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Understanding Online Reading
Comprehension, Collaboration,
& Digital Inquiry: Connecting
Theory, Research, & Practice
Julie Coiro, PhD
School of Education
University of Rhode Island
The Plan
 Quick context setting: Student engagement & My Views
 Theoretical Lenses
 Three areas of work
 ORCA Project: Online Reading (Critical Evaluation)
 Digital Scaffolds for Online Inquiry, Skillful
Argumentation, and Social Deliberation
 Personal Digital Inquiry (PDI) Framework [and
productive F2F collaborative dialogue]
 Four promising practices for the future
How can we engage learners in today’s digital
 Move beyond industrial model of universal school
toward new era focused on lifelong learning and
individual choice – or lose learners emotionally &
physically (Collins & Halverson, 2009: Rethinking Education in the Age of
 If we engage learners with rigorous academic content
and expect them to know why, when, and how to apply
knowledge to answer questions & solve problems
(National Research Council, 2012)
 “Lessen achievement gap; lead to positive adult
outcomes for more young people”
High school students engaged in deep &
relevant learning opportunities…
 Demonstrated higher levels of interpersonal and
intrapersonal skills (American Institutes for Research, 2014)
 Achieved better outcomes in every aspect of life,
including academic, career, civic, and health
(Center for Public Education, 2009)
Optimistic Findings
 Continuing achievement gaps in literacy and content
area learning among students from diverse
backgrounds (local; NAEP; PISA)
 Keeping up with rapid cultural and technological shifts
connected to our conceptions of reading in a digital
world (e.g., Coiro, Knobel, Lankshear, & Leu, 2008;
Leu et al, 2015, RRQ, ORCA Project)
 Understanding, valuing, and capturing the critical role
of affective variables such as motivation, interest, and
self-efficacy (Gallup, 2012; Center for Educational Policy, 2012)
Important Challenges:
Gallup Poll (2012) - 500,000 US students, Gr. 5-12 Center for
Education Policy (2012)
Gallup Poll (2015) – 929,000 US students, Gr. 5-12
Percentage who strongly agreed with the statement: “The adults at my
school care about me, “ declined from 67% (Grade 5) to 23% (Grade 11)…
Many students don’t feel individually known or cared for at school.
THIS is the PERSONAL we need to focus on!
The Challenge: Connecting Learners in Ways That
Sense of Belonging – Do I fit in? Am I relevant? Do people care about me?
OECD PISA 2015 Students’ Well Being (April 2017)
Outsider (disagree)
KOREA 91.3%
US 76.2 (lowest)
Belong (agree)
KOREA 79.5%
US 74.2
 1 high school, 581 classes, 1,132 students
 “Connective instruction [when teachers help students
make personal connections to a class] predicts
engagement more than seven times as strongly as
academic rigor or lively teaching.”
Why is the “personal” piece so important?
My Own Goals
 Mixed methodologist with a background in reading
comprehension, curriculum design, and special education
 Bridge between the numbers (research/policy) and the stories
behind the numbers (what, why, for whom, under what
 Pair the stories with classroom instruction and professional
development: “What do we do now?”
 Be aware of but not paralyzed by the challenges
 Implications and ideas for
 Changing mindsets/Building new cultures
 Designing learning spaces (communities and/or texts)
 Designing assessments
 Designing curriculum
New Literacies
 The nature of literacy and learning is rapidly
changing & transforming as new technologies
 Common assumptions (Handbook of Research on New
Literacies. Coiro, Knobel, Lankshear, & Leu, 2008)
 New skills, strategies, dispositions, and social
practices are required by new ICT
 These literacies are central to full participation in a
global community
 These literacies regularly change as their defining
technologies change
 These literacies are multifaceted and benefit from
multiple points of view
Theoretical Lens
 Self-directed process of constructing texts
and knowledge to solve problems while
engaged in at least five practices:
1. Generating important questions
2. Reading to locate relevant information
3. Reading to critically evaluate information for
accuracy, reliability, and stance
4. Reading to synthesize findings across
multiple sources
5. Reading & writing to communicate findings to
A new literacies perspective of online
reading comprehension
Leu, Kinzer, Coiro, & Cammack, 2004;
Leu, Kinzer, Coiro, Castek & Henry, 2013
Theoretical Lens
 RAND + Broadened understandings of…
 TEXT (non-linear hypertext; multiple media;
interactive texts)
 READING ACTIVITY (varied learner-directed
purposes; higher-level critical processes; learner-
generated consequences/products)
 READER (cognitive capabilities; affective elements
such as motivation & self-efficacy)
 SOCIAL CONTEXT (collaboration with real global
audiences; ability to take action)
Coiro, 2003, The Reading Teacher
Coiro & Dobler, 2007
Reading Research Quarterly
Similar to Print Unique to Online
Prior Knowledge Topic; Info. Text
Info Website Structures;
Search Engines
Matching, structural &
context clues
Forward, multilayered
Cog. monitor & repair; a
single process
Cognitive & Actions;
Rapid, short cycles
 Plan
 Predict
 Monitor
 Evaluate
Four interpretations:
1. Some skills are similar and others
are unique
2. Many skills are simultaneously
similar and more complex
3. Some are similar, some are more
complex, and some are unique
4. Some are beyond what’s captured
by multiple-choice assessments of
Leu, D. Castek, J., Hartman, D., Coiro, J.,
Henry, L., Kulikowich, J., Lyver, S. (2005).
Coiro, 2011 (JLR)
Other studies of online reading
 Major shift in our conception of reading comprehension in
terms of complexity & multiplicity
RAND Model (2002):
Tetradic conception of
four interacting elements
Hartman, Morsink, & Zheng (2010):
Hexadic conception of six interacting
(each is multiple as well)
Supporting Online Reading Comprehension,
Collaboration & Digital Inquiry Across the Grade Levels
Personal Digital
Inquiry (PDI)
(Grades K-12)
Coiro, Castek, & Quinn
(2016); Coiro, Dobler, &
Pelekis (forthcoming)
Coiro, Castek,
Sekeres & Guzniczak
ORCA Project
Critically Evaluating
Sources (Grades 5-8)
Coiro, Coscarelli,
Forzani, & Burlingame
(During inquiry)
Online Inquiry Tool:
(Grades 7-12)
Coiro & Kiili, 2014-2016
Online Collaborative
Inquiry (ETS/SAIL)
2003 - 2018
1. Expanding Online Reading with
Critical Literacy Practices
 How can we best measure, support, and encourage students
to take a more active & critical role in their own learning
while interacting with a diverse range of texts, images, digital
sources, and perspectives?
