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KCPF special plenary
By the life committee: Dr Wahome
Jumuia Place
21st October 2015
 Biological education or organ recital.
 Education in chastity.
 Comprehensive sexuality education.
 Participation: Children and adolescents should
participate in all decision making processes affecting
sexuality education.
 Accountability: Monitoring and remedying breaches
of sexual rights.
 Non-discrimination and equality: Discrimination must
be prohibited, prevented and eliminated. It also
requires the prioritisation of those in the most
marginalised situations who face the biggest barriers
to realising their rights. (in this case homosexuals)
 Empowerment: That the children know their rights
and claim them.
 Legality: Can be enforced. In Kenya, the rights are
enshrined in our constitution.
 The right to sexual and reproductive health implies that people
are able to enjoy a mutually satisfying and safe relationship, free
from coercion or violence and without fear of infection or
pregnancy, and that they are able to regulate their fertility
without adverse or dangerous consequences.
 The approach includes an emphasis on sexual expression, sexual
fulfilment and pleasure. This represents a shift away from
methodologies that focus exclusively on the reproductive
aspects of adolescent sexuality.
 Every child is therefore taught that sex is a basic human right
and it is for pleasure. Use and provision of contraceptive
becomes a necessity as does abortion. Sexual perversion like
masturbation and homosexuality are encouraged. Tolerance and
being non-judgmental are taught as new values that
demonstrate respect for the right of others.
 Article 1 Right to equality, equal protection of the law, and
freedom from all forms of discrimination based on sex, sexuality
or gender.
 Article 2 The right to participation for all persons, regardless of
sex, sexuality or gender.
 Article 3 The rights to life, liberty, security of the person and
bodily integrity.
 Article 4 Right to privacy.
 Article 5 Right to personal autonomy and recognition before the
 Article 6 Right to freedom of thought, opinion and expression;
right to association.
 Article 7 Right to health and the benefits of scientific progress.
 Article 8 Right to education and information.
 Article 9 Right to choose whether or not to marry and to found and
plan a family, and to decide whether or not, how and when to have
 Article 10 Right to accountability and redress.
 Young people represented by their diversity and
 organizations that work with them;
 Parents and parent-teacher associations;
 Policy-makers and politicians;
 Government ministries, including health and others concerned with the needs of
young people
 Educational professionals and institutions including teachers, head teachers and
training institutions
 Religious leaders and faith-based organizations;
 Teachers’ trade unions;
 Training institutions for health professions;
 Researchers;
 Community and traditional leaders;
 Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender groups;
 NGOs, particularly those working on sexual and reproductive health with young
 People living with HIV;
 Media (local and national); and
 Relevant donors or outside funders.
 Values as strong beliefs held by individuals,
families and communities about important
 As children grow up, they develop their own
values which may differ from their parents.
 Parent-child relationships are strengthened when
parents and children talk to one another about
their differences and develop respect for each
other’s rights to have different Values.
 Equality, respect, acceptance ,tolerance and
being non-judgmental.
 These are foreign and imposed monumental
cultural shifts!!
According to NSSM-200, elements of the
implementation of population control programs
could include:
1. the legalization of abortion;
2. financial incentives for countries to increase their
abortion, sterilization and contraception-use rates;
3. indoctrination of children;
4. Making women less family centered (#30(d))
5. mandatory population control and coercion of other
forms, such as withholding disaster and food aid unless
an LDC implements population control programs.(#17)
 Its value and relevance can be divided into two. 1.
At individual level and 2. Community level.
 It primary outcomes include 1. Pleasure which last
a few minutes, 3. Pregnancy which last 9 months
and 3. A child, who needs 18-24 years of
nurturing before they are independent.
 The community only benefits from a well brought
up child (morally upright) and not the sexual
pleasure experienced by individuals.
 The best outcome of a child is realized when the
child is brought up in a stable home with both
parents present and active in parenting.
