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Photovoltaic Devices: 
Life Cycle Considerations 
Gavin D. J. 
Welsh Energy Sector Training (WEST) Conference, 
Liberty Stadium, 
Swansea, Wales, 
16th September 2014


What is Life Cycle Assessment? 
A life cycle assessment gathers every 
aspect of the products environmental 
impact from the gathering of the raw 
materials used to produce the 
product components, all the way 
through the manufacture and use of 
the product to the impact the 
disposal of the product has on the 




Why is Life Cycle Assessment 
• Lifecycle assessment helps us to make comparisons 
between different products and services to understand 
their impact on the environment over the whole of their 
• The results of the study provide the manufacturer and 
material suppliers with information to reduce life cycle 
impacts of the products. 
• It also helps consumers to make informed decisions about 
the relative environmental benefits of a range of different 
• It can inform operating, manufacturing and supply chain 
decisions to move towards more sustainable options.


Standards for Life Cycle Assessment 
• ISO 14000 series of environmental management standards. 
• ISO 14040:2006 Life Cycle Assessment 
• Environmental management -- Life cycle assessment -- Principles 
and framework 
Stage 1 
Defining the goal 
and scope of the 
ISO 14041 
Stage 2 
Life cycle 
inventory analysis 
ISO 14042 
Stage 3 
Impact Analysis 
ISO 14043 
Stage 4 
Identification of 
materials, processes 
and products to be 
considered within 
the LCA. What are 
the terms of 
Collect numbers on 
the sources of 
energy and raw 
materials that are 
consumed by and 
the wastes that are 
released from the 
Translate the 
numerical data on 
the inputs and 
outputs of the 
system into real 
world terms; how 
does this affect the 
Use the data 
gained from the 
LCA in order to 
draw conclusions, 
on how


Photovoltaic Devices: Life Cycle Considerations


The Lifecycle of a 
Photovoltaic Installation


Lifecycle of Silicon Photovoltaics 
• Quartzite rock is mined. 
• Fossil fuels are used in the 
processes of mining. 
• The landscape is 
irrevocably changed by 
mining operations 
Sherwani, Usmani & Varun (2010) Life 
cycle assessment of solar PV based 
electricity generation systems: A review, 
Renewable and Sustainable Energy 
Reviews, Volume 14, Issue 1, January 
2010, Pages 540–544


Lifecycle of Silicon Photovoltaics 
• The silicon dioxide (SiO2) is 
reduced to silica (Si) with 
carbon (C) in a large arc 
• Further silicon is purified in the 
furnace by repeatedly pouring 
it and blowing with 
oxygen/chlorine mixture and 
finally solidifying it. 
• This metallurgical grade is 
further purified for use in semi-conductor 
form. Sherwani, Usmani & Varun (2010) Life 
cycle assessment of solar PV based 
electricity generation systems: A review, 
Renewable and Sustainable Energy 
Reviews, Volume 14, Issue 1, January 
2010, Pages 540–544 
Image © Edgar A. Gunther 


Lifecycle of 
Silicon Photovoltaics 
• The silicon is transformed 
into PV cells. 
• The process will be different 
depending on whether the 
cells are mono c-Si or poly 
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sonnenenergie – 
(2008) Planning and Installing Photovoltaic 
Systems, Earthscan, London


Module Assembly 
• The photovoltaic cells are 
then assembled into 
• Image right, Sharp 


Balance of Plant 
• There is also the lifecycle of all of the “balance of system” 
to be considered as well. 
All components of 
the system have a 
lifecycle impact.


For conventional 
energy generation 
technologies, the 
majority of the 
impact is in the 
operation use or 
generation phase. 
For photovoltaic 
cells, the bulk of the 
impact occurs in the 
production of the 


End of Life (Disposal / Recovery) 
• Energy and materials are consumed in the disposal of 
photovoltaic devices. 
• Increasingly waste is seen as a resource, rather than something 
to be disposed of, there is the potential to turn this waste 
stream into new products with reduced environmental impact. 
• Newer PV technologies such as DSC have shorter lifecycles 
due to degradation mechanisms and a lack of product 
durability. Here, end of life becomes a greater consideration. 
• ‘Design for disassembly’ 
• Building lifecycles are usually much longer than the lifecycle of 
PV devices, so buildings must be planned with the anticipation 
of PV replacement at some point in their lifecycle.