 Working with:
 New Literacies Research Team at Univ. of Connecticut (Don Leu,
Coiro, Jill Castek, Elena Forzani)
 Carita Kiili, University of Jyväskylä in Finland
 Carla Coscarelli, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, in Brazil
 Renee Hobbs, University of Rhode Island (media literacy)
Critical Literacy
Eight Information Problems
Science (Human Body Systems related to eyes,
ears, heart and lungs)
1. How can energy drinks affect your heart? (heart)
2. How can snacks be heart healthy? (heart)
3. How does the volume level of MP3 players affect hearing?
4. How well can adults hear mosquito ring tones? (ears)
5. Does third-hand smoke harm your health? (lungs)
6. Can Chihuahua dogs cure asthma? (lungs)
7. Do cosmetic contact lenses harm your eyes? (eyes)
8. Do video games harm your eyes? (eyes)
Learn more
Leu, Kulikowich, Sedransk, & Coiro (2009-2014)
Institute for Education Sciences (IES) www.orca.uconn.edu
Reading to Locate
Information Online
Reading to Locate
Information Online
Reading to Locate
Information Online
Reading to Synthesize
Information Online
Reading to Evaluate
Information Online
Reading and Writing to
Communicate Information Online
The ORCA Project
73-80% of large Grade 7 stratified random
sample struggled with all three evaluation skills!Almost 18%!
Critical Evaluation
Coiro, Coscarelli, Maykel, & Forzani, E. (2015). Investigating criteria seventh graders use to evaluate the
quality of online information. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 58(7), 546-550.
Challenges when judging the quality
of online information
1. Judging author’s level of expertise in relation to a
specific topic or area of work
 Shallow criteria to judge expertise
2. Understanding consequences of an author’s affiliation
and point of view
 How do authors position their audiences and decide
whether/how information is shared or represented?
3. Providing reasoned evidence to support judgments
about information quality
 Mostly generalized assumptions about Internet; naïve or single
criteria rather than combining several appropriate indicators
Critical Evaluation
Strategies for supporting close
& critical reading
1. Discuss/compare multiple dimensions of critical evaluation
Coiro, J. (April 2014). Teaching adolescents how to evaluate the quality of online
information. Edutopia Blog Post.
Critical Evaluation
Encourage Use of Multiple & Varied Indicators
of Quality … SCAM?
a. SOURCE: Ask students to elaborate: Who is the author? In
what specific area is his/her expertise? What kind of
company does he/she work for and for how long?
b. CLAIMS: How does the author’s expertise and affiliation
influence claims being made? corroborate with others?
c. ARGUMENTS: Evidence to support and refute claims?
What is the author’s purpose?
What techniques are used to attract and hold attention?
What lifestyles, values, and points of view are represented?
What is omitted from the message? (Renee Hobbs, Media Education Lab)
d. MAKE A DECISION about the validity of the
claims & arguments in relation to author & affiliation
Coiro, Coscarelli, Maykel, & Forzani, E. (2015). Investigating criteria seventh graders use to evaluate
the quality of online information. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 58(7), 546-550.
Emphasize Deliberation Rather Than Debate
2. Capturing Dimensions of Collaboration and
Deliberation with Multiple-Source Inquiry Tasks
in the SAIL ELA Virtual World
NAEP Survey Assessments Innovations Lab (SAIL)
Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) Project
May 2016 – May 2018
PI: Julie Coiro, University of Rhode Island
Co-PI: Jesse R. Sparks, Educational Testing Service
Co-PI: Carita Kiili, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Co-PI: Jill Castek, University of Arizona
NAEP SAIL CPS Project Goals
1. Collaborative Task Development
 Create and cog lab task in F2F and remote contexts
2. Collaborative Technology and Development
 Test/refine ETS Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) Frame;
analyze usability and back-end data outputs
3. Conduct Research on Collaborative Task
 Analyze interactive behaviors and inter-student talk to refine
evidence and task models for collaborative skills in F2F and
remote contexts
 Propose methods for analysis and reporting data
SAIL ELA: Virtual World Environment
Scenario-based tasks measure reading, writing, and research/inquiry skills
via digital tools to support inquiry activities
Map-Based Navigation of Resource Locations
Simulated Web Search
Planning Inquiry with Virtual Partner (Guide)
Compose Response to Inquiry Task using Collected
Define Problem & Information Needs
• Recognize and determine what information is needed to answer questions or solve problems;
• Generate research questions and plans for locating sources that answer those questions.
Locate Sources
• Identify and collect relevant resources;
• Use search, browsing, or lookup strategies to obtain relevant sources;
• Refine/iterate searches as appropriate;
• Make predictions about the content of a search result, and use those
predictions to decide whether a source is worth exploring in depth.
Evaluate Sources
• Evaluate the usefulness of resources;
• Evaluate the reliability/credibility of resources (author expertise, bias, publication
venue, document type, currency, accuracy, and completeness);
• Interpret resource content with respect to its source (sourcing);
• Evaluate the reliability of information by comparing it to information obtained
from other sources (corroboration).
Process, Analyze, Synthesize Sources
• Demonstrate understanding of resource content by summarizing main ideas;
• Take notes from sources that extract key ideas, using paraphrase or quotation,
with citations
• Compare and evaluate consistencies and discrepancies across a set of sources;
• Integrate and synthesize information into a coherent mental model of the situation
Communicate Results
• Construct responses which effectively address an inquiry question in one’s own words;
• Clearly state claim and supporting evidence for one’s position
• Integrate information from multiple sources using summary, paraphrase, or quotation;
• Write text with appropriate content and tone given the audience and purpose;
• Embeds multimedia elements to support one’s ideas;
• Includes citations/references to document one’s sources
Note that sources often present different information and perspectives on an issue; students must
make sense of multiple perspectives, as an important part of online inquiry (cf. Leu et al., 2013).
research /
inquiry skills.
