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The Battle of the Distros
Edgar Magana
Principal Engineer
May, 14 2014 – Atlanta OpenStack Summit
Which one is better for my Cloud
 Community member since 2011
 Neutron core developer since 2012
 Working with OpenStack distributions since … well since were created!
 I DO NOT represent any specific vendor/company
 My current employer (Cisco) doesn’t offer a distribution
 My goal - OpenStack in Production everywhere! (neutron included)
 My passion is simple - OpenStack!
Introduction – Who am I?
Big Thanks to Great Developers in OpenStack Community & OpenStack
Information presented here are sources from my own experience as
OpenStack developer/user and from OpenStack Foundation &
Views and technical points expressed here are solely presenter’s and
does not reflect his employer’s view/positions or OpenStack foundation in
Information has been collected from all web resources available
If something is missing or wrong here, so sorry but I could not find
information about it! – personal feedback!

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There are a variety of options for standing up an OpenStack private cloud platform. In this webinar, we will discuss existing design patterns for deploying OpenStack and their relative strengths and weaknesses.

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OpenStack architecture and services
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OpenStack architecture and services

OpenStack is an open-source cloud computing project that provides an infrastructure as a service (IaaS). It controls large pools of computing resources through a dashboard or API. OpenStack was founded in 2010 by Rackspace and NASA and is now managed by the OpenStack Foundation. It consists of several integrated projects that provide services for identity management, compute, networking, storage, and more.

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OpenStack 101 update
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OpenStack 101 update

Do you think that Nova, Cinder, Heat, Ceilometer, and Neutron are all references to global warming and looming apocalypse? For all those who come to the OpenStack community and wonder what all the fuss is about, this quick introduction will answer your many questions. It includes a short history of the largest Open Source project in history and will touch on the basic OpenStack components, so you will be prepared the next time someone mentions Keystone, Nova and Swift in the same sentence. This session was presented by Beth Cohen at the OpenStack meetup on Feb 19th, 2014 in Boston. Beth works for Verizon developing cool Cloud based products that she can't talk about without a strict NDA. She is a technical leader with over 25 years of experience architecting leading-edge system infrastructures and managing complex projects in the telecom, manufacturing, financial services, government, and technology industries. She has been involved in building some of the world's largest OpenStack architectures and has way too much fun at OpenStack Summits!

Session Goals!
Bummer but I will not tell you which distro you should get!
Get a better idea of “few” available OpenStack distributions
and products.
Understand the factors to be aware when selecting a specific
vendor or solution.
Provide you with a set of weapons to use when a sales
person calls you or during your walking over the expo floor.
Evaluate whether it is possible or not to independently
support an OpenStack deployment, without any company
behind your data center – all open source. and …
Wake you up!
Distribution Vs. Product

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Openstack DevOps Challenges outlines the journey of CloudRX, a fictitious company, to setup a production-grade Openstack cloud using DevOps practices. It discusses challenges faced in implementing continuous integration/delivery pipelines for Openstack and its heterogeneous components, managing configurations, automated testing of environments, packaging applications, and baremetal server management.

OpenStack 101 @ ENEI 2014
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The document provides an introduction to OpenStack, an open source cloud computing platform. It begins with an outline and introduction discussing the growth of data and cloud computing. It then discusses what OpenStack is, providing its definition and key facts about its history, contributors and components. The document demonstrates how to set up and deploy an OpenStack environment using DevStack. It encourages participants to get involved with OpenStack through contributing, events and mailing lists. It concludes with Q&A and additional resources.

eneicloud computingiaas

This document provides an introduction to OpenStack, including: - What OpenStack is and its key architectural components like Nova, Swift, Glance, Neutron, Cinder, and Horizon. - OpenStack's upstream development process and largest contributors. - Red Hat's involvement in OpenStack including the RDO community distribution and Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform. - Examples of OpenStack deployments at large scale like CERN and its use cases for both traditional and cloud native workloads.

