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Chapter IV ( Food Security of India )

                        Siddhant Jaiyesh
                        Nandani Jaiswal
                        Nakul Chaudhary
                        Puneet Khurana
                        Ashish Gosowami
                        Rishabh Garg
                        Gurpreet Singh
Food security refers to the availability of food and
one's access to it. A household is considered food -
secure when its occupants do not live in hunger or
fear of starvation.

According to the World Resources Institute,
global per capita food production has been
increasing substantially for the past several
decades. In 2006, MSNBC reported that globally,
the number of people who are overweight has
surpassed the number who are undernourished -
the world had more than one billion people who
were overweight, and an estimated 800 million who
were undernourished.

According to a 2004 article from the BBC, China,
the world's most populous country, is suffering
from an obesity epidemic. In India, the second -
most populous country in the world, 30 million
people have been added to the ranks of the hungry
since the mid-1990s and 46% of children are
A text book of social science is a book for class IX and
X. Economics is an integral component of general
education up to secondary level. Economics is very
crucial subject which enables the learner to know
about the society of the world in which you are living .
The present series has been written strictly in
accordance with latest syllabus issued by N.C.E.R.T for
the year 2010 and onwards.

Main features of the series :
 Brief Subject matter.
 A judicious use of table , web chart and illustration
  to make the subject matter lucid and clear .
 The book presentation cantinas high quality
  photographs that were carefully selected to aid
  understanding , add realism and heighten the
  interest of the reader .
 Simple , lucid and student friendly language.
 Glossary of difficult term
 Recapitulation to have a quicker view.
 Strictly in accordance with the latest syllabus
The National Council of Education research and
Training acknowledges the valuable contribution
of all the involved in the development of
economics Presentation.

We also acknowledge the contribution made by
Mrs. Aradhna Malik Mam , teacher of D.A.V Public
School Rajendra Nager , Ghaziabad.

We are thankful for all the my friends and
Parent's for taking contribution to make this
wonderful Presentation.
Food security means availability,
accessibility and affordability of food
to all people at all times.
What is Food
   Food security refers to the
 availability of food and one's
  access to it. A household is
 considered food-secure when
    its occupants do not live
in hunger or fear of starvation.
     According to the World
Resources Institute, global per
  capita food production has
 been increasing substantially
for the past several decades. In
  2006, MSNBC reported that
globally, the number of people
    who are overweight has
surpassed the number who are
undernourished - the world had
 more than one billion people
 who were overweight, and an
   estimated 800 million who
      were undernourished
Food security has following dimensions:-

(a) availability of food means food
production within the country, food
imports and the previous years stock
stored in government granaries.

(b) accessibility means food is within reach
of every person.

(c) affordability implies that an individual
has enough money to buy sufficient,
safe and nutritious food to meet one's
dietary needs.                                 Thus, food security is ensured in a country
                                               only if -

                                               (1) enough food is available for all the persons.

                                               (2) all persons have the capacity to buy food
                                               of acceptable quality.

                                               (3) there is no barrier on access to food.
Why food Security?
   The poorest section of the
society might be food insecure
    most of the times while
persons above the poverty line
  might also be food insecure
    when the country faces a
 national disaster/calamity like
  earthquake, drought, flood,
tsunami, widespread failure of
   crops causing famine, etc.

How is food security               Special Video on the half of Food Security
 affected during a
 Due to a natural calamity, say
  drought, total production of
    foodgrains decreases. It
 creates a shortage of food in
   the affected bares. Due to
shortage of food, the prices go
  up. At the high prices, some
  people cannot afford to buy
food. If such calamity happens
in a very wide spread area or is
  stretched over a longer time
Food and Agriculture Organization