Evidence Centered
Design –
Student Model
Online Inquiry ConstructSAIL ELA: Online Inquiry
Collaborative Online Inquiry and Deliberation =
the capacity of an individual to effectively engage in a
process whereby two or more agents attempt to work
together to locate, critically evaluate, and construct
meaning from multiple online sources in order to
integrate supporting and competing views into a jointly
constructed coherent synthesis that will inform decision
Defining the construct:
“Collaborative Online Inquiry and Deliberation”
Understanding Online Reading Comprehension, Collaboration, and Digital Inquiry: Connecting Theory, Research, and Practice
ETS CPS Frame Technology
Example of ETS CPS Frame with Online Inquiry Task Facilitation pane:
Gives instructions for collaborative task.
Prompts from Table 4 would go here.
Text chat:
Allows textual
Task pane:
Where the SAIL Virtual World for ELA
Online Inquiry task will appear
Allows verbal
and non-verbal
Table 3. Example Probes for Assessing Collaborative Online Inquiry
and Deliberation Competencies
Example Probe Skill Assessed from Table 2 Matrix
What does your partner know about this topic? (A1) Identifying personal and partner’s abilities related
to task goals
What steps will you and your partner perform as part of this
(B1) Describing roles and rules of engagement to
complete multiple source inquiry task
What might you do differently at this point to help your
(D1) Monitoring, providing feedback, and adapting
task completion and roles
What is the main idea of this text? How do you think it
relates to your research goal?
Is this a reliable source, and how do you know?
(B2) Negotiating a mutual understanding of the issue,
related texts, and their sources to build a shared and
critical representation of knowledge (common
How might you add to the ideas suggested by your partner? (C2) Communicating with partner about how to
combine and build on each other’s understanding of
the issue and related texts and sources
Work with your partner to prepare an outline of talking
points summarizing reasons for and against the issue
(B3) Building a shared plan for perspective taking and
perspective weighing of the issues and related
Orally present your mutual understanding and analysis of the
issue from these two perspectives.
Come to an agreement about your own position on the issue.
(C3) Integrating self and partner’s ideas into a shared
representation (oral or written) of knowledge about
the issue
What questions do you and your partner still need to find
out more about?
(D2) Monitoring and repairing their shared
Which of your partner’s points are you still having trouble
agreeing with? What additional information could be used
to support (or refute) this claim or explanation?
(D3) Monitoring and repairing their shared
PISA Collaborative Problem Solving > Online Inquiry
3. Building Personal Relationships and
Deepening Learning with Digital Texts &
 What role(s) do teachers and learners play in the
inquiry process?
 What informs the purposeful selection and use of
digital texts and tools to promote deeper learning?
 Working with:
 Jill Castek, University of Arizona
 Elizabeth Dobler, Emporia State University (Kansas)
 Karen Pelekis (Grade 1 Teacher, New York)
 Amanda Murphy and Erica DeVoe (High School Teachers, History
and ELA, Rhode Island)
 Summer Institute in Digital Literacy (5 years)
Learning is social
and part of a mutually
constructive process that
involves face-to-face talking,
listening, and consensus
Personal Digital Inquiry
(Four sets of core values/practices)
Generating questions
and lived experiences
with real issues is
personally fulfilling;
Inquiry can happen
on several levels.
Creative learners make
personal connections
and take action to build
awareness and/or foster
change. “I belong and I can
make a difference”
True inquiry involves
critical analysis, reflection
& self-monitoring,
which leads to
more questions.
Dewey 1997/1938
Bruce & Bishop, 2008
Alberta Learning, 2004
Kühn, 1995; Pink, 2009
Schofield & Honore, 2010
Anderson et al, 2013
Palincsar & Brown, 1984
Guthrie & Wigfield, 2004
Casey, 2013;
Jenkins, 2008
Hobbs & Moore, 2013;
Ito et al, 2013; Zhao, 2009
Schön, 1991;
IDEO, 2011
Thomas &
Brown, 2011
Personal Digital Inquiry
(Four sets of core values/practices)
Varied Pedagogies to Support Digital Inquiry
• Modeled inquiry: Students observe models of how
the leader ask questions and makes decisions.
• Structured Inquiry: Students make choices which are
dependent upon guidelines and structure given by the
leader (may vary).
• Guided Inquiry: Students make choices during inquiry
that lead to deeper understanding guided by some
structure given by the leader.
• Open Inquiry: Students make all of the decisions.
There is little to no guidance.
Alberta Inquiry Model of Inquiry Based Learning (2004)
Digital Inquiry
What do we mean by culture?
Adapted from Ron Ritchhart’s (2015) Creating Cultures of Thinking
Understanding Online Reading Comprehension, Collaboration, and Digital Inquiry: Connecting Theory, Research, and Practice
include photos, videos, multimodal
& multi-lingual texts with text-to-
speech capability for building
knowledge, deepening
understanding of key concepts, and
increasing motivation with challenge
and support
Digital Texts
enable you and your students to
organize, analyze, annotate,
collaborate, express, reflect,
create, and share that new
knowledge and ideas with others
Digital Tools
Technology = Digital Texts and Digital Tools
that support these 4 sets of core opportunities
Knowledge-Based Learning Outcomes
How will students use their knowledge?
Reflect On
Act On
passively receive
information given
or modeled by
Learners [use
technology to]
connect new
information to
Learners [use
to] share their
with others
Learners [use
technology to]
reflect on and
evaluate their
processes and
Learners [use
technology to]
translate their
knowledge into
action for real-
world purpose
Lower Order
Higher Order
Purposeful Technology Use
How can technology support or enhance learning?
