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Our vision... ...a sustainable city of Göteborg


Göteborg Energi 2007 Owner Number of customers Number of employees Operating revenue  Profit Investments Total assets Göteborg Stad Approx. 300,000 1,040 BSEK 4.0   MSEK 565 MSEK 1,118 BSEK 10.7


Our corporate vision Göteborg Energi shall actively contribute to the development of a sustainable society in Göteborg


The pressing need for change. Taken from  ”Six degrees” by Mark Lynas 800 ppm Allow increased emissions 5,1 – 5,8 ºC End of almost all life on the planet 650 ppm No peak in emissions 4,1 – 5,0 ºC Risk for emissions of methane hydrate from the sea  550 ppm Global emissions peak 2050 3,1 – 4,0 ºC Risk for feedback from Siberian methane 450 ppm Global emissions peak 2030 2,1 – 3,0 ºC Risk for carbon cycle feedback 400 ppm Global emissions peak 2015 1,1 – 2,0 ºC 350 ppm  (today’s level is 380 ppm) Probably not possible to aviod 0,1 – 1,0 ºC CO 2  target Change needed Degrees change




How much waste is there? 50 TWh 40 TWh 10 TWh 60  TWh






Existing infrastructure




From gasworks to a leading energy company 2005 Talk of separate carbon dioxide accounts in the UK. 1997 The   Kyoto Protocol, which aims to reduce greenhouse gases. 1985 The first reports of holes in the ozone layer. 1981 Nuclear power referendum and lively energy debate. 1972 UN’s first major environmental conference held in Stockholm.  The first major oil crisis hits the Western world. 1963 The first nuclear power plant in Sweden is commissioned at Ågesta outside Stockholm. 1960 The 1960s. Rachel Carson’s book “Silent Spring”. 1880 Urbanisation and industrialisation take off in Sweden. 1878 Thomas Edison invents the light bulb. Gustaf de Laval patents a steam turbine a few years later. 2005 Rya Combined Heat & Power Plant built. Commissioned 2006. 2003 Biofuel adopted at Rya and Sävenäs. 1988 Natural gas introduced for the first time in Göteborg. 1982 The heating supply plan using waste heat is adopted. 1980 Waste heat deliveries commence from Shell. 1972 Heat deliveries from GRAAB’s refuse disposal plant. 1952 The first combined heat and power plant for electricity and  district heating production is built. 1908 Distribution of electricity in Göteborg under municipal control. 1888 The municipality acquires The Gothenburg Gas Company. Göteborg Stads Gasverk is created. 1846 Sweden’s first gasworks opens in Göteborg.


Rya Combined Heat & Power Plant  – the energy plant of the future 92.5%


Gas use in Göteborg has increased…


As well as the use of gas vehicles in Göteborg…


Our vision for Biogas Capacity Town Gas Natural Gas Biogas Time Today!


Our vision for Biogas 1 TWh 2006 2020 2012 2008 2010 Biogas 2014 2016 2018


Our strategy for biogas development Partnerships Profitability Long-term Technical development


We’ve been  “thinking big”  from the start. Production of 60 GWh/a upgraded Biogas injected into the Natural Gas Grid.  Chemical adsorption technology with very low methane slip (<0,1%).  Investment: € 4 million Supported by Swedish  KLIMP-programme and BiogasMax  In cooperation with City of Göteborg and the WWTP. In operation since April 2007.


Falköping – the beginning of a new concept Biogas produced using sewage sludge and household waste. Upgraded at new plant to vehicle quality and piped to local filling station. Raw gas pipes laid next to clean gas pipes.  Upgrading raw gas from manure and other agri-waste in the near future. Supported by Swedish  KLIMP-programme and BiogasMax.


The BiG project   Biogas in Göteborg


130 km Utilising waste from ethanol production and other food production Producing 30 GWh/a of upgraded biogas, possibly LBG using cryogenic technology Investment: € 7 million  In cooperation with the  Municipality of Lidköping and Swedish Biogas International In operation mid-2010 Biogas in Lidköping Our first cryogenic plant?