Food and Agriculture

 In the 1970s, food security
    was understood as the
  “availability at all times of
  adequate supply of basic
    foodstuffs” (UN, 1975).       Accordingly, there has been a substantial shift in
  Amartya Sen added a new         the understanding of food security. The 1995
 dimension to food security       World Food Summit declared, “Food security at
and emphasized the “access”       the individual, household, regional, national and
   to food through what he        global levels exists when all people, at all times,
      called ‘entitlements’       have physical and economic access to sufficient,
combination of what one can       safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary
  produce, exchange in the        needs and food preferences for an active and
 market along with state or       healthy life” (FAO, 1996, p.3).
    other socially provided
A Famine is characterized
                                      Do you know who were affected the most by
 by wide spread deaths                              the famine?
    due to starvation
                                       The agricultural laborers, fishermen, transport
                                      workers and other casual laborers were affected
A Famine is characterised by wide
                                      the most by dramatically increasing price of rice.
 spread deaths due to starvation
                                      They were the ones who died in this famine
 and epidemics caused by forced
   use of contaminated water or
  decaying food and loss of body
resistance due to weakening from     Year    Production   Imports    Exports      Total
starvation. The most devastating               ( Lakh )   ( Lakh )   ( Lakh )   Availability
   famine that occurred in India
 was the FAMINE OF BENGAL in         1938        85           -         -           85
   1943. This famine killed thirty   1939        79          04         -           83
  lakh people in the province of
               Bengal.               1940        82          03         -           85
                                     1941        68          02         -           70
                                     1942        93           -        01           92
                                     1943        76          03         -           79
Approximately one out of six people are "food
insecure", including 17 million children, according to
the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Who are food-insecure?

   Although a large section of
  people suffer from food and
      nutrition insecurity in
    India, the worst affected
   groups are landless people
 with little or no land to depend
         upon, traditional
      artisans, providers of
 traditional services, petty self-
     employed workers and
 destitute including beggars. In
    the urban areas, the food
   insecure families are those
  whose working members are
  generally employed in ill-paid
 occupations and casual labour
Ramu works as a casual laborer in agriculture in Raipur
village. Ahmad is a rickshaw puller in Bangalore.
About Ramu                                                 About Ahmad
Ramu works as a casual labourer in agriculture in Raipur   Ahmad is a rickshaw puller in Bangalore. He has shifted
village. His eldest son Somu who is 10 years old also      from Jhumri Taliah along with his 3 brothers, 2 sisters
works as a pali to look after the cattle of the Sarpanch   and old parents. He stays in a jhuggi. The survival of all
of the village Satpal Singh. Somu is employed for the      members of his family depends on his daily earnings
whole year by the Sarpanch and is paid a sum of Rs         from pulling rickshaw. However, he does not have a
1,000 for this work. Ramu has three more sons and two      secured employment and his earnings fluctuate every
daughters but they are too young to work on the field.     day. During some days he gets enough earning for him
His wife Sunhari is also (part time) working as house      to save some amount after buying all his day-to-day
cleaner for the livestock, removing and managing cow       necessities. On other days, he barely earns enough to
dung. She gets ½ litre milk and some cooked food along     buy his daily necessities. However, fortunately, Ahmad
with vegetables for her daily work. Besides she also       has a yellow card, which is PDS Card for below poverty
works in the field along with her husband in the busy      line people. With this card, Ahmad gets sufficient
season and supplements his earnings. Agriculture being     quantity of wheat, rice, sugar and kerosene oil for his
a seasonal activity employs Ramu only during times of      daily use. He gets these essentials at half of the market
sowing, transplanting and harvesting. He remains           price. He purchases his monthly stock during a
unemployed for about 4 months during the period of         particular day when the ration shop is opened for
plant consolidation and maturing in a year. He looks for   below poverty people. In this way, Ahmad is able to
work in other activities. Some times he gets               eke out his survival with less than sufficient earnings
employment in brick laying or in construction activities   for his big family where he is the only earning member.
in the village. By all his efforts, Ramu is able to earn
enough either in cash or kind for him to buy essentials
for two square meals for his family. However, during the
days when he is unable to get some work, he and his
family really face difficulties and sometimes his small
kids have to sleep without food. Milk and vegetables are
not a regular part of meals in the family. Ramu is food
insecure during 4 months when he remains unemployed
because of the seasonal nature of agriculture work.
Land degradation is a concept in which the value
of the biophysical environment is affected by one
or more combination of human-induced processes
acting upon the land.
Land degradation
 Land degradation is a concept
       in which the value of
 the biophysical environment is
     affected by one or more
combination of human-induced
    processes acting upon the
land. It is viewed as any change
    or disturbance to the land
 perceived to be deleterious or
       undesirable. Natural
    hazardsare excluded as a
      cause, however human
  activities can indirectly affect
phenomena such as floods and
  bushfires. It is estimated that
     up to 40% of the world's
   agricultural land is seriously
Overgrazing by livestock can lead to land
   Cause of land                                     degradation
 Land clearance, such
  as clearcutting and deforestation
 Agricultural depletion of
  soil nutrients through poor
  farming practices
 Livestock including overgrazing
 Inappropriate Irrigation and
   over drafting
 Urban sprawl and commercial
 Land pollution including industrial
 Vehicle off-roading
 Quarrying of stone, sand, ore and
A buffer stock scheme is commonly implemented
as intervention storage, the "ever -normal granary”