Cognitive Strategies: Read, question, monitor,
repair, infer, connect, clarify, and interpret
Social Practices: Request & give
information; jointly acknowledge,
evaluate, & build on partner’s
Collaborative F2F
Dialogue for Meaning Making
Coiro, Dobler, & Pelekis (forthcoming)
Four places to start to let go
1 2>
Understanding Online Reading Comprehension, Collaboration, and Digital Inquiry: Connecting Theory, Research, and Practice
Understanding Online Reading Comprehension, Collaboration, and Digital Inquiry: Connecting Theory, Research, and Practice
Understanding Online Reading Comprehension, Collaboration, and Digital Inquiry: Connecting Theory, Research, and Practice
OPEN INQUIRY GRADE 12: Global Issue &
Learning Task:
Research a
global issue;
Engage in advocacy
on a local level
Blue Pride:
Collected 500
signatures to ban
plastic bags and
use reusable
shopping bags
Next Steps:
Class has ended but
on to legislators…
OPEN INQUIRY GRADE 9: Global Issue & Advocacy
I belong to this community and I can make a difference!
OPEN INQUIRY GRADE 9: Global Issue & Advocacy
I belong to this community and I can make a difference!
4. Engaging Students in Skilled
Argumentation & Social Deliberation
Coiro & Killi( 2014-2016)
Elva Knight Research Award
Design Features Informed by Four
 Guide learners through online research and
comprehension process (Leu at el, 2004; 2013)
 Argumentation as learning (Nussbaum, 2008); supports
transactive reasoning (Kruger, 1993) and social deliberation
(Murray et al, 2011)
 Theory of representational guidance (Suthers, 2003) Tools
and notations can guide learners toward practices
considered beneficial for learning (construct, manipulate,
and connect ideas)
 Cognitive load theory: optimize efforts to construct a
cohesive synthesis (Chipperfield, 2006; Kester, Paas, & van
Merriënboer, 2010)
Online Inquiry Tool
Kiili, C., Coiro, J., & Hämäläinen, J. (in press, Spring 2016). An online inquiry tool to support the
exploration of controversial issues on the Internet. Journal of Literacy and Technology.
Kiili, C., Coiro, J., & Hämäläinen, J. (2016). An online inquiry tool to support the
exploration of controversial issues on the Internet. Journal of Literacy and Technology.
Pilot study results
 Open framework could be used in different
disciplines and for multiple purposes
 Regardless of content area or level of typical
academic performance, most students struggled
with many aspects of the task [when given no
 Some provide relevant reasons but few address
counterarguments and/or integrate ideas from
multiple sources into a cohesive synthesis
 Survey results suggest online inquiry tool helped
students organize and monitor their thinking across
perspectives; but suggests this is hard work!
Online Inquiry Tool
Coiro, Killi, Hämäläinen, Cedillo, Naylor, O’Connell, & Quinn (AERA 2015)
Test efficacy of tool (and collaboration) to
support online research and skillful
argumentation (n = 300)
Claim 1: Social media increases the
quality of people’s lives
Claim 2: The genetic manipulation of
plants and animals should be allowed.
Coiro & Killi, 2014-2016 (Elva Knight Research Award)
Research Study
Table 1. Average scores on essay variables across four U.S. groups
Question #1: Impact of No Tool Use
vs. Tool Use on Essay Quality
Tool use higher, but not significan
Question #2: Individuals vs. Pairs:
Differences on quality of argument graph
88 US Tool Users
But, no significant differences between individuals
and pairs on any of five argument graph variables
Planning perspectives
Argumentative reasoning
Evaluating sources
Total Graph Quality
Julie Coiro and Carita Kiili – ILA Elva Knight Award 2016
Question #2: Pairs vs. Individuals
Differences on quality of argument graph
Table 2. Average scores on argument graph variables across all four U.S. groups
Julie Coiro and Carita Kiili – ILA Elva Knight Award 2016
Question 3. Impact of Tool Use on Source Evaluations
83% at least one relevant justification across whole sample (much greater than typical);
BUT avg. score was 2.7/5
Supporting Online Reading Comprehension,
Collaboration & Digital Inquiry Across the Grade Levels
Personal Digital
Inquiry (PDI)
(Grades K-12)
Coiro, Castek, & Quinn
(2016); Coiro, Dobler, &
Pelekis (forthcoming)
Coiro, Castek,
Sekeres & Guzniczak
ORCA Project
Critically Evaluating
Sources (Grades 5-8)
Coiro, Coscarelli,
Forzani, & Burlingame
(During inquiry)
Online Inquiry Tool:
(Grades 7-12)
Coiro & Kiili, 2014-2016
Online Collaborative
Inquiry (ETS/SAIL)
2003 - 2018
Promising Practices for Supporting Online
Reading Comprehension, Personal Digital
Inquiry, and Collaborative Problem Solving
 Understand the role of classroom culture in promoting inquiry-
based learning
 Provide explicit but flexible learning supports that promote
online reading comprehension skills including critical evaluation
 Value contributions of formative, learner-centered assessments
[e.g., screencast recordings of ORCA Project; completed Online
Inquiry Tool; F2F and remote collaboration to help capture
authentic learning and differentiate instruction]
 Connect with flexible supports for professional development
(e.g., collaborative curriculum design – Amber Walraven et al.,
A Way Forward

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Understanding Online Reading Comprehension, Collaboration, and Digital Inquiry: Connecting Theory, Research, and Practice

  • 1. Understanding Online Reading Comprehension, Collaboration, & Digital Inquiry: Connecting Theory, Research, & Practice Julie Coiro, PhD School of Education University of Rhode Island jcoiro@uri.edu uri.academia.edu/JulieCoiro/
  • 2. The Plan  Quick context setting: Student engagement & My Views  Theoretical Lenses  Three areas of work  ORCA Project: Online Reading (Critical Evaluation)  Digital Scaffolds for Online Inquiry, Skillful Argumentation, and Social Deliberation  Personal Digital Inquiry (PDI) Framework [and productive F2F collaborative dialogue]  Four promising practices for the future
  • 3. How can we engage learners in today’s digital society?  Move beyond industrial model of universal school toward new era focused on lifelong learning and individual choice – or lose learners emotionally & physically (Collins & Halverson, 2009: Rethinking Education in the Age of Technology)  If we engage learners with rigorous academic content and expect them to know why, when, and how to apply knowledge to answer questions & solve problems (National Research Council, 2012)  “Lessen achievement gap; lead to positive adult outcomes for more young people” Context
  • 4. High school students engaged in deep & relevant learning opportunities…  Demonstrated higher levels of interpersonal and intrapersonal skills (American Institutes for Research, 2014)  Achieved better outcomes in every aspect of life, including academic, career, civic, and health (Center for Public Education, 2009) Context Optimistic Findings
  • 5.  Continuing achievement gaps in literacy and content area learning among students from diverse backgrounds (local; NAEP; PISA)  Keeping up with rapid cultural and technological shifts connected to our conceptions of reading in a digital world (e.g., Coiro, Knobel, Lankshear, & Leu, 2008; Leu et al, 2015, RRQ, ORCA Project)  Understanding, valuing, and capturing the critical role of affective variables such as motivation, interest, and self-efficacy (Gallup, 2012; Center for Educational Policy, 2012) Context Important Challenges:
  • 6. Gallup Poll (2012) - 500,000 US students, Gr. 5-12 Center for Education Policy (2012)
  • 7. Gallup Poll (2015) – 929,000 US students, Gr. 5-12 Percentage who strongly agreed with the statement: “The adults at my school care about me, “ declined from 67% (Grade 5) to 23% (Grade 11)… Many students don’t feel individually known or cared for at school. THIS is the PERSONAL we need to focus on!