Pilot: Gasification of biomass at Chalmers University of Technology Built to further develop indirect gasification and grow local expertise for future projects Large potential for commercialisation, can be added onto any Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) furnace Currently producing 2 MW of  ”green gas” now being utilised  in existing boiler Development of methanation technology would allow for local production of  biomethane for e.g. vehicle fuel Gasifier Biogas Biomass Fuel Heat


GoBiGas  Go thenburg  Bi omass  Gas ification Project Gasification of biomass  and production of biomethane Commercial scale  – approximately 100 MW gas - with the potential of producing 800 biomethane GWh per year High-calorific gas  (SNG) by methanation for distribution in the existing gas grid  Also possible to use the gas as  fuel in Rya CHP-plant   Situated  in the harbour of Gothenburg  with the potential to transport fuel by boat or train


P erformance goals Biomass to gas efficiency 60-70 % Energy efficiency 90% Operation  8000 h/ year


Cooperation with E.on E.ON will support the GoBiGas project with a share of 20% E.ON will be a active partner in the project E.ON, Göteborg Energi and possible other partners will put  up a company witch will build and run the GoBiGas plant.




Vision for the  future  – GoBiGas


News from Sweden VINNOVA (The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems) recently published a report that compared the climate efficiency of different investments in the transport sector. Investments in the biogas sector, incl. production, distribution and usage, were by far the most efficient among the compared alternatives. Biogas investment were ten to one hundred-fold more economically efficient that other alternatives when it comes to reducing CO2-emissions.  The Swedish Government has proposed € 20 million for 30% investment support for farm-based biogas production based on manure. Volvo to resume bi-fuel production?


More information available at: http://www.gasforeningen.se/upload/files/publikationer/rapporter/ okt%20biogasinfo%20eng%202008%20sammansatt.pdf http://www.sgc.se/nordicbiogas/resources/Charlott_Gissen.pdf http://www.biogasvast.com http://www.symbiocity.org/

