09/15/15 19 Stage #3- Norming • During this stage team members accept the team and begin to reconcile differences. • Emotional conflict is reduced as relationships become more cooperative. • The team is able to concentrate more on their work and start to make significant progress.
  • 20. 09/15/15 20 Stage #4- Performing • By this stage the team members have discovered and accepted each other's strengths and weaknesses, and learned what their roles are. • Members are open and trusting and many good ideas are produced because they are not afraid to offer ideas and suggestions. • They are comfortable using decision making tools to evaluate the ideas, prioritize tasks and solve problems. Much is accomplished and team satisfaction and loyalty is high.
  • 21. 09/15/15 21 Do We Need Stage #5 • What about when a group dissolves or transforms into another team or group dynamic? • We could call that Dissolving or Transforming.
  • 23. 09/15/15 23 Lets Play Ball • Divide the participants up into small groups of about 5- 8 people. • Each group is in competition with the other groups in the room. The group who can complete the most "circuits" in a given time will be the winner. • A completed circuit occurs when every person in the group has touched the tennis ball. • Only one person in the group can touch the tennis ball at one time (therefore the ball must be tossed rather than passed.) • If the ball ever touches the floor, then production must stop for 30 seconds.
  • 24. 09/15/15 24 We will need • Consensus on how the balls will be tossed (direction, etc.) • Who is going to note the 30 second rule • Who is going to count the circuits
  • 25. 09/15/15 25 Situations that will occur • Someone is on vacation • Someone is sick/injured but working • Someone is late • Someone is mad/angry/upset/emotional • Production has been increased/busy • Someone is a semi-non-participant
  • 26. 09/15/15 26 What did you learn? • What did you see? • What did you hear? • What did you expect? • What did you learn?
  • 27. 09/15/15 27 Okay, Now What? • We have defined what teamwork is • We have listed the characteristics of effective teams • We know the difference between groups and team • We know that teams and teamwork forms over time • So now what?
  • 28. 09/15/15 28 NOW, lets get personal!! • On a scale of 1 – 5 (one being the least) rate yourself on the following skill sets. • 1. Listening 6. Sharing • 2. Questioning 7. Participating • 3. Persuading • 4. Respecting • 5. Helping Be as honest as you can!
  • 29. 09/15/15 29 Listening • Listening is a skill. • Listening and hearing are not the same • You are not born with listening skills • Listening incorporates more than your ears – It includes your body language – Your eyes – Your brain – Your facial expressions
  • 30. 09/15/15 30 Listening Example • One of you is going to talk to me about something and I am going to show you what really is going on. • Let’s have some fun – Sample • Talk and what is going on in my head • Talk and doing too much • Talk and on the phone • Talk and upset or emotional • What others have you noticed?
  • 31. 09/15/15 31 Top 10 List • Most people spend roughly 70% of their waking hours in some form of verbal communication. • Yet, how many of us have ever had any formal training in the art of listening? • Here are ten things you can do to improve your listening skills.
  • 32. 09/15/15 32 1-6 1. Approach the listening experience from a state of calmness. No agendas, no predispositions, no expected outcomes, no guessing what is next 2. Never rule out any topic of discussion as uninteresting. 3. Accept the speaker's message 4. Listen for the whole message. 5. Don't get hung up on the speaker's delivery. 6. Avoid structured listening.
  • 33. 09/15/15 33 7-10 7. Tune out distractions. 8. Be alert to your own prejudices. 9. Resist the temptation to rebut. 10. Take notes sparingly.
  • 34. 09/15/15 34 Also Important • Eye contact — Always direct your visual attention to the person with whom you are conversing or listening. • Body language — Always keep your body in attention. If your body is slouched, your attention span may slack and your listening skills may weaken. • Responses — When asked, answer questions in complete sentences. • Repetition — Repeat specific comments said by the person with whom you are conversing or listening. • Gentility — Be kind. People appear to be good listeners when they want to listen to others. If you look like you're listening "just because," then your listening skills will appear less than perfect.
  • 35. 09/15/15 35 Communication is Key • Pencil and Paper Challenge – In groups of two – Need a pencil or pen – Need two pieces of paper
  • 36. 09/15/15 36 What did you learn? • What did you see? • What did you hear? • What did you expect? • What did you learn?
