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Factors of soil formation
Factors of soil formation
Soil forming factors
• The evolution of true soil from the regolith (parent
material) takes place by the combined action of soil-
forming factors and processes.
• Dokuchaiev (1889), the father of soil science, was the
first person to show that soils usually form a pattern in
the landscape and established that they develop as a
result of the interplay of soil-forming factors viz. parent
material, climate and organisms and time which he put
forward in the form of an equation:
S = f (P, Cl. O)) formulated the following equation
• Jenny (1941) formulated the following equation.
S=f (cl, o, r, p, t…..)
Classification of soil forming factors
Passive factors
1.Parent material
2.Relief or topography
Active factors
2.Vegetation and organisms (bioshere)
• Amongst all the soil forming factors, climate is perhaps
the most influential in soil development.
• Precipitation and temperature are the two major
climate elements which contribute most to soil
formation. These elements are most significant in
determining the water-balance. This approach is based
on precipitation (water-supply) and evapotranspiration
• When precipitation exceeds water-need, there is
surplus of water for storage and leaching. On the other
hand, when water-need exceeds water supply, there is
a deficit of water. This will demand withdrawal of
water from the store to meet the deficiency.
Climatic regions based on precipitation
• Arid climate: The precipitation
here is far less than the water-
need. Hence the soils remain dry
for most of the time in a year.
• Humid climate: The precipitation
here is much more than the water-
need. The excess water results in
leaching of salts and bases,
followed by translocation of clay
• Oceanic climate: Moderate
seasonal variation of rainfall and
• Mediterranean climate: The
moderate precipitation, here is in
winters and summers are dry and
• Temperate climate: Cold, humid
conditions with warm summers.
• Tropical and Subtropical climate:
Warm to hot, humid with
isothermal conditions in the
tropical zone.
Leaching and percolation of water through the soil are
the two outstanding processes in soil formation. The
percolating waters translocate ions and micro-size
particles from a place to another
Effective precipitation
a) Seasonal distribution
b) temperature, evaporation
c) topography
d) permeability
It is generally accepted that only 15-50 per cent of
precipitation is available for percolation and rest is lost by
way of surface runoff and evaporation. The percolation is
depends upon intensity of rain, texture of the mineral material,
slope of land, temperature and vegetation. On steep slopes,
precipitation affect profile development by causing erosion and
prevent soil development, thus producing thin soil cover.
With increasing precipitation, there is more percolation and
consequently more soil development and distinct horizonation
with the development of gypsic and/or calcic horizon.
a) Seasonal distribution of precipitation:
Every month 6 rainy months only
Location A
600 mm/yr
Location B
600 mm/yr
50mm 100mm
Factors of soil formation
b) Temperature and evaporation:
Location A
Location B
600 mm
600 mm
Higher effective ppt
Lower effective ppt
concave or
bottom of slope
• Temperature is the second important element of climate which influences soil formation. It
is high in the equatorial region and gradually declines towards the poles. The amount of
electromagnetic radiation reaching the surface of the earth is controlled by the number of
factors such as cloudiness, dust particles, water vapours present in the atmosphere.
Vegetation has a buffering effect on soil temperature and the snow cover reducing the loss
of heat from the soil and on other hand reflects almost 90 per cent of the incoming
• It is estimated that only about 0.1 per cent of the total energy reaching the earth’s surface
is absorbed by plants and fixed in photosynthetic processes.
• The amount of radiation reaching the surface and soil temperature are determined largely
by daily (diurnal) and seasonal fluctuations. The diurnal variation is more significant.
During day, the heat moves downwards to the soil due to warming by incoming radiation
and upwards during the night as the surface cools at night. These diurnal changes are
maximum in desert areas and are mostly observed upto a limited depth of 30 cm.
• Aspect and latitude also influence soil temperature. The land surfaces receiving direct sun
rays (at equator) are warmest and as the distance from the equator increases, the amount
of radiation reaching the earth’s surface decreases. As the latitude increases, the
temperature decreases at the rate of about 1oC for each 175 m. The effect of temperature
on soil formation rate can be related by Vant Hoff’s (1884) law which states that “for every
10oC rise in temperature the speed of chemical reactions increases by a factor of two or
Soil properties affected by soil temperature
• Depth of weathering: In warm humid climate of the tropical
regions, the rocks weather to much greater depth (30 or 40
cm) than in the cold temperate zone where the depth of solum
may vary form a few cm to a metre or so.
• Nitrogen and organic matter contents: Within uniform
conditions and comparable vegetation, the amount of nitrogen
and organic matter in the soil decreases as the annual
temperature increases.
