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Top 3 ways
to use your
UX team
Product Management + User Experience = Happy Customers
VP of Customer Experience, projekt202
Top 3 ways to use your UX team - producttank DFW Meetup
“A well-made product is
not enough. A successful
product must meet the
needs and aspirations of
its users”
IDC Report
Building Experience-Driven software:
Insights for Modern Application Development
Top 3 ways
to use your
UX team
Product Management + User Experience = Happy Customers
How many
in the
How many
of you
have a UX
Top 3 ways to use your UX team - producttank DFW Meetup
Product Owner
Project Manager
Co-Located, autonomous, metrics driven
Marty Cagan
product = pilot
UX = co-pilot
“When it should be
more of a partnership”
product? UX?
product? UX?
product? UX?
team sport
i have a
set of skills
as a UX designer
Top 3 ways to use your UX team - producttank DFW Meetup
Top 3 ways to use your UX team - producttank DFW Meetup
Top 3 ways to use your UX team - producttank DFW Meetup
Top 3 ways to use your UX team - producttank DFW Meetup
UX has moved from a practice
of creating screens, to creating
a shared understanding of your
customer’s behavior
Looks Good!
Make it blue.
On Brand!
What should we build?
What do our customers need?
Where can we be effective?
What is your hypothesis?
What methods do we use?
How are we synthesizing the data?
Top 3 ways to use your UX team - producttank DFW Meetup
“In 13 cases, the entire team reported
brainstorming new features together,
and in 51 cases, brainstorming was
done about equally by PMs and UX
…perhaps the most evenly split task
was customer discovery…”
Build Better Products - A Practical Handbook for Product Managers and Entrepreneurs

Understanding the
what and why around
your customer’s
behavior is one of
the top things you
need to do well to be
i have a
set of skills
as a UX designer
User Researcher: “User researchers are the eyes,
ears and conscience of your product manager,” the
guide explains. User researchers provide the
knowledge that ensures that you “build products that
delight your customers through a great user
13 Jobs That Now Matter The Most, From A Digital Perspective
“…learning everything about the customers
becomes the most important focus of creating the
product strategy. When companies talk about
features, they are saying, “Look at us. Look at what we
can do.” When companies talk about the problems of
the customers, they are saying, “Look at what you’re
dealing with. Look at how we want to help.””
- Bruce McCarthy
Fast Path to a Great UX: Increased Exposure Hours
“It's the closest thing we've found to a silver bullet…”
“The solution? Exposure hours. The number of hours
each team member is exposed directly to real users
interacting with the team's designs or the team's
competitor's designs. There is a direct correlation
between this exposure and the improvements we see
in the designs that team produces.”
“..would-be entrepreneurs, designers, and coders
should all get out of the office and into the field
more often. "It’s the Achilles’ heel of the tech
industry," he says of the armchair tendency. "It’s easy
to think you can sit at your computer and come up
with the next big thing."
“However, the more we share our work in progress, using a
variety of testing methods at every stage of design, the
more input we can get from the people the design is for.
Multiple research methods ensure that we receive diverse
feedback; and more diverse feedback helps our products
better meet our users’ needs.”
“Investing in user research is just about the only way
to consistently generate a rich stream of data about
customer needs and behaviors. As a designer, I can’t
live without it. And as data about customers flows
through your team, it informs product managers,
engineers, and just about everyone else. It forms the
foundation of intuitive designs, indispensable
products, and successful companies. So what are
you waiting for? Go listen to your customers!”
“Apple is looking for a Hardware Human Factors
and Ergonomics Researcher to apply user-
centered design principles to product research,
design, and development of all hardware
products. Conduct user-centered research and
testing for design concept models on a diverse
user population…"
“…the term "user-friendly" was coined in 1982
at Apple by Don Norman (the grandfather of
User Centered Design), around the time of the
Apple Lisa computer.”
“The first iteration of Apple's WIMP interface was
a floppy disk where files could be spatially
moved around. After months of usability
testing, Apple designed the LISA interface of
windows and icons.”
The Case for Talking to Users in the Age of Big Data
“Observing users in person provides you with data that
surveys and behavioral data simply can’t, just as
surveys and behavioral metrics provide you with data
and reliability that qualitative work can’t. You need both
— and you need to do both well”
“As I watched Pedroia take infield practice, grabbing throws from
Kevin Youkilis, the team’s hulking third baseman, and relaying them
to his new first baseman Casey Kotchman, it was clear that there
was something different about him. Pedroia’s actions were
precise, whereas Youkilis botched a few plays and Kotchman’s
attention seemed to wander. But mostly there was attitude:
Pedroia whipped the ball around the infield, looking annoyed
whenever he perceived a lack of concentration from his
“The problem is, no customer experience
technology platform, by itself, can provide deep
insights into why customers do what they do.
These systems can track an infinite number of
transactions, but they can't identify the key
actions the company must take to gain more fully
engaged customers.”
Quantitative Customer Experience
Metrics Aren't Enough
“Users should be a part of the design
process from the very beginning to help
validate concepts and refine final direction.
Your team needs to be open to
experimenting and taking risks and then
quickly learning and iterating…”
“The single most important attribute of any Product Manager
worthy of the title is a fanatical devotion to the customer
(and no, we’re not talking about Monty Python’s Spanish
Inquisition).  The customer, and more specifically the end-
user, should be the North Star for whatever a Product Manager
does, says, plans, or thinks about…
…and to know the customer, you have to engage with them
on a regular basis.”
“I’m also hoping very much to see more
validation of ideas. In other words, let’s stop
just shipping features, crossing our fingers,
and hoping they work. Let’s figure out how
we can test whether we’re moving in the
right direction before we commit six months
and hundreds of thousands of dollars toward
building something.
I also think that we’ll continue to see more
teams using qualitative research in
conjunction with quantitative data.”
- Laura Klein
Top 3 ways to use your UX team - producttank DFW Meetup
What does
look like?
Lots of data.
journey maps
We identify every step in your customer or user journey.
Through observations we develop a deep understanding of 