Cradle to Cradle 
• Look at moving towards a 
“circular” photovoltaic 
economy, where panels at 
the end of life become the 
feedstock for new panel 
• Moving from “Open 
System” to “Closed Loop” 
• End of life regulations are a 
substantial move in this 


Planning for End-Of-Life


End of Life Considerations for PV 
• In a separate presentation, we will explore the impact of 
the WEEE regulations on the End of Life considerations for 
• Different photovoltaic technologies have different life 
• Silicon photovoltaics are a durable option. 
• Some technologies such as DSSC & Organic PVs currently have 
shorter lifespans. 
• From a construction perspective, if we are going to 
integrate photovoltaic devices into buildings, we need to 
consider carefully our plans for the end of the 
photovoltaic cells useful life.


How long do PV’s last? 
• Insufficient data to be 
truly certain. 
• Photovoltaic 
Degradation Rates — 
An Analytical Review 
NREL is a good study. 
Amorphous silicon (a- 
Cadmium telluride 
Copper indium gallium 
selenide (CIGS) 
Monocrystalline silicon 
Polycrystalline silicon 
PV Output Loss % per Year (NREL) 
Output loss in percent per year Pre 2000 Output loss in percent per year Post 2000


PV Warranties 
• The adjacent graph, 
shows the warranties 
offered by some PV 
• A warranty considered 
standard by many in the 
industry is the 
performance of the PVs 
should be no less than 
80% of rated power after 
25 years


Anecdotal Reports of PV Life 
• There are a number of anecdotal reports that give 
encouraging signs about silicon PV lifespans. 
• An Arco Solar 16-2000 33W outperformed it’s factory spec 
30 years after it was manufactured. 
• The first “modern” solar panel still works after 60 years. 
• Kyocera reports a number of solar power installations that 
continue to operate reliably and generate electricity. 
These installations are all nearly 30 years old.


Financial Lifespan vs. Actual 
• We tend to consider “20 years” as the lifespan of a PV 
installation when calculating the financial returns. 
• However, the actual in-service life, in many cases would 
seem to exceed the performance used for financial 


That said… 
• More regular replacement required of other 
• For off-grid, or grid storage systems, batteries 
typically require replacement every five years or 
• Inverters and power electronics wear out, and 
may also require replacement every 5-10 years.


Cultures of Construction 
United States – Shingle Roof 
Replaced every 25 years 
United Kingdom – Slate Roof 
Replaced every 100+ years


Cultures of Construction 
• Building Integrated Photovoltaic Devices may require 
changes of culture within the construction industry. 
• “Bolt on” photovoltaics can be removed relatively easily. 
• Truly “Building Integrated” PV devices may require structured 
planning for End-of-Life and replacement considerations. 
• If we consider the lifecycle of photovoltaics is relatively 
short in comparison with the lifetime of the building; then 
we can anticipate that within a building lifecycle, there 
may need to be several replacements of photovoltaic 


On Photovoltaic LCA Considerations


Lifecycle Analyses in the Literature 
• Over the past thirty years a great deal of 
data has been gained on the Lifecycle 
impacts of PV systems. 
• There are hundreds of different LCAs 
available in the academic literature on a 
range of different types of system and 
• There are wide variations in the outcomes of 
LCA evaluations of PV technologies.