• Clay content: They clay content of soils increases as the annual
temperature and rainfall rise.
• Silica-sequioxide ratio: At constant high moisture content, the
SiO2:R2O3 ratio decreases as the temperature increases.
• Soil colour: In young soils, the colour is influenced by the
parent material. With increasing stage of soil development,
following increased temperature and rainfall, the soil tend to
become more brownish/reddish rather than grayish / yellowish
in colour.
Organisms - Vegetation
1. Production and addition of organic matter:. Different types of plant
species produce varying amounts of organic matter and subsequently
different type of leachates. The amounts of underground and above
ground organic matter which is added to soils, is variable and is largely
dependent on the plant species and the environments. The grasses with
their fibrous root system decompose readily and favour the
accumulation of organic matter up to 15 per cent in the rooting zone.
The forest vegetation with woody tap roots, on the other hand, provide
little organic matter at depth.
2. Translocation and accumulation of mineral substances is influenced by
the type of vegetation and the prevailing environments. It is more under
forests than under grassland vegetation because of the differing root
system and environments. Since the coniferous trees are poor feeders of
bases (Ca, Mg and K) these cations tend to leach down by the
percolating water, rendering the soils acidic. Under such conditions, the
rate of decomposition of organic matter do not thrive in acid
environments, encouraging further tendency towards acidity. On the
other hand, grassland vegetation, dominantly observed under
comparatively low rainfall and neutral soil conditions, returns high
amounts of bases to the surfaces and checks soils from becoming acidic.
Base pumping
Deciduous trees are more effective base pumpers than conifers
-deciduous litter is easy to
break down
-cations (bases) are released
so surface soils are not acidic
-needles are hard to
break down
-basic cations leach
away: soil is acidic
3. Plant composition and profile development: Chemical
composition of various plants exerts a profound influence
on the type and speed of soil-forming processes. The pine-
forst litter, having low bases and low ash content and whose
leachates are acidic, tends to make the soils acidic. On the
other hand, the organic matter of grass vegetation, rich in
bases and ash content, and whose leachates are neutral,
tends to develop neutral soils.
4. Macro-organisms and Soil formation: The macro-organisms
which inhabit the soils are rodents, moles, millipeds,
centipeds, snails, earthworms, termites etc. Owing to their
burrowing habits, they burrow deep into the soil, causing
considerable mixing of the materials of the lower layers
with the upper layers, and even bring subsoil to the surface.
Thus they interrupt the soil development and tend to retard
horizon differentiation.
5. Micro-organisms and Soil formation: The various micro-
organisms that inhabit the soil are
• Microflora : Bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi and algae
• Microfauna: Protozoa and nematodes
• Besides microfauna, the soil harbours a large number of
worms and insects of different kinds and sizes.
6. Man and soil formation: Man is a destructive factor in soil
formation. Man through exploitive land use, converts the
areas under natural vegetation to agricultural land which,
with time and under unprotective agriculture, get eroded.
The agricultural practices, such as cultivation, puddling of
fields, cropping systems, use of manures, fertilizers,
amendments, drainage, irrigation and reclamation, alter the
general characters of soil profile. The unjudicious use of
irrigation water by man has rendered many fertile lands to
unproductive saline lands.
Parent material
Parent material
Agent Deposited by or in
Name of Deposit or parent
Water River (flood-plain,
Ocean Marine
Wind Wind (Aeolian sand dune) Dune (of sand and silt)
Loess / Aeolian
Gravity Gravity action Colluvium
Ice Ice Till, Moraine
Soil properties are mainly determined by the kind of parent
material especially during the initial stage of soil development.
There are some soils where the composition of the parent
material resists the effects of the climate. Such soils are called
endodynamomorphic in contrast to the ectodynamomorphic
soils in which normal profile develops as a result of climate and
Parent material
• Acid igneous rocks (like granite, rhyolite) produce light
textured Podzolic soils (Alfisols).
• Basic igneous rocks (basalt), alluvium or colluvium,
derived from limestone or basalt, produce fine-textured
cracking-clay soils (Vertisols).
• Basic alluvium or Aeolian materials produce fine to
coarse-textured soils (Entisols or Inceptisols)
• Silicon and aluminium furnish the skeleton for the
production of secondary clay minerals.
• Iron and manganese are important for imparting red
colour to soils and for oxidation and reduction phenomena
• Sodium and potassium are important dispersing agent for
clay and humus colloids.
