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Selling in a Tough Economy
                A Guide to Winning New Business in the Business to Business Sector


Written & Developed By
David Malone & Conor Morris
Of Evolve Consultants Limited

 © Evolve Consultants 2010      2


What do you sell?
Identifying new customers, driving demand, and building a solid sales pipeline is at
the core of successful sales prospecting for anybody who sells business to
business for a living. The Irish marketplace is growing more competitive by the
day which means that the business customer has more choice than ever before.
E-commerce is reducing the propensity of people having to pick up telephone
directories to explore purchasing options. On top of this the current recession has
taught customers to shop around for the best deals. The age of the loyal customer
is over. Sellers now have to work as hard for repeat purchases as they do for new

The way of doing business during the Celtic Tiger years is over. Therefore, the
successful sellers in this “new economy” will be the ones that adapt their skills set
to the market conditions out there.

The purpose of this guide is to challenge the way you think about building a sales
pipeline and provide you with practical advice, tips and techniques to help you win
that new business opportunity for your organization.

Evolve Consultants

                               © Evolve Consultants 2010                                3



 1. The Business of Selling                             5

 2. Prospecting Principles                              20

      o Networking Skills                               21

      o Networking on the Internet                      29

      o Working with Complimentary Solution Providers   31

      o Asking for Referrals                            32

 3. Making Appointments By Phone                        35

 4. Using Email as part of the Sales Process            50

 5. Preparation for Sales Meetings                      56

 6. Meetings with Sales Prospects                       63

 7. Tips for Sales Proposals                            70

                         © Evolve Consultants 2010           4


Chapter 1

The Business of Selling
“Everybody lives by selling something” - Robert Louis Stephenson

As stated in our introduction, driving demand for your products and services and
building a solid, predictable, and extensive sales pipeline is at the very core of every
successful B2B sale not just in a tough economy but at any time.

So before we start to look at specific approaches for prospecting, we need to
establish some recognised guidelines / definitions for prospecting and selling.

Selling Defined?
Selling is the process of analysing a potential buyers need for the solutions provided
by one of your products and recommending the option which goes closest to / best
satisfies that need and by persuading the buyer that the price is fair, the source of
supply is satisfactory and that the time to buy is now

What is a Sales Target?
A target is a business person or entity that fits your ideal ‘target’ profile but as of yet
you have not yet managed to speak with them yet.

Regardless of the method of prospecting you intend to use to contact potential
prospects, and depending on your role within your sales team and your area of
responsibility, you have an informed mental picture of what ‘an ideal Target’ might
look like. This ‘ideal Target’ will normally be determined by things like your
geographical sales territory, the type of industry that exists in your locality, the type
and size of customer who you have ‘signed up’ in the past, and specific businesses
with the right type of profile and profitability for your company. Based on this you
should then create a target listing of companies / people you intend targeting.

Typically, targets break into three headings;

     Suspects: are those people / companies who are on your marketing database
listing, and who you believe are capable of doing business with you at some point,
but have not yet indicated any interest.

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Prospects: are those companies or individuals who have indicated a need for
your products or services, either by responding to some form of marketing, or by
contacting you directly.

   Existing Customers: They have bought from you in the past and they may be
able to present you other sales opportunities or sales referrals.

   Complimentary Solution Providers (CSP): These are people who target the
same suspects as you do, but who work in a not competing business. Typically, you
connect with a CSP to gain market information, swap business leads, and or to
provide sales introductions for each other. For example, a CSP for someone in the
insurance industry might be a sales representative from a car dealership, an
accountant or a solicitor.

Typically, the type of places you might find “targets” are as follows: -

       Local and national print media.
       Classified Ads – companies that advertise buy and sell services.
       The recruitment pages – decision makers are often listed as contacts
       Company notices - gives you names /faces / divisions to prospect.
       Local Independent directories
       Local Chamber of Commerce
       Professional Trade associations (Local Chapters) – see appendix at back of book
       Local Lions and Rotary Clubs
       Radio advertising
       Local area business development internet pages: (For example: -
       www.galway.net, www.cork.com,)
       Kompass Directory and the like
       Your existing database Irish database
       www.google.ie local search by sector. For example: “Hotels in County Clare”
       IDA Industrial Estate directories.
       Business Journals: Local business magazines
       Web based local business networks – such as those found on

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So what does your ideal client look like?
Here are some factors you should take into account. Your ideal should be
      People who have or will have a specific requirement for your services.
      People who need your offering as part of their business process.
      People for whom your product solves a business problem or issue.
      People for whom your product can create an opportunity or competitive
      People who buy from your competition.
      People who work in the sectors which are most profitable to you
      People who are manageable from a geographic perspective
      People whose size is manageable from a sales targeting, service support and
      relationship management perspective

Describe your ideal sales target?
  (A) Sector:
   (B) Size:
   (C) Location:
   (D) Problem / Issues:
   (E) Opportunities:

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What would you add to this list of pointers on the previous page?
















                            © Evolve Consultants 2010               8


What is a Sales Process?
A sales process is a structured and systematic approach to finding and executing
sales opportunities for you and your organisation. The process is made up of a
number of systematic steps that reflect the “customer” contacts / interactions that are
required to complete a sale from start to finish.

Table 1: Steps in the Sales Process.

Step                  Name                                     Activity
  1     Targeting the Ideal Prospect          Defining what ideal customer looks like
                                              a) Industry, b) Size, c) Location, d)
                                              Spend etc.
  2     Prospecting for appointments with Trying to get into a conversation with a
        decision makers                   decision maker about a potential sales
                                          opportunity via some of the following
                                              a) Door to door prospecting,
                                              b) Telephone prospecting,
                                              c) E-mail,
                                              d) Networking,
                                              e) Asking for referrals
  3    Qualifying the sales opportunity       Typically, via a sales meeting with
                                              decision maker and (sometimes) review
                                              of previous product history    etc.
  4     Presenting the Solution               Typically, via a solution proposal &
                                              pricing quotation
  5     Negotiation / Objection handling      Trading concessions etc
  6     Closing the Deal                      Signing the contract
  7     Client Account Management             On going relationship management for
                                              purposes of
                                              a) Cross selling,
                                              b) Up selling,
                                              c) Renewals, and
                                              d) Referrals

                               © Evolve Consultants 2010                                  9


A well defined and executed sales process brings the following advantages to
the seller:

   More Predictable Results: A higher likelihood of more successful desired and
predictable outcomes because the seller is following a set off agreed best practice

    Winning Habits: A high likelihood that repeating the correct structured sales
activities will lead to the development of “winning sales behaviours”. As Gary Player,
the famous South African golfer used to say, “The more I practice the right things,
the luckier I get”.

   Improved Time Management: It follows that if you engage in the correct sales
activities with the appropriate sales targets – then you will use your available selling
time more effectively and efficiently.

   Ability to Track and Measure Results: When you use a structured sales
process your outcomes can be measured and compared. This also leads to greater
self awareness of ones own performance as a seller.

Remember, an effective sales process, if executed correctly, should create new
prospects and customers for you. Just as a car manufacturing plant combines raw
materials, best practice assembly line processes, and technology to manufacture the
car; a sales process represents the raw materials required to manufacture new sales
for your organisation.

So whilst having a sales process doesn't guarantee success it should lead to you
creating more opportunities to sell. And in a recessionary time such as we face now,
a structure that can stand up to the rigors of current market conditions is a must for
every professional seller.

Sales Pipeline Management
People often mix up the sales pipeline and the sales process. Firstly, the sales
pipeline is part of the over all sales process. It’s a sales management tool used to
track the steps the buyer takes while buying one of your products or solutions.
Typically the steps in your sales pipeline should mirror the decision making steps the
prospect takes along the path to purchasing a product such as the one you can
offer. So therefore, your monthly pipeline report should present a "snapshot" of your

                               © Evolve Consultants 2010                                   10


sales activity for that month, the stage of the purchasing process all your “live” sales
 prospects are currently at, and the progress (if any) you have made towards closing
 sales opportunities.

    The best sales pipeline tools have the following commonalities:
         They mirror the steps / interactions the seller has with the buyer.

         They track the next steps the seller must undertake to move the sales
         opportunity forward.

         They focus the seller’s efforts and create urgency in the areas that require

         They should be able to accurately forecast the likelihood of the sale closing
         and when that might happen.

What are the stages in the typical sales pipeline?

Table 2: Stages in the Sales Pipeline

                   Pre                     1              2               3              4             5
    Sales        Devising           1 contact         Contact /          Sales       Contact to    Contract
   Activity     target list           made            Meeting to       proposal        obtain      signed /
                                                     qualify sales                     verbal     sale closed
                                                     opportunity                     agreement

  Next Step    Attempted 1          Meeting to      Agreement to     Timeframe for      Time        Solution
                  contact          qualify sales    propose sales      decision      frame for    dispatched /
                                   opportunity         solution         making        contract     delivered

 Probability       Zero                   Zero           25 %            50%           75 %          100 %
  of sales
  (As a %)

                  Target            Suspect             Suspect         Prospect     Prospect       Customer
                  Target            Suspect             Suspect         Prospect     Prospect

                  Target            Suspect             Suspect

                  Target            Suspect

                                           © Evolve Consultants 2010                                         11


The Stages in the Typical Sales Pipeline (In more detail)

Pre – Pipeline - You have devised / sourced a target list of potential buyers or
suspects for your sales activities.

Self analysis questions for this stage:
       Have you created a profile for your ideal buyer/ customer?
      Have you identified the individuals in the target companies you want to speak
      How many targets are you going to try and contact on a daily basis?
      Can anyone provide you with introductions to any of these targets?

Stage 1- You have (typically) to make a cold call to a company, hoping to get to
speak with a decision maker.

Next Step: Your next step is a formal meeting to qualify the sales opportunity on a
certain date.

Self analysis questions for this stage:
 How much time are you dedicating to cold calling on a daily basis?
 How many companies are you targeting per session?
 How many people do you get to speak with per session?
 How many dials / efforts does it take you to reach an individual within a sales target
 How many sales targets agree to meet with you after one telephone conversation?
 Why are they meeting with you?
 Is there a date in the diary for the meeting?
 What will happen if the meeting goes well?
 Is the person you are meeting a decision maker? If not why are you meeting?
 Is this meeting exploratory or have they something specific in mind?
 What will the next step be if the meeting goes well?
 What will the next step be if there is no sales opportunity on the table at the end
 of the meeting?
 Is there a date in the diary for that agreed next step? If not why not?
 What movement has there been on this opportunity in the last week?

                              © Evolve Consultants 2010                                   12


Stage 2 - Meeting with decision maker to qualify sales opportunity

Next Step: Your next step is to move the opportunity to presentation / proposal
stage (assuming it still exists) with a time frame for the decision making process.
* If it’s a complex scenario there may be further meetings / contacts required.
However, if it’s a more traditional opportunity the next step will get agreement to go
to sales proposal stage (in writing).

Self analysis questions for this stage:

 What was the purpose for the meetings?
 Did the sales suspect the same agenda as you?
 What movement did you achieve at this meeting?
 What information did you obtain that will help progress the sales opportunity?
 What is their time frame for doing business?
 What will it take to move this sales opportunity forward to proposal stage?
 How does the prospect feel in principle about your offering and pricing proposition?
 What might the value of the business be?
 Are they considering any other suppliers?
 Specifically, what do they want in the proposal?
 What is the date for the proposal?
 What will the next step be if they like the proposal?
 Is this sales opportunity still on schedule to close based on your original forecast?
 What is the next step if there is no business opportunity at present?

Stage 3 - You put a sales proposal in writing.

Next Step: Follow up the proposal and get verbal agreement (often in principle) to
do business. * You may have to tease out issues or objections to get to this point.

Self analysis questions for this stage:

      What criteria are being used to evaluate the proposal(s)?
      When will they make their decision?
      Have you already met / spoken with all decision makers?
      Can the individual you are dealing with make the decision?
      When you presented the proposal what feedback did you get on the day?
      How does your proposal compare against those of other potential suppliers?

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What will the next step be if they like your proposal?
      When will that next step take place?
      How long since the last contact?
       Is this sales opportunity still on schedule to close based on your original

Stage 4 – Contact to obtain commitment in principle (verbal) to purchase service
(Often verbal). The seller may also have to tease out issues or objections to get to
this point.

Next Step: P.O. to be raised / Contracts to be signed

Self analysis questions for this stage:

       Are there any outstanding issues?
       When will this prospect close – or sign? (Need definite date.)
       What will the value of this transaction be?

Stage 5 - Contracts signed – Payment made - sale closed

Next Step: Product delivery / After sales service begins

Self analysis questions for this stage:

       Are their other sales opportunities still from this business entity?
       How accurately did I forecast this sales opportunity through all stages of the
       What other companies do I know that might have similar circumstances to this
       Who can I introduce this new customer to – that they should know?
       How many contacts did it take me to close this case?
       Could I have done anything differently to move it along faster?

                               © Evolve Consultants 2010                                14


Key to successful pipeline management: Is to ensure there is always movement
through the different stages of the pipeline. A lack of movement at any one stage of
the pipeline will have a knock on effect on your sales results at some future point.
Furthermore; -

   1. The seller should report on the movement / progress that they have made
      within the stages of their sales pipeline on a weekly basis.

   2. The seller must constantly be adding new opportunities to stages 1 and 2 of
      the pipeline.

   3. The seller needs to be aware of the “attrition rate” that occurs place when
      trying to move a sales opportunity from stage 1 to stage 5 of the sales
      pipeline. This attrition rate is also known as a “Ratio”.

   4. It doesn’t matter whether you use an electronic sales pipeline tool or a paper
      based pipeline tool, what matters is that you use the pipeline to drive
      movement through your sales process not just to record the sales activity that
      you have engaged in.

                              © Evolve Consultants 2010                                15


Exercise: What are the stages in your sales pipeline?

              A            B              C            D    E   F

of Stages



Next Step

 of sales

 (As a %)

                           © Evolve Consultants 2010                16


Sales Ratios – Your key performance Indicators

“If you want to light a big fire – you need to know how many logs it’s going to take to get the
blaze going.”   – John Adams

  All successful sellers use key performance indicators (also known as the sales
ratios) to manage the movement of their sales prospects through the various stages
of the sales pipeline. Or let’s put it another way, if you have a weekly sales target,
it’s useful to know how many sales appointments you need to be creating on a
weekly basis to make your sales target happen! This is an example of an
appointment to sales closure ratio. Here at Evolve, we find that the majority of under
performing sellers we meet on training workshops have no idea of any of their sales
ratios. Simply put, they are not putting enough logs on the fire to keep it burning
and they have no idea how many logs they will need in the first place. You must
know your sales conversion ratios:

Table 3: Sales Activity Conversion Ratio
   No:                  Ratio              What it Indicates                     Key Points

                Telephone dial to       This ratio represents the         This figure takes into account
    1             Conversation
                                        number of telephone dials         all the telephone dials where
                                        you have to make to get to        any of the following happens
                                        speak with a sales target.
                                                                              Gatekeeper block
                  .                                                           Straight to voice mail
                                                                              Not available
                                                                              Engaged tone

                      Conversation      This ratio represents the     Remember, when we say meeting,
    2                     to
                                        number      of   completed    we mean a calendar date in the
                                        conversations you need to     diary agreed and confirmed by both
                      Appointment       have with a sales target to   parties.
                                        get a sales meeting.

                   Appointment          This ratio represents the     Depending on the complexity of the
    3                   to
                                        number of sales meetings      policy you are selling it is possible
                                        you have to attend to move    the qualification stage and the
                  Sales Proposal        the sales opportunity to      proposal stage might be one and
                                        formal sales proposal stage   the same meeting.

                 Sales Proposal         This ratio represents the     This figure assumes that an
    4            to Sales Closed
                                        number of sales proposals     amended or discounted sales
                                        you need to write to make a   proposal and an original sales
                                        sale.                         proposal count as one proposal

                                     © Evolve Consultants 2010                                         17


Sales Ratios (a worked example)

Your Monthly Sales Target: 10 Units sold.

Table 4: Sales ratios – a worked example.

   No:                  Ratio                     Your Activity               Your Ratio (The Maths)

               Telephone dial to             It takes you 5 dials to get to        Your Ratio here is
     1           Conversation
                                                 speak with 1 business
                                                        target                            5:1

                    Conversation              Here you need to have a              Your Ratio here is
     2                  to
                                                 conversation with 3
                                              decision makers to get 1                    3:1
                    Appointment              sales meeting (with a sales

                    Appointment                 Your hit rate is now               Your Ratio here is
     3                   to
                                             improving. For every two
                                             sales meetings you attend                    2:1
                   Sales Proposal             you then make 1 formal
                                                  sales proposal.