 The best way to secure a long term male female
relationship focused on child bearing and rearing
is through marriage.
 English definition of gender identity: a persons inner
sense of being male or female, usually developed
during early childhood as a result of parental rearing
practices and societal influences and strengthened
during puberty by hormonal changes.
 English definition of gender role: behaviour learned
by a person as appropriate to their gender,
determined by the prevailing cultural norms.
 LGBT definitions: Gender identity is a personal
conception of oneself as male or female (or rarely,
both or neither). This concept is intimately related to
the concept of gender role, which is defined as the
outward manifestations of personality that reflect
the gender identity.
 Rights approach: Children have a right to scientifically
factual knowledge and the skill to make choices
independent of their parents. Children must further
be involved in all aspects of decision making on
matter that would affect them.
 Christian faith: Children remain under parental
authority until they can take care of the responsibly
that comes with decision making. This develops over
time and is related to maturity. The parents need not
consult children when making decisions about them
as they are expected to act in good faith. No third
party should make decisions about the children
without the parents consent.
 Can you truly be independent of God?
 Can you truly be independent of the community?
 Unlimited rights can only be practiced in privacy.
 In a community, your right is therefore limited by the
right of others. It is your responsibility to moderate
your right to avoid offending others.
 You can only enjoy your right if others protect your
right to enjoy it. Majority have their way but minority
have their say.
 It is therefore necessary to conform to basic norms
(agreed upon values) in a community for you to fit in
or for there to be peace.
 A community where everyone does what they want is
a recipe for total disaster.
Understanding human rights and
Right to physical life
Right of choice/liberty
Right to reproduce (physical/spiritual)
Right to exploit the
Environmental wellness
Physical wellness (incl. mental)
Spiritual wellness
Family wellness
Refined definition of health: a complete state of spiritual, physical, Family and
environmental well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
WHO definition of health: a complete state of physical, mental and social
well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
Physical environment
 Right to physical life.
 Responsibility: Community and self to defend life.
 Right of choice/liberty or free will.
 Responsibility: Focus on eternal life, make decisions based
on the knowledge of truth/good; for your decisions on
earth will also impact your eternal life. Community to
impart the knowledge (parenting) and you to seek
 Right to reproduce (physical and spiritual)
 Responsibility: Make a commitment to family life through
marriage. Practice redemptive love – selflessness and
commitment to your mission of service.
 Right to exploit the environment.
 Responsibility: Stewardship – remember the forthcoming
generations; Sustainable exploitation.
 Sex education that is of benefit to the community should therefore
 1. Helping children understand that men and women are different.
 2. Helping the children understand the unique, inbuilt strengths in
men and women.
 3. Help the young men and women understand that the male female
relationship is complementary and not competitive, thus each uses
their strengths for the benefit of the other and the whole community.
 4. To understand that sexual intercourse is important to the
community in that it secures the future by providing the next
 5. That children are best brought up in a stable family of a man and a
woman. This security is best achieved through marriage.
 6. That sexual intercourse is a special, intimate relationship that is
best enjoyed privately in marriage. This helps avoid emotional stress,
infection etc.
 Sex education should therefore encourage children to postpone
sexual intercourse until they have developed the capacity (physical,
mental, financial etc) to take care of a child and then to commit the
relationship in marriage.
 Was taught in almost all African cultures.
 Was taught in almost all religions.
 Was taught by all people of good with focus on common
 Scripture is used as the foundation of morals. Defining good
and evil.
 Starts from birth of a child. The sex (biological) of the child
is noted and used to give the child a name i.e. gender
 The sex (biological) of the child is used to socialize the child
into the accepted roles of each sex i.e. gender role.
 The child is brought up in a family founded on marriage as a
life long commitment.
 Parenting is communal, all adults teach the child by
modeling (80% learning by children is by observation) and
have to be aware of this fact. Media is the most powerful
parent in the world today!!!
