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            Mobile Tech in

                Ellyssa Kroski
Why Mobile Matters

   There are 5.3 billion global mobile subscribers
   (that's 77 percent of the world’s population).
                         -International Telecommunications Union

   1 billion of the world’s 4+ billion mobile
   phones are now smartphones.
                            -Microsoft Tag

   83% of American adults own a cell phone.
                         -Pew Internet & American Life Project

   87% of US smartphone owners access the internet
   or email on their handheld.
                           -Pew Internet & American Life Project
- Microsoft Tag
Library Content To-Go

                                         QR Codes
             Library Websites                         SMS

   Augmented Reality                                        Mobile OPACS

                                                         Location-Based Social Networks
   Mobile Collections

                                                      Audio tours
                   Library Instruction    Databases
Library Websites

44 Billion Mobile App Downloads by
        2016, Says ABI Research
                        -ABI Research
Library Websites & Apps

                      News & Events

Branch Locations
                                      Library Hours
Library Websites & Apps
                      Computer Availability

Account Information
                                              Mobile Databases
Book Recommendation Apps
Mobile OpACs

One half of all local searches are
performed on mobile devices.
                      -Microsoft Tag
III AirPac

                          Polaris Mobile Pac
                          Boopsie Service
QR Codes

14 Million US Adults Used QR Codes in June 2011
                                      -Microsoft Tag
QR Codes in the Catalog Lead to
       Building Maps

        University of Bath Library
QR Codes in the Stacks Link to Electronic

       Florida State U College of Law Research Center
QR Codes Link New Releases To Book

      Florida State U College of Law Research Center
QR Codes in Popular Books
Lead to Recommendations

     Contra Costa County Library
Location-Based Social

There are 10 Million Foursquare users making
3 million checkins per day.
                     - Foursquare/Business Insider
Libraries on Foursquare Offer
 Tips and Check-in Incentives
Patrons can Experience Library
Collections Related to Where They Are

Mobile AR will…change not only the way humans
interact with machines but also the way humans
interact with their environment.
                          - Forrester Research
London Tube AR App Points Out Closest
Nearest Wiki App Provides Info About
        Nearby Landmarks
AR Shelf Reading App Flags Misplaced

AR Guide Provides Tour of Life of
     Ludwig II of Bavaria

Library SMS Notifications

6.9 trillion SMS messages were sent in 2010. SMS traffic
is expected to break 8 trillion in 2011.
                            -Portio Research
Text Alerts Remind Patrons
When Materials Are Coming Due
Text Alerts Let Patrons Know When Their
     Items Are Available for Pick-Up
Texting from the Catalog Sends
  Records to Patrons’ Phones
SMS Reference

6.9 SMS trillion messages were sent in 2010. SMS traffic
is expected to break 8 trillion in 2011.
                            -Portio Research
Text Reference Makes Getting Info
         Easy & Informal
Texting Services Offer Timely Responses
         to Patrons on the Go
Mobile Library

According to the AAP, eBook sales in February 2011 were
$90.3m making digital books the largest single format in the
US for the first time ever.      -The Guardian
Mobile Collections Offer Access to Library
          Treasures On the Go

               Bavarian State Library
Library Collections Can Be Offered for
       Many Types of Devices

          British Library 19th Century Collection
Mobile Collections Can Be Offered
Through Services Rather Than Created


Libraries Lending Devices

The share of adults in the United States who own
an e-book reader doubled to 12% in May, 2011 from
6% in November 2010.
                            -Pew Internet & American Life Project
Libraries Lend iPods with
A Library Lends iPods with Listening
   Assignments for Music Courses
Libraries Are Lending Kindles
Libraries Are Lending iPads
Library Instruction

There are over 200 Million YouTube views on mobile
devices per day.                  – Microsoft Tag
Educational Podcasts Engage Patrons
Videocasts Teach Info Literacy Skills
Mobile Databases

96% of Undergraduate students own a cell phone.
                          -Pew Internet & American Life Project
Database Publishers Offer Mobile
Content to Researchers On the Go

    PubMed           AccessMyLibrary - Gale
Database Publishers Offer Mobile Content
       to Researchers On the Go