Variations in the Literature 
• Variation could be attributed to 
• differences in technologies evaluated 
• differing system designs 
• commercial versus conceptual systems, 
• system operating assumptions, 
• technology improvements over time 
• LCA methods and assumptions 
NREL (2012) 
• Meta analysis “aggregates” these different 
examples from the literature into a more coherent 


Comparison of as-published 
life cycle 
greenhouse gas 
emission estimates for 
electricity generation 
technologies. The 
impacts of the land use 
change are excluded 
from this analysis. 
Credit: Sathaye, J., O. Lucon, A. Rahman, J. Christensen, 
F. Denton, J. Fujino, G. Heath, S. Kadner, M. Mirza, H. 
Rudnick, A. Schlaepfer, A. Shmakin, 2011: Renewable 
Energy in the Context of Sustainable Energy. In IPCC 
Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and 
Climate Change Mitigation [O. Edenhofer, R. Pichs- 
Madruga, Y. Sokona, K. Seyboth, P. Matschoss, S. 
Kadner, T. Zwickel, P. Eickemeier, G. Hansen, S. Schlömer, 
C. von Stechow (eds)], Cambridge University Press. 
Figure 9.8 


MacKay (2008) 
LCA: PV’s in Use 
• Land use an important 
consideration “in Use” 
• (Hence the need to 
make good use of 
roof spaces with 


Why is Life Cycle Assessment 
relevant to the Welsh Solar 
• Trade wars between EU / China 
• China can manufacture Photovoltaic devices more 
• BUT Heavily reliant on dirty forms of energy. 
• Poor environmental controls compared to EU Solar Industry. 
• Need to question ourselves and our motives… 
• Why are we actually pushing for photovoltaics devices. 
• Cleaner, more responsible energy future. 
• Potential for Welsh Solar industry to regain competitive 
advantage if life cycle impacts of PV installations rise up 
the political agenda.


Life Cycle Assessment: EU vs. China 
• Yue, You & Darling (2014) identify that most pre-existing 
literature on Solar PV LCA focused on the US / EU. 
• This contrasts with most PV manufacturing which is 
outsourced to non-OECD countries. 
• These countries have radically different conceptualisations 
of industrialisation and environmental protection. 
Dajun Yue, Fengqi You, Seth B. Darling, (2014) “Domestic and overseas 
manufacturing scenarios of silicon-based photovoltaics: Life cycle 
energy and environmental comparative analysis” Solar Energy, Volume 
105, July 2014, Pages 669–678


Life Cycle Assessment: EU vs. China 
• Their lifecycle analysis focuses on Crystalline Silicon 
technologies: looking at mono c-Si, poly c-Si and 
ribbon c-Si. 
• Thin film cells not considered in this analysis. 
• Challenges as there are gaps within the literature. 
• c-Si cell manufacture has become “commoditised” using 
standard processes and equipment, by contrast thin film cell 
manufacture is more “proprietary”. 
• Organic cells similarly in their infancy, so lack of data. 
Dajun Yue, Fengqi You, Seth B. Darling, (2014) “Domestic and overseas 
manufacturing scenarios of silicon-based photovoltaics: Life cycle 
energy and environmental comparative analysis” Solar Energy, Volume 
105, July 2014, Pages 669–678


Life Cycle Assessment: EU vs. China 
•The factors evaluated include: 
• Energy Payback 
• Energy Return on Investment 
• Greenhouse Gas Emissions 
Dajun Yue, Fengqi You, Seth B. Darling, (2014) “Domestic and overseas 
manufacturing scenarios of silicon-based photovoltaics: Life cycle 
energy and environmental comparative analysis” Solar Energy, Volume 
105, July 2014, Pages 669–678


Life Cycle Assessment: EU vs. China 
Cumulative Energy Demand 
(Lower is better) 
CN = China, RER = 
Dajun Yue, Fengqi You, Seth B. Darling, (2014) “Domestic and overseas 
manufacturing scenarios of silicon-based photovoltaics: Life cycle 
energy and environmental comparative analysis” Solar Energy, Volume 
105, July 2014, Pages 669–678


Life Cycle Assessment: EU vs. China 
Energy Payback Time 
(Lower is better) 
CN = China, RER = 
Dajun Yue, Fengqi You, Seth B. Darling, (2014) “Domestic and overseas 
manufacturing scenarios of silicon-based photovoltaics: Life cycle 
energy and environmental comparative analysis” Solar Energy, Volume 
105, July 2014, Pages 669–678