                   Sales Proposal   Here you notice that for                       Your Ratio here is
     4                             every two proposals you
                   to Sales Close put forward you win 1 piece
                                                     of business.

 Conclusions we can draw:
 * Start at ratio number 4 and work backwards.
1. If your monthly sales target is to sell 10 policies. Then Ratio Number 4 suggests you
need to put forward 20 proposals to make the 10 sales.         (2:1)
2. To be able to put forward 20 proposals, based on the above ratios you need 40
partially qualified appointments.                       (2:1)
3. To get 40 partially qualified appointments with decision makers you need to speak
with 120 decision makers.                                   (3:1)
4. Therefore, at the start of the month you need to target 600                       (5:1)      ideal sales
suspects to have any chance of hitting the above numbers

Notes on this example:

   The above exercise does not take into account a scenario where the seller may
have an “average transaction value” target as opposed to just numbers of units sold.

                                        © Evolve Consultants 2010                                       18


The above exercise assumes you are only getting sales leads via cold calling, it is
not taking into account networking, referrals and the like where ratios should be much
more favourable to the seller.


Please conduct the following self analysis exercise based on your current sales
targets and activity levels.

                                Metric                            €         Volume

   Ratio 1 My Telephone Dial to Conversation Ratio

   Ratio 2 My Conversation to Appointment Ratio

   Ratio 3 My Appointment to Sales Proposal Ratio

   Ratio 4 Sales Proposal Ratio to Sales Close Ratio

  Metric 1 My Annual Sales Target

  Metric 2 My Monthly Sales Target

  Metric 3 My Weekly Sales Target

  Metric 4 My Average Sale Value

  Metric 5 My Average Sale Volume (If applicable)

  Metric 6 The number of proposals I need to write to
             hit my monthly sales target (Based on my
             average sale value)

Be aware most of the above ratios are assuming that you have to find business
leads by “cold calling”. While you may have do a large degree of cold calling, it’s fair
to say that your ratios and metrics should improve drastically if you are securing
some of these appointments by referral or via introductions at networking events.

                               © Evolve Consultants 2010                                   19


Chapter 2

Prospecting Principles
Prospecting for new business is the life blood of all professional sellers. After identifying
your sales targets, the next step is to get your sales pipeline populated. When it comes
to prospecting there are two types of sales targets
       Cold targets
       Warm targets

A cold target is a person or company that fits the profile of your ideal buyer. However,
you have no relationship what so ever with this type of target. Furthermore, you have
no means of being introduced to this buyer. This type of target sits at the top of your
“cold calling list”.

A warm target is a person or business that fits the profile of your ideal buyer. However,
the difference between this type of target and a cold one is that you have found
someone within your circle of influence that is prepared to introduce you to this target.
This type of target is called a warm one because the target will already have a
relationship with the person giving you the introduction, and as such are more likely to
agree to speak with you out of their respect for the introducer.

        Cold calling provides you with the volume for your sales pipeline.
        Warm leads provide you with quality leads.

Every professional seller needs to be prospecting for both types of lead. Cold calling
should be an almost daily activity, driven by process, habit and a “hard neck”. Attaining
warm leads is more strategic, requires time, networking, skill and again process. In this
chapter we will look at the key prospecting protocols that will give you that combination
of cold and warm targets, namely:

        Virtual Networking via Linked In
        Complimentary Solution Providers
        Asking for Referrals

                                © Evolve Consultants 2010                                 20


Section 1

Networking Skills

The Golden Rule: It’s not who you know, it’s who knows and trusts you that

In 2010 business development is tougher that ever before. Buyers are more cautious
preferring to spend their budgets with trusted suppliers. For this reason cold callers
are finding doors slamming in their faces faster than ever before. On top of this
decision making process in many organizations’ has moved up a level to more
senior levels, and this may mean your old contacts may not have the power or
autonomy to make purchasing decisions any more.

   To be successful in sales in 2010 it’s not who you know that counts, it’s who
knows and trusts you that does.

The Sales Success Equation:
Your ability to have a successful sales year in 2010 will be determined by the
following sales success equation.

The Sales Success Equation

              The business contacts that know and trust me and buy from me now
+ / - The new / additional business contact that know and trust me and buy from me by year end.

                                  = My sales results for 2010

Everyone has a circle of influence. It may be your family, your friends, people you
worked with, people from past jobs, people you studied with at school and college,
your neighbours, fellow members of sports or social clubs or even fellow members of
trade associations. In 2010, your ability to meet new people to sell your products
and services to will be determined by the number of leads, referrals and
introductions you get from your circle of influence. Trust and avoiding unnecessary
risks are two of the main purchasing criteria all buyers are using in these troubled
times. Potential customers may agree to meet you because someone in your circle
of influence is a trusted colleague of theirs. They definitely won’t buy from you if
they don’t know and trust you. It’s time to network.

                                 © Evolve Consultants 2010                                    21


What do you want from networking?
There is a multitude of networking opportunities available out there for you to choose
from. So before, you head off like a bat out of hell to attend all and sundry, it’s
important to make sure the people you want to connect with be at the events you are
going to attend. This means you need to be clear on what is the right type of
networking event for you. Let’s start by looking at the type of person you want to
network with.

(A) - Who
       Who do you want to network with?
       What industry might they be in?
       What sized organization?
       What parts of the country are they located?
       What level will they be working at within their company?

(B) Where
      Where are they most likely to network?
       What type of events do they attend or network at?
       Where do these events take place?
       What is the regularity of these events?
       How do I attend one of these events?

Table 5: Sample Networking Opportunities

            Type                  Example                      Typical Attendee
Chamber of Commerce           Local      Chapters   Everything from sole trader right up to large
                              nationwide            companies
Networking Clubs              BNI                   Sole trader / SME / Local sales
                              First      Tuesday    representatives of larger organizations’
Local Business                Street       trader   Depends of mix of businesses in locality
Professional Bodies           Sales Institute of    Executive Managers, business developers,
                              Ireland               departmental     managers   in  specific
                              CIPD                  professions (Tends to be corporate as
                                                    opposed to sole trader)
Trade Associations            Vintners              Owner / managers, Executive managers
                              Association           with commercial functions

(C) What
      What am I trying to get by investing my time in networking and making

                              © Evolve Consultants 2010                                             22


(D) My Networking to Date – self analysis
      Who am I connected with already and what have these connections meant for
      Where do I network?
      Do the people I need to meet attend my networking events?
      Apart from sales, how do I measure success in my networking efforts?
      How much planning do I put into my networking activities?
      Do I need to have a more structured networking plan for this year?


Please complete the following based on your answers to the previous

   1. Describe the type of person(s) you want to meet at a networking event?

   2. Which types of networking events are most appropriate for you?

   3. Are you currently attending the correct type of networking events?

   4. Explain, how you could improve the quality and quantity of your networking

   5. What will you do differently?

                              © Evolve Consultants 2010                            23


Networking Strategy
Once you have identified what you want to get from networking the next step is to
target the appropriate type of events to meet these people. If the networking is to be
at a regular event run by a group such as a local chapter or networking club etc., you
should consider obtaining a position of power by joining the organizing committee.
This will afford you more visibility within the group.

Alternatively, if you can’t join the committee, you might need to become a more
structured event attendee. Start by asking the event organizer, to give you a list of
attendees in advance of the event. This will enable you to target the specific people
you want to meet. Consider asking the event organizer (in advance of the event) to
provide you with the necessary introductions at the event. And, remember as
mentioned in the previous chapter, targets for the event can be potential customers,
complimentary solution providers, and existing clients who can provide you with

You should also consider bringing existing clients to the event as it’s an opportunity
to network with them, give them an opportunity to network with others, and may be
even introduce you to others at the event.

Tactics for the Networking Event
Many people find going to networking events a daunting proposition. It's often really
awkward to walk into an association meeting, trade show or after-hours event when
you don't know anybody who is there. Everyone else seems to be engaged in
discussions with friends and business acquaintances, while there you stand
“Johnny-No-Mates”, drinking the free beverages like they are going out of fashion,
whilst, desperately looking around for a friendly face to take pity on you and pull you
into a conversation.

Here are some tips for overcoming the awkwardness and getting into that opening
1. Firstly, get a list of attendees in the days prior to the event. Check the list for
       People you want to meet,
       Existing customers who could introduce you to others or act as endorsees,
       and people you know already who could introduce to new people.

2. Get there early. People tend to be open to entering into conversations before
networking events – they tend to be in a rush to get back to work or home after the
event is over.

3. Think first impression. ‘You never get a second chance to make a first

                               © Evolve Consultants 2010                                  24


impression’. When approaching someone be aware of the following; Body
language: Smile, look them in the eye, and shake hands with them. Introduce
yourself and state that you are with [The name of your company].

4. The best location for networking is by a high-traffic area such as a main door, the
coffee dock, or near the food.

5. If you don’t know anyone at the event, stick close to the event organiser’s /
association officers – a lot of attendees will want to talk with them.

6. When giving or receiving a business card, be especially careful when dealing
with people from outside the Ireland as many cultures treat them with very high

7. When receiving a business card from someone, take a moment to write yourself
a note on it such as where you met. If you do this while you're still talking to the
person, it will help convey your sense of personal connection.

8. During the course of a conversation, use the other person's first name two or
three times. People always like to hear their own name and it will help you to
remember it when the discussion is over.

9. Ask questions: Prepare some general questions before you start networking.
Before you give information it is important to break the ice with a question that is
non-threatening. For example, it might be “How are the road works in front of your
shop effecting business?”       Ask questions about them, and their business.
Remember, the purpose of your questioning strategy should be to differentiate
yourself from the “crowd” by asking questions about how you can help them grow
their business! Make sure you listen to their responses. Remember, networking with
new contacts is like reading a daily newspaper. Let your new contacts speak so as
you can discover which news headlines are most relevant to your agenda.
Remember, open questions work better than closed ones as they get people talking.
Here are some additional questions you should consider asking:

Table 6: Sample questions to ask somebody you meet at a networking event.

     “What brings you here today?”
     “Where else do you network?”
     “How did you get your start in the “ABC” business?”
     “What changes are happening within your industry?”
     “What does your ideal customer look like?”
     “What separates you and your company from the competition?”
     “What can I do to help you today?”
     “Who else do you know here today?”
     What is the best way to refer someone to you?

                              © Evolve Consultants 2010                                  25


People will usually reciprocate and ask you a few questions about your business, but
remember you are there to make them feel important. Since you want to meet the all
the people you identified before the event, keep conversations to a maximum of ten
minutes and then move on

How to Follow Up
When you attend a networking event, whether a conference, seminar or business-
club meeting, your work has just begun. It's the follow up after the event that moves
the relationship on and eventually will enable business happen.

Follow up includes trading information that is valuable to each other via e-mail and
gaining other introductions from your new connection and vice versa. However, too
many people walk away from networking events feeling good about the event and
the number of business cards collected but doing nothing to move names on
business cards into potential business associates.

Here are some ideas to make the most of your post networking event follow ups;

   After the event, time, use the back of their business card to jot a note about
something you learned from the conversation and the date and place you met them.
Recording the information will give you something to talk to them about the next time
you see them.

    Consider introducing someone to your new contact.
This is a straight forward process. All you have to do is introduce a new contact
from a networking event to someone else you in your sphere of influence who you
feel they should know. Where, these two people take the relationship is up to them,
but you will be remembered as the person who made the introduction. You should
try to this after every networking event.

    Within twenty four hours, send an e-mail / hand written note.
Don't wait until you have something meaningful to say or don’t wait until next week
for fear of looking to keen! Chances are you won't get around to sending a note if
you wait around, and even if you do, the recipient may not recall who you are. Send
an e-mail to everyone you took a card from. Better again; send them a hand written
note. Remember, even if you don't see them as an immediate connection, just say

   Make notes on your experiences.
Whenever you return from events, take about ten minutes to write down some notes
from the networking event. Bullet-point ideas, or write them across your whiteboard.
Just get them down!

    Thank the host, if applicable.
This especially applies to events that are put together by one individual. A quick note
thanking that person for their efforts will go a long way and they will be more prone
to respond favourable to your request for introductions in the future.

   Phone them and meet up.

                               © Evolve Consultants 2010                                  26


Pick up the phone after a couple of weeks and continue the conversation you started to
explore at the networking event. (If appropriate)

Don’t pitch for business without creating obligation by following up in one of the ways
mentioned above. Remember, networking is the skill of building relationships that are
mutually beneficial. So be prepared to ‘give something to get something’. Networking
takes planning and regular practice and execution.

Sample List of Networking Opportunities

Web Based Networking
• Linked In the worlds largest online networking community - http://www.linkedin.com

Local Business Community
      Chambers of Commerce - http://www.chambers.ie/index.php?id=1

Professional Associations
      Sales Institute of Ireland - http://www.salesinstitute.ie
      Irish Small & Medium Enterprises Association - http://www.isme.ie/
      Irish Internet Association - http://www.iia.ie/

Charity Related Business Networking Groups
      Rotary Club of Ireland - http://www.rotary.ie/
      Lions Clubs of Ireland - http://www.lionsclubs.ie/

Private Networking Groups for Business
      Cork Business Association - http://www.corkbusiness.ie/
      BNI Networking Groups - http://www.bni-europe.com/ireland/-
      121 Dublin Business Networking Group - http://121biznet.com/blog/
      Southside B2B Referral Network (Dun Laoghaire) - http://www.southsideb2b.org/
      Irish Business Women’s Networking Group -
      Galway Business Club - http://www.galwaybusinessclub.com/
      Open Coffee Club - http://www.opencoffeedublin.com/ /
       http://mayo-open-coffee-club.org/ http://opencoffeesligo.org/

                               © Evolve Consultants 2010                              27


Networking Checklist

       Try and get a list of the attendees for the networking event in the days prior to the event
  1    taking place. This will enable you identify who you want to meet.
       Try and arrange some introductions via the event host / organiser in advance of the event.
  2    More than likely they will already know the people you want to meet.
       Arrive early and stay late. If the networking is taking place around a speech or formal event
  3    all the networking takes place before and after the event. Don’t miss the action.
       If you don’t know anyone at the event, stick close to the event organiser’s / association
  4    officers – a lot of attendees will want to talk with them and you can meet new people in their
       Avoid colleagues from work. Ascertain who you know already and see if they can provide
  5    some introductions for you and visa versa. You should initially acknowledge people you
       know already and then immediately find someone new to introduce yourself to. This will help
       keep you in the right frame of mind as to why you went to the event.

  6    Always have business cards and keep in a place where they are easy to access
       Stop selling and start connecting. When you meet someone for the first time, use it as an
  7    opportunity to get to know them. Don't try to sell them anything.
       Prepare four or five questions that you can ask people that you meet. Make sure the
  8    questions are not overly intrusive
       When giving or receiving a business card, be especially careful when dealing with people
  9    from outside the Ireland as many cultures treat business cards with very high regard.
       When receiving a business card from someone, take a moment to write yourself a note on it
 10    such as where you met. If you do this while you're still talking to the person, it will help
       convey your sense of personal connection.
       When in groups act as the host, introduce each new person who joins the group to the
 11    others in your company.
       During the course of a conversation, use the other person's first name two or three times.
 12    People always like to hear their own name and it will help you to remember it when the
       discussion is over.
       Know how you can help them. People don’t care what you do, unless what you can do can
 13    help them. Get to know which of their problems and challenges you can help with.

       Tell people you will be following up with them while you are still talking with them. Tell them
 14    what you will be sending and how you will send it to them. Then they will be watching out
       for it.
       When you meet someone for the first time, you have 24 hours to follow up with them before
 15    they will completely forget about meeting you.

       Back at the office, use the back of their business card to jot a note about something you
 16    learned from the conversation and the date and place

       Send a handwritten note to your new contacts acknowledging the fact that you met.
       Connect with your new contact via Linked in within a week of meeting with them.
       Keep in touch, especially when you no longer have a specific requirement to fulfil.
       Review the usefulness of the networking events you attend on a regular basis.

