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Mit der Konsole
Repository: https://github.com/RalfEggert/dwx2015-code-generierung
Slides: http://de.slideshare.net/eggertralf/dwx2015-codegenerierung
1 / 59
Über michÜber mich
2 / 59www.RalfEggert.dewww.RalfEggert.de
3 / 59
Frage ans PublikumFrage ans Publikum
4 / 59
Einsatzzwecke: KonsoleEinsatzzwecke: Konsole
5 / 59
Datenbank Migration
SocketServerCron Jobs
Spider / Crawler
6 / 59
Tools Konsole & CodeTools Konsole & Code
7 / 59
Konsole Code
Tools Konsole & CodeTools Konsole & Code
8 / 59
Konsole Code
9 / 59
Zend Framework 2
Full-Stack ZF2 Applikation
Gute ZF2-Kenntnisse
»Richtige« Konsolen-Anwendung
Ohne MVC
Wenige ZF2-Kenntnisse
10 / 59
Zend Framework 2
Full-Stack ZF2 Applikation
Gute ZF2-Kenntnisse
»Richtige« Konsolen-Anwendung
Ohne MVC
Wenige ZF2-Kenntnisse
11 / 59
PHP 5.5
12 / 59
"name": "ralfeggert/dwx2015-code-generierung",
"description": "DWX2015: Tool zur Code-Generierung",
"license": "MIT",
"require": {
"php": ">=5.5",
"zfcampus/zf-console": "~1.0",
"zendframework/zend-code": "~2.5",
"zendframework/zend-config": "~2.5",
"zendframework/zend-console": "~2.5",
"zendframework/zend-db": "~2.5",
"zendframework/zend-filter": "~2.5",
"zendframework/zend-validator": "~2.5"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"PHPCG": "src/PHPCG"
"bin": ["bin/phpcg.php"]
13 / 59
// Projekt klonen
$ cd /home/devhost/
$ git clone https://github.com/RalfEggert/dwx2015-code-generierung
$ cd dwx2015-code-generierung/
// Abhängigkeiten per Composer installieren
$ php composer.phar install
// PHP Code Generator ausführen
$ bin/phpcg.php
14 / 59
https://github.com/zfcampus/zf-console 15 / 59
16 / 59
// Datei /bin/phpcg.php
use ZendConsoleConsole;
use ZFConsoleApplication;
define('DWX2015_PHPCG_ROOT', __DIR__ . '/..');
define('VERSION', '1.0.0');
include DWX2015_PHPCG_ROOT . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$routes = include DWX2015_PHPCG_ROOT . '/config/routes.php';
$console = Console::getInstance();
$application = new Application(
'PHP Code Generator (DWX2015)', VERSION, $routes, $console
$exit = $application->run();
17 / 59
// Autovervollständigung einrichten
$ sudo bin/phpcg.php autocomplete > /etc/bash_completion.d/phpcg.php.sh
$ source /etc/bash_completion.d/phpcg.php.sh
// Autovervollständigung nutzen
$ bin/phpcg.php <TAB>
autocomplete create-hello-you-class create-user-entities
hello-someone hello-world hello-you
update-user-entities help version
PHAR GenerierenPHAR Generieren
18 / 59
// PHAR Paket erstellen lassen
$ bin/create-phar.php
Phar created successfully in /home/devhost/dwx2015-code-generate/phpcg.phar
// Phar Paket verwenden
$ php phpcg.phar
PHP Code Generator (DWX2015), version 1.0.0
Available commands:
autocomplete Command autocompletion setup
create-hello-you-class Create hello you class
create-user-entities Create user entities
hello-someone Hello someone
hello-world Hello world
hello-you Hello you
help Get help for individual commands
update-user-entities Update user entities
version Display the version of the script
19 / 59
// Autovervollständigung einrichten
$ bin/phpcg.php help
PHP Code Generator (DWX2015), version 1.0.0
Available commands:
autocomplete Command autocompletion setup
create-hello-you-class Create hello you class
create-user-entities Create user entities
hello-someone Hello someone
hello-world Hello world
hello-you Hello you
help Get help for individual commands
update-user-entities Update user entities
version Display the version of the script
Routing BeispieleRouting Beispiele
20 / 59
// Route ohne Parameter 'say-stuff'
$ bin/phpcg.php say-stuff
// Route mit obligatorischem Wertparameter 'say-stuff <stuff>'
