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Morphoanatomy of the
Lets Review
Parts of a Flower

Pedicel -the stalk of an individual flower

Sepal --one member of the outermost whorl of
a flower. Collectively, the sepals make up the
calyx. The sepals may be free or fused.

Petal --one member of the second whorl of a flower.
Collectively, the petals make up the corolla. The
petals may be free (the flower then termed
polypetalous) or fused into one piece (the flower then
termed sympetalous).

calyx and corolla


term for
Other terminologies:




Complete flower – when calyx, corolla,
androecium and gynoecium are present
Incomplete Flower – when one of the four
whorl missing.
Unisexual flower – androecium
(staminate) or gynoecium (pistillate) any
one of them are present in the flower.
Bisexual flower – both male and female
are present in a flower.
Other terminologies

Monoecious plant – when both male and
female flowers are present on the same
Other terminologies

Dioecious plant – When male and female
flowers are present on separate plant.
Flower Morphology 2 (updated)
Flower Morphology 2 (updated)
Flower Symmetry
An assessment of the
presence and number of
mirror-image planes of
Flower Symmetry

Actinomorphic/ Radial / Regular
- When flower is divided by any
vertical plane into two equal halves
Flower Morphology 2 (updated)

Zygomorphic / Bilateral - when flower is
divided into two equal halves only by one
vertical plane.
Assymetrical / Irregular

When flower cannot be divided into
equal halves from any plane.
Internodal Elongation in
Internodal elongation in flower
1. Anthophore = internode between the
calyx and corolla.
2.Androphore = internode between the
corolla and androecium
3. Gynophore = internode between
corolla and gynoecium
4. Gynandrophore or Androgynophore

When both androphore and gynophore
both conditions are found in the same
5. Carpophore

Elongation of thalamus beyond
Variation of Androecium



member of the whorl
of male sex parts.
The part of the
flower that produces
pollen. This consists
of two parts.
The anther or top of
the stamen actually
produces the pollen.
the anther is held
aloft by a
filament which is like
a stem of the

Each stamen consists of a filament and
anther, where pollen is produced.
Collectively, the stamens make up the
androecium androecium

Types of Stamens
1. Tetradynamous
- refers to four long
and two short stamens
in one flower
Flower Morphology 2 (updated)
Flower Morphology 2 (updated)
2. Monadelphousrefers to
stamens united
by the filaments
into one column
Flower Morphology 2 (updated)
3. Diadelphous--refers

to stamens united
by the filaments into two groups--often 1
in one group and 9 in another
Corydalis flavula
Flower Morphology 2 (updated)
Flower Morphology 2 (updated)
- one member of the whorl of female sex parts.
- Collectively, the carpels make up the
- Each carpel consists of an ovary connected to
a stigma by a style.
- The stigma is receptive to pollen. Within the
ovary, on the placentae (sing., placenta) are one
or more ovules, which will mature into seeds.
- The open spaces inside the ovary are called
locules or cells. The dividing walls are called
Flower Morphology 2 (updated)

Carpel = inserted above the
= uppermost floral
= consist of Stigma,
Style and Pistil
which is
collectively called


Stigma - Tip of the carpel, receptive to
Ovary - Base of the carpel, contains Ovules
Style - Connects the Stigma to the Ovary
Types of Carpels
1. Apocarpous
- The flower is said
to have many simple
- A gynoecium of
many separate carpels

Flower Morphology 2 (updated)
2. Syncarpous
= A gynoecium of
many fused carpels
= The flower is said
to have a compound

Flower Morphology 2 (updated)
3. monocarpous


In the very center of the flower is a single
carpel. A carpel is the basic unit of a
This flower only has one carpel, and flowers
like this are said to have a monocarpous
Flower Morphology 2 (updated)
4. Unicarpellate
- gynoecium
with only one
- The flower
has a simple