openstack redhat rdo havana
 Distribution: It is basically the open source “trunk” code that is packaged without
a “lot” of proprietary components on top of it ready for production.
• Mirantis
• Suse
• Rackspace
• …
 Product: It is a personalized version of the “released” code with “proprietary”
features and unique deployment model considered as a final product.
• Nebula
• CloudScaling
• PistonCloud
• …
OpenStack Distros vs Products – Are they the same?
What are the right questions?
 Hardware – OS – Hypervisor
 Reference Architecture (High Availability)
 Code Upgrades & Scalability
 Licensing - Cost Model
 Plugins and Drivers
 Customer Support - Documentation
 Easy to use – Time to deploy
Factors to consider when choosing a vendor
Hardware – OS – Hypervisor

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OpenStack and OpenDaylight Workshop: ONUG Spring 2014
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OpenStack and OpenDaylight Workshop: ONUG Spring 2014

This was a presentation I gave at the Open Networking Users Group (ONUG), Spring 2014. This talk covers some background on OpenStack and OpenDaylight, walks through Group Based Policy and OpFlex, and ends with a tutorial walk through of installing and using OpenStack with OpenDaylight.

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Openstack architecture for the enterprise (Openstack Ireland Meet-up)
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Openstack architecture for the enterprise (Openstack Ireland Meet-up)

Synchronous Replication This document discusses OpenStack architecture for the enterprise. It describes using Crowbar to easily deploy OpenStack on Dell servers and networking equipment. Key aspects covered include using RabbitMQ clusters with mirrored queues for high availability, deploying Neutron on separate networking nodes, and using a Percona MySQL cluster to provide synchronous replication, data consistency, parallel applying and atomic node provisioning. The goal is an OpenStack architecture that is highly available, reliable, and can recover automatically from faults.

OpenStack 101 Presentation
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OpenStack 101 Presentation

Are you overwhelmed by storage capacity requirements? Are you wondering how web giants are able to store large amounts of data at a fraction of your storage costs? OpenStack is the fastest growing open-source project to date, and its community builds cloud software. Join us to learn about the two OpenStack storage projects and how your company can take advantage of them. OpenStack storage allows the use of commodity hardware at massive scales that you can consume as a public, private, or hybrid cloud. View the on-demand webinar. Special guest speaker Randy Bias, founder and CEO of Cloudscaling and member of the Board of Directors for OpenStack Foundation, and EVault big data expert Joey Yep will inform you about this fast-growing, open-source project: OpenStack. • OpenStack Swift and Cinder storage projects • High-level functionality and architecture • Public, private, and hybrid use-cases

• Generic/flexible on the supported hardware or very specific
• Provides the tools to interconnect vendor specific drivers
• Open to multiple vendor combinations
• Nested Virtualization (Services as VMs)
• Support very specific hardware (most of the cases)
• Certificated by the OS (Enterprise Model)
• Watch up for vendor’s lock-in!!
Hardware – OS – Hypervisor
Reference Architecture
(High Availability)
 You need to understand the HA model and should be compatible with
your current IT best practices.
 HA in OpenStack is hard, make sure that all OpenStack components
(nova, neutron, cider, etc.) are covered.
 All those components should follow very similar HA model. Minimize
the madness in your Cloud!
 Understand the risk of HA. Troubleshooting your Cloud will be a
beautiful nightmare.
 Participate on the HA design.
Reference Architecture (High Availability)
Code Upgrades & Scalability

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The document provides an overview of the major OpenStack components from both a tenant and operator perspective. It describes the key services that OpenStack provides (Compute, Networking, Block Storage, Object Storage, Image Storage, Identity) and how each would be used and managed differently by tenants consuming infrastructure resources versus operators configuring and maintaining the cloud platform. It aims to explain the similarities and differences in how these services are experienced by tenants versus operators.

