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State of the Internet with a Focus on Latin America
June, 2010
Powerful Platform: Global Panel of 2 Million Consumers, Largest
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                                                                                           Web Visiting

                                                                                                          Demographics, L
                                                                                                            ife Stages &

                                                                           Exposure                       Search Behavior
   38 Media Metrix Reported Countries

   170+ Countries with Panel Presence

                     © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.   2
1,273+ Blue Chip Customers
90+% Subscription Repeat Rate
Internet   Agencies   Telecom             Financial                        Retail   Travel   CPG   Pharma   Technology

                          © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.     3
Some of our largest clients in Latin America include…

                   © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.   4

History of Leadership in Digital Marketing Measurement

                                                                                                To Provide Unified Digital
                                                                                                Measurement (MMX 360)
                                                                                   To Meter Cell Phones
                                                                             To Provide Behavioral Ad
                                                                             Effectiveness (Campaign Metrix)
                                                                   To Measure Video Streaming
                                                                   (Video Metrix)
                                          To Deliver a Worldwide Internet Audience
                                          Measurement (World Metrix)

                       To Measure the Search
                       Market (qSearch)

             To Build and Project from
             2M+ Longitudinal Panel
    To Monitor and Report
    eCommerce Data

                                     External Recognition
           WORLD ECONOMIC                                        Top 100                                   World’s Largest
           FORUM                                                 Innovative Companies                      Windows Database
           Technology Pioneer                                    December 2004                             December 2001,
           2007                                                                                            2003, 2005
                        © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.   5
comScore Latin America Office Locations

                  © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.   6
More Than 2 Million comScore Panelists in Over 170 Countries

                 © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.   7
Latin America is the Fastest-Growing Region in the World

                                                                        Distribution of Global Internet Audience
                                                                        Web users 15+ Accessing from a Home or Work Computer

The composition of the web is
constantly changing.                                                                                 Middle
                                                                                                    East -
                                                                                                  Africa, 7%            Y/Y
The Latin American Internet                            Latin

audience grew 23 percent in                         America, 8
the past year, and now                                 %
                                                                    Y/Y +23%
represents 8 percent of the                                                                                                            Asia
global Internet audience.                                                                                                          Pacific, 39
Web audiences in developing                         America, 1                                                                      Y/Y
nations will continue to grow                         7%
as internet penetration                                                  +9%
increases in those regions
                                                                             Europe, 28                Y/Y
                                                                                 %                     +12%

                       © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.    8     Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
Colombia shows highest percentage growth in the region

                                                                               Latin America Online Population
                                                                            Unique Visitors (ooo) 15+ Accessing from a Home or
                                                                                              Work Computer

   The largest percentage
                                                                                                                                           YOY Growth
   growth was in Colombia,                                                                                                    28.608            +20%
   which increased its web                                                                                                             34.246

   population in the past year                                   Mexico
   by 36 percent.                                                                                       15.164

                                                                                                9.907            +28%
                                                             Argentina                              12.653

   In absolute terms, of                                                                    7.511
   course, Brazil added the                                  Colombia                           10.213

   most users, with a growth                                                              5.892
   rate of 20% translating to                                                               6.849

   almost 6 million new web                                                        1.888
                                                           Venezuela                2.337
   users in the past year.
                                                                     Puerto      917
                                                                     Rico         1.139
                                                                                                  Feb-2009        Feb-2010
                    © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.      9      Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina show heaviest usage in the region

   Within Latin America, web users                                                    Time Spent Online
                                                                                    Total Hours per Visitor, Feb 2010
   in Brazil spent the most time
   online, averaging 26.4 hours.                                         World-Wide                                                  22,6

                                                                       Latin America                                                  24,3
   Internet users in Mexico and
   Argentina also outpaced the                                                    Brazil                                                  26,4
   global average of 22.6 hours
   online per month in February                                                 Mexico                                                    25,7
   2010.                                                                     Argentina                                               22,9

   With broadband penetration                                                Colombia                                               22,0
   being the most influential factor
                                                                                   Chile                                            22,4
   on time spent online, we should
   continue to see heavier usage                                             Venezuela                                             20,3
   as BB availability improves and
   costs decline in the region.                                          Puerto Rico                                        18,0

                      © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.    10     Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
Audiences Worldwide Prefer to Consume Content
  in their Native Languages

                                                                                    Europe                                          Americas, MidE
               Asia Pacific              UnitedKingdom                                                                               ast & Africa
 Singapore                                           Portugal
   Malaysia                                            Finland

                                                Switzerland                                                           Mexico
 Hong Kong
                                                     Belgium                                                             Chile
South Korea
                                               Netherlands                                                          Argentina
     Japan                                                  Italy
                                                                                                                 SouthAf rica
      China                                             Turkey

                                                       France                                                               English
                                                    Germany                                                                 non-English Local Language
                                                        Russia                                                              Other

                              © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.   11     Source: comScore Custom Analysis of Page Views by Language, May 2009
Global and Regional Brands are Represented in Top Properties

                                                                                   Latin America Top Properties
■ Google’s top billing can be credited to                                                                            Total
                                                                                                                    Unique         Latin   Average
  the popularity of its search engine;                                                                              Visitors      America Minutes
                                                                                                                     (000)        % Reach per Visitor
  the Social Network Orkut in Brazil;                                         Google Sites                           88,300         88.9    294.0
  and YouTube across the region                                               Microsoft Sites                        86,385         87.0    577.9
                                                                              Yahoo! Sites                           49,724         50.1     49.0
                                                                              FACEBOOK.COM                           48,783         49.1    203.7
■ Microsoft Sites’ high reach and heavy                                       Terra - Telefonica                     37,360         37.6     37.2
                                                                              Wikimedia Foundation Sites             36,414         36.7     11.7
  usage is driven by its Instant                                              MercadoLibre                           28,074         28.3     26.7
  Messenger application                                                       WordPress                              26,735         26.9      3.9
                                                                              UOL                                    23,943         24.1     83.1
                                                                              Organizacoes Globo                     19,705         19.8     96.3
■ Facebook is making dramatic                                                 TARINGA.NET                            18,866         19.0     14.1
                                                                              Ask Network                            16,977         17.1      7.2
  inroads, not only as a high-reach                                           NetShelter Technology Media            16,410         16.5      5.5
  site, but with very heavy usage in the                                      The Mozilla Organization               16,097         16.2      3.0
                                                                              iG Sites                               15,654         15.8     28.1
  region                                                                      OnLine eXchange                        14,124         14.2      4.6
                                                                              Vevo                                   13,829         13.9      8.4
                                                                              Orange Sites                           12,606         12.7      6.4
■ Terra is a top property in the                                              HI5.COM                                12,507         12.6     69.5
  region, but is heavily visited by                                           AOL LLC                                12,398         12.5      8.0
                                                                              Fox Interactive Media                  12,051         12.1     28.8
  Spanish-speaking audiences                                                  BuscaPe.com Inc.                       11,548         11.6      3.5
                                                                              Hi-Media Group                         11,410         11.5     40.9
  elsewhere as well                                                           Adobe Sites                            11,395         11.5      3.8
                                                                              MUSICA.COM                             11,131         11.2      8.8