• Calcium and magnesium have a flocculating effect and
result in favourable and stable soil structure for plant
Topography / Relief
• They denote the configuration of the land surface.
Relief may be described in terms of relative relief,
drainage spacing, slope angle. The topography refers to
the differences in elevation of the land surface on a
broad scale. A relief or topography of a land may
hasten or delay the action of climatic forces depending
upon its features. The prominent types of topography
designations, as given in FAO Guidelines (1990) are:
Land surface With slope of
Flat to almost flat 0-2 %
Gently undulating 2-5 %
Undulating 5-10 %
Rolling 10-15 %
Hilly 15-30 %
Steeply dissected 30 % with moderate range of elevation
(< 300 m)
Mountainous > 30 % with great range of elevation (> 300 m)
Factors of soil formation
Slope classes Symbol % slope
Level to nearly level A 0-1
Very gentle sloping B 1-3
Gentle sloping C 3-8
Moderately sloping D 8-15
Moderately-steep sloping E 15-30
Steeply sloping F 30-50
Very steeply sloping G > 50
• The soils on steep slopes are generally shallow stony and have
weakly-developed profiles with less distinct horizonation. It is due to:
• accelerated erosion which removes surface material before it
has the time to develop.
• Reduced percolation of water through soil because of surface
runoff, and
• Lack of water for the growth of plants which are responsible for
checking of erosion and promote soil formation.
• Soil formation is a very slow process requiring thousands
of years to develop a mature pedon. The time that nature
devotes to the formation soils is termed as Pedologic
Stage Characteristic
Initial Unweathered parent material
Juvenile Weathering started; but much of the original material still
Virile Easily weatherable minerals fairly decomposed; clay content
increased; slowly weatherable minerals still sppreciable
Senile Decomposition reaches at a final stage; only most resistant
minerals survive
Final Soil development completed under prevailing environments
The soil properties also change with time, for instance
• Nitrogen and organic matter contents increase with
time provided the soil temperature is not high
(thermal, hyperthermal or megathermal)
• CaCO3 content may decrease or is even lost with
time provided the climatic conditions are not arid.
• In humid regions, the H+ concentration increases
with time because of chemical weathering.
• The horizonation develops with time.
• Soil mature with time.
Time and degree of maturity are the factors used in
many systems of soil classification, for instance
classification of soils into Zonal, intrazonal and
Azonal soils.
Factors of soil formation

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Factors of soil formation

  • 1. Factors of soil formation
  • 3. Soil forming factors • The evolution of true soil from the regolith (parent material) takes place by the combined action of soil- forming factors and processes. • Dokuchaiev (1889), the father of soil science, was the first person to show that soils usually form a pattern in the landscape and established that they develop as a result of the interplay of soil-forming factors viz. parent material, climate and organisms and time which he put forward in the form of an equation: S = f (P, Cl. O)) formulated the following equation • Jenny (1941) formulated the following equation. S=f (cl, o, r, p, t…..)
  • 4. Classification of soil forming factors Passive factors 1.Parent material 2.Relief or topography 3.Time Active factors 1.Climate 2.Vegetation and organisms (bioshere)
  • 5. Climate • Amongst all the soil forming factors, climate is perhaps the most influential in soil development. • Precipitation and temperature are the two major climate elements which contribute most to soil formation. These elements are most significant in determining the water-balance. This approach is based on precipitation (water-supply) and evapotranspiration (water-need). • When precipitation exceeds water-need, there is surplus of water for storage and leaching. On the other hand, when water-need exceeds water supply, there is a deficit of water. This will demand withdrawal of water from the store to meet the deficiency.
  • 6. Climatic regions based on precipitation • Arid climate: The precipitation here is far less than the water- need. Hence the soils remain dry for most of the time in a year. • Humid climate: The precipitation here is much more than the water- need. The excess water results in leaching of salts and bases, followed by translocation of clay colloids. • Oceanic climate: Moderate seasonal variation of rainfall and temperature • Mediterranean climate: The moderate precipitation, here is in winters and summers are dry and hot. • Temperate climate: Cold, humid conditions with warm summers. • Tropical and Subtropical climate: Warm to hot, humid with isothermal conditions in the tropical zone. Leaching and percolation of water through the soil are the two outstanding processes in soil formation. The percolating waters translocate ions and micro-size particles from a place to another
  • 7. Effective precipitation a) Seasonal distribution b) temperature, evaporation c) topography d) permeability It is generally accepted that only 15-50 per cent of precipitation is available for percolation and rest is lost by way of surface runoff and evaporation. The percolation is depends upon intensity of rain, texture of the mineral material, slope of land, temperature and vegetation. On steep slopes, precipitation affect profile development by causing erosion and prevent soil development, thus producing thin soil cover. With increasing precipitation, there is more percolation and consequently more soil development and distinct horizonation with the development of gypsic and/or calcic horizon.