Role of sdn controllers in open stack
Role of sdn controllers in open stackRole of sdn controllers in open stack
Role of sdn controllers in open stack

This document discusses the role of SDN controllers in OpenStack. It provides background on SDN controllers and OpenStack. SDN controllers can be integrated with OpenStack via the Neutron module to manage network flows and enable programmability. Several SDN controllers that integrate with Neutron are discussed, including OpenDaylight, OpenContrail, and ONOS. The document outlines how these controllers plug into Neutron and their current status in OpenStack. It provides guidance on how new SDN controllers can join OpenStack.

What's new in OpenStack Liberty
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What's new in OpenStack Liberty

The document summarizes new features in OpenStack Liberty. Key updates include improved API micro-versioning in Compute, pluggable IP address management and role-based access control in Networking, and splitting Ceilometer into multiple sub-projects for metrics, alarms and events. Emerging projects like Manila, Magnum and Zaqar also see enhancements around shared file systems, container orchestration and messaging.

 Simple! – Be able to upgrade and scale my OpenStack Cloud!
 OpenStack releases a new version every 6 months
 Community work is amazing, do not loose that advantage!
 Ecosystem is growing and best practices and tools for operation will be
 Adding new zones should be possible
 Adding new compute nodes should be ridiculous simple
Code Upgrades & Scalability
Licensing – Cost Model
 You pay per server, socket or per subscription-based
 Besides paying for Distro/Product
 OS license (i.e. RHEL, SUSE Enterprise)
 Support (should be included but watch out)
 Upgrades (same than before)
 Installation/Deployment
 Testing - PoCs
Licensing – Cost Model
Plugins and Drivers

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OpenStack Introduction
OpenStack IntroductionOpenStack Introduction
OpenStack Introduction

OpenStack is an open source cloud operating system that controls large pools of compute, storage, and networking resources. It was originally founded in 2010 as a pilot project between NASA and Rackspace to provide a cloud computing platform using standard hardware. OpenStack provides comprehensive cloud services through a collection of interoperable components, including compute (Nova), object storage (Swift), identity (Keystone), block storage (Cinder), networking (Neutron), and image service (Glance). Optional components offer additional services such as orchestration (Heat), databases (Trove), telemetry (Ceilometer), and more.

VNG/IRD - Cloud computing & Openstack discussion 3/5/2014
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VNG/IRD - Cloud computing & Openstack discussion 3/5/2014

The document discusses VNG Corporation's use of OpenStack for its infrastructure platform. VNG is a Vietnamese game publisher and developer that also operates online media, social network, and e-commerce platforms. Its IRD department is researching and building an infrastructure on OpenStack to enhance business operations and meet new technology needs. The document provides an overview of OpenStack architecture, networking, deployment models using Ceph storage, and the monitoring component Ceilometer. It aims to introduce OpenStack and how VNG is leveraging it to power its cloud infrastructure.

What Is OpenStack | OpenStack Tutorial For Beginners | OpenStack Training | E...
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What Is OpenStack | OpenStack Tutorial For Beginners | OpenStack Training | E...

This Edureka 'What Is OpenStack' tutorial will help you in understanding how to use different OpenStack services and how its architecture is built. You will also learn about each of the services in detail and how to provision tenants with instances in order to develop a project. Below are the topics covered in this tutorial: 1. Introduction to Cloud 2. What is OpenStack? 3. OpenStack in Cloud 4. Deployment Models 5. OpenStack Architecture 6. OpenStack Components 7. Use Case

openstack tutorialopenstack architectureopenstack in cloud
 How flexible is the solution if I want to use plugin X for Neutron and
plugin Y for Nova
 Let me select any storage back-end
 Messaging, DB back-end systems
 How easy is to change those selections – yeah I changed my mind!
 Mirantis DriveLog: http://staging.stackalytics.com/driverlog/
 OpenStack marketplace: http://www.openstack.org/marketplace/drivers/
Plugin and Drivers
Customer Support &
 You will have issues – Who will fix them?
 The closer your deployment is to “main trunk” the more chances to get
your issues solved
 Is support really 24x7x365?
 Action and Reaction Plans
 Installation/Deployment
 Docs about vendor’s sauce
 Knowledge on the code!
Customer Support & Documentation
Easy to use – Time to deploy