                        © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.   12   Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
Top Regional Properties Attract Users from Outside Region

Many top Latin American Properties source a significant percentage of their
global audience from outside the region
   ■ 30 percent of Terra’s audience is coming from Europe
   ■ OLX, based in Argentina and New York, draws a significant North American audience
     as well

                                Regional Distribution of Audience
                                              Top Latin American Properties
               Total Internet      8%                                                                28%
           Terra - Telefonica                                           63%                                           30%
              MercadoLibre                                                           89%                                             8%
                        UOL                                                          87%                                             8%
         Organizacoes Globo                                                          89%                                                 6%
             TARINGA.NET                                                       72%                                         22%
                    iG Sites                                                          93%                                                5%
           OnLine eXchange                                43%                                                 36%
           BuscaPe.com Inc.                                                          90%                                                 7%

                      Latin America                                          Asia Pacific                         Europe
                      North America                                          Middle East - Africa

                            © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.     13    Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
How does Latin America use the Internet?

■ The highly social culture of this region
  makes it unsurprising that Social                                                      Top Site Categories: Latin America
                                                                                                                 % Reach
  Networking is most popular category in
  Latin America after Search                                                             Search/Navigation                                          85,5

                                                                                         Social Networking                                        81,9
■ E-mail is still very important to web
  users, despite the contact that alternatives                                                         e-mail                                     78,9

  provide (SMS, IM, SNs); Instant                                                             Entertainment                                       78,8

  Messengers are not too far behind                                                     Instant Messengers                                   71,0

                                                                                     Directories/Resources                                 64,8
■ More than three-quarters of web users in
  Latin America visited an Entertainment site                                                          Retail                          62,1

  (includes                                                                                            Blogs                           61,6

  Music, Movies, TV, Multimedia, Entertainm                                               News/Information                             61,3
  ent News, Humor)                                                                               Community                             60,6

■ Though e-commerce is certainly still in its                                                    Technology                           57,9

  infancy in this region, visiting to Retail                                                     Downloads                           54,5

  sites is robust, with 60 percent of Lat Am                                                          Photos                        52,6
  users visiting a Retail site                                                                    Reference                         50,3

■ Blogs and News/Info Sites capture                                                                   Games                         50,0

  significant portion of web audience
                          © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.   14   Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
Latin Americans are Heaviest Searchers in the World

                                                                                                     Search Intensity
   The average Latin American                                                         Average Number of Searches per Searcher

   searcher made 137 searches, the
                                                                                           World-Wide                           104
   highest regional rate globally.
                                                                                                Europe                             120

                                                                                           Asia Pacific                    84
   Within Latin America, Colombia had
                                                                                        North America                            107
   the highest search rates, with an
                                                                                         Latin America                                  137
   average of 183 searches per
                                                                                  Middle East - Africa                      92
   searcher. In fact, Colombia, followed
   by Mexico and Venezuela, had the
   highest search rates in the world in                                                           Brazil                          114

   February 2010.                                                                               Mexico                                        161

                                                                                             Argentina                             123

                                                                                             Colombia                                               183

                                                                                                  Chile                                128

                                                                                            Venezuela                                    147

                                                                                           Puerto Rico                      97

                      © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.   15   Source: comScore qSearch, February 2010 Data
Google Takes Majority Share in Most Latin American Markets

   Half of all searches Worldwide were                                                         Google Search Share
                                                                                  % of Total Searches made on Google Property
   made on Google, but Latin American
   searchers are more likely to use                                                      World-Wide                              50%
   Google for their searches than users                                                       Europe                                   62%
   elsewhere in the globe.                                                               Asia Pacific                     32%

                                                                                      North America                             47%
   Users in Venezuela use Google for                                                   Latin America                                    65%
   the largest share of their
                                                                                Middle East - Africa                                   61%
   searches, but the rates are similarly
   high among the other Latin American
                                                                                                Brazil                                 63%
                                                                                              Mexico                                    64%

                                                                                           Argentina                                         70%
   In other regions, search share is
   taken from Google primarily by local-                                                   Colombia                                      68%

   language regional sites; in Latin                                                            Chile                                   66%

   America, Google has localized                                                          Venezuela                                           73%

   effectively.                                                                          Puerto Rico                            46%

                     © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.   16   Source: comScore qSearch, February 2010 Data
Social Networking is Key to the Latin American Audience

   The highly social nature of Latin                                                         % Reach of Social Networks
   American culture plays an important
                                                                                             World-Wide                                 70,4
   part in the rise of Social Networks in
   the region.                                                                               Asia Pacific                        50,8

                                                                                                  Europe                                  78,9

   Along with E-mail and IM, Social                                                       North America                                           94,9

   Networks offer an important way for                                                     Latin America                                   81,9
   users in the region to stay frequently                                           Middle East - Africa                                72,7
   in touch with friends and family, both
   in their home country and abroad.                                                                Brazil                                77,5

                                                                                                  Mexico                                   81,5
   The heavy penetration of Social
                                                                                                Argentina                                  82,7
   Networking in this region is also
                                                                                                Colombia                                       83,7
   playing an important role in
   facilitating the dissemination of other                                                           Chile                                      89,5

   types of Web 2.0 content.                                                                  Venezuela                                           93,5

                                                                                             Puerto Rico                                         90,2

                       © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.   17   Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
Latin American Internet Usage

