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Social Networking and Your Library

Presentation for WRSLAI, 11th June, 2012, Galway. Eddie Byrne, Dublin City Public Libraries


Social Networking and Your Library

Social Networking is…
    the act of connecting via social media.

Social Media is…
    the technology / the platform / the channel
        …used to interact socially and to create content

Social Media is about…
    Building Relationships
    Building Content
    Interacting Online (with Library Users)

Social Media equates with Social Interaction, equates with Conversation

              Social media is a dialogue, NOT a monologue


Social Networking and Your Library

Social networks
Social Bookmarking
Digital Content (audio, video)
                                 CMS / Blog software


Social Networking and Your Library

Network:             Discuss:                         Publish:
Facebook             Meebo (discontinued 16/07/12!)   Wordpress
Linkedin             Digsby                           Blogger
Ning                 Forums                           Wiki
Hi5                  Skype                            Blogs/CMS
Google+              MSN                              Netvibes

Share:               Microblog:
YouTube              Twitter
flickr               Tumblr


Social Networking and Your Library

    • Why do it?

    • Are there benefits for the Library?

    • What are the initial considerations?

    • What are the Issues / Risks?

    • Will people use it?


Social Networking and Your Library

Engaging with Social Media

                                      • 84.2% of Irish Internet Users use Social Networks (Dec’10)

The WHY Question                      • 77% of all Irish Internet Users use Facebook
                                      • 50% of Irish population over 15 years use Facebook (c.1.75m)

Why care?
•   Numbers using social technology
•   Numbers visiting social networks
•   The most popular online activity
•   Social media users expect organisations to have a presence

“The conversation will take place regardless, better to be part of it”


                 world wide web

     organisation’s               Where people
        website                      are at


Social Networking and Your Library

Engaging with Social Media

The WHY Question

Why, what are the benefits?

• Gives the library a wider web presence
• Sharing information
• Service Promotion / Marketing Opportunities
• Cost effective communications / Economical way of engaging
• Rapid dissemination of information / efficiencies
• Speedy feedback
• Attract users
• Retain users
• Build online communities
• Leveraging free technology


Social Networking and Your Library

Engaging with Social Media

*** Secure management support ***

Where are our users?
Who are we trying to reach?

- Raise awareness
- Drive website traffic
- Provide multiple means of accessing information
- Generate interest and enthusiasm in your service


Social Networking and Your Library

Planning and Managing Social Media

Do you have a plan?
Develop a Social Media Strategy.
Identify suitable channels to use.
How will we use the different channels?
Who will do it?
Internet Access / Firewalls
Setting up Accounts
SM Policy for staff
SM policy for library users
Policy on…
- Posting
- Moderation
- Comments
- Updates – how often?
Risk management / Social Media Crisis Plan


Social Networking and Your Library

Planning and Managing Social Media

Social Media Policy for Staff – Why?

Outlines the corporate guidelines in communicating with the public
Helps staff understand what they can and can’t do online (ground rules)
Protects the organisation against risks

Policy Tips:-
Be specific – detail information never to be posted
Educate the employee
Update other policies accordingly
Discuss consequences


Social Networking and Your Library

Dublin City Council - Social Media Content Policy (public-facing)

We want you to feel comfortable using our social media sites. The conversation
should be respectful and contain language that is appropriate for all groups and all

We reserve the right to remove comments that are obscene, indecent; contain
threats or personal attacks of any kind; are defamatory, libellous or contain ad
hominem attacks; contain offensive terms directed to ethnic or racial groups; or
promote or endorse a product or service.

We encourage all users of our social media sites to act respectfully to other users.

Our official social media sites are manned Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. We will
not reply to every individual question or comment, but will usually reply to a theme
that emerges based on comments received.