Life Cycle Assessment: EU vs. China 
Energy Return on Energy 
(Higher is better) 
CN = China, RER = 
Dajun Yue, Fengqi You, Seth B. Darling, (2014) “Domestic and overseas 
manufacturing scenarios of silicon-based photovoltaics: Life cycle 
energy and environmental comparative analysis” Solar Energy, Volume 
105, July 2014, Pages 669–678


Life Cycle Assessment: EU vs. China 
Carbon Footprints 
(Lower is better) 
CN = China, RER = 
Dajun Yue, Fengqi You, Seth B. Darling, (2014) “Domestic and overseas 
manufacturing scenarios of silicon-based photovoltaics: Life cycle 
energy and environmental comparative analysis” Solar Energy, Volume 
105, July 2014, Pages 669–678


Yue, You & Darling (2014) Conclusions 
• Mainstream Chinese-made silicon solar panels have more 
than twice the carbon footprint than panels made in 
• Mainstream Chinese-made silicon solar panels take up to 
30 percent longer to offset the energy used to make them 
• Their analysis doesn't include transportation costs to get 
them to Europe, which would magnify the discrepancy 
even more.


Yue, You & Darling (2014) Conclusions 
• Monocrystalline was found to have the longest energy 
payback period despite the best energy output. 
• Analysis comparing mono-Si and multi-Si technologies 
suggest that these do not significantly differ in life cycle 
GHG emissions 
• “Ribbon" silicon, stringing out the material from a molten 
bath, created the least efficient material but did so more 
efficiently and with faster energy payback.


Life Cycle Assessment: EU vs. China 
• Yue, You & Darling (2014) present a ‘break even 
carbon tariff’ on imported photovoltaic devices. 
• This would equate to €105–€129/ton CO2 
• This would offset environmental burden of 
imported PV. 
• Could improve fortunes of domestic 
DamjuannYuuefa, Fcentugqrei Yrso?u, Seth B. Darling, (2014) “Domestic and overseas 
manufacturing scenarios of silicon-based photovoltaics: Life cycle 
energy and environmental comparative analysis” Solar Energy, Volume 
105, July 2014, Pages 669–678


Wales: Could Welsh manufacturing 
compete on lower environmental 
"The fact is, we cannot any longer ignore things like carbon 
footprinting -- especially in the energy space, where we 
should be the people most aware of the issue," 
"Today it's essentially being ignored." 
Seth Darling, Scientist 
U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory


Wales: Competing with China?


Sharp Closure 
• Whilst Sharp has closed, it is 
interesting to consider it’s 
activities through the lens of 
Yue, You & Darling (2014). 
Photo by Peter Byrne/WPA Pool/Getty Images


Sharp Manufacturing, 
Sharp ClosureLlay, Wrexham 
Silicon Cells 
Brought From 
Taiwan To Llay 
shipped back 
to Japan.


Where is the impact in 
“Welsh Assembled” Modules 
The bulk of the energy and carbon impact occurs in the 
manufacture of the silicon feedstock, crystals, wafers 
aMnodd culeel lsa.ssembly represents a relatively small proportion 
of the overall environmental impact.


How to assign value to sustainable 
solar manufacturing 
• Suggestion for the future – not currently on the agenda. 
• Challenges in tariffs based on location of manufacture. 
• How to allocate if cell manufacture and module manufacture 
carried out in different places. 
• How to equitably allocate tariffs across the supply chain. 
• Look at the food industry for possible pitfalls 
• Product labelling based on last point food was handled / 
processed / packaged. (Horsemeat scandal arose from poor 
knowledge of product origin). 
• Need for PV carbon “chain of custody”? 
• Don’t want product labelling based on “last point of 
contact” as it distorts perception of (environmental) 
quality & impact.


Opportunities for the 
Welsh Solar Industry 
• Were the regulatory environment to shift to recognise the 
environmental impacts of PV manufacturing, there could 
be more opportunities for the ‘Western’ PV manufacturers. 
• At present STA has fought against “Anti-Dumping” tariffs, 
and import restrictions as the jobs in “installation” 
outweight the jobs in “manufacture”. 
• The UK is currently most vibrant market for PV in the EU, and no 
appetite to starve that growth. 
• BUT, could we do things cleaner, greener, better with 
appropriate incentives and what opportunities would that 
present for UK industry?