                                                                          Lat Am: Highest Indexing Categories
   Three groups of key                                                            (Ranked by Index compared to WW Reach)

   categories for Latin                                                  Instant Messengers                                          71,0          180
   America are:                                                          Religion/Spirituality       12,2                                          176

                                                                                                   7,7                                             142
   •   Communication:                                                                  Radio             17,4                                      139

       Instant Messengers                                                        Classifieds                    29,5                               137

       and e-mail                                                           Discussion/Chat                            39,8                        136

   •   Connection: Social                                                             Photos                                  52,6
       Networks, Blogs,                                                           Education                            39,6
       Discussion/Chat, and                                         Entertainment - News                    24,3
       Photo sites                                                                     e-mail                                           78,9
   •   Entertainment:                                                                  Blogs                                     61,6
       Multimedia, Music,                                                    Extended Web
       Entertainment News,                                                Social Networking
       and Radio                                                                Government                                                         115
                                                                    Entertainment - Music                                 49,3

                                                                                                    Latin America Reach              WW Reach
                   © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.   18       Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
Top Social Networks in the Region

   Facebook is the most popular Social Network in the Region, with 50 percent
   of the total Latin American audience. Facebook and Orkut are also the
   stickiest sites in the category, with users spending more than 3 hours on
   Facebook, and more than 6 hours on Orkut during the month. Use of
   Windows Social Networks is linked to Windows IM usage, hence its high
   reach but low usage levels.

       Top Social Networks: Latin America                                                       Top Social Networks: Latin America
                        % Reach                                                                                     Minutes per User

   FACEBOOK.COM                                                              49,1                FACEBOOK.COM                                  203,7
 Windows Live Profile                                        36,7                             Windows Live Profile        6,4
               Orkut                           25,4                                                            Orkut                                   360,8
            HI5.COM            12,6                                                                        HI5.COM                 69,5
     TWITTER.COM              10,5                                                                 TWITTER.COM              23,7
     FOTOLOG.COM          9,5                                                                     FOTOLOG.COM                   48,5
      SONICO.COM         7,6                                                                         SONICO.COM            13,3
            MySpace     6,8                                                                                MySpace              44,5
 Windows Live People    6,2                                                                  Windows Live People         0,3
  METROFLOG.COM         6,0                                                                    METROFLOG.COM                           110,4

                                     © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.   19   Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
Facebook in Latin America

   Reach varies but is consistently rising across the region. Chile and Colombia
   have the largest percentage of FB users, with 4 out of 5 Internet users using
   the site. Brazil remains an Orkut stronghold, though the number of Facebook
   users is increasing.

                 Facebook Reach in Latin American Countries
    60,0                                                                                                                         Puerto Rico
    50,0                                                                                                                         Argentina
                                                                                                                                 Latin America
    20,0                                                                                                                         Brazil
           Feb-2009    May-2009                       Aug-2009                Nov-2009                Feb-2010

                       © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.   20   Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
Explosive Growth of Twitter in Latin America

  Twitter has seen phenomenal growth in Latin America over the past year.
  Though the service is generally popular and has grown five-fold Worldwide in
  the past year, its growth Lat Am has been 13x, driven primarily by extremely
  high increases in adoption in Brazil.

                     Twitter Reach in Latin American Countries
                                                                                                                                   Latin America
                                                                                                                                   Puerto Rico
          Feb-2009      May-2009                       Aug-2009                Nov-2009                Feb-2010

                         © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.   21   Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
IM and Email Are Key Communciation Channels for Web Users

                                                                                       % Reach of Instant Messengers
   Instant Messengers enjoy
   extremely high reach in Latin                                                          World-Wide                       39,3

   America and Middle East-                                                               Asia Pacific              22,3

   Africa, especially when                                                                     Europe                          50,0
   compared to North America                                                           North America                    31,8
   and Asia Pacific.                                                                   Latin America                                   71,0

                                                                                 Middle East - Africa                                  71,6
   Within Latin America, Mexico
   and Colombia have the highest
                                                                                                 Brazil                               67,2
   reach in the category, with 3
                                                                                               Mexico                                    77,2
   out of 4 web users using an
   Instant Messenger during the                                                             Argentina                                  70,5

   month.                                                                                   Colombia                                     77,5

                                                                                                 Chile                                69,7

                                                                                           Venezuela                                  68,7

                                                                                          Puerto Rico                      39,0

                     © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.   22   Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
E-mail Usage Stays Strong Despite Other Ways to Connect

                                                                                               % Reach of E-Mail Sites
   Latin American users are also
   the most voracious users of E-                                                           World-Wide                             64,9

   mail. Colombia and Mexico are                                                            Asia Pacific                        54,4

   consistently among the top                                                                    Europe                            63,7

   countries for E-mail usage.                                                           North America                                    80,8

                                                                                         Latin America                                    78,9
   E-mail reach in Latin American                                                  Middle East - Africa                                73,9
   countries are even higher than
   Instant Messenger reach.
                                                                                                   Brazil                              71,7
   Particularly in countries where
                                                                                                 Mexico                                       84,0
   “always on” broadband
   connections are not yet                                                                                                                78,7

   universal, communicating by                                                                Colombia                                         87,8

   E-mail may still be more                                                                        Chile                                  77,9

   effective than using Instant                                                              Venezuela                                    78,9

   Messenger applications.                                                                  Puerto Rico                                74,5

                      © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.   23   Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
Windows Hotmail is the Clear Leader for Webmail

                                                                                         E-mail: Latin America
   Almost 70 percent of web users in                                                                 % Reach

   Latin America use Windows Live
                                                                            Windows Live Hotmail                      69,5
   Hotmail. Google’s Gmail claims a far
   second with about a fifth of the                                                Google Gmail                20,6

   audience. Several providers focused
                                                                                     Yahoo! Mail            19,2
   on Brazil round out the Top Email
   properties, primarily due to the large                                               UOL Mail      4,0
   size of the Brazilian audience.
                                                                                          iG Mail     2,0

                                                                                   MySpace Mail      1,5

                                                                                       GloboMail     1,2

                                                                               Terra Brasil E-mail   1,0

                                                                             INCREDIMAIL.COM         0,6

                                                                                 UMAIL.COM.BR        0,4

                      © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.   24

Entertainment Sites Draw a Significant Audience

   79 percent of the Latin American
                                                                                        % Reach of Entertainment Sites
   web population visited an
   Entertainment site in February.                                                         World-Wide                             77,9

                                                                                           Asia Pacific                         69,3

   Visiting to Entertainment sites is                                                           Europe                             81,0
   typically led by Multimedia and sites                                                North America                                    96,9
   that serve video or music content. In                                                 Latin America                            78,8
   Latin America, Entertainment
                                                                                  Middle East - Africa                          67,5
   penetration is high despite relatively
   low broadband
                                                                                                  Brazil                          77,0
   penetration, indicating a clear
   regional appetite for this type of                                                                                                  86,1

   content.                                                                                  Argentina                           74,1

                                                                                             Colombia                             77,5

   Online videos and music are also                                                               Chile                            80,8

   likely to be propagated more readily                                                     Venezuela                             79,9
   in this region due to the ubiquity of                                                   Puerto Rico                                 85,2
   Social Media usage.