A hypanthium (= floral cup) is a structure derived by the
adnation of the perianth bases and stamens. It can be
variously shaped. This is a line drawing corresponding to a
longitudinal section of a Prunus (cherry) flower.
Flower Morphology 2 (updated)
Ovary Position
1. Hypogynous--The
flower is
hypogynous if the
ovary is situated
above the calyx and
there is no floral cup
around it. The ovary
is superior.
Flower Morphology 2 (updated)
Flower Morphology 2 (updated)
2. Perigynous
-The flower is
perigynous if the
ovary is situated
within (and free
from) a floral
cup or
The ovary is
When the perianth and the stamens arise from a
hypanthium that is NOT adnate to a superior
ovary, the insertion is said to be perigynous, as
in this longitudinal section of a flower of black
cherry Prunus serotina.
Flower Morphology 2 (updated)
Flower Morphology 2 (updated)
3. Epigynous
--The flower is
epigynous if the ovary
is situated below the
calyx. The ovary is
inferior. (In the
graphic example, the
calyx is pink and the
flower hangs upside
Flower Morphology 2 (updated)
Flower Morphology 2 (updated)
Additional Terminologies
Bracts = specialized leaves present in axis of flower.
Involucre = the whorl of bract surrounding
Involucel = group of bracteole
Spathe- in flowers when large bract
completely encloses whole inflorenscence
Petaloid bract
in flowers when large bract of flower is
greater than the size of flower and these
of various colour.
=small,dry scaly bracts
first whorl of flower
Duration of sepals
=Sepals fall just at the time of opening of flower
bud. poppy
=sepals fall after pollination. mustard
= If sepals don't fall and remain attached to fruit.
Flower Morphology 2 (updated)
The second whorl of flower
Fusion of Corolla
Polypetalous = petals are free
Gamopetalous = the corolla is fused

Draw and label the types of
a. Polypetalous
b. Gamopetalous
Short bond paper
Submitted on Monday

--just one flower on
the peduncle

An inflorescence may be defined as a cluster
of flowers,
all flowers arising from the main stem axis
or peduncle:

An inflorescence may be defined as a cluster
of flowers,
all flowers arising from the main stem axis
or peduncle:
Different types of inflorescences

A catkin
- a spike-like
inflorescence (i.e. the
flowers do not have a
pedicel and the main axis
is elongated and
unbranched) which has
only male or female
flowers. They occur in
many woody trees such
as the hazelnut and the
A willow catkin (Salix sp)
Left: Male (staminate) catkin from the white mulberry (Morus
alba), a fruitless variety commonly planted as a shade tree in
southern California. Right: An individual male flower containing
four stamens, each with an anther and a filament. At the base of
each filament is a fleshy green sepal.
Female flowers consist of single pistil tightly enveloped by four
inconspicuous sepals. Each carpel or pistil (also referred as a
gynoecium) consists of a forked stigma, a short style and a
spherical ovary. Each ovary (carpel) becomes a drupelet and the
ripened cluster of drupelets (syncarp) is called a multiple fruit.
In the aggregate fruit of a blackberry, all the drupelets of the
cluster (syncarp) come from a single flower

- is the characteristic inflorescence
of the remarkable arum family
- It consists of a thickened, fleshy
axis (spike) bearing clusters of
sessile, apetalous, unisexual flowers.
The small unisexual flowers are packed together
along the lower region of an erect, phallus-like
central spike, typically with male flowers
above the female.
- The upper region of the spadix is usually
devoid of flowers.
- Male (staminate) flowers consist of
numerous stamens packed together,
- while female (pistillate) flowers consist of
numerous individual pistils.
- Individual flowers are reduced to a
single stamen or pistil (gynoecium).
- The spadix emerges from a vaseshaped or funnel-like modified leaf or
spathe which is often brightly colored.
- The spadix of some arums emits a
putrid odor that attracts carrion flies for
Flower Morphology 2 (updated)
Flower Morphology 2 (updated)
The bizarre Malaysian Amorphophallus paeoniifolius.
An enlarged, inflated, flower-bearing spadix protrudes
from the vase-shaped spathe. Clusters of yellow male
flowers (stamens) can be seen above the whitish stigmas
of female flowers (pistils).

