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Johnson Controls, Inc.
      5757 North Green Bay Ave.
            Post Office Box 591
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201-0591

                 Notice of 2009
                Annual Meeting
           and Proxy Statement

              Date of Notice: December 5, 2008
Johnson Controls, Inc. will hold the Annual Meeting of Shareholders on Wednesday,
January 21, 2009, at 1:00 P.M. CST, at Discovery World at Pier Wisconsin,
500 N. Harbor Drive, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The purposes of the Annual Meeting are
as follows:
    1. To elect three directors, with the following as the Board’s nominees:
           Dennis W. Archer
           Richard Goodman
           Southwood J. Morcott
    2. To ratify the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our independent
       registered public accounting firm for fiscal year 2009.
    3. To consider a shareholder proposal requiring shareholder approval of survivor
    4. To transact such other business as may properly come before the Annual
       Meeting or any adjournment thereof.
The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR items 1 and 2 and AGAINST
item 3. The persons named as proxies will use their discretion to vote on other
matters that may properly arise at the Annual Meeting.
If you were a shareholder of record at the close of business on November 20, 2008,
you are entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting.
If you have any questions about the Annual Meeting, please contact:
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Shareholder Services X-76
5757 North Green Bay Ave.
Post Office Box 591
Milwaukee, WI 53201-0591
(414) 524-2363
(800) 524-6220

By Order of the Board of Directors

Our proxy statement and our 2008 annual report to shareholders are available at
Johnson Controls, Inc.
                                                 5757 North Green Bay Avenue
                                                 Post Office Box 591
                                                 Milwaukee, WI

                                                 December 5, 2008

Dear Shareholder:
The Johnson Controls Annual Shareholders’ Meeting will convene on
Wednesday, January 21, 2009, at 1:00 P.M. CST at Discovery World at
Pier Wisconsin, 500 N. Harbor Drive, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. We are
mailing our proxy statement, which details the business we will conduct
at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, to shareholders on or about
December 5, 2008, together with the Company’s Annual Report on
Form 10-K for fiscal year 2008. Shareholders are not to regard the
Annual Report on Form 10-K, which contains our audited financial
statements, as proxy solicitation material.
We are pleased to once again offer multiple options for voting your
shares. As detailed in the “Questions and Answers” section of this
proxy statement, you can vote your shares via the Internet, by telephone,
by mail or by written ballot at the Annual Meeting. We encourage you to
use the Internet to vote your shares as it is the most cost-effective
Thank you for your continued support of Johnson Controls.

Stephen A. Roell
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Table of Contents

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                         3
*PROPOSAL ONE: ELECTION OF DIRECTORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                       10
  2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   15
  APPROVAL OF SURVIVOR BENEFITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                15
COMPENSATION COMMITTEE REPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                  18
   • COMPENSATION DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                        18
   • EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                          18
   • DIRECTOR COMPENSATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                         41
    OF CONTROL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            .   42
BOARD INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                .   52
AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                     .   60
JOHNSON CONTROLS SHARE OWNERSHIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                     .   63
SECTION 16(a) BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP REPORTING COMPLIANCE . . . . . . . .                                                        .   64

* Agenda items for the Annual Meeting


Q: What am I voting on?
A:   You are voting on THREE proposals:
     1. Election of three directors for a term of three years, with the following as the
        Board’s nominees:
             Dennis W. Archer
             Richard Goodman
             Southwood J. Morcott
     2. Ratification of the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our inde-
        pendent registered public accounting firm for fiscal year 2009.
     3. Shareholder proposal requiring shareholder approval of survivor benefits.

Q: What are the voting recommendations of the Board?
A:   The Board of Directors is soliciting this proxy and recommends the following votes:
         • FOR each of the director nominees;
         • FOR ratification of the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our
           independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal year 2009; and
         • AGAINST the shareholder proposal requiring shareholder approval of
           survivor benefits.

Q: Will any other matters be voted on?
A:   We are not aware of any other matters that you will be asked to vote on at the
     Annual Meeting. If other matters are properly brought before the Annual Meeting,
     the proxy holders will use their discretion to vote on these matters as they may
     arise. Furthermore, if a nominee cannot or will not serve as director, then the
     proxy holders will vote for a person whom they believe will carry out our present

Q: Who can vote?
A:   If you hold shares of our Common Stock, CUSIP No. 478366107, as of the close
     of business on November 20, 2008, then you are entitled to one vote per share at
     the Annual Meeting. There is no cumulative voting.

Q: How do I vote?
A:   There are four ways to vote:
         • by Internet at http://www.eproxy.com/jci/
           We encourage you to vote this way as it is the most cost-effective method;
         • by toll-free telephone at 1-800-560-1965;
         • by completing and mailing your proxy card; or
         • by written ballot at the Annual Meeting.

Q: What is the effect of not voting?
A:   It will depend on how your share ownership is registered.
           • If you own shares in “street name” through a broker and do not vote, your
              broker may represent your shares at the meeting for purposes of obtaining
              a quorum. In the absence of your voting instructions, your broker may or
              may not vote your shares at its discretion depending on the proposals
              before the meeting. Your broker may vote your shares at its discretion and
              your shares will count toward the quorum requirement on “routine matters.”
              Your broker may not, however, vote your shares on proposals determined
              to be “non-routine.” In such cases, the absence of voting instructions
              results in a “broker non-vote.” Broker non-voted shares are counted toward
              the quorum requirement but they do not affect the determination of
              whether a non-routine matter is approved or rejected. We believe that
              Proposals One and Two are routine matters on which brokers will be
              permitted to vote on behalf of their clients if no voting instructions are
              furnished. Because we believe that Proposal Three is a non-routine matter,
              broker non-voted shares will not affect the determination of whether it is
              approved or rejected.
           • If shares you own are registered in your name and you do not vote, your
              unvoted shares will not be represented at the meeting and will not count
              toward the quorum requirement. In the case of a non-routine proposal, if a
              quorum is obtained, your unvoted shares will not affect whether the
              proposal is approved or rejected. We believe that Proposal Three is a non-
              routine matter.
           • If you own shares through a Johnson Controls retirement or employee
              savings and investment plan [401(k)], and you do not direct the trustee of
              the 401(k) plan to vote your shares, or if the trustee does not receive your
              proxy card by January 15, 2009, then the trustee will vote the shares
              credited to your account in the same proportion as the voting of shares for
              which the trustee receives direction from other participants.
           • If you sign and return a proxy card for your shares but you do not indicate
              a voting direction, then the shares you hold will be voted FOR each of the
              nominees listed in Proposal One, FOR Proposal Two, AGAINST
              Proposal Three, and in the discretion of the persons named as proxies,
              upon such other matters that may properly come before the meeting or
              any adjournments thereof.

Q: Can I change my vote?
A:   Yes. You can change your vote or revoke your proxy any time before the Annual
     Meeting by:
         • entering a new vote by Internet or phone;
         • returning a later-dated proxy card;
         • notifying Jerome D. Okarma, Vice President, Secretary and General
           Counsel, by written revocation letter addressed to the Milwaukee address
           listed on the front page; or
         • completing a written ballot at the Annual Meeting.

Q: What vote is required to approve each proposal?
A:   Provided a quorum is present at the Annual Meeting, shareholders will elect the
     three director nominees receiving the greatest number of votes. Also provided a
     quorum is present, the votes shareholders cast “for” must exceed the votes
     shareholders cast “against” to approve the ratification of the appointment of
     PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company’s independent registered public
     accounting firm for fiscal year 2009. An affirmative vote of the majority of votes
     cast by the shareholders is required to approve the shareholder proposal.

Q: Is my vote confidential?
A:   Yes. Only the election inspectors and certain individuals, independent of our
     company, who help with the processing and counting of the vote have access to
     your vote. Our directors and employees may see your vote only if we need to
     defend ourselves against a claim or in the event of a proxy solicitation by someone
     other than our company.

Q: Who will count the vote?
A:   Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. will count the vote. Its representatives will serve as the
     inspectors of the election.

Q: What shares are covered by my proxy card?
A:   The shares covered by your proxy card represent the shares of our Common
     Stock that you own that are registered with our company and our transfer agent,
     Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., including those shares you own through our dividend
     reinvestment plan and employee stock purchase plan. Additionally, shares our
     employees and retirees own that are credited to our employee retirement and
     savings and investment plans [401(k)] are also covered by your proxy card. The
     trustee of these plans will vote these shares as directed.

Q: What does it mean if I get more than one proxy card?
A:   It means your shares are held in more than one account. You should vote the
     shares on all your proxy cards using one of the four ways to vote. To provide
     better shareholder services, we encourage you to have all your non-broker
     account shares registered in the same name and address. You may do this by
     contacting our transfer agent, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., toll-free at 1-877-602-7397.

Q: Who can attend the Annual Meeting?
A:   All shareholders of record as of the close of business on November 20, 2008, can
     attend the meeting. Seating, however, is limited. Attendance at the Annual Meeting
     will be on a first-arrival basis.

Q: What do I need to do to attend the Annual Meeting?
A: To attend the Annual Meeting, please follow these instructions:
       • If shares you own are registered in your name or if you own shares through
          a Johnson Controls retirement or employee savings and investment plan,
          bring your proof of ownership of our Common Stock and a form of
          identification; or
       • If a broker or other nominee holds your shares, bring proof of your
          ownership of our Common Stock through such broker or nominee and a
          form of identification.

Q: Will there be a management presentation at the Annual Meeting?
A:   Management will give a brief presentation at the Annual Meeting.

Q: Can I bring a guest?
A:   While bringing a guest is not prohibited, please be aware that seating availability
     at the Annual Meeting is limited.

Q: What is the quorum requirement of the Annual Meeting?
A:   A majority of the shares outstanding on November 20, 2008, constitutes a quorum
     for voting at the Annual Meeting. If you vote, your shares will be part of the quorum.
     Abstentions and broker non-votes will be counted in determining the quorum, but
     neither will be counted as votes cast “FOR” or “AGAINST” any of the proposals. On
     the record date, 594,199,549 shares of our Common Stock were outstanding.

Q: How much did this proxy solicitation cost?
A:   We will primarily solicit proxies by mail and we will cover the expense of such
     solicitation. Georgeson Inc. will help us solicit proxies from all brokers and
     nominees at a cost of $10,000 plus expenses. Our officers and employees may
     also solicit proxies for no additional compensation. We may reimburse brokers or
     other nominees for reasonable expenses they incur in sending these proxy mate-
     rials to you if a broker or other nominee holds your shares.

Q: How do I recommend or nominate someone to be considered as a director
    for the 2010 Annual Meeting?
A: You may recommend any person as a candidate for director by writing to Jerome
   D. Okarma, our Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel. The Corporate
   Governance Committee reviews all submissions of recommendations from share-
   holders. The Corporate Governance Committee will determine whether the candi-
   date is qualified to serve on our Board of Directors by evaluating the candidate
   using the criteria contained under the “Director Qualifications and Selection”
   section of the Company’s Corporate Governance Guidelines, which is discussed
   under “Proposal One: Election of Directors — Nominating Committee Disclosure.”
   If shares you own are registered in your name and you are entitled to vote at the
   Annual Meeting, then you may nominate any person for director by writing to
   Mr. Okarma. Your letter must include all the information required by our By-Laws
   including, but not limited to, your intention to nominate a person as a director, the
   candidate’s name, biographical data, and qualifications, as well as the written
   consent of the person to be named in our proxy statement as a nominee and to
   serve as a director. Under our current By-Laws, to nominate a person as a director
   for the 2010 Annual Meeting, a shareholder must send written notice not less than
   90 days and not more than 120 days prior to the first anniversary of the 2009
   Annual Meeting. Therefore, because the 2009 Annual Meeting will take place on
   January 21, 2009, we must receive notice of shareholder intent to nominate a
   person as a director no sooner than September 23, 2009, and no later than
   October 23, 2009. A copy of the Corporate Governance Guidelines is provided at
   our website at http://www.johnsoncontrols.com/governance, or you may request a
   copy of these materials by contacting Shareholder Services at the address or
   phone number provided in the Questions and Answers section of this Proxy
   Statement and they will be mailed to you at no cost.

Q: When are shareholder proposals due for the 2010 Annual Meeting?
A: Pursuant to Rule 14a-8 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, we must receive
   shareholder proposals by August 7, 2009, to consider them for inclusion in our
   proxy materials for the 2010 Annual Meeting.

Q: What are the requirements for proposing business other than by a share-
   holder proposal at the 2010 Annual Meeting?
A: A shareholder who intends to propose business at the 2010 Annual Meeting, other
   than pursuant to Rule 14a-8 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, must comply
   with the requirements set forth in our By-Laws. Among other things, a shareholder
   must give written notice of the intent to propose business before the Annual
   Meeting to us during the 30-day timeframe described above relating to nominating
   a person as a director. Therefore, based upon the Annual Meeting Date of
   January 21, 2009, Mr. Okarma, the Company’s Secretary, must receive notice of
   shareholder intent to propose business before the 2010 Annual Meeting, other
   than pursuant to Rule 14a-8 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, no sooner
   than September 23, 2009, and no later than October 23, 2009.
   If the notice is received after October 23, 2009, then the notice will be considered
   untimely and we are not required to present the shareholder information at the
   2010 Annual Meeting. If the Board of Directors chooses to present any information
   submitted after October 23, 2009, other than pursuant to Rule 14a-8 of the
   Securities Exchange Act of 1934, at the 2010 Annual Meeting, then the persons
   named in proxies solicited by the Board of Directors for the 2010 Annual Meeting
   may exercise discretionary voting power with respect to such information.

Q: Where can I find Corporate Governance materials for Johnson Controls?

A:   We have provided our Corporate Governance Guidelines, Ethics Policy, Disclosure
     Policy, Communication Policy, Insider Trading Policy, and the Charters for the
     Audit, Compensation, Corporate Governance, Executive, Finance, and Qualified
     Legal Compliance Committees of our Board of Directors, as well as our Disclosure
     Committee, on our website at http://www.johnsoncontrols.com/governance. Our
     Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, filings (including our Annual
     Report on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, Current Reports on
     Form 8-K and Section 16 insider trading transactions) are available at

     The Ethics Policy is applicable to the members of the Board of Directors and to all
     of our employees, including, but not limited to, the principal executive officer,
     principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or any person
     performing similar functions. Any amendments to, or waivers of, the Ethics Policy
     that the Board of Directors approves will be disclosed on our website. We are not
     including the information contained on our website as part of, or incorporating it by
     reference into, this Proxy Statement.

Q: How can I obtain Corporate Governance materials for Johnson Controls if I
   do not have access to the Internet?

A: You may receive a copy of our Corporate Governance materials free of charge by:
       • contacting Shareholder Services at 1-800-524-6220; or
       • writing to:
                 Johnson Controls, Inc.
                 Attn: Shareholder Services X-76
                 5757 North Green Bay Ave.
                 Post Office Box 591
                 Milwaukee, WI 53201-0591

Q: What is the process for reporting possible violations of Johnson Controls

A: Employees may anonymously report a possible violation of our policies by calling
   866-444-1313 in the U.S. and Canada, or 678-250-7578 if located elsewhere. Reports
   of possible violations of the Ethics Policy may also be made to Jerome D. Okarma,
   our Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel, at Jerome.D.Okarma@jci.com or
   to the attention of Mr. Okarma at 5757 North Green Bay Avenue, P.O. Box 591,
   Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53201-0591. Reports of possible violations of financial or
   accounting policies may be made to the Chairman of the Audit Committee,
   Robert A. Cornog, at Robert.A.Cornog@jci.com or to the attention of Mr. Cornog at
   5757 North Green Bay Avenue, P.O. Box 591, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53201-0591.
   Reports of possible violations of the Ethics Policy that the complainant wishes to go
   directly to the Board may be addressed to the Chairman of the Corporate
   Governance Committee, Robert L. Barnett, at Robert.L.Barnett@jci.com or to the
   attention of Mr. Barnett at 5757 North Green Bay Avenue, P.O. Box 591, Milwaukee,
   Wisconsin, 53201-0591.

Q: How do I obtain more information about Johnson Controls, Inc.?
A: To obtain additional information about our company, you may contact Shareholder
   Services by:
       • calling 1-800-524-6220;
       • visiting the website at http://www.johnsoncontrols.com; or
       • writing to:
                 Johnson Controls, Inc.
                 Attn: Shareholder Services X-76
                 5757 North Green Bay Ave.
                 Post Office Box 591
                 Milwaukee, WI 53201-0591

Q: Is the proxy statement available online?
A:   Yes, we have provided the proxy statement on our website at

Q: If more than one shareholder lives in my household, how can I obtain an
   extra copy of this proxy statement?
A:   Pursuant to the rules of the SEC, services that deliver our communications to
     shareholders who hold their stock through a broker or other nominee may deliver
     to multiple shareholders sharing the same address a single copy of our
     proxy statement. Upon written or oral request, we will mail a separate copy of the
     proxy statement to any shareholder at a shared address to which a single copy of
     each document was delivered. You may contact us with your request by calling or
     writing to Shareholder Services at the address or phone number provided above.
     We will mail materials you request at no cost. You can also access the proxy
     statement online at www.johnsoncontrols.com/proxy.

      Promptly returning your proxy card or voting via telephone or the Internet
                   will help to reduce the cost of this solicitation.