                      © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.   25   Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
YouTube Leads, Local Sites Spur Significant Usage

YouTube Leads among Entertainment Sites, but local content is proving to
have tremendous appeal for users in Latin America.

Rede Globo, for instance, while lagging behind YouTube in terms of
reach, increased UV by 17 percent and doubled its usage rates in the past
   Top Entertainment Sites: Latin America                                                    Top Entertainment Sites: Latin America
                          % Reach                                                                                  Minutes per User

       YOUTUBE.COM                                                               56,6            YOUTUBE.COM                                            142,1
           Rede Globo                   18,5                                                           Rede Globo                             63,8
    Terra Entertainment              15,2                                                     Terra Entertainment             18,3
                  Vevo              13,9                                                                       Vevo        8,4
         MUSICA.COM            11,2                                                                 MUSICA.COM             8,8
               Batanga        9,7                                                                          Batanga                               77,3
    MSN Entertainment…        9,6                                                             MSN Entertainment…          7,4
        CBS Interactive       9,1                                                                  CBS Interactive        6,6
   UOL Entretenimento        7,8                                                             UOL Entretenimento             11,8
           UOL Musica        7,6                                                                      UOL Musica                 20,7

                                    © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.   26   Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
News/Information Sites

                                                                                         % Reach of News/Information
   Reach of the category lags behind
   that of North America and Europe, but                                                  World-Wide                              64,6

   Latin American web users are                                                           Asia Pacific                         54,5

   increasingly turning to the web for                                                         Europe                             65,2

   news.                                                                               North America                                     96,3

                                                                                        Latin America                            61,3

                                                                                 Middle East - Africa                      47,4

                                                                                                 Brazil                           65,8

                                                                                                Mexico                          59,5

                                                                                             Argentina                            63,3

                                                                                             Colombia                           58,4

                                                                                                  Chile                          61,7

                                                                                            Venezuela                          52,4

                                                                                          Puerto Rico                           58,9

                     © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.   27   Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data

                                                                                                    % Reach of Blogs
   Blog sites also enjoy a relatively high
   reach in Latin America, compared                                                         World-Wide                            51,0

   with other developing regions such as                                                    Asia Pacific                        43,8

   Asia Pacific and Middle East-Africa.                                                          Europe                            53,0

                                                                                         North America                                  62,7
   In addition to consumers who turn to                                                  Latin America                                  61,6
   blogging sites to share pictures and                                            Middle East - Africa                         42,7
   keep in touch with friends and
   family, many Latin American blogs
                                                                                                   Brazil                                65,7
   also seem to focus on politics and
                                                                                                 Mexico                                  64,4
   political commentary.
                                                                                              Argentina                                58,2

                                                                                              Colombia                                  62,3

                                                                                                   Chile                           56,0

                                                                                             Venezuela                                 61,5

                                                                                            Puerto Rico                           49,4

                      © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.   28   Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
Online Retail

                                                                                                 % Reach of Retail Sites
   Visiting to Retail sites is strongest in
   Brazil, Mexico, and Puerto Rico.                                                          World-Wide                                  62,1

                                                                                              Asia Pacific                         53,0

   E-Commerce is still in its infancy in                                                           Europe                                  66,4

   most of Latin America, but it’s clear                                                  North America                                           83,6
   that consumers visit retail/product                                                     Latin America                                 62,1
   sites and comparison shop online                                                  Middle East - Africa                        44,5
   even when they are not yet confident
   of the security of online
                                                                                                    Brazil                                64,6
   transactions, or would otherwise
                                                                                                   Mexico                                 65,9
   prefer to make their actual purchases
   offline.                                                                                                                              60,5

                                                                                                Colombia                                 60,2

                                                                                                     Chile                              58,2

                                                                                               Venezuela                                57,0

                                                                                             Puerto Rico                                 62,7

                       © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.   29   Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
Retail Subcategories

Comparison shopping sites are an important destination for online users in
Latin America. Popular product categories vary by country, depending on
local interest and presence of local providers.
                                           % Reach of Retail Subcategories
                                         Latin                                                                                                    Puerto
                                        America               Brazil             Mexico      Argentina Colombia            Chile      Venezuela    Rico
  Comparison Shopping                    21.5                 33.8                17.3         12.5      16.1              14.4          9.8       22.3
  Consumer Electronics                   18.7                 33.5                14.9         15.1       7.5               8.1          6.8        9.1
  Computer Hardware                      13.2                  9.4                21.7          9.5      15.3              12.1         12.3       18.8
  Computer Software                      13.1                 13.5                14.9         10.4      12.4              11.2         11.4       15.5
  Books                                   8.9                 10.6                 9.9          5.9      12.1               4.0          7.0        6.9
  Apparel                                 8.0                  9.7                 8.0          5.6       5.5               3.9          5.1       10.7
  Department Stores                       7.2                 10.1                 4.0          4.7       3.1              19.2          2.3        7.6
  Flowers/Gifts/Greetings                 6.2                  2.1                12.7          5.3       7.3               5.5          5.8       11.5
  Sports/Outdoor                          4.7                 10.2                 1.5          2.0       1.3               1.3          0.7        3.9
  Retail - Music                          3.8                  2.9                 5.2          5.2       3.7               3.2          2.2        3.3
  Retail - Movies                         3.5                  4.5                 3.0          2.7       2.1               3.1          1.2        3.2
  Tickets                                 3.2                  2.8                 4.9          3.0       4.8               5.3          0.9        4.7
  Fragrances/Cosmetics                    2.9                  5.3                 1.4          1.7       1.1               2.3          0.7        2.5
  Toys                                    2.9                  2.4                 3.5          2.6       3.0               3.1          2.9        2.9
  Mall                                    2.3                  4.6                 1.0          1.0       0.5               3.0          0.3        2.4
  Jewelry/Luxury Goods/Accessories        2.2                  1.6                 4.0          1.3       2.6               1.6          2.0        4.4
  Health Care                             2.1                  2.7                 1.9          0.9       2.3               1.4          0.9        6.0
  Consumer Goods                          1.7                  1.7                 3.4          0.9       1.5               0.8          1.4        2.4
  Home Furnishings                        1.7                  2.1                 1.6          0.8       0.9               1.0          0.7        4.2
  Retail - Food                           1.2                  1.6                 1.6          0.6       0.9               0.8          1.2        1.8

