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ing    Retro Funk
                    Free-form Jazz
                                             DIGITAL       Swing Something
                                                        Classical       Romantic
wing           Jazz Fusion                                       SOUL
        The Framework Age
         Free-form Jazz
  Retro Funk                         DIGITAL                                Hard bop
    Tango detecting, adapting, & improvising
    Notes on Classical
wing Free-form Jazz                    Big Band
                       DIGITAL                    BAROQUE
                                                                 Retro Funk        Classical

        BeBop  Retro Funk     BAROQUE
                                                       Third Stream
                                                         Avant-Garde Jazz

       Improvisation                                            Acid Jazz
        Liz Danzico Ragtime
         Retro Funk                        Latin Jazz        Dance Folk Music
        Webstock 2008
  Hard bop
         Classical Jazz

                                           Blues                                     Free Jazz
Information architect Happy Cog
Editor Rosenfeld Media, A Brief Message
Educator The School of Visual Arts
Board member AIGA, IA Institute
Emeritus Boxes and Arrows

Present     Additive    Performance
1   Defining frameworks
As we made the transition from
print to web, we took some of
the principles with us.
The Framework Age
Because we’re designing for the
web, we’ve let go of some of
that control.
The Framework Age
We’re not designing artifacts.
We’re not designing artifacts.
We’re designing frameworks.
We’re not designing artifacts.
We’re designing frameworks.
And frameworks require users
to adopt, to adapt, to improvise.
Provides uninscribed and
detectable cues that loosely
govern a set of actions or
Interfaces are no longer telling
the story; they must provide
places that enable storytelling
to happen.
Thus: users must
adapt, adopt, improvise.
This is a story about people
and technology. With music.
2   A ordances in music
An aside:
An aside:
Jazz music was a reprieve from
Classical music which had
dominated the last centuries.
Classical composition:
The Framework Age
The Framework Age
The Framework Age
Classical music composition
didn’t leave room for
Jazz notation:
Courtesy Dan Cohen
Courtesy dancohen, YouTube (youtube.com/watch?v=2kotK9FNEYU)
Modal jazz leaves spaces
between the notes for artists to
improvise. Liberally.
V 4q q q q q q Q Q Q
“You will hear something
close to pure spontaneity
 in these performances.”

— Bill Evans, Kind of Blue, pianist
“Creative Instability”
Before the
advent of
writing, epic
relied on music
patterns to pass
along stories =
oral tradition
in performance”
“We are witnessing the
reemergence in electronic form of
oral patterns that have been hiding
  in plain sight for generations.”

— Alex Wright, Glut: Mastering Information
            Through the Ages
3   Designing for improvisation
Whether sidewalks, music, or
the oral tradition, there are
unscripted frameworks that
allow improvisation to happen.

Present     Additive    Performance
Detectable, or “a lot with a little”
1 2 3 4
The Framework Age
The Framework Age
The Framework Age
The Framework Age
The Framework Age
The Framework Age
“That’s when I know
 WordPress is doing its job:
when people aren’t even aware
   they’re using it because
  they’re so busy using it!”
     —Mark Jaquith, Automattic

The Framework Age
The Framework Age
The Framework Age
Present, or “in real-time”
The Framework Age
Additive, or “part of a whole”
The Framework Age
The Framework Age
The Framework Age
The Framework Age
4,000 unique tags
 19,000 total tags
The Framework Age
Performance, or “the audience is
        always right”
“Miles Davis presents ...
frameworks which are exquisite in
their simplicity and yet contain all
   that is necessary to stimulate
performance with sure reference to
     the primary conception.”

        — Bill Evans, Kind of Blue
The Framework Age
The Framework Age
The Framework Age

Present     Additive    Performance
4   Tools and principles for use
“All art is performance art, which is
  to say that it is first and foremost
 activity. It is the act of art … that is
 important, not the created object.”
      —Christopher Small, Musicking
Contextual inquiry Participatory design Agile development
User-centered design Participatory design Persona creation
Agile development User research UCD models User-centered
design Throw it against the wall Participatory design Agile
development Contextual inquiry Participatory design Person
creation User research UCD models Participatory design Agil
development User centered design Persona creation Agile
development User research UCD models User-centered desig
Agile development Participatory design Contextual inquiry
Persona creation Agile development User research UCD mod
User centered design Participatory design Agile development
Persona creation Intuition Agile development User research
UCD models Paper prototyping Persona creation Persona
creation Contextual inquiry User research UCD models User
centered design Participatory design Agile development
Contextual inquiry Design design Persona creation Agile
Contextual inquiry Participatory design Agile development
User-centered design Participatory design Persona creation
Agile development User research UCD models User-centered
design Throw it against the wall Participatory design Agile
development Contextual inquiry Participatory design Person
creation User research UCD models Participatory design Agil
development User centered design Persona creation Agile
development User research UCD models User-centered desig
Agile development Participatory design Contextual inquiry
Persona creation Agile development User research UCD mod
User centered design Participatory design Agile development
Persona creation Intuition Agile development User research
UCD models Paper prototyping Persona creation Persona
creation Contextual inquiry User research UCD models User
centered design Participatory design Agile development
Contextual inquiry Design design Persona creation Agile
User-centered design:
The needs, wants, and
limitations of the end user are
given extensive attention at
each stage of the design
Participatory design:
Actively involves users in the
design process to help ensure
that the product designed
meets their needs and is usable.
“In a world that is not predictable,
   improvisation and evolution
      are more than a luxury:
       they are a necessity.”
  —Elisa Giaccardi and Gerhard Fischer,
  Creativity and Evolution: A Metadesign
All the focus has been on the
design process.

