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Igniting The Genius Within

ISB, Hyderabad, October 22-25

Conference Notes and Overview : Chandramowly
The Second International Conference on ‘Igniting the Genius Within’ organised by the Centre for
Leadership, Innovation and Change (CLIC) at the Indian School of Business. The theme of this
year’s conference was ‘Leading and Innovating through Turbulent Times.’

The Conference started off with a roundtable discussion by the heads of leading public sector
undertakings on corporate governance. The roundtable was followed by the inauguration by Ajit
Rangnekar, Dean, ISB; O P Bhatt, Chairman, SBI and Dr Prasad Kaipa, Executive Director,

The first day of the Conference focussed on wisdom perspectives. Malli Mastan Babu,
Guinness Record Holder-Adventure Sports, started off the day with a speech titled ‘Dare to Live
the Dream.’ Dr Satish Thatte , CEO, New Synergy Group; Dr Jody Fry, Professor of
Management, Tarleton State University, Central Texas; Raghu Anantanarayan, CEO, Totally
Aligned Organisations; V Srinivas, CEO, Illumine Knowledge Resources and Kannan Srinivas,
Consultant, Tata Consultancy Services were some of the other speakers.

On the second day of the Conference, the emphasis was on management best practices. A
dialogue with Dr Lee Hartwell, Nobel Laureate started off the day. MGPL Narayana, Vice
President and Head, BS & CC, Tata Consultancy Services; Dr N Viswanadham (Chair),
Professor and Executive Director, GLAMS, ISB; Dr Vijay Chandru, CEO, Strand Life Sciences;
Dr Brinda Dalal (Chair), Resident Scientist, Palo Alto Research Centre and Kalpana Sinha,
Director, People and Organisation Capability at the India Development Centre, Microsoft also
spoke at various sessions during the day.

The theme for the concluding day was “Designing the Future” and was attended by Pullela
Gopichand, Dronacharya awardee and renowned badminton coach and Chandrababu Naidu,
Former Chief Minister, Andhra Pradesh.
Setting the Stage – Leading and Innovating
Dr Prasad Kaipa, Executive Director, CLIC, ISB
                                                  through Turbulent Times
Malli Mastan Babu, Guinness Record Holder-
                                                  Dare to Live the Dream
Adventure Sports
Dr Satish Thatte (Chair), CEO, New Synergy        Value – Based Leadership from Wisdom Traditions
Group                                             Perspective
Dr Venkat Krishnan, Professor and Director, Yale- Enhancing Spirituality in Organisations: Role of
Great Lakes Center for Management Research        Transformational Leadership
Dr Jody Fry, Professor of Management at Tarleton
State University, Central Texas                  Maximising The Triple Bottom Line Through The
                                                 Spiritual Leadership Balanced Score Card
Dr Reuben Abraham (Chair), Assistant Professor Business Model
and Executive Director, CEMS, ISB
Raghu Anantanarayan, CEO, Totally Aligned         Leadership and Innovation in Organisational
Organisations                                     Design
V Srinivas, CEO, Illumine Knowledge Resources     Ideas to Ideals – The Citizen SBI Intervention
                                                  Wisdom: Conceptualisations and Relevance in
Dr E Srinivas (Chair), Professor, XLRI
                                                  Leadership Development and Business Education
Dr Sanjoy Mukherjee, Professor, Rajiv Gandhi IIM Wisdom Leadership: Some Insights from Classical
Shillong                                         Indian Literature
Kannan Srinivas, Consultant, Tata Consultancy     Tiding Over Turbulence: Ancient Insights for
Services                                          Modern Leaders
Speakers                                   Topics
Dr Lee Hartwell, Nobel Laureate
                                           Dialogue with the delegates
MGPL Narayana (Chair), Vice President
                                           Applying Vision, Mission, Values in Daily
and Head, BS & CC, Tata Consultancy
                                           Activities Creatively (VMDAC)
Dr Amit Nandkeolyar, Assistant Professor,
                                             Learning in teams: What do we know?
Dr Rajesh Chakrabarti, Assistant Professor,
ISB                                          SBI story on Change
Dr N Viswanadham (Chair), Professor and Innovation in Emerging Markets
Executive Director, GLAMS, ISB
                                             How Managers are Improving the Quality of
Sherry Immediato, President & Managing
                                             their Collective Thinking and Increasing
Director, Society for Organisational
                                             Innovation -Examples from SOL
Dr Brinda Dalal (Chair), Resident Scientist,
                                             Sustainable Innovation
Palo Alto Research Centre
Kalpana Sinha, Director, People and
                                             Learning and Innovating from Experiences
Organisation Capability at the India
                                             in the Indian Context
Development Centre, Microsoft
R Rajeshwar Upadhyaya, Visiting Faculty, Ancient Indian World View: Contemporary
ISB                                          Implications for Authentic Leadership
Ranjini Manian, CEO, Global Adjustments
                                             Indian Roots, Global Wings
Services Pvt Ltd
My notes from the Talk of Dr.
Prasad Kaipa
  Integration of Good Thoughts in to action will happen
 successfully if it is flown all the three levels of Body,
 Talk, and Mind (kayEna, VaCha and manasA)
 Indian Core Strengths were being spread through Yoga
 and Ayurveda. Now it is ‘Management’
 When Pepsi produces beverage in US with allowed
 pesticide content, why they don’t follow the same health
 rule in India? We do not have such legislation !
 But is it right for PEPSI corporate governance to do that
 here in India taking advantage of lack of legislation?
My notes from the Talk of Dr.
Prasad Kaipa
Dr Kaipa asked participants to write answers of these
  4 questions
1.   What is my purpose of work?
2.   How do I make right choices?
3.   What is my definition of success?
4.   What do I seek as my reward?