  • 8. The Challenge: Connecting Learners in Ways That Matter Sense of Belonging – Do I fit in? Am I relevant? Do people care about me? OECD PISA 2015 Students’ Well Being (April 2017) Outsider (disagree) KOREA 91.3% US 76.2 (lowest) Belong (agree) KOREA 79.5% US 74.2
  • 9.  1 high school, 581 classes, 1,132 students  “Connective instruction [when teachers help students make personal connections to a class] predicts engagement more than seven times as strongly as academic rigor or lively teaching.” Why is the “personal” piece so important?
  • 10. My Own Goals  Mixed methodologist with a background in reading comprehension, curriculum design, and special education  Bridge between the numbers (research/policy) and the stories behind the numbers (what, why, for whom, under what conditions)  Pair the stories with classroom instruction and professional development: “What do we do now?”  Be aware of but not paralyzed by the challenges  Implications and ideas for  Changing mindsets/Building new cultures  Designing learning spaces (communities and/or texts)  Designing assessments  Designing curriculum
  • 11. New Literacies  The nature of literacy and learning is rapidly changing & transforming as new technologies emerge  Common assumptions (Handbook of Research on New Literacies. Coiro, Knobel, Lankshear, & Leu, 2008)  New skills, strategies, dispositions, and social practices are required by new ICT  These literacies are central to full participation in a global community  These literacies regularly change as their defining technologies change  These literacies are multifaceted and benefit from multiple points of view Theoretical Lens
  • 12.  Self-directed process of constructing texts and knowledge to solve problems while engaged in at least five practices: 1. Generating important questions 2. Reading to locate relevant information 3. Reading to critically evaluate information for accuracy, reliability, and stance 4. Reading to synthesize findings across multiple sources 5. Reading & writing to communicate findings to others A new literacies perspective of online reading comprehension Leu, Kinzer, Coiro, & Cammack, 2004; Leu, Kinzer, Coiro, Castek & Henry, 2013 Theoretical Lens
  • 13.  RAND + Broadened understandings of…  TEXT (non-linear hypertext; multiple media; interactive texts)  READING ACTIVITY (varied learner-directed purposes; higher-level critical processes; learner- generated consequences/products)  READER (cognitive capabilities; affective elements such as motivation & self-efficacy)  SOCIAL CONTEXT (collaboration with real global audiences; ability to take action) Coiro, 2003, The Reading Teacher
  • 14. Research… Coiro & Dobler, 2007 Reading Research Quarterly Similar to Print Unique to Online Prior Knowledge Topic; Info. Text Structures Info Website Structures; Search Engines Inferential Reasoning Matching, structural & context clues Forward, multilayered reasoning Self-Regulated Reading Cog. monitor & repair; a single process Cognitive & Actions; Rapid, short cycles  Plan  Predict  Monitor  Evaluate
  • 15. Four interpretations: 1. Some skills are similar and others are unique 2. Many skills are simultaneously similar and more complex 3. Some are similar, some are more complex, and some are unique 4. Some are beyond what’s captured by multiple-choice assessments of comprehension Research… Leu, D. Castek, J., Hartman, D., Coiro, J., Henry, L., Kulikowich, J., Lyver, S. (2005). Coiro, 2011 (JLR)
  • 16. Other studies of online reading  Major shift in our conception of reading comprehension in terms of complexity & multiplicity RAND Model (2002): Tetradic conception of four interacting elements Hartman, Morsink, & Zheng (2010): Hexadic conception of six interacting elements (each is multiple as well) Research…
  • 17. Supporting Online Reading Comprehension, Collaboration & Digital Inquiry Across the Grade Levels DIGITAL INQUIRY Personal Digital Inquiry (PDI) (Grades K-12) Coiro, Castek, & Quinn (2016); Coiro, Dobler, & Pelekis (forthcoming) Productive Collaborative Dialogue/Talk Coiro, Castek, Sekeres & Guzniczak CRITICAL READING/LITERACY ORCA Project (2009-2014) Critically Evaluating Sources (Grades 5-8) Coiro, Coscarelli, Forzani, & Burlingame (2015) ARGUMENTATION, COLLABORATION & DELIBERATION (During inquiry) Online Inquiry Tool: (Grades 7-12) Coiro & Kiili, 2014-2016 Online Collaborative Inquiry (ETS/SAIL) 2016-2018 2003 - 2018
  • 18. 1. Expanding Online Reading with Critical Literacy Practices  How can we best measure, support, and encourage students to take a more active & critical role in their own learning while interacting with a diverse range of texts, images, digital sources, and perspectives?  Working with:  New Literacies Research Team at Univ. of Connecticut (Don Leu, Coiro, Jill Castek, Elena Forzani)  Carita Kiili, University of Jyväskylä in Finland  Carla Coscarelli, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, in Brazil  Renee Hobbs, University of Rhode Island (media literacy) Critical Literacy
  • 19. Eight Information Problems Science (Human Body Systems related to eyes, ears, heart and lungs) 1. How can energy drinks affect your heart? (heart) 2. How can snacks be heart healthy? (heart) 3. How does the volume level of MP3 players affect hearing? (ears) 4. How well can adults hear mosquito ring tones? (ears) 5. Does third-hand smoke harm your health? (lungs) 6. Can Chihuahua dogs cure asthma? (lungs) 7. Do cosmetic contact lenses harm your eyes? (eyes) 8. Do video games harm your eyes? (eyes) Learn more about Investigate conflicting claims Leu, Kulikowich, Sedransk, & Coiro (2009-2014) Institute for Education Sciences (IES) www.orca.uconn.edu
  • 25. Reading and Writing to Communicate Information Online 25 www.orca.uconn.edu
  • 26. The ORCA Project 73-80% of large Grade 7 stratified random sample struggled with all three evaluation skills!Almost 18%! Critical Evaluation Coiro, Coscarelli, Maykel, & Forzani, E. (2015). Investigating criteria seventh graders use to evaluate the quality of online information. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 58(7), 546-550.