 At adolescences, a rites of passage program is put in place to
clearly demarcate the transition from childhood into adulthood.
 The biological changes (physical, emotional, hormonal) are
explained to the children.
 The different strengths of the males and females and there
complementary nature in community development is explained.
 The capacity of their bodies in reproduction is explained in an
age appropriate manner.
 They are taught to respect one another and to postpone sexual
activity until they are ready for the responsibility of child birth
and raring.
 The value of marriage and family life is emphasized.
 Sexual perversion (masturbation, homosexuality, pornography
etc) is discouraged.
 Broken families (single/divorced) are acknowledged but not
taught as normal and are supported by the Church i.e.
immediate relatives etc.
 At personal level: A morally upright child who
respects his/her sexuality and that of other and
understands the rightful place of sexual
intercourse as the family unit which is entered
through marriage.
 At community level: Solid families, low rate of
divorce, low rate of cohabiting, few single parent
families, low rates of STIs, unwanted
pregnancies, abortions, homosexuality.
 At National level: Increasing or self replacing
population. Low national expenditure on sex
related consumption e.g. contraceptives,
abortion, sex toys, treatment of STI’s and HIV.
 At personal level: self-centered highly
sexualized individual without a firm gender
orientations nor values to guide their sexual
 At community level: Broken families, increased
divorce rates, increased teenage pregnancy
and abortions. Increase in cohabitation, single
parent families. Increased levels of STI’s.
 At National level: Declining populations below
self replacement rate. Increased spending on
sex related expenses e.g. contraceptives,
abortion, sex toys, treatment of STI’s and HIV.
 Demark in 1970 was worried illegitimate
births instituted CSE. By March 1985,
illegitimate births, abortion and divorce
doubled. STI’s more that doubled. Population
is below replacement level.
 Between 1970 and 1990:
 The number of girls below the age of 15 having sex before
marriage increased from 4.6% to 33.1 %
 Of all unmarried girls in the 15-19 age bracket who had had
premarital sex increased from 28.6% to 61.4%
 Between 1960 and 1999:
 Abortions have increased from 200,000 to 1.4 million per year
despite universally available contraceptives.
 Cohabitation has increased 700 percent from 500,000 to 4
 Divorce has increased from 396,000 to 1.2 million per year.
 Illegitimate births have increased from 224,000 to 1.5 million per
 Teenage pregnancy has increased from 30 to 100/1000 girls
 Teenage suicide has increased 286% annually.
 Juvenile violent crime rate has exploded 510%
 Total violet crimes have increased from 288,000 to 2.3 million per
 It is being taught in 34 schools in Nbi under the
name “the world starts with me”. Other areas are
Nyanza and Western. (Centre for the study of
adolescence – funded by UNICE, USAID.)
 Some of this areas is where statistics that proves
sexual activity has increased among teenagers is
being collected from by agencies associated with
 We would not be surprised if the increased cases
of sexual violence, teenage pregnancies in
western Kenya, the cases of homosexuality
reported in western Kenya and the sexual acts in
a matatu are closely related to this program.
 Bottled water story
 https://youtu.be/Se12y9hSOM0
 Bottled water
 Aim: Sell water for a profit.
 Scare us: Use the media to put doubt on safety of tap water.
 Seduce us: Picture of source suggest its from natural springs but
it is mostly filtered tap water.
 Mislead us: They are environmentally friendly but actually add to
the pollution.
 Aim: Sell more condoms and contraceptives, reduce population.
 Scare us: Use media to publicize engineered data that
demonstrates a higher rate of new HIV cases in adolescents.
‘Arrest’ children drinking and engaging in immoral behavior.
 Seduce us: CSE is the solution, is developed and tested to reduce
HIV, unwanted pregnancy etc.
 Mislead us: The true end product of CSE is an increase of
unwanted pregnancy, abortion, broken homes, population
reduction etc.