                                © Evolve Consultants 2010                                            28


Section 2

Networking on the Internet

It’s almost impossible to talk about best practice networking skills without bringing
“virtual networking” or networking via the Internet into the conversation. Because of
the role email plays in business and with the ever increasing popularity of online
business networking communities like “Linked In” the professional seller would be
remiss not to leverage this media.       We find many people place their personal
profiles on these websites and wait for business contacts to contact them by the
score. This rarely happens. Virtual networking is no different to face to face
networking – as with everything in life you only get out of it what you put into it. So
here are some ideas to get more from your “Linked In” account.

Using “Linked In” on the Web
Is it just me or if you find someone on “Linked In” you’d like to network with, but you
observe that they have only five contacts and no profile information, do you wonder
whether its worth your while linking up with them? What might other people say
when they see your Linked In account and profile? Could they think the same thing
about you? Are you worth connecting with? Do you get any useful business leads
from Linked In? Its possible to get more from Linked In that merely looking up
contacts – here are some ideas;

      Fill out your profile completely to earn trust.
      Don’t turn off your contacts:
      Avoid hard-sell tactics.
      Write honest and valuable recommendations for your contacts.
      Request LinkedIn recommendation from happy customers willing to provide
      Grow your network by joining industry and alumni groups related to your
      Share survey and poll results with your contacts.
      Publish your LinkedIn URL on your marketing material.
      Use the advanced search feature to find people (targets) by company,
      industry and city.
      Start and manage a group for your industry.
      Research your prospects before meetings. For example, you could try and
      find out have you common business acquaintances.

                               © Evolve Consultants 2010                                  29


Share useful articles and resources that will be of interest to customers and
Post your presentations on your profile using PowerPoint.
Ask your first-level contacts for specific introductions to their first-level
Set up to receive LinkedIn messages in your inbox so you can respond right
Update everything regularly

                       © Evolve Consultants 2010                                30


Section 3

Working with Complimentary Solution Providers

Working with a Complimentary Solution Providers (CSP) is a form of
networking. A CSP is a person who sells into / (or has a circle of influence
that includes) the target companies and people that you want to prospect for
new business. Typically, the CSP does not work in competition with you, but
may sometimes offer a complimentary service to yours. The main point is
that they have access to the people you need to meet. So for example, at
Evolve we deal in sales training and the decision makers we often need to
meet are Sales Directors or Training Managers. A possible CSP for us could
be a recruitment agency, or the sellers of sales related software. Therefore, if
we were trying to get an appointment to see the head of training at ABC
Limited a CSP might be able to provide us with that introduction.

The advantages of networking with a CSP
      May know your sales targets already
      Can provide introductions because the target already trusts them
      Can provide valuable information about the market place which may
      lead to a business opportunity

The type of professionals that might be an appropriate CSP for you
      Already sells to your customers
      Targets the same in company function heads as you
      Networks extensively
      Is prepared to swap leads / provide introductions

Tips for Networking with a CSP
       Identify three ideal CSP and go connect with them
       Meet / Talk at least once a month with each
      Describe your ideal target for them
      Give introductions to get introductions
      Give them feedback on any sales opportunities you make and take

                               © Evolve Consultants 2010                           31


Section 4

Asking for Referrals

Every business to business seller knows that getting referrals from existing customers
or a complimentary solution provider is by far the best prospecting lead to get. Yet, we
often find very few sales people have a referral process in place – so they don’t get
many of them. Let’s be clear on our definition of a sales referral. It’s not an existing
client tipping you off about a new factory opening up down the road. It’s not a
complimentary solution provider giving you a name and a phone number.

A referral is where somebody provides you with an introduction to a potential sales
prospect. When we say introduction, we mean that they have lifted the phone to
somebody in their circle of influence and asked them to take a phone call from you.
During the introduction they will tell the referral that you are, where you work, and why
you will be phoning. Typically, they will endorse your services at this stage as well.

So here are some ideas to help you get more referrals from your circle of influence.

   Ask for referrals: If you don't ask, how do you expect to get them?
   Ask at the right time: The time to ask somebody for a referral is when they trust you,
   when they rate you highly and when they are obligated to you. (You have done them
   a favour)
   Introduce asking for referrals into your account management process.

    “John, the purpose of today’s meeting is to review your current usage and sort out
   your requirements for the coming year. I’d also like to get your thoughts on what you
   think of the service I provide, and lastly providing you are very satisfied with how we
   are treating you, I’d like to see if there is anyone in your business circle who you’d
   refer me on to. Let’s talk about your existing usage first ”

   Let the client know who's a good referral: There is no point asking a client for a
   referral at the end of a meeting. Typically, sellers with one foot already out of the
   door state “If you can think of anybody who could use my service please let me
   know”. So firstly it’s a statement not a question. Secondly, the client won’t be
   inspired into miraculously pulling your ideal looking referral out of thin air. Early in
   your conversation describe to the client what a good referral looks like. Tell them

                               © Evolve Consultants 2010                                    32


the type of business you want to be introduced to etc.

 Help them: Make some suggestions as to people who they might know. If you're a
builder’s providers, who do you think they might know? Lot’s of Builders, Estate
Agents, and Trades people etc, that's who. Suggest some of those companies you
know you'd like to get referred to--they just might know them.

6. Give them time to think: Don't ask for referrals and stand there waiting for them.
When you put your client on the spot like that they aren't going to come up with a ton
of great referrals. Ask and then let them know exactly when you'll get back to them
to get the referrals.

7. Don't get names and phone numbers get introduced. And I’ll state it one more
time don’t get a name and phone number – get introduced. Get introduced to the
prospect through an introduction letter or phone call.

                           © Evolve Consultants 2010                               33


Notes / Actions:

                   © Evolve Consultants 2010   34


Chapter 3

Making Appointments by Phone
The vast majority of sales professionals hate cold-calling. Yet, at the same time, it is
an activity that most of us need to do on a regular basis. Unless you can come up
with a more effective way of getting new sales prospects into your sales pipeline –
then you need to try and make appointments by phone.

The three main ingredients to making more appointments by phone are

T.E.D. – The key to Successful cold calling

Table 7: Key Skills and Traits for successful tele-selling

  T      Technique:        The ability to design and deliver a sales message in a way
                           that appeals to the sales suspect.

  E      Endeavour:        The ability to persevere and continue to cold call even when
                           things aren’t going well.

  D      Discipline:       The discipline to do the target number of dials without
                           cutting corners or distracting yourself and track results

Don’t ad-lib, have a call plan.
If you want to sound confident, competent and in control, I strongly suggest that you
write out /design a call plan for yourself. You may notice that I am not using the
phrase call “script” because to use a call script, requires both parties on the call to
have the exact same script. Designing and then using a call plan for the opening,
questioning and closing remarks stage of your call will give you the structure that is
required to hook and connect with a potential sales suspect, that will give you the
opportunity to ask some questions about their circumstances, and finally that will
ascertain whether its worth both of your whiles taking the conversation to the next

     A good call plan is essential for the following reasons.

                               © Evolve Consultants 2010                                   35


More people will accept your call
   Keeps your message on track and allows you be respectful of the suspect’s time
   Ensures you gather all necessary information
   Guarantees that your call ending has a conclusion or next step.
   Allows you listen to suspect responses because your call structure is clear
   Allows you control the call

Call Structure Design

1. Have clear call objective / result in mind.
It is important to keep in mind that the primary purpose of any B2B prospecting phone
call is to make an appointment, not a sale. Many sellers make the mistake of trying to A
to Z their product portfolio and talking to much on the phone call in an attempt to
showcase their expertise. Whilst the seller will have to present some high level policy
benefits and respond to some questions, issues that require a detailed / informed
response become an excellent reason to secure an appointment.

It’s a good idea to use phone time to gather information through the use of open-ended
questions. Your objective is to build your prospect's interest and arouse their curiosity
through a series of well designed, probing questions about them and their company. So
before you make that call be clear on what the objective of your call is.


Finish the following statement to get your call objective;

The purpose of this call is to qualify the sales suspect to a point, where if everything
goes well, the next step will be to      .

In the B2B market, the objective of the call could be to:

   a) Get a qualified meeting with a decision maker
   b) Get the name and direct contact details of a decision maker
   c) Collect information about a target person / company and how they currently
      use your offering.
   d) Find out details of their next tendering process and get permission to take
      part in same.

                               © Evolve Consultants 2010                              36


2. Understanding Best Practice Call Structure.
 Most stories and movies have a start, middle, and an ending. The purpose of the
 start of the story or movie is to get your attention and get you interested sticking with
 reading or watching some more of the content. The middle of the book or movie
 unravels the plot and provides the detail. And the last few scenes or chapters bring
 things to an exciting finale or conclusion.

 A best practice call structure is very similar in that the purpose the call opening has
 is get your attention and keep you on the phone engaging in conversation.

 The middle of the call provides you the seller with the suspects detail /
 circumstances, and issues via qualification questions and conversation.

 And the conclusion of the call is to bring things to a finale, with you the seller
 presenting the reasons why the sales suspect should consider meeting with you and
 asking for that date in the diary next step.

Table 8: High Level - Call Structure

    Stage                           Structure                          Objective
 Call                     Exchange greetings                         Courtesy
 Opening                  Results based opening statement            Create interest
                          Permission to proceed plus                 Get control
 Middle                   Qualify the suspects requirements          Gain understanding
                          Summarize your understanding of            Get commitment
                          issues and priorities
 Conclusion               Suggest options                            Create buy in
                          Obtain feedback on options                 Get commitment
                          Ask for the next step                      Get date in diary

 3. Call Opening
 Nothing is more important to an outbound telephone prospecting call than the quality
 of your opening lines. Think about it, when a sales target picks up that phone and
 says hello, you have between ten and fifteen seconds to get them to accept your

 The opening lines of the calls are actually the only lines of the call you can script
 100% - every other line you use is determined by the impact your opening statement
 makes. This means you have to maximize the impact of your opening statement
 and that means planning and practicing it.

                                       © Evolve Consultants 2010                             37


Below are some guidelines and thoughts for creating your opening statement(s) as
well as some samples for you to rework.

The purpose of the opening statement is to get the attention and interest of the sales
suspect so as to accept your phone call. To do this you must “hook” the sales
suspect onto your telephone line and away from what they were doing before you
dialled their phone number. Your ability to qualify the sales opportunity, ask for
permission to tender, ask for a meeting, or even introduce them to your new offering
matters none if the decline your invitation to have a brief conversation on that phone

Your opening statement is comprised of four elements
      Who you are – “Dave Malone”
      Who you’re with (“ABC Limited”)
      What you sell (in very simple terms)
      How your prospect will benefit from your product or service
      A question to gauge interest of the prospect

a) Your greeting:
State your full name, and your role within your organisation. Use the target’s name
in the opening lines if you can, it will ensure that you have the correct person on the
line, and people when they hear their name tend to listen very carefully. For
example, “Hello, Mrs. Phillips, this is John Phillips, phoning you from ABC Services”

b) Your Interest and attention grabbing results based opening statement.
State the reason for your call: Your opening statement cannot be a pitch. It must
create curiosity by focusing on a result that might be important to the target. It must
be low on pressure, and put the target in a positive frame of mind. Consider starting
with benefit statement: This statement will suggest to the prospect why he or she
should listen further.

Example 1

Hi Jack, This is Emmet Higgins from the ABC Computer. You may recall I met you at
the Chamber of Commerce lunch last month. The reason I am calling is that we provide
a PC maintenance service to help an SME like you maximise the usage and longevity
you get from your lap tops, and I’m calling to see if this might be something you’d like to
explore further?

                               © Evolve Consultants 2010                                  38


Example 2

"Hello Ms. Dillon, this is Shauna Jennings with Kelly Security Camera’s. I’m calling
today because we I was in your premises buying garden furniture, and I noticed the
amount of traffic and people you have moving around the store and the warehouse. It’s
a very impressive set up.

(Pause – wait for response)

And because of the value of the high quality items you sell and depending on how you
currently handle the issue of stock loss due to theft, there’s a possibility I might be able
to help make it more difficult for shop lifters to steal your stock? (Wait for response)

If I’ve caught you at a good time, I’d like to discuss your situation to see if this is
something that you’d like explore further?”

Remember, the purpose of the opening benefit statement is to get you past the first
segment of a call into a qualification stage. So

       Keep the pressure low and conditional by using phrases like “Depending on
       how your handling” and “there’s a possibility we might”.

       Avoid opening statements which are sales pitches or self indulgent about your
       offering such as: “Hello Mr. Kelly I am ringing to introduce to a new service
       here at ABC, it’s an excellent product with the lowest price on the market.”
       (This is self indulgent)

       Don’t try and technique you way past the client – “Would you be interested in
       cheap accountancy software”.

                                 © Evolve Consultants 2010                                 39



Please develop some opening statements for the following scenarios:

a)   A business you are cold calling because you write a lot of business in their

b)   A large retailer that was a customer about 5 years ago, but then they left and
     placed business with the competition. The competition went out of business last

c)   A business lead you got from a family member.

d)   A new restaurant in the town centre.

                              © Evolve Consultants 2010                             40


3. Getting Permission to Proceed
Lastly, ask a question at the end of the opening statement to check for the sales
suspect’s interest.


“Okay, so as I can work out how we might be able to best help you, I’d like to ask you a
few questions, is that okay?”

In doing this you are again giving choice and perceived control to the suspect –
where as in fact you are getting the call structure to follow to call plan you prepared
in advance of making the call.

4. Middle of the Call (Qualification and summarizing the issues)
The purpose of the qualification stage is to get the target’s permission to proceed
with questions so as you can establish whether you will meet a business
requirement / problem or create an opportunity for them. The types of areas you
need to explore and open up (If you get the opportunity) are:

        Their business – how it is structures / works
        The way they deliver their offering to the market place
        The main challenges their business is currently facing
        The parts of their business where they use / need your offering.
        The risks their business is exposed to by not using your offering
        Changes they would like to make to their current situation (As it relates to
        your type of offering)
        Timeframes for re-purchasing / decision making etc.
        How they go about considering suppliers for your services

                               © Evolve Consultants 2010                                  41


Questions like:

For an Existing Business

   a)   “Tell me about your business?”
   b)   What issues are most important to you?”
   c)   “What type of fees you are charged?”
   d)   “Apart from price, what’s most important to you in selecting a product such as
        this for your business?”
   e)   “Could you tell me about what type of solution you need for your business?”
   f)    “What aspects of the service would you like to change?”
   g)   “What do you really want from a supplier?”
   h)   “How will your requirements change over the next twelve months?”
   i) “What would your ideal supplier be doing for you?”

For a New Business

   a) What type of service do you think you will need?
   b) What criteria are you going to use to decide which company you are going to
      buy from?
   c) What type of business advice would be useful to get on an on going basis?
   d) What experiences have you had with my company in the past?
   e) Have you any thoughts on how we might best assist you?
   f) What support will you need in the first 12 to 24 months of your new business?

                               © Evolve Consultants 2010                                 42



What Questions would you add to these two lists?











                          © Evolve Consultants 2010   43


5. Presenting, matching and moving to the next stage:
After you have qualified and summarized the target’s requirements and you have
established and agreed a sales opportunity that they would like to explore further - they
become prospects.

It is only now that you suggest / propose a way for you to offer some solutions to their
challenges. However do remember business owners” all are only interested in one tune
on the radio – and that tune is called “Its all about me” – and they only tune into one
radio station W.I.I.F.M - (What‘s In It For Me).

        So, when it comes to presenting on a telesales call – three rules apply.

a) Focus on their issues.
Focus on suggesting the solutions that focus on solving their issues – to present
anything else suggests that you are not listening.


     “So earlier you said to me that the excess on your old insurance policy was €750 but
     your average accidental damage claim was only €900. So, we can reduce the
     excess amount to €400 by increasing the annual premium amount by €25.”

b)    Use low pressure phrases.
Put forward your benefits using low pressure phrases such as “you might consider” or
“Might I suggest” – they are not pushy.

     “So based on the issues your business is facing, and in order of importance as you
     have given them to me, here is how I think our maintenance contract might be able to
     help you out .”

c) Get feedback on every option you present.
Ask the prospect for feedback on all benefits you present – this will give you an
indication of whether you have gotten in right and if its time to suggest the next step.


      “So, Patrick, given that you have separate printing requirements at three different
     locations throughout the country, I think we can come up with a package that will
     simplify the requirements of your three different office managers and improve the
     quality of the documents we produce without any significant increase in your overall
     annual printing bill. Would that be of interest to you?”