$ bin/phpcg.php say-stuff Whatever
// Route mit optionalem Flag 'do-stuff [--strict|-s]:strict'
$ bin/phpcg.php do-stuff -s
// Route mit optionalem Wertparameter 'do-stuff [--target=]'
$ bin/phpcg.php do-stuff --target=Whatever
21 / 59
22 / 59
// Datei /config/routes.php
return array(
'name' => 'hello-world',
'route' => 'hello-world',
'description' => 'Say hello to the world',
'short_description' => 'Hello world',
'handler' => 'PHPCGCommandHelloWorld',
23 / 59
// Datei /src/PHPCG/Command/HelloWorld.php
namespace PHPCGCommand;
use ZendConsoleAdapterAdapterInterface as Console;
use ZendConsoleColorInterface as Color;
use ZFConsoleRoute;
class HelloWorld
public function __invoke(Route $route, Console $console)
$console->writeLine('Hello World', Color::YELLOW);
24 / 59
$ bin/phpcg.php hello-world
PHP Code Generator (DWX2015), version 1.0.0
Hello World
25 / 59
// Datei /config/routes.php
return array(
'name' => 'hello-you',
'route' => 'hello-you <you>',
'description' => 'Say hello to you',
'short_description' => 'Hello you',
'options_descriptions' => array(
'<you>' => 'Your name'
'handler' => 'PHPCGCommandHelloYou',
26 / 59
// Datei /src/PHPCG/Command/HelloYou.php
namespace PHPCGCommand;
use ZendConsoleAdapterAdapterInterface as Console;
use ZendConsoleColorInterface as Color;
use ZFConsoleRoute;
class HelloYou
public function __invoke(Route $route, Console $console)
$you = $route->getMatchedParam('you');
$console->write('Hello ');
$console->write(sprintf('"%s"', $you), Color::YELLOW);
$console->writeLine(' ...');
27 / 59
$ bin/phpcg.php hello-you Ralf
PHP Code Generator (DWX2015), version 1.0.0
Hello "Ralf" ...
28 / 59
// Datei /config/routes.php
return array(
'name' => 'hello-someone',
'route' => 'hello-someone',
'description' => 'Say hello to someone',
'short_description' => 'Hello someone',
'handler' => 'PHPCGCommandHelloSomeOne',
29 / 59
// Datei /src/PHPCG/Command/HelloSomeOne.php
use ZendConsolePromptLine;
use ZendConsolePromptSelect;
class HelloSomeOne
public function __invoke(Route $route, Console $console)
$prompt = new Line('Please enter any name: ');
$you = $prompt->show();
$options = array(Color::BLACK => 'BLACK', [...], Color::BLUE => 'BLUE');
$prompt = new Select('Please choose any color: ', $options);
$color = $prompt->show();
$console->write('Hello ');
$console->write(sprintf(' %s ', $you), Color::WHITE, $color);
$console->writeLine(' ...');
30 / 59
$ bin/phpcg.php hello-someone
PHP Code Generator (DWX2015), version 1.0.0
Please enter any name: Ralf
Please choose any color:
2) RED
Hello ...
31 / 59
https://github.com/zendframework/zend-code 32 / 59
33 / 59
Body Generator
Class Generator
Doc Block Generator
Method Generator
Parameter Generator
TRAIT Generator
Value Generator
Weitere Generatoren
34 / 59
// Datei /config/routes.php
return array(
'name' => 'create-hello-you-class',
'route' => 'create-hello-you-class',
'description' => 'Create a hello you class',
'short_description' => 'Create hello you class',
'handler' => 'PHPCGCommandCreateHelloYou',
Class Generator IClass Generator I
35 / 59
// Datei /src/PHPCG/Generator/HelloYouClassGenerator.php
namespace PHPCGGenerator;
use ZendCodeGeneratorClassGenerator;
use ZendCodeGeneratorMethodGenerator;
use ZendCodeGeneratorParameterGenerator;
use ZendCodeGeneratorPropertyGenerator;
class HelloYouClassGenerator
private $class;
public function getClass()
return $this->class;
public function createClass() {}
Class Generator IIClass Generator II
36 / 59
public function createClass()
$nameProperty = new PropertyGenerator('name');
$nameSetMethod = new MethodGenerator('setName');
$nameSetMethod->setParameter(new ParameterGenerator('name'));
$nameSetMethod->setBody('$this->name = $name;');