   Design    Release    Use
Not on how design evolves
with use.

   Design   Release
This is not unlike the tension
between print versus the web.

  Compose    Transmit   Interpret
Or how we communicated
prior to the advent of writing.



User story

               Rules of      Build and                               Re-
                 Structure        Design   Test    Build              Launch

                                           Beta   Observe
                                                  and Interact
User needs

Group and
user needs

                                                  Brandon Shauer, IA Summit 2006
Designing for improvisation:
Requires a co-adaptive process
between users and systems —
a democratization of the
creative process.
Music: Transition to frameworks
(A gross generalization)

                                                Classical Music?

                                        Modal Jazz


               Classical Music

User participation: Transition to frameworks

                                                                          Web 2.0

    User                                                      Wikipedia
                Amazon   Yahoo!   eBay

Build process: Transition to frameworks
 (Another gross generalization)

                                                                          Web 2.0
                             Development Frameworks     Facebook

    User                                                      Wikipedia
                Amazon   Yahoo!   eBay

Design process: Transition to frameworks

                                                                         Designing for

    User                                               Wikis
Participation             User-centered
                 Yahoo! Brochure
                 Users?               Portals
                Directory  Sites



The Framework Age
The Framework Age
The Framework Age
    Learn from familiar models—
    cities, music, traditions.

    Create frameworks that are perceptible,
    present-focused, additive, communal.

    Consider new ways of working for new
    kinds of a ordances.


