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UX Strategy & Lean UX
John Whalen, VP, UXPA-DC

                                         @johnwhalen #leanux #uxdc
Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
Meet John
                                                    Cognitive           Vision
                                     PhD:           Neuroscience        Science   Linguistics
                                  Math in Brain

                                                  PhD Cognitive Science
                                                  Johns Hopkins Univ
                                                                                       Post Doc at UCLA
                                                                                       during Dot.Com boom

                                                John Whalen
                                                                                    Professor in Psychology
                                                    CEO, UX Lead
                                                    Brillian Experience

                                             Online      Information
                                             Strategy    Architecture

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
Meet Brilliant Experience
       User Insights                         Strategy & Ideation   User Experience

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
John tell me more about yourself,
it is all so fascinating!
‣   Introduction
‣   Define a “Strategy Session” or “Design Studio”
‣   Try it here in our session

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
Learn how to create a winning strategy and
design concepts through strategy workshops and
design studios. Find out how UX is at the heart of
hot concepts such as LeanUX, Design Thinking
and Agile Development.

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
Or, how do we “cross the chasm”?
                                                        Great Experience,
        User Insights                                  Successful Product


Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
Not recommended
Hard to find
Try this
To help you understand what “this” is,
let’s play ‘Name that Methodology’

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
1                                        2                  3                        4

Research                                      Ideate            Prototype                  Test
Empathize with                               Brainstorm         Build a representation   Test your ideas for
the audience you                             possible designs   of one or more of your   feedback
are designing for.                                              ideas

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
             T hinking

        1                                        2                  3                        4

Research                                      Ideate            Prototype                  Test
Empathize with                               Brainstorm         Build a representation   Test your ideas for
the audience you                             possible designs   of one or more of your   feedback
are designing for.                                              ideas

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
Design Thinking

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience


                                             3             2

                                      Learn              Measure

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
                Startup                          Build


                                             3             2

                                      Learn              Measure

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
Lean Startup

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
User Stories


                                             3                     2

                                  Feedback                      Design &

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
                                                 User Stories


                                             3                     2

                                  Feedback                      Design &

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
What about LeanUX?

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
Two key points

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
1. Must balance business & user needs

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
2. Iteration improves the product

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
That’s all swell John, but what about
those strategy sessions and design
Strategy Session Introduction

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
Strategy Session Agenda

        1                                        2                     3                    4

Business Needs                               Audience Needs        Ideation             Sketching
Prioritize business                          Prioritize your       Brainstorm ways to   Flesh out best ideas.
goals.                                       audiences, define     satisfy 1 & 2.       Get stakeholders on
                                             them and the                               board with conceptual
                                             scenarios in which                         model.
                                             they would use your

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
Note to Participants
‣   No phones, tablets, or laptops - we need to focus on the project
    -   We will give you breaks to get your fix

‣   We must generate a lot of ideas quickly
    -   We will have deadlines to get things done

‣   We are not in the idea or ego squashing business
    -   We succeed through a breadth of perspectives

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
CEO: I know you had an agenda, but
let’s just sketch our ideas
Warm Up
‣   The Elevator Pitch
    -   Work independently

    -   Try to complete all blanks

    -   I’ll ask you to call out some examples

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
For (target customer),

who (customer need),

UXPA DC is a (market category)

that (one key benefit).

Unlike (competition),

UXPA DC (unique differentiator).

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
UX pros and
                                                              students                  Fed agencies

                                                                                         in dc area
                                                                        People who
                                                           People w ho
                                             Web pros in                work with ux                User pros in
                                              dc area      want to use     pros
                                                                     ir                              e-media
                                                            UX in the
For (target customer),                                          job
                                              Networking                                      Support
who (customer need),                           and prof       Resources: Access to best      profession
                                             development        books,     practices          and build
UXPA DC is a (market category)                                 guidelines                    credibility

that (one key benefit).                                            Prof          Strategic       Cult
                                               Trade group
                                                                association       partner     (Beliebers)
Unlike (competition),

UXPA DC (unique differentiator).
                            In DC                                  Provides       (UX Beliebers,
                                                                 continuing ed        eh?!)

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
Business Goals

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
Business Goals for UXPA DC
‣   Write down business goals independently
‣   Prioritize through collaborative discussion
‣   Examples:
    -   Make us all rich! Ba bling ba bling!

    -   Totally wow users!

    -   Create (opportunity) that provides great value to members.

