In this webinar, we'll see how to use Spark to process data from various sources in R and Python and how new tools like Spark SQL and data frames make it easy to perform structured data processing.
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Data processing with spark in r & python
1. Data processing with Spark
in R & Python
Maloy Manna @itsmaloy
2. Abstract
With ever increasing adoption by vendors and enterprises, Spark is fast
becoming the de facto big data platform.
As a general purpose data processing engine, Spark can be used in both R and
Python programs.
In this webinar, we’ll see how to use Spark to process data from various
sources in R and Python and how new tools like Spark SQL and data frames
make it easy to perform structured data processing.
3. Speaker profile
Maloy Manna
Data science engineering
AXA Data Innovation Lab
• Building data driven products and services for over 15 years
• Worked in Thomson Reuters, Infosys, TCS and data science startup Saama @itsmaloy
5. Overview of Spark
• Fast, general-purpose engine for large-scale data
• Smarter than Hadoop in utilizing memory
• Faster than MapReduce in memory & on disk
• Can run on Hadoop, or standalone; can access data in
HDFS, Cassandra, Hive / any Hadoop data source
• Provides high-level APIs in Scala, Java, Python & R
• Supports high-level tools like Spark SQL for structured
data processing
6. Using Spark for data science & big data
• Data science lifecycle
• 50% – 80% of time spent in data preparation stage
• Automation is key to efficiency
• R & Python already have packages & libraries for data processing
• Apache Spark adds more power to R & Python big data wrangling
7. Data processing
Getting data to the right format for analysis:
• Data manipulations
• Data tidying
• Data visualization
reshaping formatting
cleaning Transformations
munging Wrangling carpentry
manipulation cleaning
8. Data processing - operations
• Reshaping data
Change layout (rows/columns “shape”) of dataset
• Subset data
Select rows or columns
• Group data
Group data by categories, summarize values
• Make new variables
Compute and append new columns, drop old columns
• Combine data sets
Joins, append rows/columns, set operations
9. • Driver program runs main function
• RDD (resilient distributed datasets) and shared
variables help in parallel execution
• Cluster manager distributes code and manages data in
Spark for data processing
10. Installing and using Spark
• Install pre-compiled package
• Build from source code
• Run Spark on Amazon EC2 or use Databricks Spark notebooks (Python / R) |
• Run as Docker image
11. • Download pre-compiled release version
• Choose “pre-built for Hadoop 2.6 and later”
• Unpack/untar package
• Try out the Python interactive shell
• Ensure JAVA_HOME is set
Installing Spark
12. Using Spark in Python
• Import Spark classes
• Create SparkContext object (driver program) and
initialize it
• In practice, use the spark-submit script to launch
applications on a cluster, using configurable
options and including dependencies
• Once a SparkContext is available, it can be used
to build RDDs.
13. RDD: Transformations & Actions
• RDD is immutable, distributed data structure
– Each RDD is split into multiple partitions
• Can be created in 2 ways:
– Loading external dataset or
– Distributing a collection of objects in driver
• RDDs support 2 different types of operations:
– Transformations (construct new RDD)
– Actions (compute result based on RDD)
14. RDD: Transformations & Actions
No (lazy) evaluations
New RDD returned
⁻ map
⁻ filter
⁻ flatMap
⁻ groupByKey
⁻ reduceByKey
⁻ aggregateByKey
⁻ union
⁻ join
⁻ coalesce
Evaluations done
New value returned
⁻ reduce
⁻ collect
⁻ count
⁻ first
⁻ take
⁻ countByKey
⁻ foreach
⁻ saveAsTextFile
⁻ saveAsSequenceFile
15. Create RDDs
• Creating distributed datasets
– From any storage source supported by Hadoop
• Use SparkContext methods:
– Support directories, compressed files, wildcards
16. Loading data
• Loading text files
• Loading unstructured JSON files
• Loading sequence files
18. Saving data
• Saving text files
• Saving unstructured JSON files
• Saving csv files
19. Spark SQL
• Spark’s interface for working with structured
and semi-structured data
• Can load data from JSON, Hive, Parquet
• Can query using SQL
• Can be combined with regular code e.g.
Python / Java inside Spark application
• Provides “DataFrames” (SchemaRDD < v1.3)
• Like RDDs, DataFrames are evaluated “lazily”
20. Using Spark SQL
• HiveContext (or SQLContext for a stripped-
down version) based on SparkContext
• Construct a SQLContext:
• Basic query:
21. Spark SQL: DataFrames
• Spark SQL provides DataFrames as programming
• A DataFrame is a distributed collection of data
organized into named columns
• Conceptually equivalent to relational table
• Familiar syntax (R dplyr / Pandas) but scales to PBs
• Entry-point remains SQLContext
23. • Reading JSON data into dataframe in Python
• Reading JSON data into dataframe in R
DataFrames – Data Operations
24. • Generic load/save
– Python
– R
• Default data source parquet
– Can be changed by manually specifying format
DataFrames – Saving data
25. SparkR
• R package providing light-weight front-end to
use Apache Spark from R
• Entry point in SparkContext
• With SQLContext, dataframes can be created
from local R data frames, Hive tables or other
Spark data sources
• Introduced with Spark 1.4
27. Useful tips
• Use Spark SQL dataframes to write less code.
Easier to avoid closure problems.
• Be aware of closure issues while working in
cluster mode. Use accumulator variables instead
of locally defined methods
• Utilize Spark SQL capability to automatically infer
schema of JSON datasets
• Other than using command-line, IDEs like IntelliJ
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