                                   © Evolve Consultants 2010                                44


6. Close the deal / Bring to the Next Step- ask for a commitment to meet up
If you have presented an appropriate solution, your transition to the close should be as
simple and automatic as asking, “Do you have any questions?” When they respond with
no, you simply ask them how they feel about your suggestion, discuss what do you think
of the FBD package? Then it’s about asking for the next step –


   “Based on what you are saying to me, it sounds like it would be worthwhile to get
   together so I can give you a more detailed picture as to how we might help you?”

Remember, if the prospect likes what you have to say, it’s now time to suggest you
meet up to move things to the next stage of the buying process.


    “Given that you intend opening the new premises on the 1st of May you’ll have to kit
   out with furniture the previous week. I think it might be mutually beneficial to meet up
   next Monday given that the opening date is only 3 weeks away and we need to look
   at your requirements in more detail?”

7. The fall-back position:
You might not get an appointment or the sale at every prospect contact, or may be the
they won’t be purchasing for another six months. But you should try to get some type
of commitment every time.

  So if the renewal is not for some time, you should
   Stay in touch via email.
   Send them material in the intervening period.
   Send them a hand written card thanking them for the conversation.
   Get them to agree to have a further conversation much closer to the renewal date.
   Diarize a follow up phone call with them three weeks before the renewal date.


       “Thanks Paul for letting me know that you have another nine months to go before
     your current contract expires. With your permission I’ll keep in touch and maybe you’ll
                       let me quote for the business next time around?”

                                  © Evolve Consultants 2010                                   45


Leaving Voice Mails
A lot of people don’t believe in leaving voice mail, and that’s alright – however if you
prefer to leave messages here are some best practice steps to consider. If you intend
leaving a voice mail message, your objective is to create enough interest so as the
customer will take the next call. Remember, you can only get the appointment after
you have spoken with the sales suspect.

 Voice mails are like opening statements in that you can script and practice them. So
when that voice says “please leave your message after the tone”, you have about 30
seconds to generate a reason why that person should call you back as opposed to

   Rule 1: Most decision makers delete messages after 30 seconds.

   Rule 2: Most decision makers delete messages on the first time of listening.

The components of a good voice mail message

   Your name: “Frank Murphy”

   Your company name “over at Evolve”

   A statement that creates interest and intrigue:

“I have an idea to run by you that might significantly impact the way you handle the
cost of delivering your software product to your UK market”

   Call to action: “I will call you back Wednesday at 10am.”


 Lucy, this is Frank Murphy over at KASH Waste Management. We have been
 working with a number of the big manufacturers in the Cork area like yourself at
 ABCO, and having worked with them I have an idea to run by you that might
 significantly impact the way you handle the disposal of commercial waste at your
 Cobh plant. Sorry I missed you I will call you back Wednesday at 10am.


 Conor, this is Dylan Morris from Evolve Training. One of your colleagues Patricia
 Rock, asked me to give you a call regarding how we helped them increase their
 sales revenue while decreasing their overall cost of sales annual last year. Sorry I
 missed you. I will call you back Monday at 11am.

                                © Evolve Consultants 2010                                  46



Develop a voice mail message for one of your prospecting campaigns

     Your name

     Your company name

     A statement that creates interest and intrigue

     Call to action

                             © Evolve Consultants 2010               47


Check list for running a telephone prospecting campaign
(For appointment making)

 1        Have a dedicated time each day to prospect.
 2        Prospect in hour blocks of time
 3        Track your results (The Sales Ratios)
 4        Know the reason for calling before you call: Remember the reason must
          benefit the customer not introduce a great new service etc.
 5        Leave short beneficial voice mail messages that arouse interest and attention.
 6        May be follow up with an email.
 7        Prepare your needs qualification questions in advance
 8        Phone calls placed to direct numbers before 9:30 AM are the most likely to be
          answered by the person you're trying to reach.
 9        Respect the gate-keeper by treating them in the same manner you would treat
          the prospect.
 10       Anytime is a good time to make a call; don't wait for the "perfect" time.
 11       Prepare your opening benefit statement in advance
 12       Prepare your questions bank in advance
 13       Consider sending an introductory letter first
 14       State in the letter that you will be making a follow up call
 15       Batch your calls in clusters of ten at a time
 16       Make the calls in a quiet back office with no interruptions
 17       If you can consider recording a dummy call so as you can hear what you
          sound like.
 18       Make sure you get some type of movement on every call – even if it’s a “no
 19       If you can get an introduction all the better
 20       Measure your outcomes
 21       Ensure you are permitted to make unsolicited calls to the business owner e.g.
          that they aren’t on a protected database.
 22      If possible, avoid leaving phone messages for the contact if they are
         unavailable, as it makes it easy to filter out further calls. Try and call back.

                              © Evolve Consultants 2010                               48



         © Evolve Consultants 2010   49


Chapter 4

Using Email as part of the Sales Process
Sales professionals are using emails more and more to as a sales media. Whether,
it’s to deliver a specific sales proposal or to try and “cold call” a potential sales target
– email is being used for it.

Does email prospecting work?
If done correctly it can be an effective tool for obtaining new customers.

However, a recent survey conducted by global Internet advertising company
www.Doubleclick.com, suggested that 55% of e-mail recipients considered a
message to be spam if it was generic and bore no relation to their business
challenges. This was also true where the mails were being sent to existing

Email as part of the Sales Process: Some Key Points to Remember

    Email is one way: This means it can’t be used as a stand alone sales tool.
Email works best when it is part of an integrated prospecting strategy that also
included networking, prospecting by phone, asking referrals etc. Email must be
followed up with some type of voice conversation with the sales target for it to work.

    Email has no tone: Emails are interpreted by the reader and some times not as
intended by the sender. Always make sure the tone of your sales email is as

   “I am the new photocopier sales representative in your area and I am just
   contacting you to see if you needed anything?”

What tone does this message set for you? The words that come to mind for me are
phrases like lazy, presumptuous and pushy. Is this the tone the sender intended? It
doesn’t matter what was intended, because if the sales targets thinks the mail is
pushy – then it is pushy  and so is the seller.

    Permanent Record: Once you send an email you can’t take it or it’s contents
back. So you need to be very sure that
(a) You want to send the email.

                                © Evolve Consultants 2010                                      50


(b) That you are sending it to the right person.
(c) That you understand their circumstances.
(d) That you have hit the correct “note” with your composition.
(e) Everything that you are suggesting is factually correct and something you can
    stand over.
(f) You have no spelling or grammatical mistakes.

   The Email reflects on you and your organisation: If the email has lots of
spelling errors and typos then you are deemed to be sloppy and unprofessional and
so are your company.

Whey should you consider sending a prospecting email to a sales target?
     When you can’t reach that sales target by phone.
     When you can’t get a personal introduction to that sales target.
     When your approach is purely speculative.
     When you intend following up the email with other sales and marketing
     When you have their correct email protocol.

   While email is part of your prospecting “kit bag” be aware it is no substitute for
   speaking with an actual sales target or suspect.

The Rules for writing and sending effective sales Emails
Remember, everyday your sales target gets twenty or thirty emails from people just
like you. So what’s going to get them to read your mail as opposed to deleting it
without opening it? Here are some issues to get you thinking.

The Facts of Email Life
   1: Most people read emails in less than 20 seconds.
   2: Most people only read an email once.
   3: Never send an attachment with your e-mail. Sales targets who don’t know you
   are not going to open a file from a stranger and risk getting a virus on their PC.

Focus on the potential Buyer Needs
If you make a generic sales pitch your email will be interpreted as spam. No
different to the opening statement of your telephone prospecting call, your email
must have a hook or a W.I.I.F.M angle in its construction. Don't talk about you, your
company or your sales offerings. Instead, focus on their issues, concerns, problems
and challenges.

                               © Evolve Consultants 2010                                51


Personalise every email.
Decisions makers must know immediately that the e-mail was written just for them
and not sent to 100 other people. Mention your research. Highlight a triggering
event. Reference a referral.

Keep it short and sweet.
As mentioned earlier, you have less than 20 seconds to capture the attention of a
potential sales prospect. After the first couple sentences, they decide if they'll delete
it, forward it or respond.

Make it readable from the preview window.
Most people do a quick scan of their messages in the preview window before
opening them. If your message is longer than this, make it shorter.

Start a conversation.
Your goal is to engage decision makers in an on-line discussion. In order to do this,
you have to give them something they can respond to. Ask a question, invite them to
an event, and see if they'd be interested in an information resource on your website.
Focus on creating the dialogue.

Don't send emails too frequently.
It annoys people and makes your emails more likely to be summarily deleted.

Hook them with a compelling subject line.
"Free PC Security Audit” will get your email deleted as recipients will be thinking that
there is a “catch attached to the concept of a free offer” or that your mail is just
spam. However using a subject line along the lines of, "Want to know how you can
improve the speed and reliability of your computer network?" might get them to read
on as it’s more intriguing.

Tactics for how you can use email as part of the sales process

                                © Evolve Consultants 2010                                   52


Use email as a follow up tool.
After you meet someone at a networking event follow up with an email. Similarly,
after you phone someone, meet someone, or send them a physical document by
post follow up by email. Thank them, tell them to expect the post, and talk about
next steps etc.

   Use email to gather information about decision makers or company
Gather information about who the correct decision maker is for your product offering;
get their email address and direct dial contact telephone numbers via email.

   Use email to get referrals and testimonials
 Ask clients to introduce you to people in their circle of influence who may require
your service.

   Refer to their world
“I was in with your customer at his garden centre at Naas and I see you have all your
garden furniture on display throughout the place”

“I was behind one of your Articulated Trucks on the M50 yesterday ”

                              © Evolve Consultants 2010                                 53



Subject Line: Can you assist me with some information please?


I heard you interview on Newstalk Radio last weekend in relation to your expansion
plans for your DIY business. It was a very impressive interview.

Depending on your time frame for your new DIY superstore there is a possibility we
might be able to help you get the best possible price for kitting out the building with
shelving units.

 I’m with Como Retail Fittings, and we specifically help companies in the retail sector to
reduce the necessity of having to stockpile large amounts of surplus product lines in
your storeroom because of the electronic stock counting system built into our shelving

 If you think our shelving systems might free up working capital and simplify your
reordering process, would you be able to direct me towards the person who is
responsible for looking after the superstore kit out. Any help you could provide would be
very greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks,
Johnny Perry,
Como Retail Fittings

Low pressure start asking for help as opposed to making a sales pitch

Rather than offering specific solutions, the writer is trying to grab the attention and
interest of the reader. In other words, the e-mail is about the receiver, not the

This reinforces that the writer’s company solves problems and provides insurance

This statement expresses the warmth of the writer’s gratitude in advance.

                                © Evolve Consultants 2010                                 54


And some tips on writing style and grammar

    Subject line should be a request to act
    Keep paragraphs short.
    Watch font size.
    Use white space.
    Use boldface or underlining for emphasis.
    Use bullet points.
    Be concise.
    Avoid jargon.
    Use spelling checker.

 Check list for running an email campaign

     1     Never send an attachment with your e-mail. Prospects who don’t know you
           are not going to open a file and risk a virus.

     2     If you are sending an e-mail, send it from a named individual, not a

     3     Always have your company name, web site URL, telephone number and
           name in the e-mail signature.

     4     When sending an unsolicited e-mail, keep it short. It should be less than
           four paragraphs.

     5     When sending an e-mail, always use bullets and numbers in the body.

     6     Always describe in your e-mail how your offering can increase income,
           decrease expenses or manage risks for the recipient.

     7     Always name people who refer you on, providing you have their permission
           to do so.

     8     Always include an action step for the prospect to take or an action you will

     9     The subject line of your e-mail should be a short sentence and or it should
           mention something that will intrigue your prospect

                              © Evolve Consultants 2010                                   55


Chapter 5

Preparation for Sales Meetings
When we say face to face meeting with a sales prospect, we mean an on site meeting
with a qualified decision resulting from a previous contact. Meetings are the key to
moving to the next stage of your sales pipeline. However there are three main reasons
many sellers make poor use of meetings;

       They don’t invest enough time preparing for the meeting.
       They don’t understand the components of an effective initial sales meeting.
       They focus on their own offering – not the prospective needs.

Here are some guidelines for preparing for meetings:

Step 1: - Person / company research
If it’s a sizeable opportunity, learn as much as you can about them in advance. In a
meeting with a potential prospect, your knowledge of their business is the first thing that
differentiates you from most of your competitors. Plus, by understanding what is
important to them, you’re able to ask intelligent questions and align your offering with
their needs. Key headings to research / investigate under are:

   1. Primary business (Make sure you know what they do / area of their business that
      they specialise in etc.
   2. Market segments (Their competition, their geographical spread etc)
   3. Their customers (Have you any mutual clients)
   4. Any key strategic initiatives (Media coverage etc.)
   5. How they use your offering.

Step 2: Identify possible conversation angles
After completing your research, identify where you might have a positive impact on your
targeted person / company. Based on your knowledge of their operation, answer the
following questions:
    • How are they handling things without your offering?
    • What kinds of problems or challenges might they be facing because of how
       they’re currently doing things?
   •   Looking at their problems, challenges or gaps that may be present, what are the
       potential business implications?

                               © Evolve Consultants 2010                                 56


•   What opportunities might you be able to present to them.
      •   If this person / company used your services, what business value would they
          realize? What difference could it make?
      •   When was the last time they reviewed their current offering / arrangements?

Step 3: Plan your questions
Effective questions are essential to demonstrate that you’re committed to helping them
achieve their goals and remove obstacles to success. It’s imperative to write out your
questions ahead of time and take them to the meeting. If you neglect this step, it’s easy
to slip into a “pitch” mode that customers detest.

Good questions uncover information about their current situation, the problems and
gaps they’re experiencing, and the business ramifications of how they’re currently
handling things and the pay-off for making a change.


Please list 10/12 questions you should ask at a first meeting with a decision maker in a
law firm.


                                 © Evolve Consultants 2010                              57


Step 4: Plan your meeting outcome
As a result of this meeting, what is the logical next step? Research into sales success,
shows that if you’ve defined an appropriate desired outcome for your sales meeting
prior to the meeting, you’re much more likely to achieve it. Ask yourself what movement
do you wish to create at this meeting?

Step 5: Know who you are meeting.
Make sure you know the names and responsibilities of everyone you are going to meet.

Step 6: Preparing your product presentation
Nothing should ever left to chance. Gary Player, the world famous golfer, was once
asked what the secret to his success was. Player replied, “The better I prepare the
luckier I get!”

So here are some tips for preparing your support sales material.

(a) Your sales support material: Make sure your support material and examples are
relevant to the industry of the prospect. Don’t give them the old A to Z – you’ll lose

(b) Your brief case / folder: Should be clean on the outside and organised on the
(c) Business cards: Always ensure you carry a supply of up to date (with correct
phone numbers etc) in your brief case.

(d) Your sales ‘support’ documentation
Should be branded with your logo and titled with the name of your prospect’s company.
(If possible)

(e) No spelling mistakes
Make sure you spell the prospect’s name correctly.

Step 7: Mental preparation - body language
In sales, saying what you mean isn't always enough. You have to show it. Sales people
looking for that successful outcome should keep the following body language tips in

                               © Evolve Consultants 2010                                 58



Nothing crossed.
Keep legs, feet, and arms open. This translates to honesty, saying, "I have nothing to

Leaning forward.
Moving closer shows curiosity and intensity. Leaning back demonstrates aloofness or

Direct eye contact.
In business circles, this is a sign of strong character.

A good handshake reaches all the way into the other person's hand. In addition, match
the prospect's pressure

Appropriate dress code
Blend it, don’t stick out! Look professional – be conservative and polish those shoes.

The importance of body language in sales lies in the fact that many buyers are either
unsure of, or reluctant to openly communicate their intentions. So you must be able to
read their body language to tell you what their words do not say. What makes sales
body language so challenging is that it must be taken in the context of the situation and
prior relationship you have with the person.

                                © Evolve Consultants 2010                                59


Table 9: Checklist for Preparing for a Sales Meeting

1st Meeting Plan for:
Sales Prospect                 ___________________________
Contact Name:                   ___________________________
Contact Role/Responsibility:   ___________________________
Desired Meeting Outcome: What is logical next step if all goes well?
I. Getting started
   Who do we know in common?
   What business do we already have from their industry or locality
   Who do they currently do business with?