Election of Richard      Pursuant to our By-Laws and Corporate Governance
Goodman:                 Guidelines, the Board of Directors elected Richard Goodman as
                         a director on January 23, 2008. Mr. Goodman was nominated
                         for director by the Corporate Governance Committee and evalu-
                         ated pursuant to the process described in the “Nominating
                         Committee Disclosure” section of this proxy. The Board deter-
                         mined that Mr. Goodman was qualified to serve as a director
                         based upon the standards outlined in the “Director Qualifications
                         and Selection” section of the Corporate Governance Guidelines.
                         The Board also determined that Mr. Goodman was independent
                         based on the New York Stock Exchange listing standards and
                         our Corporate Governance Guidelines.
Retirements of John      Mr. John M. Barth will not seek reelection to the Board of
M. Barth and Richard     Directors at the conclusion of his term on December 31, 2008.
F. Teerlink:             He has served as a director since 1997 and previously served
                         as Johnson Controls’ chairman and chief executive officer.
                         Mr. Richard F. Teerlink will retire as a director on
                         December 31, 2008, after having reached our mandatory
                         director retirement age of 72. He has served as a director
                         since 1994 and is currently in the class whose term expires
                         at the 2010 Annual Meeting.
                         Our Board of Directors has not at this time taken formal
                         action to nominate candidates to serve as directors after
                         Messrs. Barth’s and Teerlink’s retirements, but the Corporate
                         Governance Committee is in the process of identifying and
                         qualifying appropriate candidates.
Board Structure:         As a result of these retirements, the size of our Board of
                         Directors will decrease to ten effective January 1, 2009. This
                         action did not require a By-laws amendment because our
                         current By-laws provide for a range of no less than nine nor
                         more than thirteen members. Directors are divided into three
                         classes. At each Annual Meeting, the term of one class
                         expires. Directors in each class serve three-year terms, or
                         until the director’s earlier retirement pursuant to the Board of
                         Directors Retirement Policy, or until his or her successor is
                         duly qualified and elected.
Shareholder and          We encourage shareholder and other interested party
Other Interested         communication with directors. General communication with
Party Communica-         any member of the board may be sent to his or her attention
tion with the Board:     at 5757 North Green Bay Avenue, P.O. Box 591, Milwaukee,
                         Wisconsin, 53201-0591. You may send communications
                         regarding financial or accounting policies to the Chairman of
                         the Audit Committee, Robert A. Cornog, at
                         Robert.A.Cornog@jci.com or to the attention of Mr. Cornog at
                         5757 North Green Bay Avenue, P.O. Box 591, Milwaukee,
                         Wisconsin, 53201-0591. You may send other communications
                         to the Chairman of the Corporate Governance Committee,
                         Robert L. Barnett, at Robert.L.Barnett@jci.com or to the
                         attention of Mr. Barnett at the address noted above. We
                         screen these communications for security purposes.

Director Attendance   We have a long-standing policy of director attendance at the
at the Annual         Annual Meeting. All of the directors attended the 2008 Annual
Meeting:              Meeting of Shareholders.
Nominating            The Corporate Governance Committee serves the nominating
Committee             committee role. We describe the material terms of this role in
Disclosure:           the committee’s Charter, a description of which appears
                      under the “Board Committees” section of this proxy state-
                      ment. The committee’s Charter, the Corporate Governance
                      Guidelines, and the committee’s procedures are published at
                      http://www.johnsoncontrols.com/governance. The “Committee
                      Independence” section of the Corporate Governance Guide-
                      lines requires that all members of the committee be indepen-
                      dent, as defined by the New York Stock Exchange listing
                      standards and the Company’s Corporate Governance Guide-
                      lines. The committee has a process under which the
                      committee identifies and evaluates all director candidates,
                      regardless of whether nominated as required by the By-laws,
                      or recommended. In order to identify director candidates, the
                      committee maintains a file of recommended potential director
                      nominees (including those recommended by shareholders),
                      solicits candidates from current directors, evaluates recom-
                      mendations and nominations by shareholders and will, if
                      deemed appropriate, retain for a fee recruiting professionals
                      to identify and evaluate candidates. The committee uses the
                      following criteria, among others, to evaluate any candidate’s
                      capabilities to serve as a member of the Board: skill sets,
                      professional experience, independence, other time demands
                      (including service on other boards), diversity, technical capa-
                      bilities, and international and industry experience. Further, the
                      committee reviews the qualifications of any candidate with
                      those of current directors to determine coverage and gaps in
                      experience in related industries, such as automotive and elec-
                      tronics, and in functional areas, such as finance, manufac-
                      turing, technology, labor, employment and investing. The
                      Chairman of the Board and the Chairperson of the committee
                      will also lead an evaluation of each candidate who may stand
                      for reelection based upon the preceding criteria before recom-
                      mending such director for reelection. The committee will eval-
                      uate all director candidates in a similar manner regardless of
                      how each director was identified, recommended, or


At the Annual Meeting, three directors will be elected for terms expiring in 2012. The
Corporate Governance Committee has recommended and the Board of Directors has
selected the following nominees for election: Dennis W. Archer, Richard Goodman, and
Southwood J. Morcott, all of whom are current directors of our company. Each person
that shareholders elect as a director will serve until the Annual Meeting of Share-
holders in 2012, or until his or her successor has been duly qualified and elected. Brief
biographies of the director nominees and continuing directors as of September 30,
2008 follow.

  The Board recommends that you vote FOR the election of Dennis W. Archer,
                Richard Goodman, and Southwood J. Morcott.

                 Dennis W. Archer                                     Director since 2002
                                                                                   Age 66
                 Chairman, Dickinson Wright PLLC, Detroit, Michigan since 2002 (law
                 firm). Mr. Archer served as president of the American Bar Association
                 from 2003 to 2004. Mr. Archer served as Mayor of Detroit from 1994 to
                 2001. Mr. Archer is a director of Compuware Corp. and Masco Corp. Mr.
                 Archer also serves on the Audit Committee of Masco Corp.

                 Richard Goodman                                          Director since 2008
                                                                                       Age 60
                 Chief Financial Officer, PepsiCo, Inc., Purchase, New York since 2006
                 (food and beverage producer). Prior to that, Mr. Goodman served in a
                 variety of senior financial positions at PepsiCo, including CFO of
                 PepsiCo International, CFO of PepsiCo Beverages International, and
                 General Auditor.

                 Southwood J. Morcott                                  Director since 1993
                                                                                    Age 70
                 Retired Chairman of the Board, President, and Chief Executive Officer,
                 Dana Corp., Toledo, Ohio (vehicular and industrial systems



Terms Expire at the 2010 Annual Meeting:

               Robert L. Barnett                                       Director since 1986
                                                                                    Age 68
               Retired Executive Vice President, Motorola, Inc., Schaumburg, Illinois
               (manufacturer of electronics products). Mr. Barnett served as Executive
               Vice President of Motorola from 2003 to 2005. Prior to that, he served
               as President and Chief Executive Officer, Commercial, Government and
               Industrial Solutions Sector, Motorola, Inc., from 1998 to 2002.
               Mr. Barnett is a director of Central Vermont Public Service Corp.,
               USG Corp., and EF Johnson Technologies, Inc. Mr. Barnett is Chairman
               of the Compensation Committee of Central Vermont Public Service Corp.
               and is Chairman of the Audit Committee of USG Corp. Mr. Barnett is a
               member of the Audit and Compensation Committees of EF Johnson
               Technologies Inc.

               Eugenio Clariond Reyes-Retana                           Director since 2005
                                                                                    Age 65
               Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Grupo IMSA S.A.,
               Nuevo Leon, Mexico (industrial conglomerate specializing in steel,
               aluminum and plastic products). He served as Chief Executive Officer
               from 1985 through 2006 and as Chairman from 2003 through 2006. Mr.
               Clariond serves as a director of Navistar International Corp., The Mexico
               Fund, Inc., Mexichem, S.A., Grupo Financiero Banorte, S.A., and Grupo
               Industrial Saltillo, S.A. Mr. Clariond serves on the Audit Committees of
               Grupo Industrial Saltillo, S.A., Mexichem, S.A., and The Mexico Fund,
               Inc. and is a member of the Compensation Committees of Navistar
               International Corp. and Mexichem, S.A.

               Jeffrey A. Joerres                                    Director since 2001
                                                                                  Age 49
               Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President of Manpower Inc.,
               Milwaukee, Wisconsin (provider of employment services). Mr. Joerres
               served as Senior Vice President of European Operations from 1998 to
               1999, and Senior Vice President of Major Account Development from
               1995 to 1998. Mr. Joerres is a director of Artisan Funds. Mr. Joerres
               serves on the Audit Committee of Artisan Funds.

Terms Expire at the 2011 Annual Meeting:

               Natalie A. Black                                    Director since 1998
                                                                                Age 58
               Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, Kohler
               Co., Kohler, Wisconsin, since 2001 (manufacturer and marketer of
               plumbing products, power systems and furniture). Ms. Black served as a
               Group President for Kohler Co. from 1998 to 2001.

               Robert A. Cornog                                     Director since 1992
                                                                                 Age 68
               Retired Chairman of the Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer and
               President, Snap-on Inc., Kenosha, Wisconsin (tool manufacturer).
               Mr. Cornog served as Chief Executive Officer and President from 1991
               to 2001 and as Chairman from 1991 to 2002. Mr. Cornog is a director of
               Oshkosh Corporation and Wisconsin Energy Corp. (“We Energies”). Mr.
               Cornog serves on the Human Resources Committee (compensation) of
               Oshkosh Corporation and the Audit Committee of We Energies.

               William H. Lacy                                       Director since 1997
                                                                                  Age 63
               Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, MGIC Investment Corp.,
               Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Mr. Lacy retired in 1999 after a 28-year career at
               MGIC Investment Corp. and its principal subsidiary, Mortgage Guaranty
               Insurance Corp. (MGIC), the nation’s leading private mortgage insurer.
               Mr. Lacy is a Director of Ocwen Financial Corp. He serves on the
               Corporate Governance Committee and is the Chairman of the
               Compensation Committee of Ocwen Financial Corp.

               Stephen A. Roell                                      Director since 2004
                                                                                  Age 58
               Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Johnson
               Controls, Inc. Mr. Roell served as Vice Chairman from 2005 through
               2007 and Executive Vice President from 2004 to 2007. Previously,
               Mr. Roell served as Chief Financial Officer of Johnson Controls, Inc.
               from 1991 to 2005.

We ask that you ratify the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our
independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal year 2009.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP has audited our accounts for many years. The Audit
Committee appointed them as the Company’s independent registered public accounting
firm for fiscal year 2009.

Representatives of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP are expected to be present at the
Annual Meeting with the opportunity to make a statement if they so desire and to be
available to respond to appropriate questions.
If the appointment is not ratified, the adverse vote will be considered as an indication
to the Audit Committee that it should consider selecting another independent registered
public accounting firm for the following fiscal year. Even if the selection is ratified, the
Audit Committee, in its discretion, may select a new independent registered public
accounting firm at any time during the year if it believes that such a change would be
in our best interest.

                        FISCAL YEAR 2009.

                       PROPOSAL THREE:
Amalgamated Bank, 275 Seventh Avenue, New York, New York 10001, has informed
us that it intends to present the proposal set forth below at our annual meeting.
Amalgamated Bank states that it is the beneficial owner of 167,383 shares of our
Common Stock.


RESOLVED: The shareholders of Johnson Controls, Inc. (the “Company”) hereby
request the board of directors to adopt a policy of obtaining shareholder approval for
any future agreements and corporate policies that could oblige the Company to make
payments or awards following the death of a senior executive in the form of unearned
salary or bonuses, accelerated vesting or the continuation in force of unvested equity
grants, perquisites and other payments or awards made in lieu of compensation. This
policy would not affect compensation that the executive chooses to defer during his or
her lifetime. “Future severance agreements” include employment agreements
containing severance provisions; retirement agreements; change in control agree-
ments; and agreements renewing, modifying or extending any such agreements in
effect on the date this Article is adopted.

                              SUPPORTING STATEMENT

As shareholders, we support a compensation philosophy that provides sufficient remu-
neration to motivate and retain talented executives and that ties their pay to the

long-term performance of the Company. We believe that such a “pay for performance”
approach is needed to align the interests of executives with those of shareholders.

“Golden coffin” agreements, which can require a company to make significant
payments or awards after an executive’s death, are in our view inconsistent with that
approach. Senior executives should have ample opportunities while they are alive to
contribute to a pension fund, purchase life insurance, voluntarily defer compensation or
engage in other estate planning strategies suitable to their needs. We see no reason
to saddle shareholders with payments or awards when shareholders receive no
services in return.

The problem is well illustrated at Johnson Controls. According to the December 2007
proxy statement, the company would be obliged to pay out $36.3 million worth of
annual and long-term bonuses, stock options, and restricted stock upon the death of
John M. Barth, the chairman and chief executive officer. Additionally, the Company
would be obliged to pay his base salary for ten years at an estimated cost of
$14.2 million, for a total of $50.5 million. The value of similar packages for other senior
executives ranges from $12 million to $24.5 million per executive.

These potential payments can cost shareholders significantly. Consequently, we
request that the Company adopt a policy of providing shareholders with a vote on
agreements and other corporate policies that could provide payments or awards after a
senior executive’s death that are unrelated to services actually being rendered to the

We believe that the existence of such a shareholder approval requirement may induce
restraint when parties negotiate such agreements. The proposal does not require prior
shareholder approval, which may not always be practical to obtain, and the proposal
leaves flexibility to seek approval after material terms of an agreement are agreed

We urge shareholder to vote FOR this proposal.


After reviewing and considering carefully this proposal, our Board and the Compensa-
tion Committee have determined that the proposal is not in the best interests of our
shareholders and oppose the proposal for the following reasons.

1. Our Board and the Compensation Committee recognize the need to attract and
retain talented executives. This must be done in the context of the competitive
environment in which the Company exists. The Company’s current compensation
practices have been determined to be competitive, and particularly with respect to
benefits payable upon an executive’s death.

2. The majority of the current plans under which executives are entitled to benefits
upon death, including a restricted stock plan, a stock option plan, an annual bonus plan
and a long-term bonus plan, have already been approved by the Company’s share-
holders. As a result, the intent of this shareholder proposal has already been largely
realized, since shareholder oversight and approval have been obtained. It is important
to note that, since last year’s proxy disclosure, the Board has taken action to reduce
the executive survivor death benefit payable upon an executive’s death. Also, the death
benefits which are the subject of the resolution do not continue once an executive has
retired from the Company.

3. The Board and the Compensation Committee are best positioned, with access to
independent experts, to exercise discretion and to make decisions with respect to
executive compensation that are in the best interests of the Company and its

As mentioned above, to attract and retain a qualified and effective global management
team in the marketplace for executive talent, it is vital that we offer compensation and
benefits that are competitive with those that our peer companies offer. Staying compet-
itive in many cases requires us to adapt rapidly to fast-moving trends in the market-
place and to the circumstances of individual executive officers or officer candidates.
Putting decisions to a shareholder vote is a slow and costly process, and requiring
shareholder approval of employment agreements and policies that provide for benefits
following the death of a senior executive officer could therefore impair our ability to fill
critical executive positions by impeding our ability to negotiate agreements or imple-
ment policies that address the competitive market, the needs of our company and the
nature of the particular situation. The ability to seek approval after material terms of an
arrangement are agreed upon, as the proposal contemplates, is little (if any) consola-
tion, because executive officers and officer candidates will not want to negotiate or
otherwise commit to employment arrangements that remain subject to shareholder

We believe the benefits we have offered and currently offer upon the death of an
executive officer to his or her survivors are reasonable within the overall structure of
our compensation programs. Many of the provisions that give our executives rights on
death are within plans that shareholders have already approved. These plans include a
restricted stock plan and stock option plan that provide for accelerated vesting of equity
awards and an annual bonus plan and long-term bonus plan that provide for pro rata
incentive awards. We have offered the remaining benefit — the executive survivor
benefit — in lieu of group term life insurance to senior executives since 1982. We
believe all of these elements are integral parts of a compensation package for our
executive officers that is competitive but not excessive. In this regard, we recently
reduced the amount of the executive survivor benefit in response to a report that the
Compensation Committee’s outside expert provided. The report indicated that the
benefit we were providing was based on a higher multiple of pay than were similar
benefits that our peer companies provided to their executive officers. As a result of this
change and other factors, the benefits our executive officers would have received upon
a termination of employment as a result of death as of September 30. 2008 are lower
than the corresponding benefits as of September 30, 2007, which we reported in our
2007 proxy statement and which the proposal’s supporting statement cites. As we
discuss in “Executive Compensation — Compensation Discussion and Analysis”, the
Compensation Committee, which is comprised solely of independent directors, gener-
ally targets the total direct compensation opportunity for our executive officers at the
50th percentile of a peer group consisting of companies that are in our industry or of
similar size or against which we compete for talent.