- This
inflorescence has
an unbranched
main axis and all
the pedicels of the
flowers are more
or less the same
Other raceme

Sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus)

Chinese hat (Holmskioldia sp.)

- The peduncle of this type of inflorescence
bears all of the pedicels at its apex.

Hydrangea (Hydrangea

Lantana (Lantana sp)

compound umbel
- The peduncle
bears a number of
primary pedicels at
its apex. These do
no bear flowers
but a number of
secondary pedicels
at their apices
which in turn bear
the flowers.

Frangipani (Plumeria rubra)
Flower Morphology 2 (updated)

- This
inflorescence type
has a long,
unbranched main
axis which bears
flowers which
have no pedicels
or very short

Silver oak (Grevillea robusta)



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A (
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tree (Aloe dichotma)

Red hot poker
(Kniphofia sp.)

head (capitulum)
- which do not have pedicels
- are grouped together on the top of a peduncle
which may be flattened or rounded.
- Daisies (Asteraceae) are a good example
- outer flowers may have one very large petal
- In other families the whole inflorescence may be
surrounded by bracts e.g. the Proteas.
- This gives the impression that the whole structure
is a single flower but it may in fact be hundreds of
flowers grouped together.

King protea (Protea

Daisy species
Mimosa sp.

(Leucospermum sp.)

A corymb
- The main axis of this
inflorescence type is
elongated and unbranched
as in a raceme, but the
pedicels of the flowers are
of unequal length so that
the entire structure appears
flat-topped. Examples
include hawthorn, the
apple and dogwood.
Crataegus calpodendron
Flower Morphology 2 (updated)
Hydrangea corymb (group
of flowers displayed as a
Difference of corycomb, cyme and

-like a spike, but with
the flowers and
subtended by
specialized bracts.
Usually applied to the
grass family (Poaceae)
Verticil or Whorl-the flowers are borne
in a tight circle at
each node

--the main axis has
branches which are
in turn rebranched
Inflorescence Types
Flower Morphology 2 (updated)
Flower Morphology 2 (updated)
Flower Morphology 2 (updated)
The End

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Flower Morphology 2 (updated)