2. What is the agenda for the meeting?

3. Which product / services do I think might be relevant to this sales prospect?

4. Focusing on the Customer (Questions I will ask)

                                  © Evolve Consultants 2010                        60


5. Which solutions do I think I will be promoting and why?

6. If things go well, what will be the next logical step in this sales process?

                                   © Evolve Consultants 2010                      61


Notes / Actions:

                   © Evolve Consultants 2010   62


Chapter 6

Meetings with Sales Prospects
Effective sales meetings are focused around your prospective customers and what’s
important to them – not your software solutions and demonstrations. Good sales
meetings generally follow a simple, proven process. However, unless sellers stick to it,
it’s really easy to get off track.

Table 10: Best Practice Meeting Structure

Step           Activity                         What should be happening
 1      Introduction                 Introductions
                                     Small talk – around areas of commonality
                                     Small talk around observations about their business
 2      Permission to                Question to ask permission to ask some questions
        proceed with agenda          Announce your preferred structure for meeting
                                     Ask for agreement
 3      Qualifying the sales         Business related questions
       opportunity (Fact             Need related questions (As applied to your offering)
       Find)                         Supplier related questions

 4      Summarising the              Repeat back your understanding of their
        sales opportunity            circumstances and priorities as it relates to your
                                     product suite
 5      Presenting        your       Follow their sequence of priorities and issues
        solution or option           Use their words and phrases
                                     Give examples
                                     Do the maths / present numbers
                                     Get agreement on individual benefits and solutions
                                     before you move to next aspect of your presentation
                                     Maximise potential gain / opportunity

 6      Gain feedback from           Ask the question – “Do you think you will benefit from
        option presented             my proposal”
 7      Close / Ask for Next     “Great, so based on what you have said, I think the next
        Step                         step might be to      ”
 8      Objection Handling       You may have to handle objections or trade concessions
                                     (If you have the autonomy)
 9      Close the Deal           Ask for the business

                                 © Evolve Consultants 2010                                  63


Guide to b2 b sales prospecting


Guide to b2 b sales prospecting


Guide to b2 b sales prospecting


Guide to b2 b sales prospecting


Guide to b2 b sales prospecting


Guide to b2 b sales prospecting


Guide to b2 b sales prospecting


Guide to b2 b sales prospecting


Guide to b2 b sales prospecting


Guide to b2 b sales prospecting

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Guide to b2 b sales prospecting