                                © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.    30      Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
Brazil is Currently Leading in Ecommerce for the Region

   Brazil makes up 34% of the Latin American Online population but made up
   61% of regional E-Commerce dollars in 2009. Retailer preferences vary by
   country: 95% of Ecommerce dollars spent in Brazil were spent on Latin
   American sites; in Puerto Rico, 95% percent of Ecommerce dollars were spent
   on NON-Latin American sites (primarily U.S. sites).

     Users vs. E-Commerce Dollars                                                                                 Site Purchasing
                                                                                                     Latin American vs Latin American Sites
         Latin American Share                                                                                   Share of Dollars
              49%                                    4%
              1%                                                                                                                                            95%
                                                     61%                                                                        66%


            Web Users                 E-Commerce Dollars                                            Brazil                    Mexico                 Puerto Rico

                                                                                                                     LA Sites     Non-LA Sites
   Brazil    Mexico     Puerto Rico     All Other Latin America

                                      © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.   31   Source: comScore Marketing Solutions Custom Research, FY 2009
Summary of Key Findings

■ The global web landscape is constantly changing – especially with rapid growth
  in emerging markets, particularly in Latin America. Even in markets where web
  usage is well-established, increased broadband adoption will drive additional
■ Low home broadband penetration impedes a great deal of high-bandwidth
  activity, such as video streaming, music downloads, etc, but it is clear that the
  desire/interest is there – a huge opportunity for players in these categories as BB
  penetration grows
■ Social Networking and Communication (via Email and IM) are key drivers for
  Internet usage in this region. The heavy penetration of social media also has a
  multiplicative “viral” effect for other types of Web 2.0 content.
■ Facebook has supplanted many of the local Social Networks in the region, with
  the exception of Orkut, which keeps its stronghold in Brazil.
■ Ecommerce is still in its infancy in this region, but 6 out of 10 users visit Retail
  sites, and consumers are becoming more comfortable with purchasing online.

                        © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential.   32

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State of Internet Latin America 2010