your users and customers.
We make sense of 1000s of data points.
We identify and prioritize your opportunities.
Product Owner
Project Manager
Learning from your users: Ethnography in Software

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Top 3 ways to use your UX team - producttank DFW Meetup
Top 3 ways to use your UX team - producttank DFW Meetup
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Top 3 ways to use your UX team - producttank DFW Meetup
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Top 3 ways to use your UX team - producttank DFW Meetup
Top 3 ways to use your UX team - producttank DFW Meetup
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Top 3 ways to use your UX team - producttank DFW Meetup
Top 3 ways to use your UX team - producttank DFW Meetup
Top 3 ways to use your UX team - producttank DFW Meetup
Top 3 ways to use your UX team - producttank DFW Meetup
Top 3 ways to use your UX team - producttank DFW Meetup
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Top 3 ways to use your UX team - producttank DFW Meetup
Top 3 ways to use your UX team - producttank DFW Meetup
Top 3 ways to use your UX team - producttank DFW Meetup

“…from $1 invested in UX, you save $10 in fixing
issues during development, and $100 if the
product has been already released.”
“15% of IT projects are abandoned and
at least 50% of a programmers’ time
during the project is spent doing
rework that is avoidable.”
Top 3 ways to use your UX team - producttank DFW Meetup
Top 3 ways to use your UX team - producttank DFW Meetup
Top 3 ways to use your UX team - producttank DFW Meetup
Top 3 ways to use your UX team - producttank DFW Meetup
Top 3 ways to use your UX team - producttank DFW Meetup
Top 3 ways to use your UX team - producttank DFW Meetup
Jared Spool on Using the Kano Model to Build Delightful UX
Top 3 ways to use your UX team - producttank DFW Meetup

validate your ideas

create understanding

visualize as much as possible
Top 3 ways to use
your UX team
VP of Customer Experience, projekt202