$greetMethod = new MethodGenerator('greet');
$greetMethod->setBody('return sprintf("Hello %s!", $this->name);');
$this->class = new ClassGenerator('HelloYou', 'HelloGreeting');
$this->class->addMethods(array($nameSetMethod, $greetMethod));
FILE GeneratorFILE Generator
37 / 59
// Datei /src/PHPCG/Generator/ClassFileGenerator.php
namespace PHPCGGenerator;
use ZendCodeGeneratorClassGenerator;
use ZendCodeGeneratorDocBlockGenerator;
use ZendCodeGeneratorFileGenerator;
class ClassFileGenerator
private $file;
public function getFile()
return $this->file;
public function createFile(ClassGenerator $class)
$docBlock = new DocBlockGenerator([...]);
$this->file = new FileGenerator();
38 / 59
// Datei /src/PHPCG/Command/CreateHelloYouClass.php
namespace PHPCGCommand;
class CreateHelloYouClass
public function __invoke(Route $route, Console $console)
$fileName = DWX2015_PHPCG_ROOT . '/tmp/HelloYouClass.php';
$classGenerator = new HelloYouClassGenerator();
$class = $classGenerator->getClass();
$fileGenerator = new ClassFileGenerator();
$file = $fileGenerator->getFile();
file_put_contents($fileName, $file->generate());
39 / 59
$ bin/phpcg.php create-hello-you-class
PHP Code Generator (DWX2015), version 1.0.0
Created class HelloYou in file
namespace HelloGreeting;
class HelloYou
private $name = null;
public function setName($name)
$this->name = $name;
public function greet()
return sprintf("Hello %s!", $this->name);
40 / 59
https://github.com/zendframework/zend-db 41 / 59
ZendDb KomponentenZendDb Komponenten
42 / 59
Result Set
Table Gateway
43 / 59
DB KonfigurationDB Konfiguration
44 / 59
// Datei /config/db.php
return array(
'adapter' => array(
'driver' => 'Pdo',
'dsn' => 'mysql:dbname=dwx2015.user;host=localhost;charset=utf8',
'user' => 'dwx2015',
'pass' => 'dwx2015',
Meta Data Collector IMeta Data Collector I
45 / 59
// Datei /src/PHPCG/MetaData/Collector.php
namespace PHPCGCollector;
use ZendDbMetadataMetadata;
use ZendDbMetadataObjectColumnObject;
class MetaDataCollector
public function __construct(Metadata $metaData)
$this->metaData = $metaData;
public function fetchTableColumns($tableName)
$tableColumns = array();
return $tableColumns;
Meta Data Collector IIMeta Data Collector II
46 / 59
foreach ($tableMeta->getColumns() as $column) {
$config = array('required' => !$column->getIsNullable());
if (in_array($column->getDataType(), array('varchar','text','enum'))) {
$config['type'] = 'string';
} else {
$config['type'] = 'integer';
if ($column->getDataType() == 'varchar') {
$config['max_length'] = $column->getCharacterMaximumLength();
} elseif ($column->getDataType() == 'enum') {
$config['values'] = $column->getErrata('permitted_values');
$tableColumns[$column->getName()] = $config;
User Entity Generator IUser Entity Generator I
47 / 59
// Datei /src/PHPCG/Generator/UserEntityGenerator.php
namespace PHPCGGenerator;
use ZendCodeGeneratorClassGenerator;
use ZendCodeGeneratorDocBlockGenerator;
use ZendCodeGeneratorMethodGenerator;
use ZendCodeGeneratorParameterGenerator;
use ZendCodeGeneratorPropertyGenerator;
use ZendCodeGeneratorValueGenerator;
use ZendFilterWordUnderscoreToCamelCase;
class UserEntityGenerator extends ClassGenerator
private $class;
private $filterUTCC;
public function __construct() {}
public function getClass() {}
public function createClass() {}
public function addEntityProperties(array $columns = array()) {}
User Entity Generator IIUser Entity Generator II
48 / 59
public function __construct()
$this->filterUTCC = new UnderscoreToCamelCase();
public function getClass()
return $this->class;
public function createClass()
$this->class = new ClassGenerator('UserEntity', 'UserEntity');
new DocBlockGenerator([...])