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  • 1. Our vision... ...a sustainable city of Göteborg
  • 2. Göteborg Energi 2007 Owner Number of customers Number of employees Operating revenue Profit Investments Total assets Göteborg Stad Approx. 300,000 1,040 BSEK 4.0 MSEK 565 MSEK 1,118 BSEK 10.7
  • 3. Our corporate vision Göteborg Energi shall actively contribute to the development of a sustainable society in Göteborg
  • 4. The pressing need for change. Taken from ”Six degrees” by Mark Lynas 800 ppm Allow increased emissions 5,1 – 5,8 ºC End of almost all life on the planet 650 ppm No peak in emissions 4,1 – 5,0 ºC Risk for emissions of methane hydrate from the sea 550 ppm Global emissions peak 2050 3,1 – 4,0 ºC Risk for feedback from Siberian methane 450 ppm Global emissions peak 2030 2,1 – 3,0 ºC Risk for carbon cycle feedback 400 ppm Global emissions peak 2015 1,1 – 2,0 ºC 350 ppm (today’s level is 380 ppm) Probably not possible to aviod 0,1 – 1,0 ºC CO 2 target Change needed Degrees change
  • 6. How much waste is there? 50 TWh 40 TWh 10 TWh 60 TWh
  • 11. From gasworks to a leading energy company 2005 Talk of separate carbon dioxide accounts in the UK. 1997 The Kyoto Protocol, which aims to reduce greenhouse gases. 1985 The first reports of holes in the ozone layer. 1981 Nuclear power referendum and lively energy debate. 1972 UN’s first major environmental conference held in Stockholm. The first major oil crisis hits the Western world. 1963 The first nuclear power plant in Sweden is commissioned at Ågesta outside Stockholm. 1960 The 1960s. Rachel Carson’s book “Silent Spring”. 1880 Urbanisation and industrialisation take off in Sweden. 1878 Thomas Edison invents the light bulb. Gustaf de Laval patents a steam turbine a few years later. 2005 Rya Combined Heat & Power Plant built. Commissioned 2006. 2003 Biofuel adopted at Rya and Sävenäs. 1988 Natural gas introduced for the first time in Göteborg. 1982 The heating supply plan using waste heat is adopted. 1980 Waste heat deliveries commence from Shell. 1972 Heat deliveries from GRAAB’s refuse disposal plant. 1952 The first combined heat and power plant for electricity and district heating production is built. 1908 Distribution of electricity in Göteborg under municipal control. 1888 The municipality acquires The Gothenburg Gas Company. Göteborg Stads Gasverk is created. 1846 Sweden’s first gasworks opens in Göteborg.
  • 12. Rya Combined Heat & Power Plant – the energy plant of the future 92.5%
  • 13. Gas use in Göteborg has increased…
  • 14. As well as the use of gas vehicles in Göteborg…
  • 15. Our vision for Biogas Capacity Town Gas Natural Gas Biogas Time Today!
  • 16. Our vision for Biogas 1 TWh 2006 2020 2012 2008 2010 Biogas 2014 2016 2018
  • 17. Our strategy for biogas development Partnerships Profitability Long-term Technical development
  • 18. We’ve been “thinking big” from the start. Production of 60 GWh/a upgraded Biogas injected into the Natural Gas Grid. Chemical adsorption technology with very low methane slip (<0,1%). Investment: € 4 million Supported by Swedish KLIMP-programme and BiogasMax In cooperation with City of Göteborg and the WWTP. In operation since April 2007.
  • 19. Falköping – the beginning of a new concept Biogas produced using sewage sludge and household waste. Upgraded at new plant to vehicle quality and piped to local filling station. Raw gas pipes laid next to clean gas pipes. Upgrading raw gas from manure and other agri-waste in the near future. Supported by Swedish KLIMP-programme and BiogasMax.
  • 20. The BiG project Biogas in Göteborg
  • 21. 130 km Utilising waste from ethanol production and other food production Producing 30 GWh/a of upgraded biogas, possibly LBG using cryogenic technology Investment: € 7 million In cooperation with the Municipality of Lidköping and Swedish Biogas International In operation mid-2010 Biogas in Lidköping Our first cryogenic plant?
  • 22. Pilot: Gasification of biomass at Chalmers University of Technology Built to further develop indirect gasification and grow local expertise for future projects Large potential for commercialisation, can be added onto any Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) furnace Currently producing 2 MW of ”green gas” now being utilised in existing boiler Development of methanation technology would allow for local production of biomethane for e.g. vehicle fuel Gasifier Biogas Biomass Fuel Heat
  • 23. GoBiGas Go thenburg Bi omass Gas ification Project Gasification of biomass and production of biomethane Commercial scale – approximately 100 MW gas - with the potential of producing 800 biomethane GWh per year High-calorific gas (SNG) by methanation for distribution in the existing gas grid Also possible to use the gas as fuel in Rya CHP-plant Situated in the harbour of Gothenburg with the potential to transport fuel by boat or train
  • 24. P erformance goals Biomass to gas efficiency 60-70 % Energy efficiency 90% Operation 8000 h/ year
  • 25. Cooperation with E.on E.ON will support the GoBiGas project with a share of 20% E.ON will be a active partner in the project E.ON, Göteborg Energi and possible other partners will put up a company witch will build and run the GoBiGas plant.
  • 27. Vision for the future – GoBiGas
  • 28. News from Sweden VINNOVA (The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems) recently published a report that compared the climate efficiency of different investments in the transport sector. Investments in the biogas sector, incl. production, distribution and usage, were by far the most efficient among the compared alternatives. Biogas investment were ten to one hundred-fold more economically efficient that other alternatives when it comes to reducing CO2-emissions. The Swedish Government has proposed € 20 million for 30% investment support for farm-based biogas production based on manure. Volvo to resume bi-fuel production?
  • 29. More information available at: http://www.gasforeningen.se/upload/files/publikationer/rapporter/ okt%20biogasinfo%20eng%202008%20sammansatt.pdf http://www.sgc.se/nordicbiogas/resources/Charlott_Gissen.pdf http://www.biogasvast.com http://www.symbiocity.org/