      Ebsco                  Summon
Content Providers Are Teaming
 Up with Mobile Developers

   WorldCat            RedLaser
Mobile Tours

50% of smart phone owners use their phones to
access maps and directions.
                        - Nielsen Company
Mobile Tours Engage Patrons
 Using Familiar Technology

   North Carolina State University’s WolfWalk
Geo-Location Can Be Used To
 Offer Personalized Tours

    Oregon State University Libraries BeaverTracks
QR Codes Can Offer Audio Tours

        Brigham Young University Library
How to Create a Mobile
Develop a Mobile Strategy
• Ask Questions
  –   Who are your patrons?
  –   Who’s using the mobile Web?
  –   What devices do your patrons use?
  –   Is it appropriate to go mobile at this time?
• Start small and experiment
• Consider opportunities of the mobile channel
  – Information needs
  – Location-aware applications/services
  – Text alerts
Ask Patrons What THEY Want
10 Ways to “Go Mobile””
#1 Take No Action

• You are likely already a part of the mobile Web
• Your site may not look bad
• Mobile may not be right for you
#2       Mobile Alerts

• Push content via text messages
• Mozes
  – http://www.mozes.com
• Broadtexter
  – http://www.broadtexter.com
#3     Mobile Style Sheets

• Mobile CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) for
#4 Transcoded Websites

• Technology which reformats for display on
  mobile devices
• Search engines produce transcoded versions
  of sites in results lists
• Skweezer
  – http://www.skweezer.com
• Mowser
  – http://mowser.com
#5      Mobile-Only Websites
• Mobile Websites from RSS feeds
  – Winksite
     • http://winksite.com
#5       Mobile-Only Websites
• Mobile Website Development Tools
  – Zinadoo
     • http://zinadoo.com
  – dotMobi
     • http://site.mobi
#5     Mobile-Only Websites
• Mobile Development Services
  – Boopsie: http://www.boopsie2.com
Tips for designing a mobile Website
#6 Build an iPhone or Android App
• App Development Tools
  – AppMaker: http://www.appmakr.com
  – Building Mobile Library Apps: http://www.neal-
#7             QR Codes

• QR Code Generators
  – http://qrcode.kaywa.com
  – http://delivr.com/qr-code-generator
• QR Code Readers
  – BeeTagg
  – i-nigma
  – NeoReader
#8 Location-Based Social Networks

 • Foursquare
   – http://www.foursquare.com
 • Facebook Places
   – http://www.facebook.com/places
#9 SMS Reference Services

• LibraryH3lp
  – http://libraryh3lp.com
• Text-a-Librarian
  – http://www.textalibrarian.com
• Google Voice
  – http://www.google.com/voice
#10         Augmented Reality

• Layar
  – http://www.layar.com
• Google Goggles
  – http://www.google.com/mobile/goggles
• AcrossAir
  – http://www.acrossair.com
Mobile Resources

• EverythingWM (Windows Mobile)
  – http://www.everythingwm.com
• iLounge Forum
  – http://forums.ilounge.com
• Everything Android
  – http://www.everythingandroid.org
• Nokia Users Forum
  – http://www.nokiausers.net/forum/forum.php

• MobileCrunch
  – http://mobilecrunch.com
• Engadget Mobile
  – http://www.engadgetmobile.com
• Gizmodo
  – http://gizmodo.com
• Handheld Librarian
  – http://handheldlib.blogspot.com
• MSearchGroove
  – http://www.msearchgroove.com
Articles & Reports
• Text Message Reference: Is it
  – http://tinyurl.com/ycjdtvg
• On the Move with the Mobile Web:
  Libraries and Mobile Technologies
  – http://eprints.rclis.org/15024
Mobile Device Emulators

• iPhone and iPad
   – http://iphone-emulator.org
• Android
   – http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html
• Blackberry
   – https://bdsc.webapps.blackberry.com/html5/download
• Symbian (Nokia)
   – http://tinyurl.com/33rxvl5
• Opera
   – http://tinyurl.com/29mdnfc
Re-Heat this Prez