User Entity Generator IIIUser Entity Generator III
49 / 59
public function addEntityProperties()
foreach ($this->columns as $name => $attributes) {
$property = $this->generateProperty($name, $attributes);
$getMethod = $this->generateGetMethod($name, $attributes);
$setMethod = $this->generateSetMethod($name, $attributes);
private function generateProperty($name, array $attributes = array())
$property = new PropertyGenerator($name);
return $property;
User Entity Generator IVUser Entity Generator IV
50 / 59
private function generateGetMethod($name, array $attributes = array())
$methodName = 'get' . $this->filterUTCC->filter($name);
$getMethod = new MethodGenerator($methodName);
$getMethod->setBody('return $this->' . $name . ';');
return $getMethod;
User Entity Generator VUser Entity Generator V
51 / 59
private function generateSetMethod($name, array $attribs = array())
$methodName = 'set' . $this->filterUTCC->filter($name);
$defaultValue = !$attribs['required'] ? new ValueGenerator(null) : null;
$setMethod = new MethodGenerator($methodName);
new ParameterGenerator($name, null, $defaultValue)
$setMethod->setBody('$this->' . $name . ' = $' . $name . ';');
return $setMethod;
Kommando IKommando I
52 / 59
// Datei /src/PHPCG/Command/CreateUserEntities.php
namespace PHPCGCommand;
use PHPCGCollectorMetaDataCollector;
use PHPCGGeneratorClassFileGenerator;
use PHPCGGeneratorUserEntityGenerator;
use ZendConsoleAdapterAdapterInterface as Console;
use ZendConsoleColorInterface as Color;
use ZendDbAdapterAdapter;
use ZendDbMetadataMetadata;
use ZFConsoleRoute;
class CreateUserEntities
public function __invoke(Route $route, Console $console)
Kommando IIKommando II
53 / 59
public function __invoke(Route $route, Console $console)
$dbConfig = include DWX2015_PHPCG_ROOT . '/config/db.php';
$fileName = DWX2015_PHPCG_ROOT . '/tmp/UserEntity.php';
$dbAdapter = new Adapter($dbConfig['adapter']);
$metaData = new Metadata($dbAdapter);
$collector = new MetaDataCollector($metaData);
$userColumns = $collector->fetchTableColumns('user');
$classGenerator = new UserEntityGenerator();
$class = $classGenerator->getClass();
$fileGenerator = new ClassFileGenerator();
$file = $fileGenerator->getFile();
file_put_contents($fileName, $file->generate());
54 / 59
$ bin/phpcg.php create-user-entities
PHP Code Generator (DWX2015), version 1.0.0
Created class UserEntity in file
namespace UserEntity;
class UserEntity
protected $id = null;
public function getId()
return $this->id;
public function setId($id)
$this->id = $id;
War es das?War es das?
55 / 59
Weitere IdeenWeitere Ideen
56 / 59
In Entity
Fragen vom Publikum?Fragen vom Publikum?
57 / 59
Für Ihre / Eure Aufmerksamkeit!
Repository: https://github.com/RalfEggert/dwx2015-code-generierung
Slides: http://de.slideshare.net/eggertralf/dwx2015-codegenerierung
58 / 59
[B00] Fotos von Ralf Eggert
[B01] Carrot And Stick Incentives Lead Manage http://www.workcompass.com/ von Alan O'Rourke - CC-BY https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
[B02] Frontiers 2011 - Day 2 https://www.flickr.com/photos/frontiersofinteraction/5866676276/ von Frontiersofinteraction - CC-BY https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
[B03] Multi Tools https://www.flickr.com/photos/pennuja/5363515039 von Jim Pennucci - CC-BY https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
[B04] Command https://www.flickr.com/photos/shearforce/3838603833/ von Margaret Shear - CC-BY-SA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/
[B05] Propeller Generator in the Sunset https://www.flickr.com/photos/jiazi/2060352110/ von Tim Wang - CC-BY-SA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/
[B06] Fixing the database https://www.flickr.com/photos/dahlstroms/4140461901 von Håkan Dahlström - CC-BY https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
[B07] I have an idea @ home https://www.flickr.com/photos/ful1to/3783198574/ von Julian Santacruz - CC-BY https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
[B08] Etech05: Audience https://www.flickr.com/photos/oreilly/6648470 von James Duncan Davidson - CC-BY https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
Alle weiteren Screenshots wurden von Ralf Eggert erstellt.