Our Board and the Compensation Committee, to which our Board has delegated the
authority to approve and monitor compensation and benefit programs for our executive
officers, believe that we need flexible compensation policies and procedures to permit
us to achieve these objectives. In contrast, by requiring shareholder approval of a
specific term of compensation arrangements, the proposal would not allow for the
exercise by the Compensation Committee of the discretion and judgment necessary to
establish appropriate executive compensation. Fixing individual compensation terms
involves a host of factors and judgments. Because of this inherent complexity, our
Board believes that individual compensation decisions are best made by the Compen-
sation Committee, which consists of experienced, independent directors who dedicate
substantial time and attention to compensation decisions and who receive advice from

an outside expert who answers directly to the Compensation Committee rather than to
We agree with the proposal’s supporting statement that “a ‘pay for performance’
approach is needed,” but we believe that our executive compensation programs already
embody a pay for performance approach and that our corporate performance bears
this out. A central objective of our executive compensation programs, as we discuss in
“Executive Compensation — Compensation Discussion and Analysis,” is to focus our
executive officers on continuing to deliver strong results for our shareholders by placing
primary emphasis on performance-based variable compensation. Our programs
demonstrably emphasize performance-based pay. We have a long history of strong
results, and we believe our practice of linking compensation with corporate perfor-
mance has contributed significantly to our track record.
In summary, our Board believes that our compensation practices have been and will
continue to be a key factor in our ability to deliver strong results. Our Board believes
the requirements of the proposal would place us at a competitive disadvantage in
recruiting and retaining executive talent and that it is in the best interests of our
company and our shareholders to retain flexibility in structuring our executive compen-
sation programs. Our Compensation Committee is best positioned to exercise that
judgment, and the spirit of the shareholder proposal has already been substantially
met, since shareholders have already approved many of the provisions which make up
the Company’s approach to providing benefits upon an executive’s death.

The Compensation Committee has reviewed and discussed the Compensation Discus-
sion and Analysis included in this proxy statement with management. Based on this
review, the Compensation Committee recommended to the Board of Directors that the
Compensation Discussion and Analysis be included in our proxy statement relating to
the 2009 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.
                                            Southwood J. Morcott, Chairman
                                            Dennis W. Archer
                                            Eugenio Clariond Reyes-Retana
                                            Jeffrey A. Joerres
                                            William H. Lacy
                                            Members, Compensation Committee

                         EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION
As we discuss on page 20, the Compensation Committee (the “Committee”) of our
Board of Directors (the “Board”) has the sole authority, delegated by our Board, to
approve and monitor all compensation and benefit programs (other than broad-based
welfare benefit programs) for our executive officers including the officers we name in
the Summary Compensation Table (“named executive officers”). The Committee seeks
to ensure that our compensation policies and practices are consistent with our values
and support the successful recruitment, development, and retention of executive talent
so we can achieve our business objectives and optimize our long-term financial
returns. The Committee reports its actions and decisions to the Board.

We have a long history of strong results, and we believe our practice of linking
compensation with corporate performance has contributed significantly to our track
record. Over the past 10 years, we have grown net sales at an average annualized
growth rate of 12% and have grown earnings at an average annualized growth rate of
15%. Our operations are located in more than 60 countries throughout the world, and
we generate over 50% of our net sales outside of the United States.

What are the objectives of our executive compensation programs?
The main objectives of our executive compensation programs are to:
• attract, motivate, and retain a highly qualified and effective global management team
  to deliver superior performance that builds shareholder value over the long term.
• recognize performance achievements at the company and business unit level.
• recognize an executive’s leadership abilities, scope of responsibilities, experience,
  effectiveness, and individual performance achievements.
• reward the achievement of strategic, financial and leadership objectives that are
  closely aligned with the interests of our shareholders. We develop our compensation
  plans to motivate our executives to improve our overall corporate performance and
  profitability of the specific business unit for which they are responsible.
• focus our executives on continuing to deliver strong results for our shareholders by
  placing primary emphasis on performance-based variable compensation and stock
  ownership. We design annual and long-term cash incentive awards to recognize
  achievement of growth in pre-tax earnings regardless of global economic conditions
  and factors impacting our markets. Long-term equity incentive awards include stock
  options and restricted stock, which focus executive officers on and reward them for
  building shareholder value. We use a multi-year vesting schedule for our stock
  options and restricted stock to retain our executives.
• ensure that our compensation programs are competitive within the marketplace.

What are the elements of our executive compensation program?
Our executive compensation program consists of the following elements:
• base salary;
• annual incentive performance awards (an annual cash-based incentive);
• long-term incentive performance awards (a rolling three year cash-based incentive);
• stock options;
• restricted stock; and
• retirement and other benefits.
The following sections discuss each element individually and in more detail.
We define total direct compensation as the executive’s base salary, annual incentive
performance award, long-term incentive performance award, stock options, and
restricted stock. Our pay mix (the proportion of one compensation element of direct
compensation compared to the total of all elements of direct compensation) is heavily
weighted toward a strong relationship between our corporate or business unit perfor-
mance and the executive’s pay. The elements of compensation that are based on

corporate or business unit performance include annual cash incentive, long-term cash
incentive, and equity incentives. In general, as an executive’s level or responsibility
within our organization increases, so does the percentage of total compensation that
we link to corporate or business unit performance.

What process does the Committee use to review our executive compensation
programs and determine compensation?
The Committee is responsible for approving and monitoring the compensation and
benefits we offer to our executive officers. The Committee evaluates executive pay
each year, seeking to ensure that our compensation policies and practices are consis-
tent with our philosophy. In evaluating the compensation of our Chief Executive
Officer’s direct reports, the Committee also considers the Chief Executive Officer’s
recommendations to the Committee. This includes the compensation of the other
named executive officers, based on his review of their performance, job responsibilities,
importance to our overall business strategy, and our compensation philosophy
(including market practice). Our Chief Executive Officer does not make a recommenda-
tion to the Committee regarding his own compensation.
The Committee will generally determine an executive officer’s compensation based upon
a desire to link compensation to the objectives of our executive compensation programs
that we describe above under “What are the objectives of our executive compensation
programs?” The Committee considers these factors collectively and ultimately uses its
subjective judgment in making final decisions concerning compensation.
To support its annual review of our executive compensation and benefit programs for
fiscal year 2008, the Committee engaged Towers Perrin, an independent compensation
consultant, to conduct a marketplace review of the compensation we pay to our
executive officers. Towers Perrin provided the Committee with relevant market data and
alternatives to consider when making compensation decisions for the executive
Towers Perrin benchmarked our compensation against a group of publicly-traded
companies, which we refer to as the “Compensation Peer Group.” In benchmarking our
compensation, Towers Perrin used regression analysis to adjust the data based on the
revenue sizes of the companies in the Compensation Peer Group to match our revenue
size. The Compensation Peer Group, which the Committee annually reviews and
updates, consists of companies against which we believe we compete for talent, that
are in our industry or a similar industry, have similar market capitalization, or that are
similar in size based on revenue. For purposes of the Committee’s annual review of
fiscal year 2008 compensation and benefit programs, the following companies
comprised the Compensation Peer Group:
•   3M Company                •   Eaton Corp.                    •   Lockheed Martin Corp.
•   Alcoa Inc.                •   Emerson Electric Co.           •   Motorola Inc.
•   Caterpillar Inc.          •   General Dynamics Corp.         •   Northrop Grumman Corp.
•   Deere & Company           •   Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.     •   Raytheon Co.
•   Delphi Corp.              •   Honeywell International Inc.   •   United Technologies Corp.
•   Dow Chemical              •   Illinois Tool Works            •   Visteon Corp.
•   E.I. du Pont de Nemours   •   Lear Corp.                     •   Whirlpool Corp.

During fiscal year 2008, for purposes relating to fiscal year 2009 compensation, we
changed the Compensation Peer Group slightly from the peer group above. We
removed Delphi Corp. and Visteon Corp, which continue to experience low market
capitalization, and added International Paper, an international manufacturing company
with a market capitalization more similar to ours.

When the Compensation Peer Group gives us inadequate data for a particular execu-
tive officer due to insufficient sample size, Towers Perrin uses data concerning
compensation that companies that Towers Perrin classifies as general industrial
companies provide to their executives. Towers Perrin also uses regression analysis to
adjust the data based on the revenue sizes of these companies to match our revenue
size. When determining fiscal year 2008 compensation, the Committee did not,
however, require the use of general industrial data to make any specific compensation
decisions for the named executive officers. Towers Perrin did not provide the
Committee with, and the Committee was not aware of, the identities of the companies
that participated in the survey of general industrial companies.
We generally set the total direct compensation opportunity based on the 50th percentile
of the Compensation Peer Group. Our approach results in some pay difference among
our named executive officers, which is consistent with the survey data. As we discuss
above, final decisions concerning compensation reflect performance achievements at a
company and business unit level and our views regarding an executive officer’s
leadership abilities, scope of responsibilities, experience, effectiveness and individual
performance achievements.
To determine the amount of compensation under each component of total direct compen-
sation, we start by setting a target for total annual cash compensation (base salary and a
target payout percentage) according to market, again typically based on the 50th percen-
tile of market comparables. We also consider other factors as we describe above.
After we determine base salary and an annual incentive award target amount for an
executive officer, we subtract the total of those amounts from the target total direct
compensation for the executive officer and arrive at a target value for long-term
incentive awards. We then break this value (which we refer to as the “annualized
expected value of long-term incentive award opportunities”) into three parts: a target
long-term cash incentive award value, which we determine by evaluating market pay
mix data and internal equity considerations; a stock option grant value; and a restricted
stock grant value.
In allocating equity compensation between stock options and restricted stock grants,
we first determine the amount of restricted stock grants, based on an assessment of
the executive officer’s individual performance and contributions to our company. We
then allocate the difference between the executive officer’s target total direct compen-
sation and the target annual cash compensation, target long-term cash incentive award
value and restricted stock grant value to stock options.

How do we determine base salaries for executive officers?
We pay our named executive officers and other employees a base salary as part of a
competitive compensation package and to provide a stable source of income. We
typically consider salary levels as part of our annual compensation review process or
upon a promotion. When we establish base salaries for executives, we consider
salaries that companies in the Compensation Peer Group or general executive
compensation industry survey pay for similar positions. When inadequate data is
available from the companies in the Compensation Peer Group, we consider salaries
that companies in the general executive compensation industry survey pay for similar
positions. We generally attempt to set base salary at approximately the 50th percentile
of the Compensation Peer Group subject to other variables as we describe above
under “What process does the Committee use to review our executive compensation
programs and determine compensation?”
Salary changes are effective October 1 of each year to correspond with the beginning
of the new fiscal year.

How do we determine annual incentive performance awards?
We offer annual incentive performance awards to give our executives incentives to
achieve our fiscal year business and financial objectives, and we establish the award
opportunities and related performance goals accordingly. We believe achieving these
annual business and financial objectives is important to executing our business
strategy and delivering long-term value to shareholders.
For each fiscal year, the Committee approves a target payout (which we measure as a
percentage of base salary) for each executive officer, as well as the potential payout
percentages for maximum and threshold performance. For fiscal year 2008, the target
payout percentages for the named executive officers ranged from 100% to 156% of
base salaries. For each executive officer, the actual payout potentially could range from
zero to two times the target payout percentage, depending on achievement of goals,
with payments increasing as performance improved (though not above two times the
target payout percentage). We sought to set the target payout percentages at approx-
imately the 50th percentile of the Compensation Peer Group. In measuring whether the
target payout percentages were approximately equal to the 50th percentile of the
Compensation Peer Group, we excluded the portion of the target payout that is subject
to discretionary adjustment based on individual performance as we describe below. We
have the discretion to decrease the size of the bonus payout based in part on an
assessment of the executive officer’s individual performance. The Committee makes
this assessment for our Chief Executive Officer based on its subjective evaluation of
performance relative to strategic, financial and leadership objectives that the
Committee or the Board of Directors has approved and has discretion to decrease the
amount of the incentive award that the Chief Executive Officer would otherwise receive.
Our Chief Executive Officer makes this assessment for the other executive officers
based on his subjective evaluation of performance relative to strategic, financial and
leadership objectives that he has approved and has the authority to decrease the
amount of the incentive award that the executive officer would otherwise receive.
Beginning with fiscal year 2009, we are granting awards under this program at the
beginning of the fiscal year. Following past practice, we granted the fiscal year 2008
awards in September 2007, prior to the beginning of the 2008 fiscal year, and we
disclosed the awards in the “Grants of Plan-Based Awards” table in the proxy
statement for our 2008 annual meeting of shareholders. We are disclosing the
threshold, target and maximum award potential for these awards again in the “Grants
of Plan-Based Awards” in this proxy statement to provide a more complete picture of
the non-equity incentive awards that impacted our named executive officers’ compen-
sation for fiscal year 2008.
We set the performance targets for fiscal year 2008 for Messrs. Barth, Roell, Wandell,
McDonald and, with respect to 30% of their awards, Mr. Myers and Dr. Bolzenius using
objectives for pre-tax earnings and pre-tax return on equity (“ROE”). We define pre-tax
earnings as income from continuing operations, adjusted for incentive plan expense and
certain significant non-recurring items that impact comparability, such as gain or loss on
divestitures, restructuring expense (for example, we incurred a restructuring expense in
fiscal year 2008), and the adoption of new accounting pronouncements, all as reflected
in our audited financial statements that appear in our Annual Report on Form 10-K. We
define ROE as pre-tax earnings divided by total shareholders’ equity at the beginning of
the fiscal year (as reported in our Annual Report on Form 10-K). For fiscal year 2008,
we set the pre-tax earnings target at $1.82 billion and the ROE target at 23.3%.
The Committee approved potential payouts ranging from zero to 200% of the target
payout percentages for Messrs. Barth, Roell, Wandell, and McDonald (which we discuss
below) for various levels of performance against these performance targets. The
Committee approved potential payouts ranging from zero to 200% with respect to 30%
of the target payout percentages for Mr. Myers and Dr. Bolzenius (which we discuss

below) for the same level of performance against these targets. An executive officer
would not have received an annual incentive payout if our fiscal year 2008 pre-tax
earnings were less than $1.45 billion. If our fiscal year pre-tax earnings were at least
$1.45 billion, the minimum potential payout an officer would receive was 45% of the
target incentive payout, and the payout amount could have increased if ROE exceeded
17.5%. An officer would have been eligible to receive the maximum potential payout if
our performance met or exceeded 23.3% ROE and $2.08 billion of pre-tax earnings.

For fiscal year 2008, the Committee based 70% of Mr. Myers’ incentive award on the
performance of the Building Efficiency Group, using objectives for earnings before
interest and tax (which we refer to as “EBIT”) and net cash from operations as a
percent of revenue. We define EBIT for this purpose as business unit operating
earnings, adjusted for incentive plan expenses and certain non-recurring items that
impact comparability, all as reflected in our audited financial statements that appear in
our Annual Report on Form 10-K. We define net cash from operations as trade working
capital (defined as the sum of net accounts receivable, inventory, and net customer
tooling less accounts payable). We may adjust net cash from operations and revenue
for certain non-recurring items that impact comparability, such as acquisitions and
divestitures. The targets were $1.03 billion in EBIT and 10% improvement over fiscal
year 2007 in net cash from operations as a percent of revenue.

The Committee approved potential payouts for Mr. Myers ranging from zero to two
times the target payout percentages (which we discuss below) for various levels of
Building Efficiency Group performance against these Building Efficiency Group perfor-
mance targets. Mr. Myers would not have received any payout if fiscal year 2008
Building Efficiency Group EBIT was less than $823.20 million. If fiscal year 2008
Building Efficiency Group EBIT was at least $823.20 million, he would have received a
minimum potential payout of 45% of the target incentive payout, and the payout
amount could have increased as change in net cash from operations as a percent of
revenue improved beyond -15%. Mr. Myers would have been eligible to receive the
maximum potential payout if the Building Efficiency Group met or exceeded 35%
improvement in net cash from operations and $1.09 billion EBIT.

For fiscal year 2008, the Committee based 70% of Dr. Bolzenius’ incentive award on
the performance of the Automotive Experience Group, again using objectives for EBIT
and net cash from operations as a percent of revenue (defined above). The targets
were $666.51 million in EBIT and 10% improvement over fiscal year 2007 in net cash
from operations as a percent of revenue.

The Committee approved potential payouts for Dr. Bolzenius ranging from zero to two
times the target payout percentages (as we discuss below) for various levels of
Automotive Experience Group performance against these Automotive Experience
Group financial targets. Dr. Bolzenius would not have received any payout if fiscal year
2008 Automotive Experience Group EBIT was less than $530.62 million. If fiscal year
2008 Automotive Experience Group EBIT was at least $530.62 million, he would have
received a minimum potential payout of 45% of the target incentive payout, and the
payout amount could have increased as change in net cash from operations as a
percent of revenue improved beyond -15%. Dr. Bolzenius would have been eligible to
receive the maximum potential payout if the Automotive Experience Group met or
exceeded 35% improvement in net cash from operations and $705.34 million EBIT.

For fiscal year 2008, our actual financial results for the performance goals were 22.3%
ROE and 1.99 billion in pre-tax earnings; 6.0% improvement in Building Efficiency
Group net cash from operations and $1.02 billion in Building Efficiency Group EBIT;
26.7% improvement in the Automotive Experience Group net cash from operations and
$753.6 million Automotive Experience Group EBIT.