Individual enquiries can be dealt with by emailing … or by ringing telephone number
… (8:30am to 6pm Monday to Friday).
See also Meath Co. Co. Social Media Policy - http://bit.ly/Mz1gDK


Social Networking and Your Library

                                              Cases in Point
Planning and Managing Social Media
                                              • Pageflakes Experience
                                              • Delicious change of ownership
Risks                                         • YouTube video length limitation
                                              • Twitter – rss feed not easily obtained
• Potential for data loss or misuse           • Wordpress – introduction of adverts
                                              • Netvibes – unsuitable for children’s desktop
• Risk of service malfunction/interruption    • Slide.com, bloglines, odeo – gone
                                              • Meebo shutting down, 11, July 2012
• Risk of complete loss of service            • Flickr – annual cost c.€20
• Legal Risks                                 • Premium services


• Reliance on third parties with whom there may be no contractual
• Loss of Control
• Forced Ads
• Hidden Costs / Free v Premium Services


Social Networking and Your Library
Planning and Managing Social Media

Legal Risks and Protocols

Brand and Image Protection
Data Protection
Employment Law
Vicarious Liability
Employees’ Responsibilities

To moderate or not to moderate…?

Dealing with complaints


Social Networking and Your Library
Planning and Managing Social Media

Implement Prudent (Legal) Risk Management Strategies

- Raising Awareness
- Internet / Social Media Usage Policy
- Protocols for Posting Online
- Terms and Conditions on Website / SM Presence
- Expeditious response to take down requests (without prejudice)

“Staff contributing stories to the library blog do so in their capacity as employees of
Dublin City Council, and as such do so for business purposes only. Contributing
writers must not publish any content that could, potentially or otherwise, impact on the
reputation and good name of Dublin City Council. It is every staff member’s duty to use
Dublin City Council’s resources responsibly, professionally, ethically, and lawfully.”


Social Networking and Your Library

Planning and Managing Social Media

Risk Reduction Measures

• Use established services
• Risk Assessment and Management Plan
• Identify alternatives
• Perform Backups
• Migration Issues
• Monitor web presences regularly


Social Networking and Your Library

Planning and Managing Social Media

Do not… create without a plan
Do not… leave page idle
Do not… post too much
Do not… post inappropriately
Do not… ignore comments, criticisms, questions
Do not… get pulled into confrontations
Do not… ignore your other duties

Do… link accounts together

Be courteous
Be aware you are representing your organisation


Social Networking and Your Library

Resource Demands

- Who
- Skills
- Time Factor
- Training
- Service / Software Costs
- Ancillary Software (e.g. media editing)

What are your capabilities?
Do you have someone to administer the SM Plan?
Who will update it?


Social Networking and Your Library

Measuring Success

- Analytics
- Measure, Review, Revise

No. of ‘Likes’, ‘Followers’, ‘Subscribers’
People talking about
Engaged users
Total reach
Retweets (RT)
No. of Views


Social Networking and Your Library




Social Networking and Your Library

          The reach of a Tweet!


Social Networking and Your Library

        Dublin-based Mo has 452 followers


Social Networking and Your Library


Social Networking and Your Library

                            Thank You

                                    Eddie Byrne

                    Dublin City Public Libraries & Archive

                              Tel 01 6744831
                    Email: edward.byrne@dublincity.ie
                            Twitter: @ebyrne41
                LinkedIn: http://ie.linkedin.com/in/ebyrne41
                         Slideshare.net: ebyrne41

Presentation for WRSLAI, 11th June, 2012, Galway. Eddie Byrne, Dublin City Public Libraries


Next up…

•Dublin City Public Libraries & Archive – Social Media Presences
•Social Media equates with Social Interaction, equates with
•Case Study – Image Galleries
•Case Study - Netvibes


Social Networking and Your Library

 Dublin City Public Libraries &

   Social Media Presences
          (some of!)











        Library Portal



Library Blog

       Library Blog


Other blog-based sites


Social Networking and Your Library

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DublinCityPublicLibraries
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/dubcilib
Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/dubcilib/
Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/dubcilib
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/dubcilib
flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dublincitypubliclibraries
delicious: http://delicious.com/dublincitypubliclibraries
Netvibes: http://www.netvibes.com/dublincitypubliclibraries
CommunityWalk: http://www.communitywalk.com/DublinCityPublicLibraries

Library Blog: www.dublincitypubliclibraries.com
Dublin: One City, One Book: http://www.dublinonecityonebook.ie/
North Strand Bombing Reminiscences:
Shelbourne FC Red Reminiscences:


Next up…

•Social Media equates with Social Interaction, equates with
•Case Study – Image Galleries
•Case Study - Netvibes


Social Networking and Your Library

      Social Media equates with Social
   Interaction, equates with Conversation

Social Media is about…
   Building Relationships
   Building Content
   Interacting Online (with Library Users)


Commenting, Tagging, Sharing








Content Creation


Next up…

4.Case Study – Image Galleries
5.Case Study - Netvibes


Social Networking and Your Library



…embedded in
other locations.