What is Buffer stock?
         A buffer stock
      scheme (commonly
implemented as intervention
  storage, the "ever-normal
  granary") is an attempt to
  use commodity storage for
  the purposes of stabilising
 prices in an entire economy
    or, more commonly, an
    individual (commodity)
 market. Specifically, commo
dities are bought when there
 is a surplus in the economy,
   stored, and are then sold
    from these stores when
      there are economic
        shortages in the
economy. Their usefulness is
    debated by economists.
Operation of Buffer Stocks :-
            Single price scheme                                       Two price scheme
• As illustrated, the term "buffer stock scheme"         • Most buffer stock schemes work along the same
  can also refer to a scheme where the floor price         rough lines: first, two prices are determined, a
  and ceiling price are equal: in other words, an          floor and a ceiling (minimum and maximum
  intervention in the market to ensure a fixed             price). When the price drops close to the floor
  price. In order for such stores to be effective, the     price (after a new rich vein of silver is found, for
  figure for "average supply" must be adjusted             example), the scheme operator
  periodically to keep up with any broad trends            (usually government) will start buying up the
  toward increased yield. That is, it must truly be        stock, ensuring that the price does not fall
  an average of probable yield outcomes at that            further.
  given point in time.
Dramatic changes in food consumption patterns have
taken place in India in the post Green Revolution
Changes in Food
Consumption Pattern

  Dramatic changes in food
 consumption patterns have
  taken place in India in the
    post Green Revolution
period. Between 1972-73 and
1993-94, the food basket has
     become much more
diversified, with the share of
  cereals seeing a dramatic
  decline of ten percentage
   points in most regions.
MSP and Food
Procurement Policy
   The stock of food grains
      available with the
government agencies as on 1
 July 2002 was 63.01 million
 tonnes (mt) — 21.94 mt of
 rice and 41.07 mt of wheat.
   This was well above the
   prescribed buffer stock
Commodity         Quality   Crop / Marketing        Price         Announced by
                                        Year        Recommended by        Govt.

1.   Paddy       FAQ             1980-81            100              105
                                 1981-82            115              115
                                 1982-83            122              122
                                 1983-84            132              132
                                 1984-85            137              137
                                 1985-86            140              142
                                 1986-87            146              146
                                 1987-88            150              150
                                 1988-89            160              160
                                 1989-90            172              185
                                 1990-91            205              205
                                 1991-92            235              230
                                 1992-93            260              270
                                 1993-94            310              310
                                 1994-95            340              340
                                 1996-97            355              360
Commodity         Quality   Crop / Marketing        Price      An225nounced by
                                     Year         Recommended         Govt.
                                                     by CACP

                              1997-98            415            415
                              1998-99            440            440
                              1999-2000          465            490
                              2000-2001          510            510
                              2001-2002          520            530
2.Wheat       FAQ             1980-81            117            117
                              1981-82            127            130
                              1982-83            142            142
                              1983-84            151            151
                              1984-85            155            152
                              1985-86            157            157
                              1986-87            162            162
                              1987-88            165            166
                              1988-89            173            173
                              1989-90            183            185
                              1990-1991          200            215
Public Distribution
  System and Food