  • 3. Parts of a Flower  Pedicel -the stalk of an individual flower
  • 4.  Sepal --one member of the outermost whorl of a flower. Collectively, the sepals make up the calyx. The sepals may be free or fused.
  • 5.  Petal --one member of the second whorl of a flower. Collectively, the petals make up the corolla. The petals may be free (the flower then termed polypetalous) or fused into one piece (the flower then termed sympetalous).
  • 8. Other terminologies:     Complete flower – when calyx, corolla, androecium and gynoecium are present Incomplete Flower – when one of the four whorl missing. Unisexual flower – androecium (staminate) or gynoecium (pistillate) any one of them are present in the flower. Bisexual flower – both male and female are present in a flower.
  • 9. Other terminologies  Monoecious plant – when both male and female flowers are present on the same plant.
  • 10. Other terminologies  Dioecious plant – When male and female flowers are present on separate plant.
  • 13. Flower Symmetry An assessment of the presence and number of mirror-image planes of symmetry
  • 14. Flower Symmetry  Actinomorphic/ Radial / Regular - When flower is divided by any vertical plane into two equal halves
  • 16.  Zygomorphic / Bilateral - when flower is divided into two equal halves only by one vertical plane.
  • 17. Assymetrical / Irregular  When flower cannot be divided into equal halves from any plane.
  • 19. Internodal elongation in flower 1. Anthophore = internode between the calyx and corolla.
  • 20. 2.Androphore = internode between the corolla and androecium
  • 21. 3. Gynophore = internode between corolla and gynoecium
  • 22. 4. Gynandrophore or Androgynophore  When both androphore and gynophore both conditions are found in the same flower
  • 23. 5. Carpophore  Elongation of thalamus beyond carpels
  • 25.    Stamen--one member of the whorl of male sex parts. The part of the flower that produces pollen. This consists of two parts. The anther or top of the stamen actually produces the pollen. the anther is held aloft by a filament which is like a stem of the stamen.
  • 26.  Each stamen consists of a filament and anther, where pollen is produced. Collectively, the stamens make up the androecium androecium Types of Stamens 1. Tetradynamous - refers to four long and two short stamens in one flower
  • 29. 2. Monadelphousrefers to stamens united by the filaments into one column
  • 31. 3. Diadelphous--refers to stamens united by the filaments into two groups--often 1 in one group and 9 in another Corydalis flavula
  • 34. Carpel - one member of the whorl of female sex parts. - Collectively, the carpels make up the gynoecium. - Each carpel consists of an ovary connected to a stigma by a style. - The stigma is receptive to pollen. Within the ovary, on the placentae (sing., placenta) are one or more ovules, which will mature into seeds. - The open spaces inside the ovary are called locules or cells. The dividing walls are called septa.
  • 36.  Carpel = inserted above the stamens, = uppermost floral organ = consist of Stigma, Style and Pistil which is collectively called Gynoecium
  • 37.    Stigma - Tip of the carpel, receptive to pollen Ovary - Base of the carpel, contains Ovules Style - Connects the Stigma to the Ovary
  • 38. Types of Carpels 1. Apocarpous - The flower is said to have many simple pistils - A gynoecium of many separate carpels Crassula
  • 41. 2. Syncarpous = A gynoecium of many fused carpels = The flower is said to have a compound pistil Saxafraga
  • 43. Poppy
  • 44. 3. monocarpous   In the very center of the flower is a single carpel. A carpel is the basic unit of a gynoecium. This flower only has one carpel, and flowers like this are said to have a monocarpous gynoecium.
  • 46. 4. Unicarpellate - gynoecium with only one carpel - The flower has a simple pistil
  • 47. hypanthium  A hypanthium (= floral cup) is a structure derived by the adnation of the perianth bases and stamens. It can be variously shaped. This is a line drawing corresponding to a longitudinal section of a Prunus (cherry) flower.
  • 49. Ovary Position 1. Hypogynous--The flower is hypogynous if the ovary is situated above the calyx and there is no floral cup around it. The ovary is superior.
  • 52. 2. Perigynous -The flower is perigynous if the ovary is situated within (and free from) a floral cup or hypanthium. The ovary is superior. When the perianth and the stamens arise from a hypanthium that is NOT adnate to a superior ovary, the insertion is said to be perigynous, as in this longitudinal section of a flower of black cherry Prunus serotina.
  • 55. 3. Epigynous --The flower is epigynous if the ovary is situated below the calyx. The ovary is inferior. (In the graphic example, the calyx is pink and the flower hangs upside down.)
  • 58. Additional Terminologies Bracts = specialized leaves present in axis of flower.
  • 59. Involucre = the whorl of bract surrounding peduncle
  • 60. Involucel = group of bracteole
  • 61. Spathe- in flowers when large bract completely encloses whole inflorenscence
  • 62. Petaloid bract in flowers when large bract of flower is greater than the size of flower and these of various colour.