Based on this performance and after reflecting the exercise of discretion that we
discuss above, the annual performance bonus that each named executive earned was
above the target payout percentage level, as shown in the chart below.
                                                                                          Amount Earned as a
                                                                                            Percent of Target
Position                                                                    Name           Payout Percentage

Chairman of the Board and Chief
  Executive Officer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        ....   Stephen A. Roell          168.7%
Chairman of the Board* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           ....   John M. Barth             168.7%
President and Chief Operating Officer . . . .                  ....   Keith E. Wandell          168.7%
Executive Vice President and
  Chief Financial Officer . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          ....   R. Bruce McDonald         168.7%
Vice President and President, Building
  Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   ....   C. David Myers            111.1%
Vice President and President, Automotive
  Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     ....   Beda Bolzenius            174.0%

* Mr. Barth stepped down as our Chief Executive Officer on September 30, 2007, and
  retired as Chairman of the Board on December 31, 2007. As a result of his retirement,
  Mr. Barth’s actual award was prorated to 25% of the amount that he would have received
  for the full year, determined based on our actual performance for the year.

How do we determine long-term cash incentive performance awards?

We tie the value of awards under our long-term cash incentive program to our long-
term performance over a three-year period, and the program therefore serves to
ensure that an executive’s pay under this program depends upon the extent to which
we achieve our long-term financial objectives. By using a mix of stock options,
restricted stock, and the long-term cash incentive, we are able to compensate execu-
tives for both sustained increases in our stock performance, as well as the achievement
of key long-term financial objectives. We base the long-term incentive on achieving
business plans that our Board approves. Beginning with fiscal year 2009, we are
granting awards under this program at the beginning of the first fiscal year of the three-
year performance period. Following past practice, we granted the fiscal year 2008
award in September 2007, prior to the beginning of our 2008 fiscal year, and we
disclosed the awards in the “Grants of Plan-Based Awards” table in the proxy
statement for our 2008 annual meeting of shareholders. We are disclosing the
threshold, target and maximum award potential for these awards again in the “Grants
of Plan-Based Awards” in this proxy statement to provide a more complete picture of
the non-equity incentive awards that impacted our named executive officers’ compen-
sation for fiscal year 2008.
At the end of each performance period, the Committee applies the objective-based
formula that it approved in advance to determine each executive’s award for the
performance period.
For the 2008-2010 three-year cycle, we have based each executive officer’s long-term
cash incentive performance award opportunity on annual objectives for corporate pre-
tax earnings and pre-tax return on invested capital (“ROIC”). We have established
targets of $1.64 billion pre-tax earnings and 16.7% ROIC for fiscal year 2008. We
define pre-tax earnings as income from continuing operations, adjusted for certain
significant non-recurring items, such as gain or loss on divestitures, restructuring
expense (for example, we incurred a restructuring expense in fiscal year 2008), and
the adoption of new accounting pronouncements, all as reflected in our audited

financial statements that appear in our Annual Report on Form 10-K. We define ROIC
as pre-tax earnings adjusted by total financing costs, divided by invested capital.
Invested capital is defined as the monthly weighted-average sum of shareholders
equity plus total debt, less cash. We base the ROIC target each year on meeting the
amounts set forth in the financial plan for that year. The Board reviews and approves
the financial plan each year. An executive officer would not receive a long-term
incentive payout with respect to fiscal year 2008 under the 2008-2010 award if our pre-
tax earnings were less than $1.50 billion. An executive officer would receive the
maximum potential payout with respect to fiscal year 2008 under the 2008-2010 award
if our performance met or exceeded 18.0% ROIC and $1.79 billion pre-tax earnings.
To calculate the payment an executive officer will receive under a long-term incentive
award, we determine the performance results for each year in the three-year cycle,
and calculate a weighted average for the three-year cycle based on the following:
weighted 1⁄6 for the first year in performance cycle, weighted 2⁄6 for the second year in
performance cycle, and weighted 3⁄6 for the third year in the performance cycle.
Executive officers were eligible in fiscal year 2008 for a payout under the three-year
performance cycle of 2006-2008. For this cycle, the payout target percentages ranged
from 65% to 130% of base salary for the named executive officers. The two financial
measures for this cycle were pre-tax earnings and pre-tax ROIC. Our pre-tax earnings
results were $1.29 billion, $1.60 billion, and $1.79 billion for 2006, 2007, and 2008,
respectively, and our pre-tax ROIC results were 14.4%, 15.2%, and 15.4% for 2006,
2007, and 2008, respectively. This performance resulted in payout percentages of
178.2%, 194.7%, and 150.9% of target for 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively. The
Committee approved the payout percentage that executive officers earned under the
program as shown in the chart below. We show the amount (combined with the annual
cash bonus incentive that our named executive officers received for performance in
fiscal year 2008) in the Summary Compensation Table under the column heading
“Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation.”
                                                                                           Amount Earned as a
                                                                                            Percent of Target
Position                                                                     Name               Incentive
Chairman of the Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            .   John M. Barth             170.0%
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive
  Officer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   .   Stephen A. Roell          170.0%
President and Chief Operating Officer. . . . . .                   .   Keith E. Wandell          170.0%
Executive Vice President and
  Chief Financial Officer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          .   R. Bruce McDonald         170.0%
Vice President and President, Building
  Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     .   C. David Myers            170.0%
Vice President and President, Automotive
  Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       .   Beda Bolzenius            170.0%

* Mr. Barth stepped down as our Chief Executive Officer on September 30, 2007, and
  retired as Chairman of the Board on December 31, 2007. As a result of his
  retirement, Mr. Barth’s actual award was prorated to 75% of the amount that he
  would have received for three-year performance cycle, determined based on our
  actual performance for that performance period.

How do we determine stock option awards?
We award stock options to executives to:
• enhance the link between creating shareholder value and long-term incentive
  compensation, because the recipient realizes value from options only to the extent
  the value of our stock increases after the date of the option grant;
• maintain competitive levels of total compensation; and
• retain outstanding employees by requiring that executives continue their employment
  with our company to vest options.
Our executives, including our named executive officers, must earn the options through
continued service. The options will vest 50% two years after the date of grant and 50%
three years after the date of grant, subject to continued employment (with earlier
vesting on retirement), and have a ten-year exercise term.
We made all of our stock option grants to the executives in fiscal year 2008 pursuant
to our 2007 Stock Option Plan, which shareholders approved in January 2007. The
exercise price of fiscal year 2008 stock options is equal to the New York Stock
Exchange closing price of our common stock on the date of the grant. We do not
engage in or permit “backdating” or repricing of stock options, and our equity compen-
sation plans prohibit these practices.
We provide the fiscal year 2008 stock option grant details for each named executive
officer in the “Grant of Plan-Based Awards” table and related footnotes. We determine
stock option awards based on the value of the executive officer’s total direct compen-
sation that we intend to deliver less the value of all other elements of direct compensa-
tion. Towers Perrin values the options using a binomial valuation methodology.
Our policy on granting equity awards states that our annual stock option grant occurs
and is effective on the first business day of our fiscal year and that any subsequent
stock option grants occur and are effective on the date of a regularly scheduled
Compensation Committee meeting. Executive officers do not have a role in the timing
of option grants. We do not choose the time for making option grants based in any way
on any pending release to the public of material information.

How do we determine restricted stock awards?
We generally award restricted stock to our executive officers in alternating years. At
the beginning of fiscal year 2008, the Compensation Committee approved a restricted
stock grant. We intend our restricted stock awards to:
• tie executive officer’s long-term financial interests to the long-term financial interests
  of shareholders by exposing them to downside equity performance risk, further
  aligning the interests of executive officers with the interests of shareholders;
• retain key executive officers through the four-year vesting period (subject to
  continued vesting for executive officers who retire); and
• maintain a market competitive position for total compensation.
We provide the fiscal year 2008 restricted stock grant details for each named executive
officer in the “Grant of Plan-Based Awards” table and related footnotes. We determine
restricted stock awards by subtracting from the value of the executive officer’s total
direct compensation that we intend to deliver the value of all other elements of direct
compensation and allocating a portion of the resulting difference to restricted stock
awards. We determine the portion allocable to restricted stock awards based on an

assessment of the executive officer’s individual performance, contribution to our
company, and retention objectives. The Committee makes the assessment regarding
individual performance and contributions for our Chief Executive Officer based on its
subjective evaluation relative to strategic, financial and leadership objectives that the
Committee or the Board of Directors has approved. Our Chief Executive Officer makes
this assessment for the other executive officers based on his subjective evaluation
relative to strategic, financial and leadership objectives that he has approved. Because
we generally award restricted stock in alternating years, we treat half of the value of
the award as attributable to the year of grant, which is fiscal 2008 in this case. (We
allocate the remaining portion of total direct compensation to stock option awards as
we describe above under “How do we determine stock option awards?”). Towers Perrin
values the restricted stock awards using a binomial valuation methodology.

How do we determine retirement and other benefits?
We evaluate retirement and other benefits based on market practice of the Compensa-
tion Peer Group and general executive compensation industry data. We have a long
history of providing retirement benefits to our U.S. salaried employees. We provide our
retirement benefits through the following plans:
• A pension plan. All of our U.S.-based salaried employees that we hired before
  January 1, 2006 participate in this plan, including all of our named executive officers
  other than Dr. Bolzenius. Under the pension plan, a participant who has completed
  five continuous years of employment with us earns the right to receive certain
  benefits, based upon the participant’s years of service and average compensation
  upon retirement at normal retirement age or upon early retirement on or after age 55
  with ten years of service. However, for York International Corp. employees, including
  Mr. Myers, service after December 31, 2003 does not count as benefit service under
  the formula in this plan. Under an agreement that we negotiated with Dr. Bolzenius
  at the time he joined our company, we continued Dr. Bolzenius’ German pension
  agreement, providing benefits that we believed were consistent with those given to
  senior executives of a German company.
• A 401(k) plan. The plan generally covers all of our U.S. employees, including the
  named executive officers other than Dr. Bolzenius, who waived his participation in
  the plan in exchange for continued accrual of benefits under his German pension
  agreement. Under the 401(k) plan, participants can contribute up to 25% of their
  compensation on a pre-tax basis, although our executive officers can contribute only
  up to 6% of their compensation. We make a matching contribution of 50% to 100%,
  based on company performance, of each dollar of employee contributions up to 6%
  of the employee’s eligible compensation. In addition, for employees that we hired on
  or after January 1, 2006 and for York employees who are no longer receiving service
  credit under the pension plan, including Mr. Myers, we make an annual retirement
  contribution of 1% to 7% of the participant’s annual compensation based on the
  participant’s age and service. Both the matching contribution and the annual retire-
  ment contribution are subject to vesting requirements.
• A Retirement Restoration Plan. Because the Internal Revenue Code, or the “Code”,
  limits the benefits we can provide under the pension plan and the 401(k) plan, we
  sponsor our Retirement Restoration Plan. The Retirement Restoration Plan generally
  allows all employees that the Code limitations impact to obtain the full intended
  benefit from the pension and 401(k) plans, without regard to the Code limits, upon
  meeting vesting requirements. These employees include our named executive offi-
  cers, except that Mr. Myers, along with all other York employees, is not eligible to
  participate in the pension component of the Retirement Restoration Plan. Dr. Bolze-
  nius is not eligible to participate in the Retirement Restoration Plan as a result of his

waiver of participation in the 401(k) plan. In addition, only the executive officers are
  allowed to contribute, on a pre-tax basis, up to 6% of their compensation that is not
  allowed to be deferred into the 401(k) plan and to receive a supplemental matching

We provide these retirement benefits to our executive officers to help them prepare for
a financially secure retirement, to provide an incentive to stay with us by recognizing
tenure, and to offer what we believe is a competitive compensation package.

We have summarized the various retirement plans in which our named executive
officers may participate in greater detail in the narrative following the “Pension Benefits”

Our named executive officers also participate in the Executive Deferred Compensation
Plan, under which we permit all senior leaders required to own equity in our company
to elect to defer receipt of all or any part of the compensation they would receive under
the Annual and Long-Term Incentive Performance Plan or, historically, the 2001
Restricted Stock Plan, until certain pre-determined payment dates. However, in
January 2008, we amended the 2001 Restricted Stock Plan to remove the option for
deferral. Therefore, any restricted stock grants made after January 2008 will not be
subject to the Executive Deferred Compensation Plan. We provide the Executive
Deferred Compensation Plan as a vehicle to assist participants in saving for a secure
future by allowing participants to defer compensation and associated taxes until
retirement or other termination of employment. We discuss the Executive Deferred
Compensation Plan in further detail in the narrative following the “Nonqualified Deferred
Compensation” table.

We maintain an Executive Survivor Benefits Plan for executive officers as an element
of what we believe is a competitive compensation package. Under this plan, if a
participating executive officer dies while he or she is an employee, then we will make
certain payments to his or her beneficiary. We offer this benefit to executive officers,
and coverage is in lieu of our regular group life insurance coverage and any other
executive life insurance policy. We amended this plan during 2008 so that its benefits
are more consistent with those that our Compensation Peer Group provides. All
benefits under our Executive Survivor Benefits Plan cease upon retirement or other
termination of employment.

Do we provide perquisites to our executive officers?

According to our compensation philosophy, we limit perquisites to our executive
officers. We maintain a written formal policy regarding eligibility and use of perquisites,
and we do not allow exceptions outside of the written policy. In general, we intend the
perquisites we provide to help executive officers be more productive and efficient, or to
protect us and the individual executive officer from certain business risks and potential
threats. In fiscal year 2008, our named executive officers received perquisites of the
following types: assistance with financial planning, personal use of a company airplane
(personal use of airplane is minimal, and the cumulative fiscal year 2008 value of the
personal use for all named executive officers was less than $10,000), and club dues.
The Committee periodically reviews competitive market data to ensure that the perqui-
sites we provide to executive officers are reasonable and within market practice. The
Committee annually reviews use of perquisites to ensure compliance with our formal

Separate from the perquisites policy, we have a company vehicle policy that provides
personal use of a vehicle to all senior leadership, including our executive officers (the
type of vehicle varies by leadership level and is limited to vehicles that use our

automotive seating and interiors products so that executives can experience the
effectiveness of our products).

Do we have stock ownership requirements?
We have stock ownership requirements because we believe material stock ownership
by executives plays a role in effectively aligning the interests of these employees with
those of our shareholders and strongly motivates executives to build long-term share-
holder value. We therefore maintain an executive stock ownership policy that requires
our executives to hold significant amounts of our stock. The following forms of stock
ownership count toward the ownership requirement under the policy:
• Shares the executive or immediate family members residing in the same household
  own outright;
• Stock the executive holds through the Johnson Controls, Inc. 401(k) Savings &
  Investment Plan;
• Restricted stock that we have issued to an executive when fully vested;
• Stock units that we have credited to executives under deferred compensation
  plans; and
• Shares that a trustee holds for the benefit of the executive.
Each executive officer named below that has been an employee of our company for
three years or more has exceeded his respective guideline as of September 30, 2008.
Executives failing to meet their required ownership level within a five-year period after
becoming an executive officer will not receive future equity grants until their ownership
requirement is met.
The guidelines for executive officer stock ownership under our Executive Stock Owner-
ship Policy are as follows:
Position                                                              Name               Multiple
Chairman of the Board and Chief
  Executive Officer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      ......   Stephen A. Roell    5 times base salary
President and Chief Operating Officer .                ......   Keith E. Wandell    3 times base salary
Executive Vice President and
  Chief Financial Officer . . . . . . . . . . .        ......   R. Bruce McDonald   3 times base salary
Vice President and President,
  Building Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      ......   C. David Myers(1)   3 times base salary
Vice President and President,
  Automotive Experience . . . . . . . . . .            ......   Beda Bolzenius(2)   3 times base salary
Other Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   ......                       3 times base salary

(1) Mr. Myers has until 2011 to meet his requirement.
(2) Dr. Bolzenius has until 2012 to meet his requirement.

We also maintain the 2001 Common Stock Purchase Plan for Executives, or the
CSPPE, which facilitates our executives’ acquisition of our common stock. Participants
in the CSPPE may deduct from their pay up to $2,500 per month to purchase shares
of our common stock. Participants pay a nominal brokerage fee or commission, and

the price of each share is 100% of the average price of shares purchased by Wells
Fargo Bank, N.A., as agent for the participants.

Does the Committee consider the impact of tax and accounting rules and
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code limits us from deducting compensation
that we pay in any year to our principal executive officer or other three most highly-
compensated officers (other than our principal financial officer) in excess of $1 million,
unless that compensation meets the requirements under Section 162(m) for “qualifying
performance-based” compensation (i.e., compensation that we pay only if the individu-
al’s performance meets objective goals that the Committee has established in advance
based on performance criteria that shareholders have approved). The Committee
continues to emphasize performance-based compensation for executives, thus mini-
mizing the consequences to us of Section 162(m) limits. However, the Committee
believes that its primary responsibility is to provide a compensation program that
attracts, retains, and rewards the executive talent necessary for our success. Conse-
quently, in any year, the Committee may authorize compensation that is not fully
deductible under Section 162(m) if it believes such compensation is necessary to
achieve our compensation objectives and protect the interests of our shareholders.