Social Networking and Your Library
        Monitoring your Social Networks





Social Networking and Your Library

• Twitter Search (+ Advanced)
• Seesmic
• Tweetdeck (install)
• Whathashtag
• Monitter (or Twitterfall)
• Bit.ly (account + browser extension)


Next up…

3.Case Study – Image Galleries
4.Case Study - Netvibes


Case Study - Image Galleries
                                        > 1500 Images



1,691 followers (05 Jun 2012)

                                1,157 likes (08 Jun 2012)


Dublin City Public Libraries’ Blog and Image Gallery Site
                     April – October 2010

                       > 191,000 page views
                          c.26,000 visits

              > 8,300 visits from referral sites, of those:
c.1,900 referrals from Facebook (1,400 referrals to Image Galleries)
 c.1,700 referrals from discussion forums (most to Image Galleries)
   c.300 referrals from Twitter (c.80 referrals to Image Galleries)
                       83 referrals from flickr
                              135 Fb likes

         ‘Dublin in the Rare Oul’ Times’ Image Gallery

       Posted notice on Facebook 17 Oct – within 24 hours,
    45 referrals to Gallery from Fb. (98 referrals to whole site)
                      11 Fb shares, 8 Fb likes

                Tweeted 18 Oct - within 24 hours,
               21 referrals to Gallery from Twitter
                              1 Retweet


Conversation around the Images


Conversation around the Images


Conversation around the Images


       Flash in the Pan? Here we are again......brilliant, mind you the Doc should've been arrested by the
                              fashion police for the chequered suit ...great site

                                          Brilliant stuff! Memories :-)

 …also dublin.ie                         I love it! More of this please!
    forums…                                                                             …from boards.ie
                                              Quality dcpldigital.
                                            absolutely fantastic site,

      A few years before my time but amazing pictures and to put faces on the lads… thank you for this
                                              great display.

                                 brilliant, brings back sooo many memories…

      Great stuff. Lots of flashbacks in there! Maybe in 35yrs they will do another one on Dublin hurlers.
                                 Starting with NHL Final 2011 -:) Up the Dubs.

                                       Classic stuff - thanks for posting.

                               Thank you for putting these photos on the forum .

         been looking as well .number 8 is walden motor company . where i "worked" 1969 to 1980.
                                              excellent photos

           Another brilliant collection, every one of the pics are enjoyable, keep up the good work.

                                       Terrific collection great addition.



                                                   Slideshow of
                                                 accompanied by

                                                   Video created
                                                 from images and
                                                    audio using
                                                  ProShow Gold.

                                                 Video hosted on

                                                  Dublin City Archives’
                                                 North Strand Bombing
                                                  Reminiscences Oral
                                                    History Project.


Next up…

3.Case Study - Netvibes


Social Networking and Your Library

                     Case Study - Netvibes

     • To facilitate centralised management of the Internet desktop on all
     public access PCs (200+) across 21 locations

     • To provide a value-added product for our Library Web Users
     • To provide greatly enhanced access to a range of select resources

     • To enable the promotion of library activities and services via the
     public access Internet PCs


Social Networking and Your Library

            What is a LIBRARY Portal?