It is now well recognized that
the availability of food grains
  is not a sufficient condition
   to ensure food security to
 the poor. It is also necessary
 that the poor have sufficient       Year               Amount              % of total Govt.
means to purchase food. The                            (Rs crore )           Expenditure

      capacity of the poor to       1990-91    2450                  2.33

       purchase food can be         1991-92    2850                  2.56

    ensured in two ways – by        1992-93    2785                  2.27

      raising the incomes or        1993-94    5537                  3.9

     supplying food grains at       1994-95    4509                  2.8

     subsidized prices. While       1995-96    4960                  2.78

     employment generation          1996-97    5166                  2.46

   programmers attempt the          1997-98    7500                  3.23

  first solution, the PDS is the    1998-99    8700                  3.11

   mechanism for the second        1999-2000   9200                  3.03

              option.              2000-2001   12125                 3.61
                                   2001-2002   17612                 4.83
                                   2002-2003   21200                 5.17
Targeted Public
Distribution System

 The PDS in its original form
 was widely criticized for its
  failure to serve the below
       poverty line (BPL)
  population, its urban bias,
  negligible coverage in the
    states with the highest
  concentration of the rural
poor and lack of transparent
        and accountable
 arrangements for delivery.
       Realizing this, the
government streamlined the
   system by issuing special
  cards to BPL families and
selling food grains under PDS
      to them at specially
subsidized prices with effect
        from June 1997.
There are many economic approaches advocated to
improve food security in developing countries. Three
typical approaches are listed below. The first is typical
of what is advocated by most governments and
international agencies. The other two are more
common to non-governmental organizations (NGO’s).
Westernized view
      Conventional thinking in
  westernized countries is that
 maximizing the farmers profit
is the surest way of maximizing
    agricultural production; the
    higher a farmer’s profit, the
  greater the effort that will be
  forthcoming, and the greater
 the risk the farmer is willing to
          take.[citation needed]
Place into the hands of farmers
the largest number and highest
 quality tools possible (tools is
used here to refer to improved
      production techniques,
   improved seeds, secure land
     tenure, accurate weather
  forecasts, etc.) However, it is
 left to the individual farmer to
pick and choose which tools to
  use, and how to use them, as
       farmers have intimate
  knowledge of their own land
        and local conditions.
Food justice
    An alternative view takes a
  collective approach to achieve
     food security. It notes that
globally enough food is produced
       to feed the entire world
population at a level adequate to
ensure that everyone can be free
of hunger and fear of starvation.
 That no one should live without
      enough food because of
  economic constraints or social
   inequalities is the basic goal.
  This approach is often referred
to as food justice and views food
security as a basic human right. It
  advocates fairer distribution of
 food, particularly grain crops, as
     a means of ending chronic
   hunger and malnutrition. The
       core of the Food Justice
movement is the belief that what
   is lacking is not food, but the
  political will to fairly distribute
food regardless of the recipient’s
            ability to pay.
Food security in india
Food security in india