Q & A

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Understanding cse kcpf

  • 1. KCPF special plenary By the life committee: Dr Wahome Jumuia Place 21st October 2015
  • 2.  Biological education or organ recital.  Education in chastity.  Comprehensive sexuality education.
  • 3.  Participation: Children and adolescents should participate in all decision making processes affecting sexuality education.  Accountability: Monitoring and remedying breaches of sexual rights.  Non-discrimination and equality: Discrimination must be prohibited, prevented and eliminated. It also requires the prioritisation of those in the most marginalised situations who face the biggest barriers to realising their rights. (in this case homosexuals)  Empowerment: That the children know their rights and claim them.  Legality: Can be enforced. In Kenya, the rights are enshrined in our constitution.
  • 4.  The right to sexual and reproductive health implies that people are able to enjoy a mutually satisfying and safe relationship, free from coercion or violence and without fear of infection or pregnancy, and that they are able to regulate their fertility without adverse or dangerous consequences.  The approach includes an emphasis on sexual expression, sexual fulfilment and pleasure. This represents a shift away from methodologies that focus exclusively on the reproductive aspects of adolescent sexuality.  Every child is therefore taught that sex is a basic human right and it is for pleasure. Use and provision of contraceptive becomes a necessity as does abortion. Sexual perversion like masturbation and homosexuality are encouraged. Tolerance and being non-judgmental are taught as new values that demonstrate respect for the right of others.
  • 5.  Article 1 Right to equality, equal protection of the law, and freedom from all forms of discrimination based on sex, sexuality or gender.  Article 2 The right to participation for all persons, regardless of sex, sexuality or gender.  Article 3 The rights to life, liberty, security of the person and bodily integrity.  Article 4 Right to privacy.  Article 5 Right to personal autonomy and recognition before the law.  Article 6 Right to freedom of thought, opinion and expression; right to association.  Article 7 Right to health and the benefits of scientific progress.  Article 8 Right to education and information.  Article 9 Right to choose whether or not to marry and to found and plan a family, and to decide whether or not, how and when to have children.  Article 10 Right to accountability and redress.
  • 6.  Young people represented by their diversity and  organizations that work with them;  Parents and parent-teacher associations;  Policy-makers and politicians;  Government ministries, including health and others concerned with the needs of young people  Educational professionals and institutions including teachers, head teachers and training institutions  Religious leaders and faith-based organizations;  Teachers’ trade unions;  Training institutions for health professions;  Researchers;  Community and traditional leaders;  Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender groups;  NGOs, particularly those working on sexual and reproductive health with young people;  People living with HIV;  Media (local and national); and  Relevant donors or outside funders.
  • 7.  Values as strong beliefs held by individuals, families and communities about important issues.  As children grow up, they develop their own values which may differ from their parents.  Parent-child relationships are strengthened when parents and children talk to one another about their differences and develop respect for each other’s rights to have different Values.  Equality, respect, acceptance ,tolerance and being non-judgmental.  These are foreign and imposed monumental cultural shifts!!
  • 8. According to NSSM-200, elements of the implementation of population control programs could include: 1. the legalization of abortion; 2. financial incentives for countries to increase their abortion, sterilization and contraception-use rates; 3. indoctrination of children; 4. Making women less family centered (#30(d)) 5. mandatory population control and coercion of other forms, such as withholding disaster and food aid unless an LDC implements population control programs.(#17) ALL TO BE EFFECTED THROUGH THE UNITED NATIONS AND VARIOUS NGO’s INCLUDING PATHFINDER, IPPF and POPULATION COUNCIL.
  • 9.  Its value and relevance can be divided into two. 1. At individual level and 2. Community level.  It primary outcomes include 1. Pleasure which last a few minutes, 3. Pregnancy which last 9 months and 3. A child, who needs 18-24 years of nurturing before they are independent.  The community only benefits from a well brought up child (morally upright) and not the sexual pleasure experienced by individuals.  The best outcome of a child is realized when the child is brought up in a stable home with both parents present and active in parenting.  The best way to secure a long term male female relationship focused on child bearing and rearing is through marriage.
