Learn Basic but powerful concepts of Time Management. What is time? What are Time Stealer? Time Management Matrix with explanation. Time Management Tips.
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Time management
1. Believe in your Self, Believe in the Best!!Believe in your Self, Believe in the Best!! 11
SWOT AcademySWOT Academy
Time ManagementTime Management
2. Believe in your Self, Believe in the Best!!2
SWOT AcademySWOT Academy
Every individual on earth has the same amount of
time - 60 seconds in a minute; 60 minutes in an
hour; 1,440 minutes in a day; and 525,600
minutes in a year
Time can be of various types –
Biological time
This is the time we spend on sleep, physical
recreation and food etc.
Social time
This is the time we spend on meeting friends,
making social calls, talking on the telephone,
family occasions, get-togethers, spend on self
development like reading etc.
Business time
This is the time spent on meetings, interviews,
data entry etc.
3. Believe in your Self, Believe in the Best!!3
SWOT AcademySWOT Academy
Time Mgmt : Where are
You ?
A. 20% people feel they are short of time. They feel so
concerned that they self find answers to Time Mgmt.
B. 10% people feel they are short of time. They realize
this and are keen to get help and see how they can
improve Time Mgmt.
C. 70% people feel they are not short of time. Though
they don’t mind listening to someone. And then tell him
why all that is impractical.
4. Believe in your Self, Believe in the Best!!4
SWOT AcademySWOT Academy
Time Management
is more than just managing time. It is about controlling
the use of the most valuable - and
undervalued - resource
It means changing those habits or activities that cause
waste of time. It is being willing to adopt habits and
methods to make maximum use of time.
With good time management skills one is in control of
one’s time, stress and energy levels.
One can maintain balance between one’s work and
personal life, finds enough flexibility to respond to
surprises or new opportunities
It does not matter how hard You work or how
much Time You spend working, but what matters is
HOW much You achieve in a given period of time
5. Believe in your Self, Believe in the Best!!5
SWOT AcademySWOT Academy
Time Stealers
Shifting priorities and crisis management.
The irony is that actions taken prior to the crisis could have
prevented the fire in the first place.
The Telephone / Mobile
Lack of priorities/objectives
Unfortunately too many of us think that goals and objectives are
yearly things and not daily considerations
Attempting too much
Many people today feel that they have to accomplish everything
yesterday and don't give themselves enough time to do things
6. Believe in your Self, Believe in the Best!!6
SWOT AcademySWOT Academy
Time Stealers
Ineffective delegation
The best managers have an ability to delegate work to
staff and ensure it is done correctly. This is probably the
best way of building a teams moral and reducing your
workload at the same time.
The general rule is -this; if one of your staff can do it
80% as well as you can, then delegate it.
Deciding what to delegate: Select capable, willing
people to carry out jobs: Delegate complete jobs:
Explain why the job is done, and what results are
expected: Then let go!
Drop in visitors
The five deadliest words that rob your time are "Have
you got a minute". Everyone's the culprit-colleagues.,
the boss, your peers.
7. Believe in your Self, Believe in the Best!!7
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Time Stealers
The biggest thief of time; not decision making but
decision avoidance.
The inability to say "no!"
The general rule is; if people can dump their work or
problems on to your shoulders they will do it
Hold meetings only when trigger events occur
The cluttered desk
The most effective people work from clear desks.
8. Believe in your Self, Believe in the Best!!8
SWOT AcademySWOT Academy
Time Management Matrix
Urgent Not Urgent
By Stephen Covey S R (The Seven Habits of Highly Effective
People; Simon & Schuster)
Quadrant 1 Quadrant 2
Crises, Planning, Exercise,
Projects, Relationship etc
Accidents Etc
Quadrant 3 Quadrant 4
Phone Calls, Day Dreaming, TV,
Visitors, Procrastination etc
Small Talks Etc
9. Believe in your Self, Believe in the Best!!9
SWOT AcademySWOT Academy
Time Management MatrixTime Management Matrix
Quadrant 1 : Struggling to Stay AheadQuadrant 1 : Struggling to Stay Ahead
The activities in Q1 are both important and urgent.
These include deadline-driven tasks
and important daily chores.
The results of operating in this Quadrant are stress,
burnout and crisis management
Quadrant 2 : Calm and in ControlQuadrant 2 : Calm and in Control
The activities in Q 2 are important and but not urgent.
These include planning, crisis prevention etc.
Operating in this Quadrant will mean a manager
having a proper perspective, vision, balance,
discipline, control and few crises.
10. Believe in your Self, Believe in the Best!!10
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Time Management MatrixTime Management Matrix
Quadrant 3 : Busy going nowhereQuadrant 3 : Busy going nowhere
The activities in Q3 are not important but urgent.
These include responding the drop in visitor, meetings,
mails that do not increase the productivity or
Operating in this Quadrant means short term focus, crisis
management, broken relationships etc.
Quadrant 4 : Aspiring to mediocrityQuadrant 4 : Aspiring to mediocrity
The activities in Q 4 are neither important nor urgent.
These include busywork, time wasters, junk mail etc.
Operating in this Quadrant will mean a total
irresponsibility and over dependency.
11. Believe in your Self, Believe in the Best!!11
SWOT AcademySWOT Academy
Time Management Tips –
Conquer the clutter
Defuse distractions
Know thyself
Eliminate redundancy
Group and separate
Share the burden
Seize the moment
Emulate others
Make Work Fun
Listen to radio and TV news shows to keep up on the
latest news; this should enable you to skim through
newspapers and magazines.
Open and sort through mail as soon as it arrives at your
desk or home; handle
each piece only once.
Eliminate snacking between meals; eat three balanced
meals a day
12. Believe in your Self, Believe in the Best!!12
SWOT AcademySWOT Academy
The ‘Five Time Zone’ Concept
To Have a proper balance between monochronic and
polychronic aspects of time management the ‘Five Time
Zone Concept’ advocated by Lewis, Justus and Storz,
Moni Laui
The five links in the ‘Five Time Zone’
approach are
Personal Organization Systems,
13. Believe in your Self, Believe in the Best!!13
SWOT AcademySWOT Academy
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