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Openstack 101

Do you think of cheetahs not RabbitMQ when you hear the word Swift? Think a Nova is just a giant exploding star, not a cloud compute engine. This deck (presented at the OpenStack Boston meetup) provides introduction will answer your many questions. It covers the basic components including: Nova, Swift, Cinder, Keystone, Horizon and Glance.

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OpenStack Introduction
OpenStack IntroductionOpenStack Introduction
OpenStack Introduction

OpenStack is an open source cloud computing platform that provides common services for building public and private clouds. It was launched in 2010 as a collaboration between Rackspace and NASA to create an open source alternative to existing proprietary cloud platforms. OpenStack provides common services for compute, storage, networking and identity management and is made up of interoperable components that can be used together or independently. The project is overseen by the OpenStack Foundation and has grown significantly in contributors and companies involved since its inception.

VMworld 2013: Deploying vSphere with OpenStack: What It Means to Your Cloud E...
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VMworld 2013 Scott Lowe, VMware Dan Wendlandt, VMware Learn more about VMworld and register at http://www.vmworld.com/index.jspa?src=socmed-vmworld-slideshare

vmworld 2013openstackvmware
 Understand the add-ons and customization
 Able to deploy a new cloud by yourself
 Time constrains during deployment
 The more vendors, the longer will take your deployment
 Create your own testing plans
 Functionality
 Performance
 Load
 Scaling
 Upgrades
Time to deploy & Testing
May OpenStack be with you!
If not!
Outsourcing will be with you!
OpenStack Marketplace
We are Hiring!

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Open source software has progressed from being developed primarily by individuals and small teams to large projects overseen by foundations or commercial entities. There are debates around fully open source projects versus open core models, where core functionality is open but additional features are proprietary. Key considerations for organizations evaluating options include licensing terms, governance structures, impact on branding, available business models, and the overall ecosystem of users and contributors. While open core can provide traditional software vendor advantages, fully open source alternatives aim to avoid vendor lock-in and keep intellectual property communal.

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Learn OpenStack from trystack.cn
Learn OpenStack from trystack.cnLearn OpenStack from trystack.cn
Learn OpenStack from trystack.cn

TryStack.cn is a non-profit OpenStack testbed and community project in China that aims to promote OpenStack adoption. It operates the largest OpenStack testbed in China with hardware from various vendors. TryStack.cn provides reference architectures, best practices, and contributes code back to the community. It also organizes OpenStack meetups and training to help grow the OpenStack ecosystem in China.

Canonical Ubuntu OpenStack Overview Presentation
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Canonical Ubuntu OpenStack Overview Presentation

Canonical Ubuntu OpenStack Overview Presentation Contact Indonesia: Frans Thamura, Meruvian, +62 8557888699, frans@meruvian.com

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The Battle of the distros - OS Summit Atlanta2014