  • 37. 09/15/15 37 Review of Key Points • On a scale of 1 – 5 (one being the least) rate yourself on the following skill sets. • 1. Listening 6. Sharing • 2. Questioning 7. Participating • 3. Persuading • 4. Respecting • 5. Helping Be as honest as you can!
  • 38. 09/15/15 38 R.E.S.P.E.C.T • Find out what it means to me?
  • 39. 09/15/15 39 Respect and Behavioral Styles • Behavioral research suggests that about three quarters of the people you work with have a significantly different approach to interpersonal interactions.
  • 40. 09/15/15 40 Do you ever wonder why... • You get the reaction or response from others that you do? • You have friction with someone though you're both working for the same goals? • Some people get bogged down in detail and can't see the big picture!? • Some people can only see the big picture and have no patience for detail!? • Some people can't keep up with the pace of change? • Others seem to thrive on creating change?
  • 41. 09/15/15 41 Did you know? • Successful personal relationships often depend on "getting off on the right foot". • Being able to quickly recognize a person's behavioral style and interact appropriately are critical to this process.
  • 42. 09/15/15 42 Hippocrates • The Greek physician and philosopher Hippocrates first recognized behavior • styles in 400 BC. He identified four basic types of temperaments and linked • them with liquids in the body. Today, we know that there is no link with bodily • fluids, but Hypocrites’ original concept of four styles or temperaments has • remained. He called them Choleric, Sanguine, Melancholy, and Phlegmatic.
  • 43. 09/15/15 43 Choleric, Directive, Assertive, Dominant, Controller • Directive people have high expectations of themselves and others. They make quick decisions, are self-reliant, are usually comfortable taking risks, and are results oriented. However, these individuals can also be competitive, determined, have lower active listening skills and can crave power. Choleric people are often seen as demanding and driven. This is the person that rushes in with a big idea that he/she thinks should be implemented right away. • Getting along with these folks requires that you: ask specific questions; be as direct as you can; use goals and ends to get them on board; don’t interrupt; and always deal with the fact, not the person.
  • 44. 09/15/15 44 Melancholy, Analytic, Logical, Compliant • Analytical people are those that examine the data and prefer process and order. They are accurate, conscientious, precise and deliberate. They may want additional time to make decisions, are considered to have their emotions under control, and may be hesitant to take risks. Logical people are often seen as being obsessed with data, unable to make a decision, and slow moving. This is the person who has to have the chart “just so” before it is published, or that corrects all your spelling and grammar mistakes. They would probably have a map of where they are going before leaving home for a new destination. • Getting along with these folks requires that you: be prepared and know your facts; use specific data in an analytical form; use examples; and allow time for processing and decision making.
  • 45. 09/15/15 45 Sanguine, Creative, Persuader, Expressive, Influential • The creative person is that motivating, energizing, outgoing person who inspires us all. Other characteristics include generous, influential, and socially confident. This individual may be seen as dramatic, emotional, and impulsive. Sanguine people are often seen as being eccentric and overly dramatic. These folks consider the environment around them and how things “feel”. Often, this is the person who suggests that everyone wear a funny hat to work for April Fool’s day. • Getting along with these folks requires that you: spend time on the relationship, use ideas that elicit an emotional response, use incentives, and request their opinion.
  • 46. 09/15/15 46 Phlegmatic, Empathetic, Stabilizer, Amiable, Steady • Empathetic people care about including everyone, they are patient, supportive and considerate. These folks are easy going and dependable and would just like everyone to get along. They are often seen as deliberate, questioning, and too concerned with other’s feelings. Phlegmatic people are often seen as the “softies” of the office; caring about others and considering how others might feel. These folks care for the team and will ask for input from everyone. They are often accused of caring too much and being too “touchy-feely”. • Getting along with these folks requires that you: show concern; create a supportive environment; request input and suggestions; and ask a lot of questions
  • 47. 09/15/15 47 F.A.C.T.S • We each have a combination of styles, some stronger in one area than others. • The key to effective communication is being aware of your own style and accommodating others’ styles. • This accommodation can be uncomfortable and • take a lot of energy, but it is worth it when improved communication is the result.