59 / 59

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DWX2015 Code Generierung

  • 1. Code-GenerierungCode-Generierung Mit der Konsole  Repository: https://github.com/RalfEggert/dwx2015-code-generierung Slides: http://de.slideshare.net/eggertralf/dwx2015-codegenerierung 1 / 59
  • 2. Über michÜber mich 2 / 59www.RalfEggert.dewww.RalfEggert.de
  • 4. Frage ans PublikumFrage ans Publikum 4 / 59 [b02][b02]
  • 5. Einsatzzwecke: KonsoleEinsatzzwecke: Konsole 5 / 59 Codegenerierung DeploymentSkripte InstallationsSkripte Datenbank Migration SocketServerCron Jobs Spider / Crawler
  • 7. Tools Konsole & CodeTools Konsole & Code 7 / 59 Konsole Code
  • 8. Tools Konsole & CodeTools Konsole & Code 8 / 59 Konsole Code
  • 9. VariantenVarianten 9 / 59 Zend Framework 2 Full-Stack ZF2 Applikation Mit MVC Gute ZF2-Kenntnisse ZendCodeGenerator ZendConsole ZFConsole »Richtige« Konsolen-Anwendung Ohne MVC Wenige ZF2-Kenntnisse ZendCodeGenerator ZendConsole
  • 10. VariantenVarianten 10 / 59 Zend Framework 2 Full-Stack ZF2 Applikation Mit MVC Gute ZF2-Kenntnisse ZendCodeGenerator ZendConsole ZFConsole »Richtige« Konsolen-Anwendung Ohne MVC Wenige ZF2-Kenntnisse ZendCodeGenerator ZendConsole
  • 11. ??? BausteineBausteine 11 / 59 PHP 5.5 C0mposer ZFConsole ZendConsole ZendCode ZendConfig ZendDb ZendFilter ZendValidator
  • 12. Composer.jsonComposer.json 12 / 59 { "name": "ralfeggert/dwx2015-code-generierung", "description": "DWX2015: Tool zur Code-Generierung", "license": "MIT", "require": { "php": ">=5.5", "zfcampus/zf-console": "~1.0", "zendframework/zend-code": "~2.5", "zendframework/zend-config": "~2.5", "zendframework/zend-console": "~2.5", "zendframework/zend-db": "~2.5", "zendframework/zend-filter": "~2.5", "zendframework/zend-validator": "~2.5" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "PHPCG": "src/PHPCG" } }, "bin": ["bin/phpcg.php"] }
  • 13. InstallationInstallation 13 / 59 // Projekt klonen $ cd /home/devhost/ $ git clone https://github.com/RalfEggert/dwx2015-code-generierung $ cd dwx2015-code-generierung/ // Abhängigkeiten per Composer installieren $ php composer.phar install // PHP Code Generator ausführen $ bin/phpcg.php
  • 16. ApplicationApplication 16 / 59 <?php // Datei /bin/phpcg.php use ZendConsoleConsole; use ZFConsoleApplication; define('DWX2015_PHPCG_ROOT', __DIR__ . '/..'); define('VERSION', '1.0.0'); include DWX2015_PHPCG_ROOT . '/vendor/autoload.php'; $routes = include DWX2015_PHPCG_ROOT . '/config/routes.php'; $console = Console::getInstance(); $application = new Application( 'PHP Code Generator (DWX2015)', VERSION, $routes, $console ); $exit = $application->run(); exit($exit);
  • 17. AutovervollständigungAutovervollständigung 17 / 59 // Autovervollständigung einrichten $ sudo bin/phpcg.php autocomplete > /etc/bash_completion.d/phpcg.php.sh $ source /etc/bash_completion.d/phpcg.php.sh // Autovervollständigung nutzen $ bin/phpcg.php <TAB> autocomplete create-hello-you-class create-user-entities hello-someone hello-world hello-you update-user-entities help version
  • 18. PHAR GenerierenPHAR Generieren 18 / 59 // PHAR Paket erstellen lassen $ bin/create-phar.php Phar created successfully in /home/devhost/dwx2015-code-generate/phpcg.phar // Phar Paket verwenden $ php phpcg.phar --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHP Code Generator (DWX2015), version 1.0.0 Available commands: autocomplete Command autocompletion setup create-hello-you-class Create hello you class create-user-entities Create user entities hello-someone Hello someone hello-world Hello world hello-you Hello you help Get help for individual commands update-user-entities Update user entities version Display the version of the script ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 19. HilfeHilfe 19 / 59 // Autovervollständigung einrichten $ bin/phpcg.php help --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHP Code Generator (DWX2015), version 1.0.0 Available commands: autocomplete Command autocompletion setup create-hello-you-class Create hello you class create-user-entities Create user entities hello-someone Hello someone hello-world Hello world hello-you Hello you help Get help for individual commands update-user-entities Update user entities version Display the version of the script ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 20. Routing BeispieleRouting Beispiele 20 / 59 // Route ohne Parameter 'say-stuff' $ bin/phpcg.php say-stuff // Route mit obligatorischem Wertparameter 'say-stuff <stuff>' $ bin/phpcg.php say-stuff Whatever // Route mit optionalem Flag 'do-stuff [--strict|-s]:strict' $ bin/phpcg.php do-stuff -s // Route mit optionalem Wertparameter 'do-stuff [--target=]' $ bin/phpcg.php do-stuff --target=Whatever