     • Value-added Extension of the Library's main Website
     • Virtual Resource Centre



Social Networking and Your Library

     • Budget & Resources
     • Timeline
     • Off-the-Shelf or Bespoke?
     • Hosting – Local or Remote?
     • Ease of Implemention & Maintenance
     • Adaptability, Flexibility
     • Performance – Stability, Speed
     • Promotion


Social Networking and Your Library

      Strengths of These Platforms

         • Web based: there is no software to download
        • Can be accessed from any computer anywhere
     • Access to whole host of developed modules (widgets)
           • Anything with an RSS feed can be added
                      • Can share content
                     • Can be made public
             • Customisable. multiple tab capability
            • Minimal technical knowledge required


UWA widget (html)
                                                      UWA widget (html)

                                                   Stick your notes widget

                                Link widget

                                                            Webpage widget

                           Weather widget


     Dublin City Public Libraries


Social Networking and Your Library

     • Platform Failure (Interruptions to Service)
     • Platform Failure (Loss of Service)
     • Widget Failure (Malfunction)
     • Failure of Associated Services (delicious, Twitter)
     • Reliance on third parties with whom there are no
     contractual agreements (Risk Assessment for Use of Third Party Web 2.0 Services: A UKOLN
     Briefing Document, QA Focus, Nov 2007.)

                        Risk Management
     • Risk Management Strategy in Place
     • RSS Backup
     • Netvibes Support
63   • Alternative Solution Ready to Go
                                                                                 Case Study - Netvibes


Social Networking and Your Library

            Jan – Mar 2010                                      Visits: 1607
                                            From Library Internet PCs: 1115
                                                  From Outside Library: 492
                                                     (Outside Ireland – 441)

1732 =    373   + 213   + 155    +    123     +     144     +    475    +    124
Library = 70.5% 64.3%    50.3%       56.9%         56.9%        87.8%       54.8%

     572 – Outside Library                        From Outside Library: 1064
     406 – Outside Ireland                            (Outside Ireland – 847)


Social Networking and Your Library

            Jan – Mar 2010                                      Visits: 1607
                                            From Library Internet PCs: 1115
                                                  From Outside Library: 492
                                                     (Outside Ireland – 441)

1732 =    373   + 213   + 155    +    123     +     144     +    475    +    124
Library = 70.5% 64.3%    50.3%       56.9%         56.9%        87.8%       54.8%

     572 – Outside Library                        From Outside Library: 1064
     406 – Outside Ireland                            (Outside Ireland – 847)


Social Networking and Your Library


     Referrals from Netvibes Page To:                        (Jan - Mar 2010)

                                Online Catalogue: 291
                             Ranking: No.3 of 52 sources
           (no.2 – Borrowbooks.ie: 2426; no.4 Wikipedia: 89; no.5 Twitter 69)

                                  dublincity.ie: 354
                           Ranking: No.27 of 2280 sources
                               (Libraries’ Pages – c.266)


• once every other day
          • twice or three times

67     Acknowledgement: Giada Gelli

     Case Study - Netvibes


Bringing the user closer to the library.

        To what extent do you think Web 2.0 tools, e.g. blogs, Netvibes,
        Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, are helping you get more involved in
                                 your library?

          To a great     To some       To a little   Not at all    No opinion
            extent        extent        extent

                                                     Giada Gelli, LAI/CILIP Conference April



69    www.netvibes.com/dublincitypubliclibraries

     Dublin City Public Libraries


Social Networking and Your Library

                 Netvibes - a Success?

     • Zero Financial Outlay in terms of Product Purchase /
     • Cost Measured in Terms of Staff Time Only
     • Less Intervention Required by IT Support
     • Easy to Implement and Maintain
     • Product Fulfills Requirements (the Why?)
     • Solution proving largely stable and flexible
     • Strategies in place in the event of interruptions/ failures
     • People ARE Using It!


Social Networking and Your Library
            Other libraries making use of Netvibes…




Social Networking and Your Library

                            Libraries of the University of Groningen


Social Networking and Your Library


                 The Central Medical Library, University Medical Center Groningen


Social Networking and Your Library

                            Thank You

                                    Eddie Byrne

                    Dublin City Public Libraries & Archive

                              Tel 01 6744831
                    Email: edward.byrne@dublincity.ie
                            Twitter: @ebyrne41
                LinkedIn: http://ie.linkedin.com/in/ebyrne41
                         Slideshare.net: ebyrne41

Presentation for WRSLAI, 11th June, 2012, Galway. Eddie Byrne, Dublin City Public Libraries