  • 1. The Battle of the Distros Edgar Magana Principal Engineer May, 14 2014 – Atlanta OpenStack Summit Which one is better for my Cloud
  • 2. 2
  • 3. 3  Community member since 2011  Neutron core developer since 2012  Working with OpenStack distributions since … well since were created!  I DO NOT represent any specific vendor/company  My current employer (Cisco) doesn’t offer a distribution  My goal - OpenStack in Production everywhere! (neutron included)  My passion is simple - OpenStack! Introduction – Who am I?
  • 4. 4 Big Thanks to Great Developers in OpenStack Community & OpenStack Foundation Information presented here are sources from my own experience as OpenStack developer/user and from OpenStack Foundation & Community Views and technical points expressed here are solely presenter’s and does not reflect his employer’s view/positions or OpenStack foundation in anyway Information has been collected from all web resources available If something is missing or wrong here, so sorry but I could not find information about it! – personal feedback! Acknowledgments
  • 6. 6 Bummer but I will not tell you which distro you should get! Get a better idea of “few” available OpenStack distributions and products. Understand the factors to be aware when selecting a specific vendor or solution. Provide you with a set of weapons to use when a sales person calls you or during your walking over the expo floor. Evaluate whether it is possible or not to independently support an OpenStack deployment, without any company behind your data center – all open source. and …
  • 9. 9  Distribution: It is basically the open source “trunk” code that is packaged without a “lot” of proprietary components on top of it ready for production. • Mirantis • RDO • Suse • Rackspace • …  Product: It is a personalized version of the “released” code with “proprietary” features and unique deployment model considered as a final product. • Nebula • CloudScaling • PistonCloud • … OpenStack Distros vs Products – Are they the same?
  • 10. 10 What are the right questions?
  • 11. 11  Hardware – OS – Hypervisor  Reference Architecture (High Availability)  Code Upgrades & Scalability  Licensing - Cost Model  Plugins and Drivers  Customer Support - Documentation  Easy to use – Time to deploy Factors to consider when choosing a vendor
  • 12. 12 Hardware – OS – Hypervisor
  • 13. 13 • Generic/flexible on the supported hardware or very specific • Provides the tools to interconnect vendor specific drivers • Open to multiple vendor combinations • Nested Virtualization (Services as VMs) • Support very specific hardware (most of the cases) • Certificated by the OS (Enterprise Model) • Watch up for vendor’s lock-in!! Hardware – OS – Hypervisor
  • 15. 15  You need to understand the HA model and should be compatible with your current IT best practices.  HA in OpenStack is hard, make sure that all OpenStack components (nova, neutron, cider, etc.) are covered.  All those components should follow very similar HA model. Minimize the madness in your Cloud!  Understand the risk of HA. Troubleshooting your Cloud will be a beautiful nightmare.  Participate on the HA design. Reference Architecture (High Availability)
  • 16. 16 Code Upgrades & Scalability
  • 17. 17  Simple! – Be able to upgrade and scale my OpenStack Cloud!  OpenStack releases a new version every 6 months  Community work is amazing, do not loose that advantage!  Ecosystem is growing and best practices and tools for operation will be available!  Adding new zones should be possible  Adding new compute nodes should be ridiculous simple Code Upgrades & Scalability
  • 19. 19  You pay per server, socket or per subscription-based  Besides paying for Distro/Product  OS license (i.e. RHEL, SUSE Enterprise)  Support (should be included but watch out)  Upgrades (same than before)  Installation/Deployment  Testing - PoCs Licensing – Cost Model
  • 21. 21  How flexible is the solution if I want to use plugin X for Neutron and plugin Y for Nova  Let me select any storage back-end  Messaging, DB back-end systems  How easy is to change those selections – yeah I changed my mind!  Mirantis DriveLog: http://staging.stackalytics.com/driverlog/  OpenStack marketplace: http://www.openstack.org/marketplace/drivers/ Plugin and Drivers
  • 23. 23  You will have issues – Who will fix them?  The closer your deployment is to “main trunk” the more chances to get your issues solved  Is support really 24x7x365?  Action and Reaction Plans  Installation/Deployment  Docs about vendor’s sauce  Knowledge on the code! http://www.stackalytics.com/ Customer Support & Documentation
  • 24. 24 Easy to use – Time to deploy
  • 25. 25  Understand the add-ons and customization  Able to deploy a new cloud by yourself  Time constrains during deployment  The more vendors, the longer will take your deployment  Create your own testing plans  Functionality  Performance  Load  Scaling  Upgrades Time to deploy & Testing
  • 26. 26 May OpenStack be with you! If not! Outsourcing will be with you!