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CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
    Pravin Patel
    IBM Software Group BA ASEAN

Uncertainty – The New Normal
    Velocity and Volatility

    The world has been transformed from a   “Over 60% of Executives believe that when
    series of loosely connected economies
    with reasonably predictable flows        the recovery takes hold, the heightened
    between them to a complex web of         uncertainty in the business will remain.”
    relationships where the global impact
    of local events is felt almost           Duke University Business Outlook, September
    instantaneously.                         2009

                                              Sense that volatility, uncertainty and risk are
                                                 going to be part of the new economic

2                        CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
Information is exploding.

           In volume.
           15 petabytes                                  200 billion                                988 exabytes
           Amount of new information being               More than 200 billion emails               Amount of digital information that will
           generated every day, 8x more than the         are sent every day.                        exist in 2010—equivalent to a stack
           information in all U.S. libraries.                                                       of books from the sun to Pluto and

                               30 billion                                  $5.7 million
                               By 2010, up to 30 billion RFID tags         For every 1,000 knowledge workers it
                               will be produced globally, embedded         employs, a company loses $5.7 million
                               into products, pass-ports, buildings—       annually in time wasted reformatting
                               even animals.                               information between applications.



3                                   CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
Standout organizations capitalize on complexity in three

                                                              Capitalizing on Complexity

                                                         Key Findings
                                                         Rapid escalation of complexity creates
                                                          need to:
                                                          Embody creative leadership
                                                           Reinvent customer relationships
                                                           Build operating dexterity

                                                         Business Imperative
                                                     • “Getting closer to customers” is the
                                                       single most important theme.
                                                     • Better understand customer needs
                                                       through collaboration and info sharing.
                                                     • Exploit the information explosion to
                                                       deliver unprecedented customer

4                   CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
Customer Analysis: Current State

    Business Driver:                     The need to further understand the behavior,
    Increase Revenue                     activities, location, affinities, (and more) of
                                         your customers.

    •   Who are our customers?
    •   What’s their buying behavior?
    •   What are their product/channel/pricing affinities?
    •   When do customers respond to promotions?
    •   Which customer group offers the highest total and average revenue and
        margin contribution?
    • Which customers are most profitable?

5                        CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
Customer Analysis: Current State

                         Increase Revenue
                                        Channel Analysis
     Business Driver:                         Customer Churn Analysis
     Decrease Costs                           Marketing Program Analysis
                                              Response Analysis
                                              Cost to Serve Analysis
    • What are our best performing channels?
    • What is our customer churn?
       – Product/service
       – Geography
       – Channel
       – Demographics/psychographics
    • What are our most effective promotions/programs?
    • When and in what channel do customers respond to promotions?
    • What are our service costs per channel? Per customer group?

6                   CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
Less and less information is being effectively captured,
    analyzed and made available to the people who need it

                                                   85% of CIOs do not
                                                    believe that their
                                                   information is well
      59% do not have
          access to
      across the value                                                            70% do not get
      chain that would                                                            predictions on
      be most useful to                                                               future
             them                                                                opportunities and
    Source: Information Management Online

7                                           CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
Customer Information lacking to support consistent &
    shared view

           42% of respondents did not share common view of the customer.

              Yes through reports

      Yes through manager/analyst
                                                                                                    Survey Response %
        Yes through spreadsheets

    No Common Shared Visibility is

                                        0         10         20        30         40         50

             Source: Business Analytics Product Marketing global survey June 2010 with Marketing Line of Business

8                               CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
Many of the key priorities for businesses
                             today are dependent on the ability to
                             deliver timely, trusted information.

                                                              Business challenges
            Improve business processes
                                               Respond quickly to business

    Attract and retain new          Be fast to market
          customers                  with products
                                    customers want

        Expand current
         relationships               Target markets
                                     more effectively

9                              CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
CIOs face a range of obstacles to delivering value from
     business information.

                                                 Information pain points
                Redundant data,
                applications and                                    Information locked in
                                        No single view
                 infrastructure                                       business silos and
                                        of the customer

                                                   Lack of trusted
                                                   information for
                                                                               High cost – up to
                                                                               40% of IT budget

                                                             Can't deliver
                                                          information users
                                                           need in real time

10                      CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
Three Questions that Drive Performance


               MARKETING                                           PRODUCT

                           How are we doing?              Why?