More Related Content

Social Networking and Your Library

  • 1. Social Networking and Your Library Presentation for WRSLAI, 11th June, 2012, Galway. Eddie Byrne, Dublin City Public Libraries
  • 2. Social Networking and Your Library Social Networking is… the act of connecting via social media. Social Media is… the technology / the platform / the channel …used to interact socially and to create content Social Media is about… Building Relationships Building Content Interacting Online (with Library Users) Social Media equates with Social Interaction, equates with Conversation Social media is a dialogue, NOT a monologue
  • 3. Social Networking and Your Library Channels: Facebook Includes: YouTube Social networks Twitter Blogs Flickr Micro-blogging Slideshare Forums Google+ Wikis Podcasts Platforms: Social Bookmarking Wordpress Digital Content (audio, video) Netvibes SurveyMonkey CMS / Blog software
  • 4. Social Networking and Your Library Network: Discuss: Publish: Facebook Meebo (discontinued 16/07/12!) Wordpress Linkedin Digsby Blogger Ning Forums Wiki Hi5 Skype Blogs/CMS Google+ MSN Netvibes Share: Microblog: YouTube Twitter flickr Tumblr slideshare Delicious Pinterest
  • 5. Social Networking and Your Library • Why do it? • Are there benefits for the Library? • What are the initial considerations? • What are the Issues / Risks? • Will people use it? 5
  • 6. Social Networking and Your Library Engaging with Social Media • 84.2% of Irish Internet Users use Social Networks (Dec’10) The WHY Question • 77% of all Irish Internet Users use Facebook • 50% of Irish population over 15 years use Facebook (c.1.75m) Why care? • Numbers using social technology • Numbers visiting social networks • The most popular online activity • Social media users expect organisations to have a presence “The conversation will take place regardless, better to be part of it”
  • 7. Location Location world wide web Location! Your organisation’s Where people website are at
  • 8. Social Networking and Your Library Engaging with Social Media The WHY Question Why, what are the benefits? • Gives the library a wider web presence • Sharing information • Service Promotion / Marketing Opportunities • Cost effective communications / Economical way of engaging • Rapid dissemination of information / efficiencies • Speedy feedback • Attract users • Retain users • Build online communities • Leveraging free technology
  • 9. Social Networking and Your Library Engaging with Social Media *** Secure management support *** Think… Where are our users? Who are we trying to reach? Goals? e.g. - Raise awareness - Drive website traffic - Provide multiple means of accessing information - Generate interest and enthusiasm in your service
  • 10. Social Networking and Your Library Planning and Managing Social Media Do you have a plan? Develop a Social Media Strategy. Identify suitable channels to use. How will we use the different channels? Who will do it? Internet Access / Firewalls Setting up Accounts SM Policy for staff SM policy for library users Policy on… - Posting - Moderation - Comments - Updates – how often? Risk management / Social Media Crisis Plan
  • 11. Social Networking and Your Library Planning and Managing Social Media Social Media Policy for Staff – Why? Outlines the corporate guidelines in communicating with the public Helps staff understand what they can and can’t do online (ground rules) Protects the organisation against risks Policy Tips:- Be specific – detail information never to be posted Educate the employee Update other policies accordingly Discuss consequences
  • 12. Social Networking and Your Library Dublin City Council - Social Media Content Policy (public-facing) We want you to feel comfortable using our social media sites. The conversation should be respectful and contain language that is appropriate for all groups and all ages. We reserve the right to remove comments that are obscene, indecent; contain threats or personal attacks of any kind; are defamatory, libellous or contain ad hominem attacks; contain offensive terms directed to ethnic or racial groups; or promote or endorse a product or service. We encourage all users of our social media sites to act respectfully to other users. Our official social media sites are manned Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. We will not reply to every individual question or comment, but will usually reply to a theme that emerges based on comments received. Individual enquiries can be dealt with by emailing … or by ringing telephone number … (8:30am to 6pm Monday to Friday). ---------------------------- See also Meath Co. Co. Social Media Policy - http://bit.ly/Mz1gDK