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Food security in india

  • 1. SPECIALLY PREPARED BY - Chapter IV ( Food Security of India ) TAANISHA Siddhant Jaiyesh Nandani Jaiswal Nakul Chaudhary Puneet Khurana Ashish Gosowami Rishabh Garg Gurpreet Singh
  • 2. INTRODUCTION Food security refers to the availability of food and one's access to it. A household is considered food - secure when its occupants do not live in hunger or fear of starvation. According to the World Resources Institute, global per capita food production has been increasing substantially for the past several decades. In 2006, MSNBC reported that globally, the number of people who are overweight has surpassed the number who are undernourished - the world had more than one billion people who were overweight, and an estimated 800 million who were undernourished. According to a 2004 article from the BBC, China, the world's most populous country, is suffering from an obesity epidemic. In India, the second - most populous country in the world, 30 million people have been added to the ranks of the hungry since the mid-1990s and 46% of children are underweight.
  • 3. PREFACE A text book of social science is a book for class IX and X. Economics is an integral component of general education up to secondary level. Economics is very crucial subject which enables the learner to know about the society of the world in which you are living . The present series has been written strictly in accordance with latest syllabus issued by N.C.E.R.T for the year 2010 and onwards. Main features of the series :  Brief Subject matter.  A judicious use of table , web chart and illustration to make the subject matter lucid and clear .  The book presentation cantinas high quality photographs that were carefully selected to aid understanding , add realism and heighten the interest of the reader .  Simple , lucid and student friendly language.  Glossary of difficult term  Recapitulation to have a quicker view.  Strictly in accordance with the latest syllabus
  • 4. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The National Council of Education research and Training acknowledges the valuable contribution of all the involved in the development of economics Presentation. We also acknowledge the contribution made by Mrs. Aradhna Malik Mam , teacher of D.A.V Public School Rajendra Nager , Ghaziabad. We are thankful for all the my friends and Parent's for taking contribution to make this wonderful Presentation.
  • 5. FOOD SECURITY IN INDIA Food security means availability, accessibility and affordability of food to all people at all times.
  • 6. What is Food Security? Food security refers to the availability of food and one's access to it. A household is considered food-secure when its occupants do not live in hunger or fear of starvation. According to the World Resources Institute, global per capita food production has been increasing substantially for the past several decades. In 2006, MSNBC reported that globally, the number of people who are overweight has surpassed the number who are undernourished - the world had more than one billion people who were overweight, and an estimated 800 million who were undernourished
  • 7. Food security has following dimensions:- (a) availability of food means food production within the country, food imports and the previous years stock stored in government granaries. (b) accessibility means food is within reach of every person. (c) affordability implies that an individual has enough money to buy sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet one's dietary needs. Thus, food security is ensured in a country only if - (1) enough food is available for all the persons. (2) all persons have the capacity to buy food of acceptable quality. (3) there is no barrier on access to food.
  • 8. Why food Security? The poorest section of the society might be food insecure most of the times while persons above the poverty line might also be food insecure when the country faces a national disaster/calamity like earthquake, drought, flood, tsunami, widespread failure of crops causing famine, etc. How is food security Special Video on the half of Food Security affected during a calamity? Due to a natural calamity, say drought, total production of foodgrains decreases. It creates a shortage of food in the affected bares. Due to shortage of food, the prices go up. At the high prices, some people cannot afford to buy food. If such calamity happens in a very wide spread area or is stretched over a longer time period.
  • 9. Food and Agriculture Organization F.A.O
  • 10. Food and Agriculture Organization In the 1970s, food security was understood as the “availability at all times of adequate supply of basic foodstuffs” (UN, 1975). Accordingly, there has been a substantial shift in Amartya Sen added a new the understanding of food security. The 1995 dimension to food security World Food Summit declared, “Food security at and emphasized the “access” the individual, household, regional, national and to food through what he global levels exists when all people, at all times, called ‘entitlements’ have physical and economic access to sufficient, combination of what one can safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary produce, exchange in the needs and food preferences for an active and market along with state or healthy life” (FAO, 1996, p.3). other socially provided supplies.