  • 27. Challenges when judging the quality of online information 1. Judging author’s level of expertise in relation to a specific topic or area of work  Shallow criteria to judge expertise 2. Understanding consequences of an author’s affiliation and point of view  How do authors position their audiences and decide whether/how information is shared or represented? 3. Providing reasoned evidence to support judgments about information quality  Mostly generalized assumptions about Internet; naïve or single criteria rather than combining several appropriate indicators Critical Evaluation
  • 28. Strategies for supporting close & critical reading 1. Discuss/compare multiple dimensions of critical evaluation Coiro, J. (April 2014). Teaching adolescents how to evaluate the quality of online information. Edutopia Blog Post. Critical Evaluation
  • 29. Encourage Use of Multiple & Varied Indicators of Quality … SCAM? a. SOURCE: Ask students to elaborate: Who is the author? In what specific area is his/her expertise? What kind of company does he/she work for and for how long? b. CLAIMS: How does the author’s expertise and affiliation influence claims being made? corroborate with others? c. ARGUMENTS: Evidence to support and refute claims? What is the author’s purpose? What techniques are used to attract and hold attention? What lifestyles, values, and points of view are represented? What is omitted from the message? (Renee Hobbs, Media Education Lab) d. MAKE A DECISION about the validity of the claims & arguments in relation to author & affiliation Coiro, Coscarelli, Maykel, & Forzani, E. (2015). Investigating criteria seventh graders use to evaluate the quality of online information. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 58(7), 546-550.
  • 31. 2. Capturing Dimensions of Collaboration and Deliberation with Multiple-Source Inquiry Tasks in the SAIL ELA Virtual World NAEP Survey Assessments Innovations Lab (SAIL) Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) Project May 2016 – May 2018 PI: Julie Coiro, University of Rhode Island Co-PI: Jesse R. Sparks, Educational Testing Service Co-PI: Carita Kiili, University of Jyväskylä, Finland Co-PI: Jill Castek, University of Arizona
  • 32. NAEP SAIL CPS Project Goals (2016-2018) 1. Collaborative Task Development  Create and cog lab task in F2F and remote contexts 2. Collaborative Technology and Development  Test/refine ETS Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) Frame; analyze usability and back-end data outputs 3. Conduct Research on Collaborative Task  Analyze interactive behaviors and inter-student talk to refine evidence and task models for collaborative skills in F2F and remote contexts  Propose methods for analysis and reporting data
  • 33. SAIL ELA: Virtual World Environment Scenario-based tasks measure reading, writing, and research/inquiry skills via digital tools to support inquiry activities Map-Based Navigation of Resource Locations Simulated Web Search Planning Inquiry with Virtual Partner (Guide) Compose Response to Inquiry Task using Collected Resources
  • 34. Define Problem & Information Needs • Recognize and determine what information is needed to answer questions or solve problems; • Generate research questions and plans for locating sources that answer those questions. Locate Sources • Identify and collect relevant resources; • Use search, browsing, or lookup strategies to obtain relevant sources; • Refine/iterate searches as appropriate; • Make predictions about the content of a search result, and use those predictions to decide whether a source is worth exploring in depth. Evaluate Sources • Evaluate the usefulness of resources; • Evaluate the reliability/credibility of resources (author expertise, bias, publication venue, document type, currency, accuracy, and completeness); • Interpret resource content with respect to its source (sourcing); • Evaluate the reliability of information by comparing it to information obtained from other sources (corroboration). Process, Analyze, Synthesize Sources • Demonstrate understanding of resource content by summarizing main ideas; • Take notes from sources that extract key ideas, using paraphrase or quotation, with citations • Compare and evaluate consistencies and discrepancies across a set of sources; • Integrate and synthesize information into a coherent mental model of the situation Communicate Results • Construct responses which effectively address an inquiry question in one’s own words; • Clearly state claim and supporting evidence for one’s position • Integrate information from multiple sources using summary, paraphrase, or quotation; • Write text with appropriate content and tone given the audience and purpose; • Embeds multimedia elements to support one’s ideas; • Includes citations/references to document one’s sources Note that sources often present different information and perspectives on an issue; students must make sense of multiple perspectives, as an important part of online inquiry (cf. Leu et al., 2013). SAIL ELA Online Inquiry cognitive targets include reading, writing, and research / inquiry skills. Evidence Centered Design – Student Model Online Inquiry ConstructSAIL ELA: Online Inquiry
  • 35. Collaborative Online Inquiry and Deliberation = the capacity of an individual to effectively engage in a process whereby two or more agents attempt to work together to locate, critically evaluate, and construct meaning from multiple online sources in order to integrate supporting and competing views into a jointly constructed coherent synthesis that will inform decision making. Defining the construct: “Collaborative Online Inquiry and Deliberation”
  • 37. ETS CPS Frame Technology Example of ETS CPS Frame with Online Inquiry Task Facilitation pane: Gives instructions for collaborative task. Prompts from Table 4 would go here. Text chat: Allows textual communication between partners Task pane: Where the SAIL Virtual World for ELA Online Inquiry task will appear Audio/video channel: Allows verbal and non-verbal communication