  • 13. Social Networking and Your Library Cases in Point Planning and Managing Social Media • Pageflakes Experience • Delicious change of ownership Risks • YouTube video length limitation • Twitter – rss feed not easily obtained • Potential for data loss or misuse • Wordpress – introduction of adverts • Netvibes – unsuitable for children’s desktop • Risk of service malfunction/interruption • Slide.com, bloglines, odeo – gone • Meebo shutting down, 11, July 2012 • Risk of complete loss of service • Flickr – annual cost c.€20 • Legal Risks • Premium services Disadvantages • Reliance on third parties with whom there may be no contractual agreements • Loss of Control • Forced Ads • Hidden Costs / Free v Premium Services
  • 14. Social Networking and Your Library Planning and Managing Social Media Legal Risks and Protocols Defamation Privacy Copyright Brand and Image Protection Data Protection Employment Law Vicarious Liability Employees’ Responsibilities To moderate or not to moderate…? Dealing with complaints
  • 15. Social Networking and Your Library Planning and Managing Social Media Implement Prudent (Legal) Risk Management Strategies - Raising Awareness - Internet / Social Media Usage Policy - Protocols for Posting Online - Terms and Conditions on Website / SM Presence - Expeditious response to take down requests (without prejudice) “Staff contributing stories to the library blog do so in their capacity as employees of Dublin City Council, and as such do so for business purposes only. Contributing writers must not publish any content that could, potentially or otherwise, impact on the reputation and good name of Dublin City Council. It is every staff member’s duty to use Dublin City Council’s resources responsibly, professionally, ethically, and lawfully.”
  • 16. Social Networking and Your Library Planning and Managing Social Media Risk Reduction Measures • Use established services • Risk Assessment and Management Plan • Identify alternatives • Perform Backups • Migration Issues • Monitor web presences regularly
  • 17. Social Networking and Your Library Planning and Managing Social Media Do not… create without a plan Do not… leave page idle Do not… post too much Do not… post inappropriately Do not… ignore comments, criticisms, questions Do not… get pulled into confrontations Do not… ignore your other duties Do… link accounts together Be courteous Be aware you are representing your organisation
  • 18. Social Networking and Your Library Resource Demands - Who - Skills - Time Factor - Training - Service / Software Costs - Ancillary Software (e.g. media editing) What are your capabilities? Do you have someone to administer the SM Plan? Who will update it?
  • 19. Social Networking and Your Library Measuring Success - Analytics - Measure, Review, Revise Insights No. of ‘Likes’, ‘Followers’, ‘Subscribers’ People talking about Engaged users Total reach Retweets (RT) Mentions No. of Views Referrals Demographics
  • 22. Social Networking and Your Library The reach of a Tweet!
  • 23. Social Networking and Your Library Dublin-based Mo has 452 followers
  • 25. Social Networking and Your Library Thank You Eddie Byrne Dublin City Public Libraries & Archive Tel 01 6744831 Email: edward.byrne@dublincity.ie Twitter: @ebyrne41 LinkedIn: http://ie.linkedin.com/in/ebyrne41 Slideshare.net: ebyrne41 Presentation for WRSLAI, 11th June, 2012, Galway. Eddie Byrne, Dublin City Public Libraries
  • 26. Next up… •Dublin City Public Libraries & Archive – Social Media Presences •Social Media equates with Social Interaction, equates with Conversation •Twitter •Case Study – Image Galleries •Case Study - Netvibes
  • 27. Social Networking and Your Library Dublin City Public Libraries & Archive Social Media Presences (some of!)
  • 28. Facebook Twitter
  • 31. Netvibes ~ Library Portal Vimeo
  • 32. Library Blog Library Blog ~ www.dublincitypubliclibraries.com