Photovoltaic Devices: Life Cycle Considerations


Photovoltaic Devices: Life Cycle Considerations


If you found any of this interesting… 
Please stay in touch 
Gavin Harper 

More Related Content

Photovoltaic Devices: Life Cycle Considerations

  • 1. Photovoltaic Devices: Life Cycle Considerations Gavin D. J. Harper g.harper@glyndwr.ac.uk @gavindjharper www.gavindjharper.com http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4691-6642 Welsh Energy Sector Training (WEST) Conference, Liberty Stadium, Swansea, Wales, 16th September 2014
  • 2. What is Life Cycle Assessment? A life cycle assessment gathers every aspect of the products environmental impact from the gathering of the raw materials used to produce the product components, all the way through the manufacture and use of the product to the impact the disposal of the product has on the environment.
  • 3. Materials Inputs Human Activities Waste Products Products and Services Energy
  • 4. Why is Life Cycle Assessment Important? • Lifecycle assessment helps us to make comparisons between different products and services to understand their impact on the environment over the whole of their lifecycle. • The results of the study provide the manufacturer and material suppliers with information to reduce life cycle impacts of the products. • It also helps consumers to make informed decisions about the relative environmental benefits of a range of different products. • It can inform operating, manufacturing and supply chain decisions to move towards more sustainable options.
  • 5. Standards for Life Cycle Assessment • ISO 14000 series of environmental management standards. • ISO 14040:2006 Life Cycle Assessment • Environmental management -- Life cycle assessment -- Principles and framework Stage 1 Defining the goal and scope of the LCA ISO 14041 Stage 2 Life cycle inventory analysis ISO 14042 Stage 3 Impact Analysis ISO 14043 Stage 4 Interpretation ISO14044 Identification of materials, processes and products to be considered within the LCA. What are the terms of reference. Collect numbers on the sources of energy and raw materials that are consumed by and the wastes that are released from the Translate the numerical data on the inputs and outputs of the system into real world terms; how does this affect the Use the data gained from the LCA in order to draw conclusions, make recommendations on how
  • 7. The Lifecycle of a Photovoltaic Installation
  • 8. Lifecycle of Silicon Photovoltaics • Quartzite rock is mined. • Fossil fuels are used in the processes of mining. • The landscape is irrevocably changed by mining operations Sherwani, Usmani & Varun (2010) Life cycle assessment of solar PV based electricity generation systems: A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 14, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 540–544
  • 9. Lifecycle of Silicon Photovoltaics • The silicon dioxide (SiO2) is reduced to silica (Si) with carbon (C) in a large arc furnace. • Further silicon is purified in the furnace by repeatedly pouring it and blowing with oxygen/chlorine mixture and finally solidifying it. • This metallurgical grade is further purified for use in semi-conductor form. Sherwani, Usmani & Varun (2010) Life cycle assessment of solar PV based electricity generation systems: A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 14, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 540–544 Image © Edgar A. Gunther http://guntherportfolio.com/2007/01/solar-grade-silicon- roads-lead-to-ruse-part-2/
  • 10. Lifecycle of Silicon Photovoltaics • The silicon is transformed into PV cells. • The process will be different depending on whether the cells are mono c-Si or poly c-Si. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sonnenenergie – (2008) Planning and Installing Photovoltaic Systems, Earthscan, London
  • 11. Module Assembly • The photovoltaic cells are then assembled into modules. • Image right, Sharp Wrexham
  • 12. Balance of Plant • There is also the lifecycle of all of the “balance of system” to be considered as well. All components of the system have a lifecycle impact.
  • 13. For conventional energy generation technologies, the majority of the environmental impact is in the operation use or generation phase. For photovoltaic cells, the bulk of the impact occurs in the production of the cells.