    -   Drive (user behavior) by (strategic design goal).

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
                                                            text     text
UX Strategy and Lean UX
Create Personas

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
Prioritize Scenarios

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
Create Personas
‣   We want to be able to think like your target audience(s)
‣   Create personas that will help us relate to that person and anticipate
    their actions
‣   Provide:
    -   Demographics

    -   Typical activities and interests (eating out, cat video obsession)

    -   Defining characteristics (business person, military, college student)

    -   Why s/he would want to be a part of UXPA DC

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
Create Personas
‣   Present and prioritize

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience

Name & Defining Characteristic

Picture                          Description

                                 Goals & Needs   Other Motivators   Technologies


Just a quick sketch
No detailed persona exercise.
This is LeanUX!

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
‣   List the scenarios in which your persona would participate in UXPA DC
    -   List as many as possible and prioritize the top two

‣   Describe the situation and goal of your persona
    -   How would they use UXPA DC resources?

    -   What makes UXPA DC valuable?

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience

Name & Defining Characteristic   Scenario Name

Situation & Goal                 Scenario Picture

UXPA DC Activity

What motivates your persona?
Ideation & Sketching

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
The Process

        1                                        2                      3                        4

Ideate                                       Present                Critique                 Refine
Quantity over visual                         Sell your concept to   Using prioritized user   Creatively based on
quality. The more                            the group.             scenarios and            feedback.
ideas the better.                                                   business needs.

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
‣   Use the 8-square sketching page
‣   Sketch unique ways that the website might work
‣   Produce as many as possible — be creative!
‣   Work independently

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
UX Strategy and Lean UX
‣   Present, critique, and prioritize

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
Refine Sketches

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
Refine Sketches
‣   Use the 1-square sketching page
‣   Provide more detail about what is on the page and how it would work
‣   Work in pairs
‣   Present to the group

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
•  Agreed&upon&conceptual&

 •  Liked&that&this&would&vary&
    interests&and&related&things&                                                   •  Need&to&emphasize&who&has&
    (think&Pandora)&                                                                   viewed&your&profile,&or&liked&

                                                                 •  Like&the&faces.&&Need&to&
•  Include&wall&with&pictures&                                      include&way&to&acknowledge&
Refine Sketches
‣   Present, critique, and prioritize

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
Review Our Work & Shared Understanding

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
1. Must balance business & user needs

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
2. Iteration improves the product

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
Thank you. Congratulate the team!

Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
Is he done?   65
John Whalen
User Research   Strategy   User Experience