Do we utilize employment and change of control contracts?
As we discuss more fully on page 43, we have entered into employment agreements
with all of our executive officers. The employment agreements protect us from certain
business risks (threats from competitors, loss of confidentiality or trade secrets, dispar-
agement, solicitation of customers and employees) and define our right to terminate
the employment relationship. The employment agreements also protect our executive
officers from certain risks, such as death or disability, by providing for payment and
benefits in the event of certain terminations of employment. Our agreements provide
for the events triggering benefits under the employment agreements, which we
describe under “Potential Payments and Benefits upon Termination or Change of
Control,” because we believe, based solely on the subjective judgments and experi-
ences of the members of the Committee, that the terminations of employment that
trigger benefits are likely to involve circumstances in which it is customary and
appropriate to offer the protections embodied in the employment agreements.
In addition to employment agreements, as we discuss more fully on page 48, we have
entered into change of control agreements with our executive officers. The agreements
provide that our named executive officers may be eligible to receive payments and
other benefits if there is a change of control of our company. In addition, our executive
officers may receive benefits under our equity and bonus plans if there is a change of
control of our company. We intend the change of control benefits to provide some
economic stability to our executive officers to enable them to focus on the performance
of their duties and the best interests of our company and our shareholders without
undue concern over their personal circumstances if there is a potential change of
control of our company. We provide for acceleration of equity and incentive awards, in
particular, to protect our executive officers’ opportunities to earn the awards if a change
of control occurs.
Annually, the Corporate Governance Committee reviews employment and change of
control arrangements and reports its findings and recommendations to the Board.
Based on our annual review, we determined that the amounts payable under the
arrangements on certain triggering events, as we describe under “Potential Payments
and Benefits upon Termination or Change of Control,” were consistent with market
competitive practices.

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johnson controls FY2008 Proxy Statement
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johnson controls FY2008 Proxy Statement
johnson controls FY2008 Proxy Statement
johnson controls FY2008 Proxy Statement
johnson controls FY2008 Proxy Statement
johnson controls FY2008 Proxy Statement
johnson controls FY2008 Proxy Statement
johnson controls FY2008 Proxy Statement

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johnson controls FY2008 Proxy Statement