  • 14. End of Life (Disposal / Recovery) • Energy and materials are consumed in the disposal of photovoltaic devices. • Increasingly waste is seen as a resource, rather than something to be disposed of, there is the potential to turn this waste stream into new products with reduced environmental impact. • Newer PV technologies such as DSC have shorter lifecycles due to degradation mechanisms and a lack of product durability. Here, end of life becomes a greater consideration. • ‘Design for disassembly’ • Building lifecycles are usually much longer than the lifecycle of PV devices, so buildings must be planned with the anticipation of PV replacement at some point in their lifecycle.
  • 15. Cradle to Cradle • Look at moving towards a “circular” photovoltaic economy, where panels at the end of life become the feedstock for new panel production. • Moving from “Open System” to “Closed Loop” recycling. • End of life regulations are a substantial move in this direction.
  • 17. End of Life Considerations for PV • In a separate presentation, we will explore the impact of the WEEE regulations on the End of Life considerations for solar. • Different photovoltaic technologies have different life expectancies. • Silicon photovoltaics are a durable option. • Some technologies such as DSSC & Organic PVs currently have shorter lifespans. • From a construction perspective, if we are going to integrate photovoltaic devices into buildings, we need to consider carefully our plans for the end of the photovoltaic cells useful life.
  • 18. How long do PV’s last? • Insufficient data to be truly certain. • Photovoltaic Degradation Rates — An Analytical Review NREL is a good study. 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Amorphous silicon (a- Si) Cadmium telluride (CdTe) Copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) Monocrystalline silicon (mono-Si) Polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) PV Output Loss % per Year (NREL) Output loss in percent per year Pre 2000 Output loss in percent per year Post 2000
  • 19. PV Warranties • The adjacent graph, from http://energyinformative.org/lifespan-solar-panels/ shows the warranties offered by some PV manufacturers. • A warranty considered standard by many in the industry is the performance of the PVs should be no less than 80% of rated power after 25 years
  • 20. Anecdotal Reports of PV Life • There are a number of anecdotal reports that give encouraging signs about silicon PV lifespans. • An Arco Solar 16-2000 33W outperformed it’s factory spec 30 years after it was manufactured. • The first “modern” solar panel still works after 60 years. • Kyocera reports a number of solar power installations that continue to operate reliably and generate electricity. These installations are all nearly 30 years old.
  • 21. Financial Lifespan vs. Actual • We tend to consider “20 years” as the lifespan of a PV installation when calculating the financial returns. • However, the actual in-service life, in many cases would seem to exceed the performance used for financial calculations.
  • 22. That said… • More regular replacement required of other components. • For off-grid, or grid storage systems, batteries typically require replacement every five years or so. • Inverters and power electronics wear out, and may also require replacement every 5-10 years.
  • 23. Cultures of Construction United States – Shingle Roof Replaced every 25 years United Kingdom – Slate Roof Replaced every 100+ years
  • 24. Cultures of Construction • Building Integrated Photovoltaic Devices may require changes of culture within the construction industry. • “Bolt on” photovoltaics can be removed relatively easily. • Truly “Building Integrated” PV devices may require structured planning for End-of-Life and replacement considerations. • If we consider the lifecycle of photovoltaics is relatively short in comparison with the lifetime of the building; then we can anticipate that within a building lifecycle, there may need to be several replacements of photovoltaic devices.
  • 25. Relevant Academic Studies On Photovoltaic LCA Considerations
  • 26. Lifecycle Analyses in the Literature • Over the past thirty years a great deal of data has been gained on the Lifecycle impacts of PV systems. • There are hundreds of different LCAs available in the academic literature on a range of different types of system and technology. • There are wide variations in the outcomes of LCA evaluations of PV technologies.
