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FP7 Serenoa (ICT Call 5)
                Multi-Dimensional Context-Aware
                Adaptation of Service Front-ends

                     On behalf of Serenoa project
                          Jean Vanderdonckt
                    Université catholique de Louvain


• Serenoa is aimed at developing a novel, open platform for
  enabling the creation of context sensitive service front-
  ends (SFEs)
• Context-sensitive SFE provides a user interface (UI) that
   – exhibits some capability to be aware of the context
       • User
       • Platform
       • Environment
   – and to react to changes of this context in a continuous
• Goal: improving people’s satisfaction and performance
  compared to traditional SFEs based on manually designed


Computational Framework Domain

CADS                             CARF                           CARFO – OWL
Design                           Refer.
Space                            Frame.

    Context + Reference Models (UML)
                                                Context of Use
    Advanced Adaptation Algorithms
                            Task & Domain                       Engine
    Authoring Tool
                            Abstract UI        Runtime UI
    Enabling                Concrete UI
                            Final UI
  Methodology                               Adaptation Engine

Technology Domain


Example: the Google Home Page
According to the Cameleon Ref. Framework

                                                       Task & Domain (T&D)

                   Abstract Interact.
                      Unit (group)
                                                    Abstract User Interface (AUI)
           AIU               AIU             AIU
      DataInputOutput   Trigger         Trigger

                                                    Concrete User Interface (CUI)
       textInput          button           button

                                                      Final User Interface (FUI)


Cameleon Reference Framework
 Reification: from high- to lower-level
    T&D → AUI
    AUI → CUI: e.g., a GUI, a vocal UI
    CUI → FUI: e.g., HTML, VB for GUI
     VoiceXML, X+V for Vocal UI                 Task & Domain (T&D)
 Abstraction: from low- to higher-level
    FUI → CUI: e.g., reverse HTML
    CUI → AUI: e.g. for changing modality   Abstract User Interface (AUI)
    AUI → T&D: e.g., for recovering task
 Reflexion: at the same level
      FUI: e.g. transcoding                 Concrete User Interface (CUI)
      CUI: e.g., graceful degradation
      AUI: e.g., restructuring
      T&D: e.g., for retasking                Final User Interface (FUI)


Standardization action with
• Step 1: W3C Incubator Group on Model-
  Based User Interface Design
  – The Cameleon Reference Framework is a
    reference for expressing the levels of
    abstraction during user interface
  – Recommended in the final report at
    -based-ui/XGR-mbui-20100504/ (July 2010)


Standardization action with
• Step 2: Serenoa partners join their effort
  – IDEAL2 (CTIC): http://files.morfeo-
  – Maria (ISTI):
  – UsiXML (UCL): www.usixml.eu,


Standardization action with
• Step 3: W3C Charter Group on Model-Based User
  Interface Design (http://www.w3.org/wiki/Model-
   – Also see http://www.w3.org/2011/mbui/
   – Started Feb. 2012, end in Nov. 2013
   – Lead by Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org>
• Contents
   –   Introduction to MBUI
   –   Glossary of MBUI terms
   –   Task meta-model
   –   Abstract user interface meta-model


Task meta-model


Abstract UI meta-model
(work in progress)


Next steps
• Finalizing the meta-models and interchange
  – UML2.0 Class Diagram and OWL2 Full ontology
  – XML Schema
• Coverage of use cases
• Software implementation compliant with the
  W3C MBUI format
• Quill – A Collaborative model-based UI editor
  using WebSockets
  – http://www.w3.org/2012/quill/


Thank you very much!
• Some links
  – http://www.w3.org/2011/01/mbui-wg-charter
  – http://www.w3.org/wiki/Model-
  – http://www.w3.org/2012/quill/
  – www.serenoa-fp7.eu

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Multi-Dimensional Context-Aware Adaptation of Service Front-ends