  • 1. Johnson Controls, Inc. 5757 North Green Bay Ave. Post Office Box 591 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201-0591 Notice of 2009 Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement Date of Notice: December 5, 2008
  • 2. NOTICE OF THE 2009 ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS Johnson Controls, Inc. will hold the Annual Meeting of Shareholders on Wednesday, January 21, 2009, at 1:00 P.M. CST, at Discovery World at Pier Wisconsin, 500 N. Harbor Drive, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The purposes of the Annual Meeting are as follows: 1. To elect three directors, with the following as the Board’s nominees: Dennis W. Archer Richard Goodman Southwood J. Morcott 2. To ratify the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal year 2009. 3. To consider a shareholder proposal requiring shareholder approval of survivor benefits. 4. To transact such other business as may properly come before the Annual Meeting or any adjournment thereof. The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR items 1 and 2 and AGAINST item 3. The persons named as proxies will use their discretion to vote on other matters that may properly arise at the Annual Meeting. If you were a shareholder of record at the close of business on November 20, 2008, you are entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting. If you have any questions about the Annual Meeting, please contact: Johnson Controls, Inc. Shareholder Services X-76 5757 North Green Bay Ave. Post Office Box 591 Milwaukee, WI 53201-0591 (414) 524-2363 (800) 524-6220 By Order of the Board of Directors IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING THE AVAILABILITY OF PROXY MATERIALS FOR THE SHAREHOLDER MEETING TO BE HELD ON JANUARY 21, 2009. Our proxy statement and our 2008 annual report to shareholders are available at http://www.johnsoncontrols.com/proxy.
  • 3. Johnson Controls, Inc. 5757 North Green Bay Avenue Post Office Box 591 Milwaukee, WI 53201-0591 December 5, 2008 Dear Shareholder: The Johnson Controls Annual Shareholders’ Meeting will convene on Wednesday, January 21, 2009, at 1:00 P.M. CST at Discovery World at Pier Wisconsin, 500 N. Harbor Drive, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. We are mailing our proxy statement, which details the business we will conduct at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, to shareholders on or about December 5, 2008, together with the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for fiscal year 2008. Shareholders are not to regard the Annual Report on Form 10-K, which contains our audited financial statements, as proxy solicitation material. We are pleased to once again offer multiple options for voting your shares. As detailed in the “Questions and Answers” section of this proxy statement, you can vote your shares via the Internet, by telephone, by mail or by written ballot at the Annual Meeting. We encourage you to use the Internet to vote your shares as it is the most cost-effective method. Thank you for your continued support of Johnson Controls. Sincerely, JOHNSON CONTROLS, INC. Stephen A. Roell Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
  • 4. Table of Contents QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 *PROPOSAL ONE: ELECTION OF DIRECTORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 *PROPOSAL TWO: RATIFICATION OF THE APPOINTMENT OF THE COMPANY’S INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM FOR FISCAL YEAR 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 *PROPOSAL THREE: SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REQUIRING SHAREHOLDER APPROVAL OF SURVIVOR BENEFITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 COMPENSATION COMMITTEE REPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 • COMPENSATION DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 • EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 • DIRECTOR COMPENSATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 • POTENTIAL PAYMENTS AND BENEFITS UPON TERMINATION OR CHANGE OF CONTROL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 BOARD INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 JOHNSON CONTROLS SHARE OWNERSHIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 SECTION 16(a) BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP REPORTING COMPLIANCE . . . . . . . . . 64 * Agenda items for the Annual Meeting 2
  • 5. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q: What am I voting on? A: You are voting on THREE proposals: 1. Election of three directors for a term of three years, with the following as the Board’s nominees: Dennis W. Archer Richard Goodman Southwood J. Morcott 2. Ratification of the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our inde- pendent registered public accounting firm for fiscal year 2009. 3. Shareholder proposal requiring shareholder approval of survivor benefits. Q: What are the voting recommendations of the Board? A: The Board of Directors is soliciting this proxy and recommends the following votes: • FOR each of the director nominees; • FOR ratification of the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal year 2009; and • AGAINST the shareholder proposal requiring shareholder approval of survivor benefits. Q: Will any other matters be voted on? A: We are not aware of any other matters that you will be asked to vote on at the Annual Meeting. If other matters are properly brought before the Annual Meeting, the proxy holders will use their discretion to vote on these matters as they may arise. Furthermore, if a nominee cannot or will not serve as director, then the proxy holders will vote for a person whom they believe will carry out our present policies. Q: Who can vote? A: If you hold shares of our Common Stock, CUSIP No. 478366107, as of the close of business on November 20, 2008, then you are entitled to one vote per share at the Annual Meeting. There is no cumulative voting. Q: How do I vote? A: There are four ways to vote: • by Internet at http://www.eproxy.com/jci/ We encourage you to vote this way as it is the most cost-effective method; • by toll-free telephone at 1-800-560-1965; • by completing and mailing your proxy card; or • by written ballot at the Annual Meeting. 3
  • 6. Q: What is the effect of not voting? A: It will depend on how your share ownership is registered. • If you own shares in “street name” through a broker and do not vote, your broker may represent your shares at the meeting for purposes of obtaining a quorum. In the absence of your voting instructions, your broker may or may not vote your shares at its discretion depending on the proposals before the meeting. Your broker may vote your shares at its discretion and your shares will count toward the quorum requirement on “routine matters.” Your broker may not, however, vote your shares on proposals determined to be “non-routine.” In such cases, the absence of voting instructions results in a “broker non-vote.” Broker non-voted shares are counted toward the quorum requirement but they do not affect the determination of whether a non-routine matter is approved or rejected. We believe that Proposals One and Two are routine matters on which brokers will be permitted to vote on behalf of their clients if no voting instructions are furnished. Because we believe that Proposal Three is a non-routine matter, broker non-voted shares will not affect the determination of whether it is approved or rejected. • If shares you own are registered in your name and you do not vote, your unvoted shares will not be represented at the meeting and will not count toward the quorum requirement. In the case of a non-routine proposal, if a quorum is obtained, your unvoted shares will not affect whether the proposal is approved or rejected. We believe that Proposal Three is a non- routine matter. • If you own shares through a Johnson Controls retirement or employee savings and investment plan [401(k)], and you do not direct the trustee of the 401(k) plan to vote your shares, or if the trustee does not receive your proxy card by January 15, 2009, then the trustee will vote the shares credited to your account in the same proportion as the voting of shares for which the trustee receives direction from other participants. • If you sign and return a proxy card for your shares but you do not indicate a voting direction, then the shares you hold will be voted FOR each of the nominees listed in Proposal One, FOR Proposal Two, AGAINST Proposal Three, and in the discretion of the persons named as proxies, upon such other matters that may properly come before the meeting or any adjournments thereof. Q: Can I change my vote? A: Yes. You can change your vote or revoke your proxy any time before the Annual Meeting by: • entering a new vote by Internet or phone; • returning a later-dated proxy card; • notifying Jerome D. Okarma, Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel, by written revocation letter addressed to the Milwaukee address listed on the front page; or • completing a written ballot at the Annual Meeting. 4
  • 7. Q: What vote is required to approve each proposal? A: Provided a quorum is present at the Annual Meeting, shareholders will elect the three director nominees receiving the greatest number of votes. Also provided a quorum is present, the votes shareholders cast “for” must exceed the votes shareholders cast “against” to approve the ratification of the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal year 2009. An affirmative vote of the majority of votes cast by the shareholders is required to approve the shareholder proposal. Q: Is my vote confidential? A: Yes. Only the election inspectors and certain individuals, independent of our company, who help with the processing and counting of the vote have access to your vote. Our directors and employees may see your vote only if we need to defend ourselves against a claim or in the event of a proxy solicitation by someone other than our company. Q: Who will count the vote? A: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. will count the vote. Its representatives will serve as the inspectors of the election. Q: What shares are covered by my proxy card? A: The shares covered by your proxy card represent the shares of our Common Stock that you own that are registered with our company and our transfer agent, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., including those shares you own through our dividend reinvestment plan and employee stock purchase plan. Additionally, shares our employees and retirees own that are credited to our employee retirement and savings and investment plans [401(k)] are also covered by your proxy card. The trustee of these plans will vote these shares as directed. Q: What does it mean if I get more than one proxy card? A: It means your shares are held in more than one account. You should vote the shares on all your proxy cards using one of the four ways to vote. To provide better shareholder services, we encourage you to have all your non-broker account shares registered in the same name and address. You may do this by contacting our transfer agent, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., toll-free at 1-877-602-7397. Q: Who can attend the Annual Meeting? A: All shareholders of record as of the close of business on November 20, 2008, can attend the meeting. Seating, however, is limited. Attendance at the Annual Meeting will be on a first-arrival basis. 5
  • 8. Q: What do I need to do to attend the Annual Meeting? A: To attend the Annual Meeting, please follow these instructions: • If shares you own are registered in your name or if you own shares through a Johnson Controls retirement or employee savings and investment plan, bring your proof of ownership of our Common Stock and a form of identification; or • If a broker or other nominee holds your shares, bring proof of your ownership of our Common Stock through such broker or nominee and a form of identification. Q: Will there be a management presentation at the Annual Meeting? A: Management will give a brief presentation at the Annual Meeting. Q: Can I bring a guest? A: While bringing a guest is not prohibited, please be aware that seating availability at the Annual Meeting is limited. Q: What is the quorum requirement of the Annual Meeting? A: A majority of the shares outstanding on November 20, 2008, constitutes a quorum for voting at the Annual Meeting. If you vote, your shares will be part of the quorum. Abstentions and broker non-votes will be counted in determining the quorum, but neither will be counted as votes cast “FOR” or “AGAINST” any of the proposals. On the record date, 594,199,549 shares of our Common Stock were outstanding. Q: How much did this proxy solicitation cost? A: We will primarily solicit proxies by mail and we will cover the expense of such solicitation. Georgeson Inc. will help us solicit proxies from all brokers and nominees at a cost of $10,000 plus expenses. Our officers and employees may also solicit proxies for no additional compensation. We may reimburse brokers or other nominees for reasonable expenses they incur in sending these proxy mate- rials to you if a broker or other nominee holds your shares. 6
  • 9. Q: How do I recommend or nominate someone to be considered as a director for the 2010 Annual Meeting? A: You may recommend any person as a candidate for director by writing to Jerome D. Okarma, our Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel. The Corporate Governance Committee reviews all submissions of recommendations from share- holders. The Corporate Governance Committee will determine whether the candi- date is qualified to serve on our Board of Directors by evaluating the candidate using the criteria contained under the “Director Qualifications and Selection” section of the Company’s Corporate Governance Guidelines, which is discussed under “Proposal One: Election of Directors — Nominating Committee Disclosure.” If shares you own are registered in your name and you are entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting, then you may nominate any person for director by writing to Mr. Okarma. Your letter must include all the information required by our By-Laws including, but not limited to, your intention to nominate a person as a director, the candidate’s name, biographical data, and qualifications, as well as the written consent of the person to be named in our proxy statement as a nominee and to serve as a director. Under our current By-Laws, to nominate a person as a director for the 2010 Annual Meeting, a shareholder must send written notice not less than 90 days and not more than 120 days prior to the first anniversary of the 2009 Annual Meeting. Therefore, because the 2009 Annual Meeting will take place on January 21, 2009, we must receive notice of shareholder intent to nominate a person as a director no sooner than September 23, 2009, and no later than October 23, 2009. A copy of the Corporate Governance Guidelines is provided at our website at http://www.johnsoncontrols.com/governance, or you may request a copy of these materials by contacting Shareholder Services at the address or phone number provided in the Questions and Answers section of this Proxy Statement and they will be mailed to you at no cost. Q: When are shareholder proposals due for the 2010 Annual Meeting? A: Pursuant to Rule 14a-8 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, we must receive shareholder proposals by August 7, 2009, to consider them for inclusion in our proxy materials for the 2010 Annual Meeting. Q: What are the requirements for proposing business other than by a share- holder proposal at the 2010 Annual Meeting? A: A shareholder who intends to propose business at the 2010 Annual Meeting, other than pursuant to Rule 14a-8 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, must comply with the requirements set forth in our By-Laws. Among other things, a shareholder must give written notice of the intent to propose business before the Annual Meeting to us during the 30-day timeframe described above relating to nominating a person as a director. Therefore, based upon the Annual Meeting Date of January 21, 2009, Mr. Okarma, the Company’s Secretary, must receive notice of shareholder intent to propose business before the 2010 Annual Meeting, other than pursuant to Rule 14a-8 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, no sooner than September 23, 2009, and no later than October 23, 2009. If the notice is received after October 23, 2009, then the notice will be considered untimely and we are not required to present the shareholder information at the 2010 Annual Meeting. If the Board of Directors chooses to present any information submitted after October 23, 2009, other than pursuant to Rule 14a-8 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, at the 2010 Annual Meeting, then the persons named in proxies solicited by the Board of Directors for the 2010 Annual Meeting may exercise discretionary voting power with respect to such information. 7
  • 10. Q: Where can I find Corporate Governance materials for Johnson Controls? A: We have provided our Corporate Governance Guidelines, Ethics Policy, Disclosure Policy, Communication Policy, Insider Trading Policy, and the Charters for the Audit, Compensation, Corporate Governance, Executive, Finance, and Qualified Legal Compliance Committees of our Board of Directors, as well as our Disclosure Committee, on our website at http://www.johnsoncontrols.com/governance. Our Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, filings (including our Annual Report on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, Current Reports on Form 8-K and Section 16 insider trading transactions) are available at http://www.johnsoncontrols.com/investors. The Ethics Policy is applicable to the members of the Board of Directors and to all of our employees, including, but not limited to, the principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or any person performing similar functions. Any amendments to, or waivers of, the Ethics Policy that the Board of Directors approves will be disclosed on our website. We are not including the information contained on our website as part of, or incorporating it by reference into, this Proxy Statement. Q: How can I obtain Corporate Governance materials for Johnson Controls if I do not have access to the Internet? A: You may receive a copy of our Corporate Governance materials free of charge by: • contacting Shareholder Services at 1-800-524-6220; or • writing to: Johnson Controls, Inc. Attn: Shareholder Services X-76 5757 North Green Bay Ave. Post Office Box 591 Milwaukee, WI 53201-0591 Q: What is the process for reporting possible violations of Johnson Controls policies? A: Employees may anonymously report a possible violation of our policies by calling 866-444-1313 in the U.S. and Canada, or 678-250-7578 if located elsewhere. Reports of possible violations of the Ethics Policy may also be made to Jerome D. Okarma, our Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel, at Jerome.D.Okarma@jci.com or to the attention of Mr. Okarma at 5757 North Green Bay Avenue, P.O. Box 591, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53201-0591. Reports of possible violations of financial or accounting policies may be made to the Chairman of the Audit Committee, Robert A. Cornog, at Robert.A.Cornog@jci.com or to the attention of Mr. Cornog at 5757 North Green Bay Avenue, P.O. Box 591, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53201-0591. Reports of possible violations of the Ethics Policy that the complainant wishes to go directly to the Board may be addressed to the Chairman of the Corporate Governance Committee, Robert L. Barnett, at Robert.L.Barnett@jci.com or to the attention of Mr. Barnett at 5757 North Green Bay Avenue, P.O. Box 591, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53201-0591. 8
  • 11. Q: How do I obtain more information about Johnson Controls, Inc.? A: To obtain additional information about our company, you may contact Shareholder Services by: • calling 1-800-524-6220; • visiting the website at http://www.johnsoncontrols.com; or • writing to: Johnson Controls, Inc. Attn: Shareholder Services X-76 5757 North Green Bay Ave. Post Office Box 591 Milwaukee, WI 53201-0591 Q: Is the proxy statement available online? A: Yes, we have provided the proxy statement on our website at http://www.johnsoncontrols.com/proxy. Q: If more than one shareholder lives in my household, how can I obtain an extra copy of this proxy statement? A: Pursuant to the rules of the SEC, services that deliver our communications to shareholders who hold their stock through a broker or other nominee may deliver to multiple shareholders sharing the same address a single copy of our proxy statement. Upon written or oral request, we will mail a separate copy of the proxy statement to any shareholder at a shared address to which a single copy of each document was delivered. You may contact us with your request by calling or writing to Shareholder Services at the address or phone number provided above. We will mail materials you request at no cost. You can also access the proxy statement online at www.johnsoncontrols.com/proxy. PLEASE VOTE. YOUR VOTE IS VERY IMPORTANT. Promptly returning your proxy card or voting via telephone or the Internet will help to reduce the cost of this solicitation. 9
  • 12. PROPOSAL ONE: ELECTION OF DIRECTORS Election of Richard Pursuant to our By-Laws and Corporate Governance Goodman: Guidelines, the Board of Directors elected Richard Goodman as a director on January 23, 2008. Mr. Goodman was nominated for director by the Corporate Governance Committee and evalu- ated pursuant to the process described in the “Nominating Committee Disclosure” section of this proxy. The Board deter- mined that Mr. Goodman was qualified to serve as a director based upon the standards outlined in the “Director Qualifications and Selection” section of the Corporate Governance Guidelines. The Board also determined that Mr. Goodman was independent based on the New York Stock Exchange listing standards and our Corporate Governance Guidelines. Retirements of John Mr. John M. Barth will not seek reelection to the Board of M. Barth and Richard Directors at the conclusion of his term on December 31, 2008. F. Teerlink: He has served as a director since 1997 and previously served as Johnson Controls’ chairman and chief executive officer. Mr. Richard F. Teerlink will retire as a director on December 31, 2008, after having reached our mandatory director retirement age of 72. He has served as a director since 1994 and is currently in the class whose term expires at the 2010 Annual Meeting. Our Board of Directors has not at this time taken formal action to nominate candidates to serve as directors after Messrs. Barth’s and Teerlink’s retirements, but the Corporate Governance Committee is in the process of identifying and qualifying appropriate candidates. Board Structure: As a result of these retirements, the size of our Board of Directors will decrease to ten effective January 1, 2009. This action did not require a By-laws amendment because our current By-laws provide for a range of no less than nine nor more than thirteen members. Directors are divided into three classes. At each Annual Meeting, the term of one class expires. Directors in each class serve three-year terms, or until the director’s earlier retirement pursuant to the Board of Directors Retirement Policy, or until his or her successor is duly qualified and elected. Shareholder and We encourage shareholder and other interested party Other Interested communication with directors. General communication with Party Communica- any member of the board may be sent to his or her attention tion with the Board: at 5757 North Green Bay Avenue, P.O. Box 591, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53201-0591. You may send communications regarding financial or accounting policies to the Chairman of the Audit Committee, Robert A. Cornog, at Robert.A.Cornog@jci.com or to the attention of Mr. Cornog at 5757 North Green Bay Avenue, P.O. Box 591, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53201-0591. You may send other communications to the Chairman of the Corporate Governance Committee, Robert L. Barnett, at Robert.L.Barnett@jci.com or to the attention of Mr. Barnett at the address noted above. We screen these communications for security purposes. 10
  • 13. Director Attendance We have a long-standing policy of director attendance at the at the Annual Annual Meeting. All of the directors attended the 2008 Annual Meeting: Meeting of Shareholders. Nominating The Corporate Governance Committee serves the nominating Committee committee role. We describe the material terms of this role in Disclosure: the committee’s Charter, a description of which appears under the “Board Committees” section of this proxy state- ment. The committee’s Charter, the Corporate Governance Guidelines, and the committee’s procedures are published at http://www.johnsoncontrols.com/governance. The “Committee Independence” section of the Corporate Governance Guide- lines requires that all members of the committee be indepen- dent, as defined by the New York Stock Exchange listing standards and the Company’s Corporate Governance Guide- lines. The committee has a process under which the committee identifies and evaluates all director candidates, regardless of whether nominated as required by the By-laws, or recommended. In order to identify director candidates, the committee maintains a file of recommended potential director nominees (including those recommended by shareholders), solicits candidates from current directors, evaluates recom- mendations and nominations by shareholders and will, if deemed appropriate, retain for a fee recruiting professionals to identify and evaluate candidates. The committee uses the following criteria, among others, to evaluate any candidate’s capabilities to serve as a member of the Board: skill sets, professional experience, independence, other time demands (including service on other boards), diversity, technical capa- bilities, and international and industry experience. Further, the committee reviews the qualifications of any candidate with those of current directors to determine coverage and gaps in experience in related industries, such as automotive and elec- tronics, and in functional areas, such as finance, manufac- turing, technology, labor, employment and investing. The Chairman of the Board and the Chairperson of the committee will also lead an evaluation of each candidate who may stand for reelection based upon the preceding criteria before recom- mending such director for reelection. The committee will eval- uate all director candidates in a similar manner regardless of how each director was identified, recommended, or nominated. 11
  • 14. BOARD NOMINEES At the Annual Meeting, three directors will be elected for terms expiring in 2012. The Corporate Governance Committee has recommended and the Board of Directors has selected the following nominees for election: Dennis W. Archer, Richard Goodman, and Southwood J. Morcott, all of whom are current directors of our company. Each person that shareholders elect as a director will serve until the Annual Meeting of Share- holders in 2012, or until his or her successor has been duly qualified and elected. Brief biographies of the director nominees and continuing directors as of September 30, 2008 follow. The Board recommends that you vote FOR the election of Dennis W. Archer, Richard Goodman, and Southwood J. Morcott. Dennis W. Archer Director since 2002 Age 66 Chairman, Dickinson Wright PLLC, Detroit, Michigan since 2002 (law firm). Mr. Archer served as president of the American Bar Association from 2003 to 2004. Mr. Archer served as Mayor of Detroit from 1994 to 2001. Mr. Archer is a director of Compuware Corp. and Masco Corp. Mr. Archer also serves on the Audit Committee of Masco Corp. Richard Goodman Director since 2008 Age 60 Chief Financial Officer, PepsiCo, Inc., Purchase, New York since 2006 (food and beverage producer). Prior to that, Mr. Goodman served in a variety of senior financial positions at PepsiCo, including CFO of PepsiCo International, CFO of PepsiCo Beverages International, and General Auditor. Southwood J. Morcott Director since 1993 Age 70 Retired Chairman of the Board, President, and Chief Executive Officer, Dana Corp., Toledo, Ohio (vehicular and industrial systems manufacturer). THE BOARD RECOMMENDS THAT YOU VOTE “FOR” EACH OF ITS NOMINEES. 12
  • 15. CONTINUING DIRECTORS Terms Expire at the 2010 Annual Meeting: Robert L. Barnett Director since 1986 Age 68 Retired Executive Vice President, Motorola, Inc., Schaumburg, Illinois (manufacturer of electronics products). Mr. Barnett served as Executive Vice President of Motorola from 2003 to 2005. Prior to that, he served as President and Chief Executive Officer, Commercial, Government and Industrial Solutions Sector, Motorola, Inc., from 1998 to 2002. Mr. Barnett is a director of Central Vermont Public Service Corp., USG Corp., and EF Johnson Technologies, Inc. Mr. Barnett is Chairman of the Compensation Committee of Central Vermont Public Service Corp. and is Chairman of the Audit Committee of USG Corp. Mr. Barnett is a member of the Audit and Compensation Committees of EF Johnson Technologies Inc. Eugenio Clariond Reyes-Retana Director since 2005 Age 65 Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Grupo IMSA S.A., Nuevo Leon, Mexico (industrial conglomerate specializing in steel, aluminum and plastic products). He served as Chief Executive Officer from 1985 through 2006 and as Chairman from 2003 through 2006. Mr. Clariond serves as a director of Navistar International Corp., The Mexico Fund, Inc., Mexichem, S.A., Grupo Financiero Banorte, S.A., and Grupo Industrial Saltillo, S.A. Mr. Clariond serves on the Audit Committees of Grupo Industrial Saltillo, S.A., Mexichem, S.A., and The Mexico Fund, Inc. and is a member of the Compensation Committees of Navistar International Corp. and Mexichem, S.A. Jeffrey A. Joerres Director since 2001 Age 49 Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President of Manpower Inc., Milwaukee, Wisconsin (provider of employment services). Mr. Joerres served as Senior Vice President of European Operations from 1998 to 1999, and Senior Vice President of Major Account Development from 1995 to 1998. Mr. Joerres is a director of Artisan Funds. Mr. Joerres serves on the Audit Committee of Artisan Funds. 13