  • 64. Calyx first whorl of flower Duration of sepals
  • 65. Caducous =Sepals fall just at the time of opening of flower bud. poppy Deciduous =sepals fall after pollination. mustard Persistant = If sepals don't fall and remain attached to fruit.
  • 67. Corolla The second whorl of flower Fusion of Corolla Polypetalous = petals are free Gamopetalous = the corolla is fused
  • 69. Assignment Draw and label the types of a. Polypetalous b. Gamopetalous Short bond paper Submitted on Monday
  • 71. Inflorescence  An inflorescence may be defined as a cluster of flowers, all flowers arising from the main stem axis or peduncle:
  • 72. Inflorescence  An inflorescence may be defined as a cluster of flowers, all flowers arising from the main stem axis or peduncle:
  • 73. cyme
  • 74. Different types of inflorescences  A catkin - a spike-like inflorescence (i.e. the flowers do not have a pedicel and the main axis is elongated and unbranched) which has only male or female flowers. They occur in many woody trees such as the hazelnut and the willow. A willow catkin (Salix sp)
  • 75. Left: Male (staminate) catkin from the white mulberry (Morus alba), a fruitless variety commonly planted as a shade tree in southern California. Right: An individual male flower containing four stamens, each with an anther and a filament. At the base of each filament is a fleshy green sepal.
  • 76. Female flowers consist of single pistil tightly enveloped by four inconspicuous sepals. Each carpel or pistil (also referred as a gynoecium) consists of a forked stigma, a short style and a spherical ovary. Each ovary (carpel) becomes a drupelet and the ripened cluster of drupelets (syncarp) is called a multiple fruit. In the aggregate fruit of a blackberry, all the drupelets of the cluster (syncarp) come from a single flower
  • 77.  Spadix - is the characteristic inflorescence of the remarkable arum family (Araceae). - It consists of a thickened, fleshy axis (spike) bearing clusters of sessile, apetalous, unisexual flowers. -
  • 78. The small unisexual flowers are packed together along the lower region of an erect, phallus-like central spike, typically with male flowers above the female. - The upper region of the spadix is usually devoid of flowers. - Male (staminate) flowers consist of numerous stamens packed together,
  • 79. - while female (pistillate) flowers consist of numerous individual pistils. - Individual flowers are reduced to a single stamen or pistil (gynoecium). - The spadix emerges from a vaseshaped or funnel-like modified leaf or spathe which is often brightly colored. - The spadix of some arums emits a putrid odor that attracts carrion flies for pollination.
  • 82. The bizarre Malaysian Amorphophallus paeoniifolius. An enlarged, inflated, flower-bearing spadix protrudes from the vase-shaped spathe. Clusters of yellow male flowers (stamens) can be seen above the whitish stigmas of female flowers (pistils).
  • 83.  raceme - This inflorescence has an unbranched main axis and all the pedicels of the flowers are more or less the same length.
  • 84. Other raceme Sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus) Chinese hat (Holmskioldia sp.)
  • 85.  umbel - The peduncle of this type of inflorescence bears all of the pedicels at its apex. Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla) Lantana (Lantana sp)
  • 86.  compound umbel - The peduncle bears a number of primary pedicels at its apex. These do no bear flowers but a number of secondary pedicels at their apices which in turn bear the flowers. Frangipani (Plumeria rubra)
  • 88.  spike - This inflorescence type has a long, unbranched main axis which bears flowers which have no pedicels or very short pedicels. Silver oak (Grevillea robusta)
  • 89. Q u i v e r t r e e ( A l o e Gladiolus (Gladiolus d i c h o t sp.) m a ) u Q i u v i Quiver e v r e r t r t e r e e e ( A ( l A o l e o e d i d c i h c o h t o m t a m ) a tree (Aloe dichotma) Red hot poker (Kniphofia sp.)
  • 90.  head (capitulum) - which do not have pedicels - are grouped together on the top of a peduncle which may be flattened or rounded. - Daisies (Asteraceae) are a good example - outer flowers may have one very large petal - In other families the whole inflorescence may be surrounded by bracts e.g. the Proteas. - This gives the impression that the whole structure is a single flower but it may in fact be hundreds of flowers grouped together.
  • 93.  A corymb - The main axis of this inflorescence type is elongated and unbranched as in a raceme, but the pedicels of the flowers are of unequal length so that the entire structure appears flat-topped. Examples include hawthorn, the apple and dogwood. Crataegus calpodendron
  • 95. Hydrangea corymb (group of flowers displayed as a disc) hawthorn
  • 96. Difference of corycomb, cyme and umbel
  • 97.  Spikelet -like a spike, but with the flowers and inflorescence subtended by specialized bracts. Usually applied to the grass family (Poaceae)
  • 98. Verticil or Whorl-the flowers are borne in a tight circle at each node 
  • 99.  Panicle --the main axis has branches which are in turn rebranched