  • 1. State of the Internet with a Focus on Latin America June, 2010
  • 2. Powerful Platform: Global Panel of 2 Million Consumers, Largest of Its Kind The Only Global Measurement 360°View of Consumer Behavior of Audience and e-Commerce Web Visiting Advertising Demographics, L Effectiveness ife Stages & Measurement Attitudes Online Advertising Exposure Search Behavior 38 Media Metrix Reported Countries 170+ Countries with Panel Presence Media Consumption © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 2
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  • 5. History of Leadership in Digital Marketing Measurement To Provide Unified Digital Measurement (MMX 360) To Meter Cell Phones To Provide Behavioral Ad Effectiveness (Campaign Metrix) To Measure Video Streaming (Video Metrix) To Deliver a Worldwide Internet Audience Measurement (World Metrix) To Measure the Search Market (qSearch) To Build and Project from 2M+ Longitudinal Panel To Monitor and Report eCommerce Data External Recognition WORLD ECONOMIC Top 100 World’s Largest FORUM Innovative Companies Windows Database Technology Pioneer December 2004 December 2001, 2007 2003, 2005 © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 5
  • 6. comScore Latin America Office Locations © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 6
  • 7. More Than 2 Million comScore Panelists in Over 170 Countries © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 7
  • 8. Latin America is the Fastest-Growing Region in the World Distribution of Global Internet Audience Web users 15+ Accessing from a Home or Work Computer The composition of the web is constantly changing. Middle East - Africa, 7% Y/Y The Latin American Internet Latin +15% audience grew 23 percent in America, 8 the past year, and now % Y/Y +23% represents 8 percent of the Asia global Internet audience. Pacific, 39 % North Web audiences in developing America, 1 Y/Y +10% nations will continue to grow 7% Y/Y as internet penetration +9% increases in those regions Europe, 28 Y/Y % +12% © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 8 Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
  • 9. Colombia shows highest percentage growth in the region Latin America Online Population Unique Visitors (ooo) 15+ Accessing from a Home or Work Computer The largest percentage YOY Growth growth was in Colombia, 28.608 +20% Brazil which increased its web 34.246 population in the past year Mexico 12.746 +19% by 36 percent. 15.164 9.907 +28% Argentina 12.653 In absolute terms, of 7.511 +36% course, Brazil added the Colombia 10.213 most users, with a growth 5.892 +16% Chile rate of 20% translating to 6.849 almost 6 million new web 1.888 +24% Venezuela 2.337 users in the past year. Puerto 917 +24% Rico 1.139 Feb-2009 Feb-2010 © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 9 Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
  • 10. Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina show heaviest usage in the region Within Latin America, web users Time Spent Online Total Hours per Visitor, Feb 2010 in Brazil spent the most time online, averaging 26.4 hours. World-Wide 22,6 Latin America 24,3 Internet users in Mexico and Argentina also outpaced the Brazil 26,4 global average of 22.6 hours online per month in February Mexico 25,7 2010. Argentina 22,9 With broadband penetration Colombia 22,0 being the most influential factor Chile 22,4 on time spent online, we should continue to see heavier usage Venezuela 20,3 as BB availability improves and costs decline in the region. Puerto Rico 18,0 © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 10 Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
  • 11. Audiences Worldwide Prefer to Consume Content in their Native Languages Europe Americas, MidE Asia Pacific UnitedKingdom ast & Africa Ireland Australia Denmark Canada NewZealand Norway PuertoRico India Sweden Colombia Singapore Portugal Venezuela Malaysia Finland Switzerland Mexico Hong Kong Belgium Chile South Korea Netherlands Argentina Taiwan Austria Brazil Japan Italy SouthAf rica China Turkey Israel Spain France English Germany non-English Local Language Russia Other © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 11 Source: comScore Custom Analysis of Page Views by Language, May 2009
  • 12. Global and Regional Brands are Represented in Top Properties Latin America Top Properties ■ Google’s top billing can be credited to Total Unique Latin Average the popularity of its search engine; Visitors America Minutes (000) % Reach per Visitor the Social Network Orkut in Brazil; Google Sites 88,300 88.9 294.0 and YouTube across the region Microsoft Sites 86,385 87.0 577.9 Yahoo! Sites 49,724 50.1 49.0 FACEBOOK.COM 48,783 49.1 203.7 ■ Microsoft Sites’ high reach and heavy Terra - Telefonica 37,360 37.6 37.2 Wikimedia Foundation Sites 36,414 36.7 11.7 usage is driven by its Instant MercadoLibre 28,074 28.3 26.7 Messenger application WordPress 26,735 26.9 3.9 UOL 23,943 24.1 83.1 Organizacoes Globo 19,705 19.8 96.3 ■ Facebook is making dramatic TARINGA.NET 18,866 19.0 14.1 Ask Network 16,977 17.1 7.2 inroads, not only as a high-reach NetShelter Technology Media 16,410 16.5 5.5 site, but with very heavy usage in the The Mozilla Organization 16,097 16.2 3.0 iG Sites 15,654 15.8 28.1 region OnLine eXchange 14,124 14.2 4.6 Vevo 13,829 13.9 8.4 Orange Sites 12,606 12.7 6.4 ■ Terra is a top property in the HI5.COM 12,507 12.6 69.5 region, but is heavily visited by AOL LLC 12,398 12.5 8.0 Fox Interactive Media 12,051 12.1 28.8 Spanish-speaking audiences BuscaPe.com Inc. 11,548 11.6 3.5 Hi-Media Group 11,410 11.5 40.9 elsewhere as well Adobe Sites 11,395 11.5 3.8 MUSICA.COM 11,131 11.2 8.8 © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 12 Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
  • 13. Top Regional Properties Attract Users from Outside Region Many top Latin American Properties source a significant percentage of their global audience from outside the region ■ 30 percent of Terra’s audience is coming from Europe ■ OLX, based in Argentina and New York, draws a significant North American audience as well Regional Distribution of Audience Top Latin American Properties Total Internet 8% 28% Terra - Telefonica 63% 30% MercadoLibre 89% 8% UOL 87% 8% Organizacoes Globo 89% 6% TARINGA.NET 72% 22% iG Sites 93% 5% OnLine eXchange 43% 36% BuscaPe.com Inc. 90% 7% Latin America Asia Pacific Europe North America Middle East - Africa © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 13 Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
  • 14. How does Latin America use the Internet? ■ The highly social culture of this region makes it unsurprising that Social Top Site Categories: Latin America % Reach Networking is most popular category in Latin America after Search Search/Navigation 85,5 Social Networking 81,9 ■ E-mail is still very important to web users, despite the contact that alternatives e-mail 78,9 provide (SMS, IM, SNs); Instant Entertainment 78,8 Messengers are not too far behind Instant Messengers 71,0 Directories/Resources 64,8 ■ More than three-quarters of web users in Latin America visited an Entertainment site Retail 62,1 (includes Blogs 61,6 Music, Movies, TV, Multimedia, Entertainm News/Information 61,3 ent News, Humor) Community 60,6 ■ Though e-commerce is certainly still in its Technology 57,9 infancy in this region, visiting to Retail Downloads 54,5 sites is robust, with 60 percent of Lat Am Photos 52,6 users visiting a Retail site Reference 50,3 ■ Blogs and News/Info Sites capture Games 50,0 significant portion of web audience © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 14 Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