  • 16. Terms Expire at the 2011 Annual Meeting: Natalie A. Black Director since 1998 Age 58 Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, Kohler Co., Kohler, Wisconsin, since 2001 (manufacturer and marketer of plumbing products, power systems and furniture). Ms. Black served as a Group President for Kohler Co. from 1998 to 2001. Robert A. Cornog Director since 1992 Age 68 Retired Chairman of the Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer and President, Snap-on Inc., Kenosha, Wisconsin (tool manufacturer). Mr. Cornog served as Chief Executive Officer and President from 1991 to 2001 and as Chairman from 1991 to 2002. Mr. Cornog is a director of Oshkosh Corporation and Wisconsin Energy Corp. (“We Energies”). Mr. Cornog serves on the Human Resources Committee (compensation) of Oshkosh Corporation and the Audit Committee of We Energies. William H. Lacy Director since 1997 Age 63 Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, MGIC Investment Corp., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Mr. Lacy retired in 1999 after a 28-year career at MGIC Investment Corp. and its principal subsidiary, Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corp. (MGIC), the nation’s leading private mortgage insurer. Mr. Lacy is a Director of Ocwen Financial Corp. He serves on the Corporate Governance Committee and is the Chairman of the Compensation Committee of Ocwen Financial Corp. Stephen A. Roell Director since 2004 Age 58 Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Johnson Controls, Inc. Mr. Roell served as Vice Chairman from 2005 through 2007 and Executive Vice President from 2004 to 2007. Previously, Mr. Roell served as Chief Financial Officer of Johnson Controls, Inc. from 1991 to 2005. 14
  • 17. PROPOSAL TWO: RATIFICATION OF THE APPOINTMENT OF THE COMPANY’S INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM FOR FISCAL YEAR 2009 We ask that you ratify the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal year 2009. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP has audited our accounts for many years. The Audit Committee appointed them as the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal year 2009. Representatives of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP are expected to be present at the Annual Meeting with the opportunity to make a statement if they so desire and to be available to respond to appropriate questions. If the appointment is not ratified, the adverse vote will be considered as an indication to the Audit Committee that it should consider selecting another independent registered public accounting firm for the following fiscal year. Even if the selection is ratified, the Audit Committee, in its discretion, may select a new independent registered public accounting firm at any time during the year if it believes that such a change would be in our best interest. THE BOARD RECOMMENDS THAT YOU VOTE “FOR” THE RATIFICATION OF THE APPOINTMENT OF PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LLP AS THE COMPANY’S INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM FOR FISCAL YEAR 2009. PROPOSAL THREE: SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL FOR APPROVAL OF SURVIVOR BENEFITS Amalgamated Bank, 275 Seventh Avenue, New York, New York 10001, has informed us that it intends to present the proposal set forth below at our annual meeting. Amalgamated Bank states that it is the beneficial owner of 167,383 shares of our Common Stock. PROPOSAL RESOLVED: The shareholders of Johnson Controls, Inc. (the “Company”) hereby request the board of directors to adopt a policy of obtaining shareholder approval for any future agreements and corporate policies that could oblige the Company to make payments or awards following the death of a senior executive in the form of unearned salary or bonuses, accelerated vesting or the continuation in force of unvested equity grants, perquisites and other payments or awards made in lieu of compensation. This policy would not affect compensation that the executive chooses to defer during his or her lifetime. “Future severance agreements” include employment agreements containing severance provisions; retirement agreements; change in control agree- ments; and agreements renewing, modifying or extending any such agreements in effect on the date this Article is adopted. SUPPORTING STATEMENT As shareholders, we support a compensation philosophy that provides sufficient remu- neration to motivate and retain talented executives and that ties their pay to the 15
  • 18. long-term performance of the Company. We believe that such a “pay for performance” approach is needed to align the interests of executives with those of shareholders. “Golden coffin” agreements, which can require a company to make significant payments or awards after an executive’s death, are in our view inconsistent with that approach. Senior executives should have ample opportunities while they are alive to contribute to a pension fund, purchase life insurance, voluntarily defer compensation or engage in other estate planning strategies suitable to their needs. We see no reason to saddle shareholders with payments or awards when shareholders receive no services in return. The problem is well illustrated at Johnson Controls. According to the December 2007 proxy statement, the company would be obliged to pay out $36.3 million worth of annual and long-term bonuses, stock options, and restricted stock upon the death of John M. Barth, the chairman and chief executive officer. Additionally, the Company would be obliged to pay his base salary for ten years at an estimated cost of $14.2 million, for a total of $50.5 million. The value of similar packages for other senior executives ranges from $12 million to $24.5 million per executive. These potential payments can cost shareholders significantly. Consequently, we request that the Company adopt a policy of providing shareholders with a vote on agreements and other corporate policies that could provide payments or awards after a senior executive’s death that are unrelated to services actually being rendered to the Company. We believe that the existence of such a shareholder approval requirement may induce restraint when parties negotiate such agreements. The proposal does not require prior shareholder approval, which may not always be practical to obtain, and the proposal leaves flexibility to seek approval after material terms of an agreement are agreed upon. We urge shareholder to vote FOR this proposal. RECOMMENDATION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS RECOMMENDS A VOTE AGAINST THE PROPOSAL After reviewing and considering carefully this proposal, our Board and the Compensa- tion Committee have determined that the proposal is not in the best interests of our shareholders and oppose the proposal for the following reasons. 1. Our Board and the Compensation Committee recognize the need to attract and retain talented executives. This must be done in the context of the competitive environment in which the Company exists. The Company’s current compensation practices have been determined to be competitive, and particularly with respect to benefits payable upon an executive’s death. 2. The majority of the current plans under which executives are entitled to benefits upon death, including a restricted stock plan, a stock option plan, an annual bonus plan and a long-term bonus plan, have already been approved by the Company’s share- holders. As a result, the intent of this shareholder proposal has already been largely realized, since shareholder oversight and approval have been obtained. It is important to note that, since last year’s proxy disclosure, the Board has taken action to reduce the executive survivor death benefit payable upon an executive’s death. Also, the death benefits which are the subject of the resolution do not continue once an executive has retired from the Company. 16
  • 19. 3. The Board and the Compensation Committee are best positioned, with access to independent experts, to exercise discretion and to make decisions with respect to executive compensation that are in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders. As mentioned above, to attract and retain a qualified and effective global management team in the marketplace for executive talent, it is vital that we offer compensation and benefits that are competitive with those that our peer companies offer. Staying compet- itive in many cases requires us to adapt rapidly to fast-moving trends in the market- place and to the circumstances of individual executive officers or officer candidates. Putting decisions to a shareholder vote is a slow and costly process, and requiring shareholder approval of employment agreements and policies that provide for benefits following the death of a senior executive officer could therefore impair our ability to fill critical executive positions by impeding our ability to negotiate agreements or imple- ment policies that address the competitive market, the needs of our company and the nature of the particular situation. The ability to seek approval after material terms of an arrangement are agreed upon, as the proposal contemplates, is little (if any) consola- tion, because executive officers and officer candidates will not want to negotiate or otherwise commit to employment arrangements that remain subject to shareholder approval. We believe the benefits we have offered and currently offer upon the death of an executive officer to his or her survivors are reasonable within the overall structure of our compensation programs. Many of the provisions that give our executives rights on death are within plans that shareholders have already approved. These plans include a restricted stock plan and stock option plan that provide for accelerated vesting of equity awards and an annual bonus plan and long-term bonus plan that provide for pro rata incentive awards. We have offered the remaining benefit — the executive survivor benefit — in lieu of group term life insurance to senior executives since 1982. We believe all of these elements are integral parts of a compensation package for our executive officers that is competitive but not excessive. In this regard, we recently reduced the amount of the executive survivor benefit in response to a report that the Compensation Committee’s outside expert provided. The report indicated that the benefit we were providing was based on a higher multiple of pay than were similar benefits that our peer companies provided to their executive officers. As a result of this change and other factors, the benefits our executive officers would have received upon a termination of employment as a result of death as of September 30. 2008 are lower than the corresponding benefits as of September 30, 2007, which we reported in our 2007 proxy statement and which the proposal’s supporting statement cites. As we discuss in “Executive Compensation — Compensation Discussion and Analysis”, the Compensation Committee, which is comprised solely of independent directors, gener- ally targets the total direct compensation opportunity for our executive officers at the 50th percentile of a peer group consisting of companies that are in our industry or of similar size or against which we compete for talent. Our Board and the Compensation Committee, to which our Board has delegated the authority to approve and monitor compensation and benefit programs for our executive officers, believe that we need flexible compensation policies and procedures to permit us to achieve these objectives. In contrast, by requiring shareholder approval of a specific term of compensation arrangements, the proposal would not allow for the exercise by the Compensation Committee of the discretion and judgment necessary to establish appropriate executive compensation. Fixing individual compensation terms involves a host of factors and judgments. Because of this inherent complexity, our Board believes that individual compensation decisions are best made by the Compen- sation Committee, which consists of experienced, independent directors who dedicate substantial time and attention to compensation decisions and who receive advice from 17
  • 20. an outside expert who answers directly to the Compensation Committee rather than to management. We agree with the proposal’s supporting statement that “a ‘pay for performance’ approach is needed,” but we believe that our executive compensation programs already embody a pay for performance approach and that our corporate performance bears this out. A central objective of our executive compensation programs, as we discuss in “Executive Compensation — Compensation Discussion and Analysis,” is to focus our executive officers on continuing to deliver strong results for our shareholders by placing primary emphasis on performance-based variable compensation. Our programs demonstrably emphasize performance-based pay. We have a long history of strong results, and we believe our practice of linking compensation with corporate perfor- mance has contributed significantly to our track record. In summary, our Board believes that our compensation practices have been and will continue to be a key factor in our ability to deliver strong results. Our Board believes the requirements of the proposal would place us at a competitive disadvantage in recruiting and retaining executive talent and that it is in the best interests of our company and our shareholders to retain flexibility in structuring our executive compen- sation programs. Our Compensation Committee is best positioned to exercise that judgment, and the spirit of the shareholder proposal has already been substantially met, since shareholders have already approved many of the provisions which make up the Company’s approach to providing benefits upon an executive’s death. THE BOARD RECOMMENDS THAT YOU VOTE AGAINST THIS PROPOSAL. PROXIES SOLICITED BY THE BOARD WILL BE VOTED AGAINST THIS PROPOSAL UNLESS OTHERWISE INSTRUCTED. COMPENSATION COMMITTEE REPORT The Compensation Committee has reviewed and discussed the Compensation Discus- sion and Analysis included in this proxy statement with management. Based on this review, the Compensation Committee recommended to the Board of Directors that the Compensation Discussion and Analysis be included in our proxy statement relating to the 2009 Annual Meeting of Shareholders. Southwood J. Morcott, Chairman Dennis W. Archer Eugenio Clariond Reyes-Retana Jeffrey A. Joerres William H. Lacy Members, Compensation Committee COMPENSATION DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION As we discuss on page 20, the Compensation Committee (the “Committee”) of our Board of Directors (the “Board”) has the sole authority, delegated by our Board, to approve and monitor all compensation and benefit programs (other than broad-based welfare benefit programs) for our executive officers including the officers we name in the Summary Compensation Table (“named executive officers”). The Committee seeks to ensure that our compensation policies and practices are consistent with our values and support the successful recruitment, development, and retention of executive talent so we can achieve our business objectives and optimize our long-term financial returns. The Committee reports its actions and decisions to the Board. 18
  • 21. We have a long history of strong results, and we believe our practice of linking compensation with corporate performance has contributed significantly to our track record. Over the past 10 years, we have grown net sales at an average annualized growth rate of 12% and have grown earnings at an average annualized growth rate of 15%. Our operations are located in more than 60 countries throughout the world, and we generate over 50% of our net sales outside of the United States. What are the objectives of our executive compensation programs? The main objectives of our executive compensation programs are to: • attract, motivate, and retain a highly qualified and effective global management team to deliver superior performance that builds shareholder value over the long term. • recognize performance achievements at the company and business unit level. • recognize an executive’s leadership abilities, scope of responsibilities, experience, effectiveness, and individual performance achievements. • reward the achievement of strategic, financial and leadership objectives that are closely aligned with the interests of our shareholders. We develop our compensation plans to motivate our executives to improve our overall corporate performance and profitability of the specific business unit for which they are responsible. • focus our executives on continuing to deliver strong results for our shareholders by placing primary emphasis on performance-based variable compensation and stock ownership. We design annual and long-term cash incentive awards to recognize achievement of growth in pre-tax earnings regardless of global economic conditions and factors impacting our markets. Long-term equity incentive awards include stock options and restricted stock, which focus executive officers on and reward them for building shareholder value. We use a multi-year vesting schedule for our stock options and restricted stock to retain our executives. • ensure that our compensation programs are competitive within the marketplace. What are the elements of our executive compensation program? Our executive compensation program consists of the following elements: • base salary; • annual incentive performance awards (an annual cash-based incentive); • long-term incentive performance awards (a rolling three year cash-based incentive); • stock options; • restricted stock; and • retirement and other benefits. The following sections discuss each element individually and in more detail. We define total direct compensation as the executive’s base salary, annual incentive performance award, long-term incentive performance award, stock options, and restricted stock. Our pay mix (the proportion of one compensation element of direct compensation compared to the total of all elements of direct compensation) is heavily weighted toward a strong relationship between our corporate or business unit perfor- mance and the executive’s pay. The elements of compensation that are based on 19
  • 22. corporate or business unit performance include annual cash incentive, long-term cash incentive, and equity incentives. In general, as an executive’s level or responsibility within our organization increases, so does the percentage of total compensation that we link to corporate or business unit performance. What process does the Committee use to review our executive compensation programs and determine compensation? The Committee is responsible for approving and monitoring the compensation and benefits we offer to our executive officers. The Committee evaluates executive pay each year, seeking to ensure that our compensation policies and practices are consis- tent with our philosophy. In evaluating the compensation of our Chief Executive Officer’s direct reports, the Committee also considers the Chief Executive Officer’s recommendations to the Committee. This includes the compensation of the other named executive officers, based on his review of their performance, job responsibilities, importance to our overall business strategy, and our compensation philosophy (including market practice). Our Chief Executive Officer does not make a recommenda- tion to the Committee regarding his own compensation. The Committee will generally determine an executive officer’s compensation based upon a desire to link compensation to the objectives of our executive compensation programs that we describe above under “What are the objectives of our executive compensation programs?” The Committee considers these factors collectively and ultimately uses its subjective judgment in making final decisions concerning compensation. To support its annual review of our executive compensation and benefit programs for fiscal year 2008, the Committee engaged Towers Perrin, an independent compensation consultant, to conduct a marketplace review of the compensation we pay to our executive officers. Towers Perrin provided the Committee with relevant market data and alternatives to consider when making compensation decisions for the executive officers. Towers Perrin benchmarked our compensation against a group of publicly-traded companies, which we refer to as the “Compensation Peer Group.” In benchmarking our compensation, Towers Perrin used regression analysis to adjust the data based on the revenue sizes of the companies in the Compensation Peer Group to match our revenue size. The Compensation Peer Group, which the Committee annually reviews and updates, consists of companies against which we believe we compete for talent, that are in our industry or a similar industry, have similar market capitalization, or that are similar in size based on revenue. For purposes of the Committee’s annual review of fiscal year 2008 compensation and benefit programs, the following companies comprised the Compensation Peer Group: • 3M Company • Eaton Corp. • Lockheed Martin Corp. • Alcoa Inc. • Emerson Electric Co. • Motorola Inc. • Caterpillar Inc. • General Dynamics Corp. • Northrop Grumman Corp. • Deere & Company • Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. • Raytheon Co. • Delphi Corp. • Honeywell International Inc. • United Technologies Corp. • Dow Chemical • Illinois Tool Works • Visteon Corp. • E.I. du Pont de Nemours • Lear Corp. • Whirlpool Corp. During fiscal year 2008, for purposes relating to fiscal year 2009 compensation, we changed the Compensation Peer Group slightly from the peer group above. We removed Delphi Corp. and Visteon Corp, which continue to experience low market capitalization, and added International Paper, an international manufacturing company with a market capitalization more similar to ours. 20
  • 23. When the Compensation Peer Group gives us inadequate data for a particular execu- tive officer due to insufficient sample size, Towers Perrin uses data concerning compensation that companies that Towers Perrin classifies as general industrial companies provide to their executives. Towers Perrin also uses regression analysis to adjust the data based on the revenue sizes of these companies to match our revenue size. When determining fiscal year 2008 compensation, the Committee did not, however, require the use of general industrial data to make any specific compensation decisions for the named executive officers. Towers Perrin did not provide the Committee with, and the Committee was not aware of, the identities of the companies that participated in the survey of general industrial companies. We generally set the total direct compensation opportunity based on the 50th percentile of the Compensation Peer Group. Our approach results in some pay difference among our named executive officers, which is consistent with the survey data. As we discuss above, final decisions concerning compensation reflect performance achievements at a company and business unit level and our views regarding an executive officer’s leadership abilities, scope of responsibilities, experience, effectiveness and individual performance achievements. To determine the amount of compensation under each component of total direct compen- sation, we start by setting a target for total annual cash compensation (base salary and a target payout percentage) according to market, again typically based on the 50th percen- tile of market comparables. We also consider other factors as we describe above. After we determine base salary and an annual incentive award target amount for an executive officer, we subtract the total of those amounts from the target total direct compensation for the executive officer and arrive at a target value for long-term incentive awards. We then break this value (which we refer to as the “annualized expected value of long-term incentive award opportunities”) into three parts: a target long-term cash incentive award value, which we determine by evaluating market pay mix data and internal equity considerations; a stock option grant value; and a restricted stock grant value. In allocating equity compensation between stock options and restricted stock grants, we first determine the amount of restricted stock grants, based on an assessment of the executive officer’s individual performance and contributions to our company. We then allocate the difference between the executive officer’s target total direct compen- sation and the target annual cash compensation, target long-term cash incentive award value and restricted stock grant value to stock options. How do we determine base salaries for executive officers? We pay our named executive officers and other employees a base salary as part of a competitive compensation package and to provide a stable source of income. We typically consider salary levels as part of our annual compensation review process or upon a promotion. When we establish base salaries for executives, we consider salaries that companies in the Compensation Peer Group or general executive compensation industry survey pay for similar positions. When inadequate data is available from the companies in the Compensation Peer Group, we consider salaries that companies in the general executive compensation industry survey pay for similar positions. We generally attempt to set base salary at approximately the 50th percentile of the Compensation Peer Group subject to other variables as we describe above under “What process does the Committee use to review our executive compensation programs and determine compensation?” Salary changes are effective October 1 of each year to correspond with the beginning of the new fiscal year. 21
  • 24. How do we determine annual incentive performance awards? We offer annual incentive performance awards to give our executives incentives to achieve our fiscal year business and financial objectives, and we establish the award opportunities and related performance goals accordingly. We believe achieving these annual business and financial objectives is important to executing our business strategy and delivering long-term value to shareholders. For each fiscal year, the Committee approves a target payout (which we measure as a percentage of base salary) for each executive officer, as well as the potential payout percentages for maximum and threshold performance. For fiscal year 2008, the target payout percentages for the named executive officers ranged from 100% to 156% of base salaries. For each executive officer, the actual payout potentially could range from zero to two times the target payout percentage, depending on achievement of goals, with payments increasing as performance improved (though not above two times the target payout percentage). We sought to set the target payout percentages at approx- imately the 50th percentile of the Compensation Peer Group. In measuring whether the target payout percentages were approximately equal to the 50th percentile of the Compensation Peer Group, we excluded the portion of the target payout that is subject to discretionary adjustment based on individual performance as we describe below. We have the discretion to decrease the size of the bonus payout based in part on an assessment of the executive officer’s individual performance. The Committee makes this assessment for our Chief Executive Officer based on its subjective evaluation of performance relative to strategic, financial and leadership objectives that the Committee or the Board of Directors has approved and has discretion to decrease the amount of the incentive award that the Chief Executive Officer would otherwise receive. Our Chief Executive Officer makes this assessment for the other executive officers based on his subjective evaluation of performance relative to strategic, financial and leadership objectives that he has approved and has the authority to decrease the amount of the incentive award that the executive officer would otherwise receive. Beginning with fiscal year 2009, we are granting awards under this program at the beginning of the fiscal year. Following past practice, we granted the fiscal year 2008 awards in September 2007, prior to the beginning of the 2008 fiscal year, and we disclosed the awards in the “Grants of Plan-Based Awards” table in the proxy statement for our 2008 annual meeting of shareholders. We are disclosing the threshold, target and maximum award potential for these awards again in the “Grants of Plan-Based Awards” in this proxy statement to provide a more complete picture of the non-equity incentive awards that impacted our named executive officers’ compen- sation for fiscal year 2008. We set the performance targets for fiscal year 2008 for Messrs. Barth, Roell, Wandell, McDonald and, with respect to 30% of their awards, Mr. Myers and Dr. Bolzenius using objectives for pre-tax earnings and pre-tax return on equity (“ROE”). We define pre-tax earnings as income from continuing operations, adjusted for incentive plan expense and certain significant non-recurring items that impact comparability, such as gain or loss on divestitures, restructuring expense (for example, we incurred a restructuring expense in fiscal year 2008), and the adoption of new accounting pronouncements, all as reflected in our audited financial statements that appear in our Annual Report on Form 10-K. We define ROE as pre-tax earnings divided by total shareholders’ equity at the beginning of the fiscal year (as reported in our Annual Report on Form 10-K). For fiscal year 2008, we set the pre-tax earnings target at $1.82 billion and the ROE target at 23.3%. The Committee approved potential payouts ranging from zero to 200% of the target payout percentages for Messrs. Barth, Roell, Wandell, and McDonald (which we discuss below) for various levels of performance against these performance targets. The Committee approved potential payouts ranging from zero to 200% with respect to 30% of the target payout percentages for Mr. Myers and Dr. Bolzenius (which we discuss 22