  • 34. Social Networking and Your Library Visit: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DublinCityPublicLibraries Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/dubcilib Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/dubcilib/ Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/dubcilib YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/dubcilib flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dublincitypubliclibraries delicious: http://delicious.com/dublincitypubliclibraries Netvibes: http://www.netvibes.com/dublincitypubliclibraries CommunityWalk: http://www.communitywalk.com/DublinCityPublicLibraries Library Blog: www.dublincitypubliclibraries.com Dublin: One City, One Book: http://www.dublinonecityonebook.ie/ North Strand Bombing Reminiscences: http://northstrandbombing.wordpress.com/ Shelbourne FC Red Reminiscences: http://dublinsportsarchive.wordpress.com/
  • 35. Next up… •Social Media equates with Social Interaction, equates with Conversation •Twitter •Case Study – Image Galleries •Case Study - Netvibes
  • 36. Social Networking and Your Library Social Media equates with Social Interaction, equates with Conversation Social Media is about… Building Relationships Building Content Interacting Online (with Library Users)
  • 42. Next up… 3.Twitter 4.Case Study – Image Galleries 5.Case Study - Netvibes
  • 43. Social Networking and Your Library Twitter
  • 45. Social Networking and Your Library Monitoring your Social Networks HootSuite
  • 47. Social Networking and Your Library also… • Twitter Search (+ Advanced) • Seesmic • Tweetdeck (install) • Whathashtag • Monitter (or Twitterfall) • Bit.ly (account + browser extension)
  • 48. Next up… 3.Case Study – Image Galleries 4.Case Study - Netvibes
  • 49. Case Study - Image Galleries > 1500 Images www.dublincitypubliclibraries.com
  • 50. 1,691 followers (05 Jun 2012) 1,157 likes (08 Jun 2012)
  • 51. Dublin City Public Libraries’ Blog and Image Gallery Site April – October 2010 > 191,000 page views c.26,000 visits > 8,300 visits from referral sites, of those: c.1,900 referrals from Facebook (1,400 referrals to Image Galleries) c.1,700 referrals from discussion forums (most to Image Galleries) c.300 referrals from Twitter (c.80 referrals to Image Galleries) 83 referrals from flickr 135 Fb likes ‘Dublin in the Rare Oul’ Times’ Image Gallery Posted notice on Facebook 17 Oct – within 24 hours, 45 referrals to Gallery from Fb. (98 referrals to whole site) 11 Fb shares, 8 Fb likes Tweeted 18 Oct - within 24 hours, 21 referrals to Gallery from Twitter 1 Retweet
  • 55. Engagement Flash in the Pan? Here we are again......brilliant, mind you the Doc should've been arrested by the fashion police for the chequered suit ...great site Brilliant stuff! Memories :-) …also dublin.ie I love it! More of this please! forums… …from boards.ie Quality dcpldigital. http://bit.ly/Lj1E8k absolutely fantastic site, A few years before my time but amazing pictures and to put faces on the lads… thank you for this great display. brilliant, brings back sooo many memories… Great stuff. Lots of flashbacks in there! Maybe in 35yrs they will do another one on Dublin hurlers. Starting with NHL Final 2011 -:) Up the Dubs. Classic stuff - thanks for posting. Thank you for putting these photos on the forum . been looking as well .number 8 is walden motor company . where i "worked" 1969 to 1980. excellent photos Another brilliant collection, every one of the pics are enjoyable, keep up the good work. Terrific collection great addition.
  • 56. http://northstrandbombing.wordpress.com/video/ Slideshow of photographs, accompanied by oral reminiscences. Video created from images and audio using ProShow Gold. Video hosted on YouTube, embedded elsewhere. Dublin City Archives’ North Strand Bombing Reminiscences Oral History Project.
  • 58. Social Networking and Your Library Case Study - Netvibes Why? • To facilitate centralised management of the Internet desktop on all public access PCs (200+) across 21 locations • To provide a value-added product for our Library Web Users • To provide greatly enhanced access to a range of select resources • To enable the promotion of library activities and services via the public access Internet PCs 58 www.netvibes.com/dublincitypubliclibraries