  • 27. Variations in the Literature • Variation could be attributed to • differences in technologies evaluated • differing system designs • commercial versus conceptual systems, • system operating assumptions, • technology improvements over time • LCA methods and assumptions NREL (2012) NREL/FS-6A20-56487 • Meta analysis “aggregates” these different examples from the literature into a more coherent picture.
  • 28. Comparison of as-published life cycle greenhouse gas emission estimates for electricity generation technologies. The impacts of the land use change are excluded from this analysis. Credit: Sathaye, J., O. Lucon, A. Rahman, J. Christensen, F. Denton, J. Fujino, G. Heath, S. Kadner, M. Mirza, H. Rudnick, A. Schlaepfer, A. Shmakin, 2011: Renewable Energy in the Context of Sustainable Energy. In IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation [O. Edenhofer, R. Pichs- Madruga, Y. Sokona, K. Seyboth, P. Matschoss, S. Kadner, T. Zwickel, P. Eickemeier, G. Hansen, S. Schlömer, C. von Stechow (eds)], Cambridge University Press. Figure 9.8 http://www.nrel.gov/analysis/sustain_lca_results.
  • 29. From: MacKay (2008) LCA: PV’s in Use • Land use an important consideration “in Use” • (Hence the need to make good use of roof spaces with BIPV).
  • 30. Why is Life Cycle Assessment relevant to the Welsh Solar Industry • Trade wars between EU / China • China can manufacture Photovoltaic devices more cheaply. • BUT Heavily reliant on dirty forms of energy. • Poor environmental controls compared to EU Solar Industry. • Need to question ourselves and our motives… • Why are we actually pushing for photovoltaics devices. • Cleaner, more responsible energy future. • Potential for Welsh Solar industry to regain competitive advantage if life cycle impacts of PV installations rise up the political agenda.
  • 31. Life Cycle Assessment: EU vs. China • Yue, You & Darling (2014) identify that most pre-existing literature on Solar PV LCA focused on the US / EU. • This contrasts with most PV manufacturing which is outsourced to non-OECD countries. • These countries have radically different conceptualisations of industrialisation and environmental protection. Dajun Yue, Fengqi You, Seth B. Darling, (2014) “Domestic and overseas manufacturing scenarios of silicon-based photovoltaics: Life cycle energy and environmental comparative analysis” Solar Energy, Volume 105, July 2014, Pages 669–678
  • 32. Life Cycle Assessment: EU vs. China • Their lifecycle analysis focuses on Crystalline Silicon technologies: looking at mono c-Si, poly c-Si and ribbon c-Si. • Thin film cells not considered in this analysis. • Challenges as there are gaps within the literature. • c-Si cell manufacture has become “commoditised” using standard processes and equipment, by contrast thin film cell manufacture is more “proprietary”. • Organic cells similarly in their infancy, so lack of data. Dajun Yue, Fengqi You, Seth B. Darling, (2014) “Domestic and overseas manufacturing scenarios of silicon-based photovoltaics: Life cycle energy and environmental comparative analysis” Solar Energy, Volume 105, July 2014, Pages 669–678
  • 33. Life Cycle Assessment: EU vs. China •The factors evaluated include: • Energy Payback • Energy Return on Investment • Greenhouse Gas Emissions Dajun Yue, Fengqi You, Seth B. Darling, (2014) “Domestic and overseas manufacturing scenarios of silicon-based photovoltaics: Life cycle energy and environmental comparative analysis” Solar Energy, Volume 105, July 2014, Pages 669–678
  • 34. Life Cycle Assessment: EU vs. China Cumulative Energy Demand (Lower is better) CN = China, RER = Europe Dajun Yue, Fengqi You, Seth B. Darling, (2014) “Domestic and overseas manufacturing scenarios of silicon-based photovoltaics: Life cycle energy and environmental comparative analysis” Solar Energy, Volume 105, July 2014, Pages 669–678
  • 35. Life Cycle Assessment: EU vs. China Energy Payback Time (Lower is better) CN = China, RER = Europe Dajun Yue, Fengqi You, Seth B. Darling, (2014) “Domestic and overseas manufacturing scenarios of silicon-based photovoltaics: Life cycle energy and environmental comparative analysis” Solar Energy, Volume 105, July 2014, Pages 669–678