  • 11. A Famine is characterized Do you know who were affected the most by by wide spread deaths the famine? due to starvation The agricultural laborers, fishermen, transport workers and other casual laborers were affected A Famine is characterised by wide the most by dramatically increasing price of rice. spread deaths due to starvation They were the ones who died in this famine and epidemics caused by forced use of contaminated water or decaying food and loss of body resistance due to weakening from Year Production Imports Exports Total starvation. The most devastating ( Lakh ) ( Lakh ) ( Lakh ) Availability famine that occurred in India was the FAMINE OF BENGAL in 1938 85 - - 85 1943. This famine killed thirty 1939 79 04 - 83 lakh people in the province of Bengal. 1940 82 03 - 85 1941 68 02 - 70 1942 93 - 01 92 1943 76 03 - 79
  • 12. FOOD INSECURE Approximately one out of six people are "food insecure", including 17 million children, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
  • 13. Who are food-insecure? Although a large section of people suffer from food and nutrition insecurity in India, the worst affected groups are landless people with little or no land to depend upon, traditional artisans, providers of traditional services, petty self- employed workers and destitute including beggars. In the urban areas, the food insecure families are those whose working members are generally employed in ill-paid occupations and casual labour market.
  • 14. STORY OF RAMU AND AHMAD Ramu works as a casual laborer in agriculture in Raipur village. Ahmad is a rickshaw puller in Bangalore.
  • 15. About Ramu About Ahmad Ramu works as a casual labourer in agriculture in Raipur Ahmad is a rickshaw puller in Bangalore. He has shifted village. His eldest son Somu who is 10 years old also from Jhumri Taliah along with his 3 brothers, 2 sisters works as a pali to look after the cattle of the Sarpanch and old parents. He stays in a jhuggi. The survival of all of the village Satpal Singh. Somu is employed for the members of his family depends on his daily earnings whole year by the Sarpanch and is paid a sum of Rs from pulling rickshaw. However, he does not have a 1,000 for this work. Ramu has three more sons and two secured employment and his earnings fluctuate every daughters but they are too young to work on the field. day. During some days he gets enough earning for him His wife Sunhari is also (part time) working as house to save some amount after buying all his day-to-day cleaner for the livestock, removing and managing cow necessities. On other days, he barely earns enough to dung. She gets ½ litre milk and some cooked food along buy his daily necessities. However, fortunately, Ahmad with vegetables for her daily work. Besides she also has a yellow card, which is PDS Card for below poverty works in the field along with her husband in the busy line people. With this card, Ahmad gets sufficient season and supplements his earnings. Agriculture being quantity of wheat, rice, sugar and kerosene oil for his a seasonal activity employs Ramu only during times of daily use. He gets these essentials at half of the market sowing, transplanting and harvesting. He remains price. He purchases his monthly stock during a unemployed for about 4 months during the period of particular day when the ration shop is opened for plant consolidation and maturing in a year. He looks for below poverty people. In this way, Ahmad is able to work in other activities. Some times he gets eke out his survival with less than sufficient earnings employment in brick laying or in construction activities for his big family where he is the only earning member. in the village. By all his efforts, Ramu is able to earn enough either in cash or kind for him to buy essentials for two square meals for his family. However, during the days when he is unable to get some work, he and his family really face difficulties and sometimes his small kids have to sleep without food. Milk and vegetables are not a regular part of meals in the family. Ramu is food insecure during 4 months when he remains unemployed because of the seasonal nature of agriculture work.
  • 16. LAND DEGRADATION Land degradation is a concept in which the value of the biophysical environment is affected by one or more combination of human-induced processes acting upon the land.
  • 17. Land degradation Land degradation is a concept in which the value of the biophysical environment is affected by one or more combination of human-induced processes acting upon the land. It is viewed as any change or disturbance to the land perceived to be deleterious or undesirable. Natural hazardsare excluded as a cause, however human activities can indirectly affect phenomena such as floods and bushfires. It is estimated that up to 40% of the world's agricultural land is seriously degraded.
  • 18. Overgrazing by livestock can lead to land Cause of land degradation degradation  Land clearance, such as clearcutting and deforestation  Agricultural depletion of soil nutrients through poor farming practices  Livestock including overgrazing  Inappropriate Irrigation and over drafting  Urban sprawl and commercial development  Land pollution including industrial waste  Vehicle off-roading  Quarrying of stone, sand, ore and minerals
  • 19. A buffer stock scheme is commonly implemented as intervention storage, the "ever -normal granary” BUFFER STOCK SCHEME
  • 20. What is Buffer stock? A buffer stock scheme (commonly implemented as intervention storage, the "ever-normal granary") is an attempt to use commodity storage for the purposes of stabilising prices in an entire economy or, more commonly, an individual (commodity) market. Specifically, commo dities are bought when there is a surplus in the economy, stored, and are then sold from these stores when there are economic shortages in the economy. Their usefulness is debated by economists.