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Top 3 ways to use your UX team - producttank DFW Meetup

  • 1. Top 3 ways to use your UX team Product Management + User Experience = Happy Customers
  • 2. @jeremyjohnson VP of Customer Experience, projekt202
  • 6. “A well-made product is not enough. A successful product must meet the needs and aspirations of its users” IDC Report Building Experience-Driven software: Insights for Modern Application Development
  • 7. Top 3 ways to use your UX team Product Management + User Experience = Happy Customers
  • 10. How many of you have a UX team?
  • 18. product = pilot UX = co-pilot “When it should be more of a partnership”
  • 23. i have a very particular set of skills as a UX designer
  • 29. UX has moved from a practice of creating screens, to creating a shared understanding of your customer’s behavior
  • 30. UX IS MOVING TO… Tools Paint Strategy Process Photoshop Sketch HTML Looks Good! Make it blue. On Brand! What should we build? What do our customers need? Where can we be effective? What is your hypothesis? What methods do we use? How are we synthesizing the data? Patterns Buttons! Interactions flows
  • 32. “In 13 cases, the entire team reported brainstorming new features together, and in 51 cases, brainstorming was done about equally by PMs and UX designers… …perhaps the most evenly split task was customer discovery…” Build Better Products - A Practical Handbook for Product Managers and Entrepreneurs http://rosenfeldmedia.com/books/build-better-products/
  • 34. Understanding the what and why around your customer’s behavior is one of the top things you need to do well to be successful…
  • 35. i have a very particular set of skills as a UX designer
  • 36. User Researcher: “User researchers are the eyes, ears and conscience of your product manager,” the guide explains. User researchers provide the knowledge that ensures that you “build products that delight your customers through a great user experience.” 13 Jobs That Now Matter The Most, From A Digital Perspective
  • 37. “…learning everything about the customers becomes the most important focus of creating the product strategy. When companies talk about features, they are saying, “Look at us. Look at what we can do.” When companies talk about the problems of the customers, they are saying, “Look at what you’re dealing with. Look at how we want to help.”” - Bruce McCarthy
  • 38. Fast Path to a Great UX: Increased Exposure Hours “It's the closest thing we've found to a silver bullet…” “The solution? Exposure hours. The number of hours each team member is exposed directly to real users interacting with the team's designs or the team's competitor's designs. There is a direct correlation between this exposure and the improvements we see in the designs that team produces.” https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/fast-path-great-ux-increased-exposure-hours-jared-spool
  • 39. “..would-be entrepreneurs, designers, and coders should all get out of the office and into the field more often. "It’s the Achilles’ heel of the tech industry," he says of the armchair tendency. "It’s easy to think you can sit at your computer and come up with the next big thing."
  • 40. “However, the more we share our work in progress, using a variety of testing methods at every stage of design, the more input we can get from the people the design is for. Multiple research methods ensure that we receive diverse feedback; and more diverse feedback helps our products better meet our users’ needs.” http://alistapart.com/article/sharing-our-work-testing-feedback-in-design
  • 41. “Investing in user research is just about the only way to consistently generate a rich stream of data about customer needs and behaviors. As a designer, I can’t live without it. And as data about customers flows through your team, it informs product managers, engineers, and just about everyone else. It forms the foundation of intuitive designs, indispensable products, and successful companies. So what are you waiting for? Go listen to your customers!”
  • 42. “Apple is looking for a Hardware Human Factors and Ergonomics Researcher to apply user- centered design principles to product research, design, and development of all hardware products. Conduct user-centered research and testing for design concept models on a diverse user population…"