  • 36. Life Cycle Assessment: EU vs. China Energy Return on Energy Invested (Higher is better) CN = China, RER = Europe Dajun Yue, Fengqi You, Seth B. Darling, (2014) “Domestic and overseas manufacturing scenarios of silicon-based photovoltaics: Life cycle energy and environmental comparative analysis” Solar Energy, Volume 105, July 2014, Pages 669–678
  • 37. Life Cycle Assessment: EU vs. China Carbon Footprints (Lower is better) CN = China, RER = Europe Dajun Yue, Fengqi You, Seth B. Darling, (2014) “Domestic and overseas manufacturing scenarios of silicon-based photovoltaics: Life cycle energy and environmental comparative analysis” Solar Energy, Volume 105, July 2014, Pages 669–678
  • 38. Yue, You & Darling (2014) Conclusions • Mainstream Chinese-made silicon solar panels have more than twice the carbon footprint than panels made in Europe • Mainstream Chinese-made silicon solar panels take up to 30 percent longer to offset the energy used to make them • Their analysis doesn't include transportation costs to get them to Europe, which would magnify the discrepancy even more.
  • 39. Yue, You & Darling (2014) Conclusions • Monocrystalline was found to have the longest energy payback period despite the best energy output. • Analysis comparing mono-Si and multi-Si technologies suggest that these do not significantly differ in life cycle GHG emissions • “Ribbon" silicon, stringing out the material from a molten bath, created the least efficient material but did so more efficiently and with faster energy payback.
  • 40. Life Cycle Assessment: EU vs. China • Yue, You & Darling (2014) present a ‘break even carbon tariff’ on imported photovoltaic devices. • This would equate to €105–€129/ton CO2 • This would offset environmental burden of imported PV. • Could improve fortunes of domestic DamjuannYuuefa, Fcentugqrei Yrso?u, Seth B. Darling, (2014) “Domestic and overseas manufacturing scenarios of silicon-based photovoltaics: Life cycle energy and environmental comparative analysis” Solar Energy, Volume 105, July 2014, Pages 669–678
  • 41. Wales: Could Welsh manufacturing compete on lower environmental impact? "The fact is, we cannot any longer ignore things like carbon footprinting -- especially in the energy space, where we should be the people most aware of the issue," "Today it's essentially being ignored." Seth Darling, Scientist U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory
  • 43. Sharp Closure • Whilst Sharp has closed, it is interesting to consider it’s activities through the lens of Yue, You & Darling (2014). Photo by Peter Byrne/WPA Pool/Getty Images
  • 44. Sharp Manufacturing, Sharp ClosureLlay, Wrexham Crystalline Silicon Cells Brought From Taiwan To Llay Finished modules shipped back to Japan.
  • 45. Where is the impact in “Welsh Assembled” Modules The bulk of the energy and carbon impact occurs in the manufacture of the silicon feedstock, crystals, wafers aMnodd culeel lsa.ssembly represents a relatively small proportion of the overall environmental impact.
  • 46. How to assign value to sustainable solar manufacturing • Suggestion for the future – not currently on the agenda. • Challenges in tariffs based on location of manufacture. • How to allocate if cell manufacture and module manufacture carried out in different places. • How to equitably allocate tariffs across the supply chain. • Look at the food industry for possible pitfalls • Product labelling based on last point food was handled / processed / packaged. (Horsemeat scandal arose from poor knowledge of product origin). • Need for PV carbon “chain of custody”? • Don’t want product labelling based on “last point of contact” as it distorts perception of (environmental) quality & impact.
  • 47. Opportunities for the Welsh Solar Industry • Were the regulatory environment to shift to recognise the environmental impacts of PV manufacturing, there could be more opportunities for the ‘Western’ PV manufacturers. • At present STA has fought against “Anti-Dumping” tariffs, and import restrictions as the jobs in “installation” outweight the jobs in “manufacture”. • The UK is currently most vibrant market for PV in the EU, and no appetite to starve that growth. • BUT, could we do things cleaner, greener, better with appropriate incentives and what opportunities would that present for UK industry?
  • 50. If you found any of this interesting… Please stay in touch Gavin Harper g.harper@glyndwr.ac.uk www.gavindharper.com http://www.cser.org.uk/ @gavindjharper @CSER_PV @LCRI_WEST https://www.westproject.org.uk/