                                           What should
                                           we be doing?
       SALES                                                                   OPERATIONS

               CUSTOMER                                              HR

11                    CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity                                    11
How Answers are Often Found

                                                                                        INTERNAL DATA
              How are we
                doing?                           How are we


                 Why?                               Why?
     CEO                           FINANCE

                                                                                       EXTERNAL DATA

                                                 What should
              What should                        we be doing?   TBS/DLB
              we be doing?

                                                                          AC NEILSON

12                    CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
IBM Information On Demand solutions offer end-to-end
     information infrastructure capabilities for executing your
     information agenda.
                                                       Workforce       Dynamic
                                       Risk Insight
                 Customer & Product                   Optimization    Supply Chain
                     Profitability          Business Optimization                      Marketing
                                                                                                       Better Business

                                                                                                   Plan, understand and optimize
                                                                                                       business performance

      End-to-End                                                                                     Establish and maintain an
                                                                                                     accurate, trusted view of
      Capabilities                                                                                          information

                              Flexible Architecture for Leveraging Existing Investments

                                                                                                      Manage information over
                                                                                                      its lifetime and as part of

13                              CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
Delivering business objectives with IBM Business Analytics

         How are we doing?                       Why?                   What should we
                                                                          be doing?


            Scorecarding                Reporting       Predictive   Planning, Budgeting
           & Dashboarding               & Analysis      Analytics       & Forecasting

                              ONE PLATFORM ALL DATA SOURCES

        OPS          PLM           SALES         WMS          SCM       CRM           ERP

14                           CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
IBM Cognos Analytic Applications

     Common Decision-Making Model                Open, Enterprise Platform             Source System

     Seamless Business Intelligence                Analytics Drill Through     Packaged Reporting & Analysis

       What’s Included?                       Financial Analytics            Sales Analytics
                                                Ledger                        Pipeline Performance
       Generated Data Repository
                                                Payables                      Sales force Performance
       Over 43,000 Objects including            Receivables                   Sales Segmentation
          250+ Dimensions                       Cash Management               Customer Relations
          850+ Metrics                          Customer/Vendor Risk          Pricing and Program Analytics
          230+ Defined Calculations

      1000+ Report Permutations               Workforce Analytics            Procurement Analytics
                                                Talent Development            Spend Analysis
       Adaptive Framework
                                                Talent Management             Vendor Analysis
           Unlimited Extensions
           Delivered ERP extraction
                                                Talent Retention              Contract Management
           Unlimited Data Sources               Workforce Strength            Operational Efficiency

15                                     CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
The Final Step in the Customer
                            Insight Continuum
                            What is likely to happen?
                    There are times when only predictive analytics can deliver the
                      kinds of insights needed to answer key customer-related
                      How do I reduce churn and retain my most loyal customers to
                      maximize profitability?
                      Which factors are most likely to drive customers to choose my
                      product vs. the competitor’s?
                      Which offers will my customers most likely respond to?
                      Which channels are most effective for my different customer
          Predictive Analytics - IBM SPSS Customer Intimacy
           Flu/OJ           Beer/Nappy’s

16                            CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
Information led business optimization applies extensive capabilities across the
                                               organisation to turn raw data and information into decision-driving wisdom.

                                                                                          How can we achieve the best outcome including
                                                 Stochastic Optimization
                                                                                          the effects of variability?
Degree of impact on organisation performance

                                                  Optimization                            How can we achieve the best outcome?

                                                  Predictive modeling                            What will happen next if ?

                                                  Forecasting                                    What if these trends continue?                  Predictive

                                                  Simulation                                     What could happen…. ?

                                                  Alerts                                         What actions are needed?

                                                  Query/drill down                               What exactly is the problem?
                                                  Ad hoc reporting                               How many, how often, where?

                                                  Standard Reporting                             What happened?