  • 21. Operation of Buffer Stocks :- Single price scheme Two price scheme • As illustrated, the term "buffer stock scheme" • Most buffer stock schemes work along the same can also refer to a scheme where the floor price rough lines: first, two prices are determined, a and ceiling price are equal: in other words, an floor and a ceiling (minimum and maximum intervention in the market to ensure a fixed price). When the price drops close to the floor price. In order for such stores to be effective, the price (after a new rich vein of silver is found, for figure for "average supply" must be adjusted example), the scheme operator periodically to keep up with any broad trends (usually government) will start buying up the toward increased yield. That is, it must truly be stock, ensuring that the price does not fall an average of probable yield outcomes at that further. given point in time.
  • 22. PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Dramatic changes in food consumption patterns have taken place in India in the post Green Revolution period.
  • 23. Changes in Food Consumption Pattern Dramatic changes in food consumption patterns have taken place in India in the post Green Revolution period. Between 1972-73 and 1993-94, the food basket has become much more diversified, with the share of cereals seeing a dramatic decline of ten percentage points in most regions.
  • 24. MSP and Food Procurement Policy The stock of food grains available with the government agencies as on 1 July 2002 was 63.01 million tonnes (mt) — 21.94 mt of rice and 41.07 mt of wheat. This was well above the prescribed buffer stock norms.
  • 25. Commodity Quality Crop / Marketing Price Announced by Year Recommended by Govt. CACP 1. Paddy FAQ 1980-81 100 105 1981-82 115 115 1982-83 122 122 1983-84 132 132 1984-85 137 137 1985-86 140 142 1986-87 146 146 1987-88 150 150 1988-89 160 160 1989-90 172 185 1990-91 205 205 1991-92 235 230 1992-93 260 270 1993-94 310 310 1994-95 340 340 1996-97 355 360
  • 26. Commodity Quality Crop / Marketing Price An225nounced by Year Recommended Govt. by CACP 1997-98 415 415 1998-99 440 440 1999-2000 465 490 2000-2001 510 510 2001-2002 520 530 2.Wheat FAQ 1980-81 117 117 1981-82 127 130 1982-83 142 142 1983-84 151 151 1984-85 155 152 1985-86 157 157 1986-87 162 162 1987-88 165 166 1988-89 173 173 1989-90 183 185 1990-1991 200 215
  • 27. Public Distribution System and Food Subsidy It is now well recognized that the availability of food grains is not a sufficient condition to ensure food security to the poor. It is also necessary that the poor have sufficient Year Amount % of total Govt. means to purchase food. The (Rs crore ) Expenditure capacity of the poor to 1990-91 2450 2.33 purchase food can be 1991-92 2850 2.56 ensured in two ways – by 1992-93 2785 2.27 raising the incomes or 1993-94 5537 3.9 supplying food grains at 1994-95 4509 2.8 subsidized prices. While 1995-96 4960 2.78 employment generation 1996-97 5166 2.46 programmers attempt the 1997-98 7500 3.23 first solution, the PDS is the 1998-99 8700 3.11 mechanism for the second 1999-2000 9200 3.03 option. 2000-2001 12125 3.61 2001-2002 17612 4.83 2002-2003 21200 5.17
  • 28. Targeted Public Distribution System The PDS in its original form was widely criticized for its failure to serve the below poverty line (BPL) population, its urban bias, negligible coverage in the states with the highest concentration of the rural poor and lack of transparent and accountable arrangements for delivery. Realizing this, the government streamlined the system by issuing special cards to BPL families and selling food grains under PDS to them at specially subsidized prices with effect from June 1997.
  • 29. ECONOMIC APPROACHES There are many economic approaches advocated to improve food security in developing countries. Three typical approaches are listed below. The first is typical of what is advocated by most governments and international agencies. The other two are more common to non-governmental organizations (NGO’s).
  • 30. Westernized view Conventional thinking in westernized countries is that maximizing the farmers profit is the surest way of maximizing agricultural production; the higher a farmer’s profit, the greater the effort that will be forthcoming, and the greater the risk the farmer is willing to take.[citation needed] Place into the hands of farmers the largest number and highest quality tools possible (tools is used here to refer to improved production techniques, improved seeds, secure land tenure, accurate weather forecasts, etc.) However, it is left to the individual farmer to pick and choose which tools to use, and how to use them, as farmers have intimate knowledge of their own land and local conditions.
  • 31. Food justice An alternative view takes a collective approach to achieve food security. It notes that globally enough food is produced to feed the entire world population at a level adequate to ensure that everyone can be free of hunger and fear of starvation. That no one should live without enough food because of economic constraints or social inequalities is the basic goal. This approach is often referred to as food justice and views food security as a basic human right. It advocates fairer distribution of food, particularly grain crops, as a means of ending chronic hunger and malnutrition. The core of the Food Justice movement is the belief that what is lacking is not food, but the political will to fairly distribute food regardless of the recipient’s ability to pay.