  • 59. Social Networking and Your Library What is a LIBRARY Portal? • Value-added Extension of the Library's main Website • Virtual Resource Centre 59
  • 60. Social Networking and Your Library Considerations • Budget & Resources • Timeline • Off-the-Shelf or Bespoke? • Hosting – Local or Remote? • Ease of Implemention & Maintenance • Adaptability, Flexibility • Performance – Stability, Speed 60 • Promotion
  • 61. Social Networking and Your Library Strengths of These Platforms • Web based: there is no software to download • Can be accessed from any computer anywhere • Access to whole host of developed modules (widgets) • Anything with an RSS feed can be added • Can share content • Can be made public • Customisable. multiple tab capability 61 • Minimal technical knowledge required
  • 62. UWA widget (html) UWA widget (html) Stick your notes widget Link widget Webpage widget Weather widget 62 Dublin City Public Libraries
  • 63. Social Networking and Your Library Risks? • Platform Failure (Interruptions to Service) • Platform Failure (Loss of Service) • Widget Failure (Malfunction) • Failure of Associated Services (delicious, Twitter) • Reliance on third parties with whom there are no contractual agreements (Risk Assessment for Use of Third Party Web 2.0 Services: A UKOLN Briefing Document, QA Focus, Nov 2007.) Risk Management • Risk Management Strategy in Place • RSS Backup • Netvibes Support 63 • Alternative Solution Ready to Go Case Study - Netvibes
  • 64. Social Networking and Your Library Jan – Mar 2010 Visits: 1607 From Library Internet PCs: 1115 From Outside Library: 492 (Outside Ireland – 441) 1732 = 373 + 213 + 155 + 123 + 144 + 475 + 124 Library = 70.5% 64.3% 50.3% 56.9% 56.9% 87.8% 54.8% 64 572 – Outside Library From Outside Library: 1064 406 – Outside Ireland (Outside Ireland – 847)
  • 65. Social Networking and Your Library Jan – Mar 2010 Visits: 1607 From Library Internet PCs: 1115 From Outside Library: 492 (Outside Ireland – 441) 1732 = 373 + 213 + 155 + 123 + 144 + 475 + 124 Library = 70.5% 64.3% 50.3% 56.9% 56.9% 87.8% 54.8% 65 572 – Outside Library From Outside Library: 1064 406 – Outside Ireland (Outside Ireland – 847)
  • 66. Social Networking and Your Library Usage Referrals from Netvibes Page To: (Jan - Mar 2010) Online Catalogue: 291 Ranking: No.3 of 52 sources (no.2 – Borrowbooks.ie: 2426; no.4 Wikipedia: 89; no.5 Twitter 69) dublincity.ie: 354 Ranking: No.27 of 2280 sources (Libraries’ Pages – c.266) 66
  • 67. • once every other day • twice or three times 67 Acknowledgement: Giada Gelli Case Study - Netvibes
  • 68. Bringing the user closer to the library. To what extent do you think Web 2.0 tools, e.g. blogs, Netvibes, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, are helping you get more involved in your library? 35.0% 29.3% 30.0% 24.1% 25.0% 20.7% 20.0% 15.5% 15.0% 10.3% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% To a great To some To a little Not at all No opinion extent extent extent Giada Gelli, LAI/CILIP Conference April 2010
  • 69. Support 69 www.netvibes.com/dublincitypubliclibraries Dublin City Public Libraries
  • 70. Social Networking and Your Library Netvibes - a Success? • Zero Financial Outlay in terms of Product Purchase / Maintenance • Cost Measured in Terms of Staff Time Only • Less Intervention Required by IT Support • Easy to Implement and Maintain • Product Fulfills Requirements (the Why?) • Solution proving largely stable and flexible • Strategies in place in the event of interruptions/ failures 70 • People ARE Using It!
  • 71. Social Networking and Your Library Other libraries making use of Netvibes… 71 http://www.netvibes.com/discoverycollegelibrary
  • 72. Social Networking and Your Library 72 Libraries of the University of Groningen http://www.netvibes.com/ruglibraries#Bibliotheekzake n
  • 73. Social Networking and Your Library 73 The Central Medical Library, University Medical Center Groningen http://www.netvibes.com/cmb
  • 74. Social Networking and Your Library Thank You Eddie Byrne Dublin City Public Libraries & Archive Tel 01 6744831 Email: edward.byrne@dublincity.ie Twitter: @ebyrne41 LinkedIn: http://ie.linkedin.com/in/ebyrne41 Slideshare.net: ebyrne41 Presentation for WRSLAI, 11th June, 2012, Galway. Eddie Byrne, Dublin City Public Libraries