  • 1. www.evolve.ie Selling in a Tough Economy A Guide to Winning New Business in the Business to Business Sector
  • 2. Written & Developed By David Malone & Conor Morris Of Evolve Consultants Limited © Evolve Consultants 2010 2
  • 3. Introduction What do you sell? Identifying new customers, driving demand, and building a solid sales pipeline is at the core of successful sales prospecting for anybody who sells business to business for a living. The Irish marketplace is growing more competitive by the day which means that the business customer has more choice than ever before. E-commerce is reducing the propensity of people having to pick up telephone directories to explore purchasing options. On top of this the current recession has taught customers to shop around for the best deals. The age of the loyal customer is over. Sellers now have to work as hard for repeat purchases as they do for new business. The way of doing business during the Celtic Tiger years is over. Therefore, the successful sellers in this “new economy” will be the ones that adapt their skills set to the market conditions out there. The purpose of this guide is to challenge the way you think about building a sales pipeline and provide you with practical advice, tips and techniques to help you win that new business opportunity for your organization. Evolve Consultants © Evolve Consultants 2010 3
  • 4. Contents 1. The Business of Selling 5 2. Prospecting Principles 20 o Networking Skills 21 o Networking on the Internet 29 o Working with Complimentary Solution Providers 31 o Asking for Referrals 32 3. Making Appointments By Phone 35 4. Using Email as part of the Sales Process 50 5. Preparation for Sales Meetings 56 6. Meetings with Sales Prospects 63 7. Tips for Sales Proposals 70 © Evolve Consultants 2010 4
  • 5. Chapter 1 The Business of Selling “Everybody lives by selling something” - Robert Louis Stephenson As stated in our introduction, driving demand for your products and services and building a solid, predictable, and extensive sales pipeline is at the very core of every successful B2B sale not just in a tough economy but at any time. So before we start to look at specific approaches for prospecting, we need to establish some recognised guidelines / definitions for prospecting and selling. Selling Defined? Selling is the process of analysing a potential buyers need for the solutions provided by one of your products and recommending the option which goes closest to / best satisfies that need and by persuading the buyer that the price is fair, the source of supply is satisfactory and that the time to buy is now What is a Sales Target? A target is a business person or entity that fits your ideal ‘target’ profile but as of yet you have not yet managed to speak with them yet. Targeting Regardless of the method of prospecting you intend to use to contact potential prospects, and depending on your role within your sales team and your area of responsibility, you have an informed mental picture of what ‘an ideal Target’ might look like. This ‘ideal Target’ will normally be determined by things like your geographical sales territory, the type of industry that exists in your locality, the type and size of customer who you have ‘signed up’ in the past, and specific businesses with the right type of profile and profitability for your company. Based on this you should then create a target listing of companies / people you intend targeting. Typically, targets break into three headings; Suspects: are those people / companies who are on your marketing database listing, and who you believe are capable of doing business with you at some point, but have not yet indicated any interest. © Evolve Consultants 2010 5
  • 6. Prospects: are those companies or individuals who have indicated a need for your products or services, either by responding to some form of marketing, or by contacting you directly. Existing Customers: They have bought from you in the past and they may be able to present you other sales opportunities or sales referrals. Complimentary Solution Providers (CSP): These are people who target the same suspects as you do, but who work in a not competing business. Typically, you connect with a CSP to gain market information, swap business leads, and or to provide sales introductions for each other. For example, a CSP for someone in the insurance industry might be a sales representative from a car dealership, an accountant or a solicitor. Typically, the type of places you might find “targets” are as follows: - Local and national print media. Classified Ads – companies that advertise buy and sell services. The recruitment pages – decision makers are often listed as contacts Company notices - gives you names /faces / divisions to prospect. Local Independent directories Local Chamber of Commerce Professional Trade associations (Local Chapters) – see appendix at back of book Local Lions and Rotary Clubs Radio advertising Local area business development internet pages: (For example: - www.galway.net, www.cork.com,) Kompass Directory and the like Your existing database Irish database www.google.ie local search by sector. For example: “Hotels in County Clare” IDA Industrial Estate directories. Business Journals: Local business magazines Web based local business networks – such as those found on www.linkedin.com © Evolve Consultants 2010 6
  • 7. So what does your ideal client look like? Here are some factors you should take into account. Your ideal should be People who have or will have a specific requirement for your services. People who need your offering as part of their business process. People for whom your product solves a business problem or issue. People for whom your product can create an opportunity or competitive advantage. People who buy from your competition. People who work in the sectors which are most profitable to you People who are manageable from a geographic perspective People whose size is manageable from a sales targeting, service support and relationship management perspective Describe your ideal sales target? (A) Sector: (B) Size: (C) Location: (D) Problem / Issues: (E) Opportunities: © Evolve Consultants 2010 7
  • 8. Exercise: What would you add to this list of pointers on the previous page? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. © Evolve Consultants 2010 8
  • 9. What is a Sales Process? A sales process is a structured and systematic approach to finding and executing sales opportunities for you and your organisation. The process is made up of a number of systematic steps that reflect the “customer” contacts / interactions that are required to complete a sale from start to finish. Table 1: Steps in the Sales Process. Step Name Activity 1 Targeting the Ideal Prospect Defining what ideal customer looks like by a) Industry, b) Size, c) Location, d) Spend etc. 2 Prospecting for appointments with Trying to get into a conversation with a decision makers decision maker about a potential sales opportunity via some of the following options a) Door to door prospecting, b) Telephone prospecting, c) E-mail, d) Networking, e) Asking for referrals 3 Qualifying the sales opportunity Typically, via a sales meeting with decision maker and (sometimes) review of previous product history etc. 4 Presenting the Solution Typically, via a solution proposal & pricing quotation 5 Negotiation / Objection handling Trading concessions etc 6 Closing the Deal Signing the contract 7 Client Account Management On going relationship management for purposes of a) Cross selling, b) Up selling, c) Renewals, and d) Referrals © Evolve Consultants 2010 9
  • 10. A well defined and executed sales process brings the following advantages to the seller: More Predictable Results: A higher likelihood of more successful desired and predictable outcomes because the seller is following a set off agreed best practice steps. Winning Habits: A high likelihood that repeating the correct structured sales activities will lead to the development of “winning sales behaviours”. As Gary Player, the famous South African golfer used to say, “The more I practice the right things, the luckier I get”. Improved Time Management: It follows that if you engage in the correct sales activities with the appropriate sales targets – then you will use your available selling time more effectively and efficiently. Ability to Track and Measure Results: When you use a structured sales process your outcomes can be measured and compared. This also leads to greater self awareness of ones own performance as a seller. Remember, an effective sales process, if executed correctly, should create new prospects and customers for you. Just as a car manufacturing plant combines raw materials, best practice assembly line processes, and technology to manufacture the car; a sales process represents the raw materials required to manufacture new sales for your organisation. So whilst having a sales process doesn't guarantee success it should lead to you creating more opportunities to sell. And in a recessionary time such as we face now, a structure that can stand up to the rigors of current market conditions is a must for every professional seller. Sales Pipeline Management People often mix up the sales pipeline and the sales process. Firstly, the sales pipeline is part of the over all sales process. It’s a sales management tool used to track the steps the buyer takes while buying one of your products or solutions. Typically the steps in your sales pipeline should mirror the decision making steps the prospect takes along the path to purchasing a product such as the one you can offer. So therefore, your monthly pipeline report should present a "snapshot" of your © Evolve Consultants 2010 10
  • 11. sales activity for that month, the stage of the purchasing process all your “live” sales prospects are currently at, and the progress (if any) you have made towards closing sales opportunities. The best sales pipeline tools have the following commonalities: They mirror the steps / interactions the seller has with the buyer. They track the next steps the seller must undertake to move the sales opportunity forward. They focus the seller’s efforts and create urgency in the areas that require attention. They should be able to accurately forecast the likelihood of the sale closing and when that might happen. What are the stages in the typical sales pipeline? Table 2: Stages in the Sales Pipeline Pre 1 2 3 4 5 st Sales Devising 1 contact Contact / Sales Contact to Contract Activity target list made Meeting to proposal obtain signed / qualify sales verbal sale closed opportunity agreement st Next Step Attempted 1 Meeting to Agreement to Timeframe for Time Solution contact qualify sales propose sales decision frame for dispatched / opportunity solution making contract delivered signed Probability Zero Zero 25 % 50% 75 % 100 % of sales being completed (As a %) Target New Target Suspect Suspect Prospect Prospect Customer Target Suspect Suspect Prospect Prospect Target Suspect Suspect Target Suspect © Evolve Consultants 2010 11
  • 12. The Stages in the Typical Sales Pipeline (In more detail) Pre – Pipeline - You have devised / sourced a target list of potential buyers or suspects for your sales activities. Self analysis questions for this stage: Have you created a profile for your ideal buyer/ customer? Have you identified the individuals in the target companies you want to speak with? How many targets are you going to try and contact on a daily basis? Can anyone provide you with introductions to any of these targets? Stage 1- You have (typically) to make a cold call to a company, hoping to get to speak with a decision maker. Next Step: Your next step is a formal meeting to qualify the sales opportunity on a certain date. Self analysis questions for this stage: How much time are you dedicating to cold calling on a daily basis? How many companies are you targeting per session? How many people do you get to speak with per session? How many dials / efforts does it take you to reach an individual within a sales target company? How many sales targets agree to meet with you after one telephone conversation? Why are they meeting with you? Is there a date in the diary for the meeting? What will happen if the meeting goes well? Is the person you are meeting a decision maker? If not why are you meeting? Is this meeting exploratory or have they something specific in mind? What will the next step be if the meeting goes well? What will the next step be if there is no sales opportunity on the table at the end of the meeting? Is there a date in the diary for that agreed next step? If not why not? What movement has there been on this opportunity in the last week? © Evolve Consultants 2010 12
  • 13. Stage 2 - Meeting with decision maker to qualify sales opportunity Next Step: Your next step is to move the opportunity to presentation / proposal stage (assuming it still exists) with a time frame for the decision making process. * If it’s a complex scenario there may be further meetings / contacts required. However, if it’s a more traditional opportunity the next step will get agreement to go to sales proposal stage (in writing). Self analysis questions for this stage: What was the purpose for the meetings? Did the sales suspect the same agenda as you? What movement did you achieve at this meeting? What information did you obtain that will help progress the sales opportunity? What is their time frame for doing business? What will it take to move this sales opportunity forward to proposal stage? How does the prospect feel in principle about your offering and pricing proposition? What might the value of the business be? Are they considering any other suppliers? Specifically, what do they want in the proposal? What is the date for the proposal? What will the next step be if they like the proposal? Is this sales opportunity still on schedule to close based on your original forecast? What is the next step if there is no business opportunity at present? Stage 3 - You put a sales proposal in writing. Next Step: Follow up the proposal and get verbal agreement (often in principle) to do business. * You may have to tease out issues or objections to get to this point. Self analysis questions for this stage: What criteria are being used to evaluate the proposal(s)? When will they make their decision? Have you already met / spoken with all decision makers? Can the individual you are dealing with make the decision? When you presented the proposal what feedback did you get on the day? How does your proposal compare against those of other potential suppliers? © Evolve Consultants 2010 13
  • 14. What will the next step be if they like your proposal? When will that next step take place? How long since the last contact? Is this sales opportunity still on schedule to close based on your original forecast? Stage 4 – Contact to obtain commitment in principle (verbal) to purchase service (Often verbal). The seller may also have to tease out issues or objections to get to this point. Next Step: P.O. to be raised / Contracts to be signed Self analysis questions for this stage: Are there any outstanding issues? When will this prospect close – or sign? (Need definite date.) What will the value of this transaction be? Stage 5 - Contracts signed – Payment made - sale closed Next Step: Product delivery / After sales service begins Self analysis questions for this stage: Are their other sales opportunities still from this business entity? How accurately did I forecast this sales opportunity through all stages of the pipeline? What other companies do I know that might have similar circumstances to this one? Who can I introduce this new customer to – that they should know? How many contacts did it take me to close this case? Could I have done anything differently to move it along faster? © Evolve Consultants 2010 14
  • 15. Key to successful pipeline management: Is to ensure there is always movement through the different stages of the pipeline. A lack of movement at any one stage of the pipeline will have a knock on effect on your sales results at some future point. Furthermore; - 1. The seller should report on the movement / progress that they have made within the stages of their sales pipeline on a weekly basis. 2. The seller must constantly be adding new opportunities to stages 1 and 2 of the pipeline. 3. The seller needs to be aware of the “attrition rate” that occurs place when trying to move a sales opportunity from stage 1 to stage 5 of the sales pipeline. This attrition rate is also known as a “Ratio”. 4. It doesn’t matter whether you use an electronic sales pipeline tool or a paper based pipeline tool, what matters is that you use the pipeline to drive movement through your sales process not just to record the sales activity that you have engaged in. © Evolve Consultants 2010 15
  • 16. Exercise: What are the stages in your sales pipeline? A B C D E F Number of Stages Sales Activity Next Step Probability of sales being completed (As a %) © Evolve Consultants 2010 16
  • 17. Sales Ratios – Your key performance Indicators “If you want to light a big fire – you need to know how many logs it’s going to take to get the blaze going.” – John Adams All successful sellers use key performance indicators (also known as the sales ratios) to manage the movement of their sales prospects through the various stages of the sales pipeline. Or let’s put it another way, if you have a weekly sales target, it’s useful to know how many sales appointments you need to be creating on a weekly basis to make your sales target happen! This is an example of an appointment to sales closure ratio. Here at Evolve, we find that the majority of under performing sellers we meet on training workshops have no idea of any of their sales ratios. Simply put, they are not putting enough logs on the fire to keep it burning and they have no idea how many logs they will need in the first place. You must know your sales conversion ratios: Table 3: Sales Activity Conversion Ratio No: Ratio What it Indicates Key Points Telephone dial to This ratio represents the This figure takes into account 1 Conversation number of telephone dials all the telephone dials where you have to make to get to any of the following happens speak with a sales target. Gatekeeper block . Straight to voice mail Not available Engaged tone Conversation This ratio represents the Remember, when we say meeting, 2 to number of completed we mean a calendar date in the conversations you need to diary agreed and confirmed by both Appointment have with a sales target to parties. get a sales meeting. Appointment This ratio represents the Depending on the complexity of the 3 to number of sales meetings policy you are selling it is possible you have to attend to move the qualification stage and the Sales Proposal the sales opportunity to proposal stage might be one and formal sales proposal stage the same meeting. Sales Proposal This ratio represents the This figure assumes that an 4 to Sales Closed number of sales proposals amended or discounted sales you need to write to make a proposal and an original sales sale. proposal count as one proposal © Evolve Consultants 2010 17
  • 18. Sales Ratios (a worked example) Your Monthly Sales Target: 10 Units sold. Table 4: Sales ratios – a worked example. No: Ratio Your Activity Your Ratio (The Maths) Telephone dial to It takes you 5 dials to get to Your Ratio here is 1 Conversation speak with 1 business target 5:1 Conversation Here you need to have a Your Ratio here is 2 to conversation with 3 decision makers to get 1 3:1 Appointment sales meeting (with a sales opportunity). Appointment Your hit rate is now Your Ratio here is 3 to improving. For every two sales meetings you attend 2:1 Sales Proposal you then make 1 formal sales proposal. Sales Proposal Here you notice that for Your Ratio here is 4 every two proposals you to Sales Close put forward you win 1 piece 2:1 of business. Conclusions we can draw: * Start at ratio number 4 and work backwards. 1. If your monthly sales target is to sell 10 policies. Then Ratio Number 4 suggests you need to put forward 20 proposals to make the 10 sales. (2:1) 2. To be able to put forward 20 proposals, based on the above ratios you need 40 partially qualified appointments. (2:1) 3. To get 40 partially qualified appointments with decision makers you need to speak with 120 decision makers. (3:1) 4. Therefore, at the start of the month you need to target 600 (5:1) ideal sales suspects to have any chance of hitting the above numbers Notes on this example: The above exercise does not take into account a scenario where the seller may have an “average transaction value” target as opposed to just numbers of units sold. © Evolve Consultants 2010 18
  • 19. The above exercise assumes you are only getting sales leads via cold calling, it is not taking into account networking, referrals and the like where ratios should be much more favourable to the seller. Exercise: Please conduct the following self analysis exercise based on your current sales targets and activity levels. Metric € Volume Ratio 1 My Telephone Dial to Conversation Ratio Ratio 2 My Conversation to Appointment Ratio Ratio 3 My Appointment to Sales Proposal Ratio Ratio 4 Sales Proposal Ratio to Sales Close Ratio Metric 1 My Annual Sales Target Metric 2 My Monthly Sales Target Metric 3 My Weekly Sales Target Metric 4 My Average Sale Value Metric 5 My Average Sale Volume (If applicable) Metric 6 The number of proposals I need to write to hit my monthly sales target (Based on my average sale value) Be aware most of the above ratios are assuming that you have to find business leads by “cold calling”. While you may have do a large degree of cold calling, it’s fair to say that your ratios and metrics should improve drastically if you are securing some of these appointments by referral or via introductions at networking events. © Evolve Consultants 2010 19
  • 20. Chapter 2 Prospecting Principles Prospecting for new business is the life blood of all professional sellers. After identifying your sales targets, the next step is to get your sales pipeline populated. When it comes to prospecting there are two types of sales targets Cold targets Warm targets A cold target is a person or company that fits the profile of your ideal buyer. However, you have no relationship what so ever with this type of target. Furthermore, you have no means of being introduced to this buyer. This type of target sits at the top of your “cold calling list”. A warm target is a person or business that fits the profile of your ideal buyer. However, the difference between this type of target and a cold one is that you have found someone within your circle of influence that is prepared to introduce you to this target. This type of target is called a warm one because the target will already have a relationship with the person giving you the introduction, and as such are more likely to agree to speak with you out of their respect for the introducer. Cold calling provides you with the volume for your sales pipeline. Warm leads provide you with quality leads. Every professional seller needs to be prospecting for both types of lead. Cold calling should be an almost daily activity, driven by process, habit and a “hard neck”. Attaining warm leads is more strategic, requires time, networking, skill and again process. In this chapter we will look at the key prospecting protocols that will give you that combination of cold and warm targets, namely: Networking Virtual Networking via Linked In Complimentary Solution Providers Asking for Referrals © Evolve Consultants 2010 20
  • 21. Section 1 Networking Skills The Golden Rule: It’s not who you know, it’s who knows and trusts you that counts. In 2010 business development is tougher that ever before. Buyers are more cautious preferring to spend their budgets with trusted suppliers. For this reason cold callers are finding doors slamming in their faces faster than ever before. On top of this decision making process in many organizations’ has moved up a level to more senior levels, and this may mean your old contacts may not have the power or autonomy to make purchasing decisions any more. To be successful in sales in 2010 it’s not who you know that counts, it’s who knows and trusts you that does. The Sales Success Equation: Your ability to have a successful sales year in 2010 will be determined by the following sales success equation. The Sales Success Equation The business contacts that know and trust me and buy from me now + / - The new / additional business contact that know and trust me and buy from me by year end. = My sales results for 2010 Everyone has a circle of influence. It may be your family, your friends, people you worked with, people from past jobs, people you studied with at school and college, your neighbours, fellow members of sports or social clubs or even fellow members of trade associations. In 2010, your ability to meet new people to sell your products and services to will be determined by the number of leads, referrals and introductions you get from your circle of influence. Trust and avoiding unnecessary risks are two of the main purchasing criteria all buyers are using in these troubled times. Potential customers may agree to meet you because someone in your circle of influence is a trusted colleague of theirs. They definitely won’t buy from you if they don’t know and trust you. It’s time to network. © Evolve Consultants 2010 21
  • 22. What do you want from networking? There is a multitude of networking opportunities available out there for you to choose from. So before, you head off like a bat out of hell to attend all and sundry, it’s important to make sure the people you want to connect with be at the events you are going to attend. This means you need to be clear on what is the right type of networking event for you. Let’s start by looking at the type of person you want to network with. (A) - Who Who do you want to network with? What industry might they be in? What sized organization? What parts of the country are they located? What level will they be working at within their company? (B) Where Where are they most likely to network? What type of events do they attend or network at? Where do these events take place? What is the regularity of these events? How do I attend one of these events? Table 5: Sample Networking Opportunities Type Example Typical Attendee Chamber of Commerce Local Chapters Everything from sole trader right up to large nationwide companies Networking Clubs BNI Sole trader / SME / Local sales First Tuesday representatives of larger organizations’ Clubs Local Business Street trader Depends of mix of businesses in locality associations Professional Bodies Sales Institute of Executive Managers, business developers, Ireland departmental managers in specific CIPD professions (Tends to be corporate as opposed to sole trader) Trade Associations Vintners Owner / managers, Executive managers Association with commercial functions RGDATA (C) What What am I trying to get by investing my time in networking and making connections? © Evolve Consultants 2010 22
  • 23. (D) My Networking to Date – self analysis Who am I connected with already and what have these connections meant for me? Where do I network? Do the people I need to meet attend my networking events? Apart from sales, how do I measure success in my networking efforts? How much planning do I put into my networking activities? Do I need to have a more structured networking plan for this year? Exercise: Please complete the following based on your answers to the previous questions? 1. Describe the type of person(s) you want to meet at a networking event? 2. Which types of networking events are most appropriate for you? 3. Are you currently attending the correct type of networking events? 4. Explain, how you could improve the quality and quantity of your networking activity? 5. What will you do differently? © Evolve Consultants 2010 23