                                                                            Degree of Implementation Complexity
                                                                                                   Adopted from: Competing on Analytics, Davenport and Harris, 2007

                17                                                         CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
ASEAN Clients in 2009

18                    CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
ASEAN Clients 1H 2010

19                 CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
How Do you Get Started…………

     Industry out-performers are 8
     times more likely to pursue
                                                                            Information Agenda
     information-led transformation
                                                                           BAO Strategy Services
     at an enterprise level than
     industry under-performers                          Plan an

                                                               Apply business
                                            Establish a         analytics to
                                              flexible            optimize
                                            information          decisions

                                                                            BI/Performance Management;
          IOD Software & Solutions
                                                                                Advanced Analytic &
          Information Infrastructure
                                                                                Optimization Services

20                                    CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
Drive Smarter Business Outcomes With IBM Business

                                  Call To Action

             Leverage Information for Smarter Business Outcomes

             Create Your Information Agenda Now

             Let IBM Help Accelerate Your Journey with a 1 Day
              “Discovery Workshop”

21      21             CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
22   CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity

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working smarter - implementing dynamic, collaborative or connected working practices enabled by Business Intelligence and Business Analytic technologies

  • 1. CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity Pravin Patel IBM Software Group BA ASEAN 1
  • 2. Uncertainty – The New Normal Velocity and Volatility The world has been transformed from a “Over 60% of Executives believe that when series of loosely connected economies with reasonably predictable flows the recovery takes hold, the heightened between them to a complex web of uncertainty in the business will remain.” relationships where the global impact of local events is felt almost Duke University Business Outlook, September instantaneously. 2009 Sense that volatility, uncertainty and risk are going to be part of the new economic landscape. 2 CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
  • 3. Information is exploding. In volume. 15 petabytes 200 billion 988 exabytes Amount of new information being More than 200 billion emails Amount of digital information that will generated every day, 8x more than the are sent every day. exist in 2010—equivalent to a stack information in all U.S. libraries. of books from the sun to Pluto and back. 30 billion $5.7 million By 2010, up to 30 billion RFID tags For every 1,000 knowledge workers it will be produced globally, embedded employs, a company loses $5.7 million into products, pass-ports, buildings— annually in time wasted reformatting even animals. information between applications. 3 3 3 CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
  • 4. Standout organizations capitalize on complexity in three ways 2010 Capitalizing on Complexity Key Findings Rapid escalation of complexity creates need to: Embody creative leadership Reinvent customer relationships Build operating dexterity Business Imperative • “Getting closer to customers” is the single most important theme. • Better understand customer needs through collaboration and info sharing. • Exploit the information explosion to deliver unprecedented customer service. 4 4 CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
  • 5. Customer Analysis: Current State Business Driver: The need to further understand the behavior, Increase Revenue activities, location, affinities, (and more) of your customers. • Who are our customers? • What’s their buying behavior? • What are their product/channel/pricing affinities? • When do customers respond to promotions? • Which customer group offers the highest total and average revenue and margin contribution? • Which customers are most profitable? 5 CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
  • 6. Customer Analysis: Current State Increase Revenue Channel Analysis Business Driver: Customer Churn Analysis Decrease Costs Marketing Program Analysis Response Analysis Cost to Serve Analysis • What are our best performing channels? • What is our customer churn? – Product/service – Geography – Channel – Demographics/psychographics • What are our most effective promotions/programs? • When and in what channel do customers respond to promotions? • What are our service costs per channel? Per customer group? 6 CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
  • 7. Less and less information is being effectively captured, analyzed and made available to the people who need it 85% of CIOs do not believe that their information is well managed 59% do not have access to information across the value 70% do not get chain that would predictions on be most useful to future them opportunities and problems Source: Information Management Online 7 CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
