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About the lean startup @ gmit programme
Innovation in Business Centre - Galway

www.gmit.ie/iibc               Facebook:InnovationinBusinessCentre   2
Innovation in Business Centre - Castlebar

www.gmit.ie/iibc               Facebook:InnovationinBusinessCentre   3
Lean Startup @ GMIT
Eight module (set day per week) programme
• 3 hour workshop
   – Start 9AM (15 minutes Tea/Coffee break at 10.30)
• 1 hour Facilitated Peer Network at 12 Noon
• One to one sessions between 2 – 5PM (45 minutes each so cover
  group over 2 weeks)
• 2 Major Deliverables (templates to be provided)
   – Market Validation
   – Business or Sales & Marketing Plan
Eight Training Modules
1. Business Model Canvas    6. The Business Plan
2. What’s my idea?          7. Financial Projections
3. Market Validation        for your Business Plan +
4. Lean Startup Marketing   Presenting Skills
5. Making the Sale          8. Making the Pitch

     Practical exercises in every session              5
Module 1 – Business Model Canvas
• 9 Building Blocks to
  examine and define
  your Business Model
  (how does your
  business make money?)
• Clarify how your
  business creates value

    Draft your Business Model Canvas   6
Module 2 – What’s my idea
• The burning problem
  faced by your Customer
• How to communicate
  your solution

    Define your solution and ideal customer   7
Module 3 – Market Validation
• Ready, Aim, Fire approach to
  Market Validation ~
  …. Understand how to use
  Secondary and Primary
  Research to test your market
  opportunity before you invest
  significant money in product

    Know your market & talk to customers   8
Module 4 - Lean Startup Marketing
• The Lean Startup                     ideas

   – Build Measure Learn
     Feedback loop and the    LEARN             BUILD
     Minimum Viable Product
• Invest in Marketing after
                               data             Product
  reach Product Market Fit

      Identify your Engine of Growth
Module 5 – Making the Sale
• Appreciate your
  Customer’s Buying Cycle
• Sales Process
• Routes to Market
• Skills of Selling

    Your Sales Pipeline           10
Module 6 – The business plan
• Use a template
   – Structure & Layout
   – Appendices
• Review Sample Plans
• Make the Plan Real
• One Hour on Legal Issues for
   Business (IP, HR etc)
• Product /Service

     Know why you are preparing this plan   11
Module 7 – Financial Projections
• A practical session using a
   template for Financial
   Projections                     Cashflow      Profit &    Balance
• Quick view of Enterprise                       Loss        Sheets
   Ireland Financial Data Sheets   • Incoming
                                   • Outgoings   • Sales     • Assets
• Overview of Supports for
                                                 • Costs     • Liabilities
                                                 • Profits   • Capital
• One hour session on
   Presentation skills
• Product /Service

      Know your planning assumptions                                         12
Module 8 – Making the Pitch
• All participants to
  make a ten minute
  presentation to the
  Peer Group
• Followed by Q&A

    Present the business case      13
Peer Network
• One hour facilitated group
  session where participants
  discuss issues relevant to
  their business
   – Set Goals
   – Commitment to taking
   – Brainstorming and sharing

   Focus on milestones & targets   14
One to One Sessions
• Will focus on                          1. KEY SUCCESS
  Business Planning                          FACTORS

  and the Business
  Plan                                      Value
                          4. EXECUTION                    2. STRATEGY
• 45 minutes sessions
  tailored to status of
  each promoter/                             3. TEAM

  team and business.

      Support tailored to you                                    15
Google Site

Will get instructions and an invite to this site
• Participants will be assisted to develop two documents
  (templates provided):
   – Market Validation summary
   – Business Plan
   That demonstrates that they have:
   – The Team (domain knowledge) &
   – A product solution
   – That meets a specific identified problem of a cohort of
• such that a sustainable business can be established with
  ongoing support provided by the Innovation in Business
  Centres in Galway and Castlebar.

      Focus on tangible outputs for all parties                17
Profile of Participants
• The programme is tailored for male and female
  promoters with an ambition to establish a business
  which has international market appeal.
• The Lean Startup @ GMIT programme will give
  participants the opportunity to explore what is
  involved in starting and running a knowledge based
• Enable participants to network with other like-minded

    Entrepreneurs with Passion & Commitment
Donncha Hughes
        Marketing Mentor to Technology Startups and Professional Service SMEs.