Liz Danzico

More Related Content

The Framework Age

  • 1. ing Retro Funk BeBop Free-form Jazz BAROQUE DIGITAL Swing Something Classical Romantic Ancient wing Jazz Fusion SOUL Bebop Ballet Swing The Framework Age Free-form Jazz Retro Funk DIGITAL Hard bop ssical Tango detecting, adapting, & improvising Modal BAROQUE Classical Notes on Classical wing Free-form Jazz Big Band DIGITAL BAROQUE Retro Funk Classical Swing BeBop Retro Funk BAROQUE MIDI Third Stream DIGITAL Avant-Garde Jazz Swing Improvisation Acid Jazz Liz Danzico Ragtime Retro Funk Latin Jazz Dance Folk Music Classical Webstock 2008 Hard bop Classical Classical Jazz DIXIELAND Blues Free Jazz
  • 2. Me: Information architect Happy Cog Editor Rosenfeld Media, A Brief Message Educator The School of Visual Arts Board member AIGA, IA Institute Emeritus Boxes and Arrows
  • 3. You
  • 4. Detectable Detectable Present Additive Performance
  • 5. WHAT WE’RE TALKING ABOUT 1 Defining frameworks
  • 6. As we made the transition from print to web, we took some of the principles with us.
  • 8. Because we’re designing for the web, we’ve let go of some of that control.
  • 12. We’re not designing artifacts. We’re designing frameworks.
  • 13. We’re not designing artifacts. We’re designing frameworks. And frameworks require users to adopt, to adapt, to improvise.
  • 14. Framework: Provides uninscribed and detectable cues that loosely govern a set of actions or interactions
  • 15. Interfaces are no longer telling the story; they must provide places that enable storytelling to happen.
  • 16. Thus: users must adapt, adopt, improvise.
  • 17. This is a story about people and technology. With music. LEARNING FROM JAZZ 2 A ordances in music
  • 19. An aside: Jazz music was a reprieve from Classical music which had dominated the last centuries.
  • 24. Classical music composition didn’t leave room for participation.
  • 26. Courtesy Dan Cohen http://youtube.com/watch?v=2kotK9FNEYU Courtesy dancohen, YouTube (youtube.com/watch?v=2kotK9FNEYU)
  • 27. Modal jazz leaves spaces between the notes for artists to improvise. Liberally.
  • 28. 4 V 4q q q q q q Q Q Q
  • 29. “You will hear something close to pure spontaneity in these performances.” — Bill Evans, Kind of Blue, pianist
  • 31. Before the advent of writing, epic storytellers relied on music patterns to pass along stories = oral tradition
  • 33. “We are witnessing the reemergence in electronic form of oral patterns that have been hiding in plain sight for generations.” — Alex Wright, Glut: Mastering Information Through the Ages
  • 34. ONLINE EVIDENCE 3 Designing for improvisation
  • 35. Whether sidewalks, music, or the oral tradition, there are unscripted frameworks that allow improvisation to happen.
  • 36. Detectable Detectable Present Additive Performance
  • 37. Detectable, or “a lot with a little”
  • 38. 1 2 3 4
  • 48. “That’s when I know WordPress is doing its job: when people aren’t even aware they’re using it because they’re so busy using it!” —Mark Jaquith, Automattic http://markjaquith.wordpress.com/2007/02/21/engine-awareness/
  • 53. Present, or “in real-time”
  • 58. Additive, or “part of a whole”
  • 65. 24 HOURS 4,000 unique tags 19,000 total tags 500 comments
  • 67. Performance, or “the audience is always right”
  • 68. “Miles Davis presents ... frameworks which are exquisite in their simplicity and yet contain all that is necessary to stimulate performance with sure reference to the primary conception.” — Bill Evans, Kind of Blue
  • 75. Detectable Detectable Present Additive Performance
  • 76. HOW DO WE DO IT? 4 Tools and principles for use
  • 77. “All art is performance art, which is to say that it is first and foremost activity. It is the act of art … that is important, not the created object.” —Christopher Small, Musicking
  • 78. Contextual inquiry Participatory design Agile development User-centered design Participatory design Persona creation Agile development User research UCD models User-centered design Throw it against the wall Participatory design Agile development Contextual inquiry Participatory design Person creation User research UCD models Participatory design Agil development User centered design Persona creation Agile development User research UCD models User-centered desig Agile development Participatory design Contextual inquiry Persona creation Agile development User research UCD mod User centered design Participatory design Agile development Persona creation Intuition Agile development User research UCD models Paper prototyping Persona creation Persona creation Contextual inquiry User research UCD models User centered design Participatory design Agile development Contextual inquiry Design design Persona creation Agile
  • 79. Contextual inquiry Participatory design Agile development User-centered design Participatory design Persona creation Agile development User research UCD models User-centered design Throw it against the wall Participatory design Agile development Contextual inquiry Participatory design Person creation User research UCD models Participatory design Agil development User centered design Persona creation Agile development User research UCD models User-centered desig Agile development Participatory design Contextual inquiry Persona creation Agile development User research UCD mod User centered design Participatory design Agile development Persona creation Intuition Agile development User research UCD models Paper prototyping Persona creation Persona creation Contextual inquiry User research UCD models User centered design Participatory design Agile development Contextual inquiry Design design Persona creation Agile
  • 80. User-centered design: The needs, wants, and limitations of the end user are given extensive attention at each stage of the design process.
  • 81. Participatory design: Actively involves users in the design process to help ensure that the product designed meets their needs and is usable.
  • 82. “In a world that is not predictable, improvisation and evolution are more than a luxury: they are a necessity.” —Elisa Giaccardi and Gerhard Fischer, Creativity and Evolution: A Metadesign Solution
  • 83. All the focus has been on the design process. Design Release Use
  • 84. Not on how design evolves with use. Use Design Release
  • 85. This is not unlike the tension between print versus the web. Compose Transmit Interpret
  • 86. Or how we communicated prior to the advent of writing. Compose Interpret Transmit
  • 87. User story Business requirements Rules of Build and Re- Structure Design Test Build Launch Beta Observe and Interact User needs Group and user needs Brandon Shauer, IA Summit 2006
  • 88. Designing for improvisation: Requires a co-adaptive process between users and systems — a democratization of the creative process.
  • 89. Music: Transition to frameworks (A gross generalization) Classical Music? Modal Jazz Bebop Improv Classical Music Time
  • 90. User participation: Transition to frameworks Web 2.0 Flickr Facebook Yahoo! Del.icio.us User Wikipedia Participation Blogger Amazon Yahoo! eBay Time
  • 91. Build process: Transition to frameworks (Another gross generalization) Web 2.0 Flickr Development Frameworks Facebook Yahoo! Del.icio.us User Wikipedia Participation Blogger Amazon Yahoo! eBay Time
  • 92. Design process: Transition to frameworks Citizen Designing for Journalism improvisation Flickr Participatory design User Wikis Participation User-centered design Yahoo! Brochure Users? Portals Directory Sites Time
  • 93. Improvisation facilitators? User Sophistication Time
  • 97. 1 Learn from familiar models— cities, music, traditions. 2 Create frameworks that are perceptible, present-focused, additive, communal. 3 Consider new ways of working for new kinds of a ordances.