  • 38. Table 3. Example Probes for Assessing Collaborative Online Inquiry and Deliberation Competencies Example Probe Skill Assessed from Table 2 Matrix What does your partner know about this topic? (A1) Identifying personal and partner’s abilities related to task goals What steps will you and your partner perform as part of this task? (B1) Describing roles and rules of engagement to complete multiple source inquiry task What might you do differently at this point to help your partner? (D1) Monitoring, providing feedback, and adapting task completion and roles What is the main idea of this text? How do you think it relates to your research goal? Is this a reliable source, and how do you know? (B2) Negotiating a mutual understanding of the issue, related texts, and their sources to build a shared and critical representation of knowledge (common ground) How might you add to the ideas suggested by your partner? (C2) Communicating with partner about how to combine and build on each other’s understanding of the issue and related texts and sources Work with your partner to prepare an outline of talking points summarizing reasons for and against the issue (B3) Building a shared plan for perspective taking and perspective weighing of the issues and related texts/ideas Orally present your mutual understanding and analysis of the issue from these two perspectives. Come to an agreement about your own position on the issue. (C3) Integrating self and partner’s ideas into a shared representation (oral or written) of knowledge about the issue What questions do you and your partner still need to find out more about? (D2) Monitoring and repairing their shared understanding Which of your partner’s points are you still having trouble agreeing with? What additional information could be used to support (or refute) this claim or explanation? (D3) Monitoring and repairing their shared representation
  • 39. PISA Collaborative Problem Solving > Online Inquiry
  • 40. 3. Building Personal Relationships and Deepening Learning with Digital Texts & Tools  What role(s) do teachers and learners play in the inquiry process?  What informs the purposeful selection and use of digital texts and tools to promote deeper learning?  Working with:  Jill Castek, University of Arizona  Elizabeth Dobler, Emporia State University (Kansas)  Karen Pelekis (Grade 1 Teacher, New York)  Amanda Murphy and Erica DeVoe (High School Teachers, History and ELA, Rhode Island)  Summer Institute in Digital Literacy (5 years)
  • 41. Learning is social and part of a mutually constructive process that involves face-to-face talking, listening, and consensus building. Personal Digital Inquiry (Four sets of core values/practices) Generating questions and lived experiences with real issues is personally fulfilling; Inquiry can happen on several levels. Creative learners make personal connections and take action to build awareness and/or foster change. “I belong and I can make a difference” True inquiry involves critical analysis, reflection & self-monitoring, which leads to more questions.
  • 42. Dewey 1997/1938 Bruce & Bishop, 2008 Alberta Learning, 2004 Kühn, 1995; Pink, 2009 Schofield & Honore, 2010 Anderson et al, 2013 Palincsar & Brown, 1984 Guthrie & Wigfield, 2004 Casey, 2013; Jenkins, 2008 Hobbs & Moore, 2013; Ito et al, 2013; Zhao, 2009 Schön, 1991; IDEO, 2011 Thomas & Brown, 2011 Personal Digital Inquiry (Four sets of core values/practices)
  • 43. Varied Pedagogies to Support Digital Inquiry • Modeled inquiry: Students observe models of how the leader ask questions and makes decisions. • Structured Inquiry: Students make choices which are dependent upon guidelines and structure given by the leader (may vary). • Guided Inquiry: Students make choices during inquiry that lead to deeper understanding guided by some structure given by the leader. • Open Inquiry: Students make all of the decisions. There is little to no guidance. Alberta Inquiry Model of Inquiry Based Learning (2004) Digital Inquiry
  • 44. What do we mean by culture? Precise Adapted from Ron Ritchhart’s (2015) Creating Cultures of Thinking
  • 46. include photos, videos, multimodal & multi-lingual texts with text-to- speech capability for building knowledge, deepening understanding of key concepts, and increasing motivation with challenge and support Digital Texts enable you and your students to organize, analyze, annotate, collaborate, express, reflect, create, and share that new knowledge and ideas with others Digital Tools Technology = Digital Texts and Digital Tools that support these 4 sets of core opportunities
  • 47. Knowledge-Based Learning Outcomes How will students use their knowledge? Access Knowledge Build Knowledge Express Knowledge Reflect On Knowledge Act On Knowledge Learners passively receive [digital] information given or modeled by others Learners [use technology to] connect new information to prior knowledge Learners [use technology to] share their new knowledge with others Learners [use technology to] reflect on and evaluate their inquiry processes and products Learners [use technology to] translate their knowledge into action for real- world purpose Lower Order Thinking Higher Order Thinking Purposeful Technology Use How can technology support or enhance learning? CONSUME INFORMATION (teacher-directed) CREATE / PRODUCE INFORMATION (student-directed)
  • 48. Cognitive Strategies: Read, question, monitor, repair, infer, connect, clarify, and interpret Social Practices: Request & give information; jointly acknowledge, evaluate, & build on partner’s contributions Collaborative F2F Dialogue for Meaning Making
  • 49. Coiro, Dobler, & Pelekis (forthcoming) Four places to start to let go
  • 54. OPEN INQUIRY GRADE 12: Global Issue & Advocacy
  • 55. Learning Task: Research a global issue; Engage in advocacy on a local level Blue Pride: Collected 500 signatures to ban plastic bags and use reusable shopping bags Next Steps: Class has ended but on to legislators… OPEN INQUIRY GRADE 9: Global Issue & Advocacy I belong to this community and I can make a difference!