I think the answers to these questions will clarify our
     own vision, values and way ahead in profession.
My notes from the Talk of Dr.
Prasad Kaipa
Some answers projected by Dr. Kaipa…
1.   What is my purpose of work? (Serving Larger
2.    How do I make right choices? (By enlightened
     self interest and not by narrow self interest)
3.   What is my definition of success? (Evolution)
4.   What do I seek as my reward? (Total
Some Leadership Principles that
are more relevant today
1.   Enlightened self interest Vs Narrow self    COMMITMENT

2.   Non-attachment to one particular view       VIEW

3.   Decision based on data, intuition and insight DECISION

4.   Using multiple forms of intelligence
     (Reason, Emotion, Intuition and Inspiration)

5.   Balancing History and Possibility
6.   Bridging the Gap between IQ-EQ-SQ and
     AQ (Activity Quotient)
Wisdom            Scientific
Perspectives       Perspectives

State of the Mind Operating Day
              to Day
       • Tamasa              • Sathvika           • Rajasic

       Passive               Balanced             Aggressive

If we don’t watch our mind at a given time, it becomes part of autopilot in
the state of Leading and Innovating.

What will you do, if what you can control is 10% and what you cannot
control is 90%?

The way out is tactical. How do we negotiate and move in a traffic to
reach our destination? Same focused effort is needed in our professional
journey and leadership way.
Enlightened Self Interest Vs
   Enhanced Self Interest
Credibility – Words must match actions. Remove the Talking-Doing Gap

Possible if you pay attention to within

Commitment – Feeling and Doing Gap

Courage – Being and Doing Gap

Think… What is my ‘North Star’?

Leaders-Followers metaphor has changed to ‘Leading Leaders’

Experience from Failure transforms you more than experience from Success. We

forget the process of failure and we strangely remember the success.

Failure is the only way to learn shifting from Idiot mindset to Ideal Mindset

Framework for living comes from failures.

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Igniting The Genius Within Isb Conference Part 1