  • 22. RouteRoute 22 / 59 <?php // Datei /config/routes.php return array( array( 'name' => 'hello-world', 'route' => 'hello-world', 'description' => 'Say hello to the world', 'short_description' => 'Hello world', 'handler' => 'PHPCGCommandHelloWorld', ), [...] );
  • 23. KommandoKommando 23 / 59 <?php // Datei /src/PHPCG/Command/HelloWorld.php namespace PHPCGCommand; use ZendConsoleAdapterAdapterInterface as Console; use ZendConsoleColorInterface as Color; use ZFConsoleRoute; class HelloWorld { public function __invoke(Route $route, Console $console) { $console->writeLine('Hello World', Color::YELLOW); } }
  • 24. KonsoleKonsole 24 / 59 $ bin/phpcg.php hello-world --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHP Code Generator (DWX2015), version 1.0.0 Hello World ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 25. RouteRoute 25 / 59 <?php // Datei /config/routes.php return array( array( 'name' => 'hello-you', 'route' => 'hello-you <you>', 'description' => 'Say hello to you', 'short_description' => 'Hello you', 'options_descriptions' => array( '<you>' => 'Your name' ), 'handler' => 'PHPCGCommandHelloYou', ), [...] );
  • 26. KommandoKommando 26 / 59 <?php // Datei /src/PHPCG/Command/HelloYou.php namespace PHPCGCommand; use ZendConsoleAdapterAdapterInterface as Console; use ZendConsoleColorInterface as Color; use ZFConsoleRoute; class HelloYou { public function __invoke(Route $route, Console $console) { $you = $route->getMatchedParam('you'); $console->write('Hello '); $console->write(sprintf('"%s"', $you), Color::YELLOW); $console->writeLine(' ...'); } }
  • 27. KonsoleKonsole 27 / 59 $ bin/phpcg.php hello-you Ralf --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHP Code Generator (DWX2015), version 1.0.0 Hello "Ralf" ... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 28. RouteRoute 28 / 59 <?php // Datei /config/routes.php return array( array( 'name' => 'hello-someone', 'route' => 'hello-someone', 'description' => 'Say hello to someone', 'short_description' => 'Hello someone', 'handler' => 'PHPCGCommandHelloSomeOne', ), [...] );
  • 29. KommandoKommando 29 / 59 <?php // Datei /src/PHPCG/Command/HelloSomeOne.php [...] use ZendConsolePromptLine; use ZendConsolePromptSelect; class HelloSomeOne { public function __invoke(Route $route, Console $console) { $prompt = new Line('Please enter any name: '); $you = $prompt->show(); $options = array(Color::BLACK => 'BLACK', [...], Color::BLUE => 'BLUE'); $prompt = new Select('Please choose any color: ', $options); $color = $prompt->show(); $console->write('Hello '); $console->write(sprintf(' %s ', $you), Color::WHITE, $color); $console->writeLine(' ...'); } }
  • 30. KonsoleKonsole 30 / 59 $ bin/phpcg.php hello-someone --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHP Code Generator (DWX2015), version 1.0.0 Please enter any name: Ralf Please choose any color: 1) BLACK 2) RED 3) GREEN 4) YELLOW 5) BLUE Hello ... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ralf@ralf-HP-2013:/home/devhost/dwx2015-code-generierung$ Ralf
  • 33. GeneratorenGeneratoren 33 / 59 Body Generator Class Generator Doc Block Generator FileGenerator Method Generator Parameter Generator PropertyGenerator TRAIT Generator Value Generator Weitere Generatoren
  • 34. RouteRoute 34 / 59 <?php // Datei /config/routes.php return array( array( 'name' => 'create-hello-you-class', 'route' => 'create-hello-you-class', 'description' => 'Create a hello you class', 'short_description' => 'Create hello you class', 'handler' => 'PHPCGCommandCreateHelloYou', ), [...] );
  • 35. Class Generator IClass Generator I 35 / 59 <?php // Datei /src/PHPCG/Generator/HelloYouClassGenerator.php namespace PHPCGGenerator; use ZendCodeGeneratorClassGenerator; use ZendCodeGeneratorMethodGenerator; use ZendCodeGeneratorParameterGenerator; use ZendCodeGeneratorPropertyGenerator; class HelloYouClassGenerator { private $class; public function getClass() { return $this->class; } public function createClass() {} }
  • 36. Class Generator IIClass Generator II 36 / 59 <?php public function createClass() { $nameProperty = new PropertyGenerator('name'); $nameProperty->addFlag(PropertyGenerator::FLAG_PRIVATE); $nameSetMethod = new MethodGenerator('setName'); $nameSetMethod->addFlag(MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC); $nameSetMethod->setParameter(new ParameterGenerator('name')); $nameSetMethod->setBody('$this->name = $name;'); $greetMethod = new MethodGenerator('greet'); $greetMethod->addFlag(MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC); $greetMethod->setBody('return sprintf("Hello %s!", $this->name);'); $this->class = new ClassGenerator('HelloYou', 'HelloGreeting'); $this->class->addPropertyFromGenerator($nameProperty); $this->class->addMethods(array($nameSetMethod, $greetMethod)); }