  • 15. Latin Americans are Heaviest Searchers in the World Search Intensity The average Latin American Average Number of Searches per Searcher searcher made 137 searches, the World-Wide 104 highest regional rate globally. Europe 120 Asia Pacific 84 Within Latin America, Colombia had North America 107 the highest search rates, with an Latin America 137 average of 183 searches per Middle East - Africa 92 searcher. In fact, Colombia, followed by Mexico and Venezuela, had the highest search rates in the world in Brazil 114 February 2010. Mexico 161 Argentina 123 Colombia 183 Chile 128 Venezuela 147 Puerto Rico 97 © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 15 Source: comScore qSearch, February 2010 Data
  • 16. Google Takes Majority Share in Most Latin American Markets Half of all searches Worldwide were Google Search Share % of Total Searches made on Google Property made on Google, but Latin American searchers are more likely to use World-Wide 50% Google for their searches than users Europe 62% elsewhere in the globe. Asia Pacific 32% North America 47% Users in Venezuela use Google for Latin America 65% the largest share of their Middle East - Africa 61% searches, but the rates are similarly high among the other Latin American Brazil 63% countries. Mexico 64% Argentina 70% In other regions, search share is taken from Google primarily by local- Colombia 68% language regional sites; in Latin Chile 66% America, Google has localized Venezuela 73% effectively. Puerto Rico 46% © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 16 Source: comScore qSearch, February 2010 Data
  • 17. Social Networking is Key to the Latin American Audience The highly social nature of Latin % Reach of Social Networks American culture plays an important World-Wide 70,4 part in the rise of Social Networks in the region. Asia Pacific 50,8 Europe 78,9 Along with E-mail and IM, Social North America 94,9 Networks offer an important way for Latin America 81,9 users in the region to stay frequently Middle East - Africa 72,7 in touch with friends and family, both in their home country and abroad. Brazil 77,5 Mexico 81,5 The heavy penetration of Social Argentina 82,7 Networking in this region is also Colombia 83,7 playing an important role in facilitating the dissemination of other Chile 89,5 types of Web 2.0 content. Venezuela 93,5 Puerto Rico 90,2 © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 17 Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
  • 18. Latin American Internet Usage Lat Am: Highest Indexing Categories Three groups of key (Ranked by Index compared to WW Reach) categories for Latin Instant Messengers 71,0 180 America are: Religion/Spirituality 12,2 176 7,7 142 e-cards • Communication: Radio 17,4 139 Instant Messengers Classifieds 29,5 137 and e-mail Discussion/Chat 39,8 136 127 • Connection: Social Photos 52,6 127 Networks, Blogs, Education 39,6 126 Discussion/Chat, and Entertainment - News 24,3 121 Photo sites e-mail 78,9 121 • Entertainment: Blogs 61,6 117 69,7 Multimedia, Music, Extended Web 116 81,9 Entertainment News, Social Networking 115 24,6 and Radio Government 115 Entertainment - Music 49,3 113 Latin America Reach WW Reach © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 18 Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
  • 19. Top Social Networks in the Region Facebook is the most popular Social Network in the Region, with 50 percent of the total Latin American audience. Facebook and Orkut are also the stickiest sites in the category, with users spending more than 3 hours on Facebook, and more than 6 hours on Orkut during the month. Use of Windows Social Networks is linked to Windows IM usage, hence its high reach but low usage levels. Top Social Networks: Latin America Top Social Networks: Latin America % Reach Minutes per User FACEBOOK.COM 49,1 FACEBOOK.COM 203,7 Windows Live Profile 36,7 Windows Live Profile 6,4 Orkut 25,4 Orkut 360,8 HI5.COM 12,6 HI5.COM 69,5 TWITTER.COM 10,5 TWITTER.COM 23,7 FOTOLOG.COM 9,5 FOTOLOG.COM 48,5 SONICO.COM 7,6 SONICO.COM 13,3 MySpace 6,8 MySpace 44,5 Windows Live People 6,2 Windows Live People 0,3 METROFLOG.COM 6,0 METROFLOG.COM 110,4 © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 19 Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
  • 20. Facebook in Latin America Reach varies but is consistently rising across the region. Chile and Colombia have the largest percentage of FB users, with 4 out of 5 Internet users using the site. Brazil remains an Orkut stronghold, though the number of Facebook users is increasing. Facebook Reach in Latin American Countries 100,0 90,0 Chile 80,0 Colombia 70,0 Venezuela 60,0 Puerto Rico 50,0 Argentina Latin America 40,0 Mexico 30,0 World-Wide 20,0 Brazil 10,0 0,0 Feb-2009 May-2009 Aug-2009 Nov-2009 Feb-2010 © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 20 Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
  • 21. Explosive Growth of Twitter in Latin America Twitter has seen phenomenal growth in Latin America over the past year. Though the service is generally popular and has grown five-fold Worldwide in the past year, its growth Lat Am has been 13x, driven primarily by extremely high increases in adoption in Brazil. Twitter Reach in Latin American Countries 20,0 18,0 Brazil 16,0 Venezuela 14,0 Latin America 12,0 Chile 10,0 Mexico 8,0 Puerto Rico 6,0 Colombia 4,0 World-Wide 2,0 Argentina 0,0 Feb-2009 May-2009 Aug-2009 Nov-2009 Feb-2010 © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 21 Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
  • 22. IM and Email Are Key Communciation Channels for Web Users % Reach of Instant Messengers Instant Messengers enjoy extremely high reach in Latin World-Wide 39,3 America and Middle East- Asia Pacific 22,3 Africa, especially when Europe 50,0 compared to North America North America 31,8 and Asia Pacific. Latin America 71,0 Middle East - Africa 71,6 Within Latin America, Mexico and Colombia have the highest Brazil 67,2 reach in the category, with 3 Mexico 77,2 out of 4 web users using an Instant Messenger during the Argentina 70,5 month. Colombia 77,5 Chile 69,7 Venezuela 68,7 Puerto Rico 39,0 © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 22 Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
  • 23. E-mail Usage Stays Strong Despite Other Ways to Connect % Reach of E-Mail Sites Latin American users are also the most voracious users of E- World-Wide 64,9 mail. Colombia and Mexico are Asia Pacific 54,4 consistently among the top Europe 63,7 countries for E-mail usage. North America 80,8 Latin America 78,9 E-mail reach in Latin American Middle East - Africa 73,9 countries are even higher than Instant Messenger reach. Brazil 71,7 Particularly in countries where Mexico 84,0 “always on” broadband Argentina connections are not yet 78,7 universal, communicating by Colombia 87,8 E-mail may still be more Chile 77,9 effective than using Instant Venezuela 78,9 Messenger applications. Puerto Rico 74,5 © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 23 Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