  • 24. Networking Strategy Once you have identified what you want to get from networking the next step is to target the appropriate type of events to meet these people. If the networking is to be at a regular event run by a group such as a local chapter or networking club etc., you should consider obtaining a position of power by joining the organizing committee. This will afford you more visibility within the group. Alternatively, if you can’t join the committee, you might need to become a more structured event attendee. Start by asking the event organizer, to give you a list of attendees in advance of the event. This will enable you to target the specific people you want to meet. Consider asking the event organizer (in advance of the event) to provide you with the necessary introductions at the event. And, remember as mentioned in the previous chapter, targets for the event can be potential customers, complimentary solution providers, and existing clients who can provide you with introductions. You should also consider bringing existing clients to the event as it’s an opportunity to network with them, give them an opportunity to network with others, and may be even introduce you to others at the event. Tactics for the Networking Event Many people find going to networking events a daunting proposition. It's often really awkward to walk into an association meeting, trade show or after-hours event when you don't know anybody who is there. Everyone else seems to be engaged in discussions with friends and business acquaintances, while there you stand “Johnny-No-Mates”, drinking the free beverages like they are going out of fashion, whilst, desperately looking around for a friendly face to take pity on you and pull you into a conversation. Here are some tips for overcoming the awkwardness and getting into that opening conversation. 1. Firstly, get a list of attendees in the days prior to the event. Check the list for People you want to meet, Existing customers who could introduce you to others or act as endorsees, and people you know already who could introduce to new people. 2. Get there early. People tend to be open to entering into conversations before networking events – they tend to be in a rush to get back to work or home after the event is over. 3. Think first impression. ‘You never get a second chance to make a first © Evolve Consultants 2010 24
  • 25. impression’. When approaching someone be aware of the following; Body language: Smile, look them in the eye, and shake hands with them. Introduce yourself and state that you are with [The name of your company]. 4. The best location for networking is by a high-traffic area such as a main door, the coffee dock, or near the food. 5. If you don’t know anyone at the event, stick close to the event organiser’s / association officers – a lot of attendees will want to talk with them. 6. When giving or receiving a business card, be especially careful when dealing with people from outside the Ireland as many cultures treat them with very high regard. 7. When receiving a business card from someone, take a moment to write yourself a note on it such as where you met. If you do this while you're still talking to the person, it will help convey your sense of personal connection. 8. During the course of a conversation, use the other person's first name two or three times. People always like to hear their own name and it will help you to remember it when the discussion is over. 9. Ask questions: Prepare some general questions before you start networking. Before you give information it is important to break the ice with a question that is non-threatening. For example, it might be “How are the road works in front of your shop effecting business?” Ask questions about them, and their business. Remember, the purpose of your questioning strategy should be to differentiate yourself from the “crowd” by asking questions about how you can help them grow their business! Make sure you listen to their responses. Remember, networking with new contacts is like reading a daily newspaper. Let your new contacts speak so as you can discover which news headlines are most relevant to your agenda. Remember, open questions work better than closed ones as they get people talking. Here are some additional questions you should consider asking: Table 6: Sample questions to ask somebody you meet at a networking event. “What brings you here today?” “Where else do you network?” “How did you get your start in the “ABC” business?” “What changes are happening within your industry?” “What does your ideal customer look like?” “What separates you and your company from the competition?” “What can I do to help you today?” “Who else do you know here today?” What is the best way to refer someone to you? © Evolve Consultants 2010 25
  • 26. People will usually reciprocate and ask you a few questions about your business, but remember you are there to make them feel important. Since you want to meet the all the people you identified before the event, keep conversations to a maximum of ten minutes and then move on How to Follow Up When you attend a networking event, whether a conference, seminar or business- club meeting, your work has just begun. It's the follow up after the event that moves the relationship on and eventually will enable business happen. Follow up includes trading information that is valuable to each other via e-mail and gaining other introductions from your new connection and vice versa. However, too many people walk away from networking events feeling good about the event and the number of business cards collected but doing nothing to move names on business cards into potential business associates. Here are some ideas to make the most of your post networking event follow ups; After the event, time, use the back of their business card to jot a note about something you learned from the conversation and the date and place you met them. Recording the information will give you something to talk to them about the next time you see them. Consider introducing someone to your new contact. This is a straight forward process. All you have to do is introduce a new contact from a networking event to someone else you in your sphere of influence who you feel they should know. Where, these two people take the relationship is up to them, but you will be remembered as the person who made the introduction. You should try to this after every networking event. Within twenty four hours, send an e-mail / hand written note. Don't wait until you have something meaningful to say or don’t wait until next week for fear of looking to keen! Chances are you won't get around to sending a note if you wait around, and even if you do, the recipient may not recall who you are. Send an e-mail to everyone you took a card from. Better again; send them a hand written note. Remember, even if you don't see them as an immediate connection, just say thanks. Make notes on your experiences. Whenever you return from events, take about ten minutes to write down some notes from the networking event. Bullet-point ideas, or write them across your whiteboard. Just get them down! Thank the host, if applicable. This especially applies to events that are put together by one individual. A quick note thanking that person for their efforts will go a long way and they will be more prone to respond favourable to your request for introductions in the future. Phone them and meet up. © Evolve Consultants 2010 26
  • 27. Pick up the phone after a couple of weeks and continue the conversation you started to explore at the networking event. (If appropriate) Don’t pitch for business without creating obligation by following up in one of the ways mentioned above. Remember, networking is the skill of building relationships that are mutually beneficial. So be prepared to ‘give something to get something’. Networking takes planning and regular practice and execution. Sample List of Networking Opportunities Web Based Networking • Linked In the worlds largest online networking community - http://www.linkedin.com Local Business Community Chambers of Commerce - http://www.chambers.ie/index.php?id=1 Professional Associations Sales Institute of Ireland - http://www.salesinstitute.ie Irish Small & Medium Enterprises Association - http://www.isme.ie/ Irish Internet Association - http://www.iia.ie/ Charity Related Business Networking Groups Rotary Club of Ireland - http://www.rotary.ie/ Lions Clubs of Ireland - http://www.lionsclubs.ie/ Private Networking Groups for Business Cork Business Association - http://www.corkbusiness.ie/ BNI Networking Groups - http://www.bni-europe.com/ireland/- 121 Dublin Business Networking Group - http://121biznet.com/blog/ Southside B2B Referral Network (Dun Laoghaire) - http://www.southsideb2b.org/ Irish Business Women’s Networking Group - http://www.irishbusinesswomen.com/forum/ Galway Business Club - http://www.galwaybusinessclub.com/ Open Coffee Club - http://www.opencoffeedublin.com/ / http://corkopencoffee.org/ http://mayo-open-coffee-club.org/ http://opencoffeesligo.org/ © Evolve Consultants 2010 27
  • 28. Networking Checklist Try and get a list of the attendees for the networking event in the days prior to the event 1 taking place. This will enable you identify who you want to meet. Try and arrange some introductions via the event host / organiser in advance of the event. 2 More than likely they will already know the people you want to meet. Arrive early and stay late. If the networking is taking place around a speech or formal event 3 all the networking takes place before and after the event. Don’t miss the action. If you don’t know anyone at the event, stick close to the event organiser’s / association 4 officers – a lot of attendees will want to talk with them and you can meet new people in their company. Avoid colleagues from work. Ascertain who you know already and see if they can provide 5 some introductions for you and visa versa. You should initially acknowledge people you know already and then immediately find someone new to introduce yourself to. This will help keep you in the right frame of mind as to why you went to the event. 6 Always have business cards and keep in a place where they are easy to access Stop selling and start connecting. When you meet someone for the first time, use it as an 7 opportunity to get to know them. Don't try to sell them anything. Prepare four or five questions that you can ask people that you meet. Make sure the 8 questions are not overly intrusive When giving or receiving a business card, be especially careful when dealing with people 9 from outside the Ireland as many cultures treat business cards with very high regard. When receiving a business card from someone, take a moment to write yourself a note on it 10 such as where you met. If you do this while you're still talking to the person, it will help convey your sense of personal connection. When in groups act as the host, introduce each new person who joins the group to the 11 others in your company. During the course of a conversation, use the other person's first name two or three times. 12 People always like to hear their own name and it will help you to remember it when the discussion is over. Know how you can help them. People don’t care what you do, unless what you can do can 13 help them. Get to know which of their problems and challenges you can help with. Tell people you will be following up with them while you are still talking with them. Tell them 14 what you will be sending and how you will send it to them. Then they will be watching out for it. When you meet someone for the first time, you have 24 hours to follow up with them before 15 they will completely forget about meeting you. Back at the office, use the back of their business card to jot a note about something you 16 learned from the conversation and the date and place Send a handwritten note to your new contacts acknowledging the fact that you met. 17 Connect with your new contact via Linked in within a week of meeting with them. 18 Keep in touch, especially when you no longer have a specific requirement to fulfil. 19 Review the usefulness of the networking events you attend on a regular basis. 20 © Evolve Consultants 2010 28
  • 29. Section 2 Networking on the Internet It’s almost impossible to talk about best practice networking skills without bringing “virtual networking” or networking via the Internet into the conversation. Because of the role email plays in business and with the ever increasing popularity of online business networking communities like “Linked In” the professional seller would be remiss not to leverage this media. We find many people place their personal profiles on these websites and wait for business contacts to contact them by the score. This rarely happens. Virtual networking is no different to face to face networking – as with everything in life you only get out of it what you put into it. So here are some ideas to get more from your “Linked In” account. Using “Linked In” on the Web Is it just me or if you find someone on “Linked In” you’d like to network with, but you observe that they have only five contacts and no profile information, do you wonder whether its worth your while linking up with them? What might other people say when they see your Linked In account and profile? Could they think the same thing about you? Are you worth connecting with? Do you get any useful business leads from Linked In? Its possible to get more from Linked In that merely looking up contacts – here are some ideas; Fill out your profile completely to earn trust. Don’t turn off your contacts: Avoid hard-sell tactics. Write honest and valuable recommendations for your contacts. Request LinkedIn recommendation from happy customers willing to provide testimonials. Grow your network by joining industry and alumni groups related to your business. Share survey and poll results with your contacts. Publish your LinkedIn URL on your marketing material. Use the advanced search feature to find people (targets) by company, industry and city. Start and manage a group for your industry. Research your prospects before meetings. For example, you could try and find out have you common business acquaintances. © Evolve Consultants 2010 29
  • 30. Share useful articles and resources that will be of interest to customers and prospects. Post your presentations on your profile using PowerPoint. Ask your first-level contacts for specific introductions to their first-level contacts. Set up to receive LinkedIn messages in your inbox so you can respond right away. Update everything regularly © Evolve Consultants 2010 30
  • 31. Section 3 Working with Complimentary Solution Providers Working with a Complimentary Solution Providers (CSP) is a form of networking. A CSP is a person who sells into / (or has a circle of influence that includes) the target companies and people that you want to prospect for new business. Typically, the CSP does not work in competition with you, but may sometimes offer a complimentary service to yours. The main point is that they have access to the people you need to meet. So for example, at Evolve we deal in sales training and the decision makers we often need to meet are Sales Directors or Training Managers. A possible CSP for us could be a recruitment agency, or the sellers of sales related software. Therefore, if we were trying to get an appointment to see the head of training at ABC Limited a CSP might be able to provide us with that introduction. The advantages of networking with a CSP May know your sales targets already Can provide introductions because the target already trusts them Can provide valuable information about the market place which may lead to a business opportunity The type of professionals that might be an appropriate CSP for you Already sells to your customers Targets the same in company function heads as you Networks extensively Is prepared to swap leads / provide introductions Tips for Networking with a CSP Identify three ideal CSP and go connect with them Meet / Talk at least once a month with each Describe your ideal target for them Give introductions to get introductions Give them feedback on any sales opportunities you make and take © Evolve Consultants 2010 31
  • 32. Section 4 Asking for Referrals Every business to business seller knows that getting referrals from existing customers or a complimentary solution provider is by far the best prospecting lead to get. Yet, we often find very few sales people have a referral process in place – so they don’t get many of them. Let’s be clear on our definition of a sales referral. It’s not an existing client tipping you off about a new factory opening up down the road. It’s not a complimentary solution provider giving you a name and a phone number. A referral is where somebody provides you with an introduction to a potential sales prospect. When we say introduction, we mean that they have lifted the phone to somebody in their circle of influence and asked them to take a phone call from you. During the introduction they will tell the referral that you are, where you work, and why you will be phoning. Typically, they will endorse your services at this stage as well. So here are some ideas to help you get more referrals from your circle of influence. Ask for referrals: If you don't ask, how do you expect to get them? Ask at the right time: The time to ask somebody for a referral is when they trust you, when they rate you highly and when they are obligated to you. (You have done them a favour) Introduce asking for referrals into your account management process. “John, the purpose of today’s meeting is to review your current usage and sort out your requirements for the coming year. I’d also like to get your thoughts on what you think of the service I provide, and lastly providing you are very satisfied with how we are treating you, I’d like to see if there is anyone in your business circle who you’d refer me on to. Let’s talk about your existing usage first ” Let the client know who's a good referral: There is no point asking a client for a referral at the end of a meeting. Typically, sellers with one foot already out of the door state “If you can think of anybody who could use my service please let me know”. So firstly it’s a statement not a question. Secondly, the client won’t be inspired into miraculously pulling your ideal looking referral out of thin air. Early in your conversation describe to the client what a good referral looks like. Tell them © Evolve Consultants 2010 32
  • 33. the type of business you want to be introduced to etc. Help them: Make some suggestions as to people who they might know. If you're a builder’s providers, who do you think they might know? Lot’s of Builders, Estate Agents, and Trades people etc, that's who. Suggest some of those companies you know you'd like to get referred to--they just might know them. 6. Give them time to think: Don't ask for referrals and stand there waiting for them. When you put your client on the spot like that they aren't going to come up with a ton of great referrals. Ask and then let them know exactly when you'll get back to them to get the referrals. 7. Don't get names and phone numbers get introduced. And I’ll state it one more time don’t get a name and phone number – get introduced. Get introduced to the prospect through an introduction letter or phone call. © Evolve Consultants 2010 33
  • 34. Notes / Actions: © Evolve Consultants 2010 34
  • 35. Chapter 3 Making Appointments by Phone The vast majority of sales professionals hate cold-calling. Yet, at the same time, it is an activity that most of us need to do on a regular basis. Unless you can come up with a more effective way of getting new sales prospects into your sales pipeline – then you need to try and make appointments by phone. The three main ingredients to making more appointments by phone are T.E.D. – The key to Successful cold calling Table 7: Key Skills and Traits for successful tele-selling T Technique: The ability to design and deliver a sales message in a way that appeals to the sales suspect. E Endeavour: The ability to persevere and continue to cold call even when things aren’t going well. D Discipline: The discipline to do the target number of dials without cutting corners or distracting yourself and track results Don’t ad-lib, have a call plan. If you want to sound confident, competent and in control, I strongly suggest that you write out /design a call plan for yourself. You may notice that I am not using the phrase call “script” because to use a call script, requires both parties on the call to have the exact same script. Designing and then using a call plan for the opening, questioning and closing remarks stage of your call will give you the structure that is required to hook and connect with a potential sales suspect, that will give you the opportunity to ask some questions about their circumstances, and finally that will ascertain whether its worth both of your whiles taking the conversation to the next stage. A good call plan is essential for the following reasons. © Evolve Consultants 2010 35
  • 36. More people will accept your call Keeps your message on track and allows you be respectful of the suspect’s time Ensures you gather all necessary information Guarantees that your call ending has a conclusion or next step. Allows you listen to suspect responses because your call structure is clear Allows you control the call Call Structure Design 1. Have clear call objective / result in mind. It is important to keep in mind that the primary purpose of any B2B prospecting phone call is to make an appointment, not a sale. Many sellers make the mistake of trying to A to Z their product portfolio and talking to much on the phone call in an attempt to showcase their expertise. Whilst the seller will have to present some high level policy benefits and respond to some questions, issues that require a detailed / informed response become an excellent reason to secure an appointment. It’s a good idea to use phone time to gather information through the use of open-ended questions. Your objective is to build your prospect's interest and arouse their curiosity through a series of well designed, probing questions about them and their company. So before you make that call be clear on what the objective of your call is. Exercise: Finish the following statement to get your call objective; The purpose of this call is to qualify the sales suspect to a point, where if everything goes well, the next step will be to . In the B2B market, the objective of the call could be to: a) Get a qualified meeting with a decision maker b) Get the name and direct contact details of a decision maker c) Collect information about a target person / company and how they currently use your offering. d) Find out details of their next tendering process and get permission to take part in same. © Evolve Consultants 2010 36
  • 37. 2. Understanding Best Practice Call Structure. Most stories and movies have a start, middle, and an ending. The purpose of the start of the story or movie is to get your attention and get you interested sticking with reading or watching some more of the content. The middle of the book or movie unravels the plot and provides the detail. And the last few scenes or chapters bring things to an exciting finale or conclusion. A best practice call structure is very similar in that the purpose the call opening has is get your attention and keep you on the phone engaging in conversation. The middle of the call provides you the seller with the suspects detail / circumstances, and issues via qualification questions and conversation. And the conclusion of the call is to bring things to a finale, with you the seller presenting the reasons why the sales suspect should consider meeting with you and asking for that date in the diary next step. Table 8: High Level - Call Structure Stage Structure Objective Call Exchange greetings Courtesy Opening Results based opening statement Create interest Permission to proceed plus Get control agenda Middle Qualify the suspects requirements Gain understanding Summarize your understanding of Get commitment issues and priorities Conclusion Suggest options Create buy in Obtain feedback on options Get commitment Ask for the next step Get date in diary 3. Call Opening Nothing is more important to an outbound telephone prospecting call than the quality of your opening lines. Think about it, when a sales target picks up that phone and says hello, you have between ten and fifteen seconds to get them to accept your call. The opening lines of the calls are actually the only lines of the call you can script 100% - every other line you use is determined by the impact your opening statement makes. This means you have to maximize the impact of your opening statement and that means planning and practicing it. © Evolve Consultants 2010 37
  • 38. Below are some guidelines and thoughts for creating your opening statement(s) as well as some samples for you to rework. The purpose of the opening statement is to get the attention and interest of the sales suspect so as to accept your phone call. To do this you must “hook” the sales suspect onto your telephone line and away from what they were doing before you dialled their phone number. Your ability to qualify the sales opportunity, ask for permission to tender, ask for a meeting, or even introduce them to your new offering matters none if the decline your invitation to have a brief conversation on that phone call. Your opening statement is comprised of four elements Who you are – “Dave Malone” Who you’re with (“ABC Limited”) What you sell (in very simple terms) How your prospect will benefit from your product or service A question to gauge interest of the prospect a) Your greeting: State your full name, and your role within your organisation. Use the target’s name in the opening lines if you can, it will ensure that you have the correct person on the line, and people when they hear their name tend to listen very carefully. For example, “Hello, Mrs. Phillips, this is John Phillips, phoning you from ABC Services” b) Your Interest and attention grabbing results based opening statement. State the reason for your call: Your opening statement cannot be a pitch. It must create curiosity by focusing on a result that might be important to the target. It must be low on pressure, and put the target in a positive frame of mind. Consider starting with benefit statement: This statement will suggest to the prospect why he or she should listen further. Example 1 Hi Jack, This is Emmet Higgins from the ABC Computer. You may recall I met you at the Chamber of Commerce lunch last month. The reason I am calling is that we provide a PC maintenance service to help an SME like you maximise the usage and longevity you get from your lap tops, and I’m calling to see if this might be something you’d like to explore further? © Evolve Consultants 2010 38
  • 39. Example 2 "Hello Ms. Dillon, this is Shauna Jennings with Kelly Security Camera’s. I’m calling today because we I was in your premises buying garden furniture, and I noticed the amount of traffic and people you have moving around the store and the warehouse. It’s a very impressive set up. (Pause – wait for response) And because of the value of the high quality items you sell and depending on how you currently handle the issue of stock loss due to theft, there’s a possibility I might be able to help make it more difficult for shop lifters to steal your stock? (Wait for response) If I’ve caught you at a good time, I’d like to discuss your situation to see if this is something that you’d like explore further?” Remember, the purpose of the opening benefit statement is to get you past the first segment of a call into a qualification stage. So Keep the pressure low and conditional by using phrases like “Depending on how your handling” and “there’s a possibility we might”. Avoid opening statements which are sales pitches or self indulgent about your offering such as: “Hello Mr. Kelly I am ringing to introduce to a new service here at ABC, it’s an excellent product with the lowest price on the market.” (This is self indulgent) Don’t try and technique you way past the client – “Would you be interested in cheap accountancy software”. © Evolve Consultants 2010 39