  • 1. FP7 Serenoa (ICT Call 5) Multi-Dimensional Context-Aware Adaptation of Service Front-ends www.serenoa-fp7.eu On behalf of Serenoa project Jean Vanderdonckt Université catholique de Louvain jean.vanderdonckt@uclouvain.be http://www.slideshare.net/jeanvdd/multidimensional-contextaware-adaptation-of-service-frontends
  • 2. Overview • Serenoa is aimed at developing a novel, open platform for enabling the creation of context sensitive service front- ends (SFEs) • Context-sensitive SFE provides a user interface (UI) that – exhibits some capability to be aware of the context • User • Platform • Environment – and to react to changes of this context in a continuous way • Goal: improving people’s satisfaction and performance compared to traditional SFEs based on manually designed UIs
  • 3. Computational Framework Domain CADS CARF CARFO – OWL Design Refer. Space Frame. Context + Reference Models (UML) Context of Use Management Advanced Adaptation Algorithms Adaptation Task & Domain Engine Authoring Tool Abstract UI Runtime UI Generation Enabling Concrete UI Technologies Final UI Methodology Adaptation Engine Technology Domain
  • 4. Example: the Google Home Page According to the Cameleon Ref. Framework Task & Domain (T&D) Abstract Interact. Unit (group) Abstract User Interface (AUI) AIU AIU AIU DataInputOutput Trigger Trigger Window Concrete User Interface (CUI) textInput button button Final User Interface (FUI)
  • 5. Cameleon Reference Framework  Reification: from high- to lower-level  T&D → AUI  AUI → CUI: e.g., a GUI, a vocal UI  CUI → FUI: e.g., HTML, VB for GUI VoiceXML, X+V for Vocal UI Task & Domain (T&D)  Abstraction: from low- to higher-level  FUI → CUI: e.g., reverse HTML  CUI → AUI: e.g. for changing modality Abstract User Interface (AUI)  AUI → T&D: e.g., for recovering task  Reflexion: at the same level  FUI: e.g. transcoding Concrete User Interface (CUI)  CUI: e.g., graceful degradation  AUI: e.g., restructuring  T&D: e.g., for retasking Final User Interface (FUI)
  • 6. Standardization action with W3C • Step 1: W3C Incubator Group on Model- Based User Interface Design – The Cameleon Reference Framework is a reference for expressing the levels of abstraction during user interface development – Recommended in the final report at http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/model -based-ui/XGR-mbui-20100504/ (July 2010)
  • 7. Standardization action with W3C • Step 2: Serenoa partners join their effort – IDEAL2 (CTIC): http://files.morfeo- project.org/mymobileweb/public/specs/ide al2/ – Maria (ISTI): http://giove.isti.cnr.it/tools/MARIA/home – UsiXML (UCL): www.usixml.eu, www.usixml.org
  • 8. Standardization action with W3C • Step 3: W3C Charter Group on Model-Based User Interface Design (http://www.w3.org/wiki/Model- Based_User_Interfaces) – Also see http://www.w3.org/2011/mbui/ – Started Feb. 2012, end in Nov. 2013 – Lead by Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org> • Contents – Introduction to MBUI – Glossary of MBUI terms – Task meta-model – Abstract user interface meta-model
  • 11. Next steps • Finalizing the meta-models and interchange formats – UML2.0 Class Diagram and OWL2 Full ontology – XML Schema • Coverage of use cases • Software implementation compliant with the W3C MBUI format • Quill – A Collaborative model-based UI editor using WebSockets – http://www.w3.org/2012/quill/
  • 12. Thank you very much! • Some links – http://www.w3.org/2011/01/mbui-wg-charter – http://www.w3.org/wiki/Model- Based_User_Interfaces – http://www.w3.org/2012/quill/ – www.serenoa-fp7.eu

Editor's Notes

  1. GivenThe context consists of CADS + CARF: it is a generic meta-model that defines context information (in a broad approach)The context of use management includes: pre-processing (sensing and treating information) by instantiating the RMThe adaptation engine takes the instances of the RM given by the Context of Use Management and matches them with the AAA, producing as a result a selection of methods, techniques and strategies to perform and present (respectively) adapted UIThe main open questions that remainHow the runtime UI generation is related with the “Cameleon RF”How the authoring tool and the enabling technologies are involved? (the enabling technologies can be ‘decided’/’inferred’ by the AAA based on information provided by the set: Contex+RM+Context of Use Management)
  2. GivenThe context consists of CADS + CARF: it is a generic meta-model that defines context information (in a broad approach)The context of use management includes: pre-processing (sensing and treating information) by instantiating the RMThe adaptation engine takes the instances of the RM given by the Context of Use Management and matches them with the AAA, producing as a result a selection of methods, techniques and strategies to perform and present (respectively) adapted UIThe main open questions that remainHow the runtime UI generation is related with the “Cameleon RF”How the authoring tool and the enabling technologies are involved? (the enabling technologies can be ‘decided’/’inferred’ by the AAA based on information provided by the set: Contex+RM+Context of Use Management)
  3. GivenThe context consists of CADS + CARF: it is a generic meta-model that defines context information (in a broad approach)The context of use management includes: pre-processing (sensing and treating information) by instantiating the RMThe adaptation engine takes the instances of the RM given by the Context of Use Management and matches them with the AAA, producing as a result a selection of methods, techniques and strategies to perform and present (respectively) adapted UIThe main open questions that remainHow the runtime UI generation is related with the “Cameleon RF”How the authoring tool and the enabling technologies are involved? (the enabling technologies can be ‘decided’/’inferred’ by the AAA based on information provided by the set: Contex+RM+Context of Use Management)
  4. GivenThe context consists of CADS + CARF: it is a generic meta-model that defines context information (in a broad approach)The context of use management includes: pre-processing (sensing and treating information) by instantiating the RMThe adaptation engine takes the instances of the RM given by the Context of Use Management and matches them with the AAA, producing as a result a selection of methods, techniques and strategies to perform and present (respectively) adapted UIThe main open questions that remainHow the runtime UI generation is related with the “Cameleon RF”How the authoring tool and the enabling technologies are involved? (the enabling technologies can be ‘decided’/’inferred’ by the AAA based on information provided by the set: Contex+RM+Context of Use Management)
  5. GivenThe context consists of CADS + CARF: it is a generic meta-model that defines context information (in a broad approach)The context of use management includes: pre-processing (sensing and treating information) by instantiating the RMThe adaptation engine takes the instances of the RM given by the Context of Use Management and matches them with the AAA, producing as a result a selection of methods, techniques and strategies to perform and present (respectively) adapted UIThe main open questions that remainHow the runtime UI generation is related with the “Cameleon RF”How the authoring tool and the enabling technologies are involved? (the enabling technologies can be ‘decided’/’inferred’ by the AAA based on information provided by the set: Contex+RM+Context of Use Management)
  6. GivenThe context consists of CADS + CARF: it is a generic meta-model that defines context information (in a broad approach)The context of use management includes: pre-processing (sensing and treating information) by instantiating the RMThe adaptation engine takes the instances of the RM given by the Context of Use Management and matches them with the AAA, producing as a result a selection of methods, techniques and strategies to perform and present (respectively) adapted UIThe main open questions that remainHow the runtime UI generation is related with the “Cameleon RF”How the authoring tool and the enabling technologies are involved? (the enabling technologies can be ‘decided’/’inferred’ by the AAA based on information provided by the set: Contex+RM+Context of Use Management)