  • 43. “…the term "user-friendly" was coined in 1982 at Apple by Don Norman (the grandfather of User Centered Design), around the time of the Apple Lisa computer.” “The first iteration of Apple's WIMP interface was a floppy disk where files could be spatially moved around. After months of usability testing, Apple designed the LISA interface of windows and icons.”
  • 44. The Case for Talking to Users in the Age of Big Data “Observing users in person provides you with data that surveys and behavioral data simply can’t, just as surveys and behavioral metrics provide you with data and reliability that qualitative work can’t. You need both — and you need to do both well” https://medium.com/@mgallivan/the-case-for-talking-to-users-in-the-age-of-big-data-bca4159e9620
  • 45. “As I watched Pedroia take infield practice, grabbing throws from Kevin Youkilis, the team’s hulking third baseman, and relaying them to his new first baseman Casey Kotchman, it was clear that there was something different about him. Pedroia’s actions were precise, whereas Youkilis botched a few plays and Kotchman’s attention seemed to wander. But mostly there was attitude: Pedroia whipped the ball around the infield, looking annoyed whenever he perceived a lack of concentration from his teammates.”
  • 46. “The problem is, no customer experience technology platform, by itself, can provide deep insights into why customers do what they do. These systems can track an infinite number of transactions, but they can't identify the key actions the company must take to gain more fully engaged customers.” http://www.gallup.com/businessjournal/185345/quantitative-customer-experience-metrics-aren-enough.aspx?utm_source=twitterbutton&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=sharing Quantitative Customer Experience Metrics Aren't Enough
  • 47. “Users should be a part of the design process from the very beginning to help validate concepts and refine final direction. Your team needs to be open to experimenting and taking risks and then quickly learning and iterating…” http://www.mckinsey.com/insights/marketing_sales/what_every_executive_needs_to_know_about_design
  • 48. “The single most important attribute of any Product Manager worthy of the title is a fanatical devotion to the customer (and no, we’re not talking about Monty Python’s Spanish Inquisition).  The customer, and more specifically the end- user, should be the North Star for whatever a Product Manager does, says, plans, or thinks about… …and to know the customer, you have to engage with them on a regular basis.” http://www.cleverpm.com/2015/09/09/what-makes-a-good-product-manager/ www.cleverpm.com
  • 49. “I’m also hoping very much to see more validation of ideas. In other words, let’s stop just shipping features, crossing our fingers, and hoping they work. Let’s figure out how we can test whether we’re moving in the right direction before we commit six months and hundreds of thousands of dollars toward building something. I also think that we’ll continue to see more teams using qualitative research in conjunction with quantitative data.” http://blog.wootric.com/product-managers-stop-worrying-about-building-the-wrong-thing-on-schedule-a-qa-with-laura-klein/ - Laura Klein
  • 54. journey maps We identify every step in your customer or user journey.
  • 55. personas Through observations we develop a deep understanding of 
 your users and customers.
  • 56. prioritization workshops We make sense of 1000s of data points.
  • 57. roadmap visualizations We identify and prioritize your opportunities.
  • 60. Learning from your users: Ethnography in Software https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Guy-COUbDqI
  • 77. hats!
  • 83. 1:10:100 “…from $1 invested in UX, you save $10 in fixing issues during development, and $100 if the product has been already released.” http://nearsoft.com/blog/how-to-make-100-for-every-dollar-you-invest-in-ux-3/
  • 84. “15% of IT projects are abandoned and at least 50% of a programmers’ time during the project is spent doing rework that is avoidable.” http://www.usability.gov/what-and-why/benefits-of-ucd.html
  • 92. Jared Spool on Using the Kano Model to Build Delightful UX https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewpz2gR_oJQ
  • 94. #3 
 validate your ideas #1 
 create understanding #2 
 visualize as much as possible Top 3 ways to use your UX team
  • 95. @jeremyjohnson VP of Customer Experience, projekt202 www.projekt202.com jeremy.johnson@projekt202.com www.slideshare.com/jeremy Thanks!