  • 8. a) Seasonal distribution of precipitation: Every month 6 rainy months only Location A 600 mm/yr Location B 600 mm/yr 50mm 100mm
  • 10. b) Temperature and evaporation: Location A hot Location B cool 600 mm 600 mm High evapotranspiration Low evapotranspiration Higher effective ppt Lower effective ppt
  • 13. Temperature • Temperature is the second important element of climate which influences soil formation. It is high in the equatorial region and gradually declines towards the poles. The amount of electromagnetic radiation reaching the surface of the earth is controlled by the number of factors such as cloudiness, dust particles, water vapours present in the atmosphere. Vegetation has a buffering effect on soil temperature and the snow cover reducing the loss of heat from the soil and on other hand reflects almost 90 per cent of the incoming radiations. • It is estimated that only about 0.1 per cent of the total energy reaching the earth’s surface is absorbed by plants and fixed in photosynthetic processes. • The amount of radiation reaching the surface and soil temperature are determined largely by daily (diurnal) and seasonal fluctuations. The diurnal variation is more significant. During day, the heat moves downwards to the soil due to warming by incoming radiation and upwards during the night as the surface cools at night. These diurnal changes are maximum in desert areas and are mostly observed upto a limited depth of 30 cm. • Aspect and latitude also influence soil temperature. The land surfaces receiving direct sun rays (at equator) are warmest and as the distance from the equator increases, the amount of radiation reaching the earth’s surface decreases. As the latitude increases, the temperature decreases at the rate of about 1oC for each 175 m. The effect of temperature on soil formation rate can be related by Vant Hoff’s (1884) law which states that “for every 10oC rise in temperature the speed of chemical reactions increases by a factor of two or three”.
  • 14. Soil properties affected by soil temperature • Depth of weathering: In warm humid climate of the tropical regions, the rocks weather to much greater depth (30 or 40 cm) than in the cold temperate zone where the depth of solum may vary form a few cm to a metre or so. • Nitrogen and organic matter contents: Within uniform conditions and comparable vegetation, the amount of nitrogen and organic matter in the soil decreases as the annual temperature increases. • Clay content: They clay content of soils increases as the annual temperature and rainfall rise. • Silica-sequioxide ratio: At constant high moisture content, the SiO2:R2O3 ratio decreases as the temperature increases. • Soil colour: In young soils, the colour is influenced by the parent material. With increasing stage of soil development, following increased temperature and rainfall, the soil tend to become more brownish/reddish rather than grayish / yellowish in colour.
  • 15. Organisms - Vegetation 1. Production and addition of organic matter:. Different types of plant species produce varying amounts of organic matter and subsequently different type of leachates. The amounts of underground and above ground organic matter which is added to soils, is variable and is largely dependent on the plant species and the environments. The grasses with their fibrous root system decompose readily and favour the accumulation of organic matter up to 15 per cent in the rooting zone. The forest vegetation with woody tap roots, on the other hand, provide little organic matter at depth. 2. Translocation and accumulation of mineral substances is influenced by the type of vegetation and the prevailing environments. It is more under forests than under grassland vegetation because of the differing root system and environments. Since the coniferous trees are poor feeders of bases (Ca, Mg and K) these cations tend to leach down by the percolating water, rendering the soils acidic. Under such conditions, the rate of decomposition of organic matter do not thrive in acid environments, encouraging further tendency towards acidity. On the other hand, grassland vegetation, dominantly observed under comparatively low rainfall and neutral soil conditions, returns high amounts of bases to the surfaces and checks soils from becoming acidic.
  • 16. Base pumping Deciduous trees are more effective base pumpers than conifers -deciduous litter is easy to break down -cations (bases) are released so surface soils are not acidic -needles are hard to break down -basic cations leach away: soil is acidic
  • 17. 3. Plant composition and profile development: Chemical composition of various plants exerts a profound influence on the type and speed of soil-forming processes. The pine- forst litter, having low bases and low ash content and whose leachates are acidic, tends to make the soils acidic. On the other hand, the organic matter of grass vegetation, rich in bases and ash content, and whose leachates are neutral, tends to develop neutral soils. 4. Macro-organisms and Soil formation: The macro-organisms which inhabit the soils are rodents, moles, millipeds, centipeds, snails, earthworms, termites etc. Owing to their burrowing habits, they burrow deep into the soil, causing considerable mixing of the materials of the lower layers with the upper layers, and even bring subsoil to the surface. Thus they interrupt the soil development and tend to retard horizon differentiation.