• Trainer – e.g. New Frontiers Phase 1 in GMIT & Phase 1 & II
  in DKIT
• Areas of Expertise – Marketing, Sales, Business Plans, R&D
  Applications, Growing your business
• Mentor – Enterprise Boards, Enterprise Ireland, LEADER
• Former Manager of LIT’s Enterprise Acceleration Centre
   • 3 HPSUs created in my 4 years who created a total of 30
   • Designed and launched the LEAP Programme.
• Prior to joining LIT I worked for 7.5 years with IBEC.
Any questions



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About the lean startup @ gmit programme

  • 2. Innovation in Business Centre - Galway CREATING KNOWLEDGE ENTREPRENEURS www.gmit.ie/iibc Facebook:InnovationinBusinessCentre 2
  • 3. Innovation in Business Centre - Castlebar CREATING KNOWLEDGE ENTREPRENEURS www.gmit.ie/iibc Facebook:InnovationinBusinessCentre 3
  • 4. Lean Startup @ GMIT Eight module (set day per week) programme • 3 hour workshop – Start 9AM (15 minutes Tea/Coffee break at 10.30) • 1 hour Facilitated Peer Network at 12 Noon • One to one sessions between 2 – 5PM (45 minutes each so cover group over 2 weeks) • 2 Major Deliverables (templates to be provided) – Market Validation – Business or Sales & Marketing Plan
  • 5. Eight Training Modules 1. Business Model Canvas 6. The Business Plan 2. What’s my idea? 7. Financial Projections 3. Market Validation for your Business Plan + 4. Lean Startup Marketing Presenting Skills 5. Making the Sale 8. Making the Pitch Practical exercises in every session 5
  • 6. Module 1 – Business Model Canvas • 9 Building Blocks to examine and define your Business Model (how does your business make money?) • Clarify how your business creates value Draft your Business Model Canvas 6
  • 7. Module 2 – What’s my idea • The burning problem faced by your Customer • How to communicate your solution Define your solution and ideal customer 7
  • 8. Module 3 – Market Validation • Ready, Aim, Fire approach to Market Validation ~ …. Understand how to use Secondary and Primary Research to test your market opportunity before you invest significant money in product development. Know your market & talk to customers 8
  • 9. Module 4 - Lean Startup Marketing • The Lean Startup ideas – Build Measure Learn Feedback loop and the LEARN BUILD Minimum Viable Product (MVP) • Invest in Marketing after data Product reach Product Market Fit MEASURE Identify your Engine of Growth
  • 10. Module 5 – Making the Sale • Appreciate your Customer’s Buying Cycle • Sales Process • Routes to Market • Skills of Selling Your Sales Pipeline 10
  • 11. Module 6 – The business plan • Use a template – Structure & Layout – Appendices • Review Sample Plans • Make the Plan Real Plus • One Hour on Legal Issues for Business (IP, HR etc) • Product /Service Know why you are preparing this plan 11
  • 12. Module 7 – Financial Projections • A practical session using a template for Financial Projections Cashflow Profit & Balance • Quick view of Enterprise Loss Sheets Ireland Financial Data Sheets • Incoming • Outgoings • Sales • Assets • Overview of Supports for • Costs • Liabilities Business • Profits • Capital Plus • One hour session on Presentation skills • Product /Service Know your planning assumptions 12
  • 13. Module 8 – Making the Pitch • All participants to make a ten minute presentation to the Peer Group • Followed by Q&A Present the business case 13
  • 14. Peer Network • One hour facilitated group session where participants discuss issues relevant to their business – Set Goals – Commitment to taking action – Brainstorming and sharing contacts Focus on milestones & targets 14
  • 15. One to One Sessions • Will focus on 1. KEY SUCCESS Business Planning FACTORS and the Business Plan Value 4. EXECUTION 2. STRATEGY Proposition • 45 minutes sessions tailored to status of each promoter/ 3. TEAM team and business. Support tailored to you 15
  • 16. Google Site Will get instructions and an invite to this site 16
  • 17. Deliverables • Participants will be assisted to develop two documents (templates provided): – Market Validation summary – Business Plan That demonstrates that they have: – The Team (domain knowledge) & – A product solution – That meets a specific identified problem of a cohort of customers • such that a sustainable business can be established with ongoing support provided by the Innovation in Business Centres in Galway and Castlebar. Focus on tangible outputs for all parties 17
  • 18. Profile of Participants • The programme is tailored for male and female promoters with an ambition to establish a business which has international market appeal. • The Lean Startup @ GMIT programme will give participants the opportunity to explore what is involved in starting and running a knowledge based business. • Enable participants to network with other like-minded individuals. Entrepreneurs with Passion & Commitment
  • 19. Donncha Hughes Marketing Mentor to Technology Startups and Professional Service SMEs. • Trainer – e.g. New Frontiers Phase 1 in GMIT & Phase 1 & II in DKIT • Areas of Expertise – Marketing, Sales, Business Plans, R&D Applications, Growing your business • Mentor – Enterprise Boards, Enterprise Ireland, LEADER • Former Manager of LIT’s Enterprise Acceleration Centre • 3 HPSUs created in my 4 years who created a total of 30 jobs. • Designed and launched the LEAP Programme. • Prior to joining LIT I worked for 7.5 years with IBEC. www.startuphughes.com www.startuphughes.com/blog