  • 1. Igniting The Genius Within ISB, Hyderabad, October 22-25 Conference Notes and Overview : Chandramowly
  • 2. The Second International Conference on ‘Igniting the Genius Within’ organised by the Centre for Leadership, Innovation and Change (CLIC) at the Indian School of Business. The theme of this year’s conference was ‘Leading and Innovating through Turbulent Times.’ The Conference started off with a roundtable discussion by the heads of leading public sector undertakings on corporate governance. The roundtable was followed by the inauguration by Ajit Rangnekar, Dean, ISB; O P Bhatt, Chairman, SBI and Dr Prasad Kaipa, Executive Director, CLIC, ISB. The first day of the Conference focussed on wisdom perspectives. Malli Mastan Babu, Guinness Record Holder-Adventure Sports, started off the day with a speech titled ‘Dare to Live the Dream.’ Dr Satish Thatte , CEO, New Synergy Group; Dr Jody Fry, Professor of Management, Tarleton State University, Central Texas; Raghu Anantanarayan, CEO, Totally Aligned Organisations; V Srinivas, CEO, Illumine Knowledge Resources and Kannan Srinivas, Consultant, Tata Consultancy Services were some of the other speakers. On the second day of the Conference, the emphasis was on management best practices. A dialogue with Dr Lee Hartwell, Nobel Laureate started off the day. MGPL Narayana, Vice President and Head, BS & CC, Tata Consultancy Services; Dr N Viswanadham (Chair), Professor and Executive Director, GLAMS, ISB; Dr Vijay Chandru, CEO, Strand Life Sciences; Dr Brinda Dalal (Chair), Resident Scientist, Palo Alto Research Centre and Kalpana Sinha, Director, People and Organisation Capability at the India Development Centre, Microsoft also spoke at various sessions during the day. The theme for the concluding day was “Designing the Future” and was attended by Pullela Gopichand, Dronacharya awardee and renowned badminton coach and Chandrababu Naidu, Former Chief Minister, Andhra Pradesh.
  • 3. Setting the Stage – Leading and Innovating Dr Prasad Kaipa, Executive Director, CLIC, ISB through Turbulent Times Malli Mastan Babu, Guinness Record Holder- Dare to Live the Dream Adventure Sports Dr Satish Thatte (Chair), CEO, New Synergy Value – Based Leadership from Wisdom Traditions Group Perspective Dr Venkat Krishnan, Professor and Director, Yale- Enhancing Spirituality in Organisations: Role of Great Lakes Center for Management Research Transformational Leadership Dr Jody Fry, Professor of Management at Tarleton State University, Central Texas Maximising The Triple Bottom Line Through The Spiritual Leadership Balanced Score Card Dr Reuben Abraham (Chair), Assistant Professor Business Model and Executive Director, CEMS, ISB Raghu Anantanarayan, CEO, Totally Aligned Leadership and Innovation in Organisational Organisations Design V Srinivas, CEO, Illumine Knowledge Resources Ideas to Ideals – The Citizen SBI Intervention Wisdom: Conceptualisations and Relevance in Dr E Srinivas (Chair), Professor, XLRI Leadership Development and Business Education Dr Sanjoy Mukherjee, Professor, Rajiv Gandhi IIM Wisdom Leadership: Some Insights from Classical Shillong Indian Literature Kannan Srinivas, Consultant, Tata Consultancy Tiding Over Turbulence: Ancient Insights for Services Modern Leaders
  • 4. Speakers Topics Dr Lee Hartwell, Nobel Laureate Dialogue with the delegates MGPL Narayana (Chair), Vice President Applying Vision, Mission, Values in Daily and Head, BS & CC, Tata Consultancy Activities Creatively (VMDAC) Services Dr Amit Nandkeolyar, Assistant Professor, Learning in teams: What do we know? ISB Dr Rajesh Chakrabarti, Assistant Professor, ISB SBI story on Change Dr N Viswanadham (Chair), Professor and Innovation in Emerging Markets Executive Director, GLAMS, ISB How Managers are Improving the Quality of Sherry Immediato, President & Managing their Collective Thinking and Increasing Director, Society for Organisational Innovation -Examples from SOL Learning Community Dr Brinda Dalal (Chair), Resident Scientist, Sustainable Innovation Palo Alto Research Centre Kalpana Sinha, Director, People and Learning and Innovating from Experiences Organisation Capability at the India in the Indian Context Development Centre, Microsoft R Rajeshwar Upadhyaya, Visiting Faculty, Ancient Indian World View: Contemporary ISB Implications for Authentic Leadership Ranjini Manian, CEO, Global Adjustments Indian Roots, Global Wings Services Pvt Ltd
  • 5. My notes from the Talk of Dr. Prasad Kaipa Integration of Good Thoughts in to action will happen successfully if it is flown all the three levels of Body, Talk, and Mind (kayEna, VaCha and manasA) Indian Core Strengths were being spread through Yoga and Ayurveda. Now it is ‘Management’ When Pepsi produces beverage in US with allowed pesticide content, why they don’t follow the same health rule in India? We do not have such legislation ! But is it right for PEPSI corporate governance to do that here in India taking advantage of lack of legislation?
  • 6. My notes from the Talk of Dr. Prasad Kaipa Dr Kaipa asked participants to write answers of these 4 questions 1. What is my purpose of work? 2. How do I make right choices? 3. What is my definition of success? 4. What do I seek as my reward? I think the answers to these questions will clarify our own vision, values and way ahead in profession.
  • 7. My notes from the Talk of Dr. Prasad Kaipa Some answers projected by Dr. Kaipa… 1. What is my purpose of work? (Serving Larger needs) 2. How do I make right choices? (By enlightened self interest and not by narrow self interest) 3. What is my definition of success? (Evolution) 4. What do I seek as my reward? (Total Compensation)
  • 8. Some Leadership Principles that are more relevant today 1. Enlightened self interest Vs Narrow self COMMITMENT interest 2. Non-attachment to one particular view VIEW 3. Decision based on data, intuition and insight DECISION 4. Using multiple forms of intelligence INTELLIGENCE (Reason, Emotion, Intuition and Inspiration) 5. Balancing History and Possibility BALANCE 6. Bridging the Gap between IQ-EQ-SQ and PORARITIES AQ (Activity Quotient)
  • 9. Wisdom Scientific Perspectives Perspectives Management Perspectives
  • 10. State of the Mind Operating Day to Day • Tamasa • Sathvika • Rajasic Passive Balanced Aggressive If we don’t watch our mind at a given time, it becomes part of autopilot in the state of Leading and Innovating. What will you do, if what you can control is 10% and what you cannot control is 90%? The way out is tactical. How do we negotiate and move in a traffic to reach our destination? Same focused effort is needed in our professional journey and leadership way.
  • 11. Enlightened Self Interest Vs Enhanced Self Interest Credibility – Words must match actions. Remove the Talking-Doing Gap Possible if you pay attention to within Commitment – Feeling and Doing Gap Courage – Being and Doing Gap Think… What is my ‘North Star’? Leaders-Followers metaphor has changed to ‘Leading Leaders’ Experience from Failure transforms you more than experience from Success. We forget the process of failure and we strangely remember the success. Failure is the only way to learn shifting from Idiot mindset to Ideal Mindset Framework for living comes from failures.