  • 24. Windows Hotmail is the Clear Leader for Webmail E-mail: Latin America Almost 70 percent of web users in % Reach Latin America use Windows Live Windows Live Hotmail 69,5 Hotmail. Google’s Gmail claims a far second with about a fifth of the Google Gmail 20,6 audience. Several providers focused Yahoo! Mail 19,2 on Brazil round out the Top Email properties, primarily due to the large UOL Mail 4,0 size of the Brazilian audience. iG Mail 2,0 MySpace Mail 1,5 GloboMail 1,2 Terra Brasil E-mail 1,0 INCREDIMAIL.COM 0,6 UMAIL.COM.BR 0,4 © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 24 24
  • 25. Entertainment Sites Draw a Significant Audience 79 percent of the Latin American % Reach of Entertainment Sites web population visited an Entertainment site in February. World-Wide 77,9 Asia Pacific 69,3 Visiting to Entertainment sites is Europe 81,0 typically led by Multimedia and sites North America 96,9 that serve video or music content. In Latin America 78,8 Latin America, Entertainment Middle East - Africa 67,5 penetration is high despite relatively low broadband Brazil 77,0 penetration, indicating a clear Mexico regional appetite for this type of 86,1 content. Argentina 74,1 Colombia 77,5 Online videos and music are also Chile 80,8 likely to be propagated more readily Venezuela 79,9 in this region due to the ubiquity of Puerto Rico 85,2 Social Media usage. © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 25 Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
  • 26. YouTube Leads, Local Sites Spur Significant Usage YouTube Leads among Entertainment Sites, but local content is proving to have tremendous appeal for users in Latin America. Rede Globo, for instance, while lagging behind YouTube in terms of reach, increased UV by 17 percent and doubled its usage rates in the past year. Top Entertainment Sites: Latin America Top Entertainment Sites: Latin America % Reach Minutes per User YOUTUBE.COM 56,6 YOUTUBE.COM 142,1 Rede Globo 18,5 Rede Globo 63,8 Terra Entertainment 15,2 Terra Entertainment 18,3 Vevo 13,9 Vevo 8,4 MUSICA.COM 11,2 MUSICA.COM 8,8 Batanga 9,7 Batanga 77,3 MSN Entertainment… 9,6 MSN Entertainment… 7,4 CBS Interactive 9,1 CBS Interactive 6,6 UOL Entretenimento 7,8 UOL Entretenimento 11,8 UOL Musica 7,6 UOL Musica 20,7 © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 26 Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
  • 27. News/Information Sites % Reach of News/Information Reach of the category lags behind that of North America and Europe, but World-Wide 64,6 Latin American web users are Asia Pacific 54,5 increasingly turning to the web for Europe 65,2 news. North America 96,3 Latin America 61,3 Middle East - Africa 47,4 Brazil 65,8 Mexico 59,5 Argentina 63,3 Colombia 58,4 Chile 61,7 Venezuela 52,4 Puerto Rico 58,9 © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 27 Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
  • 28. Blogs % Reach of Blogs Blog sites also enjoy a relatively high reach in Latin America, compared World-Wide 51,0 with other developing regions such as Asia Pacific 43,8 Asia Pacific and Middle East-Africa. Europe 53,0 North America 62,7 In addition to consumers who turn to Latin America 61,6 blogging sites to share pictures and Middle East - Africa 42,7 keep in touch with friends and family, many Latin American blogs Brazil 65,7 also seem to focus on politics and Mexico 64,4 political commentary. Argentina 58,2 Colombia 62,3 Chile 56,0 Venezuela 61,5 Puerto Rico 49,4 © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 28 Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
  • 29. Online Retail % Reach of Retail Sites Visiting to Retail sites is strongest in Brazil, Mexico, and Puerto Rico. World-Wide 62,1 Asia Pacific 53,0 E-Commerce is still in its infancy in Europe 66,4 most of Latin America, but it’s clear North America 83,6 that consumers visit retail/product Latin America 62,1 sites and comparison shop online Middle East - Africa 44,5 even when they are not yet confident of the security of online Brazil 64,6 transactions, or would otherwise Mexico 65,9 prefer to make their actual purchases Argentina offline. 60,5 Colombia 60,2 Chile 58,2 Venezuela 57,0 Puerto Rico 62,7 © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 29 Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
  • 30. Retail Subcategories Comparison shopping sites are an important destination for online users in Latin America. Popular product categories vary by country, depending on local interest and presence of local providers. % Reach of Retail Subcategories Latin Puerto America Brazil Mexico Argentina Colombia Chile Venezuela Rico Comparison Shopping 21.5 33.8 17.3 12.5 16.1 14.4 9.8 22.3 Consumer Electronics 18.7 33.5 14.9 15.1 7.5 8.1 6.8 9.1 Computer Hardware 13.2 9.4 21.7 9.5 15.3 12.1 12.3 18.8 Computer Software 13.1 13.5 14.9 10.4 12.4 11.2 11.4 15.5 Books 8.9 10.6 9.9 5.9 12.1 4.0 7.0 6.9 Apparel 8.0 9.7 8.0 5.6 5.5 3.9 5.1 10.7 Department Stores 7.2 10.1 4.0 4.7 3.1 19.2 2.3 7.6 Flowers/Gifts/Greetings 6.2 2.1 12.7 5.3 7.3 5.5 5.8 11.5 Sports/Outdoor 4.7 10.2 1.5 2.0 1.3 1.3 0.7 3.9 Retail - Music 3.8 2.9 5.2 5.2 3.7 3.2 2.2 3.3 Retail - Movies 3.5 4.5 3.0 2.7 2.1 3.1 1.2 3.2 Tickets 3.2 2.8 4.9 3.0 4.8 5.3 0.9 4.7 Fragrances/Cosmetics 2.9 5.3 1.4 1.7 1.1 2.3 0.7 2.5 Toys 2.9 2.4 3.5 2.6 3.0 3.1 2.9 2.9 Mall 2.3 4.6 1.0 1.0 0.5 3.0 0.3 2.4 Jewelry/Luxury Goods/Accessories 2.2 1.6 4.0 1.3 2.6 1.6 2.0 4.4 Health Care 2.1 2.7 1.9 0.9 2.3 1.4 0.9 6.0 Consumer Goods 1.7 1.7 3.4 0.9 1.5 0.8 1.4 2.4 Home Furnishings 1.7 2.1 1.6 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.7 4.2 Retail - Food 1.2 1.6 1.6 0.6 0.9 0.8 1.2 1.8 © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 30 Source: comScore World Metrix, February 2010 Data
  • 31. Brazil is Currently Leading in Ecommerce for the Region Brazil makes up 34% of the Latin American Online population but made up 61% of regional E-Commerce dollars in 2009. Retailer preferences vary by country: 95% of Ecommerce dollars spent in Brazil were spent on Latin American sites; in Puerto Rico, 95% percent of Ecommerce dollars were spent on NON-Latin American sites (primarily U.S. sites). Users vs. E-Commerce Dollars Site Purchasing Latin American vs Latin American Sites Latin American Share Share of Dollars 5% 24% 34% 49% 4% 11% 1% 95% 95% 15% 61% 66% 34% 5% Web Users E-Commerce Dollars Brazil Mexico Puerto Rico LA Sites Non-LA Sites Brazil Mexico Puerto Rico All Other Latin America © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 31 Source: comScore Marketing Solutions Custom Research, FY 2009
  • 32. Summary of Key Findings ■ The global web landscape is constantly changing – especially with rapid growth in emerging markets, particularly in Latin America. Even in markets where web usage is well-established, increased broadband adoption will drive additional consumption ■ Low home broadband penetration impedes a great deal of high-bandwidth activity, such as video streaming, music downloads, etc, but it is clear that the desire/interest is there – a huge opportunity for players in these categories as BB penetration grows ■ Social Networking and Communication (via Email and IM) are key drivers for Internet usage in this region. The heavy penetration of social media also has a multiplicative “viral” effect for other types of Web 2.0 content. ■ Facebook has supplanted many of the local Social Networks in the region, with the exception of Orkut, which keeps its stronghold in Brazil. ■ Ecommerce is still in its infancy in this region, but 6 out of 10 users visit Retail sites, and consumers are becoming more comfortable with purchasing online. © comScore, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential. 32