    Ellyssa Kroski

More Related Content

Libraries to Go: Mobile Tech in Libraries

  • 1. Libraries To Go Mobile Tech in Libraries Ellyssa Kroski
  • 2. Why Mobile Matters There are 5.3 billion global mobile subscribers (that's 77 percent of the world’s population). -International Telecommunications Union 1 billion of the world’s 4+ billion mobile phones are now smartphones. -Microsoft Tag 83% of American adults own a cell phone. -Pew Internet & American Life Project 87% of US smartphone owners access the internet or email on their handheld. -Pew Internet & American Life Project
  • 4. Library Content To-Go QR Codes Library Websites SMS Augmented Reality Mobile OPACS Location-Based Social Networks Mobile Collections Audio tours Library Instruction Databases
  • 5. Library Websites and Apps 44 Billion Mobile App Downloads by 2016, Says ABI Research -ABI Research
  • 6. Library Websites & Apps News & Events Branch Locations Library Hours
  • 7. Library Websites & Apps Computer Availability Account Information Mobile Databases
  • 9. Mobile OpACs One half of all local searches are performed on mobile devices. -Microsoft Tag
  • 10. LibraryThing III AirPac LibraryAnywhere SirsiDynix BookMyne Also: Polaris Mobile Pac Boopsie Service
  • 11. QR Codes 14 Million US Adults Used QR Codes in June 2011 -Microsoft Tag
  • 12. QR Codes in the Catalog Lead to Building Maps University of Bath Library
  • 13. QR Codes in the Stacks Link to Electronic Resources Florida State U College of Law Research Center
  • 14. QR Codes Link New Releases To Book Reviews Florida State U College of Law Research Center
  • 15. QR Codes in Popular Books Lead to Recommendations Contra Costa County Library
  • 16. Location-Based Social Networks There are 10 Million Foursquare users making 3 million checkins per day. - Foursquare/Business Insider
  • 17. Libraries on Foursquare Offer Tips and Check-in Incentives
  • 18. Patrons can Experience Library Collections Related to Where They Are
  • 19. Augmented Reality Mobile AR will…change not only the way humans interact with machines but also the way humans interact with their environment. - Forrester Research
  • 20. London Tube AR App Points Out Closest Stations
  • 21. Nearest Wiki App Provides Info About Nearby Landmarks
  • 22. AR Shelf Reading App Flags Misplaced Books •http://tinyurl.com/3kfrkta
  • 23. AR Guide Provides Tour of Life of Ludwig II of Bavaria http://tinyurl.com/c6uvfpv
  • 24. Library SMS Notifications 6.9 trillion SMS messages were sent in 2010. SMS traffic is expected to break 8 trillion in 2011. -Portio Research
  • 25. Text Alerts Remind Patrons When Materials Are Coming Due
  • 26. Text Alerts Let Patrons Know When Their Items Are Available for Pick-Up
  • 27. Texting from the Catalog Sends Records to Patrons’ Phones
  • 28. SMS Reference 6.9 SMS trillion messages were sent in 2010. SMS traffic is expected to break 8 trillion in 2011. -Portio Research
  • 29. Text Reference Makes Getting Info Easy & Informal
  • 30. Texting Services Offer Timely Responses to Patrons on the Go
  • 31. Mobile Library Collections According to the AAP, eBook sales in February 2011 were $90.3m making digital books the largest single format in the US for the first time ever. -The Guardian
  • 32. Mobile Collections Offer Access to Library Treasures On the Go Bavarian State Library
  • 33. Library Collections Can Be Offered for Many Types of Devices British Library 19th Century Collection
  • 34. Mobile Collections Can Be Offered Through Services Rather Than Created OverDrive e-NYPL
  • 35. Libraries Lending Devices The share of adults in the United States who own an e-book reader doubled to 12% in May, 2011 from 6% in November 2010. -Pew Internet & American Life Project
  • 36. Libraries Lend iPods with AudioBooks
  • 37. A Library Lends iPods with Listening Assignments for Music Courses
  • 40. Library Instruction To-Go There are over 200 Million YouTube views on mobile devices per day. – Microsoft Tag
  • 42. Videocasts Teach Info Literacy Skills