  • 18. 5. Micro-organisms and Soil formation: The various micro- organisms that inhabit the soil are • Microflora : Bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi and algae • Microfauna: Protozoa and nematodes • Besides microfauna, the soil harbours a large number of worms and insects of different kinds and sizes. 6. Man and soil formation: Man is a destructive factor in soil formation. Man through exploitive land use, converts the areas under natural vegetation to agricultural land which, with time and under unprotective agriculture, get eroded. The agricultural practices, such as cultivation, puddling of fields, cropping systems, use of manures, fertilizers, amendments, drainage, irrigation and reclamation, alter the general characters of soil profile. The unjudicious use of irrigation water by man has rendered many fertile lands to unproductive saline lands.
  • 20. Parent material Agent Deposited by or in Name of Deposit or parent material Water River (flood-plain, terraces) Alluvium Lacustrine Ocean Marine Wind Wind (Aeolian sand dune) Dune (of sand and silt) Loess / Aeolian Gravity Gravity action Colluvium Ice Ice Till, Moraine Soil properties are mainly determined by the kind of parent material especially during the initial stage of soil development. There are some soils where the composition of the parent material resists the effects of the climate. Such soils are called endodynamomorphic in contrast to the ectodynamomorphic soils in which normal profile develops as a result of climate and biosphere.
  • 21. Parent material • Acid igneous rocks (like granite, rhyolite) produce light textured Podzolic soils (Alfisols). • Basic igneous rocks (basalt), alluvium or colluvium, derived from limestone or basalt, produce fine-textured cracking-clay soils (Vertisols). • Basic alluvium or Aeolian materials produce fine to coarse-textured soils (Entisols or Inceptisols) • Silicon and aluminium furnish the skeleton for the production of secondary clay minerals. • Iron and manganese are important for imparting red colour to soils and for oxidation and reduction phenomena • Sodium and potassium are important dispersing agent for clay and humus colloids. • Calcium and magnesium have a flocculating effect and result in favourable and stable soil structure for plant growth.
  • 22. Topography / Relief • They denote the configuration of the land surface. Relief may be described in terms of relative relief, drainage spacing, slope angle. The topography refers to the differences in elevation of the land surface on a broad scale. A relief or topography of a land may hasten or delay the action of climatic forces depending upon its features. The prominent types of topography designations, as given in FAO Guidelines (1990) are: Land surface With slope of Flat to almost flat 0-2 % Gently undulating 2-5 % Undulating 5-10 % Rolling 10-15 % Hilly 15-30 % Steeply dissected 30 % with moderate range of elevation (< 300 m) Mountainous > 30 % with great range of elevation (> 300 m)
  • 24. Slope classes Symbol % slope Level to nearly level A 0-1 Very gentle sloping B 1-3 Gentle sloping C 3-8 Moderately sloping D 8-15 Moderately-steep sloping E 15-30 Steeply sloping F 30-50 Very steeply sloping G > 50 • The soils on steep slopes are generally shallow stony and have weakly-developed profiles with less distinct horizonation. It is due to: • accelerated erosion which removes surface material before it has the time to develop. • Reduced percolation of water through soil because of surface runoff, and • Lack of water for the growth of plants which are responsible for checking of erosion and promote soil formation.
  • 25. Time • Soil formation is a very slow process requiring thousands of years to develop a mature pedon. The time that nature devotes to the formation soils is termed as Pedologic Time. Stage Characteristic Initial Unweathered parent material Juvenile Weathering started; but much of the original material still unweathered Virile Easily weatherable minerals fairly decomposed; clay content increased; slowly weatherable minerals still sppreciable Senile Decomposition reaches at a final stage; only most resistant minerals survive Final Soil development completed under prevailing environments
  • 26. The soil properties also change with time, for instance • Nitrogen and organic matter contents increase with time provided the soil temperature is not high (thermal, hyperthermal or megathermal) • CaCO3 content may decrease or is even lost with time provided the climatic conditions are not arid. • In humid regions, the H+ concentration increases with time because of chemical weathering. • The horizonation develops with time. • Soil mature with time. Time and degree of maturity are the factors used in many systems of soil classification, for instance classification of soils into Zonal, intrazonal and Azonal soils.