  • 37. FILE GeneratorFILE Generator 37 / 59 <?php // Datei /src/PHPCG/Generator/ClassFileGenerator.php namespace PHPCGGenerator; use ZendCodeGeneratorClassGenerator; use ZendCodeGeneratorDocBlockGenerator; use ZendCodeGeneratorFileGenerator; class ClassFileGenerator { private $file; public function getFile() { return $this->file; } public function createFile(ClassGenerator $class) { $docBlock = new DocBlockGenerator([...]); $this->file = new FileGenerator(); $this->file->setClass($class); $this->file->setDocBlock($docBlock); } }
  • 38. KommandoKommando 38 / 59 <?php // Datei /src/PHPCG/Command/CreateHelloYouClass.php namespace PHPCGCommand; [...] class CreateHelloYouClass { public function __invoke(Route $route, Console $console) { $fileName = DWX2015_PHPCG_ROOT . '/tmp/HelloYouClass.php'; $classGenerator = new HelloYouClassGenerator(); $classGenerator->createClass(); $class = $classGenerator->getClass(); $fileGenerator = new ClassFileGenerator(); $fileGenerator->createFile($class); $file = $fileGenerator->getFile(); file_put_contents($fileName, $file->generate()); [...] } }
  • 39. KonsoleKonsole 39 / 59 $ bin/phpcg.php create-hello-you-class ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHP Code Generator (DWX2015), version 1.0.0 Created class HelloYou in file /home/devhost/dwx2015-code-generierung/tmp/HelloYouClass.php <?php namespace HelloGreeting; class HelloYou { private $name = null; public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } public function greet() { return sprintf("Hello %s!", $this->name); } } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 42. ZendDb KomponentenZendDb Komponenten 42 / 59 Adapter Metadata Result Set RowGateway SQL Table Gateway
  • 44. DB KonfigurationDB Konfiguration 44 / 59 <?php // Datei /config/db.php return array( 'adapter' => array( 'driver' => 'Pdo', 'dsn' => 'mysql:dbname=dwx2015.user;host=localhost;charset=utf8', 'user' => 'dwx2015', 'pass' => 'dwx2015', ), );
  • 45. Meta Data Collector IMeta Data Collector I 45 / 59 <?php // Datei /src/PHPCG/MetaData/Collector.php namespace PHPCGCollector; use ZendDbMetadataMetadata; use ZendDbMetadataObjectColumnObject; class MetaDataCollector { public function __construct(Metadata $metaData) { $this->metaData = $metaData; } public function fetchTableColumns($tableName) { $tableColumns = array(); [...] return $tableColumns; } }
  • 46. Meta Data Collector IIMeta Data Collector II 46 / 59 <?php [...] foreach ($tableMeta->getColumns() as $column) { $config = array('required' => !$column->getIsNullable()); if (in_array($column->getDataType(), array('varchar','text','enum'))) { $config['type'] = 'string'; } else { $config['type'] = 'integer'; } if ($column->getDataType() == 'varchar') { $config['max_length'] = $column->getCharacterMaximumLength(); } elseif ($column->getDataType() == 'enum') { $config['values'] = $column->getErrata('permitted_values'); } $tableColumns[$column->getName()] = $config; }
  • 47. User Entity Generator IUser Entity Generator I 47 / 59 <?php // Datei /src/PHPCG/Generator/UserEntityGenerator.php namespace PHPCGGenerator; use ZendCodeGeneratorClassGenerator; use ZendCodeGeneratorDocBlockGenerator; use ZendCodeGeneratorMethodGenerator; use ZendCodeGeneratorParameterGenerator; use ZendCodeGeneratorPropertyGenerator; use ZendCodeGeneratorValueGenerator; use ZendFilterWordUnderscoreToCamelCase; class UserEntityGenerator extends ClassGenerator { private $class; private $filterUTCC; public function __construct() {} public function getClass() {} public function createClass() {} public function addEntityProperties(array $columns = array()) {} }
  • 48. User Entity Generator IIUser Entity Generator II 48 / 59 <?php public function __construct() { $this->filterUTCC = new UnderscoreToCamelCase(); } public function getClass() { return $this->class; } public function createClass() { $this->class = new ClassGenerator('UserEntity', 'UserEntity'); $this->class->setDocBlock( new DocBlockGenerator([...]) ); }
  • 49. User Entity Generator IIIUser Entity Generator III 49 / 59 <?php public function addEntityProperties() { foreach ($this->columns as $name => $attributes) { $property = $this->generateProperty($name, $attributes); $getMethod = $this->generateGetMethod($name, $attributes); $setMethod = $this->generateSetMethod($name, $attributes); $this->class->addPropertyFromGenerator($property); $this->class->addMethodFromGenerator($getMethod); $this->class->addMethodFromGenerator($setMethod); } } private function generateProperty($name, array $attributes = array()) { $property = new PropertyGenerator($name); $property->addFlag(PropertyGenerator::FLAG_PROTECTED); return $property; }