  • 43. Mobile Databases 96% of Undergraduate students own a cell phone. -Pew Internet & American Life Project
  • 44. Database Publishers Offer Mobile Content to Researchers On the Go PubMed AccessMyLibrary - Gale
  • 45. Database Publishers Offer Mobile Content to Researchers On the Go Ebsco Summon
  • 46. Content Providers Are Teaming Up with Mobile Developers WorldCat RedLaser
  • 47. Mobile Tours 50% of smart phone owners use their phones to access maps and directions. - Nielsen Company
  • 48. Mobile Tours Engage Patrons Using Familiar Technology North Carolina State University’s WolfWalk
  • 49. Geo-Location Can Be Used To Offer Personalized Tours Oregon State University Libraries BeaverTracks
  • 50. QR Codes Can Offer Audio Tours Brigham Young University Library
  • 51. How to Create a Mobile Experience
  • 52. Develop a Mobile Strategy • Ask Questions – Who are your patrons? – Who’s using the mobile Web? – What devices do your patrons use? – Is it appropriate to go mobile at this time? • Start small and experiment • Consider opportunities of the mobile channel – Information needs – Location-aware applications/services – Text alerts
  • 53. Ask Patrons What THEY Want
  • 54. 10 Ways to “Go Mobile””
  • 55. #1 Take No Action • You are likely already a part of the mobile Web • Your site may not look bad • Mobile may not be right for you
  • 56. #2 Mobile Alerts • Push content via text messages • Mozes – http://www.mozes.com • Broadtexter – http://www.broadtexter.com
  • 57. #3 Mobile Style Sheets • Mobile CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) for handhelds
  • 58. #4 Transcoded Websites • Technology which reformats for display on mobile devices • Search engines produce transcoded versions of sites in results lists • Skweezer – http://www.skweezer.com • Mowser – http://mowser.com
  • 59. #5 Mobile-Only Websites • Mobile Websites from RSS feeds – Winksite • http://winksite.com
  • 60. #5 Mobile-Only Websites • Mobile Website Development Tools – Zinadoo • http://zinadoo.com – dotMobi • http://site.mobi
  • 61. #5 Mobile-Only Websites • Mobile Development Services – Boopsie: http://www.boopsie2.com
  • 62. Tips for designing a mobile Website
  • 63. #6 Build an iPhone or Android App • App Development Tools – AppMaker: http://www.appmakr.com – Building Mobile Library Apps: http://www.neal- schuman.com/bmla
  • 64. #7 QR Codes • QR Code Generators – http://qrcode.kaywa.com – http://delivr.com/qr-code-generator • QR Code Readers – BeeTagg – i-nigma – NeoReader
  • 65. #8 Location-Based Social Networks • Foursquare – http://www.foursquare.com • Facebook Places – http://www.facebook.com/places
  • 66. #9 SMS Reference Services • LibraryH3lp – http://libraryh3lp.com • Text-a-Librarian – http://www.textalibrarian.com • Google Voice – http://www.google.com/voice
  • 67. #10 Augmented Reality • Layar – http://www.layar.com • Google Goggles – http://www.google.com/mobile/goggles • AcrossAir – http://www.acrossair.com
  • 69. Forums • EverythingWM (Windows Mobile) – http://www.everythingwm.com • iLounge Forum – http://forums.ilounge.com • Everything Android – http://www.everythingandroid.org • Nokia Users Forum – http://www.nokiausers.net/forum/forum.php
  • 70. Blogs • MobileCrunch – http://mobilecrunch.com • Engadget Mobile – http://www.engadgetmobile.com • Gizmodo – http://gizmodo.com • Handheld Librarian – http://handheldlib.blogspot.com • MSearchGroove – http://www.msearchgroove.com
  • 71. Articles & Reports • Text Message Reference: Is it Effective? – http://tinyurl.com/ycjdtvg • On the Move with the Mobile Web: Libraries and Mobile Technologies – http://eprints.rclis.org/15024
  • 73. Mobile Device Emulators • iPhone and iPad – http://iphone-emulator.org • Android – http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html • Blackberry – https://bdsc.webapps.blackberry.com/html5/download • Symbian (Nokia) – http://tinyurl.com/33rxvl5 • Opera – http://tinyurl.com/29mdnfc
  • 74. Re-Heat this Prez http://www.slideshare.net/ellyssa Ellyssa Kroski http://www.ellyssakroski.com