  • 10.  English definition of gender identity: a persons inner sense of being male or female, usually developed during early childhood as a result of parental rearing practices and societal influences and strengthened during puberty by hormonal changes.  English definition of gender role: behaviour learned by a person as appropriate to their gender, determined by the prevailing cultural norms.  LGBT definitions: Gender identity is a personal conception of oneself as male or female (or rarely, both or neither). This concept is intimately related to the concept of gender role, which is defined as the outward manifestations of personality that reflect the gender identity.
  • 11.  Rights approach: Children have a right to scientifically factual knowledge and the skill to make choices independent of their parents. Children must further be involved in all aspects of decision making on matter that would affect them.  Christian faith: Children remain under parental authority until they can take care of the responsibly that comes with decision making. This develops over time and is related to maturity. The parents need not consult children when making decisions about them as they are expected to act in good faith. No third party should make decisions about the children without the parents consent.
  • 12.  Can you truly be independent of God?  Can you truly be independent of the community?  Unlimited rights can only be practiced in privacy.  In a community, your right is therefore limited by the right of others. It is your responsibility to moderate your right to avoid offending others.  You can only enjoy your right if others protect your right to enjoy it. Majority have their way but minority have their say.  It is therefore necessary to conform to basic norms (agreed upon values) in a community for you to fit in or for there to be peace.  A community where everyone does what they want is a recipe for total disaster.
  • 13. Understanding human rights and health. Right to physical life Right of choice/liberty Right to reproduce (physical/spiritual) Right to exploit the environment Environmental wellness Physical wellness (incl. mental) Spiritual wellness Family wellness Body Soul Body Community Human being Refined definition of health: a complete state of spiritual, physical, Family and environmental well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. WHO definition of health: a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Physical environment Soul
  • 14.  Right to physical life.  Responsibility: Community and self to defend life.  Right of choice/liberty or free will.  Responsibility: Focus on eternal life, make decisions based on the knowledge of truth/good; for your decisions on earth will also impact your eternal life. Community to impart the knowledge (parenting) and you to seek (mentor/education.)  Right to reproduce (physical and spiritual)  Responsibility: Make a commitment to family life through marriage. Practice redemptive love – selflessness and commitment to your mission of service.  Right to exploit the environment.  Responsibility: Stewardship – remember the forthcoming generations; Sustainable exploitation.
  • 15.  Sex education that is of benefit to the community should therefore aim:  1. Helping children understand that men and women are different.  2. Helping the children understand the unique, inbuilt strengths in men and women.  3. Help the young men and women understand that the male female relationship is complementary and not competitive, thus each uses their strengths for the benefit of the other and the whole community.  4. To understand that sexual intercourse is important to the community in that it secures the future by providing the next generation.  5. That children are best brought up in a stable family of a man and a woman. This security is best achieved through marriage.  6. That sexual intercourse is a special, intimate relationship that is best enjoyed privately in marriage. This helps avoid emotional stress, infection etc.  Sex education should therefore encourage children to postpone sexual intercourse until they have developed the capacity (physical, mental, financial etc) to take care of a child and then to commit the relationship in marriage.
  • 16.  Was taught in almost all African cultures.  Was taught in almost all religions.  Was taught by all people of good with focus on common good.  Scripture is used as the foundation of morals. Defining good and evil.  Starts from birth of a child. The sex (biological) of the child is noted and used to give the child a name i.e. gender identity.  The sex (biological) of the child is used to socialize the child into the accepted roles of each sex i.e. gender role.  The child is brought up in a family founded on marriage as a life long commitment.  Parenting is communal, all adults teach the child by modeling (80% learning by children is by observation) and have to be aware of this fact. Media is the most powerful parent in the world today!!!