  • 50. User Entity Generator IVUser Entity Generator IV 50 / 59 <?php private function generateGetMethod($name, array $attributes = array()) { $methodName = 'get' . $this->filterUTCC->filter($name); $getMethod = new MethodGenerator($methodName); $getMethod->addFlag(MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC); $getMethod->setBody('return $this->' . $name . ';'); return $getMethod; }
  • 51. User Entity Generator VUser Entity Generator V 51 / 59 <?php private function generateSetMethod($name, array $attribs = array()) { $methodName = 'set' . $this->filterUTCC->filter($name); $defaultValue = !$attribs['required'] ? new ValueGenerator(null) : null; $setMethod = new MethodGenerator($methodName); $setMethod->addFlag(MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC); $setMethod->setParameter( new ParameterGenerator($name, null, $defaultValue) ); $setMethod->setBody('$this->' . $name . ' = $' . $name . ';'); return $setMethod; }
  • 52. Kommando IKommando I 52 / 59 <?php // Datei /src/PHPCG/Command/CreateUserEntities.php namespace PHPCGCommand; use PHPCGCollectorMetaDataCollector; use PHPCGGeneratorClassFileGenerator; use PHPCGGeneratorUserEntityGenerator; use ZendConsoleAdapterAdapterInterface as Console; use ZendConsoleColorInterface as Color; use ZendDbAdapterAdapter; use ZendDbMetadataMetadata; use ZFConsoleRoute; class CreateUserEntities { public function __invoke(Route $route, Console $console) { [...] } }
  • 53. Kommando IIKommando II 53 / 59 <?php public function __invoke(Route $route, Console $console) { $dbConfig = include DWX2015_PHPCG_ROOT . '/config/db.php'; $fileName = DWX2015_PHPCG_ROOT . '/tmp/UserEntity.php'; $dbAdapter = new Adapter($dbConfig['adapter']); $metaData = new Metadata($dbAdapter); $collector = new MetaDataCollector($metaData); $userColumns = $collector->fetchTableColumns('user'); $classGenerator = new UserEntityGenerator(); $classGenerator->createClass(); $classGenerator->addEntityProperties($userColumns); $class = $classGenerator->getClass(); $fileGenerator = new ClassFileGenerator(); $fileGenerator->createFile($class); $file = $fileGenerator->getFile(); file_put_contents($fileName, $file->generate()); [...] }
  • 54. KonsoleKonsole 54 / 59 $ bin/phpcg.php create-user-entities ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHP Code Generator (DWX2015), version 1.0.0 Created class UserEntity in file /home/devhost/dwx2015-code-generierung/tmp/UserEntity.php <?php namespace UserEntity; class UserEntity { protected $id = null; [...] public function getId() { return $this->id; } public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } [...] } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 55. [B07] War es das?War es das? 55 / 59
  • 56. Weitere IdeenWeitere Ideen 56 / 59 Entities Aktualisieren ✓ Formulare generieren Validierung In Entity ✓ Entities löschen InputFilter Generieren
  • 57. Fragen vom Publikum?Fragen vom Publikum? 57 / 59 [b08]
  • 58. DANKEDANKE Für Ihre / Eure Aufmerksamkeit!  Repository: https://github.com/RalfEggert/dwx2015-code-generierung Slides: http://de.slideshare.net/eggertralf/dwx2015-codegenerierung 58 / 59
  • 59. BildnachweisBildnachweis [B00] Fotos von Ralf Eggert [B01] Carrot And Stick Incentives Lead Manage http://www.workcompass.com/ von Alan O'Rourke - CC-BY https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ [B02] Frontiers 2011 - Day 2 https://www.flickr.com/photos/frontiersofinteraction/5866676276/ von Frontiersofinteraction - CC-BY https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ [B03] Multi Tools https://www.flickr.com/photos/pennuja/5363515039 von Jim Pennucci - CC-BY https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ [B04] Command https://www.flickr.com/photos/shearforce/3838603833/ von Margaret Shear - CC-BY-SA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/ [B05] Propeller Generator in the Sunset https://www.flickr.com/photos/jiazi/2060352110/ von Tim Wang - CC-BY-SA https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/ [B06] Fixing the database https://www.flickr.com/photos/dahlstroms/4140461901 von Håkan Dahlström - CC-BY https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ [B07] I have an idea @ home https://www.flickr.com/photos/ful1to/3783198574/ von Julian Santacruz - CC-BY https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ [B08] Etech05: Audience https://www.flickr.com/photos/oreilly/6648470 von James Duncan Davidson - CC-BY https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ Alle weiteren Screenshots wurden von Ralf Eggert erstellt. 59 / 59