More Related Content

UX Strategy and Lean UX

  • 1. UX Strategy & Lean UX John Whalen, VP, UXPA-DC @johnwhalen #leanux #uxdc Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 2. Meet John Cognitive Vision PhD: Neuroscience Science Linguistics Math in Brain PhD Cognitive Science Johns Hopkins Univ Post Doc at UCLA during Dot.Com boom John Whalen Professor in Psychology CEO, UX Lead Brillian Experience Usability/ User Accessibility Experience Online Information Strategy Architecture Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 3. Meet Brilliant Experience User Insights Strategy & Ideation User Experience Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 4. John tell me more about yourself, it is all so fascinating!
  • 5. Agenda ‣ Introduction ‣ Define a “Strategy Session” or “Design Studio” ‣ Try it here in our session Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 6. Learn how to create a winning strategy and design concepts through strategy workshops and design studios. Find out how UX is at the heart of hot concepts such as LeanUX, Design Thinking and Agile Development. Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 7. Or, how do we “cross the chasm”? Great Experience, User Insights Successful Product Insert Magical Process Here Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 11. To help you understand what “this” is, let’s play ‘Name that Methodology’ Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 12. 1 2 3 4 Research Ideate Prototype Test Empathize with Brainstorm Build a representation Test your ideas for the audience you possible designs of one or more of your feedback are designing for. ideas Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 13. Design T hinking 1 2 3 4 Research Ideate Prototype Test Empathize with Brainstorm Build a representation Test your ideas for the audience you possible designs of one or more of your feedback are designing for. ideas Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 14. Design Thinking Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 15. Build 1 3 2 Learn Measure Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 16. Lean Startup Build 1 3 2 Learn Measure Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 17. Lean Startup Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 18. User Stories 1 3 2 Feedback Design & Develop Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 19. Agile User Stories 1 3 2 Feedback Design & Develop Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 20. Agile Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 21. What about LeanUX? Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 23. LeanUX... Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 24. Two key points Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 25. 1. Must balance business & user needs Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 26. 2. Iteration improves the product Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 27. That’s all swell John, but what about those strategy sessions and design concepts?
  • 28. Strategy Session Introduction Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 29. Strategy Session Agenda 1 2 3 4 Business Needs Audience Needs Ideation Sketching Prioritize business Prioritize your Brainstorm ways to Flesh out best ideas. goals. audiences, define satisfy 1 & 2. Get stakeholders on them and the board with conceptual scenarios in which model. they would use your product. Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 30. Note to Participants ‣ No phones, tablets, or laptops - we need to focus on the project - We will give you breaks to get your fix ‣ We must generate a lot of ideas quickly - We will have deadlines to get things done ‣ We are not in the idea or ego squashing business - We succeed through a breadth of perspectives Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 31. CEO: I know you had an agenda, but let’s just sketch our ideas
  • 32. Warm Up ‣ The Elevator Pitch - Work independently - Try to complete all blanks - I’ll ask you to call out some examples Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 33. UXPA DC For (target customer), who (customer need), UXPA DC is a (market category) that (one key benefit). Unlike (competition), UXPA DC (unique differentiator). Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 34. UX pros and students Fed agencies UXPA DC in dc area People who People w ho Web pros in work with ux User pros in dc area want to use pros ir e-media UX in the For (target customer), job Networking Support who (customer need), and prof Resources: Access to best profession development books, practices and build UXPA DC is a (market category) guidelines credibility that (one key benefit). Prof Strategic Cult Trade group association partner (Beliebers) Unlike (competition), UXPA DC (unique differentiator). In DC Provides (UX Beliebers, continuing ed eh?!) Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 35. Business Goals Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 36. Business Goals for UXPA DC ‣ Write down business goals independently ‣ Prioritize through collaborative discussion ‣ Examples: - Make us all rich! Ba bling ba bling! - Totally wow users! - Create (opportunity) that provides great value to members. - Drive (user behavior) by (strategic design goal). text Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience text text
  • 38. Create Personas Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 39. Prioritize Scenarios Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 40. Create Personas ‣ We want to be able to think like your target audience(s) ‣ Create personas that will help us relate to that person and anticipate their actions ‣ Provide: - Demographics - Typical activities and interests (eating out, cat video obsession) - Defining characteristics (business person, military, college student) - Why s/he would want to be a part of UXPA DC Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 41. Create Personas ‣ Present and prioritize Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 42. Persona Name & Defining Characteristic Picture Description Goals & Needs Other Motivators Technologies Age: Gender: Status: Occupation: Other
  • 43. Just a quick sketch
  • 44. No detailed persona exercise. This is LeanUX!
  • 45. Scenarios Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 46. Scenarios ‣ List the scenarios in which your persona would participate in UXPA DC - List as many as possible and prioritize the top two ‣ Describe the situation and goal of your persona - How would they use UXPA DC resources? - What makes UXPA DC valuable? Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 47. Scenario Name & Defining Characteristic Scenario Name Situation & Goal Scenario Picture UXPA DC Activity Outcome
  • 49. Ideation & Sketching Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 50. The Process 1 2 3 4 Ideate Present Critique Refine Quantity over visual Sell your concept to Using prioritized user Creatively based on quality. The more the group. scenarios and feedback. ideas the better. business needs. Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 51. Sketching ‣ Use the 8-square sketching page ‣ Sketch unique ways that the website might work ‣ Produce as many as possible — be creative! ‣ Work independently Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 54. Sketching ‣ Present, critique, and prioritize Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 55. Refine Sketches Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 56. Refine Sketches ‣ Use the 1-square sketching page ‣ Provide more detail about what is on the page and how it would work ‣ Work in pairs ‣ Present to the group Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 58. •  Agreed&upon&conceptual& direc0on& •  Liked&that&this&would&vary& between&user’s&stated& interests&and&related&things& •  Need&to&emphasize&who&has& (think&Pandora)& viewed&your&profile,&or&liked& your&content& •  Like&the&faces.&&Need&to& •  Include&wall&with&pictures& include&way&to&acknowledge& new&members&
  • 59. Refine Sketches ‣ Present, critique, and prioritize Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 60. Review Our Work & Shared Understanding Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 61. 1. Must balance business & user needs Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 62. 2. Iteration improves the product Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 63. Summary Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 64. Thank you. Congratulate the team! Copyright © 2012-2013 Brilliant Experience
  • 66. John Whalen @johnwhalen User Research Strategy User Experience BrilliantExperience.com