  • 25. below) for the same level of performance against these targets. An executive officer would not have received an annual incentive payout if our fiscal year 2008 pre-tax earnings were less than $1.45 billion. If our fiscal year pre-tax earnings were at least $1.45 billion, the minimum potential payout an officer would receive was 45% of the target incentive payout, and the payout amount could have increased if ROE exceeded 17.5%. An officer would have been eligible to receive the maximum potential payout if our performance met or exceeded 23.3% ROE and $2.08 billion of pre-tax earnings. For fiscal year 2008, the Committee based 70% of Mr. Myers’ incentive award on the performance of the Building Efficiency Group, using objectives for earnings before interest and tax (which we refer to as “EBIT”) and net cash from operations as a percent of revenue. We define EBIT for this purpose as business unit operating earnings, adjusted for incentive plan expenses and certain non-recurring items that impact comparability, all as reflected in our audited financial statements that appear in our Annual Report on Form 10-K. We define net cash from operations as trade working capital (defined as the sum of net accounts receivable, inventory, and net customer tooling less accounts payable). We may adjust net cash from operations and revenue for certain non-recurring items that impact comparability, such as acquisitions and divestitures. The targets were $1.03 billion in EBIT and 10% improvement over fiscal year 2007 in net cash from operations as a percent of revenue. The Committee approved potential payouts for Mr. Myers ranging from zero to two times the target payout percentages (which we discuss below) for various levels of Building Efficiency Group performance against these Building Efficiency Group perfor- mance targets. Mr. Myers would not have received any payout if fiscal year 2008 Building Efficiency Group EBIT was less than $823.20 million. If fiscal year 2008 Building Efficiency Group EBIT was at least $823.20 million, he would have received a minimum potential payout of 45% of the target incentive payout, and the payout amount could have increased as change in net cash from operations as a percent of revenue improved beyond -15%. Mr. Myers would have been eligible to receive the maximum potential payout if the Building Efficiency Group met or exceeded 35% improvement in net cash from operations and $1.09 billion EBIT. For fiscal year 2008, the Committee based 70% of Dr. Bolzenius’ incentive award on the performance of the Automotive Experience Group, again using objectives for EBIT and net cash from operations as a percent of revenue (defined above). The targets were $666.51 million in EBIT and 10% improvement over fiscal year 2007 in net cash from operations as a percent of revenue. The Committee approved potential payouts for Dr. Bolzenius ranging from zero to two times the target payout percentages (as we discuss below) for various levels of Automotive Experience Group performance against these Automotive Experience Group financial targets. Dr. Bolzenius would not have received any payout if fiscal year 2008 Automotive Experience Group EBIT was less than $530.62 million. If fiscal year 2008 Automotive Experience Group EBIT was at least $530.62 million, he would have received a minimum potential payout of 45% of the target incentive payout, and the payout amount could have increased as change in net cash from operations as a percent of revenue improved beyond -15%. Dr. Bolzenius would have been eligible to receive the maximum potential payout if the Automotive Experience Group met or exceeded 35% improvement in net cash from operations and $705.34 million EBIT. For fiscal year 2008, our actual financial results for the performance goals were 22.3% ROE and 1.99 billion in pre-tax earnings; 6.0% improvement in Building Efficiency Group net cash from operations and $1.02 billion in Building Efficiency Group EBIT; 26.7% improvement in the Automotive Experience Group net cash from operations and $753.6 million Automotive Experience Group EBIT. 23
  • 26. Based on this performance and after reflecting the exercise of discretion that we discuss above, the annual performance bonus that each named executive earned was above the target payout percentage level, as shown in the chart below. Amount Earned as a Percent of Target Position Name Payout Percentage Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Stephen A. Roell 168.7% Chairman of the Board* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... John M. Barth 168.7% President and Chief Operating Officer . . . . .... Keith E. Wandell 168.7% Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... R. Bruce McDonald 168.7% Vice President and President, Building Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... C. David Myers 111.1% Vice President and President, Automotive Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Beda Bolzenius 174.0% * Mr. Barth stepped down as our Chief Executive Officer on September 30, 2007, and retired as Chairman of the Board on December 31, 2007. As a result of his retirement, Mr. Barth’s actual award was prorated to 25% of the amount that he would have received for the full year, determined based on our actual performance for the year. How do we determine long-term cash incentive performance awards? We tie the value of awards under our long-term cash incentive program to our long- term performance over a three-year period, and the program therefore serves to ensure that an executive’s pay under this program depends upon the extent to which we achieve our long-term financial objectives. By using a mix of stock options, restricted stock, and the long-term cash incentive, we are able to compensate execu- tives for both sustained increases in our stock performance, as well as the achievement of key long-term financial objectives. We base the long-term incentive on achieving business plans that our Board approves. Beginning with fiscal year 2009, we are granting awards under this program at the beginning of the first fiscal year of the three- year performance period. Following past practice, we granted the fiscal year 2008 award in September 2007, prior to the beginning of our 2008 fiscal year, and we disclosed the awards in the “Grants of Plan-Based Awards” table in the proxy statement for our 2008 annual meeting of shareholders. We are disclosing the threshold, target and maximum award potential for these awards again in the “Grants of Plan-Based Awards” in this proxy statement to provide a more complete picture of the non-equity incentive awards that impacted our named executive officers’ compen- sation for fiscal year 2008. At the end of each performance period, the Committee applies the objective-based formula that it approved in advance to determine each executive’s award for the performance period. For the 2008-2010 three-year cycle, we have based each executive officer’s long-term cash incentive performance award opportunity on annual objectives for corporate pre- tax earnings and pre-tax return on invested capital (“ROIC”). We have established targets of $1.64 billion pre-tax earnings and 16.7% ROIC for fiscal year 2008. We define pre-tax earnings as income from continuing operations, adjusted for certain significant non-recurring items, such as gain or loss on divestitures, restructuring expense (for example, we incurred a restructuring expense in fiscal year 2008), and the adoption of new accounting pronouncements, all as reflected in our audited 24
  • 27. financial statements that appear in our Annual Report on Form 10-K. We define ROIC as pre-tax earnings adjusted by total financing costs, divided by invested capital. Invested capital is defined as the monthly weighted-average sum of shareholders equity plus total debt, less cash. We base the ROIC target each year on meeting the amounts set forth in the financial plan for that year. The Board reviews and approves the financial plan each year. An executive officer would not receive a long-term incentive payout with respect to fiscal year 2008 under the 2008-2010 award if our pre- tax earnings were less than $1.50 billion. An executive officer would receive the maximum potential payout with respect to fiscal year 2008 under the 2008-2010 award if our performance met or exceeded 18.0% ROIC and $1.79 billion pre-tax earnings. To calculate the payment an executive officer will receive under a long-term incentive award, we determine the performance results for each year in the three-year cycle, and calculate a weighted average for the three-year cycle based on the following: weighted 1⁄6 for the first year in performance cycle, weighted 2⁄6 for the second year in performance cycle, and weighted 3⁄6 for the third year in the performance cycle. Executive officers were eligible in fiscal year 2008 for a payout under the three-year performance cycle of 2006-2008. For this cycle, the payout target percentages ranged from 65% to 130% of base salary for the named executive officers. The two financial measures for this cycle were pre-tax earnings and pre-tax ROIC. Our pre-tax earnings results were $1.29 billion, $1.60 billion, and $1.79 billion for 2006, 2007, and 2008, respectively, and our pre-tax ROIC results were 14.4%, 15.2%, and 15.4% for 2006, 2007, and 2008, respectively. This performance resulted in payout percentages of 178.2%, 194.7%, and 150.9% of target for 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively. The Committee approved the payout percentage that executive officers earned under the program as shown in the chart below. We show the amount (combined with the annual cash bonus incentive that our named executive officers received for performance in fiscal year 2008) in the Summary Compensation Table under the column heading “Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation.” Amount Earned as a Percent of Target Position Name Incentive Chairman of the Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John M. Barth 170.0% Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stephen A. Roell 170.0% President and Chief Operating Officer. . . . . . . Keith E. Wandell 170.0% Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. Bruce McDonald 170.0% Vice President and President, Building Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. David Myers 170.0% Vice President and President, Automotive Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beda Bolzenius 170.0% * Mr. Barth stepped down as our Chief Executive Officer on September 30, 2007, and retired as Chairman of the Board on December 31, 2007. As a result of his retirement, Mr. Barth’s actual award was prorated to 75% of the amount that he would have received for three-year performance cycle, determined based on our actual performance for that performance period. 25
  • 28. How do we determine stock option awards? We award stock options to executives to: • enhance the link between creating shareholder value and long-term incentive compensation, because the recipient realizes value from options only to the extent the value of our stock increases after the date of the option grant; • maintain competitive levels of total compensation; and • retain outstanding employees by requiring that executives continue their employment with our company to vest options. Our executives, including our named executive officers, must earn the options through continued service. The options will vest 50% two years after the date of grant and 50% three years after the date of grant, subject to continued employment (with earlier vesting on retirement), and have a ten-year exercise term. We made all of our stock option grants to the executives in fiscal year 2008 pursuant to our 2007 Stock Option Plan, which shareholders approved in January 2007. The exercise price of fiscal year 2008 stock options is equal to the New York Stock Exchange closing price of our common stock on the date of the grant. We do not engage in or permit “backdating” or repricing of stock options, and our equity compen- sation plans prohibit these practices. We provide the fiscal year 2008 stock option grant details for each named executive officer in the “Grant of Plan-Based Awards” table and related footnotes. We determine stock option awards based on the value of the executive officer’s total direct compen- sation that we intend to deliver less the value of all other elements of direct compensa- tion. Towers Perrin values the options using a binomial valuation methodology. Our policy on granting equity awards states that our annual stock option grant occurs and is effective on the first business day of our fiscal year and that any subsequent stock option grants occur and are effective on the date of a regularly scheduled Compensation Committee meeting. Executive officers do not have a role in the timing of option grants. We do not choose the time for making option grants based in any way on any pending release to the public of material information. How do we determine restricted stock awards? We generally award restricted stock to our executive officers in alternating years. At the beginning of fiscal year 2008, the Compensation Committee approved a restricted stock grant. We intend our restricted stock awards to: • tie executive officer’s long-term financial interests to the long-term financial interests of shareholders by exposing them to downside equity performance risk, further aligning the interests of executive officers with the interests of shareholders; • retain key executive officers through the four-year vesting period (subject to continued vesting for executive officers who retire); and • maintain a market competitive position for total compensation. We provide the fiscal year 2008 restricted stock grant details for each named executive officer in the “Grant of Plan-Based Awards” table and related footnotes. We determine restricted stock awards by subtracting from the value of the executive officer’s total direct compensation that we intend to deliver the value of all other elements of direct compensation and allocating a portion of the resulting difference to restricted stock awards. We determine the portion allocable to restricted stock awards based on an 26
  • 29. assessment of the executive officer’s individual performance, contribution to our company, and retention objectives. The Committee makes the assessment regarding individual performance and contributions for our Chief Executive Officer based on its subjective evaluation relative to strategic, financial and leadership objectives that the Committee or the Board of Directors has approved. Our Chief Executive Officer makes this assessment for the other executive officers based on his subjective evaluation relative to strategic, financial and leadership objectives that he has approved. Because we generally award restricted stock in alternating years, we treat half of the value of the award as attributable to the year of grant, which is fiscal 2008 in this case. (We allocate the remaining portion of total direct compensation to stock option awards as we describe above under “How do we determine stock option awards?”). Towers Perrin values the restricted stock awards using a binomial valuation methodology. How do we determine retirement and other benefits? We evaluate retirement and other benefits based on market practice of the Compensa- tion Peer Group and general executive compensation industry data. We have a long history of providing retirement benefits to our U.S. salaried employees. We provide our retirement benefits through the following plans: • A pension plan. All of our U.S.-based salaried employees that we hired before January 1, 2006 participate in this plan, including all of our named executive officers other than Dr. Bolzenius. Under the pension plan, a participant who has completed five continuous years of employment with us earns the right to receive certain benefits, based upon the participant’s years of service and average compensation upon retirement at normal retirement age or upon early retirement on or after age 55 with ten years of service. However, for York International Corp. employees, including Mr. Myers, service after December 31, 2003 does not count as benefit service under the formula in this plan. Under an agreement that we negotiated with Dr. Bolzenius at the time he joined our company, we continued Dr. Bolzenius’ German pension agreement, providing benefits that we believed were consistent with those given to senior executives of a German company. • A 401(k) plan. The plan generally covers all of our U.S. employees, including the named executive officers other than Dr. Bolzenius, who waived his participation in the plan in exchange for continued accrual of benefits under his German pension agreement. Under the 401(k) plan, participants can contribute up to 25% of their compensation on a pre-tax basis, although our executive officers can contribute only up to 6% of their compensation. We make a matching contribution of 50% to 100%, based on company performance, of each dollar of employee contributions up to 6% of the employee’s eligible compensation. In addition, for employees that we hired on or after January 1, 2006 and for York employees who are no longer receiving service credit under the pension plan, including Mr. Myers, we make an annual retirement contribution of 1% to 7% of the participant’s annual compensation based on the participant’s age and service. Both the matching contribution and the annual retire- ment contribution are subject to vesting requirements. • A Retirement Restoration Plan. Because the Internal Revenue Code, or the “Code”, limits the benefits we can provide under the pension plan and the 401(k) plan, we sponsor our Retirement Restoration Plan. The Retirement Restoration Plan generally allows all employees that the Code limitations impact to obtain the full intended benefit from the pension and 401(k) plans, without regard to the Code limits, upon meeting vesting requirements. These employees include our named executive offi- cers, except that Mr. Myers, along with all other York employees, is not eligible to participate in the pension component of the Retirement Restoration Plan. Dr. Bolze- nius is not eligible to participate in the Retirement Restoration Plan as a result of his 27
  • 30. waiver of participation in the 401(k) plan. In addition, only the executive officers are allowed to contribute, on a pre-tax basis, up to 6% of their compensation that is not allowed to be deferred into the 401(k) plan and to receive a supplemental matching contribution. We provide these retirement benefits to our executive officers to help them prepare for a financially secure retirement, to provide an incentive to stay with us by recognizing tenure, and to offer what we believe is a competitive compensation package. We have summarized the various retirement plans in which our named executive officers may participate in greater detail in the narrative following the “Pension Benefits” table. Our named executive officers also participate in the Executive Deferred Compensation Plan, under which we permit all senior leaders required to own equity in our company to elect to defer receipt of all or any part of the compensation they would receive under the Annual and Long-Term Incentive Performance Plan or, historically, the 2001 Restricted Stock Plan, until certain pre-determined payment dates. However, in January 2008, we amended the 2001 Restricted Stock Plan to remove the option for deferral. Therefore, any restricted stock grants made after January 2008 will not be subject to the Executive Deferred Compensation Plan. We provide the Executive Deferred Compensation Plan as a vehicle to assist participants in saving for a secure future by allowing participants to defer compensation and associated taxes until retirement or other termination of employment. We discuss the Executive Deferred Compensation Plan in further detail in the narrative following the “Nonqualified Deferred Compensation” table. We maintain an Executive Survivor Benefits Plan for executive officers as an element of what we believe is a competitive compensation package. Under this plan, if a participating executive officer dies while he or she is an employee, then we will make certain payments to his or her beneficiary. We offer this benefit to executive officers, and coverage is in lieu of our regular group life insurance coverage and any other executive life insurance policy. We amended this plan during 2008 so that its benefits are more consistent with those that our Compensation Peer Group provides. All benefits under our Executive Survivor Benefits Plan cease upon retirement or other termination of employment. Do we provide perquisites to our executive officers? According to our compensation philosophy, we limit perquisites to our executive officers. We maintain a written formal policy regarding eligibility and use of perquisites, and we do not allow exceptions outside of the written policy. In general, we intend the perquisites we provide to help executive officers be more productive and efficient, or to protect us and the individual executive officer from certain business risks and potential threats. In fiscal year 2008, our named executive officers received perquisites of the following types: assistance with financial planning, personal use of a company airplane (personal use of airplane is minimal, and the cumulative fiscal year 2008 value of the personal use for all named executive officers was less than $10,000), and club dues. The Committee periodically reviews competitive market data to ensure that the perqui- sites we provide to executive officers are reasonable and within market practice. The Committee annually reviews use of perquisites to ensure compliance with our formal policy. Separate from the perquisites policy, we have a company vehicle policy that provides personal use of a vehicle to all senior leadership, including our executive officers (the type of vehicle varies by leadership level and is limited to vehicles that use our 28
  • 31. automotive seating and interiors products so that executives can experience the effectiveness of our products). Do we have stock ownership requirements? We have stock ownership requirements because we believe material stock ownership by executives plays a role in effectively aligning the interests of these employees with those of our shareholders and strongly motivates executives to build long-term share- holder value. We therefore maintain an executive stock ownership policy that requires our executives to hold significant amounts of our stock. The following forms of stock ownership count toward the ownership requirement under the policy: • Shares the executive or immediate family members residing in the same household own outright; • Stock the executive holds through the Johnson Controls, Inc. 401(k) Savings & Investment Plan; • Restricted stock that we have issued to an executive when fully vested; • Stock units that we have credited to executives under deferred compensation plans; and • Shares that a trustee holds for the benefit of the executive. Each executive officer named below that has been an employee of our company for three years or more has exceeded his respective guideline as of September 30, 2008. Executives failing to meet their required ownership level within a five-year period after becoming an executive officer will not receive future equity grants until their ownership requirement is met. The guidelines for executive officer stock ownership under our Executive Stock Owner- ship Policy are as follows: Minimum Ownership Position Name Multiple Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Stephen A. Roell 5 times base salary President and Chief Operating Officer . ...... Keith E. Wandell 3 times base salary Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer . . . . . . . . . . . ...... R. Bruce McDonald 3 times base salary Vice President and President, Building Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... C. David Myers(1) 3 times base salary Vice President and President, Automotive Experience . . . . . . . . . . ...... Beda Bolzenius(2) 3 times base salary Other Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 3 times base salary (1) Mr. Myers has until 2011 to meet his requirement. (2) Dr. Bolzenius has until 2012 to meet his requirement. We also maintain the 2001 Common Stock Purchase Plan for Executives, or the CSPPE, which facilitates our executives’ acquisition of our common stock. Participants in the CSPPE may deduct from their pay up to $2,500 per month to purchase shares of our common stock. Participants pay a nominal brokerage fee or commission, and 29
  • 32. the price of each share is 100% of the average price of shares purchased by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as agent for the participants. Does the Committee consider the impact of tax and accounting rules and regulations? Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code limits us from deducting compensation that we pay in any year to our principal executive officer or other three most highly- compensated officers (other than our principal financial officer) in excess of $1 million, unless that compensation meets the requirements under Section 162(m) for “qualifying performance-based” compensation (i.e., compensation that we pay only if the individu- al’s performance meets objective goals that the Committee has established in advance based on performance criteria that shareholders have approved). The Committee continues to emphasize performance-based compensation for executives, thus mini- mizing the consequences to us of Section 162(m) limits. However, the Committee believes that its primary responsibility is to provide a compensation program that attracts, retains, and rewards the executive talent necessary for our success. Conse- quently, in any year, the Committee may authorize compensation that is not fully deductible under Section 162(m) if it believes such compensation is necessary to achieve our compensation objectives and protect the interests of our shareholders. Do we utilize employment and change of control contracts? As we discuss more fully on page 43, we have entered into employment agreements with all of our executive officers. The employment agreements protect us from certain business risks (threats from competitors, loss of confidentiality or trade secrets, dispar- agement, solicitation of customers and employees) and define our right to terminate the employment relationship. The employment agreements also protect our executive officers from certain risks, such as death or disability, by providing for payment and benefits in the event of certain terminations of employment. Our agreements provide for the events triggering benefits under the employment agreements, which we describe under “Potential Payments and Benefits upon Termination or Change of Control,” because we believe, based solely on the subjective judgments and experi- ences of the members of the Committee, that the terminations of employment that trigger benefits are likely to involve circumstances in which it is customary and appropriate to offer the protections embodied in the employment agreements. In addition to employment agreements, as we discuss more fully on page 48, we have entered into change of control agreements with our executive officers. The agreements provide that our named executive officers may be eligible to receive payments and other benefits if there is a change of control of our company. In addition, our executive officers may receive benefits under our equity and bonus plans if there is a change of control of our company. We intend the change of control benefits to provide some economic stability to our executive officers to enable them to focus on the performance of their duties and the best interests of our company and our shareholders without undue concern over their personal circumstances if there is a potential change of control of our company. We provide for acceleration of equity and incentive awards, in particular, to protect our executive officers’ opportunities to earn the awards if a change of control occurs. Annually, the Corporate Governance Committee reviews employment and change of control arrangements and reports its findings and recommendations to the Board. Based on our annual review, we determined that the amounts payable under the arrangements on certain triggering events, as we describe under “Potential Payments and Benefits upon Termination or Change of Control,” were consistent with market competitive practices. 30