  • 17.  At adolescences, a rites of passage program is put in place to clearly demarcate the transition from childhood into adulthood.  The biological changes (physical, emotional, hormonal) are explained to the children.  The different strengths of the males and females and there complementary nature in community development is explained.  The capacity of their bodies in reproduction is explained in an age appropriate manner.  They are taught to respect one another and to postpone sexual activity until they are ready for the responsibility of child birth and raring.  The value of marriage and family life is emphasized.  Sexual perversion (masturbation, homosexuality, pornography etc) is discouraged.  Broken families (single/divorced) are acknowledged but not taught as normal and are supported by the Church i.e. immediate relatives etc.
  • 18.  At personal level: A morally upright child who respects his/her sexuality and that of other and understands the rightful place of sexual intercourse as the family unit which is entered through marriage.  At community level: Solid families, low rate of divorce, low rate of cohabiting, few single parent families, low rates of STIs, unwanted pregnancies, abortions, homosexuality.  At National level: Increasing or self replacing population. Low national expenditure on sex related consumption e.g. contraceptives, abortion, sex toys, treatment of STI’s and HIV.
  • 19.  At personal level: self-centered highly sexualized individual without a firm gender orientations nor values to guide their sexual choices.  At community level: Broken families, increased divorce rates, increased teenage pregnancy and abortions. Increase in cohabitation, single parent families. Increased levels of STI’s.  At National level: Declining populations below self replacement rate. Increased spending on sex related expenses e.g. contraceptives, abortion, sex toys, treatment of STI’s and HIV.
  • 20.  Demark in 1970 was worried illegitimate births instituted CSE. By March 1985, illegitimate births, abortion and divorce doubled. STI’s more that doubled. Population is below replacement level.
  • 21.  Between 1970 and 1990:  The number of girls below the age of 15 having sex before marriage increased from 4.6% to 33.1 %  Of all unmarried girls in the 15-19 age bracket who had had premarital sex increased from 28.6% to 61.4%  Between 1960 and 1999:  Abortions have increased from 200,000 to 1.4 million per year despite universally available contraceptives.  Cohabitation has increased 700 percent from 500,000 to 4 million.  Divorce has increased from 396,000 to 1.2 million per year.  Illegitimate births have increased from 224,000 to 1.5 million per year  Teenage pregnancy has increased from 30 to 100/1000 girls annually.  Teenage suicide has increased 286% annually.  Juvenile violent crime rate has exploded 510%  Total violet crimes have increased from 288,000 to 2.3 million per year.
  • 22.  It is being taught in 34 schools in Nbi under the name “the world starts with me”. Other areas are Nyanza and Western. (Centre for the study of adolescence – funded by UNICE, USAID.)  Some of this areas is where statistics that proves sexual activity has increased among teenagers is being collected from by agencies associated with the UNICEF, USAID and IPPF.  We would not be surprised if the increased cases of sexual violence, teenage pregnancies in western Kenya, the cases of homosexuality reported in western Kenya and the sexual acts in a matatu are closely related to this program.
  • 23.  Bottled water story  https://youtu.be/Se12y9hSOM0
  • 24.  Bottled water  Aim: Sell water for a profit.  Scare us: Use the media to put doubt on safety of tap water.  Seduce us: Picture of source suggest its from natural springs but it is mostly filtered tap water.  Mislead us: They are environmentally friendly but actually add to the pollution.  CSE  Aim: Sell more condoms and contraceptives, reduce population.  Scare us: Use media to publicize engineered data that demonstrates a higher rate of new HIV cases in adolescents. ‘Arrest’ children drinking and engaging in immoral behavior.  Seduce us: CSE is the solution, is developed and tested to reduce HIV, unwanted pregnancy etc.  Mislead us: The true end product of CSE is an increase of unwanted pregnancy, abortion, broken homes, population reduction etc.