  • 8. Customer Information lacking to support consistent & shared view 42% of respondents did not share common view of the customer. Yes through reports Yes through manager/analyst dashboards Survey Response % Yes through spreadsheets No Common Shared Visibility is Available 0 10 20 30 40 50 Source: Business Analytics Product Marketing global survey June 2010 with Marketing Line of Business 8 CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
  • 9. Many of the key priorities for businesses today are dependent on the ability to deliver timely, trusted information. Business challenges Improve business processes Respond quickly to business change Attract and retain new Be fast to market customers with products customers want Expand current customer relationships Target markets more effectively 9 9 CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
  • 10. CIOs face a range of obstacles to delivering value from business information. Information pain points Redundant data, applications and Information locked in No single view infrastructure business silos and of the customer applications Lack of trusted information for decision-making High cost – up to 40% of IT budget Can't deliver information users need in real time 10 10 CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
  • 11. Three Questions that Drive Performance FINANCE MARKETING PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT How are we doing? Why? What should we be doing? SALES OPERATIONS CUSTOMER HR SERVICE IT 11 CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity 11
  • 12. How Answers are Often Found INTERNAL DATA HR How are we doing? How are we doing? CRM ERP Why? Why? CEO FINANCE EXTERNAL DATA RETAIL What should What should we be doing? TBS/DLB we be doing? AC NEILSON 12 12 CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
  • 13. IBM Information On Demand solutions offer end-to-end information infrastructure capabilities for executing your information agenda. Financial Workforce Dynamic Risk Insight Customer & Product Optimization Supply Chain Multi-Channel Profitability Business Optimization Marketing Better Business Outcomes Plan, understand and optimize business performance End-to-End Establish and maintain an accurate, trusted view of Capabilities information Flexible Architecture for Leveraging Existing Investments Other Manage information over Information its lifetime and as part of Sources processes 13 CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
  • 14. Delivering business objectives with IBM Business Analytics How are we doing? Why? What should we be doing? COMPLETE MANAGEMENT VIEW OF THE BUSINESS Advanced Scorecarding Reporting Predictive Planning, Budgeting & Dashboarding & Analysis Analytics & Forecasting ONE PLATFORM ALL DATA SOURCES OPS PLM SALES WMS SCM CRM ERP 14 CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
  • 15. IBM Cognos Analytic Applications Common Decision-Making Model Open, Enterprise Platform Source System Seamless Business Intelligence Analytics Drill Through Packaged Reporting & Analysis What’s Included? Financial Analytics Sales Analytics Ledger Pipeline Performance Generated Data Repository Payables Sales force Performance Over 43,000 Objects including Receivables Sales Segmentation 250+ Dimensions Cash Management Customer Relations 850+ Metrics Customer/Vendor Risk Pricing and Program Analytics 230+ Defined Calculations 1000+ Report Permutations Workforce Analytics Procurement Analytics Talent Development Spend Analysis Adaptive Framework Talent Management Vendor Analysis Unlimited Extensions Delivered ERP extraction Talent Retention Contract Management Unlimited Data Sources Workforce Strength Operational Efficiency Compensation 15 CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
  • 16. The Final Step in the Customer Insight Continuum What is likely to happen? There are times when only predictive analytics can deliver the kinds of insights needed to answer key customer-related questions: How do I reduce churn and retain my most loyal customers to maximize profitability? Which factors are most likely to drive customers to choose my product vs. the competitor’s? Which offers will my customers most likely respond to? Which channels are most effective for my different customer segments? Predictive Analytics - IBM SPSS Customer Intimacy Flu/OJ Beer/Nappy’s 16 16 CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
  • 17. Information led business optimization applies extensive capabilities across the organisation to turn raw data and information into decision-driving wisdom. How can we achieve the best outcome including Stochastic Optimization the effects of variability? Degree of impact on organisation performance Prescriptive Optimization How can we achieve the best outcome? Predictive modeling What will happen next if ? Forecasting What if these trends continue? Predictive Simulation What could happen…. ? Alerts What actions are needed? Query/drill down What exactly is the problem? Descriptive Ad hoc reporting How many, how often, where? Standard Reporting What happened? Degree of Implementation Complexity Adopted from: Competing on Analytics, Davenport and Harris, 2007 17 CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
  • 18. ASEAN Clients in 2009 18 CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
  • 19. ASEAN Clients 1H 2010 19 CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
  • 20. How Do you Get Started………… Industry out-performers are 8 times more likely to pursue Information Agenda information-led transformation BAO Strategy Services at an enterprise level than industry under-performers Plan an information agenda Apply business Establish a analytics to flexible optimize information decisions platform BI/Performance Management; IOD Software & Solutions Advanced Analytic & Information Infrastructure Optimization Services 20 CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
  • 21. Drive Smarter Business Outcomes With IBM Business Analytics Call To Action Leverage Information for Smarter Business Outcomes Create Your Information Agenda Now Let IBM Help Accelerate Your Journey with a 1 Day “Discovery Workshop” 21 21 CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity
  • 22. 22 CEO Forum: Lead Through Creativity