  • 56. OPEN INQUIRY GRADE 9: Global Issue & Advocacy I belong to this community and I can make a difference!
  • 57. 4. Engaging Students in Skilled Argumentation & Social Deliberation Coiro & Killi( 2014-2016) Elva Knight Research Award
  • 58. Design Features Informed by Four Theories  Guide learners through online research and comprehension process (Leu at el, 2004; 2013)  Argumentation as learning (Nussbaum, 2008); supports transactive reasoning (Kruger, 1993) and social deliberation (Murray et al, 2011)  Theory of representational guidance (Suthers, 2003) Tools and notations can guide learners toward practices considered beneficial for learning (construct, manipulate, and connect ideas)  Cognitive load theory: optimize efforts to construct a cohesive synthesis (Chipperfield, 2006; Kester, Paas, & van Merriënboer, 2010) Online Inquiry Tool Kiili, C., Coiro, J., & Hämäläinen, J. (in press, Spring 2016). An online inquiry tool to support the exploration of controversial issues on the Internet. Journal of Literacy and Technology.
  • 59. bit.ly/inquirytool3 Kiili, C., Coiro, J., & Hämäläinen, J. (2016). An online inquiry tool to support the exploration of controversial issues on the Internet. Journal of Literacy and Technology. https://goo.gl/uiML9t
  • 60. Pilot study results  Open framework could be used in different disciplines and for multiple purposes  Regardless of content area or level of typical academic performance, most students struggled with many aspects of the task [when given no instruction]  Some provide relevant reasons but few address counterarguments and/or integrate ideas from multiple sources into a cohesive synthesis  Survey results suggest online inquiry tool helped students organize and monitor their thinking across perspectives; but suggests this is hard work! Online Inquiry Tool Coiro, Killi, Hämäläinen, Cedillo, Naylor, O’Connell, & Quinn (AERA 2015) https://goo.gl/i8wyjT
  • 61. Test efficacy of tool (and collaboration) to support online research and skillful argumentation (n = 300) Claim 1: Social media increases the quality of people’s lives Claim 2: The genetic manipulation of plants and animals should be allowed. TOOL / NO TOOL PARTNER / NO PARTNER Coiro & Killi, 2014-2016 (Elva Knight Research Award) Research Study
  • 62. Table 1. Average scores on essay variables across four U.S. groups Question #1: Impact of No Tool Use vs. Tool Use on Essay Quality Tool use higher, but not significan
  • 63. Question #2: Individuals vs. Pairs: Differences on quality of argument graph 88 US Tool Users But, no significant differences between individuals and pairs on any of five argument graph variables INDIVIDUALS SLIGHTLY HIGHER PAIRS SLIGHTLY HIGHER Planning perspectives Argumentative reasoning Evaluating sources Synthesizing Total Graph Quality Julie Coiro and Carita Kiili – ILA Elva Knight Award 2016
  • 64. Question #2: Pairs vs. Individuals Differences on quality of argument graph Table 2. Average scores on argument graph variables across all four U.S. groups
  • 65. Julie Coiro and Carita Kiili – ILA Elva Knight Award 2016 Question 3. Impact of Tool Use on Source Evaluations 83% at least one relevant justification across whole sample (much greater than typical); BUT avg. score was 2.7/5
  • 66. Supporting Online Reading Comprehension, Collaboration & Digital Inquiry Across the Grade Levels DIGITAL INQUIRY Personal Digital Inquiry (PDI) (Grades K-12) Coiro, Castek, & Quinn (2016); Coiro, Dobler, & Pelekis (forthcoming) Productive Collaborative Dialogue/Talk Coiro, Castek, Sekeres & Guzniczak CRITICAL READING/LITERACY ORCA Project (2009-2014) Critically Evaluating Sources (Grades 5-8) Coiro, Coscarelli, Forzani, & Burlingame (2015) ARGUMENTATION, COLLABORATION & DELIBERATION (During inquiry) Online Inquiry Tool: (Grades 7-12) Coiro & Kiili, 2014-2016 Online Collaborative Inquiry (ETS/SAIL) 2016-2018 2003 - 2018
  • 67. Promising Practices for Supporting Online Reading Comprehension, Personal Digital Inquiry, and Collaborative Problem Solving  Understand the role of classroom culture in promoting inquiry- based learning  Provide explicit but flexible learning supports that promote online reading comprehension skills including critical evaluation  Value contributions of formative, learner-centered assessments [e.g., screencast recordings of ORCA Project; completed Online Inquiry Tool; F2F and remote collaboration to help capture authentic learning and differentiate instruction]  Connect with flexible supports for professional development (e.g., collaborative curriculum design – Amber Walraven et al., 2011) A Way Forward

Editor's Notes

  1. Collins & Halverson: Rethinking education in the age of technology
  2. Collins & Halverson: Rethinking education in the age of technology
  3. Collins & Halverson: Rethinking education in the age of technology
  4. Gallup: 500,000 students in grades five through 12 from more than 1,700 public schools in 37 states in 2012
  5. Collins & Halverson: Rethinking education in the age of technology - Students’ Well Being
  6. These could be implemented inside or outside of the VWE. What do we mean by outside – integrated in the task, or presented as an additional LAYER into which the task fits. How are we going to manage/deliver the collaborative activity to the students?
  7. Schon: Reflection in action; Reflection on action - http://mycourse.solent.ac.uk/mod/book/view.php?id=2732&chapterid=1113
  8. Schon: Reflection in action; Reflection on action - http://mycourse.solent.ac.uk/mod/book/view.php?id=2732&chapterid=1113
  9. http://education.alberta.ca/teachers/aisi/themes/inquiry.aspx
  10. Deci & Ryan
  11. Diane Use the narrative
  12. Argumentation plays a critical role in deep-level understanding of content Kruger, 1993)[e.g., question, clarify, explain, justify, and elaborate]
  13. Claim, Evidence, Warrant
  14. Argumentation plays a critical role in deep-level understanding of content Kruger, 1993)[e.g., question, clarify, explain, justify, and elaborate]