  • 48. 09/15/15 48 Which One are You? • Choleric, Directive, Assertive, Dominant, Controller • Melancholy, Analytic, Logical, Compliant • Sanguine, Creative, Persuader, Expressive, Influential • Phlegmatic, Empathetic, Stabilizer, Amiable, Steady
  • 49. 09/15/15 49 Combination • Do you see yourself being a combination of these 4 at times? • Can you be any one of these at any given time? • Do situations/circumstances make a difference? • Can you explain?
  • 50. 09/15/15 50 Question to Ponder • Do you or have you worked with any of these people? • Don’t call out any names – to keep from embarrassing others Office People
  • 51. 09/15/15 51 What did you learn? • What did you see? • What did you hear? • What did you expect? • What did you learn?
  • 52. 09/15/15 52 Review of Key Points • On a scale of 1 – 5 (one being the least) rate yourself on the following skill sets. • 1. Listening 6. Sharing • 2. Questioning 7. Participating • 3. Persuading • 4. Respecting • 5. Helping Be as honest as you can!
  • 53. 09/15/15 53 It is not on the list, but… • It is still very important • Be careful, your Attitude is showing!!
  • 54. 09/15/15 54 F.A.C.T.S • Work has become more demanding on employees. • Employee-Employer Relationships have become less hierarchical and more transactional. • Employees are moving away from long-term relationships. • Employees have less confidence in long-term rewards and have greater short-term expectations. • Immediate supervisors are now the most important people in the workplace. • Supervising employees requires more time and skill on the part of managers.
  • 55. 09/15/15 55 Why? • Has work become more demanding on employees? • Have employee-employer relationships have become less hierarchical and more transactional? • Are employees are moving away from long-term relationships? • Do employees have less confidence in long-term rewards and have greater short-term expectations? • Have immediate supervisors become the most important people in the workplace? • Why is supervising employees requiring more time and skill on the part of managers?
  • 56. 09/15/15 56 We can’t change “Progress” • But we can take steps to ensure that we have healthy attitudes toward work and our personal lives.
  • 57. 09/15/15 57 Top 10 List 1. Think like you want to be It's tough to be happy, joyful, successful, etc. if you don't think that you are a happy, joyful, and successful person. Think it first, then do it! 2. Smile There's no arguing with this one -- research has shown the smiling has both psychological and physiological effects. So, put a smile on your face and you'll be on your way to a change in attitude! 3. Immerse yourself Read books, articles, magazines that help you understand and adopt the new attitude. Watch films or listen to music that inspires you and encourages you to change. 4. Change your actions It's hard to change your attitude if you keep doing the same old stuff the same old way. Do things differently to start thinking differently.
  • 58. 09/15/15 58 5. Change your environment- Make your environment reflect the attitude you wish to have. Create the physical space that makes you eager to change. 6. Follow the leader -Find someone who already has the attitude you wish to have. Follow their lead, learn from their example. 7. Help others (and help yourself)- One of the fastest ways to change your attitude is to take the focus off yourself and to help others in need. 8. Get a little help from your friends Let everyone know what you're doing and enlist their support to help you change and give you ideas. The more you feel like you're part of a group effort, the more likely you are to be successful.
  • 59. 09/15/15 59 9. Get a pro- If the change you desire to make is a big one or is extremely radical, consider getting the help of a mentor, counselor, or coach. These professionals can reduce the time & frustration involved as well as provide you with many new ideas to help you grow. 10. Be patient- Recognize that most changes occur slowly, over an extended period of time. If you don't get immediate results, don't be surprised and DON'T QUIT! Keep working, it'll come.
  • 60. 09/15/15 60 Keep these things in mind • Everyone has a bad day • Everyone has a full plate • Everyone has problems, heartache, happiness and great days • You are responsible to take good care of yourself • You can make a difference, even if ever so slight
  • 61. 09/15/15 61 When in despair • When you are full of despair over a particular situation in life on at work ask yourself this question. • “Would this problem be important enough for the aliens to stop and take a look at.” (haha).
  • 62. 09/15/15 62 Thank You • Question and Answer session