  • 40. Exercise Please develop some opening statements for the following scenarios: a) A business you are cold calling because you write a lot of business in their locality. b) A large retailer that was a customer about 5 years ago, but then they left and placed business with the competition. The competition went out of business last month. c) A business lead you got from a family member. d) A new restaurant in the town centre. © Evolve Consultants 2010 40
  • 41. 3. Getting Permission to Proceed Lastly, ask a question at the end of the opening statement to check for the sales suspect’s interest. Example: “Okay, so as I can work out how we might be able to best help you, I’d like to ask you a few questions, is that okay?” In doing this you are again giving choice and perceived control to the suspect – where as in fact you are getting the call structure to follow to call plan you prepared in advance of making the call. 4. Middle of the Call (Qualification and summarizing the issues) The purpose of the qualification stage is to get the target’s permission to proceed with questions so as you can establish whether you will meet a business requirement / problem or create an opportunity for them. The types of areas you need to explore and open up (If you get the opportunity) are: Their business – how it is structures / works The way they deliver their offering to the market place The main challenges their business is currently facing The parts of their business where they use / need your offering. The risks their business is exposed to by not using your offering Changes they would like to make to their current situation (As it relates to your type of offering) Timeframes for re-purchasing / decision making etc. How they go about considering suppliers for your services © Evolve Consultants 2010 41
  • 42. Questions like: For an Existing Business a) “Tell me about your business?” b) What issues are most important to you?” c) “What type of fees you are charged?” d) “Apart from price, what’s most important to you in selecting a product such as this for your business?” e) “Could you tell me about what type of solution you need for your business?” f) “What aspects of the service would you like to change?” g) “What do you really want from a supplier?” h) “How will your requirements change over the next twelve months?” i) “What would your ideal supplier be doing for you?” For a New Business a) What type of service do you think you will need? b) What criteria are you going to use to decide which company you are going to buy from? c) What type of business advice would be useful to get on an on going basis? d) What experiences have you had with my company in the past? e) Have you any thoughts on how we might best assist you? f) What support will you need in the first 12 to 24 months of your new business? © Evolve Consultants 2010 42
  • 43. Exercise: What Questions would you add to these two lists? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. © Evolve Consultants 2010 43
  • 44. 5. Presenting, matching and moving to the next stage: After you have qualified and summarized the target’s requirements and you have established and agreed a sales opportunity that they would like to explore further - they become prospects. It is only now that you suggest / propose a way for you to offer some solutions to their challenges. However do remember business owners” all are only interested in one tune on the radio – and that tune is called “Its all about me” – and they only tune into one radio station W.I.I.F.M - (What‘s In It For Me). So, when it comes to presenting on a telesales call – three rules apply. a) Focus on their issues. Focus on suggesting the solutions that focus on solving their issues – to present anything else suggests that you are not listening. Example: “So earlier you said to me that the excess on your old insurance policy was €750 but your average accidental damage claim was only €900. So, we can reduce the excess amount to €400 by increasing the annual premium amount by €25.” b) Use low pressure phrases. Put forward your benefits using low pressure phrases such as “you might consider” or “Might I suggest” – they are not pushy. Example: “So based on the issues your business is facing, and in order of importance as you have given them to me, here is how I think our maintenance contract might be able to help you out .” c) Get feedback on every option you present. Ask the prospect for feedback on all benefits you present – this will give you an indication of whether you have gotten in right and if its time to suggest the next step. Example “So, Patrick, given that you have separate printing requirements at three different locations throughout the country, I think we can come up with a package that will simplify the requirements of your three different office managers and improve the quality of the documents we produce without any significant increase in your overall annual printing bill. Would that be of interest to you?” © Evolve Consultants 2010 44
  • 45. 6. Close the deal / Bring to the Next Step- ask for a commitment to meet up If you have presented an appropriate solution, your transition to the close should be as simple and automatic as asking, “Do you have any questions?” When they respond with no, you simply ask them how they feel about your suggestion, discuss what do you think of the FBD package? Then it’s about asking for the next step – Example “Based on what you are saying to me, it sounds like it would be worthwhile to get together so I can give you a more detailed picture as to how we might help you?” Remember, if the prospect likes what you have to say, it’s now time to suggest you meet up to move things to the next stage of the buying process. Example “Given that you intend opening the new premises on the 1st of May you’ll have to kit out with furniture the previous week. I think it might be mutually beneficial to meet up next Monday given that the opening date is only 3 weeks away and we need to look at your requirements in more detail?” 7. The fall-back position: You might not get an appointment or the sale at every prospect contact, or may be the they won’t be purchasing for another six months. But you should try to get some type of commitment every time. So if the renewal is not for some time, you should Stay in touch via email. Send them material in the intervening period. Send them a hand written card thanking them for the conversation. Get them to agree to have a further conversation much closer to the renewal date. Diarize a follow up phone call with them three weeks before the renewal date. Example “Thanks Paul for letting me know that you have another nine months to go before your current contract expires. With your permission I’ll keep in touch and maybe you’ll let me quote for the business next time around?” © Evolve Consultants 2010 45
  • 46. Leaving Voice Mails A lot of people don’t believe in leaving voice mail, and that’s alright – however if you prefer to leave messages here are some best practice steps to consider. If you intend leaving a voice mail message, your objective is to create enough interest so as the customer will take the next call. Remember, you can only get the appointment after you have spoken with the sales suspect. Voice mails are like opening statements in that you can script and practice them. So when that voice says “please leave your message after the tone”, you have about 30 seconds to generate a reason why that person should call you back as opposed to Rule 1: Most decision makers delete messages after 30 seconds. Rule 2: Most decision makers delete messages on the first time of listening. The components of a good voice mail message Your name: “Frank Murphy” Your company name “over at Evolve” A statement that creates interest and intrigue: “I have an idea to run by you that might significantly impact the way you handle the cost of delivering your software product to your UK market” Call to action: “I will call you back Wednesday at 10am.” Example Lucy, this is Frank Murphy over at KASH Waste Management. We have been working with a number of the big manufacturers in the Cork area like yourself at ABCO, and having worked with them I have an idea to run by you that might significantly impact the way you handle the disposal of commercial waste at your Cobh plant. Sorry I missed you I will call you back Wednesday at 10am. Example Conor, this is Dylan Morris from Evolve Training. One of your colleagues Patricia Rock, asked me to give you a call regarding how we helped them increase their sales revenue while decreasing their overall cost of sales annual last year. Sorry I missed you. I will call you back Monday at 11am. © Evolve Consultants 2010 46
  • 47. Exercise: Develop a voice mail message for one of your prospecting campaigns Your name Your company name A statement that creates interest and intrigue Call to action © Evolve Consultants 2010 47
  • 48. Check list for running a telephone prospecting campaign (For appointment making) 1 Have a dedicated time each day to prospect. 2 Prospect in hour blocks of time 3 Track your results (The Sales Ratios) 4 Know the reason for calling before you call: Remember the reason must benefit the customer not introduce a great new service etc. 5 Leave short beneficial voice mail messages that arouse interest and attention. 6 May be follow up with an email. 7 Prepare your needs qualification questions in advance 8 Phone calls placed to direct numbers before 9:30 AM are the most likely to be answered by the person you're trying to reach. 9 Respect the gate-keeper by treating them in the same manner you would treat the prospect. 10 Anytime is a good time to make a call; don't wait for the "perfect" time. 11 Prepare your opening benefit statement in advance 12 Prepare your questions bank in advance 13 Consider sending an introductory letter first 14 State in the letter that you will be making a follow up call 15 Batch your calls in clusters of ten at a time 16 Make the calls in a quiet back office with no interruptions 17 If you can consider recording a dummy call so as you can hear what you sound like. 18 Make sure you get some type of movement on every call – even if it’s a “no thanks”. 19 If you can get an introduction all the better 20 Measure your outcomes 21 Ensure you are permitted to make unsolicited calls to the business owner e.g. that they aren’t on a protected database. 22 If possible, avoid leaving phone messages for the contact if they are unavailable, as it makes it easy to filter out further calls. Try and call back. © Evolve Consultants 2010 48
  • 49. Notes: © Evolve Consultants 2010 49
  • 50. Chapter 4 Using Email as part of the Sales Process Sales professionals are using emails more and more to as a sales media. Whether, it’s to deliver a specific sales proposal or to try and “cold call” a potential sales target – email is being used for it. Does email prospecting work? If done correctly it can be an effective tool for obtaining new customers. However, a recent survey conducted by global Internet advertising company www.Doubleclick.com, suggested that 55% of e-mail recipients considered a message to be spam if it was generic and bore no relation to their business challenges. This was also true where the mails were being sent to existing customers. Email as part of the Sales Process: Some Key Points to Remember Email is one way: This means it can’t be used as a stand alone sales tool. Email works best when it is part of an integrated prospecting strategy that also included networking, prospecting by phone, asking referrals etc. Email must be followed up with some type of voice conversation with the sales target for it to work. Email has no tone: Emails are interpreted by the reader and some times not as intended by the sender. Always make sure the tone of your sales email is as intended Example: “I am the new photocopier sales representative in your area and I am just contacting you to see if you needed anything?” What tone does this message set for you? The words that come to mind for me are phrases like lazy, presumptuous and pushy. Is this the tone the sender intended? It doesn’t matter what was intended, because if the sales targets thinks the mail is pushy – then it is pushy and so is the seller. Permanent Record: Once you send an email you can’t take it or it’s contents back. So you need to be very sure that (a) You want to send the email. © Evolve Consultants 2010 50
  • 51. (b) That you are sending it to the right person. (c) That you understand their circumstances. (d) That you have hit the correct “note” with your composition. (e) Everything that you are suggesting is factually correct and something you can stand over. (f) You have no spelling or grammatical mistakes. The Email reflects on you and your organisation: If the email has lots of spelling errors and typos then you are deemed to be sloppy and unprofessional and so are your company. Whey should you consider sending a prospecting email to a sales target? When you can’t reach that sales target by phone. When you can’t get a personal introduction to that sales target. When your approach is purely speculative. When you intend following up the email with other sales and marketing initiatives. When you have their correct email protocol. While email is part of your prospecting “kit bag” be aware it is no substitute for speaking with an actual sales target or suspect. The Rules for writing and sending effective sales Emails Remember, everyday your sales target gets twenty or thirty emails from people just like you. So what’s going to get them to read your mail as opposed to deleting it without opening it? Here are some issues to get you thinking. The Facts of Email Life 1: Most people read emails in less than 20 seconds. 2: Most people only read an email once. 3: Never send an attachment with your e-mail. Sales targets who don’t know you are not going to open a file from a stranger and risk getting a virus on their PC. Focus on the potential Buyer Needs If you make a generic sales pitch your email will be interpreted as spam. No different to the opening statement of your telephone prospecting call, your email must have a hook or a W.I.I.F.M angle in its construction. Don't talk about you, your company or your sales offerings. Instead, focus on their issues, concerns, problems and challenges. © Evolve Consultants 2010 51
  • 52. Personalise every email. Decisions makers must know immediately that the e-mail was written just for them and not sent to 100 other people. Mention your research. Highlight a triggering event. Reference a referral. Keep it short and sweet. As mentioned earlier, you have less than 20 seconds to capture the attention of a potential sales prospect. After the first couple sentences, they decide if they'll delete it, forward it or respond. Make it readable from the preview window. Most people do a quick scan of their messages in the preview window before opening them. If your message is longer than this, make it shorter. Start a conversation. Your goal is to engage decision makers in an on-line discussion. In order to do this, you have to give them something they can respond to. Ask a question, invite them to an event, and see if they'd be interested in an information resource on your website. Focus on creating the dialogue. Don't send emails too frequently. It annoys people and makes your emails more likely to be summarily deleted. Hook them with a compelling subject line. "Free PC Security Audit” will get your email deleted as recipients will be thinking that there is a “catch attached to the concept of a free offer” or that your mail is just spam. However using a subject line along the lines of, "Want to know how you can improve the speed and reliability of your computer network?" might get them to read on as it’s more intriguing. Tactics for how you can use email as part of the sales process © Evolve Consultants 2010 52
  • 53. Use email as a follow up tool. After you meet someone at a networking event follow up with an email. Similarly, after you phone someone, meet someone, or send them a physical document by post follow up by email. Thank them, tell them to expect the post, and talk about next steps etc. Use email to gather information about decision makers or company protocols. Gather information about who the correct decision maker is for your product offering; get their email address and direct dial contact telephone numbers via email. Use email to get referrals and testimonials Ask clients to introduce you to people in their circle of influence who may require your service. Refer to their world “I was in with your customer at his garden centre at Naas and I see you have all your garden furniture on display throughout the place” “I was behind one of your Articulated Trucks on the M50 yesterday ” © Evolve Consultants 2010 53
  • 54. Example Subject Line: Can you assist me with some information please? Conor, I heard you interview on Newstalk Radio last weekend in relation to your expansion plans for your DIY business. It was a very impressive interview. Depending on your time frame for your new DIY superstore there is a possibility we might be able to help you get the best possible price for kitting out the building with shelving units. I’m with Como Retail Fittings, and we specifically help companies in the retail sector to reduce the necessity of having to stockpile large amounts of surplus product lines in your storeroom because of the electronic stock counting system built into our shelving units. If you think our shelving systems might free up working capital and simplify your reordering process, would you be able to direct me towards the person who is responsible for looking after the superstore kit out. Any help you could provide would be very greatly appreciated. Many Thanks, Johnny Perry, Como Retail Fittings Low pressure start asking for help as opposed to making a sales pitch Rather than offering specific solutions, the writer is trying to grab the attention and interest of the reader. In other words, the e-mail is about the receiver, not the sender. This reinforces that the writer’s company solves problems and provides insurance solutions. This statement expresses the warmth of the writer’s gratitude in advance. © Evolve Consultants 2010 54
  • 55. And some tips on writing style and grammar Subject line should be a request to act Keep paragraphs short. Watch font size. Use white space. Use boldface or underlining for emphasis. Use bullet points. Be concise. Avoid jargon. Use spelling checker. Check list for running an email campaign 1 Never send an attachment with your e-mail. Prospects who don’t know you are not going to open a file and risk a virus. 2 If you are sending an e-mail, send it from a named individual, not a company. 3 Always have your company name, web site URL, telephone number and name in the e-mail signature. 4 When sending an unsolicited e-mail, keep it short. It should be less than four paragraphs. 5 When sending an e-mail, always use bullets and numbers in the body. 6 Always describe in your e-mail how your offering can increase income, decrease expenses or manage risks for the recipient. 7 Always name people who refer you on, providing you have their permission to do so. 8 Always include an action step for the prospect to take or an action you will take. 9 The subject line of your e-mail should be a short sentence and or it should mention something that will intrigue your prospect © Evolve Consultants 2010 55
  • 56. Chapter 5 Preparation for Sales Meetings When we say face to face meeting with a sales prospect, we mean an on site meeting with a qualified decision resulting from a previous contact. Meetings are the key to moving to the next stage of your sales pipeline. However there are three main reasons many sellers make poor use of meetings; They don’t invest enough time preparing for the meeting. They don’t understand the components of an effective initial sales meeting. They focus on their own offering – not the prospective needs. Here are some guidelines for preparing for meetings: Step 1: - Person / company research If it’s a sizeable opportunity, learn as much as you can about them in advance. In a meeting with a potential prospect, your knowledge of their business is the first thing that differentiates you from most of your competitors. Plus, by understanding what is important to them, you’re able to ask intelligent questions and align your offering with their needs. Key headings to research / investigate under are: 1. Primary business (Make sure you know what they do / area of their business that they specialise in etc. 2. Market segments (Their competition, their geographical spread etc) 3. Their customers (Have you any mutual clients) 4. Any key strategic initiatives (Media coverage etc.) 5. How they use your offering. Step 2: Identify possible conversation angles After completing your research, identify where you might have a positive impact on your targeted person / company. Based on your knowledge of their operation, answer the following questions: • How are they handling things without your offering? • What kinds of problems or challenges might they be facing because of how they’re currently doing things? • Looking at their problems, challenges or gaps that may be present, what are the potential business implications? © Evolve Consultants 2010 56
  • 57. What opportunities might you be able to present to them. • If this person / company used your services, what business value would they realize? What difference could it make? • When was the last time they reviewed their current offering / arrangements? Step 3: Plan your questions Effective questions are essential to demonstrate that you’re committed to helping them achieve their goals and remove obstacles to success. It’s imperative to write out your questions ahead of time and take them to the meeting. If you neglect this step, it’s easy to slip into a “pitch” mode that customers detest. Good questions uncover information about their current situation, the problems and gaps they’re experiencing, and the business ramifications of how they’re currently handling things and the pay-off for making a change. Exercise: Please list 10/12 questions you should ask at a first meeting with a decision maker in a law firm. 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. © Evolve Consultants 2010 57
  • 58. Step 4: Plan your meeting outcome As a result of this meeting, what is the logical next step? Research into sales success, shows that if you’ve defined an appropriate desired outcome for your sales meeting prior to the meeting, you’re much more likely to achieve it. Ask yourself what movement do you wish to create at this meeting? Step 5: Know who you are meeting. Make sure you know the names and responsibilities of everyone you are going to meet. . Step 6: Preparing your product presentation Nothing should ever left to chance. Gary Player, the world famous golfer, was once asked what the secret to his success was. Player replied, “The better I prepare the luckier I get!” So here are some tips for preparing your support sales material. (a) Your sales support material: Make sure your support material and examples are relevant to the industry of the prospect. Don’t give them the old A to Z – you’ll lose them! (b) Your brief case / folder: Should be clean on the outside and organised on the inside. (c) Business cards: Always ensure you carry a supply of up to date (with correct phone numbers etc) in your brief case. (d) Your sales ‘support’ documentation Should be branded with your logo and titled with the name of your prospect’s company. (If possible) (e) No spelling mistakes Make sure you spell the prospect’s name correctly. Step 7: Mental preparation - body language In sales, saying what you mean isn't always enough. You have to show it. Sales people looking for that successful outcome should keep the following body language tips in © Evolve Consultants 2010 58
  • 59. mind: Nothing crossed. Keep legs, feet, and arms open. This translates to honesty, saying, "I have nothing to hide." Leaning forward. Moving closer shows curiosity and intensity. Leaning back demonstrates aloofness or rejection. Direct eye contact. In business circles, this is a sign of strong character. Handshake. A good handshake reaches all the way into the other person's hand. In addition, match the prospect's pressure Appropriate dress code Blend it, don’t stick out! Look professional – be conservative and polish those shoes. The importance of body language in sales lies in the fact that many buyers are either unsure of, or reluctant to openly communicate their intentions. So you must be able to read their body language to tell you what their words do not say. What makes sales body language so challenging is that it must be taken in the context of the situation and prior relationship you have with the person. © Evolve Consultants 2010 59
  • 60. Table 9: Checklist for Preparing for a Sales Meeting 1st Meeting Plan for: Sales Prospect ___________________________ Contact Name: ___________________________ Contact Role/Responsibility: ___________________________ Desired Meeting Outcome: What is logical next step if all goes well? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ I. Getting started Introductions Who do we know in common? What business do we already have from their industry or locality Who do they currently do business with? 2. What is the agenda for the meeting? 3. Which product / services do I think might be relevant to this sales prospect? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 4. Focusing on the Customer (Questions I will ask) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. © Evolve Consultants 2010 60
  • 61. 5. Which solutions do I think I will be promoting and why? 6. If things go well, what will be the next logical step in this sales process? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ © Evolve Consultants 2010 61
  • 62. Notes / Actions: © Evolve Consultants 2010 62
  • 63. Chapter 6 Meetings with Sales Prospects Effective sales meetings are focused around your prospective customers and what’s important to them – not your software solutions and demonstrations. Good sales meetings generally follow a simple, proven process. However, unless sellers stick to it, it’s really easy to get off track. Table 10: Best Practice Meeting Structure Step Activity What should be happening 1 Introduction Introductions Small talk – around areas of commonality Small talk around observations about their business 2 Permission to Question to ask permission to ask some questions proceed with agenda Announce your preferred structure for meeting Ask for agreement 3 Qualifying the sales Business related questions opportunity (Fact Need related questions (As applied to your offering) Find) Supplier related questions 4 Summarising the Repeat back your understanding of their sales opportunity circumstances and priorities as it relates to your product suite 5 Presenting your Follow their sequence of priorities and issues solution or option Use their words and phrases Give examples Do the maths / present numbers Get agreement on individual benefits and solutions before you move to next aspect of your presentation Maximise potential gain / opportunity 6 Gain feedback from Ask the question – “Do you think you will benefit from option presented my proposal” 7 Close / Ask for Next “Great, so based on what you have said, I think the next Step step might be to ” 8 Objection Handling You may have to handle objections or trade concessions (If you have the autonomy) 9 Close the Deal Ask for the business © Evolve Consultants 2010 63